IKl KMIA V, a AU( H 22. 1S!U. LOCAX. iiCCHS. Acid Phosphate SI. CO a hack at O. S. Poe & Son". Ono pair of good mules a ml a Nis sun wagon fur salt by li. Nooo, Jr- A lot of coffins walnut, oak and pine for Hale cheap, by B. .Noue, Jr. - This being tbo lime ot the ver T al ( tjuinox. bail Weather may be Oi'pCCltd. A small lot of .Spring tii rliiinif nt 7$ cunls a ynnJ, received tins week, O, S. Poe A: Son's.. Tbo town commissioner have ordered a new registration lor the municipal olection on the first .Mon day in .May. O. S. Poe& Son expect to display an unusually lare and varied stuck this senson. Frank (J. Pee will go Jiiil'tll UcXt week. from every town ami i viuroau Biauon in uhs t-ouiiiy itfjt-n n. r i Ouirts, first elected under ihu tut d.oiy hauling tbo odorous teiu.i.er, (.()nij,itu,j()1, v.hU.h u.:j.e u )i( ami many a l:.rm is covciod Willi a lllltii ,(:K(, j Ar.d be nort--e to py lor it. j the. way the oi l .1 u-l-e' death v. a- .... . ' , ' eai!i hv n most lieeli'iar cir li!o- 1 ho urst three weeks d !iil.. . ,. . ' ., r. . . , . ,. I stuncu. as punbslu'd ivi I in hi i-i'.o- Mniv i li v.. h.ki. ii un it ii ii 1 1 i i l r r in ' 1 .. . ... f , ' that vegetation la imw anuost a vegetation month in udvanco f what it gener ally is at this season ot ll.o year. Syrup 20 and cents a galh n. ! .ir..,. -o ..,! u ,...!..,. I . ..m, tomatoes SI n Oozeii, Severn mills Hour 5'3.":il a barrel, F. F. plows 82 faeh. bacon M c-eiils a jioiiud at . is. Poo it Son's. . Wo take pleasure in calling aU tcnlioii to the "ad." of that enter- I'rimiig firm, Wo illcott Sou, who bave received their new block ol fairing goivls, in which they are! uttering great bargains. V. 11. l-Mwards, dentist, will Uit Hyiiuui on .Monilay and Tu-.-s-lar, and P;tlshoro' on Wednesday, Thursday ami Friday, l.iihiwiug the thud Sunday ot eacli monlh, pre pared to b all kin ! of dental work Faster .Monday is always a boli day in tbis section, and the youm lo,Us enicv il with nicni. s ami li.-h- ing (roues. We bopa the weather Will bo favorable, on next Monday, and our youiiir Irieuds all have a iiighllul day tishingaml frolicking. Umiicmber ibis is your last week to buy ready mad.' clothing at cost Iriini . I. London iX :i. They have on hand a large slock of plow, and j low points. Would tall the Mltenlioii ol Uie ladies to their sto- k ol II. & (J. coi.ioU for ladies ami misses. Sweet Potatoes for bedding, fine Orleans MoI;.-css, KU-l-i Mo lasi-s 25 cents, h -s hv (he bairel. ".i!l'ee, 2'l cents per it. t extra tine Fiour, go-id Flour "'. 7." per I:arrel : l..k, F. Friend and tieorgin floi ks plows, plow castings: all al lfyiiiim iV llcaden s. Mr. A. F. Cu e has Irjou appoint. I ed postmaster i u place of Mr, A. J. llb'.'sbee. deceased, and the nauiii ol I tlio otb-e. haH beon changed Ironi Ili-'.'sbeu's St nv to Piggsl.NO, and i the i tlice removed to Mr. l.i.c s res i lei co, about one third ot a mile tlislant froni its lormer looation. The ll.irgiiii Counter having boea so successful, W. L. London ,fc Sou b.ivo decided lo keep il tip one more weuk and will icive boiler bar I'ains than ever. Thev will have on it men's collars, shirts, cravats, gloves, a largo lot ot ladies' gloves, I baiidkerchiel's, ami many other j things. This is your last chance. I I We are pleased to hear from all i jiarts of tho county Hie most eiicoi;r. i aging reports as to tho wheat and oats crops. There is an unusually "good stand" ot both wheat and oats, j and the prospect now is as promts ing as anyone could wish lor. Hood crop ol wheat and oats this year will b a great help to our county. In January ol last year Mr. W. J. (uiicUcnb'lsli.oi 1 1 ai ley township, insured his dwelling and furniture lor !?1(M)0, and in January ol this year, only ft lew days before the policy would expire, his dwelling was burned. Tho proofs ot loss were forwarded, last week, lo the company (the North Carolina