iutiham jScrurd Tlll HhllAV, VkIIIH AltV 1. IMI4. LOCAL XCOKXS. Scvf ru AI'iIIh Hour ;t."5 u barrel bt O. S. J'oo & Son 8. Fresh pardeu well, ulso clovor toed, hi O. S. j'oo v. Son'.". During J tin u n ry I h e d ;iy ' I e n g t h llMH ililTVUtll ii5 lllillUtC'H. Received thin week u hire lot I alioe at O. S. I'm! & Son h. Kuur Syrtiji only i.'0c. mid 25c. jer gullon at O. S. lot1 d Son h. A lot of colliim Avnlnut, oiik and pine lor sale ( heap, by H. .Nooe, Jr A fine work mule, 8 j-cnrg old, perfectly gentle, lor sale by llynum & lleuden. there were sixteen marriage licenses issued in this county hint month, ot which S.-ven worn to whites And liiiitt to blucktt I'miaHy thcro ro many more to whites lliun to thicks. -V. T. Nockc, of llurlington, has removed to thin jilnce mid oj oueu a JweIry..;l)op oinHiio tho JJkcoRI) othco, where fie in ircmrcl to repair clocks and wutclics in a workman like uiHnner. r. 11. rdward,denlmt,ol Wnko ForcKt, N. C, can be lound in his ufflee at Alrn. Fxlino'H Hotel, on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday following third Sunday in each month, prepared to do all kind ol dontul work. Do yon wish to buy notne cheap good? If no, cull at V. L. London & Sou's and moo the bargains they re now ottering. Dre goods, flan iiIh, runily made clothing, blankets, clonks and milliiiury at Icsh than J JSow 1 ork cost. Our Chatham 'possum hunters tminol now enjo3' tlmir lavoritc f-port until next October, for tho 'poHHUin law goua into ell'ect today, uud it in made a misdemeanor to limit 'poHiinis in this county bo tweon the first day ol February and the first day ol October. They now hi.ve, ready lor sale ut V. 1j. London & Son's a large lot ofplowa: Fanner's Friend, Oliver Chilled, Dixio, (ieorgia Stocks, Ac, also a lull stock of plow steels and castings, plow handles, bolls and screws, single trees, back bands, col lars, haines and plow lines. Mr. C. W. liynuiii, of Baldwin township, killed nino thousand pounds ot pork last week. He kilU d sixteen hogs that weighed over ilOO poumis apiece, and all he killed averaged 250 pound apiece. If many of our tanners made so much niout there would not be such a cry of hard times. (iRoi:Ninoi! Tradition. Tomor row (Friday) is tl.o day lor the tra ditional groundhog to tnuko his up pearance, tind toreciist the woail.cr. As tho KkooRD has otton nieutioiied, if the groundhog sees his shadow, that is if the sun sliii.es, on the 2nd of February, tho winter is only halt gone : but il it does not then seo its shadow, if tho sun does not then dhino, there will not he miieh more wintry weather. So look out. to morrow and notice what suit ot weather we will have. Quarterly Confkiikm'k The first quarterly confereneo for this year on the Fittsboro' circuit whs bold in the Methodist church at thin place, on last Saturday. The pre aiding older, 1'ev. V. 11. M of ire, I' J)., waH present and preached fine of his ablest sermons. Kvery church on the circuit, except l'ro idenee and Mt. Zion, was represented. On accounted the hard times the pastor's Balary was reduced from SrtOO to $700, and llio assessments on the aovora) churches were reduced ac cordingly. The next quarterly con-, iurence will be bold at Monetae. Oi.d Soldi Kit Dkao. We regret to hear ot the death of Mr, W.J. Wrlch.ol Dear Creek township. He was one of the first volunteers from this county in the spring of lSlil, and was a gallant soldier, having been wounded ut Malvern Hill and (tottysburg. Ho was a member ol Cajit. Webster's old company, which was Co. H in the tamous 2tith North Carolina regiment, whose loss at (iet tysburg exceeded that ot any other regiment in any battle during the war. There were two companies from this county in that regiment, and but few oi those old heroes now survive. Ono by one lliey have "crossed o'er the river ami are rest ing under the shads of the trees", and tho memory of their valor and heroic deeds should ever be loudly cherished. Personal Itkms Miss Mary Su Kun Thompson has gonn to attend school at 1'ence Institute, at Uuleigh. Miss Sadie S, Hollister, ol New ern, is visiting Mrs. Hal Loudon. Mrs. C. D. Hill has gone on a visit to Kayettevillo. Dr. W. '. Headen and wile, of Chapel II ill, spent last Saturday and Sunday here at his old home. Our former