fferUBB.lt'. JAM' AH 5. 103. Stop writing 1802. Eastor conic this your ou the 2nd day of April. . Alroti'ly the uftovnooiisare-growing porcoplibly longer. . Have you "turned over a new leal" for the now year? Rynum A lieaden will pay you 20 cents fur your cotton see.!. . . - Yon must ncltlo up your account t you e.eet lui Liior credit at O. .'5. 109 & Son's. Dogwood, j'or -.iinmon ami hick- ry limber waiiteil at the Pitt.-djuro' Bkatilo Mill. V). S. Poe i .Son will ivo 21c a biiHbol for cotton need. Pil ing I bent Within the next ten d.".y:. . - m - More rabbits were cat'i-.l in the iinow last wceii than ever I, ('. re known in the samo lei.th id lime. Many purlieu of In' morn killed n t'reat many. Mr. John W. Alwau-r's scat in Iho Sunato cliamber is olT in a corne? rith a noi-o iit'.d two cube:- tbii iiitrs a quartet that will bo decidedly lonoHOiiio. Dr. John II. Loudon, of l!:i!oih, will no at I'Utstior.) on me nrsi , j Mondav in ovcry month am. remain Ihroo days, prepared lo do any kind bt denial work. - We are requested to annoiinco lhat t lie slot kholders ol tbo Clint Iiam Alliance Co operali ,e rtr.o v. il! lold their aunual uiee'in at this tlaco) on Friday of nnxl wed'. There are no new developments j ithniit tho horrib'.o murder of Mr. Adam Silerand wife. The coroner'." tnry is still iuvesliatin tho crime, mt nothin dclinito is vet iWncovcr- jut nothin dclinito is vet d4cover- bd. At 12 o'clock on last Saturday iiibt, just as tbo old year was oin iliid tilt) new yea;- coiuin, all the church bells al this plate v era ri:r, 'J-ingiu out tbo oid and ringing in llib new." Vv. V. H. F hvar.U.of Wake l or will visit rittsboro' on Monday, Tuosday and Wednesday following 'ho third Sunday in every month, knd will bo prepare ! to do any kind bl denial work: otiico with Chapin Ueadeu. '1 he manv Iriendsof m.rlorm. r tountyinan, Mr. It. James Powell, Will rerot to learn that bo was forced to n'.ai'o an r.'-.inment at ltuleigh last week. For somo time lift had been business agent ol' the Vakf) C"un'v Alliance. . Pk . It was rii'iiotv 1 in Italeilt -es terda3- that Mr. Alfred M. Si? 1 1", one ol Chu'lu'.inV li.-iri; bitorr, bad arriv.''!; thorn in a fteer i u". tbroiih tin1 tountry w'.ih a had of rabbits, but I bfcoilrso this is a slander on ourd;: tinguishod county man. Will once more cr.ll your atten tion to the fact that you hae hot (Settled with W. K London & Son. Tli03' want their money end can not flvo further indulgence. Call ami Alio Ibe.ii about what you owo thorn. They mean this for you, and mean b'llsinesf. At their : ii la i- meeting las! Monday tho county commissioner.-1 j .( j;,.lVl..I, -Uproiitteil W. (.. London, L. P.. Py-t ('., 1 iiui (' it. 1 II i ,. ..j i i. . .. . ' ' .' '. '""'"'' .. ' Bentutives li-o'ti tins county to alte.'d the proposed lto.nl Coniers, which in to bo held at Italeih about the l'Jth of this moiitii. Wo are pirated lo learn thai fiu'r former count yniaii, lion. F. 11. Woody, who has been a citizen ol flof-Muita lor si.n-ral ycr.r.-, was olocted last N iveniber Judge of tho Fourth district in that State. lit 11(111 nuii,.rilc oci'i' his rcliublieaii nnd third party competitors. i 1 - 1 i rt t.,1 v..,i, ,... !...- u.iiii,-. i R. W. Willelt and L. P. Phillips, nf Dour Creek township, were hunting, they found and killed a gurler snake, Jtboul two feel in hu.tii, lyincniic '. in tho snow. Il had crawled a dis tance ot rnoro than six feet, and was Hilfl a good li :e snake, save heiiij: little numbed by the cold. Commence tho new year by tailing at W. I. Loudon A Son's aud K00 tint barains I hey have coni rn'onccd the new year with. Special prices to cash customer. They are now selling White lilanket:i nnd Comforts al great iy reduced prices. Special baruins in gents', ladies' and children's underwear. Sevekk Wkatiikk. Tho unusual wintry weather of last week will fong bo remembered. 'I he deep snow which fell on Tuesday remain'. 6d on the ground, with but lillle rnolting, until Su mlay morning, when a warm wave and a heavy fain soon removed every vestige of it. For lour or live days the snow afforded excellent sleighing, which was greatly enoyed hy the j-oung folks ut this place as was also the ! oxhi limiting cporl ot suow-baliing, ! Very sever.! cold accompanied the snow. I n. Iced it was about as cold ... 1 1 "..blest inhabitant" has ever ' known in this county. n Thursday ' nml Fi-idn v in. iriii iil's.ii 1 0 o'clock . t he I therniometor indicated the tempera-j turn at zero, which is remarkably ; cold for this latitude. The ii o .'