f! 1IU tiSlHl. AI'ltlL 20. IS'.U. f:t Vi; 'U I "riK,n" and tlio mooting adjourned, tho Ll.nd tigers opened hiio tj o. Vipuautam JIjcccm ' VA?iO KEPilOniALMEETSnG'l Th8 i'xii,cii,.,t interspersed Then u enough t.. make one p.anu mo rtoie.n nil y oi uio occasion imigii io see mom, .1 noui wnui moy : 'I In: citizens ..I this town ui,.: Mir- nlinii.r.l by sacred music furnished will .io with tl.o xvh.ski y business it loiiuding com. try, an.) many lromM,v !,-,. f. (Jrubcr am! hi r.eeitinph,.!,. unc-naiii. Some .s:iv they will have i.ioro lil.-U lil n nioii.M)! thiscoiinly,.,' .i,iy, aid n v..:un'..-i r choir iohibiiiou now. Tillman has . died lii.-ll a pub.ie meeting m Ino court geiiiiipiuii.d f j;,. ur jJi-h. J. J', in all hi spies. I think !;..- wiil house, on last .Saturday, lor lhe .ui--gTii.iu-M, Mr. and Mi-h. J. J. Jenkins, Iho !i.-pensarv bit.-iucs ,u.d op pose ol uppropualo.y t-xjire-siugkYli-,,. II. A. London, Mr. S. S. Jack - tho decision ol lint supreme umn I, i! Iheir sorrow ul lliu death ol iho latis(m. .,,,,1 it.H Nellie II;,,.,,!,!,,!!. Im don't tli.-u then, wiil !- ..moil,, i- ( !TTr,oi,.1 vu I.1'1"!""' v" Ti.o exercises unirgMaltio I brio, Oarrio Jackson, Limm war up hern. II" lia.J one man who One pain il good inulesiiml a is, ,,orvirt.s Wun. ..- ,,,.. .,,.. ;. . , ... ,, ... , ,, . .. .. . . ij ' ""'"jg.ueri-iu, magpie uorno, i.ou norno. io nail lor wni.-i;cy ami no v. a a liiiiu A hit oi en!. ...j wii nut ii'ikanil ... . J , . ., i. luoso. ix no xvciv prcsuht. , ..j ... . ....... ,ul(1 lll,t. K A t-lili-Mrt i V Sllli'l'l.-j S II Wii.iy I lill,U 1 Inhla xv i; .i.-Lsmi BtAH Clilil-K T..W'HMIl'. im iimm 111 IMillf I V I J fJ 1 ft i.l'Wl' m.viii ll.O lll'.st III: county al U. h. l' (I hllOf.S .Sail's. liie . n-.li- lic n lSlcaclied and iinlileaelivJ Joiiiun lien, plaid.i mid giiiliaiiiis .) cciit :i yard at O. S. I'oc Jc Son'.s. J lie la.lii-?, wero lil'em-lit in iui JFiuiiiy 'l'liompsoii and Matlie Mxlinx. lour dollars per tiay. II 1 illiiian I. ad pit All kiiuto ol laliii :i lit impluineiits, iiic.H'Iiii ' tlio t'Ullon lioe, ul (). K. l'ou k Soli's. I'liililri-ii Joive and our coniiiiodious cnurl i-ooiii was quite ernvvded. Add never I.e. tuo hail liial room Lk-cii ho urtis- Miler Sii'liiis. Rm.ku Cn v, A jiril 2-1, 1!4. Wo aro havinj; a very cool spring, ; tit-ally ami appropriately draped amid..,, J vegelatioi. i.-: about 11 monlli he- et tin? purple had lliu whiskey that ho r:..-i.l lor tho dispensary in the town and toi.1 then) lo maiiau il to si:ii ihemsoi ves it W'.iild l.av-j boil lii- hettcr. J think, but now iht-y clout know i L'urdon ci:"''ul 1 lurtio wiau ot ' p.auorii.y,l!ll(, Ttiure will ho no fruit in this actually where they i.rii nor tli. y i) J.jIIu.s': t,XK'n'''''1 lr'"" liu' J1"'0 H h,''u ,v,1i?sfflioii thin year, but tho small fcrain don't know what lo'do, iiul they art l-.-..'- r. ;.ii l: it l in n .11:-;. '.-iry I ti- W l)...v.y Mlf l.-i.liy .1 l'l.;l 1 (dml'iii li.u-i Ml'M Kiiixiliin Mmi i .I:i.:k.m lii-lrn W A l.iincli'.i i.tiir.i.v wuil.iiii li An-l.-y I. 11 II' U Vil n.. 0 l.ilili-l luil T I. I...VH (' Il I.I I II", mlinlnis'iur, H s MT.-:m.., 7, Iliinry I ' ll. i: nr.'fi iny mcii .ntain Arc now -1 AJ.. OL"1 C'i ... - . a, - 1 I'lHIl I'll il U.TI H iiiwSMiir. 4:i ui-rt-rf 11.3 " JiH " Kl " c. lining tut) jjoiiu.i . , ... . - , L" .' . ri - - i j f.iiim, n .,. ) K Too k Son's 1 iwimiM tlio entire bur, ud was Cov-fc,.,.)S aro roporled lo bo in a l!ourih- just as bltlt r as they have ever been ;,,i1V, ' tered with rugs, kindly loaned b Bmi, (.out! ition. i against oi;o another, Hint is, iho ri,.,in imiko leooleiioulilorfro.-it Hulll l1"1' f-piriletl ladies. In tl.e vl'lt. death of our "N.iblo States j larni.