haiham aiercrJ TUIKSDA. UWBr it 2tt, lS9:t. H. A. LONDON, Editor. A Compromise in tl.e Senate wim ttiought could bo (tfliicted on last (teeted on last iday it was said Saturday, but on Moiiday tb have failed. On Sat urday !ti dem ocratic Senators hud signed a written irgrcenient to sujport tho proposed compromise, but on Monday it was abandoned becaflso the necessary liumbor (43) hud not signed. We ftro pleased to know that both semi te Ironi this State (Hansom and Vance) signed the agreement. Ufc invemont of the public roads, 8idthttlthedemocrulicsonatorswho ,ld 01,8 ol'jct mor tha" a"- refused to sign tho agreement are ll,er sorvo tho encouragoment CafTery, Hill, Iiby, Mills, Mitchell;"' our people it is surely this. The nd Vilas. Tho jnonosoil to.npro '"" wl, " build UP a V810"1 oi rtiae provided for tho repeal oi the U'('l1 rouds in North Carolina will purchasing clause of the Sherman ; bu 11,0 prontoBt public benefactor bW toiakoeflUl October 1, ISM, H"t our State baa ever seen! nnd that all silver bullion now in the treasury and all that may be pi.rehas- Col.. J ulian S. Carr was elected, d up to tho time the repeal goon in-j wfc. President of tho North it effect, logcil.cr "ill. the Hcignur' Carolina Agricultural Society, and go,istobec..iue.l,.xceptlhea..:ount lllis i"u,'8 tbo unprecodoiited sue irccessarylo reileen. the...utsUn.li,.g ws noxt Slat8 F"ir. ,or 1,0 stiver certificate, it also provi.kd "'ukes a success of everything that that all greenbacks and ticwurv U "dorlukca. We congratulate mtes under ten dalh.rs in value .shall 11,0 icty upon its wiso selection Im retired and silver coi lilicates r o a prcMdunt. clrtiuod silver dollars lial! take their. - jil;u0 - I (ov. Tillman Gains His Suit. Sinco this proposed eompromiso ' Washington, Oct. 23. Judge Brail Ivas failed, the latest u k-rams ii.di. lc? lLis. ""-niing, n au "ccedinglj . ... , , .,, exhaustive opiniou, sustained the con- cato that uncondmonal repeal will ; tontiolia of ttae StHle of jjouth Caro- bo passed in a few days, and it is iii.a iu tbo matter of the State's nppli- confidently predicted that the end c;tiou for the registration of tho word of this long contest is now in sight. ' "Palmetto" by the commissioner of rri, j ,: , i r ,. i patents as the trade mark of tbo State I tie democratic senators, who liave . ,. . ... , , . . , ' , 1 in its liquor trame, and directed that ben opposing repeal, now say tliat ,the pereniptory writ 0f rnaudamus they will no longer use obstructive jue against the cotuniissiouer. Tbo tiiclics to prevent a vote, and this ; commissioner of pateutH refused to being the ease a vote u ,11 at last bo i register the trade mark, holding that ... i , I the State bad not complied with the taken in a few davs. When a vote , ,, . . ... . . i law goverumg the matter in that the ih taken it is said there will bo a ma-1 iStato agents were not authorized by jority uf about 15 lor repeal. j tho dispensary laws of the State to Tho llouso con tinuesitsgood work wigageiu the liquor traffic outside of of promptly passing important bills, i that, therefore, the , , , . ., , . i State could not claim that in selling and shows what the democrats can li(jUor in CoDada in R 8jngle in8taQe do and will do when they have a jt uaj become eugagod iu trade with working majority. Kvery week nome j a foreign country in such a way as to important measure is passed. Last ! entitle the State to own the trade week tho House passed the printing ! JudgoBradley, in bis decision .. .. , ... .. ... , ' i ol today, however, holds that the com- bill which, it issaid, will save a large miBtjiouJt.r of piitent8t ia reeling amount of money every year. 'Ihe trade marks, acts meroly in a minis public printing under the present ' tcrial manner, and that when be uu nystoni is very cost I v and home ecu-; dertook to decide tho right of South i.-omic.al reform iu that line is much ; Molina to own the trade mark be riM.tniJOil a lllrltmal Hutv rlttn n-na na.lo,l TH. ,...,..!.