tiiikwai'. jn.y t. mb. !!IikI Mrs. Purvis ami .Miss Azi'o Davidson of Si:iiosrill. i Thoyirriiie; eenllomcii ci I his place ffiW'i: a very piea!'t!:t dance, (in I ;.'! Monday iii;:lit, complimentary !- M r. Hal London and 1 i i I (Jolil-dou Items, rorsaloorVenl-therilnr.. house! (!;-J!.V '-M . 'in Pittsboro' known as tho "old I5urko j 11 n, lor .old..tou ! Tho season lias 'corner." Apply to i'ondon. (han;;ed, anil c?.r 'i Innate is now as . . . warm tin any one can wish lr. Our Sir. William J. Wnnible, of this people are. now liavint; all tlio nice towimhip, has il saddle that ha has vegetable they t-:i it ini ami iimr4 Wen iisin lor 4j years, and it i:j.;iill besides. Mr. L. 1'. I'aschal 1.1:..!'.. Su a yood condition. ; iho Hint shipment of tomatoes ironi i ( Joldslon (oi his own rair.i ny) on .1 ill y Wanted. 25 or ;) lo0Aitd;irls 4 1 1 1 , alter ha.in' them so . 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 'desiring 1111 cdilcul iou flit-11 p at Fair ; through J n n'j thai I hey had become View Academy, for pari ieulara vi-ito : tirod of llieni and had to ship or l It 1 .inchcl I V. li'"Jfsb::C!,d SStOl'C, i ( I, mir n wiiv. Wn m'i 1 1 : v i 1 1 1 r morn 'N. C. ' i frnod Ihinrs to vil 'han wo deserve, j '"'' roniaiu a i,u sti ry '.it-...- VVI..1I in.ir.. i..n, 1.-.. V..I V IIS 1 tlilt. lt IllG ll'rtll WllO Siate Wews. I Concord Times : Mr Hut V- 'h, of 1'orcst. II ill, has a e c.v lh.il : n ; llio ik.. We learn r.:, loiven usmi'cu as IS ijem Is. t.i uiT.n.s !ii a wi.f-in itiii'.iH;'. J). n 111;- II,. j month it' .June she j.:avc ."', :;i !.. ii.h j of luil!;. 1. r ail I'Vi'i'ajM- (i ;") e...i!o':'; a .day, and from this mil;; -lit pu.-ii.T-ol linllir wart made. Whiao i.; l!:-; cow that can beat that ' : Wihuii:cii Hi-view : VAizi Vilirt;. f clou .1 woman w ho kc. ps a bo.! on.;; I'lm-n-on South W.icr s;- f, Is.-wm-i ! j us a curiosity in tin) shape of en S : ( any nail (!uo inches 1 il-;; '' which she tool; from the H.ai .1 ol iii.pii',;; 'chicken. How tlnil ci.iiktii iw 1 miinajied to hwullow t. In; i-ail inn. t. ho feels his tor nioiumic.iu.aini 10... ..-. 1 ,,. n-nwix urn ci v nisv 11m- 'of tho latent and prettiest dci-ina ; ayjllf, ,y t1(.jr r.s .,,) l,lvsli,l?. wnio to uoin. !. ivorers v '" '- tlicir wheat. Wheat is uood Dur ham Marblo orus . aiiiinic n5 a 1 (j about hard limes and il seems thai cliichciiH on liuils U ti;a';o them lilt ami heavy. Oxford Iji'ilpov : lYed S:'3iMi; c !ii;,'hl, iiitcllicii, coio'V(i hoy ID or "2 years old, lias a whim pi tomo 2 inoiubs old thnt follow? j wl.f i-'i r he j.oes Iiko a !o; V t.: :u ver the hov lavs down on t he iiv.; s lh3 ri'r ! ' r 1 noiiin:' anil inictors Ihirliain Waruio oiks . Ii i-ontii u tr out well. 'orti irons arc J)urliatn, N. 0. J very prniii.injr. Cotton is a little f.. "m"' ,, ' .'iT'Z, ,1 .0. wliil.i il - price, rat bur small. .ill, uasieii j . t.i 1 ., 11,, ....... - II , I .. Mi. V T llai ev s mi l. on lasi : 1 v. 1 1 1 ., ..;., 1 ;... tow.'.l mid o.iiiiiu.1 , 1 11 ' , 'hoiiio of them arc trviinf to do their wa'.ii up. lick him 0:1 the fae'i mid loll out 01 Uionmi, ...ju,... .. j W)).k wUI ())ul al.l hold the! will (pii.tly ion h:m in p resl. Ii quilo sol jolis.. J 01 boron Iheirmkct books lo keep any ono at'.rmpls to i;ilci!'..o villi Dr. John II jiondoii.ol Kuloifxh, lioin spending iheir nionoy. No the boy be v.iii sho.v lint. '! be will bo' at i'illslioVii' 011 tho first ! wonder thai, money is scarce. 1'ut, Aiiianeii sarcho;i:-o nl HendcH'-on has Monday in every month and remain ! not withsiandiii!,' all this, (inbNion closed up mid will Not, he opemd ii,. i,.,. I 1,, ,1,1 niiv kind stain's solid as a rock and continaes auiii for tlm silo ot leaf d-baceo. . j , , 'ol' dental work. boys were working if, ft xioudow I v.iih their dUlivr. Si't-irj; '.: btoim 'Von-in;!' up, tho I'tiMier hi.i (' 'i'lii-i'ii, two nuns uiid a il a 1 'er, 1 1 . ii!u!;-!