.::':n ; d no vera I inches in thickness, and j the vouii' lull, i hud lots of fun Skating, thorth tho iCC wan I'lilhcr i fwtft.. A Pt.EAPANT Occasion. Purely! Pittswiro' Academy. Tito oxer I have t !io citizens of this coiiiir.unily cises of tbo PitUboro' Academy will lenioved a more I'e'iirbtl'i.! or.U'.'iniii- bo resumed next wcid. i two wee':'; 1 mo:-. I than '.hi: I buhl here, on lusl i Friday night, I'm' tint purpose of ' raising funds for ('hat hair, s eouiri- I bntiim to the monument which is to t l!a!'.-:'.'!i in mcmnrv c.f i North t 'arolina's soldiers who died i luriit!' the late war the late war. Xotwitbstan:1.- intensely uoM weather Ihoro i to n largo audience, and all . ing the I was quit ! pronounced tbo iilei'taiiiuici.t a , completo success. L'rinted proi'ramtnes wore distrib uted to tbo audience, ot which tbo followin; i.s a copy : t-COr? Pi'-UCCDDY. A f A t, Fares,-!:. O.is ,4c. CAM' or CI! AttAC i KIts: Mr. Piilii'ciM;,-, 'lnrisi, Mr. I'. irry Iv. Jhrio I ":jt. l) 'Scuttle. i.i!u M r. Janus 'J'. Mct 'lenahan ; Mrs. Pilli- to,: J ' Idy, Mis Maio Harris; M r. .Scutlle, M iss Addio Mc( 'lenahan ; ! Sarah r.;nnl, rbov iril'l, !isn i.ucyi I ondon. GMLtSTCD FOR Ti.'E WAR. K Kcrbi.'. 'oinlc Kraina. la Tiinv A'.'i.i. Act I i:n!i.-i:h:i hji lh- V,ir. A r t II. Jl,;t,!'j":ii ' . !' .i iifrtlt rn'- Aruiy. j'yi' 'II. Ii if"' FihiH CAST OF ( II AHAi Ti:ils (l. Il .er, Mr. James (IriHiit ; 15. i. ( 'am jibell. A M. Pickot, . il Wil lei- IJowell. (iuardi.ui of (jailie . Haul Tc.-iiie, Williaii', W'riirhl, V. Cl.llurd, Mr. J. 11. Thach; Hobfrl A- Lineberry, J. W. Whitehead, W. J. Triiev.-or';;. c. (.'oi,I'-.i!era!e aoldic'r, 1 Thompson, J. () Sniiih, ('. C ('itpek, Mr. S. S. Jackson: H.-sini Jcnks, 1 V.'. W. Womack. Alfred l'.i:;e::loy, A. Auctioneer, Mr. William 11 Hunter; . Marks. J. W. (ioidsion, J. H. Hiram ,'enks, bis son, Mr. P. 0. Puc: Hribt, Wi'diant Piriht, J II. Tynor, ("rimp, colorei I, Mr. ',. H. Merrill ;!J. A. Will ia m s, J. 11. Hark, Milo (iuar.l, Mt iiarry K. Ibrie (ion.! .hi: ilniiliton Jlii'ic; (.aiiio:'. I'. 1 anoor, j. i;. uavis, v, ii. 'i;n,..i m;. i ;.i.. n , , Vobert m 'mother' ?I:r. V.'. ij. Hunter; Mat tie True - I worth, l.obert's hinter, Miss Matlie I I brie. Miisrc. Coofsc!ifrato War Song3. Thobwihabl.' larcoof "Poor Pilli i-r-il lv" was .'erv aiiiiisiiii' ai'il '!'.. characters wi'i'uailiiiiraiilvsii.-.t.aned, and reat interest was manilrsled in tin wio cemi.- di.nna "Kiilif.'.ml For The War' , which rcmiinii'd many of the incidents and scenes ol the late war and aroused tee'.ius and memo ries that bad Ion slumbered. Es pecially pathetic and reuliMie warn I t he sri'iii. wiitM'e 1 lie vni'mr sittiliivv i lep;.rt.d for 'he War, ard also H13 ' ''"noon a Json. lor piiji ! scene uiici e ids b.vcd ones at home I I'1"'1 ,0'' A & ''. were si'.lin around the family lire- i '' HutiC'tou, for meal, sid si.-Min:' iliuoIdConfcderat.' war' U- A 'S'"lrs. for conveyin, I air; "The va.a.;t fhair". Where 'arnci- t't: owd to jail, all di.l so ivmarkab'v well it would I'-V""m & 1Jtiulon. iuV 'slM- bo invidious to discriminate. Muiy competent critics primoiinced it the l'e;il ainati'iir pci tormcnco thai they had ever witnessed. Indeed several ol the characters were as well sus- tai'M-d us tiiey won il nave tn-en tiy nr.iles-.ioual actors Mid e'.-.i s I excellent was the chterip'tituciit that, it ougiit to bo rcpoatod heio or else where. Chatham's 1 i: a I SoUukkk. 'n order to olv.ain a lull ami correct list ol all oil liatua in s soldiers, who were killed or die. I during the bitu war. the I.'i-.vr.n hean wee I: be lore last to publish by ciuii panics the names ol ail Ui whom we cmild oblaiu anv infor mat ion. We now continue the list! c;'in this week with Co I; ! f'Jih N C. l'lfgimeiil, which alici wards be-aitie by exchange; Co. D. I.'lh N. C. reintent. I n thai com- pauy tho following were killed or j died in service: N. 11. Andrews Alvin I'enncit, thti S. Hennelt, W, Ii. l'.eniutl, Alliert Ilrown, Jolin ii-ake, W 1, i 'arson, Thomas Clark, W. P. Cook, (i. W. Kubat.ks, A. J. Ilackiiev. .. A. Marks, John Morcau, Werh-y C; '.hum, Calvin Olive, Jack- .ii to .1 "l .it. Kiz-sU: church; regiment the or died : It. Campbell, J. til. lo v t ' I Aii.- icy, ,1'ihn lli-adv, I Ciirpeiiler, W. Carien!er, S. 1! t.'ide. Thomas Colton, N. N. Clark. K. Crawlo-d, N. L. Co'rt, Iv T. Dow dy, ii C. H iwdy, Alfred Dorton, W. j. Filington, Klisha Fields, William Foushee.J i -i :ii vr. It :)i (lilmore, illiam i'olt W 1 II n i'li-v J. It. J.ilms.iii, ,1 w 1 I li. .I.ilin.on, II. Iv Jordan, J. M 1 4. imii iuiii, it. . Liv W. A. Love, Alexander Mc-! . M. Moore, .Ir.mes Petty, Pilkinlon, J. A. I' ilkinton, j Poe A .1 Sii.ne Moiii-ne t'j.i.it I'-'i'iy I iiiuiip -.on, it . I ooiliiison, ."s. I Van I 1 1 in-. M. ,1. Webster, Nathan S Wcbstir, Ifiv.