- 1 1... IT,,,,... J.UISWCCK 1110 llOllneiSUlS cussing a bill to establish a uniform lease was not one where tbo law au system ot bankruptcy throughout j thorizos an executive officer to exer United Stales. Tho same bill : eise certain discretion, or equal judic was introduced iu llio last House but! iul duties, and, therefore, the writ of was not passed. . i ..,mi!,, .". . n , i ENATOitSrtw. . rprop.,.es that a ebnierenco Lo ticul at W imlwnton. within nine mouths, between dele-! gains quite an important point, it :s gates of tho United States, Mexico, i thought that tho commissioner of Central and South A u,c ica, Hay ti Jf' vwS"1 'ak tLe tttde l tbe Court and San Domingo for the adoption! '1 ' of a common eiivcr coin to bo legal tender in all commercial business be- AtljUtant-UeneraP Import, tween tho citizens of Ihise countries, j Washinoton, Oct. 21. Iu his an Such a proposition from a Populist report to tbe Secretary of War. issurprising, in view ot the fact that Adjt-GWiu. Williams of the United ,, ' ,. , , States Army, strongly advises the en- all lopuhst speakers and papers! couragenieut 0f military instruction claim tliat tlio I. mteil States Hliouht,1 have its currency or money indepen dent ot and without any regard lo tho currency or money ot other countries that we can huvo any sort of currency we please without consulting or oven considering the rest of the world I It might bo moro flattering to our national prido, however, that if our country is to hold a currency con ference, or monetary congress, with any foreign countries, it should be with such civilized and enlightened countries as Great llrittain, Ger many, Franco and the other great European countries, instead ot with tho half civilized countries of Mexico and South America and the negro republics of Hayti and San Domin go I Thb Power of the Press, as well as tbe groat good that it may accom plish, is forcibly illustrated in tho j reliet train to bo sent by the New York World, loaded with supplies of food, clothing, medicine, .vc, for the afflicted and starving thousands at Brunswick, Georgia, and on tho Storm swept coast of South Caroline. Yes, through the efforts of America's greatest newspaper a train of fifty freight cars, drawn by two locomc Mctives, will start on its orrand ol mercy trom New York, and, speed ing through the intervening space, will carry relief and holp to suffer ing thousands at those sadly afllicted places in our beloved Southland. Tut om anecdote of tho "oleven obstinate jurors" is forcibly recalled to rnfrtd when wo hear tho majority ia the Senate stigmatized as "ob structionists". Yes, it is just about a sensible and proper to denounce the repealers in the Senate as ob structionists, as it was for tho one jaror, who would not concur in the Vterdict of the other eleven, denounc rng them us the most obstinate men ta ever saw I A Road Congross won held at t RuleTgh, ofie uight dftring tho State Fair last week, in pursuance of a call for that purpflBe issued by Gov. Can. Tboro wore present ft voiiMdurnble number of progressive ami iiiteltigont gentlemen from tlif- , -eiic rwis 01 11,0 otalc Hnu Hn m KU.on was orgaiuzet w Known ! j "Public Ivoad Association of; . . . ..... North Carolina . The officers ot the association were elected as follows Dr. li. J. Brevard, of Charlotte, pros dent : V. F. Kornogay, ot Golds boro', vicepresidont, aud Prof. J. A. Holmes, the State Geologist, sec retary. Tho object of this associa ! l(," w " n'" indicates, is the j ""v "" .. hl llf, (L. -.--f mandamus prayed for by the State wcuiii oe grauieu, requiring inecom missiouer of patents to regie-ter the ti.aJe ffiark. 1 Whilo lhe ,Bte by inirT(, iti-aiint'a rvrnni; f tba-.ni in all educational institutions. He heartily concurs iu the recommenda tions of the Superintendent of West Point that the number of cadets be increased by allowing each Senator to appoint one and the President to nominate forty, whereas he now names but ten. Gen. Williams is not satisfied with the showing Indian soldiers have made, and he does not hesitate to say that the limit of their usefulness in the military establishment is scout and skirmish duty. The Indian is not very adaptable lo discipline at best, and to station him as n soldier near tho reservation is fruitful of discontent, because ho will compare the restraints of military life with the freedom and indolence of bis brethren on the reservation. A lack of knowledge of the Eoglish langunge, a strong repugnance to work, illiter acy and no fumiliarity with athletic sports are also against tbe Indiana' development as an arm of the regular army. The General also recommends suit able courses at post schools for en bated men who are ambiiious tosecure com missions. Gen. Williams will be placed on the retired list nest month. The Yellow Fever. Bri