THB TIME TO LAUGH. tt I Crtlnly Jiot Wlieu a Koy'i Ftiief Hy Urn Kicked ly a l ull. As a ujatiei' of fact a boy never thould laugh at his f.i ( hoi until ho (the boy) 1 18 years of age. at lea-i. Earlier than that it is uot safe A boy over near the university lias for several eveniu ttiod up t- eat his meals, and all bcrau-e he neleeU'il the above rule of conduct. II is father takes great pride. In the Hiui bletonian colt he is raising. The old man fairly delights in pottering around the stable, and he can hardly wait until t h it colt Is 4 years old and trots a mile to harness in 2:05$. as it surely will. The other morning the pater was fussing around in an old silk hat an t equally venerable great coat, pitchfork in hand, and while he was w;i kinjr about the colt's heels the 1 ov gave the animal its feed. The colt does not allow any fa miliarities wh'le feeding, and when the old man. in a stooping position, tacked up againsi liiui, t lie colt lashed out with both feet The mm Stood so near that the !; ek I roke no bones, but he was sh t as from a ; projvrlv uji-aiit:l the tin'! innv h- !' caiamui rignt inrougu uie eiain oam, H)JV k,hl (,, t'11:.i,,,,n . pht-m 'iie-l null umv b.' imnl- entry e.-iiN. vi iht "ins tun.- bo Mind-' !ui oi I'f ni' ffil !'ii!';. - lth w """1 ' r m it m ami ;,i;ih. CJ.OVKR A.s A Nil Moid-V I H r. The ej.ivci' pjimt in n r.;t i oeen 1 i n p. U Imp (lie it nun kubl.' T(ic) tv id t il ins niti'ooeii from tln mr, I" nee i 1' IIVl tile so I ll'lll I In . si. I' S (MIMI.-ll inn ii Imue i-rnp (if , .iv. Th" I M I' lio.hiloR, cull".! till. I .'Ire, uhii-li me pern on the root, of the nnd which eoninn t J . . 1 1 r-. t n ) r- "I" hMie tilings eiille.l liiu t, 1 1. me mi to eiw tli't plant its p.rnb.'ii i.o. i IViis. bciins. v-teli. liipim s. etc., h'so pro due the?" no. lul nnd ni-t- ii'tteci'ii e ,tl 1 -I s. (.'loeilo 1'il'HS. mivt'ii-B muff be npplnd before the blight p-tn poHsefisinii. Puris green might be inied with the Boidemix rnitiir for the Mike of eeoiiouiv with out 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 the ert'eets or Inn mill", po .ii l.iv, Stock hi-lient"!'. plvmm; a motor. .'o.vstj ri join Time are t'i'i ce l wiu-l'ii'll t h :l t rili-90 me tlu r-'i;!? or . vv ipv!!.r., ;tai point flb."i' ire iii'lis-pns.ihle. hli.ll Hit fitted to the hi i:is. and the i-hoMiii: of the nn !-h:i!'t m that the n, .1 ciuls miiv b turned into the win. I. It '!' s-. on the side of the barn. His h wasdnveti thrniuh his til.-, an I 'Alien he extricated himself from the splin ters the lim of Irs headgear Initio around his neck like a i nil. lie re garded the whole business as rowgn. and delivered an orat'oii through his hat which the boy regarded as amus ing. The young-ter laughed First he stood and laughed, then he laid down an 1 laughed, and rolled over anil over and hugged himself and still laughed. lut when that devoted father goi dear from the wreckage he seized the nearest strip, and t'e l.oy has riot suit e.i on e since. The boy knows ;mw tint he is not big enough to laugh at bi fattier --Mm. lieapulis 'I'ribune iii'. -till iu:i. HlilklULT 0 wo Iililde so 06 t mt i th- w i Tie IV i,. no dilli di !i sli-il't. nnd it b" f .tilled Iltl-1 d fr-'iii the low, The tower ni'ist be sdid enoiigh t ttuu l tirmh . on 1 lie niuh"!til well n to the gl ll' I With due Htf, lihr!! th, ie points, unv lio.eb.Htiie can nuilo vindiinil foi nl. eit four tiniisn ,i - he .-nn bnv n b. ti, r rend .v tij. k,t..i ti,iii'ifiet.irer. V- rl. I.e.... To .rTlen "I'll' I til HI " H I. .1, -t 1 o liie). 1 1 1 .. 1 ! ) tlolll I-. kee. tle-'u blilled. renuiilMenr. inati whose face wn-; Intelligent. , but. who.-e clot lie;, vMu e shabby, a tn: 1 ''' whose bearing was unmistakably that 'i':-t to of a man who had hed every r.spoii thi-n to Ml. U1U , ,., :,,!, W ,, ,. iMe,,;, as he could a c;tv tiau.p waikeii . comfortably along in Cnioii S.j lare. 1 " " l" pr--ni-d As he walke I h- s iw upon the ground . hi l ih-y .! b i h. i the discarde I i nd of a cigur: t lie rn lh ntv ii,, i I was more of It than a smoker uu illy . throws away. While he made ue. ' ' ", particular detiion.