Elect ilc a. There ought to be an eleotric mochio to Jog the memory ; v forgot too mx:h hd4 bara too little. We koow wbat's best but forget it at tbe wrong time. Bruin action should be like a flnb. Tliere are thousHnils HOW suffering inteust'ly v it U neuralgia. Lt them renumber tlm urc, t?t. Jaool ViL. Itf effects are eloftrioul. Rapid Molecular Moremeiit... -Tbe average tspeed tf tlie traus mission of earthquake shoeks Is mar ly 16,000 feet per second. Hood's ouleuJar. iiiwuta a welcome (PiPst. has made its n..rurau.'e for lKt. ud i more beautiful thiin cvtT. The boat! is that of a lovely jdrl just "swet-t sixteen," in tlt-lk'nto hd1 natural oolon. Jitiil- txiiu; a IhiiiK of beauty.it is wpinaliy valual'io lur i lie iim eral ioformatiou presented. The flifuree are plainly printed iu plei.slux aud hannuuioiib colore, aul I lie t ftf-l is most eatiefai't'iry Tbe i sloudars cau I r obtaiued of ny .lrnj.vist. or by sou-ling six mil in ntntunn for oue aud ten ventn for two to C. I. Hood A Co.. Lowell, Mass. Ovi'reinlit mil lions! of them wi re printed to supply the immense demand. These raleudars are issued I y tbe pro prietors of If. mi's Sursapariila. the well known uiedi'iue tvlii.-li lui Kaiuel Mi-h renown by its wonderful .tiri-n in -;im:j where ti:e 1.1. "t.l was ..itoiicit or impure. The great laboratory in wl led it is ma le has u capa'ily f"i- llily thousand bot tle a day, and ii- the lar;;.'st I uil'liiig ill tho world devoti'd to tho maii'ita -tore of a medioiiie. The .-aW'sol lb ., IV Jvir-apiinlU in all aeotious of the . ..imtrv nr.- -normou. The proprietors have in-vi laiMiod that it would .'iir everv .iilm.-lil. I m lii.-v .-Imhv l.y thoutau-li Of ttiiuUM' Ol.tt Hoods Harsapanlla p'.nll.'s aud v.la'iz" th ' I i"od, builds up tin- syt.Mii Mid . nr.-.- ti'iose di! ea&es caused by in. pur" l-i.." i mi i .li-Mln y, bueh as s'rolula, .-alt rii'-ua.. -atarrii, rhmimntism, etc-. It is a irn-at j r.-v.-i.i it of the imp. and it r.-.- i -r-- ): w.'.i-'r.l titnl for--es alter a si'--- . : tli;tl -Jiea-iel malady, lortifviiig the svM-.-.n .tj.'i.n; tiit'jro a!U. !.i. The fa.-t that ;rr-! tf ;? -..-r-ie. in the f -reparation ol th;.- m-- ii.-iii.-. an 1 that u- ih og has i-v.-r I i- - !,io,,.-.t i,,- ji , ,-, pt a-war-ante i hvpn-i nms --u-i-s. has n.u--b to -In with the )n;'.-le;--e tilthythe uili.- in its curative powrs. 'I'lie limit.! "I the pro- Iirietor.-; is. "It is not what we say, hut what food's Haoapanila thai ti-lis tin Hory. " and It is what lb-id's SarsapanlU bar done, a? sh-jwn by the pu'-lishe-i state tliento of p-rs-'Ms whom it iki.- -ured, that las F)la--e-l it ai the h.-nd in the Meld ol uie l eine in the present -lat . The earth, iu r. v-. vuj-.' on its almost as f.ist. leeK- ieun at ln a couuou ball that is to say, it in a Jlttle u.ure than tliu-e s- u Tlie losi riciiiiiit Vta?7 Of tirerent inn the t-iii-l-e. -I", hen he I ii, i fevers Is to iim- ll.'- bioi'd ia-ive r.ui. d . I . I Pynipof r'tJS, Wliel.-el- l'ie S-I.IU tiil-li H j sxntlp. vet elf,, live. I.-..: --M-J. To be hefli ll'ed one must ir'-t tue l: 'i by th.-t"n!ifer-i-.-i l"iu- . by U ilrui .is in V'i . Airros .-ulrii.'e p ih.-rt. :.-lv n-ifa-lured i pf... v -1 hoi 1 1- i ii a f.-w l ot -a il II ill: Hi l-i.ll os 1-.- I -'. I ..:aiiet I u -. oit. i.. io. I-. r Are ntiliMitilv !..-! i . No ...-, -vlieii -i - . . Inunee. A. M. I .a I . . el- V i. -i acre. i.lM :.-i.il.;, : P. I s . - , I'M i hll-lll b , !: .-: i- - r J- .' . I Ml,. ' 1.1 e. ! Mliin.. 1 "I III-!;, U Oi ,i-il In, 111 in. I I a.-r.n A. Il.lli'i. '. . HI I I.. I,, I. . I.e. e. 1 el- I uere; l-'r.-mk Wini.-i-, M.-i.i oki. .1', hii-h. 1- - iielU'l-oar- fr. eu -ill.' !iu-i, el .'illitt,l. 'I hi-li ' w hM sa!er . ill- r,- in iu. ! It vol- II I. . I I I II I - . e r A M. SI N. IT w llh j IU lo lie- .fiha A. '. r - ..ll... I. a ll-.e. ' AX'Is.. Vim w; II re. e, I lli iuie.i.lh t ifrt- lojUe illl'l le'i -.1 Ml I'i'- ' I ' ' . I ;' of 1 at lit tt I-.I-. Callilotlt iil.ll.e, '' ... l.t ,''. A j bun, I . I .',',. Is. Til, ell I II' . .--at lis- I j ' i j j I 1 r . I i J i j Mi. !. U easier baker Pa. Nervous Headaches ml ily... ..:a I r en led me. All.l i ! ..! I, pri-l'iii-ttt ,i.h- w.h .a! ' -. 