TlltKSV. .1! UK H I. 1S!H. II. A. LONDON. Editor. , i i .1 . ii mane Ruaumieiv iieijues .v""F' ""j i mirror It Nkk.'.'s Ktntiuo mdeed that tho ; )y alciuhil. youug umll wbo weighs I H wa9 lold thnt Lo had i,eea bit populists in .North Carolina, oral j () lu,uuaa ttud bus uo particular ! on the it,ft mui. Immediately he be feast tlioso v.-ho va-ro former demo- , physical blreiijith. j8nn to rub it gotitly. Tim dootor erals, hliould now uvon think l 1 he nmu of imm-le was hypnotized, j ungated tbat it hurt him to touch 11sin.,orl,.n,iMI1in!rwi1htho.v!,.1b.'11!"1 eeesf:.lly tbat bo not only j lt Dnd lLl,n Lo cricd out) L,8 fsce JicaiiB. What have thoy in ci.mmoni,sii.j-a v,.,jie' jie WlllH iu the liypuol'ic Which part 3' in rcspuiir-iblo Car theisleep, but aim) carried uul ii.juiietious hardens complained ofby tho popu- j alter bo had come out of llie uleep. list the republican or democratic?! It was a private Beauce aud it took ' ... ., . , I place at Sjandowa rooms, vestordav, From which, parly is .here iol. q hnpo ol obtaiuim,' rend . I an any ,mu,i,,.r t,f Bludont of tho College of Unprejudiced in;.!! hc-iitato in bin I'byBioiaiis and .Surgeous. about twen answer ! The idea ol tin- j.i-iu!if.ts in North Carolina coiuiiiuii.;; wit l tli ;ciit:- I'i cans in order lo ohiain roliot, i.-i aa absurd and itiiui.-l-.ler,l as if a lot ol il.ccp would -nibiiio with a pack! , . ,- . i I nt wolvo h.r a., t. . , We would call to tun ii'.lei!ti.n ; our ipulisl tin' n'rlh ( aro- j t tact that m a tne very (hp populist.; i lini'mr, or viitii tiid not with ti tho rcpuhlicai Mi. It' ( '.invrcs arc found Willi the democrats ; 'puhlic.iiiA. hiif 1 in 'onr; ss have oppose.! icciy i s 1 1 ; i 1 1 i'i' ol re :'- .0 .. ' ! i- ll.- .1 .!.i.v li.n IH'.lUlll ' . ' '- . , , . , ( n: . !!!. .-; aicc,;. an uv teplion, l,.-;vo '..! .! v. ,:h tl'-Mleino-'tLlpw crat.H :'i.d ai'uiii.-l the I oiHihlli ans. K.lil out of ti o t.; ti. i j ; i : i 1 le' iv.'ictitativcs vd.'.l ii r tho S"ll.-oil tariii" bill : .Jl of them Voted with the (leiii.H l a'.s I I'-.-delal ehctioi populists tire Vnt tn ;lt.:, ol the laws, and all the ..tiiiLC willi the niuvr icrats :iL.'aint the tili . s o ;.d tho ivpllbii- ily of the buteriu.' cann :.im1 a t a Bland's .silver b llo'.v then i State I-u'li. a whose (.' 'I's.' i' - every i if"i t i':a Jl is l.ot s. lil who olu-e wero rivor fin Ii a will ret to .. to astour.'liii.;' In. i Should he :;,i,lt , .H l'.l'S lO .-leal c '111 ol this v.t'a a party e opposinir ivvii them ? at l ojirilisls, r I an t.l'.i.OU I Ii is V'lilit i I. inner i I MU'h t an be the dog hilt it is Miioerats y. It i iilinded a pity t b.V "'j Tin; lo.. .ai oxi :b;:i"l at eon n try. ;b ii ly lilitilnik' i 4'oi, in '.I' ll heeie.s i. it that coil:-.- i an a n ii ua : '.' o otle of II. ! lata I'orneil trtl e U i. en lo ha''. l I lo; .-oph o a ' Last Week ll. rr.i.,'c!i c sec re : l.nt U'.:.; had torn. a.l niailo HI" ',; h:. I p.t.-l .S" i ''' . i i or.ii iiic-n .-I, in ami beaii .pii'l ha!!, w h-n :,i In p h;., so;. a r.ti.i.i'ef sop: ss.-.w tiu'iii urn l.e;:in I - - : e:u ,v';.i roiteti e-:;s, Plii-ks an I t -. Ti: Itvtdimcn, howivei','y !' :o i ti.vir hai; qti'.'l rooi'i wi'.i ut anyone being Seriously hurt, a:-. 1 while ei joying thiir tea-.!. ' !-j.."ir.-e ctiseious i f a pec'.iiiat- .i b:' : I in a li '.v minutes il Isa-aii.e fa ."! "caling thr.t sou.e ot tho flu dents dropped runs tleii' ebuiis in .1 tin -re was a general stampede irota li e had. Uvlow the bai.ip.icl rooai war. the Ivilchcii, in wiiieii tho odor war, r,t;il nu iesiido catinir an 1 one of the women em lib-ved tticio tell utK'ouse tnd ilied. An i n er.t igaii-m showed that Home pers .ns suppose! t e soph ; oiciorwsij bad plai ed under the on a jug, in ' lii.h tl.ey poiire iitch- .1 salt and sulphuric acid generated chlorine ind had thus ;o fjilaMi into the ties, Wlileo was UHo iliC, kitchen and L'ai iuel hiill by rtibbtr tubes. VYhilo th.-vj iiiur terers ir.av i.ot iiaVn itiletided t" kiil anvone, yet ... i .: .... . . . i . ..i.i i... , iii severe.y i.'