Home, ol llsl eigh) and on the c.7 ilmj a check i was suit hero to .Mr. (uackenbnsh I lor thu amount du.) him, although according lo die terms ol mo pulley th.) company could have waited sixly days longer. Pehs inai. 1 ik.ms. lr. llaiighton Ihrio has returned homo, allerspetid ing tho past five months at Haiti more attonding a dental college. Mr. James S. McClenahan has re ceived an appointment as a stenog rapher ami copyist iu tho Interior Department, al "Washington, with a salary ol 872!) a year. Miss Lucy London will come homo today from St. Mary 'a school to spend the Faster holidays, and will be accompanied by her hchoolmatos, Misses Carey Davis and Mary Cal der, of Wilmington, and MUs Mamie IJrown, ot Sowanee, Tennessee. Mr. Fred. C. Williams, from Trin . ity College, and Mr. Frank M. Lon don, from the Universit-, will spend Easter at homo and will be aecoin companied by scvral ol their col lege tnatvs. Mises Kmma Taylor and Mary Dttiiaon, ol I'aleigh, wiil spend Faster here with Mrs. Fanny T. Taylor. Mr. li. C. Cotton, who wasappoint- i a governnient ganger and store keeper sometime ago, has neon us igned to duty at a distillery ncar.uj hi.n out tf Mm cliureb. .'iouie t k.. .. .. 1 .. I I .. H..,.t ...... .. I ' 1... ... 1 1 I - JJuun, iu Ilaruwtt comity T.NTrr.FsTiNc Ou Pi'ic'c Our vc n : arable townsman, .1. J. ae!oii, K-ij , 'ha." quite a larn M. I interesting uui i book. It contains over T'.'H pa;:cs ' and is a compilation ot the laws ! jtliis State made in l''.'I ly the Hon. James I rode!!, at that lime an asso- ciiile Jasiico of tbo snircmc court ol the 1'iiitcd Slates. Jt is (piito n quaint old volniuo, printed in the oid style, iili the old fashioned .....l ......' i : ...... i.c.1. n .-i-i, noun "vsl!' - r.irig with a capital. It begins .villi the niihiieali.n. nl I l.o ' -Sec.-itil i-.. i- . i I.-:.... -i .... 11 Tn Thrt PrnltlMi'l ir nf ( -lr.iii tin'', m u-A on the last pao is an "Act to null, or j nmti tlif v'turu uut i tf good as tlios izo UoM-y Kaiai.uol l.uitcrloii toll hat lurii biiii out. Jf wo will p;av raiee, bv way ot loilerv, a sum sullie , nunc and live liht we wou't want, to lent to enable him to Win:; into tiiis; nun anv urn out State IiiiviiTicrs wlio arc HrliviiiM in varioim bram ii. s .il Iniii-.ecs." rourso most ot the laws eontaim-d in this uucietil voh-.ine are now ob-o- leto, but still they are oiiitu intrtest ini; momentofs of tin.' nidiMi time and thoir perusal art'.irds mueh jiloasurel to ftny ono of a:i anl.'UKrian turn nr.mi. Tli i rr.ro o!l book first be!'nd to Mr. Jackson' iival-ramlta her. the Hon. Samuel Spencer, ot A iihhi countv, who iu 1177 i'.as chosen one , j,,.!,, ,,( li,0 s,, ; villo ,.t:. ,V in 1 7' t, as b'ii iws .... . ' .. . iu ii m'.'.iii uil liie 1 1 - ii . l I wuli a ret ci'p on i.is l-.ea.t, wlieti I alWaete,! the alleiition ot a lar;;. turkey 'ohlikr. l"no iud'e beini! i oegau in ii"o , uie uii Key ! ii.iii:ikii!ir the nod-hiv : he re. i J cap lor a chaliei.je lo battle, ma !e .- ' violent and uiicpi-,-;e I an '.tt;.,-k on jhis l.'unor, thai l-o was I l-rown nut id his cliair oil the flour, and la fore i.t) couM jet any K-ois'.ani-e. so heat and biuiM-d bun thai he died in a lev Un s. P.-r i! - li Iti'.'l'.tt'.oiid ii;niihli:!i.'s. l.'li'li.Mo.Mi, N. C., Male 11 Ji, 1 Tlio air is bihiy pcrttl niei, thf lre ij'iaiit i'.n nl tertili.ei are being nai. JUd bore now. We are having lino ! !i.g w. HI with i I bat illn.-r pist now. The iro:-ji,;ct for a gn:d wheat and al crop is the n.ost jiio;niin;; that has Ikcii ! :r sevei-al y ears. Oiir tanners : niaki.,;; Sine head i way in jo ep.iri -ig lln.ii i crop. I 'urn planting w i l.'iinis lor a i commence this week. The propi-cl for p. goo ! j:-;iit trop is quite ii-illerilitr. Mr. it. F. Morris's littl-Mbiughler. who has not been e.pccte I ti li. witii Ion. a ;. oni.i, i- mm ii l i-licr. J. V. . .'-.,;-i-, I . 'il llll.-.