4- I ;1 ARE TOYS TOO GOOD? k Nacsestlon That the Toys of Our O.ll.l hoo.l Were Ilnter, Men arc, after all, only overgrown Ihildren. Give your littlo lioy im ncy, and the sweetshop anil the toyshop will, too probably, eclipse the mute appeal of tho missionary bx. And, when the buy j-rowsup. phys ically, if his income a'so grows, lie will spend at sweetshop and toyshop. Instead of acid drops he will purchase rare wines and order clal orate din ners; the race game and the clock work boat will expand the real thor onghbreds and a fteam yacht. Po we really outgrow the tnste for sweets and toys? fome of us never have It; some lose it by over-Indulgence during youth. But to the temperate persou. whose pocket money has always been limit ed, are toys and sweets ever wholly without attractions? He is aslutni d to be seen openly purcha'iiu sugared almonds and choco'ate creams, ami looking in vain longing at lend ml diers and clockwork trains; but the old delight is not dead. Even a humble Vox of Prick, that ticst of toys, unrolls before his tii"tit;il viiion a project of houses, fortie ses, harbors, railway stations zoological gardens, and all the ingenious con structions of the voutnr architect, half blocks and halt "make-believe." When I look Into the t"y-h"; win dows, as I usually do. it seems to me that children are losing th" poetic Imagination that transformed a dingy play room into a fairyland. Toys arc becoming daily more elab orate, more realistic; less room is left for (let Ion and romance. Lead sol diers are no longer flat simulacra of humanity, but big. broad, solid and expansive. Cavalrymen sit plump'y astride bulging horses: artiUeiy trains, pontoon trains, complete in every detail, replace the improvis.nl substitutes in which I once reveled. Yet, can the model 81-lon gun give as much satisfaction to the bovisli possessor as the fortress artillery I used to contrive out of an old brass cannon, three bi leks and the tender of a tin train? The Sketch. An Ainptiiliiniti Hoi t. A new Canadian invention for use in the lumber districts is coming into general use in Northern Ontario. It Is called a steam wirping tug. It propels Itself on land as well as i n water, an 1 is ued by lumbermen whose operations are carried on among smill lakes connected by streams of uncertain navigation. The vessel has proved not only a success, but a great boon to the luin I er trade. Six of these unique crafts have been built by the inventors dur ing the past season, four rumpled d at their yard in Ottawa, an I two shipped, ready to b" put together at their destination in the Nipissing district. They are built in s ow shape, with steel-shod runners for moving over land; are thiity-cven feet long, ten feet beam, decked all over, ami have sleeping. room for four men in the lnw; the hot torn and up the bow is covered with steel 1 oiler plate. An engine twenty-two hor-e power fur nishes steam for ten ivur ' work, with three quarters of ,1 cord of wood. In the water it moves -L miles ;m hour forward or biekward, as n quired. propelled by si le wheels On land it is propelled by having a eibledrum on which is rolled five ( ighths of a tui'e of steel wire cab'.c. which is fastened w ith pulleys to a Iree or s iino object in front, the boat moving a-- the wire is coiled up The bf-ller is liun.: on an axle in the cen ter, and a s t.-'a arranged on th front enables the firemen to t p if fortaid or back, and keep it level going up or down hi!!. It will move over an elevation of one foot in three on land, and draw about twenty eight itches in the watet. The Neek ol th House. There are hit -bands who, among their male companions, like to h.ne it supposed that they are ;u; a iitt.e tyrannical at home. One icli man, who had two or three trieiuls at his home one evening, remarked, a-they were chatting together comfortably iit a rather late In ur: "Yes, 1 ,)o what I like at home. My wife, she has to bnl to my wi;l, 1 can tei! o i. Li my own house I'm a regular Julius Oirs.ir." Mis wife came into (he room in V'un to h ar tin l ist sentence. The tjrantof hi hou-el:--.!d looked a lit tle uneay, but Ins wife neither frown d nor, apparently, paid any it tent ion to the remark. Lit', after a moment, ho remark'd very posi tively: " ient leuien, it is