TUl'KMIAf , MAKt It f. lS'.U. LOCAL RECORDS. One puif of'good inulcsitnd iiNi 6en wagon for sulo by 1. NoOo, Jr. A jotrit' coffins widntitjOiik and pine lor sale- c.hoiipi by H. Nnoo, Jr. Any subscriber to tlo lit-coito t-an get the Weekly II o7(Mor a your by sending us only 73 cents. J not received ut Hyiium A- II end en's ono car load Acid I'hosphuie, one tar load dest riven shingles, and ! resit clover seed. J list arrived at ISyniun & ITend n's one car load gtnwio. Flour 3,73 per barrel, alio a very fine flour. Clo ver need. A No. 1 work mule for fcalcn Thai, citir.en ot Chathitm, who tluel not tlii ilk the liKroiin is worth three cents a Week, mu.it indeed bu hard to please. Don't you really lli ink ao? Dr. John II London, of ('Impel Hill, will be nt I'ittsboro' on Alou day, the 12th of Aliirt:h, and remnin tlit'ee days, prepared to do any kind tf dental work. V. II. I'M wards, den list, of Wake Forest, N. C, can he lound in tii.i office nt Mrs. Kxlinc's Hotel, on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and '.Thursday following third Sunday in each mouth, prepared to do all kind id denial work. Owing to the Weight of snow on ft, the shed ih trout ol Morrill's drii More loll with a startling crush on laNt Tuesday, but lortiiiistely nobody Was under it nt the time. The largo window in the trout of the store were broken by the tailing timbers Ono ot tho most cheeriug signs n( the times in Chatham is ttio taut that nearly every atoro in the county ban iionie made bueun for side. In liearly every etore you will tied a good lot ot niee, juicy t.'lialham bacon, and this menus a great deal. Some days ago while they were blasting in grading the Ualeigh A: Western railiond, in (iull township, a piece ol rock was bhiwn into a await house, in which several kege lit powdor were ttored, ami esiwed a ire mentions ox plosion, but fortiiuiite y not hurting anybody. For one week they will make n deduction ot -i pur cent on all Ham burg Trimmings, Swiss Ivn broidery Hi V. L. London A Son-. They have a very large stuck ot these yumls and they must go. They arc tillering lift) Sliou'ider Shawls at cent lor choice. They aro going l"1, ' London & Sun are im otVorins; '2utl pairs Indies Hue hose at 10 cents peri pair. These are niee gomls, former iil-iees trom -d to o.'i cents, also !.': : yacdi ot nieo calicoes at f cents por )urd, lormer price 7 con '.a. Thj prices wilt hold good until the Sili ot March. S.VoW StokM Last .Saturday was M very cohl, taw il.iy and everybody preiliclcd a snow, and therefore on Sunday morning there was no sur prise when, on looking out. every tiling was seen covered wit Li snow anil the fleecy tl ikeii were still ll ial ing down. And all day Sunday the nnow, elect and hail continue I lo pour down wall tierce lury and pin Jess severity, making a day lotitt to lie remembered and toreihly inprs inij upon all who were exposed to it a realistic idea of what a western till. Bird iiiusl bo. The temperature became very cold, the thermometer during Saturday inlu indit-aiiug as tow an IS decrees ahovo zro. The depth ol the sno-v was uboul six inches on a level. The snow cov oro l quite an ex tended area, being several inches deep at Augusta, Georgia, and even two or three inches at W ilmi ugtoti, while in Tennessee, Virginia and Slates tarther north it was much deeper and the cold more intense, beins; eeveral degrees below zero iu the Slate ot New York. Personal Items. Kov. H A. Poo, who removed I re 111 thin couu'y lo Burke county about 35 years ago, is on a visit to tiis old homo, lie is a son ot' the late Hansom foe, who re aide! about tour miles nurih-wcst of t da place. Our young townsman, Mr. lloss I. XI ill, has gone to Washington to apply lor a position in one of the government departments. On next Sunday ex sheriff S. V. Brewer aad Dr. 11. T. Chapin will be ordained deacons in the IJapiisl church at this place. Tho paslor of the church, Ilov. Dr. Cobb, will be Hssisled iu the ordinaliou services by Kov. Dr. Hume, of Chapol Hill. Yo