I pluj (lhaiiiam Ait can! Barter ooiih-s unusually early ' next year, on tint 2."ih March. Wo liopo Unit o-.ir i:iirrvM)ondciit "Pol;" will be satisfied Willi so eat'iy a dale. XtOCA.lt BECOaaS. -Prcparo to write 181M. Wo ref-rot In ht-iir llmt Mr. E'i i Philips, nl Eenr Crock towtishi j, nooldontally killed I. in, coll one day , )at week. It is ill that lie was 'driving a row out nf lit- lot and A lot of coftiiiN walnut, oiik ami I'lint-li n:; her with a jzuii, which he J,iu0 (ol-Kale cheap, by li. 'ooe, Jr. , had in h t- 1 1 :i 1 1 I , she whirled around " . , :i nij n; i ii i-k Lh i.:iiii in sin h a inan- II you do not receive :l Kr'oni n,.r as Id make it sho.it on", and iho next week, you may know that your ,,.t,j went into his body. kubkcriplion has expired, j . ClIUIsTMAH Tlltl-'. One ol the All industrious and honest old plcmanicst customs ol Ch'-istiuim it t.fihii-ml mini iifiiiied (ieoi''re Leu. 'iln ( Mn-iwt mium t i-imi In this ciitmlv died near hero, on last Sal urday. ! many Suinlav sellouts have a (Ji.risi, - '' -"'' ! .. "i ...... . i,i 1 1, ..... .... across th Iior.so ol (Jen. (irecnu ol revolutions ii ry fame. J n appcar.-n.'-c loops is said by (he St.. Louis t ilohu I eiiiOcral to rose in b!o a in uiii my ; his s';in lo,ils like parchment, r.iul lie is l . 1 1 . t i , I , .-. -atl 1 hairless, hill his step i ivm-iuK. ably lirrn and bis eyes bright an I elear. As Mtated, he lives u'ono, hav ing i.o relatives at? lar as ki.o.vn. lie is a member and it-mi lar attendant ol the A. M. E. Church. His ncih. burs take a meal interest in him and do him many acts ol kindness, ami be would no', have to work, as they : would supply his simple wants glad ly, but he is independent and says that he proposes loearn bis own liv. in:; lor many years j ct. I: is bouse stands uniler the approach to the l'aeiiie railroad bridge Osa;e. an --Cant. J. J I. iss cr, at Moticure, ! ,,.,. delihtlul way of c-ulobralin bus for sale n lot ol Virginia horses 1 ci, rjMlm .S- Jt is indeed a most hao uud muled. Satisfm-liou in price and j j,v m(.k lo we a brilliantly lighted jlialily .'tlaranlotid. ! Christ mas li ce, loaded with nil kinds ; of gilts lor the fjigcr and joyous chil-t-omo i ,i ,.. .,i ii ......ii, meiit and delight. alisent on Ins hMiin Hoops, lit home birili opt w! trips "l nele he is called, ea u be loll ml Jlo has the I ocord (I his Hid there is but little doubt State Mews. I iiu;l;cikin llubpKcmir.ii : Mr. J.! V. ii.-.iiii who was in town last Wed- J nosd-iy told lis (if something, the like! of which wiia never beard befoie. It was a k io.se nrsting in winter. Uo! said lint on last Tuesday ft goosii ! which had not boen Keen for si-vend davs, w as found fccltin"; unou seven! Wilmington Slur: A stranger from (he eon aliy. on Weti r street vehUr d.iy, at traded eoni-sidei able attention. His gent-nil appeal unco gave oi.e I lit improfcoon that lie bud Mumbled en a buzz-saw while it was in motion. Ti.e explanation he ;uvo in answer to impiiiics was lint v. bile wuli;iug in bis sleep. Ins cousin, Tom 111 own. took i.itu for a burglar and til ed ugun loadad with bird hitot at hiiu. Tho annual .season lias ttgniii for ' swearing oil"' and lorming new resolutions, net us all try to do better next year. We tako pleasure, in calling at tention lo tho "ai." ol St. Mary's School at Haleigh, which is one ol' the olJe.il and best in the South. An oyster supper was given at Alone tire, on last Tuesday night, for the lionet it ol the Odd Fellows lodge recently established at that place. that be is the oldosl person in country." the Among the Christmas trees held this year in Chtil ham we have heard ol the lolhuving : at