lUlUbJJAl. JANIAU1 11, USD. 31. A. LONDON. Editor. Tim IIotsE oi liepri'Sonlulives is 9t lust considering aud disi-Ufising 'lie now tariff bill. On last Monday .i.e democrats vrero able to muster til a quorum, and although the re publicans refesnd to vot, with the hope of broakir.g tho quorum, yet a r (.'Solution was adopted, by a vote of 1S3 to 1, to proi oi d with the consid eration ol the Wilijon t a rill' bill und close the discussion on the 29lh ol thin month. Air. Wilson opened the d'nlo Monday with a carefully pre jiiired and very convincing speech, and no doubt inuny able speeches will Lo made during tbo progress of .Iiin grec debate. Night sessions will bo hei 1 in addition to the day swsioim, ami a thorough discussion ol Ji3 tarilF questiou will bo liad. iVhilo many democratic lU'prcsen- a'ivei", for local reasons, are oppowd In certain provisions ol' the bill, yet wo think that the House will pas liy u good majority. Tho only ,tr is in th Somite, where the Joiiioeratie majority is very small ami preoarioiis, but wo have an abi ding laith that the Senate alno will pass it, and the sooner tho better. Absence oi" so many demo cratic members of tho House oi Hop ivseutatives last week was simp!' 'isjjracelu!, and uo censure can bo . the result of the big democratic ma i ) severe lor any and all ot Ihcmjjonty than iuditVei euce. Kacb mom- who were absent without a proper excuse. Wo rogrot to note that among theso absentees were several from this State, but we hopo that they were unavoidably absent and cau render proper excuses. At a time when the country demands speedy action on the taritf bill it is outrage that a quorum could not be ubtained iu the House even to consider it. Of course the republi cans are directly responsible for this, becauso enough ol them were pres ent to make a quorum and they re ';!sed to vole, but this does not re lease the absent democrats from Micir failure to do their duty. Tin: Hawaiian question is being eagerly and persistently pressed in both branches of Congress by re publicans, not for the purpose ol helping tho people ot that troubled uuu.cj ope ot iiistr-i- island but with the partisan I annoying a democratic adinini lion. It does seem outrimoous tiiat republican partisanship should so tar sink all patriotism, as to neglect the important measures now needed !o relieve our people in order to 'tke up the time of Congress iu con sidering the condition ot the lar away island of Hawaii ! Charity begins at home, and our own people need rebel more than Hawaiian. Let tho Hawaiians settle thoirown trou bles, and let Congress give relief to tho people ol the United States. The Contest over lm rOl Collector of internal revenue in the western part ol this State has been happily closod, and Cupt. Mclvin ). Carter, of Ashoville, in tho fortunate nan, Mr. Kopo Elias, whose name !td again been went to the Senate lor that ofh'co by the President, Wrote a letter a few davs ago to Jlr. Cleveland declining tho proffered honor, and on last Monday the Press. Mont nominated Capt. Carter who had boon recommended by both Senators, Ransom and Vance. Ami thus "All's well that ends well" It is said that now there will be no further opposition lo the speedy 'confirmation ol Collector Simmons c; It 18 both silly und unjust to hold the democratic party responsible for WS presoDtcondition ol the country, and yet many prejudiced people are bitterly denouncing Cleveland and 'he democratic party lor it. Why? , What has Mr. Cleveland or the dem ocratic parly done to causo these hartl times? .Nearly everybody will admil that Congressional legislation has caused it, and all this legislation was enacted before Cleveland's cloc lion. "Why then hold him respon- siUlo? At the end of his former term ol office the country wan all right, and it will be all right at the nd of his second term ! The Di kmno of the World's Fair buildings, on last Monday night, and the destruction of tho famed "White City" seems peculiaily sad, especially