3M naiham THURSDAY, OITOBKK 2. 1SU3. LOCAL RECORDS. 10,000 bushels cotton seed want ed by O. S. Too & Son. To arrive in a fow days, one 'car loud of salt at O. S. Too A: Son's. For bargains in household fur niture call on Thomas & Maxwell at l'a'oigh. Ilaw river was higher at Puce's mill, on last Saturday night, than it bait been in several years. All open accounts, as well as mortgages and notes, will bo duo on November 1st. O. S. Too & 8on ask you to Bottle promptly. Itecoivod this week at t). S. J'oo k Son's a largo lot of Orange drove xiid Severn Mills flour. O. S. I'oo &, Son' aro headquarters lor C!uui brill's flour. --A marriago licomo was issued in it.iu ..r i. n- n t.'W ilavs :i"o. lor the marriage of Mr. John Bant-on., aged 80 years, to -Mrs. Maria Council, aged .ri.... ii...;,. ..r.iiliim..l ii.rcs li.-in.' y., ....... -a r bit real 140 years V. ll.Kdwards.dentist.of Wake Forest, N. C, can be found in his oftico at Mrs. Kxline's Hotel, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday following third ' Sunday u month, prepared to do all kind ol dental work. Ii. N. Mann has npe lied at Siler City a Grocery and Coi.teetinnery j Store Willi a select Mock Ol Heavy j minuter. i no mum iiojeci 01 i im imr and fancy groceries, eont. clionerii s, ! is to promote our agricultural inter canned goods of all kinds, oranges, ev'.s, and yet those most deeply in lemons, &.e , all of which will he sold 1 1 crested in agriculture seem to take i Inw in- s to suit tlio hard tunes, Don't forget the auction sale at Crawford's storo on Wednesday, Nov. btb. Crawford has u lot id shoes and boots, hals and caps, ready made clothing, glassware, crockery, bardwaro, &C., to bo sold tin t day. You need the goods and will make mouoy by altonding tho sale. Maxwell & Thomas I avo U ' largest and ucsi siock hi i hi iohu e ; in Kaleigh, and it will pay you toj examine their stock b. loi e you buy , elsewhere. All orders by mail will receive prompt and careful attention, i Try them and be convinced. 'I he best furniture for the least money. ,. ,., : vou mat air. cariieu iwo jo.nn icr townsman, Mr. 1 . :;if VMU, t() Uli! lUll tw() 4 yrtlon itt'a,,y '. '!" ; ' I'"t iu s 1,0 horroweil one t W.ll.A 's-iJU,Kl'''i.,n!l)U iMu the miller till bis whs Our former townsman, .nr. i C. Benson, is i-oliuble tirni of which for many years nas men , popular wuii i iic ... v .,. .! .....I l. will lie oleasi'd lo 'ivo h prompt personal attention to all or ilors from his friends iu this county. They aro selling tho.se boautilul dress goods at W. L. hondon i Son's very, low indeed. You can be suited iu almost any kind of dress you wish. They have a nice slock of cloaks and capes very cheap. It you - are neoding goods it will pay you to look at W. L. London A Son's before you buy. They are buying at W. I- Lon don & Son's all the cotton seed they can got, for which they arc paying the highest market prices, either in cash or trade. They have a fine 2yoar old mule for sale cheap ; also some iruuno and phosphate on hand. Don't' you need a good iviyon? London bus them. Personal Itkms. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wooldridgo and daughter, of Asheville, are visiting friends at this place. Miss Mnttie Ihrio lias returned from a visit to friends at Kaleigh. Miss Lizzie Jackson, of Kaleigh, U visiting relatives at this place. Mr. K. 1j. Haiighton, who has boon sponding the summer here, bus returned to bis plantation iu Jones county. Abstract ok Taxaim.f.s. The fol lowing is an abstract ot tho taxable of this county lor lS'.r., ns compiled ! from tho returns ol tlio iisi tuners oi tho several townships: 4J1 ,Ultj acres of land, val- ued at si,oio,5k; (ir)7 town lots, valued .t l.'o,-.'77 l ::!.'