- r. !a:g:; dec near the ( ;';: .1. tii'i mcadiiw until I In) rein V.'iis cui. Thev wji:l hut j'ist ns tho' oldest hod leaned up :iaintt lho .rc(! r. In 1 11 flash of li'Llni'::;' cani.t down the lit'P, kiilin;' t1.:.; Suo boys and; i;' inninjf '.he sisler. - - j I'ata! Tire at Ibo Faiv. j WoM.n's Fa;:: f 1 1; n.--. t j: , c :. i ' 1., .,'nly 10.--A il msy c.oii'.lrin'li.'.J : laiiidintr, iK'fted li.e lie tcu !.; : lio'i X'oriiiwiiv. f '.v'i:e:'..ro. HM-da-'-a cold si 01 a id.rilill;,' It k. I'.ii'l .itc.I : Siv(y Vi;i) ih st reel ' nl-aiK i iv.posil ion li'icv:il-:. Ihiii.i iriound in a lit l!e over an I, ailijinoju, bcmliii to ih alh, a-, far ; s is known ;t r.ii.'ni.jlt, at lctrt! citJ.hlecn icon and injniii.fj nin- l'.-'ii ! others, 'i'lii! lull fsti i.t of the i'.luM: wrought may never be known, as the, building collaiiscd to'ailv in so shoit, lime aricr f'.'j Ihf uli-.r', : I lhat many ! people who cnleird tho butldinjr pin;; to ren.ler a: 1 b fore tho jifril ' 1 wmwL I 1 lisal I fVHS. f-IK KJ'T ()!' KKI'.PING COOL JS IN Ti'.V. CL iTIi KS VOl' VKU. DliESS FOR A HOT DAY 1 r-s i-iiwii us yon would for a nold ouo or a rainv one. J 'ti-.'ii. u has iiiven vour tasto ult-ntv of latitude. 1 he :io ol:ov.:i .1 l. s Hi e o tiiiliior, C'.'i: !i; v. and r.'sr tile !') the to the r th.s you don t he,.Mn U: lnov: -( hall' of the ,U.1F(,KL" variety Itotil we have rjUlF DJir;-! ..: i:.rK TIN ILISII SF;:;!: COAT ANI VK.-sT, illioiif.aiiyn!iiu,.ft taped aenina, ar I. tho Kiip;-i ins" i ::e.v elVecl.i. Wo tho';;:ht '!uey'd via wcar it. 'J'iicy a varmty in tbouibelvoa au. Ill'O COol alio dli ; y. rjMiK TWO I-KA! T.:; f, IJ'lin,-I,.ROWN' AM; TAX SFIKil' SFf I S wo seii for i ll! nro treat to tbo'a i v.l.-i !(' !; (M..('i'(, 1 !i' :-'.;i:' rs al to mod-rato vosl. l'2 5H lu tjl't is what you'd Lave to paj 'others ii ! iiev 11 !.." I i.eni. T1: i! NGn;;V Ix1HA: PAll'.Mnr.'O TAN AND Cr,AV KKKCH C0TS. e.;i'k tnpe! m, wilboutaoj n.ii :.: e ut, !..t.:itii.i to 1 in- stock of 1 cli!-i s! U-: Tiii- eo: reel tld.ijr for ''00. 1 dresses. C:"iV! Coii i- l Coafs. v. iib 'i'loie.eis to :n..l -!i mo en l:-;l of ni"'!lir. Ci-nninil for II. ii.) i1.' (i : A hip:.- x'ol;jj s, iWohaiis. .Sii'ilijn Clotba, .'cc. Cool witk- ;i 1 1:: In addition we supply you With the usual lmo of i!;d i) mole Uica-itcd all in-w ail oii'inal desi'iiH It t cooley c'li l after ad the help wo bold out to yott. Uoulile P.ri a' I- I ( Coi (.oml'oi t a cd I hey Mil I he i ('III bc;li.' Kloilel' V stvltsil withili:l i Will i J-.'. and FANCY Vet, Sui,.;!? vuiir o:i Tai'it if vou : 1 under wl'irli liny tbeni'.chi.H r.';t.i ic iii like rats in a rat'. el e pl:icti:;r ! wuro ca'.leht I r v.ia di'-appointed. l)i".)Wiicil iii iJcc'i Hi'. ci iii 1 i ,i;.. 01, mu'-i on orr Ppriii" Ki'its l:st " "k 1: d not one cusiriu'cr wax di'-a'ioiiited. All niiiireciutxd the libera! iP; i-oi'iil we (jive '.ili'l innny iii. I- I - iU;d ccsl cmci h were addi d to iiur list. The 2."i per cent disoo'ut we allo. on all the ("nasi met e. ;).piol ;.t,,l Wo: -.ted !-.uiis. eird.lc I many lo buy better floods for loss money tbanotbe'r tirni'i iaiv fir t'.i in an.i then to. v "dl Hair D'oii;. A solei.oi.i oi'oorlnnit v for thob'i who have not boncbt .In h. .' - in ol her week. Vb' don't you snbserihe for the Ukcohd "and stop borrowin;; a copy 'ovory week? Is il because you are loo sliiiity or too poor to pay three Vunts a week for it ? j lo intih! up and yrow, both m 1,7.0 J uus mm i.y otn; the ins; mil 10:1 run ;and in business. ;''v the Alliuuco cea.-i. In eriist. The Mr. T. M. Pynt'.ni has a numhp; ; Third party haa killed not t.idv the el carpenters now at work buil.linj; ; Alliance, but wrecijod nci'i iy every him a lat'tre and tine dwelliii!.' hon -e. . bi'.