-'.1. Tffl KMMl. FKBKl.VRY 8, 1S;1. H. A. LONDON. Editor. The Wilson tarilf bill was passed by t ho House, on last Thursday, by larger majority than anyone hud f.upposcd, the voto being 204 to Mil. Of those who voted for the bill there tvero 190 democrats and 8 populist, and of thoso who voted against ii there- were 122 republicans, 17 dem ocrats and I populist, Tho amend ment to tax incomes was adopted by a vote ot 1S2 to 43. Tho sceno in the House when the vote was taken was quite seiisaliicmi and exciting, every available space jo tbo galleries and on the floor be ing crowded. The debate was closi d with a short but verv effective speech by Mr. Wilson. I tided bis ' upeeeb siroused such enthusiasm as was never witnessed in tho llouso, and at its close the members rushed to Mr. Wilson and amid tumultuous applause bore him on their should ers into the lobby, where he received 1 perfect ovation. Am 11 m'hi-T uii i ho deserve .such a com nlimentarv I recognition ot his yreal services in securing the passage ot this import ant measure, which will peipeluute his naiiic in tho memory id a grate ful people. Tii us after years of vain endeavor and ceaseless elhirts the democrats have at last succeeded in pas-dug a b'll through the House to reform ; lbo tarill' and lighten the burden 1' taxation, which hits no yivatly op- j presod the people ot this country - 1.. .1 . .. . 1 . : -ii . 1 1. . .aoi oniy noes 11ns 0111 i cuuee 1 lu i e.mio t-ix ni'.n ii tari If or tax on all articles that are-! time seemed -in common use, but it abolishes ai-j danger tic v.h. i.,.,.oi..... ti.r. 1. ,,.;, .. in I '1 v mi li .111 1 1 of thc necei s 01 inc. 1 1 piaccs i . 1:. . 1 . - 1 . on the free li.-t, that is aboliehcs the tariff on agricultural implcinciits, cottoii lis, sugar, wool, coal, iron, ic, and reduces the McK.nlty aver ago taritf if ."0 per cent to IM jer cent. Too heaviest reduction is made in the woollen ;c'ie !ii!o, on H-oo!len ooda of all kinds, the Me- ! Kin ley tariff thereon el I'S per cent being reduced to lit per cent. Tne . ,. bcutticsol tins reduction in tho ti.rifi eanno'L bo ovcicstimatcd, and yet ot uourmu s.imo peoji'e will not bo s;U istied and never will cease com plai a ing. The bill is r.ow in the hands o! the Senate, tind though that body may act with its u.-mal dignified ililatori ness yet wo foiindently predict it will be p i-scd and becomu a law, ami uie democratic, hopes 01 lariu ; reform izetl. will t-ro long be lully re;e Tiik Dkaiii ol (ieorgo V'. ChibU removes one ct the most conspieu m. eharactcrs of this century, and his life of extraiil'linary usefulness ami beneficence may well bo held up t-. the youth ol this c. entry as an ex ample worthy of emulation. lie tnaj- truly bo termed the typical American, and in him were embod ied the noblest traits ot citizenship. Ot I i in it may most truiy be s:d 1 i that his life was a benefaction. Ii is i greatest plei'suve was derived from ! doing good to others, as no l.l i,-.- !: doelured and as his whole life v-: i- : lieu. v ithout any adventitious stir roundincs, starting in bis business; career as an errand boy in a book- storo, bo becamo a millionaire who not only accumulated but gave away millions of dollars. Although never j seeking or holding any public fdliee, I ue atta.neu not oniy u ;auonai oui ,a (( au., Juc Wbitaker. a world-wide reputation, and was , a aceuiii.icce with his Usual custom, recognized as tho forcmoitt ciii.iMi t l succei dial in making the Aiexandei this country. His beneficence nr.d U";ks "' most eordiu'tiy. Fi philanthropy were not confined U fon man of ll.e grand jury ' . 1 ' , . . went inio the coiiit loom with so-ne this country, but were tbe adiuira- ' eui,... his. IL honor look'd at tion of all English-speaking people il.em and, bn a'l.