4 '" Nome uf the titeairiHhip oompauiea ruipluj more meu than arc eiilititflii in the wccoikI-i'Iiihh iiuvH'k of Europe. The C.'iuiiird line tiiiiilovH 10,01)0. In the hint live yciii-n only nix jioliti onl exih-H to Central Silirrin have unit in petitions for mercy to the Czar, (treat in the ilonghtineHH of t he 15tin tiian revolutionary Hpirit! It is one of (he duties of the Prime "Minister of MailapiKcar to marry the Queeli of the country for the time lieiiifr. The present premier has lieen marrieil to three iiiceus, one after an other. A Miichlal nun in is nuiil to be pre vailing in London ami Paris at the, present time, many of the victims be ing young nieu and women in com fortable, circumstances who have no apparent cause for putting an end to thems-.'lves. It is attributed by some to the long spell of hot, dry weather which has visited Europe. In the Horticultural College recently established in Kngliinil, women 1ium I'lHiio to the front. Two out of three diplomas conferred at the first year's examination were gained by two sis ters, and this year one young woman lias wrested the ilipltiiui from fort.v two rivals of the sterner se, slid each lady Hints an advantageous post awaiting her as soon as .-he giad mites. Women who want to many should turn their eyes towards Johaunasvillc, South Africa, think the New York Sun. There are at least leu men to one woman there. Every moderately attractive woman marries inside of h few months after lauding. It is im possible to keep servants or feminine employees of any sort. Typewriters nurses, cooks, maids, gardeners all mi lt iplieklv away before the warmth of South African wooing. Walter Hcsant, the Knglixh author, has been talking to a Loudon reporter about his American tour and here is what he has to say of Chicago: "Yon have not seen America at all until yon have been to Chicago. New Yol k is not America, New York is a cosmo politan city ; Boston is not America, liostou is old; Pliilu.b-ti bin is not America, Philadelphia is asleep, lint ! at Chicago you are iu the very heart I ot the country von are at the ci litre of everything. Chicago will be to America what lisbloii formerly was to Asia." In many New York houses the ar rival or departure of a guest is music ally announced by a small .Eolim harp securely fastened inside to the top of the front door. The harps me about twenty inches square, finished in either mahogany, or white and gold. They vibrate for ft period, de pending on the force used iu opening or shutting the door, and probably when it is slammed to shut out the persistent canvasser, with the force generally Used in such eases, it would di-peli-e music to sweeten tile milled inmates for a period of ten minutes. A most interesting experiment is shout to be tried ill Massachusetts. With the consent of the Governor and his Council, the warden of the State Prison at Charleston has released on parole a prisoner who has served five years of a twenty-five years' sen tence under the Habitual Criminal act. This is a new thing in the Common wealth, says tlie New York Tribune. The man secures his parole under strict conditions, such as that lie must not lead an idle or dissolute life, nor visit any barroom, gambling. house or vile resort, nor associate w ith persons of bad character, and that lie must lead an upright, industrious and law abiding life. If he violates the con ditions he will be returned to the prison to serve out the full ri mainder of his sentence. The gold mining industry in th West has been greatly stimulated by the deprec ation of silver, note the New York News. Mines of steady yield are worked at full force, some abandoned ones are being reopened, and prospectors, with pick and shovel, are now more numerous than they have been for many years. Itut while this impetus has hi en given to gold mining there is abundant evidence that the silver industry is not suffer ing to the extent that interested pol iticians and speculators have tried to make the public hi lieve. It has been thoroughly demonstrated that silver can be profitably produced ut the leading American mines, as it is iu those of Australia and the Argentine Iu'public, at prices far below the