-r Whiteaeti-l, Jclf Woma Iu Co. H. ('!"r-l M. C. rriment t cavalry ) the following wern killed or di-). I : II. C. A hired, Alvin I". liar j ph.- ot North I aiolnm at the polls. H bee, John .'. l'-riht John P. t'.-imp jsiicha law was ever needed it eel tain bell, t leor-.ro W. Harris, Manly l -ai.e, j ly oiiebt not lo enniu longer todis. John I. Maii.-liton. W. A. Mclnlo.-h. iiaeii our organio laws. Good cili Vo.il. V Mils,- John A Phil !, i Chevis M. Poe, John W. Strowd, 1 - Levi P. Williams The other cr.valrv company (ivm 1 Chiilham was Co. "(i. li.'.r-l N. C. j regiiiient, i.nd in this lho billowing ; were killed or died : J. II. Ihirham, j John M. F.raiieh, A. T. liright, Dran j (t. Cnnl.-r. Michael Harris. Si,t n Harriuglou, M. V. Ileurn, Zaehai iah Marks, T. F. Snipes, W. I! Williams, Nathaniel Womble. The company ot Junior Hesc.rvM l.ioin thi-i county was Co II, 70th X. C. reiment, and in it tho follow mg were Killed or died; J. . I'right and Charles Jenkins. !l there uro anv corrections r 1 I I I. . 1 1.. I.. .1 1 .. I i.lll..V'...S I V IIIUUU I Kf till ItlllJt U . nsi, tne irieuus oi mo ueceasou are reuuested to send lho name to the i ItKouKn ai once, so that tho list may be lull and accurate. 1 n snbsequei.t issues we will publish the lists of tbr j other co-npanies 'ictn Chatham. i Already we hr.ve ret eived correc - i lions and r.ddiuons to the list thus lar published, and all these correc-' rections we will publish in one -sue, i:'te- U " 'M i" coin plele'.1. We are pU-a.-ctl C kit...' that tho : publishing ol tho namesoft 'li.it hum's ' dead s'ldiers in the UkooI'.p is aro us ' . c-.i'.i! i vcv:7 i,.!i--', until! o'i-i- i vlo:? jvi'ini'-. vacation hp.ving beyi jjivon lo:- tin: Christmas holidayr. We are plia-. ' in state that the past session uaa one ol the most suceesslul in thq history of this ancient institution id learn in Tho trustees and patrona of the academy aro mat h pleased wilii Ur. present management, and conaidor themselves fortunate in having ao - cured the service of M i . Thnch and iJissThcmpson. Altboilh tbo Prin- ciiial came he.ro n perfect straner yetin the few nionihs ol bis sojourn with us be has won tbo eslee.ni of ! this entire community, and has prov 'cd himself to bo a Christian enth i ii... ....... .i.i.. en.,, i i. ....;.. ..,i iim ii in' n wn ii i ii m- t . i i 1 1. 1 ii ii ii.i .t,a3li ou We lsiI.0 j uro j 1Veoni :,.'.,di Ii Ihf i'ittsboro' I Acadi-nty as a mosi proper place for jiareiiis to send their children to be i thoroubiy cducalcd and priiperly trained. TaKAs, nt'.n's iSond. At tbo meet ! in of the county connnissioiieiT, on i lavt Monday. Mr. L. V. llaKii pre ;ivn!od bis fifllciiil bond a. county iieasurcr, which was npproved and ho thereupon was duly i worn in. , The bond is in lint sum of Sl."i,0(l(l and the sureties are in lollows: J. (. Ilarmaii, W. !. iiriht, II. P. ."'iniih, A. P. i'iio.ver..l. M. William.'., hixon, J. II. Funuay, J. A. Palmer, ! v A i! ii,iwm M kii 'John Wr'iht. T. M. liadioy,' .Kick ! Goodwin, ( X Justice J. J. John- I i i: ....!... t;.., l...... II Stuart and threeotlicrs whoso names, by reqiic-.l, nro not published. - - - ('omiHisstoiit'iH' 31 eel inj;. Tbo county commissioners held their reular monthly ineotinon . ! lust Monday mid Tue. day, ana uud ite.1 tho followin accounts: S. I), (iilmorc, fur pork, 15. M. Sandors, lor register- ir Volerf1, W, I'. 11 ad ley, for flour, IV T. Womble, for beef. SI 4.0C 2.1 00 22. 1' ti.OU 4 00 lilies la lid .r-d It. T. liar hoc, insolvent fees, John L. Council, for cle:init) court-bouso, Ji'.iah Tysor, for conveying Sandy Hark to jail, 1.00 Adolphus Cotten, lor labor at Home lor A. & I., C, 00 2 00 1. '.!.- :i7 50 :i.i)7 21 !h :5 tin 2 lid tjli.h.'i O.Tti !. II. Mar: h, lor nvrvi- to Hoard, L, .). Fox, insolvent fees, T. H. liuchanau, for services as ferryman, (). S. Poe c Son, lo.' supplies tur Home, II. A. London, for till vc i.