-iin ;.s 1:1 which Alliance tunic', was d. Ah tie. Mr.,, l!. l.'ivis i.t building a hoiii'il iio; house, hero lor the use of hi': school, which will open August 7lh. Mr. Rives is expectimr i j.Snt ."clr.'cl i I'dj-ariiii'ss oi 1 in iiiirii tunes, ami we short, medium al.il I0114;, sizes 10 hclieve he will have it. 42. Croat bargains oll'ercd in '.adits' j (in- well known township consta . 'dress iroods and straw bats. I hie, Josiah Tysnr, says he has nevev - I'l'veu been accused ci li llinir a lie. i ., II I 1 !.... 1 1 ,1, ! .... .... .. .. .. T. 'ill Messrs. 11. i'. jiaaim kiiu .1,.. v inn 1 1 we cor.M say that I Ii. Uurk liavo Ucim r.)oinieu ma- homo from visilii her friends at t ... . . . , tvonl :s Iho development of iis vaat. 31 r. I' roil iiiecn.01 liau.lolpli coiinly I l .. I I' IM.tii: .. 1 1 ', ,' .' ' . '" V,' , 1 ' ' ' "'slinont of capital ii, their X leads, ail , vlvnirl to the, r homes ; (?.,r va!lJ.., j,. Itnh,. I!jin, i.isi ,ecr. i:i;ui vir.iiuii; incii iiicmiN Dynuin & lleadon still have on lniiiH nice lino AllKieea Sacks,' 1st rales in lllace of Messrs. !. S. 1 1 1 Ionian and J. A. Alston, who wero "Heeled by the J crrislaiuvo and dii Vlinod to ipialily. Mr. A. J. JJynnni, ol this vlr-'e, lias Hid largest tow that we bavcal Ca.!!,a.;e !!:a of the liiciiiioii A Ci'ii' !' b!n.,i'! in hs county a a!u:'!;!c d. po:-il. ol coal has i.een found, i! is .-aid I o be Cij.l.il. if no!, superior lo ilie Ks pt c.ul llooru iri. indeeil, one of the liclicst. unties in Iho i.ia'c. lis wetillli is excess of what iis most M. ,, , , . , ,r"t,Ku,'": on.' 'in e. in linn;' : no. oui iss josto tiohl.- ton lias returned ! ,.,.,,,. , .., . 1 on. j . e-ui ,1-.-. ,ii.- i-ii. 1 1; 111, ;jj. ;; I II ; . . lis lined. to biin;; tho ccui.'.y to the I re i vo j. ourccs. Our peopui oiihl lire eliiMiiiave'cct lo the ijiii.t. most ever seen. It was weinci on ,a (j,,),,,,;, the town scales, a lew days ao, and j jrs .. .,jv weiyin-'i in" i"" ;, 1 'vrs. A. I. l a. Well, ol Meil man, afi tbaii most horses wci'h. 1 lllAT vi;.i,;ll;, wn. relatives am .... " ' li'iends in Coidsion. 'l biMU-xt annual uu'clinc.l .hc A11)(i(,l. ,., o( Wjl! Jilelhoillsl I imlclence 01 iiiis(ine ,. . , , , ,., , powers will never amount 10,1 ,1 ii ,,.- ..... .1 .. ' 1..11-."", iiu'i 1 ,,., Fayottevillc) district will be held next week at Aberdeen, in -Moore Votiiiiv, beinnin.v; on the L'ltih. bishop J)iincau ? e::pei led lo iil tond. Dr. W. II. F..Uranls, ol" Wake for Vst. will visit I'iltshoro' 01! Monday tint Tuesday following the third Kiinilr.y in evety ui-'nlb: ami will i e id Monclire on the following 'I h'.'.rs d;iy and Friday, prepared to do any iv i nit ol dental work. j v. aV- muci po. Monroe FiUjuire faiiii"!'. .Mr. ,1. J! '101 I: l')V,'ii? ho, v. willi a number i;..n:.!t ua, X (J..l.jly (Voi- 1 MurdocL, a lui in hand, was drowncu ! while batbiti;; near Jaincsln-s-." y.-f':'.'-day in cep river. Munlnck c-ou!.! I !iol. J !c cof. in w,..i..i' and Mini; ! at once. A ! IJpi.i'.v, a fliend, c une in ar heiiijr ili'i.Mned also wl.i'e 10 tcm;.'.!!'.;: tosave M i.nlock. '1 he bo.l ; ol' I bo uiifoi ! uiialii man has been j recovered. I le I-" v.'.h a u ii'o l't no cliildicn. ; 'I'm eii!) i'cr Cctil, saved lo all parlies nho favor us with Iheir orders for Momwi x :s li'in. i-i'i ::., T.'.l.i.i: is, and all cemetery wcr!;. We pav lieiht, to yon;- near rsl depot, ai d eiiai imti a i'n sl chi.-s work in every inslai.ee. .sins and prices furuislicd cu rppiicali.m. Lib ei:il discount.-; iii-nis. Addic-s 11. T. Marks Co. i'rojiK. (V.pilal Slarblc Woi, Kalci ;'!. (!. : That s in t Wo have jusi. received a !al;;e lot of LADIES' RI88ED VESTS, Willi 'JI wi; Wll.i. SI l.l. AT I 10 OKN'TS .KAMI, and every one is a bargain. 