nswick, Ua., Oct. 2U. - Three deaths were officially reported today two whites and one colored. Thirty-six now cases, ten of which are whites, were reported hero up to noon today. There are now under treatment 52 whites and 211 colored, u total ot 20.1. The cases to date show a total of 702, of which 41 died and 3!)8 havo been discharged. A fair estimate ot Brunswick's popula tion now, according to Surgeon Alur, raj' 'a census, is 7,200. The per cent ages of cases for the entire popula lion since the epidomic started is 11.40 percent. While several hun dred have left through Camp Deten tion sinco its opening, the population on St. Simon's and Jekyl Islands, whoso cases are charged to Brunso wick, wilt about evenly balance it. Among those left are about 600 im mimes. The epidomic lasting twen ty stive days longer, at least, a sale cstimato ot the number stricken by ; selecting the spot where his duugh- i When completed it is said it will be its close will bo 30 per cent, unless j tor's lifeless body was found yester - Due of the most handsome and sub the epidemic assumes graver proper-1 day, Hire w himself in tho huso and ! stautial hotels iu North Carolina, cost tioiiH iban is now expected. was drowned. in' 5fl"5,0l)O. Washington Letter. frrom our Uesular CorrnsiiocJcat.1 I .WAsiiiMi-roN.Oct. o,is:;. ! A democrat wbo bus I be future we!- ! faro niul success of bis parly in view, ii ii i . I'lllTflVi I I f.tfK I If Il I K IIM I II.!!, (11.111 lll'IIHHI! ilTn mu jit(1) thiU jH iu Ul) k.olitrovvri.wa that have taken plnco thin wes-k be-; in iLirmwutin Si.,i,.tni w l.o oc cupy opposite positions on the Voiu- bl'iary building is but ft stone's hces bill. Tbo language used bv ; throw from tho capitol, and its gol doniocr.ttie Senators Umaids eacb;d.-n dome glitters and shines like a other wts such as should not be used young and brilliant sister by tho upon the floor of the Senate, even to-'side of tho white lienusphoro that wards political opponents, i c pt uu- '. crowns the capitol. A dazzling pic der great provocation, und it eettaiu- j turo these twin domes present, and ly did not improve the chance either one that lingers long in tho memory of passing tho Vooi bees bill us it is ' ot the visitor or the dweller within or for amending it. In fact, about : the gates who is fortunate enough the only thing accomplished hythet-o to witness it. displays of temper was to famish the i I he work of gild.ng tho domo is repubiiouoswilhabuudleofv.ryst.iutili'!! of interest. Tho details , aro cluba which they will not nil to use! worth remembering. More gold will in tbo futuro upon democratic heads. I bo used on this domo than on any It will bo a dear victory to euher fide ! gilded dome in the world, lhis , in this silver controversy if it be won i appropriate to the new hbsiiry build hv disruotim? the demoei atie. i-artv ' intf, lor tbo structure will bo the thus rroviti the i.fi ! il r-ilcii ciuige of the repiiblicnns that the democrat ie. party could not enwtrol iieif. At the bi'ginning if tho wei; it looked as thou-h tho deiueciatie Senators were about to not ti:;etl er iu a satisfactory compromise, Hit tbo opportunity went by. -vcv things are again drifting, with both friends and opponents of the Vuoihees bill threatening to Ueep up the i.gtti iu defit.itelv. and the S.-nalo wasting its" time discut.-itig a ehai-pe of rules, which every Senator knows ilowu m his heart, t, wlmt.-r bis wishes may ,.t be aecompii.-bed iu the be. cnun mid -t ot this coiitiov. rsy. Presiilent Clevela-!,! is uppi.reinly more coi.lident than iv-r that the Voorhees bill can b" p-i-scl ly the Senate without auiciidnifi t and m !0 dotelliiiued that Ihe li-l.t s ! id! be con tinued uulil that emi iti u ache l. but. there are good reason.- tor the belief that bo would wi'.linglv sign a com- nromise measure if :i:e can lie agreed unon bv the democratic Senator jt could uot reasonabiv la expected uu- der the cireuu.sta.iJes thai be would. in mlvanco of the action of the Senate, anuouiice that be would ;u a com ,i promise bill. Much important business awaits tho disposition of the silver question. Tor instance, provision will have to bo made, aud the sooner tho better. ' to meet the big detieit the neco-'iiy expenditures of the current fiscal year will leave iu the Treasury. Secretary ! Pui-IUh.'j 1,.nt osliiivil.. I.ls .1 i, II ; oroseut iiidieMl'ions. is that t! is il licit may resell S.mI.H'.iK'i) Secretary Carlisle i;..