-o tho county com tho world over. The objects ot bis ' inisi-ioners weie cot indicted, made bounty and generosity were as va.j,L, ft"'-'"'"' l1"- "H tie prc-eotments , ., ,. ,,,, s:ave ono into the t-tove. Then bo ned as they were imsrilormus. Ihe r .t i- J ! sect for tbo oilier g-.at,d j'jruts out last and a very notable nion.imciil wiill..taudii.g ll.c tm.iy led nol finish of his public spirited liberality was ' e ! its bosice so.,diy belated them tbo erectionl ast inonlh, on the la-! nml told then to go bo bid no oifiu cotmt, of an imposing and cosily J f-";''1' ";' ll ! "'- Witil. this was . x. . go'n g i-n in tn o ci: ic t r 'om some ine stono cross to commemorate the first , . ., i , I w till!. Hun the g: and Jul y room uud religious services held by English- ' f ,...j ol( the "i il.h: i; pv.M-i.tmtut. men pn this continent. against Judge Wbiiak. r for cot be- Although a millionairo and ho g present lo open the e.:tirt Monday .,,,: i,..,.UI, i,n n.. ,,., ' luornicg. It was afb-rward learned " 'i',v-' ' - --o" u. sually unobtrusive iu bis manners and retiring in his disposition, and toj meet him in a crowd ono would not1 think tbat so ouiet and unnssuitiin" i a gentleman was America's foremost citizen. Wu were especially struck j Df.kcd , B'ee it. It ,,ari i,hown lliui with this when wo met him at tbo j KUJ Lo 'was beard to icmai I." that if Nalionul Editorial Association iuilho prt-.-entment bad been brought San Francisco, in May, ls'J2. In- i ,rlt" t , l' llllVB "rdere.d . . , , , , every member of tho grand jury to deed on that occasion, when be had , i .i . sj, -,r ' i jail. 1 ltit it i: repotted that Sheriff been put down 011 tho program me j u-u,t .vl.iW Lt..M.tl , wuvk" that be lor a sjieech, he got another person j would cot have taken ihtta to jail, to read for him tho speech which he 'Of eourso the judgo eoull bavo or- bad written but was too diflident to ,,em,11 tU f1''11' j '1'- lult -f". ur,t at nil prooaoie that h.i '.vottnl liave dolivcr. 'found uuvbody in Alex mder to exe- Anothcr most commendablo trait ,.,.t0 tbo order. However, this cou of his symmetrical character was bis tingency did not niise. perfect lair-Wealing with everybody, i uul fsiiecoille with his oir.lilovees. " i- - 1- j ' of whom there were hundreds, and tbe confidence and lovo of all ol who'n bo received and retained to tho lat. He was pro eminently a just rs well as a generous man, the like ot ag: Wamiimu'o.n. Teb. 2. 1SH4. .Uiesi.ieiit t'ievelaticl was olio oi the lii st. oiit-ii.lt o: (.'otij'i essiotoil eol- '- t 'UUP.s t.. oxle;d coiyt :it ulat iocs i 'liuit t.i in Wiisoiioti I ho Mk'oess t his tanil' ti'ht in the lloi'se. The , f 1 I 71 iiuiii i u null "tin ran UIO HPI'IOOI 1UHOI1M lunue lev I UK in t--ti- : l, ui ,.; I , ,f ,,.. lj,.:oin mil ho'i... ' ..i. i .4i . ent session of Congress over there , souhriipul of .-Stoneivali'. lieu. D. fltr gveiUer tLtta w at flrst Burpoa, jiuadoby the lastsession will approxi-1 H iiui, jn his article in tho Cenlurv CJ Washington Letter. ''::;'!! 7!3i)'',0O'Oa-),l'Kl ?:5J; (Magazine for this month, iu a para- At Nor,U Birmingham a dozen I'OiMKKb Ihrs statement was made ! oted by you iu the Observer hoilso8 were i,lo.,u d.mu. James ? lu" N orM wmT..d..,t tl" y lV ; or yesterday, states that the story of Smith, a railroad action foreman, was i-r..m..uriw.ir.rr.p kmh.i Ut a ossman fjaj ei is. ot l uiiati , llis ,llimo iviny originated from u j fatally wounded bv the i oof of hie , 1Uf,n ot Uie Hc Commtttee ou Ap- vftWl, k of Geo, ut lbo 0illtJe of hoUH fu,hn iu i(u w ,d j,, 'nj,i .11 u'ii.u'"--' . v . v. ........ t.1P f.m.pt niat tue i sou 010, as puss the White Hons.- io the IVpiioI. Mr. ; j j,v j0l,SPi provide a enf Wilson is not n nriu of robust iiui.ltb ; fleie.;t r0Veuue for the fiscal jear 180.5 at tho best, fnd lite t'wjtiuuoua audand .,avo a lmndsoine surplus wirh a. Juous labor which lt ba Prf"-1 which to meet tbe liabilities which d kiuco lioeomirg ohaintiaii of the ' limst; l,0 incurred by the Federal Ways and Mcmus Conuuiitee bus al- (,,vt.l riln,,uV tlluer legacies t.f est rav most completely broken him dowi. ' rti,am.,. Landed down by tbe last iu- Uec weariieviatesi ucdtiewiu piou- ably leave Wat-h-nton topeud tral w,4'ks iu s'.'!,'e '1' .V'1 l,a,c"; 0"."r uwu.ww. u ......... . . of the opposition to ra.so doub!? of tbe pus-.Hge of the bill. bin. Mr. il ton lias b. en culm y coclident from uio day tbo lui. was reported f row the committee tbat it worn. I puss with- i.ut but;-materially fhauged. The 1 1-ei.uit chows that bis eonbdecco was . iorMT.1 e a' thw: fi'lntVi't ri'n Itii ; l-uilt upon a nrni loucdatiou the bo ! ii.