.iuiM.e. I, t.iat l..eir pun-; ishmoiil n ay teaen a salutary les-.ou to ot'.ier (.llfi'ii . iidvnts, whose ... .. ui'iilal behavior so nf.en lisraces oar institution of learning. ii at colVg., we aro pleased to know, -ue waH told to lie do-vn again. Theu is b.:i ot: iug to be regarded by most I experiments were made to show that drilit-d peoplo its brutal, ntid it is Sondow would pay attention to uo , ... .... I one but Dr. Mersereau, Other peo- cspocianv uratttying for ua to state- , , , lr , , . 1 . . " , J " . , plo gave bun orders. He did not that .1 i,' no longer practiced nt any i aeem )Q Leill. lLfcul ol the colleges ol' this Stale. We "Will you get up " asked tbo doc vvoul. I '.omnic'ii l their L'ood example I tor. Samlow did not move. "That to cur Iv.vthcrn hreihren. uk , KtsTtKs ot tins I ntversiiy ol .North Carol iiia held meir annual mei'ling at i.'aleijih, on last Friday, und, utier.inlu-a protracted clebateon ' i .it' ,. ir,i... i ii." toot ba'i ipies'.ion a'lo pteil reM.lii- ' . . nor,, that inter i-o.leginte gamcsot liM.thallns nowplayed should be die'i'!i-K'ed, and that the number ot :;t hoed days allowed for .ports shall not seriously interfere with college dtittcs. U hilotbe reho- lati'i'is us adopted are very mild much milder than the resolutions originally intrcvluced at the meeting , .1 . vet iii'V are :i step in uib rit;ni i!'.r -i'!it!' rind we iKi'.l ti'.'.,:r rii'. otion we l ttili' i: !i n; ul. !i Wonderful Hypnotizing Kxpeil Rients on Samlow. ! Fr"m Now V'Ji'k WurM, !Mr.l. Feb. j Saudow, the mighty, who ia thought to havo uiore strength tbau any mau ! 1 i v ; u - uud who certainly has the finest Corrugated atomaeb in existence, was j 'oluui'.l rvpiv eommaud of tba nhv- ty tuo in all. n.o uypuouzer was Dr. C. If. Mersereau, who laduated at thu College of Phyr-idius andSur ;;eon3 in the c!u.-it) of '83. He bun lukcii up loo sillily ol DypnotiHiii ociy ii contlv and thus far everything tbat ho has Uoue has been purely io the hrtluie of OS orimeut. Tbe d(lCt0,l. aud Sltudow iia bean flii,Uli: tor nue than a ywir. It wart j t jj grt.utly ditl'iL'iilty that the foimer pi isuadf d the strong man lo consent i to be ii.g by pnotizud. The doctor was vi ly anxious to havo him as a subjoet in old. r to demonstrate that a mini of giv.ii physical force and iu whose tempH-ameiil there was no suijeeation of tby hy.-torical in us Misceptible to , hvpnotihiu as auv one c!''n- I tSan.'.ow came into tho room wear- .. ()i,v ft ou . ,Je i.;, ,..,:' upon n couab One of j (ne j0!8 Wits lighted, and Saiidow was tolil to tlx. his itves upon it. The 'decior t sp'aine 1 that this was mere Ily to hoiii his ulutitton and help bim 1. is mind upon the idea 'that It" was oi:if; to sleep. He said a:so i mi i ne eouio omy i'M"" a ! petsoi, w he-n that pets: n was willing j b j inb hf;wiU rewb u,e ,,d ;.,d let.t. hts ...d. J tiephys.cmn B He Laa ,ollg ,iuee lost Bight on the couch, lacing Jiandovv. Madid, , , , ,,;n i.a n,. . , " . . i i aud sense of taste. We will test tue not make a single passwtlh his lianas, . lit(er ) j..r any movement at ad j wa8 brought. Sat.dow was j ' Keep your e es ., tho l.gbt, be ! lo u jt ftQ(j r-c. .aid. "ttid Ihutk omy of goutg ! jf Thell ,ia wa8 toId lhal it "'''l1- 'wastugar. Immediately be demand ; obeyed, and the doc on Tht.u t.ulue olbor tost- of went on to U,k abo.H foi TLere were two a minute or two. 1 ben be turned to . , . T , r, i: Draw deep breaths ; deep breaths," lo Mitd -Ibat's it, do-.p breaths. Your r.c-!i Is ate begimnng lo flutter. You tie going to sleep. Dou't le.-ittm). JSre.itbe deeper ; ho. Now vi u a: -inlecp." Ii as true, although it did not M.I.. I. I... 1 i ll..,.. r-i-eui iniaai'.ite. iiu.i.iian'iiii'.'.Biiiiiii i ' , r. u i .. i,. i thirtv eeconds. after the doctor bad i '.HI el to him tltrt second time, to , t, , . .1,. . . , mike kandow sieep. 1 tie doctor arose . i . ,i . and aaid tuat the st.bjrci was ,n the : th.rd or eataiepi.e Male, which , w KB innii hv t:ir f.iet tnut the limbs t ; ., .