rreoeh reasantj. M. Betham LM wards, in her "Francs of To-day," speaks again and again c tho benefits accruing from the owner lb Ip of lan 1 - the peasantry. As a native of Lnuiautl. tao seems to have been pecun.iriv- iinr-ire-scl by this fcatur..' -t :if'- aviv the cuannel. s She write with -rccial enthusiasm ; of Osse. "a :;r :: l'yreiic.jn wi.aRe ; admiMbiv a-nt'ttd Tor tuo study of I rural ii t'e"'' ' A leant ifrl spirit of j hum t i ae i rare anions t lie m.-r p dished focic- : tks. ciiaractet:r.-.' the-: tru.tal suns ' and daii'Thin? v. the -n. j As so'-duliies- curried to the p'rli ' of brutality . ofuu imputed t the fr i I t i i i c i n ' cid'n f tIim: C'jcar.e.1 ht;.cat"jiiis uoi i long net-ate rny vi-n. The 1; it-.1, rnicut--.; ' divided, ninny : po I One c: th v St. (lecly ru:ne I hy hi" c Btroyed. With' Til E bit cireum-iait" Of five l.iir.iiio with u -h (i n r minded la .' '. deputed ;!.. '.. wans.?. AiJ"!i i iti-i.i ev Kii'.'W : . Wt nosj oi a'.'i'Pi't w.r,r- t said tii-.' :,' n ' 1 mro you c.'.t ii. money now. ' JVasiPt i r '-T-(,-er r ! wholly n-.w feat t c fl " verv !i;;t.i h neither Ii.mj.:: then lii-:-' on -roiuriv"- '.;' -; , C c h ma.ze i; o i.i. 1 t;t' J. only, t r i ' i i .1! i J 1:1 V, JVC d - savin.; a v.oid, his very lr.tti.i- 'i ! - i... I tc r tin:?." ' T aw me the i ;: e e-m? these i? rr. ss of owners 'h a kin i!ir!i;st n f-:-r -i-liin i flour, rt r !:; 1 mum. .':"' tlulgcd wine, ' ur a. Tho j la -;rr.r, r, GLArj'iONr. Fhav- s :v n.s . . '. T.if ' 7" f-ia i- - ..-.it . IS ii!.' -V.i I' r -'J'. La:-::' A.'.i. Wi ' I' t.i ; -.. months m 1 1:' ! vate h AiJ.i: rj-or.i:N';r v reine oc the O a c n:2.::ivd ! from an yt-.v-.'; !:-.!:.- in Leo Kt'l"''N- - i. i '-'. ". ' l.-..! ' i -'.. i ':. . ' : t;.e :'"at : :l. !? TJ v-:Ts i k !'.: : '- far .: tbs l -.t r.;- i.':''.n...-.:- it'-. '.-c sto-'"l .in n t ;a . . it. '.-x; -n.-i.cr.v.::-inl n; ;.r.v--iir..f.: -. " ."j. 1 be t-etfer t,'t .:' I i i '.ot tiA . u any ate:.!:.-. ' 6m: '.r :' : rrrvc-ji h-'.a-.. "-v mtsn. i v hc " b -r' -: ntc-1 '.. Khah ' J'- .: iir hi ex ' :. r. I... i i- ': -. ;::-: : dci r;c..-u .".c-;.. ta.i if vaiuf- is sn-i ! r o -ivvMiC-'.-. Si'VAT'.': I.i '.vi-. ' f rinnf?:'i rriaivc-f u hub'-'' 'fi!r1"t'rir!;r:j::,..'! : Var'.i-'jO. a:, i is -.a: -j V c-tv r he" ! n-.:--: rr;ot v.ricJ :-.'.-' tinn-oi.' i.'joiis iil'1 pi'.-'.i,,"(" "-'.niri': e . with the Li trie (.'ori.oiu! tj le :. ;u in this eouti' ;y. Mi-s.'on-vvav, v.' M-Tipa:-. -"".i: t j b a .uti;.' wjiuati ..f rn'ist.ai - : erituiii ati' ti. mi- I. a- :.it row .i-'v-I daily iK'v-ir.--- ji.f. h' r ' text '.'.', cn th ; -..a I tl at tb' mltivation ef a ' Lin iitcratj tavf i- r-n." p i--:: .-- -u it i:i-.-.u-.iwt the nf-w-5,iP'.-,i. Mr. Herman Hicka ' Three y.-ars n;-.si a rs -.'.' j'. CA'l'Ani'. t :.t.rti ,: TTi ' : r r ; i - Doof for Wore f'al r. Ye?r. To mv u rpnist" Hi!-i irlt'Ut ioy "-i.c:: I ! 'rfl.en iLr'f- l.-T. II'HKj' -ftr!ltrr:l: f'T. t rn. lu-nvi i v:i i -!tt-:M.-. f i;. t U; I !,'a tn';. , ;i.rf ir.f-r- h 1 - 1 ! hr lrf'rtlv Wf'll. I ,TTT: .'.l;t.. i I .)?'.. "V ; , I vi i.i riniirh. I t '.'!. .'lor tli'- ri'Minii.iil Ar." i:iimn iixik.i, curi'.r s;i. F(f.rl:. M.T. N. V. Moutl'f, iillsare":.n-iy v..;;.'':i' ,1c. DR.KILMER'5 : noo TH68(,tAT KIDNEY. UVER & Uniilsnlie, foul bri-ath. sour ctomacb. heart burn or dyspepsia, conficaitiii. Poor Digestion, Distress attrr f itUn. p"1" ol"' blontins In ltm Stemncb. shot Uicsa of UitaUi..!i!USiiitne'liert. Loss or Appetite1, A splendid fooline to-lny ami a Uepr ss-d oiw to-monow, noiliingset'ns to taste K'1- tir" sleepless md all uiu-trunar, wctikucsfc d'tllli.v. eMMnfM-l-i" entries uf One n..t(l. If not tx-n Ald, InuKgUU l!l rifliaJ juu '.I,- rm P"-- At llrutlsl., 60e. hle. tl.O tye. loIl.i.' Ou.iie to V h" fro-OonFlttl id f'B XIL Kit UTI. VO