haihant Aucor-i TISlKttD.lt, JtM.lltl i. IV.il. ' A lii'I'l'V New Year io nil! 1 til joy lot-yet i write 1VJ1? Ilow Jo yen liko the now year? Alion-Iy tho dayssaro beginning. o grofr longer. A lot ill collins v, ulnnt.oak r.tul jtino tor halo eheai, by 15. Mime, Jr. Tho Attention if all tin coni.ly 'nfl'scors in cullet! to tin' noliim of Troastlrcr Titincti, published in tm bthor column. --Mr. Jolm W. Ciloy having ro iiigtieil ns ii iiitipirt rto in Cape Fear township, Air. J. A. Marks bus boon lippointoJ in bis plavo. , WJ'lir KRi'oitDtnis wool, reluotant ly parts company with several el it a ibscribcl-.i, because It cannot nll'oiti t go to tbeni on a crcilh any longer. Wo want ! We want every por tion indebted lo us to coine toi-ivanl und soitlo. Wo need our money : our books must bo closed, llyiiuin & Ileadeu. Wanted tin aircnt in every town Miip toiell an arliclo which will. -.ell in every lainily. Liberal terms o! -lored. Address, Jr. II. A, Moure, Aloncnro, is'. C. - . - - A few minutes bclore 12 o'clock lust Sunday niuht Ibe church bells at this place bci;n lo toll out tho tild year, and just at 12 o'clock they merrily rang in iho now year. llyiitimit lloadcuseli theohlgcn lino.l. I'. Tis-eii Wagon maiiulactur-. Uti by (ieo. I'. Nissen.tV Co, the best WKKtin t ils kind in the world. Sales this dull 3"ear have been nearly Cmi. Deputy marshal J. I. Milver lirniighl hero to jail, on last Tuesday, u noted noKfo politician, named Morrill Juthl, who had been buiiid over to tho next term ol the federal court on tho charge ol illicit ilisli.l Ing. --W. II. IMivards, dentist, ol Wake Fofest, N. C, can be lound ill h's OtKco at Mrs. Kxhnc's Itohl, on Monday. Tuesday Wednesday and ; Tburnday following third Sunday in oacb month, preiared to do all kind id dttiitul work. Tho il,-ligh;lit! weather thus far this year is in pleasant conlrast to tho cxlromo cold that prevailed ju-l Ujoarago. May this bright sun sliino at the beginning ol the now your bo auspicious and typical ot u bright and prosperous vcar for us till I -T allies iu need ol haisor dresses tyill find it lo their interest to seo W, L. London k Sun s prices before they buy. W. L. Loudon 'i Son will lor the lieXl week otlef their entire stock ot dress goodaand mii liiifiy lit !' hdoir m.-l, A tew pair ot all o.oi.-l bluiikol ielt, win h ihey Will Sell cheap.. Mr. Richard Ui-t.il.- and his im. of this to-vnship, were Mpiiriel h Hill ing a tow days ago ami el down a ... ... ...v. ; rel hail run. hen tlie tree led two auirrels ran out ol the hollow and; they shot both of them, r.i.d the i. exumining tho hoilow thev hmnd five more sqiiirivls dead, killed by tho fall orti.o live. . . - W. L. London ,t Son will idler for tho next week special low prices in men's and boys' hats. They have U large stock ot ihem and will sell Client cheap lor tho cassi. It you need a nice suit ol clothes or over coat W. L. Loudon Son will sell you either cheaper than you ever bought them. One night last week as n freight train on the C. F. A Y. V. railroad was leaving Egypt several ctus bo- tame uncoupled ami it was not ins- I covered by tho engineer until he i hud run about a mile, when he Mop j pod tho forward seelio'i, when it was thou run into by tho roar s'.v.tioii and several cars derailed und a coi- fcroil brakeman killed. - Wo much regret to hear of tbe lratb of Mr. W. J. Williamson, j Which occurred on Wednesday night Of taut week alter a very short sick-; noss. Ho hud been tho miller all ISyniim's mill (or twenty years and Waa highly esteemed by all who know him. He was one ol iho (ii'sl subscribers to tho IIkooko und dors ing all these years had been one ol its best friends. Ono day last week as tho tr.'iin tin tho