1 i".kH...,l' Sat:. U'.tl illil ami II i.el.ell e 1 Hie lie-le tl I i.I l.rr in. .1 1. in. - . ,ii.U:.ei. In la ', li I'll, me." I. W. I l.t hi a, .'--., ni Ii I t mi ,!!-., I i Hood'ss,; Cures II I'h Pills Cl. iniy.'.l. II"' n. .r ...ni.tly iti-l eltl- a -..urre i miu-h ill. i ii :. 1 !.e s sit in Ml I, i I .- tli..r.,iiu-hlv ie.ies.'.l ol .III III. , III-!l.'-. and 11m- III,,, i.I . ! iu a he. ill ht i .iii ''ioii. &.S.S.ft ,",in a. I l nut i.f .ml i.'lli.ls up the ti'li- LDOC PATENTS"-?'!!:', I mini i ni. ii . i ' i i r I l I'S-ON, , 11 ll I. leu ,l,, l.ul.lo WALTER BAKER & GO. CQGOA and CHOCOLATE Highest Awards l iif. .Uln anil liilomi World's Columbian Eposition. OKHkUST I'dttM, PKJJIIH U I (HIM 01 ITF. :K.1.M SM LIT ( IIOIOLATK, inil Ll IHlllULlTrJ, COCOA BlTTtl, Fur " I'tiriiy of mitten il." "ei. -ell. ni n.i.ur." hihI mil- fl.tlll I'leli ...,it.i.dll,iii." OLD BY OROCER8 EVCRVWHERK, WALTER BAKER 4 CO., DORCHESTER, MASS. pi Greatest ct Tamily Games Progressive America. ThenK'jt entiTt-iinin .inj in-tH?!ve gim:(i( ihe iTL-nlury. It (k-lihfti!tv cacKa Aineru.in t(ni,ii'hv, whii-j it in td young and oIJ a t.iHtiii.itiiig as whist, i an be ntav'tt by ai v ritni- bernl platveis- Sent by mail, puSt tKO k 1 t'rvde ComiMtiv. Boston, Mtus. " V T V V whatsoet it eriiii, .1 euil ht-allh. I-..r O.tf- VI" t -i - It '11 v i .' ,. i I .... mi. .'-.1 i. .1 ...... ; If . t, . r ii.jl ;;; pure mm FA It M AXD ti l HUES. EXTKAI TINti 1IONKT. TTI'"ti the J'Imii of .'Xtrn-1infr the ll- II -V il'OIII till' (-(llllllS IS ttllL.ttfll, lll- whvk iilli.tt flu- ecllH i' tin- -iiiii)i to In tillnl, 1ii! .1.) nut allow tlit-tii t In walnl ovi-r. TKe out tin- fninus, uit tlicm jut" mi t xtriM-liii-. 1 mil r.-.-l iiii.I tin-li-juiil ln.'i--y i Uji-'wii oil liv i-tiiliil'iiual l.iii-f. If eare is . , -ii- . 41... 1 taken in ImndiiiiiU not to tiijiiie the, lr.-.m. s, theyeuii be put back into 11 s to be iieain filled with honey, i l ienii l'linni -r. now i.oMi to mii.k eos. 'Jen month. i not too l.niji to keei eows in the dairy, and in certain eases etcii loli-:er. The cow that jlveslllilk Cue or fi months in tin- year, mid 11k n pee-, dry until Ii- r m t ealvinu, in an iiiiproiituhlc iiiiiiiuil, nud the OO'i' I' she is lisH.scil of the litttt-r. T'. trniiun.:; yoiuifi heibi--. with lir-t eaK.s, It wolil-l be II to milk tlielll the lir t ear nine m-nit lis Mi adii v : milk tin in if thc oe -.;in- one pint milk at a tine d'inii.-: tin- Jultej- end th-- j.. rio.l. The net year it w:il 1. 1 lu'iiel a:i i a-v matt, r lo keep up iv I n- belt i- yield ..I' milk to tie- end of the i, iie- mouth-. The third year the habit i- thoi'-iuhly tiv d. and you drive a .. i-si tent milker. Th cow i- huge ly a ei-eutiir.' of habit. .Hid In r m-e-t'lliiess nud prolit al.l. n. - in the dairy .1. la nds Jarnelv upon In r careful tininiiio fniin In r eiitia into milk p.iin-.:. Am-I'li au Ai teult in i-t. i.iolir STAHI.I's, importance of liavin sflllill S -.. iitilut. d ill neeordiilie pi mi iph of hygiene l ith cornet i lieial'v ml- mitt- .1. J ll lt til- -:ppl of lush no lie, pi.-iitly insisted ll-!lt should ni-o mi coiiliiioll'v lec- sl.oiil. la- ample i1 iu I ll that tin 1'.- aliuudaiit i- Hot si o-nied. Some -.(,-tbles an la.te ..!' scmi-dai'liii lld-lnv 111 a a rim lltioll, I'1 'I11' l'"i-. ii'imiiiu- no. .i'l.-ive t . the w. II Im'II,'.; of the I, .1- . No animal enjoy :- tlie li;.'ht "I u'a.v in ..re than lie. Iu hi- wild -late It" 1;. qui nls tin- opt Ii plain or iio'iinta i n ei. lo in the full li.uiil ol day. Wild ; are in a t r found to inhabit :'loomy foic'.fs or dark ia in. -. Td" hoi is a child of li;:ht. and h- ' .;oll!,l be tr. ilt-'d ll.'.-oldlll'jly iu do- I III. -t it-ill i if he is to be l."pt ill pef- ; b et heioth and spirit-, with his eye- s!;:llt lllllllliaile.. The fl- qUellt j trail itioii I'l'iilii a d ilk sfable into th" I I dl - Inn of .lav calimd fail to act I .... ' . . -.ally on bi- I .n il organs, urn I so inn -I almost pi I ma m lit glooiu mi l dm kin s-. I f w . studied only his comfort, wo would him lit nil limes il - lable I'llll of cheerful li'-illt II- I eli . ..hiii't air. Ni York World. M l l-IMi I.IUCIi I III I IS. Many kinds of dried fruits are quite dilli. ult t.. lo t p Ihioii 'h tie- year, ami th. fan fill lioiis-wii. usually lieats I Ic m once o- I w iee i aell year to l-.id the woiius and ili-, es that often .. -trot the fruit unless this pr. l autit'ti I . pi opt rly eelcl-.i-il. The first re- qillslte for pr.