-tr, il ion merit, the thoulii ile.t ilii- e-i..i tramp w.i- evidently plea-ed to lltnl lioul-l.-, but n i nidi It. He placed it lii his month and vuih i',,- v walked mi w it h just, a trace of ela tion added to his manner of unconcern. AfNr walking a few steps he t'loughf ll-' would smoke it He paused in front of n man who was sitting on one nf tl.e benches reading a newspai er, an i asked hlt.i for a match, lb' lighted the cigar care- fu!ly:and when lie had it fairly aliglit I hi-, h ii . i s i n Moiist; mrusti foil Mtni'Ft. u lllmoi iiibsci iber n s k k for in foiimitioti nhoiil iiiihiug hoi se rrtdirh for nun Iet, nnd nhei, a book innv be llild I hut trents upon it. V. know of no hook devoted w holly to the OllltUle of !,e,,v,- indh. I'ook, upon i"in k- t gfirdt.H!iig nnd general hoi ti, utture cotit iin i hnpters or ptir.i- gl'llpllr- e, li, el lllle jt. for.-.- indir-h for uni'ki't !. cr-"n .is n set on-l e! op. fii preparing the r r.t bii'iie the wiutet.for nmtket. n!! tic sniiiU i"oU nl--1 Pikeii !! and saved for planting. ! avina n-'tliioo b"t ih.-- iiuim i-'ot f-.r s, lling 1'!.,. r-iotl..).-, win. h aie a foiiith (o n Inilt nn null in dliiniebu. :il' cut into jiiee.- l olll fo;;i to hi ineh'-s in bngth mid ti'-d m about (it'tv. ''i.- top nearest tic mam root, is tV. and th--- it li-r end slant mi;, s-i thut in planting th"i will be lio dallo,! of eetlllie f I, e foot o ret HI Mjiside- dow ii. When ti,, acts are pit pan d tin -y me sto.. 111 ellole Hllld to I !! (lit h-'it;iii: nnd Kept in a eoo eehir. m .ilted 111 the Opel) ground. failv . ahhaee. canliifowii and bi i ', 1, i ii' g..o. ii in u u which t i plant ,,,,!,. j hoi-, Wh, n cabbaui s ar: used . I a- ''ie tii-t eroi, are planted 111 (- two ! t iiiii'l. -iv..,i to , ml, j t eli I In 1 1 . -. I.. I vv , , Ii the philith. The leO la.ll .l I- pi, lilt, d between he Mid Ml.oUt ihe .-..e ! -1 I 1 1 1 - t ii. cibba-i , u n ill j about I J, A Celestial Visitor Which Weighs 83'i Poundr. What th3 inirriiM' r tbe t'tivlrr c '"tit am--'. In one of tl Museum, Viih 011 exhibition niiisH that o,,k eontiin an a1 . W llldoWH of Pl llllodv Coll 'ee, (here In lion a huge, dark cobued bki i iii.lei , but w hieh eeilit of wealth that, rviM h crKinrs. idinary j bund!, s lid. the nt s.n,i) rought r pint j lis s OOO pl.ilil . (., the III itllio It .... tie I -p, e.,b II at til- I to ill. all, I tt:th tell Ht.'l lie dllllcllil V decl Is n ;lh weed-'lillt- ! to I, c.e '11 -1 M 1 th I I, o erii-l, II I- to p. I . ;IVe MH to It nt. alt. I in, Ii tin . .a. mono! . . S.. It I., il -I Ie I I i, I I hut r li-b. and going lie took it from his mouth ami held it up and lnoke 1 at it calm ly tint cr!!i''ili with the air of a con-noissi-nr. and then he lifted his face slight'y and bh'w the smoke into the air. It wis clear that he en toyed 1m end of the eir.;r and approve t,i taste of the perch i-i-'i New York Sun r-t i w- U oi l I. h land in tli- I i bull Pi. -I llilioi . nt lo .1 t io i h,t u I LOST MY HEARING ti,.. .! Vol I. s,Me. o stl- l I lie lino-, us. a K I -t i, k hi li.;ht Cl ou bar . I hi u -I 1 it inio lie -r.iiiud . iiM or b i. iiiclies; ; 111 I In I , . , , - , ip, 1,1.1,1. d I ' p I he Ie O S"-l.-ell-dl -l t so Hi II II . lip Kill be IWO . I the, e ihe!,, , i.i,., i Ih, ..:iiiae '.vlii li tie t ii II f i is pi. , about th. -i I and tin led.- nil. ,1 up. j Tiie I. a-. l',.r plaiitiic; lie s. ,,i deep i, to . :H II . eomm, up 1 1 1 1 1 i the Clop ,,f cibUue I- chilled olf. lo-e a.isi, mills i. i-,, 111, eio'ith III til" fa i I. s h I Mil I . dm. I I II Is kepi t..lll e'o,i.; H li I ( U- Is , , i lie.; before tie e,ibiei . crop is j,,,. w .., ,. and cm. s ,,p s , a- to ihl. I i. 1 e W II ll lie e bl.;i , It lipr, ll Clt off H Itll the i,. It III . , I lljlll'e It I11H . All.l I , C ll.blle, i, uhat.