- d.ei.k.d thfd paper currency -sl sil hereai'ter be u- e.l in making disbursi iue;iis at the New York sub treasury, except w'.ieii I lie state of tho Treasury mate s it uoees sary to pay out gold- It is t-aid that this decisl u was made bttrause of a tendency on the pnrt of Ihe banks in that section to hoard the gold lately put in circulation. Thannvt 1,111 tin ,.l.r.n ! I.v tli-i 1 a..c ...;n 1,0 ii,n ri,.i, i... nt.-. m., i.. v ! hin ti...,.,. ic tr,.,,.r ......M.iti.i.i in the' billon both sides of the House, ! but it is thought that it wilt be pass- oA, ., t , , , I 1 resident Cleveland aurhoncs the . . ,, . , . ,, , . announcement that he v.:k ia. h ave nr i- t . i;i.- 11 .ouiniuu uu .. e iinlii the I Senate takes some action on thei ilvir ! question. j Tbo House commiileo on Public. Lauds which has bun looking into, tho charges concerning tho ope ot the Uieioueo stnp wia pn.i.M.iy , u. t:s.J11(iayHftornoon.about3 o'clock, decide that I hero is no occasion lor ; SmtlthorB (leorge street, tbe Congressional investigation pro-1 out u wurl.hllt BgBiUBt Adeline posed by a resolution nce.uly miio- . Wi,(It.rf ft,Wiug that she had struck ducod in the Hout.o. j hw (m lho ,,rtiftlst w ilh a teapot fillt)(i The House is keeping up its repu- i witul)oi!ing water, scalding her severe tation for rapidity iu tho transaction j jv Wilder, tbe husband of the acous of business. This week it passed the J Woman, is Lottie's uncle, the latter McCreary bill amending and modify- j iuur tho Geary Chinese law and the Cox bill, providing llnil no national bauking association shall make any ; loan to its president, its vice piesi- dent, its directors, its cashier, or uuy of its clerks, tellers, bookkeepers. agents, servauts. or other persons in j its employ, until tne propo..;.ion to Thomas Wilder, the husband, was make such a loan, stating then unt. ; HWOrlli ,,n, corroborated Lottie's terms, and security offered, shall have : iiiU llieui jje n80 sai,i tbat his wife been submitted in willing to a meet-; W(lrt (error around the house. Sirs. inof tho board of directors or of ihe! wilder wus thoa handed the Bible executive committee of t he board, and ; nlKj ,uiy HWOr. she denied tbe al accepted and approved by a umjoiiiy )(ratioU) Stt;,i lmit aiwfty8 of tboso present, constihumg u q.n-i tinted her husband and bis niece rum, and then not in excess of the j witu rP9i.ct. She said also tbat the amount now allowed by law. A bili ; ,,uarr,i W(s not of her iustance, and similar to the lust named was passed tliat Kin orlv1 tried to defend herself by the lust House. Tbo House hIsm in lif.r 0wn house. The justice asked passed a bill repealing the law wLieh ; ..j, tJ)U (ruof find she replied, "As requires uppheauts lor bounty lands ;BI,ro IM tjlHi hp;8 for judgment in to prove loyalty iu addition lo prov-, orv at the samo time raising bor log theuiseJveti otherwise ("ititica to tbe lunds. Poisoned Tobacco. New YoHK, Oct. 2i The atten tion (d Health Commis-ioncr I' Ison was called today to a report tlmt i um . - ' much Southern tobacco w hich ,:4S lu'n'as and S. pph.rt ; it sa judgment, been received in the market in tl.e I liit l''0"trale woman was, lo all np past few days had been rendered j P"', Justice ; Aiderson !.... .,1. ..( !....; inouired of the old man if hia wife green having been sprinkled on the plants during tho past season. Dr. Edson said that il the report was truo tho tobacco was dangerous to consumers. Chemist -Martin wus instructed to make au iinmcdiulo investigation ot tho matter. Suicide of Father and Daughter.) CincAtio,Oct.23. Henrietta Kim-1 ball, 18 j ears of uge, while despond I ent trom long continued sickness, ; committed suicido yesterday' by throwing herself in the hike at tho ! foot oi Niulli street. Insane with j grief over hi daughter' rash act.. Andrew Kimball, her lather, this morning followed her example, and, 1 A Golden Dome. J-T.ni the Washington Poet. llitberlo tbo grout white dome of tho United States capitol, rising into tho blue s!y like a snowy mountain, has been one of tho most tonspicu ou and beautilul sights of the city ol Washington. It is to huvo a gol Jon rival. Tho root of the new na- il.m.il i;iii'!ii- in ii n I'll mm I will. v.. '.. ..k-...., 10 fcv vw.