. 1WS. LOCAL RRCOIVDS. --! toil -over the county mi as to draw a 50,000 hoar; pine sliin;iKrt loi'j j..,.,,,, ,.,. , t ,oar him. '1 here fcalo by II. 1'. .Stone, at Fcarrni-jtoii a, lVils ,,.,., ,.n ,.i,,sity to sec liitn, and. hulls, Jfiulto L O., N. C Jailer rieeinir; and h;tri nr him, very ""' ' . it u ' diuerent '.vcre the iinprcssious made Until further nolit-J tl.o I au-li-1 ()V ijm ntieui,M Mlow. rs Roller Mill will jr.nd only t wo ; ,lim ., ..;,.,, MSIS , Unyfl in tho Wool, on every 1 uesday I (() ( llltfI11 -)C ..:U f I'm... and Saturday. Tho first cotton bloom received tit tlio HwoiiD office, was sent, on last Monday, by Mr. Bennio A vent lroin hear Haywood. For monuinoiil"and toinb.itoncs bf Ibo latent and prettiest designs Wrilo to Jtobt. I. Rogers A Co., pro- 1'iietorH Durham Marblo Works )urlium, N. U. br. John ll. London.ot Iah'ih. will bo at Fittsboro' en tin.' Ural Monday in ovory month and remain tbroo days, prepared to do any kind bf dental work. Mr. A. K Cole, of Willianistovvn ship, has boen appointed a niagis irato In place of Mr. W. A. l'nushce, declined tho appointment made by tho Legislature. For tho information of tho Ardie- boro' Courier wc would mention that Mrs. Mary J. Rrooks, cl Matthew:; township, has lour -iucks, wii-ci liavo laid thin year liO'.l cj:is. Tlio inai'lr-t rales of this county bun now obtain their copies of the Acts of tho last Legislature by cull ing at tho office ot the register of tfeeds, who received a box of liioni last woek. We havo heard of doi; siukinp; fcggs, but Mrs. N. M. Hill, of tins place, baa a pig that sucks the Cigs of ovory hen's nest that it can f;i'.d. Kvory time it hears a hen cackle it iuiifj to find her egg. Dr. W. II. KdsvanU.of Wake For fcat, will visit FiUsl-oro on Monday ami Tuesday following the third Sunday in every mouth ; and will he Ht Monciiro on the following Theirs day and Friday, prepared to do any kind ot dontal work. An unusually heavy ram fell fell licro on last Monday afternoon, and attempte.: sarcasm and mil- tho ri'id blow with hiic.Ii violence as j cule ol l'rc.ndeut Cleveland rose in to break and blow down several l'Icl the grima-jes of an o'possum :.t Hin-imr ih.. si.ii-in a llasli ol : bon, tho king of the beasts, lie liL'btninir killed a l.riler belonging . . M.. l?.,l.,o 1 '1.,,, who lives near lu .ill. Jmiii.i vuppi iicro. If you wish lo make your money 0 a long way come to W. L. liou don & Soii'h and see thu bargains they are soiling. They have tx large otock of goods and they intoud sell ing them tor tho cash, if olforing thorn away down below tlio value vill do it. If you need a suit ol clothe and liave tho money you can buy it al neighbors and to promote his own W. h. London ft Son's al cost liir j personal interests. For we siipjiose the next 10 days. They are oll'eriug i every where he speaks, as was done ludioM dress goods very low lor the here, an appeal is made to bin hear trash. They only ask you to give j v to "help the cause'' by all beeom them a call. Special low prices in u,g sutscribrs to bin pa"er ! Thus till kinds of millinery goods. while this canvas id Butler's may - - iid iiuui iiiv w....v , inirjsioners havo decided not to have tho bridges rebuilt at Fearrington's and t'aco's, for which the magis trates voted appropriations on the first Monday in Juno. One reason given for their decision is that mime body has threatened them with a law suit, il they attempt to rebuild thorn, because of some alleged irreg Marily in the appropriation. Capt. William Moiicure, who ltas been superintendent of the Car ttllntt Central railroad for tbo past