i r i no i;i- it'1 1 it-h til U is; iotx. An I tititiciise Crowd. Till ItSIUY, OlJTQI2KIM2.IV.tt. O. S. Poo & Svn's store is lull of Kkw liooli, Cul! anil boo thum. The men! . iSIri!-: F..ir a!' IS:); will W.hmi.'.i I'mi Ch.u-mw t'mr-icn ' j Kvcrylliintf is lovely und lively in upcu next wi-cL, Oct. 17tli ami con Oct. !. So von hundred thousand i j (own. Our inerehunls nru very Inivy tinuc lour ii.i :i. I in? in iinoinn'; their hill una winter ;i.iy .'isMtnuu'i tuslai-ii.s, l? Id, ...i, I ii( A Mv Mini v.lien ! It redly seetna like thorn you f?o to Durham ;ivo linn u tall nimlln r election lliis lull or moi.c time in 1 1 io dead of winter, from t Ltt O. S. I'oe & Son arc reiidy to way .sonic of our old IVicmis aro dis Day cash or uooUn lor cotton seed, i cii'-ini; the i.x-uten ol the day. i. 1 in? nitum-or given j people doublloHS the (,'reutosl crowd i e to tin: liuuiie tliul it 'lhal ever eon "i'er:itod visited tho! tsloeks ol hooiIm. j w id l;o it iii.n;t interesting evenl, and World's Fair today, lucnkiii : tho I Wo are liavi ur very hot weather n visit to it l;o well worth making. ' greatest one-day record at Paris, hy ' just now, very un!:i oralilo lor overs Ti:e. tloek c.Lilit v.ill lie siipr.i I,. 'J'lio anoverwhelmin'.; iiiaj(.rity:eniiiiloto- production ol in nil beef and potato a;;ii'il!uiiil ilinpluy v.iil be excellent ly hiioI lu-ri iir tho ''big day" 1i cures ! u hi ubiiein arranp uieui. ol any ol her cxpi.Mi ion ever held, and 5. S'unce will be present otalililiiii,' a mark whicii, it in safe in (jnah! v ami i i on. '',. 1 Hiu upeuli on tho oj-eiun;,' day, Oct. , to predict, the present 'iteration 17ib. On the siiine duy l!i;io will bo will never sec attained. Jt vns"(Jlii a amo of foot ball between W'uko ! cgo Day." i'ote.-!. iiiid Trinitv t'olle'e.". Uvi-rv I " - - Jiailroad street isu:;::iii blockaded dnyof the week cyclone John's "Wild A little nemo child nijed twoycfiis. Wo saw some blackberries yes- '. with cross lies. Jiiehinoud buys and Vital I'jhovv will ;;ivn poi foriiiamtes j wan drowned, at Shelby, on last l'ri terduy ol tho tieeoud crop almost sells mm o ties than any other (station iliuclniling t'uo wild life of the wes-jday, in a peculiar imiutier. It was ripe. , ion Iho 0. F. & Y. V. road. torn fioniior, ami this will b.i free for i pluying mound tho washing pltieo of j Several ot our townspeople ;;r- eveiy Ijo ly. On Wednesday the 18th, , its mt.tbur whe n it fell into tho largo You can't find a hotter lino of . tit tfinliii; tabcrnaclo meeting at Ore them wil bo n pn at l uni.iu rucou iron viisli pot and wag diowucd Lo. nhoes in tho county than at O. S. : u j i,is week. ; '"' a ptirso oi i"()0. On 'I'liuryday for.; discovered. Voc & !So"'H' .; ' VV?MVV man ntCol.iuilius, Ohio, whose V"-, ,. , l-'H'1' Wi""lvr nshin nn'i'H by Lories m the xZit class for a I , ; ,...,.,. ,,l nniV,!,.!- l,-wl.,. When you ko to Ibde.-I, call at .,.,, ii( , lllW11 ,-.. ll!ivs " ' ,,rso of siiil.). On I'i idiiv I hern will I " u',m' ,l '-"al - "f mm ''d lias h cen ?5"t'!';i:;'Ti::::i: M a,,d vsumino i Th i,,:,t ii r"x -i r"Tl Uoii ! ET5,. VuSS' T, yXS ",n I very nicely, hill Uiounni n winini iuumuu uiuui'iiuim win iw o. irerr; ,,: . bo a very good Hung to cook touh mm more aluiielive thai! ever hotore, beel with.' " incbuiing a pinnil Oj elocam i of tho .Mr. I). W. Coir'.'in has in his -lock l ilt!. of ic t Lj-iuir r. ninety feet in yard a Poland ( 'nina pig, which is diainetei j:i!soaiiIudiani!!aci; llurd noiv oiio ) oar old, that is six loot Hurry's la Show am frco iiiusouiu long and measures lour foot, soven witb Slojipun's Silver Cornit Uund ; inches uroiiml tho body. Xal Z mi ami M'llo llowra in woiuler- 'I'ho liiehmond 15. !!. team and . fid inipali-iuoiii act niai'vcloud koifo Ore 11:11 team have played livo Ihi'owing, with ail aero or more of jljMS M :imio lioeso JIaleigb's ' match games and Iho victory was numerous other museums, novelties, fashionable milliner, has removed in b'ichmotid's favor I to 