late, and Julius Caesar has ioc. to go to bed " Whereupon the husband a o r, stammered his excuse-, and retired, leaving hi- guests to i;mi their way out a best tliev could, It was in another household that the husband onoi remarked t his wife: "Y u know, my dear, that I'm the head of the h iiise. '' "You mav be the In ad as much ai vou like,'1 said tho wife, ' but I'm the neck. '' "Tne neck? Oh, ver., you may be the neck if you want to, my deer." "Very well. It's the nee'J that turns the bead whichever Way it tilease-. isn't, if'' WHILE IN THE WAR mil ilisc is- iiml rhi-Hinn-t iin. I w..nt tiunw nii'l i uiisi'iiiifiiii 'l t'i my IkM. fttllUlU.' t" lli'lp IHVsflf '.'2 lnontli. Aio-r r nf in" '-ry a -m- luiii en m.-irlenist wlv is- f l . llltl In IKKf no II -ar apari'ln. I K"t lu.ll:,. mill inn til .luakly Il.lt,' n elmnit ' I'" till) better. AM r tnkirni 7 h itili-s I wi wi-.l an t Mr Whi-eler. tronlil.d ith my "lit cntiiptii ins." Ja-j. A. Wiirr.i.Kii, lt H l visin i St.. hiililmorc, M'l. Hood's''Cures lluod'a Pillm urc llv,.r III". 1 wilt iT Imx. D Not B Doceired vtth PwtM, Kkamel" ami Painu whloh mln taanilB. tujar Ul ipu0 nii bum rrtl. Th I1WP9 Byn .suivb i-on v i.rimwn, vaor . Durbl(.. mil th anufunuu- rTa tor no tin or fflf pkffo with srrry piuvh. Tho Siamese instruments of lorturo are made in r.nlnnd mid bear tho trademark of a prominent Birmingham linn, Tiny haw just boun to discover in KliKlnml that a i- imparts no kt'ovv-l.-du'o, li"tlier to u jiid,-'o or a lawyer, ami tliere is talk of itholi-'hiui; its nee in law ooiirtH. Though it is fourteen years oft', it ban already been molested that a cele bration be made in l'.MY of the three hundredth anniversary of the first I''ni;lihh settlement in Amerieii, which was at .liimcstovv n, Vu., in 1(107. New York is rapidly rivalling I, on- lou a.-i the liomeof the huckster, notes the Journal of that city. ' The reve- line of tin' i-it from insiiuig licenses to tie se sle, i .1. sti-.. er is marly $l"ii,- Oihi a y hi-. I u t he pooler mil mid- die e'll.-s dl .inet.. of town the huckster has praei ieally superseded the yro- The 'arii.correpotideut of the Lon don Time.- coiiimo ills at sonn length on the injustice of the verdict obtained by a l'l.ti.-ll t'-tlllliister to Havti. iigainst liieiitano, tlie Anglo-American pul'b-lier. r!i-nn:i . merely sold a paper containing a liU 1 on the ex-minister, and on tin - account has been or dered l,y a court to pay 1 .0 ' ditiu- age:; and Co !-.. Til" !i t. r was invented by Me C'ormi-!. in 1U. Sine-Hi it time this machine Im been bron--!it tostieh pet- fe.-ti..ii that, it is s;n !. it will cut and bin ! an act f gram in forty-five minutes. To such an etetit bus ma- ehinerv siii.eise.h-d hand work in the irraiii farm-, of the Northwest that it is etiiiinted that the labor of one man w ill rai...' etioiieli efain to support a thousand men f. rn year, while the labor of a second w ill transport it to market, and that of n third will pn -pare it for too, I. On sequel of hurricane is to I tie- r tit t rnb'i- II colic tted etVoit to lime th,' C..e,enitie nt iini!li weather prediction for manner who have some use for them, a. it now do, s for fanners and hiisines:, men. Th Ye,ither IVirea i triumphantly p'-o-rlanns tleit it pr -die:. ! tie- sOoin ilays before its appearance," 1,'iroiieb the astute observation of I'ms-sor Cleveland Abbe, w lio ,r!, ,t t rack of the cyclone ."ion mdes i at of I'loi i.bi ni.d never let It l'o until it disappeared 111 in- north. Tin- (ioi mineiit storm news i. to be telegraphed daily t i newspaper lit all shipping port. Soini- time atro the Fr.-neh ead.-mv took up a pro. ct for the r formation of the orthography ,,f tluit laiieiia.;,-, and a;point d a .-p-vial conoiiii e to consider tic- biisim. Th.- ubj. ,-t has b.-en fully ilici;s.,d in tie- Act. li my, ami a pamphlet . be j .sin-d shortly t;iitig tie ,b t,nlot t!i ehan.-r- es which tiley propose. It Hill b- 1 1 1 tefest lllg to ob, l e lioH mueli Wilght their reComilO lldatlolis Hill ll:le with the common people. Som, thin.: of the sort -.v:i undertaken m tiern.any a few years since, and although tie wi.e nu n agreed pn tty iiu.iiiunously on tin fi'lv is.ilulity of many elnii.ges. the re sults have bi-eii practically tiotlimg, so far a common usage is colic, rued. In the I'liited States for tin- lii.