cur lent rates. The effort to bolster up the silver interests for the benefit of the silver kings has failed, and both the yellow and the white metals will now be mined for all they are worth. Celer Fur liliciniiiitisin. If celery were eaten freely, sufferers from rheumatism would be compara tively few It is a mistaken idea that cold and damp produce the disease they simply develop it. Acid blood is the primary mid sustaining cause. If celery is eaten largely, au alkaline blood is the result, and where this ex ists there can be neither rheumatism nor gout. It should be eaten cooked. SENATE PAGES. Bright I Am Who Get Good Pay Had Ht r.my Work. Of all the 110 appointments under the Serjeant-at-arms of thi I'nlt -A States Senate, those of the page only ran be said to tie nonpolitical. With the beginning of the extra session sereral of the pages will go out of of fice owlnu to the fact that they havo reached the age limit. No hoy can be appointed a pase of the femite who Is not 12 years of age, and no boy can continue as a pajfe wh; Is Id years of age at the beginning of a lesslon of Congress. It is a lucrative i position, and few of the hoys are not sorry when their term nas enaeu. Usually four of the boys who are graduated from the page's position at the beginning of a session are ap pointed riding pages. Their selec tion depends upon their records for ertlclency and faithfulness. The page on the Moor of the Senate draws l'.S0 a day during the session of Congress. The riding page receives a day the year round and has a horse to ride. Mis duties keep him out of doors a great part of the time, car rying messages between the Capitol ami the department The position Is considered more desirable than that of a page. Speaking of their work the Washington Star says: "The page's life is a p'ensant one. Ho must be on duly at ! o'clock each morning, but the serious business of the day does not beg n until noon, when the Senate meets. He fore that time he arranges the tiles of the Con gressional lice rd and the bills ami reports on the desks of the Senators, who havo been assigned to him. These are sixteen pages an 1 eighty- eight Senators, so n me of the piues has very much to do. The morning i have used the same principle effect -hours are not all working hours. 1 itx,.v jn mMi ,.I(I1S ,v Htting over them There Is a gvmnasium in the base- , , , .' , . . . , .. . . . .if i t i i .... I blanket jackets and pouring eold water inent of thetapitol, furnished spe- J 1 " dally for their ue. They exerc se j the jackets until they vcre tlior- thcir arms and their chests there uughly wet. every mornin their legs get enough exercise through the day." An rncertaln (iroum. Many characteristics of the Seotcn art uninai nu! v 1 isnt.ivprl In .1 ser ,.4 of stories published In Edinburgh some years ago uuder the title of i "Scotch Folk." "Have you brought anr witnesses?" i j .u ii i it- i ii .u sneii uie uev. ,ii r. mihui, oi iwiui- , gate, of a mlddlc-agcd couple who ' had come to be married. "No, we ne'er thocht o' that Is It necessary:1" "Oh, certainly," said the minister, j "you should have a groomsman and bridesmaid as witnesses." "Wha can we get, Jen, do ye think?" The bride, thus addressed, sug gested a fenrile cousin who n tne i bridegroom had never seen, and, j after consultation a nrin also was ' thought of. "Step ye awa' alang, Jen. an' ask them, an' I'll walk about till ye come back." Jen set out as desired, and after some time returned with the twe friends, the cousin being a blooming lass considerably younger than the bride. When the parti' s had been p op-T-ly arranged and the minister :n about to pvoceed w.th the ceremony, the bridegroom suddenly said: "Wad ye bide a wee, .sir!'" "What is It iiuw?" asked the minis ter. "Wee!, I was just gaun to sav that If ft ivnrl tie the atiiiiit.i run t uv.l rather bae that ane," p nnttng to the bridesmaid. ' "That's a most extraordinary state- tuent to make at this stage!" ex claimed the minister. "I m afrai l It's too late to talk of such a thing now. " "Is it?" asked the bridegroom, in a tone of resignation to the inevitable. "Weel, then, ye maun just hang on. " It is not recorded that there was