Moll's ehuic Ii. in Williams township, on Sat unlay night: at Mart iia's chtipi I o.i Mun day nighi : and at the itaptisl and Mcthodis'. i hurches at Siler . i t v , one on Saturday and the other on .Mom day. Nod'iulit there wcni others ol' w inch we have not heard. ' I i If Carrie'! n!i'i)y mi K:ii'h I1 CtllilsTM AS Novel has tl.oi mo: c iitMgiitini or inrora loo weatie!' lor C'hristuias. The temperature was as mild and balmy as on a spring day, and if there is any truth in the old saying "A green Christmas makes a bit cb urcliyai d", then we may expect much sickness and many death iluring liie next year. 'j(s At this place I I.o day w as ' lianilit serve. I in inllicr a iiiel way, aiul alter dinnur, when all the stores .verc cl.ised, the streets went as ipiiet. us mi Sunday. J 'bo n.orn- ing thi b.is made tilings lively with i be pupping of tii (i crackers , and the luutiii:.r ol horns. Only one: church, t ho Kpiscupal, was opened! ! lor religious services, and not a very , Hyniini & Ueadeii sell theoldgcn- jbirge eonei'CL'.it ion attended that, liino J. V. Nissen wagon manulaciuix j M;,ny j;ood dinners wen eaten and tnl by (ion. K. .Nissen, & Co , tho best j everv body seemed haj.py. Old Santa wagon ol its kind in the world. Sales i dims made happy many young! this dull year hnve been nearly lint). I hearts, and n.any a well-tiiied stuck- ' ling liolighti'd its joyous owner.! -The KKcottn's sprightly corn's What would the world be without . jmndents Wero all enjoying Christ- i i.nias and dear old Santa Clans? i 1. .1... ...... 1. 1 ..,.1 I ' liilin pn iiiiicii, iiitii inij ii.'i t . i KUsox.M. I i'K:s (Juito a mini her 1110111 and t.iiui I he Franci I- I,. .Merrill and wife, of .Mt. Airv IJo'ti. S. Kubiiuks, .1. I'., per-j formed bis first niarriime ceremony,! on last Sunday, .Mr. Win. Meacbam j being the groom and .Miss I.ula King ' tho btido. Wanted on iigeiil in every (own' ! lihii to sell an article which will sell j in every tamily. Liberal terms of . lefod. Address, Dr. J. A. iloore, i Muuciire, N. C. iJonot let the old year passaway ! without Hollliiig your uceoiiuiH. W. j li. Jioudoii Si Sou need their money j and hope you will bo abio to settle up by 1st of J miliary. Charlotte Observer : Mr. Samuel J. Wilson, n v. ell Lnown citizen of lower fSleel Crock, was found dead iu bis field Thuisdav. He anil another I ! ( 1 1 1 ! P ! , i ; 1 1 1 went out into lhu I'iM 11 Si t.MA, Ala , Iic 22 A wed: ngo'forincr to Iced bogs. jjs f,i,,,1(i it cole: ed f.tniier living south of Ibis I left him apparently as v ell and hearty city went lo vvoi k. leaving bis lwo:stver. Alteran iionr be Im.l oceasioij children at home, a boy of fourteen lo coino back through the li-hl. and and a h.iby ol three ye n s. 'J'he ebler to his a zeuicnt found .Mr. Wilson hoy took his gun un. 1 went into the iug t,, 1 he groun.l deiel. Jlie.-aui-o udj .hung Bwiimps. When be ic turn, of his ib uth is not known. He bud l ii he miMied nh haliv bidthel. Wiiile not boon siek. nul vv.h. I.i ,.!! n,,i,.-.nr ; searching for him ho happened lo auces, well. 1, .. ,, ! 'on,; inseuveiei, a i.trgn fag e OlCIl ... .... living away vvitn tne liaoy. .Vt un lit lodiy were tho rciuiins found. 'J'bo llesb bad boon almost entirely niton fiom the bones of Iho child. Hiitik I!ob!)er ( up) tired. (iti'.r.s liinut. Mo . oe. .'."i favor our renders this week will tlieii usual interesting couiuitiuic.i lions. Tho l'itlsboro' iyeeuin will meet tomorrow (Friday) night at the residence ol .Mr. II. A. London, and a vury attractive and entertaining itii:;rmninc has been prepared lor tho occasion. the iiamo of Smith, and was ridin: stolon horse. Killed by I lie Car. Winston, X. (.'