townsman, Capt. N. A. llamsey, ot Durham, made a short ; are tho visitors, but the girls say wo! visit here, a few days ago. : live in tho country and it is not elisj Mrs. Delana 15 rower and Miss quelle to tell who calls. Well, I! Lauru lircwer went to Kaleigh, on; always want to tell all I know, but; last Tuesday, to attend the marriw.'e, they havo got on the drag now. Lut I last night, id' Mis Maude Marshall,! I will say they are good clever lel-j the grand daughter ot Mrs. Brewer. : lows and 1 have never known ono; Mrs. J. J. W. Harris, of Raleigh, 'ol thorn to bo hungry. They cer- j is here on a visit to her sister, Mis. : tainly will bo a lortuno lo tho'r J. M. Leach. 1 wives if they can hold out. Mr. JI, L. Hums has moved to j 1 did enjoy M r, Wol ft 's loiter. 1; Alamance county to take charge ofi hope he will write often, but he need i llr BulLs Holi'tf t-iotk J.uii; 1 noi. witro us ot lut Imihry dollar' Old Citizen Dr..r Tho many friends ol Mr. Luther Clegg will re gret to hear of his death, Which oc curred at his residence near th'i place, nn last Saturday, in the eight y filth year ot his age. And thus has passod away the last survivor ol a family ol ten brothers and sisters, not ono ot whom died under (illy years oi age, a longevity quite re markable. The families ol those ten brothers and sisiris are now quite numerous und are some ol the very best citizens of Chatham. Mr. Lit ther Cleittr was one ol the best and Kvnllest men whom we have ever known. His very presence was benediction, and of him il may very truly be said that he wus"uu Israel ile in whom there was no guile". Pi.r.NTV oK Poiik. Wc venture the prediction that tin1 people ol Chat Int. in will buy less western meal this venr than during uny year within tho past twenty years. And the reason of it is, they will have plenty ol their own pork, or at least much more than limy have had in many a year. From every part ol the county wo hear reports of nearly every larmer having Killed more hoys than usual. This is especially Into of the stock law territory east of Haw river. One largo farmer there recently told us that all his colored tenents had raised meat enough to do tlicni, which is some thing quite unusual. F.von at 15y num's the operatives in the factory have raised almost enough pork to last them this year from their "slop pigs , having killed about 1,0U0 pounds of pork. This is certainly encuuragiiig, lor this country will never go to tho dogs" us long us our people kill so many hogs. Puominkkt Citizen Dead. Mr. James Hunter Headen died at this place on last Thursday, after a pro true tod sickness, in the seventy lit L t i year of his age. And thus has passed away one ol Chatham's most prom inent citizens. Jie graduated from tho University of North Carolina in lo., and soon nllerwurds began the practice of law, in which profession lie took a prominent position. Jn lb'4S, 1854, and 1864 he was elected to tho Legislature, and in 18UI ho was elected to tho Secession conven tion. In 1872 ho was the Preside!) tial elector lor this Congressional district, una in 1874 ho was tho nominee of his party lor Congret-s, and in 1882 ho was the noinineo ol his party tor judge of this district. Though Irequently appearing belore the public in political campaigns, he was very retiring in his disposition and unobtrusive in his niiMiners. Ho was esteemed by all who knew him as a gentleman ot the strictest integrity and highest sense ot honor, and here in the county, in which he was born and reared and resided lor nearly three quarters ot a century, he died without leaving an enemy or any one to think evil of him. lie died at peace Willi his (iod and his lei low men. In this connection it may be men tioned as a remarkable circumstance Hint Mr. Headcu and Mr. J. J. Jack son, were both born and reared in this county, weto room-males al the University, practised law at the! same courts lor over hall a century, were always devoted and intimate iriends ami companions, and yet all Ihtiir lives were political opponents, 1 and Mr, Jackson, now in lu bovciiI y seventh )ear, survives to mourn the loss of his lilo tmio Irieiid and asso ciale. inr tint I.KC ilili. "PolkV Pickings. FlMMON ClIOVK, N. ('., Jan. 2!l, 1MH. Since my last letur 1 have b"cn h) iiiputhii.ug