1. ; cm i ities. all f,,i niing a prcut Iroin hor old stand to the storo next! A gentleman ja--sod through town Mnl.vav riaisiinco which will iitl'oril door lo F. A. Watson's. jiik-w days ago with an oh' time amusement fori vervbodv all the woek. . v ispinniiig wheel on ids vhouhler. It On lYiday night ooeuis tho t ileal Tlie weather loi several days was .supposed I hat ho was one ol the S!a!o Fair .Mar-.hil't, llail. wbiob will lias boon very !a vocable lor all larin rtloelv holders in I Im now cotton fac - ' lie Ibesueiely event of t bo year. Kvery lory at (midston that l li i nk spoke nigni liieio no tin Wlin I it gronl sippivniitivo. We 11 !;!! IIS. t-XJK'C stoic yott lutvu in Kiiloioh in Ours. All ovos r hiiiil shoulder to sIiouKIlt wita you. Your nee. Is uiv u'r A 'ret ho'usrb'ti: Your sal islanlioii our duly. Your confidence our liitrliosi rownrd Aimi.i wo Ui uViiihiiZ t'd ahead into ll,e poihililu's of crcalioii. Turned lo li,tih( new lasliuuis. .Kxeollcd tiiah rxcfdloncios, and planted the banner of perfection in hitherto iintrena.-.so:igioihiii' Oiif .-kill, our o;i,i taste, our steady plodding, have brought our HEADY TO WEAR CLOTHES 1 hoy arc iK'tlcr than Ibov won- a.-.t year. liottci tlisifl f tlie lu't that can be made to order. uvuiicre rise cJienpor. Tin; coiubinatioii of iptalily ami co.-t lc.si!c.s ma!os Irioicls for us witli knowing. vnllH'-loving people. 'J'lio culillilotoliess of our Hloek. Its i mm' v.iriel v. arr .siiiofift O. S. l'oo Sou still nivo a ton cot,! pa io r ot pins with each dross ( of S yards or more. j Tossiiin moat, or"sapling jmrk", cioocs in mighty good limo now, when western meat is foiling al 1.'! , mid I t cents a pound. j in 'otliii'T Iho trial postponed troui court to court until tho witnesses wore dead. Tho well known clothing firm of W. A. Slater iV Co , of Dm bam, made mi assignment on lust Monday. Dr. Ui iggs, it is now reported, will connect himself with the Cumberland l'resbvtuian Church. iu r Nnlli'ca nf ,1'ViiliM hii I incrrldiici lusf nvl rco. oiiltii.nli's I'hnrKiil i:v,'ii ivu. a lino. to the IrVi yon liinl tlie vahn ot'heiug lined and Miilod. .Notbing; 1 J'iit clothes mail or boy propi-rlv, si vli.-lilv, t leganlly, 'iiom Iieiid (6 foot - top wear, midcnvi'ur. hcail wear is lacking. Tlie many changes, ainl in'ipi ov iuriifs wc have made in our sioiv, prompted ,y experience, are complete in every detail. J'erl'eetion is .stamped on everything that, is iii tho i-toro ol' l!i,i!W..oi:i;s Our guarantee pledges the quality that our enterprise proi'n'iste; Iieie it is &;it!.-uict ion or your money. Tall Ovoi ooaK !?10 to S30. Fall Suits, 10 to $3f. Full Ilats, $ GO to $1. a wmm utt imu walk .uvxti Tho lucky bov will win i.. I'.oys, wo regret tlmt we cannot give you each a wheel, but we give you all ohiii.ee on i he one Inst o ass "Waverly Junior". With each and every dollar's purchase in our Uoyb' Clothing I op o l:n next KALEiO.1T n. nt. wo give a tick, t froo of charge The lucky oue will win tho bicycle on the tvo of Decembor 23r3 l'ho di awmg will be at Messrs. C. O. Stone k Co.'SBtoro. S. & D. BERW ANGER. l' Oct. 12, 1803. Work, and the farmeis are busy lucking cotton and gathering corn. Mi ot last work Mr. and (iiveiisboro lives!. T. O. I 'vat 'S his m I. N. liobbs, oi; i.ovv visiung rola- Maxlon. is M.s. M ar When you yo to the Slate Fair next week call on Thomas & Max well, dealers in fori.it arc, lor any kind ol luruituto that you may need. ,1(,sv vi.. I tha KvaieJ. I'orsons going Itom horototho; ,,V(.ly d.,,,,,),.. ()1 ,.. , Stato Fair can leave here at !) a. in. j vV (.