liUiOBAMtOS. V. X. FOE FAR 31 AND GARDEN. HHMEDV lOIt THIN SHtLLS. E;rs n,liy k 'uii' before the slicll lms had time to form, on a eoti't of ovcrfeciliitj"f tlic ovaries btin tiiiiu luted beyond tho proper degree, iu this case the remedy h .imply a ic--irk'lionof diet. If e' bhclls are Hot formed o:i account of a dcikicucy of lime, this uiut bo .applied by usiii'! an v of the materials commonly i used which contain ii, pounded cyttei' shells cr clam slie'.l., bones, lime wu'er and so forth. New Y'.'ik UhsCiv. r. SIZL OF COW sIAl.I.s. (Single stalls arc tho bet foi cow., j ns the danger of one stepping on an e'ijcr's teats an I injaring or wholly destroying them is avoided. The row lire kept cleaner when in i-inuh' (-tails. Til. ll-lial width of the Ma'! is 1 four fee'. One inch lopo in the tbn-r lieni the head of the -'all to . Iio yuttu- j 1. .'.HicicKl. 'llio ieii It ol the Mali il.'juMi.l - on the sie of the cow, and a--oaic are laier th in oilier-, it i- c mi: until to i n :i ii o lite lloor wider lit one Ci:d th.ili the other, and thus have a regular utadatioii by wl.ic'i the -mall and i:u l.'.. cow. niiiv be acC'Mtinio l.iicd. The 'ei. -tii of floor -liven i- the clear . .pace between li.e muaycr an I the ; uiu'tcr. If the Heo 100 lOI'g. tic cows v, ill n.it he kept to clean I 'f I' i is of such a i ndi that the hind Iket 'Ollle at thu vdC of the tMIe,-. :N-w V-.-ik I'iaics. ii.vi. . . . i , t n i i i v r . A d urind.-tonc that t uii- :. 'ie ,? i nc c-iiy nil cvi i y farm. i'la e i: under piieher, .iiid wear it vi't a- -. n is po-ibie by keeping a i cd;ed tool-, ii - ii -i I "y sharpened w i h i'. in a go. d w.n kinainike cjitdiiioti. When mow. iiij-. or lea; inr, tite kniWs ol'icn be coaie da I ere r. is linte h, urn on: : if yen hive a pie-of conr.-e w 1k; ttotte in the m o.hine hi i tl.ey are -eon ma le 'j.ii'e si.:-.! p or at le.t i it-. tii1 d.e roughened ;!. ..s v. .. SL.ii'p-a.d. A -harp, li.e iin-wei - i s'ia...'.r j .'.ipus'', Lik if e. u lic l i ;. !ii..i,.i',e Ii .'. -.Liu d ' c- wrapped it. clot ti ') pivciit l; iiMininiy. or u-ele--we.ii a.;.i:n-'. ilie.-r iron too;. Tcaeh tie. i'. he p ui! e Igid tools i.i g.-.ji c .. :r - o'!', an..l !..Vii ...low ;hc ImviI at ui to g- , U -id u jilt a lit': a.e. ijJC. .:h', v:' other edged t.o , and in-i-t u.'-.ti 'he tool- bt liji L".'i.lr:,l Ii! .i I ; n i f. 1 ! . i . e . fo'ilXllt- b. Cat li.il , l!le.l ICis tilliC a. id :il'. for mtia or boas'. ' A.iiculttiti-t. i . l-.t.Sl AXI.IIAM'LI.-. Woo.l lnai.es tit- l.ie-t fixe White hii k-;l'v next b'.S'. fir ti ie .-:. i'l'.l Ci in diameter leaves aie off and theieisiio shouid he straight, with tm Then :!i til-.' . Ii knot.- mid as a l'tti.e red wood ui the heai : its i.-.-5 bl-; a -hort, stubby treu u-1; i iy ti.ii little led wood. Cat id a j i-o.-.-r i itgtii for the hand.e and ' :. :'. :i;1pe :!. iece with tin a I.'-, a -h t.p d.;.w oig-knlfe to die-- it i. Have a pattern made if in i.ull-iiteli board, and use this to to! a i ! -I:.:;.'.'. Lay litO pattern ol; 'the Wi.nl :;; I lii i i. around it wiin t".'!i. Ii" i'illi'flii not to yc.i III- j-leee too -iita, i in any phn.- '. When ! (".: Jy sh:.j ed ll-c a piece of tlhi-.-lo smooth the -ill face, and poli-h wi.h i- iinlp ij'i'f. I'm it away to si msoii. hand end down, to prevent craekiiti!. W ii ready for it-e put on lint axe, . ae lohavj 'he end lit in tnc .'n'. '!-. In hanging the axe have ' i;;,. fi-oiii you, ill-tea I of to I lie ward you Lm- a li'ie, as such an axe ivlii oat fa-ter and easier. New V-o k T rib n i.e. )1M S IN lll.t si.-M AKIN',. 