-KU.O. . will bin i i-i'iil here ;.,-.'..v, m-iu o . I'artlcs having b.-en ai r--U- 1 h inking ai. i handling "blind iige:' As low calncr coniiMii.- veiv warm w.i advise "ibil D.U t in hi.j bbouis w iiolo. W. M. ally aid liii.ill- I:,:-; jv,, Kill' "i FJchuo':: !, wo Vwi v n ji glet I i s-.-e iiiov ing ;;c-iu i. ri n i-i, toe. n tod.i y, 'n't e-,- i.-n, reoi ! r.t' ( -! ,i :.!,' o :; c i .m lulale lin i good lu'iiii'e set ll.i a oioi U, cm. ! i l'. Ki! WOijid !.! J ! - I n-iiiv pen P','""s n.t Ironi "oorl l.iuk . ! Vt inter Oats iv Co . but ue think il j they would givo ail ihe ti lea ni m;s 1 'rom their Iowa that limy w.li nred i"-mii. as wo iion t see that tiny gii't any account ol t no big auction s,i,. j s U-ii l ave h disagieeabin babit of that is to coin-.) :) ihero on the 2-Jrd (doing oce-isionasv ; would not the ami i'lih ol Mar.-h at ihe A ilia m-c j r.un'.rl, that y'o.ir il.i u-htir held store, liu.'ks they have mil learned j m her I'nr ham's a shield ami sword tho signs and pan--; words yet, orjwilb which to protect heiseif aid they h:iTu b-.'en loo busy alteii-ling 1 i.,.,.n ihy gi uu fnes Want and Pislrtss tlio Populist elu'u mceiiiigrt o ei ai ' :,t a ih.-.taiico prove a comfoit, ami (hiionvnlo. j hlcseiug. i. .A Oilly to In t. but to your Jew Coifgin, who l::i"bi-tr.iti:rned .-!!- It ii line that all -or Iroin ihe .urili is now r. ceivini: an I opening Ins new Sj,ring slock o: goods. We highly cr.r.grat ulate Mr. and Mrs. 1. S. ibibbs with th.nr nice present that lln-y huve ju.-t n.-ccived It's a boy. :lc. M. Morris, ib p it agenl, wo regret to learn i eonlincd to his room, ijuile s.e!-: villi pneumonia. llojte I ie may roi oTi'i soon. Lo.Stl SlIAXiiS. I " llm IlKCOUti. Letter Front So;i!i ( aioiu.ii. Asnr.Ksos, S. C, March 17,l".'l. Fii!i..ii Ilvi -. a."-. : I will give you a little liev.a. hoy iliingti a: a g-'ilmg on here. This p.ijrh- are chang i.iblo. lbey gel, high up in a litics then they get"!" on M.nidhirg i They nie great for Laving fun. as they eal' it. A merchant lni-1 a wooden man in bis dole ami put on it a v.vt oi eloihes, thai bis cii.-toii: rs aiight sec how lbey t':!, und it got its l.f.il broke off and tin n the merchant seal it to a slii'p to have il Inc. I back, and s uae i-l the men, that bad noth ing to do, ban) that a man bud fallen off of Ihe bi n!ge and bri !;e bis neck and bad all tlio town going io t-fe it they knew him, but none of i hem know him, still they tboii-hl il was a mai. sure enough it v bad found, so Ihe;. could not tell who it was, but I her bent after the coroner. An old man told me bu w ill to see him. 1 did iii.t see him. 1 bad lint gono up th street. 1 voiiid have Men him. 1 ii-ld Ihem I did no! tbii k i. was light to mate fun that way, but every m m's mouth Leio is nut a pmyer book. I tell you some people aic in tho world A man went to tho p .-l oliice and ai-ked if tbeie vmis a letter for him The posliuasli r a-k d him his i ino and the man had f.iigolleu his imvii umue. and going our, vithont gdling bis lelt'f met some ore on the sircet who spoke to Lira, cubing bini by his name, v.'heu be t.,iid now, I will go back and gi t my hitler. j An old pieaeber cama to town last huuuuei- ami when he ueiit ba.'k home be said ho saw ibeiu making ice, "Wnd lbey told bim ho wan not telling the piiin ami iney luoi lum up ami turn ; ,a.Oplo oau'l 4'j')V)snad hy-.y it taU b pist-lble that ico rau b-3 made in In t wwiiiaf. Some people cm c ibo mole tLat is in Ins brothi i' eye, b '. cannot ste the bc.im liiut is i;i i.-s uwii t-ye. I don't beiiorc iu luriiiii;,' pi-oplo out ot church, v.o how. It I hev have faults toll them of llicir favtlt aud try to love theui biifii ami ' tell tbnu that you lovo tLt-m aul : want tbeiu to be a good man or jood , woman, if 1 o or t-tie was not bul'oie. i it t .i I..,- . - - " "-" y uu1. ; 1 here is nothing like Christ buving a : 1 ii:.iii m. in tho .-hoi.