fUfy (IJhalham Retard t '. . "V ' 1 i-1 IHl K!sJAlt. JA.U VK i, 189. H. A. LONDON. Editor. Ba5 as may bo the conditiou of the farmers of our Conntryj yet the -A.iti.4ii rmi A lunnv tlmiHfinili nt our , ... . . tiou )"ilai:ou.f!l republicans, lie ons iu tho largo titica is inttcb ,.....? A .- ' fc-orso. Xer.rly evory farmer lias jklenty to eat, ami nono cf their fam ?lios Btrtl'er from banker, even it there is a scarcity ot inouoy among then. Hat rn the large cities ther? ire many thjrusands ot honest and hidustrioas workmen out of employ, aaent and thorr families in a state cf Starvation. I u tho city of Now York alone there are, it in Baid, eighty bousand nieit seeking work in vain, and who have nolhrttg whatever tor tho support of their (starving fami lies. In Chicago it in said to bo still worse, and in evory large city the tfatue sad tale is tuiJ. Philanthropic and charitable persona arocontribu ting tbowands ot dollars lor the relief ot these destitute people, nnd yet there is grout (suffering. These Jnenijiiiiyetl men are not vagrants or criminals, but are honest and in. dustrious laborers, many ot them Kkillod mechanics, who are anxions and ea'er to work, but cannot Cud any work to do. Tuis collapsed condition ot the country, this stagnation in business, fid consequent throwing out of em ployment of ao many men, may bo Compared to the prostration and col lapsed condition of a sick man after a high lever tins leit him. Alter a dangerous fever has loft a man he is at first very weak and needs care ful limbing while convalescing, and above all things ho needs cheering words of encouragement. Aud thun il is now with the body politic, with ifct) pcopb ot this couutry. Years ot wild sneculatiou culminated in the financial lever of last year, aud , ..... 1 ,! .en w.i. v """ j whose personal inclinations and 111- 1 tiUjfcs that number were badly iniur- eollapaod. Put the recuperative terests were ojiposed thereto, and !,.,!. In Xovcmber tlu-ie was an ex iowors of our people aro wonderful none ever wiil be. When & man can- ' jihmiou of dynamite in a ship at dock and equal to tho emergency, and B not bi jug hiruself tn vote for party it, S.iutande'r, Spidn. in which JJOO new aud brighter era ol prosperity trill ero long dawn upon us. Though ilid ast has been dark, and the present is dark, and oven tho fultiro eoms dark, y et let us not despair or Complain, but let us take hoart aud start out on tho now j-ear with re doubled onergios and renewed hopes. Our country has more than onto before passed through harder times and darkor days, and once again the bright sun of ptosperity will glad den tho hearts aud homes oi tho American people ! 'Viiile there are so ninny thou sands out of employment in tho city of New York, it fieemsalmosl incixd iblo to believe the oflicial statement that there is now a surplus rescrvo ot more than eighty million dollars in tho banks ot that city, a larger sum than almost ever beloro known there. This means that more than b),(t00,000 are lying idle aud vainly seeking borrowers at low rates ot interest. Tho reason it in not bor rowed and ued is, becauso of ths stagnation in business and business men are afraid to niako any ventures jilst now. It is plain, thereloro, that tho depression in business and the throwing out of employment of thousands ot men in New York is not duo to tho scarcity of mo!oy in that city. Tue Durham Globe has been pur chased by Mr. John W. Jenkins, late associate editor of the lialeigh Chris, tian Advocate, and, in our opinion, tho most talented editor of his age in North Carolina. We wish for him a long lilo of great usefulness, And confidently predict that his bril liant talents will always be uied ior the benefit of Lis followmen, and that bis influence will always be exercised for good. Tno retiring editor, Mr. Al. Fairbrother, it is said will go to Now York, 'Thirty Thousand children were made happy with gifts on Christ mas trees given by tho New ork World, tho leading newspaper of the United States. They were children who otherwise would have had no cause for rejoicing at joyous Christ, mas tide, being the poor children of the city whoso stockings (if they have Btiy) are not tilled by old Santa Clans. No man can calculate the amount of happiness derived from such a grandly charitable