aro requested lo announce, and it gives us much pleasure to do so, that Kev. Dr. Hume will deliver a lecture iu tho Baptist church, at this place, 00 next Saturday uiclit. A rare intellectual Heat is in store fori those who hear it. Kx sheriff Soence Taylor has been i appointed a special deputy collector: iu this Slate and South Carolina. Mr. W. U. Hunter, who has been i Ihe railroad agent bore ever since ' the comnloliuu ot the road 111 Ic , venibsr, 1SSG, has been ottered and lias accepted the agency ot the A. . L. at Aberdeen, where Ins salary j wilt bo about twice as much as it Has bore. This is a very compli- tneniary uromouon, as 11 came uu- solicited, and it is certainly a very deserved one. ly his eilicency aud ' uniform courtesy Mr. llunlur has hie departure ami yel are p'essca at ' h'm ptoaotiofl. A Fatal Explosion! i i a lew day i;o, and were pleaced iu j note the improvements heiiifj made Itoiler Exploded at lulT--TffO.it t!it ancient place. We raj an- Mmi Killed U(lirs Narrow ly Jlseapt'd A Sicken Iiik SctMie, &c. On last Tluirtiduy tbe boiler at the slfuni saw mill ot Mr. M. J. Jordan, near (iult in tliia t'ounl', suildeuly exploded and kdled two men, and several others narrowly escaped a horrible death. 1 he killed were two colored men, one of whom wan tho fireman, lliey were killed ho ud denly and quickly that they never knew what killed them, the topH of their beads boiti" blown oliand their "brnins blown out" literally and scattered on tho wound. A more horrible eight and a more complete wreck cannot well be imagined and was sickoning even to old soldiers who had witnessed the carnage ol buttle fields, 'lbo boiler was on cafed in rock and mortar and when it exploded iho rocks were hurled iu all directions, and the boiler itsell was blown all to pieces and scattered around tor a considerable distance, pieces weighing olll) pounds beiiii: hurled several hundred yards. And yetslrange to say there were severul men standing near, some only 1j or 2U feet Irom the boiler, who escu.od unhurt or only slightly shocked by Iho explosion, although large rocks and pieces ol the boiler were hurled with tnrrilii; lorce all around them. Why all ol them were mil instantly killed seems simply miiucliloiis. Mr. Jordan, tho owner ot the mill, was standing at tho log carriage, about 15 teet distant from the boiler, and was knocked down by the concus sion but escaped unhurt, except a slight twuiso on the back ot his bead. Mr. (innrge Frasior was standing near Mr. .Ionian talking to him about a bill of lumber, and ho also was knocked down by the loree ol the explosion and his right cheek slightly skinned by a piece ol the boi.er and his shoulder grazed by u flying rock. Mr. Isaau J. Hyuttm, who was iii i to near, escaped without even a bruise, as also did Mr. (-ohm Snipes, tho sawyer, who only tiro minutes bulore tho exphMiou ha been on ton ol tho boiler lor some purpose. The windows in Mr. Jordan's dwelling, about 1100 yards distant, wore shattered by the commission and tho doors torced open. A hole ,vus knov'Ucd in the roof ot the . I welling by a large rock. The uoisu id the explosion was heard several miles, and j.ui'cd the buildings at (iult, over hail a mile distant. The root or covering ol the saw mill was blown away ami scattered all around. The engine was almost entirely ruined, and Mr. Jordan's total pecu iiistry los was considerable, amount nig lo several hundred dollars. Wo happened to he at (iull on the day of the explosion, arriving there about nalt an hour alter it occurred, and loti ikI the good people ot that itsaauy iputt place much excited over the horrible accident thai had insl hrppened. The net no at Ihc j .mil was appalling and will never lie foi :;olteu by those who w.lutiasod it. It .vas cm taioly one ol the moat lerriluo accidents that ha ever oc curred in this e unity, and il was only by a mereitul and almost in: rue lllotis dli-peiisalion ol I'lovilciice that il was not worse and did Hot .till ail I he p MMius nh. i so nai rowly escaped. ('haih.'