-. , i i K ing ami grunting, lie uiauaged to : wou d remain m auv position in which IF".,0., . i ,i . . . , , i lift it from tbe lloor tl.ev were p. .Sindiws , t .... l were raised in the air, aud they re-' "No, I ve niinie a buiudir, said the o mainod iheie until lhe were pushed opuMtor. "It is uot your big bell; down. As thu man snnk deeper into : the sU-ep. be was told lo wave his bun 1.1 aoout, inakiug them move fast ci or at the will of his master. s.,,,.' ,. ,. tho ..o.n,ii:.i..l. and thu art a j "i k. . came to a tense position win. "1'iiP famous strong tum whose : hysicr.l p'ow-r in j robably greater than that of any living piTion is now i lueie m lehine, " the doctor sa;d. "At a mere word a.l his force U taken Ir'.ni him. He will do an s thing be is toh! 1 do. If I sh'jutd eomuiar.d t " juiup out of the window be mtiM obey. He cannot help him-e!f." This sei tiiid ;i gcud deal of aii cx uugeratioii. but, those in the room wore r-oon compelled to admit that il was true. Tue doctor turned to Sat hov. "Y an arm:- ami h gs are p .vn!;, zed," l.e, ''u.u cannot move them Trv." " Ho did try, bit' they were ligid. Haifa do.'.en men gathered about and tiled t ' raise the arms and legs. They lifted Saudow. but could not bend tho limbs. J.ii as soon as he was 'old that his limbs were all right tbe ; musries relaxed. "Your '.ens are stiff; vou cannot' j , ,p- , ti Luees. tlet uiiaml w.ihj. " lie aro o awkwardly and moved ! along snide. Directly hu was told be : was ail light l.e wa.uetl eisi.v and nil' eiuov. ..y,, ,.. , ,. ,,l- iti itt nnl (.uppci t you." j j 1 he -.voi ds w re scarcely out of Dr. ! Mei Ma cau s mouth before Samlow fell to t i.e Hour with a crush. Il:s legs, iu'p!v doubled up under him. He 1 K i ' t- af.,.r attempt, but the leg : which can bear pianos aud horses io- ; fused In support tho weight of bis ! I ,.. I....1,- Wl.ui. I, a a ,.l.l IUI . u ...... i...., -A"' 'v. , i aud walked back to the sofa, where is wber0 1 ma(l lui!ltak?.-' tbo ope rator explainer. "If I ask bim to do nnvtliiii" Iih liuvs no attention tn iiia i mugt ojVe commanda not make re I quests. Now, Saudow, get up.'' He obeyed immediately. "You're a soldier," be was told. He assumed la martial attitude, standing vary . .. ... ,. . . , " straight, with bis beels olose togeth i -You're Saudow." Ha threw one I foot forward aud bia head backward ! with the air which bo assumea on the I stage. (' on re a prize-tighter. iow V!,., l.., l.oloa H.,l,i;,, o., I It. ,!,., j but doilbe(1hia fista andtbrew ;OHt a p,iard, wrinkling his face in ao i ugly and determined manner, making the little motions of a boxer who ia irftinSa"t,a('!t-. . , . "Look out, exclaimed the doctor. 'he's ;oingtohityou! Strike back.' fiaiulow made a spring that earned 1 Lira half way across the room, at tbo same thus making a tremoudous lunge with his right hand. He may be muscle-bound and uot able to strike out with the rapidity of a prie flgbt er, but he knows how to bit, and the force of tbat blow would have killed au ordinary roan. Incidentally Sau Jow ueatly put bis hand through a wrilbiii'' 'Do you think you are strong enough to push a man oyer 1" Asked the doctor. "Yes," answered SandoWi with a t mile. "Do you think you could push any man over ?" "Yes." "You can't push me over. Try It." He did try. He put bis bands against the shoulders of the slender physician and seemed to push with all his strength, but the other did not budge. "You haven't the strength of a baby,"' tho doctor announced, oud San do w pushed harder thau ever. After this be was told to return to tho couch aud rest for a while. He laid perfectly quid as does one sleep ing soundly. Then the scientist talk ed a little. Hypnotism baa been defined as induced sleep. I would give the word a more extended uievuiug. Thought suggestion is the keystone of the arch of all hypuotic mauifesta lions. It is the iuduction of a peeu liar psychical condition which in creases ibo susceptibility to stigges tiou. Often, it is true, tho sleep that may be induced facilitates suggestion, but it ia not the nocessary prelimi nary. M Lie.hault has classified the degices into which a subject may piss us six I did uot expect thut Kandow ,vmi!.l tvihk v.n.l i Iih f. .hi I h decree. ........... ..o ...... . o- ed loi) pounds and the other two pounds. ' Here is a large dumb-bell,'' an uouneed the doctor. "Lift it with tour left hand '' S.mdow lifted it into the air with out dillicultv- When be placed it on the iloor agaiu the small dumb bell , 1 i f . 