to all persons who were o fortunato as lo have visited those ' grand and beautiful structures. This sudden deslrCttion of such stupend ous monuments of man's sk-ill ant! capacity is a striking illustration ol the utter vanity and transitoriness of this world's thing. Tho burning Cfl the huge Manufactures building covering 32 acres of ground and '250 feet in height must have been B'lod and awo inspiring sight. Washington Letter. I Trow "ur ltecular Uorreepoudent.1 Wasiiixuton, Jan. 5, I'.'t. Chairman Wilson is not icceiving j the opinesioi 8 that I viaimy and hale tbe support bo deserves from the j Leaping upon Ibid devoted land. democratic members of the House, j jlf, u.j Cou!d not sjii-tik a word of He bad woiked himself into a state j Kiifjlisb and all be bad in tbo world bordering on pbjsieal exhaustion iu j V,0I-,. tic, doliie., H v.ote an 1 a single Older that the tin iff bill might be ; silver dollar. I'liddi'i ml by bispov- called v) as coos as the House nietLrly, bis ignorance of the E: g'ish ou Wednesday, Rod bis disappoint , lar,gnaj?o, and bis being utterly uioi e mt iit can only be imagine. Wien lie saw mat, uio lurm um cuuiu uui, i - iHheii up i:i iuui, uny iruSu 01 mi absence of a quorum of democrats, it being the policy of tbe republicans not to allow the bid to be considered without a quorum , which they will refuse to asist iu making. Inasmuch as every democratic iiitunbcr knew tbe importance of baviug a quorum of their own members present this absenteeism isincxeusab!e. The whole country is demanding prompt action ou tbe tiri':', and at the very opsniLg of tbo session a day is thrown away. Tbe tuiiil' programme as mapped out by Chairman Wilson was, live days for gcueral debate, eight days with evening sessious for d;3;,UBion under the live minute rule, durini; which the internal revenue auuud nu nts decided upon this week the 2 per cent tax upon all incomes of jil.OtiJ and over ; tbe increase iu tbe tat ou cigarettes to if I ol) per 1000 ; tho increase in tho tax ou whiskey to 1.00 per gallon, and the tax of 2 i tj;t. business with a fortune (.every cents per pack on playing eard i arc J0:Iar of it earned by hard work, and to be adopted, und the tiual vole to i hol,ostiy earned.) the prt-sidont of a bo taken on the 17ih of January ; hut fnnk. entLitaiiiing h?l Monday at it will not be possible to carry oui i ,ii:j!lt:r, i:; hi. ele-itt.t home, a justice this or any other piogramme, if a I 0f he supi erne court, an ir-Cougresr-democratic quorum cannot, be kept j l3 iU ainl b:.nLils. Too u;u hero ail tne tune ; u:rc.tdy the day cf tlie tiuai vote has been changed to JanU'irv -2. '1 his absenteeism is moi e oer who slays away probably thinks I thilv; will lie a demoeiatic q iorum williout him, but so many Btay away I that there isn't. j The investigation cf the relvion- of this government with Hawaii i be ng ushed ly the sub coinmiilie I of i lie Senate committee on Foreitru i ivciatious. All of the witnesses beard up to this time have been gentlemen who took an active part in the ai j nexatiou movement and the forma-j lion of the provisional government of I Hawaii; consequently tho testimony1 has been all oi one kind. Ailuougu I iho l'.iMceediiij'H are hiipposi-d to i,, i secret, the nature of the testimony taken bfeomfs knowu ohuont. as soon as it would if the hearings were pub lie. Considerable comment not favor ! able to ex-Mmister Stevens has been j indulged iu this week. HeLulor Frye nad repotted the health of Mr. Stev- j ens to he so precai ious that it might niievelil his coiineir to V:i-liiii" tn " r...... it... t his haviier't.aveied from bis home in i iiim u,tviij;r iiiiveieii uoui ins i.ome in i Maino to llliodt- Island in order to di-! . liver a speech on Hawaii at a c!uh'.'' banquet. Now tbe question is being banouet. Now the ooes.ion in l.H-,r i -...J .. ... M. o . . ., 1, ... icn.l ciiio Imnqile ts unit r-.l iq i' ... i ,.- u , ,f i, i.v.i... ,. 1. 