.m t'o.w. We are pie tsed lo know thai the coal deposits in this cm n'.y a i e now at tract in.; in uch attention and are being succrsriully iev loped. For several years tho F pi c al mine has lice cxtomivi ,y worked, and recently expensive machinery has been added lo ii- plant which will ureatly increase Ihe. output ot this valunh e mine. 1'ic lor the intelligent management ol .Mr. S. A. Henszey, the energetic president ot iho Fypt Coal Com pany, that mine will now do a large business. The coal louud thdo is bituminous, but higher up Deep river, on the old l.vau pUcc, an excellent quality ot ke'.ii anthracite coal is now doing mined. This coal is wilhii. a short distance (about 2UU yards) of the (i!eudou& (iull ra 1 road, recently constructed trom (iull tii Deep river clgfil miles, and is he ing worked by the Black Diamond Coal Company, a corporation ol Philadelphia capitalists. Two or three s'nat'.s have bton sunk to the depth ot about 10U teet. and the prospects are very encouraging tor a deposit ot coal in larye quantities. Thco shafts aro sunk quite neat the 111 i 11 0 that was worked during the war, and the coal from which was burned by the blockade runners lhal plied between Wilmington and Nassau. And it was tor the want of this semi-anthracite coal that the famous blockade runner, tho "Ad vauco", was coin polled on its last trip to use bituminous coal, which caused ils capture, lucause its douse black smoke enabled the Federal steamers lo follow and overtake it. A good deal ot this coal has re cently been shipped to Kaleigh and other points, and is pronounced by experts to be of tbo very best quali y- Aud by the way we notice that several newspapers havo culled it Carbonton coal trom Moore county, whereas it is Chatham coal about aj and a half from the Moore j county lino. We made a hurried 1 visit lo mis property last l hiirs lay : and tound quiie a large 11 11 inner ot '"?" emjiloyed at the mine, wbicW ' "ceue 01 ous'.un;; acuMiy. ; Don't you reckon the uround-' hog, when it saw last Sin day's storm, was i-lad it had troue liack into its wiiiterquarter on tiio '2 tul of rebruary? And when you te.t Sunday's cold, did'ut you tvain to' some truth iu the ground hc tra- li.tioo 1 A Visit to (Jui.F Wo made hurried visit lu (iult, in this cotiuiv oient, uecutise it is ono ot theohtcMt places in this country; having been settled before tho Hovolulionary war and Wilcox'e mill thcro was a noted placo nearly a century and halt ago. i he name "dull was i veil this place because of a deep hole in Deep river there. Several tiinesthe hopes ot its citizens have been raised only to be disappointed. When the plank road was eouslriicted there trom Fayetteville, nearly titty years a'0, the citions ol Cull' confidently expected that place to become i(nil an important point. Again, when coal was discovered all uround there bright visions tilled the minds of its citizens, but the waul of transporta tion facilities checked the develop merited thecoal discoveries. Then the illusory schema of making Deep river navigable buoyed up thoir hopes, only lo be disappointed by the failure of thai project. Finally, about fifteen years 111:0, the (J. F. & Y. V. railroad was extended Irom jg) pt to tiulf and then the latter place at once built up rapidly and became one of the most important stations on that road between Fay olteville and (irevnsboro'. isoine of the most prosperous merchants in the county do business there, and more col ton is shipped from there than frem any olhor point in this county. Tho future of this old place is now bright, and its ciii..ns can now reasonably expect their long delayed hopes to he realized, il is iiucoiniug ipiite a railroad centre and will soon have abundant transportation lacili lies. In addition to Ihe ('. F. & Y. Y. railroad another and a compe ting railroad is now being construct . ed. It is the Kaleigh &. Western railroad and will bo a connecting lino betweed tho Richmond .V. Dan ville system at Aalieboro' and the