act. The World's social, mora! and jaatoriul progress in 1HU3 was elabs oratelj and clearly set forth in last Sunday's issae of tho New York World, America's groatest newspa- pier It was a comploto history of the year aud ought to be published i'h pamphlet form (and it would make a most interesting pamphlot) for future reference Such an ex hibition of journalistic enterprise is bin-iHAcrietic of the WorM, Washington Letter. liTrrisn .ur RTwumt corrnsr-KiiSftiit.i Wamiinuton, Dec. 29, !8!3. Th.i Use of money to defeat the Wilson taiiff bill is the dominant idea of those who have rich at the esptDseof the conuuiuvrs of the conn try by reason of the so-ca'.led protee turniut; democratic I onfjiessincn from districts having protected man ufactureis nearly all agree in S113 inj: that money is being freely spent by those manufacturers in oid-r tavvoik up a bacus public sentiment in those districts Hgaiust the Wilson tin iff bill. uopiug uiereoy 10 inmieuce lite nep reseutatives to vote against the bill, Not only are halls hired for meetings to be held to protest against tho bill, but individuals are employed bv the hundred to come to Washington, and to get signatures at floras to petitions asking that the bill be not passed, uud I Austria, the choloia'claimcd h Ullill eds space is bought in the columns of im- j of vietiuis d.iilv in Mifca, a storm in psrauious newspapers which eluim to : Mr-xieo made -j.O')!! persons homeless be independent which is tilled witb .lUlj tuo Opera-llouse in Wash- shrewdly -written articles adapted toju,,tou collapsed, killing 23 War De the locality aud intended to fii'hteu : ,.,.. ,,t ..evVa nnd iniuriuL' 71). the ignorant into the belief that the . ., passage of the Wilson bill will be a local calamity of incalculable magni tude. Ail of these things weie expected. The democrats kuew that the men! who bad grown rich by legislation would not see that legislation upset without spending a pert of their easily-acquired wea.th to prevent it. ;tlains on the Long Island foad, tiear lJut the money is wasted us far as its ; JJi,sf,ville. iu which 16 pltasuie-see k iulluenco upon democratic Congress jois were in-tantlv killed and oil se meu is concerned. It is easy t, find vcrely wounded, 'aud a cvcloue which democratic Congressmen who would KCpl the Gulf coast devastated !. like to change some schedule in the j vannnh. Ca.. and th? sea ifland.-. The Wilson bill and who propose to r.tate toss 0f !if(. -KM m,,re than Loud uud Ulc.. aiuui'unu. the 'Jeumc'' oou to be held aud ask that it bo made, but the cum i ber of democrats who will refuse to , . ,, , -,, ,, , il.ir ...-,.,. f., ..1 win lui uiu uiii 11 mo tnutus noes ; savea tnem irom starvauon. not cgreo with them can be counted Itl September a forest fire destroy upou tho fingers of one hand with ' t,( Oi)ij square miles in Wiscmsm mid fingers to spare. They generally rec ! cholera broke out- in Hamburg. Iu oguizo the fact that the Wilson bill is October yellow fetc-r al tacked li uns a pat ty, not an individual measure, j wjt.k, Oa. and its victims were nuu. and that as good democrats it is their 1 l,e,ed by hundreds. October also duty to support the bid as it will be ! f.aw tho worst wreck of the mnny that approved by the democratic caucus, kapprned to World's Pair trains. In and they will do it. No party meas- a collision on the Gram", 'flunk near are a ever been passed by Congress that did not. receive the votes (f men mea&uio, piu ucuiuriy wueii 11 rcpio : pel aona were mutant ly Klilec!, inous eents tariff re form, which has been ! auj wounded and Riillious of d.dlars the keystone of the democratic arch j woith of property destroyed, and 1 ior so many year&', 11 is nigu uoie mai ' - !...' 1 ...,11 u: ,.'f .. 1157 ouuiiju -jenne o- nit uitivti .1 iui- Irmdti nr to nvimrt to rrr.-ti vp tinnm-a from the party ho declines to Bup port. To luvo beard some cf the men who tLink thrnisiNes nitithd to ad vance knowledge of all the President's movements talk this week a foreigner would Lave bupposed tLat Presideul Cleveland com-nittcd a great crime when ho went down the river in com - pany with Stcrelaties Gresham and Carlisle for several davs leeieation without telling hu would I. r guardians beforehand. The antics of these smai t alecks would be amusing if they were rt a ot.ttt.r.1 llepiesentalives Il.