1 onie of the resii.l- icined iu the j m uiiilaeiuiv of cheese during M iy IU the New Yoi k station, and also nl I e'li c-.' faelories under its ob-ervation, have i ceeiit iy lie. tit given on this page. The-e exji. rlini'iits con i in ted through Tunc fit'iii-h -"ttie inldit iotuil points not heii'iutore leported. Tllfl tables f.iiin i in hull"! in No. to givo the fol- i..e, it.g avetage resii.ts for ten f-xpt-ti- j r-,. .it- ni.de at a f.it.uy in Jeff,-. ,oti j e- and etgnf experimeiila made nl j -' i.ioii: j i he lime rcqaired for milk to begin I,, il ieketi after the addition of rennet averaged in the factory ex eriinent.. iibou' tifuen mi ti ii c In the stitliou e : eriineiits about twelve minutes. The lime from adding rennet lo cut ting curd iu ilii factory experiinniits iiveraeed about twe-tty-six iniiitltes, In the station experiment eighteen minutc-i. The lime required to heat lo 98 de grees or more ufter cutting ami stir ling curd in the factory experiments avcra-i-d abmit C7 minutes:. In the Minion experiments nb oat forty-nine minutes. Tin; time from i enlii m' t' deg res or moii! to drawing whey averaged iiinetj -one iiilnuie- in ihe factory exh'i'iiiieii!s ami lift;. four minuies at the station. ! irocess ihe lime In the Mii red-cur ironi draw w ! ey to salting curd jiVft-ige-l Iwenty-lUe minutes ill (ho fiiel uy oxi ei inieut-, iind in the sta tion expelimenls l!ie timo was lifleen initiu e-. The lime occupied by the whole op. cratioii of choosc-m ikiii'r in lite facto, ry experiment'' iiviuaiged about seven hours vtiil tony live minutes. In ihe station experimeiu the time aver. ngoil abott. live hours. New Yovi; , World. i Alt! O SHLEP RISli;. Eastern bill farms w ill never return i U old-tiino produc'.iveiie.ii until i gain : trampled, fed an '. munnred by sheep, i declares Ilollister (s.i-e in the N.Y.Tt ib- I line. Large flocks eanuol L'e kept now, but as fertility of pastures in-otea.-.es tho numbers may be in treastd gradually until a Irii degree of in tensive agricultui ' usilts. l.'g-ate a great hindrance easy ntav, but are they as tronbl- -atir. and ' ris'.ent as wolves and f ixes in the days of our ancestors? Moicovcr, is it harder U) K. ,,1i;,u j j,, tlilM l0 t . Uts ruii.'i'.t- 1'iicos for beef or dairy prodiic: Ii d-'ci.-ivo h'gis'alion iigainsl d"i;3 can not bo ciij ycd a! oi.ee, thi'ioase ollicr m.-aa- "I bed ivory t.cjad i ti I.i -el Held (i.'oii'i. ) Beii? nr. not cosily, o-t a flu t p w ill one on, tiv:i-' av tl . u 1 1 i rt-1 o i-. .lh j ,,,.vel. nor had a lie. led tl e'; attacked." II l.ci p- two tljck of twenty or IWeti '; live to clean pa-ttiic- for li s .'cimv cm p. "Let ii pair of A'igO'a j; a i an widt tho link," i- the advice cf sonic. They are b 'lieved to beat i tt ivj'ii their luriis aiiv do''. lite Horned ,n.'c U also icceinniendcd in ,i,js j-.ti'iic'.iiar. ,,,,,.( ur OdKl .tion, ai e -. III- .nil ...I .. , I.o MV. ! lie nijthtly folding tin' flock in ihe fid manner practised by American i'tr-1 ll'Iy Ltm! pioiii.ei. '1 I. is calls for less labor lh..ii L'efiiig the e.MVs ain.i milking twice ca-ii ii.t. I'.iittCJ re placed by floeks In ii-g great eitf ourt.c. ne'iit to farmers' wive-. h c.nt-e they have ie.-s help to board an '. no milk to r.l.e litir; itnd c:il'.'. The Its-eiiing of the i'i.i lor hirt.l hands is in it-elf a I.i i or toward success with sheep, tvieep are invalU'tble a ciea:n,i a'ld hnprcvcis of land. In rcp'y to 'he j tery, 'TI.mv in- clt do your sheep re turn 1'" a piaci:..".! sheepman said to ini : '-O.ie hundred )er cent, in ' ish f i'i;i sel.i-i-; wo-'l and lambs, besides .loieg the pastures good Mid paving for ;i:i il.'.-y eonsjine. ' Ho does no', r.it-e ho hi.n.e Limb.-, ei het ; they w...t d i.tt:'.;..- his j rc fit 9 still great r. A t!t"s. .'uiy voting man can begin ut'.tt a sina . liock and learn to care foi tn-crea-li'g ti r.il 'C-rs a his p u.uies and ei: a n m-iaiii.e- permii. l ai m :: ( e ui tip tho e e.l pat it i ven it yon d i not p.o'v T;,-; enl.-h.-go ciop is siiort. f f you have iitn do not wa-le 'heiti. 