New York eily proihiee.s .'"OOjOod,. Ctoo woilh of manufactured article per aiiniiiii. Thero are. said to be 110,0M ineni b:n of volutiioor militia companies iu this country. No I'lTsiiloiit of tlio 1'uited Slates was bom in Now York City, but two of tlu twcniv-thrce died there. In le'.U (iroat liiilaiu pai-.l iifiy million dollar for foreign but'er aiul twenty millions more for oleomargar ine. Tin impMv-iioti is trrowint,' that 'ussia mean war in 1 -!'.'!. Her iiti i.ionse nectiuiuhitmn of gold in her home ciU'ora can have no other mo lire. In I! iheinia there are 1 0 societies nn.l clubs which have for their cdjec! the ailvaiiceuieut i f the cau-e of v c moil. A great ileal i-dono i it Ihis way to procure for the women of ISoheini i belter employment ami greater lit .! pendeuco. Ir. I. mis II ibhi-ott .eill-i auoirioii, in the Contemporary K "view, to t!:e strong ecn-o of property wh'i h il. its possess. I'veii the wild do:; in I'm. stantiiioplo have their regular dtsicie ami street--, which they guard Iteree y luraiu-l nil new comers. The Supreme Court of I In- l'uile.1 Slates is fast liecoMiing a Yu'e tri!. un til, avers the lio-lnii Tianseript. '1 h last throe, justices aj pointed to tip court have h en a!e men .1 it.le.e-" lheHor an 1 Ih'own of th- ci.i-s of '.V and .Iiidge Shiras ot '.":'. The death of tie' e is, in the estimation i Ion Siar, a o -- to -etc j )iirueg f .';." i iu. his .:ee .l,..',.er':i- :t ami e.ivi's, Iu- ! his a-et nl a'lovi i (lie ) I' Mt S . i::ia anu'iig of tiie V. I I lo;; he iii -; !". I . : ttn : ii i' I' iiiui - -til that III.,-: lllltOY..I'i ia a in , eon lief n.ier Mm !l, till' del an- U 1 H it ,i a th.r oiiet se! f neaily lie' propfie WurUii.g v. in-i.-l- that liar genius not hi' leek appear on Mark Twain'.-! I'e huv-utt about the V .-lid down die hi:! a o:i i Ii.; propei ly of a original i:h the hiimoi is! , :i--e:'t- ! script. A' lea-' t record iu S vi' 1 1 spring and uiriy hill-ides e.ered move. I do W'.i i u 10 III u 'It the i'-t" 11 I atieli II 1 Ii 111.' f-'ed 1! It!, "f 111. Ill is llo'. great .,:ieie in i.e I; is;,ii Trail, in ca-es are on nd u here, in the siiitiuu'i', -liaiug will itu-yap!-. Vailevs Iiette.ifh ami r.ivere l up tii' it ible pro; erty. In both eases the vineyards were, v: eoui-e, sonieuhi! d uii iged i - the j mi nev, but not so n little woi k on tho pari tor put things in -hap se.i-en, .-o far a- he but the men i ! . . -1 - by a hundred feet of were not -o ea-i':y - it cases su'u ivn- instil m vineyard ou n ! f i o n vard and compel . : : i ieii mi', thai a of tiie propi'ie.. e f r the next win eonci rued ; Hid w.l- e.iVel'ed i.'iii t.n 1 -tones l-ti d. in bo 1: e l to i viel the hi- own Vill''- to lake to the e wa- a-t'ially biils again. In ii:.v he OMstcil. bl't ill Ihl! other was illeeted ; h was "J iiiprom'sij given a number i order to atloi d !:e owner of the vineyard were i porli n of the of year-' pos-e.-inii time to move, u h;h ground beneath I, competed to 'io:'l'., ox -; of l"J:! laliug hi- v U'.'s. The New V,, I. l'est believe- (Hl few pcrotii ate aw ire of the ex:-t-C'llCO of the I'., ili-ii l.o it S -ii-i'Vy, but (here is -iteh an in -'i! tit i.jn, and it has the HaiMiie-s r.itrd 'it-( '..ju'H f v a l'resid.'iit. 1: !a-;.l a n . -i t : i -r tie' oilier day. aula piper was rea I in which lin. 'ii stre--ua- laid upon the value of goat'- ml k a- a diet for in fants and invalids. Th -pe-iker de clared that with pro; it i !eali!ii:e-s there was no in animal 11 nor in goat's milk than in cow's milk. He Ihcn went on lo say that recoct analysis proved that gnat' mil!; ;;iv; doulde the ipianliiy of fa!, and hail' again of other ici b, ns eou '- mi,!.. Analysis has shown, too. ihal the fdiort-hnireil gaats g .ve richer iniil. than the other variei io-, and that w here there was a large ijuantity of miik Ihere was a -o a larger ijuantity of water. t)f cmr-c, g-'tu' mill; varied in (piality according to the fojd with which the animal was fed. The cream globules of goat's mi.k were mailer, he added, than those n cow' j milk, tuid, in couseiuenee, the cream rose slowly, which was a quality that ' made it more easily digested than cow'd milk. This easy dige-libility of , goal's milk made it valuablo to adult- j 11 well a to invalids. Tor househ bl use, lie maintained, goat's milk was ; iiiiinilely Miporior lo cow's milk, j Custards and puddings were far j richer when ii wn employed in their , production, and to lea and cotlee it i imparted a peculiar lii'lincs-i. I. OK FAK.n AM G.iKIM'N. a i ir.f.u i.iitiir.Mu j:i.'