., Iec. 2."). Flias Ilairston, colored, was run over hero Saturday night by tho L'ichniond and lianville jiassenger train, ami tatnlly injured. Moth legs were cut oil'. Ii'uin the cll'ei-ts ul which he died jut 11 o'clock yesterday, ilairston Cart lingo 0.iZ"lte: A cyclone, pass od through l'oekrl. township on Sat urday l(i:h, in Iho afternoon about one o'clock and struck on the farm of Mr, V. A. Wad.-worlh ib.-sti oying a p u t nf bis fence an 1 limber mid also the timber on the adjoining land of Mr. Dat'i-I K-iiy. It. lore the cover ofVof h shod and feed bouse of Spin k WhIIiicp'h. ii negto living on (be laud of Mr. IViiiioi iv..'l!y. It vvafled leaves and pine straw against logs as if it o! visitors Mien! Christmas with 1 leaning up against the platform I. . ' '-. " "!, 11 " is visions KM.ni i Hiisini.is wan I - i i Ini.I hern wa-hed by wa er or '.veil ads mhI relatives at this place, lt 1 H!' 'V vvl' en tho train i . , ' ' l' H I there were several very I i v 1 '"" "I' and ran over bin., lie w,,.u 1 "'" J. ,f' "I" "0, K l,t0,1 nun ( ii s. vciiii i i) n.ippv , . . and broke oil all Iho largos I. timber, i y reuiiion.i Among them were ' ,s milium..,. j( lullovv.ng : Messrs James C. and j ' ; ' y,. (y I fret from tho ground. Its destruc licis v OMiacI;, of lleldsville : .dl. ' ' ,l " 1 ' " ...i, I,,,,,,,,..! , iu 13 Me . T, 15. Fowh r and W. il. Tayl I ii Pit ir.itiii i ii ' ii I lie In i' 1 1. 1 I ea l u ii it r i , . . . 1 -1 tami y liusiness, uud will pay good prices 1 ;,. lorlursoi all iinuls. 1 lie)- win pay us high prices as you can gel any where in the Slate. D.e 2:1. Mis. i an- Miss A nnii Ii Mei ritt,ol Ne-w Vork : I nio L:in b is. an inmate of Iho alms- Ir. John II I.'Huluii and family, of j botisu l ore, du d toiiay as Ibe result Chapel Mill: I).. T. A. Crawford i of a doliborale atteiapl to slat vo bel aud family. Mr. .1. !!. li iddev and self. 1'ift v-live davs iil'o she com and Ml. O. S. IVe, Jr. o! ! inruced lo l t;lsr both I'.-ol and ill ink. iill.S. C. : l'rul. Li noM 15y- ; At ibti'ercnt limes i fi' iris were made num. Fred. C. Williams and A. .I.jto euuipel Icr . lake num ishu:(-iit liviuim, Jr . ol Trinity Coilei'f : I.on . mid food, but she. relusial to mv allow . ,' .. ... ., , . i I!. .Merrill ami rrai li .vi. l.oiuiun, i it. JJer l.iis:i;unl ilie.l aslioit, tune W. II. IMwiirds.donlist.ol Wake I'ol'ost, N. C, can be luiiml in bis ollice at Mrs. Fxbuo's hotel, on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday ami Thursday I'ullowing third Sunday in each moiiih, prepared toilo all kin I ul dental work. Slierilf J. J Jenkins was mar ried yesterday to Miss Albra T. I'earsou, al I.yslra church, in Wil liams township, the l!ev. J. W. Wat nun oflioiating. lite a large num ber of tin? friends ol iho happy coit jilo wero present. If your iii-eoiint is unpaid on January 1st ut O. S. i'oe A Sou's thoy will reins.! to charge any more goods to you until alter same has been paid. Though they might d.s like to reluso you credit it is their lti lo and will bo strictly adhered lo. .More marriages lake place du ring Doceinbi'i than in any other month ol tho year. I'l.us far, this ol the I'nivt rslty : H. L Hauhton, of Jones count : and I. W. Tiium p son, Jr., ami hiiuiiy, I 1 1 i 1 Taylor and lamily : James A. I'lci-npson, and (Volvo L T.av lor, of l!.i'.'i;:li. Our ti'i'ieor county man, .M t . C. C. Hatch, oi U yall. is mi a visit lo bis old honie, acco-iipanio l bv Mr. J.(i M.ill.ol i;:!ei'.'!i. Mr. W. II. Hunter and wifo went on last Tuesday lo attend tlie Intieral ol his lallior, who died at his resi dence, i. cat' Ncitse, very .suddenly on Christmas !.iy. 