Seaboard Air liiue at Colon, near Sautord, About ten miles have been graded and a cousideratile lorce is rapidly pushing 011 the work. The roadbed will bo graded as tar a Harper's X Koads by Juno, and pussibly (lie entire distance to Ashe boro' by Christmas. Besides this new road the (ileiidou it (iull Min ing and Manufacturing Company, iu order to develop its mineral prop erlies, has constructed a railroad from (iull up tho Valley el Deep river a diMtini 0 ot eight miles The building ol' these two roads havo he 11 nod wiil be of great benclil lo 1 1 nit and the surrounding country. Uecenllv a valuable stone quarry lias been opened near (iuit and is being worked by a Xorlolk conipn ny, A train road has been buili lo the quarry from tho (!. F. it Y, V. railroad. Another and important improvement at liult is the Keller mill put up last tall by. Mr. J. M Mclver, which is making as fine flour as can be bad any where. Al ready it has an extensive patron ago, and wheat is shipped there Irom distant coiiulies along the C F. it Y. V, railroad. - - Kit i1ii i;k,mui'. I.t'tttM' Frota Sntitli Citi oliiiit. Amihison, S. ('., Feb. Jl, l'.M. Fnii oK Kh ouii : - Well, tilings are ipuel liere now, but the-i-i people havo no confidence m each other. I hoy will go arniind town lo see where lilt y i nn gel ihe cheapest bargains and then thev will trade and thev di a heap ot it, they don'l cale for the people iu theso towns; il o;is;hl not lo be so, but nevertheless it is so all the Name, but they are good people, I think. An old gentleman near here got his barn burned a tew nights since. Kleven head of mules and horses, forty bead id cattle (some flue milk cows aiiionir them), ami all his toed l( corn was burned up in the barn ilo hail two line blooded horses he had bought this winter thai he val ued at S-m. Ilo told me he did mil mind the loss so much as he did the gioans ot the horses ami tho bellowing ol Ihe cattle. He said he had losl one hundred and tilt' thou sand dollars, first and last, hut notii ing botiiered hi:u liko this. Ho had a very large barn, and had five hun di'inl dollars insurance on his barn lie said he had had two thousand dollars 011 it hut that they charged him so much that bo thoughl he would drop so'iio ot it. The barn caught ou fire about If o'clock in the morning, lull no one can make him 1 believe thai anyone sot tire to his barn. He claims that he bus no I such an enemy us tiiat, but the peo pie here think that il was the work ot an incendiary, He thinks some tramps came along, went iu the barn to shelter, lay down and for some reiBon struck a match and it caught; ou lire in that way. I spent Iho day with him some lime ago. lie is aide to buy more slock, lie has thirtv more cattle that were oul of the barn at the time ot the tire. Some ot the peach trees here are j tu lull bloom, but I expect a co.d ! wave will come trom oil the mnun- tains and kill theui. Il is very co.d hero this morning. 1 have got a fine grandson up here. He is one ot the finest babies in the State. .Most nil the ladies come to sec him almost every day. I got a man to walk wilh mo the other usy ana wo warned 1- miles. o more long walks tor me soon, j cou;j 8(.e ovr j Sovih Carolina wlcn was 011 tho mountain. I my companion how lar it was, he sid it was 70 miles ; I told him tlal 1 j,, tliink that it was that ur : ,e aii ho knew, lor he went there almost every summer. W e can see ihe snow on the inoiintaius j (ruin Anderson. : toe Aiimnce hero has irouo out ot pohlKS- T hey are meeting around to see whal tut y cau d.i. , tins country and 111 l-.urope, the tec A man here has brought a suititious where the fai tiling lands cm Sue promised to marry him and where the most atteotim is given to; hint a etigued tWrndf to auotlutipejhe cultivation of the rasoes. a man and now tbe first one has sued li r lor breach of promise. She in h ml to be fine looking, but there afo tine hundred ot thorn in Anderson. I think that tho man that brought mo Hint u tooimii : i wotini not wain a