; l)atl)am lUcoro. JI. A.m LONDON, EDITOR AND PKOPRIETOIt. RATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One square, one insertion One square, two insertions One square, one month 11.0 1.8(1 MO $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. For larger advertisements libem! c ij racts will be made. VOL. XVI. PITTSUOUO', CHATHAM CO., N. 0., JANUARY 18, 181)1. tttettom . ..... . V. NO. 21. 'I l:o Knew i;iir Through the fro'-t iiir ken and inn, Through the hill expanse id li-'ivf). Earthward (-hinted, blown and driven, Winging fast j Falling fleece-like, fr.ldini; ever Face of liaiiili't, Held ami river. Wrapping ! 'aid.'- llml shiver, l'rnin t'.ie l.l.a-l. Come (I,m snow-.'hes iM'iywIi'T", Chililr.n of the i'.v uir. From nir-envr, that south winds . linn, Frozen i liatiil iTs i.f tin- mm. Where ghesf lriv?is chill mi l run, Kling mid I Imv : In Ihc phantom morning light, In th" mill. lav still mi l w hit", In the silent l"Jtt ..f nigh'. W lingl-U'; Sinking. v)iulilni nrr down, Irive Hi" miow --'ves through Hi" t'nvn. When; tli" luc'tird I'litplcs n 1 1 i On the edge i.( (.inn-' !"tio land, Moaning in n ilc-- l .- s banl. Mossed ii ii I grey : Where Hie hwxIIcii river's li-i':i-: lltt in ice- its I'hi' k iitir -t, Hurrying in mil-.i-n-i I mi"-1. Night and day ; f Mill' l lnv v ;. 111,'UillillU i. "JI Wo ai ami .ticain in ni.PI"l s,...,, Fve.'. i-i'T iolding -I nvii. 1.: r ilrenm, wood. 1 - t mid I iwii, N'.:c l.'ii.'es, Ircc-hol.'.- lirmvli, Urn 11. In'- I'M iv ; 'i liroiigh tin' (t'uMt-iiir k.-n an. I riven, Ti'iough Iht'i'liill cxpiiu-i' f liniM'ii, Kiirtliwnrd slanted. Mown .and .hive, Kvitj where, Miititlinir, muflluig ; rt Ii w. to in' tin' w hiti' ilvi'i.if lii.' .i"v. iV. V. C.oilliu.i., in l t 1 1 1 1 " t nt ) 1111 i in . A HOMELY OCCUPATION. I-Y.i- ii.. Ilni-.;! (tli. Kiidg. t, I wish I kmw nf imy way by which I cnld enrii livf ilnlli'i-' ." Our w"in' ' mi mid- : gr. mud kitchen, u il h a gh .nh.y inline f wiish luls ii mi.' ..ii!:- mill a MMiitily-t'iii n-isln-il ili'1'rtii-r nil tin- other. Ami Mh. nic Akerly, a ..-il l i.f I r, .'-nt perched on tin' nloirsnd I ill..., swinging her pretty Mil- I'. t I., end In., while n Kt i Ml t. Iii.liw; , illi ii hu.ket .in her Hi In, slnnl n.i.i . i t . . "Villi," echoed lindgct AIhI'Mi. y. "lint suit tlmt's ii .hil'i reel thing nl lop tlii'l'." "We ! ii 'i'l money i.'i hndiy," said Minnie soberly. " Aii'l now Unit iiin in ill, mill lias l,.-t Ins ,,i,v, Iinvr fn llttlt. AI'iiiiiiui iiii'iiili il j.i.int lace for Miuiami' ( 'In rii' last week, mnl ;iit B little. Ami Sum ii.ii iiise. fur i (iliu'e ii. s iivertu .-s. Imt iin une iin -Mvrl'cil the in I ell is. Mient. " "The pity of it!" Mvh" I .y nip:i Ibiiiur Hriiltfi t, aIi.ii the likes nl me ROtis inoi".' limn ' lie ran ilu. Fur lliere's n fjeiitK in nn i-eiit n .luzeti -liirts last tiijiht to Ii tlini, up, mi'l it't me IPtf have to M ini Yin li.iek." ''Hn III lll'll llo Mill ll;le ll'i i'" V ' Minnie eii;;el l;. Hskeil. "A hhill in;;, mil..-. " "'I'lmt Wu'ilil lie te!v.i sliiilills 1 rrollnr m u. I n halt," saiii Minnie ineli Intiv ly. ''Iiiiil'.-. t. will. I you ii f in.' tin thrill?'" "Y.ei. M;s ln,iii. "' "li..." i ,..iv"l ;h nil!. "I km.-., i Colli. 1. I illil pupa'.. 1. 1 .1 week. Mini i never knew liny were nut imiie.i .y n reK1''1"' I'luinlri ss. " 'Well, I .1. -i.ii i'. " :ai.l In. i,,.., B. iilyet, nililii.:;: Ii r n-. "n, v.hi Jtiilue Akrrly's In ii;; lii i r. ' "Won't ymi Ii I me, I'.ri.lel .