Dentists' (secrets. f A loliff chapter of dentists' fpneU 4 the secrets revealed to them tiy customers made uticorjcous but talkative by bus has been revealed toy a conscienceless tooth-puller up in Pittsburgh One voting society lady 6 wore several lines of blank spares Trhlie a tooth was belnn drawn. A burglar, taken from tail u have a tooth pulled, onfe-sed all the de tails of hU crime, when under the "influence" and patted with ten years of liberty. Occasionally men want to fleht and are very strong: others nre Jollv and confidential. The most interesting story or the series is this told by one dentist of another: 'i know a joun ' dentist who was head over heels in love with a pretty ijtrl, hut he could never make any head way with her. fie wa bashful. That was the main trouble. One day she came to him to have a tooth Jwiled. lie administered nan, and before she revived she let enough drop to assure my friend i hat if he proposed he wouldn't be rejected, fche is his wife to-dav, and if it had not been for the i:. is 1 don't suppose the wedding would 'ver have cmne off." Washiriyt-'ti News. Tbr Kanaka (nern, 'Will tho Queen of th" Siuid'vi.'h Manils again sit on her thrum'? This U ein "f the foremost qustinri In ttn piddle nihi l. Ft may depend nitiri'lv np.u herself for an swer, a a writer mv .h i nlm t a Mp less crip pie from I i :n -n vr-'I ho in'rliiirni-'i' ought to Ije couveyeil C lr iu a itipSmiiitl-) way. thnt thor ! no remedy on fart'.! n buret cure for it thmi St. .Jii -.l o nil, as it is also a kpaeifl- for inti.'i. prevali-nt in thetropies. fche .'nn easily verify this, state JJient by the us- "f th" remedy. Theenrtb. in icv.ev-itin on its m. r.s nlmott as fust, loekoniiii! at the i .piiitur, 119 a cannon tall -thnt 1 to .-ay. t cues n mile in a little, tuore thiiu th-en er.'.'ii'K f 'ill.l rnjer The pleamnt flavor, ii"Dtie anion an1 nnh iag effect cf !s t uc ef I its, vvln-n in mil of a laxative, nn J if the father or mo her l.i 1:114 liveor Uili'.u. the u).t gratify !n rrni fo!. low ltd use; so that it is thy Lest family rin. edy known and eve:y lmi'f should have bottle. A Musli is heultufut, I lit c't.'ti hi.'"tiv.i lent. 9100 newnrd. 91011. The readers of thi paper w ill he iileawl to learn thiii there is t l.-n-t one ili.pcn that, eeienre lias hi 1 ri e.Me to rure in till Ms tagf. nnd liuit is ciitftrrh. Hull's Omtrrli Curt is the onlv positive enre i.uvv knm tl t" the m.'dii hI Onid-nit v. Ctiirrh Iteintz h i-tnt- fltltUtionnl .llSi-l.i-e. rr-.jllil-cs n fnl.litlltlolial treattner.-l. Hail's ( iitart !i I'tirei-i taken in ternHHv. arti.ii: .liri-ctlv upon the nnii mUCOIlS SUlfacep ..f lliM s-teTl, tli-re,- (f.. Mrovini the foiuiilniinn of H,e di ;ie. and giving the patient stli l'i"li hv Ipi!iiil- iii the -ontiuiio:i (iml Hsslr-i H'l: rw u'-e in O'lietiis vork. 'I'he proprietors Ihivi mi hoi- ii fiiifii in itsciname ponersthnt ihev otter iitu- iliin. drel liollai lui-any 1 n-e 1I11I o fnils toeur". tend for list of ti -.iiiiii.iiinl. VMiv 1 1 f..l ill Ml ,H 0 . loleilo. O. ! fllT fr'uld by IiriiKHi-ts, . A previous l ook i? a foift.'.ste of ijnMior- ! tality. I For I npure or th n ni-o-l, Wrnkne". Ma'a. I tfa. Neuralgia. Indigestion ii'id Hilioiin., take Brown's Iron I'.iti rs It u-ne-i streiiu-th, Dakin.' old p rsons t.i-1 youn and voting 1 Pernona ttroni:; pleasant to tske. 1 A hotl y is the n.i duim li tweeii 11 assn ii 1 and n im-imoi num. An Ktrmii:i 1.p-i mrv. Ilimit Vi BniiM nui 1'no. nt.. ii isi; tor 1 -. , a . t v vw j b,ri ttie m 1-. 0 I' jii-i ii. le in mo: for rein v ir.u (-oiKiis h i 1 Tin- tc ti rih-. j A n an isttrony ttlo ii he ndinils lo hin sell bis cwu neiikin'ss. Ifyonr Hark Arh. or v.ri ar all worn out, ! food for tioihin. it is Vliiliiy. i rirown's Iron H iters I run? mi. ike n. 1 I tronR. 1 leaiise oiir inei, ami you a (jood appetite - tones 1 he ner e,. 1 I II ' rnth'T to piniMii voir appetit-a than to l.e piinis!i. .y tin in. ' ' feei-liaiu'i I'ni-. or" inOn:esi,.n and mnsti P'ltl' ill. IJee. hnm's nooher. :;.') , I.. , , ' fcewnro of tin, in 111 or woman whom a rhlM wi I not low. j If afflicted with anre yo ne Pr.taaan Thomtv ! eon' Kye-water.llrucirtat sell at UV.per bottla, .ov are our n int;- ; -1.rn.1t; u r :-piira j Not a Local Disease Iierause ( iiiarrh aff.-. i yowr hen.) it is not ' therefore a I n al ili-. ase. If ii 1I1I m i ex. Catarrh lit iu our lilooi! ii f mild iml iiiaiiif.