TIll'KSDA V, JINK U. IS(M. Jo not forget to lint your tnxa-bli-H. You muni do it during thin monih. 50,01)0 boari pine Nlmiglcs lor iiulo by II. 1 Stono, nt Foarrinyton's null, Kiuliu r. U For huIo or rout tbo tlwollin mid lot in Pitlnboro, ruconlly occiis i.v I). 11. MuihIi. Anply at j j JJkcouk ofluo. For monument mnt tombstones of tliu latest uinl prulti.'Ht Uomgns write to Kobt. I. Wotfern iV lo., jiro- Iiriotors Durham iMarblo worUs )urham, H. 0. Dr. John II. Inndoii,ol Kuloitfh, will ha ut Piitsboro' on tbo (iimI Monday in every month and remain threo days, prepared to do any bind of dental work. Tbo limners uro now in the midst ol the liarvenl, and many nn ocre ol wheat will bo cut this week. Wo hear encouraging reports as to the crop, which is (generally conaui ovod very good. Mr. Thomas H. I'urrtir died at bis residence, in Baldwin township, on last Saturday, aged about seventy jcars. He was a prominent em.en f this county ami bad been a mag istrate for many years. Dr. V. II. I'M ward.vil' Wake For est, will visit I'ittsboro' on Monday nnd Tuesday following the third Sunday in every month ; and will bo at Moneuro on the billowing Thins day and Friday, prepared to do any kind ol dental work. If you need a nico dross you will it at W. L. London &, Son's, who find will offer litis woek splendid induce ments to cash customers. Ilwill pay yon to see the bargains they are now offering. Money will go a long way. Special bargains in millinery goods. They still have on hand at V. L. London & Son' a large stock ol ready made clothing that they are selling very low for the cash, you can now buy a suit of clothes lor less money than ever. Call and see their stock. Largest and finest stock ot shoes in the couuty. Pkrsonal Items Wo are pleased to learn that our former county man, Mr. J. J. Hooker, who has been prac tising law at Webster, in Jackson county, for a few years, is moating with much succoss. Our esteemed young countyman, Mr. George V. Paschal, who has been teaching for several months at Marion, S. C, is hero on a visit to his relatives. Mr. Ernest T. Bynum, of this place, lias been appointed associate proles nor of History and Hebrew nt Trin ity. College. This is a very hij-h honor lor ho young a man, and wo predict lor him a brilliant future. Sbveuk Storms. Din ing a storm on last Tuesday tbo dwelling of Dr. 11. T. Chapin,atthisplaee,wasstruek by lightning and narrowly escaped destruction. Two window shutters were knocked olf, some of the weath orboarding was ripped oil", and some plastering was knocked down, but fortunately no member of the family was hurt at all. It is certainly won derful that none of the family were even shocked. On last Monday afternoon quite a violent storm swept through that part of Hickory Mountain township near Kiinbollon post office. Wo hear that the growing crops on several farms were almost entirely destroy od. A .Democratic Baby. Mr. James M. Keck, of Hickory Mountain town ship, is ono of tho truest democrats in Chatham, and it has been a sotireo ot deep regret to him to think that none of hisihildron would be demo cratic voters, bocauso all (six in number) aro girls. But to bis great joy a boy baby lias at last recently arrived at his houso, and to givo it a good start in domocracy ho has se lected for it tho sound democratic namo ot "Uonry Alfred Womack", in compliment to the editor of the IIkcorii, and Hon. T. B. Womack and Mr. Alfred Ferguson, ono of tho best democratic farmers of that neighborhood. That baby is bound to bo a true- democrat! School Committeemen. Tho coun ty Board of Education, at their meet ing last week, appointed the com iniltoomon of all tbo public school districts in this county, and their term of ortico will begin on the 1st day of July and continuo two years. The following is a list of tho com mitteemen of tbo white school dis tricts : .District No. 1. J. W. Overman, J. A. J. Pattorsou, John P. Albright. 