-f 1 but men elected to t'on-rc ss , on a tanil' 1 el'orm i--s.ie would uot allow themtk lvesloi t na-tipei.e Mn amanu-; lactu'.ea beuumem -a:uss iai iu ic- . form. Jb-j i.se'd itivo D'.i.ulcy, of Maine, wa iceomy himo i-u-i wu.i t-ureiw ed in 1:. I! it :!::e 11 .1 ; i.etj t to the IUM,,1, HUJ I happy to say that we :i .l. 11" moved that ,,ue ttu.i the hearty Vo operation d' i puni i.' I in tbe wbis : ,;,e o!lj, ,.lti t the hl'a-l of all t ho do th" ii.ttimd i-evt-nuc.;p(U!IUl.ut!j, jhe result w.ll be a s a--l i.l sj-ould bf three ,,f ,..,-., ,,.,, .;Jt).(:0.t.0tl) of l:ie Uaiiil" bid dt of section of 'hi yean-, as at pi yeai-. as po! vei 1, instead l eight p;.0!,.'H uionev. for which th- l).'iun (. 1 !': -m tl.o coR'mittec, CVdw Adm.iiistratioi;' UfL. titled to full v- ted with him. 'eredd. 1 toi l mo ill-US' I JVmoci'utic vpo..ii-..!t o ,u . (liol! h to i'i - beian to 'rrow iless a:;d h eSS in the wiek and a'ca-,Tin., ;-.2i0.(;r,l : the lVn-ion bill, ' ' " " ice vole was taken ir'.iiietv.l that it was 1 A a factor iu the .:!.' craMc N'tritors Ibadirr no loi ti 'lit. If ti; iwill do 1 tho iiot s e;l us tin; democrats io 1 have d-M.e tarifi' reform I ,. ill SO' iu bo her.-, but i'l 'm-a' h 'lis do : not poiLt to .p-idy action by thej ; Semite. I Vponrv: i'uiand, of b-tii-e j-t escn'ed by Judge j .Mich , who has been act- 1 ' ' as l'ceial counsel in the ! ! ia Tif asuty d'-p-i 'bas deci.fed to jhc:) lbo lt.01 j t Wbiiccv L. J3oise. cl- lirmau i I 'I ILiO l.er-l! Kil.au .. ' li e evui ' l i uiu- t . , -, . I !,,!. n i.t Or.-.', 1:1 I. 1- eoiiiti '..-it v in I r . 1. . i l.t: s-. , 1 . 1 . ...! ( tbo i!i ga! i tiiding of Ciiu.eso in that State. Ju'b;i' I.Mrand brought wiib hit") to Wa.-l:i;,.; 0:1 tie thief of a band j of coast smugglers who has turned slate's evidence. He it was who I .armstieu tut; cvn.cnce against lois;. and be irnii hcati s sr-vt-ral oiber proiiii-1 icati-s sf-VL-i ai otui'i oiouu- ml repel. m -i li'.'.cs oi ihe .-state vv'.io Wiil , , ed it .-olai'.eul ciiobora , ' t.(. ;Vt. KVUj e can be M'cur. d. I The ,er.p: b.iie ou the TuckT bill for j ;f ihe. federal elect inn laws !o.-e in t:i-- b'. cam i.i xl I uesu ty tile bill will be ptu-iod, r.'tivitii I and i StU' n.g 11 ttbih have ; bf-t II V. id I'l'if d atriibuiii.g in ' pait of ile'.itociatie s l he bill. Not one j difference o:i i ' Secaiors to-.vai i word has been t ui. j indicate liott a -ing! j tor '.siii v.jte a'.O! ' main away io keep : i. Neitbt r is tl.i ! shttemeci tbid Mr. i liy a ilem-iciat to ; shout until tired at, and is borne out !; ileiuoiaai ic Sena- j i u his statement by two disinterest-i.-t ti;o bill or le-led witnesses and by some nomeii li oci Vii! iu'r upon I who are related to the dead man. . i'.j, it a i o oi tin? ( . , , . -i , ... I i ii.ciiuiii i,o t. . I pressetl opp . I .... I . , ... . It I .'I...' ''.',.., i .Sel ves! el I. iu f.cc ' l.ll I in I I ' i v. I 'ill q ; ,. ,. ..I,,,.,,,,, fi . i :, i ,'n-1 1 :f : f.lli I i o 0 1 hollos, i adance v.iili Ihe olltcial nn- Coll.'l'.-i ;i;-ut It ir.dit:- tbe y made, nottveh- e 1'uiiSn attempt of the .'els of Libur lo prevent the is by obtaining an icj lnelion from i the courts and the- wa i-il" from va- a tors A ih about th.. l 1;'t, Stewart an t Hoar iv '.di. v of their isiitie. - Jii-Jgi' '!iit;is.er Criticised, Frora "w -"mo taa-:n.ark. , iiom an iu coiiiiis ihire were some iu'.eieotini; i ecu; re;,c s at Alexander that tbo grand jai y ha I ol.--d unaui mount v i make ttie o. t sent ttii-nt. but whtbcr they would aavo d ine so bad tuey n -t bun a t su l b uly on I net s pecteiily discharged, is not posilivuly known. The i.i-wa of tho rtcsent 1 I,. . Cit.iL-nr'c -nru nr.l C. V-.ilCmt t In, ii ii ii i-elii'.t. u-fio I hrp w ! ., . 1 ' . ., . ... .. 1 1 t iiii iKilllu UIU) ins ciiiliiiui'i 01 t'u 1, i, Li.-s was beheaded at Paris last ! Mondsy. Congress Saving MilliOHS. siitouiesow v-.k wij , j WAHiiisuTON.Ieb i 1 here is every I ,lwnuu 1 , . prt)iiatioiiH, It iti based upon, the . ' provuioiis ons t.f the appropriation bi!'Kiuol lm,f..s8 to know anvtbing about , tei.oited to the House, and a!., ,,,,.,,;:,. ...... to U!