1 I, ;i .1.. ,,,i.i i.,ci....,i i.; i , . I'l.a ..';..,. .f vv.i; ,,! ,,r H... .. ,,.;.!.... t,7.,,,. ot b." time dining ibo day Perhaps j . i. .,), .i,:,,i, , i' ',., .. j,, :., oro- i.. ;,,. ...... i ' 'hiiig to do with the reluctance 0f ! Mi- Sl..t-niw A fiiu.. .In..,.'! I,.,v,. I.. swear to statemects made iu a bai. i quet speech. The oi moeratic House caucus which meets tonight will .settle for good and all whether tho democrats ol the Way:, i .mi-'iiim eomiuiiieu uue ma. le a I ... 1 !.. -.... I 1 . . . 1. .. 1 . 1 ...! ... .1. t . I . I lucpiiiiy, or iioniei mo woi k oi me committee shall be revised before that bill is passed. Kvery democrat who has, or thinks he has, a grievance will bo giveu an opportunity to suite it and to ascertain whether the majority sidos with him or against him. When tho caucus decides that settles it and the bill as finally appiovcd will be loyally supported by every democrat who attends the caucus. Ilia thought probable that it may bo necessary to .loutiiiue the caucus for several iimhls iu order to heir all thai those oppos od to several of the tariff sch dales aud to the income ta3 amendment may desire to say, and conlidcnl Iv ex the Missouri 1 aeihe was reduced be pected that il will ratify the work of i cause the management of that road tho committee as a whole, there may besome minor auiendmenls made iu portions of tho bill The opposition to the individual incouio lax will probably develop tho most strength, owing to the vote iu the committee having been so close six to live end to President Cleveland and Secretary Cailisio being iu doubt as to its expediency. ll preseiilalive Uland has infro- a bill in the House, providing j for tho immediate issue of ."i,0uii, 000 of silver certificates to supply the treasury with money to meet the grow ing di lieiency, the same lo bo based upon tho seigniorage of Ibo silver bullion iu the Treasury ; also piovid ing for the coinage of tho silver bul lion in the Treasury as rapidly as pos sible. Mr. Ulaiid t hinks tho adoption of this bill preforablo to an issue of bonds to meet current expenses of the government. IJoutelle, of Maine, seems deter mined to piny tho monkey on the Hawaiian question. Ho started off on tbo tirsl day of the session iu his usual style. Shot Himself Accidentally. Maiuinsiiii.i.k, Va., Jan. fi. We had a very serious accident near here onyestorday. Mr (ioorgo Prilliman was out with so-ne companions on a hunt, f ml wliila they wero chasing a rabbit, he started to get on a log, and hung the hammers ot tho gun iu so mo bushes, ilisehar-'iiiif it. l'he load entored the inner thigh, and ranged up and lodged. For tunately tho large artery was miss ed, and it is thought uo bono was broken. A Worthy Exemplar for Boys, Prom tbo six !byRevew. About forty years ago there land ed from an emijjraut chip in New York a lad driven fro;u Poland to tbe Great West to week a home aud j e ten from among strangers aud without friends, 1 ilie ltlil Wl..,t t0 work at whatever Uis j munis I iiiuil to ilo. li o out ins woi a faithfully aud well, hi a few years j I hat of successive geueratiuus of ebil j xvjth his bard euri.ed living in bisidiou, will gradually transform their i i-nckct he drifted to X. nth (Jar.'liua. ! race fnuu barb-uisiu to civilization. J f ue.vtr 11 up iu his w work aud bisi indomitable energy surmounted very obstacle in his wav. Gifted with a rare busiucs talent, he gradually climbed up. His business grew stead ily and in a few years be became known, respected and trusted. He a or. fiiends und kept them and if iu tho course of kit business career he mad.- enemies, those i ecu-its were torced to respect bim aud acknow ledge his business capacity and integ rity. Iu thirty years he became one of tbe iaigest and uiost widely knowu merchants iu tho State. And now. forty years from the time ho landed pcm.iiess and ignorant up on a sliauge shore, among a strange people speaking a strange language, , vtc liud him retired from I ha mi reaii- tiV W:iS elir- of the m. 