with the editors. For when a man writes lor the public a great many men assume the position ol critics mid some will get mad il their names are mentioned whih. others will feel slighted if theirs are lull out, and then 1 don't know where 1 am at". Hut it. is romark able to know how far a man will ride to see his name in a paper, when he is loo stingv to subscribe and pay lor a paper ol his own. Well, I hare decided to put all my neighbors and Iriends' names in as soon as 1 can, pii'l 1 am not going lo tell any stories on them, neither am 1 going to tell all the truth. I am neither a widower fir a candidate, therelore I have all the elbow room I want. I am sorry to say nearly every family in this neighborhood is sick with tho grippe. I have board a great man- tell how they felt and 1 have summed it up to be as follows: It is h contemptible, nauseating, hack aching, eye hurting, head split ling, shivering, depressing, irritating disease. It comes like a thief, stays like a poor relation, and when it goes generally manages to forget something ami has to come back two or three limes. One of our neighbor girls mairied last week Miss Trinnio Tcague to Mr John Walters. The j oung bilks, wishing to impress thorn ot the sol ttmn occasion gave them a good bell ing, and oh, what a fuss they did make, and from their costume there were a great many ladies, they drill ed like soldiers and looked like war times and it I had been young 1 would have been trying to volunteer again. 1 tell you if tho ladies und an old Gddlo wont make a man gel a a move on he is a yoner. liobin Adair, Long Shanks and ('hunk live in town and can till up purl ol" Iheir letters with ttdliug wWo for it is like tho rabbits, wo scarcely ever jump ono. My wife said as I had to write to tho paper about wanting eggs, she would give mo two Christmas and I made mo a "Tom und Jerry", then 1 loll like h Vauderhilt. " f n-ill cli.i. liv u-ivln.r Mr -!'ill1 Ml. lor is 80 yoiMoid.goes'to mill nearly every day horseback, breaks all his f.fitta fiml is im ftciW iim il In il Ho don't use tobacco or whiskev, ex - was found at the d.stnlery. and ccpt .1 little ol tho latter put in his , we did not learn to whom it wasstip lemonade unknown to him, and is posed to belong. licneral peacemaker in tho noigli-j Kin ford Ks press: Some timesiiicc borhood, and 1 have never known,;,, fl,0 western part of this t-mnty a him to call hogs loud ol Sundays, jehihl wtis sevetdv wliiimed by a I'oLK. Tor .tie Letouii. (iibson (iliiiiuici intrw. (JtusoN Station, N. C, Jan'y 2!t, 181)1. The cry hero, as almost every where, is hard times and no money. Farmers uro hard at work pro paring to plant their crops. Mr. P. II. Mason ot our town has cabbage plants large enough to ot out. Owing to the extreme low prico of cotton not much of it is coming t( whoro they were enticed four venrs in: tho receipts for the last weckag0 by ,ho big promises of a "labor would not exceed 200 bales. Tho L,r,nt jt waB a sad looking familv buyers find plenty ol time to sit of co0YCx people. They Lad walLcd around and talk politics and Itle in- tt lft ge p0rljou 0f tl,e great distance 8U,:nC0trnorw- f1 ; . back and some of them were so tired Mr. W. . Gibson has pist com- that they were doubled up ami sound pleted Ins new drug store which is nf,ifl , on t)lfi utorn. i.otwilb .tniid. II II UltUlll fll Mr. J. li. Maxwell is niakina ar rangements to orect two nice dwell ings which will go up soon. Tho K. ol P. hall is almost com plete which will be a typo of beamy. Wo regret very much to learn that Mrs. J. S. Pipking and family ot our town are going to leave us this week : they havo bought house und lot in McCalls, S. C, and will locate there. Wo wish them much success. Mr. John Maxwell, of Harnett county, is visiting relatives hero. U o are glad to have turn with us. Our school is on a consideruiilo boom now. There isugood'y mini bur ot students on roll, all id whom are well instructed by Prof. Frank Wycho who is one of the best in formed ol our day. Old Kip. For ih Reoohd. Lei for From South Carolina. Andekson, S. C, Jan. 27, 1SU4. Editor liEi'oun: Things are mov g on finely in this citv. They all seem lo have something to do but 1 think about halt of Ihem don't do nej- more than I do and that is noth ing, and I