2. M. F. Ilornaday, Jamos Thomp son. A. L. l'OX. 3. J. A. Foglemau,W. P. Stouti'hos. J. Dixon. 4. Hugh W. Johnson, Jonathan Thompson, V. II. Loy. 6. J. Cicero Smith, O. U. Cooper, John II. Siler. 6. W. W. Edwards, J. P. Buck nor, Calhoun Terry. 7. It. D. Smith, M. G. Dorsott, E. M. Johnson. 8. E. V. Straughan, Henry Johnson, W. P. Moore. 9. A. N. Andrew, T. P. Andrew Sr., Jonathan Lindley. 10. W. P. Lindley,!'. F. Andrew Jr., A. J. Clark. 11. Edward Johnson, Levi Haiti), W. P. Stono. 12. A. M. Self. H. Henderson, Manly Perry. 13. J. (J. Cook, H. F. Andrew, W. M. Buckner. 14. A. J. WilsoD, W. B.-AiwtbT, a. S. Strowd. 15. II. M. Love, M. K. Perry, Jesso M. Bailey. l(i It. P. Poe, Calvin Crulehfield, J. K. Millikeu. 17. B. W. Maun, L. D. Hobby, J. W Harris. 18. A. M. Bowdeu, A. W. Norwood, Jotf. Ivev. 11). P. M. Pearson, T. S. Colo, E. J. Iliiriisboo. 'M. J. J Hackney, John W. Horton, J. K. Horton. 21. M. B. Merritt, Marshall ltiggs boe, W. P. Horton. 22. D. P. Parrish, B. J. Sears, Dr. J. M. O'Kolly. -M. II. Sears, J. D. Yates, C. L. Wil liams. 2 II. M. Lo.vter, J. K. Johnson, Elbert lleindon, 2."). E. H. Ilolloman.B. P. Upchurch, L. P. Johnson. 2li. T. A. Bland, A. J. Bryan, L. F. Baldwin. 27. W. L. Uriflin, Matthew Seymour, William Williams. 28. Robert Cooper, W. P. Parrell, W. T. Whit". 2D. B 1). Johnson, li. M. Sanders, J. N. Hackney. :J0. J. 1). Brown, W. J. Lasater, D. Mout Poe. I.I. Noah lliitley, J. A. Thomas, C. D. Monro. V1. James Jones, W. M. Kolly, 15. II. Wilson. 153. Marion Womble, J. C. Davis, J. E. Sturdivant, :il. W. T. Edwards, T. L Lasiter, N. U. tinnier. :ij L. II. Mims, W. II. Cross, J. M. Dickens. ;tii. J, 11. Marks, II. T. Burt, J. II. Lawrence. :I7. A. J. Pipkin, J. II. Cotton, Buck Sloan. ;IS. A. J. Lett, W. J. Kosser, A. F. Smith. .'i'.J. A. H. Ilinesloy, S. T. Mansfield, A. N. Yarhoro. III. B. T. Buchanan, B. P. Thomas, B. W. Brown. 41. Alvis Moore, John L. Walden, M. II. Drake. 42. John Barringer, W. P. Burt, Uichard Moore. tt. 11. W. Lloyd, J. 11. Williams, W. J. Womble. 4 1. O. W. Stodman, J. It. Bright, W. P. Johnson. 45. W. T. Patluliall, N . It. icker, Charlos Kiddle. 10. T. A. Yarboroiigb, J. B. Kolley, W. S. Yates. 17. T. W. Segroves, Brooks Boal, Hubert Poo. H. Jordan Tysor, J. L. Johnson, J. L. Pattishall, P.). J. II. Burke, Marshall Oldham, O. M. Dorset U 50. J. .1. (ioUlston, A. J. Uolilston, I. W. Mo.--.-. '.I. E. D. Null, T. C. Boal, J. F. Aus ley. Si. li. iv. layior, kj. f. i aimer, i. B. Class. 5:i. J. C. Tillman, Alex. Oldham, D. C. Billiard. 51. C. M. Snipes, J. D. Harbor, C. W. Carroll. . Hugh Womble, ti. T. Hart, i. C. Coggin. 5C. N.iali Cheek, llnh Smu'.i.S. ! . Clariibi. . ti.fi. Emerson, E.J. Melver, J. M. Evans. 5S. Noah Sanders, J. M. Leonard, John (iilhert. 50. L. F. Williams, M. T. Horton, J. O. Morgan. GO. N. F. Phillips. J. L. Andrews, La ban Ellis. 01. J. W.Caldcr, B. B. Phillips, Milo Couni'itmiin. 02. E. C. Brewer, Frank Phillips, S. (i. Hradv. b"t. E:nsley Jones, John M. Scott, P. V. Smith. (!4. F. P. AdrowH, A. K. Ellis, W. II. Ellis. 