-!, fiii.l lriiuri I l ...... i .:..i. : "... . . i :i i..tii- s m wcilin;; as lb.it, for tko : We r.vt liiivinc film Kfntbpr li.'ii-p tltliiMW. Soinu i.e-'.t.lo art. nlHiitiii! corn ami nnLictr evt-i vthiuu- ri'.ht rIoiil' iu the way of fai uiinS, bin they iv i;oing to plant luoic c:ltou tLii yeai tlnn last year, so they Bay. 'i'hi-y aie goin(; to have an pvsnjp' oi;i preachd bcie, ami they are blading j ,ui Ih-j way tor nini. Jio biailfi ln meeting next week in the i'autist I clilieh : it is n fine chmcb ; it will licdd liftecn huiubed people. Host i,i!l of tbr.i in this town "o lo chureb siinie-.vlit re if they uie not too old. IVivv has a tine c.'i i'ici''i;i-.in nt bis .lid: . ";- They kenl for hint to P i-c i i.-t Sunday to preach to tl. students 1 liii u. II. CI. Iii'!'-A.i;s. A Pounding. On Tuesday niirht of last week the p iople ol I'.tishoro (a crowd of men, ! women and chiWren) made Hie par I'niiaje an unexpecled but very ; a ;ii cabin visit, each leaving a m: ii j tauti.'il token of kindness mrny nice things lor our table ;inJ culinary I d-iarii!nj-.it. Their viiit was whoily unexpected j by as, ii ml though they wei very violvnt yet the violence was protit able, aint we raised no objection ami decided Jo cuuinit. All thai thoy i nrouglit us in tlio potiniriii whs uwe ' la!, and thwretoru was doubly a-pro ! dated. j .May the betn.wiclion of heaven rest upon these who so kindly re--muu.beiC'l us. C. V. Uoni.wsox. Pillsboro, V.t March P.i, A Pie it For The (iii!s. I n in Ii. n:ri i a'.'s M,i; iz'n.' t'-i' At rll. i'ai '(;.: e . iv- y.nii oaoglil' ina Irailc or pio;c.-:-ion. Yes. my dear, boiri iieil looking nnnijin. ami you, too, my dear mr, raising your cyntiruv.'s in p -nto coiuleiunal ion fit fight of the homely word, I repeat il most u nbnlh -iliv, give tnem a tlaoa. No unit ier what it io long as it viii I ill II 11 g-::j . k-liir-'it iivillgf-)!' till-Ill u. i-n.' they elioal 1 i t r need it ; ami : veil i!' Ihev b!:.iiihl not need ii. t lu i e.ill'.- 01 : ll and iliat eonies wish it is v Vy r'ati.-f.n toi y. ! .'ami not to be attain' ii in any other s way whiiti vcr. " 'I!ul." I beir you siv, 'what does '.V o.u'litcr reel if a tr.tile; I .-i-I he not everything llm' sho can n,s- ecioeb l:or: ,b!v wish f i. ? And. lif s un,l.lv. i,,..,.. i 1 girls miurv: she will jiiobably b a.". :,iep:io;: :. j ii.u. What n ei! tl.eiiloie. Ii..t s'.e tieilblc li'.-lsflf n io wcya .-.ml I.:, a, i.t ? ' Is'o.v :-:h !i h'gic is all well eiii-)in;l foi snii.-i. ,md no doubt many are eon lent to i- i il go at I hat ; tint il.o nve , ,l;;e eii i'.s pri i rebels at tho ido i of beingiii-pemleu!. Thell. loo. Silp!-ie '. cur r.ciins KiioMiil take wm;r, as nearly all !:i:L ui nry; ami Id me tell von. light bi le, thai then is Ihe : :nio, ot ai when a giri I'.ngs I for a few dollars of h-.:r very own, that .-lie may a Id a few stiaws to Ihe home iiesr t,,i.t is to be hers, and led ;; c ro is IllbtO ici- her own judgment am!jti,0 ,,,., , si,,.,, u so doing. No on.) eeeil .,,,.i v ,,'u-i,, ,.,,,i; .c t,,.,i-.i. i.,. .. I those who have xpern n.-ed ir know what a humiliating feeling possesses oik wl.o has lo stand idle while lint belongings are bought for bw wit tj money tiiat soim body else has earned and on us. -.--- iiiHt'd by Liglittiing. LAWisr.MKyti.il-:, (Ja, March il One ol tho mesl shocking caMiai tics that has oc uiti J in this cmnity lor many years happened Friday night lit tiie homo ot Mr. John John son, about lour miles from here. While the bimily wore gathered to gidhcr at supper lime u storm came up ami the lightning struck the house and kiilud Uvu nl its ir. males Mr. J.-ihnson's wile and his ti year old son. ami knocking M r. Jolin.-on i s.mseiess !nr moi'o than an hour. Mrs. Johnson and her little boy were killed instantly. Al the lime the lightning struck Mrs. Johnson Bho had a young baby in her arms. 1'uo light niug knocked the baby out ot l.er arms, but Uui it no Kri.uis M a,.,.,,,,,,,,,;,.,! ,v an excellent r.n injury, except Irom the lall lo thcl,:,.,, diows the ' locat i.n of m'I I'm-lloo.