throo or lour years, has boen made superintendent also ot tho llalcigh A Augusta ami Fittsboro' railroads. Ho was tbo first engineer who began tho survey lor tho Fittsboro1 railroad, i!nd is a most eflleient otticer, to whoso management wo itro pleased to know that onr road has been eu. trusted. Ono of our young comiiymen is how firmly convinced of the trttth ol the old saying; that "there is tunny a (klip between tho enp and tbo lip." His sweetheart had promised to mar ry him, tho day was appointed lor the niRtriage, ho had bought tho Ii (-.onso and prepared tho folding feast, but when he went alter bis ex. peeled bride - :'Uc wasn't there she bad changed her mind ami gone Away 1 With a lull heart and empty pocket tho disappointed lover e.ime hero and prevailed on the register ol deeds to tako back the nmMited lis conso ami refund tho price of it, FkiisoNAI. Items. Among the last arrivals at this placo wo are pleased to note the lolloping: Mr. Iv C. llackncy, of irui-ham : Mr. J. II. Currio, of Fayctteville : Mrs. Josh T. Barnes and Mrs. T. C. James, of Wil mington i Mr. 11. H. Cowan and family, Dr. John II. London and family, and Miss Daisy Thompson, of Raleigh: Mrs. I. C Snowden and Mrs. Waltor Hawkins and daughter, Of Ocala, Florida : Miss F.llio Fou shee, of Sanford : Mr. 0. A. Mattou, of High Toint: Mrs. Herbert F Norris, of Apex : and Miss Maggie 1j. Haughton, of Charlotte. Our formercountyman.Mr. Willie . R. HarringCr, who had been residing in Virginia lor three or lour years, has recently romoved to Pittsburgh, Ponusvlvaiiia. 5Iiss Fanny Thompson Las gone on a visit to Mt. Vernon Springs. Mr. Hal Loudon and bride returns Ail vnsterdav from thoir vb-iit to the' Worbl's Fair. Mr. John ft. Fowlor was married fo Miss Alito Teague, of Turlington, 4i last Tuesday, and arrived bore !lb bin brido ycrtcrd.iy. lii.'Ti.Ku'i Npki'cit. Tlio notorious "Mary Ann" Butler delivered ono lot liix' iloiiiiuri'irifal harangues at tliis i nlaee, on hist. Tucsdav i ins --as 'his first uriioai iiiu'o In-torn n ."!'. :it i 1 1 it I it ("UliI",' audience, Mini ne.lieesol his : : n i : ir bad been widely cireula isc" (and if they continue to bo de luded by him ho will undoubtedly lead them into a land nl broken prom ises), while others regarded him as an unscrupulous demagogue, lie is a younger man than luost persons had supposed him to be, being hard-, ly thirty yearn old. He is fluent in speech and veil educated, having graduated at the Stato University in lS:s-. and where he was known by his lello'v-stiideuts as the great est "wirepuller" in college. Aflei graduating he studied law, then taught ccliool and afterwards became, editor of the Co'ieasiuh. Jit; has the manner and air id one who thinks ho "knows it all", and his fox-like face betrays his cunning nature. Jin has unusual powers ! mimicry, and woald make a capital clown in a second class circus. It had been announced in his paper (the (,'!Vi.iJ that he would deliver an "alliance address", but ho began his speech by stating that he would fpeak "on tlio issues of the day and tort It with proceeded to make a political harangue, abound ing in sophistry and fallacies, such as is characteristic ot all third party speakers. I n denunciatory language he appealed to the passions and prejudices ol his hearers, ami, wliile gloomily portraying I he '"hard limes", olK-rcd no remedy or rebel whatever except for '"the people to stand together , which as interpre ted by liiiit means thai every body should unile in giving all the olliees to him '..ud the other lenders of the third parly ! lie staled that politic ian