'at biXUlioU. flii.l cosily ever sjucad in this St'i'e. the :ib!e Laded with gold and silver si n ice. Tout la has grown into the man Samuel Witikowsky. of Chailottc, a man w!io.-e si:ei'es.-ui.d li- hicveiui uts are an honor to Noill; Caio'ina and a uioininie:jt to iiid.imit i!i!o energy au 1 business cap-icily. His ex inqilo is worthy thet munition of every youth a ul ho himself deserves to bo honor ed und ref l ected, as we are ylad to j know he is honored aud r .'specter", throughout tie r?i:ite. 'Vhmou Frauds JitX'flt ert'd. , ... Ii'kat o, N. V. Jan. (. A. . la'v'u A'm, Ui MO.-t -xm-i:kiv- pension acni in v. t r i.-in ew lorii. -. i t U his son .Mb n. and live clerks. weie urri slc.l tl.i-i afterii'iou by Uni ted States ollict iv, on charges of dt fividing the goverhuieiit aud extort ing money ficm ponsioiurs. The whole iitnoiitit nivoiveit is sani lo i ilii l.'Ji'O. The pension i flh-e ha.- bef-u investigating nntliods foi t'.iiee months. The ei.b.uce is bih- iv sens.nioi Col. M nice did n ve-'Y lar busi I ' u?i"" m n ; inv.i iwis heeureii ov,-r ii.ri.-u claims. lich, it is said, boOO ;tt least are I'aUdH.eni. A.-e, 10 .-.p.cia. lii'Ulll.U I .'I I'. V. - tiniates the amount l e has fr.iu-lu- , j leutly obtained for pulsions ul about i-o.i.oi'o. Aiicuiiv tne examine have f-i'sn-.i fat l,"i:),i)ti() has been 1' implicated. an.oni ihem sen nil well known local ultor m-ts-, end that more an est s will s.ion uiude il".''!i,is,s ''nt'l '' F;iill 0;i(ls. Ti i-kka, Kan., Jan. 7. An ollieia ut the Santa l'u railroad hassuceeed ed in getting the iissisMiient tor tax atioii redm-c.t to lust year's basis ii .. . 'I'I . . . 1 . nvc i-oiliHies, i 1:0 inaiiuueiiieiii nc- dollars in the iisse.-sinent was unjust Thcv will iiow maUu a tender ol taxes on last year's basis, and ii the uion cy it reiusod they will go to court and try to establish a charge ot la vorilism against the Populist (iov ornment. The Santa l'e people say the Koek j Island's assessment was reduced jiUT.s.OOO and will try to provo that the Populist liiaid uid this because the Stale ollicers, tl-eir families and their fries. ds went lo the World's Fair over tho I Jock: Island in a Iree train of Pullman tars. Friends ot' the Santa Fe say the assessment of contributed money last winter to enable the Populist Hoiiso to keep ep its fight against tho Kepuhliean House. A SIiMilrr Near Faj cMcville. Cnri-osioii'liui o ef ilia WilnihiiC."a Messnic!. A murder occurred about three miles southwest of tho city last night From the meager information to be obtained it seems tbnt Frank Newell. tho dead man, hud nijjht before last shot or whipped a dug belongii a t John West, and hist night John V si. Paul Marshall, George Levy and Win. West went lo Xewell's house atei either enticed him out into tho yard or provoked a iMli -ulty mid one of tbe crowd shot him with a pistol. I lit ball taking effect in the head. Upon information this morning Ihe coronei held an inquest and found tho fore g'oing facts. Newell lived two or threo bourn, dying shortly after mid night. Ti.o shot iff and his deputies have been iu puisuil of the peipetra tors of the eiimo all day, but Ihe on ly one apprehended is Win. West, a boy about lo yearn old, and he claims that ho was iu the house when the shooting occurred. All the paities aio negroes. hilled lor Taking Music Lessons. F.i.oin, III, Jan. 7 Clark Burr, a weal lh)' farmer, killed his son Chin le with a shot gun last evening in a quarrel growing out of tho latter taking music lesfons. The young man, who was seventeen yearsot age, was eiidoi voring to ilra,v a revolvrr when the father fired. Hurr gave bonds of ?l,00O, furnished by his nil 'b burs. j Civilizing tho Indian. ! From tha Ti.utu's comjnuin. j According to the report of t.lie Sec- Jrctary of the Interior for 1803, the ' Dumberof Indinusiu the I'nited Slates is not deeiem ing. as was once, tho I case, but steadily increasing. Mi-an 1 time, more than twenty-one tboasaud Indian cbildreu have beeuundei