Matte Him He!c. Colonel Do lge In a re ent boo' tells a story about a well-bred English man, a visitor in this country, who was fed ly his American cousins "constantly on that confection yclept Washington pie." One day, after lie had been fed t o mu h of the con fection, be felt uiKOiu'ortahle. In stead of growling and BruiuMinjf, and alluding to the blasted climate, like the proverbial Englishman of Action, he meekly and quietly re marked: "l'oiilitlcss (icncral Wiish lnton was a ureal aud good man, but d hi Die." Counting the Tlafr. A Gerinin physiologist, who de roted himself wiih great pat en -e to the counting of the hairs on different beads to ascertain t tie average num ber on a human held, found that taking four heads of hair of equal weight, the number of hairs a cord ing to color, was as follows: lied, pn.oiin; M.-ica, lO't.oo": brown, lut), 000; fair, 1 40,000. How Very Prllglufnl. "tVhnt charr.'ins weather," w all snjr In the opi'iim? days of tho curly sprint; ; then off ro tint vr.i"t mi l up go tho windows to let tli Luliiiy uir com ! In -with it eo ncs in numerous tilings that on -lit to In kept out. Wo tool sor do ii stiie-m-l limlw, an 1 many RO loltrtin ai-.iuil l With l:nnn bv-'ks. Mr. miry Wil!ia ii, (.if'-in-ille, I'll., nn-ti-r o tth writes outhis iiijc.-t as follows "A Inl.vsti'. fered so s-'vor'-lv with pnin in tli ln.'fc for two iltiyg tlial nit i-oiil'l not fit up. Cn ap plication of St. .I i m'js o.l b,ivb the .nilT-r-r n iroo I iiinhi's rest, an I in the nioruin. in wjS w.'ll." T lat was liarmius. An nnilfrcroiiml railway up tho .bitiufrH'i .Mountain is on ' of t into projects of tho tnuss i'HK'in''ors. Deafness Cannot bo Cured rJ- loco) p. Mi at ion . n they cat no reach tl't 'llvasort per; on .f i h.- car. I her.- i only on way il) i llic Peifies-i. ,, i, that, is l,y ro'i-t;t'. tainal ri'iiii-ili 's. Ii. ;i,'..i i caused I v tin la !!nmr I (- n. ( 1 1 ! o k mu, on liniii'or (In Kusta, hiim Tain-. When ill s tune He's I.i-llnmi-il yo i llm,, a r'un 'i.n mhi-iiI o- im;r. feet, hi-nripc. and w.icn it is cmir-ly ri-d lent'iies. is tli" re-tilt, and un'ess tin, itiMiim (nation can fo lak n out snd t!u t-.tio lo- Morel t i up n.,rm il onailiti lie , rim: ill 1'" Iwtroyeil forever; n;: if wit I'D in it'ist' I h" in I o ri:i, w h h unthin ; Inn a m. IIhiiii'iI I'oii'litioii ,.f t h" iii arm: sari'ii'-,"" V" will L'ivi-1) i.. Iliimlri, I fir nm rase of Ii nfiirs., ,iii-,., ,v oatnrrlil thai rait not lie.un-1 In Hall's i hi. irrh Cure, tit-n.l f. circulars, free. I. J. I'tieNKV A Co., Toledo, 0. t"foM by I'ni n-isis, T.V. I' is ost,inii,-, i!i,. rail- on tho van on rs'livuvs i ' , niutrv wnrli alt' 'lc-i !n-r "l. O'U' oo:i t i,.. I ..'') li-r r ii- ii IVn;.i Tin I. , i i i i i v i ! 1 , in ! Im I for Ill" I ilel vol w.U i r vi X lorn in P, .ly ''""' Til.' b.oio. an r- i a a1 I" I The S T.fu:- Hi feet iiii'l p 'm! i tnih'Pl Ii- i nrh'pv1 a r o it ri-i ph. s.. to he (h'-'i'iivi-: 'Iran- itl.'in'i .ib!" 1' a s'iil-i- rl "ins )-.,,! il, I .on ,;'i'oi"iii ii . -. nr.... hilt im-l Ii now tftlf ' or i-i a t ti . in i per. r! IX l'!V '.' 11.. I;. k'Vi V I'll-, V i fu. suil;i Co. til I "o i ii 'ho r-pip -i-i. n of ;i o' K-C, :l Il i. I OMCI'k"i sil lux ito'-. F'r ail.) hy 1""' I l" I il I ! I il l. Til - Urn lien XX .int.l. ' Y''. -ir ' lot 'Oi;-.' l'i"-I oi"?. oin o' f '. i'l ' 1. .ir i'i ili'l .ilool v'o i i-pi c.i.o' Aini'ii-- "'i ( ".i",-!'' UIM-- an man', ol ti-i r,ih!i-i aii'i I'l'-i ni'oi ;n 1 iii"i" H. -oi-l p.efit of ih u amp ea n iilin- tiiiH a -I'lori'lnl ii,.-.- Lpi'iTotniiv .ii "-ir 1-1 ili'ihmoni." i- n-a Mr. IV I". .Ii,'ili-"!i. of il..- linn t. K. .Iiilin-ioi ,X I " . 1!" Iei!"-,'l. V.'.. -li"i' I tho , a-o in ii'ii-ii ii- I" (h'-ir up iT'i-oni' in in tin- pa per. IJnO'or -,ii, :, , f,,t ln II,,, .., , tr-el- 'li in i II, I 'p 'ii."Ot har'l-. to. K'l-i" r - s 'a i i -1; n. . r i nil Ki.ii"i ;i nl :li i'!"i' ir-u' 1 Pao.phl.'l .-I',. ( ..i.ii!l t., fro I .a'-, ratorv pnuluri,!...,. N. -i . r ito i -1 o. i.i i. :. xi .-. 