-t ten y, als and more a strong movement ha b, n pe.shed l!i buorof some photo tie f, -form of the Mnglisli laiiguage, but very few people pay any attention it. Most plain )-eople dislike to aban- don an accepted usage in speech or 1 spelling'. I It i hard to tell where the improve ments in gun tiring an- going to stop, evc'iom . th. Chicago l!, i ord. At em tine it v.a . thooulit a i:iar-,. lions thing that f.'M Volleys could be lired from -tie gun in one minute and that if the 'juu wa and di-ehir pointed directly upward j d the siv-lniiidredth j bullet w,..!d have left the barrel f the gUIl before t!i. tiivt bullet lllld i f i'li-n to th.' ground. ''vm ntly the tiatling gun wa .v.-improved that it could b - tired a:, ni iuy a li.l- t i ui in a mlti ite. but l: (li'ling w is n t coti'eiit w 'til t hi, and t to work t in -c!'"i: -.'the tiring e ip-'i'ity- of his revob. in ni i-. liln -gu ii by . 1-etr icily. This lias leov bein .I.. ii". an ! bytii" attaehineiit, of a Iii ', le i !e.-1 l ie motor to l!ie breech the gun can In- tirel ."i.o.ltl times u minute. Tli-- eeerel of tie- increase in rai-ii'ity is greater e:e-e an I i flieieiiey of f- -ditig. (n n strip of tin are pl n- 1 tw i-n; -, siui'V-ie., powder car triil; , eaeii li-ld in pl.ic- by bit of the tin that are firm-! n; for the pur pose. These slips s:v put into a hori zontal opening, and astii'-y are drawn through tie- cartridge, a-,, strippel otf mid pl e-'d in position to 1.-. thrust into the cliauiliers. The motion is positive and there i.: no failure at any stag" of tli-- iiiov .-;;! -nl. The strip with cartridges at t i-.'h d can be com pictly stowi-d an I a m ich larger amount of :i in i mi n i ." io u can be earrie 1 with th.' gun than by tie' old way. Tlie gun can be fed bv tiles.; strips with the great- si rapidity. riirtitiule. "Thai," said a nervous citizen, "is one of the most remarkable eases of fortitude I ev -r saw." "What is?" "Th. manner in which thut man 1 s teiis to his own practising on the clari onet. Wnshirgton filar. FOR FARM AND GARDEN. VALVE OF WOOD ASHES. There is little difference in the fer tilizing value of hard wood or soft wood ashes. One has about ns much potash us tho other, but the phosphor ic acid is deficient in the soft wood ashes. The quantity of ash from the soft wood is only about one-third or one-fourth ns much ns that from the hard wood, and it is thin fact probably that accounts fortheeommon prejudice against the soft wood ashes. New York Times. THE FAUM's BEST MONEY MAKER. The best money maker on the farm jB the hen, says the Tennessee runner. She turns jjrnss into greenbacks, grains ; into gild, and from sand and gravel ' she coins silver. There is nothing else oil the place that compares with her. I'he crops are slow ami uncertain. Tho cattle and horses are heavy eon I sinners, and to (jet their value we must part with them; but not so with the hen. 1 n her small way she is a gold I mine on the face of the earth ; n mill ! that grind that which others overlook 1 or refuse. RENEWING TORK IUIINT. Not unfreipiently from insufficient ' mil ino and unclean barrels, or ot'.i -r : cause, pork placed in brine begins to spoil, the brine smells had, ami the contents, if not soon given proper attention will be unfit for food, As soon as tlti trouble is discovered. . h s iiotime in removing the cop.t. itts ' from the barrel, washing each piece of ! meat separately in i-Ihim water. lioil brine for half an hour, continually i-kimiiiing oil" tin-seiiin and impnritie that will rise to the surface. ('!, .ine the barrel thoroughly by washitig v, illi hot w ater and hard wood ash,-Place the meat back after sprinkling it with a little fresh salt, putting the purified brine buck w hen cool, mid no further trouble will be eperieiic, I, and if the work be well done, the meat will be mi l t ini.l tirm. 'I'll."..- who rin k meat f,,r home lte do n.,t a! t alvwns remove A Iter meat is cut in salt for n day irg placed in tie rieau Avricullur- the blood with sal!, up it is bi Iter to lie iiml drain before In brine barrel. - v ist. mi t. siov. .' The Baltimore Son miv: "Without lltiy qui si lou the keo.,ne t 111 1 1 1 1 ill barrel should til; I a pi ic- in every stockman's barn. The ,o;t-oap emul sion is bet for tii.