-sinir, A. ('. Hrake, tor work on jail, A. W. Wicker, iiisolvcni lees, I bos. Cross, pul lees, 'v M. Holt, lor siationerv, II. T. Cbapin, as stiperinleli- deitt ol public health, .. . flf. Gr'hrti!, lhat Hu.lin Fai'rar be al . . .... Iowp.I 8I 30 por nth lor support of Mliji'h I Or,. ;'., lho'. that J. (J. Iteneher be em nloved a" al to i-iiii, . ii. jiit;i-i"-i- ,.'nn j ii. , .,il- W. DitoK. William Henley, 'jol,l!luccd ia",c"rla'" l'eriui ,M 'x to-neyot tho Hoard I J111 c" , 1 '" "" " 'V "to 1-i'iiil a gigiuilic iron h.i.Ige aero g vear al a salary ol i "'J' '"sluralton ol the contractors,! jn q H5 )Ki for tha oiisuin I. .11.,... M.. c j H-..M 3 ii.i tiiiititi,. ui. ,7. u. xaii eiuers his protest iiaiiinl this. l'..r tlm kkih.iui. A ixilisli I lie iliiiitcsf Citd. Ohk l!:i.i, jr. C Juii. 2. lH'.i.l M::. I'.t.iioi:; As our Sti'.to L gi Ialuro will convene in a few days, I dm. m that it wii! not bo amiss to e.uli the attention of our representatives through the columns of tbo liKionn to needed legislation. Alter having iningleil ijMich with all cur.sec o. it e o;lo ior several ;vcars I trust that it will not. bo con t 1.. I.I....IU. nil. in .in Im- imipI il I r o ----- needs an:i witnis ol I. ie peiqitf.. The nio-.t intelligent aud observing u'd utee th,.t but hide legislation is now in c -.-al v. Thei e is however our very iiiiportan' ni-iller that I think i t i i , , 1 1... i i..,.i ,,r 'ishtloi s. I in-1; li tne uoo ,.. , "I llhc cseninlion ciiin-e in our Slide Constitution, which tbo witer be lieves woiild ii" i'lid"tt; by the peo .'I1H till Micii i iiai. i ins nun iiuiiu mi ire . ... n .. ... . i . . . i. : . I i 1 ' letard tho general prosperity and. welfare ol the count ry than everything else eombined. ..o begin with we very much doubt it as an cxpiaKcnl, nnd we aro sure that it is very unjust, While ;.erhnps a fi w good and honest people have be; n forced to uceepd tho bench Id of lis iUO . isiolis, thill !iml.-i of rascals liuvi been sheltered and U'KitHcted I'.v it. It has done , no.,. ! 1 to deslrov lotif'deueo an 1 to distuibl ll.e business in'i rests ot tho country thai, most proplo cm perceive. 1 Ins ; law was claimed to leivo been nun Iu c .. .1 ; .1 t . ..t i.- i .,, . i-i -4i '.i I It bus been his l-aiiu as it has virtual-' 1 V , -, i -. I-. . l 1 .l.-uti-nvi-il h:4 credit, fiirelii.r him i (',.,,,.., t . I.vt.,1,1 u-lii.-li ua . ..J ".'-."(,- ..,-.-.. ..." i a ruio i vn.i i.i-.iiiui-uiiu m u.- tercsts. How win it under our good j and wholesome laws before tho war,1 v ben iilutost nothing was exempt from ; f uecution ? The worthy poor bad all i tho credit ncf-.Ted rn I . everything moved alongsinootldy. (i-toil feelings : cxistod eel v wbero. 1 be Inmost di bt- or hud uA tbo i-rolcction nceessiiry while the creditor could look with c.-iilidi nco to Hi's l.nvti for his rights, Such I r.m soi ry I.i .:,r.v: ih not the cu::e under exi'-iiug laws, but rusciili- t V i - t iicot.ittg d by a preinitttu every , . ...... .T .. i! ... . i - 'no.,-, rsnot' taw-a nve leuiioucy o ; discourage tbo good honed busings men of the country nnd lui r?lors fo paralyse husiiiosH. Il in ft w: :: I ikmvii J .' i Lml under oir present ?a-.v.i'. fw -.- i-i ins run bo forced to pr.y i" tb-y . iie.-'ro to ih friunl cri il Loi Tbo".-; nmhiof tlolln: s worth of property r&: bo hob I bv llio dishonest debtor am'. , hitJ fumiiy to th'j deli inn nf of bis ; creditor, un Vr our de-honcil ami cor j hip' li.w3. How Ion 1 usk i::ust Liic 'frotil people of !.!! h -trolitiu sub- i!:U .o such, simply bi nii-i- inhilors bavo not the b n l bono to lacWo.it. I cannot be!ieo that pub l-.e Bcu'.iii:ent will inueh loiicr toh.r - ate Hfic-b laws. I trust that theprcs-j ent legislature will ivo thisi matter1 their imiuediutc alliiaion. j A ( 'i riKN. Vi,it, to a "'.'inlii'ia Villitsc . fLasi sprin a very intrllient and U-" llv'-:l al thirty-live diilV lent highly educated 301111 enileinan p'ucvr;, and say- li.al ln has moved from Trenlon, icW Jersey, (Mr. J. , thirteen d.iVe:e::t t:mw In on year, H.. Dunham) came to this p lace for , lvm n ood arde:: ut every his health, and he enjoyed his vis' l so; P''"'"- niucli that bo has Written '.In; led-I oovoral of o:ir 1 liird juirty !rioiidr: lowin b.-'-ter, ami will v rite other:""' i;'!"- tiu'.V are no v.- v.illin to loiters i-: Hie l!i: oi(i., deseriplivo ol;'0"10 l'' the democraiic ranks, tbo incidents ami see res. i n, messed : " c 1 "' them, i'ur there is upon memory v. l li'I'i I '1, KK'o'.t:). I'idtok IlKi'oit')' Iii various t rav ellins to place-, ot v.Mno'.'.'ueN or proximity, as it may cha.icj lo tall out, one sometimes finds hiimell in a smaller community, amonsi most conenial people, where the bu-y rusli and absorj li jn '.' city li'c nar boon uuablo to disturb the sereuiiy of thouhtlul easo. Tho rc.-ponso in tho traveller's mind is instantaneous. His first ib:s'o I" to settle biinsell amid.'