!. A good deal of live stock is Kiid lo bo killed by lightning conveyed by wire fonccs, especially of cows and sheep which are apt to lie down close ilongsido the fence. Hoard's Dairy man s-m-8 if farmers will connect each fenco wire with a cross wire which runs down in the ground two feet anco In four or six rods, lliey will nvei t considerable of the danger. i til t: n r i nit M'wi s. Wo have but to go back far enough lo 11 ml, unless naturalists are -tulty : mistaken, that till of our domestic i fowls are descendants of one wild sjiceies, and hence of one blood. And i we nave but to consider tlie tact ot variation and selection to ascertain how from ih s one species so many lis inei breeds and still mere n inner-ju- varieties have been derived. With many of our breeds we have to go back but a comparatively few years to know l:o iv they originated. It i- not how a fowl origltia'ed hut how it hived- that is the te-t of lis th. rjugh Wvd character. "New Y A I i !.- 'tit. !i mil 'tt sr. A test was toe. ally conducted .is to .he rotative va' tt" of -liee.t sugar heels and t orn cuilag. l"i feeding purptses. bi her i- v t y good to tee.! .0 votltig iamb-, bul ii.e l-i ts .-!rci;:d lave the pret'ereiii e. According to lie statement of the Michigin station he J t'op.i! tieti i- -iiewtl ill the a.;e giio per u e, k. 1 tie iambs fed on ll.e ;e Is t.v -rayed tl i re pi'tiud.s itaiti a i ucik. Mii'ie tho-e i'e I i ee-i.a-e lined (e o an 1 one-h a f milid- per He.-!;. At ll.e end of the j ii week (fed tud-, lam : 1 :. led I.b.i. ':e mi 1 tt t.'MN. : v-n ii - . lo iu: ion i' ig. 1 i e..i ni e cream at tli .t i u w t e : i : --ir.'l ri-ed tc ' " ' began lo i',l iu wi ll 1 led y, Ulillll e Win a Itll We 1 i mi.k -Il ) (111 lleeltt t H'O p . e; - ti.etl la gill a l:,e lempei a; ure. w ere r b if la, ii te-ti ig the ha", r- iut.k cai fally all th t in '. Toe in.'.:, ..lion- v.ere fivoraoa we were on .in- right trie'!.. ten we had got llow'll to or :'J d' gives v,,.' fellil I tiiii we were piaediai'-y geiiitig all the but tei'iiii k rhowing only i bo u I oiie-t weiitieth ef one j er cent. As yi ii -tiy, tl.e b;w iempet a: ure .'.iiiening -e.'ius to -et a-lde io lay pre .' oiiecived oplnloii- and theelies, bttt i; woi'ks etl'eelly with u-."- - ll'ii :u Ncw-Yoiker. in m .s ittiii . 1 1 r i "i; ii o.'-t s. The hai"ie-s fchou; 1 h.1 adj h c 1 -e that It slioitlit net gall llie iiulin i', and tlie collar iiiusl i-pciiilly be b,.!,eil after. This b' small ettnig'u -,i that it wi.'! not wal'Lcc an I eta ale sore-, and large enough th it llie hers can ra-ily breath, when the tnti-ele-ure ii;!l ited and ros-vd :ig.a'.:t-t it Tiie use of -went pads is to he r. 'Vin mended if tv: collar doe- not jo opm ly Ii- t;,e lid k, by reason of a falling away in lle-h; or, as is tlie e im' with sinie hoi -"-, who-e lle-h is ea.-ily irri tated by frie'ioi!, il is often advi-ab e lo have t v 3 -e's of the-e puis in order to g'.'t tle'tn th jiM.ighiy ibted Oltt llCtWC'UI times 'fin! driver who walks b.', ,i plough team feel- the iiivcs-hy of re pcuted y qtioiichiiig his ihiibt as per spiration and exercise the bodily lnaistiire, -e i h" oiheu re fi'i'shes himself from the kept-cool water-j ig. Now, ii li 'l'se i- not unlike a man iu this regard, and he tijipreei utes a moderately coo; diiuk as well as hi- m.i-ter. Ii is not :i dif!icii;i inatter to -utipdy this want if the driver cares enough for the comfort of hi- team I provi le. for i. A milk t:i or - one -oi l of :i barrel can ni-iiy be taken to the li d on a -tone-boat or in tin'; w ;."