-" Minnie IimiI jiiiipe: . :V iiir wiisli-tiilw kil l come rinse i ih ;;i.i.i natnif.l Irishwoman. "Sure yoii',1 lie kiinlly welcome. Miw," aceeplril I'.i i.l-, I. "Only inl nwny ran Miii'iie in .rent ulee, in liinke nil n.'Ci i-Miry preparations fur Hie idtel iiiinu'r. iori,. "I won't tell Siir.i." i. he lln nelii, "nor liliin.'ina, lnv:iiise liu v'il l.e sine to cry mnl make :. inss over it. I'll JllM steal iiiiellv awiiy niter I have made papn'h luneli. Only if Mr. lius t.'l shonlil call'' nn. tiie l,..; I'm,'" tell for a seemi'l "'.ill peliians he ttini'l. Anyway, this is one of iiir iipporiiini liehlolielpinys. il llml I hiivc i-ilirii fur so I..IIH, It II ' I it willonlv lie tlirnw Inp luck nwny In ii. t;le.t ii." Atnl so Minnie Akcily utole nvuiy ,ii B o'elnck iniicli to (lie ilispl.'iisure of tier filler Mstr" Smih. "My ilenr," t;aiil eoiicilialmy Ml... Aki" ly, ''yini must i- iiieiulier lli.il she ii very youii.u. 'i'l nooil-i mi.t'c rtliMitinu than v, e do." "iielaxution !'" Ji iln y enliM only have swell Stiunic at 1 lh.it iMoiiirnl, tvith HiikIicI cheeks mnl .sleeves rolled lip to the f 'ii r round i.hoithlers, woriv linr ns if her life ilrpriideil on it, tin y C. ijlii !nve t iken a dillereiit vio.v of Dinlteis Hint thiny,H in "cncr:;!. And the next o.ty she went u.-iiti. In lvu t'io shirts t-lin h.iil wii'lied mi Jaihtilv. "Slurried i" wtid l'ti.v: ue KihmI lei'n ilivi Iv. ' Vnd v. hv h'l.ii.ldu't I pet liell tied, H.-lelln? It imt Iivip :il the li.ippier for unit iiivt lii f'eitune Willi isoine truly congenial honi?" "Young ludieh iioviii'l.iyn Hie nil -i Irivinl," mid Mr. lottsv!' .'iiim ire pUoiig-UiiuJ.J "M'.sl vouhl; I i 1 i h, I punt you," oliiarved J'.llU'elie. "liiii lint nil, Hi lenn." "And you are III" very no to lie imposed up. hi and Minded," t-nid Miss leli tn liiisstd, who li.ul never yet h it oil' rcKH.iI ills' Imt younir lirotlnr i ii very Mi'inll Imy, who teipiired ad monishiiin mnl lookiii"; al'ler, in every respect. " Now you are juduini; unfairly, Hel ena. 1'uu iner lia c seen Minnie Akerly." "I've heiird of her, thullwh," said Helena Hiishi I, drv ly. ".She waltzes, mid nine's, and plays tennis." "Is any une nf Hi" three a eiipital crime?" Iiiujhinly ili'inaniled I'.ii'i lie. ''Noti ieiise ! Von kiinw llml wasn't what I menu. Kill it would lie a uleat deal more tothe point if she cmiM hew on iuittoiiH and iron hliirts." "I'erlmpH sll" call,'" SM'.'ui lied Mr. lillKScl. "Is it likelv -" emit 'iiiptui.iis lort-d Miss M' Ifii i. ; "Suppose we tleelnre H tru-e upon the hiil.ject," said her l.rother. "It's ipiile pl iiu tli.it we never sh ill iiree j nn it ; and in Hi" in.vtii! inie w hat do I m.ii say P. .'nine ar.iuiid with met" j see Mr.-. Mnh y V "Mrs. M'llnliev ? ( Hi, the hllllnlli :.s. Yi .-. I siipp we oiiLdit tn see lu r j ill hi t I lie suiniuerV wiishiinr. I.ut is it iiieesary fur lue In en myself?" ' It H.llllll lie In Iter, I suppose." And rather iiniiU'iuuh. Mi s Itm- rl v.-eiil In put an her walking luil.ili- llielits. i "This is the tiuiiili.'i', I lielieve," oli- serv-'d Mr. liiissi l. "Iliilluo! i n v ! little inau" -In it dirly laced urchin, puddling in (he "iitler- "doen Mr... i Kriduet Ma. hi. y live lu re?" M. Ctrl' Maluiiry prirl.rd up his mis "It's my liuitlirf," he: aid, "an' it's in tie- h isrini nt vu'i'll lind her." Mi. Hussl, with Mis- Helena J -tiiudiii' u'r-l. r. ly liy, tnppi d al the I do i.i-. ntier, twice, three I lines, In f..l'r Mis. M,,.r shi.ulrd ..til : line .lltlilltn v. It'll Ficelle liils.il si, mil still ill doorway, his eyen ;liied to the scene that met their jnzc - Minnie Akerly, in a white apron, irmiiii diligently away, "it Iin pile of snowy sliiils mi her left hnnd, and a basket of sprinkled linen on the rilit. And Minnie herself colored like' the "red. red ins " for n minute. "Why nm I ashamed?" she reso lutely asked herself. "Am I doill auytliiii'j wroue ' I won't In .neh n fool!" And v. itii this d.iiiehlv ri snliitiuii ! in Ii t mind, slu tin' pink slinduw click. "i in. n afteriii o hiln'i ciilmly up. i still j,dowim,' on her nil, Mr. liilssrl," she said eiiliulr. And F.uneiie stimuli 'iin,t;ly intro : iliieed his sister, who had i-lood judi i C nl-ly i veiim the wlude sc lie. "It's the ertitlriiian cwalitin' In. ' shirts