-i iilf j in S oi'r itoe. Ii is a ontii I'tiniiHl d'-i'.oe. Catarrh B'ld to cure I . therefore, l'eiiil'e. n ion . n.ioi'loiiHl and a thoon,-li M...i. ; Catarrh purifier like lloo'l's Snrspil' i'la n lWift ' pels all I rai e .f 1 he iiiini'it i in n l.a li the j Catarrh I di-i'Hse originates, and ih'is -ei-feih and pernianetttly run". ( aiartli. lieinemtier Hood'ss? Cures kold liy all dniKk'Nts. f I per hottlr: six for "i. Hooil'a I'ltl. rure iOI l:er 111-. I ilici-n. .s, lilinllee. Ili,llie.i n. .-k tieielnrhe. .-, nts. "German Syrup 99 Mv niece, Ktiioliup Hawley, va, taken with sinitins hlood. mipI she became verv nui' It iilrunied, fearino; that dreaded (! Consumption. She tried tR'.nly all kind s ol medi cinebtit notliitit; .ltd her any gno.1. Finally she Cieitnatt Syrnpand she told me it did her more good than anything she ever hied. It stopped the Hood, gave her s trength and ease, and a Rood appetite. I had it from her own lips. Mrs. Mary A. Kta. ey. Truniliull, Coun. Honor to German Syrup. C THE JUDGES Z WORIO'S COLUMBIAN TOTIOM H:n e niiide 1 1 . r. HIGHEST AWARDS (Vlfilils unit Piplniiias) t. WALTER BAKER & CO. tin each t.f tlir Inlliwit'K nain.'ii artl. In: li KHAKI'. 4 ST MM 'OA rrciiiltim . I, li.ic.diilc, . . Vanilla ( lincdiitc, ..... (fi'nini! SwitI t Imcohilc, . . Cocnn Itittlcr. Tot "puritv of niHlerUI." rlavur,' autl "uniftirn. ruu cii..Mi"ii!,.n.'' WALTER BAKEB CO., DORCHESTER, MASS, 1'AR.M WO JAF.1KX. roiiw in iMi;rt. If yioi want f"H in wint. r yon must ' provide 11 I'oiut'ol t iblo pntiltl -lioitse with u iml. o , u Ii O'li will iidlnlt hoi i 111 1 .1 1 . . i 1 . 1 . . . .,t liobl, 110. j thf pIhco innsl Ii - Kept 1-10- Hi t iitly win-iii to krep th" ('"tub ol lnt frnin firollio. , ' , ., ... ,,... 1, ,, 1 A Hli.iiii II tbmr li til'' piHllll V lloll-.o j b.tli r tlnin 1111 em linn .which is, . . . , 1 1 ; : not to Iii coiii.' dump, mid ilaiiipniM- ! . . -,i.- 111.. to lie iivooliil. it von would kf'p Mini- , ., , ,. . , 11 ..I. 1 lloi-k lie" li on dl-iilMC mid di'iilll. ,,, .. , , ,. , ( li-iinliiii -s. tin', 1- i-K, iitiiil, I'- I'll- . ., , ' .nod wnmi rniist siiud 1 !" H nit V ici.-.o mi .ill 1l.1v . wbi.di nr. 11 ! duinp or ov I' lv cul l t'liiolo u-., 1: pmpi i l.v lo I mid cat-d , for, can b. m i l. In l.i; ii-all v us w-P duiino tli-wuitn-in. mtli i us 01 tho tuitiini.-r. The olii' f -ocrct lir. in 1 n- viilni;; .1 v.iri. ly n! c.-" -prodnciii- I' 1 . mid in I" iiii ; t'i It-11. m pr-por . ,.-.iii.iti,.ii. , ; l . ,in in wimi i: , I In . is, 11 plctitv of time, ntb r ' tin . ilh .1 f ill work i- cninplotcil, I p. .1. l ,. ,,1 lmi is it-ii:illv loft till -priii :. 'Hi- Ion m Iv Innkod ov.l- til l I. p.i I. I'.sts rri bo -,l ' I., nnicli l. -tt r.,.h.oit.;. tl.t'i iu tin' j mc.:. .'i - ti "il i in better c-ooli- , . , ,1. . , 1 ttoiin l nl. 1 ii ; n 1 n 00 limi bo' I 'l. ;!.. It pay- to eo to 1 f'"- ,h' :""v!r-....-. s... I ,-,,.,,., bill lit.. .1 .1 1. 11 1. lit. 'I .i'ii1inl . , .I'll . r,. i.l.l I , s-i,. wlnell it will . ll'-- I! i'mi'l deiil ill' ; , , ,, . . . , r.o;.t.,lk- will lirike ;:..... Ii.-I bH-loii.- ).. 1.11114 tio'in nut 1.1. Ami a 1 bri'k.ii ,i ... ,..... I. a ,lw-r ;ho it. Ut !,.-. .'ee.,. ,Mln.i an I .. ':iii.imk I' ibctini I'-n't i.i.lirV. n lit , tuck ll nu ;e; l I It Oil- r.'llw HI ' " I'e 1 ' ' "I" " ' '".'to - win lo'iir, sli ibbv I', lie. s nre s:-. ii j Turnip make an v.- lb ut inlditmu I, ll,. tie v.,,rl.: (,f r I'H'iili llniu ' i I. . t be b ed of .. inlleli e..w. I. Il liil pnno. iml tin n there seems ! () ( 1 pinli n, t.,.i I . ai- liiolilv t" I" II-. tlllli f..f slleli work. I n I' ,6, ,,,,,,, I ,,K j,,,,,-! d-t..i I-. wh.l. tl, ,, .. I, i.iiiv. .m l vnuw.llbej b , lA1 nil...- bk ly to do u""'l work. ui. r 1. "ii Aui ifultui t-t. p. I illlelltltlf.' with bi.lill- wheal .. MilW in KKII'I'I M I'k I N -pifk. A writ. I iii Hi. Olii i I 'uj'iii- r lliink I It is said Hut u-ii.ue winch i- tml til it In keep '11111 pk Ml it, ll 'l'--., sl.lte fo i red W i 1 1 oil I V III - I M I" 11 'b 'l It " t. ion : i t ! 3 s .'! u . ii- is ii very , p ii inch. s. si ... ..- Ii.jlt I . e. ii l-ill has n nly tn ! 'I'll... side nl Ihe -lb' ioil'l'l be Clll c s. !. i t lb.. tint nl-. nui I nti l wi ll i tuilv pHcke.l. -o tl, ! t!" ; a'v il- -nl). I tip' ui '1. HiU'll. th' hi flip lull -ins a-the c.