C. F. .V. V. V. railroad ap proachud Oro Hill a rock was thrown at it, striking and breaking u win dow pa no in tho roar coach, but for tunately not hitting anyone. The train was at once stopped and a ainall negro boy was caught, who Utaled that the rock had been thrown by a larger boy who was seen run ning oil lull could not bo caught. A good joke is told by his neigh, borson one of Chatham's distinguish. ted(?) legislators. They say that. Homo days ago, ho started for one of tho Alamance factories with I wo lialo.i of cotton in ii waimn, and did ' tint discover until ho bail reached Alamance county, uUbotib he was, tmated on Iho front bale, that the rearj halo had billon out ot the wagon, j llo then wont back several miles and found it iu tho road. It is; proper! to siato that he is a r.trictly turn per Hlo man, and tho only excuse that) tan bo t'iven lor his hcinix so ahr'ent-! minded is. that, bo must have been 5oaiu ov Phi-cation. The conn ty hoard ol ciiuciilioii held their regular meeting on last Monday, all the members being present. Tho public school tnnd Was apportioned lor the ensuing year at rT cciils :i ." difitii, instead of '.'it cents as lu.-t year. A lew new school commiitec- i io n were appointed in placo id; til hers who had died or resigned, .'is lollows: S. W. Ui'.wer in place ol ; W. V. Foiishee, J. Manly lurbani; place ol J. M. l.ailey, J. 15 1 ar- I o'leh in pla-o ol Alfred 1 1 i ne.-ley. : I J. II. Mo Ma tb in place ol A. V. I r L'lise-n, ami W. p. Muses in place ol ! 11 C. MeNciil. I Aimanvk SroKKs. Merchandising j is mt such a money-making blisi - m-ss as some peoplo (fom to think. The f.vijuent laihiies o) mu:'i hunts all over the country is convincing ! proof, and this is conlirmcd by tho expel'ienei; ol Ibis Alliance stores. When tho Alliance t;n first organ ized, one of its promised beneliiH was cheaper r 's, and ipiite a H' was wagvil against merchants and their alleged high prices. According- it Was determined to do away with these "'niddlo men" ami lo :ive the profits miido by them, and thus Ai'ianco .t'.oros splcng up ail ovor tho country. In this county several began business am! fur awhile seemed to be doing well, but out- by ono they j'iii busimm unit! now thi'io are only two in Chat ham. And this sec ma to bavo been the experieneo ol Alliance ntons gciiei'.illy in this Sta'.o. Hi iixi.no Dauns. A good dial ol j excitement pu vails in a portion of; Hear Crock township mi account of snino barn.i having been recently ; bvi ni'd. Last spring sonm barns in ' that neigbborhoiid were set on tiro' a ml loir ned, and now again I he inccn- diary torch isal work. A lew i.igbiMl beloi e ( 'hristinas tho barn af.d stuido I ol Mr. John iniiili were burned, to gt thcr with a horse, a mule, wagon j ami all his Imae. And on last! Thursday night the barn ami .Mainland I were burned on the old J). S. Philips! Ml' larni, V.hieh now belongs to Col . J . K La;:e. ami is rented in Mr. I'M .Xt'cdha'ii. In addition to tho bnm and rt able, a mule, three hexil of cattle, a hit o! lorage. about 1 .")0 bush els ol corn and some hogs were burned. Much u neasi m ss is leit by the citizens of that M-clion lest their piopcrly may also bo binned, and igi.anl illolts are being made to iletei and arrest tho incendiaries. I'kiison.u. I i i-.Ms. All the Christ- mas i.