-iw ...... !t ll)m, ot Keiierona proportions, enveied with puro gold. Part ot tho irU is already completed, ana a L'ortrcous Tucluro it is. ino now lafL'fst ol its kind on the earth, cov cl ing no less than four acres, while the contract for tho granito alone was Sl.'J.VUlllO, tho largest contract tor stone ever awarded nt a single tunc. I here nresoino lo.ooo square feel to be covered with the precious metal, linairuio some great hole! ! bliy, like tlm Southern Hotel, at Si. Louis, or he Grand, at Cincin nati, paved with gold, and some idea is game:! ot ino immeusiiy oi me j wn li wnien is oeing aono I'here are not rnanv gilded domes in the world. Ihe Hotel des lnva . li des in Paris, tho Connecticut Slat ite lloii.-eut llaittold, and the Massa elui-cUs Stall llousout Boston, aro the best k n n, and yet I he dome ot the new liirary building is larger than any ol these two thirds larger, it is estimated, than the famous dome ot the State House in Boston. It is not hard to realize, therefore, what a conspicuous sight it presents, al- thou.' thciv is no doubt be I that it loses some il its brilliancy by being somewhat .ess spnerieai inun u.e cat golden ball which shines and ' shimmers nbovo tho Boston Com- moo. Only a portion of tho work has been completed. Somo six weeks ago the upper part of tho domo be came enshrouded in a huge bonnet .f while canvas. It was tho ugly chrysalis. Underneath tho canvas, where the wind could not blow its disturbing breath, a score or more of men were at work placing tho : I'Ulo hits of -old leaf upon the metal ; Irame, and presently, when the cov ii ingoi t he chrysalis was mrowu aside, the dome stood revealed in all its golden glory. Now the workmen are busy with ihe lower part of tho doiiie, below the balustrade. This part of the dome is too largo to be bonneted all -at onco, and so the canvas only shields a section It is a slow and tedious task. Tho men will be six weeks yet before they ""VO U'l' MirtllCO gllllCO, 0V0I1 II U1CJ have L'ood weather. If rain or fog 'comes they will have to suspond ''cir delicate labors nnd wait for atmosphere togei urjugniu. A Modem Sappliira. Kr.'n ilu li.ililiii'.ro Amerli'ttu. , ,, . In a rarret room above a black smith shop on Columbia Avenue near the city limits, lies critically ill a ue-g.-o woman, who wns prostrated while making an affidavit. She is Adeline Wilder, und her husband works in P.tchcr's brick yard in that vicinity. said, and would testify against his owu wito. At the bearing enrly Monday morn- jn Hie magistrate's room was crowd ed with witnesses of other cases, and when Wildcr's chso was called Lottie Smothers testified that Adeline Wild- m,i assaulted her with a teapot right baud. No sooner bad tbo words left her mouth I Iimi she t t tered backward and fell unconscious to the floor. A deep siU n :e reigned in tbe court loom. Her husband, with teais was subject to these spells, and be replied that she was not, and that be had never seen her in that condition before, Lottio Smothers then asked the justice to let the case drop, aud be did so. Tbo still unconscious wo man was taken lo her home by tho husband and niece. She was uucon- c!niia f..i 4 tutitvfonr hmira. uhpn s,ie0j,e!ie(l Ler ees,but scarcely rec ogni.ed anyone about ber, and talked incoherently. Yesterday she was quite 6iek, and the husband said tbat any agitation would kill her. She is about thirty five years old, and weighs over two hundred pounds. - It is reported that work has begun on the new hotel at Southern Pines. Bank ('ashler Arrested. liulloon Yoyasei lo Europe. SALlsllL RV, N. C, Oct. L'l. Tho Fl-olu "'8 N' World. plot thickens around tho delimiting ; Prof. Mar.en, of the United States cashier ot the First National Bank, ' Weather Bureau in Washington, is 1,11. Foust. as ho was last night ; going to make an arial voyage ucioss arrested on iwo warrants sworn out tho Athtulio. He will travel iu abn' by one of his bondsmen, Mr. N. B. 1 on roado of strange material r.ud McCnnless. One wurriint was for equipped with hitherto unheard of larceny ot Sl.UCU, the ol her tor em- devices. It will be moved by pro bezzle'ment ol 8,ii'.tt) id the bank : pellers and directed by a rudder, find lunds. Bond was given for appear j is expected to stay afloat two weeks anee of the accused today, when Iho or more, though the trans oceanic trial wns had, at which examination j trip may require only fifty hours. Tbo was waived, and bond renewed lor entei prise will be paid for out of pri , Ins appearunce at tho November j vate lunds, but instruments lor