1:.. was placed before him i .j. 'Ibis is your big 300 pound bell," uu WHB loin, i:u nil. il .jauuun . .. .. i n,.ri,i.k:in,. caibfullv lingered tbohule bit of jron - J U0!0M,ai.v get a firin .f f - . . " J . " " ""v " " uuiJ P" t : o u can hardly feel its weight. auscloa relaxed he waved the thing back aud forth con leie i ii ii' 'ui ii? ii it m'm ueuruiu in.-. dignity to h.jther with such a thing aa that. The small bell was pluced on the ll or again. "Hsro is a weight you cannot lift." S md.v.v placed his bands about it ' and began to tug. It was a lilt to bit of iron which a child could hava toss ed about oasiiy. but the mighty San dow, the strongest of men, could not budge it from the floor. Musctra stoo l out all over his body, l'era pirution streamed from his forehead, , but he eouid not move tho t wo-pouud dumbbell. When he was told he. 'eouhl lift it l.e picked it up without difficulty, ; There wot ootherexperiments whirl) sliowed how thoroughly Sindow, the powerful, was subj ugated. Then came a test which was tbe most remarkable ; of all. ; "Sandow,"said Dr. Morsereau, "you ' are going to come out of vour sleep soon, and whenyou regain conscious ness you win ion in igni auu cueer- ful and not a bit tired. Now I want vou to count ui to six. When vou reach six you will sit up und open your eyes. You will bo wide awake i'heu you will go on counting up to ten. Alter a nine pause vou win gc j to tbe mantel, where 1 have pluced a i,lif,lo..rai.h r.fTuiiist ft in Vim will pick up thin photograph and cay. 'This is a pretty picture. Jones makes pretty pictures. .Now count. Samlow began to count slowly. When bo reached six be sat ui on tlie lounge. no openoa ins evs an.j looked alcU him iu a dazed sort of way. Ho rubbed his -yes drowsily rtu,' blinked and shook himself, lis !........ -.1 . ...... I - . luuiveu uuoui. uiu iocui lor lamii.a. ui'jtii'in, nun nm miiiiiioil ui luuso lit tie movemeuts of people who have been aroused from a sound sleep, lie seemed thoroughly conscious. Once or twice he turned towards tbe photo graph. Then be continued to count. Wbeu be reached ten be arose, went to the photograph, picked it up and examiued it carefully and repeated the words aa he had beeu directed. "Aro you awuke, Saudow V some one asked him. "Yes, of courso I'm awake." he re plied. "Don't you see tbat is not one of Jones's photographs T" "Yes." "Didn't you read the name on it?' "Yes." "Then why did you say it waa made by Jones T'" "I don't know," he replied with a : shrug. ! tin.l .if f.H ll,t T niml.1 In ... it." lie was told some of the things j which be did while in tbe hypnotic Bleep. He mused to believe them. You couldn't lift tbat little two pound dumb-bell, he was told. "Oh, oo, no,'' said tbe strong man, waving hie hand. "That ia too ridio- ulous. I won't believe it.'' Tba private aecretary eaid it whs true, and than they had a dispute in German. Sondow rubbed bis corrugated frontis piece, aud said nothing would con vince him that bs wusn t able to lift the dumb bell. ..mi , ;ifl'fa s was asked after he was fully free from the doctor s influence. .t i ,i ...i..i i .u.:..t .i.i i UU Ulll huuw ivuni iu iiiiuii uifi. mown uu fcij7 i'iu itdoiiq. j i, vim it. I did not have tbo slightest idea money that he bad accumulated aud of what I did I seemed to be asleep, kept iu his house for many vears. and that's all. I can t believe I did KiQ8ton Pwe VfBM , Jn the things they say I did Not lift a fo.