-rs agnii hi the town, hut they S-Mi,,.y nun iuiijf,ainl boii.o'. n'i"' ot liiu tHiji and sfispendt-ilginjn" mid (.'onfederntit (iovernor, ! trndo with theiii. There is no good '"'' s O'.u-'-n re was h slight h-ost.' ":iinst the wall was a ioj Mail oiui.st a gloom all over our town And 1 feeling toward e.ich oiht r, bul they 1 -i'L. u ... i .Senator Vance in n Iruiuu eoVcreilg,n!1. poo)le e.vpreMud theuiselveathat ' all seem to ho good people. Solar .t'vtk"'1' lo ol Wako Foresil wil" ii,Vt:iy white lilies, typical tilgih.-ro would never bo anolhor , us I am ( oi.cei ned I i.ko tlmin all. t. t. wri'i'.t llli.i rvj Alai.ii -It Nvasalmost on last Tuesday Jielhons ttay ther Prof Cin-lvlo ol Wako Forest."11" ""'w ones, ivjucai oi"iii,-ro vvoul.l never Do aiiollior , us 1 am (oi.cei neil J iiko tlmin all. (!.ill.t.M will ,t..l. v..i- ili.. .-.diliL-ss !ii .l"u runlJ eu a i ac i e r. a uovep.. :llKO - , MhIo. I liev aro very kind lo me and 1 tlio closiiiir oxercirie.- oi Lireeii Lovol I""'11'111 " largo black lott..r.-M Jiusiuess is improving lo soriio ex- know h uuili t-ds of them and I liko ! O ' " . ( I. n ... I.. .ill. I ....... ..I ti . , . .. I 111 II -i.l t . .1 Iiisliluie totla-. . 111 "')4teni, especially mo guano Dusmess, inoin an ; u incy no wit.ng iiic-ir sins n M.iii.'ii iim.e, Dur I'.eluved iSlatesuiaii".SaM iiiunliuis of wagons go sway ; aro on thoir own heads. They come 'lyn.-n in-an'ioy Tlio next ouaru-rly conlt-reiics -''Us of black ami while t-lo: h, lur -Khfiivily loaded everv day, and it will in from the country ami tako mo K'"" Teuih,i,ri .i ..... ... i. .1. . ..i i liiMhti.l bv Moshi-M. W. I., f.-.m.'nn 4l, .. !..! ,.l ln.i',1 I,,. !nt i ,r 1 1 ,1... I I I .,v,. ., Mi-i Minim A iMik Ol WIU .UO'.llUtllM Cillll Ill n till uiv J --' - "'S" " ' ' " fS ," "'.T " . . v in.v 1'itlsboro' circuit will bo held next ,s"u nl1'1 lynum & lleaden, wi-i euaiio bi:yer in the lull, when guuno ' tinut ol it, an you know thai 1 always Saturday al Moncuro. : draped mosl artistit:Klly ujion thegnolcs aro duo. j liked everybody. I huvo an en f wall ami uiion the two lullars plnc-eiH Thcro has been a very ir.lereslinir gagomenl almost every day now. r .. i . I... r , ... ,- . I. w . ,. . . . : 1 I I .! ... . i . I I'll :t'i $ M r f.-i i: u I r,.. "8 j nil li !i : - ... . ami vvxtiy for 9' Never h;u'c we nee!! OflE GQOOS Seiff FOfI il El 01 than ve are now sellissg. ouj.1 btoqk: m mmmi and cannot be sinased, equalled, in any msssket. would he impossible to gnune iC it jivriiiEWM ii.wNsmr. 1 t'.wn ha l'.il lUTra A flight hail lell hereon lutl.S.t-v at Iho front corners of thu bingo, revival in progress al .the Jiaplint 1 1 like this couiily most as good us rdav night, in C.eveiand county . To the right of tlio stago uvuk sus-jtchurch here, under tho uusiiiees of ! Jo Chatham. II. (i. KriiAMis. 1 I : i i . i ... I .... I.'... I ... " I ...I .. I I I ... I. ...... ft". , . I - . I 'm I l?iirlintrloii News : ' Fnueotlf, living between Haw Iiivt r .1--r.ltl.lt W ItltrK .tf.1. r..i ,. i-.iiii N:.ll..l. ITrrlClKil l II ilim-li I A i 11 M'.IJUl C I. 1' lt..i.i'i i s. -ititi-ri!.-i , .1 'I .1 M 1 1 1 -! t I'alfili Kuli.i'.-i I I' H SILT, l'.X"i'lll-'l', i sii-ii J 'in. i; ui',,..K , Miiii.i, !. i ,-.v Mr. (T ('uii-ii- ' Mis l. ii M.-ir.-n fi'.i " 115 " liim-rrs, lin-k'M mill Iml hi ii'-! '..-. 1 l"WII li't 1 1'ilMI lut ami it'-na lM " goods in an advertisement Wo linvi.' (neiytliiii"; yoti ciin ciill l.r, iiii-l soini-l .i(M-k witliavti cvorliti'l. All kinds nf fiKH nRPP.fl TniMMIHRS. W'u haw ik' MILLINERY wi-noon iinlii my )u Niye nioiii'v i all ami s.'i! us Ih-Ihiu x-hi kiihI no. nnnc uuuuu. .-tiii'k of vdii wish' llllVf llio hm-.-l 11 or of.it'i'. a very heavy hail fell on lasl Friday, peiidi-d a large anchor made ol bea;! gMic iiolt-d evangelist, Uuv. J. T. Jon drilling in places lo tlio depth of Ulul llowc-is, and on tho right of thekins, td tho tirst Uaiitist ehuroh of tilleou inches. t tge, jilaeed on ti pedestal dr.