1'. t you ivrt tiy l.owng cut'b.tgn that yo I liioi'ght too -oft to be 'solid-" It nut, try some this yp.ir and notice results. 1 i i acc nut of being eutily cleaned, e i-ily rciuoved and less liable, to bieak the eggs, sawdiist i reeoiiimeiided as a meierial fur good ncs's. ! '1 vc tho fowls four, swift wer .f-e.l 1 about twice a week, but not too inncii I s! a time, and it will givo thcr.i a I el j--y coat nf tr they are done niotiit big- It is too often the ease on the farms i i hut no care is la'iCIl to keep any ae. c" 'i' of tin! ages of tli? fowls, itnd in consequence too many old he.'is are jhopt. It requires but little time and a' ten. , tion tom.ina:.e a snift'i Uoek.hnt it it is intended logo jmo poiiliry lit'sliiy a ; a bu-dn.'-s it meatis work and ph try ol il. lo yon havo mi army of coikeid .v till your ihn k of Lens. If not fat e tough to make good eating, keep by iheiii-t'.ves tid fat iheu sell or kit; litem for home consumption. r iiiitjiiiia iini.v u-i mh iiii o.;ga ie winter in a cool, dry cellar. It u ;t is noo.l plan to cut thorn into strips ia"'l and round, and dry ihete in a wai 111 room mid keep ihetn in paeer hts. To uo lite dried pumpkins soak the s r.ps in wa er ;i:t I cvuk liiem iu the usual wtf. I'luiii tree- are best planter; iu the Miring, us are all other stone fruit-. j ,f.y sllo.;!,i ,.; set twewytosu I- t .,,,..,. The best u a t.-.ther nioi-t ,, )xl ti, lm,d si, .ui-1 not be uc'. one go d varieties ate ihu (o-i-inau ,H:,o', g10 u ;oige, Lombard. Wash. j,,,,,,,, .,-lleison, golden drop, weiiio C'iamle, uaekciibos. nu-1 .l.nn-on. re.qile Wlio lull Safely. A fall, as ,-i rule, injures n drunken man much le than a sobi r one he-eau-e, tin; controlling power of the mind being tendered nil through in toxication, tiie body labs as an inert mas-, and thus the chances of injury aic iessened, for, strange though it may appear, it is no less a fact that .he most iitimjious cases of injury aii-ing from a fall are c used by the r ll'ii t, voiiiniai-y or otherwise, lo avert the consequences, Um straining the iiio-cics cinl tendons. Very tarely me it-jurioitn i Heels from a fall known in a lunatic a-yluni for the tamo siin- pie reason the tni.nl has no in 11 tic nee over the Del i ui of the liodv. Audit is a reinai kiihlo iiud well-known faet to those who have lo ileal with such eases that whatever injuries aro so caused heal iiiurli more rapidly than in the ca! ! tantt people, the mi ml having 11101 e t lo with retard i ng or a-siting natiire' efforts than is gen etallT known or realized. Boston UcjuJd. (jU.VINT AMI t I'hIOl'S. llio female ostrich lays seventy ejtgs a year. The Galling gun was invented by iat'.iiig in 'i !. M i.i: ui y eiteiiKcts were formeiiy called trench nia-ler-. In India thcie t-a -pceies of crow that laughs just like a human being. Il is said ilia! ''.'.'" varieties of goods are inanu I';u i in el from wood. Market garden- in iV.ris pay dor.i-u for live to: it- us insect destroy ers. The game of billiard- m inveii'ed iu i i- iitee toward- the end of the lit tceiilli cent lire. Alter the passage of tliecqio cinna mon, vanilla, cloves, nutmeg and pep per came into u-'c. Ti e State of Wa-hiiigtou is one ct the heaviest cou-iimei- of condensed milk iu the eoun'iy. In tho Lkveulh t.'cnlury both II gli-h and l ieti .Ii dundi-a covered their in ins with In ..eelet-. The .Sandwich Islanders become hilai joii- on the Juice of a Vegetable resembling (he beet root. A 1: unsw ick (Me.) man recently paid lor a -nit of clothes w'ch IK"."', whicii wci-l'.ed twciity-one pounds. The icarary of surveying" iu tin lent i iigiif.'Cl ilijf is lilarveious, con siiici ing the rudeac? of the instiu uieuis. I lec w e -d. l'eiin., claims to have a jinnee whi.li weighs twenty-eight i -trices i u i measures sixteen inches in f. ircumfm nee. A shoemaker iu Berlin, (orinatiy, has invented an artificial sole of stone for us.' iu shoes. It is elastic ami c.;-y on the f . el, and is calculated to last for ycai s. Mrs. Wi.hatn Wood, the wife of a prominent farmer, d ed at Martins ville, I ml, resently. Sic v.a- married when foil I' i u years old and theit::!) only tiiiny-iivo when site died, site had le-n a graudm.iher for two year.