"ft.'. 1 ham .3 Tlll'KSDAY, MAY U. 18.11. ULXU.' i1 j 1 J 1 !' L iJn.iMimii.iiimju.i Carry your Wool to O. S. &. Sou. Too Severn MiIIk Hour $:i.50 u barrel at O. 8. I'oo & Sou's. 20 lbs. Standard frrnnuliittji sugar for $1 ut O. S. Poo Ai Sou's. Pure Sugar S rup 'JO ami 25 of?, o gallon al O. S. Poo fc Son's. The beat line of Pant good. in tbo couuty at O. S. Poe it Sou's. Tbo iirt'tt iest hue of Dress good.- 'J'iie Montana .M isr.its Several peep in nt tho door ami pay for the State Mews, eks imo wo iiioiiiimii'il (hat two ice eivii'ii. "Montana in i iuth" wore prospecting Let hear from Long Sharks, Newborn Journal : A severe wind for gold ni'iir .Mniii'iii o, in this cotiu. Short Licit, i'te. kmii, us i hit old say R'l 1 bail storm pissed t li i ci ; It Greet o ly. They seemed to In? woii'li-rl'i'lly in;; is, tolling tn unmet hi rig wu don'i and Lenoir ceuiuties Friday e veiling, pleased with the iiii look iiinl talked know, doing eonsideriibI.-s damage to crops, is il gold mines innumerable abound- It seems thot Short Link bus uud tua gin house (if Mr. liicbuid oil in th:ii section, nnd secured "op- rather satisfied Long Shanks, as the Hardy of Greenei county was blown tines on several tracts nl land, mak- latter dun t seem to I ing tho owner dl each trad think that he would sunn have a lortuno ami In- a verb able ''gold bug", tint alas lor tht' vanity !' hiiniiin hopes. All those golden visions havo van ishod, and so al.-tohave tbo Montana miners 1 Vcs, Olll lihdit last work they quietly shook olf iho d listed Moiicuro Ironi their feet (but il wan not gold du.it) and tramping to Sutilbnl (twelve milesdistahl) there hoar.li'd a train for parts unknown, droutly New Advert fx'iiieiiN. mux imm CnAKl.OTTK, N. ('., S'AMJKAITi'KI.'IlS l.f -OP- Tbo prettiest hue (f Dress good Harpi'ison vm uimr ucouaiiiiain.es ; ,isl (:,ivontmn was nrifauizcd at ,, ... ,r. ' . , ,, iu Pittsboro at O. S. Poo & Sous. Men cur..', next morning, when : A uMa tho year l'il", mo iitxt ,. 9'' , i' liii'ps: J hi' liody if Jlr. - tlioii- sud.loi. damnum h-t-au.o ! ..,.,. wiM bo ,H! i.Un,i.,toniii.d an J ! 1 ,bos- U 1 a,u J'f 'y'v'Ilo e.wn- Onepaired'Ki.o.liuiilcHiindaNis. known, but th.-y hud h-li bxhind , it wnll,j )d 1( (;..iri t,jM t0 do to i wnR io1""' lk',ul '" Hl' lils '",ilH0 sen vat;on lor saU by 15. Nooo, Jr. jlhi-m suverul ini.-- ol thoir vinit, i ,, ils IK,sl M,.s.,i,?,, wut t10 0, I Tuoad.iy in'u nin rdu-ut 11 o'clock. I in niMiuii:; niiii.u eiown. air. lno. it.-niu crop, near racket. ISm.i. Oat. . Daslon, RidT-ivd ko much that tie ItSP? r"IiN?-I;JS.J '1 OXIiE)R$ : theiuht ho would havo to ic'!aut his A Trip To 'JVxas. witiio crop e f cotton. , RA.W MIMA CO J'TOX PKKSHJiS . Kiufou LKi-uitn: In coutiniiiitinn j Vilniinle)ii Star: A fatal ue-cKlcnt, i nnd pomplrdn m oul Gt.-i. j of my loiter iroin l ilhis, T.-xas, hint occuncd vestcnlav moi nim'tit Wbito- : I week I will ay that tin; Southern vill., N. O. Whi'c ti ain bund Peter' i' v'" '""t',''i"i'n';r Iho pur jlapliHt (-oiivcntinu iiilj.iurnod last Henry (colored) about twenty years Tuesday (May L'nh). Jt was cn- J old, was coiiplii.r ci.i m of a freight rally underwtood that the next mch. ! train. h was e'uuht bet vveon two cars ion o! tho Convention will ho hold ; nnd his left hip and lc. wcr rrusbod. in Augusta, (hi., though tho matter Medu.al aid wr.a ninimonnd and Hen was left to tho Hoard to say where . y whs tlmn put on Ihfi train for thin il muni O'J nciu. i mj .loiunern ia p. ,.,iv. ,,,1 i)(.r..