woman that would act that way- that is o fickle. There are too many ood and true women in the Worl tor that You rs, Jt O. Kc BANKS. I'uf me lir.:iw. yhy Farillllli; ha Failure. Mauy f ai mers toil on year after year, and wouder why it is they can : never accumulate moio than a bitie living. Tbo fact that such a stale of utfaiis should exist iu a laud &o pros perous and fertile as oiiih, goes to show that the management is radical ly wrong. It is not because you do not labor hard enongdi, or because your crops are not productive enough. We think one great trouble wilh uiaiiy I'nriuers lies in tbe fact that through Ibe winter luont be t hey feed th profit s to their horses, etc , when they are not earning them one rent. Now, we think by pursuing tbofol lowing methods, this leak and lossol profits could be greatly overcome: Devote a portiou of your imds to raising clover, grasses and forage plants, for buy and pastures. l'y so doing you can Lave plenty of good hay lo feed your stock during wiuler, which will keep tbein iu good coudi Hull, without so lunch grain, thereby saving the corn and outs ; also by hav iug plenty of good pastuio to graze y our stock ou during the summer and fall; thereby shortening tbe time ot feeding, and keeping the horses in good wui kingoidiir without auy grain, thus saving the grain that you now leeii uiictug me summer ami nui. Uelter still, your lands will increase iu fertility, so that your hay and pas tures will increase in quantity and quality, also your grain crops will double iu yield ; theieby making dou blu the amount of grain that you do make under tbo presuut way of farm ing, also saving one half the grain that you now lecd, which would be a considerable item in tho prosperity of our farmers. Tbe season for corn planting will soon be at baud, ami preparations therefore should be begun early, that the corn may bo put iu tbo ground early and in the best possible coudi lion, yet, 111 order to plant early, th ground should not bu broken when loo wet; better plant late thau have the ground stirred in such a condition. Iu cultivating tho crop it is very important to begin stilling the soil veiy esriy, even before tbe coin all comes up wiil have its advantages all the better, lhis destroys iiiyuads id weed seeds at tho period of germina tion, when most easily destroyed, and by lima early stirring the soil it is kept from packing by too long stand ing unstirred, waiting fur the corn ! get sutlieieutly high for plowiug. 'Ihe il 11 0 mentioned stirring is tie.-.t done with a barrow, l'iow deep at tbo fust cultivation, as il lets iu air and warmth' to the roots better; afier which give shallow, level 1-ultivutiou. I believe our farmers sliouid lest new vai ieiies of oraii.s and vcire'ables. Il is plain enough that no lariuer can I'm iff .Mule " articles a re again 11 : -profitably try nil of tho new varieties j j., their weekly and me cre.itin; ot grain and vegetables which ere bioii 'lit to his attention, il is equal- ly evident that he ought not to gn.w the old sorts year ai ler year to ti e exclusion of all the i:ewr Lii.il- hat should be done is to test a few of the most promising i t cent inlro duct ions. The testing of new varie ties is au excellent bun id wt l k lor neighboily co-opoiation. By a haif i dozen farmers living near each olhet 1 may each try a kind id' potatoes or j ,, com, of some oilier crop, dilVeienl j from what eill.er of them h is ever grown befo) e, aiiiJ.at, the e:.d of tie I year riv:h one, though ho I a ptisi i -ally had bill oiie kind, can be in pos-M's.-ioi! ( f the main fuels which he wishes to know reyaiding six of the leading liew variotit-e. The cost ot ouch a test will be small ami the ex peinntiit will be of almc-las mui b value to each iiuliw.ltia! as would have been a personal lest of ad II. e new varieties. Good selected and tested seeds are productive oi' large and lieallhy yields. Iu the last three years, since we came to ibis country, we h.ive seeded to: ly live acres to clover ai.d grasses, j an I have bought, this p-iiig, .2(l , north of clover una giass soul lo sow. j li every faimei had done even as well 011 t'.ii- line, as we have, this country ! would have a small beciuiiiiikr in irrass I cuitiue. J .lis is tne ou v wav i, mi ; . i il. is cuuntiy will ever, become pios porous and scii up; 01 ; nig, bill 1 am all aid 11 ivill liave Jl tch.ue i.;iiiU before tbi work fs done, i'. 