-si I t in;; fl'llll is lllorollgll i taporatloii of moisture, which tines not nit an mul. in-..' tin ui as dry as dual, but dry ciioii.rh thai when hard pl't-s.-d w ith tie- hand tiny will not I'llim to :elliel ill the lollll of II I'llll, or will Hot slick b";ef In r, say s the Vim ri- ean Agriculturalist. I'or small 1 1 tin 1 1 1 it i. s- a tough paper sack will iiii-wci'. liitlit r seal the top or lie firmly with a .--friii ', leaving about oiit.-t hii'tl ol th .' spue.- mi iccii pii d so that the fruit may be shnL.-ii nSoiit i,i tie- lee; s.-ti-r il limes in the year. Wli.-ll thus proleete I, .l iee iu n chest or closely eott red bo in a Cool, iliy and dark room. ():'ii-u dur ing s.'iisoiis of al., in I uiiv, a 1 ir , quant ity of fruit is cvuporat -d, but at ..elling tune the prie 's are not saiis- I'llfloiy Illl'l it is desired to keep it un til the follow in,' season. I'o keep di i. I fruit chenille, till u siie.il- baiit l about three-quiiitcrs full, When baling hay" don't employ a In n.l iqi tightly us possible, keeping in ,,, with n r old prc-s ; g, t e 1 u 'Ini'l-. ' I room, and, otiee u month ' machine. It do. -n't cost any mote to iliiriugh.it weather, lay the banvloii s, nd y our liny to iu ill et iu nu nttrue it s side and loll it titer several five Inaiilier. times, st Hiding it mi the bottom tltid hcinl ultel-mitcly. This will keep the content- in .'..ii d condition and save many hours of hir.l dissngreenble labor iu henting over to tli-.pt I mois ture and destrov insects. The color tl lit I ll itol' lire inallitailio'l far better than by throwing in loose piles or plnciiig in cominoii grain lings, s ii-,ii-nllt prnctieeil. Do not use salt bur- ids in they impart n saltish llator, nud nie usually too poorly lmi.le to j prove ellicacioiiH. Thoroughly cleaned Hour barrela me fur preferable, or I lieu tipple biillels limy be Used by , pustliig plum white puper upon (he inside of the slnves. Ki:i:i'lN(i Kims. All stuts of experiments hiu-e been liiiidefor kecplligeggs fresh dui iiig the long seilsoli hell the hells art.'oli the re tired list nud eggs nre scarce nud high, miyi he West"i n Kural. Tln-v luivo been stood up, the sinnll end ilotvu; they lmve been piiCAcd iu salt, brnn, aud other materials; they havo i beeu dippctl in fluids of vurioiis sort j tu fill the pore of the shells to exclude lliO ttir, uml they h ive been sulijceted j to old storage. It i. utrauge to My I tlit untie of the uietlKiils liuve been quite htuveM-ful. It is quite irolnllpt however, tliut a eninliiiiHtion df thee HKeiieieK in the n'f:ht jimHrti(in wmilil ilu the work. Other methods lime I urn tried thiin thos-e UHined. above, mi- i- Muteil ly H!i KliIish writ -r, who sbvh: "To kt--j i-;rs fiesh i a iin t-t i.oi that kIioiijiI lie plutiil t.etit in the miml of joul- try kei-j'-i-n. It may jierhans ot- iuiji'ch'i uh nil ei.'ti eauiioi o- rxi ' ' " ' served so as to retain tlie natural deli cacy of flavor of n leallv lie-h t-);tr, which souii j.iism's away. IStill vfsita eU be preserved Hi ll inaliner to leave tin-in eN-ell lit eatili-.-, mid hardly dis- tiiij-ruishable from fresh ones t xcept I'i'lliiipK by experts. ll vfw are to be kept for a lew weeks oiilv, the mutter is very easily iirriuied a jood place beinu all that is necessary, t.ethi r with a board pierced with holes, ju-t h-ro elloliyll t i let the cl-s stall dllji--i i 1 1 without passing thioii-h. Tjioii this In. aid th. e-tis should laj placed, broad end downward, so that the air ! leiee may Ii- t inllllVeto the same. A teiit a- when th - ie.r-- way, as tin re Wo'l! Hot In- the siuie eMlporatloll of moisture from the '. Vir- lmlic-nir-, if w. ll -.alva!ii.. .1, can he sub stit ite i with udvaiit :i;;.- for this hoard or sh.ll. Ju (ieiniuiv co.o are kept sw.it for coii-id--rable ieiio.U by beiir.' buri. d in fi sh limn, or a pi. j.