-. I'll-- more liquid nature- make it , :i-y of manipulation in c,-!d Weather, and the large quan tity of -...up is very cleansing and n hob some. To iipplr w, ii-e a com mon brush in eases of cattle, horses it hog, and in the eae of sheep dip tie- aii'iiiid i' lj t into tie warm diluted .-mul-ion. f!i- ,-o.t of ei.it' run tor -iid ,o. i .ib.i-it thr. cent, an-l t!i,- time r, -quire. I f..r treittm nt less than live mroite. S .it -oiip and !,i roviie em ulsion formula ; Iis,,Ue om- quart of -oil - soap in t vo n nd om -half iualt of bollltlg water. l;.-:u-..- tfoui tile stove and while still boiling hot add om- pint of k. los. ne oil; agitato vio lently by at om-e pumping the liquid back Hit its. If through a una!! noz zle, or l'v oile r ine. ins, until a creamv ' ma'-s t formed, which is tin-emulsion. Tins - In ml, led require mo.-e than from three to the ininut. ' agitation, li. fore using add to tins an equal iiinoiiut of water and iui thoi oughly. " rt t.n rrnuvo. With id! stock the highest physical condition i essential to the most rapid grow tit. whenever an animal is ail..w,-. o get out of condition in i.tiy ma then- i . a ci k b. it- growth. ':h stock that nr. being i'.-d for m. at tli. growth should be pu lled as rapidly a possible, as the hirg. st growth m l 'hort.st time ami with tie- .mullet imoiti.t of f lis necessary greatest pr.-iit. With breeding animals li.-.'i ssary to push t In- grow t h Yet a steady grow tl, should It is Hot ' ' rapidly . be loll I ll - taitied. 'The condition of tin- animal must determine the quantity of f I given, but It should always be siilti cielit to secure the result il. sir. d. Whenever the aliitiuil fads to gam there is ll Iokh of the food supplied and n loss of the gam that might inn. been secured. Full feeding with growing animals is giving a sufficient quantity to secure a rapid, sternly growth. With fatten- j ing animals it i giv ing all that tie y j w ill i at up e! an, but m. more. It j.. i n positive loss of feed to over fi i d. I Not only is it a loss ,.f the f..... ..up- I plied, but the llllllllals w ill get off tli. Ir I feed and will not do as well ns th. j otherwise would. I )v. I feeding is p.... I itiv. lv worse than under feeding. Care in feeding properly and regu larly will Hid materially in securing the best growth nt the lowest cost. New York World. BCTTF.n-COI.ORS AND rKRSKliVATIVKS. Ibitter is not necessarily colorless. A distinct yellow tint is often exhibited by a perfectly pure article, but the use of butter-colors is very common, l'rej. iirations of anatto or turmeric are the most usual forms. These are sold in liq uid form,oil or sodium earbiitinte bfing employed1 solvents. Such colors are nlijo used for milk. Dairymen nnd milk LauJlere now use, to a larsre extent.. bo- ! r.ixandboric acid, and nonietimes salicy lic acid nn preservatives for milk, thus j economizing materially in the outlay for ice, and these preservatives mny find their wny into the butter, cheese., etc., made from the milk. It isfortuimtetluit most of the substances are not decid edly poisonoim, but we are still not in : possession of mitlieieiit facts to say what are the effects of continued use of I them, even in small amounts. Some : of the cheaper coal-tar colors are poi notions, and commercial salicylic ncid ; is not without iujuriouselVects. Hora and boric acid are, however, apparent ly without serious effects, but it seems no more than right that the use even of these should in some way be subject to restriction. There i: no convenient method by which the housekeeper may recoRtiie i either the presence of artificial colors or preservatives in butter. House hold News. KBM AMI O VIII'KN NOTES. When a tree is healthy the top is luxuriant, Lite cultivation in the orchard is rarely desirable. When im apple or pear is matured it readily part from the tree. Po not waste time and labor work ing with poor trees mid plants. (! rapes begin to change color two or three weeks before they are fully ripe. Clie-tunt trees will come into bear ing w hen eight years old ; they do best planted in group. 