-. A ilmtny, such as burghu s ue, is simply a sh-.i t crowbar. A sceti u.tl j imiiv is one in secdoiis of, say one foot in 1' ugth, which arc screwed to gether to make it of the mc-sary lengtii. One cml of til's jimmy is tin ned up a little ntoro than the oi.lin ai y crow bar. The jimmy U ;iii cxam j lc i f n simple !ev r. The largest specimen of extiti.t animal ever found in the wo, LI was ' lini skeleton of a I: nosaurian reptiio discovered in ibo Bad Lauds of S 'lllh j Lakoia in 1&02. 1 he weight of the skull alone was it'l pound-, and of tho whole skeleton L'ijO pound-. It i tiow in tho rooms of the Achdcuiy of Natural science, Ihiiiadilphia. Luther Springer of Hancock, Me., owns a horse, w-ho-e davs of useful! tiess being over, he hin d a man to kid. The man, tilling an axe, started lo k-ad tho hoi se into the woods, but, ifler goin some ili-Iatnte, the uittinai suddenly attacked ine wouid-be slayer, nnd, throwing him down, trampled upon him ami injured him so badly that it is feared h w id not recover. At last itccouit s the l.,.i -e's pro-pecis of living we.o mu 'li i ell- r liiait the man's. Lived iui'1 lii d mi One Illnek. 'I here aro thou-aod.- of people in New York who have lever been out side. Ihe city limits, but there has jut-t died in List Twent; fotiitli si reel, a man w ho muM be 1 ee. at ded a3 the uiosl irovincial of his fellow townsmen, lie lived for years hi ihe same boiisO between Broadway and Si.x'h uveinie, nnd was never know 11 to leave the block, which is bounded by tlio-e llioi ouglifaies. II" vc a- a bachelor, with. ' out kilh or kin, ami lived in a single loom, knowing no one except his land lord, whom he pai l leguiarly every week, anil shunning strangeis when. I ever they made advances to hi 111. 1 lo : received r. mlinuietis from a Wall -licet broker rcguluily every Tuesday up. ining He w 11s a regular at end ii.t st the M idlson Squa e Thc-.itie, width is 011 the suttu! block in which he lived, (in. I spent the afternoon in prom .'Had ing 1 wetry-fourih street, between Broadway and Sixth avenue, but he never went further fit her way. lie dined modestly at a near-by cafe, ; bought his shoes, shirt and underwear nt the e iriier of Bron I way ami Twin , ty-f. in th street, ami had hi- clothes I ill ado by a tailor 0:1 Ihe block. The . eccentric old man kept this up until a few days ago, when lie was found ! d ad in betl. He left absolutely no j dice's, nor were any letters found giv- ing a clew to the identity of any I friends. st. Louis H "public. (rape. I C rape is a light, transparent fabric, 1 composed of silk from winch all the j io-1 has been taken, When dyed, ; us it mindly i, of a blnek color, it is 11, ed iu mourning, chiefly to trim ladies' dresses, also as veils and around men's hats. In the naval ami iiillilaiy service, when tdlieers wear mournin-, j- i simply represented by a four-inch baud of black crap,: around thu loft arm and a bow of the same tied t the sword hilt. D'lroit Free Press. The United .Stales t'Xpoile.l provi sions iu 18'Jl lo tho value of!, 130,017,-401. Do You Knoir That The troubbs in love affairs is, that tho parties to it love U o much to love long. llow polite and gallant a man Is to the women of tho wo: id who aro not related to him. Most babies cry In church because they are frightened by the boisterous talk of the preacher. ThOi is nothing more profound than pride, nnd, strange