-M I the tifst . lop .. taken oil'. till Ie Will, i ,1.. o d to i - th- ,I,M!. III I Ciiiild it be put to i oiiiineli lal Use, j would piobubb amount to moi" thvti all the nth,-! , - I i in -1 possessions of the Yule em pel at!, ti, Ihe huko mas- in .piestmn 1,-. a rm teor that -hopped fr-un th- nkv last .'ear into babi - i ativon. in Colorado. Flieiidsiof Vah- . ..-i-eas--d as! roll-inn r. I'l-ifessof Jdia I. ins. puichil-ed the meter lor ?1. J ,m,l sent it to Yale !! the Piale dv n-t nm, on i oudi tl"ll that it should b. m .eribed to till miinorv ot th d a I piofessor of hs-tr-.iiomv, I h- H't with it.-attending e. n lition u.. a e-pt -.I. nn 1 the meteor was s..,,t ( tl- works ot the New Maxell Manufacturing t'onipany for tin- pin po-e of havimj one ml pinned o'V. lim.. uioiiti ,i sin face upon which th- nisei iptioii e-.,ii. bi cut l ie Ci-mpTix i pi etc 1 to have mi i !- M 1 1 111 tins wink, but th. well en id. rahlv i-ieU iken 'lh, Vs. ntte men and an -n din. ny t nek aftei th-' biu- , o ,1, r. and Hot imlil th- n did tiny real i , th it it HeiLdied sli pound-. Ih- ii ti 1 1 in -ii a ii-I inn- oi heir Ie -n ie-l ti neks , re sent, mid the in teoi w,i tiieillv I M . .ti - lit to tie ,.li,.p. W ie ii I lc I -ilor from the slai n ti nn. nn. id a , phn-. -l in a big jda n i n-: in ,.li i n, ti..' fun real I v coniiiuiiced. I'p t" th it Inn li.-thiim '" known o th- o.ti i i. r f.u ination of tic nn te..r, but ih uoikuicii in clnie, ,,f tin pl.Oi r . ih My I.- ili.-i .1 that it was no oldiliaiv i ' I II . . r or stolie. 'e -l;'e- of the harp, sic Mm planiie; bladi s di.-iipp, hi , .1 u ilh inu i 'in ; i apidit , havum .oily a sliijhl ilnpiv....ioi on the lisivihil, wand, r. r iliioimh space, Sti'ou ., i I, hides Here put ni. but il was not mil, I i b , ii ... t . h:i l been spoiled and I'i'i -I ay s i inneui- e in I nig d tint the desired . lb ct hid In ell aci-i.inp;sh,-,, ud a -'lilac. st the.) bo- th. in.scripl I. hi. S: vi'ii poiimb ink' u from th wi mlit of the llltls . Tin mi- ri-ir M' th" ne t elos. d I" th.' rni-liiu; pro, po.-ed of black and v. hit. but Ih i- onlv I . as diamond-, III it ;v v .i IH,,- IT, ,.! - - O -.l, I rCi.l. eel r.,i,i. vv I,, I, I Mi Olkei lie.,- lelll.o ihiii in hen ri ttff inin I T'lH-IHIK. II I- l"V in-v,,. limn a v.eir ti. i I .nn hear f r p 1 1 ," li mm v till K -V 11, ( ',ir r.-l, r. N. . - - ' Hi, I. I. . Sill,-. (, v I-. : ,11. ... , , I I'1 1 t'e'l Oi- aw'' oili-iiv m (let., i,-. I'i . s,, i,! M i s j (i j ,I'-M, s thi.t II Is th- 'HllV of !!,. IMiiihc I , , , ' I III Ie- ll, ot ho IO. - lioi d to , , U, -el. I !, . ,l,e , lelit I hut i .. ,1 , , , , itl- nlion. L lact. -.. tin child!.!', e.Oi In ili-tl net. d -(4 .-.U n,-h- .,.,,.., , "'" ddirite,!,.. Her 1,-1... . 1,1 1 l!" I '"' WUl&O I "'".' -f th ,.!.,-. , v I- I I cili bi i , Whirl. HI t ot th- li, v.iM.iiv. I ti I h- .. liiilld I' -t m-n . a I -.-!-. a In in- i'his . it .-oi.. i. .i,, it,. id. .1 t.o th- t, .el,, i . ii. t ',. 1 1. n- i i li mv s th- nt hi r nil ale iron f i i -1 s of graphite nnd -It'll I . .pin i it eli Hoods Jmii'li' r, lnit ' "H OTHER'S FRIEND H u f-cientilically prepared Lininmtit nnd hnrmles, every imtredietit- is of reeopnied valuo end in con-tmit bv the mt-tlical t r fession it short, us Labor, Lessens Pain. Dimmi-h'1-. Danger -to bfu cf Molher mid Child Book ' To Mothers" mailed n".--.-, t-im-tainiug vahir.ld infurni'ition' aii-1 voluntary t-siinionials. ! Iivcxpress. , liar.Tt s ( r -i ::1 m r . rii '.. tt i i !.', i. ..u .el l..,,ltc. 8RADFIEL0 REGUUTOR CO., A!!jnt3. Gi. cciat'yaUdiiii-ij.iiti. l!l"-t -t t h : This f.o th-' 1. th. y in. , b. Illble t, -H let I I phnu I- i tin- s i,, - 0 ' I I s . j s - 1 1 1 1 I I th 0 t' e public - h .- I e ,llnl. bv . .io . r r . ,-lti in. h to I I, a Wonderful Patch Plate iwi-rl rrsioror, biilmv orlil, III rpmlv Islt t j Do You sleep Pc.vcefj'iy t ' ' Tl-'nl Vmiuh J .1,-rp! t III', lilii- llir ' mi v i j W lii-re f url a rip inili- ' J C"n 'vim ll- it n.m linn t j, ,,f lti J j Pilgrim hecl Whii-h I- am i.