(i ,!!1(. .. ,, , . little ronietulii anee.i, in ttie sliape ea , ,,,,,11,,. clntr A lot of coOiiw walnut, oak and I nnp:ii'l l)i!!s. Yes, their depart uro ' ()c.on uuuv j. pine lor Halo cheap, by 1. iSooo, jr. j hiMiiiit sorrow to weveral, and Iho l;i:m!i!i n us NVinpalby lor tueui no lermiiiei! to tiud out, il pusiblc, the wtuo v.ihiiuls of Iho dear, departed (lies, and wo have sueereded, and, lor the in'ormauon ol our norrowin Irieuds :it .Nionciiv nml vicinity, we would .-dalo ihal the "Montana mi- mo All unusually heavy rain, ac con pauicd by lied, lull hero on ln.".l j 1 Viday ntternoon. Now is your cL moo to buy fur niture nt cost from tho Durham fur niture Company, Farmers can now s.doly tdnuir thoir slieep, us the "coo! epell iu Muy" hiiH p:i(Nod. Shoes made and rep.iiied neatly ttiul cheaply by Jlark l-arrar, :i lns hop iu (lit liKt'oitri buiid'o. i Chattaiioof,' jilowsand rnfdiiifjs, j Chattnnoon doubln shovels, Oeiugi'i I Ntocks, 1'. ' . plows, mid all kinds ot farming implements at O. S. PoO SL S.u's. Itcniembcr that (). S Poo k Son 11. like a upC'Oi.illy ed Slums. Thy carry tho best line in ilie countv 'J'iiey have a nico lino of Udios" cheap Oxford Tics. We ror'jt to hear tlmt serious dnmiiiro has beem douo to tho whouli crop, iu some parts ot this county, by the JlcKshui fly, and that a pod deal of tbo wheal is injured by rust Within a mouth's timn three old citizens in Iho name neighborhood, tionr the Wako and Clntlrtm line, died from cancer. Thov wei fi Messrs John Upeliurch, Jcli iMitchell uud Murk 1J uker. (ireat prouross has deuomii:aiion dur ing tho pabl 4.i years, it now takes quite 11 lureo city to entertain the delegates and visitors. The number ol delegates present at tho session this year was j.'i There with thou sandsot visitors in iilleiiibineo. The pcoil in Jailas weiv very kind iind We 1p;u ti that iio loft home -:ulv tho day to ilriro the cows to tho pas 1. 1 1 r . 11 Mil wiik foil M1 lit 1 1:n hon r nt .nv named, face downward -dead. Mr.1. Now '' .yo,,r -l.uiico for Fuller was about SO years of 11.rp.nml , '" "'' H,.vil':i uf ,;"'dui o. chaso of nia:djiii'iy don't fail lov.lilo th'M ior rices. I Tho h-fp and select stock of Fur niture! latolv bi.:iiii,dii( to tho MSMI FffilM CCMPABSY is now oli'orod for !-:ilo AT OC3T ! liarL'ftins indusl: iou-;, haid voi!:in hosnilabh' and wcru aii.vious In noikti wi:i:l a! coieo to luickiiiirham, I i,,i.. f.lll1.i:li.!., ..,,,1 i,.. Ihednnoml couiny, and at last nc ! M1,.,. ,,,(,., l.j ,,. 1 j, J 1 v. counts were 'prospeel 11114" there. 'J hesoilol Dallas and surrounding hile t i.i's.. miners wore ut Mon , .,,,, lry is VL.ly b.lcj ulld 01).M l0 .1110 a cil.z.oi ol that phtee lonnd a j . v0ry ,.!, .,; productive. Komu small sparkling htinm, which I hey I ,)t' t ho roads iu iho country aro Mc pronouneed a valuable dian d and Adamiy.ed ami hid iu irood" condition otlcred lo si-il il. tor our c uiulyman. who .ncudiiily '.'itvo it lo thorn lor that purpo.-:e. I'pon their arrival al Ho-.'kiiiiiiini tho miners wore e: iiihitiu' this Htone, as a preat curios, ity and a diamond ol exeomlin.; ijroul value. l h;-y sia'.id li.at Tiil'any A' Co, llie renowned .Now York Jewel lei .