nu" sure they're imt dmi" ycl," i el ied lillliulerinj,' I!rid,i;rt. "liiil I hey will be soon," Haid Min : ii:r .piietly "I utu mi the Inst mc j null if !lr. Kussel will sit dov.u mnl j uni! ! f"W ininutes. " I "Yon, Aiiss Akerly, ironing my ! shuts? " "F.vrli .so," Minnie an. we red. "Thi' truth is, Mr. Ilinsel, we' are pout'; mid nltliouKh ironing shirts is not -.. genteel nil occupitioli as eiviun music lessons or niukiim wn tlowtu's, I am linl to eiirii a little uioiiey in uuv way. 1 believe those shirts will r,te sntis faction," and she smilingly "lanced at the completed iile. Miss Meleun ciime Inrward wi h h- r fjr.'ty eve. fairly luminous with sati.--fiction. "My dear," : iie said. "I ciiuiilri't lime done 'em better my sel f.a lid t lull ' . j s.i ine ood deal. " And she nodded in an approvui" ! way at her brother, j Minnie Akerly went home with the ' dollar and a half in her pockrt. the must triumphant. Mttle npitnlii.t y ui I ever beheld. ! "I don't think Mr. Kussel was very j ni'icli shocked, "she s,ii, to hrl self, "for !. slid he would keep my secret I'mm papa, mid promise I . ci!l this eve niiif;." ud tliic; months nm i v nrd Fli e,eiie Kilssel ,ns man ied to Minnie A 'kerly I New York Times. To Save Suite riu:: Miiiikiml. Willi all Ih" iciiiirt people in the World, no one has rn brrli smart rlioiir.il to invent nn apparatus for keeping cold feel w II III at tllht. There is a juu of hot wal. ' with n coik thnt ciiiiuh out ; the tint iimi wrxpied in t'liuiicl, that conns uiiwound tbtriuK the liiuht and blister-; the teet, and the ii'blMM' baj; in whieh tlie water freet s I l.etui e iiioi nin. Here is a chance for i. ..,.) mie to make , fortutic, and save ! a ..rent dcid of miiV. I iu lu ii.'inkiud. I - I Ali'I'U.ci "M.'i'e. : I'lllit IIS t('liic'llC. A speciali -t in skin dist uses i, J authority fur the followinir statement: "Fimples, eruj.tioiis, nnd similar skin diseases' of the fneo that lire not here- ditnry may be cured in a very sliml time by u dirt of Inxntive foods, varied nccorilin;; to the seiison. I advise or- ; iiiiiiieiitiii the table nt eii' li meal with whatever fruit is K.'usonable nnd nllow- ' in"; the individual to be helped as often as he or she nuiy desire. TImk serving i the fi iiit ut the end of (he meal, when the appetite is nppeiiseil to repletion, I is it ..rent mistake. If J feel like cat- iiiK an oralije urn handful of dates, I do so whether the soup hits been served or not. Win n the desert conn s tin (he cliaueen ure even thnt I won't ; umit any. Thai 's my pi in not loss; fur, if I hadn't eaten tliefiuit I should j have taken a dish of ice cream, which j littie more than cools the month, nnd j I would have had no room for the ! w liolesouie orange or apple. Chicken ,' :il id-and patties, cheese, pastry Hlld I u iiuinlirr of other popular and i ndi j ii i ;: i.lilie dishes, should luive their turn ! nt tie- end of the meal. 'The lit " It r I 1 lie l.e viniiiiijc siieh tliin, ns fresh, ripe bel l i, s. juicy tropical fruits, as I piirupi . c iiililinwrr, onions, beets, nintt.iii, i.i ii juicy beef, spinach, let ; lure, f pia Ii, nnd slewed seed fniits, i urli as lev., piiiuitis, prunes, nun craliberrii s, me served the better." I Home Ijhlecli. Snllll'llllll) KNe Was hickcil, A yotni; I'ouehkeepsimi, n few days since, picked up a friend mi Mar ket street mnl look him Inune to liineli withni:t notice to the furuier'a wife. Sir- culled Iiim one side nlid explained that tin re were only a dozen raw i.vsln-- mid wh.ii their friend hnd rntrii his ipioto of lour hr must imt ho u4.nl to lake more. All this Hie hus band promised In ii lie nil" r. In ii their !:' - bad eiilen his four ovsleis tlm host asked him to take solll" inure. Tim w ife luok e. I . I is irssrd and tie KHe-l declim d. The hilsbniid iiisi.