-iiatioii of lime and wat. r is made 1 i I i 1 1 ' gallons of wat. r to four eililolls .-I lille slaked llllle, to Villi. 'll lllneit ii null. hi of s-ilt is add.-d. When tin mil. r ha- ak. li up much of the I i 1 1 a- it ea!i -. i j 5 . 1 v dis-nlve, im im I'-e tin- i "I-- in th-- liquid so that they are quite colored, ab. .lit two or thr. . luelii-K of wat. r Hit. rveiiiiitr bi - tw( , ii tin-outer nil an ! tin- t-'pniost t layer. A little Iim. mn-t be udd-d ii-iw nie I iii;aiii. as the ... !..t Ins. - its -t relict h or -.o t - ,'lb., i be I. l eu much, h.iw. er, slioilld lint be lidded, rise the wh.de iiinv be tui'u.-d into a solid muss. Water should a! .. I..- poured in riisiomtlly, . reduced I, th i Mil fit It h libs. tie I'MIM A ' !.'t let th 1 1. ' hit. I.I . . p ,;I "V. Ill; ( IV" thrill pi The scrub c ..... p my. Tlil'ou lei , , ,. rl.o a Colli l.tol-.-l ,.- i litt: v k. . l.-inprliitui'i e! alioilt grees. If n part .1 til" b I I Ollfsiib- fi nl it li T-t. It till ' llstVt: ol V- -I. is 1.. d al .1 tw.nty de stined up 1. sell th" Wll-tc. A lloek ,, hi ll- ! ::.d t . resemble fruit take III that il coll-i-ts itf IlltlllV lil t el -. liuihl your !io-- houses mi itlntit. ly llil.'h glollll.l. It sates much trouble mi l iiioii.y. bit- p., , nud ol cut meat and Intiie I colisi. lilt .1 the proper daily nil. .w alice for sixteen bell-. Ni t. r n Use the In Of l IlOl'IC'llll- iiiiu d the mote. in"- until y mi in y our ow n et e. Much fruit that wh n iv. grown ia pretty Html when poorly e)'. nt l Is gi i, el loi not lung. It l-a I nays n loss I . put a heavy I ft II in oil t he I , ii. I ltlilc-ri til I e IS ll he ivy load 1. 1 hind i. I llccswill lies' roy an old Worn-out ! qtlecll, but ol, It wh'-ll the Colidlt ions I are latoral'le for nil. lug n lien one. J Ifyoiir it lie h is the ri"!il kind of u j hu-baiid he will .,.',. tlml .-he ha-plenty of dry kiiull'iig w 1 con-biiit ly mi hiiiel. J l; .' tour hay so that tlie shipper can semi it to any iiiarkef nud hate it n !!, gr.-i le e .iisid. red, as high its unt il. iy in the I" nit. .1 States. The old silt ilig that 'livery rose has its ihoi ll," is .'Xelupll'i. d ill the black liel'iy , as some of out- choicest varie ties sc. m to have the most thorns. I'l l soliul sii.ert i-ioli is olie (.f the colldll ions of sueei ss. Details which Iiiuy seem Uliimpoi tiuit to t he tin ploy e lull t feci it . ut I. -i:l io 1 1 of n loss occurs. I 'mult cull be ltd to bees dining the winter, in many casi- ttith prolit. (iitt it on iiiirin dais whin the bees nre tit iu.' ; about three turns during the w inter is often i innieli, Division boards should be used ii: nil weak colonies, as coiitriieting the spina in the hiv. s to suit the sic of the colony is an important mutter. ( 'liatt cushions are prett ruble to hoitrds in winter. It is estimated that under the most linfiiv oinble circumstances an m-rc of propt rly eilltituted w illows during the first three tenrs will product- f ,.,,, d.uotl to ,1.1 It ii l pei led willow-, iradv for market. In very cold weather a verv good plan of feeding bees is to lake put. tiered sugar mid stir it up with honey until it can be worked into a stitj'bnll. Liv it right over the cluster, -o (hat the beesciin sip it otl ns they need it. ll.-eedino f. r desirable point-, i,K been experiuielit. d upon bvthe li (' of apinrists ami the result is t hut much im;irovcmeiit has be.-u made. i,, ndvniitnge iu breeding to in jnuve is that the stock can be turned u, iio.i n tmies iu u year is desired. FOR THE HOI SEWIIK. COHN STARCH CAKE. Beat quarter jie-mid luitter to cream, add gradually half punnd sujiar. Heat separately two ck(;s, then mix them together mid vvdisk until creamy, add gradually to sugar and butter, a. hi also half cup milk. Mix and sift two ounces corn starch, quar ter j'otuid corn Hour, and one tca Kjiooliful baking jiowdt r, add to rake, heat thoroughly, add one tensioouful VHiiilhi, and liake in geiu puns. These are verv nice to serve with iee ertam. lAVin.y i-ii: i-As-ri:. One coffee eiq.ful of flour will iniike the Jill-te for a lllediillll-sled .ie. l's: thit't'-foiirths of ii cup of short ening to each ciiji of the flour. lull may u-r nil butter or pai l lard, if pre leired. Take olie-thild of the short, eiiing, n little salt and rub well into I lie lloiir ; then atir m as little watt I as possible and foiiu with a spoon into a very stitV paste. 