!!. and a few quarts ot iv.ucr to e:cii Itii -e oi'.i-o ,,. twice dur ing llie ha f day will make iwi-'eiuc htippii'l' I u' lb" iioi's", and iu liol days -neb a' nr.- slmp'y acts .,f mei ic. I'.i 'in, Stock and liciue. '! Mil. Will's. The in. liner of killing Weeds depend- on i In; kind of them. If they at'e annuals, as tug weed, j or put shine, the mere cutting or uproot ing tli 'in is sullicii.'iit, as, if no seed is produced, then is no grow th the text year. 1! it as the.-e weeds in nearly every case have seeded year after year, and the mio i- stocked with the seed, there w ill be nn annual growth for many year'. This fact has given lis" lo tho common saying, '-One year's seeding makes seven years' weeding.'' And this makes it lioees tuy to bike p irlieiihir pains to kid as many as pos-ible in Ihe ea'dy sjiring. This is done by cultivating or hoeing the ground frequent ly, so ibat as ninny seeds may sprout us possible and be killed when they tiro very small. Thus, fall plowing I- useful, by whicl. iiitiny seeds are slarteil to grow and are killed by the frost, or arc killed by plowing in the spring'. After Iho crops arc sown, frequent cultivation, and the pievcniion of seeding of any weeds that might es cape, by culling them will do the rest. Tho experience of tho writer h:n shown that by live years' of steady tuid careful culture iu this way, the laud may be freed from weeds so thai they give very little (rouble after ward, l'erennial weeds and (ho-o like the Canada thistle, whose root is hard to kill and sprouts from tiny fragment left iu tho ground, require I thorough plowing and hoeing during two or three years t-o that the roots j may be killed dead. No fragment I liui-l be loft to maka another plant, J and everv one teen must be cut tut at once. The growth of such crops as corn, potatoes, turnips, and others that are cultivated is ti-el'ul on land having these lasting and troublesome weeds. New York Times. li'lNIs IN si 1 1 t '-1; I -1 ;. In an address on sheep-raising lie llvcred by the le-idout of the Agri cultural College of Ontario before the I '.uuiuioii Sheep l'-reodcrs' Associ- i ..:". ii , there occur many point, not I'lil; applicable to Canadian shepherds but equally so tj farmers in the north ern stales. Tii" need of suitable sheds with plenty of ventilation ami abun l anee of yard loom is especially men tioned. S .eep -b 'd- a- a rule -hou'd be loiiy and narrow, --ay tweny feet, w ido, facing llie -oiltli, eo'isli ueted Sons to ait 'id complete jo otee ion ngaiu-i rain and -toitu. and hal ing ti e doers and u billows an ang e.l in -ueh il way ..- t i admit plenty of ft"-!i si i r :tl ad liul-s with mt illllL'C;- fiaiiil il; lliht-. - 'ot'g a- -keep :ir : dry thd' do tc! -iii-f I : "J'1 cold, but in ll'o-y iu' even did y w eai lei-t! ey b'cp -ed to v. el w it liotit ;li i i -U f ,e; ion- in- Aio. t pur. er ti .v--;:y ;tr.; fre-h wu'er aei i-t a -iii't'lv iiiie'-. The opinion e many that -h'-cp l:..v i of w titer w is ehai r- i r. -IlideV. - leep sillier much I'r t he hot d i - of stiiuuiei', '.--fill shepherd w iii -c -aeep are -hoiii early in tcr'.: m the su and tho vid, d with -ome Kii p.i-ture diliiiig d '-hade .lalv Au gu-t A'lioll;; w'.ae;' Jmj, .,- a'll p it it- men. lioued were lii 'i" cue ai.d .-kill lit t ri'u eiiiig -keep aii I a cuiMunt and per-t-ietit e.ill.ii t of !i i-k-, always Kecp'iig the I c-t for one's own use Ibvi'ding should be with a.'ine donuiie ohj.'ct i'i view, so as to secure iui-p.- .ved types of ad the breed-. (rc.iier care shcii'd h- exercise. 1 t prole l -le ep froiii burr- i 1 fence eoi 11 'I's, f r :,! ii iv- v. I- etc. , in badly ma le rack- ami t hall' in -traw stacks and p or; e.m-'nt -ted sheep-shed t il':-: all of which injure the quality and reduce th" pi o . of wjo'.. 'New York Woi id. 1 Mi'.l AMi IJ'i N V' p aw- J Oil,' CO. ;;l'a! ale-lit y 1 1 1 1' ho;i- .s. 1 i not cute; tain the idea tint nest ege- inciva-e e;gg product ton. tiec-e h ive i'.o bii-ine.