1! -guhir pruning obviates the neces sity for cutting nw iy huge limbs and insures b. tler fruit. The secret of profitable apple cul ture is to cultivate thoroughly mid feed the trees liberally. It is not a e, i,i,I pdan to let the rasp berries anil blackberries grow too high ; keep tie m pinched back. An application of wood ashes i eon si, b red one of tlmverv best reinedii for p-ur trees that bear cracked pears j The pi es, nee of borers may lie l ead- i lly detected by their chips near Ihe roots ,,f the tr. es. Set' that they are destroyed. j No in itter at what season the trees are set out. it is important that good ! cue be taken to pack the earth tirinly about tin roots before leaving' the tree. ! Vegetables and fruits of all kind j thrive ami yield better if tlie soil I..- fore planting is worked reasonably deep lllld then the surface is kept in a good tilth. Keeping all young trees carefully rt ik. d lead to the formal ion of clean, straight stems an. I these in their turn are conducive to tlie growth of large fruitful tries. I 'ears ripen best in the dark. 'They should be picked wb n matured and c. ir, fully ripened by placing them in .-'allow boxes or draw. - and storing in a dark place, v., II v. ntilated. In J.- for some reason it may be a ; 'ood plan to bury b t hat die with eolilagioiiK discus.', to burn a soon a stroys all chance i a: e by contagion. As soon as the g. t cool a i afe l id ially with the lay in warm feed ill th-' i the safest plan is ossible. Tllis do ! pleading n .lis- '.liber begins to in i'e iling-, espoe- !i i;s. is to give a iot-nin.; and w hole corn at night, givin the latter just be- fore th" fowls lly up on the roosts. 1 In transplanting tr. . all the roots that may hive L.-come broken or ! bruised in the proe f lilting should j be cut clean away b, lou I the broken ! part. .uaKe I lie cut a clear, sioping one in nn upward an I outward direct ion. The pencil nnd p! im niv so nearly related to each oth- r :, t.. be budded or grafted on each oth r. Th plum endures the eo!d bettor th in the peach, and the latter fruit, grown on plum stocks, enn be tn ieh inoie easily pro tected than when gr..wn on its own. Tlie orange colored rut mi the rnsp berry and blaeklu ivv bu-dn-s is a fun gu . which spreads rapidly, and will n ruin an entire field or plantation iinh . prompt measure are resorted to. I igging up and burning .f nil in f. etc, I plant is the only known safe remedy. ItatllcMiake Weed. In Monterey a well as Santa Clnrn County , California, tin re grows n weed eall.d the rat t h sua ke weed. ll i so na n" I from the story that win n rattb--mikes get to lighting each oth. r. this we. d. if e.it. ti by tin in, will prevent d. nth. It grow about six inches tall, ha a red stalk and -lender leave. On the top of the -t ill, comes a head of tlow . r-, ami the . -.-. Is ,.f these flowers are s od to be , ry annoying t.. one in I " site' lluoiigh a ma s of them, as th. y ni. fin n:-!i .1 with sharp barbs commonly called stickers. Tl in ly - -tilers w lei had herds of she. p always ui.i.le their herdsmen keep Willi them ti bottle of strong tea made of latlh n.-ike weed, ami when any of the hoep were bitten they were drenched with this t -a. which always snved them. Pacific 'Tree and Vine. Histiiu-tiaii with UltTe ence. Aunt Mary Ito young nephew) -"Well. Hobby, have you had what you want .'" Hobby i heaving ii nigh) "I've had nil I can ea, but I Jiavi n't had all I want,-' quaint ani rntiors. To the Vcruvian Indian cocoa sup plies tho place of food, drink nnd to bneeo. Chinene don't allow their pawn brokers to charge lesstlinti twenty-four per cent. A three-legged chicken attracts many visitors to the farm of John Ow ens, in liuoeora, Washington. The smallest tree in the world i: the Greenland birch. Its height is less than three inches, yet it covers a ra dius of two or three feet. 1 he lust appearance of peanuts in mercantile historv was a consignment I his palace lit Tien-Tsin (ninety miles of ten bags sent from Virginia to Xew from the capital), where he is sur ... , , , 'sounded by his armies, ami has h:s lork for sale in li'.ll. hi IS'J the (left near a, hand, product wiih 2,Wii,0ii bushels. It is well known that the members The Yellowstone region in .Montana I of1,,'e V,""ml Vameii. ("irand Conn. . , , . ,, , I c:l of tho lvnpire). v.h i sat m IV- has produced a prize yield of potatoes, . ,,avi tlie Ill0st .ptofduml hatred Mil bushels to the acre, and is said to f0r the viceroy, an I have tried sever grow wheat readilv. but there is no . ul times to get rid of him by means grist mill t Killings, its cl.ief town. i ";,.,,.,,,,J m"M ''l"1 l,h"s'I,St", lhe jMidd oAges. Hut Li Hung ( b;uig A gentleman in passing out of tho ' !s too well guarded in Tien-Tsin. mouth of Spring creek, I'lorida, a ; Kvery att tupt has been a failure, and few nights ago. lit his bu lim. eru and in a few moment., had four large bass in his boat which hid vol untarily jumped in. Some tribes of North American In dians punished inatrieiil by h mgiiig them I their lunula to the limb ol la tr. at a height just sulh'ciont to per- mu ine wolves 10 reacn iiu-iu irom 1110 ground. They won eaten alive. then 1. ft to be The hanging gardens. ,f linbyloii did not liiin, nor they gardens. Thev were terraces, sni. ported bv ar - iy in The eliesaiidovergrowtiwitlitr. es. Thev j I were . iveted for the amusement of j ISahyloiiiiin queen who had come from j u mountainous countrv. .' the antiquity of the fan m the coat, j particularly in Asia, extends far I k ! bevond tlie possib ilitv ..f iiseertainiiig ' ' its . bit. . It. (' iin-i ii li,l I li, I in tin- oil". inal model of the fan was the wing of j Li jj,,,,, ('haiig ,liaj- l,0 considered a bird, and at one time was part of the j the most liberal and tno'-t progies einblems of imperial authority. j tdve man In the Chinese Ktuuire. The Chines' punish atrocious crimes j Xo Ryn.pntliy is felt for tho nam who is by inclosing tlie criminal in an iron teol twieo. cage, his head passing through an j opening at the top a. such a height ' ruX wutn that his knees are b.-ut ,,,,.1 he ., i Zt n. iili. r stio. ,1 ii,,r :. it 1 'Hi. muds iKns punished usually become insane through suffering in less than two .. . ... ., .. . Signing with the ero..s was first practiced by christians to distinguish ti,emeiv.s from the pagans. I,, .,- eielits time kings and nobles used the sign of the cross, whether they could write or mj. a.- a symbol t tint the pi r son milking it pledged himself by hi . hristian faith to the truth of the matter . , .. !.:..i. i ii l .o ,ii,ii in iiii.Ai ... One of tlie highest bridge structures in America is the Kiii.ua creek via duct, situated on a branch of the N'. w Vol k lllld Lake I'.rie l.ailroad v hieli run, throiieh the Hradford oS regions into the Elk County coal fields. It is .'till f.-.t high (from the top of the top rail to the bottom of the stream be low), 'J.Oo, feet long, is single tracked nnd contains exactly :, 51111.110(1 pounds of iron work. The roadbed of the viaduct i , Olio fe. t above sea level. It wa built ill I S!2 and cost the com- j jinny To.tH'il. All Odd l'nqinsill. A imrty of ladies were talking about how their husbands had jirojiosed, says the iMroit Free Press, when f-ne win. ' present liusbnii-1 was her third, laughed. "I think," i h" said, "that Henry's jifoposal was about the funniest I ever heard of. You know Henry was a bachelor nnd his weakness was drink ing witii the b ys, which, by the way," she added J. loudly, "I cured hilil of completely ; and one night he came to see me, us liu usually did every week, and we were talking along very sensi bly, though Henry had evidently tak en a drink or two before he called. Vou see I liked him immensely, and he liked me, but somehow we had never talked matrimony to each other although we often talked it iisnpply ing to other i.eople. On this evening Henry, had said something or other criticising marriages, and 1 put right 'Well.' I said, 'I think it the onlv j , , .. , 'i way to be happy. I ve bteu married , twice and ' i 'Have with me,' interruj.ted Henry ier.uasively, ond 1 aeccjded him on the spot, and we've been lmj j.v in two bees in a honeysuckle ever since." V. ill A Tree Live Forever ! M'hnt do you think of the idea ml- j vnnced bv some prominent botanist j that a tree, providing it meet with : 1 , i ncci.h ul, will live forever'.' De t'nn-i dollo. an eminent French authority, ; sivs : -Trees are Hot subject to death, ' : and barring accidents and ravages ol; iuu.ets. will continue to live on iiiib-ti-1 nitely." tiray, tlie noted botantst. nlo indor'-esthe theory, that, inasmuch as trees iiiimiiillv renew their youth. lle'V are virtually immortal. His ex- ! net language is as follow.: "The old I e.