-tpodVViliuington, assisted by U. It. Oar- - - . . in Id.iek, was a largo cross, severali roll, a layman, of Warsaw. Tho Wo acknowledge the receipt of loot in height, made tit evergreens., .H,0tj,!g rosulted in thirty conver au iuvilatioii to alien., thy -.losing "and suspended above il was placed tM,.ns, with several accessions to the' ..i i.1..; i.i.i,. ii ,.,i, m,.i.,,-.i ......i.i ii i i k m , i . i tl. i , it--, i " - - - - - -r ' ' ' " " " J """""I "' ii-..- til lire II. 1 I ill o . tt . I. CO llil III, 1 1 1 - I , " , . J...I Ii .- (I'rof. K. L. Fox priuciiial; lo bo held The.-.e il'.-i:ota'.i;;iisaud drawings wcremington, N. C, has churgt; ol tlio 1 aUtl CL,aUl'- ' "' something at hi , on tho 17th of May. fso iippiopiiuto and so beautiul!y,g?ng, Und the singing 'was lino, j lleu n",ht V"J' "'K1". '""J K'-'r ' R " farraii.'cd as to cxt-ito much u.J in i r:t-??:. n.T verv cuiiinlimeiiliiiv to tho in- 0llt ,0"1,l eoloicil man l.elping i.i-n- A ., . I'ho closing i x. l eiscs of Calit. ...,,1 cum nli iiienls u non-i tclf. Ho blal led lo run but a loud (1 , v.im filler's schooi al Holly Springs will m-ijstic taste of Mrs. J. J. .lack -tj ( 'omnieiicemeiit will ho on the ho he:don the 1st day ol June. Kev.1,,., .iUl Mrs n A rtomlon, the'Uth ol May, ami a very interesting D. 11. 1 utile, ol lialeigh, Will Uoiivofi.l(i,.t4 vvhii had designed and urran-proirrair, nio is being arranged lor the literary address. E lllvlll. LUlC oc(',.s:OI1. ... I .- i iM 'At 11,0 '""lr 1'IM'"'111''! The l'ro blio Soc'tety has challeng- XX li. JVJwar.i.-, iinii.i, i w,"H,m.,.Ull(, Ull. , !,, cu K.s in lowirr',.,1 tho la-asmiun Society lor four vn.it 15ynum .m Monday isnd 1 ucs- ,. . , .:., WH . ..,., f , . . ,,,,.-, I.,.. ;l day, and L'.llsboro on Wednesday-, , , , ,,,.,. .. ,,,,1,1;, i ,. ul jJ.V 1 ,..1!ltlll.v Tim K J Thursday and r riday, lolln wing tin: . 1,1 .; . 1 ...... J 9i! A.uil 12. ISO 1. !" 1.1 .V.i- 111' ,'i"V.'ini i.l C'i. mi inivii lots M.W lli'l'i- Ti W.sllll'. i -I vill 1111 M 11 -! li -l-i irt shot fioin .Mr. rau. idle's gun stopped ' xv ' hmuu-i-him. J!o wtts not seiiousiv shot but 11 ' - .piilo a uuiiiLcr wtr.l in hilees. He 'lh' "" M,w"" 1 , ... 0 V. T Mill. 11 uow sleeps 111 j.ul. 1 1.. .-i( '..tvi-u. ,,,.t m l- Couconl I ij.il 9 : Miss Mat tie Fish-; I"!m M "'"-' cr, the 19 year -1,1 daughter of Mr X .Jits, it I: ir-lier, ciimf-near bcniir bui 1.- w vc l,Jj i..:,lli: ( ;in-.lliifi Il .lol. !.)(MUAM aV? ( ,f WAMM IN i'l.i; HE. it --ii-pemiou, 1110 stores ami puout 1 i.ssas isi s ami 1 'eoaior s. 1 no r.nis- j eu lo d-iit I: l:isl triday. Jlr. i ishcr N.nviS. u-. liii.la.i-r olli -cm all being cl ised. A ml it slioiildii-.iau has accepted same, so thero 1 whs but nit!.' l-rusii lu-uns. and while 'i'i."..i-i-i i:.'.iiii--..-k I ho a rich literary trout in storo his daughter w:is i-tiiiidm:' urnr a I. tm-: " ! liAKI.ANll T.'W Xrllll'. : ?("rr: AN!. hi -jii m r.-i 1 A, 11. 11 ,'ii.-!..r. li'lra 11 " : Man In V Mm:. .11 il ',' ' .-.i.-i-iliii I Uiii-us iidrs lr " i Win .1 i:rklii lu-irK i:ik " I: 'l"Tl 11 I'.: I Ij;. s 21 S M II .in . third Sunday ol each moi.lh, pie -jL IltlW.t7 tl,:lL t"l.o bells ol allv'iil pnreu to uo an .t...-. ... t.. ...... (., ,.,()ri.t, chu.,.1,l.s Wcro lolled, astl'or that timo ,, " TVi 'e, I as th.-:s (if the rrhite churches On lust Thursday night, Rev. C. llavoou see those pie . h. i.yAn l j( ..j '. Aiidersou's ' F.loeiition CMasn" Miss hraireis is I .... ,g 'Twsys the cohuvd peoj-le manUt-siod'had a contest at tl.o academy and London A.! Sou slasl, o b.c . u 3 ?,,; . syi Jitl' tll0 ,,1,, Ml. (. 1J y u J:ialto;N (, tloparlrntnlf I hey can suit anx 01. eT- .1 ' , ts '7, J . 1 . , t , ,, 1 ,, 1 the meeting. 1 he organ used on. Chat lam s most popular you ng at any prices Iroiu a I. c-.