ob j term ot tho Superior court. j Fei vutious will bo furnished by the i Foust would not have been nr- : Government. rested had it not been lir hisactions , in going 10 ' and writing ) tho three papers here : articles himself und huv- J : ins them published as the opinions ' . at tho editors, and making erroneous ! statements iu them. Besides his shortage in accounts, it is alleged j that ho stole g 1,0111) iu cash Hum iho; .bank ond tried to get away, but the; directors of the bunk compelled hi in to give up the money-, j llo borrowed money from the bank on endorsed notes, and when 'one fell due il was taken by l im to! If that civi be accomplished llu-ro 'the endorser, and shown, lie lold .should ho no diflieuity about crossing j the endorser that it w as paid when thooee iu. To come back across the .it was not, and tho endm-ir wiii ; At inline, would not be practicable be j now have il to pay. Foii.-t over-. cause the air iiurents are in the op .drew his salary as . iv'arv and : posiie direction. In order to return ; IreaMirer ot Vance Cotton M;!i.-, and j many ch urges are coming up against him daily, lie was a very promi- jneutinaii here, unit held in great 'esteem ly nil. lie was president ol ; lh' Y. M. C A , incmberol the choir, 'elder in the Presbyterian church. j and a Sunday-school teacher, cashier jot Ihe bank, secretary and trea-urer .ot Vance Cutto'i Mills, secretary and I treasurer ; treasurer l .Niiisoury ol the city. lie i. onipany, and guardian I ! of several tlind His iudehtedlle. s loots lip as fol -lows: Hank einhi zr.l'Oieni, t!s,ii'iil : jtiaskill guardian land, f f.M'ii ; West guardian luinl. s'J.."iOi! ; Murphy ! guardian land, about efji'li ; i.nic- lor borrowed money due '.im baiui, ahoul to.OUU ; Vance Cotton Mill.-, Total, KM.7.-S. A Cold Winter I'lcilii dci!. Mii'iM.tr.N. N. Y., Oct . I.oien Cusbman, au need iainer si Piv mouth. Chenango county, has quileii rejiutntioii as a ii liaoii weuuier proph-1 el, and whenever be uic'iies a prugi.os tication bis fiiends and ucquuintuuefs ieg.id it as wonl y of e:t leiue. Mv. I CunLniau beiievis il... e..i,.ii. v.in'.el'i will be au unusually nn re oh", and bases bis opiuion on ihe following grounds : First tbe busks on co:ti are tun !. thicker tl uu u:-im;. und of a . ii ; orange tint, instead i i a li'nt ieni u. hill'. STOli.l, Pie bf.gV :: !t runs j i insles'l of suniotli. Third, the jjo.ise lir.ne lakeli fr. iu u Slay lui.-ed fowi shows iuiii" and whiter spots tinii e i .t. i.mry, wldcl. rjseiuble the c.outis i.f Mar's I'liui ih, the crop of mils of all I iiu's is immeti.-e, aud tin : ijvi ii : i Uand cl ip mm. us me luyingin j.inl;iotis ;-toi c early in the season. i'lfih. The pal I riders nnd w oo. cooks are ligiJing it: bains ai.d out houses, iur.lead of trees, und decks, are llyin' iu U shap'-.l. in-1 cl of K shaped, ll icks iov.aid-i lie South. Sixth. Ti e gi-i'en t'n chi.n.r ir.g their suits und are iveu i. e. .-eil -ing cool wells and spi ii.;;s for thcii winter (pi:. iters. .Mr. Cushniihi beiicyes the (H'.ni:';' winter will be the most scut.- ti.i; country has i :pei ieneed sil iv tLe winter of 1 Soil. Twenty-Nix iiill.-d. Battle Cuklx, Mich , Oct. 2o.-- Iwonj'six uianglf.l ui.1 loirnei! bodies und us many more injured were taken out of a wreck that oc curred at .i ! tins innming in the Chicago and Grand Trunk Ireighi yards in this city. It was a collision between two pusscuger trains. One w is ihe reg ular 1 aidic Ks press, west b. und. and tho other was a special lo' v nmnd & Whitney exciir-iun, va-t bound, from the World's 1'rir. Tae esiires- was duo hero at M a. m , but was about an hour late. The special lett tl.e depot in tUis ci; y at '.I 'M. with orders to ineel the cypres on tho double track west ol .Main .-treel. but Engineer Wooley. im-tead t stopping for tiiu expre-s i pas. urged uhead, and m.-l it on tne sin git; truck in the yards, near the car checker's office. The express was nulling at tho greater speed, and when the collision came its engiii" ploughed nearly hail way into the engine of the special, liolh engin eers and their liivinen jumped bet, ire the locomotives cimo logelner, and all four escaped with minor injuries. the passenger;, in the special WelO badly shaken up, but none ol then. lu killed. 'J uu ..il;,lil K . were all in tho coaches ol the express, and lo add to tho horror of the hituatioii tiro broke out in tho telescoped car.