(m)J Uat wMa Mr ft R JIpall,N wo pound dumb bell! It Is "" I 0tJOUMoouiilT, waa plowing l.ia mule lous JJut i is very wonderful. : Huddenly disappeared, all except its don t know what it mean.. He ruakes . M the nJ 1 The me go to sleep ao quickly When I look eartb h(li, -w ,eUi h at that light. mule -down about four feet. Mr. ur. aiflisereau was ciuugmea wuu the result of tbe experiment. His in terest iu it is purely professional. Harvard Collegi'. Krom Hie Sew fork WnrW. Harvard is hist among the unirer kitiea of this country in age, in wealth, iu fame aud in influence. It has beeu iu active existence for two Bud one half centuries. It has graduated over 14,000 men. It bus accumulated a property of 612.000.000, of which about 8.000,000 bears interest as an eudowmeut. It expend for educa tional purposes $1,0(10,000 a year. It has 321 teachers and about o.r00 stu dents, if tbe 400 who atteuJ its sum . mer courses oe inc.iuueu. xi u.-mim. i,at always bare a surplus to sell, over sixty buildings, many of them costly and pretentious. It uses 601 I Iraiikliii luuea: 1 he limes has acres of land and a floor space nearly "' reference recently to a number equal to that at the World's Fair. It . 'f cror? '"a'I 1' 'ak'in ou spends 00,000 yearly in brl,.inB:'y farmers bu .u none of them do poor students. And most of , ins j r cll ; better turn-out than the marvellous growth has been within . one ateor fai m of Geo. W ebb, a bard seventy five vears. w,' induatrious co ored man Il is of the Co em-, the G au me In tbe college, thn Graduate School i and t be Seienlifia School, which three have two-thirds of the students of tbe ! university, there are nearly 350 sepa- rate courses of instruction open for ..i..i;.,.. U........1 ;aa i,a ..I. ,.(. ivo aystem, tbe true university sys tern, to its logical conclusion, aud gives its btudonts tbo widest possible latitude iu following, thoir natural mental bent ia their atudv for a dc- A Little Room Kxpei iciuo From Uip ranvllle Sir. A L'iitleman wbo is boarding at the liurton, and who spent bo ii. e lime in (ilangow. Ye., during tho boom, told us today ot a little ol bis experience during boom times, lie save be went to ilasmw during tho early days ot the boom with 15 in Ins pocket; soon gut an option on some properly aim soiu n, making CI ,000. Alter that be went into the real estate business ami cleared right along 81,000 per day. He would buy a lot tor ? 100 ami sell it right along lor ?:J,(HHI. The excite ment got so great that he loaded lumsll clown with real ustato. Soon the bubble burst and values began to shrink, and in an effort to hedge louses be got deeper iu. Tbe rirsl thing be knew ho was involved aud then came u crash will, him, and wlion the end came lie bad to bor row money to gut out ol tilasgnw. Not only without a dollar, but really worse oft' than nothing, as he o lie red to auriender all his property it his creditors would release him. This Ihey would not do. At one time he could have cleared on this properly in (iiasgow aud loll the city with ST.YHuO clear profit but lie wanted more. He lold us when ho left tbe city that be had borrowed money lo gel oul ol tbe A Roy Giant in Virginia. WyibeTlll. Va., Leimr lo lit tiiuoii.l Times. Wythe county number within its population the greatest man in tlie commonwealth, if one considers his dead weight, ilelvin lirtibb, whose wondrous girth and ponderous limbs make him the daily wonder ot hie neighbors. He was born smlhin more than fifteen years ao, and has ever siuco that event kepi liis neilw bcrs wondering nt his growth. Kaeh yar since he waa ten, has seen Iron fitly to one hundred pounds added to his weight, until ho is believed now to be tho heaviest youth alive; aud nhould hi avoirdupois appre ciate at the a a mo rapid rale, he will soon break ail tho heavy- weigkt rocords aiuce Adam. At thirteen years of ago, he weighed 410 pound; at lourteon, 450 pounds; and now al fifteen, the scales creak at al5 Bounds, aiid the end is not yet. (Juibb is merely a mountain of flesh, but au active aud intelligent boy. He tan lollow a plough all day without unusual latigue, aud is a bright and intelligent pupil ol the public school near his lather's farm at Waller's Bridge, about two and a halt mi Ins westot Wytbeville. Important Colored Convention. New York, Feb. 27. A Timed special from iiiriningham, Alabama, say a: Tho lie v. A. J. Warrior, the leading colored divine in this State, and other representative negroes hare called a convention of tbe race