always control political parlies, and warned the People's party against being controlled by politic ians. This wai evidently a jest, lor he certainly would not have said anything so personally unkind against the chrome oHice-seckers and politicians w ho were sitting so near iiim and are the ''bosses" ot the ti'ini party in ( iiatiiain t iiiicii;eii i icvcianii s call lor an ex tra siMsiini of Cong reus, which ho predicted "would fasten the manacles on the people still lighter". The whole tone and tenor c.f his speech was lo embitter his hearers, toarouse their passions and prejudices, mak' ing them dissatisfied with everything and tlis'rustlul of everybody. And thus under the guise of his ollieial position as president of the Stale Al liance, this pesii verotis agitator and dangerous demagogue is traversing tho Stato lo stir up strive anionsr .o the making el him and his paper, i wuere or now does ii nein or ueueni anybody else? It does not help the Farmers' Alliance, because under his presidency and misman ageuieiit that order has been well nigh wrecked ! Commissioners' Mcc-ling. The county commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on last Monday and Tuesday, and aud ited the lollo.ving accounts: .losiah Tysor, insolvent fees, 1.20 l.ivo Taylor and others, Ibr harvest i n at Homo for Aged and Infirm, 3 LT) W. Ii. London ,v. Son, for .sup- plic". ."-' .")7 V, J... Womble, for lumber on bridge across (Iiim Folk, 'J.."j0 V. A. Wicker, for replacing; bridge across (i um Folk, l!,0lt Ishain liosser, insolvent fees, .oT) John (ireen. for Hour, 12.00 Ambrose Kuhanks, for tobacco, I I'll Onl: )'!, that John Ibirringer be appointed agent tor I'avo Harring ton, a pauper. Charles li'oberson, insolvent fees, 1.5(1 T, W. Seagroves, Insolvent fees, 1.S0 S. M. Holt, lor putting win dow in vault in the clerk's olliee, '.t.tlil lr. W. K lleaden. as super intendciit ol health, l(i lid Thomas Cross, jail lees, L'O .1 A. Ilarrcll, h'ir blanks, &v. S.:il J. T. I'asi'hal, lor services as clerk lo board, '2 70 ( ;..'', that, Julia Holland isdis missed Irom (he poor bouse. ((( that the petition tochange the Tilling place from Osgood to licklMou's mill will be heard on Tuesday alter tho first Monday in August. 1 nr it:s ItlX'.Rn. A H.vnaniifc Explosion. Ivivrr, N. C, June 2I, 1S0V.. Last Saturday night about 10 o'clock there was a bouse near the Kgypt coal mine completely destroy ed by dynamite. Tho explosion shool; the earth and houses for mile:' around, causing a great ileal of ex elteinent in tbo neigbborhood, as it j was generally tboiigbt tbo coal mine . s ' . . bad blown tip, and it was known j tbetv was some K or IS men wm thele .-liiils :it that ti me. ! Ibit no body was hurt and no other! damage was done. This house was t used for storing powder ami dvnam lie ami mo miners cioining, anil , accidentally caught on tiro and the bauds at the mine were afraid to venture, near to extinguish the tl.iiued, A S'iBfW'HIHLK. IllO l!lMI!l llapfisl Vuioii Mi-din;;. Tlio I'nion nici'tiii:; o( tho f':i :i d v (',.,.,. Association will meet vith the church at Sandy IJrint h, Clmi i'.am county, X. (.'.. July lsjli. introductory Sermon, Friday .'2 in., by Uev. S. (iil-noio, I'Tl'ltlFS. 1st. What shall the Sandy Creole Association do tor Centennial miss ions? (J. fi Merrill, W. II. 11. Laws lion. L'nd. Jlxplain Acts 17:11. I,. IV D.xon, W. .'. King. .'ird. What is the best nielliod ol culling a pastor, and Whal are the oblialioiiN involved in the call ' ,1. I-. Smith, W. A. It, 11. F. An il re ws. fth. Jniport'tnco ol association.