-itors have ret nii.cd to t heir ; respect ; vo In. mes, uikI our ancient ; villago bus lelapsod in to its usual quiet. Mr. lieo I!. ri:kingt.i and Capi. W. L, I. i in ' i l ave gone, as ih ie ' gates fn. m the M ;i ) n ie lodge hero, to attend ll.e llrand Lodge now in sest.i.in at Wilmington. lion. I. I!. Wmuaek went to RaN eigh, on List Tiiecday, to enter on tho ibitic.i ot i hiet clerk lo Collector .Siuiu.on:', Hi;, liiiuily viill go in a day m I Wii. They will board with Mr. l'l.ii i'aylor. )li' t'arrio Holt has reiuineli Irom a isil to Ciir.pcl liiil. We rejiet to iearn lhal Mr James ! llciiH ii is ollili' ...i k with ll i- I Alter a sickness of sv j Mr. S M. Holt is again ral uiiiii! hs l his ol'.i- e i nr.d l-i.'Us ijuite Weil. I Si. '.rill' Jenkins will settle tod:. Willi the Stale 'I re isurcr lor I he 'a ':; due 1 1 o u i I his count y, anion u t to a lil lie over SS.uilii.' . ; A !'i.r.s. yr i n-i- Thomoel j "g -i l bo Mt'.Jor.' Lyceum, on Ib'.st IVi-lay night, va the. pieas-.nt ''."t i.ec:.Mon during the Chris! ma'i j holiday s at this piio e. A special ! programme had been prepared and was st successfully carried out, ami i on. sis ici ol music and amateur j I heal l icals. Tho til st scene w;i'i a i tableau ol '"Little Red Riding Hood", ; represented by iitllo Miss Rellio j Louise London. Next wasa Christ' ; mas play very appropriate to tin j occasion, in which n ere represented in characteristic costumes King Christmas, Santa Clans, Kris Kriu j gle and l )!.l Kobuska. An amusing tarce billowed. cntit ! a Corner". Tho oh il"l ussy i a i. Is ii g scene luirlv capt:nd Iho audience, being the "i )M r'oiks" concert song, ''Cousin Jeilediah", tho singers being array-', cd iu costumes of a cenlor ago. Tho uctoi s and aeli esses ol'the oc Casie,n '.'ere Mi.-es Lou Home. M t tio Lxline, Julia liiurn and ,;,. lma Taylor, 'ind Messrs" S.S.Jack S(l) J Thaeh, Fred Mono and Ji()n .Mcrritt. . . ri)iii:ii:NioitiTN' .licet in;;. Tho county commissioner held llnir ivgu'nr monthly meeting on '.nil Monday and Tuesday, and and- iteil the tollowinir aecoir. is: John L Council, lorcleaning, opening and closing court house, li. M. r.urns, for pork, J. A. .Minis, lor services nu leirvinaii at Avenl's terry, I (i. l.auraliee, t'oi cnllin lor J.irry I!ag!aml,a pauper, J. J Job 1 1 si m, to r shingles lor I.echville bridge, A. II. Perry, insolvent fees, Willie Snipes, lor guarding Warren Stro'.vd, II. A. Loudon, I'or al verti-ing, II L. Hums, for corn, S. i. Wi'soii, l'ir vxamina lioii ot Cera Si : : a i' t , a lunas He, eil'.Ollj 35. -S i ' W. l. l'.rie;ht, insolvent tecs. William Mills, lor cmn ey ing i-.vamler Jlel vt:i lo jail, . ? Siraimhau and It. M. Hums, each, lor examining I'ompcy l,i:don,ii lunatic, J. I. Moore, lor sumiiioning jurors an I lay ing oil road at Haywood, .1. I). Moore lees in cano against Henry Walls, 'on nl v, lor lee. 1.1 !." ni.'i P.UO (,:: : I'lS.Ttt li7T H :',: 12 .) i lj, .1 . .Ioi:uins, for slr.thmerr, ; Ovi.n J, lhal I'.yniim ,V Pnselial ; he allowed SI per mouth lor the imiin.(.rl of Sarah Johnson, colored. Oi.lirn?, that Alex. Vestal bo l an d lor at tho Homo lor tho Aged and I nlirin. O'..r? I, that livnttin KeaJen no aiiowe.i c 1 -.) a mm, in ior Iho snpiort ol I. all;.. Jiyn.ua. Or.h-rr.l, that tho adowaneo to i-evi Jiogcrs ior 1110 uso 01 . iex. Vestal is dis.-ont i nued. r.r, l mil . II. , I I. n 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 , J . W. Crutch field, T. II. (iil more. J. N. Mitch und M. !'-. tinnier are al - lowed SI id, each, for hlVll::.' oil road ut Haywood. 1 nr Hie IlKconii. RicliitKiinI I'itinbiiiis. Cluistnias has como and gone, 11. Itch enjoyed by nil. All homes wore visue.i r,y ,-ania 1 tans with n lull supply 01 nice presents. w.it .Mck was round, as usual, with ins well hi led bottles llld it IS ported th.