.t thcra plear'aiit ::cone . -I off for a lime alleiance to (Mitside aero ciations and acquaint biinsell wilii tho new and untried pos-iibililies. just opcninij behuo him. into such a revelation was llio writer mtro- istence. I he scllinsun hail tlir its last shadows across the western nuts ami me. iwi.ini w as ran uany deepening into the calm and shadu j linl.,v uj (!iel(, of sev:.,y uiu0 1 of niht. The little train had drawn ! iil0U,u j,l;u.. i,.;t: v lolil.t..i ,lolli at.tivo up by the new siaitmi, to be w'l- work, iu; pre ; ' ' icgula.lv and bud corned by hest o! by slanders whose , Vlli,d his ....ipit Vcs1er.Uv. ' His iiu- labors did not exact their attention at thill hour. Pieing tho sole pa-sen-ger to alight, be found no dillicuity iu threading hi". Way to the plat form, experiencing incoiivei.ii nee only in rcplyin to tho civilities ol woiihl-bo al'.endiints. At tho brow ol a gently rising bill the traveller was met by the i;j pointed rerriaL'e, it ml w - ice ei a I a moi crate ln-.ce 10 I his ilcstinatiou. What wa. most sur.l ising on ibis early Sjn in d.a.y. l:,ado in several Western cities on was tbo inlen-e activity thai '.he 1 aceiiHiil ol iier having fallen heir to lilllo town prc.oe:'!.!, even ilii.iigh !''",i'-,M,d in Portland, Or ."on, died tho niht hud lalleii. Inquiry wasl "1 the City Hospital here iu October, natl'rullv uttered by the visitor tnj,:';,I- Shu bad no relatives. hi.- ci.nipanion, the latter ai;sv. cri ng lhat C'.url b:id ju.-t ail.joiiri.ed, it mi j The avc-i ac daily death rale of the inul lito traders 111 uorse 11. so in horse II. -su were on the vere of ret unti ng !hc;f abode. !l '. h'J writer h Icon uu-i ucqiiaiuted with llio ways id court ami its supporters in many a county, ho would doubtless haw had hisj surprise considerably ai.'.-0!ili':i'"d by this niece of information, as i!; was, bis only answer was lo hazard tho supposition that the prepossess ing building in full view was the court house, which proved cornel. The t-ii. lily building occupies a com iiiitnding position both as regards the town itself and the neighboring 'country on a hardly p. reejilit i . . . . , , , inclino' which leads cventuaiiy lo the j t() . ,l,... ...I . it.: !.,.. 1.1 I in nice I , vito the cU..er.s l -c lt.:.l l-i-.o- t .. . i ......... I uuiiu-u iroiueii who a ,.;iiou-M.-rii, "I " i siiuare. It w-as not a woieicr men, that the recently arrived spei t ii-1 houl.l lo llled villi .;.;.! adiiiiratioii. liul v. e ntu--oii uiir joiii ni v, through t In ha- street, wioch at thaL hour rave in ilic:;t!is:s '! a relapsi' Inut lai-.-i. ; turning at the junclion m a Wr.--t hound street, into lho sui.i'rs.'s L-e- lycml. iiio ni'.sinei .'. men a.i.i men ; I of leisure were coursing their way , I towards the post ollc-e iu search of i ilhe letters tht ni'jst ,-.mvIv ai-ri.e j There were some ol the fairer M X 1 ' " ' notiee:i t i . .. i .. ...i. . .i ill. lb the i. liicc i iSurtly Ir-nn nece.isit.,- of habit, or ia j the lull cxpectaui-v ot procuring the i much desired missive. Atanyr.it.- I j should say that il l ii.-sirai -'cr wi.dted to see I he tow n in its lull iv it y inn bustle, lie must iiinnae to t rai.spori Il I nisi II lo a i ii n n i in van i a.-je ii 1 1 cci -1 : , . I ' lit , ii i u:. iu in-; ...i-i -"ii ' -', .. . before the ho-..r of -av :'ii:! wait .' ii.- sititll not be disappointed. Furtiit'r observation on succeeding days con vinced the writer ol the accural- ol h?" concl""ion. 11 was now loo fr.i- i: !o th' d:trk to allow ot any more extended view ; ... . -ii. So tho riders ul the fertility .. " . y the ground, tin' abundance ol game, the probable .-epply ol fish when the season should oper, the new conn r ol course putting lit.' questions, nnd bis i cmpunion an swering with a promptness and vrr. idility that indicated complete .- i ' i . i .... i. is... ... - , , , - . , , . , , . , , i. - Jwww lho .MTwl , , ' . . " . ........ ., . ...... . wnei llio Irani ' . i.u..n ii: uiiiiicn, aim ,uy tl.r.t much, llio uioro eai! ' J .. , ii liiusue net in. ii.uiihhiii; iiiiiwii I . ' these new found interests. J. II. D. Piclttiiond Pois. !tii iimonp, N. C., Jan. 2, ISP". The biggest snow ri nee lrii h . d u.va, and Ult dels were not captured aro now at liberty again. Tie' eolebraled "lM'!f li-t .v here Annie Kirk, v.'ili li i Pridiiy niht, January 1 lib, M r. S. C. .1 oh ii miii, bir-i uess man ager of the l''v: h:o'ge store iit this place, has opened a general market .- i o.:.. ..il i 1 .:t ..... . . uu-'s". ucaitu.