1'i.t on n pie-laiard, roll lightly and spr. ad. with on. -third of tin it-mniiiiii- sh- i t. ning, sprinkle mi ii little Hour, fold and roll out Hough for the nud. r crust. Take the rest of the pnst.-, spread one-hull of the remain-,' butter, fold mid roll u before. Jtepent the process, roll thill Hid Use it f..r upper Cl'il-t. Always make n few slits in the ct litre of tin upper enist to allow the strum to es- ape. Never put in the lilliim until on are ready to bake tin in. A nice pie will he blown. teier ninl llakv. . w York Woild. I!l is III s I sAi.K MAKhHS. Iviiock. I- t.-ikt . let. ii pounds of raw lean p.ok meat I'ioiu the shoulder, two and one-half jiouii-U of raw b. rf ami four iiiid one-halt' poniitls of fat pork. ( ho), nil toy. th r v. ry fine ill. 1 add six ounces -ult, two ounces ground p' ppi r, t ue. hull' ounce of salt pi fie, one num . of ciimiiiy wed. Mix w. ll too. th. i- mid stuiV in hog I rti-ing. Iliimedtately att' i it is iiiin it should be hun-j ill mi .-liry pl.ieo for !',,ii r or fit e i lay -; niter 1 i 1 1 1 . - quite diy t-i:. . I I..- -lie. Led for six days. It is th. ii i. a. ly b i use and should Ii.pl in n col and w-II v. titihiteil plilce. Not.-. I' nuri'. . abb-, -..me Ion ! t -choppt .1 .jiii lie can be lol led to thi :lllsil-j.e. I!.. est tl ill -t lal.t s i letrii ml- ol law, li nu pol k, four iitnl oiirdialt pounds ol "oo.l Viiil from the round, three mill o m -third pound of fat pol k, nli chopped line. Add six ounces of salt, two ounces of ground pepper, mis. tt. ll, adding one quart of chut' cold natt-r. St nil' iu narrow hog ol 'he. p en -ings. Alter tying the ends logether tliry lire divided iu the mid die it 1 1 1 tw ist.-d tin re, tint.-, forming n two link sniisiige from the original. Th.-t hhollld llu-li be smoked thoroughly for Iw. nty-foiir hours. .Should not be keep h.ii..-t r than eight days, ns tliey become hard nud dry. They lire pl'i par. .1 for use by putting them in boiliii:; water for three or four minute-. I l'arm. Field and Fireside. M IKM'II'H S( K I'S. Coinpressed air iii .loi tried in Wilkesli.u re. I'. are to be n., n.a a ti'ol- ley substitute. 1 1 is said t hat l ie paper is made from ii 'ither riee. inn i ic.- -liait , hut li'oin a pithy plant lo'iu.l in China, I'ol'eu uml dnpiiii, calle I t in'. I ma. Sir diiiucK I'riehtou l!..oui. , Ihecv pt it mi brain disea-t- , a -. it.-. I in n jiopul'ir Ictdiire that i - mn::i is not lit t -u-In lit tilth Hiich I; : Toe eoiiMe tpli'lices lis is conillloliit lipjn.se. 1. Camphor tr.- -s hai. !. n phiuted nt Sanfoid, I'la., r. id ; i . (ability to -o'i and i i is the iilentic.ii ' ii ' ti hich nil th.' e.i ie;.'i obtiiiued. The coiiiii i ti.iu b, I nud London ig vvn- au c.l during Noveliilu -r, tins niiiisiinlly elenr, f of mlap is. This lee froiii iiiucrou is U coal sinoUe lili ileinoiistiat ttheii tin- in'r nppareiitly in cnscipii-iie of iliminishcd conibustioii of coal follow ing luild went her. It has le t ii proven that the us: o! glue was know li ll.lllM) years ngti. A sculpture of Tie bes ns early hs tin third riiotlimes, who is .-aid to ban been the l'li'il'.di of the F.vodils, rep leseiits some eiii ieiitefs niily ing ve neering tt ith glue. A new surgical instrument is nil nr liingeliieiit of maeiitlie lietillcs in h foil covered ghi-s tube. t loeiile pertieles of iron m- steel in the body, Illl'l is capable of detecting 11 piece o wire nu eighth of nu inch long nl a dis tnuce of siy inches. The snake labaratory now being built u nit r gov eminent supcrvisioii at Cnlciitln vt ill be the first institution of its kind in the tvoi Id. It is intended for the purpose of thoroughly investi gatiug the prop, rties of snake venom, and testing cure-, for smike lutes. The lliissimi authorities hnve inter veiietl on In half ,.f the nightingale. The police of Kn w ft. uml acme bird catchers, who w. re on their way to Moscow with six