-jet bow already e..i'efule. - .tlii)ateoft!K.sfliH)vvineoiirseolllenviritl it'orisjitirttoJ, but contents pvepHi ation. Mr. .yers pre.iie. j , iiou corroDonucs iu.iv me hjaienifiu ; ?(it'nilv iiiiido in these destiatcbes to:.. ; ) put,IU - n Administration. -l'he broad priueip:e upon which , our committee has proceeded." said j jUr. -mths, In IO gJVO IU ncij uu p;U.nieiit of tbe (i )verumont, as near- jly us wo cau ostiiuate, exactly t'"' ; ftmount lltressai y to meet the rspen j dilures of tbe fiscal yi ar 1Mb). j ..0ai. pomuiitteo has labored con- scit-ntiously and industriously to the 1 t:,,,Tu .,, f ,,i-,ivi,ii-.- rinul-i to meet 1 . u 1 . 4 , . 1 i thc .Js of the Government, and otlLo Leavicst masM-s of the Federals j tU(, S111110 ime s0 to reduce expend; : ;tul0S 11S t0 iusure an economical Ad- j mi-isf ration that can bo am: !y pro- ! v,,iej for with the r-v-nucs to he ile rived from the Democratic laiiff law. y bllve p,,,t11 Woiking with tbe esl - tuated revenues ot ttio lison uiu in '-lbo Approprialior.s 1. omramee ; vincu ai oi.e:iiaa .-n.irit.l 11 beiiilv to the Houeo i tbe L;-ti iot of Columbia bill, carrying 3; the F01 titications bill, eanviiig tll.ol.oc, uui ice o in dry "Civil bill, cainicg -'.C'C.lWJ. Tbef-o bills show n savii i'ver tho.-e of the lust session of the Fifty second Congress of nil t'.n..7.9. Oi this atuouat about 13.b00.'0i) is iu pen sions. Shot by Ti!li:tati's SpiiN. U KU.K.'itn. l' b. 4 The kiiiitig of Crawford Halle'.v tied (he wm lut ing ot J'erry Moore by Stale con stables, near here iast ciht, was one of ll,e coldest blooded outrages ever perpetrated in the name ot i.tw. 1 11 1 U .... ., ......... 1 ,.,,. j u il' l ;iuu .mien.' i I e m ve ." - . , - .ii 1 1 i.t-u 1 11 1 nei-r , ii, it- 111111I . Iiiiiii ( 1 r Jen- ville county. They were farmers, livi.igon the farm of ("apt. J. M. Ueiij son, about two miles from Wei I ford Last nig'nt, aeciitding to the tacts ebci led at the coroner's inquest, one ol I liiman s spies came lo ia.i a , bouse alumt 11 ocioelc, pretcnuini; ttouse aoom it " laocu, ei vii;ii .i i iii; ; . , , , , , , - 1 itltlil'l UlieU US. I'lil. IHV to lie drunk, and asiicit linn lo siiow , . , .-,.. ,,,,i , , i , I. on with iiiul part ot our regiment him the wav to tho railroad. Moore: . ,, 1 ... - ' -'ot his lantern and pimted tin mun 10 the railroad. When th reaciion .. . , , the raiiroad Chief Constable Fat; I and Deputy .'berili Dear, with .erilf Dear, with a!, 1" eol six t onstablcs. halted Moore, not understaniii i-g what was broke and run. up. l.rokeam run. ihe constables say he ran, hut fir en n ne ran. no sa s i I not , i ,1,111 .t ,i .. - ... i . .vii iiiiiii toai uo ias iiiiiiiiutz i ncu . , .. e , ... . i .. . . . . it. . - ou w as n i e i ti ion o ii.e- ins.-e. jjibi l ....... I .., I,.,..,. 1... I ... 1.- "'.."'... J ' . . , ', ,411 'I IIC- I f I 1 11 1 I II k; I - ' I u v i i. 1 i'l ii .- - i . .. i , i : won r, leil minis c es hM" it is brolher-i,i-law IJailew, out of his: I I. CO.. , .. ,- l,.,.r, ,,' ,, i i ' , .i', , savs Pel ew e;irrieil i in Ho the eol. ! ton field towards his ( Moore V; house, i T, , ,, , i,,;.. ... i I HC nilllll.'ll III ll.llll'i .--iiimiv; ci. , , , , , : verv much alarmed, and in order to, "..i i. . i ,, m .. , , i i mud thuin luillow left Jloore (ui the I 1 , - , - i i . , , , i ground and ran towariis his house,' ii . - i i . . i . : .1 t. , , , us was i ii ici ei'i'i i 'i iTw vuivi um. Deputy boyce. Dean and several others. According lo the testimony of Ihe two disinterested witnesses, the only word spoken at this meet ing was tl.o heartbroken cry ol an excited woman, "That is my man please don't shoot him." She was answered by tho crack t.f a Win, ; hitster, and Hallow pitched forward i, ,,,(, con ti,.. .till,,... into 1 lie armsol ilealic 1 he stillness which always follows death, tho agonizing shriek of a t.'oman and the brutal voice 01 a man demands ing ot the woman it there was any more "dam ned men about here, "and tho tragedy was over. Riotous .Vii nets Shot. j CicviiCEsToN, W. Va , Feb. 3. Sher ; iff Silmuri received a telephone dis-. i patch yesterday to come with depu 1 taa Cue.j.li ,t,ii- lii A.