-!) missions, (ioo. W. ilaunon, ! JI, Sears, Hay Smith. Lot each church bo represented. O. T. Fdwaiii.s, .Mod'r. Ore Hill, July -1, ISM. K ich nioud Dots. IIk hmono, X. C, July :i, ism:;. r ,,,...,..i a l..,t d..,,! Mrs. Sarah Finerson had foisting ears on her lablo June '20th The hum of the threrd'iiig machine is heard again in this section. Mrs. Sarah Fmerson, we arc norry to learn, is confined to her room ijuite sick. Our new post master has given his bond and is looking fur his com mission soon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P.u'i.i, of (!ib bonsville, who have been Visiting their parents here have returned. Tin' oldest farmers say that they never have seen so line a pivr'.pecl for a good corn crop the tirt.1 ol J illy. .Miss Annie M. Kirk, tho ceiebra" ted evangelist, will hold her taher naelo meeting at this place, some time d uring A ugiir.l. Mr. .1. J. Check will open a pho tograph gallery east, ot Mr. I. 1'. Coggin's store this week, whore lie will bo prepared lo do first elasr. work. 11 any ol our farmers who don't think sloek raising pavs will do well to go lo J). W. Coggin's slock yards wo think they will be convinced Hint it does pay. Mr. (ieorgo Sylvester, superinten dent of tho IJichniond Iron Ore Co , who has been Xorlh some lime look ingalterthe interest el the company, w riles that he will bo back July (illi prepared to put in a large lorce ol hands. One of the m-v;t beautiful displays of patch work that we- have ever seen was on last Friday when Miss Cora Coggin hung out to air in front of the hotel thirty lino bed quills of her own make, and ot all patterni, Irom the Devil's FuzJo to the Trey of I'urndise. Mr. X. F. Phillips, or Harper's X lloads, took out ol his Irish potato patch last Sunday a potato weigh mg lli It is. It was so long that h.) had to cut it in two lo get it in the not. Ilo thought if thev continued growing that bo would have to blast j some ot (hem out, Would like to write a lew dot more but my pernio baby has jusll come in and says "I'apa we have j got okra, tomatoes, cucumbers and roast ing cars for dinner :" and I just; think ol brother 'Short Link" away down in that late climate and bring a long sympathizing sigh and say, Amen. Lonm Shanks. State Mews, Mocksville, Times : A young mn.ii and it young lady living near Nestor, Pavio county, have entered upon a very novel plan to raise nio;:oy with which to buy their marriagn lioonsc. The young lady lias agreed to pay half the fco and the young man the other half. Tho young lady proposes lo pick blackberries to raise her part of the money and the yming man is hauling lumber to raise bis part of the cash. Concord Standard: On Chnrcn street, at tbo residence of Mr. Oeo. lv Fitmer. ligblniug T biirsd; y even ing struck a Ilea witbin ten feet, of Ibe bouse. Two lit t lo girls were under the Irre at the time within four feet of the trunk. Mrs. Fisher wii6 standing on the porch. They were all stunned. Just bow tbo lilt'e Fisher giibs escaped death is truly miraculou.i. They appeared to be entirely over the iliock after several !i. ...... filalcsvillo Landmark : Mr. Milns lbady, of Sbiloh township, has an old scythe which he loci used for culling wheat for !'j years. He bought it in S.latesvillo on tin-lird of July. IS It). F.very vera- for .": years, more than a half century, Mr. IVady h is swung that sevtlie in the harvest field ai.d it is yet in a trood condition. Although he is now 70 years old XI r. Urndy sa s when he takes that scytho in hand but few ii" 'bo boyn can walk iu front of him in the harvest field. Greenville lMlector: About two weeks ago Mr. Robert (Jtecne, Sr.,(f j t'ni-i town, stuck a nail in bi-i font. I The wound, while painful, did imt cause hlUl VOrV much Jlicoiivellliliee.' Is lie.e: y ' line llm Canl of (em . , ., , '. ., it- i I ni!.