-..j,,. m'ss (ur., while riding and arrive al h'aloigh at 1 1 o'eloek : ,., s,..1,i.,v Kt,M,:,..,t over al l.'ov. S. (iilutoro's. It was soon ill cvered that t-ho wa'i "1'ilts'', but providentially liro. (ol more had tho proper resinrativos and rolurniinr leave Ualoiirh at 1 J). in. and arrive hero al (i '2't o'clock. Messrs. S. , l. I.orwiinger, It.il eigh's loading olothiers, ott'or special bargains in their lar'e and select Htook of fall and winter clothing, (iivothoiii a call when you go to the JSlalo Fair next week. Thomas V Maxwell, Ualeigh. S. C, have on hand a larg and noloct utoidj ol" all kinds ol liirnituro, which they arc selling at prices to suit tho hard times (live them a vail and examine their slock. ami in a low minutes ho said over a short ceremony and pronounced her and that hii'li-loncd gentleman, Charlie 15. Fills, man ami wile. L"'Ni Shanks. W. It. lMwurds.d. nib-!. of Wak Forest, N. 0., can bo lound in hi ollico at Mrs. Kxliue's Hotel, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: following third Sunday in each : mouth, prepared to do all kind ol ; dental work. l-.'l' lUiviiii. A lMi'iisant .lSarrhi;;c. Oj hist Sunday nioniintr. at tho resi donee of II W. I5!atid. F.-,.. Mr. V. ; O. Smilh. of li-ldwin's tn: nsi.ip. was j nior.t imopi'v united in mat riug lo .Mi:..q l..!-.-i C-impbell. of )'.;. i: '1 1. 1. X C 'I he al 1 1 t'dauls weie ns lollo.v.s; Mr. Kun'.rsoii 1. Ki!iu!ton i.iid Miss IS.-ttio S.niii, ; Mr. Willie L. Cailiri ami M s Mionio Ti Wioiam.-ion ; Mr. Si -ut on "i't:it h and Miss X piia "A lilinii,-: Mr. l,ai !oy M. Neid and Mi. s N.-imy ! Smith; Mr. Manly Smith toil MisR' It is proposcl to orani.e a lit-1 Mutiie Smith Tho iu-.irri.ig-' c n- rrarv and musical clttli at this pi, -wo ! motiV being p.i i foi i.i.-.l by U. VV. nimiiar to the one that existed hoi l;:,,n,l. F..,. , the p-uty ( Jn pro:-. j h low )'oars ago, and tbosn persons rd to iho homi! of Mr. Cum v Smith, desirous ol joining are roipiostod lo ; the f it !n r of tl.n groom wh'-i a most meet tomorrow (Fridav) night at nmpt inuis dinner was sei -v 1 which, llio rosidonco ol Mr. 11. A. London, ,'n nl b.-ti, p,-, p,n-. -.1 foi Iho happy oo i lonon. 1 he party Du n .-its 1st : t ; pioai-hing at Mann's Chape, and ; then i i-i in iif I ic'iuo h.ivin.;- viiti., I he bl ide mid gi until their 1 i-t Wishes for a long ami happy lii'o of we.l 1. ,1 , blisd A Fill I N'!. i Mr. I. ill hor 1). i'.yuipn and Mrs. Mora Creel wore married al this place yesterday t We d m-s.lav ) alu r noon, and will go to Conoor-i tomor row on a visit to Mr. O. C. l'.ynum. Tho I'ki'oHP extends its coiigral u!a lions and best wishes lo the happy eon pie. --Tardy justice lias at b'.si overs taken the notorious C r.-ihani S he. n. ('haiel Hill, who for so many years has sold Ihjuor in delianeo ol tholaiV. At tho Federal court al Greensboro", last week, ho was pen tonced to eighteen mouths in tho Albany penitentiary. Mr. Hal I.omh.n has relumed from iho Northern markets whore bo litis bought a Very cheap sleek ot Winter goods for W. L. Loudon & Son. Those goods have been scb ct c-d with care, and bought for iho Stit rjO'vV:.-;. Wili'iin .don Star : Mr den. Hty ant.i.I !j ::i! o w. I i n n r o. 'tini v, i;i llio i ii v o d iv, says a lu-id dig I so n. piev.iils in tin vioi'iily oi li 'iKf i Vic.v. I:i the vts( livo vm i;s l.xi i dogs ha.vo gone no". c a.i 1 bit ! oil I !ii eo hogs and two of Mr. Jiiy.ii.t's cattle, j 1'eople aio al o in. d and killing dogs lighl ami io't. Dm bat,.. San: Capl. A ,1. 11 ib.-rls, i living on Fiat liver, lost, his d. veiling house mid i's contents this morning ; by liio. How it occurred wo have ; bt i n unable to learn. It w.i.-- soon ! ibis nioinisii' about liv o'clock bv ;showa in Iho Iheiitcis of the cii v. Iiailroad Still isl ics. The liil'n statistical report ol tho I iitci'sSlato Comtiicrco Commission, pivp-.t ed hy its statistician, being tho complete report lor I ho above mimed period lor which a preliminary in come account was issued in Hceom bor, 1 '.I2, has just boon stibmiliod, . ,.!.;.. i, ii... I.. n. to i., ".l-'ct to, . . ., ' '.,.,,' 'country on Juno liy2, was 171, r)ii;i,."J miles, beii'tr aii inereti.