-Mi'.lin, of Ten nessee. and Bryan of Nebraska, who weie nnnolnti .l a sub-commil ioc l.v Chairman Wilson to report to thiv i-j,(iOii.li(H damage. In Manila, iu j democrats of tho Ways and Menus 'the Philippine Islands, -1. OIK) boosts ! committee ol ti.e Xiouse tno lr-atures of the internal revenue bill that is to make up tho deficit that will be made in the revenues of the govErumeutJiy the Wilson tai ill bill, have dr-ehied upon their report. It will recorn- mend that a tax of 2 lier cent bo im- nosed 11D011 all incomes of -f.C00 and ! over ; that a tux be imposed 011 inheri j tanees of nersmiiil ni nt.M lv. tho mtA i to be fixed later; that the tax on eig- arettesbeineteased to 1.50per 1000. 1 aad th it a tax of C cents a nack be 1 levied ou playing cards. They esti i niate that a bill on theso lines will bring in about i." 000.00 ). i mitteeon Foreign Iielatious, conipos ed of Senators Morgan, Butler, Gray, Sherman and Frye this week began the Hawaiian investigation authorized by Senator Morgan's n solution. They beard several witnesses friendly to the provisional government and ad jortrned ontil nest Tuesday, when other witnesses will be here. Noth - ing will be made public until the work is finished and the report of the con. mitteo made, ,. - - lis that she turned turtle during' a Condition of the Stale lreasnry.tgie Ilalolgb corrwpi Dlrnt ef Wil-utngi..n Mewng.-r. I The Alvo Sailed from this port Aug. The State treasury has begun the 16, and like the Xaronic was never fiscal year with :t handsome cash 1 seen again She was nf much small balance ot 62 10,000. It is est i mated that the receipts from taxes during the current year will be about ?")(), 000 lens than last year. Then the tax rate was 43 cents. It is now 41 3 for all purposes. There is a decrease of 3 cents on tho general property tax, and an increaso of one third of a cent lor pensions and 1 for schools. There is a loss in valuation of prop erly this year ot abin.it 8-1,000,000. This is in personal properly, money on hand and sol vent credits, mainly,! and not on real prrperty. The shrinkage in personal property was not anticipated by tho Legislature of 1S03, which reduced tho tax rale, The increased assessment of railway property is about S4,00O,000, which j eqtiHliees tho loss by the reduction of personal properly, leaving the total taxable values about the same as last year, 't was naturally ex pected that there would, as hereto fore, bean increase in personal prop erty, but the hard limes have caused j the falling off. A men named C. W. Roper, 25 years old, was killed on the Western North Carolina Railroad track about tbreo miles below Morgantou last week by the west-bound freigLt. Roper was drunk, aud Le was sitting on tho end of a cross-tie asleep. Tire, Wreck and Flood. rr.'!?i tho Kew T"T wnrid. Torcrcv, Kan., e. 2S. Gov. Lew- The year li)3 w.s leinaik.ib.o for! today removed Mrs. Marv K the frigutfu! 1ob3 of life by flood. Src, i Lehf.e f.vnj'tho State- 1W.1 rf Char earthquake, disease;, clone nud niineij.- , . . 1 heou and railroad aociiteDts, botn Uere ami abriad. In Jaumry thuty miners; were drowned m l'en4iicv, I. nour.'i- sons were bul-ned in a tr mple neai Cantoti, China, 40 oh'.i. i s were ouru - t ci iu a hhiu iu uusMiu.n ur.i, vete tinea ana iu inj.ireu m a tan - load collision tit Alton, 111. In l'Vbi uary Ihisbanc was flooded so that many streets were thirty fiet uniler water, aud cat th'jiiakes in Ciiece resulted in the ls of hun dreds of livps. In March nud April there were floods, cyclone and torru' does iu tho Southern and Western states iu which 100 persons were j mm 1 UEj miUiouH 0f dollars of dam age done. Iu May Quebec was inundated and cyclone in Hope, Aik, left 4,(100 rsonx homeless and destitute. -I" ! irsons it...,,, a,wA, (lf.stroved 50 vilhiL'.-s iu rf - - o - In Jul v 100 miners were killed iu 1 an explosion iu Yorkshire, 12 Chicago j firemen wore taught on a blazing' tower in the Worlds Fair Giounds. I but oneof whom escaped, and a cluud hurst in Pueblo drowned neurlv 50 persons. In August there was a collision he twen two Couev Island (leuision , . 