-s on the liirm iinie-- tiiey have :i ;:asltil'e where they :in be k pt under control. l'of egg prod r. 'tern there e.iu be ui ini-'iii.e in selecting eillior the Leg horn, Mtnoreas or Anemias. Ji.irly liiattii ity ha- hreume An iui. poriiuit iieui with s'ockof all kinds on the fin in and juultry is no exception. 1. 1 Siiying i-gg, for l.a ehing sior,. thetn in a cool, iby pj.nte and nini li.eui bilf i v-n' iv ry dti ; hiitidie eaiel'trly. A ero-s of I.gho'n on any of ll.e Ame: ie tii or A-ialie hree I-, is li tter for Iu oiler r:ii-iiig ti:a-i the I. -ghoi tis i.i 'heir purity. tine of the principal advantages in hoatd 11 mi's b the C.l-c wiih wh'ch they can lis Uejit clean, besides they are u-tialiy warmer. Supply Ihe want of bisects to (he iiioiiiiiug fowls by giving meat toe h nes and -i -raps from Iho market tue a g..od - ui fee of -upi ly. lite of ihe fcerels cf siieerss iu poul try farming is io do away w ilh nil iliip'.'. litab e birU. S - l, the old hens and surplus cockerel). Whom ver grain is fed in cold or "toriu wciii her it should ncnrly always he fed aiming litter sons to give the hens iin opportunity to scru'eh tuid ex-crci-e. A great m any kicking cow- might he cured and more prevented ly simply trim iiiug the linger mils ofioii enough to keeji them from cutting iln teat- of die cows. At the Ne-.v I Iainp-hiro c.xpniiiueiit station Ihey have fouu 1 that miik from their best cow costs ubout I 1-2 eeins a quart, and from their poorest more than 1 1-2 cents. A l'loo-acre hog ranch in Arizona, all in alfalfii and stocked with hogs at the rate of ix head per acre, is iillordiiig u fine il miration of what can bu done in making pork from grass. HEROES OF FICTION. Csuivl! Kitdon'i'it with tin- 1'erfectl ja of riiy-lcul yualltls. All novel readers and they aro ab mt SO pr cent, of till the people who read books at till must have been struck with tlu fact that the heroes and heroines of Ueliutt are usually endowed with the very per fection of physical qualities, even though their morals le somewhat oil color, and tlK-tr such as should bring thetn directly within the purview of the criminal law. In fact, it may be said hi a general way that the bigger scoundrel and villain a man is, in a novel, the mor closely does he resemble the Apollo Helve dere in outward semblance: and the mure sensual and deee'tful and base, a woman is, the more is she f tshione I in likeness of some tne dhi'val saint, or of s me woman w ho seems to exude go .dtiess and irtue. If tho niveiisM are righN the P'ly.siogmmii-tsand phrenologists and the great detectives .ilnl students of penology of the world iiiu-l be w rong. 'The latter in- '. with eoiiiilcte unanimity, tli t' ' 're is a well-do-lined physical criminal type: that men and wi nieii with certain shaped beads an 1 faces, and with certain kinds of eyes and facial expressions, make up the criminal classes, and ihat it is jtist as unnatural to lind crime imas soeiated .vith ill's" physical quali ties a-to ibid grapes on thorns or tigs on thisth s. It Is true that there tiie except iotis (o this general rule, but th.ey ate not numerous enough to impinge in any degree upon the gen erality of the rule. once in awhile an Antinmis may turn bit ,tr of :l '.'onietia may be i f .-! iplifting, but the 1 !.;;': ; - I : cut no iinrked ivp.llet.'d . Cases tile S I II -lire in th is t . le ,'.,:; tieti s-i'.os l.U'l'o- -le inakiiu. vice physieally j lie- Ires t " p man, the pie t" till" tire. ally: and b not "lily a -tumps tttit bs i.f crime. Jl it . : "; th tt realist b; tle .1 ; eful purpose, that til t "i be defeated by :r 1 : i.-t i ve or eriiuinals n'e. 1 f Hie novelist : t . .r. 1 bad 111:111 or wo !;: - v'tild be ib'tiwn t rue y-ie : iy as Will its lie ir is e.-t ttiin that there is red. iv iti crime, which I' '.leeably upon the imiiial claes, but e l t inoduecs that e Itlltetlliliee, that 1 hat shaniMin.'. it iteteci ives 111 all 'li -i a of t' til.. I lb' etit haideii'iig o l'u. i iv" h-..'; stciilt !,v e:,;t IO 1 - it.