. 17 " 111,72:1 1 71) " 71.") h::,73 " 'Jli'.l 2025 horses, " " 2517 mules, " " 20 jacks and jennies," " 730 goats, " " 12,775 cattle, 20,573 hogs, " " 14.543 sheep, " " Valuo of f'ai mine utensils, &c " of tools of mechanics, " of provisions, " of tiro arms, ot libraries, l.ii4ii i.S'.lll 'Jl!,74J l.hSl " of scientific instruments, 2,4liH " of household luruiture, !-."),(!l Money on hand, 23.S10 Solvent credits, lS)5,ri7'. Shares in corporations, .'"''i'! Other personal property, 15ii,76 Total valuation, '..ti 15,421 There aro 2,423 while polls and 814 colored polls. Last year there were 2,536 white and 7011 colored polls, so that there is a lo-- of 113 whito men and a gain ot 114 colored un ninrd last voiic. The total val uation of property last year was 83,140,137, so that there isa loss this v.... i. ..I S121 7115. There is a falling off in the number ol cattle, hogs and HlirnHim;e last vear. The valuation placed on sheep, hogs and cattle is certainly very low. The State Faik. We spent hist Thursday at Ihe State Fair and many .1 .1... ii.;,.- ii.il I tfinura uni tuu nt4.nu s - tho crowd there on thai day was Very large, almost an largo as we have ever before seen c.t any pi e -Viou fair. The Wealliei- was a-s de lihlful nail favorable u i;iil I have boon desired, and tho crowd would have been soil larger it tho railroad faro had not boon o high. As it was not as many as usual travelled on tho milroads, but travelled I through the country in their own ve It clcs. As is usual with our iSorth Curolina crowds there was nodisor dor or disturbance to mar the pleas- lire (d tho occasion, everybody being well behaved and intent ou'liavinir a pleasant, timo. ; The exhibits did not amount to much, and, with u few exceptions, were not arranged or displayed with ; much lasto. One of tho most attract- j ive and creditable was the exhibit of! the products of Ool. Julian S. Carr's Occonoec'nco farm, near Ilillsboro, j and vet this exhibit was not seen by many persons because of its location in an ouliol-.lho .way place. There was an exhibit from this county that deserves special notice. Wo refer to tho exhibit of Mrs. John V. Perry, in which were canned fruits and vegetables, preserves, evaporated fruit, and a lot of home-inado house hold fabrics, such us blankets, bed quilts, Ac. The chief attractions ol the fair were tho sido shows, horso racing and other out door amnsenicnls. 1'ri.bably tho greatest source of cn- iJ - y"'0" ' tho so-called "Wild " " i in which there was some woniiertui iiorse itacK riding, ,..l I ,., I.. II... ,.r.( There was one rider who exhibited very remarkable feats of horseman ship, which were loudly applauded. It is lo bo regretted that too mana gers of our Slate Fairs have to get ail such tiltractions to draw visitois, and yet it seems necessary in order to have any sort of a crowd. It is a great pity that the farmers do not lake more interest in our Stale Fairs and exhibit their products in greater very nine i merest, in mo nor l..r the 1!KH. Western Chatham Items. Simmon Guovk, N. C, Oct. 24, 'U3. Tho farmers aro busy gathering 'corn and sowing wheat. Owing to so much rain they are behind. l.'oin KhiickiniTK nnd 'nnSRiims have uearlv olaved out iu this neighbor- J(JlM yV0 have a right good mast. The jl(,,,s !llHi bojs are doing a heap of ,-uuii)r ulout. mude good crops of sorghum, )0n.f,tie we pot 'lasses on both Bides om. i,r,.,ui. I reckon I iuub'. te'.l I von that .Mr. carried two load-. 