Aitu lnrz''? TIilii Foxes. Din. , that rare old j:o sipcr, tells, nicotic i li i:;tlicr i'.ti:i.iniiai:ry Bto i s, ili t df ill H;ictii.;n method ut 0'ia'uuj; pi (I Toe sai.dy deserte of li.i tr-a hi Hiu i'mjs i'f that histo rian weie, "i the (1 1 man t-uis, liter uliy ma: iiiinj,' wiih ants "slightly linger tlian luxes." Ttuso Kig.intic r -presentatives of the ireuus homen opt ra burrowed deep y into the sandy wastes, their tunnel and gal leries otten In-inn hundreds of feet Id ete t The caith removed from thec burrows was always carried to the outside and thrown up tu hill? (remember I'liny says this) "of a b'.g ness excee ling that of a palace." 'ihis debris .-and. earth, etc. was soon found to b.' wonderfully rich In miall nujitrct of jrold. The danger from the ant-i was Kreater, however, th. n that from the Indians in the early days of Kold-diyglnjr lu the western United States, and many stories arc told of men who were lit erally rleo .red in a few moments by the fierce .wners of some disturbed burnw. Some observing old hunter at last discovered that the jriait ants slept during the hottest hours , f the diy. After that the Fcekers aiter the yellow metal only made their in cursions at the proper time, and eveD then they only stayed long enough in the deserts to fill their sacks with the gulden sand, which they took home tu sift at leisure. With all this precaution the ants often "swift ly pursued the fleetest hor-es, and it was only by using various stratagems inai trie iinaueis mau.igeu iu vi-iae-i alive." A Mg Nugget of Silver. Supt. Head sent down from the I)iauiond Compmy's ni ne last Mon day a nugget of ore weighing I.O pounds, which was shipped Wednes day to the Midwinter Fair in San Francisco, and whi "h is to represent Kincka County. The nmrget is :t feet 10 inches long, 1 S inches wide, and inches thick. It assa8 2 per cent, in silver per ton, and l per cent, in lc:id. The nugget when quarried out in the mine was about doub'e it.' present size, but was too large to haul up the shaft, and had to t. broken. Eureka (,Nev. ) Sentinel. II fin Comr. Will Jt Rr l.ent'r? fi.'ntlB spring with the flow t of May tray woo u in(') a e:irt'l'ss in-lilTereiR'n of fini-t:ir- law-. It is tun oi l tory, a thrieo tol l ta!o ot eeiu-' rish an 1 t.ikinir the const-jii.-n.-c". There I. no time In th whole run I ot lh year when results aro more serious from an or liuary want of car.? than now. What wiln a .handful tenip'-r.ittird an I in lctiou l:i-ap:ies. rhviiT.ati :n H most pr.-v-lent an 1 in tins m.i-t ag r.ivato.J form. Even in th? purs-iit of tlie iu's ploasiir-s. Its p.-istuii-s an I Siorts, th"r will boa pro digious .Top of sprains ant bruises, of liune baoks nu 1 stiifeue 1 !in:,t, 0f n.-uxikie affec. lion aii'l s.-iatie troubles. Mn an t w.vnen will suaVr iuteney, ant only beaus they fail to bu provi-lcl with what is kn ovn to be the reme iy for thmn all. When it is sai.l that Ht. J.i 'oiis Oil is that It is only say Imr what thetisan ! know aud thousand h;ive pronouu.'tf.l it the best. T iking it year In and year cut the col. let hour of oa.'ii lifurj is 0 o'clock in the morning. ill', Bin s Ohm from One Ban. rrn. T'.t i rm irk ihl , almost uuheai'd-of, j i-l I was rv'H'tn 1 to fi .1 ,'m .V. S-.i'.zt Sec I Co., i I.i Cr W R, ! y I-'rau'i Winter, of Mun fans, wlii piano I ..n- Ick'wI of i treat N r:n. ! rrn Out.. i--r-iry t ,!!e 1 :oi I irroel svn ail'l h -lie . e; ! !i i- i'i 1- H 'i-- . ex rv lr tin oiid ImsVI of ilr.-at N r.a -r i Oils tar.. lritclrel I I '1-Ih'ix. l: -i a :i . i r ui nit. IP voir wir.i, ITT Till- ot-r AM' ifMl IT With Se ,it,i;, to tliKiih ,-e nrui vo l iv..: r . m-p sani:,!- pai-kiu- i f ali iv o ils and t .iv.r niauimolU farm it 1 la'alo.-ue. A A preinstori,.' human skull fou i I at An i:st"ii. A'a . in s.n. measured :Ji Inehi s in oireuiiifereiue ju-t aiovo the cars. ll,o-, 1 In.! We offer line Hundred I u, liars Ibnvard lr niivc. s-..f Ca'arrb that -auiii.t v i-un'd by 1 1 : 1 1 . ' - Catarrh Cur . 1'. d. I lll:si:v A Co., Toledo, ( . We, Hi nu ,-rs u'ueil. Ii e known 1'. .1 ( l.e v. -y fort lie ia-t !".. rs. an I b-Iieve huii p,-r-fe.-ilv lion. .ruble in all b.i in... s traiisaetions an I Idrineiallv nb to arry out any obliyu. tnei ii a b- I v t h. ir lirui. Wi st.V I m x Wh de-al I irui;its, Toledo ')lio. Wai i. i. KiNVtN ,V- Mtuviv, Wholesale lriU,'ISt!