--linrrs nf eli.iil.nni e nn'y will nn-i-t mi th and bo thought it was licaling meel. ;,w,1 m. m.isiv .nnv, i '.'-i, hh.i n-viw im-ux When bo arose Mofcdftv morning of ! u- " v..i.i;,u..t, r. i-jt-1 y jst i.-, !-,-. him ' , , , I mil ii.-iir nil i.ei-.-.;is "tiJi'i iliiiT In e.. ".ilii.vli.ii "I last week bo went to yawn una was i ,i.r ,.i-..j.i.riy m-1.. iii Hiuniint i.f ir.-. .ar(;wi ""I1"' V' " v" jawssoeontrai'tca mat nocouui scarce Iv.novetbcm. Tbrsesjiiiptouisgnw I worse, and on 1 tirsday be was con- lined to bis room witb a ecveie case . i . i ii i-i- i :.. t ' ' . .. . T , thH 8 ll''fl rtU'1 liJl,rs" l; .r i n i i ! . i.i Mor-'anton lleinkl: (;n tuo ltli day cf March last, iittlo liobert 1). i Anderson. :i brii'liL uianlv bov nbotit years old. tbo sou of our Iiigl li.... I ''. l'-' I'ine:! tn.-iul, lr. J. sines tv. Andel- hoc met with a distressing aec dent. a carpel tati:, wmeu ne luougni ;.; lv nut in bis month, disappeared down bis throat, and was lodged low down in one of ijis bronchial tube?. I' pro d'JCtd '-'ioltlit COiljjiiiu, LL'd for UlHUJ' we. !:s be was confined to his bed and seemed wiiiling away wi'.L I'rii.Hiiinp-' tion. lie wiih carried by Ms dis'ess ! 0:1 pato'.ifs to U.illiiiiort.. Iioj"'n Hint! fdv If'ii tin ricnl t:oattii :it Dibl tiring relit.f. The Kurge.ous wlio wi-io c(-:i ; pulled located the foreign tub.s!an o; bnl hliriink from porformiug the dilii- ; Cult nud dangerous operation ueeea I Kitry to remove it. Dr. A iidernon re-1 ti:rupd homo IiojioIces of Having tbe: life of bis boy. On the -i'rd nf June i I lie abscess which had been formed j broke ii lid diseba''fd, bi login;; up tho t ick which for one hundred und eleven day .h I. nd been lod.'fd within, doing its wink of ii'ir.cliicf. Now lilt lo l!ob j eil. is running about again with a fair j ; rospeet (if "length of days'' before! him. liiiiiilii'i ton I Jobesoiiiai' : ilr. Mera j ditb ji:trnes, who was in town '.eeon. ; lv, Hiirprise.l a good nianv of oiirc'li reus by iiifoiT.:ing tbeu that tho vest he was then wearing had been bought from tbo lute T. A. Norment. thirty. live years ago. It was made of mar !el!;"s, tho best n unlit y, ami must havecust nearlv tivodoihits. Tholate 'v- ' -'leair o Itev. Dr. McXair boasted of a pocket Mini' wiiien no Ji.'to e n rieo aooui any years, imt tins is iim nisi luno we ever beard of ;iu article cf wearing apparel being worn longer than a generation. Cbarlotle Observer: A iillle: year old child of Mr. T. H. Datton, an opo lativeof the (!:iigham Mill, whs bitten by a Kpider several davs since, and !fi now iu a critical condition. lis limb whore it w as bit leu is badly sw ollen and its whole system seems to be pobjoned. --Mr. Will Hti-bbins 'h ports a narrow escape which be and a pai ly of ladies had Thursday after noon whilo returning from a drive tip the liver. A bolt ol lightning passed over the b'-i.-e;:, liking a telegraph polo near by. On their return Mr. Slelibinr, ami paity p'tsyed six poles which bud been shattered by light ning. Winston Sentinel : Some thieo or four weeks ago jeweler Fred N. Day h.d f lot of tickets printed and dis tributed announcing that on July 1st ho would bum a candle iu bis jewelry store, and that the person who guess ed the nearest to the length of lime the candle would burn would bepre senled villi sill worth of jewelry. Considerable interest was manifested in tho 'oiilest. and up to '.) o'clock Saturday