05. A. A. Lambo, J. Kobort Brewor, W. Jasper Welch, 00. L. 1). Wrenn, A. J. Kane, J. I-. Page. (i7. U. W. Womble, W. L. Poo, P. D. Smith. OS. 1). (i Fox, O. A. Hanuor, J. J. Crulehfield. U'J. J. S. 1. Silor, J. Willis Dorsott, J. P. Dark. 70. Dr. O. li. Strowd, J. A. Brewer, It. W. White. 1. J. M. Foust, II. It. Vann, Wesley Adcock. 72. J. J. Johnson, . B. (nlmore, N. B. Dun lap. 73. W. A. Kives, Marion Emerson, J. A. Harris. 71. II. A. Field, J. W. While, T. K. (ireen. 75. 1. 11. Straughan, J. B. Burke, T. W. Hill. 76. N. li. Justice, C. B. Ulley.C. W. Burke. 77. Henry Buckner, A. V. Ferguson, G. W. Cook. 78. It. Manly Clark, Leonard Kay, Levi Itoers. 79. Olin Perry, Clarcnco Webster, W. N. Straughan. SO. William Hea'.hceck, W. P. Foil- sheo, M. T. Williams. 81. 11. M. Burns, T. L. Burus, S. I). Gilmoro. S2. J. 1$. Thomas, J. P. Thomas, L. B. Gu nter. 83. J. O. Clai k, W. S. Potty, J. M. GriUin. 84. W. P. Wynn, W. J. Goodwin, J. C. Council, 85. C. YV. Bynum, L. J. Andrews, W. D. Neal. 8C. It. P. Vomblo, It. D. Bridges, W. J. J Oil 1180 D. 87. J no. Untbaiik, Job Stewart, Jas. Itoucb. S8. Go. D. Frazior, J. G. Poushee, Jas. Campbell. 89. 11 D. Tallcy, P. S. Talloy, Jf . It. Smith. 90. Thomas Dafl'ron, A. C. Pickett, J. J. Vestnl. 91. Jasper Mitchell, L. U. Gilmore, E. Al. Wicker. 92. Ira Braxton, Ira Guthrie, J. Newlin. Wilkes county can claim tho old- est magistrate in tbo Stato who is ! actively engaged in tho service. Ho j is 91 years old and attends every i magistrates' meetiag bfld in the foanty. The Siler City Budget. Sii.kr City, N. C , Juno 13, 1893. There is a dearlh of news siuco the school closed. Pr(f! M. B. Branch has chnrge of tho commercial department fur the , , . , ! wero two or morobuudied dollars, ritteen students remained over, to tak tho commercial courso. i New Bern Joui i al : Two hundred The roller mill is in operation, and thousand dollars is a pretty goodsiz grinding daily, and it is turning out J,I 1'ilo of money, but it is approxi some vVy nice flour. It is certainly "lately tbo value of truck that wont a great convenience to the farmers from ibis sfelioU riming tho week, in this section, as it will afford the The N. N. & W. slenmcr line gives means 'of securing a better make of ; U9 information of their taking 10.000 flour, for their consumption, and tho distauco to mill, not so great as it has been heretofore. Messrs, Had ley, Peoples & Co., will reopen their canning factory at an early dale, and it will bo under tho management of Mr. Taylor Dor sett ot Ore Hill. Messrs. Fox and Crutchfield aro going to run a cunning factory also, and they aro now negotiating for the machinery, &c , requisite tor fa mo. Bev. Charles Anderson, a former student of the Thompson school, hut now of Wake Forest, preached in tho M. E. Church on Sunday morn ing. Mr. Corbult, of Washington, I). C, delivered an address in the Baptist Church on Sunday night, it was a very eloquent discourse; tho ispeakcr explained his subject in the truest sense. Mr. Hatcher, tho Masonic Lectur er for this Slate, will move his family to our town, somo liuio during this mouth, and ho will bo a great ucipu- sition to our little city. Mr. William Wrenn, father of our popnlaryoungdruggist, L L. Wrenn, will also move to ailer, during the vacation, ready for tho opening of the school in August. Prof. 1 hompson is on a vacation to friends and relatives in Alamance county Miss Bettie L. Tucker, of Peterss burg, irijinia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. 