am getting very tired of il. 1 think 1 shall come home alter awhile, but 1 hate to leave theso peo ple, they uro so kind to me. Well, 1 will say something more ibout Tillman's spies. They had a big row in Charleston the other day. One ol tho spies went to a lady's houso the other night; she lorhiil him coming in, and he slapped her jaws ami that raised Cam. In a littlo while there were five hundred men with guns and pistols that went lo the house where the sides and the constables staid and they would have made short work ot them il it had not been lor the police. They lottnd il oui and h fl Iheir boarding house. One man got wounded They havo some spies in this town bull did not know u mini I asked a man why l'i 1 1 in si ii did 1 1 1 t have his spies in Anderson. He said that there were two in thu town, but no ono knew leiu, il they did they would nut stay long. i'his town is one ol tho greatest markets in the Slate. 1 have seen nine wagons in tho square ut one time, loadeil with apples, cabbages and chestnuts. Thcv come princi pally Iroiu the mountains ot western Aorth Carolina. I have talked with many ol thorn. They curse Ander son people. Tho town authorities charge these wagoners n dollar per day for selling iheir produtu on the streets. Sometimes it takes ihcin as many as five days to sell out. Thcro aro very low people from North Carolinaresiding in Anderson. I know them all. Theie aro a groat many from Charleston. They brag ou their royal blood, but 1 tell them all blood is red, but I liko them all, but they are pretty high strung. Yours, J'. i. Kluanks. All Old llotiieslcad. A (ioldshoio dispatch says : There died in this county Friday a man ro murkable for age and ancestry, Wil liam Benjamin Franklin Fort. Ho was born in 1811 on the plantation where his ancestors had lived in di rect succession since tho day ol tieorge III. It contains l,5u0 acres, and is held by a grant lioin King tieorge to the original Fort, who was a near rulali ve ol' lionjaniin Frank lie, and there are now al tho old Fort homestead, which by this death j Jeseeinls to the eldest on of the de ceased, gold and silver knee and shoehuckles preserved as heirlooms from tho Franklin brunch oi the family iu colonial day s. Tho Lnhdi'li Ciir-Wlnd Co. ItttCllCtl Cnrmi"ll'll!l ll Ullllillilfleb MV:'-nr, Some time ago imir coi i esponoi nl mive the informal ion that lie Lobdi.ll I initiated is not learned, but being t f fl ... .1.1:. I . Ml.. .... 1 Car Wheel company would havo works here in connection with the North Carolina Car company. The contract ha bucii made, the Lohdcll company takii g a largo block of lh Cur com pany's stock. A large plant will be added to the httter'H eipiipment. Tho car wheels niude will bear tho well known tin ilili of Lolidell. Tho John si tin Axlocompmiy, of Richmond, Va , ulrio takcB another block of car com- ; I'icd by -uiith & Newman, owned by pmiv slock. It will furnibh axles and C. M l;s. Thin wan aho coiiiiin ot ht i ca;.t.in;,'8. ItisuudeiKtood thatlod. Mo.-l. of the Block of jemml thu Car compniiy will construct b11 merchandise wi saved but n lot of freight cars for' the Seaboard Air; corn wnn hot. Thev were llio only Line. It will manufacture for other; two building burned. There is no liiii-s iihn iliie oif'aiiizut ion there but the eiti - Otnneji are lower in rriee iu Flof-1 id thiB winter thdii huti ever been Luoau. State News. i . Alamnneo (lleanor: llevcimn r.fiV '" 'l,e raulou an iliic.il di-lnlorv l'lmsunt drove towush.p, imur illCCUt8 mill. lUf-KdOV. 1 WO MILS B,,J veral f tands of burr were ot.t "P- d.mble barreled shot P and several lanterns captured. school te.ichir. The p-u-cnls of ti e child carried the ease into the courts. Tho case finally went to llm State Supremo Court where it was decided that a school teacher may whip u child if it be done in a reasonable way for discipline. The use of tho switch in tbo school room has not entire'y gono out of fabhiou 3d. Kinston Freo Tress: The editor of this paper was in Wilson a sdinrl time last Thursday and ruw at thf. 1ai.nt. tlir.rn u ftnnilv of colorful iiaoii'p u,ilrth9(i ;,,Hf r,lnr.md from Louisianr. ingtho noise around. Thosp o! I hem awake said they would not bo fooled out of North Carolina again. News and Observer : A moil ter rible and distressing accident Imp pened yesterday to little Bessie, thf two and a half year old daughter cf Mr. C. O. Lnt.U. The little one was playing about the tireplaco and in ' housed In, mhod., of widowu and cdii somo way her clothing caught firo and I eated iie.rlv utiimii'i-d daughters id' in an instant she was iu flames. Mrs. Coiifi ih r .te hcddii i s. Wbitohead, tho graudmothor of the -..