-Usomeol it was s ilc- llor thai 1! had loeil-t :.eeu in it. Mr. !. W. Coggin has purchased the houo and lot known as the (ieorgi! Coggin place and will move into it at once. .Mr. M. F. Morris has completed his lino dweliing ami moved iu it. i f.el out a hue elm grove. II. O. I u 11 In i) with his new machinery moved 11 house lor A. 1 Philips, ltixl'2, chimney and all, l."H yards in one day and a half. Tin' stockholders ot the Cf opera live Exchange siore, nt this place, will rebuild til once. Il seems as it your (ioldston cor rospondemsaro a little short sighted, or a1, least they do not give all the ileitis ul their town, as '.volearii there was several of them on 11 drinking spree at a uio.iUi-y idmw a lew Suns days ago which ended in a tight, and si nco then wo I ii ol another cyclone there ol ono i.ar.ar'.is neing knocked in the head with n rock into a box ol lamp chimneys. It looks like they will have to call out tin! malitia or eleel a new set of town oliieers. H'e have learned that t ho Alliance store iu (ioldston has tailed. Wo are truly sorry to hear ot j Chunk's being foundered on chit- ; lings. Lo.Nii Shanks. Letter fi t-::) Stiitth ('iiroliitti. l-i.r ih" Kn'cin . Am.ki:so.n, S. C, Deo. L-Oll. Km for. Rr oi: i ; 1 will wt ito nu about the way tho people keep Christians up hero in ll.e city of Anderson. They had a big tiling ol it Sat r,r lay night, it was dangerous to walk through the streets. I novel' saw such a display of fireworks, ami they kepi it up for three night. All the business houses shut up toe t hi'oe s i in -I not one ot t lie in open led bu 'ho bulchwrr., the bakers and a lew ol the grocery stores an 1 Tills man's dispensaries. So ihey had what Ihey called a ''big time". These p ople up hero are a church- J r; going ;,..op'.: ihey all seem to liko ii: togoioi-liiuvh, bm don't know how j w much further, but that is between j ni them ami their Make''. 1 know one i ei thing: they are clever people aml.w tho most ol them niv wealthy poo- pie. I liko them. The ladies are, very pretty and there are a great in-, many ot them here, I went to nj marriage tho other night and there' w were a thousand people al ii, so they said, but ail could not cot seals. ! Percy lik.s this place very well and his congregation likes him so jmuch that they told me he was the ' hes I i Lev ever bad to preach (or j iho m . They are very wcil sutUtiiid with bin-. Weil, I will say soniel hiug about tho medicine man. He is a wonder ful man. 1 smw him euro a woman thai hail not Walked in two yoaii", not even with crutches. Shu said she had no taith in li"ing clirril, hut said that sl.o would try it. Ho had il tent up on the stand and some ladies rubied her until Lea slopped them and li Id her to gel up and v.HiU : slie tried It, hut the Sirs I U mo ; sb could not icl up but the next j time si.o got up ami ami walked down i iho mid j I thin .iriievv'r heard such hallooing I , . k Micro va three tliousand thrre. He has been here ever . I r If wont shot, tin peoph since made 1 tiavo tu-i'ii iiero. ill! nai. Mil li Womlci in! cures that the man and wilo to Chatham, E D. Nail, balaneo for tim ber for ( 'arhniitiin bridge, Thomas Cio: s, jail lees, Ishtitit liofser, lor milling Lo. kilie bridge, J. T. I'aseha!, for services, W. L. London ,V Son, tcrsup plies. Cole Printing House, for sta tionery, I'M wards & J'ronghton, lor stationo ry. 1 v ii ti m ei lieadcn, lor st;p 'plies, Dr. Ii A. Hanks, as Mipefin- lemlcnt ol heall h, 11. il. 1. all. belli, ill- 1 1! Ill ':! and rai's. 