-uter. l"-t t'. brio-.. l,-. H. .Ii : wa-h fuel wipe ( , Vl)1 K(., , , , . , ,,,,- s,. . . up .Ii -y . tl,. n -Lo - tin in iu a .lr. wuim : ,,, ,(,,, ,tHnilm.l mi "iii-t not be eon I. w.n i. I't e.ich pumpkin h-ive a t tit w it h " lad.' -tl' -. . .1. .. : l .... ...I t'i. . :t : I . si I ii. 1 1 I. i ii i ii'i I'll' i. ii ' ' i on t. ui ol :!ii"l ii. r. b'ep I lie tetnpei - 1 1 1 sit 11 r. - ol th f 1 a. 1 v. 11 Ms issble ' at all Inn -, il'ol - ni'i'l, pluuip I -II II' I I. Ill - e III b. l el III lull: jll-t II - Well lis ... ,1... , f ,.1,.,. ,- , - . ,1 1 . , 1 1 1 , , 1 : . in an nppi ; leillwa buidiii-i from the 1 1 1 ! 1 1 l"i!ll. p 'I t II I'e ll 1 1 LT (it tile n. mi.', o tb tan-way, so the beat ll-. -aiel t:l 11 line l Ii -t 1 1 ill t ll' sum.- t. mi- : 1 1 11 c- a lb.- iliniii" room. If a pi I' lit a i . e. iv panti v, w. II h. CUIiil II-..III Irn.l o .1 I'l.plle--, tile npp 1 .'u- lf would an . r nie I for .1 : ol III" .la". . of It . loll" - Closet. il l fi . u cold 01 ibinipn would ;,..,.: II,. Pi,,,.,.- w.ll. WinP r s. 1 1 1. 1 ,l. - . III II I-1 1 1 .l'e.e-V d III Ilk' iii. inn. r. I 1 111 1 .ties, and tio-I'd 11 v ill I. pill tin. I f vooetilbl oil til ' ' 1 I t lb .. 1 il 1 t.ilio u -. l-lt l"ii ; mi- I 1 .-i'l mi 1 in.-. . in 1 . .. : hi- a 1 . 1 1 e r lioin V. I'. I'.i-.wi. .-. .-..i',. '.low.-r. tit which lo uiv. . In - own p. ; n-iiee with I .i.-- ut I'im lio'iitll- nil I tliivi .lav. "id. It would will I doubt leu,. paid P. Ii 1 - I th -Hi 11 1 1" 1 1 nr niolitli. but tin- il:oi..:lil lull iieaily inini-d luv roi 11 1111. 1 I lid iml Inn cnrii without P'niif: 'mm liv I- I n -'."it.. l,ve I"" ' " 1 r li '' . 0. Mv av, ia,, I .U ponud-illld n ! "I :i .- i'l i.t'i.-, to " o'l tin-Ill al ii I ,r . fat .io - 11 I pi n-,.. Tin y w . iv led 1 ol 11 1 Iv oil I'l an and oil no a I. si-, j I bo lb I 1 t Ihr. e w. -k.. diiriaj; which tle-y w. .11 feed ol hull' new c..ili. Th'- fi ei i-t ( 11 pie ate half a ton ot . o I meal i.l SJ t ,, l,,. The' brail Wll- li'-1 Wei"ll 'd. but I estiuiute lb n lle v at, ,1 p. 11 and 11 hull, costino iis. V;., tm, I .liniiio ,). lust tlii-c w I,- t.-n bii-li"!- "I com v.nrth s.MI. ' I'd . .., r. -- the 1 .-t of t lit' 1 1- te ui from tin- tin l!i v weie wein..i 1 1 . 7 " ,,i. ('- v . .1 I In- : 1, which rep.'-- iiit. it,!!-. o..lit. I ill. I ...licit bell. I- .Pit:,. .i l'tt'ir. 11. I -obi tie .., ' li.;. (1, j 1 ,, .. ,.i 1 .01 w .1- nt it. hij; I. ,-t -,..l.. I b-IVt HOW lllt.el tlltee j I 1 1 1 - . 1 I in .in e ssinii 1 mm I In-se sow , M v ne 11 In, - been to sec if I null I'ein .io, nil. I - -II 111. 'Ill Vnlllin ut .', p'olii witli'iul tniilv to j.'ie tliein 11 - t ill u i i I I, i'..- il: .iieti. luted Hull il cull be .I 'll . " (,1 ' N ft 11 'I' I'O li I OW 1... I en I. '"'I is the 1 1 n t ill ill food nl tov,'. in lit" uuniier i-cn.iili. ll is Con! li". o . .. s .es nf the elements i-e.jiri eil. 11 11 -I i . nn He ri inldv nbtiiin. d lb in ,1 iv ei b r kin 1 nf lim I. lieiuo bull.' , it eoiil 1 1 1 1 -i wiil. r, nnd iiuhi.i . de.;.' foil bv disti iidlli" the bowels. I l-o r. ll ll"t 11 - li.ll l it 10:1 ll. Illent nl oi,in. yi I ol il 1- consumed, nnd if ol 11 villi I v . it -upi'lie. ,-i! the vvunls ..I lb" t! tel.. !l the luinter will icoln'lni o with ill.' fen i H! till ., llsill" llo ;.llllll. he wii! tin I Hilt In. h lis will keep li bell- I' lie. dill Mil. I condition llulli if ihev tire fed eu 1 hi u o" nt In f emiceii -tinted In. "I. I'll ilc-l .Iriivvbiielv to III.' k'.'i'in ; .0' I ti 1 1 rv is lint tlint li -fowls ii.-e in :'.!ti.'ientlv s ipplicd, but thev me f. d tm much, mid tl" ro-.t of their m tint-, ninee iv'!" than 't i.hould lit. Sm'e .tins n fowl with nil tlif jrriiin tint it will fit' n it conditi ive to tbni't or cry pin il'ictiun. Tilt ' ' I- H'l o'l 'l Int'l!-- Wilst" of ft' "I in " -u't'i'o r b th ' bu s: of jit o , 1 in nt in I't I'ti;;. (iiii'ii i-jiivcn ln i -tilv , vi hr n iii (hi t M is the nm.-t tin- ..inliililo f,.,.d tint caii bo allowed -Im , ... to iinv other bind now, mid ll bfiis nre co'i'i'i'.'d ii'i I i-iiiiint linvo til- run of it -''5 pint, tin' "IV; 11 bei 1 III l bo flit , . up Iii:--iiit.l I'od to tin 111. mid il niny b-.riven ilircf t inn ;t d 1 v . 111 which i n u innli -P ity of -I'-oind ofi-ls "'' ''"' 111" nl nniy bo i.pi inklod ov t ho out f I. to . ii-li .HHft tbo l o'ilnl oiHin o u.-.l u t, .i-pootiful of wt It homy: rh'-l inliiu ib lv mix 1 v.itli Kit is found n v-.iri m Kiv.- sonnt I, i 1,0 rl - tlmii "t'.'.-i I I, l"t H ' '"1 "n h- or in -nt nnd . -i-1 1 -1 1 . I or rntiudj bnii-. oivcti .0 a day, .1 pnund tn t ivotity lion- b. iti'' inni'b . Tlii- lien. will bi innre rpti w In 11 snp- p!io,l with plciitv of Ki-. i'ti fn 1 th in w In 11 nllnwo l xriin freely. - f Farm nnd Fiv.