-r hi - i"--s -i m", u., i v i n y bis special attention to wholo- . issili nf and rctauiu-; rabbits. .M. V Morris, ileviii I'.'etit bar. purchased tbo post olV'.-e lot west of, the depot, where be will li.ovo noon. Mr. y,. I; Smith t Son will inovo .'. lioir I-1 :u-1: i t h and -vood shop i'i'.in till-, piitce to Harper's X Itoads th'.i -.reel:. We very much rugret to g: vo. t lie m n - r. n. :. '. iniiiiis. ot MarnersJi Vnils, lias -MiUea novel wmv ol rais in ' .:u-cu. havii: raised !iv crops I'n ni i.r.e . etiin o! jdanlij in live :yuarr. ! Sever al i;.' or.r toviisnit'ti will make, application I..':- the u-ysl o!ieo at I- i'-hmcim!. ! lino ono vrol el it, as . .iv j iv.iviii j'w. 'i.iii.i?ii i is ait'i itm aj s ba.-i been a cnc.iiie Popii blican. Hear I 'reck town: hij. i nines t: the ii'iint nain with a iiioviii!' man. now 111 re to o. I.ov Shanks. A )'.:! (KTitl i" Sceiiitur .'ssstrcd. Si ;::in:M''i. Jun. 9. A sivisa tioii was caused by tho witlnir.iwal ;! W. W. i'ootc, jieniK r.it, i'.ijiu 'be .j. .11 v.i mi v:m -nu xje uiio iiincaici fiupp-uti-rs declare 111 favor of ,St.heu C ...r.1 .. .......... , 1 J 1 1 i r M. h't:-, the only otucr l'euioeiat in the lie1,!. Tiii:i liisures '.'ucr ific'ion of While to succeed Charles N. Fol ton, J;jiulilii:an. Tho bailotin for Senator will bein Ibe second Tues day aitcr tli -i - wriation, the Lcgis ialuro ar..-embliii toduv. Deal ii nf a iiaptisl Dit it: A f'tt-vTA, ,I,iq. :!. Hev. John L. iiurroivs. D. 1), who bad attained ' ; uatioind n puiution for eloquence and ; ,. ..:,,,..... ... liimtist ,,!..;i poitui.t loiiiii'r jci-tomtcs were at Richmond, Norfolk, n , and Louis ville, Ky. j Died an I!i'ii -si V ithont Know- j ititr u. r -i.i llir I!ali.'ii.,r.'.-nn. Kaxsas Cn v, Mo , Jan.l. It was 'discovered vestenbiy that .Jennie i "eiiniim, lor w nom search had tieen State ot cw l'ork. tlurii.." Mi ,-tb; was Piltsburg borscs nro dying of a sii'guiar ibseaKO, which lakes them off Hi lie iiiiiilltes. P'-iiuden', Dili::, of Hiexico, was inaugu-atcil for bis fourth term on the last :kry of last, yi itr Huluiday. (icotgo ' aii. Irs bill b:r- presented to t!i:' Amciieun l ine Art Society bis private picture taileiv, valued at ;;10;i.il(!d. Prof. Clark, of Winchester. Ti nn.. has been aiihd 2d.i!dl daitiaes for the killing of bis wife lust '.lav on l i.i l ill lull Ii. .-iii.iii.l J-.d.cl, '.he uiihitoci, ol the great . ru:.jM t,W.ri lltls .....iv.-a l!e t.0UtrHl.t li)0 - rcn i . ,:i n i j:;irilelt and M.'-.gn , ! ell y, of I eriniMon. Ma wei e on their way in a bti.ri.'y to be married when tin y were run down by a train and kill. d. I'iof .i In :t ,..: !.:c, irs'-io.'d, the i.iiii(:i! II i.e. i :i in'trnelor in Chein- , j-.-y, ' n' fi:ctor'jf Wcllesl.-y College, 1 alRj Archeologist, died ye.-it::iday in Cambrid ", .M:i?r.. n. ' '' "!: ; nl .)n Phi!!..lclph.a l!'ut for 1S02 shows, from the .cport pisi compiled, i 1. 1 ssi.iiid pieces, with I n viiIik. ,,I';.!S o.", ' o li'. 17 -I o ) j l'.IX.J(i! pieces rt rhtl V. Villus of .:--i;'.!ioii.:i:i. " j I John Morgan losl bis a i:i a snow , isf.-rui on i he : i' 'i: l:.in i'.cr.r Had-. I ton. Pa , Sunday c ei. i'l-r. Ou 7 rr!: ii:y j inoi l ino be was found fi en t...lc:.t'i. ' He hid I r.-ivi ih :' i.i a ciicii .-unlih ver I coi'ie by ti.e cold. j II ii Kaid it.ni the oMcnl reiipiio'iH newspaper in the world is tho "lit r laid of (loii.el Libert v". established in lSdo, al. l now j .ibli.-hed at Huy- Ion. Ohio, ii. 1 in- iui crest of the Chris j tiun deli. -luinuii. in. i The ilircctois of the Mai?onic S.iv ! ings f!'ii.k of L -tii -ville, Ky., have 1 Iu i n su. d f-ii v;.i"."-.(''dd. tin (In- gnmnd ; dud they left llin v hole in-imigemcnt in the bank to the pi csidi nf, who ; loaned i noraioas Bums witboiit rop j i r si cm i'". ! The Press Assi'cia.'on of iir,-;ro e.li tins itiO.oigia passe 1 a resolution ! the in iter day discarding the use of t he v.i. i d "Co!:i ed ". to .h',-ei ibe thrir nu- -. a I'll 1 1 cocua: in.ing ! hat " Negro.' I v. i'h a big - N,! bo peuiraily a-l.qit- P.-iison, Ter-is, ilestroyed sub- ilrv i'.ious siore a i. w- two w. 'e!ry store, nr. 1 a dozen ot iter hiiiuj ; builiiitigs. 'i'be total lussis !7.).0i0. buililitii-s. ihe total I.h is !i;i.(.00, Willi insurance of l"Mt. Theorig - in of llu- .e is ui.knoiv.i, but is sup- posed to t"J the wo'k of an inceu- ! The in; ;redieitts oi'ul.irh Dr. Pull's :n,pUe..m,.'.u.l Cotib Sy It, l"!!?1! on by siiiiiiiil I'icu'.i-iil men its most clliciicioiits for tho etro of u'd i. 