1 lUt survivors lost everv Hung o. wmcu ! ,1 in 1 11 nt - ' the Populist Ic-iVi they we. e possessed. Theirsduation j thp Goviv.r down, were luiod' ; became so serious that the Worldh , ni rov' t ...j.,,, K( iit down e ielii-f train in November I Sl ' 1 . .1 hl u' uu" ,lI,v 1,1 . ' 1 was urged to letnove uct at the time j : Hll!tie Creek. Mich.. 20 persons we , iiUrntil (,r mangled to death and thi j persons were lirowneil bv Hoods 111 iw XT-. I . 1 j JapuU. In 1 li'CfJitihjT a iiviil'O. in 1 .f ....t i.-.i. ot X nli-ill.j 1." i fell into the riverunja s-toie of work men were killed. The amount of mor.ry lost in a doz CD big tires would pay the debt of some of the emalier nations. Boston j liad a $5,000. 000 and a sfl.flOOA'uO hla.e and also lobt its famous Pit monl Temple. St. Iiouis had a !?l,5(.0.U0l 1 a,-P, Coney Island lost it s big West iEnd Hotel". .tilvau!;ee had a,jO(t,Oi0 ! j,c. tte huirest Hour mills iu the Wl,rld.at Litehliel l.IIL. wci edestroy-1 ' ed. Fargo, X Dak., and Seattle weie j nearly wiped out by li ime. South 'i.: 1T...1 .. i.;..n .i,.. t... : , 2o0 houses, and Now York had alire i ju West Forty second street vvhich ! ! .,' .-I..,-.,, ..,1 i t liicngo tad a rue wnicu de.siit'Veu were destroyed 1:1 a two days tiro. I T'Le maritime disasters ot the year : have been many. Since Jan. 1 theie, i ;as been a:i unusual succession c-f ! disastrous g des, on both our own jam! foreign eoa'ts. nnd iu this period I i l.iron nnsnlifi- nf ahics h'v.. Iir.i n' lost r,r l.a.llv .tmotorpd. 'ri.nM,tr.,i of all these disnst-ei wa.-: ttie ':ct.oria I l'.m,lB oiV..i ;. H.n M...1,ir.. ! can, when somo four hundred persons ; 1,1 ll)0 lost their lives Aside from this, the'almost. nn.u Hmt wem nt' mi intor.f attoiult this port were the losses of tho White j Star steamship Xaronic and the Atlas liner Alvo. Doth vessels tuvbterious- i ouiy n m c ui uji; ii:.i.-i(U nua eiuu . bv the finding of tho life boats. 1 f 1, .1: , The loss of the Xaronic is more in I explicable tban that of the Alvo, since j the former was a brand new vessel, j and was supposed to be as seaworthy j as the arts of man could make her. She sailed from Liverpool. Feb. 11. jaud after passing out of the Mersey ! was never siiihted a-'aiu. Fullv a hundred persons went down with Ler Tho accepted explanation of her loss jer tonnage than the W hite Star boat, j and ii believed to have foiiudeied iu the hiirricnnos that were attended with frightful loss of life iu the sen islands and on the Carolina and Gulf coasts. The theory concerning Ler iuhb id iui uer .mici.es v, ere torn j brokt'-ti open and just inside the door liv hr.avtr ri.llrfta.l ll-liM:a l.iul.osl t.i:. . ' . J her decks, admitting to Ler eugire rooms tho seas that must Lave pour ed across Lor decks. Two transatlantic liners met with accidents iu mid ocean, causing anx iety in every quarter of tLe globe, and an awful loss of life was averted in each cse principally bv the in genuity of their engineers. The Cun a Jer Umbria broke her thrust bhaft iu mid ocean, and drifted about help lessly until it was patched up tempo rarily, fcihe arrived Jan. 1, more than a week overdue The Jlekla, of the Thingvalla liue, met with a similar ao cidenti aud after drifting about the ocean helpless as a dereliet, was tow ed into port with all well aboard. TLe break in Ler machinery was dis covered just in time to prevent tLe fractured ends, twilled by tlie ma chincry, from separating and knocks ing holes iu tLe ship's Lull. Itissaid that 5,000 personnattend--1 ed tlie Presidents New 1 eai s ie- ception. Mrs. Lease liaises a How. lyi t-Ps..n jc ,0y , ie Populist r. t,r.vn;T,r.- Ih:it hp camp. i,.,.-,,,-! vril t ?,,r the suko ivf ! m) raonv ;u the boat d. Mrs. Leu-;e ! i,',.1.lnriw.1i l eanse she ito i ( , 0 .,.,;,;,,( the appoint ; 1(,nt of G.fll 1 :i :li r. n Fvnnvi t i the. emVe of steward of the Deaf j btiug aj-pfosinmtely . U.lKUi, Imt 110 ar.d Dumb Iustitute at Olathe, Kan. j wheie t Ue has it iim-u above the l.-vd Mis. Lease said tonight: j of au ins gmiicant 1 lenient iu i he boiiy ''lam following Senator Quay's c-x- ! politic. Nor is tho Virginia vote to cellent advice sawing wood and say- j be ifgartU-d as pos-essed of any fp- ing nothing. '1 ho Governor says I j -iginlicancn. The fact is Unit am n tiie-biaud. If I h id not bp n a m.uiy euthusiaslie Populists thought the bland ho would never !'ne oci-n j h;it they had n good chance tocniry pled the chair. I know tLat tlio Kx J ihe fSiate against tue lVmocrat.