to say. noth imr more ridiculous. A woman's greatest rival in a man's heart is the pleasure bo cnj. ys in having bis own way. A man's best fr.etid to-d ty is often the skeleton in his closet tint fr Hunts him the in.'st to-morrow. The. be-t love I titan is he who gives the mast; lie is als the one Ica-t ngatdoJ winn he stop- giving. i 'tie very good rea-on why a man should teli the truth Is that it is ti t the tax on his memory that a lie would be. Men judge a man's rel'gion by his actions outside tho Church, and the wa.nieii judge it by tiie brill. uney ed his pr jyeis within. It is ail we.l eno-ijiii to tell a man Witch he i in troub.e to piok on the Plight side; the rub is to find the bright side to look on. ine m -n wi;i n..t st:p doing u f "It-h thing, U-ciiuse if tli 'y did, i; would !.e ait admission ou their part that it was foolish. A woman who has evcr.rtnl:.',' to lose and nf. thing to gain, is always mote reckless thau a man who has everything to gain and nothing to lo.-e. If jaop'c In Bible times were like they are now. Christ found it easier to die for sinners- th-ui to lind any man afterward who w ..mid admit tli it he was one. Men are. brutes. They have bettor times occasionally without their waves, and t".l them so. Women aro hypi erite-. Tlvy en'oy life without their lia-btitiils onco iu a while, but th v will never admit that they ate not miserable with rut I hem. We have nfi'eeJ that the mora lodges and clubs a man belongi to, the more often his n'-lghbois .see his wtfe splitting wood before breakfast, .buriing too many ledges seems to have the same elle t on a man's fam ily as if he were given to the drink lit.' habit. Atchison f.b-l-C. Itcho Cor-.K ts. In an op'-iaiic performance m Par- ; p. the cornets are titteiV-with a new. rcli'. app'tiatus. which (1 lifers from : th-. se hitlicrt 1 Uev:sC:u in not alter lug the natural tone tf the instru ii;en. It ii simply a small chaiabcr ei silvered epp-.-r s- ensfueted as t 1 ir rLi'.'C the etho when adjusted to the iif.tili of the tr.iuiptt. is ROYAL The Official Government Reports: The United States Government, after elaborate tests, reports the Royal Baling Powder to be of greater leavening strength than any other. (Bul letin 13, Ag. D p., p. 599.; The Canadian Official Tests, recently made, show the Royal Baking Powur.R highest of all in leaven ing strength. (Built (in 10.. 16, Inland Rev. Dep.) In j -Tactical use, therefore, the Royal Baking I'l iv. iu R goes further, makes purer and more perfect food, than any other. Government Chemists Certify: "The Royal Baking Powder i riii i-'.td of pure and wholesome iiiftredicnts. It docs not contain either alum or phos phites, or other injurious suLstasKts. " Lt.wAiai ti. Lovt. Ph. I.)." r "The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the purest and rnos. reliable l aktng powder ottered to the public. " Husky A. Morr, M. I)., Ph.D." "The Royal Baking Powder is pines: i.i quality and high it 111 strength of any baking powder of which I have knowledge. "W:i. Mi.Mrinp.iE, Ph.D. ' lie Covcnimaif Report shoics all other baking pozoerx A.VsA',7 lo contain alum, lime or sulphuric aciJ. EVERY BIAS S OWK DOCTOR. By J. HAMILTON AYLliS, A. H H. This is a most Valuable Book for Household, teaching as it noes the easily-distinguished Symptoms of different Diseases, the Cause sand Means of Preventing such Diseases, and tip Simplest Remedies which v,;ll Alleviate or Cure. 598 PACES PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. Th- I'. ok is writto'i in plain, ever.- i':.v Engish. ami is free from tho te hnieal terms wiii.n rcuj . .'ao-tl'i to. 1; -o va.a ! 0, t lie g.-uer ili'.v of reador o.Vi.atst t0 trot iei-.ii m f.e la . nal wor.lf.l a to he readily understood h.V all. ONLY 60 CENTS, POSTPAID. Not (tdv ilos fits l o I; e..n ion . m i :. fi-.'v a Co 1 1 !'