11lllle !Ulll when be went after it his eime had only wide three quarts, so he was sliil duo one quart. Ho says., he don't know "where bio is at". My wife divided cabbage seed with one of my old lriends ueur PitUboro i:ist spring and now l.o wants to know if tin y are good to cat without ! meat. One of my neighbors went lo mar ket wiih tobacco a few days hiuco. llo said it sold like wheal straw. A two horse loud brought Iwo dollars and a one horse load hi ought one dollar. 1 have hud the blues ever since the big fieshet. The river whs the high est it has been in a hundred years. It washed sway ono mile of fence for inc. pumpkins and a foot log. I have no communication with the other Bido of the river. 1 sold thirty dollars worth of wafer melons from half an ucie, (his sea son, end those that bought on timo and were lo pay on first sight I would be lad thoy would hunt mo up. I ciii always tell when 1 am a year older by tho blue X oa tu0 Chatham I!ir,.i.n. iS'.iniing buildings in thia neigh borhood i. so frequent that when we get up of a morning we look around to see wh it is left. What shall I say about Congress? Only amen to what has been said, and I think if they don't adjourn they will corrupt the morals of this gene ration. I would be gla-1 Chunk nud Short Link would Bend mo their pictures ami I will pay them a visit as book as those erossties are removed from Uichtuoud. 13. Fur tlio lii-Lviiii. IiK'Iiiiioiul Dots. Kioiimonii, N. C, Oct. 24, 1893. Health is distressingly good. Corn h Unkings are now iu full prosircs. (iood crojs and over-production of rations lire almost making our fanners forget that Congress is in extra kcssiou and times ever hard. Corn crops are much bettor than for several years, the decrease in the acreage of cotton will inako I lie crop somewhat light. Sweet potatoes are extra fine, or at least wo heard a geullemnii say a few days ago that his wcro so large that l.o hud to saw them up with a cross-cut saw. but did not think he was losing any thing by it us he was using the dust to make pud ii ntr with. We learn from a reliable citizen who lives in tho town of (ioldston that the cow that was struck by the cars south ot Richmond, that Short Link spoke of last week, was in J sight ol (ioldston and that the quar ! Icr that was skinned was ho poor ! that the person who did it hud to ' buy bacon to cook the beet with. Some of our townsmen saw a gen lleiuan north ot doldslon, a few days a-'o, who must have planted ..u LIrn II. II. n 1111., ill mil 111 III!', ! woods with his hogs with a largo j ' 1... 1,... 1 , t .w.i t .iv .iini-rw' ..".. to feed his hogs on, (iiiesshehas had an under-production el meat. O.ii- e!(-:-;;etie young townsman, Mr. J. .1. Evan, i- giving his atten i,et, 1..1 ,t..( k r-i'sing, Imviiig iur- chnxed scvon young mule colts ami ' ono one hiaek Kentucky jack, Mr. II. O. I'liulnp, who has been quite feeble for mono time, wo were proud to boo ruling out tid;iy miteli improved. uncle iicorge .yivesier, snperin- tondeut of tho Richmond Iron Oio (Jo., has returned limn the North, and has bad tho slate nmrlieliaod and brings samples ut it buck wiih him and reports it is the only genu- ino slato in tho South, A, I). Phillips bus moved his shoe shop in tho postofliio building where he is prepared to do all kinds of work at short notice Our new