'Ii.'ar S r.: I h.iv. I'l'i n in p.' .: I,, or 2., lei's, (iliil li:m- I'" i t'kio ,,-iit.' (ii-Te or I-. all lie- itiu--. .ri ni'n-li n li"1'. Mi ' I 'o I ix i in ,i Ii ri mi- system :!. .ill run -town. I thuiiulit I irmi il'". Is r I'l'lii in .' sei te-tini'-ni iN in tin- '.i- r- in In liaif "I' ll"" l'- s.irs.,,rilla I tiicht t!i-p- I'oiii.-. an 1 to'iti l u ili'l ni po pen h -.,"-1 ' 1 1 1 1 I ii:ti'i'li il tn' mu' it 'iitill -i, . I" nl ll."l .1 'I rl i li'o lo M t ' e.ilinot c I old,' of ilollljf UJP Hood's51" Cures rt-i' h i.n 1 .I'i'l ii"'v I c r--;.-' r";,'-o the mcili-col- tin, ni'i, -'i f"- i ti n i Iri'li"',' fnr me. I urn Ui-il I-,l -"I'll." :' 1,-n-oi'l 'iml (. fn. icliiol, in on ii, !nt, 'iii-. ui"!inlin- kiilm-y. l-ioii, liiti-ninl iilor-h. Mmi i' ii-i-ij 1 Ixittl O' I loo I' Sn i-ii jm'-i I ' i i in. i Ilk" ilioli,.'!- mini. In t..i-r I ty.nk II '!'- S'(s,'i'i'i.i '.! "iv I'fe " li. II. !;is "(-. ii" . tiH'iim'Viion.V.1 ll,l . Its Th-r-i If -' il II, !l" M ol.l !' '. a o- h,x' " .T! I' ln.o.n',,, ,vl,.. :.- rs lo"-.f -no,... a,n;., . Ti,(. ,., , , ,., ,,,, , v...u. j i !l" v . .(. iv i... .:,f,,i. eu ,.( i,,.,,, ,:, rt .... , .,; , i lo ,,. ,.,.( i... i,l 1 '-: i I I .a. h, lo i,l l"i M ''"'li sllsthi h.'. I 1- til' II . e: . t,.l i II i .;.,, --i. '. -. i .' i i n i". , mi ''ii"'''ii"ii- im.O' i-e i -.n'o'i ca' - ; p th. II ,li ir. - ea-' 1" thl-llfe. keep li! , , .. (I . j I M-re,. ,iu i, -..i.i... m.i..., r"-"h.,.,. r"'-' h" - "' ; tlioii.ii-h!', ti im.'d: th.- exti ii- "ii 01 i XMIoir. fnr tlad. ,'iu.l coiuiu, roe call- for a ',-., ! I oM nn a i" ' ' I' om s bo Ir1''t Con. , , I suiiijiMii. .1 si:,. Ii-tioishi r ':'.V . .V,'.. 1 noa inii'ual. thai cm ilniw lo -i v j .o,:.. ,., ho,.- mil -t,"k "0.000 pirn. " h"i; 11 ' "! i -o: !" nr. si I that is eoo-i-. at It h s ,f, t v rij Ti-,r,, ,'v '!',Mc I -.- . ,os. " roil led -ti""t- el cities, ..d j l'..'0". .1, "J!"" .:'. "''"' 7V." have Mli'll ii'T.-i, , 1'Jiim; l.l.'ll t I. VI I ...I ti,,.,- i, i. ,i i,. a "i ni.i!, ,ar-. I ' 11 pound-, ai - ci il' imiii'l a' pi le s that I j ... tr... i ., l..H.h -i,r- -aoi i..r. would a-'"un 1 n ;( ai iii-inx f-i'-u,"!-. I j The ro-id-i- r, t.,... i- n .b unnid. !ffl-. ii'Iniii -"" ! m-i 1" -. l-a.i- Th-mp. .... . . ...... 1.,,.'. I ,1. I'l '. , .1--. I :.! i 1 I I 1,1,1.' i Ills - I, -11 'II i r. iloi-l II II 11111 t fl it 1- ' capable "f -i ,- . 1 1 in, 1. .; hours ,, j ,, ",nt i I'lo.'l ri" ir"ii-are i -",l in . nin.lni -. . ' L ' ol not b -- than ei'iit or t"ii oiii, s mi : BEYOND DESCRIPTION ; " C TX:Z j luxury, nnd i- mi iiin'iuil of ln-ii i The Misery Before Taking ; breeding asid tiioroii-h to fu ! it for ii..- m !l eirc'iiustaiic .. !l"i-.- ! AM' . I back roll" i- ;il-o -teadili -r"wi'i; in j The Happiness After Taking !,!.i,l,ltv H. b.-in-cib'" ,.,- .,... HOOD'S. 1 mid im ' ill ",. m el tlol i. ., ij. . f,- ! 7 j in'- ill in bi . , ill n . a- -.i. ll as 1 1 Minnie V . that can v, ; fop, i ii ba'id l'.i f ' ii'ind with th I'ld'ii'iry "oik "I the V-''-'Um '"fc; ' j I'ii in. I'i ii"it. tie ei-owinir detiiiiiiiN t, A j 'iJ K .';., j nnd "t l-ln,,n in Ih, m itt r of hor-es I' ' . V s'l'h'j ii ill fui ui-ii lo fanner- a pretty Mire V'f ' VVV, uiai ket for -noil s ,,, be bioii jif ,, - . f .VcA -NSEr to the stand iiM I'. ipiirt i bv these ,le- '''JFrS'm. Vc..,,,-",,'le,o, lloar.r- Ihurx .li'i for?n I 'I nl not i.l'l sli.'im I FOR FA KM AM U!U)EX. IS1NH STRAW. Sttnw pombineil with other rtifttrri nls ninke pood Iced, ami witlt avow ing stock cspeeinlly Ktipplit-s n cheiip, wliolrsiiino IVeil. But it kIiouM not be tiinde hii exclusive riitioti, for the reason tlmt the proput tiotis of solno of the eh micnta of iiiiiimil nutrition is so Kiiuill tlmt mi nuiniHl chii hiirdly eat ninl ilioest n Mitlieient iuitntity tn keep in n uooil, thrifty condition. For this renxon it should be eoinbiiieil with other timtt rials. Clover, hay, wlunt, bran and Ktinw tni'tlit r mnke n w iiolesonie ration for nil kinds of oiowino stock. Wlmtever eiinnot bo put to piinl mlvnntiioe in