for Mareh 1st in this city. This convention is called in accordance with the resolutions of the National Colored Convention held iu Cincin nati last November. Tbe object is to discuM generally tba emigration ot the race to Africa. The men who issuad tbe call stand with Bishop Turner, who says A Irk-a is tbe natural home ot the r;o,'ro and tbe sooner they return there the bettor. General interest in the subject has cropped out in this State recently and something practical is expected from the convention although tbe recent colored conference at Tucka sezee was decided contrary to tbe schema ot Biahep Turner. Preaident Clevelaud and Secretary Gresham have been on a hunting ex pedition ia the north -eastern part of this State. raduate School, the Scieutittc School 1""' " J ,,J,,,',."0,"S1,' ,d six professional M-boola-law, produce to my a note of Irbo-baN ... .. . i imea on 1S:)2 fleeoi.nt ! a stor iiecouut. otcine, dental meuieiue, veierini.ry , - - - r , , i a: .....;...,tt.,ro ..! .livinii v ' made iu ISS.t of .100: one thouaand State lVoWS. Amer:t5an bupgies ate Rupersed b,' j those of E iglisb uiako in Loudon aiid ! Paris. The only light, graoaful v - Mt. Airy News t A tew days ago hides in Eurojie come from this coun a customer of one of our merchant a t try. iu settling an account drew out of hia ; Tlip , . fll1 . . nils. . - . .1 - M iij.ii .. ..jl paid over ten of them to the merchant. remarking as be did so that he had M... ,i. ..i. ii ...., . H .,,, ,,,,, fl.iim ,,. ,.. uoi s ami dug uia mule out. It whs eurmised that a large stump mtot have decayed and left a hollow place under the surface. Newton Enterprise : Mr. iY. V, Bridges of flhawiieo has been mai i ied thirty soven years, has had thirtetH children, and of Ibis number eight have been married in the hist, five years aud six motottm. He baa not only never had a death among b'.s children, but baa never bad any one to die iu hiq house. Mr. Jlridges is a good farmer, and he and bis good wife have not only always raided ei,ougb on their farm to support them, ''' 1 " ""'" "w'smp. yea. l"""V ""l ;'" '" ' ' c"h,i f,, 1,,,'tf r '''" '.&';. f"1 ouf l,ll Lltl Wl'!'k -' Ciith " '" Pkt. fla . crop w'a tobacco, making just enough cot tou to pay lent. He lias corn enough for the year, and is not grumbling at the Government because he doesn't own Cedar Rock lowuuhip. Winston Republican: Mr. A. D . Cowlee, of Ashe county, has a freak in ii,itni- in the wnv of a aw lamb sheep, 10 months old, which baa three well developed feet and legs. Thu left fore leg is shorter than the other .... ami has a well formed dogs foot with ! claws, i!wc. Mr. A. V. Vannoy uf Ashe county, came home from a bui ness tup to Statesville sick. Saturdt J 10th. Next morning, 11th, he arose; feeling badlv and tlirouoh a mistake j ! took an overdose of laudanum from I tbe etlects ot whic.b lie Uieo at 'J o cloci. p. in. l-.verytliing was done ny pny sic.ians aud fiieuds to ret-toie bim but to uo avail. LviirlM'i! Shot. ihe n.iU-lch Sws nnJ (itweiVor. I 1- Si'mita. N. c, Feb. -:), 180 1. Oi tie Cr.h day of this i.iouil; Daniel Slaughter, a young white man. of Carroll county, Va., was ph.cod in I jail at tin place, charged with the j killing of Hriiry Hear, iu this county, I near t be Ashe line. I Lii-t night he waa taken from tin ijad by u posse of men and Landed I in a chestnut li'-e about half a un!e Ifiom town. Two of the hneheis i were shot by the jailer iu bis a(Vort lo save t ho pt isoner, one of horn iN I not expected lo live. The i tiler savs he caM identify their cap'onn. Tim I . nouiutei man is Mlremlv in lee ru.