-nl luil to:- , 1.1 11' 1 1 ' , ', 3,,.J 1 ... , 1 . ,.,.,,? the oee.tJ.uni was kindly l ianed by r. nmn, and a 1:; led sueaker of tho u$ll)ono. (...me and see before ou c , . ,,. , J. .. , J ' . ' , . . ... t colored man, I'lllsboro s poliio bitrv. Lrasuiian Society, carried oil the 0ULl' li.T, .loh 11 I. Council. F laurels, and was the recipient ol a ... 1... . v!....MT... .1... o.,.. I...... ,u 1 Alter ti:-! Ail 'lieiico had assembled. J handsome eo! I medal. wuiiiMe... ,.,.. 1,.. "VVmi.t i,..,i,. ,1 tv-,..,i!,..ir ...... !' 1 ' v.,, I.... 1 .. .... Jt'ii-'iKU . - w s ana Uoseiver It I Al.ir vl . VV I I 1 t I t( 1 1 1 V. 1 ! Ti 1 1 1 I 1 ' - ' v ........ w. V'r . I ... V . . 'iviti-.'vu t ' . . . 1 1 1 . . . : 1 . . d '.l ii' , lenlv ed -il , 11 ' "d-r, a funeral dirgu ol his own'Vrmou to his cnirivgation Hun.lay - ' v,. .u-i uay aooui . ,.. A. ..,,, (Ilea quilt) su.i'ieuix, .ige.i .looui 1 ... 11. , i. , ... '1. 1 . two im e.- 11 uin 1 ie en v. lvo sons t.. .. i-.. .-, years Ho was ehcted to the i.V'Uuu was played by IVo!. . ,,igh t. Ho is an abio preacher and M J.,UU A,i Fi h xve ecu'tn- dl xx 1 ... -a.. X. .,.-h Lture, fr is ,,,.i.y.,.. ixi'-'''!'-- - J-W',,, ace punied 'gift,.,. i theology, so that it is always f t ',H .iius was ami was o. the leading repuhl.-p'T Mo.t.Hou ol a cornet -'.a tiva. to hear In - C lUH J I ,,-,, w.,.,.. ; cai.sofCi.athai,.. f.1""' k' ". I Vol. ly l.itl, tl.o notcl lc.-iili.m. V.t.? to f i-I ll.c J.Hoi vT-y l.?t : W!l"'" ? notes a long procession ol i-hnlron;. i.sl is in town, and expects lo tako . . n " ' ' , I ham: n:u .. , . . ,,y , 1. ,. , , 1 1 ....(.:.,., . ... . t"" ti.o 01 pistu; tl.icclioiMtirtct-1 .. her diets caiighl liin, and in 11 iuoiik-hI sbo wm oiivi-lop'.il in Ihtiiics. Hei dross on one .ii.le v. ns burned oil', ami it was most probably lior ll iuucl uu-tU-r eiolliiug that saved iier life. Mr. Fisbur, ami those pri;;-!!l weid tohci aid imi'.K .liateix ai.d sue.ef cued in ex tinguishing Uin iiic not iiowcvtr. 1111 lilhiki hand i xvue nc;::l la-Jly biiiiuti. Jltileigh N.'WS ftli.l '"lei M-ililiy. n II Viu-li Oi-.eol" Hie largest and Ix-.-t sfocks of !'.!' and will bo told at as low prices as call bo lot I ::n All kinds und r-tylcs of 1'iu iiitui e. You will Hfvvu luoney by buying frot-i us Nov. 2:i. IS'.t:. lb (.':,: 'diua; J. .. TlloMXv l'lTsideid. J! Ai r. A. 1'ii..1!-on, 'it i -l'reidcid. 11. The 'vttiis&rw'iail (that? -. I'al.l ui" enpital lDH.tKiH uti. Auibo::.. d 1 miml'i'i- Inton'-il.. mp riMihoriii) .! iisiic.-. ol fbild-xniai-eiu-.: inio the ou 1 irooin, I wo, charge ol a cia-w lor a two woe win tow i.shii, died 011 last SunCa Y.jj,by I wo, each child carrying a houijucl courso, alter a protracted sickness, ngml Mii l 'Inven. Two yuting geiitlemeii,' Messrs. .lames .McAdams and A. X ears. o was high. v e.Ueetiicd hyS. S. J aei.Miii and ( i us l!ui ns, stoodjA. Fan. bo arc erecting new rcsi 11II who knew him ai t !or iu:u.vby l;'rge evergreen cimm, ii'id,''dL-iiet's, and thev will add niileh to .. .. ... I. ... I .;, ..".5-k 1 It.. ..ii.l.i 1.. 1. ...I v'.:,,.,.,l 1,1 1 1'i.r.. r.-i I,.. I. ...I.-1 ..I , fin.-1- 1 11 witr v:t- u 1 ii:i;-'iT' - --.'..-, ?.i. .wv.n.-. v.. ..... Slates Com misioni r. -I'ruil id !,-.oiii ' shirting, wide, f-- t ts; ca i.o sh.riings beaulitill lawns o cis ; c.i.iib.-ii in.'N S cent-; - Milembd cot'."i..i I Cts. to 20 els ; salines, Mri; ehamhrv and per. -ales lr- lo 20 cts., at O. van el- received their li-iiijuets an I plated id r.-.. Alien, ol Hhiden couiity, is f.tlici.. r.n.on.; the evei-givc. 0:1 Ihe'l-vi.siiing her ilaughter, .Mrs. V., C, Iriel...--, Inns forming a me u nitieeii l' Sell. 1 oe A 111 s. i t i.-Jf:;r. t i 10 tt.-.fl.v C; fc t-t'-: li:.l i-l''.'ii ol 11 nes and eve;--'.') s, contributed by I lie t h.idi en 1 s eo.ii u. unity. j J : meeting war. called to orderj ipt. V.'. 1. I. ii.doh. the Com ;! ol iho l.'iiiicJ ( 'on.'e-lera'.e ? an- el this count-.-, and on nis i- . 