leeiliiifj can lu nt ly ulnays bo used for boddltio nii.l in this way bo eoiiM l ti'd into ii yoo'l iiiaimio. It should not b" nllowi il o on to uMste, as is ofloii ilono. Tho Intut nearly alwuvs needs nil tlmt eau bo enrri"d leiek to it, mid mid ii proper use of tin- straw will help keep up the fertility. -New York World. I I II.IUN', I n n fit rt n A l l.o, K OK SIIKI l I,!' the elieapi st an 1 wi ll us olio ol 1 1 ! I in-.; up n (lock of sh Ibiriil World, is to st ways of loiihl p. sn s ( 'olnian's i h i t the best of tin ewes ii nd breed to ii trill blood rnm ot n .,od breed one that is best Milnpled to o:ir ioeality Mini the pur pose for uhieli yon nre keeping shrep. Keep on -,li 1 1 1 1 M the ewes, selecting ii new nun im p two veins in order ti infuse new blood. There Is live time! Us 1 1 1 1 1 1 plolit 111 In M 1 1 i II lis in ill lb A heep Mill v b fed otll'. st eiith of ill,' food tlmt mm o re- ipl'res, ninl will make n Hem Iv lliree-ipinrters of until polllli ,biv to- the fn-st -jsi) ihilsof Its life, w Ii -Ii It beeono' exci IN-lit innttoll. for i'ii in .:is ii v 1 1 1 make nearly n half a ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 a day. Such sheep will net -i i' -tiI - a pound at the farm, but -iioh sin ' p. too, Iruiii:; a lure,- em -e;i--. will h-ixe a Imoi ll.-eee !'l plopur llo'.l. MM; ' ! i I i v Im in- hm- b P fl ' , 11 s. Its tr e- iiiol IukIii I'd t Wl'b llb'tlu ft "111 tt II the I-, ml to fitti nnd 1 1 noes. I lii i Ion, i a ihieket wliteli eiiei om-lii - ii ai Ii npn: til tiebU thei boiibr. It.-inis -trmu'' tlnit liny I'm run '' -! ! ' ' 1 1 1 I allow slli h 'I Condition oi I lll!o-- t" Xt-t, l'llt iliaMV'bi flnlll -lo ! , ir. I. s-M: -s. S. no time they no nil t" l ilt Ih" I'M le-, but th" work !- pot otl' f i-. 1 1 1 1 iii- to tun, 1 emu, I'tll't Hi'lk ' I II'- llo'le 11M I I'l'llKlt. '.(i Ii tiiieio U nl t Ii, 1,1- fori,, Imk- inu pbiei - f,.. miliiinl- iiii'l foul words from w Inch miieli il linage can be ox p. o", to y r. in- ci ops, to -ny iU'th-1M- "f th. u : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of s,, sjiven up to llo.ui. I'll' 1" I- Hot olllv ront waste lu'li'ss iii sucii til 1 1 i ti sr. l'llt it yiveo H fiirm mi untidy, slovenly b"k which oiiulit t" b" avoid' d. This is a s 1 "cleaning up time, " mid it would bo c no...! plan to cut down the bush, , 111" Hit t ill- f' !. 'os Hi, w , Mild hive the land tin i hin iiipniou-li o.-eiinied so loii- iii a -h ipe for hsi ii"t spriiii.'. Aim r lea n ' i ion It nrist. V c-rr-i man tii turnips t,. eons. Hi found thut nh"ii pixeu iihile tin.' cons ere bcin; milked the milk mis nlb-ited bndly, but if eiviii tifter the nnlkino mis don,, th'iv xx ii- not ,i Hint of turnips m either lui'k. crcim or butter. It is b reiisoMiib;.' , xnl niniioij of this result tlmt the t tint c line to the milk from the eons inn bi-uiith, which nt the tune doubl -; h-i I i- very turnipv od'-r. Milk is ottt ii badly tmuel tn i:ii' -b Hiily st.ibles, and this is fre quently H ,, ,,f p,,i- butter. The hslut of ions iu xoid'11' urine or their excrement uhile tln-y nre being milked is off en o i- ' T th xx r t nints of milk. V kuo-i nimv csrelul nolk- lueii ni... st .j. inslking wbeu a cow j a I mail t Ii i s bis xniiieiu'e m teedin voids either solid or liquid excrement until it can bo covered' with some frcch loose earth or coal ash b kept lor this pnposo. This is a plan which (lair, men should more penernlly fol low. There would then be less of w hat is called animal odor in milk. Some of this odor passes off wheu milk is exposed to pure air; but not all of it docs, l-'nouoli of it often re mains in make butter poor kecpiii. The fact that cows in winter are milked in close, iinxentilated stables n one reason why so much of the win-ler-tnade butter is poor to begin with and very quickly spoils. - Huston Cultivator. KKI-KCl' OK I'OOil ON XIII. K, lu the fec'lino of milch cows, a ra tion eoiitniniiio about two nnd om linlf pounds of tlmestible lioli-illbuiui-noids is considered n noi'inal or