'Jii.OO ciby..'us uavo him a liii: old medal ! i'or his wnmlerhil curi-s; and that 2(i0:niiit ail I saw him do. I mitt him hriiii; a blind boy to his eyesight -It"! thai had nut seen a wink iu six .Ss j moiit iis, and iu less than hall on hour ho had him walking up and 1. (Ill down steps, IL' invited any ono lo 1 7 4il : oxa mine him, but they did not .'S7.r0 1 bother lo examine nr they knew j that he w.is blind. I have talked . Iwi'h some ot iho doctors about il. , l.oO They iay they don't uiidersland il j 4.IM1 wish ohl man Tom iuineo was; ! her'. He could make him see. j li HO This is a ric h country ; it is in ! site ot l he Who liid-ro ; you can sco j 'the mountains from hero: il is a l.PO ; dcli-hilul country lo Ii vo in, bill I I would not eive old Chat bam for any ; ol the in: I love my old homo. The I'.T."' older one gotn tho mote ho thinks of bis home. 1 A') They have had il good deal of ' mo !. iit -.i -'he t bavo been her;'. have be-on busy iroing all tho time,' and '.hero is quite a number ! tlieiu. i Yours, J!. (!. Kri'.ANKs. State IS'c'.v.t. I firrfnvillp Ilclleefor: One diiv bbl , week .ins. l,i n hilctiiirt t. n wntow l.nly living in lletlifl lowship, was . : a-'ciili-ntull y l.ilii d by ber youngns I eliiM, n boy I wclvo y r.rs ol:. Tho lioy was tooling witn a pmn vlin it; j 1 ) lind cfV. tl-o ftiiir? luatl t.fri!.-ii. bis' tiio'licr f ill in tho f:'-e. ).' b,r; 1 (.(!' '( s v.cro pot out by the ti.ot. She '.ii'il alter a fnv Lours ( intc!in stif n.iis f' l ing. ; S.10 r. , i. r.M.V',,,,. ff .T.iii.Ki,,.. Teisi v ! -is s 1 gi rrd .'".iins iii ims, co: ore ), very l.-aii'v Chi ist m.is day. Ho was f a: fully laeernleil by (he boms ; i f tlic imaged animal. La:-t. Wed- ; nesdy afttrnoon fr. Tbos. Thrpai was hauling logs It) Mr. K. A. Ann-1 mill, about six miles souiL of' (own. and while he wns wo-ldm' ith ;,,, ,(,V(ir , ,u :i, ,v ,,m.k (IIi siruck him on the h. ad ,;-H..m. . lu.nij ),js 1 has been Kin il. Si 15 00 I hill time be 'in an uoco'.i: liou-s con- ( j j j j(. ' ! . ' -"'""""le "Mws: il:o eotigif-i ;uon u' I' lpn- t Clllli eu ,-.( y.tr.uv I villi), Vadl.in county, bad a big sur ' j prise Christmas dny. Their pastor,' Rev. J. L. (irreii, r.t the concbision of bis Heiinon, culled upon oik of the 1 I clmi cLlncn to take his plaee for a mo- nient. Then be sti riod down from 'tlli, ,,!,,:(, nlu voung ladv. Mh-s Ada Reese advance 1 to meet him. A ibrotlur prcniher also cm,;., forward ,,. 1,,...,, ,,ii,l MIsj t;K lu.ir'e.l. Tluv l- -.-flo.l ihl-c.iurli f'linr. 1 it te yeslcrd.ivoii t heir wav to Moore; boro to Cpein! the iio.hi.iv Shelby Review: In shr.o'ing at. ft bird Cap. Dilling ae-identally nhot I is son. Mr. Ci.as Ih'bng, in the face O .0 shot, lodged i I. is eye ball and cii'.l-fd liilli'il p-iiii. Too obi Lulh emu chureli at Lincolnton, known ns the 'white" chiireh. was burned down Sitiir.lay night. The buil.liiig wns l:!i) y ai s old. II. is not known how the file 01 iginaled. Constables Rlrintoii and Jackson went, to tho bouseof Henry I'tibiicr. colored. Tues day toseuie'i f jr li.pior. Palmer s'liot. lfiiintoii in t he slem.ii.h and Rhinton blew Palm: ri's brains out. It is said Rlantoii will die. Carlhiige P.Iado: A white iun from Sunford v as i ii!i d Li re Satur day lor a'templed iiii eiidiai ism. Sonif-f bing life gi ippe haagiin struck itli.-i town, sev, r.d people Ivii g sick' i witb it. --N'.'o a.e r- rrv to Lear of, ! thennl.L.ii death .f Mrs' Willie War- ! i ncr. which oeeuric.l e.-teid iy morn Mug. She was wa king in her yard ;nnd .boo,.e dead. Me. W. P. j iCinv-ion. of Cui-'invi'v township, jibed J,.cctnl.or IH). lS'JU. aged C'.); ! years. had been a member of the ' elnu eli for y ais. ami c. r'.ilim.' i Id ; -j,, White 11:11 Pi esbvtu ian chinch ( r sine.) its oiguniMtion. He ivns well known iu Moore county, having i a! one time b' n one of our Comuii.ii ! IslOllels. I !!:; S-at ' Treasurer Ad in ITcrroM j eenuiit'ol suicide I'Yi.Liy night by banging liiin-: If a S in I'l-mciseo ' with a silk scarf. Ho vm despon- i deiil over being ib i': atc d for i.upeiin- ! :m d.-nt. of lb" inii't. Rh'-utinitiimi of f w vc years sl:n d irg cured. Mr. ( I. ( eonis.-i'. Pa . ! I us give ingii"b, Wi Vrl'.t t Ids I'll! the last ti'.li'le vev.s ! have l.ect! snlVeiiug with rlicum.il i-m in my l ight shiiiihl.