-i.o. M- Mint s MUI -. .Ml nr... nr. ,mv nut t-.pi.illv v .ln f,'''' oe II ifiilit till tl, .1 I ."III' I. This is mi co ll.-ni fn"- bo - . , , . (Juiirillltlilc ill ll.wlv puielol-c.l . . ,- i ... .1.1 iiios (or tlnrtv .lav sb. lot .1. tt inu 1 hem . . . .' . .', 1 run w lib t le 11 b How . " 1 J-'on.l btck HI I .fit... i-i 1 a .1 to I, tl 1 11 - w I etuplm coonnoli -"ii- and I ju I'lelit ! r. 1 1 1 . . i 1 1 : all lull.', hint 1 1 1 -1 . 1 j.i ft, w iii be ill -I I m ed Itll'l olhel- Wlllbe (.lev llti d I'-nni iibtliillill-4 u Inotllio. A e I warm l 11 with r-1 1 . aiol Wat. r in.ide all' I o, cnw-. Illlike w inter ibiirv iii!4 . r llian ..iintnier dail y iiio. ti I hit 1 ds i-iinnot -l ind the u. "- '' ' " ll"-h "'" - "bs .an. b .1 if .mu, ie tliel.i propi r care liny will sun U I ( .l oil. W ill never I"J. of d feetUe l"0l-tl tut !"li Hppi at iiiiiolio vmir lines, it i linn to eli'iiiee ).. iiuotli. r -Imiii i f tin- same I'uiiiily. Hi llioioiiul, cull ui e the fat ,nc- i .111 C I niueb bi It. I- 1 Put will i Ii ,nl hi .'il luui-l, .oii.i-llian by I... tlmmiivh full ivsil inn. Pi", till! ll n 0. n driven liny ,sl nice, or 1 veil (-illed o th" pine ,, Mlliii". sh-.ull be yiveii eoiie of ,u'iest b. f..e killlii". Tin ii in. dv in ii--.- lor the cnillin ,,,,, Vii.tmli,, ,. ,, bund,,-.- about t'n k nl (lie tre,. ,,. tl ,p .,,-, ,., mtl,(., .. A writer sv - I lint h" u,-. . .. d in j driving iiwiiv --poi-li mid . ticninbcr ; liei lies b sc.itt 'Mil", nil e ich hill H 111 lie hind o,y : 'i which I1.1.I bet 11 tin listened with coal tin'. 1 1 turnips me led t vvs jl 1 nl . inilUino tbev nre npl to ive n unit lo th" 111 1 1 b . I. it il i'i sun: tleit tl i-1"'" direelly nil r nitlkiu" tin n, l pl'odilccd will be iiiiluiui. ,. Win n ireeii crops ,ne under tin- pnipo-e nl eiiiicliino il,e s,,j, nn upplicnti"ti of lone w ill nltcti be nf (be "letlt -t b. II' tit. It I o 1 1 1. I , . col left tin inidttv ot tb. -ml tint ott.., re. ults ft out tin too 1 n 'i. I b 1 no nt:, ttotl of the el. 1 n -lutV. ' Miisiiiilucs All lilt- .uit' in U.ivv.iii, I A well 1 nt. riii. d woni.iti of t 'incin ' null. who. Willi Ire liii-buiid, 11 w.ll I tufol'ined 1.1 in, lei- ti'Hveled nloillnl 1 the world nnd nil tlnmioh tlie wnild, 1 .lute, 1 1n t Hoiiolubi 1. of the itio -l cluiriniuv clnniitcs I hut she ever visited. It is lll.o foslllopolltllll lis ic I'l ili. the pop. li lt inll. bill the pln!Utl of mo ..U!loe. ei 'ts th-re, mnl there i.. in. frost toiilVoid relief. It is there fore, li"t likely lint! it will ever be come desirnblc hs h piTinuticiit resi lience for Auicticnns. We hII kimw v lull 11 pi -I liui-iUlltie nre in out A met icnn .Hits, where llnir life is 'holt, Mini llniu ibi. evpei ii nee cmi clll.. ions nuty be.linwii m lo wlnit lie pcsl is in 11 fniinlry where thev lire pcrpctitHl. - j ('nietuii.iti t'ommerciiil (in,., tte. Hie Onlj I'l'iisim. T.iiil "lploin.ed fust cinillijh, but she w out. I't bx v e inc. " .lin k - "ltd she irive yoit hiiv r.'H ton?" Tom "Nope; except tint hh-' didn't cure for me. --1'itck. fJFAlM AMI ( I Kllll'S, r r is uuidc front tobiic 'o sbilk. Ireland has J.slo.on hck -s of In; pjji MM.sHi'httslf ts Jon bnlt'iii fn i'l' ies. .lout lulls ere pi int. d 111 till v nui" hltiotuiecs. Iu Asin there 11 re I'J 1 people b. the s.piure mile. In .l.tvit, iisiii.ui ..I the nun rinye fieni'iliy , t be bride wn-les tlie bel of th - eronm. I n S. rviu Mini Intl.iiii tin' ;:'' "i,. utv llu bride 11 Pip w ith the In I ol In r ow 11 slim'. I'll" Hebrew h'W. n.iele w ilebci 11 1 1 H enpiln! crime. "Thou ' Inilt not sul'i'er 11 w itch tn live." In l.smi lic pri-iiiis nf Ihi. e.uiiitry eii'it.-iiin il li!,:ifs A m riciin , nnd l.'.'.'ln bm i"ti. is. I'ln- fir.l s.d I . I... tin .. ..n.ile ediiciitiiiu nl'nirl.wi re liiiiliib d during the lioiinin Kinpii. . In I .'i."i2 bnoks on ui iiiin liy nnd M--tliillnniv were destinved ill I'Ji;;!.!!'! H . si, v ol lii-4 of Inn ,ie. The fit t town ni tliis- eoitii liy wii. o i I for bii nn in Hutl- b. nl. Conn., ni bilJ. Tin (im. I. Church 1 iiipb-.v . two nui; in 1 1" ni.nTUi",'' e I tiumiy .Hi nt" '..). 1, th, ntln r nf stiver. V..-t Ansti inn criinlti.ils ,111 b. twi . 11 the li'jes of tvcllty illld thillv, Itll'l . ieli'v p. r ( lit nie iiiiiuitrricd. The liv. IML-e life nf II imle ni the I. I Ilk nl I'.llllllel is M little . ss tllitll 7" .I'lV -. Nob. Illc 111 ViT I I i "lied. A In n ill M 11 loliv lib-. Mobile, h iv II.", 1 11 olio. 1 robbed ,.f h-l ll' st. Il eum.' ili-eii .teil nnd tinnllv s.l iioii t w .. ib ..'ell lleol li - Unit In. one seemed l-i will,!. Iii .liuiiiu n : H iii Cirroll enmity, M diib . r.'