tiaiu- : ing iu schools quite up to tbe average ' standard of our public school. j Theso are being educated in tbe , Imguago, ways of life and industiiis , of the white people, aud whether or , not tuey continue iu tbo ways of m- mzatiou alter moy come vo manuoou ami wouiaiinoou, ineir cuiieauon. ano While the children are being edu- j cated, thousands of their parents are taking out separate farms under the allotment law, aud abandoning tho old tribal system of life and govern ment. With the fser ptien of tho Sioux outbreak iu IS',10, which was quickly ended, largely through ihe reluming reason of the Indian themselves, join ed with a most prudent use ol Ihe military forces, there has bte no Ii: diau war for many years. Jt. is m t probable that another (sanguinary Iu diun war will ever lake plae. Huudreds of Indian soldiers now solve iu ILe United Stales army in separate companies, aud their loyally is not questioned. Tho Indians have bc-eu more fairly treated by the whites und the gov ernment than was formerly tho ease, aud the.v themselves are showing moie inclination to follow tho '"while man's patli.'' A CaM'ol'Skiii-dliiifliiii:. Ciui-AiM, Jan. (5 A noteworthy skin i'r.iiiiiit; was on f.n ini-i! at ti e Mercy Hospital a short time :igo. ihe patients aro ex State At tinny and Mis. George W. W. iilake, i f Ottawa, lib, who came to Chicago two weeks ago aud submitted to an i perat ion. Seviu!y-lwo square inches if cu ticle from tbe thighs of Mr. Jiiidii vere removed in stiips one and one naif inches in length and one half to three quarters of au inch wide, and grafted upon spaces of raw fie.-di on AJis Piiike's arm. The skin baj been burned away at a fi;o in their icsi deuce last fail. A few davs ago the b ir.ilages were removed fi clu t he arms aud it was found that each piece bad adhered and taheu film fjrmi th, mak ing the operation abe- ' iteiy success, iul. A Lucky Twin. Cincinnati, Jan. 7 Ed waul -noni. an Italian with a peculiarly shap ed head, was arraigned a few days ;.jo for stealing lumber. Witnesso identifie.l him positively, but he pro tisted that Lin twin Lrcihrdid it. and said their parents could not tell :hi in iirait. The case was contiuu, d !i'l ycsler day, vihen both brothel s appean d. Tbe pair walked around tho court room, with witnesses, attorneys, court -. ffi-.-crs and others examining Ihem hku live stock at faiis. JJotn wore stiipcd jereale ehirts. cheeked suits Hid derby bats : both had long, shaip noses, receding fon beads liad ctiiiis : both bad moles on the right cheek and defective left cms. No one could identify the prisoner, and Judgt- Gregg disuiissed the ease. Seventh-Day Advent ists. Battle Cni.r.K. Mich., Jan G. The Seventh Day Advenlisls immorsed 'i'.'O converts iu the baptismal font today. There are 20J more to be baptized. All the Advenlisls have exchanged their gold watches for silver, bcliov ing that it is God's wish to wear gold. Tbe donations still come in. Prof Prescott, of the college, yestei day gave his cheek for g,u00 This makes nearly $30,01)0 for missionary purposes. They are making a house to house canvass for conveits, and have in creased their membership iu the past three months inn in this city alone. Meetings are being hi Id in all the school-houses around this city. A Dramatic Suicide. New Oui.eass, Jan. 6 George Winchester committed suicide ilia matically this morning in frout of Ihe residouco of Capt. T. P. Leathers, the famous steamboat man aud captain of tho Natchez, one of the boats in the historic raeo lo St. Louis many years ago. Winchester is a son in law of Capt. Li a! hois, having married Miss Courtney Jjealhers, who stood hi'di in social circlj-s and was once Ouecu of the Carnival." At an ear ly hour today Winchester walked up to Ihe entrance to Copt. Leathers' residence on Carondolet street and putting a pistol to his Lead blew out his bmins, dying instantly. He hid heen ill and this is tho only known huso for the deed. Drowned in tho Yadkin. Salisri rv, Jan. S. News reached hero today thai Eirly Wall and (iooiiie Broadway wero drowned in the Yadkin river about four hun dred yards above Bringle's Ferry yesterday. Tho accident occrred between 1 and 2 o clock. 