-. and ecutive Council Ins b-i-n in session 1 'hat many .Uepublic us voted with .-m n:iKn tuien and their dolibt -ra j ,jons'jm'VH -e,. bdiiiul closed doors. j.jy charge that I was responsible fr lie recent Itq.nb!io;u: yams in Kinui lipcmisp I would nut s-taud'one, t ut now tmst the vo:e -tor at- any more fusion Widi D mocra'.s, and j torney general at least has been I guess tbey are about light. I have j counted, it is discovered that the no use for a Pemceiat I c.m't help lX'mociMtic c.mdnlato was elected by it. When 1 have been Compelled to ."i.MKKl plurality. Thus the hopes oi choose between lVinocrats and lie- j I bu d p.'i'ty iu the Old iominioi, ili publicans I have nlwavs voted foi viiha thud. Republicans. I know that whiln the j Out iu Ohio two of thr-.e years ago leaders aro talking against fu-.rm Populist mauagt-rii prophesied every appointment mado is with airttat tilings. When John Sell was view to bring it about next year. My J mmiiiiati-d fur Governor iu lM'.il. it nieee.ssor will probsbh be 'Fully Scott, ' ;vas faliv 1 d.cled th-u he wo'.dd a Democrat of tho frixth district, to! et the Democratic vote there. Jlu! I want to say that I am not out yet." Mrs. Lease refused to say what sue woubl clo. nut piih lniiinateii inai si:e would irove a nte-Inand in Hie f '.uure to (iov. Leueiliug when he seeks it- I nomination, to which, fcl.e admittcc, I the signs now point. j The real ea;is:- for Mrs. Lease's re moi.il I uioval v.a"' fin intei view 1:1 which the interview was published. Her removal means that the Slate House Populists have accepted ber offer of battle. The tight is likely to bo hot Mi s. Lease charges the Governor with trying to use the cbariiablo inslitti tions of the State for political pui poses. Spider's ISi.c Killed Her. Ny.v.:;,.. Y.. Dec. 2:. lisvlosic Ueicliiiii'. with a party ot other yoiiiitf girls helped to ib.corate the .Sparkili JCpiscoial Church with Christmas evergreens Saturday evening and so lost her lilu A spi der had made Us home iuoncol the branches, and when she look this in her arms it hit heron the cheek. A lilt ttlc soar like a lever Winter show Jd 1 M Lai' oniou PPcr 'J' C,,:,'-T,s ,ere that ni-ht when she ; h with tbe pcddier an., one '!!.. 1 1,.,. ;,:oi thetu held hmi while the oll:i- ionic. i ho next day, runday. it i..i v.- , .....1 ! c..-, ill.., ... 1... 1 ,. 1,... li,.' M..uf.',,, I was ca d. It ked getting more feverish, and on .Monday ,t w;(s found necessary to lanco it'. In t. poisonous substance which issued were found two little specks suppo. cd to be the seeds or eerms tout had been stung into her cheek by the insect that bit her. ' The sore swelled anin this time and spread troin her check. Her aim and body on one side were swol len M) that inn sore was lanced a f t,,n'- 1 '' two 1 ',ol".lor" 'eru, " "v- . d'r11" tlietr efforts s.10 died 1 lie doctor.- "".' they Lav tllse- never .-een a si mil Prtbyf eriiiu i'rearlier IJi'.iiicd. T. yi.oksvii.i.k, X. ('. Doc. 27. Her. W. P.. Tidball. a i're-by terian minister living some eight or nine miles Irom hereon a little mountain lartu by himself, was badly and per M'T - ' bitallv burned yesieniay even Jl 's'l''i"s tl,M '"' v:l-i burning elf somo l llhhish on hi s place and fell tire. When found he was unconscious. Friends are a 1 1 e 1 1 1 ! : 1 1 lt the untoii unalo man and d"lnr a". ln tl"'".' '"'wer to re ievt-j " s'ITerings. Ills wife, who I; ves j 111 Ajaillso,, was w"'t-'1 or yesterday evening. .. . .. . . One of I illmiui Sm-s l!U'!'l- Sp.vnTANiii'nt., S. C , lee. 110. State Constable I 'avis was attacked by a crowd of negroes last night and severely whipped. I 'avis was made to take oft' his hat and address the naroes as "gentlemen", and also wear that ho would juit Tillman's service A number ot white men witnessed the assault, but refused to interfere. Tho farmers aro organ izing all over the country to put down such lawlessness. 15 11 fit I. u- Killed by a Trap C 11 11 . BiiiMtsoiiAM, Ala , Dee. Hi). Many stores in (icorgimia. a f mall town near here, have recently been entered by burglars nnd large amounts of prop el ty ftoien. Lust night J. Vinson net a trap gun in his storp. This morning ins rear dour was tound lay the dead body of Win. Herbert, a notorious burglar. He Lad sprung tLe trap on entering. Burned to Death. Omaha, Dec. '51. John dimming, his wile, his mother in law and his baby were burned to death in their rooms last night. Tommy Fox, , ' ' i.. '.' i I woive Cum min minga, says heTsct fire io one o! , Z 1 . 