postmaster offers to sell thirteen postage clamps for one cent j and a (iiiai tor, while congress i.i in extra session, guess be means one quarter of a dollar and one, cent. Mr. M. F. Morris depot agent is now making arrangements to build him a fiuo dwelling house west of the depot. ItoNti Shanks. State Hews. Charlotte Observer : Mrs. Kam seur, wife of Brigadior General Kuui Bour, who lost his life at Cedar creek, iu the Shenandoah Valley, Va., in the celebrated battle with Sheridan, has been givou a nice place iu tho Inte rior Depart iood t under Hoko Siuiih. The position was Beeuied for this es timable lady through Gen. Cox, of Kaleigh, who was ono of Kiuiiseui's bravest and host lieuleuauts. Ciinlon Democrat: An neeideiif of nn nniianid liiumo occurred at, tho homo of -Mrs. John Ash ford, onTtics In the matter of altitude there is a davmqj-niug of lust week. The sleep j ytt greater difference. From Palm era" underneath tho floor of the kitch-1 Valley, 300 feet below sea level, to the en became detached from the sills and I upper Sierras, 7000 or 8000 above, tho floor was precipitated to tho ; any altitude can be selected, and com ground. A pari of the floor r I'niii- j fortable homos he fotiuded. ing higher (him the rcstfoimcd an The peculiarity of an almost rainless inclined plauo down which the cook-: summer, duiiug which tho injurious iug suive, and other articles of kitch-! germs of animal and vegetable decay eu furniture tumbled in a confused ! are destroyed by thoroughdosiccation, mass. Mrs. Ash ford was at the time j is ono of the striking features of Call in the kitchen and received somo pain- j fornia climate. ful (hough not serious bruises from During (ho rainy teason it lsusual being caught among the falling furui-1 b' ton cool to facihtato I'm mentation. turi). and tho result is, except aloug some of tho river vallejs, an absolutely pure Newborn Journal: Capt. K. V. ; atmosphere The ocean winds enter Carraway, of Adams creek, tells 11s of j inr ihiough tl.o several coast opeu a surprising experience (hat befell him j ings, me tempered by theintei mediate near his home a few days ago. He; urea passed over, and often receive had gone into a thick swamp near the j desirable hi aiing pioperties by takiug creek ami while there a large alligu j np ie resinous odors of the pines (or started to attack him. loo alii- j amj redwoods 011 the Coast Range, gator was in his hole and the first 'pbe skillful pkyrieiau, acquainted known of his prosouce was when lit j wit U the climaiio coudilions, should stuck his head threateningly at tbo!f,mi jittlo difficulty in selecting a lo captain, who was then only ubout six j feet distant with no weapon except 1 his axe. Ho lifted th.il, ready I'oi ! striking, and the alligator, after blow-! ing at him iu .1:1 angry m.mr.er, buck j ed into bis hole and then tho captain without delay sought safer surround 1 nigs. Ho informs us t uul a colored! man this summer found m-sl of Iwentv-livo alligator eggs near Cue same place and (hat a uesl was once betoro louuil 111 tlio iii-igLooi-hood. Shelby Review : Tom MeluM re. the new I'nited States Deputy Mar shal, went up into No. 11 township Sunday with a warrant for the arrest of a mooushinor. He found bis man measuring out Honor and loading a wagon with it. presumably for the-re j lief of thirsty South Carolinians. But his man was not alone. 