any feeling of elation on the part of the bridesmaid, or of jealousy on the part of the bride, and the ceremony proceeded. CnnnlhaN of (hi Ocean. Such flereo carnivorous fNht'S an exist In the depths of the orean are unknown at the surface. Them It a "black swallower," which devour other finny creatures ten times as big as itself, literally climbing over Its victim, first with one Jaw and then with the other. Another , , in . species Is nearly all mouth, and, having no power of locomotion, it lives burled In the soft oo.e at the bottom, its head alone protruding, reiwy 10 engiiii any prey trial may wanuer into us eavernoui jaws. There Is a ferocious kind of shark, resembling a huge eel. All of these monsters are black as ink. Some of them are perfectly blind, while others have enomous goggling eves. No ray of sunlight ever pierces the dark, un. fathomed caves In which they dwell. Each sjiecles Is gobbled hv the species next bigger, for there W no vegctihlu life to feed on. San 1'rai.clsco Ex aminer. Hood'ssy Cures Htm MitTctvd scmi ti'im ) )ir with Momarli ' i-miiilrtt Itnuitfltl nu hy VerheHt hit; 1 19 Mnod tin) I lien (lnnUni oM vHl-r, I IWiiim' rr-.t-ii-sH Ht nik'M ri il my ttrpw worn nittl dm- torn (Ifclrtretl my ra- in ural'U-. Mfdiiium fiiilt'd to lit!p me uiiti! upiwi rt-c intiii'iitlnt itn 1 took H lnd'a arainrilU. My UvAVt tr.mMn hiiHsutis d il an t 1 am frer frmu pain. 1 i'an now eat heartily without dimr, thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla T'w en t irr I have l;-i-n 'Oil ? to work, nniiie tliiiiK 1 In.l not ti-cn ahlo to ilo f ir two years I'rt-i iiius. I uldd y rm leniiu-ii 1 II I's Snrsa iar IU." A. V. I'ocu.SY, Kneiklin Fall", N. H. X It t sure t cut H'r Snrs;iiarilU. IIOOU'M IMI.I.S run-Viu-. Kirk Hi aU'-liM lii'Ueatiuu, Itill.tii4iii'.s!(. Sot I by all li iUKt-tit. Do Hot B Vtc9ii& with Paro. Cnamtlt uil PWnu wblch nam the bands, Injur the iroa and horn ml. Tbe Himnf sun atova rnnan Brilliant, OOor a. Durante, and Ui oobumr cars for no tin or flaa paokaca with o.ary oroliu. iii...Mmauiiwi1, FOB FARM ASD GARDEX, HOW TO KBEJ. The proper way to feed a horse is to give first a pail of water, then four or five pounds of hay and then the graiu. A horse requires from fifteen to twenty pounds of hay, four quarts of oats ami a ipinrt of bran daily. If any extraor dinary work is required of him he should bo supplied with morn food to make up the waste tissues. Extra wa ter should be given at intervals during work.- New York World. TO KKKI' Hl'TTEK TOOL. We have tried with satisfactory suc cess the following simple device for keeping a plate of butter cool and firm iu the hottest of weather with the mer cury among the nineties, says the Jer sey liulletiu. Take a large deep plate, place in it on inverted saucer, pour in cold water until the saucer is nearly cov ered ; on the saucer set the plate con taining the butter; take a common ituglaed (lower pot, wash it thorough ly clean ami dry it, soak it iu clean eold water, then place it over the but ter so that the edges of the pot shall coiiie down into the water; Met the w hole apparatus w here it will be in a current of air. The evaporation of water from the pot will keep the butter hard and cob). Jt is n very simple thing to try. We itlti nu or rui: I'asitii i.ii.v. This beautiful and Mutely plant is one of the easiest of all (lowers to manage. Indeed it will take care of itself if planted in good soil, with a Jil, r"1 quantity of sand in it lint of late it has been attacked . a disease that causes the I, aes to wither .list , , . , . . , , i t before the Hotter expands, ami ot course this loss of foliage kills tin plant. The best wnv with this plant is to move it to fresh ground as soon as the early fall, the most suitable time being in October. The soil re quired is a deep tine I ' t-ii w ith plenty of decayed cow manure in it, ami a quantity of s.iml is placed around the bulbs. The soil must not be permit ted to in the summer or become caked around the bulbs, nor should water be allotted to st.