-i v.- ! r lied to ice- ettii.c ight. - a tl i't .tieiseo thl'iitliel,'. til Wiie'.l I'e laln-r.ll. A writ T iti li.i'p' i's Magiiin" s.iys t the s'tliitie ! f. -ideills ot' a I ajie C'l low ii ma :: their tni:iI that t'lev liltl-l liil .- il . .l-ltlo. The 1. lldd- lli was it, . pretty strictly f their oWII ll-e. b it :i SCOIII' ll wise to ! t ! i ' i t the ilit "!-! "!' tho natives i'l tlie pro'. ( t, e-pi ei,(;iy ;s til" pt'iijei",- i.f-w i-lu'd t i ti:.-;t site tit as low a figure as p .b'e. A btii'diug an 1 ittiitiee (oiitiiiiie. was :ippoinii-d, an i tin old r--i ear. a Mr. :m! .t , was mti i ' . i.t it.e three iiii iiiiie:s of it. I 1! w.i- icAta r .' i he !.. on which 1 le sat;, in r i-..:;;.ei -s bad set their le a.!-. A; lit It.'-t tlteelillg of the C"loIi;it t '" lb" t'li'.ief ni' ciiiitribll tioiis w s bto;i"h"d. Mr. I'.utVon b it , his ooliof.coi s in no dotil t as to bis j position. He deelit.ed to coiitril ulo ; a cent. ! Then the two ('"tinkers lal ored ' with hb.s over the sit". Tit'teeu hmdied dollars was l.i lowest llgure. i 'J'bev evplair.ed to bi:n the advnn- tagc- t'.at won I 1 il'ei l" t- li;e place tlin'tc'i ll.e cr-ction of llie iii-ini', , tit; I 111" inevitable t lilitilteetuel't of the a!ee of ltisuihei piopeity: but be held out for tit'teeu hundred d-d-1 hit-. 1-iiially one oi th" coitimittci! said: i "Mr. HaiToii, you .shall eiilter knock ! o;T sotm thing from the e of ihe lot. o". if we buy il for l't'c'ii hun dred dollars, you slnciM make a handsome eolit ri hut ion. " "Weil." said Mr. liiiib.n, ' I'm ready to ii-, something for you. I can't let th" land go for le-s than lll't-.-eii hun dred dollars, but. if "U make tho futiic sixteen bittidtc U trs. lam ! ieii ly to contribute htittdt'ed dol- i.trs to the fund.'' The niieting was adjourned on ino t: ti of one of the summer '. ''shot's. fif li'.". 'I n in. e.l !.. I'..-n- in lery l.ialth tl !,)l e a: t;..!l nf till- liltMl.l. I.IIV. 1 li I'M 1 1 ! ' I . . I le s te i-1. I. II mil -!' I - an! I'l. it-. I" 1 0i- ;.e. -:. .'i'i alii III.' M'ill- '.Ml" a i -111. i t I. , .,, ,, I., , l.v. A !.- "'I ' w il II II riei in i ii ii i.riil nil in-" a i - i.i ": . the l.vir. . Oi-ii. ' .-'-. e -iilli l'iliu'. " he te'.li'l Iiultaki ! h.- .I", i : - iv -lieim-. lo.ik HOOD'S SA.RS4.PARir.LA ; aril -em lulu r.-.''.--r.-l.;mil mm' e-. m r. . leet lie.i'lh - o- eiee.illil I'lal-'li ft : r-ar iij'.ir tl i a! i e aei ih-li pnl -.; i lii-mii. i " llil i.l . I'iil- .is ! e t i .a le. nil I nr.- ).illi'llin t aiu -e '"t: I'lej. il : ., I aelieiit iti j It is bctt'T to take Scott's i Emulsion of cod-liver oil j when that decline in health begins the. decline which j precedes consumption I rather than wait for the germ j to begin to grow in our lungs. ! "Prevention is better than ! cure;" and surer. The say- ! in"- never was truer than I here. J What ir, it to prevent con- j sumption ? j Let us send you a book on careful living ', -free. ; VorrS; B.iivNn,'!-.!-ini.!, ijiSomh jih Avonu. New V.irk. . , , , Voiiriirntui-tlM- p- R. ni'1- r.iiriUmnof cod-Uvt lil-aU JmbUitcvi-. .creiiu. ii Mrs. Annie 11'. Jordan (V AIN'T AMI (I KIOIS. The pptieh is of IVr-d.iu oiigin. Loeoin olive racing is being engaged 1. "ids I. died of fever during a cam paign. Chester A. Arihur died of apoplexy at Ii fly-six. Ancient Mexican flint knives wcra made so sharp that lhv could bo used r ..... " 'or I r i in in i n ' liair. or I ri in in i ii r hair j .'