-ino na tlio MonlKomeiy miners wore marchim; I ,, u,. ' , t. .1,. oil tlio Olivciin lumen t.j iiiano tue, ti, u i. ti,. ,.i rt- - . i - . . - i vviiu a posse i-ut. up io vciuh at i . "if 1.1-. tl. ill. Hi n louiui tne oii-venn iubu out, i ' rpiiftv rn cr'wn t.a niioi'iiitehiiKV mr.li n i I t ..i -l-i,. .. .ii,. t .. i uuiivct,.. .... .i,.,,,,,,...., the sberitt came At 10 o'clock a drunken mob of nearly three hundred strikers came up. crying: "Put out tbe lights." John FoMc-r, standing 1 iu bis own door with a lantern, was fjrod ou by twiive men and shot through the groiu. Ile m iv dm. Tbo sheriffs party tired fifty s-bots !iu tbe air. Some of the mineis ran, tho rest came on shooting wildly. The sheriff told them not. to cross the dead line or he wool 1 tbo into them. Two miners were shot, one in the arm and one iu tho chin as W supposed, l,u ll.!r m,Mi ,i,un 'I'Iid ulu.i-il)'n .!,. termiDod stand awed the meb and j boating that Foster was expected to dia, they seut a committee to Stevens to say that if he would furnish an en ruitin Rinl ftnrft iliiiv wotil'l rro hm-W inn. - . .1 ti.. ..i. .1 .j lum was uuuit. iud mun uuiiui icj The mob departed ; and tho sheriff came back today. No 'further trouble is anticipated. Origin of "Stonewall V Name. tv. m.. cum oi the cuttle obbrrvor. I t wll,e ...,.. frtW y.,.pl, to 6et pflLt. ir luiauitttl. tilt VOtlf 1'f'ailerS. Illfii, i.,.,, i.... : ,. ..,, j.-oii,,,, " ii ,loos Ui,USelf w itu wbistliug that story down ' tint tviml liei'iinsn Hint UHiiie doex uot , i ,,,,... . .t , , . i.: ,;, .,,,..,.),.. ....,-,;, . ;., PfflU IU 111 IU It. Ultlll VUill HVIH ItKI 4U of Jackson. Hudiluas says: ""So argument bko matter of fact is," and tLis is purely a question .f fact. I now state positively of my own persouul knowii dgo that iu tbe alter uoou of July 2i.si. l.SlJl, in the beat of the battle of l!uil lbui, (.leu. JJar uard F. Uee coitimaiidiug our bt igatle, -ulloped up to tl.o mmuiut of tbe 7 - ,', XAUvi K--imei,t. in wLuh 1 was tbtu u iieuucaut, and vbicb jjaJ lllt.u lOBt ul i.reC Oi lid Ufkl Ol- j lU.m ouJ oue t,f ils llWUt ja i t.hidmg many of its hue ollavrs, and I vvh,eu WHs no cut to pieces that Uee !s,.,.tiJld not to recognize us at li.st, i 1U)d he ut,kt,d U,B tiat.sllall( -What !rt,,iuu.uti9 ,4isir uKnawerodbiuj, I l 1. 1 .1........ ai h,.. ,,.... . . - lliltj iucbne-.i to our left ai 10 leave ni t.0i,i )atativuiv unengaged, with , n!o liJUIti tLal, a skit U'lsh Hue 111 our iaiinediale front ; but Jacksou and bis brigade, w ho were in positiou oubigb round i.boul o Hi jaids to our K-tt, were being a-taihd t'j m.yhly masses j 01 the et.euiy wuosuigea lorwai jiko i augry wavis tigam.-t Jackson a inm ' wnicn was CoMing last 10 us gioumt 1 bke an immovable lock, desptlo the j tetrilic t.Usta.lgLtS. Uh ; tho sun bmlty ef lb.it seme! the sholltiug Ot the coiubt.tai.ts 1 ttie thumb V e-f gucs thai shook tho earth! Ii mckes my L,i00d tiii'-le and mv heart swell to , 1 ,. , ..r .1 1, ..,u -,i-.i.,u- tin. .-itse was of the day. Rue liioa taid to us, "M. n can you make a charge of ba oneU-? ' To which our poor baiter-, d lt giici iil sail bad the pint k to u- i-po:. i'enei.ii; Weil go V.bl-f- ever v-'.i lead and uo whatever y ' i:... li.u.i m,.'...1 t,, t!,i. i-ni . ! tti.it ,v..: . -.. 1 ii it piJw ,1 ,ri, in 11,1 I to our bit ami said: " Yon hr M.in.ls circus, hut has been occupying wins LU il ,ito.-,Vuil. Let s go ;'' quarter- t.s a si !e attraction t to bis !.s;s:ance. 1, ssvaoif, w8 ; K -1. s saloon, on Ivisf U ater street, tbeio and LeaiMthe wor.i,; and M.i;"' was left chained during the did the nginuDt. nn.l mai.v ot them j lemj.orary absen e ol the pr.ipne ure vet alixe to vcibv tno fact. Ask ."' ' managed, how. yer, to l,c HoJ. James T. Joims, ex Cougrew j',,ni,l. a'l walked over behtml lue ,ri. ,,f M.ov.