1. Woi.tr. - Mr. WolJf Hi; lily Kudiil sdl, fmhi iho wiimiiii;t .um.u, ive. -i'.ii. l',s' issue id the Cnutbaiu I!;.i- ott contains au iu twee ting comciuui cation on the subject of grass eiilune, written ly Mr. 1'. I' Wolff, who v: ms like a n an who knows what ! o is writing about and means every wo.d of il. He starts oul with thus lno..d declaration : ".U010 grass uuoieeat tie; inoro cattle more maiiuie: moicj manure more money. No grass, uo , cutt e; 110 manure, no grain; uogiuiu, ; no money.'' j This is putting it pretty strong.! but it is almost liteially true. Ui coin so the wilier does not mean tbat ihe farmer who does uot raise grate cannot raise anvihing else ami can ; make UO money, but lie me.Uis, and ll I ful tul nor 1'ioiiiatUe l uuuo.' iu tins not I iu tuy other country whrie the value j ! of grass u not appreciated aud where , us cultivation is ueglectea. Hetskesj ; the position that grass is the found ; tiou of successful ugncultuio. H is j 1 ight, and illustrated by calliuK atten- lion 10 tue iact luai uie moet pios- perous agricultural sections bolti m Mr. Alexander Creech, one of eigh's oldest ii.ercbs.Dts, died last nuiiduy, j . . . . 1 : li?fU V"',"i? , 'A , ... - - , : v.,,t:uta h'lx been conBohdatcl, an,! : Ve IJ0;v !"PeI' ' bo published r.t i ; VJ,CB"nuu'"- I'lcu'iu'it drove Jlctlioilist rlmicb, in Lincoln county, whh burned on Friday evening, tbe 2.'!rd. A siiiL'iii" , m,j lj(,(. ,,.1,; j,, ,0 ,.,ri.lj un,l 0 jliru in f.bo utmo was not properly looked after before tho crowd left, j 1 bo lots is about 1,0110. There mih no insurance. The Farmers' Hlalo Agriculf un 1 Society of Alabama, which has been in session at Dirmingham. decided lo recommend to Alabama fanners that they leduce tho acreage of cotton 20 per cent, and lo substitute for this reduction crops that will supply homo consumption. Ilev. Dr. V. S. Hlack 1ms been up poiuted by Dishop Duncan to succeed ihe Into K -v. Dr. H. 1). Adams, as Presiding Elder tif the YVnrfciiloti District, of tbo North Carolina Con ferencH. Dr. I'llack has accepted and it is niiileilood that Im will et. once tender his usigniilion as Supei intcii dent of tbe l.il'oiil Oiphan Asylum. I'r.ibubly one of the largest, orders ever receive 1 bv 11 North Carolina luni'inr li m is nmv tieing till.' 1 by liimberco:uian iT Aberdeen. It lias closed a cont a' t in furnish a fit m u Pittsburg, Pa. with lour million f.el of liiuibi r in ihe next four months. hi ih-en dots the larncsf, lumber business in the Stale. It is said thai 1 1 1.1 1 1 :!. !()') solid eat s of f 1 oii; lil j wle shipped from that point lusl mouth. Kin' tuuatii-m, ue.tirali:i:i. lumbago totitl.aciio and suwained arm cured Mr. Jus. F,. Muiiav, S.uidv Springs Md., vsrites: "l have used Salvaiion t)il with success for 1 beiimatisiu, neu ralgiii, luiiibagi) and toolhaehe I in c.-ivrd a fall dui iug the winter sprain innisiv left arm so that 1 couldn't lift it lip. f. used Salvation (). by 111b bing and bandaging, and i 11 t wo weeks a as able to go to work. It is an ex cellent liniment." Tor the Intelligent Vote ihe coming year will bo fraught with liv mom mtctest limn a camp.'igu. what is done this winter the lule of parlies and the history id' government vill be dotcrmini'd. Theuiost valuable paper that conicf l this olliee nthe New York World Fearless and ludept ndent, woi kii ;' it all times for Iho liesl interests ol Ihe people, and never for the RnSfUh ends of any ling or individual, sup port ing the right and condemning tin wrong wherever found, it. I'ceoiues 1. oreat. power fir good tliroiionjn. the land. lis policy i:i ihfi!;id by ils veil kcovMi mollo: "'I'lpmi rights lo ill, special f ivois lo iiiiuf." The reputation of the Wuldy Woild 11s in incomparable neu rsp-iper is fully .stabliflu il. Il 1 eui hrs for 1 1 e vci best and fullest news of tho entire com try. and oi ls it. The celcbr.iti , wid . sotead alti niioe. Its mi.