morning -1:U guesses bad born recorded. At thai hour the con test was closed and tlio candle light ed. All day its pale fl iuie flickered in the display window of the jewelry store, and along towards night quit" a crowd of anxious giicssers bad con gregaled to watch tbo expiring '(put ter" of the candle and to ascertain who was the lucky ni in. At 28 min utes and o seconds past 7 the caudle l.i;l 1;i:ii:1 out, having burned 10 hours, S minutes and 37 seconds. Afler carefully comparing the guesses it was ascertained I hat Hugh Knight , ef Fill shorn, N. C, tmployednt W. W. Wood iV Co.'s tobacco factory, had won the prize on a guess of ten hours, seventeen minutes and twenty I hreo seconds. TcmM'sscc's i nsiiii iiiicc Laws. J.; ; s Ti:xx.. July .'!.--Considera bio cNciiement exists here iv well as in every oilier town and eil y through oof Tennessee over Ibe obj-ctiouabl in.-iii'f.noi! laws jiasscd l-y tho last ure. Nearly c.rry insurance company doing business i:i Ike State will al once suspend operation until .-ni b tiiee as the objectionable laws arc repealed. Fron pressure brought to ! ur, it is believed that Gov. I'urney will call tbo Legislature in e.vtra session at once. Twenly I'cr Cent saved to all parties who faver us with their oiders for Muxru: n is. Heap siiiM.i, Taiu.kys, and all ce.'iielery woik. We pay freight to your near est depot, and guarantee liit class work in every instance. Designs and price.? furnished on application. Lib eral discounts to agents. Address E. T. Marks .v Co. 1' C;;p:tal Malble, Willis, Ra'cigh. N. ( 1. f N .! . s hi lii'Hllis uii'l ni-ir , :,':ih liTrtiV lee. Ohllll.-iMt'S ihlil-K'-il fti'Vim rt'll..-. il linn. DAMI'.I.S -- M Knh'lxti, N. MH.I1'K, nlilV llll'll "I J .-ll.iulr!:-, Ii.'il IS 111- Ml lis. "Sure 111 On nrnts nf ,l(.iei. (., I'll iho 'Jn.l hi.-.! , liliuu amt Ail-lti. W. nn.i.?. -v.'.-ir o..-.i.i:, Mrs. I.ih ii: Kia.i.v, wile i N. f ., mi i;.i HI. last., t Mr. Shu ly hi lly, afcv.l ail.. ie. amy i-.i:-rf. WOMI'I.K. At M.iiii-nr. X. C. mi 1 1n- 21 In ! lillli, l.' -.'-l. Mlsi. MAUI II A. WeMIII.H, Villi "1 II. O. Vmiiil'li!, f s In Hie 1'Jlli i.l Ii. r mv. I hif i-; ii:rO lo v. iui .'iivurti' I at nn early n,:- an I j'-:ii-.'l tin- llae'.l.s! i hiin-h at Hum S.niif, .t whl- i. ;.l. . hn.1 l-i-i-r. u i-'ii!r-ii'nl aeil ..minj-'in y laei'iii'T i -r iiT llilr'.y i ;na. Il.-r i-nl-il l.-i.. .-r.-it-.i..iLl ati-1 -hariuilln n!."Mt mi eii-l.-uii'd li -riinel li Kn w l.i r. lli r liiir-lian l mi l rMI Ii'l-ii fimv :i) nip -.ilij e.' tlii-i-.illn-i-.-iiimiiiilly A I itiKsn. Nc'.v I'lverlisciaeiils. FARM FOH RENT. I --rf-r f.-r ivni n. l'.n hi, ii.-iir tin. li.Kii "f I'm-.-i-.i'. Thin lanil 1 Ki ll :i'liirti'il l Uin rulllvii is.. ; wlii-ai. eiii.-, ci.i. ri-it'iii, i-Uivr ami uilior ni.-s.M. Mrs. M. A. V. rAl.MTK. fuly I'.. 1S-.I.I. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. f.M i P,RJfDSHIP HIGH SCHOOL AN1, BUS1NL3S INSTITUTE. . .. . . . . .. n,nt; .- ..i Oiiiir.i,,'. 'i,.moh'h.u ,'w ..r , n,i ,-r s.v...,.i , u,.. h.i.,-.,s .-hi. c.-.h. l-uil e.iuiM.. Musi.-, r. miiHiisiiie. ,(,,,.. i'niii..p ii-.m-1 ".'m:' .,",:,i,iI;'.,.':f.:r; tV;T-.u,"-lV ''..a'TiCir'V.? L'rn.1 ! i i.-m i.. il .-r...l i..'u- Om in I n-.u ii.-i i ai'' i.n.-i.i n.ii--. .1. e.-nsuii wen in, -Muliiti' .uc.'iii.i . iii!!.-.;.T er rnrllipr ear- I S.-ili.ll 1.1 Ii1 i:. i.i.i: r ., Al-iiiiiltl'. .ii il. I'm .l: B-.miliary I.-.- n'lity. N. c. A I MIN LSTKA TDK S NOTICE ! ,, ll.ivtrij m '.,ra1 .r.-f w. , I h'-roi.y ii'. Ky al1 Hi-m.ns l . Oil .lm-f.Pl! m mlilhlt i-rt '..-e cil. i'.iy .