- tody of thesheittY. l'rom hekt in foi iniition that can now be bad ail ol the men weie from Ashe county, ru-.u where tbe homicide occuned. Killed by Poisoned Meat. SoMKU-iET, l'il . Feb. 20 Fll'lll tlie best infoi mation obtainable here to night two farmers are dead, tcu or twelve otbeis may die and fifty mote are suffering fiom the effects of eat ing poisoned meat. Last Thursday some 2"0 farmers attended a sale of property in Jeunci towiinbip, and according to custom, a cold lunch was served. Among the ai tit les of food prepared was a lot of beef that had been boiled the previous evening iu a copper kettle and had beeu permitted to reuiaia in tbe ves sel ov r uigbt. A Roy Ljiu-lieil. Suibman, Ala., Feb. Wi Deputy SherilT John Rowlett went to tbe homo of Mrs. Douglasa today to levy on her cow. Sho refused to let tbe animal go aud told her boy Tommy to shoot tho officer if he attempted to take her. The officer started aud the boy shot him dead. A crowd soon collected aud lynched the boy, filling his body with bullets. RttKiness Reviving. Cuattanooga. Tesn' , Feb. 2G. The roporta to tho Tradesmau from all sections of the South show a decide 1 revival in business throughout the South in industrial lines aud the re sumption of large mills all through the southern Statei. The manufac turing outlook in the South, an re ported to the Tradesman, ia much brighter than for twelve months paBt. At the bullion price of silver it is estimated tbat a silver dollar ia worth actually about forty-six cents. The grand jury of Guilford county recommended, laat week, the working of convicts on the public rouls, aud also recommended tbat the county commissionera visit AiecKionourg ounty and inspect tbe aystem there adopted. Mrs. A. Mather, 1701 Madison Ave., New York City, thus speaks for her self ami fi tends "I have used Dr. 15u1' b Congh Syrup for the past aix or sevau years, aud always have fouud it a mot excellent remedy. One or two bottles will cure my worst cough. I have recommended it to a number of friends, whohave used it always with salisfa- tory remit.'' Jic.Ji l)!l(V() was (1,htl.m a 1)y ,j,.e nt Wdnu p.,,.. u,.,,,i,. ti,., i,';i.i; , ; " " ' " v sured for twelve hundred dollars. J. G. BALL & CO., WHOLESALEAEBflETAIL GROCERS. IN... 1 lliirc.'U Si.rel.l Holcish, N.C., Is the place to buy the FIXKST ISKOCKKIKS AM" FAMILY Si ri LIKS Kvervlbing t'ut class and TIIK CAM. AMI MI I" INVIN.'H' C-rTlliMhi f-t pi ices paid for ivuulrv produce. February 22, lsvil RALEIGH COFFlll COMi'AHY. . wo inn, S,,; ,u,.l v, Wo Imvir In hi. nk a ...iiii Ii-d line ..f cot t-INS nii! CASK ITS, nil lIi-h mi. I s'.yl.n; li-i:iiiiinii;., llnlliE mi 1 It..!..' or nil'S. I'i.irk ,-t .ill (Mvoiiol i ii. km H i. J a. ti.ii ' up, w, . i'iek.'H til WH'IIU', 111 r.'HIIll ml Mil ! Ill T.l.'i, ii', I i I'M, 0ffit:i Iu tt'.ilie.ii, lii i.i.i'ini.. I mi I iii .. .Ii f jo. ii'.' !. i'.i.., l,..-. ivl.t o.itlii. ..r ! II lo :- it ,i ;,. St:., owlni: !. blzi. I'nUi' .l"i .'fllll- ti-r il.! ..!.r, " f.. i i. ll In-! a lll.'lli !.. 1.11.!.'., I'.illl.U li .lv. II .111 ta so iii aii i,' ..i'.Iits .1. ii. ...'. t in'.- hi any ili'p ii Iu lln smin. Ml iirli'rmni. will In" mi.swpiea ill i-iii'i. .lay . r iiiizSe. Ai.y ih:i: .li-.u! I li'tiil Hnyililnrt In il." i-.i'.'V,- linn win in il.rir ! n.ivHiiin .mntutiliviiti i.h u ' "ruiio mnr. tu:i ivi:i:i.i. I ''' t-KNO'l'll i.i:.l I :IT. nil in' ii . .,i I'i'i v ... inn i'- ii . i 1. 1. 1 1 1 ii i'i i i . i i'. hi .i.i r. 0'"l'e S..U!ll-l-lll i 1.1. I' uf l'jl.t!.-l S jlrlO', l;M.i:tiiil. N.c L. r RAG YYF.LL. II AYORTH. Maimer Secretin y ami Tre'isuri r. IiMirii ny 1, iwi ;i : i . -.(-p... ' w v"" 3T GLir. Itv vlrui a it: wlt. mi. I 1. 1:. Al . l In O. r i IV 1 Ho .-.hii.i-. N. C . Ml' i .Ih Mur.-ll, ! V nki' . iii.ii , il l nil iii-'i -I'.ik-. . II... i.llli, ..! t )..i Ill w M.iimi nil I .1 ir... il.'. I i- i ll ill-iii! .1 Hill, II.- Ii Tr.i .neiii. c.l ,.n ih. i-h-.. ! I i. ' - WI-.-.1 l.y r. I'll.-!-, jfii,iM il' y. a-.i l .11 ; l Mil! -l l M V: "I ' il'.i.-l n:nli. s-4 : kii..n -.ii,. ..:. II. i i'y ii Mi" ;i-l l.v l:ui I- ..f u rrtl l-y I hi. I. li !- t -IhIIii l.y i Ui i li r ul '. in ii. i, W r I f '.tv I- nr..!.. I.. i .In- i. ill . . 1 1 l-y Hi- .I,.s.-r!-il. l 1 ,t N I'i i.i 1 pt-i uiu y l .11 OKIi'. 1K sLi: - l:Y YIR HU-ll !' Ill- 1 V IJ'!..1.,' j i-ni'ii ',.,',',", in.. I w r- .ii.i . i.-i. ai r I'liiitli .iii i-i tiii'v, in.. Hi. n ii' I! I. r , .11 !-A 11 . ll.. 17 I. . 1 1-y ..I Vi ' ---ntiti m: is : H l.l ll I.' ML t i.. I si.r. i y vi'.; I : ' I I ! N II. V.I I. i t-t-i il-l; nl l 11 Isl n-.'i. l I. -:i 1, .1 . .-i- .Ii .