.'i it'y, 11 l'i:ii. r ehiiiii bine foiin l nl n depth of ten f. et, 11 -tro'iin of wmI r in which wctc tl.uitiu number-of whit" wmIiiuIs, loe.iher v ith b IM - llo III III" tre. -. Wll. II Wo, Illed of l' Voll.hlle I ll -0 '.'."it V. I w. ;.t In (ten. i.iiiv tn cm vert th" hi-.ith. 11, his first net whs tu fell m -iiered o ik which had been deli cited In Tlmr. Aofent stol lll 11-si (J d him in biv in;: tin' yi.iut prone upon .mill. Ith. le nt In n, rcoitrdinu it ns II inir.icl- . w. re cmivi rl. d bv ti 11-.!i.d-. llu Miiiillti'- lii sl Kiirilhi. I'uul il 1 Cii lillu, Ihe A fi in 111 .1 . told the student, nl tic. I'liivcr-tty o! ' Chi''ii".n ycsleiibiv nl his evplnlii-tioii- in Vfneit. An inb festnie: sic cnUlll Wl.s (,'iv. II ol how lie killed llin tir-t oorilbi. "th first .me killed bv 11 w hile iniin -ii the in s nf ihe Cur- I hniiililiin -. l.D'W ye,if. iieo." He sni. I ; "We h'ld vi.tu brid for three ibiys in the for. t in 'pi. . ol tie- nt Unit lime iilumsl I'uble I iiioitsl, r, , win 11 suddenly I In 'i.d n .oiiml us of briMkiiis: brunch". b"Ut :'' bit liln ltd. I elMwl. il : I. . 11 : ch'se In th" oinuiid like 11 -link'. Thliii.'li the juntrb's I espied 11 bii-.-e plum tree with it. biiineh 's swhviii,'. S0..11 I stvv llu ol'jeetiif in v hunt in the -hup.' o 1,11 elinrinolls iinih eoillhi elm 1'o.iti", from ill" oveih ni;:inu blanches, bill he snou dis'ipp.'lll'i d. I lll.'Ul.'llt t mv prey hud e'll'li'd I 'e. when sinblcll ly with. ml hiiv wnriiiii" save by the sound from the hriukiii" ol some dry brunch' -. the monster -! I orinnitf,' beloi'i me. The terrible iieirness of th" b. list iniiile mv bl I run fold. v,il. h- stood til ! b nine; hi.brt list with hi. liutnl and ntl. 1 ni" the most blood 1 unllnis.- howl- Then bciulitiu' low lis if tn spline, le utti led II lllo-l yell, still b. :,tii,o his bfea -I more liereeiy tlnili 1 nr. Kefelc lie hud stopped I level. I luv rille nnd lin d. I'lie ball pen. Iinleil tin' In 11 It , inel in lillin,.' I'orw.iid lie itllered .1 erniiu libit 'i-t h. lie. in." ;t'liicM"ii i;, Nha' IVarl Ititttuiis Ucillv Are. Willi nre klinwii to Ihe (rude 11s i. nil buttons nre 111. nb limn Ihe shell nf Ihe mii'sel and tin nv .It r the in-lli-i Inline nf the si,, 1 ,. M,,!,l-ks be- inu nn 'I tb -c in ubstntfe. olt-ti vi 1 y b niftiil hi tint- nnd known us (I,.. 1. 1'. tie I nl p. al l. 1 hese sliells, Inliml III all pint, nf lite world, vary ciiiim.. I iihl v in .i,nlity mid value. The pun- vvhil shell i; I'ouiul in li e I'.a-t Indus, and Ihe m t is what is termed Ihe yelln.v ed'ji d iniiliill.l, found ill the Muiiiliu i'liiud'. Another kind nt shell iu this line conies from the 1'a eitic island nnd is of 11 very beautiful but dark hue. I'ew shells ennliiiiiiii line ipialit le 1 el the milijt ct ill iilctini. are native., of this f.miitry. thoii;.h hile irn.ibers of tho ill fi fin. j.ludo Hie nblllill. .1. , , . . riiiii'lis" nf HiniVii. U In, I nn adn,,r:if'le pl-n'e lor tin elnviili't. nf industry nf i.ll kind inut Tunis be! A hiily ln,vii,e had t, Hill. nn llfit whnever ilrnuk nf the witter in le r cis tern would esenpe elii'lelii, Jlt.t'iltl people puss d thr.uieh her pleeiis n 1 pelinv H lifil.ii ill H couple of ibivs. (I, i-H'icbi siniphci tti.V wlml ftbnvn thut must be lor the c. 'iiti. leiic t, iek an I nil th" other little swim II' s thit hive fall, il under siin pi:'inii elst w In !. ! Whut a plni'f , if not tn tin Htii of, tn divam iu! Loudon llliisli.ttv I Nvb. roii THE HOlSEniFE. OMO.V SAI'CK FOR BFI.K. An onion sauce is often made tn serve with meats, pnrticulai ly In 1 f stenk. In siuhII ht. w j-nu Iu at piece of butter the sii'.e of h whIiiuI. When melted throw in a finely minced onion. Stir, and ns soon ns the onion is cooked soft ndd II I n I ! s 11 1. 