'Ihere were! eight others with him. All wore In nv ily armed aud when 'hey saw .Me In tyrc'u feiocious coiiiifcuaneo in the doorway every nun grabbed his gun and (old him to wilt. It is ml neccs saiy to add that be willed, nor is it necessary to udd that when (hoy fold him to make (rucks, he mado 'tin Mr. MiTulyro had an interview with U. S. Commissioner Cabaniss Monday and added uiue more warrants to his list. A desperate M-;;io, known us Tom Uobertsou, commit led a mur derous assault on William Dover and his wife, near Giover Tuesday morn ing. Mr. Dover hud ordered the ne gro to go lo work, but iiisiead of do iug so, tho uegro demanded a settle ment aud followed Mr. Dover into bis house. Picking up 1111 iron cooking uiousil, (he negro struck Mrs. Dover on tho head, knocking her down. He then attacked tho other members ot I tie family, but was diiveii into the yard. Hero he picked up an axe and started back into (ho house-. Iu the meantime. Ihe neighbors came to the rescue and after knocking the negro senseless, tiod him. Ho was tent to Y01 k county jail. Charlotte News : Mr. V. V. Nolan, a Mecklenburg soldier, wa-; making bis way home on his mule from Ihe surrender at Appomattox when he was attacked by Intshw hackers. They lireda volley at him. One bullet pass ed through Mr. Nolau'n hat and an other entereel (be shoulder of the mulo. Tho animal was lame for some weeks after getting home, but finally iho wound healed, and was forgotten by Mr. Nolan. Ten years ago the wound "healed. Last week it heal ed again and out came the bullet Mr. Nolan secmod it and brought it (o tho News. Mr. Nolan captured the mule fiom a Fudeial during the war. Tho mulo was branded I. S. nud was not a young mule then. He is now about 42 years old and doesn't soeoi to be apprehensive (bat his time to die is anyway near at hai.d M'. CharleR E. Short, tho supenntt udei.t of tho force of bauds at work en the new cotton platform, is 'short" SI'S today. Mr. Short travels over the road anj superintends the erection of buildings for nud by tho road, lb' lives iu a shanty ear. which is u w standing on a i-ide (ruck below the platform. Yesterday evfiimg about 3 o'clock au unknown negro broke iu I the car, bursted eipen a desk and stole lUt'll IIUIU ..' Ill v.inn. I . ....v.. what ho was .lorng Lccause lie nan nawned his watch l Mr S:ioil fi r 1 . 5, and saw where the cash was kept. The m-itter was reported to tho police about ft o'clock, and they made a d-.li gent search for the negro, but im.e not found bi- North Carolina Game. Hi "Mi ilin minimum Bun. Noi l h Carolina hnsthere (Chicago) undo the strongest kind ol a bid for n e. ignition as the oyster, wild fowl and fish producer of tho Atlantic seaboard, and lias even several oia ,non, hiH-k terrapins wiilkiugarcuiid an Ut)rirht post, insido ol a wire cage, with a label near by explain ing that they are the most expensive table luxury in the rnitcd Mates. Tho North Carolina conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South will convene in Wilmington December, fith. Major John W. Graham's fino resi dence at Hillaboro was destroyed by flro on tho night of tho 10th. Lous placed at 20 (11)0. California as it Sanitarium. Iu an article written for the Cali fornia'!, Lieutenant John P. Finlcy, of tho United States Weather Bureau, makes the following statement: "The oretically, California should furnish tho btbt nd the most varied health resorts and sanitariums iu tho United States. Witbiu her borders almost every form of wasliug disease should find tho means of temporary, if not permanent relief." This theoretical statement, from an unbiased, scientific standpoint, is ful ly and abundantly continued by ac tual csporieiice. Tho cool and brac ing coast, climate, devoid of any trace of malaria, extends from the northern part of (he State to the extreme south. Therois (he choice liet ween (biieool, humid iitmoppliero and the dry, warm ! atmosphere of tho inland valleys. ollity w here climate and environment wjj ((, RH that those agencies can (.V( (- do toward the restoration of I, H ! 