-child, was the first lo reach hor and Dispe-isao Cou-tiih::' Slalilmd. by h desperato effort she succeeded j Ciim.i.i.si'on. S. C , Jan. 'i'.) --Con iu smothering tho lire out wilh a rug, I slablo C. D McDmiiid, ii of the but not until the little ouo had been j dispennry spies. w.:s sliglilly strihln d terribly burned. But. for Mrs. White - head's timely aid she would have been immediately burned to death. We rogrot lo lull that she diGd uoxl day. Y.D. lliroiiD. Newborno Journal: A business man from Charlotte nays that Meck lenburg county iili iio has spent nr. much us 211,000 for horses which were brought from Tennessee, Ken tucky and Oregon this year. These horsos were bought for farm use, and tho farmers, of courso, will have to foot the bill. We doubt not that the farmers wdio purchased could easily have raised the animals themselves and saved the money they expended, and what is true of Mecklenburg in this particular is tiue to a greater or loss extent .of every county in the Stale. Hut stoekraising is beiug developed and a different, story may be told in the course of a few years. With such ample means and an unlimited nat ur al pasiiirngo, there is no excuse why North Carolina should not raise her own supply of horses uud mules. Elkin Times: Thcro is ono young man in Surry county that is willing to certify that there is more truth than poetry in the old couplet 'there is many a slip betwixt the cup and tho lip." On Sunday the young man dressed in his host suit of clolhcs, armed with a marriage license and escorted by a magistrate and several friends, started to the homo of his iu tended bride. Tho boys took sever al drinks on the way and when ti e party reached the scene of tho mar riage the groom was '"in the best of spirits" and not able to walk n chiik line without turning a bit to the right or left. Tho young lady f.oon took iu the situation and dt-.-pile the elo ipitct. appeals of the yc.tmg man ro tu.-ed lo consent to many him in the condition he was in. Ile departed thinking perhaps of t lint y.mg which savs, "iiuit it awful wheuu fellow gots left." Charlotte News: A good many fai mers were in the city today. They report that tho wheat and oats me looking finely. The mild winter will probably result in u short fruit crop next vear, but. atudo from that the outlook for 1S91 is very good. The farmers owe fewer debts now than for years past, and they start info IS'.)! in better nhape than any year since 1873. coimed woman nam cd imiuift Toomer, emphuod as cook for a family iu ward 4, h ft her four year old child ut homo yesterday af ternoon. During the absence of the woman, the child's clothing bec'iime ignited. Its pcieams attracted the attention of other parties living iu tho same bouse, but the child was terribly burned before aid le.vohedit Medical attention way secured for the little Milt'erer, but to uo nvsil. The I child tiled this morning at 4 o'clock. It w to prevent occurrences of this kind that the hist Legislature oaHsed a law making it a mi -demeanor to It uve children alone in a house. Durham Sun: Tho qii'tetnor.s of our staid old neighbor, Hillsboro, v. as dint til bed Sal in day night by a lire ihat occurred m the rear part of the Hooker warehousu. Just how it oi- wood it burnt rapidly und wuseiilii ly consumed with scveial buggies and Borne feed. Two .lows had a si ore in the cud fronting on Mainslieet. They saved some of lh ir goods and claim that they hod S-0( iu money burn1. There was koiiih insurance ou tie warehouse, but how much wo caimo: h iv. 