1 1 . 1. tho rooms purposely uu.u iim "'O mi', int. 1 1 , 11 , 1 ed the doors so that nono could es cape. Tom m' sas there was a quarrol aud Cummings knocked the lamp over. ", '.; ; is an epidemic small pox here, One lulled atatl'OSMOg. jiu,,d:ed and Pmi i-uses now under Annapolis, Aid., Dee. 3(1. Three j treatment. At tho town ol Lordo. whito persons named Varley, grand itivo miles south of here, there are father, grandmother and grandson, . ease. L. M. Johnson, general were killed this afternoon near i manager of the Mexican lnierna Patuzent on the Baltimore and Po j tionnl Railroad, has telegraphed an tomac railroad. They attempted to 1 cross tho track in a closed buirgy and were struck by tho ashinriton ! express train. The Populists Weakening. Vran llMvidrue Jourti it. Few figures of the voto cast by the People's party in the late elections tiavo jet porno to hand, but it is aj- l1'114 111 'bat "' almost cvtry State in ' which it nominated candidates it made lniie nine or uo ficowing. in Minima 1 alone, where tbt? Itcpublicans noini- ; n.ile.lno i-and'.dates this year, it man- HK'-d to poll fnmi To.ftUi) U W.IKHI voles, thi! ligures fur alinrnev "em ral tlii-ni at tins time, in order to carry I diseouilituiri into the ranks of ttiej ! admiuist ration j-arty if possible. I be I Populist campaign has feu a lively j pil l&'t.oO.i Votes, but the .f;ieiul : lii-ures of th" election crooned him j W:t;i oi.ly -o.-17'i. bnuiiaily enihu- 1 ( jsiastic pivpiiieios were mdu'gtd 1:1 n :j,.,,f ngo tljis tun, but wnen bt'iu r.i : (.aver s voto was counted, it. was i fo ind that only 14.S.30 ciliz ns hudj est th.ir ballots tor h.m. And now it is sa l tu.it tue lopitiist vote in t)i,:o h,is fallen off about l.."l: in the l.t-t twelve motiihs. At. this rate the" pr.rty will M'Hli disappear in tbat Sia:e ns eomplcUly a3 ilid II. 0 el l greenback org.iuiz itiiiu. Oil! Murder l?eU f;.,!. I IT- ilia Knl.'lgh NuwsauJ OlwiTTi-r. j L..fjsi,u:ai. X. C , Dee. 1 A bru Ita'1 m ilder has pint been uueaithe.i ; in '.his coni.ly. lu July. 'i3. a Jewish ! i'cd.iir bv tl.o name ot Tucker una jtci-.ously disappeared in Gold .Mine: t"Wi:rhip and nothing was heard ul : !l.im nil ye.-teiua.v, wlieu a iKeic-tiij i v. as loiiii-.l live or six hundred yaids 1 liow I lie i.oiise win 1 e U.e peu.lier was f t'l.o women' , 'lived m the! ;i,o.i..e at the time was a.rcstrd. .She I w .s a mulatto wotu-m iiamJ J.uc 1 . 1,,, .,,,,,1 .1,,.. ;., 1..!, ''.'2. Jom nnd Cal Coley cjuio to I. it i-onse iilf'l alter the peddler nndattcl sirucf him on the head itii an axe. Tlieti his bedv was cariied to the i woods and theie lell. the cio'.hes be- 1 st. ipped o t and i.ur.;e... j .ie '-"l" P"; ineluding ber Mster. hen in - V'dolKw.tl.tbrtiKyiut j "' ' lil.y dollar Pen,,. 0,1 !; P-od.. r s j.-tsou .Sue. " "r :cl l'lf" ;:' m j.eturne.l togeer witb lorn t-,,..! im,' sttipped off and burned. The 1 IsccliiM tinman about S milts iiiv.it i funij ber fol'im r tioii.o. 'Join Coley i : h'.s not Md be n taken and thenti.tr) ....... -..r t..i:.. (...ii..)' Coley and the Wbkius w.-maii are still tn Noifoik, the man going under tin name of John Wn'.iams the bones had never la en bulled Mid v. re found by soiur- h'liiiei s. A lutie inur Ftiil eluiig to llictk.ili which v, as cr ishi-.l. Theie is much excitement Ihrcug!. out the section and evcrj cl..;'t wi.l i.e ma ie loappreheiid J om Coi. y who isin hiding somtr.v. heie lu thalniigh boiljood. A Fatal Dancing Frtdie. Coi.i;.irtA. Tr.v.vs, January 1. Full accounts of a wholesale killing ui Cedar, about !S miles from here, urel jusl in. h X. v dliams was dancing i)n ,(. , apuised the nni- mQt . ()f rjf..u,.lU Gavle, who demand C(j ,),;,, Williams Kurrender his place 1" n lee floor. . loiltl k(,l,lm.,l Winiains at first refused, butGavie icisti'i mis and Williams start- el from tho room when Giiyle, hi.