1- There is enough of wilduess i0 );ot.n t;,e mind constanfly engaged, nUi enough of civilization to satisfy 110 most exa'-lii So fuiiera from pulmonary diseases. people whoso systems aro charged with malaria, or aro "run down" by over work, find iratueliato and in niaiiv car.es permanent relief in this in vigorating climate, establishing anew the fact recognized by nil intelligent persons, whether pbysieians or lay men, thai "Nature ia the best healer." For full and coniploto information alx-ul California, or any particular locality therein, such as guides, maps, and descriptive literature of a!i kinds, call upon or address (he following named officers of ihe Southern Pacific Coitipanv : K, J1.i.kv, Asst. Gviwal Traffic. Man ager. ;i 13 1 h oad way. New Vol k, N. Y. P.. K. t't iuuEK, New-England Agent, 1D2 Washington St. Boston. Mass. W. G Nkimvku. G W. F. & P. A , 230 Clark Street, Chicago, 111. W. C. Watson. General Passenger Ageut, New Orleans, La. T. 11- Gooi'MAX, General Passenger Agent, San Francisco, Cai. New Advertisements. THOMAS C. DEHSOH, Chatham Cotmty WITH W.MU WNL, TMt DRY QCCDSDEA1.ERS, RALEIGH N. pe'i'ial itltiro DRESS GOODS. Out (f tho ordinary.) Solicits your mail orders aud your personal etdls. Oct. 20, 181)3. A DM I N 1ST 1 1 ATOK'S NOTICE. UjhIiik (titvlltl.- t n HrtiiiliiNtnii.T i.f O. P. M.K.r... .Ii 1 hirl'y wMlf ll ii-i"ni hM- (in: . l.iiiMH inMii.r-t wil.l .n lt-ni In rxliliil Hik Willi.- I" lli' hi er Li-ri.tf UiU Will "I ivielw, IM.14. O.-l. 111. 1S'.. C. n. MOOliC, OllTGAGE SALE. DY VIU- liinef IX IIV'I'VE il""'l fXi-Ult-l t'V O. W. K-li Hil l V. V. Mi-lllliwli on til.' ll'.lll .liiv "t ;i n.v, lf-.il, ni-.l r.vi-pri 'l in ii'-'k CI.. .. ;.i m ,1 in.-,- ..t id.. .,:Nn.r.. i.,-iN for 1 li.vliBm mv, I will wll l I -ill.il- mile. Ill lll' ft- Ti. 11.-1. an ir 111 I'll if-i i- , i'ti In. 1. 1). -.Hi "i o.-li - i. r. V..O. II." I:il.'l ! -t lt..-l In r:M fll.-rli.-VJi-. . in Ou i-.un." Uini' ii'i.l i.lHiT-llriii.-ri'i.el ltm.1 ,....iv..p. l.v lll--ti!Hj" .li"-! . .- illdl l 'I W. -.-..-!;! rn.-'.i.. ! i-. .lv r :k .- f.-r: i.i 1- li'ii.-ii U nil. I'ai:.' t .. In 1 Ill rt. I'li.i. i!i iilumi-"iiii:)'. Ileur . ! ;. '-j .- 1..- 1 1 1 1". iv, I. ,1,1. .1.1 . S. HI S.-UI" SATWTWS Folks o-o a.si,olit on dross now a days, find if you want to stand vvi'll. you must dksr wollTlio old tu.ii-x! does not t tin tlnit way Imt in tais day and gonuration, tlu want of good clothes is very apt to 'iininake tlio man" Ffl'ort is the parent of success. Wo tried to perfect, past perfections, Bnd the eeveial thousands fine fin ished fitting Ovorcoals and Suits aro 011 our tables, the result of our ambitious endeavor. We've given 'shape1 to new aud original designs, selected the very freshest and choicest weave that a careful search of I lis famed mills could. The work is dono strictly like tailors. Never related our painstuking energy t.uli. every lihe was gracefully turned, every ulilcli securely taken, every quality honestly weighed; it's tho perfection 'ol tho parti that makes (ho perfect whole, aud we've becu vigilant from (he very