bal anced ration tor a cow of I.imiiI pounds weight ; tlmt is, it keeps her in paid condition with a full Mow of milk. That is xx hat is to be considered in the question of feedino. nlld is supposed to be fully appropriated by the wauls I the iiniimd. If that proportion is Milled the balance is destroyed, and it l- beli, veil there would be a wa-te lie ooid'iii,' ns one oi the other wi- in exc . Iii other words, a ration of ditV. n nt propoi hen- is an abnormal ration, ami cues lis" to tue inquiry ulnth'T abnormal result- may be expected. This leads to Hie milter of f I II. (itVectlllo the fat product of milk. It is a ditliciilt matter to ,, ti l Mini" exactly the process that nature employs in the iiiiiinul in the pi ...iueti"!i of milk, but iiliati vii- these pi"ci ss. s are, tin y ii oik for the elaboration ot ih flint proportions of fat and ciiseiin , and m the same annual 1 1n- will quite likily remain the same npn dh - ol feed; they in iv undoubtedly b, inoroilsiil if ilimiiiished in quantity . but the pro portions will remain niy inaily the -!!... Pi 'fi-ssoi Wm I "f N-ii Hair.p shite snys. "I'll" x hi iiit'o'i- in th" per 0: ut. of fat in milk iv inamlv dm In other eii'cu instance- firm t In s-mrci s from which th. iintro m'- t lb- nilioi. ali derived." Till in ' " b w M II tin oil expressed opinion of Pi ol'e-s. u lolinson ,,f ( '..I,',, ,'ticllt. ' i'l 111 'I 11 -Ion li Telegraph. v x n xi v I f yoiti 'In!' i lie nt oim . The ('" "Hi ' l.Alit-l M V"l I ll'l- 11" .. ;i- I 'llll" (. IO t ield poor mill;. M st r.-i 'i nnd ii" loi , v i iidil Ii. II. r Hit" n dull e A u iipi'ln it ion ot n o od of tie I'llU'S. Wo lo t tloit enn l i yueii r before ii th"lniio Ci 'MO s. 11.' lilt I'll II1III1L'. Too much enrlionneeoiis foo l m the diiiry mil iiuike 1st beef luster th,m I'ult. r bit. The iirly liinib is n protitnbb prod uct, t in,' in the -prini; "ill brine its much ii- tno in the lull. A COM th'lt beu-ll-s t" lose f lol e th" II 11,1, r I-. yiilie ill be sh be sprini; poor ' by th" nioiitli ,-I Mny. Mn, th.- In st h.-lp tlmt enn be found ,ind p'n it ii hut it is north. I'm u"""l, e.'iui'. l, nl On in Il l-id is north tno or ti r. i!ie"'oneti lit-. I'i'ilit II" si i ,) uithout testing it in ii box "I' -nl -it in n nii'in ini'e. It Is little ti-oiibl, to ,1,, tins and will oil. u -in ii xntioiis disappointment. lu inuu m iiii; siie. p mniiiiLreiiieiit 1 1 "I -1 colllt lii-st, tl"Il bleeds. Meojn III l'i.- bolt-oil mid bleed up rutin -III Hi nt tin top mid breed down. I'll, r, i- no doubt tint cook, d I.-.,, i- b, tt' r th in Liound or whole "rum i I..,- t iii. i:ioi; h"'-. It i ill pny toe. ! th- tood for n btrue hitd titiles-i f is very cheiip. j Il proper pruiiiiiK is done when the i trtisine set out. mid tin y lire pruned i nnnniilly iluniiK Hi'' in M lour or liie I l ilt s of "i-oivth, there w ill be but lit tle r. iinired after. IL, not bo, I tlo !ny iloiin t bun bonrds in tin mmv ,.,i tl 1,1.-. f.'l i loll do th" nun -s ,.f nil- io"i tin- -,"i:-.'.. u ill i. -,l X. ritllbl, , Xposll', to I mil- dun I to-' Col in n The m, r ye n, mlo of ri - I,, doubled xx 1 1 1 1 1 : i th- I i-t thirty -ni. I I (li s III the I'lllte I lltl-. Til U Is ibl. to the fuel Hint -he, p hit letter bred nnd more intelligently mini ived Ihiiii they wore n "reiiernt ion n in Auiericn. (Quince tries tire snnl to benr longer thilii )'ple trees. They (.Ion b st on stro'iv; e!:iy loinns. but 1 hey ih xrrv mil on do'ip, ntnvelly drif's. (In snii'l nnd nriivel they nei, sto- k np si mil, or blur Hluoi'i'intl a, cu strong chiv loiims. A smooth m iidow iiinkts msy nioix- inp- It is b u I phin to r, II the lnd as rnrly s po-sil,e in the serine, im. ing a heavy roller and cav vinoK box upon it iu which to put ill suilnce stones. It pays better to pick tlie-o up thnn to leave th' tu tn break your mower kuives on. The comb of the tow I is nn honet index, nnd should dsily be eorisiiltt d by the fancier who xcln.-s tlio hi nlth and wrll-bciii!,' of Ins fl.