-i, had uliVl ed O,0 ill lor it, but that lin y Would nl sell illor less I Ion, S llio iiilll Th.v ill-., 1 In!.! 1. ml,' ! romantic history con netled wii h this "diamond", slating thai it. had been IoiiikI iu I he diamond I'lidd." of South Alnca, r. In hi 1 1 wo liund red years no, he a iso jf ! slavo ol uu ancestor ot one ol th! "Montana miners and had been Landed down I'lom hither to sou as a lamily lo ii loom ! Silor Sil'tinifs. Sii.ra Ci' v, In. ti., M iv 'IX 'II t 1:0 1 1 ill II. f the Who is ni,;ht 1 os inti rei-.tii -ion Thran here on The oil i lor will at tend '.he closing cxercisos ol tho Thompson .School, at Silor (illy, on in xt Tueslay and will ho nlii.'isi'.i 10 i'..i-. i .' ili. 1 iv. iIm nt nil u ti li.'i.vi K.. i I., il,.. !'..,... I '11 iu that section. ryiium & lliudcu have- for nalc Jumcl doors, i.-d window sash, window blinds, weal he.r-hoiirdiu; and fraiuitifr. An rlount stock of eneiul tuoichandiso lumht for r..vt. which will be Hold al the ln.vest piiecs. W. JI. Llar.!., dentist, will visit liynum on Monday and Tins day, and Pittsboro' on Wediu lav, Thursday and I'Viday, Inline, in;; the third Sunday ol each mouth, pre pared to do all kind of denial work. On last Monday morning; three stray horses camo lo Mr. M inter Foiishce's, about four miles noi III cl Kypt, where tho owner can .n t tiicm on proving his title. They were nearly worn out by hard travel. I hoy are still scii;i: men hats fit W. L. London JL Son's, and thoy art) trimmed in tho latest styles, plenty lo delect Iroin. They would irall your especial attention lo ihoir nico utouk ol ladies thin dress ynods uud laces to trim with. Thoy are Bulling cheap. Tho usual "cool, wet spell in Slay" was a littlo late iu cumin;; this year, hut it Rot hern all the '.;tme, 11 nd on last. Sunday tires and winter cloihin wore quite comlorla h'o, :i great cbango from a ten. poraturo ol ninety decrees tlo't. wo had only two or threo days before. You can buy as nico a suit (.; clothes lor the money at W. L. Lous don & Son's as anywhere in the Siato. They have on hand a splen did lino ol sun umbrellas tor ladies and uonts. It you need any shoos London's is the place to find them, thoy carry tho largest stock in tho Slate, any kind you wish. Tbo Fayeltovillii In dependent Litfht Iidr.ntry were "iho ohservol id all observers" and received a per iod ovation at the laying ot Iho corner stono al Kaleij;h, 011 hist Tuesday. Many an "old rob" yelled binned hoarse al tho siht ot their gray Contotlerato uuilorniH, tor the tweurin!j of which they were so nil u mei 11 1 1 y dismissed from the Statu (iuunl. Aceomp:uiiu this historic old company was the excellent brass bund of the cadets of the La Fayclle Military Academy. Prksonal Items Tho Key. M. N. Mclvir held bis first services, on last Sunday, as llio now pastor ol the Presbyterian church at this placo. Ho will continue to reside ut liockingham and come hero 01110 a I11011 lb. Quito a number of old Coiileder nto soldiers from this county went to Ku'oih, on hist Tuesday, to wit ness llio laying of llio corner-stone Ot the Contodorate moi.ument. Our lormer townsman, I'rol". I'm est T. Jiynnin ot Trinity (iolleee, will go to (lurmaiiy next summer to Hpond two jears at tho university ot lieilin. It is rumored that a certain wid owor, livim; near here, will soon tie como a happy citiz wi ol oar town. Mrs. it. A. London and Miss Net tie Ilaughtou aro on a visit to rel.i lives al Kdloih, imoneemmit expee'ed. a cool .-i.cll. oeiievt ef llio Provi- Past' i'i!i lias i ilay, i'1' ! ovi si mu in grii : 0 ;.;i t tin' mcd.i! Ti:--- i 'V wid ho c d.iv. arid ; l'U;;n crowd is We nil- having; ip.iifo and ii i-. altno-.t iinoossih ihat i' 1.