'I'm: Oi.!ut Cii.vTti.v viiti: Chat ham, always noted bu' its munslrus-ilit-saini t ill'iosit les, new Hcp.s lothc Ir.ml and claims that theoiiiest per son now living in ibe I'nilcd Slates was hi it i in her limits. In prui I of this we publish tho billowing, clip.-, pod from iho Washington (,!'. C.) St iir ami kindly sent tno Kiu'ottn by our young Irieiul, Master l'avid Worth Maglox , formerly of h'alcigh but now ol aslii iiiilnn. Chatham month, :!7 marriago licenses have j,.,,,,,,, v Wasui'u'aiii.ed in 1 770, so that boon issued in Chatham, 'vhile tin- js cxiutly the ago ol ring tho other eleven months of the ,. ,.,,, llVi' A Iter t he balt i" ol (itiil .astyi.nionly 12.1 bavo been issued, j ,,.,! CilUl (,UM .i;mii Llth 17SJ. (ion. .alliaiiici lii'eene sarmy passe. I th run O. S. Poo k Sou desire to extend to their custuiners very griitelul thanks lor their patroiiano this year and vvisti them a very happy and prusperutis '"Now Year". O. S. i'oe & Son will make their best ell'orts to merit a cniilinuunco of your patron age. Coimnoiico tho new year by pay ing your accounts. Tako notice this is mount lor yon. W. L London & Son earnestly call upon you to sollle. l)o not say thoy have not i'ivcn you plenty of notice. Your credit is worth more than your money. "Short settlements make long friends". While most ol tho weekly papers omit this week's issue, the 1 Kfoitn is published as usual and makes its regular weekly visit, because vvo do not liko lo deprive our readers of so 10.11 a pleasure during these happy holidays. Wo hope they will show their appreciation ol this by prompt ly pitying thoir subscriptions. Christmas has come and gone, but Thomas & Maxwell at Ualeigh are still ottering great bargains in all stylos of f until uro Their stock is full and their prices low. (ireat in duccinonta are now offered load thoir ouslomers. Hod room sets, chairs, tables, lounges and every thing us. unlly found in a first class furniture store, (iivo them a call. ago and this affected her mind. CatiM'tl by Collou Tiil uics. Waco. Ttx. Dec. 22 The United States gland jury lotiui.id an indict meiit l.i.-it i::;. !i: charging S. L Wnlbug vvilb uiisa p .'Dili iai ion and cuilii .lo niRiit of tiiuncv of the City Natiomii iJaiilv. of ibcnwooil, Tex is. The vn rioti.isiiins a ;giegateil ."rr'.ID.IHH) Wail ing was ein-hier of ll.e hank, the funds of which he lo.st iu coiioli futures openil.olis ai.d bii ke the bank. lilew Ont Ibe J;is. Swanv.mi. Ioc. 2:1. Humor Shop paid, oi Livingloi;. S. C, was found (lend in bed fiom tophv ia! ion al Iho l'uliu-ki hoil--e ibis moini'ig. He was a cross! io enter and came here on hilMLiCK.. lie retired at. 10 o'clock lust night ai.il blew out the gas iu ig noiiiuco. John L. Sulliv.sii spent hislSiiuday in jail at Sandusky, Ohio, lor dior dcily conduct, The bo iy ol Limr (Inn, the inur ilered Chinaman, has been found near Iho boundary iino oi .North Carolina ami Tcnnes.-ee. is comity in pin sail id the British army, and il must have been then that Hoops "unco held Ibe horse of (ieli. (iivciu:", as claimed by him. Ones any old oitix'ii remember ever having board !' Hoops' alleged mas tor, .luh n I'. llaydoiiY Hero is ibe Sliir clipping : "Colecounly, Mo., can boast of the oldest man in the state ol Mi.