1). IIERW AMiE'd, i:,ti.iitix .v. c. Sergeant Horse Poweft TUKV A n II Strong, Simple, Durable and Choar SeldK ,WVC K"" W- Weif, and Gave SkUkI SI-HJCEANT AIF'G CO., Greensboro, N. C. H of poses. tli.T f.l'l We I Our '!'!. ai"y licit her ilea. I t heard ol any m-wly appoinlc 1 postmasters lor ioldst.ni J et hill . e kilo-.'.' I'ucle Sam . ill nol fbrel us. Slivtij' I.ini.. Fur Hi.' lli c.'i;e. I.cllcr rroiti Hnllcr's isuiuc. lioi.n.-ii.Mio, ,'. I'., .Inly r.i, I:-1,.;:. Ijill.-il l.i'i oun: -! caeeriy peruse tho lii i'oiiii's col n m ns i' very week. Il is like a Idler, iii-'ivnliially and I collectively, Win l.'iemls al. Iiome. I he ''Sin."- al own raisin iiii'lie ; liirniliire suite of walnut. W ii of h: il 1 in I hi ; store .1 hon .'IMS I I'.i :!. .1 at. .i.'r. a While I'lienl '.KMC ,sler. i f hi, Jir.j I the ii'i" ; Sr. ! I hi ic ! oiiiluiiit.-.-. .-Ii-.i.;,- v.- 011 lb" U1I1 "! .lull.-, in Ii! 1I..I..-V. I ii:o 11 I,'. In I ; ii;.-i!.. i, l'.M- Ih:.; :.',i. I'. 'I man mu' iiotTk"i 1 pio.'.ii. t hero slice's : ui un Thev still bavo ill. W. I .. I.on 'don it .Son's a few suits ol e.liw Aim when il i-MilaMi-..I , ...,il,m.r 'i hcM- are L'oi'd 1 CtlV Bud 'el" il is ol' sli hilits but VCIV low U lees for thelteli'Sl lo me, thai place bavin-lately ' '""cr n.V J.'l casii. They aro also sellin f si raw ln.ts at cost for ca.'-.h. I ome ami sec how ch.iap you can yd !'. hnly':' hat j lic.'ii my home. lulu 1 am lasi Iforiain; an iitlachnclil lor my prcs lent hnme, ( iohlshoro, ' do noi lorvjel i:i:d In.- v.i.e ...re 1 i! and lui v in ; 1 In i. was a'l.ithcr iarmer on our atliac.iiii.' peiiiii'l a'.leiiti.".. !:y l is Ion I iiioui I,., .i alms.. f tho I 'eiuocial : pari ', and liis d chii'atiot.s thai, the lii.an..'i .: el' I he count : , under 11 I i inoer.it ie admi"i.-l : al ic',. wile such tli.it a iaimcr c- uhl not hope to make a iiwii;,'. We d .in: a;,' tl;al Ihe laimi r ul.o was S" hi!t r ;: d;;i.-e of i . nn.er.icv did Hot i'..hlei! with l.iill. or iiiii lie ri.o r li;!l ;;.;o.i woe tiy niviiiLj coml'ci i-. fi r ba l.oi-ie. No, : i ... 1. ;i in. "i.'i'.i.. 101: 01. I iv:.. .-Iiii lr I.,'. "I am : in.' 11 Irll I l.l i'.I'm I .''iillllul . it)1 1 1 Ol'il J.INI: O j fTmf' rf ?'' j S- I.M . jo;.TOrlf TJfiS AW ; Is tho m. .-I 1 cmph'li' v. h-.d. andv.e i Mm SHOL" liav f'M'l I the Ill l V ' Il'i 1 Hi. a iiiiii e. : I., r- V. I, . it- ..irUn will Is. ii m -r.' ; .'.'I -'it,; U.j ....i.j'i .! :. I .r.-icr an -I I. ii-v. r wIHi !! i.t.'si 1 1. W.N. II l.:i , Advtrl isciieiils. f.Y for (he 1 .'e :; IMCtil '.e e.'.i; 1";: l.'.i. ly ;ji .'mst .tv;.o:!:;'.i Kiev. had th'i V!' .Mll.IJXi liV 'I'l'A I !', ,.; He ll ot io lit lamdon's. old Chatham. M'.CCCnS I'll' Il '..'lis. W'hili I hll il p.'.' l Vis Al l!a::land's s.-hool bo'.ise, t:i t 'stilt I'eiir lo ,hii, some colored neenlo bad a cclci.ration on 1 no louri 11 irue ami loy: d July, when a general li'ihl look never dcscrl t he shi ilaco in winch luslois, Iviuves ami tiieir en. workers l rocks wcro freely used. Several !' them Coil speed. i... are 100 misy linaiic.'s i.f t iii-? iilUn.l to tncii 'I'il'.i: i:'y ii:- thi'ir horn, .;' In In ir own b'.i'.iia .- .-al I , ma': ' ' Ihcm 1 shall ever hope. l'or;"tf alter I In and al! her Irue cili jcountiy lo l.e is under a ehiud ot ' niaid rs as in, siie hi 1:1 lias man-I ;o-,! ;l1 o u to I I K'Miiiri'iil 1, W ho v5. i!! 1 1; ,.,!,.! ,1 . , ; .. . , 1 ,'.il1"' ;S '"'I'ioko has' bun told ns' on" one of! ilcvoiltly wish ; j(.. I ..'..,,1 , ...... 11..,, 1 ;. ., 1 I pon no place under bea.cn are w1(,n ,. lv.lrt '.4, j,.',,, ', l he brciz-.'s moro invitroratnur, Ihe ,i,i ii.; . t.,.i,. ,.i,..i,.. 11 1 .ok. am, or 1. 10 '"ins; vsilii..;, wn suppose, and h id 01. an j tei tlK'sun eli-ne brh-c.