-ntral part of the trunk may decay, j but this i of little moment so long in ! new layers are regularly formed at tin j circumference The tree survive, j and it would be difficult for science to hIioW that it in liable to dentil from t hi to-e iii hiiv tiroper sense of that term.' ' ' ,,. bt. Louis Bepubuc Highest of all in Leavening Tower.- Iw Powder ABSOUTEL PURE 1,1 Hung Chang. Li Hung Chang, viceroy of China, says a writer in K rank Leslie's Wcek- ly, dot s not live in IVklnr, but has ; Biter several oi tneni tne iicatiicns in tuuee came to ti.o conclusion mat j the only thing to be done was to get I the viceroy to come to Peking. They demonstrated to the Kni eror nnd lib mother that Li Hung Chang's . ntlltiitiitn IliL'tlt lf,:nl hitn tn m-nr. ! throw the actual dynasty and make ; himself a monarch, aad that It was j , ":r 11 " " "v" would watch him. The Kmpcror stiw tlie imaginary danger ami ordered the viceroy v fii:lL-i, ll ist hivli loll i rt ,-o-a in P.-L-imr j jt, nt evcn anMV(.r. Two orders were sent, the hist be. i 't o Imperative that lie answered ... . "I am coming. Arrange quarters for the fifteen thousand soldiers I take with me. " One can easily imagine the alarm of the Ktnperor and the members of ,le Suiiiuii Vainer, when they beard of those llftecn thousand soldiers, and they answered promptly: 1 't ,e ul.nrn w, ,,p l,v !! ..,., r,- .' ......v... ...v ,. imoiii.-., and keep your soldiers away." . ni'iiiui-.l ll n loc a: it sea,-. :oni 1 r. enlnsl Im :il l-.-iui. lie :.nit l-v . i. isliintlv laiiuij n wild loin) I r-,.l ; ... I, t , J .rote -II oee. I II I J I. I : 1.1.-. S'.-i.-in-i-t,;i p 'ii ell c iti.rrli l Ii a e.fis'io:- 1 1. .1111 1 ili -.li' ll-nl Ihel-i'lnl-e I Hll- Ill:tll- t!oii:il 1 1 i itn - nt . Hall' i.t.-iirli fur-, maii i rat i ii.-il in- K. .1. C i.-iH'V ,V I ,.., . e, ib. I l,i,. , i I 'I' .Ml. .-nil! il '11 inlirt eiiic,'. iii, mill nil. It js mo r a lv in ,lo-,. ir.nu I iilnies t.. J" j i:;-'''1:;!,:,:,;;;;;! ;!,:;:!;,;;,:;: : free. A'!.liv i I-.. i. i itrviT A-1 o., l"l.' le, I . ; t ".-. -lit .y !nis-.esi, TV-. lHssnviT yo ;r f i'sc ti - w ill .lis nv. r v.i-i. (rleiols : vi ur true I.n.fl rc-dlncr a tonlr. or rhll.lr.n who .-nit Iriil.lua: up. slur. 1.1 tjiko UmiMi s Iron want trill, Hal im. shir, -I tnku Iii,.,;,-sii,,n. iiii .m iiessiiii.l l.i'verC'uiuii.HibU, llit...,-d 1, ,k ..'.. ,.n,.t ....a M..I ... UlllM's 111:: I'lUeU lull HIUl 1IU1U. Al the lieudliiiiiig of III,- Cliri-tian era tie- i.il iv. .-line - i it ent.l to si v r w t-re li oltn ni .c. v .. ( i - If ui'i.ire. No mMtpr of linw- loin; stnnrtlnc. Write fur lii'o tri'atiso, tc.-tiiiiun nl. '. to S. J. Ii.lli'iii'i-;li ,V- Co.. u.vi.ii, TiuKit Co., N. Y. Price il; Ly Haul. $1.1 j. Tra.-s of ! r-tilstori" -:ty have Wn .11 eov icil ii, i I. r irein .liiizii ar, in Africa. Main po'scn n l-rnk.-n .town fremovpr. wnrs it tui'is 'i.iM cm. Hihaii's Ii-lii let ters l.'llllll tllo 8Vs-.i, ui. , , i ;,! inn, lis. ni-ivis i-,-,.ss ur i il im 1 cttr.'s ii. i L.ruk. A vpli'iiJid lon.o fur woiik-u aud ctiiMrm. 1 li-re ar in Hi" vvorl.l '.'ill Miinl .-svlums i mid lrainiiJtr seliiio!. with 11. 70 inmates. p., tcl a. ctiain'b Pills are Ik-I!. r than in'.lu-r.il w i- IKl'i laiUl's- lie nlll.Ts. C.'lil a lix. f 'apid n vi-r slnnv n wrinkle KNOWLEDGE Printrs comfort and improvement and tend to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many,' who live bet ter than other and enjoy life more, with less c!tenditiiie, by more juoti.ptly adapting tho world's best jiiodttet. to the need of physical being, will attest the value to health ot t io jmro uquia laxative priueij'les rmbructd in tho rcm(.(ly ( ,,i(ra It exeeileme i duo to its presenting in tlie form most acceptable and I'letia- nni io ine insie, ine lei o-Miuig ni". beneficial proper ties of tl perfect lax- f.tive; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches nnd fevers nnd jiorinnnently curing constipation. It h:w given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical nrefession lienill.' it nets oil the Kid- I:t,Vl) j -1V(.r ;i;,,j j;.,Vols without weak- cn'ing them and it U ju rfeclly free from every cbjectionable Mibsta.ieo fciyrupof I' igs i for Fale liy nil drug- ptts in 5i)c and f I bottles, but it is man- ufacttired hv tho California Fig fyrup Co only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, ,.vrui of I' ig. Bni n.n w.jj inforiued, vou wilt not accent anv eubstitiitj if otkred. 