0 lr. James Turner is on a visit to e family ol Mr. A. C. Jordan. RolllN AlJAUt. Wii iiiitoiiii Ramldiiigs. i;n ;iM .:,n, N C, April 21, 1 he l.trmei's rel'oi I great improve Ibex h.ivo received tins tve' '..i, notion ti.o mayor 1 t II..? town, .1. J.SJ , . . 1 , ,i , , at W. !. London .v S, ia,oi hri. :,el. ,,,,, F.-., , was apooiuied chair jj''f "' XV ,,cal a,,J 'n '"l 1,,-go lot ol Z-iger und l";ui:i.i and Mess.,. I.. II. ily nun. i, ml) A . pi(t ,ia:, ,.1.lliu.nm, shoes. I hey have a vei'x .arge sloe-.tl.l, t.-. lleiiener v.'ei-o nj poiiilcd seel o 1 ol ready made t-lolhing which lhe'ial ios. The chairman addressed I hej. ' , ,., , .. ,',., ,,. . . 1 . 1 K . v lie v. vi. 1. r.aw ants 01 noart icc.v ' ' I''1 ' I' ' 'I'' ' tow.isl.lphas.lee.aredhiinscllacan sun u,,.U'l,..si,,,ks and then at hi, request iho.,, Ul0 Ulil,, ial, tiekct fcli.V. I 1 . loa.i.l read sel.-el.ol , ;.. , jn Uc 11 ly towaitl Mr. Adl.ius. Deforo be' could get out id tho way the heavy j tieo fell ti poll hiin el ilsliing lam toi tho ground and he oied beloio hei could bo txtr.t uk-.l. ilia ii.uis -ik ti 0111 to hnu as tho tree was fulling but ! i.ol in tnue to bt;v-j uin. Ho I about o.) tar-j ol aye. ! ... . . ' J, 11b;. ui ln In-: li.-ter.uy tlti-re xv as a "runaway tu una.,-' m I'lirhaiu, a iJictnu (Jioeu iifi.ur. Ii. V. 'J'. 1 r A.iiiiiis 1 K Airinn j: ,1 ii'.j.i t 11 r.n.wii Tti..t:i."r einu--lil!l e M 1 Irk. us r.'-nii- ii -ii-iii-i l.-.ll'..lli.' l...l.'llH Wllll.'llll lli.lll.-l'iM 1. II vil.'li--it .). -1. 'i'hom-l'l. (i. W. Walts, J. If Hill. A. A. TI mp son, a DIRECTORS: I'm! He, 1 :iiieey, 1 higgs, H. A Ashiev I!. 15. 'if J. N, II t.ol, lb. s. '1 t 'usliier II1 HO. ! (.(). c.l. I'liilips ill W. Scott. Aeeoiil Is of Far:-H l viiiie.i- - d:eili'il ..n favor.il MI'F.t 1 W. AT J IS iTo: imliviibels. ',;s, C.up.ortiiioi terms. given f o accuuii :d Iinli- I s nnrl I I. .nil .. II m-n ;l 1.1 " l.-i " ml " ! wi'ii.. . T V. 1 : r ' Ml. - :m I .-n.-ill i a-.-i r.-Ti-ii' :i..ii II". 'I.- i :i -.-.t .ii.iui- l!'-ttriiu:i'-ii I.''. R. F Rogers, prop nt-a Soiling very tlu-a lines ol parasols an I very low. t',jl ri. m the scripiures ami oltere-.l up a l.to-i 01 tin .-,.,,,1 ,.,,',.,,,,, iii--i rl' 'irf O.i 1 . 1 . 1 1 ,iii the chairman iiM.'.inl J'lllsboro on I ties lay ul court weeK,.,j (u, 1(,lvvig commiuee to pre-f.. with a lot of designs tor all kinds elf, re-.oiu lions; Jl. A. London, A.'-i monuuicuis and totulisioncs, wnictiji Mei'.-itt, J. A. Woma.-k, S, V ho will ho pleased to show to ail ivlmrjij . .. . v 11 p........ ,.,.,1 v. x. (j,! ; 11. uv think of that lino. buying anything in n in I. A if 111 .Mr. 1 XV. (Vggin thinks there is t-" not inucli rt foriii in liio per.-oii w ho 2 rubbed tiie silting hen and sold him tho ogijs al seven cents a dozen. A geir.leiiian came riding into 'town last Sunday with two large sides ot bacon and seeing all the Dur former counlyman, Mr. A A. Sears, who has had a livery stab't at Durham lor several years, me! with tho niisiortune of having hi- Hablo siid ten horses l.iirne.i, on lasi: Moi.dav nisrht. His loss is nboui 13,000 with only 7."b insurance. 'J'ho origin ol the tir is uiikuown. ioors of tho stores closed called out, k Where 111 the d 1 aro all tho clerks. lie had lost iho day of tho week. One ol tho stockholders in the e.- more. 1 Ins coiitiiiilleo rctiri1 ... 1 : 1 : .... :. l .WtOlU I . . I . . I 11.