-. d oled ., II io. 1 1 :i 1 Cat irrh Cure it ikon internally, n 't-ttr- ! i re. t Iv up. in tn , id and tire-oii''. of tie- .v-t .'ii. I', M iinonials s. nt free, l'riee. . per bottle. Sold b all Iiruti-is. Hm Hollanders aro lh realest tea and celTei.i ilrink' is. For Myspepa a, Indbresi ion nnd stom.icli ilisc. ider-. u-e I rn,i ir Iron HiMer tu,. Met It icbii'bl- ii. e ml and t i en, 'I bens Hie mil-rle-. A . lend., I liledleniB for weak mid debilitated i e.-.vm?. It takes a j;alluu of n.i k to roduco a pound of eheeso. Scrofula The Worst Case the Doctors Ever Saw Hood's Sarsaparilla Perfectly Cured "O. I. Hood & To.. Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs:- I wish to testify to the frrcV value of Hood's Sarsaparilla. For som time I had been troubled uitb srrofiila. w biidi early last w inter assumed a very bad form. Sores Appeared on My Face and hands and urndually inereaJ-ift In number until they reac hed to my shoulder. The doe. tors said it was the worst case of si rofula they ever saw ami also went so far as to say it was incurable, i tiled ointments ami other reme dies but to no avail. A friend recommended Hood'sss Cures Hood's Sarsaparilla, and Hlthnuizh I was com pletely disrour:i,'ed. as a Inst chance I resolved tot-ivc it a trial. After takimt oue bottle I no ticed the sores had commenced to heal. After the sixth bottle They Were All Healed. I continued to take it lioever.until I had nsed nine bottles, aud now 1 am perfectly well." Miss K.tik Konknuuant, I'lster. J'enn. liooii's Fill are iirom t aud fneleni, yetea7 In acliuu. Sold b a.i druggist. 23 cent. FA KM AND U All I) EX. rOOB CABBAGE SEED. It is an axiom that poor seed with out costing anything is always dearer than the Best nt high prices. This is onpeciully true of the eiibbnge. It i easy and inexpensive to gi-uw poor seed. Any stump from hieh the heml has been cut will send up shoots and seeds nt'imdiiutly. Hut ery little of this seed will produce good heads. The right way to grow cabbage seed is to select the best heads and plant them with root and head attached. The seeil thus grown will be plump mid will produce plants that head well. Huston Cultivator. KTAKTISH lEI.KHV SEKI. Celery seed always takes consider able time to germinate, old seed tak ing longer than new seed, hence one should be careful to procure it where one is confident of its being fresh. In the li. t -1 1 . I or greenhoiie, where the soil is w irm and kept permanently ni"ist. it will start sooner than in the open ground, since there it is sown tally in the spring and before th soil is thoroughly warmed; but even in )lllti.,i un-us house it takes about two weeks to start. When th yomio ilnnts are iibont two inehi hih they should be truiisplanteil into it well enriched bed, nnd kept care fully watered and tended, under which conditions thev will make a igorous iirowth and be readv in good time for the liniil setting. I Vick's. OKVFTINiiS. In grafting the part which receives the e;on is called the stock, and the stock is obtained by sowing the seed. The scion, or as it is often incorrectly eilled. the graft, is o, n, rally u shoot .f the previous season's growth. It is generally cut three or four inches lung and sh'iiild contain about this uuuibrr of liinN. The union between the scion nnd stock takes place by the inner bulk and not by the cut of the surface of the wood. Hence iu grafting care must be takea that the inner bark nt the scion is in close contact with tin inner bark of the stock. Scions may be cut at iiiiv time during the full or winter after the leaves have fallen, uel some can always lc savel when the in ci'ss it-v pruning is .lone, an 1 grafting can he done in the winter if the sticks and scions are obtained in advance. Tie v can be. stored iu damp sun 1 until a fac .ruble s n for plant ing out. ' St. Louis licimhlic. M UIKETINO II oc i'i. i i in.' h"gs to market overeouutrv 1'Ui'is is slow work. It iloes Hot do either the hogs i.r the owners him good. 1 1 mi have much distance t. trnol better loud tl into big wagons. Vi.ii will aceop lis the work more quickly and easily. in the loio urn, action nnd teactoii in prices mv bound to l,e very nearly eipial. t'on se. iently hogs will go down again sum. day. Jint if they do, do not be as foolish us y. hi were before, and go wholly out of the business of growing them. Voii will want them again some day, all "f a sudden. If you have not u very large dr..e of lings, mid thev nr.