'lections of ti e throat, cbeft and bin -.. Ti.ey sue the bos! lo be ron it.) in the l iboiatoty of Hi? "hcrr--i-.l an-' h -nce Ibis t n.ms cough cure bus airtuys nciiiiliiiiu-.l a uuiful'ta Alkalies' Pi'iiilciititivy. Lirrui Hon:, Aik , J'eo. ."I. Four teen il:i'i I'H brtVC Oi'cui l i (1 I v( ii ! y fit tl:e j.pnitt fitin-y the fotiitii i,tb :rj; k-.s'.h .lay. 'I ho couvii-.t ;u';. ixl the lii?)sl intenre aot;;,-. T'.ic c:ro- i.k s is iv 'sow" ep: the y.' CoioV. v ! i:i'i ! that he Cn fn.ui le.::!i' tl: asci unknown to ond lilcd a rej'ort with of pi nilontinrv comini.v v.' ii i: b- fslcd tb".t tiio 1 iha iwiri-.i siour.rf sainturv Iii.on cl lii'j r.ifirn was : , bonibbi:: (!. xLi-eun oiiilr.l to breed an cpi.'.emia in its worst ; fn... iit, ,.,t nt somft li.irrfh llu. ! ataimut Gf ilh piled up iu differeut ' (,11R,((Tl4 ,,f tho i::closu.o. Tbo com missionc; s i-on-.irJ'i:;; I lie Docro tary of Staie. Attoniiy Oer.cral, and Private Secretary Files ,r pr: scntii: Governor Ivorlc) i 1 1: me. ! i ; -tJ-iy drove out to t Ii 1 1 1 is;. 11 and tu'idi- an rs,tiii ination. 'lhat 0 cou'iliou"! diseuso in its worst f 01 ia Li:n taken hold of the inmates dow miiuitc of no doubt. Arnonic in Cbristniia candy put all tbo iV.tr.ily of Simeon KioLie. of Hil timore wiithin in nony. His two year old boy dli-d of the poisoning. Tbo cotton fiicd 01 y p.i Swcqisonville in Alamance county, was l.;ii.-d r.n last Friday. L'.ss' stimVo 1 uf yJHU. Odd, insiiiaiice c'Sd.iMHi. X ia'-c iin.m b(r of operalivi s ai'; U.io.viioul o! 0!ipkyiij'j!it. lufi pron.j'tness Willi w ..o l: ..y ;r M . . ' Cllcri y Pect.ii.! sto)s a Llui jjKivfcy rei'rcshin :tei.inco:i:i .ie; 11 :s some thing inn; velons. It novcr f:.iis to pivi iubttitit relief, cvfii iu tho worit cases of throat, and lung trouble, aud is the bc.-t remedy for whooping cough. For the ConlVdoi ale .'ilon u incut. I Tho PK'oi'.it will tu-blisb from I week to week a list ol the contribu ' tors and sums contributi d for Chat ham's block in tho nionuiocul to be erected at i!,ileih ia in;, moiy of North Carolina's -oldiers. who were killed or died during tl.e lalo war. Thus tar the list is as loiinv.s: Mr.-, .'-.hii A. McPon;:! C. C. Mci'onald, Miss Anna Merrill, Mrs. I'.. !'.. Moditi Hov. V. T. i, land,' L. J. Hauhion. ?:'.'id l oo: r.(l I t "itti t .70 100 Net jiroceeds of .cutert'ii"- i;'.:m.I at "itt:-.bo!i, , 2o .00 MAt;::i:t). p" N..ttt-.-M ,ii-eiL. iiii't niie-rjnc -s iii-mticiI i. IIMUMI-Ie.-. .imiv '1 ii .vn; a Hii... ntSii-.V-llAI.lW!S,.-l'i, .'.. Ii ,, I: l.v, l.-'.i.'. tiy r.-. -T t.n i:. Wi:..ii, Mr. J..' I.SII! I.V I" y.l.-n lli.l.l.A ll.M.llWLS-, il.lUt'!' Mr. I.. K. llnhOHii. in ii:mokiam. linsi'oiKi, N. (.-., m (ith, IS'.ij. At a riviilnr ii'i-.-Um- f C.iurnt.i.;. l.'n' - Nr.. II. r.'il.i llitf n ..ill!..i.. w. .ii .. Ii ptinl : ..' n-aiKAs, w,. l:av.. i.c.mi wi:h .i...... i-'M-.-t ..f til.- .l. ll-tl "f I'ONAI.U W. UAIN. lir.-ini S.-nvtliry : 'he (iri:t 1 lj..lf" "1 N .1-. Ii i - 1 1 it i . nti'l I I'ii.i; ili'i-ln.'is i't i m i-..-lim' inir Minn- -1 --n i p. 'f li'a rtiar.-.'ier, 1111 1 -y mi'iclij- wl'li hN l.on.ly aai' ii whi'l.' iiau"nli- !r-o. i :iUy l tliu s:ti;o la lliclr Kl.-ill Iwp.-s 'l'l,.-;.-.'vl.. 1- It "ini.-i', 'I'm: In nil Hie rr tall-.us "I life IIO.tlMT l..'lUl (M ini. Illl. . I III.- 11..I.!.. llTHilllil.-s ..f Mii-.'iiry irmli, fl 'in-my, 1 1 U Ii : i:1 u. k .ami i.imr. Iiy. ll . mil' In i:t: .".-lti .ii, .i.ru In hi'.iri, iltl'ii'-nt tn liiii-'n. .-., ninl l.'i- . is .ti -.!i li-i in t . ;.,i-ui.i,, j-j, a i riKlit Mi..-.':i. ii in -i i .-i : I l r i 1 Hiii rill 1--1U sue- "lll'vi-, mi'! ;i in.i.-t n tte l lirb- tlHti .-;:lli-th.'lll. I:i.-.i.vm, uu-i Iii.h ti'.--.iiit.'ii li- r (.'j-'lc'l i: III" Mll'lll.'K I.I "11' Al-.l I'. 'I T Li' M'llt I.. tin- Utmly . 1 Him Oivi -Ki-p.1, ii.:-.. I n. tin' cii.Miii.il lihCMhl;. A. II. MKISIil 11', 11. li. I I UANKS, w. w. iii'-yi hi:-, C'llilllllll-'. New Ailvri lisi'iiii-nts. GOODS. ll'Mlk"t.s, J)l'l.jlliltS, 0 . et i'(,; t.i, lli'ilVV I'lHIdl T:ir lli'iivv Slinos, Miililors, T'liililii'' S'lio"-liiililu-r liii-.iis, Ai IH a sua rr.rr .1 rr.-T .TCI II u'Jjj 11 M.utiu : . tiALKliili, N. C. 1 1. J inn.ti ' 1 (iF. S Vi.i: fi-'.-itii :)!'. ii.i U nv VI II .I.....1 ll.- r.-'- IllP.t l.y J 'i h-'H'i' ll'l v. Ii. All. ,l:li.-.l P.-.-. lMli. ! l-.t i:.. ei. I- I.i. IM..'. l'liibi.-.i-., t:.lii tl-i.-t . .-..iillty, H .v -.tl.t-i... .'i-i-l . it.'.-- l-ll -.i-l tr .1 Iii Cli eh..- -iiniy ;, l .viii ..ii Hi i 'ti .in:. -i- . . ,i-l li -nr.- i- I., it. it .i.l.'.- .lil.-li.-l!. I.-i i-;.