hundred nightingales iu cages. The bird ditcher were captured ami tiued ami their little vic tim were taken to the lii.tauie tinr dens and released. It is said they rose iu the nir in soucr, which wis re sponded to by the other birda iuu.iu.il. Qt AIT AMI TR101X The turnip came from Rome. Yarn is made of leather wraps. Colorado has 3,0iKl,liHl acres irri atetl. Marine is the oldest form of in surance. Conl is deare-t in Africa; cheapest in China. The 1 uited Kta 'sis first in tlm value of borse. The I'niversity of Wisconsin lifts a course in singing collage songs. The Schcniuitz silver mines of Hun gary have lieeii steadily worked for hi Ml yearw. The Australian gold is tim r than that of California, having a .pinlity of JO to JH..1 carats. The Peruvian mines, from tin ir dis covery to the present day, lmve iehled ?l,i0ll,U00 of silver. I'iiny mentions a Sp-mi-h mine opened by llniiliil.nl which yielded .'iil'l pounds of silver daily. Ciiimd't, Delirium, Holland and Sweden nre all assessed nt about the same fi-ure S.1,000, 000,000. The United States is estiniated to produee 3-1:l-J.O0O,000 of tuiiierals ev ery year; tirent Hritiiin, 8 J0.1, 000,000. In lNi'J there were 1,30.1 vessel of all kind built in the United Stnt-s. with an estimated tonnage of l!t',l,ooo, oi hi. The first iron ship was liiunched in 1:I0; now the currying power of the world's iron shipping exceeds oi'i.ooo,. ninl. FptolsTf. of JJIl.tmo.ooo gold mid silvi r produ-ed iu Nevada, the Comstoek lode produced SKiO.OO.I, 000. The Kmperor Ila.li inn, when dying, compost il that beautiful address to his soul, which Pope translated into Fug-li-h. tiold hnsliecn found, though not ul- uiy s in p'lyiug .piantities, in every n -te iu tliL' I'nit "1 States except D.-! i- Villi-:'. Til naval warfare of the world w.t revolutionized by th- buUle brfweeii the Meiriiniie it nd Monitor, March o, I si-.-J. The life-saving v-ei ticc on the Brit ish coast was established in 1JI, uml has been the means of saving I'.l.obt lit.s. Ftieiiiiclodi-lle was the father of the French theatre. Hit tir-t piny wu.s "Cleopntiii," prcseiitetl on the stage iu 1-1.VJ. Conieille tlied in the most bitter poverty, unrelieved by many whom liming his days of prosperity he had bent til ed. Iu li'iTOthe Dutch owned mid oper ate. I on. -half of the world's shipping; now they own about olur per cent, of the whole. Watts' patent for n steam engine was issued iu 17'.t'i. The steam engines of the world today exercise .10.000.000 horse power. Matches were first invented ill lN.'.O, and it is estimated thnt 7.1,000,000 a day are burned hv the people of the I'nitetl StntcH. The bhist fiirnuci! was devised iu lhlJ. In 1S1I0 the United States alone made 0,000,001) tons of iron until, J77.O00 of steel. At the present day most henvy tun nel work is done ly iniiehine drills, driven by compressed air, which also serves to ventilate the works. The Sinii.loii llonil, from Swit.t-r land to Italy, was built by Napoleon's engineers in 107; over 10,000 work men were employed at one time. Some of the English pumping en gines perforin work etpinlling the rais ing of l'JO.OOO.OOOpoiindsone foot high by the consumption of n hundred tVciglit of coal. A Hits- Nnjrirel ut Silver. Snperiliteti'lent Keiltl.seiit dow n from tho hiainond Company's mini- last Monthly a nugget of ore weighing 2,'JrtO pouti Is, w hich was shipped on Wednesday to the Mid-winter Fair in San Francisco, and which is to repre sent Fureka County. The nugget is II feet 10 inches long, IS inches wide, and 18 inches thick. It assays KJ per cent, in silver per ton and IS per cent, iu lead. The nugget when ipiinried out iu the niin-j was about double its present size, but was too large to haul up the shaft, ami had to be broken. Eureka (New) Sentinel. A Surprise in Store for Him. "Pupa, mamma wants you to come home right off,'" H muill boy tug ging nt the coat of a convivialist who was drinking with his boon compnii ioiiK in a Harlem r-alooii. "What doea she want of me;" linked the com ivialist. "She doesn't want anything from you; she wants to give you some thin g. "Texas Sittings. t'oiiipliiiienlrttr. Little Johnn,. "Mrs. Talkeimlown