-. Tne little Imy was dandint' ! j,np,.,lint irou ()l0 pt.,Js U. ,Sl,i;,. in mo emu . ol me mom, ami wnei. , the iii'ht niiii,' struck him it sent 1. 1111 reeling into tbe lire and ho w asham ed considerabiy about the ln-ad and shou'ders. Tne lightning bnrsled his .-din!!. Mr. Jobnion was sitting iu the trort door when thu lightning struck the house. It tore his shoes leaving nothing but the so'.e:i ol his shoes oil his leel, and split his toe vide open, llow he ercapeil alter such a simck is miraculous. I f ercy ' Killed at root it, ill. NviiMi.i r, Tknv. March 17 1': tu-blood, a foui ifcii year old t-oii ol j. lames Ti inblooil, a pi oniinent c.tlzen j of t 'battiin-iogi., this morning of l inj.uies r.:ei ivr-d yesterday afternoon ! from playing foul bad. An alitago- n'st knee strii. k bnu m (lie j.'Ui.n, ciusing a rupture. lie hii lit ltd ins . .. ... , 1 VbUBti aoi.y for twe-iv bouia. StatO IJews. llo.-kiiighau: l!orki : I:i c iiv i s.-i- lioD with a proruinutit farmer of (his comitv the ot.ln.-r uav ho icmaikod that the prospect for a huge mjhII grain crop nmi bttlcr linn be had ever known In-fore, ami that mmii acres wen- given to these i rops and less tv ill !il 1 if rr nil t f I 1 1 : ; i n! 1 . i u i-tfin ' luau had been utven since the war. ' cW EcriiO .loill !:::! : The bold i fishermen of M..lthe !.! :.l:d l!(!inf:i! t . P'"" "oi.,er J..r9, of ,!lf!"! usmisler Ii -Ii v.c.-iu KigUle.lj , ,vu 'hitmen nt .use" m pui suit ', , Wlllj a '' r't' them ; i n cnthnian by the name oi v nein;; Hie oiih to bro Hie : PWeewlul lotul. The. hu?o disi.Mi I i or of ,h(' d(, 'C ikcj'suivcI 4.1 f,.tt lotijat th, j l,aJ vi'-hbul a lat fje tiuantity of oil to "ie capt0,'S- CodcoivI Times: rer'iiipstbfriih- e:-t prospect for ' fou'.nl in j Koith (.'nrr-lina Las j'ust bf i ill ni.l.l enni.tv r V'.. .,:' line. Tb vei.i" is the s;i.,, M Stewart loino in that vieii.it v. which .... 1 j which hns never vet iuilv il ve'o'wl. riiougli (bo properly is mvned b uniu in Cabarrus c-ii'iiiv. it is l-.i-in,- ! opeimj by an expert mii.er from Mn iaDii. v. mi i-avs tin: v-i: is exei c.iiiig ly rich. Fayctleviiio Otwci ver: Wtw.lav evening about I V-. o'clock, yardll -n-diictor, Mr. .ieriv l.'.ibtuts, of the (v ip'i Fear ; Vadliiu Valley railro-id. was run over by a shilling train tun! horribly wangled, about a hundred yards bnlow the fri i;d,t dopot. l.'ob oris had ju-.t cut ori'sonm treiglit ear. from the tiain, i.ml signalled li- i"; giueer to go aliev.l. wbieii was iloiie. and w,-.s standing r.'.i llio Ir.n-k talking to some one. win n by foun mistake the engineer bi.-k?.i i is Irwin, knock ing ltoberts ilo-.iii Tiio icar en pa-iseil ov.'!' his body, crushing hi--thigh, ami ii lbeiing severo mtf.rnal iniiiiKi. Mr. Pol vrls win tak!i to bis hnu-. near by. vtliere hm die-l at 1! U:l laat tii.ght. lie h aves a wifoaivl ibreo eliildien. 1. is a v. ry yu.l or eiinemv, ii: b e.l. llilci,'!! e-vs ami Observer: fc.v nights a-o JI:-. I iiali J!.aii( living bix iiiiif s cas' .f this city. l-.'iol a si-vet' So.-s !iy lire, wiiii-il l.- believed to have bevn tri.-e:i.!ir.ry. j Tiio Hlclnes and out houses were i b iriitil and four h-,ise?-. scve i fine ' Jersey i'iiv ui!,i o'.ncr p:ope.ty wt-ii ib'stio;. eii. agie:.'::ii!ig in value about tfo.u'.Ht. Tlii'i'iiiiiv i'ai lies are titnli-r suspieioii anil may l,e e.i i'.'bt. Com missioiier of Ajjnoiii'.ii'e John ilob inmn Pus i teeived a let let from Mr. If. T. Chandler, ol Nebra.-kn, who I'ati-s that hi' intei'-l-i to come to ibis Stiiteand i!:p'ol.i:!,!y -.cttlom Willi s COlll.ty. Jl.i nu s hi: il! id-.iO blil g sever. . I f.imili-.is 1iiii hi: ) who wiii ai so sdlii.. J,.i.ls ran. in g J' nit- Mild otbc- a.'.! iei-.Uui.il prodiie.'s, Mr. i. 