- and many ot the victim were burn eil alive befo'ii the' eyes ol scores who were unable to save. Eviotcd Irish To:iai;fs Coiiicn: plate roictblo Kc 1 Mil iis. Cokk. Oct. 2,. A dej illation of tho tenants who had been evicted from their homes waited on Mr. John Iledmond. member ot Parlia ment lor Wi.terlord city, and lead.ir of the Parnellite Hoclion ot the Irish Parliamentary party, and asked him to approve of a project having as its aim tho forcible retaking of tbe farms from which they had been dispossessed. Mr. Hedicond advised his visitors to wait until it wus seen whether the Ooverni.icnt passed u reinstatement bill. lb) blamed the anti-Parnellite mouthers ol the House ot Commons for postponing and trifling with ibis question, which lias become the more dil'icuil ot set tlcuiciit siu.'o tbo Huns.! ol Lords bad rcjcclid the Homo liul.: bill. There will be no complicated ma eliinoiy, but merely a rudder and pro pcllers. The hitter will be worked by man power. Tbo problem of propell ing balloons has already been solved to some extent. Iu Franco airships have suceeedidin travelling iu tho teeth of a fifteen-mile wind, It is too early to pay from what point the start for Europe will be mad.-. A preliminary voyage from I'cnvt r to New Yoik or from San Francisco to New York is proposed. j by balloon it would be necessary to ; go around tho world. Prof. Hn. n j thiiks there is no reason why balloon vy agi s around the plobo Miould not i bo nunhi some day. He believes tho ', North Pule will eventually be reached ; by wiia! navigation. j (Huist Story, ' , .. , , , I Mr. B. S. Elwurds, who superiu tends the farm of Air. I' red Bray sil- luated on Netise road about throe miles from tl.e city, relates to us u I most singular story, i For seven or eight nights in sue ' cession, with the exception of one i nigh!, some peculiar object has been 'seen and heard near Ihe premises II resembles a man ol nil Iter low st:iUif and with drooped shoulder aio! humped back, und "ives forth a "roaninir sound. Once or uvice it eume right up lo the limine and into Ino piay...i when Mr. 1. Iwards got his gun aud lire at ihe object, bill il only gave a slight hound upward and disappeared. It I ram pi n.r ca n be distinctly heard on nearly everv visit aud oneo it ai I roached the pil'iip mid the handle eoiinnci.cid going exactly as though some person was pumping water. Sunday night il was observed by Mis P ray. and her husband and Mr I'M ward both ran out and urouiul ihe house in opposite, direction.' thinking they would bo very apt I get up v, iih tl.e phantom or whatevei lu iiig it was, but us heioi'u it disap pear! and y i l reniuius u mystery Killed by K plosion. Pui.MiMaiAM, Ala., October 22.-- A tic.'irgiu Puciliu eiigino pulling tlu ihi'i.ugh freight which kit here yes- n'.'iy inciriiing about 2 o'clock, blew iii five miles Icon hero, fvigineer Mills and fireman ,1. W. Buchanan both white, w. ii! b'own up iu tin air and aiighicl some two hundred r more jaids away. Both wer badly niiitila'.ed, and Were kille almost instantly. Mills fell throng the reol ol n han1v. Mr Jesse field 1 fa noir county has a field i f net pntuti.es this vo; r that w ill make five hundred bushels to the acre. Sis bundled men were ibiown out of employment by the closing of the Siwr"i Steel and Iron Mill, nt Mingo .in. lion, near Wheeling, W. Ya., oi iho 2:it . I i!i-;t. W. ii. HUGHES, l-'. V K Tl'KV I M.E ST., llAI.F.KllI, N. Dealer in UUliU: i LAMPS, TABLE CUTLERY, sil i i:u ri.A ti:d wa he, U'F.R 1 Ci IE IRA 'iTDJiS , r2?33. T":-.y3, OH. KTOVJiS hZ'VC X luriror anl hot for rdm Ic tlutii ovof lioloro. Oct. 12, I.vjd imm wmi Mies Maggie Rccsc, (Next 1( lo 1''. A. WhUiiu'd), :raxe:i mi, ov lias Irt Full nml Winter .-took til' Al iliiuery complete. Lalest .styles of Jlonnets, Hals, A c. All kimls oi' Hair Goods, Zephyrs, JCiubroidery Mateii stls, ;t'. Ori'eis fro in a ilislance will receive prompt ami careful attention. Oct. 12, 189:1. li lis FMIES fjCIMUl: THE GULF ROLLER MILL Is in successful operation. It is tbi Ir.igi'st und best eijuipped in the county and is us good as tho best ANYWiteilK. 'J'hn cvebiiiigo system has been inh'ptid and lib lbs. striiigbt flmir ami VI lbs. biau me given for CO ibs. wh. at. Your piiironage is solicited. 'f ile biidtccl luie.i Ji'iid, e..sh, fin "best. J . . 31 e 1 V I'M , Pi up. . N. O, O-.t. Ill, tX B7XECUT0BS' NOTICE HA V, J Hig iiihIIIi'. as .