'J be tire in si. romuiiinicnted lo tho two storv wooden buildiuir. occu zcun, both white und colored, worked i hard aud by their effort jireveuted j what mij;bt hft beeu h gweeping con tint;i'rtli'..n. Alfctiipt lo WiTik ii Train. Kicn:.:o.i, Va., .!.a-. !) --A L'ub'i' . Vu .rptcial lo the Di-qiiilch says: An attempt lo wreck the cast, bound vea tilnile tr.iiii, due hero at '.) o'clock his! night, failed, owing to the fact thai il was f.'i ly minutes laic. As a re Hi) 1 1 of this delay, a fmiglil train wuh : 0l.jcmJ i ,;u.e, the ve om It id lord to Dublin to libulcd train here, audit ran into the trap laid for the paseeu- ger train, having its f ngii n and threi' cms derailed .".ml tearing up the track for ow-r one hundred feet. At the end of a cut :d;out thteo miles cist of I'nbliu, Si tiie one h:vl removed a rail, ilrawmg I no rp:!:e. mut unscrewing the hij'iM lh;:t held it lo the adjoining lails. 'J he crowbar mid wrench, the properly of the Norfolk and Western C iinpuuy, with, which (ho work wns d ine, were found near tho spot. Tbo fact that u freight train left Itradford a stun I time boton-this one, ami reach ed Dublin saf ly hhows that the in letilion was to wtcel; the pnBsenger train, us il was the o'iu due, ami 11 6 ono that was wrecked was an extra. This pa- Ki n:T tinit) was tho through ttuin fiom Chai lanooga to Washington. It consisted of ciglt heavy vestibuio conches carrying u largo number of passengers. Hid thcrcslibule run into the hiokcn Ira. k. ' lie lo.-s of life und ii.j'ii v lo pasei --ers v.ould havo been fearful. A liundsoi'ie (iii'l. Cn vr.i.c-T.-N. S. C. .I.ni .'i l -At the twenty hi Hi nnrdv. r.-m v of the iloinc fiu1 Mother.-. Widows uud Diuightets of Colifed.T'ite Suhiiei;', held in tl.is city toihv. a gift ot l-wmtv thousand dollns f : i tn :i Uulfimoiv.iu was nn iiour-.c.f d. The name the f;ivcr is withheld. Thi-i homu is the d.hi-l in the South, was founded and hr.s been managed bv wenu n. It 1 us 1 Sond iy night. He claims that it was while in tlm ili-charg" of hi'i duly, (but no ennfinnalirm of the story Ik i tells c m be olilnincd. iiml it is gi ncr uhy I t iK vciI lo ye la.sii. 1 he woui. I is sHght. Hin character is not good, a warrant having bi mi sworn out for him l.tKt Slimmer, eluogiiig that he obtained money under fiiKe pi t tenses S. Mogio. a Jap-innse, from Tokio, Japan, has entcied the State Univer sity. He has been in America one year and three months. Kffect instant uud cure effeetii'il ! ?.Ir. Arthur W. Koh.son, t!."7 Hultimoi e St., Ualtimoie, .Md , suys: "While skating a few nights ago I sprained my right arm so severely that it was impossible to uso it. The following morning I procured u bottle of SuIvm lion Oil ami taip pleasure iu staling that it instantly relieved and even tually cutcd the injured mm." Tor tlit! Intelligent Voter the coming year will be fraught with iaoro interest (ban a campaign. Dy whs', i;! done, this t inter the fate cf p iiliisand the nistiMy of government i ill be dolcrmim 1. The most abndile p:iper that, comes lo this t'iii.-e i:- the .New Yotk Woild. Fearless and Jndept mleiit, wot l,iii;i at r.il times f r the best interests i f tho people, and nevt r for the ht-l!'mb i nd.- ol any ring or iiniit i-lii.il, i-un polling the light and condemning I he wrong wbt rcver found, il beeomes n great power for good throiighoul. the land. Its policy is di-tinul by its wcii ki.ouu motio: "'vpjal rights to all, special favois to none. ' TliC repuUtiou of tiie Weekly World as au incomparable newspaper U fully cstablishcvl. It reuihes for the very best and fullest- news of llu: entile country, and nets it. Tho cclehr.iti .1 'Tariff Jiulo' articles are again ruii ing in their weekly and are creating widespread attention. lis minceilau eons pages are replete wit Ii article" of viihiii'ile and interest i'ig informu tion to every one. It is a large 12 p'ige, 8 column paper for only 1 ('( a year. We have smwrded iu milk ing special arrangements by which we can furnish tho Kixottn uud the Wci lrfy W'mld one year both for on lyS-'-o Address tho KecouI', 1'itis boro, . ('. Now Ailvci tiv.'iueitts. RALEIGH COFFIN COMPANY. IF. JI. WO KM, Ssc.anJ Trots. Wo!iivi Iu slink a i'.'min'o tin f.f COFFINS sinl CASKI.TS, all sizes nml Rtjli-H; trlninilncK, lining mi I l'lii'liil liuln'H nr nil crailus, hln- k rloih cuvareil Ct.-kcty $10, ."0, f o h ml up, CiLikniii in n'.'ilimt, la riiM!W in I nn I In mik i :1.1, $1), to CiO; t'..riliw in wiiinu'. In i-. .ji-w.kmI a!nl In oak t-n, tun til ;;.'; gliisa lil Cnlllns f.u- rlilMlvn V 50 tn13, owing In hizo, nilsi-.l-lmi i' ifilns for mliiliK, S f.ut li.tiui t:i Ini'hi's, ilO tu !.", Inn hit 1;. l. s fiom :i. .'Hi tn S7.SU. All trrt;riii i er..!