'S The Best far li'.lier Heiting or Cooktn-'. fnel in Ctyle, Ojrafo t and Durability. I 0tfltfali,M"l',;'l:'1- rvi:icvoSK j 2PJ? w AiiitAN i lo ...ii m k. er. j ASK YOUR STOVE 1JKALEK j To Klinw rr, mri'IMRIl'S LATEST lAIAl.OorH. ) If no .If niv n.-ar j ou wr.te to I ISAAC A. SHEPPARD A. CO.. hai tijioiik. jih. iabomst jrAi'-.t;ru(i.' x the swia. Latest U 5. Gov't Report 9 In ! Iii chinas ear. The Island of Madagascar has two distinct ciimatcs. two classes of nn. i tiUs, ami t ,vo ela-es of fauna and lion. Alone; th-' co ts! it Is tropical and nialarioii-, and the native are daik'.r and larger than in the inte rior. 'The interior is a high table bin!, and ne uiituinous. There tho climate U coo.cr and the natjves Mu tiler ami liglit-r in co'or than on the coast. 1 : 1 1 1 in the interior they are i.io-e intelligent, an I they rulo tlie is. led. i'liinese Ini milty. Chinese lug. -unity scents eqral to every en, erg: n o. A lu.in of-war at t.ieked a t li ne e .'unk engaged in il legal tr.ifltV and was eager to capture tlie crew alive. Ti e s:iilo;s on the Junk threw overboard thousands of cocoa mils and tli-u leaied among them. The man-of-war's men could not. distinguish liiMil from cocoa nuts, atid uea.ly a l the 'iiiitiiincu es caped. in:. KiLir.R-rt CURED ME ArTER T'.VErnY VCAf.S SUfPCRINQ V.ITM Chronic Pthoumatism. Pr. Kiliee!-.' l: i :.1,:;ui:i n. N. V. "I.'ol- liie i ' lui lin . l!l l l:i, I'pPlt t'.ni!li."l Willi i::,. .oi::l:-,i: ae, ij.-, leieil it ri'-al il. -il v. .thorn o v.: i, ,m, I . i it tu. T e-u a- my ;M t- : 1 1 -i i ... i.eti.l n. In-. limn , ei-ii v. l -- -Iirrlily I -..i'i:.i-..i. I W y 1 I ii:i- -1 ! -1 Irv a l it I II. :1 ..m toe. II I..,. Ill i'.l"' tl .-ill :l!l I!: I. Illl i :.!: i se.-i li. ru:, leans 1 h.e.o .-. t'.i. . il ill t:--' -: 1 lj: ye.il- I : e-ie el :.il I l-lil. e ef :e:. I go .It l-i:ie ii" I "cr S V I I i:oiTui a:i V. I VI-UI-.1 i,.eet! fliis. ( v i vis r.uti.r.v. Tel.. v.-.'.t.i-. :. ! i Van V.'i-i t. I'liio. t!-.f ,-,o renin ami s' 1 .00 a i in .: r 'r. w, Dr. Kilmer's U 0 Anoii;ln'rr C:trc3 Piles Trial Cc free. ,'t o.-im-iisic, DP cents. I have hcvn tronl.kd witii clvspep- ' sja IintaU'.ra fair t:i.ll of August , . ., riower, :ii:iikv.i lior.i uic vexatious trouble I. I',. Yinm.', I laughters Colk-ge, il.ino:l--!,i;t;b Ky. i h.ul hci'laelii - (gK'yv.u .--te.idy. (..Mtc bottle of August li..v.vr curwl wo. It was positively kvoiTiiotio hum!:'-' dollars tome J. V. Si;Mt!i. I'.M. and Oc-n. Mgn.lur.it, Towti -cti'l, Out. I have used it myself f -.- constipation and dyspepsia and it ctttvdif.c, it is the bestseller I eve i Ii.unliL'.l C. i-i ;;,', Diug-iiiid, Msh.i;!ic.sbt'.rir, ra. S MEND YCIIH OWN " HARNESS THOMSON Syfljg slot :ti:i CLINCH RIVETS. No ttv's r-iil.t-'l. 1 : .i!T:iT ii"'" IM t 1 !rlv :it'tt IUI jiSlt v. ii. I jpc. la JUDSON t.. ThOMSON MCG. CO., W.til.llltn, MASS. Ian ideal FdNiav medicine f or l.itlli;i..!i:i, J-..liti.tsl.i '.n, I H.ul-.. I..'. .,...,:.-nil ... Hi:! en.ili-l,.... Illli . .Of KrruOt, jn.l.iaii'..r,!.-ij w iu.-i.'mu, yhi ; a K.....I.. a t if" .frvi',; ; ', v;.;;.;iii: t "' 'itVl'A Ns I'llKVll'i'AI, ( ;., -w York. ,Mrag.fifTTyr'-'j ;fiir'n"oitth blood poisos fe;,,;.; A SPECIALTY. X'1 I.;: li 1 il I ni'kllij lo; '.i. v.'i,, ,, ,,,,.,,'t litldf p.i(ji-'lnin. f ir'-.p I. giorAi.t.-e a cur, mi.l "in- ! tl.l.iit Una will ri I'"- -.-i i-kJ. tro. euoK io.'.i.i' Rpstinthfi'.Vcrld! UCl 1118 USIllllllC ,ij i -Syl Snglcside : 3E2-ctreat. J . r 1 !..- i f Wt'inrli. t-i-.t t-fi!!i ll.-.illii. ni aiM .ri, V;.-ta l:. T'- . Seeley &, Co.,"2-' ! V.!,..!.,.,,,!, 31 ;-tir ly l r t .ltirrU f.i ttto W . T-.-i.l t :it-.-I. V'fi :ol'l ty tlmviH ur - tit 'y uiiiil. bX. & 1. U .ULlUoe, Warren, - s Flower" i-r Clitl 1 ni .1 I 1 ' I - i." I ivl'i eni- n.-k of .tl.tl.tnil ! I I I I'M . '' l-v i" a- I'.-s liv..iv mi nl .ll.i .... i nr. ' r ii , ii'iuii li.l I -l.il-i she 1 ir-Oiii. .-..ii.ii :i:m.-. .-...-nl. ... I MAI VIM V ' If. il i' , UM-r.'T.. I'l. FRAZE h ' AXLE ,nvL i I III Lll:. Hi' ! 1 if iin-i .'in ilrtit i.i 1 ll