-ck. book at the comb of a larini; hen or a l ullef. She is in the heiui t of health nnd stieiioth nhen she carries on )n-i head blood-tid, bngh and full comb. Ql'AIM AM) CTKIOrJi. Cotton grows wild in India. A dog's tailor flourishes in Tart. The ludiii cable is 21. Ort miles buio. .Inpunese fartn aiiiinnls are shod xiith straw sniiibils. M'irnviiiit liiissioiiaries have been maintained in Labrador since ITlill. The Western I'uion Telegraph Com pnny eotisiimes liiii.iiiiii.iMHI envelopes a year. tifeek ladies had steel nnd btrtfis mirrors, parasols, funs and smelling bottles. Sandwiches made by machinery lire the result of a labor-sax ing; device just invented. In l-'ratice the doctor's claim on the estate of a deceased patient has pie ce deuce oxer all other. A book printed by Cnxton has been found, it is o'liimcd, in the lumber loft, of a Connecticut faun house. I'onic wnssnppln d from twentv-foiir large aqueducts, which brought fi, liilil.ililll cubic feet "f water diiilv into I the city. I'.ight c-dorod women entered u "n ill di n ing contest," the feature of I a church i nti i (iinineiit in lotltniime ! tin other nei k. I Th" worn- u in the middle agi s nl j wais parted their hair w ith a small ' ibmgt r. When not in n-o it was enr i ri d in the girdb . : I ifimki tuiess is very rare in llm .In in U". I'l'iiil, the cause being flint the j people drink ootVee to thealmo'.t entire i ( Xclu -MUi of iih'holic beverages, i Piiii-niakinj us-d to lie held in Iii:; Ii -el i sf ; mi than it is now. Anion.? the mien 'its tln-rc in le many nth inh-rs of : this kind, and one of the griat'-sl of I i t lo in ii as t 'icei'o Aceordim; to mi old "iielteor. tin fs,s tl.o 1 1I..1,... ' ycai-ioiuid resort on th- Hudson, was dt fixed ti'oii an old Indian know n h .lohii Sim. Sing. i j I'he Hii-l! ! tivenoss of ineiliex ol ; cnxnlix is shown by the fact thnt it i n -is ii!n ay s th, slow inovino pin t of the ' -i 1 1 ice, while nil ipuek !U"ie'iielits in re i vent, d by fnotnu li. Th" o and' i s of Spain chiitn tho nolit o nppi iriiu; iu the presence "f 1 tlo klip; w ith th' ir h it -"ii. t" show tlmt they nio not so much subp ct to I if ! lit ii- "t ii- l Spnuitii-'ls nre. I .'rank M ixneii'id II, m i Smith, of j I iidMitinpolis. sni i,,ii ii I,, piny n eiinn- of e!i"ck"l - n Iple of necks ao and j ! bei'iiMM so ml ro.-ted that th"v eoiitiii- I lied til" Colli. '-t fi.f tl, ho'll'. without i i "no iiri-nm t' oni I heir seats. .lohii Vdiniis, of byexille, llhio. wns hased by o bull, t" I int.. n tree i and hind' d in ,i horn, t-' lu st. H, lull so e.'11"-i the ilis.ots that they issin-d forth m a nariu nnd stuuu the Hill la s" terriblv that h- died the next day. If n Chinese nay s a iniiu's life he in compi ll, ,1 by nn inn lent custom to support li i i.i tin- rest of his days. The result of this is that very often n IroHiiiu'j nmii will p ri-h in tho sioht ot a scoi" of sturdy sxvimtm is, who feel too pool' to lllld. Itllke tile feeding of atiot her mouth. i j The aiicii ut )livsi' inns 1ml n tire; I In lief in the heillill" loner of differ- I . nt poitioti- of n cat. probably from soine contusion existine in their minds j xi ith ree n d to its oi' 1, nine In cs. I ne of tin "il "ivt-s as a Milimble receipt to ! cure fevers, two pint- "1 xxater mixed I with thr It-ops of blood taken from the ear of mi ass in, I ci rtuin iirts of 1 a cut's digestive oriin-! i " " m" I ilumiiiatctl l ib- lliiny. Some trials have pi-t been male nt I Kiel on board "f th- i b rmnn war xes- j -.I Worth with nn ei-ctrn-illy Indited ibfebuoy. tin- inx i i,( i. u, ,. ('nptnin , I Mi Iter. The buoy nn- t'nonii over j board when the H"-- I n,;- proceeding: nt H -1" about siit. ...lit tm h. -hiv CUITi llt- n knots. Tor cuds it was caused bv t he lost 111 till T xx ill .:'"!' np)-, iiit'I. to'llol II - m- nl - i- pr.'I'a''! rallx .', i - of t!l" .-. ., ;. but then e Tile lo iv 11 le bilov Will be nl nt infill, nod 1 ho experi -In d - , . -1 . 