beginning. When you come to review our slock you'll see new styles, styles that cannot tie found anywhere else' styles that appeal to appreciation of tho young, nobby dresses, styles that will suit the -quieter to'steff, and styles that will win favor with M-ttiod sedate clothes-wearers. In all our Suits and nil our Ovorcoats, from tho cheapest to the best are the virtues that bolong to fine tailoring. Wo aro showing a G KEATEU VARIETY; offering bettor values, asking lower prices lhau over. If those are not trado hungers nothing cau be. All size-3 iu Suits and Overocats. A chance on "Waverly Junior" Dicyclo with every dollar's worth pur chased iu our Boy's mid Children's out fitting department. VISITORS TO RALEIGH ARE CORDIALLY Invited to the courtesies of our house, leave their baggage until they start for home again and to see the eom pletcst stock of male; outfitting shown in any house in this or any other State and at the most reasonable prices. S. & D. BERW ANGER. RALEIGH, N. C. October If). 1S.:.. M TO SHI YOU frSMlY TO GIVE YOU BARGAINS ! ! OUR GRAND WINTER STOCK IS FULL OF BARGAINS ! ! IT IS A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF LATEST STYLES. You can't help being pleased with our common sense, popular, and in every way 'desirable line of ZDZEvTS" GrOOZDS, QISOCEElES, CI,OTZSl.YG SHOES, IUITS, Our Low l'ris Prove That WE Give TIIK BARGAINS! GOODS JiOUO (IT LOW CAN BK SOLD CHEAP, and WE WILL DO IT We will give tnor" iiom-st quality fur a dollar than has ever before been oiioix"! you. Times are never so hard that yon can't afford to trade v.i: h W. L. LONDQH & SON. Pittsboro, October lt, I89:t, ' ' J. J. Tur. mas, President, B. S. iJeiman', Cashier, A'i.V. A. Thompson. Vice-President, H. W. Jackson. Ass t Cashier The Vommrrelal and Far'merir Bank, Ol' lS.M.lOICill, IS. nnnnnn Paid up capital fUMl.OU'.UK). Authorized capital SoOO.OOU.UU. DIRKCTORS: , J. J. Thomas, P. X. Dr.l.e, II. A. London, (!. W. Watts, II. 15. HaUle. Ashley Home, t li ii;n V V. I):nii v. it. II. Haney, A. A. Tl.oinpHou, T. II. Iii;'n"s, J. N. Holding. Aceonnts of F.-n iner,-.. Par.hs, (Corporal ions. Administrators and Indi viduals solicited 011 favorable terms. SPECIAL ATTENTION given lo accounts of Country Merchants and individuals. EDWARD FASNACH, JEWELLER AMD OPTICIAN, 2.Ti3IC3-EE, 2T. O'. Slerlhw Silver V llouers TaMeirare, SOLID PLAIN GOLD ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RINfiS Send for Ring Size. HtfPOur Svfdciii for Di-gMOMiig for the correction of Errors of Refrac tion is the same as used in Ejo Inl'n manes Noith nud South. January 'ii, lS'.'-h MONUMENTS ar.d HEADSTONES AT A W.. have a toff M.x-k .f nnlsl.c.1 n.. i.u.i.. - ., fnlUMgn win.-!. w . .- M- U.o r' -Mny bioi-k. All w..i-k umiriui-.i i- l. U -i:-'"" '''l' l-v iy tlio trolglil. )l!li!IAM nrrh , If-. MEW PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS.! At vr..rii'.iii-meet ill' of the Stilt Board of Education, hold in B-dcigh. on Iho fust Tuesday in April. Iv.U. ihe following new tcu -o.i-.kh ve-. unanimously adopted f.iv use in nil public schools of the State: North Carolina Practical Spell ing Hook, - - - i0 fonts. On wlialiuo ! M S.e!l, r ii.. In n.U r-'.) Williams' Kc-adcrs lor liogin ners, - - - IB Cents. !Tn pr.vi.iH. Hi-hi l:-i l.-r ' TIip lirl'.nB iiu-lu.ln ii-ii-l"nii'l"ii t.. .-i- .iik .n-.l.rliis. . A lllwM .tlr..-..tii.i win 1" i'-" '" at-n.li rr.iin.1 uwli'Tti. ''ll',:r,' V g I M.FIilW WILLIAMS A- ( O, rriii.iKiiKHH, ini.ne.u. n. e. ?