-ilid oil the ground in the winter. A mulching of sand is therefore useful at all seasons. The small bulbs are set two inches deep, and the large out s six. Some professional growers transplant the bulbs in August when the plants me dormant, but if great care fs exercised to preserve the i ts from injury, the bulbs may be moved safely spring. - j New York Times. VAiivrsn cosr ok HFi:ii. That the farmer needs to be n the all- ,,r""1"1 practical business man is seen in nothing more clearly than in the management and especially the feeding of his stock. Ue cannot set out with otic unvarying ration if In- would pro duce milk, butter, beef or mutton at the cheapest rate. There may be the same kind of nutrition required, but it must be procured in different forms. according as the market varies. . it t i u i r oi years ago gram was much cheaper food than anything Is, Oats mid com gave more nutri- inent for the same money than did miy. I lie result was that wide-awake fanners chopped up straw, and with : K,-, ,,ts mid com made a food : ,t, . r ,. ,., , ., L" '" ,r ' , -,tl" ,,,,,,,T 1 '"lv w,t" """'1 less expense, (iraiu is leaiei- now, but linseed meal and i c..tton-s I meal an- scared v dearer .1,, ,,,.,. , , , .. ' than thev were when grain was ut its 1 ' ,'I"'"I"'M' t""- w,n ' 'the ration that the good businesi. fur ' mer w ill pr.n ide for his stock. ,, UK'.! oats were extientelv dear. A farmer of our iieipiaiiitanee, who had used oats to mix with corn for feedillir sheep, substituted a feed of ntaiiit-d and broken beans for both the oats ami coin and put with it twice or thrice the bulk of the beau ration of bran, in order that the sheep miht di jrest it bctbr. It is tins Imlut of 1 1 1 i ti k i it -r that the farmer's business al ways recpiires that makes it impossi ble for an unintelligent man to make a piod fanner. Instead of being as if may have been oliee, the business in which a man could M into a rut and plod along without thinking, it is the bio-bu ss above every other in which (dear thinking is csseiitiar to success. - liostou ( 'ullivator. OltAIUNii I I' A OAII1V H KHI. 1'or the b 'iietit of others uhn would like a better gra le of dairy cows and iv ho ca.niot atl'ord to buy them out right, I would like to give my experi ence in grading up, writes F.. Itoek wood. I had, to begin with, a herd of native cows. Perhaps tiny vw re rather better than the nveiage, as I tried to keep only good ones if - were scrubs. I began by buying a khare in a thor oughbred (inernsiy bull. Where two or time tieighborsnnite in piircliaHing sueli an animal it reduces the cost and answers every purpose of sole propri etorship. All my cows were bred o this bull with very satisfactory results. I dis pose of the bull calves, keepiug onlv the heifers, ami they are invariably good ones. The color in nearly ulways the same, orange and while, giving a uniform appearance, which is consid ered desirable in n herd. 1 have had some of these heifers now in milk for two years. They are good milkers without an exception, showing a good per cent of butter fat, and they have the linest udders I ever saw on heifers of the same age. As H result of this breeding I shall have in a few years u herd of cows vv hich, although not thoroughbred, are just as good and even better for butter-making than cows which would cost very much more, and all at no expenso save in the purchase of the bull. I would like to say a few words iu regard to heifers' calves. The idea is ipiitu common that a heifers' first calf will not amount to much. My experi ence proves this to be a mistake. Homo of my best cows were sueh calves, and I have never known an instance where a well-bred heifer, one that made a good cow, failed to produce a first calf that was not fully as good as m she afterward had. If it is not ipiitu so large at birth, by judicious feeding and Hood care it w ill attain as good size as any calf.