'liaudlcr pi 1 1 poses (o Lived slock aul vill tning with him a number el desdal , Fill;. W,h', ire :.nd Frei-eh es and id:-otii:;ei.v.-.l poul- I '. IC. .Hi'. .iOi::.:.!l Aft ley 1 1-:, wiitis ai: o tit it ha 1.. irm in iiu; i.e iviiuiy an! I hot r. ol N-'iv ii b-night a wiii iociile I bc i nc r ii!-; ol' iSoi lii C.n'oiiiiii ll.i;.-l:;i! c -it -i- n..-:i! or l-t.ui-l ..-e oii.-i-rv.-r. Tiia iepoi tnl tin- (-en;. -.i Survey on tho iimi oik: of North I'aiolina is now rtaiy for dislribitt .o i. It is a ne.-,lly printed and fully i Initiated public-ii ion of :;'!') peg-pu, p-epared in ll.o main by As'ddant (;n dogist li. H. C. Nitzo. it contains the re-iilt.-of Ihe x uiiii.aiion ol all the niorni.ii p"!lt.iil iioiiore deposii - Known to occur in iiici Ststo. T'"i rol.d ore i v im'uo.l amoii;:' to (l.i' i't tijn ir iilih'S. (!- I rile.it lb roil;.-i, 2.ie. unities in the centr tl and v.o--tt rn p.-iiio.i:, i f Stat". The ore lienosil i u ed' l.i n.of.f at ... .... . . i " r,, i,,., ..:,,,. . "i. lri t! v.t .lgneiie ami t-pceuiar res of (lia!' viliv comity ; sn-oiid, the 'o:oivn ben at'les ( On- !!:!!. ie. I'.i n'lvon l!,ii ,! j ,,it( (UJl) ')C, ,m.s !,i r ;,., f.,t,,, ,.,.,. lies; nftii, iiiagnelito ores of A.-die, M ilchell ami Madisni eouut ie : si'.t',. Iil l'wn hen. at lie ores of we: tern M idi s.'ii Mid CbercKt" e-.iint'e-. F, vien uivc deposits of ii iiii ore are ies.-i ii:i u in each ol tbii," an. I in oiner lesa ex tei.:eve f.vr ns. Cone' iinsig i'negeuci al lb-it i. ; niei:' of our mm .-ml p,o pel I ;i s t he i . ooi t (iays : "P., fore I i:i war tho S.-uihcin people w.-ie en glossed not " uiiicii wnii the I'- 'nn t.tctme o! pig iron .!u;i li.ey n-iihi gt.t it elsowin ie, ;n Ihe i.:!livi ll.'ll of eiltloe, loorii-eo. Mi . to which both suit arid liii-,r nalili'liy auiiph'd. After ll.o oar a p rind d r consirueiion si I m : loilav the co..i-- (, v is again on a linn brtsin and the people aie looking lo the dew !-.pinrv I of their mineral and maniil-ieiur g rr-sourees. ' 'I ho lepoit is s-iiii I.-, cniiipeient t'lilins !a lin en' cf pi t- ii value, and one wijieli relied cicot mi the sm ve and on tlie S.aie. I porsnus desiring copies of tho r.-i..r; can obtain lijeiu lie" of charge by up pUieg to Hie rn.itd tfi'oioisi ar 1 1 if -cigL, ericlosi.ig li; c.'uta lor j ostigr. Sntpt Ava b. .1 Siiun-SLd.'. Sr.vrri k, Wa h., March PJ--A re porl was recci vt 1 here last ni'ht I hal llm (rfeat - or! In-rti treii.-lit tram w'nieh let! Shobomi-ih on Sat.rr.lay nijjht wasati in k by a sn.iw slide near lohomish and swept over an cm liaukmnnt l.'iU leel liilt. Six on were said In have perished. The train was r.'iiorted to have been buried out nt sii-.ht iii the valley. The Supifiii" t'ouit of tbis Sia'e ;as decided that any lowu or city has t liiiL lo pass an ordinance ruiikir.g it piiniwiuiblo for anv unmanud per- :.oo under twenty iitie years of au lo . . eutir a bar t jottr. Mr. CLia--. M. Buhb o hm he-en nL -' pointed j.Ksim.ts'.ti at i:.ii.-i;:a. Senator (.'o'ljuilt, ol ,e. ny'ia, hns ; a!;itiii l,i on fcti u Ucu w ith j.anilvhis, ' tins time in his throat, and his cuii-' liiiioii is serious. j I!f. l .liuioiro has cra-ed t ', iotei -est fureiii countries and their war ships aiM all withdrawn. Yellow f'.'Vf r continues opidor.iio. Tl:r I own of Ooltnwab, James coun ty, I'onncf-S' o, TVi att ii-ked by a Trtiiff ol loir-. Mrs iHrt. FliilrtV lii''ht ai'd " , , r" " T bra, .:,!v;-i- 'onirui'd llrvan, i-f Ne hjis ii'btad to tin riiTsiiual persuasion o: i'rol. I lias. I'. .Ii Ivor, and agrees toaddresM tbe fi'reoiisb.i.i 1 email-1 n-1 est rial ami IV. irm.il School in meiiceiiicnl in May. An Old Story. I.uok at a banian biin;.; v.hc.i under the inllucme.' of that terrible torture, iheuiiatim. Trivial symptoms were iiej.;!.rle 1. uu- U' 1 I Ci..iU Off .m i:r iUllllUlC I. 1 whereas ail the long sufl'ei in- Could ' w po-xeniro uy promptly u ii" vatior nTr ?mm ' 9 y&h. Q'g 1, 111 1 00! OF PITKBOEO. K. C, Res 5312 V S(- ft (iiM'sbvMailaaiul nail thunk ym a 2 call vli4i rosi arc in Kalci.i. THOG. C. DMSGN, : iikkss i.tioas i:;i'o;riKAT, I W. II. ; . s. 1 i i'KI 1, . . i . j IUI.l-.li.il, N. i . i Oil. Pi ii' '2., cts. -f -,ui i R- .i vzcjs : S!'i-;t'tL ! CI' .