11 111 I of llnur tor thiekeiiiiijj, season with Milt to tho tiiste, enmioJi vinegar to sliohlly tin vol- it, and, if desired, a dust of siiua r. Stir the mixture llniroiililv, add juice off your 111. at mid 11 dnsli nf enhl water inei s.i ve hot. Nw Voi k lic l order. in 1 rut: m:e.i-' foii luaiMi t 'llt II rtillllilof beef into four pieces. K ib each piece liphlly with sub oil all sides and let it stand .1 iv before eoriiiiiej. Make 11 biiin liom .me tub nf wuter, h half H pound of stipir. .1 te.t spoon fill of powdered siiltpetle nnd salt until the. brine will rloat 1111 fun li 1 1 the inent into tliiw brine and hI low it to remain two weeks. Cover il carefully Hil l look nt it tieipieiitly. See flint (lie brine coven the ment : if iml, luuke n little nmre from milt 101 I water and mi l to it. At Hie end nf III" twi. Weeks lake nut III.' Illent Mild hallo; it jn a , 1 phiec tn dry. It may b smoke. I, but 1.1 iiny I hi 11k this.b sl t oy s the fbivor. INew Vork World. I'OIIK A PKtNs. Tllkr H ipiull of Mill :t 1 1 white Allien cmi Ihiiii-. Ib. iml let yniir uro.'er pthu I'lVtit rmaii beans on you - they M re only tit fn) hnr.o In nil. WbsIi III'' lle.lll. tl,l l.te;l mid put tilt 111 ill aketllf. Covt r w ith enld watt I' : let llieni boil, and then drain through n eollutnli r. Now phice them in wlml the Ib'sftin peojile e,dl H bike kettle. Let it be soniethin,ur that will stiin.l the heat of the oven nnd of the top ol Ihe ruiioe: 11 reiilnr bean dish is best. Alt. r puttiiio th" beans iu this dish, bike 11 stiiull tininii, chop it I'm" with little paisley itn-l put this in the btnu kettle, then put in a iiHiter ,.f n ten. spoonful (if dl V lllllst'lld. plelltv nf black p.pi'. i. nnd il yniir pork is iml very suit H'l. I a t. asp'iniiliil nf salt and Inn t'lldespooii fills of New I ) Ich lis 1110 lass.s. Score one pound of pork iu in little dice across the crackle, put oil top of the beans, pnur Irnni the ten k tt le ell'io bolline; wilier III III.' beilll ke'tle to cover the III Jill i. Mild stand mi top nf the sieve; cover il with 11 pint" nnd I. t Ihe beans conk Inn hours. In .1 walt r ill the lea kettle sn that iu ease they (jot dry yon fan pour it in tho kettle. Alter I wo hours' eonkini; on the top nf Ih.. stove put the beans in the ov. n and let them bake five hours. Keep them moist. You will have, when they arc, 11 dish that you can't t lit elnioi of, Niw Yolk Advertiser. M IEMIUI SlitAI'S. Th" .lp nn i-e luive invtnttil 11 11 vv and -up. mil' kind nf .! .1. l'r.ile, Thomson Im. allowed tin eh ftrienl current nl n ii i 1 1 ! 1 11 vnlt. In pa.s thiiuiyli hi. bndv . A sito(. st.-.tin .Inn . I in Ihe Lake Siipeiiol-legion tiiiius Inails mi Ihe cars iu a siuule d iy It. llltl Inns ol iron ore. Leather scraps are now converted into 11 pulp and iiiitnulntiiiied into door knobs, eaiics, combs, cups, bul lous and other uselul articles. It is e. hunted that favorable conditions a heavy chip of thunder fan be littinl 11 dist ini f 'JV miles. Licjitniii is v isible five times as far. Mr. Holland of the ( ienh.eical Sur vey of I ndia, Htter tw o y ems' investi gation, has come to the eonclusinu that the neolotry of Miulriis has hith erto been misapprehended. A renctrkable iircha olooieal discov ery is aniioiiiif ed from Treves. In , -civi'lin" the old Koiiiuli walls close to the Mns,. He a enliiplete lloinnti pottery e biblishiiieut was diseiivereil. An authority on weather declares thai tol lia. lot s are n-osl lic.pielit be Iw.eiiunon and (1 o'clock, nnd thai Hie null', st hotll nf the d-n is I n't lock iii th" aft' 1 ii"o!i. Tin-, is the report of 11 no I. nt .. logical . prrl. The lnnf.e-1 iron railway bridge in tieiueiny has just been openeil for tiutlic. It s'itlis 1 lit- Vistula between roidon and Ciilnisee iu West Puis. in. and has occupied two nnd h half ycur.-i in construction. It cost $2,11011,111111. Scientific investioiiliiin showa Unit the sens mound the British foast are beill"; ehnusteil of tish. The subject is receivmo; very 'ruxn cntisidciatioii, nnd iu nil pn.babilily there will have In be very elabniale menus established of sine kill"; the I'liulisli walels. At 11 ineetiii" nf the AssociMtmii Auslriaii l',ii"iiieers nnd Architects. I'm fi ssnr W; 1 1 nt i- nf the Hi nun J'ech lii.vl Aeinhinv showed a tlyiu;.' ma chine which i 1 Hit tided itself lo Ihe I inectiii". hevcial prominent t iiuin- I eers expressed the opinion that it would n lve the problem of ii'i m! nuvi- I -- j pit ion. l ive t lioiis'iuil M.u iiia wuh j voted In buibi n (rial niHchiuu bii ciioiioh to cm ty two persons. Keiilccky is fiist in tobacco, fonrth 11!skey,:itli in hogs, emhth iu re Highest of all in 1 .cavenhg I'wer Latent U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE TRUMPET CALLS. flam'i Flora S.mnd a Warning Nntr to ih I'nreilrriiicJ. Hioirr is miftht, Init iniKht Is nnt ilKht. Tim: rixht kind of a prayer never stops. 