-i il-liv-rr.l frto tti any tlni.'I In lli Slati. All li'livninis will hii hp-jwitisi at I'lnv, il:.y i-r ii:i,'Jit. Any tliat bhuutil um I Hnytliit:!; In ihn almvii Him n lit flml to llic.r a lviiui'.i;k lo i-'iiiinuitil.-iiti- wi.li u. BiT"lti.!i.i-m. I'or nil Cnir.H HKI.n I'M: I). In .1 rri-tiug tol'giani ini'iiil.m I.KNO I II ami I 1.1' I:. LEIU II COFl'tX COMPAXY, Oi'ii-i-.ili' auutli-eHi forniT Ciiilt.l Siiuat'i', l:I.i:i(iil, N.O I, ('. JiAHWKLL. W. JI. WOKTII. :viHtui-. r fii-cif titij' and Treasurer. Foliruury 1, lSur. 3m. To iSuIlVi iiiir HuisiiinSty. Tli.isir nfT-ring wi'lt ilri'a.lfiil ..-ji!!i ilraling illwia.i'.-', Cain,nli, I.ai-ipii', Cnl-1-, llca ln. i(, Ncnialgl i, lia.v Fever, Au'liimi, Crn,. Ti ih -u Ii. , will kiyo lilli in uu y aii.l In alili ly Mrr.-.i.iiic J. I'. SCOTT, SANi-'OIil), N. i'., .iti.l wi:,l as o iiis Inr um' ol hii. l. iili: .ipiili iiiiv. Tin' latent li civery will I fl i'it ! mail nn ivcntp: nl S. i- nir.. J.m'y ir.u. r . wor.tA. h. K. U. iiaych LAWYERS, iM'rrMtono, rv. .t,,,). w.h. k mil hi in iim ..m- on th ni j 1r.1'urJ ""' ;i"': ,u"n", B(l ""; r.. im. Can still be found at the old stand with as complete stocks of goods as can be found in any market and they promise their friends and customers as low prices for the cash as the same quality of goods can be had in any market. Wishing you one and all a prosperous and happy new year. Call and see the mammoth Stock of W. L. LONDON & SON. Pittsboro', N. C, 1894. O. C. IIOYAI.L. (Oep'isUe Cnrrullua Hotel, i 1.)TO1.(A..() 1 BEAiJCltS IN FURNITURE. Ouo of the largest aud best stocks of Furniture in North Carolini and will be soi l at as low prico3 as c.u be had unvv.!.. ro All kinds and styles of Furniture You will save money by buying from us. Nov. 21!, 1 S'.':?. J. J. Tiiomvs, President, B. S. Jfi:van. Cashier, Ar c. A. Tn oj::-sos, Vice-President, H. W. J.m kso.n, Ass't Coshier The HoieitssvrcUti anl M'-r risers'' I auk Paid up capital $100,000.00. Authorized capilul .00,000.00. J. J. Tiiomnn, li. N. Duke, H. A. London, A. F. Frige, O. W. Walts, H. Ii. lUttle, Ashley Home, Fred. Philips, J. P.. Mill. ' F. Ii. Dnucey, 11. B. Itauey, John W. Scott. A. A. Thompson, T. II. BriggH, J.N. Holding. :o: Accounls of Farmers, Burks, Corporations, Administrators and Indi viduuls solicited on favorable, terms. SS'F.t'TAL ATTLN'ITON given to accounts of Country Iilcrchauta ana individuals. LU MB E R ! FIRK FIRE ! ! Ail kinds of LUMBLH for sale at the ! q PITTSOORC SHUTTLE MILL I WAThR-BOARDKG, j CEILING AND FLOORING, j I'l.AMl) AM Ktl.N DlUKl), OU liOl'Cin. ! Hills sawed to ord. r nt short notice, ' tiood Ceiling and Flooring already Diu:ssi:n at only 51.20 per 100 feet. 33. Jr. Sept. 17. 18',i:t. "Sr7 m7r y"'sSchool FOR CIKLS, --0 I'm: i.asti;i! 'iLitM of Tin: fifty -sixomi j ii-'i .-nr iii im-uiii .1 ;iiin:iiv Ii, !!! ! j 1 lal nn. -11111.11 pul l l" 1 l.y-K-al Culture aiu! j lt)i;h n. A.I li-.-s Hi.' i.n-tnr. IH.V. It. SMKMKS, A. 31 no.-. ni. k hjdis Military hby,! FAYETTEV1LLE, II. C. PHYSICAL ADVANTAGES. Fine location : ! uitifnl grounds: Coiniuo. hons building; Healthy di riatc ; Sit ii-t dsscijilinp ; Good board, and uoicr Mai Betiicn'. I. Ill t ATI Ml, MIVAMAIiKS. Ti.oiou-h Fnf,''i:d course; First irciMiittoiy course for entrance to the I in i iit v ! i;oni)iri tieiif.ivc. umr- mijjh, itud iraciciil lhisincna course, iiicliMiiit; Mioitnr.nn una iy-ov.ni-inp. i iio:oii-!ily qualified and cxiTii cucod iniriicloiH. I.'. ... V,,, ,ii..l A iiiiiiiiiiin'.tii'id. fi'.ll- uiiiuit' full ivirticnlaiK, and Monthly I Journal, iiddrci : M.ij. .. II . V'-'A7:'., i mi. n ik..i. r.wi-.iTKViu.r. n.c, ( )H It ! AG li SA !.! : - ii v. VI H- u inn nl inn n...ricu'1'i. rxri'ii'i-l ! in" ny .l.ini.'.- .-mini i.t.-l win., on i il." .'I'll "i 1 in ii. -. I'M'.. Illl.l lli'.'II.H- "I !'" l".'l Mll'll. I.- O. ..rn,.-r ii . i- i r.'.l In I . I'll, l apw I in, .. aii-1 Om' I'llli'i" In l;.- i. I V '!i. III canny. 1 will n il l"i- oa.-li m n in li---- .!,... r i'i I lilfli ... V C , i i.i MOMiM. Hi.' Mil il i.v .t I I. i. Ill AI1V. If.'l, llu- IM'-I'i'i y il.-iTlluM III wii 1 iiii.i ;i;iii!''i'. i-'ii!.i,i tin! ill "' a -ii-K "f la 'I. "ii III' m'it. .. l .ri'li. i ir.. I.. S.