- nicely finished medium weights, perhaps yi mr local butcher will pay a little more tluiii dealers' price for tin-in. Wo have often found that to be the case, and besides they would take them t few at u time, so tit-it ev ery week you could pick out t lii ones that were jiist right for killing. Tiii suves feeding these while the others nre fattening. After Imgs are ready for market, it is expensive business feeding corn to t ln-iii and waiting for the market to improve. If you use (vales, mid accept Iheir verdict, thev will probably tell you that the corn costs as iiiueh, or more, than you get from the increased price. And it must be taken into consideration also that the 1 otter price does imt always come. 'America n Agriculturist. APPi.l'. SPUAVlMi. A correspondent of the New Lug laud runner writes to that jotirtml as follows: I ma afraid th ; iicount of spraying trees iu the runner nnd Ho mi s, with a two-inch no..Ie and apparatus mi ht lead oiieto suppose it is more of a task to spray apple trees than it really is. Ouo-hulf pound Paris green to a tifty-gallmi barrel ot . '.ter is the doso. (m, pnund will kill innl wither the leaves and harm the young apple formation. Piac.; two empty fifty -gallon b arrels iu an open spring wagon, back up to your limp and till th birrels mid then tie a bag over the top to prevent spilling. When at the orchard fasten a common car riage pump with a wire to the rim or chine of mie nf th barrels and then put in tlu Paris (,'i-een ; stir with a brnnmstiek and drive up on nutsiil row of orchard, one stir and one pump. Spray otie-lmlf a free at a time, come down next row, sprav one-half ii tree till the orchard is done. When nun barrel is emptied as low as pump will reach pour into the emptv from the full barrel nnd when the water gets less green than it was in the first place when you put in the first half-'iotiriil add the other half pound. My pump is an old carriage washer ml rinsing kind. If the tree is tall iii'iMv over ths tree and a spray will I come down. It is an easy, quick job aud should be done just after the blos som has fallen and the apple formed. It won't prevetit mowing and feeding : the grass to cattle, especially if you ' wait till a rainfall aud then the first clear day mow anil baru as usual. IlOII.KP OBN KOK FOWLS. The opinion that corn is very nour ishing food for fowls is so univer sal that no further thought is given to the matter. If any one should sug gest that corn would be easier of digestion if soaked or boiled, he would likely receive the answer that corn was nothing hard to digest for birds, which swallow ed stones and other hard substances without detriment. A moment's thought, however, will con vince that the mill-stones and the grist are different things, and feeding hard grain, although not exactly like feed ing the mill-stones with pebbles, bears a certain likeness to it. The trouble attendant is the prepar ation of food, if it to be cooked, may. indeed, seem very disproportionate to the advantage to be derived from such treatment, but in reality little uecd be spent, as before going the rounds of the uests a little hot water may be poured over the grain, a tight cover put on the kettle, and the whole placed over the stove, where by the time your rounds are completed ihe corn w ill have become steamed and mellow, and h ive lost none of its good qualities. Keineiiiber, each hen has a certain amount of aiiimid force to be suspended every day in some direc tion, and the less she has to give to digesting for food, the more she will have to be expended iu ogg-prnducing. The advantages of the warm foo.l iu the winter, when much food goes toward producing aiii mal heat to withstand the cold, are twofold, from the direct action of the warmth and the slower action of the food itself, to say nothing of the fact that the content produced by nourish ing' food will result iu more eggs for a hen thoroughly at home will lay more eggs, than