-tid tint his liieiul should have more. The wife looked ns if she Welt) in npuiy, nnd the jiiu'st lirinly refused to allow the rest of the oysters tn be brouuht from the kitchen. Later the w ife said to her hllsbaiul : "How could you Iirs4c li i in to havti iiime oysters when I explained to you that there weren't nny more?" "I am very Horry," said ihc pen'i teiit husband, "but J forgot nil about it." "M hat do you suppose I was kick i ii 4 ymi iiinler the table for?" retorted his ife. "Kut ymi didn't kick mc;" said the husbind. - I'uituhkt rp-ic News-I'ress. The Way or the Woihl. Wait iny fm (lead men's shucrt is nn oiii piiiver'onii expression, ami in eou iirctiou with nriuy nllicers and their wies still has a remarkable sinili cuic". I was much amused nt the talk of an otlicei's wile n few eveiiiu.srt since. Sliesnid: "I do dislike to take up an army rejjister nnd scnii the per sonals to see if anyone outranking the captiiiu is ill, or to keep an eye upon the old ollicers and figure out when they will be retired. Kut I'm not in bid ns some others. Wny, they p't life iusiiiMU.'e tables mid study mortu ary probabilities to see when an ollicrr may be promoted by reamm of death, numm; ollicers unlniiikiii him. If .nine ollicers die us they should accord ing lo rule, the captain will be a p u- i nil before he is till years old. Isn't it it mean business to think about? Kill we p t paid back, for when my husband is old, nil the rank and tile will be iiiiliiloiur in the same kind of .spei'iilntioti, and wond: riti why old m'ii-t.iI blank don't tlie " -('inciu- ii iti Tribune. lite (unit's Uiifiiity Was Kiiltletl. A ca-e of trilling nnportaiicc had well-niuh run the piuntlct of Iepil ml judication, and finally reached the Su preme Court of Vermont. The coun sel for (lie phiiutilV was opcninir with the usual apoli'Kic for a frivolous suit, when the subject matter, "to wit, one turkey of urent value," caiiobt the ear of .liu'lp' Cluise. "Mr. Clerk," lie called out, "strike tinit case from the docket. The Supreme Court of the rstatc of New Vermont does imt sit here to determine the ownership nf u tin key.'' - New Yol k Witness, She l.mes rii(tarraihs. Ijiirt n Vietorii1, it is suid, has jjrtnt fad of collectiliK .1 jiict(rinl rec ord of all the events of her lite iu the shape of photograph. An instance of this taste was shown the other .my when the (tin rick I'heiilre Company appcii'cd before her in "Olplonmcy," she ordered that nil the members of the company should be photographed in character lor hei" collection. I'ica- V.1II6. Mlfl.ltREN'S IDU'MV VEST OKlKi THiNAri.1.. "I wish fulks would'I pat your heal An. I say, 'liod.l little I ."':' 1 h lifvi1 they (1 J it just t" s" H'.w iniicli they ran iimi .. "I wish that when you -n.- nr.. mnl 'J'liey w.jiiltlu't always sny That 'Little pit .'hers hno'l'ii.' ear.-;' Ami iimtinii you away. "I wishllicy wouldn't iy V-.u ncitt tie .seen, Imt never lienr.1 . Of all Ih" foolish silly tlunv-. 'Hint is tlio nitiHt alwanl ' "I wish tlieyminiKtinies wu.il In'! n.-k' far you've pit in - 1 1 ; And if von'v" learneil ! r :i.l an l wr A tin. nidi yen wre r f..i.' "f wish I. ill it s no ns t i ivi-'.i. When folks il.in't .'iir' n pin What's piiiiK to rile a t.-llow up l)r what would tiekl" him." fi l l I; I'd:!. A ii nni I hich m ik. s a most lll'eeable pi t. but i- run Iv tamed on i nut of its fur value, i (lie North American beaver. well-known In dian trader, some veins ajjro, tamed riovol'al of these hni'il-workillH; felloMs, t-o that they answered In their mimes lind followed like a do;;. Ill I'old wealhrr they . le kept ill III" Slttill;' room, and were runstant eonipaniuus of the wiuie n and children. When the Indians were absriil for any prrnt filne (he beavi'ls showed reat iineasi iiess, nnd on I heir return discovered eipial siens of ph asuie by fondline. them, craw Iiiik intn their hips, lyiiift mi their backs like a s.piirrel. nnd be liaviie; like children in tin: pieseiicc of pll'ents whole they s' ldoin see. In their w ild slate b 'a . .'I's feed mi bark and hit ba;;e elii'lly, but iu their ease they feed for llm .