-Mvuiortf nt Arclillwlit . WniiilH), .Ii'ith.-i I, ivi It. rul.)' iiiiilly nit enreoua ' nllliiK uliilms uKtilim' d.u.l .n-.-. .K in to rxbUill ll o euiuo lo u uu ..r liufuro Uin3sUi i.I SiaiiBnilwr, lH'Ji. Ill Oil WOMIII.E, M.J.t- 2S, IS','), i. J. UoLUSTO.N. A DMIMSTBATOPvS'NOTICK. Ni.ii.'k Im In nl him n I., nil iiorw.im Imvlug clnlms iiKiiUK.i ilH'.M'ain.ir Uu. 1m.. A.J (li..lii.n, to j.r.-ffni Uu i-Hiii . i". us nr t. i-iip int.triniy, T. H. Wi.niii. k. .n ! I'.-i 'in o.".,it,ii l'.in. ls4. r tnis iiLIl-u will eu i'lriiit.' l in ii.'irni n.i'lr rcovory. uos. it. oifr.-., rnwAuns n. ooi.dston., October V.', THE BEST WAGON, Wo are informed that sonic tin serupiiliius wiiguii makers, or their atrents. arc selling; w.igoiis whicli tlicy cbiini sire t'ie .-,:inio or as good as ours. l'.tvaiisc tliero are .lilTercnt facto ries chiso tngetlier is no reus n they .sbo.ild make t!ic same ijuality cif work than any nt'ici factory in" this county and if io.i want tho"lei-t, see that it bears tlie ii.inu! of ,1.1. Nisscn, and eli not be il '.vivod by any one saving t heirs is as good. Wo ue tho le.-t loateria!. l,e t wcikincn, and finish all our work by hand. And guarantee every wagon to give ef fect s:itisf;:c;io'i. To meet the scar city of n o.icy we hac jut reduced the pri' e. It you wind th" 1 -t v.-ayoM made, -all on oura-int. W. I.. Loxikn fc Sox, Pitt.shi.i-;.. ,. c. We lead, e-thors 1'illow. laillllil liotill-.l takes (lie .I.iV. C. F. MSS'KN & ( ()., Oct. i. mX Salem, N. C. W. L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE woTWfP. Do you wear thm7 Vheii r.ext In ncd try a pair. Pent In trie world. 43.50 2.00 2.50 12.00 2.25 M I.7S If yon want tne DRESS SHOP, mado In tha tatet lty!, don' pay $3 to $3, try mj $3, $3.50, $4.00 of $5 Shoo. Th.y fit cpal to custom made and look and wear as well. If you wl;h to econi'nil?, In your footwear, dusoby Furchasini' W. L. IV:!;''" Shoes. Nam and) price stamped on tho botlum, I?. it for It wl.cn you buy. W. DiiL'u-.iS, l'.-4i litur., fiinta. Sold bf W.L. LONDON & SON. C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY. t'o'idensod Schedule". In cll'.'ct Oil .'-ir ii, tv.i.J. I'lll V lAi'I I T SJM'.W. '. i mil t...liin'S..iiib yn. I. Mall l iisKiiuco i :i Aiiiv,. 11 I'll p. m. vlll.., I.iuve, 7. .Ml " i, " r.i.ja m, Mill! i. I'liM't'liu."1 Ariivt- li 1 1 1.. in. ill. I K VI I', .l. ii'l 1'iu-a Akout. .u'i M.-imii-r. iuCS-XSSi Cavmj'ii, nnd l r;i.io Mii. ki oliiuiartl. irnd all l'at CHt l.u-ir.ri. ci iiiiiHl.-.i fur Modchati Fits. Oun Ornct in OiF"o3iTi: u. 3. pttnt Orricc anfl w mil . im ,ii.- ):ii.-.ii lu k.i time tluu luciio re:unt from W i iiiiiu-i.... Si'iid iv.o.'..'l. i!r ..i'i.iT "r i'!i-i.)., with iloi"cr! lim.. Wr lut.i ;-, if ji:i'.. i'.u!.!.. ..r mil. froo of cJiurfTe. 0::r .: il'tr. ml i .it.'i.! ii. i."fiir.'iL A PAMFHLsr. '!!.. 10 l)li':lill I'fliClilii," nith naint'F of mtni'i c:i"i" iu yuur tUi-', cuuuty, or tmvu, kvul frcn. AJ lri'.'H, C.A.SftSOW&CO.; Or p. Pat t kt Office. WAiwiNr,Tor. 0. C. , Going to Buy A Dictionary? GET THE BEST,' : Webster's International. I A Choice Gift v ;' :r A Grand Family Educator VI A Library in Itseif '. '. X The Standard Authority "vv av SOLD BY AH. bOOKGELLERS. Tli8 Inter.' atior.-.i ih a r.nw bork from cover tucu'fr, fully uliiv-:tst ot the tiuios, 'and Is Hih 8ui-2f.-ur f tliu tutlicatic UUBUriHKn.i i-j.iy';r..n ...ooiwmui i revinlne, 10U edUjrn cmiil.i', cd and over I ' 1300,000 i xuunded keforo tbo Urst copy I ' ... nrlt.t ' Da uot l.tiy reprints of obsolete n4 . comparative'.' vnrthk'Sa cduions. T Bend f i' ii'i'i' p.inplilet contMnlnf T specimen pages e.v.d lull partioulara. G. & C. MERRLA.M CO., Publishers, X SPRINGFIELD, M.A 33., C. S. A. AVER'S Ague Care contalim nn atiti;loto for all malar!..! ordfrj whicli, ft f-.r u-Ki.oun, is ua tl in no ether m:n!y. It mtiaiiDi 10 J-,mmut tt Oiiy iiiiif-ral nor ilrVv-rinp pttVht.'tnro wlt; t ever, :inl i'ii:-i'iu.Mtt!y 'ih!iu-.-8 ho injiiriut rtlit tl,H ..Mi-iiuiti.'it, l-ut 1 :ivr tl. )?Uiii :is tu aUl ,1 it u.i:. the MUk k. VE WARRANT TEM CUE Cl'ItK ! In curn t'vT ( I'um-s in-l Arw, Ir'rr iiuM.nl -r Vlr'X V f t l r, ti:-iit r, Jnit.ih Aii. It. if'' im I . vr, rir.-l l.ivir i 4. 1 . ni c.i-.-il t y i.ril.'t: In '.Ft; tf f ;t ; 1 itr- if Ih r iln" ti u aI"-3 an u" I y 1,1 f t-ircuUr il.ticU July lat, - t it luml t'nk ittwit! y. DrJ.C.Ayer&Co.v!-owI!l".iass

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