-.ro r.ioaiv. :) i'lof. W. C. Wind, oi Dallas county, Ala., mid ..t v i-lfier tin vivois who v.eio .I,.,. present a I Unit tliuo. . dun. lb-e attoice itlaeed himscll at our left and led tbe r'ourlh Abtbam i ai is to wards J atlison's jmsii ion. 1 ur ing that movement ol ours Alburns' lbtllcry was uompeiled to fall back, and irttilopod rmlil throiit'h our k n;Jl!ci f jaciable dis , 11 .. , ..... l'..i I'., .j.. I .. . , , , ... ... , '. ... , 11 III I e M III 1 1 V n i : I i.,, , . . , ' i .... , ,1... . ...I,, ..i. . - , . ,, ' , , t , ! himseil leil, moitaliV wourul ing his Fourth AlaUamians. Alter ihe battle the story I what . , , . , .....r,.. v -, . il was ed course the staple ol i. , . . ... i throughout Ihe camps, and so the remark of Rce about Jatksou was 'spoken ol and became known, and fame's I nun put caught the word, 'itii'iiiiiiiiu u i" I'liiuniiiM auu iiiiiuc . . . it immorlal. 15ee, when he id it, was not think- .'v., in-' ot in it Ic i it if :t critical aualvnis of , , . , . " , Jackson s character: he w.as speah . ' ' . " 1 " :. . ... i .... .1 i.... I...; I., .... ...M .. niinseti, anil oii oi t iieset von con plimenl both to theui and their com I .... ,i;1"1"1'1'' but ll ol Jackson; tor ce was no misnomer rtainlv lbo readers ., I , n . I , 1 . 1 ei II: sown urtic e ic crre. toauove ... ., . . i , e w i atirco that immovable firmness , -, ( , and tenacity ol purpose was one ol J , . ' ) n is most tioiauie 1 1 ;n is. W.M. M. Ib.'lllilNS. Statcsville, Feb. 15, ltlU. Farms ami Morf giiircs. Waihno ton, Fib. 3. Tbo Census Rureau issued today two bulletins "hicn buoweu inai 1.1 iweu.y-iwo HtateB and lerr.tniies .2..b) per cent ! ' ' 'Per cenL. owned the farms eultivaled by them in LSS'J. Of those families, lib 22 i" r cent, oiviif-d bubi 'ct to in cuiubratice. and fill T.S per ceut. own ed free of iiicumlnaiice. (In owned farms there were iieiis amounting to , :r'2',ll).4Sl,lS)2. which was So -il per cent, of tlcir value. i.u ueui. win intercut at tin aveiagc rale of 0 'Jt per cent., making tbe average aunual in ten si charge t'7-S to each family. Tho nvtiago value of owe I and ineum bered fauns was 3,l'Ji), bul ject to n ,)t 01 v l.loti. Of families occinniii.' homrs, C.J 2o . ' iier cent, hired and 00 io per ceut. i le.vneil 1 1 ii'i homes. Ot llie l.otei-! , . , e ass. 1 1 1 - tier cent, owne.l iree oi.juiy re. ointiieiiooi nun .t mo - , i ..i oau,., ,,,,i ,i c . i lUUU Ullll illiLt! Ull I ill i 'i I'VI ,riv. , i . , i . incumltiiiiico. 1 ii-hts on owiu d lomes e.,u ,1-:,. .... i. i - "PXR".''" coi.o-o.u.m.. .i .... , '. of their value, and Pore interest average rale of (i .lll per cent. ; An average ia!e of l,3lll incumbers , !''"'. ' "vcragc value oi w uicu is sf.i. -')!. I oay oi'isin.iii , ... i. . -u .... - - -... j Wa's passiii" tbo office, f the Hmkles Ladies who do diht bousekeep- I I bey claimed tbat Worsbnm attacked ing" will assuredly 1'u.d a tnety fi ieud 1 the young Dr. Hinkle with brass in Salvation O.l, when they scald , knueks us ibey mot on lbo si.'e.yalk. themselves by turning over a tea ket j The most eminent counsel b tin-State tie, or burn tueiuselves by lifting a lid were iniig'' ! in defending Uie Ilin fiom a red hot stove. For lbo cure ties. Tbe son is yet io bo lrid. of scalds, burns, and all kinds of j abrasions it is tbo best liniment tbat ; ti. t,,,,1(, (.;.iii,ied bv Lizzie Daw lm , ev,r W" 0,ib'i"l Price 23 ' cuts. : Last Thursday eve.r.in.j while r'av- iiiL' baseball at Salem, throo miles rom Morgauton, a young man by lbo imme of Dale was nccidecully struck tiatiiH 01 iyii was iicciiieiiotiiy bii tiuiv with a bat by a boy named Uoper and is not expected to lire. A Cyclone ill Alabama, BiHMiNo:iAM, Ala., Fob. 4 Further (.,.,,. tl dteu esc.ap.t d with less serious injur ies. At Kast Lake road three depots were blown down, Tbo worst damro was at Gate City, where a Congregational church was blow n down. The Cbiistian En deavor Society, with fifty persous iu attendance, was holding a meeting and not one of them escaped unhurt. Mrs. R LI. Pritchsrd was crushed by falling beams and died at midnight. She was thu wil'o of the snpi i iuten dent of the Alabama R.iliiitg Mills, and her home was at lionton. Oiiio. Richard Niies bad a leg broken. Will Rear's bkull wasfiaeturrd,. Junes Xiles' knee broken, Miss Anna Rird sail's spine iijiued. Jas Hartsbown received perhaps fatal injuries inter nally. Rev. E. R E;st wat badly hurt, and fioni tbiity to f. rly others re ceived it jmie of minor character. When tho hurricane struck tbe church the building collapsed, tho roof falling in a solid mass on the congregation. Tbe