-. .! .',. I-, .m.l IL-,-.. n,-" -.! ''"'''' ''"- ! :i,-r. -Liu . a .rj.- f.-,n i ..:;'r liar. j - " " I ! .t -J id'..- i ft do-iVp r.,v..rsi W. I.. 1 PIH fi t i vi.ll.M- -ill -(:..- i !h-ir.-i -i.:.il D.-u.-l-.H i, r.ilu. nl in-1.-.'. or ! Jt I i ' ''I - I I-. .'"..-.-.:...' ' . I I"- I- -I.-:,. v.lh.-..n- ee.:e --c.'l'.-.l .111 I a IW -. o,.. . ill.) ','IU.Ux, ',, .11. L'-.i.A l'-'l'.-.:.. I.t ?J:t.l ilo'.'U IIS I". :.ill.l. ! I v'' ' rc I ! .'.en Aut i i l ist iiii iils. b'' ... A jr-Jtf i i . ; l . - i.-rj . i.'. i'-1" nT i l.i-,'iiiiiii.-r.r :..., .l iiu' :. ,r :l j - ? - ; -s ft ft j -r.-.-'.. n r. i:i.,ii-i ..ii o ';-..r i 'j ' ''.f' " n ill I i: i i. ir ll.i- el.-.-.i..-., i i ! h. : I .:i ; ; I -r. - r- :.:-iS; . ,Sv:OiJB PRO '!.r .!-. j.t..-.i-l.t.s tua m I MimiUay f. y fi A Sf-yZ ' . ..'.i.-. ..;-. v..a. ii..4Nhs. , l- My3 ; J THFi j sir -.iv. '..-. j:iyi:r..r. p r ' ;; :X ''St? ! A DM IMS 1'H V'J'OKS N't) I U -l'. .--?'.:. u'-. N f.v'i-;-... . ... , wfB V. II. i-l.-il. iliiva-t l, 1 In i-.-i 5 ii .l:: .el ,, r- .1,- - V - " - iU tit UlJiti h. .-l-ii-es e.K i.-l -Hi 'I'- -.1":.: 1" sh.-U . . " : ' 1 --..,11. i.;.:i.,'ii i...r,-.ii- I v.i; h. r5 f re j ii--- .a .11.1 iii.s.-.iA.'. A .S ? F 5 AO ! j snir. -.2. Ik4. ! W a tj-7 5! io? h' "' A QuSAlZb I ! v;-;- :7"T;., , ..i ffA (ZZJfXiZ .tsrtN ' ;:,'.!-.' K, t A t i. i . MA tj' .),.- VJi SWU THE WORLD. i il'llv-l .us 11 . l-.'l- I ,V! 1- .1 V. . I.. !U'l;:. S S' :! li-e, i-.-v t:-- I A , !i 1 : . ih .'i.t,' a-.ei.t.', :-:u , -i. :. :r . . 1 .(. 1 ' : - : .-.....-: 1 p , 1 . i , ; ; 1 !i-sr. Ni-- r 1 li... r 1,1 lie ii'.'4'' . , Ii . A i..:,.:.i, I... ... . '. il - -' v'. I., i" n;-'.: ' j. .. 1 r 1. : r :l,f '.-.ii.l ilnv ! '.in' -.'. I- ... ' 1 :. j' :.p .,: ! ,-t, '-i h t :e,l, . j. j ji .1 1, .-j Liam i.i. 1. i.i.,..:-i.i:. ...;.-! e. -.e..(- - .,;,.:: , 1 mpm 0'' j () W. L. LOriOM & SCH, ! ICKKAT IJARO'ATXS TIE BEST MME I mzzm I N?iflm7 if-. f r r .-i n I 1 v - - 1 1 a '.nls. arc .-.-il j complete ana h7 ' :l"'v ',:,i'n i 13 T I-I E F I l-l ECT 3 ; ". ,1" IV G" liii1 0 CVCr L&&el8Zzg . ' l.oiihl make ln.nJ S3 rT I work lliin itny .aced on ; u;: 1 c 'i VtA2 i . 1 a l 1 1 1 1 .. : 1 1 : 1 1 ' . 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 I r .Hid ,!.. ,,,t !-,, ! t (f( Yar.Ii nicaebo.l ,l)!ice!iii-r. ft.aflWWiWW bwrw.Sw."lru A .-a V ill ' 1 1 lei I - i.- :1 -. n I M)J two ami half yards wid gfBSMfiaaaa F?j i 1 o-t ".o.-itcri I'.j.'i :i!'''i' '' 'l omnfii J22 fP6 ;,.-ii.-uaiilcc i ci vv I yards wide, i : cent s a ar. i s&fF< ; le.'t .-atisl':;.'-io : VJfi r J I fATT 6 CftjJ ; city of i,,o ie,-, v K,!iif II ! hi Ma MxSX'3SSI& L J J .tuopr.ee. KALMKill, N. C, g ' i ,.,!! ,... vy. I M.ircb :12. is!) I. sr&ZK7?!?l r,-r-. : Sun. i'ilt-i !". N. ( '. 1 !.-! i. a. a ..11 Jin-. .1, i-.'i, 1 ) r 1 1. 1 .-.vi-iH -rgiV'MaSiifflji ' ' V.t. -. t " .' ( tt.f I r. .1. I will i-ll I'll- .V:-'i, :e I t- iu.-...li. KjZi2S5rrtSy3 L. I ;. J.,,.., (i j .1..- .-. i.:--1i-.ii-. .1. "I- Ill -l,i:n.if i nil y, N . t .. rggSJ Eg55?Sg!ife5gggg - .. ..I.H.. if. U. !:h.-i.L-i-:.-:-..'.i-.-.l-i-.iiliiiliiiii.-..uirj-.i,.iu1l.l. tyxir-.'Kywt J, 1',- U ! t lUllU IF ill im.ivt 1? iiTi-ii't'.vii.. YjZxil-ij&.j,M ' Sga Mil .,,-,,,.,.,.. '""-'- Vt&onsc, Schedule. - - - mSS fti0r . L, (li'ect D.'. rd-M-lb d. 1. s03; ?J3 0UT(i(iP. SALE P,Y VIR J&S "ZZT' . .liv M,,if .l it , f ,..,-n.,i... .v. i.-1 1., ii... i.yw..i. fuM tor J$ I : ..-n.'J .i..i-..i ii,.WiV, niei .tie-.l !.-, T'li. trs;. .-in.' njjvrpi r J j ' """" I l iini ilntlii! 11, tua I '.Ivl'V1 .'.V .'l.-".- .'