-o ilur 1 ingllio year ol li,lii'..78 miles. This 'is tho sitiiultst im-i ease in railway I mlloago rcuirted lor a I. umber ol j years. The Slate ol North Carolina I loads in railway con:.! ruction, show ' ing an increase ol 2111.02 miles. The joniy other Slates which show an in I ere :i. so in excess ol l."0 index are I Louisiana, M:chi:;an, Oiiio, L'eiinsyis j va tiia and W isenusi n. ! The total number .l railway cor : poralioiisoii J uiii lio, I.OJ. was, 1 ,1SL', ; being a net increase ol it? during the i year. Ol this number ?V'J maintain : od independent operating accounts, and 712 were independent operating ! companies. I uriug the ear ! roads ! were abandoned. Tlio classil'icaliou i ol railways according tok-nglli ni line operate 1 .-hows ihat there are companies in llu: I'eited Stales j having a mileage in excess ol 1,1100 miles, 1 ! cum pan ics opera! ing a mil.' life between mm and i nun uiiIom, Z 1 companies , i-.-. t i ng a mileage be, Iweeii P;0 and Ijtlil miles, pi comp.-i-tiio.s opera t i 0:' a milea.ci' bet Ween 2."i0 and loo miles, and .s"! cottipaiiio op.ei ;lt 1 1, ;i t.l- a:;o under 'Jail miles 1 ! I 1. 1 t si I ! i I locomotives lMij. was :::! i:;i; t i ! "-l-; '.vcro pas'ieng.'i loco:i.os 17,."'-" 'i oncia , s were assign j i he !n ig'.l s. rviee, I .'!.".") wori'j ii lo,-,,-:,,,!!',-, ;. and. :;71 v. e: c ! s: li.'d and leased, 'f! increase: i.g.-r loco mo! ics ,i a ri ng I he I s b"o!i loll, and ol freight i iy.'-s iMI. The total numbel'i eporletl bv e.ifi'iel s ;is theirl i property u as 1 . '. 1 o.ooj. ()t those I ' !'(r!'.i:' - were in ; ho freight .service,! : od It'.i! woivas.signcd lo I hoeompni.y's ' service, I IhVoV were a'si:.'nod lo ! taO. I''ci - : ! ii no sm v ieo. ! u a-1 lit ion ; to tho above ears own.-d. the ( i- jp.liies r.'l'-lt liiioo'-l e.il's leas-.'d. ! Tho av, rage uiimber oi bicouK-tivos ; per loo miles et line is '2 the aver a:-e iiumbe.r i I p.t.-sengcr cars per ! IHO miles ot ioio is th.e average HAiir.-iii Ouir totvnsiii),, S'iti'Mii'raiitii, wi. Mrs. ASS Haiit, wUijufO. It. Hint, t'f Hint IiUal riihn. i'.-l nvr. Willi wlik'li Hlii! wilh iilllli''.,-'! r, r theatrical 1 tliri'i'er f.sir ycira. S!- l-..r L,.v Piirri'rln wttli nijver bt'ein.:d Iho t'.riltii'lo ot Ik Cliil.-U:i i imnaniir. Sl,n lv.iH nil "ti-'.'.l-. iii iliinliti-r, mi nlT",-'.l -n.i'e wire, im lu-ltil;:, ai r.i '1I.it, ici'l kind n-i '!; 'I'll.-'I.Tc-.-ir---! w i.i l iriy : ix y'.iri "I'l. Sliohii'l l.'-i-a.-i. f:,i'.!i!nl nii'iiiin'r "1 Ui" M.-.tiuiliat (.liiurli fern iiiiinlii-ror yinnt Wu. K. MUlWool). THE BEST WAGON: I J. -T. Thomas', President, ItlO'l'tllC t io I ll': t some in:-1 inaki r , or llieir ' w,ig( ins- which: New Atlvi'i tiseii'e'its. la. sali-j i.x oi.r: HILL. By vlr'ii,' "t a jinlunit'iit of tin' Miii'Tlm- ,'nurl In It,,' ,?.- or I;llaI,. llnii.-i' ii, rt.,-,uti'ix, el illB, ae.'Unsl I.'e'y l: .M,-.-i.l'i-n. i-l uls., I will sell jc pni-lii: iiu, -Hi, n f'-r (.' i-ti "ii llu- ijri'iiilH on :to.l'AV. N-.vi-ml.i'i- null, ls'Jt. li:,' Mwii tut In or,' Hill --ri whirh It 1 1 1 . . l : -. t ilin tn; iiii la wtil -li tin- llrni r H',iiKt..ii .v o.,rp. i-,i",'lilly dl'l I'lisiii,' ., .-ni l .1 t'livn lot t-ii li!.-1 tn llio dwelling Ii'iiim' now i'.-,'iii.i'. hv T T. I'.r.K'ki.. lljlli'.l.l M. OollKi:X, o..-ioin:r la, IH'.i. UtH.vivr. 1. I!. HUGH .Ii:: TI on the-1 lives e-l ti swi:.-i u neb: in pa ve:! I' d car- cash, all discounts saved, and will bo ! some of the ut ighbors who were pro Hold very close lor cash. paring to oon.o to court. C 'pt. II - - - : ei l.s whs over here himself, and no one Son urn now receiving their rail and Winter slock. They have all ed the very latest stylos, Irom a cheap 1.1 conls Sailor to tho handsomest hats and bonnets. You can now bo tut i led in all kinds ol Ibvss goods, Notions and Fancy goods. ; icuulicr 1 service i 'Iho I ol c: , r 1 i's Used in Iho Ireight i) miles ol lino is "I'S. liil'cli, r ol employes in -Ladies can now bo Milted in i Vhs nt. hotu-.i hut bin son Ln'.her, who the .- crvico ,. rai!was on Juno :'lh, Millinery goods, as W. L. London & j barely escaped and pulled out with ; 1 vva.s 2I,4!