1 1 1 x ii,, ,t ,t licit i ii ill b, inli'i't. d "-n i ; mn :i inn . ! I et i mt x Sn -'( ii. ii tin lit ' I ( I'ai iietei . i lu ll Si nn 1 . - Hc- W h. liiiiol Mi -I can li'oin In- li-i'i ( Hi:-!;., d .i lo., mouth'- ; -oi frnti'-s in ii i ll-kl J 1,1", ., I "It - no; lo,, ii". - i iiiiloi to I'nri-. in the 'y r. m i s. he it n hotel :it. pnid it i" hundred nnd lifty Th proprietor "iild luive ii r, ceipl. ly ," replied lb mind ; - ed the pny in. lit. " in ( i" I " 'li ei ed .snr. div." v. ph. d y o'l". "' "N'"t I, ruoii !.l tin- seiintor, "in iiinki no mil a re it. "Ho I ,:, tic ho.t. li- miud . s:, ii:-. " 1 ll'lt C.l I . i-ii-t ' ' b, i r Ml t I jp; i's. A buueh pr. My litt! f . n .., pen tapi rs is n i t n Inch involxi s onlv A h i I I i" i xi etiditure of n i'lf. Ho i' i 1' fen c n's. 'j'b t;-sii' p.p - .. flow r-. i'u p -ti n", on r ! t . -d!. i:,t" )-; 1 tth paper tl i sre roib .l ox r t and then ci inKi,, into ii c-, bt li'i swtt 1 -St. i-'cr. n:- l'l'ide of II colois of the i r i- e it iu narrow d over n knittins l. 'idi r tnjieis. Two f'.ilstilij; colors e n" nt mi.! end, up ov , n hut jnn reseiiibl mop of a ,o-.l!S Hepllblic. BCYAl BAKiNO POWPf H CO., ICS . rot in Snoiv. Coinnieiitii.g on the dilTerenco be- tw n the nio st plasticty :f snow :n liess umler the low lire of an arctic w im r, l.ieutenatit i-cfnvatkn I savs I he cutting of a th,. ! p. ii, from the sKle of an an t c .nw b, in- steaiiofg.u.ig a sheet c.r pin-tic snow from a snowball, produces a shower of line ,-owder exactly the name as fm.i, a large lump o loaf , , i i . in.- hi, ii, I'liinnnK snoiv block stnds in ab"iit the same lei.ltli'll III IMOSt: U IIOIIlll IliaHO here, as 'he just from the mould, atid lii-liiur it is dried, lears to the and ready b,r u' The aWiic snow 11. ,l.. ..i... ii. ii i i , I'locks rnisj hke a well burnt brick: , . I, . I . , and this is especia y no ica . e ur- H'tonsly ( I we it her, when I ' nave ne.iru ;i snoiv chick, a l was j h(MI,.k with a knife, give foi th a clear, i metallic, sound, n .t, unl kn the striking of a highly teuicei' d bar of sup' ndod steel vxitli the hand, or other lion metallic substance. Vet it. must tint I e infetred that th s dry, compact snow has any of the elir.r.i'' teristies of tin ice above it. lt is nut only much liirhtei than ic-.biit, I be lieve, lighter than the plast c strnw we have, eel tainly not so dense ns when inadi.' ntn the ordinary snow ball." KvKiivudiiv knows that the sun I hn spots on it. and yet muu jenplp, ! always expect a ten-yi-ar old boy to i l e al i'it ei fe I, Kiim'.- Morn. Wiii-'n it comes tn conversation the bai b'r has the e(!i;e on ns. Galves ton News. Thpladv nhopc pertrnit henrts this nrtieto ) L Mrs. Mnrv F. f'ovell, of Scotland, lion Homing fo . 8. Pnk. Sh wr:to to Dr. R. V. I'iprep, Chief ConMiltinc I'tivsieinn to the I Invnlids' Hotel nu t Hiir-ionl Institute, nt. Huffalo. N. Y.. ns follows: I was sick two jenrs with ' falling of the womb' air I leiienr rh'pn previous to taking your medicine. I took mx iKittlesof I'r. Pioree's FnvoritP Pr Foription. nml xas entirely enrcl of Isitb iu six months ; it is four yixirs this month, finep I wns piitirrly well of both those dis-ens.-sanil hnvcti'-vor hndiinv sit-ns of tin-imp-jieorimce since nn-t I nm il'."'. tlm ' Kiivor it" prosiription ' savod my life, for I could hni'llv waft nroimd when I cimrai'iio l tiikinn that m-,lioin mid I think it ia n (iod's bl.-syin t" me tlmt I took it. I v.'ns t ronoiili't.t incurable bv th" hest rloetori" hor in th t. I kbvp np nil lioK-s nurt mndo up tnv mind tlmt I xxns to ts taken iinay from my Imsbniiil nml bnby of two yi-ni's old. I wns sick nil of tho time eoiil'l not ent nnvtli'n nt all. In mi" week. after ts-k-iiiiiina th" use of Hip ' rnvnrite i ro' my stomnch was- so niilch lij'tlor tlml I could cat nnvthmii : I cimld see that I i xvps pmnuiK' nil over nnd my husband then wpiiI and pot mo fix bottles ; I t.xik three of them nnd my Rtomneh did not txither me any more. Vtp sent to V"ii nnd got tho rooplp's Com mon Hn" Medical Adviser, and found iriv ease descnlx-d just ns I was: xvc did wfcnt the book