- i(..,.,,lnl y i,..vil,,. . ..1 t ............ . . ... ... 1 l.i.l li.,111. ,., , ,. ,,, 1 1 . 1 i 1, 1 , 1 r UO I Ll.i.. A ml so, al lasi Chat ha 111 bus bcL'im r .1 1 ".1 .... 1 1, ., , , :ire soiiini; eiy io mi "hm." vn umi ilie cementing ami inspiriu fact you can now buy nioro goo.is ; nillueiico and presence of Marion j; lor 0110 dollar casii al . 1j. i.iuiuou 1 imiler ! 1 his cio'.riuor, this friend .r. o ...... ! ,.,...1.1 Ci. SI ".Il li.l 1 m , . . . . 00,, s mail ) ou t.ui hi jo, mi' iienpie w no was ill:;: runieniiil i ,.; ,, ,J 1,1 .1 .,.. t,..t t . . . I in ldia:j Carr's nominalion tor Cov- ;.. .... .1. ... . ' . I The cullivatioii oi tobacco has ... . , ., ,,.,...., ,,.,.:,,. soon turned towards tho cei.,1 Na;d. ailie.l. I'ees in i i i o. .. . i e : i . i I.... I. M .. '! ' " 1.1 mj..i.i. , .1 ., . . , ' ., . . v.. . 1 ....iiui.iii.ini 1.1-im 01 u i.,si inoiii.il, ..11. ... .. . . ., nainain : i.u no loll you ot tin aol,TA;i'', SAfdi . i" l 'l l ;; nf h ,ii..i'ici."- , I" 'l I' Ilie i'iUi 11 .y .,1 '' 1 ill 11.1. -'i -I'." 1.1V. i'-1 ri'ia.'.', I' .'i ci- -a Lu' i:,i ;c. 1 tn.ii an ii :: 1.1. .... s vi i iu.u, 11... I." 1 :. I -1 u.i .'. .!'. ll. .1-1-11. 1.; ..1 al... .11 l;.;i ii, ..-., I li' .'i.'. llviT ill .'I'l r .1.111. ' .;u. ...-,i ... l.l l' I,,- .. i.'.'l.tl..-.:M-.,l -.1, ir.-s. 33 .3 Tl ;: (.ia(h Sam1. I li-.f a l.it.l:"i.r. .k -.-ii:. li.n.l l.y I.j.Ii.i ii. .M.-n-i. jm lies wc.ro wmuido.!, three ol V, uilo seriously. 1 1 --- - I llo .vers You can now f;i;t f'-csh ti'.rnip I Hu,, ,sVi Hoods by ounce or pound at W . i or is Iri, J.ondon A Son's. They have a lull ihe verdant h block ol nice luriiiluv.' which ihe; r I. -I in . .. k ' CN r.'iri.. r .,i i',, h .10 re.i.-li 111 cu 1 'ii n ... I in p. : :. mi SA l I l.i'.w . 1 r it:,' l.y .'ll illl I i i.u 1 .'. ':. i.axi:. -i:v vn: ! !. r.n.'i'. liinii 'il 'i'.V Hi Jill;. I HIS SCI inv'.te 1 .'ery bi l'oro hi: , :i I Ulolie'.. II ( M Marti,. M.iv i;. IN oi:;' to : . and wi r ).''. an.t 1111 ! ;i i'c us 11 look will f.ive Ibeui I 1 S S08S, KAliMKJII. N. C. iui MMmm sir t 'rM ft pail r.bout half I'l.'il, ilie ;ow I isiiCii e.i; in' ', ami set i i' a i"! 1 the dross folded np and laid I 1 til le,;,: rated b ol e.-iiiiiL;, as was in:,i, am. 111 varus to 1 ..' . I. . 1 ... :.. . 1 . i I . , : ' ... increased con.-idcfihly, of late years, i,:,,.. .,uL ,Illllilni.nl , al " !,'',', fi " . ,...,, .'V I Use. I to ,1,.. ;..,.-..'.c ..1 ..,.,.:.i........ ,..1 ,. I . , .... ... ..'..-..-.,...,., .... ...... in. away at lief liiess ainl seeiiii' I Lai thai in lladley township, which W."V"V . V e 1 1 1 1 , . 1 ("'" V':u il I ihe c.,w bad shallowed , .....). . . - ; . , i t, . 1 1 i 1 1 1 " l"-::,St"h '';llll1 '"':l' I of her dr. ss, inimedirttelv niu tuu i.i.v .1.-1.' . r C'ioer in. cneoii 1 at'e 1 ie Ion ' l .f,',' I1"' ill lh . .Ii.e.i ..mih: v, 1. .ii ll..' I I. I.U ISi..s, .a I ;.n p. ,.n s.vi I l.l'.W . on' luili .i.A .! .Viiiriv-t, 1 .-.ii.i. II... 1v.1l ,si..i.' il..r.l... in i.i. I ii;,ii',-. f:.-. 1 ...isij.:.;',' hi :il...iii :..iii h.-m-., ri.irilii 111 1 l.:.i!i:im . . ii p. y . l .11 . .... 1 iv.il." s ..I V riiul's I'. i k. n .1 ii..j...,ii. llj.i I-lii is . 1 V. .. Mni'sll, W. II. .1.,,.,.., ,. 1,. i.., ,, i..s. Il'i-. I ''-I ill i,..f. ,i i .,: 1.. s'.ill 1 'iii'.-hH ..'i-.-i. ji.ly i l, !. '..:. .1 u. I.AM:, iiiMiriliiai. i 1". rf'.i 1.11! 11 1 y f;i r'l t . 1 1 ',1' 1 1 1 1 1 w a i.' Mils '1 Ms i.u n. w.-ij .i.i ,,.'.. i., .-iiliiMi. ....iy fi, l.'ll.t. 4 in a. j. lit tiiv.il uuuUUL AN1' I r.ll l... 111 I., ..;.n-i Aw .-i.i 1 .!. ! . . ., ;.. I -.i-., .. 53 &Amt ; ')o u v,o.T th,'::? V.'Ivn n. -.t In iii'.i.l try a pr, 1 fiet in tr ori. ; a a; tfORiAoiF.s 111! ill BUT mil .HD JGJIH! tie mmrn of july SOME SPECIAL 1HDIOTE8TS WILL BE OFFERElJ (il l.'