slioug pews par licuiatly brt fce tbe fall, otherwise eveiy poison iu the hom o would have been eru-hed to ileal h. Axes bad to bo used in rch-asing many who were under the debris. Nearly every house in fl tie Oily was in. re or less lauiaj;ed bv the Btonil An itmuenso amoutit of tim iH.t-jn tho track of tbe storm was do strove 1. j'he d:tmag. will arjouut to a iargopum. At K 1st. ;'i m:.'i"ham a chuiclt a'l l school liuild;i;g wt-st-wrecked. Near ChovoIrcrt a tree fell on Mrs. J. F. M. Do. i ll's bouse, killing bericslautly. Teb gr ijih wr. s were blown down and nojiiy trees fed a.rosrf the railroad track. A Jlntikoj 011 a Npi ct'. K.ml'M. N. Y Letter. J u:imry 30 h. Two pi l.ce i en eondueting a drun ken monkey to jail was one of the unu-u tl s;;!its seen ivm I s-'hts sh.'ii ,'Minday. I lie a. 0 1 .key is a member () D l:i' ki r's U:M ne i;.a ue.'.l 1 n t lie fii; leoK i n:' lie i;;aiie.'d iu the bi" iss back ot the row ot e", s, and, se-i:ig anotiier I bit ti ot I nis own sty.-', pu-Keii up a iteeanter and let it go with his ritriit, tin i Mr Klston's J?200 ylass was a wreck 11 is opponent having been tot rid of, the monkey proceeded to lest the various liquid refreshments on hand Ilo turned ou the beer and took a lonjr, iloep draught, 1 lien he sam plt 1 the whiskey, gin. wine, ami various other kinds of hilters. Ii ii I lom; until he was i"aring diiicl;. 'J'hen ho laekleil Uie ciirar e". , and demolished liial, throwing I'-'- eii ciais about ihe room in hand tills. 'CI... no moul:e's screams and tho ,,o'S0 of slialiered ebtss allrtn ted n largo crowd nboui thc front of the saloon, but the n'oor was locked and thwre was no way to get in. Finally two policemen came and boosted 11 boid young fellow ibrouh the Iran som. Alter a lively lussle he man, aged to get a rope around the drunk en monkey, and he was hoisted through the window and escorted b- tho two policemen, one on each side, to jail, and lodged in a cell. The next morning the prisoner was very sick and held his head between his paws. Although il was his sec ond oll'eneo tho recorder suspended j sentence, and ho was led back to the saloon and chained up. The next timet he gets drunk the owner says ho will send him to the Keeli-y cure at ll.ngHainlon. Weaver Moved to Arizona. Ticson, An., Feb. 5. Tho Peo ple's party is laying its wires to cap lure the new Slain ol Ariz-ma. lien. J. R. Weaver, his son in law and their families have just arrived here with the declared intention ot mak ing this their permanent home. Slroeter, tho Illinois Populi'-t who was a candidate for Senator when Ceil. Palmer was elected, has been living iu Arizona for about iwoycars past, at Tempo, il is rumored a movoiuent is on loot lo perfect tl organization ot the People's parly iu .1 rizoiia.anu inai t ea verauo oirce - er will be its candidates lor the Uni ted Slates S.'iiatorslops. Out! Duct or Killed Another. Atlanta, (la., Feb. 1. A special to the Constitution from Aii.ericus, U, .1 , 11 1 II fays that l)t. t. Ii. Hiukio w as con- victed theio todav of iiiurdrr. The i i i :. . . . i i i : ... f,.,,,,. iirisruiiiii.iit u- Oi i i-HVeS lilill Irom j - . - - baceina. Uv. J n mi.kie mm ins 1 - I 1! 11,,,!;!... u-.iv on tri.. .... ... T.r u.u.deung 1. .. 18' There was a I,, er f.eunu lUe, , tbo doctms, partly the re-u.t of p'o lesMi tm. ,.j. " " , ,.,i,lru ; iv,... e.iunt v. Va . was tjesti ot ed by lire last Sat unlay night. F-.ur of her children wt-io alone iu ! tbo house. I ho oldest onos escape.! , from the burning liuililuig, dui iue, mu iiiui.g.-n.i n 7- ., two youngest, ageil about aua ,t i years, were burned to dealt), insure is thoujiht to have been accidental. ....., i .. i , i ; . . .. v,...n. At.. Mr. THOMAS C. DENSON, Chatham County, WITH , W. B. ft B. S. TDCEEA ft EflL, THE DRYGQ6DSDEALERS, RALEIGH, M.C. (Special loalnre I 1 G1 DHESS GOODS. Out of tbe ordinary.) Solicits your mail oi tiers and your personal calls. Oct. 20, lS'.KJ. Cr.Oull'c Ccueh Syrup vVuu ITIFIlWiFi TyEBE8TWMOyjpl!13!IlilEffl We a ro ai' ! !ioV el tint informed tb: t : w.