-f iw'v, li--.i. t: S. j '',";.',' 1 1 i. ', ",7 ,. r. ' ' 'm,i, Wo havo no cojiiplftints to make, ho back deMs to pay, no lcn yarns to spin, bnsineid has been good -phcnominaliy yo- still wc arc going to have ft this week A j.iiind. sliipeudous upbcavul in values i !gb t in Ibe acc and eyes of a mrt f-urr-ca:;riil soason; while il. i-i yit young while you ale needing these Mills -find can I. on fho opporf Miiity to yoiir profit. No-" body will slop lo t'-an'Mj wiiy. Nobody cures. Thtl il is a deed of onr own doing pul: l!ie Ktauii of f iumineneus iij-oii it. We In'.;! n' dii no p-rcpaiMli'or.s for this sale. Not agnnuent has been disturbed. l!:it just as the) ntoi !c slood at. c.l-.'.-iiig tiuio last niht so yoii will Ibid it tomorrow csccpf. yon are free, lo lake your clioioii of all tho .'..-, i;:;.,rl 1'aney and i'll'.it! 'Jhevi.ifs, Woisl'.d and JionVupun uuils tL; I so'd !'t $22.50 s. Let nothing hinder your prompt attendance at this sale. What a great snr-rifico we have mado I What a magnificent choice is spread before yon. Thousands of tuita. SACKS AND CUTAWAYS aie lowered iri obedience to oilr ''iitcrpiise, in accordance with our custom. You must know what rk-iling qualities are rep resented you cannot help but Appreciate what stylish, exclusive patterns they mnsl be to have Iwen worthy a jilace iu the liggcst and best stock of suils we have ever shown. Tlioy are till of this seiisou's make not at! old pattern in the thousands that await your coming. You need bavn no feats: to choose freely; the original markings are still on tho tickets. You knew us. and you hnmv our methods. Your money could safer in you!' bank, nor more accessible f'jr uhou'd dissatii-'.faelinn follow your purchase, il will be returned on de mandpromptly. Then rally round this reduction. Tako advantage of Ibis greatest of great opportunities to buy suits thai have sold and are worth 21. S22..r.(). S-20 and SIS for FI FTF.KX FIFTY ! Lose not a rao7 ment ! This sale is for this week only, ami for strictly CASH ! All our Men's i'Mra size Suits are included ! S, & I). BEflWANUER. W, A. SLATER & GO, DURHAM. N C. Now is tbo iin Inr tiio I'niitjik'lo cliiuigi'.' MC Ol a iid the J50V.S must inako. A liglitninsi; cliangt' wIpmi yon lutvc liotliiiigliitt rt'lialilo tial ilios, ,in,l such m QUANTITY ;, :.l,F.t front. Our slid yes and tallies I a 1 1 1 l'l'LUM willi tiovi'hii's in vvory line nl' ticn t lciiii'ii'.s wi'ar. i' nrc full of 'phi. SUITS! H my i A iX'V X O r. URNISH.IMC3! Our list (loos not run out till you arc comploU'ly lirssoil; iu lad .;rcrtli!ii you need. April K5, lStU. MOLASSES! .- .-OO - - Yr niuvi) rum a i y mivi uuiiiii AMV - t COFFEE, FLOUR, FISH, RICE.) 'W'l'lto us f'r .suij-ks f in! j i 'c. C. COVINGTON & CO., YILMINC.TON; N. C. March '.A 10:5. All kinds of H'MLvI;lt for salo at lh PITTSBORO SHUTTLE MILL WEATHER-BOARDING, CILIiU! AND FLOORING, j 1'i.ANt.o ami Kii.N Diai.n, on limvii Hills sawed to order at short notice, j Hood Ceiling and Flooring already 1i;kssi.i at only ?IM0 i-r 100 feet. 23. iVCOii, J r. Sept. 17, l'U MONEY TO LOAN. Monkv i. I.o upon appr real itale security al 'J per For partieo':!' i i - I" M-ii: i.t.! A. L M.NF.1LI-, Attorney at Law, !!'::. Samhiiii. N. (! Feb C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule. Iu effect June 'J"tb, lS'.t.t. IU1I.V KM'KI'T SI'NUW. lr.-illlt'-ll:i- VTtll Ma'li l':i 'lll-l . Loitv 0..H h. in. 'ln!'.iii.'t'.- riivn !..! . ,.-avi., ii in ' 11.11 I'.ii.-n.-Mllo, ' H l.l San;, r.l, " .sil.T, I Arrlvo 1 ifl ii. r.:. ilr.-.-n.sli. rf, ' ' S.iiO Ml. Airy. W. K. KVI !', Or: J. !. I ::V, O.-n'l Mr.naJ. .-. CaMvC", m.d Trmlc-Mdrlin oHamud, ind ail Tat- nt hui-iiu-iu. c.