-r find arm. Aftir ii.-ing mr.cy ri niedie.-i without even re 11 'f, t bcc!'.nie'i!ise.:in;iccil. As a !a-l li'sorl. J procured Salvation Oil, bath jug freely, am: theresu't i-- I cm now , ni iuo Ine uso oi toy arm wiln aim and feel twelve e u - voting mill lii.trl . i' '!.. "I i en . -I.IMli.l.V. - M ll.e . l'.' In liili Icilll e-'iilii v. o. I" I.-'-. I'. A. !il:;hil.i. Mi - N .xik it. I.::.i -i;!- .if Mr. '.. IliWVM. . A. 1.. 1 II--.ii. of Mr. 1 . lli'.'OIII I'I 'l.Hil N. I I I V-.l "TINSON At liu. i- A. iv .1 -i.ti- ii ei e'licii tin i-..:u:-. I..-'- :l. I, i.y i lev 11. X 1 ! I! M. I.IM'I 1 1 nu I Ml:., M.o:.. o.l.l A. .1 All vt' ri isciiit tils. j?o Ccunty Officers. A ri'iiili'il I'V '! liu:.! h.ii.' Of lilt' Law- or lv.l iii lt.-e Is hi'i-.-liy e..u:ity ..iII'-it.- 'i chaU-drn (mx Hill It I-i7.". I llile1v...lU-lMlr..l, -n I., nil I I.i1 Hi.. MierliT:, Miniiy '"nu Ifl, l'lit.-.li.ii-..' . nii-1 Ii.ii:ni ti i soay, ib.' '.:ii .i.-iy i""" I .lANI-MlY. Ism i..!l0cl Ly Iho it re- 1 il.- re j.r VKl .1 .li-lnio-e i. -IK. '11,.- l.-.w , I. I r.l of i'l:l ll'l .1- II - . ii -i-. n ii nil Mini.-, r. i-lve A-.'ii lli.- r mi...;i..- r lallH' In II lei. I a.r, ..f.l l;C- le-lll Ul.or . tinm:n. iicr el CL'tUmii1. ''."-o " ltd t,U ''(:- '' in li r :i im 0::m : (.inn !. r. m. i. ini.-.n ;':,',!r :,V,K:; ;t: ii,i: -HY VI 11 -. trurir- f' '" c r" p, al ill. .-nirl l.nii M'i !- . 1- lav "I r KM :;.!.' .e.4.-i-l ... in il, ' an: e. un'.y , nil I .n 1-. U.U:K, litiar.liiiii. .1 ! ( h iH.- lllAllV. IS'.' I. II iii-.-i:.'. Mm. i ta.l-.lt.;.- a.-l-. . Jan. 1, li"..!. Eonrts viii; sali-: ? CA tniifiV' 11, it - rY VI K :l eK.'.'tr.'. le III,- Ii .li C ' ;4.!i ef n...-. in 11 iIh in h ef Vac II "I ill l.4 UC. I ;. ti'iv-i uu' h in I v. I 1'i-r, I'.-i. Hii l 'Ii' I.'- , tl.i I' TUM I" I 1 . i ,'1, ,V.- . ,-Ui. I tin- Lli'.' 111 I. -.k i'.Y u Ill" i-fll-' 1 I a li mi 1 Mill 1 ...1: 1 ii"ii.-ii. 1. On' ."illi .lav .1. . ln.-. II. ile.il ill : ni.-i. . . ! n:i;l:i aI.y .tl.l tii..i-.i:.'i:i .'I Slia-I-I A n w II. 1 ha' Lain . i en 111 1.. .le 'i!e'.v , i !l ilitiu Oil' Ian -.1.-0 1, an. I " l.ei N. S 1 I . f Mil 't.Al.K. I'.M K OF SOUTH 'Ki).I '" -ciH vrv or i iio'iio! in Oic m..-i-t. . ni-l. Sllall I'. I.'ii. ' is a clll a. on. 1 1 -vt ti! in Ml.- l.-ll ill 111.- . pll.lt, .1 ICIIT . I. i.i.. i hi i ,if iaio ;tit i ii H h-'ii . ).. i h.-'-'i'V iifitltfl i" I i" ,-ir -.1 I ill' .-'4' t'l tuf it'll! i 4 S'U't t '.llJt i.' i" I I at l'liiHt-.ti'. ' mi in till'- I n. i lit-t M lay tn M rrii, lf.4 j ;t n.i.r t.t 'Ii i;in iT f-'itii'lMin'. ' b. M. HVV, V. . C. j Old to $30 SUITS AND Ari (lie j-iyou-j ati.l lcippy f'brisfnias tide wppiop.cbea tint urn l:y her wonderful iiiiratiobh roiii! siV8 ii ii rcmcin'oer nor frieinLs. 'i'Un flood of Christmas bbopplng baa alrecdy coajioencoil with hs. Don't yo;, '.b'c!: an OVRKCOAT or SUIT FOR FATHER. BROTHER cr FRIEND v.;o.:ld make a flujt; el.le pic-' ol i on cm ;ivc this season ! Yuii must say yes. That's (ho Honsible ri::sv.; ::. Then conies the pu:'-:e ot : ei. e! 10:1. J,a.-v i tiongli. to l)f t;":n.l, :; 1 will have no ih- cbo;. anyn h; re newest Ix on Iho j -M.-e tiny arc lightly. KOTF. VARIi;TY OFHIYLKS IN SUITS: Prince Altc'rls, Three and, Four l!iitto: CiiiMwav-. l. nb!