( part mi rice, plum puddiiif. pnrtrid'e mnl venison, mi l they liked all of lliein ext rein-dy. Metroit Free I'r.-s,. i it k w w.it of i.m.ti i ii, A mother l.ib.t'T and her d iilelitiT lived mi the seithmc, which is a very proper place for h. listers to ''m- They walked back and forth mi the snud mid picked up a uoud liv ne; around the water. Whenever tie- day was pleasnul thev enjoyed tlieniselve . lmp'ly wnlkiiifl up and down Hie beach, ami whenever it iniiicd thev retired In their home ill the sea tn avoid p'ttinu; wi t. Now, it happened one day as they strolled uloii;.' tlm shore some little boys ran out suddenly from behind a rock. Catching aijilit "f the lobster-, they ran after them, and the mother and daughter after a luin-ied run into the sen just escaped brine; eauifhl. "Hitrrah !" Hhoute I tic little buys. "See the ipieer things run! They pi sideways !" Then the little boy- hiuelied ami juinpe 1 and ran mid tin- lobsters seur lie I a Ion.; at ipiieklv a. th -y e ml I. When they were sab ly in the watei the iu ith t'li'ii.'d ii'i ;; ily t i h.T llllUghflT. "Sec what notice vonr elunisv walk- in,;; all racts !" slie sai. not n I'u -liiuliiil.lr st t le "You have walking at "What do you mean'.' " asked the il'iUs'ht ! lobster. "You have a very sti'imp method of p'ttiuy iilong sidewnys, which is very awkward and foolish for a young creature like you." returned th mother. "Walk directly forward and hold your bend erect as ymi should." "My dear mother," answered llm yoiiiii. lobster, "if you will show mc exactly the proper si vie of wnlking I will try very hard to follow your ex ample. " The mother lobster sat nnd reflected over the matter iiwhile and then said she would practise the proper style ol walking for a few days, i..: n lo bo able tn teach In r daughter the correct step. "1 will let ymi know, my dear, when I am ready to tench you to walk straight forward, as you should," she said. Hut it is In be concluded thai i-lm forgot nil about the mailer," for both mother and daughter walk sideways to this tin v. It a ril I.ut el' tlie ticrmnii Tramp. A trump iu (iermaiiy tloes not en joy life as much ns does his American brother, though iu some respects he must lie considered to be better oil'. While walking the "chnnsee" he is nt every minute liable to meet with or to be overtaken by a mounted policeman, who may ask for legitimation papers or a eertiticnte from his last employei for the law dors not iillow n tramp or Hnndwerksbiirsche, to be out ot work for a lmigeMt i m than six weeks. If his pnpers prove to the coiiliiuy lit will bo arrested and sent to the work house for a term of from two weeks to nix mouths,' as Ihc ease may be. Frank Leslie's Weekly. LIVED IX A CAB. How an Eccentric Man Vioited European Cities, A Public Cab His Habitation Night and Day. Professor Heiniieli Rrugsch of the University of Herlin, the most distin guished of living Fgv ptologists, is publishing "M y J .iff and Wander ings," which nre interesting, imt only on account of the revelation of the author's personality nnd the reminis cences of rrel. rntrd seii nlist.i of the enrlit r half nf this century, whieh they eniitiiill, but nls.i by Hie anec dotes which t In- great savant has a happy faeiilly of relating. One of them, ii..ted by the Philadelphia Jjedger, may furnish u hint to smne of rim own "glnbe trotters.'' On Professor Krugsch's first visit to Alex drill he loilgrd with an original by the inune of Kauei'iihmst, by birth a Mot k;eubuiger, and a man of gigantic t'ri'ii'th and stature, who cmnbiiud the olliee of Prussian vice roiis il with th. udiiet of a winr shop. He was I'eliriiiily known by the subii.pu 1 of "Fnt Inr