-w l'i.i- l'-wil liln. I'halhain I'l'uniy, a Ij liiini: On' laii'l "t Hit "ru i'i;i. i!'."" I. " I lili'-'O' Jan 1, lmi,. N 'S. i'I.AIIK. ;Hiii.tc Ii'i' ,- i i i.' ijv VII1 ' gt)IiM.A(il. .Wl.l.. I -, !fl eio.il a nn rii:iii'.'-.-n...l m n't in unar- illiiii by T M. .1. 'nixmi an I win-, an.l r. i;l-.ii r.' l ......i-i r ..... ,i. i,i eii-ii i.ii.i iMiniiy. i v in h.'i. ,"" K i '(.'" " ... . . ., . . , 1 f .ri-asll ai .nlli.' aii.-i' al On' '"iirl limiii' . ,l-.r 't i.iw.limn. "ii Vi'Mi V ili. alii lay nl I KM- , lll'AHY. IW'l. i... i.-al I.- ili'.s.-rllH'.l In i.il.i; iii..ruatr.'. Hituaii. In i'1-..iiiiani ...nniy, im I i-'ii- ialiilnj;2.."'i'rn. ui"i" " li--- .la;.. 1, IK -i. V. I'. IUI1K, Onai-illail. i IMPOnTAST GALE! Vy vlr'iu' tf mt r-Wr Hit' 8iipritir imih-i nf t'b.ch an (suniy. rm l :n tl.i- s-ei"trtl tVit fltni.- i'i" :r t!l"1i H l.'T ill ('btl)it I', HiHll-. H llttU' IfT nml .1 V' CiiinHiid it, In r? lire tU'U tnUiiU, I will iir v !''' 'i' tit i'U' it iii- r u 'it th, t"tnt-ltfii'' ,. T i' i Ii i -t-i',"H MUMMY, li(0 Villi T lil'AI'Y, IHi4, iltut vmii;tM' JViil tbl'o ftt L :k- Vill., ktiMtvii tth 111' .tiitalnin nli-. in "iii-aii'l a.ii-irinr rwre, lrf;i,.h'r with Inn vu-tr ii-.wr ih r.n trf-ii inline. Ali-.n it nlil li nin i l'i'T r S!ia Iini'nH, mar t-n.-kvill. , cnnintiilui: rmir ai ret-. Tornm .int'-itilril v- nn, Iia1hii'- In ill n'l twalv m'nib . wrih Uiterw t. K A 1iMjON. iiahu. r nth, it'; l i'inm"iwii'nr. J. L. UORDEN. OUR PROPERTY JN THE 1. 5. E5M1 This is a Homo company and de nefvos tho jtiitrotn.ge of till North (Jaroliniaiis. It was oijfiniod in 1!-'0S and bttS jiaid over half a million dollars in 0!iyt;t, m( );, j.s i j 1 1 Olit COtltCBted claim against, i; ! All Iosu-h i id .ir.mitly. Every iirudint nuiii oiihl to in sure hit ! iirojici ty. For tennr.. c, tij t :y to II. A. LONDON, AGENT. Y. S. l'ltlJUSOSF, Frcuidcut. January 11, ls',,'4. C. F. & Y. T. E Condensed Scliodule. In efTcct 1). e. ud.cr 3rd, 180.1. n.ui v cm-ht INPAV. ; l rlan (inttig Kntil ,-;l,lll)i,;; N,,rn N... 2. I NO. I; M:.il I l'ns.si'1-.or. iMoll k rAMOMaf Lcuvn 1.M h. in- 'A,!inhn.'i"it, Arrive, 1 ns p. mi 1II.27 l":u.-IU'Vlllt., I.favp, 4M " " 11. IK M.ni'.'Pl, " 8.18 Arm.' 1-ms li. iii . " II.1S IX on - " S.43 Kil: ill li i nii ' Train, S-k. 'i an I ' ' ll-'ii Willi llu- Allan I-' :s.-i-iii an i i::(i!. 'I-... .ti : vl'li llu' i .ilwar : ,ii I". IIP I, I'll-1 III Iii-' i ! s . i XNI CTIOSS. 1 al I'avnlH'Tlll June' I. Linn fur all i"otd ...!iiiiv'.s at SuuHr1 i", Sr'h nml Hnmh i: 1; Hi" Ku-lnnnna h li . i i I.- li. II.. N I s.-nli in hi ml . anil nt n m. i r.ivi. witli ih w In-iMii s.-.iiiin. 'I :-.i v i li i. N. ri'.lk - v .-r!..l MI'IU It. It. v i'i i-orni'i'irtal MhiIIhoiI mil It. mr lumnnkeaiMt i ' " form lM'M' I'l-NNrCTIOSS. 'I'tain s... 1 ,',., .a- v:li. in a.Vfi with ttm ..i-i.,jii ,v u...,irrn M. Il n.r l'l. iiii.lii'aiulall r"'lole ;,,. i, u,i . ; ... (;ri., ,l,rii lUl tlir ItU-ll- n : ,v .:n,vi:. I; !; i Oi nn'l Niutll Itnuuili mil ai K-iiiii'M wuh il." m aimanl Air l.lue Inr ici.-iui, , mi, in . ;iv i-.il iolnl8 KnriU BDit lairli-i'ua.l lino i.l ' l-.i li urn, JiukjU'OVIIIo hii 1 1., iMims. Lvi-i ii.,in.irtM ,,, W,, , K-ai-.i..i ,iir l.ini' Inr CbarluiU mli, nn I hi l av. 'i i n jni.iiiiiii wan me At- i.-l l ino .. I . i . . r It- urn, Jatkoi'DVIIIo, lia Mat Ullt M ,,,,1,, s..i 1 linl-liiLIU. il W. E. ki r. c.inM I'hcs Aseul. .1. W. HlY, O.'u'l Mam :tim , , . ,Vri(i"i'n.'.. vllt--!' tl XT f( XLCl l )! .'i ' ' ! I h.--HA it J nn iinliil.-l a.- ! '..vienr I if llk'lmei WiIhIit. ti'iniw.-.l. I I.- ivl-y in.llty all wtwlit I lt-Mtti rl.'tllliH ilj' tli .1 -I lllrt tiHItlrt I" tilt t'M '!' I"-i j inn'i 1K'4, !!i'l nil i-. iiiiHitMl t itiaki' liin.M I . ni. iii exhibit M il ll.iT Ol Din- Ill in.i.'iitm are tv I ..ynifnt. a. Hi l El hVk t I I i ; WALK M' VIIU m .-. ii nl in o. A lumti K tt O'i'Wii iiay nl Ociml' i a" inii.f n niM"i!..'. ! b. H iMi'vlNnd ' , inti, him! Umifti ' i tit.-! It-'itijf N r-.iU - ati--'t-'r. a' Oi.i r'-n,' i '.loN''li. H'i 'Ot laifi-H 'm antl W2 ..I ih" null-Prnl rtcM I n '-I mr tush ni pulilie i- 'lnir in I limN'To' (! o m Iri'rlmfr. Ki, th in r.i. i. r, iniiinlhlnzabnUk .I":: O'.' laii'ls IntniMtlr :a' ; -rili-l Ii. : a.-t p. ani U'l i"V.J TtZ liO-P Ull .Sa.-d ! -! it.'il i.ihm. V . !