a discontented mie one. We have performed the experi ment ourselves and know that the feed ing boiled corn does pay, and it is ns the result of i vp. i i.'tie.. that we otl. r this plan to mtr triends. --Massachusetts riougliman. FAKM Oil' liAHUKN Not rs. fli'i's niv producer ; moths are de stroyers. (f iceiilesf. bees nearly always build drone comb. Cold appears to be the main t le nient in granulation. The best remedy for foul brood is 1 tire mid boiling water. If hoiiev is overheat",! both color i i and transparency are injured. Corn Hinl millfee 1 together make i better pig rations than either alone. I hick. Well-npelled honey W ill Hot granulate so readily as thut which is .... . . . thin. Among the trees the bilsswnod is generally reckoned the best honey producer. Iu rendering beeswax a tin, brm-s or pper vessel should be used. All iron one will darken it. An item in making sheep profitable never to keep a worthless sheep aud never breed a wenklv one. In this wheat by and by, us the rasshopper said when he deposited his eggs alongside the tic, I hint fall. Th-' ration sh mid be one that wi 1 maintain the itality of the sow and enable her to farrow strong, lualthv pigs. Wild flowers make an attractive set- tiug for th- buck yard. The honey suckle is a favorite for the feuce row. It enn hardly be called good man agement that permits tie: sow and the growing pigs to sleep in man ure heaps-. While a Xew York bee-keeper was working iu the apiary some time ago, a bee got into his ear. He turned the smoker into his ear and the bee came nt. An acre of ground in corn, rye or a! fa Ifu will produce twice ns much cow feed as nu acre nf ground in timothv. orchard grass, or blue grass. So Pro fessor Huberts says. Iu regard to strawberries, make careful selections. Sometimes the best iii niie locality nre the poorest in others, so let location enter iargely into vour choice. Exclusive corn feeding is the bane of young pigs, and one of the reasons why fall pigs nre often less thrifty is because during the winter thev are fed too much on corn. The farm that does not support a llock of poultry is not managed to the best purporse. On tli3 contrary, the farm on which too much poultry if kept will be the loser to the exteul that is overburdened, for where poul try is crowded iuto a house it eeaset to be profitable. Carrots aud cabbage are two items thit should havo a larger place in our list of feeding stuffs. The first are excellent for colts, horses, milch enws, and all young stock. They nre valuable for pretty nearly nil kinds of stock, and we have yet to find any that w jJl uot eat them greedily. 1'Olt THE IIOrsEWIFK. A P1NNK11 SAI.AP. A good dinner salad for the spring mouths is made by combining tart, juicy apples with celery. Cut the celery as for chicken unhid ; peel the ripples, cut them as fine ns the celery and cover with lemon juice to keep them from turning dark. Cover with a French dressing and serve on lettuce leaves if you can gel them. For a company luncheon put the salad in lemon skins, lay them on lettuce and garnish with a little Mayonnaise sauce New York Telegram. HAKRH liKVNS. Put ii ipnut of white b.'iins to soak in soft water at night. The next morning wash them nut of that water and put them in a sin ill iron pot I hold ing about two ipiiuis', cover them with cohl water and set them oil the tire. As soon as the wnt r boils set back wli"iv they will ju-t simmer for tilteel'. minutes. Turn oil' this water. Clean ami gush u pound nu I a half nf salt pnrk, place it on top of the beans nu I into them, so that tin- rind of the pork is even with the h.'iuis till the put with hid water, add two tiblespontifuls of innlasses mixed with a level teaspnnli fnl nf mustard, and put them into a moderate oven to bake for nine or ten hours. Look at them occasionally, and if the pork browns ton fast, put on a cover; should the water cook away too much, add n little hot water. The goodness of baked beans consists in their being miked long and slowly. If properly cooked they will be a rich red, with every bean separate and dis tinct. Xew Yol k Mail and Kxprei-s. TO l OOK KICK. A mould of rice with a compote ot fruit makes an elegant sweet course for ativ one who is fund of rice desserts. I f