-ccl (i,hm ;ii:.ts mo renlele with :ilici of v ioi iLh- ntol iulueslin tiou to every 01. c. It is a lai I pi, ., ScoIiiiiiii paper f - 1 m i , O PJ I.e. a i 'ii'. 1' iiuve siii'ci i iltil lii mi!' ing spiwial air iii-cments by wide! we can furnish the liicciui and 1 1 l!Vii'y 'ml i one year both lor on i y s-j " Addiess b X. C. tile liU.ol.l', Pills. I'llll.l.ll'S. -on 1,'l.nia.v I'.i, l-.il. An run. 1. in-, HHi-i in i.;i's, ." hi. in ii tin tr, A ililil ul s.'ii. 1111 i-s.-lup iry 'iilf.i; lie; Sill I'll'. MH'llil.'!' "I 'i -..in i"i- , k Chi-iI"! in . u- 1 1 in 1 V X ll-...... Ti c Mrl: r po iicn-.l hi. Inn nil in 11 ran;i...N.ll I., :icr. i.i.a i.iiiiuiii Hli'c-U'il I'..- Ins 1,.!.. Mio lii!1.-. w-r, I .nl nr in-.-i.r; On' rail.i-i hii I iliscascl ii: .. n. i- in iln'ii sniu '.i"n o 1 1.1 iv ei .: 3 AND S.VI.K ON I HI' I IIJSI SLJ MOMivY 111 Al'KII.. ts:i, will .-ff.-r L i '.. ,! Ml l'lU-.' I !i:C- n 1 .-; I ncl. n... miu.i' li.. t I I- lei.! Mhih.k, ,. , tn . I.. M'-ir;s mil A i: lc? -n t.iiii i'.'iii Inrf a "ir tl l. Ill'l III' C III II lll'.iy nt l i, I'll, a!. N. I"ll CHI" ilUl. II' I J llll'.i: II." Illl.ili. ( .1 I D r V..I, Will.. -mi .liwi. i-!'. 1 t.nr liu ilf al.il ...li 1.-. l.ls'lil ' " I' ' el l i i- n s. l ie I. womai'K ; II iVi S. All'i t 'f J. I.. 111. 1 ,im i:i.i is ji. i.i i i. V iv.'ll I, is.'l. a aa: ' .-.v i.r. u viiiiir, in ! 4 y.11 nl-'liT O .. Siipcil.-f .n.ur i.r i Ic.u.ir. WitiUiu .1. ! c.kclil-.l- ,.n 11. c ' I. Wll. IMIiii- . ' IV. !..r In im Oil I..,:I:S SAND S.U.F. HY VI A llll "I'" I' T "f 'In sui 01 ! r '- 'I .lUii'.y I w .1 .1? l' l-.r i-tti. . hi 't... ,,. ! .r In 1 li -t...i..'. .-ii ilp. i-o.pi M-.Nl" IVi. nil a. to ': I h'l : ! .nk-ii.c 1.. Hi. Ia: I'. : Jl . -I a ml !. u.,- ..., 1: , I III'!. ,li i ivltv " Hi'' ..'t l'- ..' f.-;li . j..!Ullii! Itlf l.ll.'.n "I !:. M Il.Ill,-. A on ii..-! "il.- ?. ti-r.i . i f-al.-. . . -.1 'Im- I'.'-t iu Li.'i ' t '.'I h : ..i : 1. w. .tiisl, c.nin.l Alur Ii 1. I..-..4. K"li!';.( i in- "l .: i.N" . 1'iW j b-tiiH a. '' in 1 ii"! .. in Oi" rtHi'-- I'M ti I iiiiv ..r m iu 11. i-.'i. I . -1 . 1 ! In HO 11 l IJ III 'III' I lll'lr. " II iiei t.'.tr I. wi.lilc, I hmi y mu le 1.. .-ai.i m .1 -en.- MCI HI-.li-ON Jl W 1. 1 t ui i.-r I.. V.Af II. I.. Xll.,riiHV. ii.'i'.i: 1. 1 IMPORTANT SALE! ,;T T(rI. .,, Hll , .la, . ,h : rh"t'I",,,l' " ",',' ".,'n '.n en J.T.'.i w i..i- n.T'i!ii lrt.'.t'ri!!i'.t!r: ! J1 .."Vj' hu'mp"""'.''"1 aikh, t.'i. imi nmiit.,11 nut ...m m I us f.iv I tviiifliJiiK H'iit in .111 t -fntrtr ti iwtm. ! r" vu?."', 1! attain. u& u 'tr nor hi. it i ill, bfilE IMMI). 1 ,'ity id' ifiiiity wr ! New Ailvci i iii ini'iits. I i j 1 ir.'i ...rin i'!ni....... , 1, .). r.r t 1 0&JSeK - Notnii i. ski '. ' I S-1.C..I i I i '.',',''.'.'1,' !..';. 1' 'v.'i .. .. . I EUiWgWiW IHHJ -.tCi h N .ri.'.K .v " .. t SI.K-r.Y V!K i E2aSZ22BSa rV ' i.r. nii,.i.fiii.,:!;,n WMEi te I St. Marys School Lf MIU.-. ll,v , ; .n .. . .i 1 :o f'.x in I 'i.v w.tv"X i b. L.'l'. 1 I'laiJHfcci. it. I l -' . f. KOYAI.L. !OcK.if.e t'tirrolliiri lintel,) DKALIiliS IN FUh'NITUItE. One of im largest oihl besf Blocks of Frfi mime in Morlb Cafolinij aiut will be sold at us low juices aa can be had auywbef Ail kinds and bIvIch of Furniture. You will save liiofiey by buying from iiif. Kov. 51:!, lS'i:;. J. ,f. Tiio-;;., Prcsi.i.wd. 13. S. Jf.iim.!! Casbierv A:.i. A. TuoMrs-ns, Viei-rrfsidenf, II. V,'. Jacksom, Ass'f Cashier; The i 'umim'rt'Uii and Farmerti' Bttnk Fiiid fp capital $l'JU,00t.i.(l0. Authorized capital SoOO.OOO.OO. directors; , .1 .t Tt,.,, c-- IS. N. Duke. H A. London,- A. F. Vaa6, I j W.We.tt II 15. Uattlo, p'. Ji. Dancoy, T. II. Drigg's, J. I!, li-li, A. A. TI101111 011, Acc.iiml:! of Farmers, lianks, Corporations, Adiaiui.'dialors And Indi viduals solicit 1 il on favorable terms. SPF.CIAD ATI' FN 1'ION given to accounts of Ooui.lry Merchauls and individual1'.. rvTi.x.