- ,f lilohlv irmprtril step! i t wirr. i th,- i-KKHi -i..s ,.f Fvsi. -m.i win , last a 1 IKi riMl- S v,,i, ,,ll . o,,,,,,.,,, ,r t 5 itit.!lS f .l il.-'V sr.. ie,. ,. ll ')'. I'll d. lit. II-. t s U ., s I I I let! v 1 iv i ,,t . vet i 111-. "i..h on . ........ . di tl' I Is ih. o I h -litVl I. lit Ivllel ot 1,,.,.. . ,s .,. I t- .-id I ly t hei - a si ti-. I I.. ,e- mlit, ,, , ,, ,..p, ,,.. t ly up, oi Ih- e.oi in . .h , ,f hs f... ) Ih. c. di , , ii h.ick ie -.111 nnd ii -.1 .I , d p., pi tt v -ill , . . bl l,. I II ,,,!, I be ! it t l- i. ,b, ,1 I. h t- i tip f- .r I e -1 th, i s iii - i.etd, ,i ppa i ' id 1 v b v ,,, . the -skill of the ,l -eoM I-i l' I- II much in ue- i t.-iiinn- n. -.v thin ai.pi, -i, ni!,- (I,.. Mid,.- ..i th i .... it. .,1. 1 th 1 1 m in - int. t . b- not t ml., 'Sot. l Wllels Jllillce peopl. a I'hls bird ,,, e 1 p-'Olt- lie to, I. th. p. I I t vv U I. p I. It 1- -t I. s. . ll, tie, I -tut. II - - lid. ii r.llllst th.- ( hme lis ,, f. hut ll '-t all lh -e o pi - fowl lie V. -r.. .,, , rpupl Solli I'll-' b. illi i n . tl ti n niilinK elici 1 bii.mIIv ii piilp t ni i rii t 1 1, . O. uh; i ii to, , i.l I tints 1,1 I H J " qii). h i n,l nl ll.'.-l-il.'' i THE PILCRIM i CHARMS PEACEFUL SLEEP. e.v hi 1 ol V Hi. . W. I'-' tf..ll. who tu the t'ull lit I ll -. h.t - .1 !' I ! and know . h-.v : neill boy u. o, ll, -l np. . i'i ,.ni Ih x n and it oceui-i-, d p. III ; lid licit It Ie - r,-ies vv Oil a s. .lull Mi - I. which w.-ul biu- p, Co!-,-, pr, - .., n..U ,, ih. si .ti n. t- !! t 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . t -i . till'. dl-'.-Vel, . H i, It Held, PIS, d With l. SH, .11 n ih all oiii-i h lo, - I ll.ii,:- - . -. t I Th- h.-il.,t of -teiilm- s 1 V tl,. 1 1.1,1- . th-- o-. ie r ot in. i-uhl -p, i,,!,. ,!. l ol' Inu. ii t blue ie ike I hem I. i i- ht of Colic I- s plum 1 1 . s -In. u tip .n l it th. Illy i . tills will pi , , ,1 i.i.i. h tevvl- ' In- I- v. tv . the V , n to do thl ,Vo I. w i 111 v . i v . nt he -pi je. t k v , tl,:l ,o don- pa d be ,t lit n belli ! than 1 Ml b -1 1 at ru t h i - vv - I---I- lit I- th---I -.,.-, .,! lie oil th- -nl. -lie f,.,v ,1 an-l that ih, ice th- v attain a d t bowls -h-iii-l t, mi b, ,vlh -nil, i t -r the vv.nit of pine, v.nter. t-M-i thoimh it be l.tboi nm . to pr,. i.le it Ma-ieiht and fill I , x i, , -,nt .. many a i I leeiit- b . which poultry t- -, lilt til ll .slb.. w-.uhl ke.-p the s,H,, i,.w,v-. Th. niihii-e pot ,o,lv k-pl th- bov.-otV. bllt Plov. ,1 io be i, . he dy ,,- bil-llt. Six years alter, or in hv.i, it nastn- il in Viije'icii for poi'ito bh-ht. and in I v.n, . te-t.'d at th- Wisconsin . p' l"!t:e- Stiit nm, and inth- .inn.- in ill Ihe ei uioi.t Kvpei itiieiit Staiion. 'jlth the 1 1 ti it that while potatoes ..i u i. . i .. . , i i t i .... I . I sireol. New V-irM. ' ! w,:'l-n u-i no, , , . ' Illl.tUI'C y eld. d I. nlv hllietv sev- U bii-hels to the acre, those treated'rlmer.Kri.-. J Melded -!.7 iillsh.-,. I'r. .fr-w ; (i-tf Aitaa Tack 4'orporntlon, llolon. JA CHILD CAN LIFT IT AND ', TURN IT OVER. ' J Eihlhiml ni .. .IWnrren t Fi r -ule t,.v all i.u.i.,-lu-.-iii-f-, J t s.r ltro.-s Ta lUii.ti.r-.'a TralcniarH oa ali t 9 (,,-niiiDe rus then said it was I I W tREn'H-sEsH'.si-n. New V-.rk. rhtta-li-lphLa. 5 ! t Cliliatin, Halitai.ire, s,iii irn.ii-isi--, I.ynu t t ia t t he tin t HI' 9 I-4nt.Rits I minion, wn.s.1., eiiruaii-ii, na-u, , W tmmuu, Mu.i liuxLurv, Sliiv.. 1'l.vaioulh, ' (. ' Hill '. I th? pra-tlcnl pof'i ( ail I'I, mis See I Co win -ae it a- hi- opinion that , -"il I t li'in .-ii li , nnd an Indian ' I H it n 1 1 o-t i-ehit, s some curious in Cldenls which lend to verify the be lief. ( Ibs-rs in- on- inorniii- that the tendrils of i nol idus on his . ran da had decidedly h am d over tov.ard- bile- as he lay in nn i.ttitude of repose, ! he tried a series of cvpernie nts vith a 1 long pole, plaeiim it in such position j tint the I. K'.es would have to turn i away from the light 111 order I,, reach ! an. lid -pillion it. 1 1, . v i v i a,e li found lhnt tl. .1 1 was so pronii-iiig , v-ndnlln tlii-iHM-U-.