something ii 1 1 ti .nail v attractive audi ut th" same time wholesale is desired for children's dinner or luncheon, make ouch a pudding with a compote of dates, l'lll u deep s uicepati two thirds lull of boiling water, salt it, look over one cupful nf rice and bnil it at a gallop f,.r fifteen or twenty minutes. lien Hie rice is teinter aim each grain stands nut s parately, drain the rice and stir into it thoroughly two tablespoons of sweet cream and t wo tablespoons of powdered sugar. Pack the rice well in a border mould, setting it down hard and shaking it several times as you till it, rather than pressing it down with a spoon. Let this pint of the pudding cool. In slimmer it is best served ell. To make the dute compote, stone one pound of dates, put them in a saucepan with a. cupful of granu lated sugar and two ciipfuls of water. Cook slowly twenty minutes in the si nip, stirring occasionally, then take out the dates and boil the syrup rap idly live or ten minutes, until it thick ens. I5e careful at this point not to scorch the syrup. Put the dates buck in it; stir well, and when it is nearly cold, flavor with a tenspoolifiil of vanilla and pour into tin-centre of the mould of rice. The centre of the cir cle of rice may be tilled with any other compote liked. A compote of i u ap ple is delicious, nnd orange marma lade as good. Home and 1'iirui. NCIENTIHl M'HAI'S, Sun-epnscd trees have their largest limbs mi the south side. (ias pipes of niaiiilla paper coated w ith asphalt have I" cu used success fully. More than lil,ooi Hindoos have be. 11 inoculated for the prevention nf cholera. The earth's lowest l.o y nf waler is the Caspian sea, which h is been sink ing for centuries. Immense as the bulk nf Jupiter is, it makes aeomplete turn on its axis iu a trifle less than ten hours. The French systems of weights is pretty nigh universal iu all countries other than Knglish speaking. Opals are so sensitive that exposure lo moisture or heat, or even atmos pheric change, sometimes ruin them. Of JUDO men who marry, XV2 marry younger women, ."7'.t marry women of the same age, and H'.l marry older women. The physical lives of most freaks, like their professional careers, nre short. The fat people usually die nf apoplexy. ft is a disputed ipiestioii ntiinti sci entists its to which is the most fa tiguing, walking up hill or walking down hill. The upper third of the face is al tered iu expression in affections of the brain, the middle third in diseases of tlie chest, and the lower third iu dis eases of the organs contained iu the abdominal cavity. A process of forming artiticial whale bone from it 1 1 1 111 it i hair, consisting in subjecting the hair to a softening bath then to a Imth of acetic acid, and, finally placing the mass under great pressure, has been invented. According to the latest available as tronomical data, 10,001) double stars have been recorded by tht observers of this country and Ktirnpe. This ex ceeds the totul number of all stars visible by ihe naked eye, w hich is only about f.,000. Thrilling. Little lkib (reading a yellow-bucked book) "Cheeseknife Charley stopped short. Hefore him stood thirty-seven 6tilwart Indians. They were armed tothatrcih. theesektilfe I hurley's face did not pale. Not a muscle, not a nerve, in his magnificent pliyshiuo quivered. It was a moment of dead ly peril, hut he never fait re I. Non chalantly roiling a cigaiette " Musing. Gecl Wouldn't I like ter been him! Character in Work. A foolish person, writes Mr. I!us kln, builds foolishly, and a wise one sensibly a virtuous one beautiful, and a vicious otic bully. If stone work is well put together, It means that a thoughtful man cut it and an honest man cemented it. If H bus too much ornament, it means that Its carver was too greedy of pleasure if too little, that he wa rude or Insensitive, or si lipid, or the like. A man may hide himself from you or misrepresent himself to you every other way; but he cannot In his win k. There be sure you h ive him to the inmost, all that lie likes, all that he sees, all that he can do, his imagina tion, his affection, his per.'overance, his impatience, his clumsiness, clev erness, everything is there. If the work Is a cobweb you know It was made by a spider ir a honey comb, by