-I', in i n .- vi r 1. 1 1 : M.r. h. '.III- II. I.. I Or .-al.! ir. i ' -.ill" in i i-i.. 1, Ui,'!t N . J. W iroS, Ex r. l"----i 11. Wilt li'ii. i ,5; oul '.Ac.r. salk. -r.Y yii:- ."fl in.- .. .1 m .:-'(.-. u- i x.v n'i' I ' v o. .1. inc. n A. 1 i -.1. .1 III ! .... i I I U.,- ll ti ll.!. -..-".i..r . ! .lr.' I . i I I. Cl'il .11 h-r . nr-ii n: ..i-.i in- iin.- i-.ii nt !i r iu 1 in ...r.-, ii .-.'ul lU'AV, ll '.'l..!M'l ll..' UH -l..f l.l.-oil,l.. -.., .iru.liitiii: i'm ii. -ii-!-. an-1 inlj -1 ' i:!z,i.e;li l'..jii' f.n I ..'.l.i-ii. IU'. J. M. o'aKI.I.V. In On i i'.l. nirv. 1 Kill I nit hn;i.-. Ii liih il ,y ..t Mil til Hi. rip li.C It..- Inu la i ti-t.1 umy is I '. T i l ) H'S X( ) T I ( F. 1 1 A V - 1 1 -;f . ; 1 1 .-i : i :1 o 1 ....'.'in..i- ul .1. Im l.i-wi-.. .!i-f.'.-ml, 1 l.i-i : I'.tey i.ll i-.r-i iih Ii l.l In if nir-liiiln.-t mii-i l. i- I.'iit I.. -v ti 1 1 1 1 tin- (..-iiuo ui mi. n m' i i -..i-.. h '-.' ilay i't J v, ir.-:. i.iu y '.'.'.. Irv lUA IU; '.aVc'S. Going to Buy A Dictionary? C.ET THE GEST, t Webster's International. I I A Choico Gift v v v v t A Grand Family Educator A Library in Itself V Y Tho Standard Authority SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS, f J "Hie International is a now book from T T cover to cover, tuily abreast ol tho timet, T T aud it the succeaitor of the authentic T T " Unabridged." Ton yoiirt were apent in T T revialne, 100 edltora employed and over X 7 $.1tiO,O0O expended bet ore the tint copy T T waa pi in led. T T Oo .'Ot buy reprint of ootoleto udf T coinoArativel? worthleta edittoua. T X Suui for free pamphlet containing? Epecuuoa pagea and full particular. T G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, J SPRINGFIELD. MAS3., C. 8. A. X PEERLESS DYES Uo Your Ow Dyeing, at Home TU-y will flyer fiytbtiKf. 'I'ut-y trv nul-A lvpjt- Wltflf. 1'rUV iUC. . PiH Ji,a.fl. i hj JHV IIOI UaVl tr trnig-h, Ungb'urir. Ainowi. im kcm i (i F u.rof Vvkt. e Ttcn-fuiun Quoi'tH;. iWy ilvaivt wvt4ua'iL .cvi. wtit tjr j Solvation Oil ZSXAZ&ZSZ I J. 0. Bill.. J. Ii Hil l. T. II. WON AC K. LAWYERS, IMTTSHOKO, tV; J, .luilro W.'MH K will l.n in iim ,,nu-o on .ho ftraf nna iliinl Mi-ti til)" :f oii..-h mnuili an. I durln' i- Milt. J li.v. "1. skh. A! OU'l -OAnKSALK -BY VIRTUR M i.( H liMI-lglitii esrlllf. in M. f. J. H.r rliiL'ii.n iiy Ai.-liui Murks Nini wtfo, Hn,l ri-r.ln.t In In., k I I. luci' I IN in thn nflli-f .il Uih reKtntur of i..M -i riiiiuimn nmniy, I yt (l,r cahh Bt imi lli- hii.m,.ii. n' Uip Ci.'.nl li.iiiM! ,i,,r , i'(us. i""'"'. i.n sin lilm. i in, i7tii auv..! Mm . a, isat, tl ( iwi lin.-ltt l.l hi lot drsiTllMhl In Kn, li,.rlKtf' up. l tliu iiH ii p,..., nviT iiialhlni! 10 R.-rPB nil I ii.l ..Inlug iim t.tii.U . r Uiii Into KIIim llrrart iin I .ilh. is J. W. I 'lLEY. AB.iit. ti b y 15, l!'lt All kinds of Ll'MHEU for sale nt th PITTS&ORO SHUTTLE MILL WEATHER-BOARDING, OilLING AND FLOORING, I'i.anki) AM) Kii.n Dunn, on Rouort. Hill sawi d to order nt hho. t noticcfi Good Ceiling and I'loi 1 in ( already lbii:--srn at only !l i!0 per 100 feet. Sept. 17, lH'.il!. SUBSCRIBE TO lit lUfr! RECORD, THE OE! PAPER ILilMiliOTIiSIt or1 i PllflfPIIflli Mil & &W The HCCOHI) lvas oshiblishcd by its present j)i'Oj)3ietoii8. 1878 is. s' to a I ."B 1 iov a county inevspajjer, and I when nobody else would pub ilisia one. Since Siien oili er papers have i smarted in (-liat- hani9but none of thean now exist. This proves that publishing a pa per in Cliafhain is not a snoney making busi E.esSe Every citizen ongiit to patron ize liis only county paper, and but few are too poor to pay THREE CENTS a week for it. Try it this year! (.'aveatii. and Trade-Marke obtalaed. a4 all Ft- ent hu.ttu'M conj.icttrd for Mooimti ft. Oun Oreiet in okmsitc U. .. rTtivOrf aud ue ru m rur.' .;. nt In kx tae taaa lb, remnle from Wii-hiiiKion. Seiid rnoilel, ilrr inn or I'hnM., with dMrrray Se ailvini, if paiiriubie oe aai, fna cba-ge. Our fee eoi diw uil nieai la nwit A enM'.tT, 11 w te Obtain Paleota," (Nk nan- uf a iual cli'-ni" ' fcta, auV. ' Uiwu. biil lice, Ail-irene, C.A.SNOW&CO.l Oee fiatmr Wntt. WmiiTN, Bv fl 1894.