-1 brother. London G ivle, and Bob!! r!y b?gaii thing at Wiinams and othtrs. Loudon Gaylo shot through tie win dow and killed a boy named Ivi Wad dy, wht-n another boy. Isaac, Scott, remarked: ''London Gaylo bus kill ed Kli Waddy," whereupon L uidoii tuiui-d and saving, ''What in that to you?" shot, tho boy through and through, killing him instantly. Then a perfect fiiiil.idn followed from guns and pistols. A woman was shol through tho body and breast, and is now ih.'.d. Lemon Gavle is thoi through tho body and will die. A gii I was shot in tho face near tho ei r, aud will die, another one Kpjaro in the middle of the Lead. Ono boy is shot thiough the arm aud another through the light Land, and others have icceived viirioiisslighter wounds. After Leni 'ii Gajle was shot, it was said his brut her London sprang and stooped over his plostia',0 body, W'iii. he.stei in hand, and pumped cold loadiu the panic sli iclien dam ei s who were unable to get out of tho house in lime to avoid his awful vengeance. j Three aro dead and a fourth fataby wounded, two seriously, and about half a d v.cu have minoi injuries. Lo i dd" . (i i U' ' i'lttt-d aofely in ja 1 :andu is reported tbati-arly Las betn e aoluif d. . - Small Fox in Alexin). TottuKoN, Mexico, Jan. 1. There account ot t he situation to the Ft nil authorities in the city of Mexico, and requests that piesis mat. compulsory vac- he established al once, The Manciiesfer Ship Canal. 1 rm il,o New V.'i ii W -rM. The opening yesterday of the .Manchester Slp" Canal t.'iarks the I Sin eoc.V'n I ae.enni !ishment ol one . f . the ni.xt important einrinccrii i tennises l the :i.-o Tin- w.-. It hi i.ms to the wiu.o class an lia- Sin t'ai al, the A ir.stcrdain Canal ni the pri'jeeieil N icarajjua Canal. d li makes Manchf inland tnwu,.to r. wliii intent' li was an ami pe.r- to Tiier 'i'-l class dc :.t the (ll'l'th ol :nll til'ips poses u scapiiit aiccssii.li chant steamers ol the Ian The canal is 1J0 li-et wi holtoin and has LNi tccl water. Its locks will ad nearly six hundred le't in length, llerealter vessels which lurieerly unloaded at Liverpool wiil pass that port and take cfgoes directly to Manchester. From this date the ceases t: pay toll to Liverpool, ' Kx!('f1 ilix' J iltlu'tllflll Dil.V. iiiimeiise iMi-iiics-i ot .Manclies er P.v rr t: I'iih:k, Michigan. Jan. 1. K;len tl. While, the inotlar ol Advculism, says the end ot the world is lat approaching. 'J'los was conveyed to her iu a vision. She cannot t;.l i;.;et'y wl:en tin day wiil conn-, but only that il will bo M'i'll, Tl'O elders have cm line I al! who can to sell i i cir pi tmhi;.1 eih ctsai.i! no out into the world and preach the Gospel About t wenty families, iu ! ,lediei-i to this i i' juncl iiin, have .!.! their homes and i;ci.e within cl month and us mrinv more t lrtV(. iiieii' 'lace: advertise!) ; sale. , '!',eV sell lor any pi ice th pi lee lt;o place 1..;.. Kmtsted Alive. Ciivtia-; . , P.'ni ., J r. 1. Two men weie faiin 10 !..( alive in a lr riblo boiler i-spiosii.ti that occmied at lUu'c'ock tod iv in th(-round lioi.se o! the Cincjnn.iti ami Sou i-( 1 n Pail w.iv. Potii me;) w( vc hot r.b'v si .id td and I lu- llesh dioi j.id ii.):ii th-ii bodies in a sickening u.ar.m r. Dm h was ii.siantnneous. Prendergast, tin- ns i.-siu i f Mayo) Caller lhnliso'i, lim t.-r-: convicted of minder i:ud tit-i.tci.ee. 1 to dtii h. M-.Ch irh-s Si oh'. 1 ap'ain nfasma 1 rjv,.r h, .,..,, Ki'ted iu N. b r. ; .'i-m.lS a,v bv in., t-xpl.on.n .f en! : ;,,.,-,,,. ,.;.,' which Lad la en ; ,1..,, j l;l foi. jj, ocCiion. J Hampton ll I Yir ' 1 lliu ;1 Stat.-s co,,.s;,l to Am..y. hsc ; ''"''" l'-"l'l' ''" 1 '"' t-on-..i:.r yv I'niicd bi-en dropped Irom t he cousni. vice i;s t he result ol 1 l.c inv.'st! i vice a '. lie rt sun 01 1 ;.c in vcsttatioi ol the charges aain.'-.t hi.s ititr-grity Af n t 'hi !-'! ncis festival in Md'ers bing, t lliio. a In. in piaing -.!):. a C!au cati,,'!.l lire i.:.d v a-' f.itaiiv I. Minn.'. 1 hi- ci.c.st d pai.ie in t tic ai; a woiii.iri v.-s: f.d.iily t:s;,i otiiiis Miioii.-ly iijuied chiidli li hi UiS d. I ' Dec filii: I 'c.l. ll';a-( 1 nnd mai.v , L j T,,u. )Sir,,,, It,.,.,,r n, j (.,V() 1n.i(n J . - , ,i!U.( , UM). ; j( )illlc,iUM. ,...,,.!,,,;,,, fl , ,, ,,,-,,.,. j, , (;f I'raudul. nt mi'.:.-. 1 i:t a,-i;;,st tin- . Tisoin New i llisf 11:1 I ...I', in. ii Mclliy 1 e;.l'0 o! iici, di- i a t'-w d i "tro. .ii i :t!-d ,t;;:io.iioo lie bcipieal ht d to eli.ii iiabic ..r cl 1 calioi.-il pm-p-.r-i- f2U.