. SI M.MI'dt CtK'.-S "I! .S !' i"i AT SOMK 1'IIICi:. wK lio Ndf V.'VNT TO CAIIb'V T.U".I !. !':;. I'lVj; cknts IN OTTTZ r-'ccfiszsrr;:? is wois'fft tk c:-:xt? . uklye THIS T1.MK Ol1' KAU. ll'you will conic. 1.) in, lew o.! w ill sae moiK y You will find the samfl .jo. id assorliueiit. Tbeivviil be I same hi ell quality; tjilt lb6 prioeJ w ill bo down lo lowest noli h. Hi; Ii K V, V LYMl.YTIIf C AM) Hll.li NOT III I NDERSOf:!): Jnly Isf, TV.!,'). I !l'.' H . I tainod lhat the lasi tobilcoo crop wa.". huld for 8I.).(H)0. On last Saturday afternoon a Violent windstorm swept thin!ii;h a !'iari of this eoi'.nty. On .Mr. A. T. tnibolh'.-i plantation, near Lock ville, coiisidoriible ibtiir.i;o was done. A larjj;0 tree fell on ami crushed the dwelling nf one ol his tenants, and although tho family .vere in it al tin 'time none of thorn Wire hurt. Commission Kits' Mr.Kii.su As re 'piirod by law tho eoiuity commis sioners met here, on last .Monday, ior tho purpose id rcisinu; the tax lists ami bearing c.omjilainls about Iho valuation ol' property, of' which liowover there wcro not many. They ordered that tho list lakers lio paid for listine; tlio taxables of their respective townships as fol lows: W. V. Yoslal W.C. Mann $15, J, A. Cu vines i?17, John Mel ver f 17, 11 il. Hi'rns 5.'0,J. II. I'.urke SI!, S. 1. Teau'UK, Jr., 815, N. II. hunlap 5?1.', J. A. Cilliland 617, J. J. Undoes !?2it, N. ti. arbrouyb US and O. ll. Scott I'KttsoNAi. I IK Ms. Aiuoi.e the re I'cnt urriviils ol summer visitors to Our ancient l.inUi;h are tho lollow iic : Mrs. 13. A. Osborne, Miss Jose- ,....1.11.11,. i...i no ten ) on oi iin'Uh,, t.UWs.itbat sb., ran around ticl"11 ""- '"". m . ivrm.t,t..i,i, r:"' .)I,WM ii;Y"'i;'i'Hsi.aiion is.Kl(i (.anwi, mV jll,i;i!:;;;;t;;;;,,:,y:';'-;:::;-1 ,,;;:",!, ..vi;;;, uiiiu- 1...I hi, tell ymi (hat it ha:; , 14Um!, u'i, ,-.,., , iu, iius;m,! stepped I r;'1.',',',",' :';;'.'' ,',!"""' a,ready saved Iho taxpaycrs several . iu alhl , ,,, ,, v.u;i,ni and I nlZlru, It noil. on .l .ll .ro l ll,., , ..I . v.vi ... (.. .. . ncai iii- n':i fain aioiis alone? It is a j.iiy that Mr. w;.,, UH Cleveland did nol bear lSutler's rid jolm llv iciilo o: ilie ctri scs-uni. I Sutler oives il to the peopl.i to see .'i;-. i'leveland at once and tell him and explain to him that this thii.iC was all wtonj. In l ho liijht ol Million Ihiller's s-u H'fi.-i kmovledo ol llilli'.s. .Mr. I icveliitn! couid ilo ti Ids Ihijr. ii, rt rciovo t lie ite.ir tieot It ii'.inl.l .1.. ii... i i i...,. i i Siiiic, i iijiii men am noil, .in tuipe , uf distrr'i.'3, ran to li.e t J O ga.od llpllil the 1 v w ile w ho was dano- iue; around with tho cow. fli pron.pt I'.cliv!'. siui'.l the wile of what iui(jbl hiivi,' been a scrhius accident. A Fatal 1 plosion. I.o'-i'ON. .J i.l v ."i (.'f the I I "j pcr.-oiis ' , : ie i . . ..i and lei ihttler "!""'' 'J an ,,p.os.ou v csiei o;..n i i j in Indian, a (Ol.H ! v, I in. mid, o!K- I a b'i hiio t'ccii r the oteei.i in Mr. .-.i 1 I i i- i'iiimm 'il ., M.iui.e .1..' l.l.'ll..- ..fU..!,:.!. luril.i r i-.ii- I i ii.i'ii- .1 hoiicst, hard ided farmers ol u'lirkin.' ti ii I iiix.iini ,., lun..,. i"1'""!' .hi .10. Ciiathan, good to see the elcuaure, I "l" J. '" ; ;l.aii...i.i-l. ,'raee and ease, and air ol superiority il1 'V ''' l'f1'.''lt Willi It'll !fli .! tiill in I. ii nil.!. l "''- 1..1.I..I.,. ' ,'iil liceli lci'O',1 nil aileuilv fo the Hi: Mmler.iu liiiinolcsi i '"ny. r.uiy . ;-ia nuve ed solitude, struls aloli- tho streets!1"'1'' -vco-.i ten a.uu.ly. Jim seems el tioldsboro. How far do you sup ;lt lU ,m l" tl'11 11 ,:,V u:o poso liii loVo lor you would caiiV L,l'oullt 'T .""'1 rei..Kiii.ed b him wiih you.in this July sun, alon'-l iui,l.llv"i '"'''ds iIiiiivhsu.. your tloddy fiu ro-.Vs r Vet, he can I , lwo "u " V l'!u l,i";'K!'l P '' sil in hisolliee and write calamity, thi afternoon uncoiii-cious but br.ai: h and travel around and preach calan, I i'hyn.