1 hey wwre tii.jf to cross the river in au old boat that had been abatnloueil, res suiting in the loss of their lives. I heir bodies, owing to Iho lunh water, hud not In' on recovered this morning. ihe young moii wore of Davidson county. A Fatal Boiler Explosion. Columbia, S C , Jan. 1 A terrible calastrophe happened near bprc last nioht' on Ihe plantation of Senator Glenn 1). Peake, by which three per ous were killed and five wounded, one mortally. It was causod by the bursting of tho boiii r of an engine used to ruu a collon "iu. j Woi Id's Fait- Ituildings Burnet?. Chuuiu), Jan. 8 Fire broke out at G ill) o'clock tonight among tbe Woi Id's t'liir buildings, liy 8 o'clock v. lu. the Cssiuo and Feristvlo bad wu destroyed and Music. Hall and i the Manufacture! s aud Libeial Arts building vero but uiug. While the lire was burning there 1 wus oue cf tbe most singular" sights i 0i tbo uigbt. Along tbe top ollLo ' lVrisUlu were seniesof statues. The Kpt'cla'eki fur those people just east lot the Peristyle was one of a sucees j bi0ii 0f gigantic human beings plung ; 01)e uiU-r am AiiotliM. l.tiiiiniir ihto j t no waters of the lake below. TLc urigiuof tbe fire is said to be revenge on i lie part or a coupie of tramps. The solitary gmird in the Music li iil says that just before the flames broke j 0ut ho kicked two Tagabouds out of Music Hall and told them to tiud quarters elsewhere. They left in the ilirection of lha Casino, aud soon al ter the tiro bioko rut, ami boon everv tbiug ou the grounds was tciror cud contusion. Fears of looting added to the honor of tho scene At about 10 o'clock w all a possiliiu lo.-, of uboip 2l),UO.liOU by lire iu tho Manufactur ers bunding- uloiie, the autboi itii s be gan to le.iJizo u largo element iu the crowd wan compo-ed of idleis who in lawiessiu'ss it would be hard lo contiol. Such itjijs as coiiid be hurriedly made wi ro put in uioiioii hi foods und 'ii!tt . oil. i r biiililings, but ail mi.-Ii efforts weii! tho child's jilay. The ui'.rr hopelesiiifls i,j mch attempts ou su.-h shoil noiie'o weie made a; -parent at one,-. The few oftiocrs on gum d could hardly do moie tbii'i shut llnH iyfs au-1. ..r.tihoir teeth Lopii g against hope that the ti.imes wouhi He speedily stopped. Tiie I'cd- ial ollicials put Iho maxi mum io:s, if the lire does not hi. read S evond the Liberal Arts buii lin at 2.U00 O.iO. On the other band. I estimates made by the people connect o.l with the local dnee'.oiv. miide the highest figmes only f l.ftUl.OCl) In the Liberal Aits building, abcul 10: lo o'clock, a great iron at eh pnvi way directly above the Fie. a h waro, am! faliii-g heavily, buried them In neath the taiii.irg ile and tbf-y -vere ul audi .-Led. Jack of the F.( i ch -va-the Jap ii-.ese ixhihi', and iiboiit it clustered a crowd of scan d am; f mil tic Japanese. T he?ee xhibits havt not been n-li asid from bond, aud the goods i-oul I t ot, be taken from tin building. U.nler the diiectiou ef some .J,q a;:e r e otli-.-ia's the wares wei ( cai'od to tbo doois end time iby s'o.'d guarded by catives of the iln' t ry k;u,.!iluiii. Fnoilly the engines wero oidend into the Liberal Arts bniidii g and n iletaebnieiit of rirem.-ii went to the top of ll o building. 'ioO fiet abo'e tho git. nr. d. and tho I'ue was stub hoi idy fought. One fiieinan fi ll Iron ihe 'oristy!r and was so bail'- injur ed that be died in li e hospital. T,o o'.h.-i- til t imcij were ladly brut. At midi igbt Piest Higgii.botl.nm said the lire w:s under ii nti ol Mid ll al t'.:e loss by water would pit 1 ably be giintcr than that by fire. . A Public Hanging. Winston, N. C, January ?. The i ou n I y i -ii m mission cis this alti-rnooii passed ii n order that the execution ol Peter li-Jr:i!l, on February Sth. be public, 'flu- sito selected is just outside the corporate limits of East Wiu.