-s ti.war.l- : mint its trial mi a largo -cale by j th.. p ,le, and in n f-w hmir hall grower, ih" i t!.iu.-tl th-. iiis-.!v( ekeselv arvmu'l ',,,es-,,l- S.ivp " .iiipom nis of (he Mlelo I, ilh ,i ..1 1 ll lollte. Solli- ., ll e lloilules Hie (ill inch aerosi, I, nd uiv . th- planed surface 'I col,e. npp, .ir.ili,- . he 1 1 1 il 1 1 1 1 1-1 -, were Hot SUM il. u- ih y ne too small I" be of liny IP- . , vei pi Io spoil the i du'i s of plnniim I -i.i-b -. After nil th ' ti.' lii'ii lias b, en likill it I- li.oi evllem.-ly doubtful w hither the , I, -iii I in-eript 1 - - li call be cut into th. -ii o-ihed sin f -. Th, matei uil is so har-l it p t hmig ht eh isels would be u-i h s- fo tills, purpose. Should il In b-ini I impossible to cut the letter-., a lie t lole plate belll'IIIK th" inscripl l"li will b. tt.iche. to some portion of th- e -1- --i In eith- I event th" plot- is, n-- -Mtlstied Willi th- l iioH h il--' - I b the cutting pio-. e-s as (,!! ! h . plot -r-ded. - New V-mI- W-i-1 I n.,it,( I ... ii nt nt.., -;!, hine. Mv f ithe- h el I ., .!! ! fr-m r !i--ii l-boni.e St - i- l s-oii lifter Ip , i'iv an n ! b in ,. . . th , npflv i! ! i- ": - th j ! i h i.- ..t" ip. - I'll!. I! b : li: poe., ,.,.-, e 1 !!. til- t'i liti'l ' -- - !:!- viv- was Ivt!' 01 !: ' ' '. -Iii I W-s (!!- !--ho.. Ih- Ulan. till, said little, -pted that my I'n th tt he belonged to tie ( 'oiifedei ite a tin v liie day , hi w eet,tli old t!i-ni. iiuni hud prepnr-d a i on pi of milk pu'ieh-s, iiu-l while ' .IoIipu!- ' wi- i-f this, he -id.bli!v ti-k.d him t-. what regiment I. I- l--1i", d. The path lit hesitated lot ., inoinilil. all I tlnu an-w--iei. " III-' III Ml-Si Slppl " "I'll tl, ' " ichoed lip eoo-l Sn Mm lit k ii , ie. he -I m-. led and in all f. 11 to the ground "H hy,' -i.ld h-, ' y,..i miiv be tip' .iy iiuiii wit- -h-t i,,y boy!' nnd Ih teal, -pr,m to hi, , y. - i,t th-- li -hi. In l ti-em III tnol e h- had lrc..M,, los ipi.nnmity , and l ikni- llu iv-niehd ( 'i .iiie.hrate by the hand, said. "Never i 1 1 1 1-1 . my bo ; par-lou me for Inning -tleli nn niiw.lcoiiie tli'Mll-hf. I mil sur- y on l.rlii m-i y on w i re doing y our duly , w hiite i f y mi did. ' I va- unite pioinl that, lioin this tin- --it until all the t'olil'edi rat-h were n uiom -I I'loiii among tin- I'nion trtn.pH iitnl placed in a camp by th lunches, my (ni In-r showed the man a little Iiioie attention than he did m , iniMoiis was he to deiiiiuisl rate that In- mad- no difti rehee becau-e he mmht Inn.- "sh-.t his boy."- A. II. Nicker sou, in Scribiier. Their Miiiiiiiir. ' What arc the wild wines siiiying'" ' limp us h Hue," replied the tiwher tuaii. - Truth. A or-iii colored woman Ins nnmjif li' l ti iph t- railh, lb p. mii I ( Inn it y. N'etnlv on. hiill the l-ital nnml'er of HUlel-l... t ike place bet W ' i ti ill" lloll t f 12 ol b A. M. an-l noon. Oiicein eveivtieht yi als tin I-"!-." u the I'lilled Slat, a bags aie hanged to matin sab ly, A toad is nn fonder nl dnt than any one i-l.-e, nnd b( hue ll" slicks nn HU-I" worm down his thr-'nl. serapis the dill oft w ith his piiw-. A smikf that wei-h-1 thh.- linn lii J pounds, n 1 1 I had oil-' huiidl'd n!id till' s!: lattbs- w ii kill -d ill I'll! 1 1 ni County, Ail-aiisn-, The usual i li- i- I'lmishme.'t nm-me tip- r-.r-iiu's is th- ba.-tiipido. from whnh men cm n of th-hit;bi -t lank ni tint i empt, moiiu the ii' -.v post-On r- arr : ( ills, tin. ; Annii dell- . I ova , ib-.i ll. I'- v. ii. Okie. Wyniiiiim . T ,,p, Ala. . t-r. (in. . Knuwii. Ill . mid l eiro. Tenn. fiieek nnd !!-in, in loop; alwiiv opened outwaid. and when n tnaii w:i laissing out of ,1 hoit-c In- klim ki d "'I the do..)- so in- not p.- "pen it in t! r faee of n pass, i by fn 11. "i'i Hp' I'liiver-Hv of Paii- I S tablish'-il ll sy st-in of Co.! m-ssenueiH ).