paid n big compliment to me today." Mother "DM (die. realh? Well, there's no denying that woman his geuse. What ditl she say'r" Little Johnny "She said the didn't nee how you came to have sucli n nice little boy as I am." IN all receipts for cooking requiring a leavening agent the ROYAL BAKING TOWDER, because it is an absolutely pure cream of tartar powder and of 33 per. cent, greater leavening strength than other powders, will give the best results. It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor and more wholesome. ROYAL BAKING POWDER I'tilizlnjf the Moth. Few persons su-tieet that tho com mon moth may be utilized as a deco rative artist, hut he may li- if one onlv be watchful, patient and ae- luaintnl with the cieaturo's habits. The larva of the moth has a Lahit ol spinning about it'lf a sort of sac from the material upon which it feds. As the worm grows it on. lartft s this sac by the procem df slit tinjr it and Inserting new mat rial. Now, If a moth-worm that has en closed Itself in red llannel 1 e after ward transferred, sat and all, to white llannel the growing Insect will slit its red funnel 'overinrf an 1 en large it with a covering of wlilta tlau nel. If. then, the worni :;nd the sac he transferred to blue l.annel, the creat ure w ill in course of time c nlntiic the s:u with blue l!anncl, and tliusclutho itself patriotically in red, white ;nnl blue. Klltoiliologis! Sotlt llWiclc, nl the rar', I o i artment, s;iys that it b no irre.it t r-oildo to ut a motl: thr. ugh this perforiuaucs. isew York Sim. The Toliaeco llaliit. The latest statistics putvo tb.r.t mure tl an two-thirds (if the grywn i.i lie iiopulatioii of the globe use to ba -co in Mime one of the many forma in which it i.s taken. Catarrh Cannot IleCnrrd Wlthloral nj'p!lrnti.in. a tliey ciiinnt ronrh th- sent i.f tlif iliM-nst. Cafnrrh ifl a l.f. ..nl or r 'iisiiliitinnnl tlt.-rasr, mnl In or.l.-r t" carti it vim inmt t.t'to Inii-nial rt-ia.-.li.'s llallt Caiarrh I tirf is lakt-ii Intt-riuOly. ami nets tli. rt-ctly on ttt IiIimmI iiii.I mucous mrfiire. ll:iH'i raiarrii CiiiK is nu' iiim-k iiutlicini-. It wm t.r.-cril'f 'l In-on-of tin- lt itiyi.-l!m iti tins r.iuntrv for v.-nrs, ami is a ri-idilnr procri ti..n. ll is i iiiiii i-t I of tl'li"f tt'iiits kni.wii. ctim-liiii.-. with the t)p-t hi-nl j.iirilifr-i.iuiiiuitli-ri i-ttf nn ttio niin-ti'i' nirfi.i-t s. i hn ln-rfi-.-t c.mliliiatiim of tin' two imrrc.ltotits Is tvnal , iir.i.tiiii.ssiii li tvoinl.-rfiil i-t-ults In ciirinn co Urrh. Srml f.-rt.-tini.iiijTlsfri-c. F. J. -iiFr.v .V- i n.. I'n.i.:.., Toletto, O. t-.ilil by UrtiBui-ts Tit i- T-V. Tli.. Hawaiian .11111' ulty ll"W lo pre- , llt'llll.'e tilt) l,'ll"'eirs ll'llll". I If yonr I'm k Arliw, nr ynti arn all worn nut, ' fiHsl fer ni.thliiK. it Is Kfiit-rnl 'etiility. limwn'H Iron ll.ttcrs will t-urc )' k-jki- ynil rtruiiK, cleanse ymir llt-tT. ami -lvo you Ktwa PIMitlte ti'tiin the nitrvet. I aw t 'TS niny l.t poets ; lln-y write lota of . Yersui. " i "' Knows' llii.tX' iitM. Till .-iib nro ex rollout for Inn raliofnf Iii:imiiu.ss nr mm Threat. Tliev sro oj.- "lnuly effwtivtf." I ' ri..fi ia Hoi.. AtK7t.. r . A iniiior may l.o cverso ttrll off. I.ut li can't lii'lpgi-niiiK i a Imle Oi't nsi.inaily. 1 Lfttltni noi-dln a tonlo, or chlMreri wh wunt bail. Mug up, fhoulil tk Hmtin's Iron HI! t its. It le pleasant to tnko, curt-ii Malnna IiiillKistlon. Ililiousneits and I.ivvrl'omplftiuU. oiakea tho lllood rich and i.wro. 'J he youtli of tin' soul is ovi'rliistln. Imr-airril diKt slion rurpil by H. o. h .iu't Pills. Hccthnin's noiUiiei s. a cents a box. t'upitl never shtitvn a w rink In. i If affllolott with wire oym nse Dr.liuuu) Thnmp. ' tail' Kyc-watir.Hnltfi;lst.s soil at -per bottle. ' Tlie uoltlt'ii rule -Tlm power of money. Tr.rtniBus casb or uiiorsT ccheu. JNO. MAI.I.OM, hBQ., A.i. fi Af.-i.rnn St., Jf. Ailanm, i'nicimmli, ., writes: "1 took sick with ilroppy, I'Htt my ap- Cctite, coiiiii nut sloi p, roatnpfi'vcris.h: alwuva thirsty, ltt nil sirenuili, stoiiiat-li licciiinc pain ful, t.rontli flitirt nnd had to dive up work. The lx-bt I'liyweiBiia in Cincinnati, lulletl lo help nie. My limbs nud IkmIv were m 1. 