15. iN. Mann Miss Daisy Pal in or, of Winston, N. C, is visiting Mrs. J. D Mann Prof. Soaton Snipes is visiting his sister, Mrs J. 1. J jam be. Bev. I. N. Mann has bson confined to tho houso for two weeks, with a cut loot, caused by a blow from an axo. Quite a number of our people will attend the commencement at Liber ty on Friday. llomx Adair. State News. nionroo j'jwpiti'fr: Tuo acreage of sorghum cane in Union county is very large and tbo stand is good. At thirty cents a gallon there is money in raising sorghum. There is no better horse food than cano seed and tho seed, if properlv cured, will go largely toward paying for tho culti vation of the crop. Wilmington Messenger: 'The Wil mington bound train on the Carolina Central railroad encountered quito storm at apoiut between Clarkton auri Cronly, yeslorduy evening about b o'clock. It was aeeompauieil by a hail storm, the hail Htones being so heavy as to break tho headlight of the loco motive. There was also bail at Lake Wacormiaw, and a heavy fall of bail is reported from Cumberlaud. Wilmington Koview: Mr. S. J. Sidbury, of Kocky Point, raised this vear some of tbo liuest potatoes ever seen in this section. Several of them woighed us much as a pound mid half to the potato. lbo dog catchers weio out bright and early this morning. I bev hauled in some 23 or 30 canines, somo of whom were lodcomed and the others di spatched to tho happy banting grounds. Durham Sun : There lives on Flat Kivor a widow, Mrs. Nancy Wilker son, whoso husband diuri about four yours ago, owing somo S'j0i). Ho left a tract of laud of about thirty five acres. Mrs. Wilkerson is more than 00 years f age, yet she has paid oil' this indebtedness and paid over 200 for more laud, all from tbo products of the land. Who says farming can not bo made to pay Lenoir Topic: Last Wednesday. about 5 p. m., tho Southbound O. & L. tram just mtssoil running over a little three year old child on CouDelly trestle, four miles from .Lenoir, lue train approached the trestle on a cuivo and at down grade and the 'ineor was horrified to seo the child nbout midway of tho trestle. He blew brakes for all bo was worth, but tbo child looked smilingly toward the pretty train. Providentially the train stoppod within five foot of tho child. Newton Enterprise: One of the customs of tbo Waldenses, who nr. settling in Burke, is to require every child to commit to memory one book of tho bible. Homo learn ouo book and some another, but they seo to it thnt all tbo books aro stored away in the minds of their people This custom originated during their perse cution by the Catholics, when they were compelled to take rofugo in tho most innccessiblo Alpiuo fastnesses. Tho reason for this was that if their enemies should succeed in depriving them of the printed biblo they could reproduce it from memory. Although there is no longer a danger of losing the bible, they keep up the custom and it is said that it is astonishing how much scripture the little children know. Wilmington Star: The residence of Mrs. Thomas H. Pritchard (wife of Rev. Dr. Pritchard) on Wiigbtsville Sound, was visited by a burglar some time before daylight Sunday morn ing. Tho fellow first entered tho dining room, where be ''set the table'' and bad a feast oil the viands prepar ed for the Sunday dinner of the fam- ' ily. Concluding his repast be visited one of tho sleeping apartments, occu ! pied by Mr. Hanks, of Charlotte, aud , auot her gektleuiau visitor, uud carried s grip sack f nil of clothing beloug- ing to Mr. Hanks, not forgetting to take (he line roast of beef on the table in the dining room. It. is thought therogno must have been "discoui Dg !'' before he lmd finished his task, !" i- he nolr-eted to search