- bore . les for It - thoiisand- of students fioni i --i v coimti , m I'liropi-. and bi-uieht them lummy ti ! bom--. The small' st Homnn coin wis lip. I- riineiiis, worth not ijinte tw.elitths of n e.Iil. The s.stel t mm, which Is the coin must often mentioned, was a hide less than I'. Mir edit ; n .leiuii uia w ,m ',' eenti. A .Inpanc ip.v. ty I- "la-s papi I , w 1 1 1 . ' 1 1 is siii-l t mbim , in, , i lul t raiispareiiey with iilinsiial slieiclli 1 1 1 I t-micity . The mati rial lor inal, lie; It is film i-hcd by a .l.ipiuiesc a.pia tic phmt. " s eiiuniii- a- n l'o" nmihl have idiotic to the ,i-Col -lei's ol Kan t -chatka. I'lu y found I'mi in laro ininibei'-, but so stupid, becau-e lli.-yliad lieer lieloie s. en Mil enemy , that they could be killed w ith clubs. Mole fi'lics of li Wllshilli-toh have turned up. This I in. ll,, art ieh -are two army pHl.ds lhnt wen- pr sellted by th. -emral to K,.,-illdvo, hi- I'oli .i, aid. Th-' pi bds are in po - si inn of Ih.etol K-lwal-l Tll-illlll-, id iellllll. In 1 '. 1 . II i- '-aid. th- heal lhron-h out tin ( " ii it . Slat, s un , th- -I - at-st I on recoi.l, the then o inter in ni.ur, j places ri -lsl.-rinu lll.'l degrees in lip I slunle. 1 .1 I'.ll-hi ud t he lil-l .'111 y I a n-i d i from '.HI I, Ml d..Ki, and in i.m ;i". de-iee-. In Lon. hoi it was the h-'t j 1 1 -t season k How u in twenty two o-nii, i I he director of the Tan . obsei viitoiy declnleil lllele WIIS lio leeold of sllch ml. use heal. Tin" ill niien-l drill Is poii.t d w ill hl"k iiiaiii'iii'1.1. Wr farr tl ililr. Vn ninller of hew Line siMii-tiinr ' ter III tlMtis. tl'sl illlnll His, e'e.. In S. J. Itollfiisw-iath .t I n . (Ivn'iiu. 'I'micn 'o. I'lue tl, by and, fl.lS. il is lull a l iise. I jn.ilili-i,ui,-l Unit llmilllls no li'glier than .1 hint .-an Mar. Ttrnvvn Iron Rllli r- cnro-i Dy-m-iidi, Mi. rla, Ihliousn.'SH nail IliriiiM-al lii-nllity. ljlv.. Ir.tiK-th. nnl.. Hi'.- I ni, I, ai-v the tn-iv.-n crt-iiti-ii apiii't itt. Tl,.? h..t tuain for Nursing M 'U.i m, ml, weiin.'ii ami cUil lre:!. Pear ifioiili -te-I invili s ilan; ewai-ls iii-a'J kii-vvn oii"s. l'"ll.lilM.t 'n?.hi.-tor V. I ,1V. " l h. elTeet wiai-li-rfiil " v no III II gists, i'-e. I alk hill" i-li-l vv II fer s-'lliel -i -v. I rmtllls. Hi, Mil l. . nl Ilith'H I 'a1 rt'-rli 'arf is Ilill! aheal it. t .1.1 ln- iitl.l Veil Will he t,Rn KNOWLEDGE Bilncs romfnrt and improvempnt and tends to personal enjoyment when righilv used. The nuuiv, who live bet- Mam riT-oni arc hroki-n rtnwn rr-.mpvpr. I ler tnau ltirra iui'1 enjoy lite more, Willi work ni- li.nis. liiiiii em s. Himvu s li-n Pit- .esg expeiidituip, by moro promptly l-ra n-liail tlu svsti-.n, (ml. ill -i-stinii, n- ,ir,i., i. .,.!u,' ., ..'i...i .i. ivio i-U'iMi "t iiil'.aa.l iuos m-lnrii. a .i-."i"e "- "lis iv ui-nicta iu dijIc-hUi'I nniio lur woim-n ami cliil'lreii, A vets-, iiviv fln-l li'iti! wlieni a . rnintifll the needs of physical being;, will attest the Villus to lyiiltli of the pure liquid lnxistive principles cmliia-jcd in tho ,....e,llim s 1'iU- In-t-.i I of shehv , m ' U """y n' "f vvai.-is. M'-i-i iin'ii's-nii eiln-rs. :'.'i els. a h-x ! Its vXCclk'tliU 18 due to ft presenting in tiie iorin must acceptable and pleas FISH IN BOILING WATER, t to the taste, the ref icshinc nnd trul v t Kpnclu UUcon.-.-i'il Tlmt Tlir:e lu That ll.-aii-nt. One of the tm st remarkable dis.ov ri?s In the pliape of a jfctili-ir sje :e of ll-h ever made on this conll u"iit was that made at t aisoii t Ity, New. In l7rt. At that time both lieneliciul propeitic;, of n perfect In X- nlive; 'rtectu:illy eleaiising tliv Hyt-tem, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing coiistiputinn. It luii given siiti.-l'iu lion to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, becn.t-e it nets on the Kid- lu v.s, Liver anil liowels without weak- the Hale A' Norcross and thu Savago puing tliem and it is perfectly free from mines were down to what li known' every objectionable Biih.