-suuri and perhaps iu Iho I'nited States. His namo is Kiehard Houjis, and he isa negro. He livosinasuiallshanty on tho banks ot Iho ()-aue river, al Osago City. According to tho rec ords ol his own statements he was born iu Chatham county, N. O, on Hocembcr 2H, 177, ami consoipient Iy will bu one hundred and twenty ihreo years old on the 2Htl. of this month, lie came to M issouri with his then master, John 1. Jlayd.Hi, ! settling al I.ano s Cran io, I ascoiiiuk county. A lew years later ho was transferred to tho man whoso name ho now boars, and lived with him near Vienna, Maries county, until the emancipation ol tho slaves. Since that limo he has lived at Westphalia, Kentucky elected eight women as county school superintendents at I he I'eoont election. One ol them is a widow, about forty-live years ohh ami the mother of iourtcon children. Col. William (.'lark Young, who long has had ll.e distinction ol being tho oldest living graduate ol West Point, tliod ut pneumonia at .New York, on iasl Saturday, aged II I ears. Trinity Methodist church, Dur ham, has been undergoing remodel ing lor many months, tho work now being complete. Something like .Itl.lllMI has been expended on the bui.diiig, and it is now probably the handsomest church iu tho Slalo. II .!. Iw.f..r I'.uu.f. ..a .,'! t'i'O.VS, tHM. ' . r. ' 'J - oil for Iho Chihtaiis holidays Iho President nominalcd and the sinalo cunliiuii'il Ibe following postum-kiri in tbn S ate i Oeerge L Morion al Wilmington, lMgar II. Wilson id Wiiihtou and llobcit W. IJelo at fc'a-leiu. A distiller of Kulhorfordton p'ayoil 1 lallior eiover I rioK last vvock. lie live path was about a bundled yards vvt.io. Sialoville Lan linni k i llenjninin Tut nor. the post master at Trout luan'r, drop; o.l dond v ci lorduy morning. Tm i. or lived in a house belonging to Mr. J. I) Lippaid. of Hickory. The two iiii'i Hoino I rouble i.lvnit tho vont and Mr. Lrppard was ju cpiit ing to eject him from the house. Ho hail place! tho ejectment papers iu Un hands of Deputy Shot iff. I. T. Shop herd ami the hitler slaited to Trout man's yesterday morning lo serve them. Mr. Iiippanl was ulroady at Tron'manV and lioforn the deputy ar lived ho went to Mr. T'.K'liii's house to sec film about the mitler. Tho two bud sum.' words ami Mr. Turiiei hi canu very much excited and order ed Lippai d ofi the promises. He then turned lo walk into the house when he fell Id the floor and expired in a few minutes. When Deputy Sheiiff Shepherd ni rived to feive bis writ Turner was tb od. A popli xy or heal I disease, supel induecil by excitement, is supposed to bo tho rati-n of death. T!it' Columbia Desk Culonuar, which is issued annually by Iho Pope .Maiiuf.ietui'ing Coiupnnv. of Colum bia Mieyi-le fame, is out fi r IS! I. niucb iuipi'dvod in uppeaniuce. It is a pud calender nf tho same size uud shape as those of irevious yeai s, having a leaf bu- 0,-ieh day, hut its attractive ness In-, boon heightened by thewoik of a e!i vi i- ai list, who b is sonttcn-d a sciie wif l.ijght pen drawings through ils pages. Il also contains, as u.-.ual. many sppropriiite ami intei est ing eon-ti-ibutitiiiH from people both blight and wise IMIIMII I II 111 II I 1 .Now Advert isciiit'iil. St. Mary's School FOr? CinLS, -o - j'HE rvsTi'u -ii i:vt ok inn I ii'iv siiroxi) Your will I-hkIii 9;iitiiiii.t Ii, 1 wi I. Sii-i-in niloniinn piita in riiyi.li-alculiiiriiiii.il llvli-iui. AiMnn-H tli,- 1'ivtnr. i:i:v. i:. nmkoks, k. m. UTA I I", OF NiiUTIf CAROLINA -nn vry or ciiaiii.vm. in tho Bupi-rier Clill. Siruh K. .luiii'-t a-.iiM-,! A. L. Jnnftt. Tills In It i lvll ,-t, II .li l.i'.llljlit liv III,- I lllnllff Xevv bern Journal : Mrs. Julia Smith, of Po'doeksvilie. who vvns b-id-ly b-.iriied I'l iday moi niug accidental ly al hor hotiu; died from the oli'pcla nbout Iwtlvn boms afterward. Mrs. Smith was standing with bor buck to ward tbt lite tviii-' a broom sode-e A t broom. Th e hush v i.art on'.tM.l mil I l , i . I . . . . . . - r. r, .uo.. y esi: -i-iay, a masKo.i ; iguiletl her dross bpforo she deleo,'od entered l:e I'armcrs' and lit. I iit i o i r Iv i.f.ii.,1,. ,.f ,..,!. .Merchants haul:, ami wit h a drawn ored v. ouieu about at the time and rovulver demanded the hank's mon 1 1 hey wero so ceil ed as to be of lit t.e oy Irom Cashier K II. Duraut. The i Hei vice :onl Mis Smil h's clothes wore forluinito arrival ot three merchants j ,i( i Iy lun iifd elf and tho fatal burns seared iho rubber and bo Ib-d on j ii;ike:c-il bci,ioSbe fl.iuies wore ox horseback. A posse ea pi ured him j ti:igui.