-loii, where George Houston was hanged a few years aro. S'ueiilt Mi-Arthur was inslru ted to make (ho licccssifry arrangements. Co! Thou. us Sutton, one of JeG raff's at lorney. wrote the prisoner a kiln! letter today, telling him that the judge, solicitor, and jury bad relused to sign a paper asking tor hini con.s mutation to lite imprisonment, therefore the only thing h-lt for him to do was to make preparations for death, which be must surely meet on the gallows, liullei's Hair Pulled. PliPt'lul III till! Willlllrgt..!! Mt-rt'lMlgrr. Goi.i'sn. im, N. C, Jm. S was. a lively Kcrimmiigi' iu 1 tin dining room of the Hotel Kinoon Sunday inoining between Mr. Paul C. Hum- phrey and Mr. Marion Butler, th Populist, in which the latter came out second best. The trouble originated about a cer tain seat Mr. Butler was occupying, w hich was claimed by .Mr. Humphre for his wife. Mr. Butler's discourt Msy aud unwillingness to vaciitocaus ed him to lose a quantity of his long hair, and be is now Iho possessor oi a well stuped face. Arrested for Vi'hipiMiig Till ni mi's Spy. Spe.-lnl u the rtmrli.tteOlmervor. tSpAKTAXiirno, S. C, Jan. t! Tlo Tillman spies made a ch an sweep on the negro population of this cilyies terdov uiornii g. Twenty seveu ne groes have been arie-sted and lodgeij in the county j ul, charged wilu tin wbippinR of Spy Davis some lime a -o. Several while men have also been ar rested. Among Ihem is Mr. Ii. A llobiusoii, a member of tbe cilv coun cil, charged with aiding aud abetting the negroes'. Mr. Robinson is out on bond. Cold Weather in England. LoNlmN, Jan. S. Tho cold Weuthel continues today. Tbo thermometer register 10 degrees below zero The body ot a woman Iroxen to death during the night was found this morning. There has been a heavy snow at Wimbledon, and in some places the drift are lour luet. Veterinary surgeons, whose pro fessional nkiil is every day invoked b relieve some fine animal with knife oi lancet, are challenged to make a crit ical t X uuination of Salvation Oil, thf great American liniment. Many tes timonials from the profession ,b mon si i ate iiS great value for tbo cure f I sprains, cuts, btui-es, and all kinds of wounds. Price 25 cents. At all dealer. SUBSCRIBE - TO ir ni!T!ii?j? Btpnnn INSIfiCSsS HtbUiiU. THE ONLY PAPER laiiiaMl The RECORD ws established by Hh present proprietor hi 1878 hi respoise to a general desnnnd a eonnty newspaper, and when nobody else would pub lish one Since then oth er papers have started in Chat ham, hut noise of them now exist. This proven that publishing a pa per in Chatham is not a money making busi ness. Every ciiizesi ought to patron ize his only county paper, and but few are too poor to pay T1IREH CENTS ' a week for ii. Try it this year! Dr.Dairs Ccite.:. Syra?r.uirSiK" vptiiMOMiFt H.r.r. -r.v vi i; ti.o i.f twi n Ufl;fi i s. i-iiic.l l.i mi- l- I. tun's smith tii I v.i. i . ill-- -I'll i.i In. -fin In-, Isn'mui I ill - i. iii-r "ii lin. I'.'.li ul .Mar. Ii Issh; pic, . v O'.i-i-r. 'l in I ' k nil. l it;;, i I it), :. (iu l Hi 1 I toi-i- in i:.. ! I'.V .r-.- ;..r.. n. Mm i.iai it "f Hi" nvMtT . f .1:1' Is ul . liH'h .M r-.timv, 1 will si.-ll r.-r i; ai tin' t'itirl-h"ii;-r 1ii.ii- hi I lllsl in.'. N . i' , mi MOM'U. Out ftili ..r ri.niu ai;y, i-. i. nm iu.'i-.-: v iiu,rii"-.i u sn. I nun 'Ikiiki'h ii.-;-.iiiii: i. . i ii -ii'm i.i 1. 1 il. in. Oi. miti-rit t.i si. i.i I ss .Ti . t. Nt-w lit .i- lim n iili, eimilium it m ' y, a ij..iuln Urn lii l ul Wil Ham iTutiti, ,li'.'i'.i.-.f I, uii 1 nil. eii, l.i.i. 1, Ic. l. N. S. t'l.AliK. 'iMiiinr xoitTii tvi:(if.iN.. py -cointv oi- cua'I'IIAM. In Uio suiitri.i Cuirt. Ktriiti F. Joiiim Huliot A. I.. .Iimo-i. This In it civil if it r. iii hl liy lli-i I'liilium l:,lllsl lllf ili-'i i:.i:ilit It illv.iir" Iri'lll tin Imii'lri ul ni.-tirlm.iiiy. Hint Ii n..i rA:-lit4 in ih' s.v-iimi-tl..ii ul On- r.Mirt il.- itili I'tvn ..r Oi- pliiiii illTtlmt Oir 'i. it'll. Kill, .1. I.. .I.:n-, rmili'.l aHrr illio illliii.