a bee; a worm cast Is thrown up by a w.iriu and a no -t wreathed by a biid: and a house I built by a man, worthily if he Is worthy, and ignobly if he K ignoble. Ami always, from the least to the greatest, as a thing made is good or bad, so is the maker of it. Slip Knew. The other day, says a Ttoston gentleman, 1 was told of a little giri who attended a distribution of prizes r'ven by the Socb-ty for the Preven tion of Cruelty to Animals. She had wiih, you must know, a book as a up ward for writing the best essay mi the subject given, and. with the other successful children, was undergoing a viva voce examination. "Well, my dear," said the gentle man who had given away the ries, "can you tell me why it is cruel t dock horses' tails and trim digs' cars?" "Hecauso," answi red the little girl, "what Cod had joined together let no man put asunder." After reading the following letters can any one longer doubt that a trustworthy rwr.edy for that terribly fatul malady, consumption, has at last beeii found! If these letters had been written by your liest known and most esteemed neighbors tliey could I no moro worthy of your confidence than they now nre, coining, as they do, from well known, intelligent nnd trustworthy citizens, who, in their several neighborhoods, enjoy tho fullest confidence and resiect of all who know them. K. C., Esn., of Kempsvllle, Trineess Anne Co., Vu., whoso tiortruit beads this articlo, writes : " When I commenced tak Idr Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery I wss very low with a cough nnd nt times spit up liiueh blood. I was not nblo to do the least work, but most of tho time was in lied. I was nil run-down, very weak, my head was dizzv and I was extremely despon dent. Tho first Imttim I took did not seem to do me much good, but I had faith in it and continued using it until I had taken fifteen bottles and now I do not look nor feel like tho same man I was one year ngo. Feople are astonished and say, 'well, lust year this time I would not havo thought that you would bo living now.' I can thank fully say I nm entirely cured of a disease which, but for your wonderful 'Discovery' would have resulted in my death." Evsn when the predisposition to consump tion is inherited, it may bo cured, as verified b the following from a most truthful and rriurta res,ecteil Canadian lady, Mrs. Thomas Vansicklin, of lirightnn, Ont. fche writes : " I have Ion; felt it my duty to acknowledge to vou what Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery and his 'Pleasant Pellets' havo done for me. They almost raised me from the fravo. I had three brothers and one ister dio of consumption and I was speedily following after them. I had severe cougll. pain, copious expectoration and other alarming svniptoins and my friends all thought I had but a few months to live. At that timo I was persuaded to try the 'Golden Medical Discovery' ami the first bottle acted liko magic. Of course, I continued on with tho medicino and as a result I gained rapidly in strong-h. My friends were aston Ii It m Thpfnn plant in(realwr8cMii ntTfr knowiof hanl tim. r" tjwsHa, ue rtouhle all vicldit Try U for lKit Aiirl J tinplvT N 1 VvfrrUKlo wtK fm the million. SRnkaT. jirll VrtUbl rW"l Ii 00KipiU. irwfsvtirnwfnior turn nitoti. worm. rni. I : L 1 mMMM Take no Substitute for Royal Baking Powder. It is Absolutely Pure. All others contain alum or ammonia. Visual Tcleitraphv. An inventor of this city is wrest liDg with the. problem of visual tele graphy, Mr. N. S. Amstut-!, of this city is confident that with a scries of small mirrors, arranged with the pro cr appliances, one cannot only hear the person to whom he is talk ing over the telephone wito, but can receive a transmitted reflection of his face, Mr. Ainsttit .' work in making an instrument which will transmit a drawing by telcgtaph leads his friends hope that he may be successful in his new attempt. Mr. not claim that he will be able to bring forth the invention, but he be lieves he. has found a line of experi ment which will enable some one, at at some time, to do so. t'lcvclaud Leader. A ltKi KNT poet writes: "A song sleeps in my soul unsung." There i a place for that young man in the dime museum at a remunerative Hil ary, lie is the only one of his kind on record. Atlanta Constitution. i Ve il wtfc can liuv nrticles f,r tl; 1 von lief I $'.' wiirth "f niMilalile avlii les in llie , lira" lill'-; )'"! mail He ontri' tu K. A. Hall, fliarli'stiui. S. l, innl save l. Your wife is haiM'V. vour nre, and .so will Hull Is', r'ree I calnl'Stli. J Toffee Isso-cnllot from flrst being ItoukIU I to Kuropu from OifTa. i lr. Kilmer's R w a m !