-tanee. as the ".',"00-foot level." A lien nt Kyrup uf I-'igs is for tide by all drug that depth a subierraiii an lake of pirts in fine and fl bottles, but it in man. boiling wilier was tapped. The ae- ufacturcd by the California Fig Syrup rid. nt Hooded both mines to thu Co. only, whose name is printed on every :leifli of 400 feet. After til- water package, ais.) uie mime, r-yrup oir igs, had all b.-eii puniied out c.v.vpt that '"'k' -veil niforine-l vol. wiU uot which h:id gathered in basins and in the inaccessible tortious of the woiks. nnd when the water still had a temperature of .! d. -green m ai ly cab ling hot -. many iii"er looking j little blood-ted llsh were taken nt. j In appear, inc ili-y resembled gold fish. 'IT io y seemed and rsportive rtioii.'li when tin v were in tUelr na i t've element -boiling w. iter not ; wilhst Hiding liie f;i-t Unit they did J Hot even h,le mdilui'lltniy eyes, I When the llsh were taken out of the j hot water ami put into buckets ol i cold water for the purpos . uf being triinsi orted to the-surface, they di-d us ijuickly as a perch m bass would il i lunged liit-i a kettle of water that Accept unv substitute if olleit d. IVIiut, linl.-i-.P Among authors thi-io ,-ire but few who lake the s:i,'htest Inteiost lit social or political iiiestlons, So faf as public iiuesiloiis nre conceined, they are hardly better Informed than lhlbto (iabriel Rossettl. I luring t hit l-'lelieli levoliitlou, fine of his Irleiids burst iulo Iv'.M-ctlbs studio with Urn Inert dilile new s, "l.iiiils l'hlllppn landetl III Kiml ind." "lias he?" said liossciil, calm y; "what li.ts he coimi for'f" l.elllie; lllm 1'i.v.n I'.asr. A good example of Ihe extremely foiirteous in public col responilencf! was scalding hot ; not only this, but was the no i.v sent to ( Inu les Jauu s the skin peeled off exactly in if thev y that he was no 'onger a member llild been boiled. ,,f the go', em lilt tl t of tli'ot'gO the i:.veh ss Nil are comiiioii enough ir Third. 1 1 read thus: "ill gracious all siibtcrrancan bikes ami ri (it's, but Maic-ty has been ple.-med to Issue thl- s the only ease on re 'ord of li- n,.w couimissioii, in whl li your namo inu llsh Icing found in hojlin,' water ii,-s not appear.'1 None but Royal 1-1 f, r-l t,. 111. will- til "Itli apparent!-, ah I I think hall t ll- I was U"t nwnr. ll llltllllllll linll. ! llu was a hii-hltd uuiii, mp l inUi r. lie loved Miss I'lUil.l so i.l.leiitly thai he was ti tin iI to tell l,,i h-t bin dn ain be resolved to ashes ami sinol.e, and yet In was cerliiili tlmt at the cut leal nio'tn-tit she would say "yes." So it went on, nnd 'I'mllcr kept adding to his slock of eniira-c until h. had necii liiuhiti I nlino-t elioii-h lo braH Ihe lie Itllble. bont that liie. 'i, mi i , t.-l In- la-ly ov to public t. ,- pti-.n kiv.-ii in lieU-O of one of the ov .,lp s vve. , .O.i. to ,p.U'. to Vl-lt th- W-'ll-l s I'll! I . Thev -! u-ti..,, m(., th" iiow-b l I "nil!, nn-1 li vnt--d th- n pi . ntal e "l 1'imillT th- tii"- tain-, nnd I -tt -r wh.'-p-" 1 ty th- icnn ..'io did th i'.ii!!'"im in-, "Miss Pull nn 1 Mi. Ir ft,,! ti, . .. t pi!t .i th- whirpt-r 1 -t in th- liois- . .in-1. t th- h - i l i t.-. . he and Mis- Pudd w-.-rf- pie s-iit.-d a- Mr. ami Mis Tiot. r. Tor ii moni -nt hwns .-iieone ; then b.s -t..l'l of C'.lllil-e a-s. It I it all", lit-. I forgetting III! llboht the p. liOliae, be fore whom he stood, he turn,, I to bis fair i'i mi pun i Mi. and " I ot -n't that ' he lisked. Th.y never notice. I i,,utly, (hi v wor- hurried on nt tie- er-.wd. Cut Tlott- r dldil 1 cure, t.-l hell- aid besid. bun a geiitl- voi-'e -av "V. ,." Mow ii I iglitiiiug It ul is Maitc, Tin- hi -t 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o r,l is easily made in the. way . bar of Imlf melt s.piare iron lo, I ,. Ihe n-ht bui-th to eo dow n in the t .ii-l It until perinaii. nt thol-.tllle IS lell. lt' -I l' fi- d to ,e mill b copniioti -.tuple-., or, il Ihoip.hl In llei, by -hi.- .is, but lb... lire ic tlly o ,,,, pr.e li.