-hed. altera run ota i.-vv iioiirs. no gave MDMDAY FILACEOUS -(o)- (o). Sioto$30 SUITS AND .(o) (o) OVERCOATS S 1W 0- Aa f ho joyous and lumpy Christmas-tide approaches nature by her wonderful insp'iraliofls" ffefitltidt Ut tJ reinonibcr our fricinls. The flood of Christmas shopping has already commenced with us. Don't yon ihiuk an OVEKCOAT or SUIT FOR FATHER. BROTHER or FltlENl vVdtil.1 ffiate fl IliU able pit-Rent as you can give this season ? Y'ou must say yes. That's the sensible answer. Tilrti Cortifes thtf puz.io of sch ction. Easy enough. Oct in the gonoral channel whore the latest styles and br-sl (pJrtutitleS r to b.c found, and you will bavn no regrets, no misgivings, no embarrassments. Come straight here AtiA i6Will show Urn choicest gai incuts that skill, taste and money could produce. Nay, you cannot filid their ddpllCtlfei anyvvbore rise. Thoy are exchisive in style, exclusive in mako, exclupive in price. Cl.arnKtciisttPlllly btirsf newest, host, cheapest. As tailoring they are incomparable From fashion's standooiuf. thoy nro' leaders J tbd on the purso they are lightly. NOTE VARIETY OF STYLES IN SUITS i Prince Alberts; Three bd Fob? 1 Sut t on Culawavf. Double ami Single !ioa-.lod Sacks, these verj' popular Long Cut Backs and then conies out variety for the' BOTS nud CSCIXjIDET, too numerous to mentiou bete. OtEfS COATS. Here's whore we lead them all. Duublo and Single Dreasted Longcut Coals, Storm coatsi Meiiiuin ami Ligbf Weight, Coats, an exceptional variety of exclusive styles in Black and I3!ilo Chetidts, tba none will be more uppreeiafed tLun our )vopular MACKINTOSHES. Any of them will make a most suitable ami sensible Christmas present for toan or bov. The Uieyclo Kaoo is at its best Remember December 23rd fbe drawing will take place: OTHEE G-IVSiBLES, Our Furnishing Goods Department in laden wilh the world's choicest. Don't fail to boo oflr Perrln's Kid Oloves, Dent's Celebrated Dog Skin Clovr. Silk and Linen Haiidkertbiefs, a beautiful variety of Slufflor'i Silk Suspenders iu black and fancy colors, Slik Umbrellas, etc., etc. Stock is at its beat ami price.-' at fhoir lowest! December 14. 1K!)'J. S. & D. BERWANGER. RALEIGH, H, C. L B. HOLT & C0.p 1AIAIE, Mo D3 Are now receivincr their of goods and call the attention of their patrons to same SPECIALTIES, Vi; A liaiitifiii lino of all wool tlross goo as vcll as flaniiU linnets in plaids atxl stripes. I.ailios" lials, libbons and embroidered luuHikeivhiefs. La (lies' ittid Mioses' hoods. ( Jcnllotneii's and lioys' suits made by Slrouse Sc 1'ros.- High All Clot.iiers. 1 01 white and colored blankets and crib spreads. A novelty line of neck wear ami silk handkerchiefs. Ladies' and Misses' cashmere gloves and hosiery. ( Jcntlemen's hats and cans. . The above specialties we do not claim to be selling fit Of lie low cost, biit bought during the money pressure for lesti than value and we tire selling eotrespondingly,; We have purchased a large line of Christmas confectiotiorio such as raisins, nuts, cocoanuts, oranges, fancy and plaiii candies, and can supply merchants and consumers. J We have a r-plcndid slock of guns, hunting jackets le'ggiil8' cleaning implements, wads, shells, caps, etc., nfid are flgetitsf for Lalliu ci Han"' Orange rille and ducking powder.