-t- St. I. .mi. I III till mi. I lb il li'.ll ri' iii ihi-n-.r. Im is li-riti ) ii'.inli-1 in ..n nriil On' nt-i it nil 'if Hi-t s'.i.-i-;'.. t'.iiirl i.r a ti.l i-..uut) il rlmlliniii, I" I"- In LI i I'llli-lnii--.' .Mi llin Hun. M .li.l ty i.,...ti Oi" I! r l M..:.l'.y In M .l-.-h. lhV.1 mill HllrWi!' fi- tli-tnur in ill.- i-iini'. lit h Il.llllll. s. . HOLT, 0. s. 0. 1!. A. T..iS'm, l-i.l!ll'iT AO .l..'y. li,c. l i. J. C'a-rm. m i) 'I'rvle-.M-ii-k ol.tnlne l. nrt oil l't eul Lu.-iiii'; pun tuittd for MootRrc Fet. Oin Orriet is Opposite U . Phtcnt Offict and tr rjtu i-.K-utc ratt-nL lu le-iS Umo luau tuwba rt niol,. friiin Wn-hinlon. Si.J mii.1,1, itrriii? it rtii.'o., wllh r?i'wrl? linn. We novi,, if :.;niai.lo nr r.i-t. frno of cliaro. Our feu rot duo oil pain:! N i-fcurt j. PuMPHitT, "H..W i iol.tiiin I'aifiii-, ' ilh imni rr i f nt cl.r'.iH la Jutur 1 U..', County, ur luwu, bi-iil frvtt. Aili!ic-n, c.A.srjovoo. Pttmr tic:. v.iinihSiTON. O. . mmm New Advertisements. CACTION.-lTr n ntr nflrH XT. 1 Joi(-lua s.lioen lit a rdiii-l prlw.or ) in) i ih. tn w llhont riamo mnnibad ua l...l'..ll, I.I.! i.i... . ......... . I iOVfi A .T '5 jr.- . i W. L Douglas S3 SHOE tH WORLD. V. I.. I)05 T. .S Sh.K-s :i:c itytish, y tt. lin r, :i:i.l lii lli-r :.iti.l.ictiuil l lliv prici-t hd .-r.i t.l i'i.ii. an-. !i -r m.ikf. Trv tine pair and h.- .-itnii'ii-i .1. l'lu-Maniiii.i ; of . I.. DouglatV i :r-.t ji-i.-e iv. t!t I'.i.-nri, t ltii-i fruaraiitrcs it: if v::l.l.-, U'.i-il I1i:.imiii.K fi -l.iiliirs aunuall I ' v t ir lii.t'.i. IV: lira win) nith tli ; i, : i.i' V. 1.. P.v,-! j i)..-,s j-nin cittnjr-. -a. .':! ! V int -t-KM- the MiltntlM.-ir lull lin i ; t"n.,l-. i v y t in alftwti In nil lit n Icaa prnntt i ' 1 ' i- " t"-l:'- vit. i t-:m -; innm v lv huyiiig all y. ,r .'H-. r ft Hit-tit.- tlor al rrtisrt) hnlnw. t '- i:i!.-:ii.' I'- , ii.i.iii ipiil',-.iii..n. Addrmw, . V. l..L)o; OLAs, lSrtt-Uluu, Alaa. Sold br VV. L. LONDON & SON, 1 itt-sloio'. N. C. Mr. THOMAS G. DKHSON, Chatham County, WITH--, W. E. & L S. TOfim & HAL, IHE DBi CGQDS DULERS RALEIGH, N.C. vSieci;tl IV at tire mail olass mm GOODS, Oul of the oiilinary.) S ..lioils ;,our mail orders aud youf it-is' ii'. il rr.llt. Oft. '.'Ii lbW. Wo Mio iiiioi-iiK'.l tliiit miiiio un i-t it ;il"o;i liniki r or tlioir i:C in.-, t'o si iiln;;- u nions wliicll iu i ! liiii ; iv t io i-anio or us good I. Oi'i! s. 1! usi tli. ro an- flilTi iotit fncfo i.-s t-lo 0 tt-Lilio-r is no rivs-ui tliey i o ,: I uuil.i' tlii' s.-iino tjt a ily of ,i ik iii.'.n ;;!iv i t ;i i fin-It. ry in tliis 0 in. v ;ii;i! i i o i want I U l-rt, ei-tt i'i.ii it lii-.i!.- tin- naiiio'of ,. . iNihseiit 1 ill n it Lo t! -iTi'votl liv ittiy olid s,;n.; I !n ir.- is ;ts irootl. Wc tisctlio .it-.; ! i-ii.-i 1 , In1: t woi ktiion, and :i:ii. ii all our work I v iiaiul. Ami ';i :-.iitiil.-i- i wry waijoii to give j-c:' :i- ! siili.-l; f!;o i. To iiii-ct tl osraf ii v of n o iov wo liaM- jti.-t rodnccd t u it o. I f you v a- t t'o' I o t wtiyo'i m.-ulcj all oi cur ;i:rt lit, W. I.. l.o.MKN b s,, INrt-lioit'i. X. (;. Wo lool. i t OiS f illiiW. IJolltlll :ii;iii'l i:oM'.- tin- ilav. '. V MS.n'KN & ( (., O.'.l. O ih.'.i 81 I'M IN. O. IIS, STORE & CO.. (Xo. 1J1 Main Stroot.) - ii;ali:ks in MY GOODS, CLOAKS, AA'J) CARPETS, on. n t'oitliul iiivituliou local) BD(1 lisjiccl Uit ir lines of DRE03 GOODS AND Sj..Miin! lui,'o usioitinont of LADIES' CLOAKS, in Irisit'st slyli-s. Very largo and clioico lot of oitalilo for Loth dwiliiiig and oburob in nisliing. Snmjilps eont to any address 00 ipi.'.it;!iiiou. t-,i-Prompt utteulion to all orders sjy mail. Nov. 2'l. IS0.1 - XKCUTOir.S NOTICE. HAV- ' l!i .tm!i(lt1 K I tin rits-ilin' if tllt-hH Ipk'tf, .iv.t-r.l, I lii-rt-liy imilfy kit pr'iiia) II' I I'M,- riftlma nji'llUSt Ml 1 ilKOVlrill lo Mllllilk iln sun -t iii inn .hi ..r li.'f.'rn tin, JSOi day nf Us .rmn r. l-'l. "ii I m; Kri,..n.a Inrtahied r .in"i I i i.iii l.uu-.u; yoiut. t'. .f, l-;o A f. Bfc6K. 1 i Pi