. line ruby of real pigeon-blood j co'or and eight carat is worth from I tjl.',0i'ii o 10. j A pack of cauls can be dealt out in I ;ii'.,oM, I'mo, POO, i ii HI, out), 000,000, O00,- : ou i. oO'booo, 0i 1.1,000 ways. I In So'. ih America there is a race of c os io w hieli 'ineaoiviug" is an uii i Iciirncd accomplishmenl. j dames lleiilhorn, ti farmor near dellerson, 1ml., recently shot it large gray eagle measuring J 1-2 feet from tiji to tip. i If you had as many le iscs in eaeii 1 eye as the common dragon lly has, each of your organs of sight would be a big as a box car. A certain bird hunter has killed iioij birds this season, mid sold iheni for (en cents apiece. He only missed eight i fhols in killing Ihe .100. A pear tree that (iovernor .Tolni Kit- die. ut set out in ''') is still standing near Rinversport, Must. U blossoms every sea-011 and hears a poor kiud of frail. A Toi'lUnd (Oregon) Chinaman Itch -ctikcd his ijiieu in coal oil, A 111 did Ihe rest. His count ry men in tiie iicightiorhood aituid 'd the funeral in huge number. .Mrs. .Mary Ilell, recently deceased, ol' ( ni:di;i, was the largest woman iu Nclna-k i. She weighed nearly l"'1 pounds and il rciiiircd tell men to bundle tlie colli n. A piece, of frog'- skin not larger in dh. meter limn ihe rubber tip 011 your leal p noil, litis in ore pores in it liiaii there are ine-hes in the ino-ijiiito net ting oa your screen door. A calf in Na.ireth, l' ., while ib inking from a Micnlii. swallowed a:io Uout. if 11 inches long. The li-h ciiti-ed si much p du tj the calf licit the owner had to kill the animal. 'i'beliieek phil.iux was composed nf loo in id. 000 men iu a srjuire bat talion, w ith shield- j lined and spears eto--id. I'oe bet iirmorcd were j. laced ill tin- ouler riuk, and Ihos) poorly annul, or wiih no armor, in the ecu re. Tho first high hat ever worn was canied upon Ihe head of a iiobleiuaii whose pol l rait appears among Albei t I hirer's marginal illu-l ruiion- of ihe e lebrtiled pray er-hook of Ihe l'.iiiieror Maximilian. in dost Am iiann's oj'.o.ik of IlsCUteheons," published ill t-:, a high hat forms the cre-t of a lioblcllltlll. Miss Tina ( ! HUthnian, a native ot I'.iigland, tweuly-uiiie yetiri old, thirly six inches high, and weighing sixty two pounds, one of Ihe sm illest living woiii Mi, was married ut Chicago, Ilk, the other day lo Major Samor.i, a native of Newfoundland, thirty. lhrec veins o'.d, thiny-lhree inches high, of lifly-four pound weight. t I.ussoi tl the Siiiike unit Snveil the ( liihl. I "Tiie pi'Cltii-l ihiow of a his-i, I ! tver -aw w;n down in New-Mexico . lii-t sitiiuner," said I). ('. Smiih, a AVcstei'ii catlleuian, to a '-.Si. Louis . ! tilohe-lieiiiiiei'ut ieioit''r. had one out to look tit tl bunch of cuttle ! 1 thought of buying, and was sltind- i i iuj; in front of the owner' house dis ! t-usiiiMj tlirs proposed mule. A. tu." 1 yeitr-old child was playing about the lawn, when suddenly it clapped its hands ttnd cried out an UioiimIi highly elated. 1 tuiiied my head and saw, lo j my horror, that it was niiiiisiii; itself ; with a monster rtitile-ntiko that had j just coiled to strike. It was shooting it-i forked tongue out tiliuast into the I face of the etiiid, and it was lliisnction I that so pleased tho litilo one. Al my j side stood a Mexican cowboy with a j his-o on his anil. Ouick as n flash il went whi..inrf lhioii"h the air and ! closed iii'ouud the neck of the serpent ; just as it drew its head hack for the fatal stroke. The father of the child ' nodded Ii'h head, remarked that it win i ti cup! al throw, and resumed our !is i rus-ioii wtn imperturbable, gravity. i Your Mexican is uolliiii!: if not stoica . j ; It is tlie ic-ttlt of his Indian blood." j An International Itiiiltliiu;. j i The huildiii": at Nogab'n, Arizona, ' i which is known all over the I'uited j I States as being on bth sides of tho i 1 line, ii to be moved under iiistriK- i tiousof the I niied Stales Custom- j li'.Mtse authorities. It has long been a j iioveily from ihe fact that one rouhl j o into Ihe saloon and lake a drink j i and step outside the door and bo across j the line. The line run through tho centre of a very narrow sidewalk, Iho saloon being on one side and the cigar case on Iho other. San Francisco ( 'lironiclo Amiiiiti h. The Plain ( ilien I seo (hey liava named a street after you. Yin ouiiht to feel proud. The F.niinent Citizen I am not to certain of that. It stnrtj from a brew cry and ut the jail. f Indianap olis i) out mil. Wuxtus ned-Tlrklnff. A