-" I .I'.'l 1 .'11 'Alston v-us rt-iiucsleil 10 aooress tnc; 'Heeling. A.llho conclusion of hiio remarus tl.o coni.n.lleo on roso, u-f, .ha, M(.0 t H,.ui T vt ,,,, imiirt, through It. A. l.oiidon, rt-., tl0 mullJlirel. S()lll0. ,i,lu. ported the loll-; wing: I nUried them homo and pul M!:KKXs,:thas).!eased Alm.g .lyi,f,em llmlc. ft liel, t,al ui.hl an, l.ol to remove from hi s.:.ere o so Uu, m.vl t. iatl.,1L.j uul. real iiselulness t.ur diMiliiruishcd.j, ..... ..... .,, si.orl Link. The many triomis of tlio Lev C. W. Robinson, the pastor ol the Pittsboro' circuit, will regret to learn! that ho aecidentallv broke 0110 ol the bones of his right log between thcl kuoo anil ankle, a lew days ago. The aeeidont occurred by his step ping on a plank and his foot slipping! caused him lo lull. We have heard ot a cat halcliinuj hen hatching a ago Mrs. A. i. Ileauen, of this place had ft hen thai was trying to sit, bu1 Mrs. lleaden not wanting her to silt removed the eggs fr.nu under ht-r. and, noticing a day or two alter wards that the hen was still sittiu; on Iho nest, she looked and loum her sitting on and trying to hatch ug kitten ! Personal 1tkxis.-Mr. and Mrs John A. Womack have gone to Reidsvillo to attend the marriage ol thoir son. Mr. James C. Womack last night, to Miss Margaret F.ilton, Of that town. At Ihe meeting of the Fayettevilic, Presbytery, last week, our esteemed couiilynian, Mr. John M. Mclver presided as Moderator, and the O't fiercer says ho made no excellent one ilel.ow cil.Zeli, Uio Ilo.V Al ia l.o. u.,,.!....,!, ...,,1 Winter Oats? of KiullO, Chat IrUU poii'i'V, Conn II Diiihiini (Mtui dtiv i-.ii'l 1 i.-li i ed id the LVlollUU. f-.ooil : t'.Ci Wit: tl lilt doctor weal lo tho HgiM'-r of iht-.ls' idlic-i i.ini applied foi e. i i i. : i,t ;e i. cel:.-ie. R. gl.i.er of H'-ed--. l.uusford was Mil in, bill not to be duelled he went to tho itgi.-ilei's hot..iO, Tu luariirtgo lieci:.-M v,,ts soon obtained, iho cuiipie gut into 11 b.'ggr ns .i wt lit to tho rt'sul' ii. o of Rov. (i. J. iJoweii, paolor ol' the S - cotitl il.sp'.U't 1 bin eh, und the iteiMuuuiod-.ttiiig inisior theic lied tbu kuoi,. C; et iisboi o Reeor.i: 'Iulio was a iuivt-1 ra.-;.; ined 111 I he in nor's court vesteid.iy. Wo made lu. niioii ot the fact leeiLitly thai u buy placed a lot of siina I weed on a iu.iu s neek uL.i caused him to got hopping mud, so iiiueli so thai ik! uppii. d lor a war rani, il soeius tho bo.x s urouud the inatket h.ivo aeeesu tt sou.u knul id stulf which they call "cow ilcli.'' Pul it o-i the linked tkiii and a uiau is t.t otii-o thrown into a stitte bor.leiinc, on luii'tey. A bov applied u '-doe 1 of ii 011 iho nick of ii 1.1:111 .Mund.ix I : A II lln'Tliu-: lis .-u-rcs . 1 :' ii'-e llt'U -' neres : W M Ju.i.l J.", - : .-'..1 -iu Id Pvr, ' 1 i. )) i- ,- I,e;i-i 1.'." - . ' L H L u-.: i nee oil I I' ! Lus.-it. r 72 " ,111 L-iv.n-.i--o :!". " . : ) A Lot.';- " j l.'hn 1) Mum 4S I I M Mourns M) ! K 1. M.-l-.ei 21.1 I Cufheiitio .! Ai tlmr ,12 " ; (.': I.r ..:. a'-uve is.", eonfs. jM:s l.' iiii y Miuunij To acres I Archie Marks 10 I Dmii-mi Mi-l'orinit-k Fit! IJ W Mimms 71 " r i 11 Piphin 2" " Mol!ie P.-rrv '.7 " I M Ibtghiiid 1 town lot '.Mallei Smith 1 fi.-res S. Hie R Smith 27 Mrs AFirtlm T'uomas 21 'Jos C Filey 21 " R F. WchslYr 21 " Jt-iV Windham 12 I Kliabeth Windham 11 " 1. TKQS. C. DEHSOH, OF PiTTSBQllO, N. C, I!eseeuE! ami; who lor so many years, in- , ...... ,. ,,11 ,,, ...i.,.....! .....ii peace ami in war, tun oeen me ii it,i hj(H.0 Ull,v llaV0 killed iheir uid trusted lender ol tho people ot--.,,.,.' ,..,,. .. North Carolina: h' i ,. v , m .,i. i1!1Q ..m.-.i.l..i...l his And Whereas it is mot I and proper?, ' ';. "i,. . ., is .... ,. that tho po.. Ie, whom he served , , u u hM (,w mtison employed in building " l,iu ..hi. .no.. .mil il i I'.o.oi t ... 1 lloil ;.tnd sorrow at their great loss, m.wEs -,. (;,ook in 8UC, ft hurry that ."fhe wants the brick unison lo carry the death ol . ...- ,,., ,.., ... i', thickens, but did you over hear ol ffll" "'" ';" "' 7V"l"ca'i work ou il al night. knien r Some daysi"' l" v ..... ...i ...- .o. . .. . "" " i oUr lormer county man, ilr. 1. .XI. , S3 lislinguisiieil son ami most ustuuir., . .- i.;,,v 'iv.,,. :iti.en, l....-e long career t.t uiduFgw'IW M lo;.n ,ast week visiting nda. public services and slendlast tlevo-p.