- -j New Vork Tribune. ooon iioiiTii't i.rruAii ui i.i:s. A writer iu the Country ( iciitlemiin oilers the following good advice: Apply Ihptid manure to force rapid and full maturity id' choice crops. I,et the sheep and poultry run in jMh) a blast furnace of It.nOO years ago, the orchard and consume wormy fruit which was probably arranged for hot aud insects. blast work. I'se hard-wood ashes liberally on the j ()m, ,,,, )10 Mississippi,!!! a garden truck, small fruits, and '- g()l ..g,. f Wlller, cun take from St. chur l trees. I l.ouis to New Orleans a tow carrying Htir the soil t nserve moisture , ,,., 1()lrt llf ,,,-; R .mautitv that and promote plant growth, as well as to kill w lie sure and fruit upon tree the s.iniet hi fr 'oniuieiici and v iiu ''v. early to thin i that have set Where fruit is thinned the parent plant is evli oisted far less than when the entire crop is permitted to remain. Sort all fruit very carefully and send same to market neatly packed iu at tractive packs' Hot be sll'eliled This point must Live oil' the bi st your land produces. Io imt stint yourself for the sake ( having more produce to sell. (Set all yon can o Set out of life. ung fruit plants ami I rees every year. ho vmir share toward making' the earth to blossom and be tilled with fruit fulness. A good mulch keeps down seeds, and renders the soil looc, moist and porous at all times, and that, too, with lull,, liiliiu- ,,f cultivation. i ;,,,r ,., ,.M r ,i... ...,. sinner as possible. Many commis sioners' and middlemen's profits leave little for t ie producer to receive for his products. lb -member that oftentimes by the re moval of fully halfthe fruit the remain der piodiicesas much bulk and sells for more money than the whole would if all had been left on. FAHM AM' liilll'KN NOTI'.S. Salt the cattle regularly. Keep all machinery in perfect re pair. iood fruit w ill always bring good prices. Never expose your cows to cold in w inter. Sorting of fruit intended for mar ket always pays. Take pleasure m vmir work. Cheer fulness is a great lubricator. The Brown Leghorn lays the small est egg, the Black Spiuiish the largest. The imricot is m delicious fruit winch ripens bet,,, ull.e cherry and I the peach. liive the fowls fn sh wnter twice a tlav in hot weather, mid see t hat it is put ill the simile. Mo not allow any glass (o grow around the young trees, ,h it hinders their growth. i'Ved evt -rytlrng well, and if the supply runs low s. ! m part of the held if necessary. For fruit trees the soil should bo dry, as they do not thrive on laud that is constantly saturated w ith water. Sitting hens should have food, wat er, some exercise and a good dusting evcrv ilav, an t if they won't get oft the li. -t take tin m otV. The I'efll.-e holies should all be sa ved from the table and broken up in to small pieces for the fowls. They will eat them greedily. hipping the sheep rids them of par asites which lodge in the wool nlel ex haust the sheep by the loss of blood and e nist. tut irritation in which they are kept. Turkeys wii! come home to roost if they are fed levularly in the evening, (train may be fed entirely, but if mixe I with bread crumbs and scraps from the table, the turkeys will like it much better. The Cochin. Hi ahliias, I'ly mouth Bocks and YA'v itmlottes are the breeds of poultry niot subject to apoplexy. The reason for it i that they are not of active habits, nud apoplexy is din to overfeeding. Tlit'great seen t in improving a (lock lies directly in persistent culling aud selecting. I f from a bad cross or some local cause the la tubs nre below the mark, st 11 thtm. as they cannot be ex pected to make or produce whut is QUAINT AM) CURIOUS. The Egyptians kneaded their bread in a wooden bowl with their feet. Perspective was first scientifically studied and taught by Uccello, who died in 1432. Tupil teachers in British board schools earn at first fifty cents to a dollar a week. There is a family iu Morgan Coun ty, (la., consisting of father.motlierand three sons, whoso combined weight is only 272 pounds. The first carriage in America was ordered by the original Virgiuia Com pany, only five years after the found ing of Jamestown. Kars, the lobes of which run straight down into the cheeks, arc rarely found save ou persons of a thievish disposi tion; all kleptomaniacs have such ears. Broken down horses intieriuany are restored to perfect health by giving them infusions of roasted coffee and (.'