curious contrivance to prf-venti the flutr of Jown pillows penetrating the ticking cotnes from Knghind. It consists in simply waxing the inside of tho ticks before tiny are filled with tho down. Most of the manu facturers of cheap down pillows fail Hot only to use a linn, good quality of ticking, but substitute a muslin which is altogether too soft and sheer for the purpose. J hey do this for the specious reason 1 that their pillows appear thus more, I delicate in structure, and are censo- . , , t. , ... quently more salable. It is possible to make up cider down In this light muslin, ns it holds together by its nature, and does not shed off parti cles that float about in the air. If the inside of the lnu-iiti i ase be thor oughly rubbed with wax. it would stiffen it 1 1 some, extent, but it is said to remedy all trouble caused by tha protrusion of the feathers. Sim ply turn llie licks wrong side out ward before lilling thetn, warm a pU-ce of beeswax slightly and rub it in straight lines foil iwing each other over the tick. When the cni ire siit fac.) is waxed, till it and sew up th tick. Mus. (irMsnrx calls her children "stars" because they don't know how to act. Huston Transcriut. In Olilrn Tlrnca rople OTorlooked iho Important; of pnr. monont'v in'tn-lli ellvvts cm wero satlh;Vd wllh tinni-riit .-t ion. Ire n e ti,v. ;t i, ( ,.n. entity know lliiti Syrup nf I'i ;s will p rm i nently cur lia'iliuil ionstl;.;iti.,p, h;i i. furmeil nconle will nut hut ntiif u...i... wLich act fur a timo but auady mjure tu t aysu-ra. The tiidi.-pi n. I 'e titnalii 11. :(i!it Ts 1'iTs-t. r f ti,-.- 7. "'.,-r ", ., ;. iinr Wort, In Lite. ' ii,u'i;.ie.i.v-,eee..M,!,,,e,ii., as 11- l-ell. .. lie II' ,i : .v. '11- 'il :u-i tet-, i-h 'i nr.. u!in'.no.e. 1 ',i ''.. 1 le,',-.. I i' i!.o ...i f.,i- l-ii. - I' l'.i.,.-t I . .'! I 1 i- the tuple ut' it--1 1 st.ite. I lflii-1'io'..'rii" pl'.i-oee' I- 1' l ear i if i' lC 1 '.ie onei i- i ne ri1 v: j i' I'i nl l It.l It i''i r. I hiiac w It i -iili-i Mill ree.he t he t-;ti'-r I'rie l.i .t. i I'm- a f'lll t-a r f !' no Ihal da!. I , I Ail'lle -sTlll.Vm -Ill's I I'BI'AM" 'fee metl'.-i leiieue F.nago of Mars. I rut nl. !y iho fll'ttnrp of Cliili""r.f. fr Celn-,'h Ttin. i i-uoioi llo- ti i-s A UHTelll'V 11 lli -Mi ll 1 1 ' I i". -.' I't" -...... if mik l iiml .tin Iu. U i'.i i .i'i : (I. i - -.. tel. I I- 1. ' II tilt I I 111'.' 'I till .11 t 'i. !,C1.'1.1 -'!. -1.HI-. Sllell lll'lili - - Iii -Ii 1. 1 le I . I I - II-. ' II 'l I'll pi-W-i'! -I Kit. Ill "I l-'Mi: eii'i el -1 i tati-. ii- llie 'iaii.aM' tli'-'. -. i 1 1 t - 1 r 1 1 i ' Ihe- I ni.ali .e-.-u.iV ii, mi IImii !l :e lii.ll 1'llliorll I'tlli' I ..lleit'ael iile.l I'. ,: I t l .V I IO...I i- taken ililei n the hl'.i-lioal '.I'M. I-l I llall'si-i tin- eeimiin . Jl 1 III I nl' ih.. ( ll'i '. I., I, -,- m,;,I J U .;, et ; . -Ill Il I .1' ;ifi II Mile I.I.I !., : ... -I-. I'I e Cl..i Imike I,.-- lil l le he lame . I'l I'i II IM's I'll t.- V nee i O il : I til il III Vtit l ull. e'l e.v .. JfaiMirt.-.l 'iti fetiu'b Kye-i;ili'i.l! hat i- d tie if it 's il I .! '! 4 l hail a m.ili-;na,n 1 'c.ildng fit on re.y S heinw tiie knee, and u.oce:- d.- en -Ifaid vll with two and a tta'f 'fSHl C'thcr blood PieiliciM'shad I ol 'd gU&iLti to do me any C"'- W"'U; ':, AIV' I wnst-niihleil from i-liild' ', '! ;' rrivle.i-o i f X-. if. r, aii.l !0(-j-o b- V. '''"'"'w" "'.-,'': our twuli on UI"."! atfl SHIn I-i-'-'J ' i.'ci-. Bwii'i-rii'iAiijO t.o.,.i..uui.:i mrnnf!t t.1 di' T,nn Attm-ks. Pir Hoaauclirt nil C'oimliioill""- 1'' I" - bottle. I'rSco 85c. l-'ur cite by tlrti-. -iistn. i llctur "7. 11, 70" r-'a-i f mni-lo Aujt tree. J. F. SUITH A CO..!: tor. M rV YORK. DO YOU EXPECT TO BF.CO.VU: A MOTHER ? "Mothers Friend" A v.,l. N t.i .1-' - I'.'ie.r. ,vl'..: ,.,:.,:. -' .-. " My wife Rii.Tere 1 iv.oro in i n ir- . tUs with her other cti.hlu ii :'v'.:i f ho eLit ai toptother Willi her I !' . ; fte- in v ,:; usee, four bottU-a c-t SJOIHtJi'S I'MuTta," ays a customer. llUNi.uioeN I'AleU, IVu,.;i t.i'e ti. i, ill. Ft-iit hy express rn leri ii't of I'd 1" 'n' tie. liuuk " 1 o MulliU' i'i"i' l-'. P.RUCnE:'. D RCGULATCR CO . toin.LOv... rs.t. i t:. ArLAri'.. Ca OPIUM Mornliln" Ilnltlt C'nrfil In !