laingf.ld." He rendered important service iu many ways and Pi'.ifesM.r Krugseh iiia.le linn promise Hint if he ever enme to K. rlin again h" would visit him. Smile veal's afterward l ot In i I .mm fold iippi'iircd mi" mm niie.: nt the pro fessor's rooms in Herlin. Mb r Ihc eiistoiunry greetings Prof, s-.nr Krugseh iiupiii'i d : "Where nre you staying, Father J.allgleld?" "Ilel" below." "Wh it ! In the samr b. -u w ith no That's a curious coincide! ." "Not at nil. lu a cab." "Ah, on Irivr pisf ruinr I'mm l'e i tati-'ii and ni " lonkim; for a Imt ' .'" "( In Hie colli rnry ; lived in lie cab . ince yt sti rday." "What in the mil d' cominmi s.ii-i do ymi nn an? And your Im: gage?" "Curry it with me," and with his fat tight hnlnl h' patt'd a siuiill I me slung mi his shoulder by u given strap. "Here nre brush, emiib snap it 1 1 1 money "Kill please explain yourself more clearly; I don't iiudi istand nt nil" "Not much to explain. Five day ami night in Hie cab, slot p perhaps a couple ol hours in the stable, covered w ith a lioise blanket. Summer, you know! Ciibuiaii shows me everything worth seeing intelligent fellow- -spares mo the expense of n Mih l de place. Fat and drink well, see every thing, hear everything, know every thing. Cab stops, I get out, receive instructions, and explore, cabman waits till I get back. If I need Inn n or anything, get it ; cabman gets all that I east nil'. (Juite content. No extra luggage In pay for, no hotel bills, no tips, H i bundles, llo tpies limis; eyrylhnig all right. Stay three daya longer. Now, Hei r Hec tor, put mi your cent and visit me iu lily hotel. Fit the c.ibinau drive us w hither he w ill. Very convenient!" Father l.iingtield had already "done" Trieste, Vienna and Prague m the same fashion, and lirinly believed it was tl llv way In see th world' He subseipient ly applied 1 1 i systim with eipial slice, ss tn Paris and Lou don. It ha ; merits; whether they are not more than coiiutn balnnced by its disndvniitiigt s inch individual must determine lor himself. A Surgeon's Nenc. It is Ihc common belief Hint a sur geon must possess w lint i.- ...iikell of iis extr.iordin.irily good nm vr.iind you may p limps doubt if ymi post-tins. At the same tune you mn-t bmr in niiiul thai in the cu-e of n snrgcmi the cool lies or euliniies. whieh is so ml niii'iible and nrcrssuy in an operation ilnrs nut imply He- puss. s.ii I nny remarkable prisounl ipuility, but it i. the simplest result of a emupli to knowl edge f what he is doing. It is rather the natural outcome of his accurate i'uniiliarity of unatmiiy nnd his daily lnil.it A trooper would le.ipiire a very line nerve to go to n mnsthend. or a sailor to ride an uuiii magcable hois' ;ici..s n country, but a snilor -s cmili.leiice aloft is due more o mallei of habit than to any particular amount of cour Hge. I u savin.; this I do not wish to depreciate the calmness of the siir geoli ill the face of d i Itici It les. but I liiav till ymi ipnt" plainly that if ymi haven't cumuli emir.ige to be a stir gcoll I should be verv much nsliained of yon. nnd ymi would turn out to be nvery poor el tut inc. whutrvcr occu I'Htioii you might follow. Still this iaei remains, ami y.Mi may, perhaps, be interested to hear that 1, who have known many good surgeons, have I ii. ver seen one who has not pow-nsf.ii I u ."cry tine courage. In short, n very good Burgeon is, :Q my humble opinion, h very line fel low, and when I see (us f do see) the extraordinary nehirvcio-.