'I'm: vrtkc of Chiistwill not tit a BtilT ntv k. 1 1 k whu follows a (."'o l man travels toward 'iod. A 1 111 i.i' . first question 13 the first r.und in the ladder of knowledge. ion has tilled the world with teachers for (hose who want to learn. A iHiii'Mc tfiiiiubler can be set down as a person who loafs too much. N'mk men join church from the same motive that others roha bank. T111-: prayer thai starts from a Idble promise always reaches Heaven. Ti'K devil is a friend to the man who helps to put a bid man in oilicc. I r Is bett-r to bland still than to tike step in which i,nd docs not lead. Nn man can live. Hunt lo.- a clay who does not realize that he is lo live lovevcr. 1 r is i.c'tloui that tho Holy Chost and a kitchen (ict on well lo.'cther in the same, church. Ki:u paid man is a liuht that lind is tisinif to show tome dinner the way to lloax en. As a publican acheus was veiy liltle, but how fast he icw when he tame to l The man who knows he has a Odd has no business to ever be in want of anytliin',' else. No ri!i:.i 111:1: can keep step with ( hid hea l i.s uruwinK plaster than his iieat I. Vnf can't tell how many friends (bid has iu a community by count intf the church i-pircs. Tti'i many people have an Idea that religion can be measured by the bnicth of Ihe face Tiik man who works the hardest for the least pay Is the one who has the tannest fortune. Tiikuk are ton in - . , 'cachet's who 1 ever have auylbi, ; .y fur Christ outsidn of the puljui Ik the wife doc9 not et anv good out of I h" husband's religion it does not cotne frmu 'hrist. .iKrs tatmht prudence and econ. oniy when he told His disciples t'i gather up the fnikr incuts. SMALL BUT EFFECTIVE, t'ns tb" litllo Monilor flint met th Merrl iniic nt llninptoti linnds. is., tixi aro lr. Tierce's I'li-Bttiiit IVIlcts, effestivr in cfitKiUPr ini; tlu enemy ilisens". Wlieti vmi tnlte B pill it's nn important point, tn hnve thtun ftnull - priivi.lcil they hnvn p)iinl stroiiRtli an. I eflfenev. You flntl v lint you want in these little liver pills nf 1'ir. Piei-.-e. Thcy'r rut up in n letter vvny, and they art In n .'Iter way, than the IiiirboIiI fnihiniipd pills. AV hat yn'u want when you're "all cut of Krts" grumpy, thick headed and take a gloomy view of life, is thesp. Pellets to clear up your Rvslt'tn und start your liver into lieal'tliful neliuii. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipation. Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, nnd all derangements of the liver, MiilniU'li nnd bowels, are prevented, relieved, and cured. Put up in saled glass vials, ami always fresh nnd rclint'ln. Uvea Wit UAMCUAta KsQ.,of ntnrgetmnt, Kv-.tarr- "Mv wire llilnks your little ' Pel lets' urc tllCKl'CUt.'St ill out." Letters from Mothers speak in warm temis of what Scott's Emu I s i on has done tfrtlicir del icate, sickly child 1 en. It's use lias brought tiiousands back to rosy health. of cod-liver oil with Ilypophos pliites is employed wiili great success in all ailments that re cline flesh and strength. Little ones t ike it with relish. Pi -parsrt hr Scott A newne.N. Y. All jtayaleta. fiATARRH w IN CHILDREN For ovr-r I wo yf f rs my little girl's life was mailt; .!c hv a case of Catarrh. The tliscli.irqe from tlie nose was larjre, constant and very offensive. 1 1 cr eyes became inll.imed, the lids swollen ind very painful. After Irving various reme dies, I pave herljfrajj The first iKyt 1 1 e seemed to ErC3&!y aircravate the disease, hut the symptoms soon abated, and in a short time she was cured. Ph. L. II. Kncm v, Mac key, Ind. Out liooH "n and Skin Iiiv-asea iitmlea ttve. Svv II- i- Sl ltetl le Co.. Xll.iiua. lia. ) One bottle for fifteen cents, , .. !; J Twelve bottles for one dollar, f ma,u ;! 1 R-I-P-A-N-S I t tfTS fl "ief"lt f e3?i i ? ksgp k$s30 l&as ; ; Ripann Tabuk-s are the most effective rcc- J- i ipe ever prescribed by a physician for any ; disorder ef the stomach, liver or bowels. j' f l'-j rf aey r.iffti&t any.'.herf, rr tend trice o 1 THE RITANi CHEMICAL COMPANY, to Smvi t,.., New Yen. j Ripann Tabtiles are the most effective rec ipe ever prescribed by a physician for any disorder ef the stomach, liver or bowels. I'-jy rf aey drifti;i&t any.'