-al value, a com -it 1 1 -li stni. I,- lo hold Ihe r,., l.ein ipiite sulticli lit. Tin- top IM bloll-l.t to ii sharp point, or it may be split mid two oi three idiitip points made on (In olid, lllld these are to be -lldcd to prevent lusting. This is U that is it-ede I, and such a iml is tpnte t lT- ctivc as a fnr more eostlv one, -old bv it den I er who iisunllv makes st w hundred per eeiit piolit lor his work. It i s ii good thing to make the hole in ,lueh it is planted at h ast three b et s piare mid lay h ipiantity of scrap imu in it to spread the i h et ricity , or bet ter still, to take the rod into n well and hut i it end in (he wnter, by which the discharge is dissipated harmlessly. I'll.' md shoiil-1 be pitmled to keep It from rusting, 1 Ins does not in any way itltilfeie with th- diselinige. . New Yoik Times. I I f 4 If you want the Host Food, Royal Baking Powder is indispensable. li 4-r JtT-: ft "VK ,-K .' It.ikin Pdwdrr i nlisolulrly uirr. Nn t'titrr rii,il i il, or ,iiii'fi,i lies il in leu ruin stir nodh, purity, or" linlcsomnK'S:.. (Si r lT. S. Cnv't Iciit't ..) No oilier i ; ni.t-lo from cretin of t.utar spfcially refined for it ;nnl t heinicilly pure. No other makes such lioht, sweet, rnielv-ll.ivoH'vl, atul wholesome fooil. No other will maintain its strength without loss until tiscil, or will maltc l.reul or rale that will Keep fresh so Ion-;, or can he oaten liot with impunity, even liy lsieitics. No other is so economical. Flower" i ''I am P.-vst Master ben- atul keep a Store, I !mv kept Aujv-it l'lnwtr j fur sale f ir -utile tunc I tbitik it is I a spk-tii!i'l liiC'lii. iiK-." A. Hond, P. M , r.ivilitoi CVtittc, N'. V. , Tiie? st'-tnaili i; the re-s-rrvnir. j II" it fails, cvci vthinc; f.nN. Tin. i liver, the kiilmys, lite hiti.;s, the j heart, the lieail, the 1. Una!, tlK'iicives all i;o wrotij;. If you till wrong, j look to the stomach first. Tut that i ris" lit at on ( by tpsini; August ,' Flower. It .is-UK's, a gooil npiitite and a good digestion. i m DRINK A " A, s, ..i -.1 ..hits- gl-. ' "'N",' I ,, t.,i .., ..a voih yoools ii" 1" t P j.lh. r e.'.l ..r li .l l,-r A X flj VllOltrlieH 1 l.i' " , I. ,fV", t.v H.'.-. -r. ! i I. -n.i U.-.-I t f.iLr . .re,l .1 ) I I -o,--i II ll.,- . ,., . an u I '5eV -P-'. 4i IHIHI f . HOUSH I C(l. ?3S Wh'n ,1. In.l.n, H.,v MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS ---" WITH thoivison's mm j SIA)TTK1 CLINCH RIVETS. v Hi.b If' l'l ."itiH n i .uli-T n .'i iiHrf i-T t i .ii ttMiT ni'i-.lnl t n,t, i-'AV'.Ms; ll-f ti Mo m i.,. ii rySend 6c. in jumpj lor ioopagt illm:rtcd c&u.'uaa of t.cycletK goat, nd tponlng goodi of every drsenprion. Jhn P. LvM Arm Co. tton. M Tlf t. I 'M IIP t:i Ak tour .Irtilfi lor, r st n.l In i.itiij' l.r .i i'.v, i'.sifU' 1 n a Man 'id tiy JUDS0N L. THOMSON MFG. CO., w.ii.tiiih, ji ws, 5L00D P0IS3 A SPECIALTY. I - G OIT R ECU R E D, s';,:TV,,f'r. ' vy end rlHbfn ttiftH BLOOD POISON isl.,,V,,h.u.'J,i';" l ttrulars ml in,(-tt t-at-...,r reli.-vh llir Our lin.n.-ll ..k!iif ii Ictitlepi.t&aAliiru, fMrap.rtllAur llt Mprm fail, rtirat.tat'urn-ai,,l ,, r ll-ii-1 yhtl...... It th,- i.nlf tbln that will cure ,r,i,atiiillv. 1' veiva -rwt ralrd, Cra. luck limn 1 u., ehlc-jo, 111. AN IDEAL FAMILY MEDICINE e.i- l..,llt-ll,,n. Iillii.uaa.aa, Uv-llrnilh. JT -K uo not ue vntiita murapwiniim . 1 . , .... .. . v , ,,,, th -ajw. Knaml an, I I aluta whVb tain the I mf 1 r. a i-r i ni-apr-t f, n,l. Iteliire Hi- iron ati.l hurn n-.t I. P rj8rS&m aJJ-ijl IT ft J I h Riln S'tii M,.v I' ,ll,h I, Hrllllmt. Oilor- I fe LY a71 V CNl m sal aa 4u mm 9 . ' 1 a. aa l (r... 1..1.1. f,-r uo tin I I f 4 , K . ,7 T i r !a-J. parkaa.- vs Ith e..-1-v r-iii'i-haai. I I f J tHi'1 b "'"aa'- M WmU, 11 laj I M b k i'. llM.-iti-oes Wane-, rv &4 4 r,.,,,l, .l..n. err. . .-!.- I . RIPANS TARULFS fi.Au. ..) ' ai-t K'-'.illT v 1 .iviii.-t.t. I Vr'ost lfV-l V ll.Kr tl.-n t..ltwa tl-.r'u H-.l-l filS j .Y ur.,1-1, ,,r t.r mail ll.a -sWrjw-IVort--n.ii i...a li. .. tai ,',a'aH ",:,U,1. CO., New Turk. Piatij r.oii islv r. r l atarrh ta tho rum I j '"". 1 i-.tll-t t- f.p. 9-l.t -!tmiH. I I , TBESESSEIsrj