-ifoii leak. r; so'lling wag..! : v t'i. saiio.' or ollio lll'-j or tin :: wl.i'll! as i;.M,.li as o its. il tl. iv ai rii'S el.' t..gt I I ; I- n nt fact. no r. n the -l.o'.hl II w..rk liei . o city :l! t T i : x I it !": .til.l do t -ay in.:' lie 1 c-i '"'at 'ini-'li ti ntiy i t'ai tactt-ry i:t t tn.-' I it' ;, o,i want lbo be f, :-. e s t!ie inn,!.' el'.!. !. Ni.-.-t :i. r be .1 'ceivi ! by :il.y olic r- i- eood. We Use tin i. l. 1 -i i w oi kuion, ami .!.r w.-rk by hand. And gai.iraliio.' eviTV V.afoit to give or-;e-l :-a; i-I'. c; !o i. To inoct t I.e. -car- eilV o!' li.O'leV WO lia'.O jil.-t IVailiei-i tut- !'! O. 1 1' yo-.i v :t' t t'u-! e t w; .-all o i eiii' a. . !,!. W. .. S.... Pilt-'oo:... X. C We load. . tl.m.- f dlu l tei mail. LiiNOt n . . loir.n. liotlllil lakes '.lie tl.iV. C. F. hMIN A CO., Oct. lMtll. Sa-. i .-ji. N. C. Ems, m & Co.. (No. 12-1 Maiu Street.) - Di;.'iLEi:s in DRY GOODS. CLOAKS, AND CAKPKTS. extend a eoidiai iuvitat it.n to call and inspect tbt ir iines of DRESS GOODS AND Special large assort n.t ct of 70' nniFd iu lastesl st lea. Very largo aud choice lot of .(.rA.iiP.i'rrvH suitable for both dwelling ami eLun h furnishirg. Samples sent lo any address rn applical ion. X !? Prompt attention to ail orders sjy mad. Nov. 2:1. IblOlJ. C'A"r:r.:.-ir (ii..-iirr r';-n v. r Ilii.;;ia sliu-,. it r-uiH! i-rl.-e. in-11:. 4 In- lulu t hen. ii.r.o.,t tuiiiii p.ni.!ii'tl tin lintiiiiu. put LCu emu a a irand. V2.003 l: I 'Of, .. Douglas Vrf i t'. THE WOHLO. V. I,. IIOt'OI.A Si. s ' nv:i h. i-'i-.v I' 1 .111 1 t W. I.. C".i-. II. v I i .il-ii-, :,.i Il.r . - d. i:.,i- n-,,i,:iiv - ,Ci-,i lm I,,,- h tin- I ilhn 1- ik- f W. I.. I) ,.l.,H S u:iirb hf-Ij, I,, i:i-ri-:i- ll., m'v'nnl.. Tlic-v 1 111 nlToid mill iv,- ti.-v,- v.-, '-,i-i f.i, V'.nr I' rfitM-ir.ir nt I IT-: li.-.tl . t r..il, (.- ,M ru .ti'li'e, onllifir lull le il :il ;l Ii- --. nrpl.t, !.- y In- ..,v:i.K all i.- a l-f Ion . w. i Iiocglas, itr ktn. t il.. I.I bv LONDON & SON, PitUbcno', N- C T h. VOMACK . it. n. baVeK LAWYERS, .'iuU'( vvoim-K will In- In tho nmrw on tlp flnit hiiI Oil... M--i;a i.s nf i-ji-li mi -nt It iutit ilut line iMIIftO. ' ou.T. ai. i...i. SALEISH COFFIN COSPANc II'. II. WOiWf, .Sec. and vfreas. Wo l-.ivi, ill s'.,u k it iv,.ii,li:o lino if COFFINS iiiul t'AsiitTs, i,i s., imi Blylin; lllmnilngit, llnlnic mi I Murcil i:,iii,-si.r .-ill Kra-lra, btm-k i-tntfi ii'Vert-i Ca In-:,, ih , iiil, f.'.;) uul uji, wooit Cwketa In walnut, l-i mm-w ml mil In n!i $35, U0, toKK); C -nius In walniit. In r.--iV'i-il itn 1 In (,ak20, fii In .V.; Kli'i-3 w lit 1 1-1 -i 1.11)1. t o- i liUilr, n7.60tol, ..ulna l-iBl.n, iiit-c-.l iiniifiliis lor ft-Jtilte, 6 feet ti. il r.-.-t a im-lii-H, set in ti,-,, liiit-lnl Knm from 50 in $7.."iU All iel,.a!-,,i, or-acrs iicllvered frea 'it any ili'i'n: In ihe siuto. All telourama will ba HII.SWel l-1 Ht I 11,-p, ,l,,y , Al,y tlmt Bhnuld iicJ r.n tl.li in lli nlmvn lino will nnd to their ml viint. -,;! i,i i-iiminunl.-ii!i' Willi un. R7Icmetu-i.'.-r ill e ..nii'H nci.ivr.iii'.o. in dinsaiot; telegram tnct.11,,11 li:no rn iii,,i riuer:. HALFACII COV'.Y CO.UPAXY, c-i-j,. .slie s. n-.li-cn.it i-nriii-f nf Ciiiltol Siimro, c.u.iauu, n. c. Ti. (' 13.VOWELL, W. II WORTH. Mauager. Seerttary ai d Treasurer. I'l-bru.-iry 1, lsv'C Sai. SOiBSOBIB r-f-'O BD, mm ntbu the m PAPER -CP I Thc RECORD .by its present ! proprietor in 1878 j ;hs reriposiso to a lenaera! demand 1 . tor a county newspaper, and vken nobody else would pub lish one. Since tiien oili er papers have started in (-hat-ham, but none of them Eiow exist. This proves that puhSitShi.iga pa per in Chatham is not a money making; busi ness. Every citizen ought to patron-' ie his only county paper, and but few arc too poor to pay THKEB CENTS a week for it. Try it this year! l avdCn, and Tr.iilo-Maiks otiiklned. nl H ' eut l.'j-in.-ss comtiicti'il fr Mommic Fct. Ou Ornct i opo3itc O 6. PiTt nt Orpej and we run f.-nite tue nt la Ii-m lime UuB UuM rt iir-t Ire'n '.Va-lilnt.in. . , ! S.i.d moil-', iln ivlug nr t tioto., wllh dfwrtim tl-in. Wa advipk. if .at.Mit.il.le vt nut, lira ul Cliarue. Our fcc m.t due till I'liipte In ptcim-d. A Pamphlct, "How to Obt -in I'sleum," IU i.j-iioi! r.f o n.-il ciii'ie iu J'JUr bUiic.Cuuuty, u. town, wilt free. A.Ur..ej, . C.A.SNOW&CO,i O-P. PTitiT Orntc. WatMIMGTOH, P. I I