.round coffee beans mixed with honey. Palindromes, words or Kcnteiict's which spell or read the same back ward as forward, iu superstitious l';es were supposed to possess magical v irtues. The hot blast is a very new thing iu smelting iron. Mr. F. .1. Pliss has found at Ti-I-el-llesv (ancient Laeh- ' tt(llM n,(1jr,. flltv rilroad trains of ten cars each. Soil in Fgypt is tilled by exactly the same kind of a plow that was used there o. Oi 10 years ago. The furrows made are extremely shaliow and the clods are further broken up with a big Wooden cud;;el. Tramps who have once visited a cer- tain farmhouse near liiiclmnnn, (hi., I never call there a second time. It is protected by a tame rattlesnake, vlioui vigilance is eipial to that of the best watch-clog. The belief is prevalent in the F.ast ! j Indies that both the viper and the asp I stop their ears when the charmer is", uttering his incantations by turning I one ear to the ground and twisting the , ' point of the tail into the other. j I In manv pints of Kngland a custom ! i ' ' has for manv centuries existed of eat- I I"g' pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, the day before the Commencement of Lent. The custom is believed to have originated in the Greek church, the adherents of which make pancakes a favorite diet during Lent. In Tyrol the mother of a female in fant makes during the tirst year of its life a beautiful lace handkerchief. After it is finished it is laid away to be brought out and placed over her head as a bridal veil at her marriage. After the marriage it is again laid away to be seen no more until her death, when it is again produced aud laid over her face iu the cotllti. The l'urthN Millions. The human family living on earth today consists of 1 , i,"0,(lllll,IH10 souls not fewer, probably more. These are distributed literally all over theearth's surface, there being no considerable spot on the globe where man has not found a foothold. Iu Asia the so called "cradle of the human race," ,lll'rt' re now about S(lO.OOO.OlH) pe- pie iletiseiy crow tleil, on an average ol about 1-0 b i every stpuirc mile. Iu llurope there are It'.'O.OIIO.OOO averag ing 1 00 to the Hipiare mile, Hot so crowded as Asia, but everywhere tb iise, ami in many plafcsovcrpopula ted. In Africa there areapproxiiuate ly, :! 1 0,1100,1100, ami iu the Americas y.irth, South ami Central 1 10,000, 1100, these latter, of course, relatively thinly scattered over broad areas. On the islands, large and Htimll, there im probably 10,000,000 more. The ex tremes of the blaeksaud the white s arc as five to three, the remaining 700,000, 1100 intermediate, brown, yellow and tawny in color. Of the entire race ,",00,000,0011 nre well clothed - that is, they wear ennnetits ,, (iuit- kind that will cover their nakedness- --'J."iO,()00, 000 habitually go naked and 700,001), 000 only cover the middle part of the l.ody : ,'ill0,l)0O,lllli) live iu houses, 700, 0110,000 in huts ami caves, the remain ing J."i0,0in,000 virtually having uo place to lay their heads, (lass Curtains, (ilass curtains are a novelty in art industry for house fiirnishiiieH. They are in colored glass, and have the ef fect, when closed, of stained glass. They consist of a scries of little squares of colored glass, each set in a small zinc frame, the squares being at tached to e.tcli other at the four cor ners by little S-shapid hooks. It is stated that they can be as on ilv taken down and inoveil ns any other curtains, and, in the case of changing from one sine of window to another, can be eas ily enlarged or decreased by the addi tion or subtraction of a certain num ber of stpittres. They are also easily, cleaned, and one of their particular attractions is said to be cheapness. St. Louis Kepublio, Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report I ABSOLUTELY PURE HIS MONEY'S WORTH. Ho Company Could Maha Him Par fott Mora than He Sent. A man rushed into a telegraph office, seized a telegraph blank and a pen, and by propping himself against the counter managed to write the following message: "Kate: 1 won't be home till morn ing. IlARKY." "What'll that cost?" said the man, handing the message through tho porthole to the manipulator of elec tricity. "Let me see; eight words, 25 cents." "Twenty- D vc cen ts, eh? ITow much for ten words?" "The snuic price; anything not ex ceeding twelve