... n:tli- -o e.-n ' nn I the I'i o 11 lain ami 1 i.o a: 'a 1 iiiill lt-'l ;e- nn'l I r - - i:il.'iiiiilliti ol t New Edition, RevisoJ and Enlarged, will. Complete Index, , :uX .ly'utai ;Jlv? : t ou a f r this vatu iide r.nuaia. ONIjY OO OE3VT, rOBTIPAID. f-n I istal note or poitigf 8tsm 1 of auy ili.ni niLion not larger thin 5 cents. 1(KK PUBLISLIIXC' HOUSE, loi Leonard St., N. Y.City. The Letter Ii. Ia early English It was always trilled, says a writer in Science, as it continues lo be in Scotland, wbtro most of the characteristics of early English are still prevalent. But in modern English the trills have been softened away wherever It follows a vowel, until little is left of the B but its vowel quality. We are accus tomed to the entire omission of it In negro speech, where do and sto aro all that we hoar for door and store; but in educated utterances there is some phonetic effect left in 11 even where it is least manifest. .Such delicate shades of sound are the distinguish ing marks of refinement in pronun ciation, and they fchuuld be carefully p'.eservcd by teachers and by writers on phonetics. (in twice ns far ns liver pills nnd cere nftrn-'t I lull- lii-in.-. The shortest cut to happiness is to try to f ive it. Ke-t'irr thf Complexion by clctiQsin the ea 'ile Qstclu, .s.'.u.I llilv 11. ,o,s. Wle never a stu etui hide lis hea l it fee's safe. K:ua'.l Li.e.- Iloiivs ,v 11 rare C '1 he tluili it tv.tsi.'peJ by snmc e. the dwellers alopg tUs A;riciu coasts. Nie.'ii'aM'a.- f I "'t hnro. Fvery J-liar- " ;;. . :i i .- i a. 1-'. rl. : .-i'i '. lie :;e'U!i. s-.-ml l, . lo. I l osjei :us. A. J. Me I.i :de. Altai. tu, 1.1:1. F imo is a bright robe; but t soon wears out nt tli oibows. 'Itiore 1: raf re catRrm in this section ef the conrtrv ttnn ftll oilier diseases put loeetbi r nriiti.uth the lfiet n w- years wk sum..mU tr bt Saca'aWe. l oniLTCHt many yet.rs doctors it. iiuiiimil it n lo' itl dis. iiM'. nnd pves' r: hi d .ui al r im-dii.-. and hy coiirtantly lailna; lo caivwi'b ineiil treat nir tit, pronounced it 'a. tcnihio. SVicii."0 n:e- proven eatari h to he a cot'-1 11 ntioiiiil disci-.... nnd thf ieh re n iniircs r. iisi o ,., 1 . -: : so 1 1 rcat meal . Hull's Cntlirrl. t in .', in. 0. nt . 1 Mir.-d ry P. .1. I neney A: t'o., 'J'olrd... Uln... i- I t.e et.ly ctnistititiii.iial cm on tho it. ..rio t. Iiisinkf-ii Intern. si t in iln-r. Irem p'drops to a tca-;uif,nl'ul. It arts (iin ctly upon It:,.- l io-.C ,:--fi 'ai.c.iu-i surla- i - of t lie m sn-tn. '1 hey 1 !!". ' ;m for any rase it Oiils to cur.'. fi'.'Ud for sit.a'itai-j and test imoniftls. Addo ts . . .1. C h'.nf.v A: Co., lolevio, U. t& .'sul'1 Vy L'rusaisti.. ;;-c. , ( !(! ";. ni-iv eot nutlit th? v. tin I ut f'.h' 11 itao ho la'.vve . C e ntl i-.ev. 1 xsroie and diet are the card I 1 vol in-, of I.-M.-I hc.tiih. Tnk.' -are of the I -' T 11 :0.-l it Vi'll k Ice. -.vh.lt aad how to ' 'it j - 1 n- i iitvtr '.i'.' III. it i - laiiio"! thai '''.if. i.. c. ! ,...i. a .hno'.e m rb rcatdy. .11 i o 'tif: ti.n ri-ail- --f v icntf !n ji.l;. V lint i d in. r.Mjuot le iju 1 one esjeailly it it .0 a l.nrci- c-.lf.l j-g. I',. a I'i of-M!i'. t. sn v.sTtr sto TVr mi--.-.- I'M: 1 isms. ";. '. .'.- Jli'.)n!.ial mc-i" ' . ' n : niiulitt l .-.liCli e 1 To; i-ttlio. t'Ali:i-y The iiidispetisible savant is tna.t. nf tit iri 'tion run owder D. the JSJjff ' h&pL J" 'fi 'J". rK .els by lh- !(Tn.ri.: llll' U printed.) l'.f..r.'iiiti - n Peia'iv to Disoairt. bat very ot tni i . rtaiit,n' t C'iiirthli, Marriage ; Healthy 1 mniht st together with r. ei i ii-j, i:.,iniil-iil I'rnid !. ' ret iv f i'llmiry IIert. vC3 V 4 Botli tlifi nietiioil r.ii 1 results when Syrup of Tigs is taken; it ia pleasant and rcfrethinj L tho taste, and acU genily yet promptly ou the Kidneys, Liver and IJjwel, clonuses tho sys tem efleettmliy, dispels colds, head aches and livers and cures habitual constipation, fry nip of Figs ia the ou!y remedy of it.i kind ever pro duced, ple.'s!n;f to the liittte. and ac-rc-pttiblo Id tho tfomucli, prompt in its ncticn and truly 1.x ticficial in its cfieetf, i'.