1 It n lo U ' 3lf cnoiuiens sie, anil 1 VVf.rjr wim miftcrtiiit tt ri il.lo ........... .. OKony. 1 he dnelora all John Mali.on. esq. ( p,,,,,,, , pt., Wl. ainiin, that I was liul.lo to drop clcinl at any moment. Mv tvlfo et-nt for t lie prltsf, lo pre pared mo for death. While waitfnpr tor death. 1 rfinenilM'ied rradlnir of yiuir'Holtli n MctHcal Digcuvory.'and tlieiinlit f would try it as Inst hope. W hen I had taken throp botthn, I wus almost well. Tho swelling f ntlroly dlsaprx'an il nnd 1 was soon al'ln to n-pume work. My liealth Is bettor now than It has been la twrnty-Hvo years." xr. r. inroi.As s.i shok 'ciii.tl-ci.l'.nl ttt.rk, C"i-litii l.nni 1 1 in $, bt l value I'or the mnry in tin.- tvorl.l. N.une anil pritu ir, on the l.otiotn. I'.tpry tvurrjiili d. 1 .tlc no stitxti v... l. -.1 ,,, l'.,r full Hor.criplion ol' our conipUte lines inr inttit-s nin. Km- a?u:-.'n or irnil f.-r - lmlrottJ L .I.IIM"" 'oihh mr ' ' j,mv i,mr. Hrrbv mail. Pmlacf frff. You cm K't the bt-st barcmni of dralcrs w ho push our ohms. mm One bottle for fifteen cents, , ., Twelve bottles for one dollar, j" D maiL ! R j CP I - P - Ripans Tabulcs are the most effective rec ipe ever prescribed by a physician for any disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels. Bur of any druggiat anywl.tr., or send- pcics to THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, le Smuts Sr., Niw You. CO., 106 WA'.t ST., MCW-YOX. Stub Kntls of Thought. It's a cold day when ymi can't And eunshine sotnewhere in this world. It makes your burden twice as heavy to think about it. If the flowers w re as dissatisfied as human beings are. we would have to use disinfectants on them. A p om without a soul can i.ot borai for immortality. Tlie nian who takes a smile away from his family to give it to wrnie hudy else ought to be lyneh'-d. Iteauty speaks the name language to all jeoiles. Love is the mol.-Hsej on the bread of matrimony somebody niut pro vide the bread. Hope is a necessity; realization a luxury. More women stop thinking to talk, than stop talking to think. A million persons need one dollar to one who needs a million dollars. I'tee Pre s. FRFF 3'0U iiav0 not rc UL,1', ccivptl one of the .lugitsf Foireraiif dcr Dxtn Stii'tip fhdrif .Union avs j or JSO.f, s-i'inl your name and aiK! rcss on a postal at once, asking for . liinunic ,Yo. J.y'. ami you will rtocivt' by rt'turn mail,rf of oil expense, one of tlie most complete Illustrated books of tho kind ever issued, in which you can keep a Daily Diary or Memoranda of any matters you desire. AVr'uo tjuick, or they will be all gone. Address G. G. GREEN. oinri:Y. X. J. Increased Appetite is out: of the first i 1 effects felt l.v liters i.f Si-olt's Ktlllllsilill of coil liver oil with Uypophos pliitcs. (tuo'i appetite begets good health. Scott's Emulsion is a fat food that provides its own tonic. Instead of a tax up on appetite and digestion it is a wonderful help to hoth. Siott's Emulsion arm rests ilis progress o Consumption, bron chitis, Scrofula, and other toasting diseases In' raising a barrier of healthy 'lesh, strength aid nerve. P-i.!ird hySonlt .1 nownlt. N. V. All rtrnggi- Tbt Best for Either Heating or Oookin;. Ixoel in Stylo, Oomfort and Durability. KIM'S AND !ZK. KVKHYONH tfSOCV tv All han i in u iimst iiti'r.cra. ASK YOUR STOVE DEALER ToshowT.UI MIKITAK1CS I.ATE.ir UATALOOUB. li oo itfsler nt-ar you tvruo to ISAAC A. SHEPPARD A CO., HALT I till UK, nil. I.AM1FST K.I.O'Mi II I II..'.' IV THK SOUTH HARD i 'lo ntfi-i il.i prt-wnt llnrd ITIiiif on r'ai-iiiri-s we .. ill 11 ., ..... ,tt,...t Uritu TIMES W I .'il.lir.'n st Hie lot- tt Di'lp SMIO FERTILIZERS'. ? I i lllijri for rem, cot- nn.t i.ai.uoi Ri9M.ni. v..llla f.-r I. in-kl.w pnlnai. Mllltni lm- l-'rl-llllyrm fur l-.l.nct-o, riiriil hi-. Ii'.-it-.t imlt oi M .1 it-r ion. w. .. l oivtll f..., 1'i inllt. r Mim., Uulilinors, MJ. 11 N f 1 ConmnptlTpa sail people tvhohsvewPHk lunusor Aath di, should us Plau's Care for Consumption. It hts cured tkoviMBrfa. It hss not Injtir ed ono. It Is not bad to taae. It Is tbe best ooush syrup. Kola everywhere. Vc. A - N - S

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