- LiiNti Sn an Ks. J:l.in l.i ll... I, .-il iiO. i'.'.ls of li.-r Iwli.1! ' I Si We are ia. ..ufi'ercd so that he tiiot.ght h' long und loved so iiiueh, should puo-r. liciv express their griet at his death' , ;plo should cause his name and meuisJ jjt(jt.,. ', um South t.'arolilia. uy l be held in everlasting hoin.rl; ..... i t-.-i tl.v her gra.t-lui cilii.s & ANi.KUso.N, S. C, April J., lhhl. it', so.' c,d 2i I. that his Flo shoub i3 Luiio.t iCKioitD: x o ha.t some he held up lo iho coining generations ;cold weather lor mo lasi lew uaj x 1 . s- , . i i i . .is an cXHiupl.ir worthy ol cmulatiou.auu a nig nan siorm, inn me i..i inein oecailse oi his lii.seilisli pal ri. .Usui, ?.are aoout m.nv j-. Li- incorruptible integrity, his l.nnlbey have gol a hi isly of purpose, and his invalu.ioloi would eml it, so h-.i got a wanai.l ag i isi the otl'ifiider and bis fun cost hnu 5?il (Id A number of cases bme besu it ported i.iul il is high tiiuo il was stopped. Ncxx Advci t iscihciils. YOUTH CAR 'i.i:.' A CHATHAM IOIMV. Toll t XTi.' i-- -nij . t ii. 1-. i;.....re. M i.l U ill' Nai. -y P ll.iriis 12o.") " I'KN VliK ToV.XSIIll'. I'leob F.inhain 2 acres R.-v. A M Ilaiiett 70 " S S P.oi.i.v 101) ' lienrv Craig " R F.uS:.ii:s V ' Jane Ivibunks 10 " J T tii.f.iu lot " J H IFiruioii heirs 2Ho ' Waddv MeClemthan loO " M;ss M.u'narct Met K-nahaii So aeli-a mid 1 tOA U lot Mis Mm tun MeCletirthiiu IliO acres and ." town lots Win Pennington heirs .1 acres J li Rencber 20 " und tow n lot Richard Runisey ( I i acres and I town lot. bahuiee, ' oris Taylor be. hs 1 tt.wu lot F.I I'.ivh'r " bt 2 1)2 ro t-l 1 oil 1 OS 2 US 2.1W -1.2 1 1 1 7S 2 it;: 1.5'r) 2 0(! 1 152 7 17 l.Slt 1. p; 2. '.,'.i .71 .iv '.' 1 ,SS 1U2 .11(1 .12 17.10 w'M thank you foryous persosi al call vhen you atfe in ISalciali. THC5. C. DIN3C:vi. IIUKSS (.Otitis III r I Iff Xi II M,; w. u . ii. i. -r. i ".. I.M.I loll, N. i . M u i h -S iS-! .1! MB W 0 S H ' We :il i' i., :'. i :.! ! ; ; . 1 :-'i!.l- 111 -' .i-rui'ii!"'.!- ... i ';. i'-. "i" tln'ir " 'I . : .-. are . . ii.- Will; ll il.o. lii: : J !.-:. i .: ; :;'' 'Oil rii-.- .-!'.-o i . . i ' ; '--'ill lity : i-o.:!-! l:.:. i-:- .: - :;:'::ly iu -.v..i!-; l!: .ii :... :..: ... rv iu lliis i mi x ui : . - ' ! .-!, sec t!-lt l! in- - ' ' - i. Xi--Cil, and -i i ' ! y my "it! ! i )'...- .. :'. i : ' -.:-:i. a. id .i:,. ! . v. . !. i. Ami yllMH:!' ' - I j r- I -i '.: i-: ' .. '. -. :-.i ii c-1 :ir-' eily "! l; . I- i - dit.rtl tin- 'i i e. Il ;,o; v ;; it'--'--: .:' o'l 11 ::.. . i. :' " v. I." .IM'-- !,..::,. ' !.-'. . - .- i . ': . ' 1 -.. t. ().. Oct. o i. . : : M C. I. .. jil ... '. .. iiU.I.. R:d:i l H.C., Is the p. buy flu- FTNFST Clli H '!' 1 , ; : v . i'.v ! f; lifs. Fa. .-Me.-. .. . - --. - - mm (iltKAT VMH: emtulry' PUIS 117.. THE BEST ing cotton, but cXcilouient uji invalu.iblothcie now aboul the dispensary : the lellow-t ilii supreme cotirl has decided il uncoils 1 ..i-;... ,,i ! siiiiiliuiial. Soiue are glad of ll and : aii.n .-ni:i..r. lui vices to his State ami '.'ens in tho nn At ci'ilie iiiieir history. Psonie are cursing about il, and lln-y J le-,'!c:.l fw'i, that a copy oi thesefdouT know where they are at now ; I ..:...,..... i... ..,,t i.. ii..'. v.-i.i....' . .t'il is hard lo keen up with llu-m ; 1 ilhe deceased 1 Shorl spooc I vooui: ni-.'t liv'l' M'sil;' i inly in.. I 1U It i v 1 1 III.- I l.i"ir " no si I'.'l- . l'i im.iT-li:.-.i'.t ..r Hi -:r i --i i -1 I On'. N in .. o try hii ..ii'.ii. ir i.i i. : vi 'it-Hi il f-.i.-l i'.--l'i..u mil in' life-1 in i. iv i iM -i- in . uu i. in '--"ui in liu. il I l ii.ivn lol. bahuiee. i llil wii- i".iln;', ' ii i ciimV. lie; .'in nvY o. o. i U!-.Ii. l-.u. wli.'ii .in I tvli.T' i: tin-v h-nl ie'.: ' lli.'V fii.'.ll I". l."are, 11. W. I I.AM', J. I ' i.. l e . ,. ... I .. 1 p W..HI k K..y.