-opcred only iVorn the most healthy siud jigrceablo substances, its rnauy csci llent qtialit.l.'S commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy hnowa. fciyrup of Figs Is for salo in 50o and 61 hottWby r.'l leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wiihesto try it. " Do net accept any substitute. CALIFOhMA FIG SYRUP CO. tiiJ. cii. t.,V YOI K, v.r. louisv:ll, a;' Syrup" My ni-.-c, ICtntliuo ILiwley, wass, taken vith spiitinj Muoil, and she bc-caniQ v.trv iniir'a til ii inc.l, fearing tli.it dicatl.-d ill-- i"f, Coti.-umption. She tried t: . ti'iv all kintls of medi cinchut .;'!, i"-; did any good. Final!-' sh-2 1 -. ,1; CUtcv.i 1:1 Syrupand she told itt: it did I or more good than atiytliin o; ;!:o ever tried. It shipped the. bloc, !, ;., t ,e her strength and case, r.u.d a jventd appetite. I had it from her u-.v.) lips. Mrs. Mtirv A. Situ i v, Tiuuibull, Conn. Honor tj Germ tn ."-iup. Da Not It Trroi 1 1 t'.iinti which Etaln the " o on red. i ... i.i (;:'.ir.t, Odor nr."? vj-i t.r m tla ".. rv . :ra,.v.. Unlike ihe Dutch Process Ko Alkalies Oil Oilier Chemicals Ms r nrs ttfd la the i rcjur.itt&ii of -vs. W. DAKER & CO.'S H : BreakfastCocoa vhlrh absolutely pitro and soluble. Hi-it 1 f. ' j : : ' It hr.s nt.tri thirntUrcelimrs lii:. ;r.i;'.' of Cocoa Mixed v.!:h isini-e'i, Arrtiwroaf or siie-ir. told i. far nmro ecu- nomical, c-. no h ; 3 ". unc rent a cu). It i-i t'nlleliiii', iiutiri.-hit'", i.ud EASILY duiksilo. ii'hl I jf (inner, f .i-rynlictf. W. BASER & Cui, Ijorcliester, Mai Went to iinr.1 stl an;, it a Hurt-? Howiu lt;a: 0:.t a ooo.K i.ct i:iio-v;iui cite. tkn nnd to 0 ar I a.oti:" Fr. lal ! 1 left I ben e ..D 1 rCe.iaCuro wt.cu f.iu".. U - l.i. , '1 ell tl.M r..... I'V Uielti'tti? w lot to nil li.e Mm rent ivrt 0' Aniiiial I Hour to -li i- 11 lie 60 lTop-ity ' Atttu- end ..tti-r v.i u i. e lufo 1. atlen i.au t e oMa i M by nalits car 11)0.1 A(.E I J.I.fSTH TF.ll llOltSE HOOK, vtit.oi we will wr-ni". v--jit d.ou le.-iii'i o." only -j5 cent ia eiainne. BOOK PUB. HOUSE, 134 Leonard St., Now York City. Consuoimlvr mil pnOOie Iwbo bft?e wtaK iiiiivii or Ae-th-tiia.flboald use Tisu sCure tor Consumption. It has cured thousands, it nns net m-ur It IS tP.O DC? i. t UUfil ru, ArAA cprvwhtvo. Sfi&e. La STSHlLOHSf Cuto Consumiition, t'ouch", Cronp, 8ot flirottt. iiold 1 y all l'n:;;;.stJ en a Guarantee. xjiartfira -irtoxju. n.,i i..M-i uriiiv .' i.ubint ...I. i ti' n:ij.isai. r 1 .T Oil!,' .."" l'"1!' ". , " ' ,!,. i..,iii J n.i. i," poaie-l I . ivje 01 Cf-Blnnl i-.!''' " ' ,,.' !,R:;!pi!,..';,a;;, (SCll.'.l.lll- .. . V . l.'o to OM .-..li lie uot .,. ,.'..., i.chW flH.I.Ir "ill' .1 In sit"1 i..i1lI!I.:i ho w.i U.al'i (.crieaa. Ad-.''iI'L"dr. .1. I I ,(., s, t.o. I BIfi rilO FITS A"" wenteo t'.sili I tl.e Sis-l'tn ! '1. CbOM.I SCSiSov lernniniulia CR1AI' EF,lLEB,so.lioaco,Y A n FNT W A NT E D; f41jCl I Owe ..lieii'ly Iravi'iiiiit f:.:emsn, f .TTLT".7i.7,.r,. ..,...,. l.-ltnp. HAM FAT. i riiFIIS 1)11, ( l.II'A V. ieve mid, l. ASEHTS WANTED OH SALARY .,r .. .is. l"ii !.. leetO... O.e ' I'V . tujjt et!.' 1:11. . I l:,K Itr .mm.: I'.-iu il. .,,rriib ni:ilili. i() iier rK, NOM'.-afc l ltAsl H AlHi. CO., A Ui CreiM', 'i It N D .'1 OPjlijf?? Hoipt.ln" llehlt 'nrriMn IU I 1 W i'.ii D7i'. S I E FHt NO. LeBinon.Ohio! tow t i-.n-t tiny a V at. l adies' . 1.1 oil Vi i.l. I . (iel.l t-:,i, , on., rntrnn-l, ta. Im'IuI Cel l, 1 i P T. M, iw.')-. l'.u.'lt, N. V PM : " .i C v- I- ltm i I M 4 T- Vf,lila.i .. mm m m m w , .... BOYS! At iir. I I