-ltoo r ourot nil Kidney an 1 Iliad. ler troubles. Pamphlet an I Consultation frio. Laboratory lliiigliauiton, N. V. In I'l.lcii times the Kyptians had a cut cemetery which was considered sacred. i Malaria cured nd f radicated from the svs Irm !v Nrnwn's Iron Hitters, which enriches the hfi'iiil. tones the nerves, aula diit.slion. Acts like ft eliarin n HTsns ia item-ial ill hiiillh, Klviint new Mieruy and ntreni;th. Cireek sculptotf often used cyci of glass or crystal iu tho fu-ns g their statues. Koii TnnoAT Disk asks. Coccus, Coins, etc., elTerliiul relief is found in Ihe "se nf "llnm " Ir.iiii iiul irtKhm." l'riee 35 cent. -s"'d "'l " When tho v.ta ot a jury in (ierninny stands six to six tho prisoner is n. iiuiitod. tshlloli's i'nrs Is sold nn a KUar.ia tee. It I'uris Int lf1o-i Ton hiunption; it is 1 he lJ.'sl Cough C .re: --c , .Vic, 5I Liverpool, Knir., has nn electric elevate 1 railroa I. Japanese Tnnfh I'owitn, t.rnnlnr. AlarwlHi mailed lor IIiciiia Lapp Drug Co., l'iiiladeli'liia, I'J- A silkworm's thread Is one-thousandth of an lu.'h thicli. A wonderful stnniarh corrector - Beechain'i I'JJa. lii-ei biuu'o - lit) others. 35 cents a box. Wiikn It comes to conversation the barber has the edge on us. Galvcs- lO'l News. ished. When I eommoneeil the ntw of ymir medicines, six years ago, I weighed but I'M pounds anil was sinking rapidly. 1 now weigh Li5,and my health continues perfect." "Oolden Medical Discovery" cures con sumption which is acrofnlaof tho lungs), by its wonderful blood purifying, invigorat ing and nutritive properties. For weak lungs, spitting of blood, shortnessof breath, nasal catarrh, bronchitis, severo coughs, asthma, and kindred affections, it is a sov ereign remedy. While it promptly cures tho severest coughs, it strengthens tho system and purifies the blood. "Golden Medical Discovery" docs not mako fat people more corpulent, but for thin. Iale. puny children, as well as for adults reduced in flesh, from any cause, it is tho greatest flesh builder known to medical science. Nasty cod liver oil nnd its " emulsions," are not to Iw coniared with it in ctlieacy. It rapidly builds up the system, and increases the sifid flesh and weight of those reduced below tho usunl standard of health by "wasting diseases." To fcrsve 111 tho entire system after the grip, pneumonia, fovors, and other prostrat ing acute diseases ; to build up needed flesh and strength, and to restoro health and vigor when you feel " run down " and " used-up " the best thing U tho world is Dr. Pierce's Golden MedkM Discovery. It promotes all tho bodily functions, rouses every organ into healthful action, purifies and enriches the blood, and through it cleanses, repairs, and invigorates the enttre system. A Trentiso on Consumption, giving numer ous testimonials with phototype, or half-tone, portraits of those cured, numerous refer ences, also containing successful Homo Treatr ment for chronic nasal catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, and kindred diseases, will be mailed by the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion of Buffalo, N. Y., on receipt of six cents in stamps, to pay postage. Or The Teoplos Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1,000 pages, 800 illustrations, mailed for (1.50. No Such Thing " Friendship. There's nothing iu glory and friends', says ex-Senator Charles H. l-'arwnll. I can count my friends on my hands, and they tneiLbers of my own fam ily. There's not tueli a thing as friendship in this world. AVhut you call friends aro butterflies. Thev hover around you in the sunshine, and when tho shallows come they ilisa pear. If a man is successful and per foi tly independent of everybody they fawn, smile, toady, and insist on doing lomethingto help him. If he gets a tumble they immediately lend their assi-'lani-o t ' l:e p lrm rolling to the bottom of the hill. When you really need tlcm, they do ert vmi, and havo no faith in you. Kriendsliip is all the ory. If I myself want to make a first class em m : all I have to do is t help a man who is in deep tennb'e. Will h be gratefuiy Ho will bate mo in tha etui beean e I am in a p sitinn t be of service tu him, and have placed him under that muoh obligation. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement snrj tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The ninnywho live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by moro promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the vlue to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the rcnirdy, Svrup of Kips. Its excellence is due to Its presenting In the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevora ana permanently curing constipation. It has given sati.-faction to millions and mot with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Kowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs ia for sale by all drug gists in 00c nnd $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Pyrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the mime, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if ollcrcd. Tli".' ion ArriO"torPtrl TV., a w,ptn i: . ....M, hn 1, ir-h rUrit ilrt H in h fjc t.-i ltir ot ti." w-.e-U ai .-n tl .. tl: oilier ti;l one i l".t I fr. m ihm 11-", th- rs n, Ir l M) make 11. ix t inches I 'lis A b dl -m tni lict.l If Uk" ai lUlit.t) ovr th vuiet AV. I,. IIOI'OI.AS 8.1 SIIOK Cif. ll . I'list MllK. I'l'SlilliJ lioiil jl I i i , t'esl value lor tlie money .i t!'e uorui. .N ittie aim pniti ..cilH'il on the Imlltmi. l-.very wai.- iic il. 1 ."' nn sul"li- Illlt'. ..,':il n.iiKis lur lull "nwlfWj .les.riili'.a.. our i oinpleto in lor Lulu s an.t (jen . i i it ( W'L DOUOuTr-1 -''S. nilr.ilt.i I'gut U . ZnHkTr 1 '"' lTPPUT.r--' s.riii. ....... L-SW.-wwitit nuir" how lour. iWbv mail. I'n-l,u:e fu-e. V nn nn limlcsl liaruains ul dealers who m;.!i uur ihota. jHioisrv Hvrrrrnt. 1.'. . . . . .H " Krbi'tinry II " I.i II Slni-ih I " 15 S " TOTAL, iii percent, V linve pnlil In inir ensl.imri lit 7.1 days. I'r.irtiii i-.n-l ov....! e.i ..i ni i.Hti. iii. mey e'i lw wllhilrnn-ii iciy'liu -; fJU t..IOiUeaii liu luvejlo.l; write for mr. r.ii'ilt u. KlnllKi: I'll.. Il inltrr nntl Hrolirra, IN -4H lii o. i'l y. Neiv t.-rk. 0U?RINC cures rheumatism. lOO.Oiki iwilil Iii tvit. a ft' -' irinlof iIum Ulnn Wnlr for pnrttt'iilarit. Wun n X 'o., HinMyine, Conn EVERY m !S Oft'N DOGIOR Br J. Ilamlllon Avers, A.M., M.I). TilUW a 111'"' Viilual'ie Hook for ihe Hinwehol.l. leaehhiK- ni It doe lh call),-iUilnicul,M,'l Hymploiim of illilerenl 0.i a-es Iho Cune nn.i .Heine, nt 1're Tenlllu metl HI i'-e. "'l lh Bluiiltt l Heliie,lielilill lllill levlute or eure. Ws l-OKes, I'rofusely lllusTrate.l. 1 heilook Is wrllien III I'lala rvrrj'-lNV Kiullit". bi" I ' 'ru" from Ihe leiluileul terms w lilell rt-U'ler inoHt lioelor IUmiW- fco valueleiu to 111" k-enemllly of rru.lern. Thin Hunk in In Irntletl IO he ill r-i inee In Ihe l- Riiilly, mil Is mi wor.lisl as in ih- reu.lllj uiiiH-rnui.Nl i nil ONLY 00 cm. I'IMTl'AIIL rostatip stHinpi Tnkvn. Sot only iloe. ml li""k ron laln so much liiroriiuilioa llelii. IIto to LlSf.tae, leal very i.roier lyirlvoi a t:i,milele Analyl of verythlUK lierlallilliy to Court n)it. Jlanlane ami tho 1'ro.lii' llou mi l llorln of llealtuy Kaiiillle,loi(ellier with Vuluiihiu ll,elK' au.l rrnieriiiliUN ritanatlomiof llotaineul I'meltee, Correct usiof unlinary llei' Oompi ktb iHhl r. 134 LeouarU St., .N. V.t njr rtvsa "" le'imrfNi. ujr w l-.i h ran I put in n! uiJ tii.J-i I..C inner oue, or, it witU arc , (hy tll prirtt in sit t1 Mt Hf rt'4lun( the itnk'i in rn.. .:( ami ii-mmi: iu end ooe in tht tam x iv I ifav ii N-f. U n.jy I- ,anni.. ttf it mknn! lbi !.' r f M-"v a -ami k- nf mir w.vrk. W want foali. . .w a ilcii; rn nak. nn-l h-w re-hint f arn il the matter ..f no U Mrel Trt.rk u furrmtwl t ( ' m-li t-pitis pt-r ro,ti-I'. a n.l J c.- f of a.lvcrtiscmeu ho. I. a . r cwii-l.ti 'Miui M'l m N I. Trims Jv. Nu tt. CEHUmfS JJEIT. A A a up Errrc it n u i:; TJl Cuitts WHtHt k asl uni. 71 LJ Beat ' ounb. eyrup. Tantea tiootl. In 1

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