-i'io., al one. look them ity, with his expenses paid, and ilisl"1 1"";; t'"'' p'obably will all riehl, and lo is iloin' a era ml '-i'ver. and i.oblo work, tcut hin- the nooi.'.e lIU," o'T" l-,l,lul'' I'cnimi a tiupe I ) M I N 1 ST 1 1 A TO 1 1'S 0T I Ccl - IIh lni; .,irtU.'li ii ;is li:..;i.ini!:i.-i'at..'i.t W. ll. ..iti'ii, .ii'i-. 1 I . i. ii..-ii. iiy al' ! .'....," if.l.iln rif i;...-. .l.:.illll ,-.il. il. ,,.i l,. rlii.il tin-.'. I" i .: t I..;. il..- t'.'ii an,' . i lull, I -;.. Juij i'. l.-'.i. ,1. A. '.vo.iiAi'K. l-MIN'ISTIlAilOX Nonciv N..i... ln'ii I -y Blvea .,..!..' iti ...l. ... I li-lii. I' .i...,.iil.i-. ili.il 1 a.,-.-., il. i . ,ni ..ciln!.' I ll" ll.l li'll'-.'.ll l' I ' I '' 'l I I ''. I'.,'!'.', il.l.i Hi will i -i'i- , ii' c. .r i-Lu iti I.. in.- i.r I mi MitMi r.'.,-. I ll. W. .i.iiii k. ..Ii i.i l.i l..;i..l to. ti. I ss. i, .. 'lli'..- li'Mii t. i. iii i... ,i,l; 1 in . II' .1 o I'll' 1. 1- .v. i v Jl.ll.'.-, Ii.'.i. .li.u.OAiO l I'lsMl KI.S. VOIiTlt iV'.UOI.lN'A. 1 CHATHAM COI NI'V. SI I'l I I .11 C'.l I.r. .l.llli' 5 !l, l.-'.i.l. M. U. l..iii..i.r. .. lui v I. A. U..ii..t..i, If jvu want s ".:.() DRt'SS SUCfc', m.nl.i In t'ne tatost stylus, don't pay iii lo t", try my f.3, SJ.50, $-1 .CO or sr), Ihcy hi ;i.-.i to nis'on nwla and look anil .i s Kvll. If.y.ai v,!:!' '.ic 'n mljH l:t r--ur f.'.-siwr;, dj so by I jrKi.i.iw V. i. Uoiic'.,3 Stt.s, Pa.na .,-J prli-d s'.a.iijn ! ..i (. . '.'.: 1. 1.. K I -r ii ', y.-u b'i, 1 W. ti. inlLUi-il..-', iifiH'lit,.!, lUUDS. Soli by ' Vi'. l. f.ouuorj & SON. j LUMBER! Ail kinds of 1 A'.'. ICL.ii for sale af iln PITTS HO HO S'tiUTTl.E MtLL Vj E A T Ji L ?r 0 G A H D ' H S , CtlLi.-G AuD nconiKG, I'l.lM.I. AM) T'jl.S t)ill I', I K llOl iill IJil's sawc-l ! o u.Ti v it n'.i.il notice, (iood I'ciiin;; and I'looi ii.;,' alie;'..! Lhii.si.Li) at only T 'il) per liui feet. S-3. IMOOl, J"r. Sept. IT, ls'.H. oxKii.i) h::a a l.s: si: ri i nakv. i OXFORD, N. C. .1. .1. Th. iv vi, l'i'es-i.lei.l. IV S .li.ii.u.i.N, tlashier, Ai i. A. Tctcii o:-. Vice- ('resident. 11. V. . Jackson. Ass't Cashifjr 'H'ite 'csmtti i'Vifii nasi i-ttmmrrs't Mlankl OF li.M.CK.ll. IN. ,'. , 1'uid up caplla! if ! lit'.UIlO.tHl. A ui hm i..ed capital $.)0,OOO.OD. ,1 I'liomai, W. Wat Is, I'. 11:11, A. Thon'; . . DIRECTORS: , V.. I ,:!.(', I!. A. ' or.don, C. IvKtle, Ashley llollie, J5. O.incey, li. It. Ilaney. , 11. Cri ''.-;, N. liohiiiie-. A. P. Page, l'Tod. PbilipH. JoLu W. Scott: I'.. inks, C.ii)oiiilioii;i able terms. Aihiiitiiiili cldrn iinoi Ind!- Accounts of 1'aii Sl'Ct'i A I. AlTi'.N 1'ION yiven lo accuunls of Counfry Merchants h& individual,-;. KDWAKD JMSNACIli JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN; G"c"Aclr37-, wwj-..,;. ni.ii) i r.'.iN t.oi.h i;:;(.Av"jr.Mi':M' and wkdding kings Vn. mass of dcl'i is but iiitiiarme. Win iv t. re fbev hole lino,' iiinl I, on' l.:nl un. I lint in. i.n'.. ..'. i.i.liii.r II. '.ii., ilUlT OUI lll!i t V I 1 1 i 1 1 Lf . I.CIi selves worse payin" the bill? ' ; ..ppcai'cd at tho mouth of tho pit they Hurrah for I. .M. Keck and Henry ivull! b'y'"! " '""-t. touchin- Altrcd Womack Keck, of K imbolton. I """"'' "J' tcl.lt iv. s ami li ien.ls, l.-ti'.ri 11. Ili.ll.-I. il Tilt I.-. I ! '' ' ll I" "'' -VflS f.'t I. i('.'.'l.ii.,-il i.i. ..1 I. .. Ih.- )..i in. il ,,l ,' i'Uiln l.'u.'li .-, i.t: I.T Ii..' u III i 1'iill'JI.II .1 l.i.lt "f. IUI I III.. llrii'llititlilS .l.l.l.rr. II. it.M-i.ll, .). - ( ll II..U-..I II nii.l l.ich.T i..u-.i. II, II- ll r. .-.I.li li:-.'I Nil. "I: I'll.'. lil. l, ".HI Ink;' ll. l1.' t leu ni.-y will it i'i'. 