-Tli. s-il."f i-ii'-h i""'" Wll v"' l-ii'". nil nrili.ni will bo Illlwl fta ini.l.Uj- ii I" Oi-l. 11, HUM. L.M S.XLK I A' f . .' HILL. Ily vlrnmot n i.lcm'iil "I 11", r'"' r'",,rl In ihi- nm 'it M-CK-'il'-i tl-'U.- n. . .-niriii. '- ,lU"ll"-l l-"'- ' M'H'I'-w;.. . I W'H n . ii'.IIi- Hii' H"ii f"r 1 mil "ii Hi." 1' n.i.-'f ! UiiM'.W. N-iii-'illior I 'nil. ls":1. ' i- -" !'! Ir nr. Hill "ii wlii' li I" ' Inii'i - l in-1 '" " '" ''' , iii. 11 Hi.- (li-u II' n-:--n ; ' " ' 'I'- ' I i.u-.i.i.w., i.ii.i 11 inmi I.-'. ..n ..-."" iw.'.r.iv , 11. iw .vlll!lt I'V T T. '..I--'- hoM'Ki '.I I i.'iilii I I . ltM.hr J IS-"S ..-,.."- TMT PURPOSE! A. F. Pago, Fred. Philips. John W. Scott. - .S an.l l.w.t,l.r..M of l. vt mnlerlal nti-l l-a .l.-ir - t !l".l .U--'.,.nt In oMer lo ro.lu.-o our V lOI.I.IO'L'T, Favctlivillo Si 'eel, Bi.i:ton. N. C. I ' All kinds of L1JMBEK for sale at thi r-lTTS801?O SHUTTLE MILL : WEAThER-BOARDiHG, j CHUNG AND FLOORING, i r..sKn ano Kii.n Diiu.n, on Boron, j Bill.H sawed to order at short notice, I Good Ceiling and Flooring already : Piii:.ssr;i) at only !?1.0 per 100 feet. B. NOOE, 3T. Sept. 17. 181)1. CXECU TOR'S NOTICE. HAV A Ins .iin.llfl'1 ah om-iilir nr Alfrnl Illniwli.y. ..o.w-o.1. 1 hi'i ohy Rlvc ii..Ui i nil purw.lm Imv- tllii 1-l'llHI" BlWlllHl ltll .lWKMllMI'. ('. KXlllllll 1.. .-. vino i ur l'I"nnlr.'ih .lay..r o.-u.l.r, 1 ,.j4 O. F. U1NU.K1.KY. Oi-i. S, lt". A- HMWkiiL, Sr.. AU'y. t; i: T I OHS' NOTICE HAV- I lim .ii.-lllli-il iw oxwuti.r ! Murk r.ynnm. ....... i. . .. i;.'i.'i.y ii-.! id i'fr.; n li l iln. .. ,l..: H .1.1 .l.V'-.l.'lll I" HXhl'.l. Ill" MHIIIt- ii-. ..ii -r l'.-f"io im Sill lii) ' x.j.uinlirt-, VM. S-"HI IHt. I" M HYNCM. II iii DofON. lOORISSi W00LLC0TT & SOE Everything now looks hrighl and prosperous, cud we are prepared td show you the lies', and cheapest line of SI-IOES ever shown in Ihe city, embracing everything Hat is most desirable. Ladies', men's, and children's sizes: OUR CRESS GOODS STOCK is also very complete, and we Mil 'guarantee at 1. ;i.-.l in per cent, saved by buying your di esses from ua. But to (Link of our Millinery Goods! Wo don't hesitate to say that we have1 just as nice a line as can be desired: and that wo will save you about 40 per cent, on a purchase. To be con vinced all you have to do is to ex amine our nt ocL WOOLLCQTT & SONS, II E. Martin St., KALEIGH, N. O: .September "21, lS'Jl ADOLPII MAX. IIi'iul(iu:tt l(Ms for argains; Inuiienso sluck nf- ? CLOTHING. Latest styles and lowest prices to 6uit tho hard limes. Heloci fitoi-k tu Lu'lies' DREB8 GOODS. Latest styles an.l all thades. It will pay you to call aud cxauiinti before buying elsewhere. Tho largest st.'.i l; of A M:ix's shoes bent the world id styles, durability and juices. Call for the in. Full lino- lim' of lioavy unit I'aucv at wliok'sak' ami ii-lntl, bought ilirei.t IVom tlii'Maiiul'ai'turtM-rf ami will bo .olil at :is low lig uros as you ran buy at Haiti- inoiv or Kii liiiioiul. Five j.olito salesmen to wait on all (usloniers. Oct. 12, ISM. COTTON (ilNNEBS OUGHT to is';iJniiS THEIR GINS IN THE This io a Homo company and de serves tho patronngo b a!l Norfli Caroliiiians. It was organiser I" ttt rtnd o'acf paid ovor half a million do'lhtrtr irf losses and there is not o"ne ioirtcbted) claim against it ! All losses paid rfofaptly'.- Every prudent man ought tfV trrsnro bit proporty. FiTr terms, Ac, fcpply t(V H. A. LONDON, AGENT': W. S. PKIMP.OSE; t'iCf-iittif- McpttU'ber 1. li4-- 4 S'.l

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