( to 'iO ll: vs. Nil I'TIV till eureil. nR,J.lf-HEN3, Lcba'ion.thiio Tl.e Futuie Creut, the i.t" i-'.e-s iv.l TUP LPADlfJC CITY i , I ' SmitU on'. .I'm in'. iiii'f'' i 1'irrr? ! ' fortune oi fAf ncitr . h .lea lot 1 refer to the ninny g-wl K-islrrn p -ople 1 will be "H I to e.iiTi si.)ti.l wiih you. for special 11UUUU0113 an j mi hi- ,mu in m anil . .1 , iBileBe&nSil j Small. ALWAYS THUS. Tilot Knob, Mo. Suffered Mr. Henry I O Tr.ivors, formerly rLtf cf tins place, suf Ycars. fcred with chronic rheumatism for 20 years, anil was treated at times by several doctors. BT. JACOB3 Oil. cured li'm. No No Return return of pain in 3 yean. O G. A. I-arrar. Years. nn Not py- iiM'r'A'in vriiii V.t"'. R t'' .cnpir ano ptiiDti; which dUtfa till- Hn H itii'T.' rhe iro'., iiutJ burn off. Tlir Ktsl'.n Mpvi- t't'U b Uj lirtlllunt Odoi Ki DmaMo nun tuf- roiiHiintRr pn iur no UB " Por two years I suffered terribly vri'.li stomach trouble, and was for a';! time under treatment by a physician. lie unany, nucr tryinj; everything, said my stomach was ; worn out, and that I would have to I cease eating solid food. On thercc- j on'iiu ndatioti of a fiiend I procured : a bottle of Auzust Flower. Itsccm- ed to d- me -.roivl at once. I gained , : , ... r c 1 ! nntl flesh rapuiiy. I feel I ., , ;i' .1 lll'W JU.lll. .I'JU COUSHICI that August Flower has cured me." Jas. K. DcJcrick, Sattgci'.ics, N.Y. DR. K I LMER'S I KIDNEY. LIVER "ffi" 1 F.Ji'seslvc MiiiUiiilv nnil hili lored urino, fores the ?A eliei- otic, is of I'lis trying epi demic ntel nsieres In-1. viror iiiui vitnlily. I'.'-?' ma, Pei'utn'a. lti.i'.ivie., pimples, blolclieg. i Contiil Wcriliiioss, r.insUt'itiun all rim iln-vn, less t,t arntiitlou, niul n iti.ini'l!mitioii to nil umis of work. Cunriintrr -"" .ntt-iHii if iVio ll' tllo, If not tx-is iM'ili i. I "Hi. ;iIii - Iti r. I .1. 1 ? el O.i .iii"j flll.l. Al ll ll:-;U:s. .".Dc, Mil', if 1 . M. ' 'll.v.eiJ?' le: Jc. I.i lli .illi,- frei dm: ulla Hon fn-. Iin. Ktt.Mitn 'V Co., liiM.iiAMtoN, N. V. 5 A Ciioico Gifl v V 7 5 A Grand Family Educator A Library i:i lesc-f '." '. i The Staiiilart! AjIIioi iiy . NEW FROM C'Jv'iili TO COVER. R'K-ooT.or of tho mithonlic "tTim- l-ndiriid " 'i'cnvci.j sfcut la rvli:(r,0 iee cilllors ciiiploycd, over $aoo,oou - t Slll.1) lit A I 1, HuOKsr.M.ltBS. J ? :V.T 'Hit) :V.!T. T a Vet l:'J' ie.1.11' Of I iMii'tl- MIHon.. A - I. t'-.r '' l' tlM i lei i'"IJlall'''ii; fl'i'i'lmi ll A aal i t i t. I M;rii l l.AII". X t. t C, MEHIUAel CO., l'u'jliihcra, X 4. Sprinpiisid, Mae?., U. 8. A. A tBy STEAM Or HOT WATER I'iil- I'l.l.lli- l-lltl tltik-i nr l-iti.iti. lti'-t.t. ni'i'S. r.-rri.-t -.i'l li. ii seen. ; in ii ;i K-ltlii.ltes anil fill infiiiaia'.i. II iii.ii :t j lle.uieii. Al.VA II 1 It II A tt II .V CO., Ilal'iiii.ire, Mil., iiml Wiisliiiiul'xi. I). C. 4 ure-C'i)n-n-iii'tio-i ( iiuhs CrrMip, Siir l li;uut. S. '.il ly all Iiructti on a Guarantee. iini i.iritni'irniv tiiciinituv mil. In',.' I. HUtli; i. n.j. l l,!y '.,w i l s !,r'.M. l.'l, i..v .1.1. Oil- Hi'il i Li u- iim i' iriv i!i-iiB.i (ii,r..-i if r T( o .-, r'"i::t fue -r :.r I 1" liai I I I ...-I f A -1 . imj in I Ml . -.It'. II! . . I t.i ' I .'n i i . ih i- I'i 1 I am I'd. UHl'-l. tl Umurd M.. . Kirk llir. arfie!d Tea i i ,i t.-i ! ,.'.. ;!, In .ien-sf, ii,';" ximi.SlV. v h-i. S". l I ti t- i';r:M.t. 1:.'.- MV V. ;d MV V. ;.th St.,N.V. Cures Constipation fVi nao'a fUmM? fbr Chtarrb bi th klJ eukl by d. ntisl uf t-ul by ail. uf the irpper Mi- niri V.illpy, is a'ronly OF GOUTII DAKOTA. , ,,.., hti. it tl,r ).r,'.v.f hfi- .i-.i-i. if, I ,roic into a c:tti l lull oil Urn in-tiiil iient plait, or with w ho liav.i hv sti-.l tlir.m .01 me in 1 lerre, ai . - CH.l S. .. .' Yli:. , S. Vk. FTTH iJ Tli fn 4vm m M August Flower" v y ITT1 AltllMf i r,

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