'itr ii.'i..i-.' o.i' ilirk .,t tin- .-in',. I i'l' .- .11.-1 i-i I tl I II lilt I'.'.ltllV Hi IlK l.ilt.'ii il u.i. l..'.ii ' , i;i .luly, l.-.i.i, ini.l ,li"Vil. tlli.iwt'l' .,.' .If inn!' ii..' i- i.i.l.ili.i it..-..' -.it llio in mi.iI ciit.v, r tl..' ti'il. ' III.'! .'ill -i- in. u. .'.'! will In la'niii. I. T. i'.. W. it i, K .in I S. M. llol. l'. A. 1'. 1. 11. It: i.l. C. S. C. I lillllliil'j. AH. 1 U. JVi. .It, I IK t. l-.'t. 'ih.. I ii-.l Mir.tial : fllUli'.-l .llMl ' ' Mi'l. ml i.i o i . 'I. .It., n. . A;. ' IT i 1. r. Ilo-; S'.'. i.il t.i I iiir .1. Hill ll L1', 1 V'. S. iid for lliiij; Size. ;.tto.-;-,;; f..r flu- eff rr-. 'itu cf Htfors 61 Kefrac' il.e li.lnmarics -.oilli and .South. l'ClVi TO LOAti. Mom in I.hax upon it al i -t.r.c m ;:! :i '' ppr.iv el 'r ci ill. l.lii no Usnorno ami .ills. Iiorii'l . J ,.o,Ur,.;auul0 ,y fiicd Jim, on ison mis necu ;;i ('larksoii, ot Charlotte: Mrs II.J.Nj ,f iit jt, ,, ,,, hj:, em,.,raHc ; ,'Ni'!":'""' 1 lu' l'"' Lovick,.Miss Ja-,'sio Hryan and M iss u.lVS May they both livo loin' and " v-':,! 'I'Im 1 by the en a mint i m doi i . ; i i lt his Alo! lliath.ol New lierne: Mis prospe! About the lirst at" er beard '"Jew" Sib ' 1 1 iirrah tor Cleveland." Very truly yours, il. M. I'm 1 1 il lor I hi is thai ni ss ( f ! I.i.-I r sav. Charlotte an 1 Mary Crimes j wi.rds I (iritui'shind, I'itt county: .Mr. J. C. !.,.., . ,. Womack, ot li'ei.lsville : .Mr. Herbert! K. Nonas, of Apex: .Mr. S. Urownj Shepherd, of Washington: Miss Charlotte l.u-di, Mr. Ocoriielaylo-y A r.iiiroa.l train struck a bu-g.V ' and b! i MissMlhcl lhilcy, Mi-s I.z.'.ie Jin Iv-( coutainine; .Mih. John Cans uml her . i:in; and toil Mr.aud.Mrs.fi. H. lliompsoit, t u cLildrnu. at Kich's ciossin, i Jr., and Mr. T. M. Asl,c,o! K.il.nl, : , In.li.u.B, l.al tinuday. All ihite wu Miss M.i o Suauc. ol' Ati.uit.'. . JfdleJ. amp. Kiil.il li) l.i'liO i.i' i.n' cii.u ! e WiN-ioN. July M- ! lol. u Vll'iillil a.'e.'i e-.i s. W . ie Stl -.id died lie I'll' iher ; i.M'iv bv ti ll . vi ! Win-iton Saint .lav i veiling. Their i sii.tei'. i years ol .ir;e, wi.s aisii knot k J ivittn i'u.1 b-.idly ' tiuuitd. i'a r.tnr.Mr.Ni.': el s 1 1 btit.'d.ns, lO! h'S, lil'l Hi V l.f Mlud.-I.l-- in.; i rrn ion -c : d I i iff coin . ihcm '. ill hiW, me. and cci mi-, It r.M'i.N.-si: I'.,, iill.V of!."iteaeh 7 s.ientif.c h.liora '.;.(MHI M.liimcs. aiti I''..'- ifii t io'ilar- .pp!'' t i A. I . 1. N id l.l AtU'i r.cy til Law, Feb. n, siAN'oSitt, N C. C. F. & 1 1 RAILWAY. t'oiiclHscd ScliodnUy MONUMENTS a::d HEDSTONE - -AT A W, "lit I.. I ,l.'.'.l..'ll tC'tk. All tl III ..t (ll'.i il.i'.l l.l -1. I.t. Ii Ills uti.t I:. .. 11. ,' llt'M ll.ll'y .:,j ii' I. lH.-iti.- ai..! si.uii.'.'o "v" "ii'it tit Urn l.cal lutiturtat anil bk ml tllf.i.uQt, In ox'iti to teduct oul . IV I', I' 11 I'l.J.I. In i l .el .Ini.c : i . ' i t." riJli.V v'v l'.CI.IOTT, Faycltiville Strcot, IiAf.v..uH, N. ti. ,'eiiel al c.'UI' plol'i ssioiial ilfibiTlil , IM Mllll I !i.e I'Ol l. l. ll CVlll si s. : ' T.iiti.m, ;'.' I ci l-' 1". !-. l ON S I I l.-DW. mi. i . a. . n ih.. ... .... 1 ,.- ' , , i .... m'.-. , n... PXKiTTlMX' r()TfCE. Hatih( Ii iini.'.l h. u.i. t-jfM i,nl or Uifliist prill anC illiTl. ilu.-oiuiml. I html. iilitiK t'lnlin Hsalnsl nat4 4h .-.am, Ut roa.ni t.r lirf. rt iba iv.1. ELIZA? LIU OIvDEBT. i.i n l.ip tl i f,.r il ii.o. ..ci.oaii iice.lv. Ad. hi ' l-tni-iIDHN I' WINSTON. Chapel Hi!!, N C. i i it i.t in .ci ii... ii., 1 1 X V.i l -TOli'S NOTICK. IIAV- lui-. i . n-i ill 1 ,ih ntiM-iilor nj Wllllnnj o. Dir. rn. ,1.-. -i .11-1, I Iii r. i, ni'iiiy all ivnrH'iftfi hnlillna. -l imit- it.' -. it .-i if I .li, nt ic rililt.a tli aamf ." in. r i :..r,.lli, iliUi dayol Vtr. IHO , 'L-T W i-.'.t. t, tf BtitW' I' I r fi

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