( ami Single Prcasted Hacks, those very lwimlar Lon,sr Cut Hhi-Lh rlinl Ihfii cxvrt'eii bur v.nii ty for H e rO"r3 and OICXT iTIF5EIbTT too numerous to uiention hero. 0"VjJJX--CCAT3. i I en's where we lead them all. Double ami Single 13rcaPteil Longeiit Coats, Storm coataj Mciiium and Light Weight Coats, an exceptional Vixiicty of fr.olusi?o styles iu Llack ami Dlilo Chevlofsi And none wiil bo nvif nppi i ciafeil thnn our pojiiilar 5IACKIXT0SHES. Any ol' tln'tii wili : i:i!;o u tnost suilable and sensible Christmas present for inn 11 or iioy. Tho Dioyilo. I; n't! is at its best Remember December 23rd the drawing will take placo. Our Furnisiiiiig (ioods Depart ineut is laden with the world's choicest. Don't fail lo see our Porrin'a Kill Olovo. Dont s (.Vb biT.tid Dog Skin (ilovtn. Siik and Linen HandkercLiefs, a beautiful variety of 3IufHerV Silk Nusiieinti is iii black and fancy colors, hk I'n.Lrcllas, etc., etc. ;t.i is -it i!s I est jnd prices ,ccmber I, IS: mwmmwm t! ly ii, il'lil'rtV.!! ff?ft-- t1- e ; a 'c ti.-ta.vciV tsfk'i'kii;1 1 a v ii. 1' . ! PK V35 C AL ADVA flTAC E 3. J inn location : He ni'it'd grounds Comni'ioioiis biiild'i!:.'.-: Ib'iillhv l- : IlMIe and I .strict m .1 !., ai d, : o;k r MiinilgC'l'enl. bliit AT! mi. u mtuis. T.hoi n'i;. Ii I'l.gii-b eo'.uso: f'iist fi j.-iVi'oi y eour-" f.'i emiaiiee to tie l'i.i : l siiy : '.'.n.'.pi eLei-sive. t hoi -o;:gh, Mel oia 'lie-il I in-o:., ss ei tii se. inehl iiiig !j kO ! ing. Tboio'lg'ilv ij d iiiiil 'j'yp. i it tied i nd i xpi i i- enepd mstrisciois. I'or Aii'nnil Aiiiiouiicenidtit, con taining lull pi'.rl ieuluis, tind Monthly Joiirmil. u.7dr'ss J,. .. IF. VAV.'.r, -t ikh. nvn ii.ui.Li:, s.c, l! 'K-i C1 r t t r t iik i-sir.!: 'i Kim or tin: tirrv-sKix'St) he .! '..-ir i -y ii .Jjiimai- Jr.";t "i, INJ I. S(..vl nin-nU'ii i .ut !. I iijsl-iil t'liti-.ire ami M..1. A.' . II..- bi.V. IS. S.UKIIT.S, A. !. s;al arid. Principal. m'. ti:;i i: turns Ml:-. l ANMr i.c Mr. r. a. i;AUii:'.;s, i. ii V r t nu 1 Stiifl : 'IVnelL-r, ;.!, Si-,...i i AM-i.-fnit. i...;.-i-.-:- 1 1 l'i M.viii im.l "I.l IIIHM-IL'e-'ieill. I. lilt'" lliir Willi i 1.' -Ol li lll.l. . : . M M.V li. iw I r i I.- i.i .-Hi it ..(.... : l'i till iry tl.l'l, :,l .11-1, ..-li. : I !. .( i lli.-nirt-lri' .. n ii.1 .i.- in. .mil. li .11 ':,;. I f.ir im.l -n i-i-i.i i-. in-1 llll..-r- i ill l'ili.l..iri', l-iel- "l'li.'ll'lHIKl li I ill el 1 lull-He Hil l el brMTUi i'Ii I.. e.liii..ili' will ln le 0.1- M'i I. ivii' !i. .- 'iiv.'xilent tn r.-ll-. l: :. 1,-iV.v; .-! Ii.-U' ei'i'i e.-l c c l-aitiiili'M i.-:ui . e.iii .I..I- i... 1 ..r I.-. '.l.e.- i an:. in- :;. i, lYin.ilil, Nov. , INC.. ii. ivuii n K. i;. u. ii.wrs ll l"j'iiJi:, N. , .ni 'i- .-k v.-M I..- in 'me ..r.i.-e en iho iii-i.i n I u.it-1 M.'ii'iaj ni i-.'i.'li iiii'iiili uii-t during goiiniAiiF. s.i.i: -i;y vt:i i n.e i.y I. W I 1. l-l'-l III 0:" I ..-fcTii rr ii i .i-. -i-li hi ..i hiI.i -I .1.11111. ;i v, 1 .- il... .-Illeili l:' In Hie . 111-- ; l.-.-.l'.ie n -o 111.. 1. l.v.l 1 '.IN I-. UME All l.iml- L I'M I; I'd,' t' .-s:.l.) at th. PiTTSCOcsC CS-SIJTTLC MILL n i : i i i i ti AU2 F L Q 0 H I ?i G , l'i ILlaii rt Via- l'i:1: n. oi: ih.'.'on ii i .o : '.iii t. noiiei 1"! ba!.e:i.S I .11 1 r U'O leel. C'avpa!-. ii. J. Tr;, Mar; obiiiiii.), anil all I'at fi.t iu iitit? C' i.i!.i.ti'l f .r Mooin.Mr Fit. O'.'HOrm.tiwilppa.tT: ij S fTi n t Orricc fcinl wt- t-ari ,iv pii- r.i i.i W-a t'.m 'Luu Uiiwa rt .nnte fiim Va-hiii ;t'n. Stud nH'I"I, (!r"ii.ix nr vT'r,'rt'. wi'li drit tton, a 1v t", tf nu'-'TiMl-H r tdit, hen of clia r. Oar f r.i iluo ti'I a'i"ii tr -.TinfJ. nam"!' of w ci: H!k ill J"i: tUu-, nouutjt uf towu, scut Ifvu. Aiittrc, S.'i t. 17. l.M'l. i iwmmmm -(.). (o'( OVERCOATS 0- tr-t in the general cbaiinol where tho rogrets. no misgivings, no embarrassments. Come, stmigb.t lmro api we Will t ,'.:!:. lent. s that skib, tasto Hinl moiipy couhl produoo. Nay, you cnr.uot l:u lliwr dujillcatei Tl.i y are ixtlutivo in style, exclusive iti moke, exclusive in prico. ( Lui nctfinsticqlly oUriJ ipe.,;. As tuilorinpr tlioy nro iiieompurr.blf. From fashion's stanilpoint I he v 1110 leaders ': aha nt their lowest ! S. & D. BERWANGER. RALEIGH, N. C. mm Can till be fom.d at the old stand with as complete stocks goods as can he found in any market and they promise theii friends and customers as low prices for the cash as the. same quality of goods can he had ill any market Wishing you one and all at prosperous and happy new yean Call and see the mammoth Stock Of w. L. LONDON & SON. l iitsboro'. X. C, lfin-t. o. i'. uov.u.r.. J- l. lion n ex. I0IIII1I0 CVlTetlllll Ui'lRl.l DKALEHS IN FilliNi'ilIiiE. Oiie of tho largest ami best ntocl;s of Furniture in North Carblitll and will be sold at as low prices as cau bo bud uuywbcrn All kinds and slylea of ! urnilui L. You will save money by buying from us. Nov. 2:l. 18011. J. J. Thomas, I'lesi.ii-ni', Air-. A. Thompson. Vice-President. The VommercUil l'aid up capital .llH).OtJU.UU. uintci iviici 1 . J. J Tbomns, P.. X. Duke, 11. A. Lon-lot , A. F. Page, (i. ". Walts, H. H. Put tie, Ar.biey IL.rne. Fi ed. Philip; J. i. Hill. F. 15- l'aiieey, .. i.i. Kaney, Jobti W. Bfcott: A. A. Thompson, T. 11. JJiigg's. .1- S. iru!:lii.. :o: . . Account ! of ram-crs, Pinks, Corporations, AdiainistrntCra tinil lndl viduals solicit! d on favorable tirmii. SPECIAL ATTFXl'lOX givon to ucec uuL.j rf C uuitiy Mercbahu an 3 imliviiluals. . . fiDWAUD JEWELLER AMD CrTIGIAH; frfcrtiitf Sitter v Jfidftcirs Titbtcirarei .SOLID PLAIN 0(LI KXC.AOKMEST AN i V. llDDINC. ltlGS-: lleiiil Tor J'ing Size. frv"lur System for liaguoing for Iho enrroc! i.-.i P'ora of ReftM tion is tbe same as used in 1'yo Inlii manes Noilh an I South. January I".!. lSill). W. I. HUGHES, im.i i a vki i t:', ii.i t: si., r..:.i mil, M Dealer in i pr'ii l mM, itCu.1. LAPS, TABLE CUTLERY, . 17.7 7..1777) MM .':, Tea :r3.3rC o!lstovf, irrt. A lui'irw utt'l 1'i'it'M' toi'k tlian 1 I'VCI' i i'l'ilO. ! Oct. 12, lS'.u .3 OtiTCi 0H SALF. l'Y V1K- Ittf 'if two i-rrtiilh ni-'l-ISHUes ox-eiltf..1 li me l.v 1 li Kurfar tent wn. him. rei;i'.ii.i-.l In n.k il. ' i'.'.: IM i" li-' iii'l il Oier In ' H - k "ON " ii.iB" ill's in Hi,. . fll.-H .il il... l:rgw-rr ..t I'.'i- N .-.i cliMiii'ini c-uinv. 1 will sell r.if i iuli nn Oi l'i. I- Ml.-K... "II SC I I'lU'CV. lile ti'll ilav l .lull ire,. I'-'.'l. 'lie iiiti'l 'ieK.-rthe'l In hat. I tliiri'i' . , . nil-ill. illi; all. Ill "0 u.l j--i , n.tf l.-in l- .. 1 .. V ru-.-.-.d and ni!:i.? .-, fOI'HIk. Ir.t.Bt stylos r.v.;. best imuljticB ara 1 n. .I.i.i;m.n. Casbior, . t.. -'.son. As't. tlasuiet tiwf Fa rai'.v' Ittnktn Aulho! i.ed cc.pilal 5UO.OOO.0O: FASNAOII: :BEff PDBUC SCHOOL B0QI& At aiie'nl.if r.neiing uf tlifi 8ttj Pioiii il (if 11.1 1 1 1 1 . .ti, t-el,l in IUleigb; on li e fust Tmnliy iu April, 1893; llio following hi v text biKiks werj umuiiiuously a.l o-eil for use in all public, schools o! the Stale ! , North ( ai i.l i:i;t Prat tirni SpeIN ing liooU, - - - '.'OOntft. 'In ex..niir.e I-ir ' l'i S;-l'i-i tei tr In linn, )3 clt.) Williams' lictu'.cia for tiegln I nrrs, - - - 15 Cents. IT prm-r.in I :,n hoaj-r ) . , . , , I TIipsb prices Iih Iii-Ih u iii-.h rtHil.'H ln,prw ' pplnrtnR. A III. .-ml el. ....inn will tm md M in nlr and leai-hcri.. sea l i.rdfia lo ALl'UL'It M7,,.,1.1e .(7t . 1 rr.i.iMiinie, PiLEtilH. . ej lV!( salmnr,ron.'ti ii.mit wl Ik tin vatt litn, i al! tlll-I-M U'.'l I. li, I. J3 ho ui'.'ii si nij'tjly a (iumIm. t,..C!A,l IUl AO. I K.--HAV, liitf 'illalill -.l Y He (i u'i.r (,f Richard WoIik nr. dnenkce l 1 li-reliv n.illrv till nmrmm li-1. lln : claims . fl .sal.l 0" the nanif e. ne ,-IUill, i--..i. en 10 IbU'll in-, lioi'trn iii. -.Aili daf ttav I '! wnt liei". nwi are f l.ni.,.- Im. f... n"-ii h. ntrr preparing a s' pooch Ior Mm tu.xt c.iui-; a amai Jitf,l i !!!! c ! Vey !l! ,.l,'l,.: M j i I,' : .1" ' a v il, V"ii' tier !.. T.iW . r-'V. , l:-