will cost you a quar ter," answers the operator, making a spring to muzzle an Instrument that was sputtering as If It hud delirium tremens. "I'm bound to har tho worth of my money out, then," said the man, bracing himself against tho counter as he traced on a blank this clear message: " 'Incomprehensibility, manufactu rers, transcendentalism, Constanti nople, coneavoconvex, Massachusetts, assassination, Pennsylvania, rhinoce ros, hippopotamus, imperturbability, phlloprogcnltlven ss.' "There, string that on your wire, and send her," said tho man, with a look of vengeance in his eye. Tho operator counted tho words, but volunteered the Information that there was no sens In the message, and that the dictionary must have been ninsacked for the longest words. "1 know there's no sense In It, but Kate'll understand it, all the same. She'll know I'm on a spree anyway, when I send a message at this hour, whether It's sense or not. 1 made 'em long on purpose, to break the back oi your machlno. Shovel 'em in and start the crank. I'm fi.r a good tlmo. Nevermind the expense. Here'Byour Quarter." And the man ran out and hailed a passing cab. Tld-Hits. How'a This f Wd olTor line Wanilred lMlars nVwuril 'r nyi'a-rof I'alai-rli llal cuiiiiut bo cure J by llall'i) Catarrh Cnri'. V. .1. Oipnkv .t- Co.. TnVilo, O. 'iV, tln unilersiuni'il, have know n K. .' I'hr Iiey for I he last IT, year-, ami ln-lleve him (n-r-fei'tlv lioiiorHhh iu nil lmsini'SH truiucl ioiia nii'l lliiani: allv nlil" lo carry out any ohli.v tutn math' hv tht'ir firm. Wtsr X I'liL AX, Whuii-siile Drus-lsts, Tuktlo, Ohio. Wai.iiim). Kix'AM Maiivin, WLoW'snlo liruuk-ism. Told". Oh o. Ha 1'h ( ularrlt t 'lire is taken Internilly, nct Iiik directly ukiii Iheliloo.l it ti . I iiiiicnii sur faces of the system. Test innnnl- sent free. I'rUe, 7ic. 1'it hull le. Sot I hyall DriytfisU. JSC aympatliy ut It-It fur ttio muu who Is a fool twice. For In pnro tr th'n Blood, Wraknsw. Mala ria, Neuralgia. IuilititioD and lllliiusnea, telte Hrowit'd Iron Mut'Ts it gives tttreiiKth, 3kln old pi-nun feel young and youog pcraou troni;; pleasant to take. At th beginning of the Christian era the relative, valet of gold to sliver wore as one to uinu. Wa fare Rttalur. No matter of how long standing. VrlU for free treatise, testimonial. el., to S. J. Hollennworlb & Co.. Oweuo. Tioga Co., N. Y. Price SI; by Qiall, ll.lo. Traces of j rohlstorie city luive been dis covered not far Irom ZaiiKihar, in Afriea. For Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Siomai-h die. orders, w-e Krown'g Iron Hlttora the Hect Tonic. It rebuilds the H ood and strengthen the musi 1-s. A eplenuid medicine tor wtak tnd debilitated persona. There nr in the world 2flt Mind nsyliims and training' schools, with 11, "so inmates. A Wonderful stomach corrector - neerham's rills. IteecharuV-no others. cuius a box. Cupid never shows a n riakle. KNOWLEDGE IWnps comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Svrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to Its presenting In the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is erfcctly free from every ohjectionahlo substance. Svrup of Figs is for sule hy ail drug gist in 50c amffl bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, yon will not accept any substitute if offered. A N I oTa LIT "m i'T ITm f B 701 N t For Irtllgeatloa, Dltiousaras, t'.rlcil, USTraal'r Kerala, I and all disorders of tb Btvuedl, Uvrrsnd Bowels, set ffxntlr vet nmmr.l t. Cerfset tdttreU"ti foiluws their u. sold I by dniKSlsU or sent hy nis.il. Pol ( Tlalai. ..vo. !.'