-"), being an iiicr.c.isc him a hoi, which was alioul ail that I -m,i.o oy r i no previous ye-ir. .s was saved, wo learn. I sinning an increase in Iho total ntlltl iter ol iiitiahiianls during Ihc year ol 1 .,J.')0,0tHi. it appears that the ratio ol increase in railway employes to the increase in pop elation was 1 to 111. The ratio o total railway employes t tototai number ol inhabitants was 1 to ',"!!. Tho railroad faro from here lo llalcigh and return during the State Fair will bo r'''.o , which includes one admission into the Fairgrounds. Those tickets must be stumped ill tho Fair grounds beloro they ate good lor liio rol urn passage. l icks clson salo !rom the 1 lib lo iho L''Hh. and good until Monday, the 2.'t. I'ehsoNAI. 1 1' K M s 11'. llaU;hlon Ihrio has gone 1" ll illimoro'lo at lenil anotiicr course id Icettiics on tlenlistry. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Lrown.ol II. ,1 'igh, have been hero on a shel l visit t.r.Mr. A. II. Meruit. Our former townsman. M r. J. O. Forrester, was here on a short visit this week. We are plca-ed ( learn (hut ho has been (jailo Mi'-ce-stul in business at bis present homo, at jbimselir. A CoN V KXI KKT Sell K)t' I.F, A S wi II ho seen Irom .the time table ol the Capo Fear.V Yadkin Valley railroad, i.nlilished in another ctilumn fichodulo has boon changed greatly to tho convenience of tho travelling jnihlit. ll is now about the same Nchoduie that was in opci-.tion until last Juno, and is very t .or. onicnt lor persons Iro-n this seelion travelling to and from F.iyol tevilh- : d Wils liiiu''ton, as ( lose eon i.ectioii i i made Will? tho S. A. L a I -Si-uit'id. la this schedule Iho Wiliii:.gt'.ri y'nr and Mwnjt r wiil arrive, here or. tho morning of their publication, (several yupcrsv Carthago Ulalo: Th son of I'ickel Love, livi:-, below hole, cut hitn-.eli' ing blade ..no d IV 1. 1st. w. ha'f grown a few mile-! ,".! h ti mow- i !. ami ("line mar bleeding to h itb bci'ofo a phy s-ic.Ultl coiild get t Check, who lived Licked bv a hoi s. ,"l i 'III I he , iieel ol veiy i.hoil lime. I lie ib id. an. I a stlHCK i. on ins arm urn Churl. .It. ei . '.i r. rspinx i m I 'Op ! !iver. w i one d o. hisi k, j wl'ieli he di--d in 1 !!' W:t- I iding (o ,:- horse !l ii I to 1 e ho vv us riding, and ! the lei'l. side, in caking ; iiiriug him in!e: nally as : There h a ; a gicit ; row ul Mah-tn oliurch, al Sign, neai Chat i. lt". last nigi.l, i.ll over u eig-i. ! nltn. Four oi iivn lagroiHto k a, baud anil ihev used l aoi s. One lie j gio vv'is fearl'u'dy eui o:i tin- back ol i Ihc luck, and a ki il'e b.a I' was b'o l.' li oil' i'l Iho !,:i.':;bi'i:e of anolher l.e gro. Deputy Sueiti'l' -I. due. I'UI V.eiil- out to giilhcr up the ile-.d and woim d. J. i.t.l has i'.-t ycl loliit in.l. 'i i.e ' lepoil In ought to to.vli was that olio; negro was r.hot and four were cat. In. j sidi s the fellow with Urn knife blade I in hi buck. Wi:'.-.osh"io Chronicle: I -tiao Suiit'n v i von proline .June apj The illed I no n mi -iiber ol railway employes during l''e year covered by oi l was 2.."i."l. b-.-ing less than the number The injurc'i, the iiiiml cii during tho pro t, u ni her ol em plovcs lowevcr. was in excess ol cr i n j'l 'e l d nring 1 ho pro vnnis year, being L' (17. The num ber ol passciige'.s hilled was largely in ecc.-s ol tin loi'ub, r ki led during the picvion-: year, b in:: ''.7ti in 1 .-'!!' as agtii nst J'ld in I s'd j , u i,iio l he nn in ier ff pa-.-eug'.'1's injure! was II, '221 in l-SI'.', as against l'.'.!7- in J .".(I'J KA VETTF.VII.I.K ST., HAI.KIUH, N. ('. Coaler in Eli CROCKERY. GIMME, LAMPS, TABLE CUTLERY, ,S7. Yl'.li I'L A TL'D l!',l.7i, 33 e t;r JGim ABimi 33 Tea irxayo, A largvr ami Letter fdnek tlian over he lb re. Od. lo'.iii. NEW POBUC SCHOOL BOOKSi. Al a leoidar iiu cling of ti e Statu Hoard of J Much! ion, hold in K neigh, on tho first Tuoi'ilay in Apiil. J -ilH, 'h" foil.iwiug new tei. books wcie utianiiiiously adop'ed for use in nil public schools of llio Stalo: nr:!i l iiinliiiii I'ract iral S-! 