- Our best efforts shall bo made to plcaso all Kindly call or" iznd us your crdor and oblige. L. B. HOLT & CO. Nov. 'JO, ISM. (. ?. UOV.VI.I.. J- I- HOKDES. IO....tllo CHii-nltiia U.-lol,) :du:u((aa(, iy , r DEALERS IN EliRNFrURE. One of the largest and best nloeks of i-'urnitnie iu North Carolinn, ami will bo aoltl at us low iriti 3 us eau be u:nl anywhere. All kiiuli and slj loa of Fnrnituii!. You will eavo inonoy by buying from na. Nov. 2:1, lS'.KJ. but for tho nasi twenty five years be lifts made Ins homo lit Osat-v t Uy. j h;, , ,nc ,.f biw fi ientb-i, a ilc)Uly col lloois is remarkably well jn-e.-erv- j h.citu-, to curry bis trunk fo Spartan e.l, ami lives alone in bis shanty, j ,UI-K. S. C. for hiui. When the trunk He fishes a ijroat tlenl lor iho bifjeat- anivoil at, itsile.siiniition, it was fontul lisb that lrciiionl tliu waters ol tbo j lo ,t. Ickinjj. The trunk waa brok n t)sa:,'i', anil is never li:ipit r I ban , 0j,,.t AUx t We!ve one-,i!Ioii k( l os( lip when be can oatcli a bit? one and , Clinii t,( wbit,key vvr r-; foiunl. make Ktninot ils I. cad. lie is still '. - After this week, beiiiiiinir vvil'i ! alilo to tlo .nnno vvoik, and il was! (.'harlot U Ni-vvp: There was a very tlie now yuar, Ibe Kf'oiip w ill iiotjoniy a lew year sineu that ho con- youthful iussener, l outnl on a !oi bo ent to any persons who are iu j traded vviili ii farmer in the vicinity ; join noy, on tho Seaboard Air l.i e arrears. No paper can loiiif be pub-1 of b s home to remove the Mumps imin. yt".-!eiihty. The- jriisen-'or w; h linhed on a uvilit. Wo will re-itrct und runts ol'u newly cleared li aclof n ,;iil. tivo yours old nuiiu'd (ici ti ude to cut ott' any stibHcribers, but busi-, land. He Itillilled Ion contract, do- i Mi; ;i 1 1 the. work liim.-'ell. His iiiin-l is slili clciir on tnany ol the events that h.-ipjieiieil toward the close o! the last i i-nti.ry, and he ivcu'ls wi(!i giwal pi'itlu- thai in ,-i.-- b,! 1 tbv , H.tli!.-t 111,- ili-li li.jiiiii tnl' a illv lro rriilli' tlm i 1 -non iij.-iiiltii-i -. .it. 1 It iiiii7trhit: in iiif. Mit. j l-lm-iii.ti ,.l Hi,-i li: i l y i li.- it ui-l.-t.vii ,.f i h" ilitln ! IliT llinl tin .li-li-i..l. in-, .V. 1.. .I.tiir-,, i-it.ti.ii nUt-r nii.;i-tiri- it.- i-iini i in mi- M.-iit. ;iu.i 4 :i ii. .ji- llii-ri'(, l.i- In li.-i'i-l.y 1 1 .. t Hi I iiiHiiii.-urni i ii-nn .! Hi., stu-.-i l -r i-'.iii-: i.tunl-i i-niiny I I'hllOlinn, In lie lii I I ii- I l-1-.lmr mi I hi, lliml M-itfUy .!.rci On. ili-i vi-.i.-luv In M .i'.-li, ih-.ii, mill iiun-it.-t- ,r ili-uim i.i Hi.- i-l-t.n'in"-. -iiij,-riuit. h. M. Illll.l, 1-. .-. O. 11. A. l.'INitnN, i-ii.:illll"-, Allnrill-y. I'tv. as. lf.'J. N. KCl'Tt H.'S NO IT. ).-- H A V H i li'if iii;illlli-. i:h lh,- vvuiii- i.f I ; i . -1 1 ii i-. im .1 ! Ii'.lilllli; " i.-llUl-i il-Mili I i lit' cami, l-i riii- t.;t ,- ' iviiiU-i-. IW1 J. J. Tiiom.vs, l'rosideiit, 1?. S. Jkum vn. Ca-ihn r. Air. A. Tliovu-soN, Vice-rrcsKlciil, If. U.-Jvckson, Ass I Cashier The Commi rviai ' in3 Farmers'1 IBanks OK KAI.KKilt, IN. i. l'aiil up capital !10;),0UO.(i(). Authori.cd capital ' ."500,000. 00. '.. M. Duke, Ji. A. London, II. I?. IJ.iUlo, Aslil-y Home, F. 15. Dam or, 15. Ib lat-.-y, T. II. ;ii--'s J. N. lbildin-,'. J. J. TboinaH, (i. W. Watts, J. P.. Hill, A. A. Thompson, A. 1'. P.f.P, Fred. Philips, John YV. Seott. lutnl ..ii. I ill in a nt i.i i - x 1 1 1 .. 1 1 I nil ni- li.