(H'll Mo-t ol ti.e ii'-t i: 'i:i -u.: ti .i-.M-.i by him iim seliisivcly for .:ni!nn. Andrew CaMit-oie has wr'.it' 11 a If-!. I;rf:i ui X ".v V k t l;..:.;-i( P-t-d.i , f-l lie.! cliicn.-,' nil,-!' c '-Mi : 1 1 1 ; e. o: ittsburg: a . !K t. ip .-IC.lt. ad eon! t ibui ions mt.de ! Pillsbmg for the ui'Ci.p.o-c i. tot!, amount i f $.1.00 I f.,, cii,-;, -.V:, il.ii., day b r two months, ii' the h ;;hes possible lioute is leah.ud t'.. ,u:i tiou ttiii amount to ov,.i c-'iO.OiiO. St. Paul, Mmn., Air. '-Vm McCoy. 513 I homasSt , gives 1 r. liii'd'sCotigh Svrup his unqualified sanction ns fol lows: "Dr. Poll's Cough Syrup i. ihn best remedy that I ever u--ed. iiiul such h cmgh and cold 1 eon!.' hardly speak above a whf-j er and 1 look one twenty fivnceni buttle of fLi syrup and am now all light.'' I Going to Buy I A Dictionary? 4. CET THE BEST, $ Webster's International. I I A CiiOic-i Gift v v v v v A Cram! Family Educator v t A Library in lisoif V '." VX Tho Standard Authority v J Sol n BY AIXBOOKSTLLEKS. T'.:n )'i!'-raii.ioiir,l ia a r.ew boo'.: from rnvor i..o' v-e, luilyabru-ipr.i.f ti.w tiniL.g. T ini't 13 t.10 rex-r. r,i U10 hiitli,,:: tic T " U11 Ten J-n.ire were fiu'ii, in T revise. ".. ') i ;!, j-i f v.ip'-jyrrt ;.i.d i'M-r T S'Wi.OCii t .specked Lciou ILcfusl cvyy Y l.' j no. In-- ri-;ir!r.t r thr.nXo rjid ? :rt .raSvc'.y wrh'.eM ciitK.1.8. T 1 :.l f-v Irce piia'.iSVl cr.tair.!u T , r.ppcwaea jiijcj nu.i fa!l puitlciilai ...... - v j G. i. r. ITEIU lAII CO., publishers, 1 v':-: 'f.?-iH-v''- Wr. Hnllri OoM WUrV . lP. unit. llualmr Cs.M. botb Indt, Il 14V. 1 rur on ., Rluwhmi k' Hi wjlrL, wuJ , lutl if('r yu l-v Kjit tiown thatn 14 iura if S 4 mi rn if bv cnib Q, Ihry tiifa .n r n p '.o v.r.te 4t nii.r tt U Hire 'jI Iti New Atlvn llsehieriis". r.VITlOV.-ir a 'tenter Bffpr W. Im r!'i:i;;!.ii" sli,en a n redueril rire, oriwyi he lam them vlt:-..jut loiuxi tnnipel on liuttu.n,ii.f him .o)b hafntud. WW Douglas US a SHOE thS,toITlo. V.'. I., Il'iI,AS S!.r.a nrc ntvliih, easy f.t--fit! 1 1 .w t- .1- r .i;il,!':liiMi l tlie pritt adl ctii ii ill ii ;i::v i-.li, r nt.tUc Trv 'me pair anil of H. I.. DuuirUft' : 1 11 c .'.1 :'! 1 ii,:n, whn h ciiamtUcfi th i.-:m!-i 1 l d itl.trs annually t .tr I' i-i i. 1). .iWm who puhh the ;ilcnn ihcir lull line 1 !i v .11..: J tn 1 .it 11 less profit. t v bv bitvinpal buying all ktita, ?IubH. Sold W V. L. LONDON & SON, Pi t-i oio'. X. C. Mr. THOMAS C. EEHSON, Chatham County, --vVIT!!-. w. s. & l s. TsesE& ft ca, HE DBYOOODSDEALERS. RALEIGH, N. C. . ... (!"'' HUM CLASS DHi-SS GOODS Out of the ordinary. ymir mail orders and youf Oct. i.MKI. Si S-J R i Kit. BEST WAGON. Wo :i!o iul'oi iiic 1 tln.t sonic im !::i:i! e,!- . .1 i.-. !i iiii.ki v-. or their i-c.-. -oliing wagons wlncfl v cliiui ;. t .. saiiio or as good II i- :u'i' illlTorcnt facto 1 1 l.er is tin re, son tliey" i!:c s.-iiiic iji a'ity of v 1 t ;t t I'.u-tcry in t It its " 1 w-iril the best, Bte ie !i:iliK' ul'. I. I. NisStH, -' 1 i i ived bv any one i-:t-U""d. VtC'llsotllO . li.-1 W'i'i knifti, and vi ik by ii.iinl. Ami i v w.-ir. n to give- r ' I. Tn im-et t! I'sci.f o.;ii I j ', : ii u: 1. il V n !l n lev i' Lave jtist rctlticctl II v..; I mi ;, 'i'ii Uo 1, !l. '!!! ! t: ( Oct. 5 t ! c-t w;.. mailt i i ll'. W. I.. l.MM t'X M. N. ('. lie. filldW, ImmiihI 1i.1v. NISSKV tV CO., l:,:i.i JSaii-m N. C. EILIS, STOHE & CO.. (N'o. lil .M.n'n Street.) ZDXJItlZ, 3ST. c. - i'F.ALKHS IN mix GOODS, CLOAKS, AM) CARPETS, xltnd a lisped th i 1! i 1 1 i in il nt ion to Call and ii lines of DRE33 GOODS AND Special largo rt!:soitinent of LADIES' CL0AK3, in laslest blyh-s. Very !ar;o and choice lot of suitable for both J '.veiling and cbnrcfa I'un ishinjj. Samples sent to any nddrces Oil ipplicutii.ii. C-.-.-y riim.pt attentinti to all ordt U s;y niail. Ni. v. 2!. IS'.W jjoi: Ki.vcM sai.I1. by ynu 4 i'i ,.' it r ii. i:ns" rn''l t.. bf A. Hi iii.i r"fi''rr.l in li'k CP." .nff m Irt f.'l . .. . r ii.k -.--i-.t.-r .r 'i-..i i.ril sihi-t .-.i.iy. I will -..-'I i.t r.i-h ni r iTi'il.-jiiKrilnn.'ii tiia l-kf mi-is. .11 I . I. . k .1. SM I RIMV, ili wh "1 .jr .1' Iftfciii-v. is. 4. 1I-.1 irrt'-i r Imi.l lf s rshrfl inl -.al.t m-'riRrj.f. Mitcue lii Aihrli.t.t if.wt.Hhlu, ion. 11. c J ' :.-.t- :w. l.'lj.'llill'f 111 iHrt'll nf Jnbtt !.:..-..! ..ii-i .'I .ti. W. T. Cll: J K4-

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