1 ing lino!-., - - 'JO Cents. Ill ' -I.MiU.' li.C (-11 S-,.,'ll,'l' III. ST I'l II..'-. li .Vll-s I Williams' liwiders for l?eg,in nns. - - - 15 Cents. .-.-.-i-.ie Fit si K.-.lil.T I lli.'lll-t'- lr:tnsi. , ui' lon l.i lii-r--'"!!. II" -nil ,lis''"iiut will i.- 1:1. ul" 1-. nil I li'i--ii'-fs Si-is-1 ordi-r.-. t. .1 1. l-'llliD 117 A LI A MS ii- CO, I'l-tu.iHiiKtii, n.vt.Kiou. n. e. It )"Tlm s-il,.s..t;,--li i."k will In' very l:in;.-,i.ii. 1 ..i-.a-rs win I-., Ulli 'l a i'.ii'1-lly an l"-.: ii-lc lU-i. I'J, is;-.l. We are -orUii!(,:s tlgelits. ,'ii'i 1 1 toy claim as ours. l!ec.!ll.-e lliere :ire i ! I : "i t ! t I'.leP -fit's i lo.-e t . .gel ,i"i' !.-, :io re; r 01 tin V s! o till make s:;:,io (jual'ly work I'tiii aiiy-t'iti fuel i ry in thi.; iti llily ;;i:d i i o I want li.e l.i-t,.-ii' , Mat it I e-n-s onr nan e. and do imt be d 'ceixc! I.y any otic :i ing t heii's ! is as gooil. Vie use thr 1 ( i mate I rial, be t vet kit o;i, ami iini:-li ail n ir work 1 y hand, .v ml gii.iranlee i-yeiv Wi'gioi to give o:'le t sali. I', el 'o.i. Tit lin e! I ! e scarcity of it o:n y we haw: jn.-t reduced tlie pil.e.' 1 1 you v. a; I t'lc I e I w.-igo'i made, call o i i, or agent, W. I.. LoM't N ,y Son, fiiislmro. X. C. We !.: I, 1 1: ors l'.IIovr. Uotiiul iiolliul ;i!;es tlie tl.'iv. V. V. MSS'KN A- CO., Oct. o, h;i;i. S-vi-h.'.:, N. C. Ts F,CC l 0!!'S XOTTC M'l UAV & i ,i.ia:(-'i ,ih-m-.-i i Ain-i- i iiiiii'ki.'v. ci- s'.i.-...l. I tifi-i'l.y i.'ivi' t,.,:,-,' l-i.-i-l -rrt"lis Imv In.: .-l itniH nmiii,..; (In- k,i-1 -Ir.-.- l- n tn i'hlliiL Hi - m.iiih! 1" am mi i-r h.-l, r. ili.-.v Ii .1 iy -r Oi-(,iln'i-, iwi. c. r. uiM-:st.i,v. O.'t. 5, l'. 'M. A. A. F. Sl.vi .l.l i-'r., AU'y. I. S .J Fi.MAN, (Rliirr.! , Ai.r. A. Thompson. Vioo-PiTsioen'i. TT. W. .1 vot-noi. Ahh'I 'tilmiitr- Tin- f .'oitfitH'rrifrifni ff M'ftrHim& Hank l'ftid up capital lflO,ClH.00. Authorixeil c ptlal .-; DIRECTORS. D. N. Duke, 11. A. London, K. Jl. Untile, ''d -.' IT .Mi--. i. li. Danccy, 1 i". ii..:,. , . T. II. Uriggs, .I.y. I ?.!!.- T. J. Thomas, (1. W. Watts, J. li. Hill, A. A. Thompson, A. P. Pago, J'lod. I'liilipn," -L'bu W'. Suott.' Aceouiits of Purnt (), Uank.s, Corj'-imti. vidu'ils solieilcd en favorable tenr.". Sl'F.CIAL ATi'ENI'ION giveu to ace.iu iin.vidiifilfl. (dui'M und ludf'" Meichauta an 1 1 1 s. 1 1 a IX T-s. , , - - , iiiJJVAliiJ KAiX.u:i. JEWELLER AMD OPTICIAN; E-LEICtII, 1ST. O. Sterling Siirer V BZofjers TsslUeirarci SOLID PLAIN GOLD ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING KINGS Send for King Sio. 8' Our System for Diagnosing for tho correction of Eirors of Refrac tion is the same us UHeil iu Eye Inliiuiai ioH Noitb and Souih. Jnuuary "Jti, lS'.l.'t. Jinn ,ii:iil,'li"l .1, i-.V Th, 'i-ti"i-mi KV.igli I ie-)i'n. have j.i.-: itn nrod.ucod I ho 1 1 pplos. Aftti' t l!o a ;-p mi ll igon. IpOll till! ti-r o Hi" ust "J" wer let ico. It iiilaf c;o: of Ju :e hose wci o g no it and pro-bio'd little 1 olV. 'i:id now iu ti e d" f i! has bloomed b.'.i ' is i c; o l.itig iUi:i!ie -; of i !u !i. 1 1' pi -st-ouiy wu 'i eoi.iiiicn.M-u: th. to.'d if i. .s.irmi:--'.! that ! bio n to ci t h ,t. fo.i? f '.d Xc'.s und Ol s,-:".'or: A ! nt ..I'.'i - 7, in (I n - btltg: ! heaid of a f ,,! l'ii ai eid. lil j which iiap.ii nod id Mr. Jlou .( ol'.l.iu :. I jjin, i car this pl.ice, ye.deid.iy even ing. Mi. Josli .loid.in was having aj bah- i i ei'lt on picked, and stooping lo ! pick up a h'cli of mtinn under ll-ei yaws-, v. hen by sonto I'.H-.it.r, Li:, shovel was coigiM ana h: ami diav. 1, up the Mil!. Mies Maic Recce, i,'xt -i"..r t" r. a. WiUsi.ii', i, Xuw has Iter i,,all ami Winter fitooiv id' M iilinery ciiniile:i'. LalOst .-dylos of liuiuieis, Hats, eve. All kiml.s ul' I lair tjiunls, ojiliyrs, Mniliriiittory Maleri al.s, A: Oiilois I'min ;i ilisiaiu-o will roeeivo proinitt and oarol'til atleiil inn. Oct. 12, ls::( "Ai)0L!'irMA7 i('. I "!!,; 1 eni-s'.i lloaliii:ii ter.s I'nr llarp.aiiis. l;iiinei:so .