.iNl'i'i"r.w'.i - '.i.ij-. V .a' -.'l- -a2m oa&r i I Se---'. ! " , ;..r .-.-.-li at .ii.e i.if.1 ' ..t rM.. .1- BTSK'&-fvl.Wfl . .Mi! C.-i-i-Miaer. Man a rMcnf I.I ....'l:lv.,.,Mir,..n.,l., il.!, ,n I fcS6JflK3 I - i .1 M 1111.. -"i. O," 1. .I . .- ;e.- ... ..-ni.. -i in - I' ' -S5Ca8 I I.". " ii'- i-i '.:'-:., Arrive, T.OS p. m.- I '" .!:. 1 :-. ,-.: ,i ill n,.' t ..- n .-! l.i.-. 1 .-it!-: f&r-'rZ I ' III..'-! 1 " ' .IK le.i-n. ", I .-.:,. 1. ml,:.--,l.-r..-. bSiKW " ills ". 3.1'i 1 1 , !-.i r:.M-rr..-!'HN. s"W..Jl , . 2i..,..ii; . - ' 1 v0m- iwl j 1.' i 'i r.. " 1J V I Mij.j.-iui f uT'-lliia Dotel.V MMMS m miMMt On.' of tl: r;re.;t n-.o br-st ;ir.l will bo ?oi.l at as low pi lei as can bo h?A nr v.. hi 'V. .-Ml kinds rjid siyli s of Furniture. Von. will cave i iop.c-v Ly luivirij from ?'. ,1. T: , Vic l lent. A i J n-.-.u :-on. n -I'rfsiilf af. Cassiiiti'Miftf tfitrt Farmer? ISank ihl uu c:i'ital !?l;.'(i.Ofii.iK). DIRECTORS: J'.. . Duke, II. A. London; II. Hurtle, Aflbley Iforno, V. H. J);imev. Ti. li. Ilaney, T. I!. I'-ri-gs, J. N. Holding; -o: j. .r. Th a. w v J. P.. b: A. A. 'i ! i.f Farmers, Iiink-:, Corporation.-;, A.'mirrislrators aiid Indi itcd mi f;ivorub!i! tirins. , T !'KN i l N given an PI OIl'S NtH'Ji'P. HAV ,. a, I,.- : ..- il. . I. r. o K .-, 1 Ii-1 !i"e. e.i i- r--'. '.-ic; i l l V. p it; ; n i it I1--P.AV I . .IlilllM. .1 - I le-r.-1'Y i,..iti -...,1 ill-,. I. o.i- ..Vh .1. li-'M. ,,i .r .r I. i n 1,k,-., H.I f . ! . ti. !: it, ; I .uie r , . ..it.ttit ,l, ,,.i ie in , .IS: S (ffS I THE BEST WAGON ' 1: 1 j-?"'"-V.-V.... -yTHSjB, -t.alnsN.'... ....... m&m r'-s I i J. L. BORDt!.' stocks of F nitV-ro in N'ortdY Caroling B. S. Ji:km-s, Oashierv II. V r . Jai ksos-, Ahs t casbier; Aiithorkt-d cfi?ifsl $.700',X)0.M.- A. F. Page, Frod. Philips. Jobn W. Seort; to accounts of Country Merchants and FIRE! I IBIS It This is n Home company and dfl serves the p- ticnage of all Norflf Carolinians. It v. as oig.i!,i:-ed in 1SCS and baa4 paid over half a mil. ion dollars in losses and l Inn e i not one contested! claim against il ! All losses paid promptly, fevery prudent man might to insure htrf properly. For tevms, .c. aj-ply fo' II. A. LONDON, AGENt W. K. PP.TMi;osi President. Januarv 11. V;;t.- Wo arc in foi iiii-d that somo I'm -i-rnj'iiloiis wagon makers, or tlieir' wagons wlnclr i!ii- Minn' or as good 0 arc liiiiotTiit facfof ii.T is no rc: rtoti tlipy 1 ::r same ijiiality of t ,11 factory iu tlii n i want the lit'i-t, serf .1.1. Atssen,' 1 by :iny one Yi'e u.-e tin bc-t woikiticti,- and k l y hand. And :'.'j"it to give j er" To nicer ibescar li:. r just rciltrcctt !.; Losii:x Humid" SVli'TIONS. -! -a K.-i-'-Vovlllu j'uri-' l.lini fi.r nil ilriw( .-.iin-'i-ii hi SniUttriiT -, N..1U1 .in.t Snilth' Vh iip x.elimnna M ' .. t.h i,.-,ur.'l'. nn M ' , , -si, ni li. R f.-r' '. ....lin..-'.1: H) Mn!1nrf I: a. i.i'- la) in..kanif Mill c--..' i : i ii. -i. ii s.im. i - -wen im. s..rr..;n . v. nil J- lie- N.-l'Oi ie-1 H I T'l I i ' srCTmjts. N.ui -i C.'V Willi in - r li. 'nnii'Hiii'niBir ,! i-.. wan uiprirn- nii.l s -luh rmiDrt;. ilMiiuil Air 1 hi tor .-ill i"'e,t Nor1! 0 iliiff Jul.. -una IOl Ul AIt .-! in,-...i. Ir-i.nVllln. II . .,!1. S IS M Ht Lliiu ,r ChHrl.HtS, Ar .! I .'.' i, :e..l nil, -Cl'l l.lli" 1 : :,!:l . iiii'i a i h 'I m-c i i,n i ,iii ...ii I. W. 1 T.Y, tl.'i'.'l M -, St. Mary's ScMOOL FOR CtRLS,- 'j.'.li: EXSTKK 'll-.UM Ol TBK f ItTY BECOK S, !i,...t Var wUI bc;'!n .laiiiiar.v -J."tli," I S'lal Allfiillnn pi.t tA' I'hyl'l Cilltiir njlon. A.i.lr.-Ki Ih" ..-ior. REV. U.,SKllEK tt Pn.-. i". Ilt'lj pn; roAor -. ... a ...i i-y r. Sunt -K'un-i.-.i-not ! iV), or I , i.. ,i I .: lv In UmS' 1 t .u ,h i ),,iiii.in siurir,. ei' ', viiiii-n. At ii uiifS r- . i, sen hoai, ni .mi. i 1 :-i ir.i'ii in Hiifmnrt i. .110-1111,. mel fnittiniu s. w. FBon-Mr in ..i I . ri-i-. -l , i-l- e ,i .lay fr-H,-, rt rV- -.1 r I. m'.'t, Hi-" IliMt.' Iii lli:l' lis K.-iv... mnr. ,,r l