tbepoekots fMr. Hunks' clolbiug in wtiich there, paekaKOs, the E. C. D. line 25,000 and the railroad bos not taken less than 50,000. By far tho greater por tion was potatoes. Every steamer that has been limited as to its cargo by naught except its holding capacity and the railroad bus run threo heavily loaded truck tiains daily. Yesterday's trains consisted of fifty-two cars. This money will bo credited to our farms. Though they bavo brought in this princely sum not a foot of laud has boen parted from iu order to obtain it. This beats town lot booms nod average real estate speculations badly. Failures in Alamance. Spnclal tollio Clmttutlo Observer. Giuu.vm, June G Tho Bi Falls Cotton Mills, of Big Fulls. N. C, J. II. Hut don & Co, tho fashion breed ing stud stock farm, J. II. Harden, proprietor; Leroy Kiug & Co.; J. D. Kernodlo, of Graham. N. C, and Jun ins H. Harden, of Big Palls, N. O, have each lilod deeds of assignment with J. L. Scott. Jr., uud Jacob A. Long as trustees. Tho Big Falls Cotton Mills makes no preferences aud Junius II. Harden, who was at tho head of the other business houses, makes no preferences in his individual assignment, not even reserving the exemptions allowed by law. A Disastrous Fire. Cleveland, O, Juno 13. Tbo works ol tho Mcrium & Morgan Pa ratline Co , corner of Seneca and Ohio streets, was partially destroyed by fire last night. The plant consisted of a threo story brick building used in making paraftine wax, a three story frame cooper shop a four story brick candle factory. Tho first two buildings were completely destroy ed, the other slightly damaged. The loss is about 6200,000, partially in sured. Twenty Per Cent savedto all parties who favor us with their orders for Monuments, IIk.vo sroxiis, Taulet., and all cemetery work. We pay freight to your near est depot, and guarantee first class work iu every instance. Designs and prices furnished on application. Lib era! discounts to agents. Address K. T. Marks it Co. Props. Capital Marblo Works, Kaloigh, N. O. New Advertisements. ju,vi:iiii:i. i?- N'ttlt-OM ol tipntlu nnl marrlngca lu.-ierted (-. OIjIiuhi-Wk) cliHi urd miveu wills a lluo. COrNOll. P.ECKWITU. Al tln nwliliMU'O ot Iho brlilu'ti mtlit-r, In Now Hope t"Wiwlilp, on ihu 7th lit.-t. . liy M. O. Wilw.ii, t. V.. Mr. .Inns 1). Cih-nuii. MlHd An a, HKiiitvmi, tluuglilur vt Mr. Coiil II lSrvkulin. IIHOOKS.-In lll-k'ry Mniintnln lnwnslilp, on tln illi lnt., Maiiv C. llMioks, rlHiiclilvr .r Juui pli J. tititl Kiiio briHikri, itKotl 'jo yoaiu uiul 2 mouth. Sho w.w .1 iliiUful una HiTwiliiiiaitKlimstliKV, a loving t!lir, klml. obliging, p-ncrou and truo lo all ht:r u.HocLiUCH. Tho icuvh itiut tuia iiwvts ot hr niitiiy It'lt'iida, Hhd the tokeim or lore glrowu n hor sf"v,,p lol'l l' 'W dourly lm wns lovivl by old (tin! yoini-'. Slio wan a Chrl.-ilan ami ltol a triumphant dtwth, rouOy lor the tHuumnim and HUXlolh to g to JtMUb. A FlUKSl). fANU SALE. ON .SATURDAY. -4 .Tnty 1'iiti. 1ho:i. I will haII, on llio pronilHfs. at publlo ain'Urn ;ho Iraol of laud ou which llio lalo llraniut llalihivx'll rc?lclo,l, ailjolnln tho laud of John Mann, John Uawaou t,ii,l oihrm. uialnlus KM) ii'T.'s. i.and will Im .sol I III two lot. Tirrina no-half ojiHh, rttnialndor In twt-lvo moniliH, lH.nid wlih upptovod Hivurhy rtinlro'l lor ilolorrod paymout, imd tlllo riorvo l unill the Payniout if all inn ptirohao nioiiry. Sale ly vlrtaoof an or-k-r ot court In ihoo:uoot (. W. Fou.-hoo. adiii rot l'iiiw:uit llaiih -o.