-.n'k d' Litest styles ami lowist pr c-s to suit ihc haul liiiies. Select .siijek ol I j;ii J ii'si L iter t btyli s an 1 all shades. NO!I(.'E.--TIAV- ut..r af Mark llyiiiini, i'V ;nl (" i-;'..ii- li"l lliu i. e.: a. i-viiihl-. Ui" .-iiit,. , ii;iv "I .-I'li'i'lill'i'l', 1MI4. ' T. M. IIVNI'M, .1. J. OOl.Do'l'ON. KNKCl 'TOllS' NO! fi"EUV- 111,' i I it-'-t IIS CVi'.-ll'-T.-l lit Al'.-lllll.ll'l W.'inl ... il.'...-sii, i- li,-i-.-i'i- ii-.il.y ,-UI i oci'mis li- I'lliiir.-l.iini hit U in' .-.mil ! 1 -nt i" cxlni'l: ll-i' muill' I" ll.l II iT Iji't'.l'u Ul.' - tl "I sel'I'Mlll'l-l', IS-.II. 111. (ill VMMtlll.t:, t 'it- 'js. iK-...i, j. j. o a.ii-.ioN. .SorvTC.ACE SALE. LY VIIL iVB. me ol a l .r;;::-'i!-'"i! i'.,-'llli. liy l. vv Vli-lua- I: .n, l ! I'. -.i.-iii- .-t. .-ii Hi-' Iii'li .l.iv 't ltd.', IV I, llii'l revision' I ill I.-- I I'!., .:i',':l:l 111 On- . nio' i-t ill" -I'"i"'i"-.'' ,1'i-Ik i"l- clKilliaiii .'ntilitv. I will sell a- l-ill .1- s.'l". ill On' i-.'lll-t- li.ni.'.t., .- in M---1 '. en I-i l toy. i'l" "t o.'t.i. ( "I-, l.-ii.i. Oi" l ui'l i!i--.'i il'i'-t ei .-.iii.l ni'-i'icii;,. Vl:.'i. io II:" -I'.i" ll Ml" -lli'l I'l-.''- tlv"l'..-l,K.'! llll I ,',.iiM-i',-,l liv iii -i"u-(- il I i-. "iit'-'l I.y O. W. I.,.v.ly iii .1 Ci-i 111 ti.i n iw.ly. F..r t.i .1" I'irU.'ii- l.iril"s.'i-ltt.'ii .-'"' I It 0)1. .iii;.- Ji . In r"i:ls- n-i's ..ril." ni 1'itisi ..in, eii'iiliiua .'"iiuty. Umtr -f -fll, -, t'i li i...li. Ti'i'lii'. c.isli. Si'i.i. si, ls'.'a. W. s. r.i ssKU,. MONUMENTS and HEaDSTONES AT A Wo linvc n tiu'tio si n-k nf tliilslu-il iiii'iuiiiti-ntH ninl ln-n. .nine,, nr ill" I rm iniocrliil nn,1 tan fill iIcsIkii-s wlil.li tv i-rt'-r f.'l tin. next llitrty ilit-s m it liii.-rul .11 . - n : 1 1 in m-'li-r to leilncs bar ttlmk . All wink ttu'o -ami ml. l'.-t lim iiu.l Biunii i . avo. rc jiay iiu ftii;i.i. nuKiiAM ,v KLLio r r, Fayctb villi: Sin et, I!.i.i nut, N. C. arch 2. ivj. i i- -ii.-.- l''..-1!,.' I'lirj-.i '..r I will i:li. -i: I Ui" I - -1 1 ".v!li,: l..-y's s,..., Al": li'lii i.-wi'.-tiii', CO'lTON U1NHEKS OUGHT Si!--1- I'll! VU.'li W.-lni'sliiy, Tlicr.'.l.ty, li'l-l.'iy, ' Satulil.iy, , M- Il'lay. M.-il X K.-ll-l-, I., n I'IUmi.'I'ii', e.'iiir,- in o.'!.',-.ii.ii, Hint " IVm.i, Onklal"!, " l.i..'k villi-, C.ii-c I'l'-a- l'ii;sii--i-i.', I'.n'r.' ' i'-ll-'kll'-l-ll", I'll.'-' l'.'ll' " .l' l,r.."(i'. New It.'j-", " la-ari lntl"ii'.s. Vtllt;nlis " I .a..,..',,...'.. - " Tli"ii.-i..-"ii'.- sii-ri', l-'.'ilwai ' l'liisli.ni'-, I'l-ier" t"Miilil i'iini-r'ss.'lii.l-ii,iiw , llti 'Ty Mi. tiiwiiKlilr, " 1 'I'Ik. lux I'liycrrt ut C)i:iili:iiii me r--nii'st,'. I" lll.S'l I1IC III UiO Ill.nVi. lllll.'.. Illl-I el.'li-.'M Illl'l MlVl- liici'.isi-lvi'n ei sis iiy r-ij li-a er-'ini tly. J. J. ji:.nkins, Hepl. '.'1, lS'.U. Mifl lfT. S3 SHOE HtJVWft Do ou wear tti,'m7 Wiiou next In no-J try a pair. Bst in tho world. SS-eDlfli! 42.50 HISBo $2.23 i I.7S $2.00 1?? -:v'.viFi:.' 'ntt- Si'STI TO INftlJKH ll:,- tin- t."X"S f" tl.is I I .la.-" as t-.lti'WH : I mi's lay, or.. 13 --n-jmniWi M r e m jpm .a ::"!Jiwill um .!'. M'.ti't-o. -if' 9 gssNgHH. S a N lf tva Wr lui-r'.-tay, ' is j :.;.. .11 i:,y. " -1 I M.-ii.t,,;.'. ' !K. TUB j Eli E. KQME nsUBAIiSB ED. ! 7Mt il wrl pay v ('.: lo cull belo: ; bo ii.o ei:,e hero TLt) l:i " s- i toe!, of Mid e.v I'bieh f f S,pt. "Inn i I . '..Vlel'."' Ti:' Woods al e filii of tb.i.i. a:i ! ib.ro i-i Iii pe '.ce :!io.it (bo h.'iuso. Tnis is ii .t a i.i.is.iiiito bourn ahead ol any olLcr , count iy, una tlieir aiivcnt mi c m aacti i men laituo i uway, ami in" nooioi ' ''ibi-r'? utr';t Ktt'to' V9 bv A4f. Py'j ortlv a few hom. iws. I he '"in I 't-' 1 1 1 1 1 If. if loci.ouc up, the -illeuil o.t lifted tho apron of the ion. and air. ' ! , Ian body t.r.d be: d w is i'i -p., ti it-, iv. ain.'t the saws, rtit'ii'lf bis broasl t. .'.. f l:lv and c'.:t ii':; ( tl' : c i'a ni !,..-( an i i" a l in M'Ceia! plates to lv slit.i1. Tin' i'ii.;i:io. !::,viu; on ",M pen. ids oi' steam, w. s o. cit-b''( iy .i',po.l. and it look about en" b i':f hour t- i;. 