-ll i I 111 . tl 1 1 l-.WI.-hlC, Il I.. nu .I-- -i Oh. tin lliill' III ll'.-lil.llt s it i in.. i l.-tli '.s ..i 01.U-. .'r.-ll-v fl ml :"mv. I. ii 1 1 t ..ii ilci.l.-ii-:y ii--..i;.- I llll'S III AI.STO.S. .Ml-1 ".y. : v c"-, v. ;".'.:, t . VVT oT: lH kA4. UU P'J &ity AWfe H sTUTr. HA -5 wiS! as BvW K3aSS5Wl tiiM.X&'.lO'.l ivy it ; oiij . rjr it ; out) tic, ; wor'cr. ! Afili.'.-io-.n - IU 1- - r.i.i'.i-1" tli - il.-imnil ww- ' ..Iv N"rOi Ciii -'lina i.t tl- ti.'M s.-.si..ii t.. uni.-n.l tlir '-':'ii .rr "I tin- Oli ii'l 'ii in,, I linir Mliili.s mi'l V.-umiH. 'ri-iiii C.-ini-a.-iy J'iS D.l.fNMii, j n (wva.KCiK s t.t: tiy ' X. i. l:ili.f!' " ..In:-. ' l i ii it.H k l nil.'tlMii ..'. Iil ! -.Tllii-i lu w ''miiI'ImII i :J i:.0iK . .- .i.illi- il i..i:y. rrM In-- L. DOUCLAS SHOE Am.I . Ol r !": 'I'ii- for ti :., '. J.OH 011J & . . .. .- La: fi Pest 5ii t.j3 world. VSl-' ., 1 mr.it !.'! i will nwar la v ! ":'- Pjf!rS TeHc r.r ru'stltuto. V. L.. a?;-' ty twmt . er'.v niaiuiiwl o L. LOWLTf-J 3CM. l'.tUboto", N. C V. FIRE ! i i ? I :... i THEIH in vi;h m mm sd This is a Homo couipunv nnd de serves tbo patronage Curoliiiiuns. It vif.n o'tar.i-.ed in of all NorfK H vif.s o-ur.i-.cd in "..i.ianJ baa . - over bah" a iniiiio:.- dollars m losses and there is nvt i:r.: contested claim against it' All losses paid pro.tij'!!;.-. J'.vcrjr prudent man culit to iiisnro hie properly. l'or form", .i.. in j-ly o H. A. i.ONI-:, AfiLXI. W. S. rUIMKOSK, I' resident. Janaary fi, l.S'.")3. TO m tmmmmi 'e Lave in siocl: a lull line of 'Ii I." I f- fV 1 ' t."-4 A' i'l Pi ? ' . ! ' kJ) and Tics; Which we ;. ( ut.ily to i .n udi :it low prices. & U3 A Li ALL. CoKdi.inchir of CTTTOI? fefei PilODl Ci-: s'llicitid. JOS P. VVYATT & 33GS.,' i:.L)'.ioh. N. c, S.'.e-'-Fors to W-.a tv k Tnvi.ou. (V 1 IS"- fi-.i. TitlM" XOTl-'K- -Havinci - lUHl Hill JIMSl. I ).. flK'lllisV inn i.a ir 'i .-,1 ,l:ij ..1 l-i l'.-l;.i W1L90R. TiU O'.iTOAClv SAI.F.. P.Y VIU-, Ha , ..... .v. i-. V.'llscii ..i. n..- -ii. i !; cc..:i-: A 1 . i i I . IHSV, .. 4.-.1 Iii tha - 1 1 . 1 il'.ltl IIHIIIlf,! ii. I lii.ui-.. .I.mr III l.-v. l JAN4-ART.' .1. .li! .... 1.1 hMJ s-: i , in Wlnnia . v il.-ii Hilglit :, v.it,so., I 'Vo'llU'lZ. tJSOii MiAt'iK S' liV VIK-. i .-.-r'nln ili-f.1. i'- ! A. .1. KIUh, il lii i;lM'.-r I't v. at. -ii "Al in- . ... k t il.f.ilajr,' . iliny l. llin. . c. .1,-Ki rllx-il '. Ili'lnl I iwn il- ;:...n, Kn.H-Ii. i. III. ill'.. 1 H'TP-fl,! II. 1.1 Is Iiy .llicd ' HflO 1 . 1- III. lliuu ut A. I. Ha s i.i: 1 1 v I It I I K OP : ..! i ..f I'leiihKm- Vl. . Ill S. A. C. Ilr.ll,' . 0- Ii, r: tils. nr i1 : - ui.--U.-n .im llio , ', .lay . I .UNIT . ' - -i- r.-s or liiiiA' - II-. ... 1. I" Illll His --.n-lilii, Clml .i:.l I li. A. Mhhi.D. i l. r. nicy tn i-1 . -I.. I i-l- ilniit-, 11:1 'n i.o'.xt 1 .1. n I. i.-i. ,.i i I.. i.. ... . ! li. -,-.- V : li ,!i.ii"C In nix t iiaiil I ur- g an i ,i IV I ..l.r-l s.vi.r. I'.. MO tn ;i -rxpi -1 1 i i ! . i a .i .- . . ii l'i:i 1 AN OR, ilni: iiililmli ..i;ii.-v. i;wlll l.-.i:s. i.n HAT-- 1 ll.l I ICY, .l.-.i.u:. I. rni- 'l' I-. I i' III -Mil I'.-, il l 1.-. U.T.- ,-..0- I---.J. , -oil- :i;:--m ill Iftllrt,' ..II II. i' -l.l i. -i '-. .--.'iiu-, pi nil' -. .!.. I.n-. -it 1..!, et.TiliilnlatC I.-i, i- -n-iiii'ltu: l'.-M atT.i- 11 Ml., i-t- II..IIM' ll.l, I.I I It. i.-.ti.liu: .' . i . -1 - -1 ' -, -t tht-.1.. chilli li!i.iii-s lot, rof-- 'ilicti:-1-'-!. Ti-ni-i .-- Mtlf : I.lllf .tahIi.' il,.- r -ii .' '-'i' i i i" -I- .' n: .ii;ti, with lnl.-rrtit i r. : -'-ii' ei .- i .ill i-i-. i.-l mull ilu payment '.. II.- I'lir ii'ii-i- iii'1!-..-. i' ."l. 'i 'Hi'-'. o w. i oi s.ii .;, ( .,i :iiniHiniT. r r, won - k ah -i-n.-y. ml- r f.;li. 1: 3 AM) SAT IV BV ''UtTUE OF u t ..i a .-j-' i-"':uur '".i i i ; i r in ('hftllmm Smu-t I- '"I-; . iU: .t s. ;. .ti nilrntttlMra i..r. i.n i ac !'.n'ii I.n vi1. iff. : ?i(".t Vfhul t ;m- i -.ii.- i - .i'ti m : iir aumlonJ r 'Iv r -im-- it !,. i-iv, .i.-iim -rv tl'.K 1 '.'. the- M(;-t i.T t.tn-l .!.,.-, 1.. .( Ml MiWHI llir -J 1 NfO. hum l. iU I 'I'i'.t its I.i lit; rh:ir;-. . U C t 1 !) If ' t i ti"'..';-. t.N'. lining nli'-iii ft' rrf, ! . ! - ' i; '- 'mill . t;i;t. Fur fur ii t ii i t.-.t ; . i. ii i r i iii nttririirif l It. V.iri. l. t- rihs i.i hi!.-. . .-I.ilnl rii r- nrfct : . t i tu . i.i ';t';'. T .i l U ;cli. k litifrniif' ti'i.lii lin'i'. Hi !i u't. .vi-l MV'ulith ii"iltrni (M lli. .!.- . irv.l ; -mi.. -mi, mnl itt'iT-- - vwl uutll t.W I'MViih til nil ut '.lit' I'lir-'tiaHi' iiM'tr v f

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