-iits of modern surgery, I am very proudof belonging to a profession winch has made life so much more endurable mnl prolonged to the human race. So possibly, the great fascination which surgery no doubt possesses to mull v, appeals more strongly to men of courage and deter mination than to those peismis of mole meekly ciii-tituted minds, or those who are I. ss vertebrate alto gether. Longman's Maga.iii", Tin. ( aas" of It ihllici in. Diphtheria is due In a fungoid growth. Yet its mode . dis -emiun- l'.ll is still aiming thr nb-rlll Ii irs of -ririire. Water dors Hot serin to spr. ad it, and, r.intraiy to tin to n ri al impression, it is unerrtain w lu th. r bad I - i i in . uiil.s by producing a low condition of tin system favotable to attacks nf any malady, has much connection with it. This was the npin ; hi of Sir William .tenner many years ii".o, an I it is the conclusion of Mrt Tn. u ne still. II nm ci- it v, ith the crowded cmuliti f tin- board sel I-., wlurc many of the "sure throats" t..r which tie ehildn li are lint kept at home III'.' sllsperted of l.rii.g .'...inethiiig much more serious. At F.nii.'l.l thr spn-id of (In epi demic was put upon the cat... which, ever since Malwiii charged then with being acers'-iiy to the setting of Hie clover seel, have had the scieiil ilie eye : t"a. lily lixi'd upon He m. Tin1 pets of one family carried the disease to iniolli. r jus! as they r n ry ot h. r in frc t imis griins, ami tli. r. sc. irs. ... a re port lo Hie I. ..-ni '.. u v 1 1 u 1 1 r 1 1 1 board im-inuutr., good i. a-mi !m- b. lirviiiL' Hint in some in lane - it may have In . II conveyed li on hol'S' s. sheep, ami t v 011 from fowl , to human beings. Tim diphtheritic rim. are M. vital Hint they are know n lo have eommuii i iiled the discus niter lying inert for fun i vials. Scieiit ilic A in. rieaii. n I'liilergriiini'l ( anal. The clli. f WmsleynndSt. Helens, .North Fiiglaml. an sixteen miles apart, vet tiny nre connect d with the most wonderful c.innl in the world. A luiili. l has been cut throU'jh the great vein of coal which underlies the whole of Lancashire, and lln- tilled with water li'oin illailiiigc tlclielies of thnt grent system of inii.es, makes a re markable nnd erg round canal, in which the miter is constantly live feet deep. This canal is pi'ov id"d w ith a remilar system ol coal boats whieh nit' con stantly moving thousands l tens of the bituminous fuel between the two cities. Hull N.h'iunn Ituilt the Temple. Vast galleries and lolly piers bi lieath Hie present .nrlnci' of the site of the bin pic nt .1. rusiilcin show how, in accordance w ith 1 1n d. sci tpi imiol ,losr phus. the h'Vrl of the highest part of the inoinilniii win- e.irrieil nit fownrd the south mid east by colossal iinisoiiry, the original work and design ol Solo mon having been augmented by Inter additions, more especially by those ol the luaguilieciit Herod, shortly be fore the Christian era. The southern wall of this lerraerd mountain reached n sheer height of I -Ml f, et . Pittsburg Mispnt.h. A foolish (lilrsliiin. Horn. "Oh, Fm in such distress of mind, nnd I want your advice. I am loved by three ineii, ninl I doli't k now w Inch I ' accept. ' Clara "Which one hns the most nimn y ':" Mora "If I kmw thai, do ymi suppose I d Wllsle precious lime run iiim; nrouiid tor .nlv ni .'" 'New York Weekly. II .1 ill Times, lieleeil. Wilier "Tins,, mc hard times. W hy. I liear. I of a man tl lli. rdiiy w ho co ii hi li I raise tn . on y t v . li on g. .v -t l imn lit bonds. Sllinwit liiderd! Wild wa, the I rie-oli?" Wilier "Well, ymi s. I, hr didn't have thr bonds." ;Slior and Leather He porter. V olile lanl. "My I'rieiid." s.ii I Hie 'i .leinn old geiiHeman. "I" what i ud has your ifc -work Lei li directed?" " lo the head end," murmured the barber, and then sileuc I'aiily poured. It didn't iiielt ly reign, f Indianapolis .bun Mill Tiki Coolly "I fear, sir," said the physician, -VO ur malady is iippeu. Ileitis." "1 cau l atVor.l it, doetoi," replied the patient, decidedly. "You may just treat lue for plain, common, evt -ry-da lixer uoiduiut." Chicago TTibuue. .Iii-t to Itcineitilii'i Hr. F.a.'li heart lias its h.mril nftreasufe, S.ifo liid from the curious ey, IIP token? of bygone hours, JuM to remember hy. A