.herf, rr tend trice to Tilt: RITANi CHEMICAL COM T A. NY, to Smvi t,.., New Yen. I Itlltbt AVnv tn Hull Itlee. These arc (he directions for toiling rice sent out by tho Louisiana llice Exhibit at New Orleann: Tick your rice clean and wash it in two cold waters, nut draining off the last water till you arc ready to put the rice ou the tire. 1'repure a saucepan with water and a Utile salt When it boils sprinkle in the rice gradually so as not to stop the boilinif. Jtoll hard for twenty minutes, keeping the pol covered. Then take it from the back tif the lire and pour off the water, after which set the p it on the back of the stove to allow the rice to dry and trrains to separate. Ucniember to boil rapidly from the time yoj cover the pot until you take it off; this allows each craln to swell to three times its normal si e, and the motion pievents tlie fiiain9 from Bt 'king together. Don't stir it, as this will cause it to fall to the bot tom and burn. When properly boiled ti e mIioiiIiI be .snowy while, perfectly dry. soft, and every grain separate. int. Kii.'nrirs SWAMP-ROOT CURED ME. Dropsical Swelling, Cold as Ice. LIFE WAS A BURDEN. "Swamp-Floor' prvcI mylifeafter 1 had evi ryilnnu luit il.-alli. 1 w'i'i you mv I'lm loprui'li and lliis.les rrii'litin nf 111 v i use ami ou . nr. iisp It If you wish, fly linniln were enld us ice; lire wouM rut warm them. Iiriiscal Fiyi'llncri ctf lite lower limbs: l roul l not button mv phficn. K.wiii.iu com pletely exhausted me; death sei'lllnl fn Xfry n.-iir. The mvell. Iiiok hiiv e L'tino and oil my troubles hnve disnpnenred. My health ts better now 1 htm it Im In en fur venrn. " SWAMP-ROOT CURED ME." Tell deiibtnui ones to write me 1 will leU them all (bent It Mux ll. .1. Ci TSiNcnn, .Ian. 1".. lfl. Unri. ttu, phelby Co.. Ind. At nrui;-il SOc renin and (1 1 .00 Mzr, " InvaluiV liulilr lo Health" frrr-Coiilniltntlon trm. It. Kilmer k In., . ISinglmuiton, X. V. Dr. Kilmer's U & 0 AnointmenfCurer Piles Trial Box Freo At Druggist. 60 cents. WORK FOR YOU. Why bp idle, when you ran aell onr at lio 111 e. U'n waul an HEPnt in rverr loii-n in m.aricii Kii-iv liiinf.. 1.' wt:ere tl,rp urn ts.r, n1 Fil-.'.i.lit .. Ii . '- n i.ii..'.l. t-t nt ."ir tlnf I'h ln f ..I t r .h iit.- l l'. ..., -. Him i.l Li- M'U'. c of fli-u-iiK' ni it i'i. II. lo 'II ni .t jeiiiij. Tl.P'f fcr.i; le ir h-- tr; li': ll -I . .I I" u I .1). !' inline pi'-tnrt t l-s ... H.V..1I, .nil f.'V itr l I' '1 :en..l. Ih T i p i- ;li all I't- t en . in t it- s .nv uni.n Wo r:io i r- nisi-1;. nn i.. j.nlii.k' li. i. n rut i,si.. r f r .-im iun, an-1 thnv nr . il iv- id Ui- m-'iiv mil f'rtli.m. I h. pu Hues nr. n t.. I. w. KKKIIS I. I'irsbl.'n! nn.l Fnrrlun Korrrelcnv ( li-viiioid. Harrison. Aitluir, (iarfli'ld. Ilav"-. Ilrniit. I. in. t. In. Quren Victoria, nri's. l ariii.t, Kiiip. vVjlliain. King tl'inili.11,1 V ir el ll'is-iii, Knii. of Austria. I.V. SHI IKS 11. (Irreymra nnd Rrrnrntrrii. Hi--lii'ii llri.tiks, Hronk Chnri h, Henry Ward iWi'ln-r. T. 1'fW ill Talmnue. Spur (jMon. liev . Ilit linr i S. Sti.rrs, llitli', Card, liililinns, Kev. Ir. minim;. Wendell l'hilli.s. Kriin.-.- K. llliird. Vary A. l.iv .'rnii. re, llev. Unlit I 'ullver. IV. KFKIKsr. I'tirtu and Author. 't liilti. r. ll.ilm. s. K'm.'ron. rncken, Kiplinir. Howell, l.ow.ll. Al.-ott, Hums,, Mark Twain. Huller. Srott. I.V. SFIIIKsll. Iluslrlnns, Irt.itii ind 4rtrrMri. r.dvvin ll.i.iili. .liis.-iih .li'lTersnn, Henry Irv mu. Ili't'inan Tliimii'snn. .lohn Mi'i 'til loiilih. 1'ii.leri w. ki. I'alli. I'. S. Ililmore. I.illiiin Hus-cll. Miny Anilirson, Ada Holm ii. Funny, Marie Tempest. SI HIIX K. Mutmrnrn anil Pnllllrhini. .M.-Kinli v. Hill, ll.'.-d. Sliernian, Mlnlne. li'l.evv, Htii:. r, Hnssell. lire-ham. Carlisle, I oiiklini.'. hilt lnw Itel.l. Horace lir 'el.v, liaiiicl V elir.ti r. IV. To anv . nt ..I w.'i k r tv 'II mull any unf nf lha at-me ntiiirl,' strrn. upoti r.-.j-l U'l "' V-iUmin, ni-.l s.-i .l ll .il ayfuti' terms that jtiu on Umle t nn. im. ip. 1101 Ml k ( II., .V'-l Slock liMjiunce, lloston. it.r.-r- w ru.lcrfiit flue ohancf for ?mai! lo'-ettlmentx. $ .' .tv liivt-ett-il hip ut.w will .tr.iw lo ,Q ilt. ii,l n t.-n yfr'.. Kor el rulur. niiips anl neerlal ti...i:i.ti.:i.i.llrissCi rs. I.. Ill IIK.INVKMT. .ll ENT U AMvUI, I'ler.e, rniiili ilakula, PATENTS ui', ll.l.ll I'nn ni el t:t. .' -I P. MIIll'SIIN, I'. l Nt. a tv'a fee ..I.VVr li- ler Invrutel'K tiul.1a II N V -.2 and RAiM! Th Haul for Eitlior Hnninir or Oookinr. Txrel in Stylo, Comfort and Durability. I ar3a3,Car-'KINlSNlSIKs. FVtltY OVB ! ASK YOUR STOVE DEALER j Tethew rc SH Kt'l'A flli'j" I ATtfsT CATAlOOLaV U no -leaiet u'-ar you w r te to ISAAC A. 8HEPPARO A CO., I.AROKST Mam 'hcII 111 i:'s l 'lUK SOUTH. ConaainptlTea ana people weak Inncatir Asth ma, ahould una I'iao'e Cure for Consumption. It has cured tbooeanda. ft haa not injnr ed one. It la not to lake. It te the beat coutheyrup. Fold everywhere. 8Se. ..l"