-.,, All-in. . . .... i i ., , Ai'ia;.'., lw'i. Simon 1 iiMiui 1! " b.-Xlunco o (..' ----- - ! Simon I'lliiu li, agent P Alston IXI-HTTItlN SALK--RY YIR-j I'.r, tiercs 111. 4 vu"'"-'-:i'" '.''.'"''.'m.:; Petir Yan.lv line F.-irs ll! acres -n:.'- h.-ii'l..-i'i.L-:u:i-i ll' I- -.I'Mc TV Ml,.en-i. e ..(..'rieiv.- e.-iiii i-.m. I n .ll .'!1 i-r .'a -It hi rt.ll'' I ... miisl'.n. ie 1' at' I-.:-- '1 .r in I 'ii'rU r '. -n j II I M.l , l-"t. Uu- 1-1 ". IrtA I 1.1 l.i'l t- j -lii. t. i.e. "'.. I'.'ir - r i-i an n.-ir, i'U Fi fli:ar EALHSfl IF. . li' 1 1 i ': il-:,t t t .Vi-ll c 1 (' Woiuble s clip.!, eu 7."' ucrt v.lii.ii l-i ih.- fi.. April l.', P.'l. f i.on I know how Ihey will imiKO it. upon tho adoption 1 know there were live hundred men ,i i,,,.-., i..M,,;iii ..I,, ,v i. ii, in town last naturuuy ami inwj by 11. A. London,.!, (i. Reneher, A.U'ukcd blank, tor they could not gel i i.. llr.l lo.s .-.'iiii-iieil (roir.Slf. Merrill and I'rof. llrub-r. ami iaiiyuinig io t. r n.-., as it... u. -.,,. .... , . .' . r- , .. ,'i i ii:ti 0.1..,.. il... oil ot ll... .,,n,ii,i'i....?';iad c.o.-cd down aboul One o cloi k, visit to irienus ;u v oajiei ...... , .. ss i,, , t- 1 1 Tlx. miiMcal entcrlr.inuieiits, botl.H'as adopted iii.aiiiiiioi.s'y by a ri.-ingt,:''"' t';e uo'sl ot uu ..nl.lie and l.rivato. gixeti here dur-H'.'olo. luriiig the sp.-a ing tho psst wecJ; by llio (i ruber -yr TAX SALI S! On V..l..n I'..- 'Lo i.r M.i;-. PHH, .V. tl.'' . ... i i-1 ,"u" ii..,.i in liui.. r ', 1 u ill --.1'. i-r i--.li. ul .ul.l.' iiH'-:l"ii, Hi.' 1 !1-.i.j I'-.il i -laii', l-i' Hi" laxcn lili' Uu :'i' 'li I !" ll." j''-i' ls'.'H. imil ll.-U'.l k) 1I-... ..ll..liii' ..-r-" -i.t-. nir tho psst weeh by the (iruber 7-ycs were tilled wuh tears at the the dispensary. i.-) na. . lamilyhave been gr. atlx o-yox ed, eli ng eulogies pr um ed upon gr.iple d lor t he.,, lo 1m Iosco, a.,.. , .d thev will receive a warm wcl-e character and s.-rvi.vs .,: Sena- l.,cy looked blank T,... news soon Como whenever they im.y u-ainljtr ,- Vance. The benediction was gol oyer the city that he disp, nsit, x -,i.,l tl,,. moi of them did not km anx ;-aiiXthit.g aboiil U uni.il ll.ex Went inn "l i r. . I V I'.'l. 1.', i l . r i . l.,.i.'.i. tl'.in.i J. I.n A. Ili'l. J. Oil Slttli'.v Al.l.l.li.l. I'l. Ti.WSIIII in H. li1 t.tvor ibis place with a 'vr.uiouui.cd by lie v. A. H. Perry j had boon closed, and beforo niglit M,nlT mhi.. I, ,I....N l ' I bahmco 1 2o ; I Si.li pv Yiirborougli ICO aereg I HI I J !' iiei.in (iisted) H7 " 1 2 ! vmi.iinvs ToWY-iitr. I i; 1) F.ai ker 40 Men a 2 2V J.I 1) F.d wards Si) . ' Dr. W. T Hei udon ; .1 if i night heirs 1 Mrs F.'i Montgomery ( i A Oid.iam : J R Colo ; F A Ray 12.7 a.-roi Patties uiii tako liotit-O that !?l 20 .-.St imi-.t I.o added lo the amount due. by each tat-pav r. ! ,?.. i. , m:uins, 1 April 12. IH.lf MtmttV :xo . 01 " 20 74 " 25 biiluueo. 2 It.) 2 SJ 2 21 7" 2 00 i.r,. i 10 02 Our stock of Dress Goods, Lacon, Mil linery Goods is complete and THE r IME3T i wo have ever placed on sale. A O :.li.: rt.n i ii a.., e in ' 1 .iii-i'. .-. l .n -i'.' . . n.U ie.. Uihii; In ;t I .iili'it" I" '. n."' I'.-i'.iiie.'l'ii.,.. Oi l.' :'j' ii: ii'ii l.i. .NO I il : ,'.'.i l.i: i mi X.nds two a l vi:i'it. liaei.Oii ri'leeill: ! b ilf wi le, V. H. W L nin Y'lr.ls. two ami a .pnu'ir ,';lU Mirt.'Wilf, !'. ooiils a y:a .1. WQSLLC-in &S6H. i i e. j 1. 1-. AM' S. Man i:LF.Kill, N. 22, 1 X'F . . .. ; I '. 1" l-.'..l; l 1:. ii -7..-..I l-ji:., :i i Inrl :i I i: .I..... li-m . 1 - .'.I .11 !l .1 U'- ; - oi - v. ill Lb ',,'. II. i, rl.-'llM ,. . ..; t- Uicit . . -. i' .'i.'.iiu'iit . ; . '!. tiirnil i'"i'.l.YV. '. ".; .!-! .--Ulilr, I M.l. mil, X. C ulAA.. Manager. it iiler. .-.... '. . , i lucl.iim i i; :l " '!.,. K ..f 'l . B, . I' . Itun.iv lllifllT 11 It. iUTft.!, Cuut,' A"

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