-k, vn, lloury Uallln--k and lUnr. O. W. HS'SIIKU, i. U. nuuAi k, Aitoruoy. C'uminlaslomir. Juno lath, If.'J. NOTICE TO PESSIOXKRSI Tho Ciuniy Uoard of Fonnlonx for Chatliam ounly will moot at the court lioumi In PltiBlioro, 'li tho ll MONDAY In July ncM to consider and paxa upon ull applii aiion for pciilonii.orrcui'w al thereof lih'd Willi the C'icrk of llio Saporlor court by that llnio. W. U. HATCH, Juno o, lrt'.ul. it. Chairman. igOUTOAOK KALE. LSV Vlli- 1"S Inn nl a inortmiufl by w. M. Urooka and wifb me, riclxlorid In b..k III-', i,'n l.M. I will II al public auction, for cali, at tin- conn ho.i.-o K.r In the lown ot l ltinln.ni. on 'i hurmlny, July liih, liv.i;:, llio Ir.u-t of bmd known as ih i s-imin-l ,k tract, conuilulnt' : H'Tch, to saiiMiy taia moripiiro. J F.ssr. kiciiaku.'-om. Juno a, IMS. i:y l. u. womai-K, Attorney. A DMINISTHATION NOTICE. N.itl.-o In lii'iol'V bIvimi tn tlir vrpJUorM "f KIlHlui E. lilxiniikrH Hint 1 li.'ivx llilail.iy .lualill. I an mlnilnlslratrlx uiKm tiln eHliilo, nnil th' w: l IHwrtit thi'ir i-i.uina m inn nr i" my oii'.riu'y, i. Ii. w,in k, "ii or iiot'iri" .iiiin l h, Inji, r tuia nriilio will Im i)lcnUfd In l.ir l lln'lr r.-i oTi-ry. OTICK. BY VIKTUE OF A mriKHito tied cx'iitcil by Goo. T. Woniblo nud wiru April I'll;, IM1-'. lii rnr.li-il In lumk C. L. iat 111 ot tn rt'la'ul'rtimn-n ni i.u.iiiKiin i u- ty, N. 0., 'D Juno l.iih, IHli.i, nt 11 o'cUwk a in., I will hfll f.T -nU at U"M-i"ii, N. 0 , l" tlm lil!n-si M.ldor, Rll llio ipiHny il.-s,-rllwl In smi.i l.-n.l i.r Irunt, auislxiliiK "t mill. Ini.aml h,iunnil nil mill iriiprty rtwturllieil IiikiiM iliwl ol irusl, cii;iiii, bolli-rauil maf'lilimry ainl"ni'l'y maro niiilncuir J Jiol. This tlio 13U1 any "1 May. lKtu. w. t. reitvis, trudtcn. J AND SALK. BY VI11TUR OF m J auonlorof tho Snporl'ir oMtrt of Chailiam county, iuimIo In ih oauo huiUIo1 J. O. lu-nrlior, ailiuluUiraior of J. A. 1 M t.-, iliwouwl, vs. Kmlly J. H..M.L imanllan. ftc- . I will, on Tli'iinilay, ilin 13; h ilas "t Jun, ls.i:i, xhwo iu puhlli-Hali", In the town ut OulilHinn, tli,' iiMiioly ol ihe iiumosioaii triua uC tin lata Jonu Klol.l.f, i-,iuiaiuiuK hikhu pi mtfx. Trm ef salt", one Imlt cash, balam-B In Mi ranntlw, HWiirwl by n . tmarliiK Intoriwt at rt i.-r ivut. Tlile roaot vuil .until full paymeul Is m,lP. i. . KKMOHKH. A. V. Oilrkkt. Atty. A tm'r and Ooni'r. May 1H, ITOJ. ORTH CAROLINA CHATHAM WiUNTY. SUl'EHl'lH CoUBT. .Tune Sih. 1W3. M. Ii. Uouxlnn ailm'x J. A. U,iumUu, vs. Jam B. Hnumon ft a!. ' fur ih paymi'iiloi i-Hi-tam larlrt unbT ihe will (of plaiuiitT'i loMtan-r, ap-l Hih ilwifiolaii'K Janu-s It. IMtiHinn. Jiiweh llomi'Hi ati'l Luiher Hmition. 1 fiin wMkuw "I Noi ih ear -lili.i, will lakn m-ilru that tlipy will appiiar tfr.r tlie plwk ( Hi" up r.or inuri "I rtinliani cuuiy in hi ofili-n ro ill" 1 l.M u ilayot .Inly. 1SW, ari'l ploart, BDnwwr or rto- Tl.lj Iu a ui.aoI:.! i....,'rw.llnir tor In.trA lni.11 lun.l nmr t :i' rumpiaint nw i-u ni in bain nun, tli roller ihn-in droanlifl will be gi'Hiiiel. T. B. WOJUOK aul 8. a. HOI.T. A. P. UlLBEH't. . CSC I'lrflaillf s A'u,rm-i9. l'm. ! CT3 li H I II Wc have no complaints to make, no back debts to pay, no long yarns to spiii; bdsideW has been good-phenominally sostill we aro going to have a fbis week. A prnnd, sfupendous upbenval in values ji'lit in the face nnd eyes of a most successful. seaaonj while it is yet young while jou aie needing lhcbe MiitM nnd can turn the opporl unity to your profit. ...No-; body will stop lo reason why. Nobody can s. Tliut it is a deed of our own doing puts tho slaiupof onuiiienawj upon it. Wo have made no preparations for fhis