-itina't' t f..r MnomaTC Fits. ! Con Orrict n OfrosiTt O S. Ptint Orriec i mifl n run Hii-iiri4 -at. nt in lemi Iilc- tuju ISiiro I reniev frmn WnHtiinj't..-.i. , I Sew HK1.I..I, rimiMir nr phutrt., with it;Ti? I tiim. V.'i- a.lvn.0, if pan nli. I Ii nr imt. tie ol I chares. Our fee i.m liu- f1 1 pani't 1 n-nircd. I A rKi.tT. - ll-iw ii01-l.:-'it.'' ilt ' rami-. hi -t nil tlainin in your t tau-, couuly, 'jf ; low n. wilt free. Aii'lrL-.e, C.A.SNOWftCOu THIS IS YOUIl CIIAKUB! ! 1J.JU Sergeant Horse Power TliriY AHE Strong, Simple, Durable and Cheap; For is to 20 years they have Run Well, Wore Well, and Gave Satisfaction; Send fot Price List. . . SERGEANT MF G CO.. Greensboro. N: 0. ARE KOI QHLT ONE, EOT IE'H- KiasTOTTvT TEA.T THE MONTH CF JULY SOME SPECIAL INDUCEMENT!? WILL BE OFFERED Ot'K SI-MMKU ('OOIW Ml'ST i( AT SOMIi riUCE. WE 1)0 $60! WANT TO CARKY Til KM OVF.Il. F1VH CENTS IN O'VXS POCKETS IS WOHT1I TF.N O' NTS OX SHELVES Tins timi: or If yo:i wi!I co'uo to t.s new you will save money. You will find lh6 8& eood assortuient. There will be the same high quality, but the prioerf will be down to lowest uoleb. KKK1 KYKKYTH IN(. AMI WILL NOT UK UNDERSOLD; W. ILOISTIDCJlSr &Z soisr. July 1st, 180H. J. J. Tu-"HAS, l'rcsidcnt, R. S. Jehmax, Cishioi;,' , . Ai.r. A. Thompson, Yicc-PreRideut. II. V. Jacksox, AHa't Caauiei? WSiC t 'fHtitrrciff trig! Farmers' Bank i" i!Ai.t:i(;n, o. . . . Paid up capital i-lt'D.OU'.'.UO. Aulho: ied capital oOO.OoaO-?: DIRECTORS: J. J. Thomas, G. V.W.-.tts; .1. IV Hill, A. A. Thompson, I). N. Duke, II. 15. !3nttle. V. . Hanecv, T. if. l::;., Accounts of Farmers. Ranks, Corporations, Administrators fend tiaSX' blinds solicited on favorable terms. SI'KCi Afi ATT KM 17 ON given to accounts t.f Country Merchants ana individual.'. ED WARI) FASNAOir, jEWELLER AND OPTIGIAN Sm rfiHfi Silver 4V Itofcrx Tttltfciearei SOLID i r.MN' iO! H F.Nii.UirMEXT AND WF.DDING tiltititi-: f.,- Riut Size. f- ' '''-ir S'.i.t.-i-.i i.. t He tine .1 tnuarv 1 1 i i .'. d in MONUMENTS ar.d HEADSTONES AT A Wc h.i fill ili'i-'i-ii .i C : I . - in llnl.--lio.l mi'ienivii-f. .n.. i,raul..Tii.b if U.o oat mnterlat nd bMUll v.lil !i iv . i ..r-t f.-r U:n nfM I'.lny 'i.ij - re a hiK-:ul ilfecounl In order to reduce Hi siiii-k. All vr ii.'i-iin'i p.l. U t-li-tis iiii.l ni.ii'. my C: li-lr-!.t. .t..TTI5II,Y3I cr -l . l '.'l. ANDSALK ON SA'H'UDAY. to A i: js-il, 1 v. ill .-..II. i.n Illi- I-H-I !! i-. I Ht .ii. Ii-.-in. ii- .i :n ir.i- l 1 "i. v.:.-.-:. li,. ml. 1 1. H.- eii li.ii'li. ; t t 1. n.l 'ii.iir; Hi. l.ili Ih i.l .1 !.i M .iiii, ,1 tin l.4W.'.n in. I ...hi-is. I.m. ! u i!. i . b-'l-l .1. I v,. WM,-.. 'I'. nii-nihs. ,-.: . -Tf- lt..r !n..- l-.'l 'I "III: B i i-i.v.-.l r.- I .lvir.-Mt, I..I li' i-.. 1'iinrv Ml l.l. , ..'l.-n-r. I II. Uhm.-r. AIU.rrli.Jf ,!"0.. 't-iM. .H'M. S20.00 S1S.OO IGiK IB mill! II. A. London; A. P. Togi; Ashlev Uoiiie, Prod, ritilips, lb R. Rancy, John W. Scott: N. Holdin ;. ti,,,. ,,f i.'iroru ot Refra'A-" ii tb ami iSoutu. - i Ire-. . l .LLIOTT, Fayettciilo Street, Rsiiion, N. 6: V X lit T'TR LV NOTICF-r-AV-iia Ii . in. ill:-, I : i:'.Mr.vntrlx.t tnolaatwlll m i i.-iiii.-i.i ..i A'l is l. .jilrmr- iloi-i-ased. I bwrbjr iii.iiiv nil i . .iit. i.-iif'.im: r!i:iriH H;aliut.Bald df ;, .ml.'iit ii..-bii.ii lite sum.. t inn na or lipfnr ittd ' -lay -f -i.e.-. 1 -I. tLIAlStuaiLUEKT. Ji.ll , l. '. P ? x i : -c.-rc ft s KotIcb. IUV- i i.- .ii..iir,i . iei r,f Wi:iloi O. a!1.' nn. iiw-.'.n.fti. I i-t. r.v notify nil pre.Ds buldltiaL ; i-' .ic-Wii' i ;i. it.-ii..iit t.t r.xbltit lb aai : in moi.n.i ..:... ir J..y ol ly, imi