- .i." im; and nut, in!!. tpi n t'. r y ( 'lo'i i i'i,:'o Sihi'liiiy cireiii! v..n ho 1,1 a! deuce on S i' 01 day and S.in.i i I hi' aosjitet s id Il. v. 10. ( i S ii Moore wii .iUemlingr Iho lioni't -rcneo at Mcmp'.'is Too J hotiijison Seh'i 1 ba.o bull team has plavcd a series of match eiii.i. s wo !t Die Hi!!, (h ds'."ii and iho J.'iinseiir clubs, nud b.uv li III. piilms in ovi r y g; lint Ttn y say lhi ire ready lor t; chal'i'hgm iioni anv l.oii.l. Tho I'rolii'io and Iv nsmi.in Liierar. Si!ci.-:i,'M wiil lu-hl L:i"ii' "f:iroi e!'.' nice! I'i 'S on I'lidil',' I'll.l li! dav lively, and tin y bavn very rnio anni.'i.s i n' the ooivt 'il. as Pr. ( ielic: '.ll it ll Kri imm will I, pr" ichcd hlliil iv mi. I liin;; bv Ivi'V. .) ! C i-.v. r.ls, "!' Fayi'tii-villo. N. O 'J'iit deliaiC'.s' troiilcsl wot be h'dd n ,'lu ;v iii;j;!il. ii siea l id' (lie al 'i nooll. as it has hoeu doi'lded lull to li'ivn tl;o e.mei rl at t'mi hour. 1!. 'isini ss is improvi'ij; here, and ' vcy 1! iv no'.v you he.tr I'm click 1.1 the imi'oi-.vr and Iho buzz of the si.v. M.is .ie-si; N-ivlin. ivf Cm iinloii, X. C.. is vi-dt im; Mis. Jt. N Mann. lli.s.io.4 L:iura mil t)!a Minn are vi:-ii.'j 1 own. L'V .M. a. Ai.-Xeill will move h.is fi-.i.i! y lo Si'.ifoid, in a fc.v days, so i i t 1 ! i.c.r h-:s r.; oiiii turiii s. Tbo DisuicL Conteicnco will Ir.' b.'ld iu :S:h i' i;i July, and wiil 1111 Iu ace I he I'd': b S.iud M'.a Josii! V."iUon, of (.'hat'muii, is ,-;.diii.' M s. A. A. Lamb". Lo; ii.;; !o sc.: .iiv "IMitor'' u! t!: etimmi'iiL'i'oii'iii, v.i'l; l-c.-t wiibe.s . 1 Uic mi.vc.-s :' your .Mjicr. le'HIV Ali'lil. (i:iso:i I 'limiiit l inis. (ii;:so. Station, X. (,' , .May Ui, lSl'i. I havo been reading the Chatham iJceoill' lor sotae time and I find that 111 every note ol Chunk's ami Long Siianks's publications t hey are hoaslim; on their farmers, what they aro doint', etc. I would I ke lo tell tlieoi ( Lou S'lanks, iSiiorl Link, etc.) somet I, i ng about the lariuiu:; class of people iu I'lchnioud county I work as iissistant. iigont at the dflpoi, at this place, and havo been knowing something ahoiil tho ler tih.ers they havo used tins season Wo havo had as high as thirty two caiv nf fertilizers (1:1 our side track at a time, and still they continue to buy. I am reliably iniormed that there has been over three thousand hales of cotton handled htro last season. A man is not counted much of a farmer hern unless he makes fiftomi or twenty bales. Now, t know Long Shanks and Short Link can't come up to this, thoii;;h I must acknowledge that they aro inmost in it, as this is a much better tanning country than Chatham. While thoy are not sinh a :;n-:it distance apart (hero is lots ol diller onco in everything generally. While this coiiuiy heads Chatham in some t im, -s Chai ham equals it in others. I don't wi.-h to eause any of our Ciialh'imites to emigrate, os giocially our l.'l t oito crre- pondeiil.'. i pit eilino t oat some o our boys had quite a nim time at ihe ico cit.'ini siijip-'f last week. I learn Iron 101, io ol them test the hen and it is a pleasure to drive over them, 'i ho roads thai are not Mc Ad.