1 bim away fri'i-i Iho saw-i. lln tlicn, with tho a- ..istiii.i'" ( i' two in mi, w,ill;c(1 a di t tnli.'.e i.l l !'1 vai ii i lo hi biune and j A Max's sl:i'.e:i bi ll tliu world in jstvlos. tlui'ubility ami piiica. Call for thorn. j I'ii! I line Tine of heavy ;.ih! I'u icy at v.-iiiib'stilc ami retail, Lou-Jit (iii'. i I Irciii the Mitinil'aet tirers ami will be sold a! as low lio itt'cs as you can Lny at Ualti- ; inure or Uieliiiiond. l'ivf polite Malosineu to w.dl oil a 1 ' cuslO cot s. ' Oct. M. VS;. If yottw.Mit aHiA DRKSS S!!0E, madi In tho latest ctytc., Jon't ,(.-. $6 to $, try my $3, $3.50, S4.00 cr $5 Sho.'. Tiny fit cti'3l t j cutiom maJo and look and wc.-.r as '.v.-'l. I f v.'J wth to eccii..i:!;i !n your fiitc?.r, lio S3 ty purcl.u:i:-.g W, t. ?w;;':is T.l.ji's, Namo and Crlco stanp'..l ci It.o t jfl in, !(-k I' r it i-.'tien u buy. Vf .t.DOi.uAS. l.ret-ku-ii, ili:. Sold by VV. L. LONDON fit EON. l'4'.i'', ai.il Ti.i.!.'-M.r!n oloaincil. rl a:i l'at-t-lit hii in,-. c.-li.Ic, '.. il MorrntT'. rit. Ouo Cr.-ire ' Ooroiwr V. flUNr OrriCt ii:J v-c '-.ui .-'c.c.,' (lu'i'ttt in ie u.u t.-au thine rriia u- f-.. .i-liin-'i ii. ivu.l i-ti,,l"l. iintv iii- r f ti-i'o., v. ill: ileri; ti.in. W- s.l.LH,, if j i.!..l it r.'U r.-- if fiiui.'fi. I'uf lint diif u:l ,.ii'!ii in u-curi.,1. A PA--.rH. IT, ' II. w l.i !i:.iti I'.iU'iiIh,'' witb nmiu of waml ci."iii': in ..ur ei.in-, county, or loivu, iiu, Iruif. AiMrCM, C.A.SfJOW&CO. This is a Homo company and do serves the patronage of all Norfh Carolinians. It was orgtuiizod iu 1S(!S ami 1W paid over half a million dollars in losses and tboro is uot one contested claim against it ! All losses paid promptly. I'veti prudent mau out;ht to insure bi.-proporty. For terms, &i, apply to H. A. LONDON', AOENT W. S. rillMKOSK, President. ScpU'iubi-r I t. lfl'!. BCND3 FOR SALT! Tin. o ui-.ty "t :iaOli.o!i v-ill :-"ll i 0irir Going to Buy A Dictionary? i CET THE BEST, Webster's International. Z 1 A Choice Gift v v V V. I A Grand Family Educator '.' Z 1 A Library in Itself V V. Tho Standard Authority -1 SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. ? Tho Inlrnnllon;i! u 11 now hook from 2 cover to cover, fully I'liroiiatof the tlroM, Tiid ia the suiccnhi-r or iho authontle Y " UuatiridKOd." Tcu year ore t pout la T n vlHinp. 100 edi,i oinployrd und otot X $300,000 czaudol butoio the Erst copy T whs pi'lntpd. 7 Do nut l y irp. ii.ts of obsolete ftsd T coinpar:itivoly worthti-us rditiont. T Send lor truo p,i'.i)ihlut containing Z Bjicciuien pjc end full particular. G. St C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, J SrHINQFIELIl, MASS., V. 8. A. T j ONLY 920. ; Ti Elite FMKipMa Singerl- Viilim i'-iir U:"U.-.'i"l it.'l ai'f ' (.,'iiriiu i-ix i'l'riciit ine-i'i'M. I tiny il.iil.u.H mill c-io liur lr, Cii- U.'llll f l-l.'lK, 1 .i.-ii.-n.tn.i'i'-iis "f i ,i"iini. riii.-.o IxmlH al" I.-iiuihI I.y .iii'li-Illy nt ii:i art "1 1 1 10 tail U'r.l.sl.'itiiro Hii.l i.i'i' iv .,-i'i,'-Uy miIo luw-,1-. 11 rut. li.r lull iat .i'ir.iitl.'ii Hi l ly I" J'MIN T. l'V-ii'UAI., ; Ai.s H, l'.':t I ti-ik ! It.'iir.! i.l c.'iiis. HitJH roiM iNsrm si; -AND ; CUSINESS COLLEC!l: MALK AM IKMA1.L'.. i Fxi-(-l!,-nt liutiillniss. j Kiis-i-li. Ij'Oln, (irt'ik. fniu Ii. oTmaii, Miul", rt ll""k kri'i'lna nii't l'miniiiiititp. O'vl l-i'ur.l .or Hi. 0,1 imt iri"iiih V"iii' lii l ,'n I' .hi'-I in ,',,. ion- bull lllii;. Tlll t.iirt ii'll.ll'i''. S' liii"! U'Kllu drptcmlvr l.li. A.t.li-ost i M. WUTHKIU.Y.' cr D. M. WT.V 1'KHl.Y, ; 1'rln. -ip-ili,. ' in;.' '.!. i"?' trn.a iMsr, n c X 7 IM- a turn mm X..,- Other ccinpuiiirsi li:,r,T. 'i.mii fl' In Slt'l. A fm pt.'tr wl nt aU.irliin.-titi nil!; li n.iliin.' Alc" Ji.linmr. ltuttli-r, J-il.umiii T..: !., r'ni! liil .n Il,ii,ni,-r, and a ltiii't, r. 11 AYS' THJAt' In Jour i.ivii lu.iim, lMTirn y..i ai Vi,t. Ktrryr m.liiiu-M IKBASii r) Ton 3 YC.IIU.' S.-u.l fur Oirt -ilur. f C. A. AVOOD ;OIiANY, . 17 rtft IVIO St., riiirntU-lpbU.-riiry