told us. in every way : in ou month's tim I could see I xx-as much U-tter than I had I -eon ; wo Mil! kept on just a" ttm Isiek u l-l u -. und in three inoiiths I stopped taking n'...ili' iiie, r.u,l todnv, I can proudly frav 1 nm - well woincu, yen, om well, strong and healthy. When I lieean to tako your medi'-ine my f.irp was poor and eyes loclfed dead. I rrail l noteujov mywlf nnvwherp. I wnstirct nnd lick el tho time. I could hardlv dn my house-work, hut now I rl i thnt and tend a ig Rni dpn, help my linshniid nnd tuke in lowing " Tho fillowi'ig will prrro intf resting to feeble women generally, nnd evppcinlly so to those olviut to bpcomo mother i. Mis. Di-ra Jminnrr -J 1'Jpe'criit. I J? Krln hki J' 13 i " Mn.rh I 15 s " TIITl.. ti ipi rn. tVr Iiht fiald lo rumim tn 7$ I r .nis p.1,1 lv... r..-.l ,1' MI'U. HI "". U'l " IIMrawn 'v ll'-l ; i) U. 10 ' tun Ik- luvejlel; ol.' lyi ,nf. r nitl (. , , l-IIIKIt Vt'.. Il-nl.rr nnd Hrtr, lf ml ! rml'vv, X . i .if . A I til I O wwht.-nen. IV C. So b i If I UU f'lWai "bta.i cd.v. r.w fur IurcRtor 0ui conomy requires that in all receipts baking powder, Royal Baking shall he used. It will go further and make the food lighter, sweeter, of hner flavor and more wholesome. WALL ST., NEW-YORK. (Inn Cloth. So niii' h has been written 8bmit the ciystal gown of the Princess J.ulalie that its evpen-e nnd np ,.,,.,r.,.. nrn looltnr ,.f l, : .,,, ,,, ,. , ,.,ri1' . ., i , ... ... ;,i , i, , i.., , n i. iiti., ,,,,i. ,.,,. fml Pe(. In j lntly ., ,rmP and j frai sni1Hlall(.P, , ,s exceedingly ' ,IliraWt. ,, r!lll ,,0 ,longt,l with , x ,t, 't , t , J( , ,,., ,jk( h . (stJni siil.un.erlng silk, it sur- face taking- up the light in a mar velous way. Not for the toilets of . U. i .te : discovery most suitable and valued It pio, erly b buis to house decora- I ''V"'."? ich beds bei especially I'l 'I'll in eiiiirtins. lion 'ic inn i i . m i : wa 1 drap njjs. Ilousew ves w II fle- ' , ' ,h, .,, , fh. ... . that .Mtch and hold rainbows, and ! vet a dip in eld water will at, once i restore their pristine freshness and i lip.nitv. A crent Held for t.hlu new! In'i,i,trv. HcruM. An Fxampl In Nature. A little (irl living on tilst street, in Chicats'o, who has rieat tasie for drawing, was exhihitliirf one of i her pi'turcs to a lauy visitor tne other day when th" visitor asked if th" little Kb' i't the picture was standing up. "No, she s laying down," said thf artist.. -Von shouldn't sav lavioc," Inter- posed her minima, ".-ay lying. After a moment's reliction: 1 Well, hens lay, mamma and I should t hink a little plrl could do arythiti); a chicken could." A. (ttithrle, of Oakley, Overton Co., Term., writes : ' I nex'f-r enn thnnk von enonch for what your trentment hns done for mn ; I nm FtronK"!- now than 1 have been for fix yenrs. When I tpin your t rent men t I was licit nl'le to do anything." I could not ftand en my feet lonjs enough to xvnsh my dishes without fuf ferinn nlniost denth : now I do all my housp xvork, witsliinp. conking, sewing nnd ovpry thins for my fmnily of oiRht. Dr. Pieref'a Favorite Presrriptiori is th" best mcdirinp to tnko U'foro confinement thnt enn hp fonnd ; or nt least it iirov.-rt fn with mo I nex-er surTorcd so little with nnv of my children as I did with my lat nnd she ia the hr-nlthieft wo hav,). I roeoniinend your niedioinns to nil of my neii;hlors and ospe. inlly ' Knvorito Prescription ' to nil women whoaremtferinK. Hnv.-indu'-cd several to try it. nnd it has proved go,! for them." onn truly. In 1 T. Tien-p's Favorite T'resoription is n pew r a (,r , hi. md r.,,n,nl iat.wl nr f,,s,nfo leurorrhen, exepssivo flowing, r;ljnfll menstruation, unnntiirnl suppiPS' sjm)s npd irr(,KUarjtir, prolapsus, or falling r ,-, wenk l)a,.j .. fPmnle wonkness. ailing n(-ss.s, nntevprsion. retroversion, learing-down sph- snfions, chroiiieeongpstion. intlammntienand i ulcerntion of the womb, inflummntion, pain I and tenderness of the ovaries, accompanied j with "internal heat." br. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a scientific medicine, carefully compounded l.y "joy , and n If ' i an exHri--in ed and skintui physician, adapted to woman's delicntporgaiiizution is piirelv x-cKital'lo iii its compofitirn iipi f.s tlv bnrmless in its effects in 'inw ronu Hon of thr S)item. ror inornliig si 'kneKSor nausea, due to pregnancy, weak stomach, in digestion, dysjiepsin nnd kindred symptoms, its iisp will irox-p very tieneflcinl. Iir. I'ipree'a IVsik, " Woman and Her Pis eases." I MS pages, illustrated i, giving suc cessful means of home treatment, can be had iwalfd in p'on enivmw) by enclosing I) cfs., in one cent ste.Pips. to pay p-istngp, to the Doctor, at his nddr'is, as given at tbo begiuuing of this article. ConnmpflT find fww'c m. shoo Id nse f'lioCiir fur fc C-onpumptlnn. It naa rnrd cbon4. ft hnn nnf injur 1 oaf. 1 1 9 not tiRi tn tnk-v Utfftbe besiconiliBTrup. Boltl ererrwher. 8Ac, mm, ym calling for Powder Driving the Brain ttt the expense yrJL. . 1. . II I.. M I'l lilt- I ' HI X . "Oj tn,;' t.:." i-iV the brain we ?. c'.i must build tip Lf-i the b"dv. Kx- r?'' cn isc, pure air - foods make lienhhy flesh --rcfroslting sleep siKhate mctli'ids. When loss of lush, strength and nerve Ivcomo apjiaicnt your physician will doubtless tell" von tliat the I ,,llickest L,uillK.r pf t)rcc is Scoif's Emulsion of C ntl j1',v.f'r V ' Y ""f,?'7 '.' ',tf,s ,1('s,,1 of a,lfl ," "self, but stimulates the appetite lr other fc"!s. -r-. ir"1 byfi-ff & tlimni. N V M drnRlfta. Unlike tiis Dutch Process No A Ik n lies - nil Oilier Chemicals are n-,t In thfl jTi'i'ii ration of W IIAKKIt&CO.'S KlBreakfastCocoa tvhivh it abitvtety .!! flM'f not u hie I It tnnrrttinv 1hrftime$ tho strrnfjttt nf ( ni'oa Hilled with itiirrh, Anowroot or -MiL'iir, ninl in far more ro-, rusting it. tiw'i ove rent t cup. It i tU-hi lull!, iiourirthinj;, nml EASILT Sohl I'J Urerrr ncrynlif r. W. BAKER & C0.7Dorchester, Mail. titlrp liy lb itlf. wt n ll VIMH I D I I M. AN AHlflHUlR I ' XVWMXWAMXVlWmiVXMWip IXTMiXATIOXAT ,1)ICT1(AHV Vie. , .or ffthr. "I'nuhrMiieil." llvvrvhntly flaill oiin tlux 1 1 1 lnn.1l V. P .111- 'ii, ri nil (ites(ioM9 , criiinii I lie lit-i-i.ii v . spf! lintt. pro iium l.itin:i, (lr.d UK-aiiine ot wonts. f.ihrnryin Usi If. V also i:li,i Hi" often de st'i'il liilorinalloli roiici-riiine eminent poisons; f.i.-is, ,,n, , rn- iiu ia- iiiiintri.'s. (in- '. '"iins " " er:il IV..1 in. . ol i lo--i"i-: -.niicnl.irrnn- eerniii'.' : ".el li, tiiini- ccein mill i lii' i s-, IriCI-'O!" I "f t"ri Ifl illol.llI('II'. i "'- .i!n il'l- i i I'm l' oilici", muli. nml Sel-eelroori. T7ip riiio ('.rent jit.tinlnnt A nthnrity. "Uan"'i. BrtWfT. .'n-'"- -f S"i' .n' I- I. iv, ties t -"I Im llll.-iil.ei'i'l.'l la. luill.'iry (S il..- hnmki of h. ti.-n.-ii- s. I , I'linii.ii'l It lo (ill .'.(h : one po'iil M ui'l.ii'i uulli"iiiv .. .' t" I'm lf'thr. ;. c- V. Mrrri.-vi Ca. .tpi'inoii. Il, Vo". im r-pPfir..-.t t.'or. i"-r-''s- i 5 ' v- it.'".- icintni" "( "ncietit I S 'llti'"l. ' i r-senlr.-'re-r e.p' lie l"l- I'll lll-l'l'l '..- l..o,.,,. ,,(, i, ,lv mm N.'. .11.. ,i ink. stump nm. ! . i o-t, .im. vs.-. y. ii r,i:. no -. 1. iv. i in si..vv. OUR RIVG CURES RHEUMATISM. inn.Of'i rv.l l In X A Ur- trial "t lit. Hlm.'Hl ivrm WriK fcr r .iilii Ml-tri. Vnr-n A (., Iffi.ilynift, ("ona agents; .-t'-5J., XV. I . IMU fit ASl S t PIIOK l... -Hxle.: .'l.i.pto.n -,i,"S. 'oslintf I'l Triln-iitc "T 1 1 '" f-'. ts-t ';" I''' thtpnr. a l-oin ,-r tl't- innnrv , KLIlUU't , i i il v -.... I.I Nini"- an pr pnte UIIIT I . ,,.r,l e ll'l' ,'lo,ll. J'.K fry mil. " "n li I.'.ll . r-ff p ip, I, I'T cm , e e'.ro.inpl'to l.-r I .'ti' s in- I K'n- 1 1, r . itil-Aa-i howloor. n.-il. t.H'f l " r -n en the beat bargjuik rl (if ultra wl.o I WL rtm'xtor IfHCilfr. .t. .e-.U, .it rril-r tt.i i rsr Cc cen-liUoiil m uttitnnent Sr. I, iftms r-k4 it ( Me-;I(ir (lli-l S'MIdt Stetl fmi, kr 4f t i-rtili "f t'- fi('r Tr -lT,fBHl Hi. . m' n ib wiim "ti M'ivtni r.fferill W liili'liHwIin. il.f Anti'Ii-i .x. t)t 'Jitti;l"i1 S500 8 I VTBSTER'S 1 I INTEPS'-nON-U I Vu!CT10iARry