sabs. Not a garment lias been tlisturbcd. But jiist .ihe stock stood nt closinp time lust ni;lit so yon will find it tomorrow except you aro free to take your choioe of all tho Cassiiuoro, Fancy and Plain Cheviots, Worsted and Homespun suits that sold lit mo. L-H iiotliiiiif hinder vour prompt a iiiiis,'iiitieeiil ihoico is spread beforo you. U bousands of suits. .SACKS AM) CUTAWAYS aro lowered in obedience to our eutci pi Uc, iu uccoid.tnce witu our custom. You must know what sterling qualities are rep resented you cannot bilp but appreciate what stylish, exclusive patterns they must bo to have been worthy tt place in the biost and bes-t stuck of .-uiits wo have ever shown. They are all of this season's miito not an old pattern in tho thousands that uwitit your coming. You need have no fears to choose freely ; tho original markings are still on tbo tickets. You know us, and you know our methods. Vour money could not bo safer iu your bunk, nor more accessible, for should dissatisfaction l'oilow your purchase, it will bo returned on de mand promptly. Then rally round this reduction. Tako udvante.go of this greatest of great opportunities to buy suits that bavo sold and aro worth '-M. 50. S20 and $1S for FIFTEEN FIFTY ! Lose not a moT mout ! This sale is for this week only, and for strictly CASH ! All our Men 's Extra size Suits are included ! S. & M JL SLATER k CO., DURHAM. N. C. Now is tho t i mo for one of llio i-oinpleto changes YOUj ami tho IU) VS must make. A liglitniiig chaiigo when you; have notiiiugbtit reliable qual-1 ities, and such a QUANTITY to select front. Our shelves j ami tables fairly IH LtJE with novelties in every line of gen tlemen's wear. We are full of 'em. SUITS! SHOWS .' HATSS FURNISHINGS! Our list tloes not run out till you are completely dressed, in fact everything you need. April U, LSit.1. MOLASSES! 00 NEW CHOP CUBA AND- PORTO RICO filOLiSSES, COFFEE, FLOOR, FISH, RICE. Write us for samples and VQ.Q. COVINGTON & CO., WILMINGTON, N. 0. March 150, LSI);). All kinds of LUMDLU for sale at the PITTSBORO SHUTTLE MILL WEATHER-BOARDING, CEILING AND FLOORING, Pmnku and Kii.n-Dhims or lloroa Dills sawed to order nt short notice, Good Ceiling and Flooring already riicssti) at only l.:20 ier 100 feet. Sept. 17, ltf'.U. MONEY TO LOAN. Monky ti Loan ii vm niirovi'(l real estate smirity at 2 yvv cent tir n.irtifiilnrs iiilv to A. L. McNKILL, Attorney at Law, Feb. 0, lsi:t. Sam ouh, N. C. C. F. & Y- 7. Condensed Schedule. In effect June 1th, 180:$. PAII.Y KXfKI'T SI'MV. iraiuiiolns S'irilij K.. S. Mall l'mwciiKi'r.j 'lliMIKKillll.'S'MIII NO. I. Mall l'asseiiKfl Loavo. e ar tn. Wllmlnst"ii, lArrlvn 0 p. m I'njvuovlllc, iLravo, .OU s.-.iif.iM. " " Mlrr. " aw " i Arrive 1 i t. nt. "iiwiiHlwro, J.is ' t IK) Mt. Alt-. ll.Uia m, W. 1'. KVI F, Ocu'l Tssa Ageut. J. W. HIT. Opb'I .MauaRi-r. CarMto, nd Tradc-Marki obtaioci). and all Pat ml hu-.lnOKB eomluctnl for Mootniri rtts. Ou Orricf i Opositc U. S. TtwT Orrtet and wo rau sreur! pai. nt la leod time lliaa tuoM reinotf frnra WT-lilnion. Send mortrl, ilm ini; or photo., with d"wrtp Iton. We adviw, if patcnmhln or uot. Srfe ot tbarm. Our fee not due till patent Tnrd. A Pmphlct. "li"W tn Obtain Futonls,"' with earner of actual clu-n'n in JTuut btaiv, cuuoty, or luwu, ttut free. Auureta, C.A.SNOW&CO. , ITCT OfflCC. W KIOTO. D. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE ! J- "w'-l-Ti 15.50 attendance at lliis salo. What a crent saerifico wo have made! What !. BERWANUESS, Sergeant Horse Power MtaiMh'f nn i ni-rki-r cjq-i , . ir in THEY ARF. Strong, Simple, Durable and Cheap: For 15 to 20 years they have Run Well, Wore Well, and Gave Satisfaction. Send for Pri:c List. SERGEANT MFG CO., Greensboro. N. C PLENTY Of TllrH! THE UTESI AND BEST! ASSOBTMEHT FULL DP IN ALL GRADES AUD STYLES ! Ii is a m MM Fiii Ml wist YOlI WANT! nw in mx m mi him pees m Ttiis stoct Laving bcni bongbt for CASH since the roconl decline, ani rorisi.sts of O-OOZDS, (( a:i)gm:j!S :d:hi!; uoobs, Tjiivisra-s, - . - - - zsrcTJL'onMS; 1LAJRB33 ISTOUK OIF Cir.'DTJ,313K Extra Fine Stcck cf Shoes, THi: LAIKJEST AM) FINEST STOCK OF MILLINERY EVElt SEEN IN THIS 0UNTV. Jleu'a nml Boys' Hats, cvi-ryf Lin a fanaor tiooil.s on Lis farm or at hia I101110. F.xmuiuation will show our utock Oi-ijii'fi.illy iargo in variety, thorn ouylily reliable in (styles, and to t bis we adI tbe slrcmg inducement of low jn-iwH. C01110 uud exiiruiue for yourselvon. A fashionable Baltimore! Jlilliner will trim your Tints and Bouuet nt w. Ij, XjOnsrrDOT sz son's. April 13, 1803. J. J. Thomas, President, 13. S. Ji.kman, Cashier, Ai.k. A. Thompson, Vifc-Prewident, H. V. Jackson, Aea't Cashier The Commercial and Farmers' Hank; OT XtAJL.UK 1 1, IN. J. Paid up capital 100,000.00. Authorized capital $500,000.00. :o; DlfiECTORS: . J. J. Thomas, T5. N. Duke, II. A. London, A. P. Page, (. W.WnttH, If. 13. Battle, Ashley Home, Prod. Philip, J. B. Hill, P. B. Dancey, It. 13. Hamy, John W. Scott: A. A. Thompson, T. H. Briggs, J. N, Holding, :o: Accounts of Farmer., Bunks, Corporations, Administrators and Indi viduals Kolioited on favorable terms. . SPECIAL ATTENTION given to accounli? of Country Merchants and individuals. EDWARD MSN AC If, jj JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN; IRXjZSIGrlEX, 1ST. O. Siertiufj Silver & Rogers Tableware; "7"atc:bL.Gf3, CTc-welr3T, SOLID PLAIN GOLD ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING KINGS Send for King Size. v"Our Syslrm for Din;:iioMr,g for the ccrnvtion cf Errors of Refrac tion in tin- sauir us w.j'.'.l in Eye lul'uiur.iit.s North and South. January 'i!, l-S'.t " MONUMENTS AT 33IO- ZDXSOOTTISTT Wr !i,io a liixe'-' 't.i. i ut P.hNIii'J mnulllnPlll ami In ailsl'-ucH ir iho I os' maturlal and baautt ful ilwluns whlili wo nffi-r f"r tbo nct thlriy (leys u a inwral aiseciut In order lo redact our stiH-k. All work BUiiimiiwl. Delens nu.l aajiii'sa 1:K-. W Wp pay Hi" Iri-lghl, DITKIIAM & ULIAOTT; Fayttteville Strfcil, IvAi.Eloff, N. 0. rcH J, 18.' i. A DMlNISTIiATOKSNOTICE im. liaWnc iiualilrft ai llio linl"i-irni"r "I PlnaHRi't HtililH'i" k. 't ft I, I hnrMiy iwury all pHrH'Tf li'ilitm i-liuiMH Hi;'illinl bhI'I ('("'P-IhiiI t. clln'.'li lh hunt to :ne ' u i r I l--r Mif' lull dny or Mmv. O. W. IoL'hFE. Mrty II. l.'VJ fXECUTOUS NOTICE HAY i ln(riia lflndh vxpcutor ( Jhitim M.Thfin- a. rtf.f4'ihtiilt I InTHhy noil. y ail i"-rb..;u It- CltilniS NKKll.1.1 SHKl ,l,',t,'llt If P.xlihll Vh HUblH to n. tu or lie(.-re the 4a iay ol Miy, th'.t. .y t n. iHV ri!A WtAXIW nu Pin V $20.00 S 18.00 Wilf pV ar.d HEADSTONES A FOE 30 2D"2TS.- ; PXECUTMX' NOTICE ii'ihiiH. ! - H .v. mix of tbe HvrNa tbe Inst will and trr.bimrni Ail,, rl';y all -i!.'.h. ivilcm I" -xlnli.t i ili 'liiy "t J.iiii'. ! I Jul- h. .1. (tiit'vrt, ftmeiuied, I bereby h 'lai'iK ' l.iimH tltiBt nald de-. nt' Ki:nf tn ruoria or IWore tti 'l. i:i,l?.AUtTH GlLBtnT. BNKi I'l'OUH NOTICE. HAV- K i Inir niMliil" ! s.a:n:'.r '.t William O. lBr,' r. .1 ,,4fui. .H"' f to inn ,u r i-i ; . T vS'ifcir. .Ifiit tu eihltill the maid Ma) I-; i-

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