rose from the ol.l home garden. A rin thnt the loved used to wear, A mother's well-worn Jiihle, A tress ot sunny hnir. A loi'knt. a Inin.'h of violets. Together the treasures he. ' '"iir fnuiii"iitH of long-lost day, lu-t to renieml.er by. a re are yellow time-stained letters, Ml tied with n ribbon blue, Lev of battered pill .'tilings, baby's tiny slew. How ..ft in th" lmh "( vilight lOm'li keepsake we view with a sigh, Tlini tenderly put them I a k In place, Jn-t to remember by! Ai.mv I'. Havit.s HF.MOIMM'S. Table d'hote matter of course. If you'll notice the man w hn can deep like a top i. pit tty apt to be n linnimrr. Miss Flderly- "What mild you do if J should tell you my age?" He- -"Multiply it by two." "There's nothing like poached 'ggs,"the man sni.l when lie lobbed uis neighbor s In n bouse. ( bir td. a of n m in w ho is rolling in wenlth and liixuiy is one wlmhnsn poker to every stove in the house. To borrow money is to borrow trouble, mid some men find it a good 'Ir.il of Irmiblr to borrow money , lo..." V ig Spendthrift "Lend ine.U, will you?" Kelievolellt KitllklT - "No". but I'll give you n letter to n man I don't like." The trb .ri. s ..f , . 1 1 r l.iriii an. I stale Aresliiid.iws.ii.it substantial llun.'s, ' W" buy III li"i..li sal I . I .nte. And .'...'it . of arm-and sik'net rue's Wlfey- "Have von still unkind thoughts of that rival of vmii's?" Hubby "Yes. I hate him because ymi jilted him." Judge -"Cnli't ymi nnd your hus band live happily together without lighting?" "Mrs. Muleidiy "No. yet miner ; not happily." Tinkle. "How do you hke Hie table at y our new I .oar. ling house. Fs there nny thing to object to?" Wrink le "Precious little. " " our neighbor nppiiiis In have tn i Itol a good m my times." ".lust twi iitv-four times. The nexl will be his silver bankruptcy." Mrs. . "Christopher, darling, 1 never can leinelnbir whether soda water is written our word of two joined together as a syphon." The snow came down upon the in.vn Throughout the niiiht's si hu-h ; The people, tliouu'li. trod on the si,,w. And then its tinine was su-h. "Poor .lack! I do belicv. In- loves the ground I walk mi." Miss Snnpp "How romantic it would be if he should fall in love with ymi now." Fond Father: "I want to tell ymi n funny thing my little girl said the other day." (iriimpy Old Hachehii ; "Moii'l ; bury it iu a magazine." "Mrs. Helply is really a remarknble woman." "Comes of good family, tloes she?" "1 don't know ; but slu has had tin sum.' cook for three whole wet ks. " Agelit. -"The jiinitm will supply you with coal." Mr. Flat house. "lumping Jupiter ! W hat an innova tion. Fveivwlieli else I hn v c III w a -supplied the jaiiitm." ('holly nis he is about lo leave alter Ins reject ion 'i "Coiue, Miss Summer, bop me mi 'i ith my overcoat. Sine' on cannot be my wife, ymi may at least be assister to Inc. " When i reilil.'is .-nil etery day I'i.i a an nth. or tlierral.out. Am I alway- Hm their tiiiin "ii"i in," I it i iuiis" lliev lind him .ail. Finn irxposing a nuissiv. gold chniii' "What do ymi think of luat I for a tin iu?" Flini "Katli.r liravv for a watch, and not ipnt heavy euoiiuh tor a vt n Ich dog. " He; "Mo you think I t Id get a pass mi .Will liithel's roinl?" She: "No ; they don't pass anythiiig but ilivtdeutls mi his road. I've heard Iiim say so." Life's Calendar. Junes (meeting Krow n in dry goods fctorcl: "Hello Hrown. how nre von? What are you doing now -got a steady job?" Frown: "I guess I have. I'm waiting for my change." Young Widow : "Oh, yes, lie told me he could not love me when I wan old." The Other: "How could you have married him after that?" Y, W. : "(h, 1 whs 1 H nnd he whs. 75, you Ure." I Krooklyn Life. F.ngland is said to have more light houses than any other country. There is one for every fourteen mites, of its oast line.

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