-. Is.ies), at. : rrse samplssaiiarew lll'ANs t II I IUC At, CO., Hew TorV. TRUSS UAKII tit HHRRa Send for book oa Mrrbaalral Treat. Baking Powder Doesn't Idke Colored Stncklnfffl- Queen Victoria always had a mania for whlt stockings, and when col ored hose first came to bo generally worn she actually ptohibiled them In court circles. On one occasion a royal princess was dismissed from the presence chamber because she wore a pair of black silk stockings with a colored gown. The venerable lady was obliged to give in at last, how ever, and colored stockings have been generally worn In the Queen's household for several years. Now, however, that white Is so much la fashion, white stockings have ap peared again, which so pleases the lovereign that she herself ordered twenty-live pairs for Princess Ways trousseau. Vogue. Tlio Colossus of 1'liotlcs w:.B cast iu ovel lliO pieces mid fitted together. A baby Is a blossom on which thero itret ew thorns. DR. KILMEirr. SWAMP-ROOT CURED ME Of Kidney and Liver Complaint, Inflammation of the Bladder. Dr. Kilmer & o., Dlnchnmlen, N. Y. Gentlemen: "It affords me pleasure to give you a reeoinmciidiitinn fer r. Kllnirr's fcWAlMl'-ltOOr, of which I linro taken 3 small iiottie. It hits neatly returned tbo tl fect of tho RHEUMATISM of about 7 yfarBtntul-tn-, ulso a severo weak ness of my bnek and kidneys ef about 10 Tears' ftanilliur and has hclmd a severs 'attack of INFLAMMATION of tho bladder, which I am sure sWANP w. It. i tlllios. ntlOT Will entirely cure mo of in a short time. I purchased tbo medicine of S. 0. Ftone, tbo Dniizni.-t hero in llutlor, Ind." W. IL Cbilson. March,, "93. At Urnjrslsta SO rent and $1.00 Size. iDToJhla' CtiMe to Health " free -CotwiltAtlull free. Dr. Kilmer ft Co., - liinirluimtoti, N. T. Or. Kilmer's PARILLA LIVER PILLS An th. But. 41 Fllla, 25 centa. All lrugel(a. 'August Flower 99 " I am happy to state to you and to suffering humanity, that my wife has vscd your wonderful remedy, Augast Flower, for sick headache and palpitation of the heart, with satisfactory results. For several years she lias been a great sufferer, has been under the treatment of eminent physicians in this city and Boston, and found little relief. She was in duced to try August Flower, which gave immedaite relief. We cannot say to much for it." L. C. Frost, Springfield, Mass. 9 "Mothers Friend1 MAKES CHILD BIRTH EASY. Colvin, La., Deo. S, 1886. My wlfs used MOTHEIt'3 FRIEND beforo her third oonflnement, and says aho would not b without It for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILLS. Sent by expreM on receipt of prir.", 11,00 per bot tie. book " To Muthers " mailed I tee. BRAOriELD RCQULATOI1 CO., ss sals st stt asuaciSTa. ATLMITAi OA ngES 4o RAI The Best for Either Heating or Oookinz Ixoel in Style, Comfort and Durability, OaQant KINDS ANnS ZKS. KVKKVUSK aOU w akkan ru .iusit ukkkcis. ASK YOUR STOVE DEALER To show ma SHEI'I'AIIIC! I.ATKST CATALOGUE. If no dealer near you vi rite to ISAAC A. SHEPPARD & CO.. BAl.TMIOKK, .Mil. LARGEST HA.l tACH Kt:liS IX 1UK SOVTII MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS "S5saT WITH 11 THOMSON'S! f I SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS. No tooti rnju.n (I. Onlf ft Iiainmar neiled to tlrlv fin i r tnch Uiu'i cuny t1 ('lckL.v, Ioaviiir Hie clinoh itiiiLDtilf Miio'ih. liiuiilntr n ho e to t timile In ihf iraii.rr nor i.urr dr t'io It i vet. Tlir arc Irvnf, I on Kb and durable. Aliliiunt now in use. Ai iu-iin, unilonn ir am-.rtcil, put m lit Uixcit, Aftk rour dmlrr lor them, or n'tt'i 40c. In tttmiK fur a inix of ftkcurtoil not. Mdu'ld by JUDS0N L. THOMSON MFG. CO., Wsl.TII.in, MASS. UN 141 If ny on donbt that wacan cure thaui 'itoLv itlnata caaa in lOtoM daya, let him wnta for paiUcslara and InraeU rate our rati ah lit. Our flnmrial tackln( ta $ 00,000. When merevr. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. loflda potaaalam, aartaptrtMaor HotBprinira AU w Sranteaa cara and our ilario i jihilne ! the only Inf tbtift will cure pernianentl. P tttve proof Mat aealad. traa. cook KanKir Co., ChicBa, Hi. 12D tiairrt. Col arvd illaitratimfl. Alt nnt Cat; BiM. rhalr frnr, diita tf and treatment. IS ft- hy mail. Ppp p fnr 25 aHdraaoa nf rriKii who hra K-mn ft l b It. Bird. B1KI1 r'UOl) 0 . Nn, 4(H) N, Thtr-i St.. fhiU ttlpMa, la. HflDt by mail for 15 too". - N- 34 Ht . rbilxlclfbia, la. Ingleside : tetrcat. ler Mmki of Women. S. letitine trestroenl and emeu tiuitrwueeil Kli-tfint apni tmetits for I rtrltea ik f"re anil iliitlti f'tttltieieent. A.Mre Tli. Resi dent I ly 'slelan, i TJ Haxu-r l imn, Nquhville, Telia. CUHIS WHtHk Ail urn (AILS, Bat CuuKh bjrup. Taste. liiHl. Cm tn ltniA. tviii Hy nnitrtfiin. itel pi PUFPPARD'S 1. B, 8EJLSV V CO i . Ulk St.. VhlimsU.

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