-tr 9 ih-atrr oiipi) w. r lunii,4 sli'ji-i :l ri roiliii't'il ru . or na.vft In-Ici4lii..in ilihi)iit iiiiiim Miuiipi'il 1111 lietlo.ti, :ut ll.ui ilotvu un u ti and. Um Vt L. POUGLAS S3 SHOE BEST IN THt WORLD. , !.. purr;; .1.1.I i:i.! bx . .1 Hi, 1 .1: . :nt.i ,,l. 1 ' .mil pi ice " : ..nr Ui'.l nirii.i:i.: i'l VV. I., llmij.:..-' . I..11..1111, v. lii. h cuaniliU'i ut-! -i ( I d-)l;:irs nnm.iiPv r.l. I - -1. - v.hn h tl'v- ..I l.v ! :, Im r'i .f l I.. I'.il Li ! : -.: 1. .-1 . Aildirf. Lion. Mhki-. b-.!d hr V. i..i)Jl i:L.VS, I W. L. LONDON & SON, riltslioro'. N. C. (S58 1J --t 41 U"U. lt ln 4inlT'(t t.y ati l tb nw Oi "l lt"U A i p T i I li rttn'U. I is 'ft- linn Pm .'y. . ?we5 SB l'M"W : 111 m i ,1 in 11 m tQgyy iwi ii'iornci- . n. -1 '" OZBESggfoi. fc- ! Sn s . 1 ' i 1 1 -1 ':o. N .' S3w vmm iiouu,'! ;,! ii..- tnnnrKnpH " il'i-"1 ih,. i..it.v 1.1..1 RaWS.. 4. J iv .,. .'.;.... 1 v r 1 e.. ii'Mi.i.'i u... ... r- .,t , ,, ...,,;, - . . 1 li ; r -lei "4lZt&iZ&r' I'....i..i I: V. . S , . i I St4" e. : "''"' 1 w. l. I.TI r. orelfass iuu I rytfyw1iiJiri 'pur I irru if!ii . thi; m t si.coSi 1 f , s. i"..i Vr w'll Ifi.f - i hTgH ' iliii.un.-v -.'."Jt!!, IMtl. I , sc.imI 'iniii'u fit '' 1 i-n il I'trtism 4 '.l .Mri.' A ! lrn 1 i 't sili.rl.'r r. nr , .... ... .....'"" -" 4, t ii'um Aon. k ii.-w I iav. n, HKitiiUj t, , I .l I,,... ... I T HI, I- l-. !. h""l.. ' ,''"u' ' I..I-I - "Kit'. f ,:! -I.', e It.lc ' - - V ilt-.1l IS- f.lfE """ ' ' I ...-..;;;,-..'..'.. , jol;inni' s CiSSCLtiTION. i. t. BOftbKS. Ashley lioi tu-, J' rod. 1'UitipB, H. li. Honey, John W. HootU J. N. Uolding. :o:- FIttKl HUE!! YOUR PROPERTY IN II IF, 1 1 m mm i This in a iionie coiiipnii' and de 1 .serves tho patiou-'ga of all Norfh ('aroliuiaus. It was orgiiui.'.i u in 1K(!K mid ha ; paid over half a million dollars id losses and lliete is not one cobtested ' claim aguinst it ! All losses paid promptly. Every ' prudent man ought to insure hit property. For terms, Ac, apply to H. A. LONDON, AGENT. V. S. riUMKOSE, President. January U, IWi I THEBES Wi- ti ri 1 1 1 S i I -1 1 ) i llnd sumo 1111 inakt r-, "r their wiig.nis wliicli ami' or :m good -.'I'll j 'II h HIS v. .'i .;iui agi'tiis. iiro .- !iin llicv cliiini iiv i t.' a. o il's. licciiusi- tlic:-!' :ili' ililTciellt facto riis cIom' tiiocllu r is no re; s in tliPV O.lld make i:i: : rii in." (ilality if work than any t u i factory iu this o.iuty :m'I if yo i want tin- In-t, si t i. it it luMr- tin o.imi' "I'.I. I. Nissflif a id do lint be tl i-civnl by iiliyotio living tlieirs i- :i- :;"'oi!. V'c usetliO !o-t p'idi'ri-i!. ! -est m oi ;iiH tij and iinisli all our work by Iiaiid. And giiantitvo i vci v wa-i'ii to pivP jr i"t siili:-i';:c!'-' '. 'I'u meet tl.oscar- i.iv c iitst t-cdiicn if t v a 0 ' 111: ill!, W. 1. 1 I.O ,l'l N to c. W; ll'tltttld IM. A; I "0.4 K.ilM. N. (J. C. F. & y. V. IUILWAY, Coiider.HOit flipditle. In ch'cct Hifi-ml 11 :t.d. ll.'I. !Hli V I '.' ! i'i' .'.CNll.iV. Nil. I. Villi . I'ltfcsPlwf !nV9. r.,.i n uln.tiinr-' I. lull fi-r nil i-lm ..f r;.,.-rj M SiihT' T'l Till .lll l Sulllll '! HI- tirii"li. ft - i un I. mirl At i . - .1 li. It. for ? I ui 1.l Is- Il : H ii r iinis'keaml M'.'i-I' Nr? a I:. ii- o.t with lt! I: .ti r;rHli't nil (M.ttl S ' .'i- i....' wltll Un- Kl-li-Mil hii.I S"tih linuDtlr ...ii"4i- I A'.r I lull I'.r i j.,ilms N.irili nni iii'i in n wlilt ihk i I'. I'l' .f 'titllls, SU't :i -iTvr-is nt Mux p i'f ri'rl'.n,' At "' ' -n i f". u 1 1.- t ! " k ii. jim t: 1 i.ii-l li.' .11 'h . '- 'ii- rKI.f lit 'lr"ft I'l iiun .. 'trm", 1 --il ri 'Ar li i .iall H.l.'M.'n. t i-V Ci.-li' I.. '!--,' r. Itl lliJHhm I -iiimt. -o I-" i l'H'T, S. ii h rty r.( tirel' , ISH. 't" -ml i- fi ;n ... in. ri. jjf, ciaialt tug t' a- ri-s. ftrd b.i ib inuii '4 a lrtMHi'ln'hwi I. M. i lUli t-IMI7 !, IV. T 11S p. m; 4 45 5 IJ ' 3 IS ' Iiv9 11.4.1 ' 1 n in'. fn"T'- i.i-