-mrn Oh, if I, il.ivnf I),. ; ill all i i-i-i-iii Ihiliiurl nro i- I T. II, WO.VtAt'K. tuts is business and tin lire ii: o is published on businc-s principles. So, il ynu want the l.'Ki-'.i'.n any longer, )-oil iniisl pii.silively pay up wb.il yon now owe. Jvoilb, and slm waa on her way from Wiliu ii,Uiii, I. I;, to Fort Smiib, Ai k-ii-.n.is. ,Sh bad a ticket, ami a biij;i! b.ip-Lnt tilled with lunch, and a t.!;: i nun. I her neck Eivii) in r nan.e id J".VO;,'.:oJ!i M. II. IIAYKI LAWYERS, ix'rrri;tis, tw. Accounts of Fanners, I.in!:s, ('oi poi at ions, Adniiiiislratoi s and Indi viiiuala solicited on favorable ti-rnis. SPFCt Vli Ari'KNiiON given to account- of Country Merchants ard individuala. AND SALE-ttY VIHrUF. OFi S AND SALE TJY VIUTFE OF M J. R. RIVES. Principal S!if TKMI'K liKTTS. Afl nn, Mttifs tachr. MIkh FANNlKoorull, st-onhil AKSIstsnt. Mr. F. A. llAlinnis, Tnniliiir ut DiavlDf aftd I'i-lilrv:ilislil . Thl.-4 iirliiii.l, tin. a r Iim proHfiht mrtllAf'mmit, iiii-i.i.l AiiL-u-i ,iii. x), nfi-l lit n-Hthif mi wi-lnli-rrul niii-1-i i.i: II--iv nr..lili l.T-i AttfiiAU. Sirln-,-li-rni ln-ali.s 11 K.-n vY. J.VNfAllYH.lWI. I-:x!" iiii.h nf ihi.-t H.-n-ii-l hit nifiitn in nnli ihf In r. I : lini-s. llnur.l.jr, :t; 'I itlilim : l-rlmarj- II. 00; llith-'i- fl SO. Musir ti.ln, .ii- inmitlt t-iirti. sni. Ii-tii i-itii i-i-iii riH.fin mill Imaril trmiAHMTrtf al mi i-h-iii-o "( alH iii M.im ti 14 tn pnr toiBth. ohliii-ii In n in-,, li'lli- limn in iUtyft f unr ftoif iii'lklu Talloy riillp.;ul, I J iniicn wntit nf PHIslxiru,-ihi- rniiuiy mini nt o'htiihitm iMTinty.- Musli- nniiiirimoii! Is iin.lrr lio hirtunmiont lit Mln 'li-itis Hotiu . a rn.luaie anil Of aeVraf yi-.-iln ixperlein-n. l'Hi-i-1118 hHTinK elili.lrMi Ift Mrtrat tttt 6e Vt tlit-tr Ittairtil in pair-.iil7.i' UiIh tirlin.!. t-.-iiiiiltiMi wlMiiuc in ri'M hunnvM tnftVenltnt lof fti'tinnl ouli iln gi hy fli1yhlg nt nflCd.' l-'er liirlhL-r partli-nlm-n apply to 4. K. MVKS, Wlnrtlpllt,- Knv. an, ih93. am. utilistok, K. C. t.ni, .11:1 1 1 Hill In- III ll.l u.'.l M..li.Jl) n;, ifW. !l.v ..II Ilio fr.it n mi I .liti'tii fniimy, ri-n.liTi at rail I'l-nn, lh-.i.t. iu irn- i-ivil r.iiimy. mnu-iv 1 hi ran Irni, ib-.m, in u n ,-ivii an imi wlit rcln Ji-hn lti-11. mrvivii ? pai uiiT "( a,-u..n hi-ii-ui vv I,, u ii.i..ii wan planitifr ami On,- .V Ht-ll. wits pl.uiiillt uii.l I. A. Oim:"r an l i ll" S:i i h.-n Um l'-y mih! ttilc wi'ie di-lciulaiHH, 1 will with rtoii.r.1nn., I mil soil at r ui'll.- ait. n-.ii t.-r s- II a r.-i.--li hi pnhilr aii.-ilnn, at the rniirt-hnui-o i-Hnb. at llm i-nlirt-llnin,., rt'u f, un MO.N O Y, lil rli-.r 111 1 IHhIh-iii-, mi MONDAY. Ill lnt tlay ol 1st iKv ul .liuiuary. li-n. ll.o ttm-l ul Ian. I lanilai-v. WM, lliat trai-t ut laul lying nil Haw whorHnn sa:,l ilrtt.ii.lant rm-i.ir., iitiuate i.i-nr rivnr. In Si.w Kjp tuwuahip, known at lh "u!.i oi; hkI In eial.l i-nuuty, i1iiluili: il- hintlrt ni tfc'U ii-.olt-.iiahaii iiiill traiTi ', inuialnliiK atKitit H'l luiiii.n. M ililaiu K'ik- iim utiii'ii,. aii'l ,i .wti uu 1 l'itniui; tliv U-i !b u( I..I111 HraVD aul la-nine an. ut 7 a.ri. U. A. nMm'. nt.fi- H.A.ll)MK, NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL B00ES At a regular nn eting of tbe State? Loard of Education, hidcl in Ralpipb; on the fust Tuesday in April, 1893, the following no,v text books were unanimously adfrp'od for to Be in lf publie BcboolH of the Stale North ( aroliiiii I'lHCtititf hiKlJnok, - 20 Ofttft. !ln PinhRin; l.r oi F !lrf now lu tfto. f eni f Williams' Readers tor Segin' ners, - 16 Cefrts. 'To pnsvilo Hi l ftnad'or V Ttn-hc initve nii-liii i ranitpoi'taniiA fiv totifiAf or.li.nui!. A litwrfl ii. tint l"l t ma4 uy dealors and tiarlidrit. Hiil urtr 10 ALFRED WrLJAJS if CO, lTui iaxKHa, r ALEKtli. li. C WTYi nrnt ftn h li-ii-k will ho rrv lare. afr all ortuM wilt be flat- a raMI; a fKHelti!.- Cm. it-.i.