-uni7.01l become very sticky iu wet weather. Tbo mud seems to bo more sticky than our Chatham county red mud. 1 hoard a man say that bo once saw a chicle como into Pallas witii the whoela so cov orcd wiili mud that they looked to he -olid. I took si ri lo of about 12 miks into the country and looked at iho f irms and ranches. The crops were iu li no condition. We passed hundrnds of atTcn ot wheal and the driver told us that it would yield about (Jit bush ids per acre. '1 no larmcrs say that Ihoy havo no need of commercial loriili.ers. Ono thing that wo noticed in tho country as well as along the rail roads was tho absence ol rivers, creeks and smaller streams iu Texas. Tho country duos hot seem lo ho well waieicd. Tbo timber idso is scant and I tic lumber Ii.-ik to bo ship, ped in from iher nooiions. Texas is .'o)ii iM'. The .State has more area, ot country than the five stales ol North ( 'aroli na, South ( 'aro- 1:1111, 'icorgia, I'loruiii ami Alabama comliiiicd. Wo wcro told that out iu west Texas there was a large area in which there had been no rain for three years, hat during our Convcn lion l hero were yood rains all over the dry region as well as at Pallas. Ol courso tho great Convention of baptists, bad nothing to tin with bringing tho rain. P, was only a coincidence ! 1 mentioned iu my last letter that wo made the laslesl time Irom New Orleans Id P diss ! hut had ever ben made over t' 0 Texas ,V Pacific rail road. On the return trip wo made L's miles over the Western Kailway ot Alabama in l','i minutes. i his last time was made between Mont gomery and Atlanta. This time was made by a regular train and was no! ru miiii:; as a special. Atlanta seemed to he tho busies" city :tiroii:;h which wo passed. Her pi tiplo seem to bo wide awake, push-, nig and thrilty. JL T. C. whs 1111 fanner. Alainanco Ciloancr: On last l'ii day, about tho middle of t he ul'.t r noon, i'1,0 Ii 1.J.-0 of Mis. Femv Ciiuier, near Ossipec, was sl.i 11c!; by li.ditning. Mi a. Cliincr, who i advanced 111 years, was standing in ihe door when ,tlm fltroko came. Sho wusBOvcroly .shock od and stunned 1:11 1 fell out doors in an ins n-'iblo e n 'itioii, and a phy sician iiud to bo e-alled in. Otlur members of the family were also rA tinned. From 0110 oud f tbo her o eonsiderub'o woatbe r boitrdiiij; v.i.h torn and a mmihi r of window )i;:hiH in Hrimij -nprtp-.-in yvrTTH I broken. Abo,, UK) foot of colli, g Ah Mfcl'l li Wlil KNOWN ! was torn mt in in, 11 pst airs room. .Uit,'li'.. l.,ui ti.t.l ,t ! j I -OF. ... F.VF.liY L'INP.vn,. PI'.Sfilll'TroN a r .sic 1 T ATI r -p-r.5 T ri Tc fJ Coiiio and 800 yourcii' wJdlo ,(: S:alesville Landmark: Mr. Alvin Suiumeis, of Slnirpesburg township, CIV rV ) I 1 I 1T O whi passed his With milo post in U Ifeljl 1 J; i t V T 1 i t O I'cbrnary, La., tnis spring cut and; housed u net of barn logs. He did j nil tbo wotk bini'r'f fclhug tbo trees 1 in the forest and preparing? tho logs ! ready for the building. This shows! return l;.-ih!i) aclivity and strength for ' ono1. vho has passed beiyoiid four score About two veins hvo ho cleared iuoio Arc now opened and ready fbi inspection. Never have we sefcrt MORE GOODS SOLD FOR A DOLLAR! than we arc now selling QUE STOCK IS iMAHSltgl! and cannot he surpassed If equalled, in any inarket It would he impossible to name the goods in an advertisement Wo liiivo o ', l hin. you can call for, ami Ittivo the hahd sniu.'st slock woimvf ever ltit'l. All kitufs of DRESS GOODS AN 9 DRESS TBIMSViiHGS. v ct stock of hA I L.L-I ISI iT-RV cvim- ,-oen iii litis county. If you wisli to save ituMii-y e'ull ninl Mio its lud'oro y.nt 1 my or order'.- W. 1,. MmOYMO.Y & SO A. A prill 1'. L-dH. J. .1. Tm'.m.vs, Prosidoiit, 15. S. .i:rM.N, Cashier, . ir. A. Tnoni'.'ioN, Yioo.Pr--Kident. II. W. Jm-kmom. Ass't Cashlef !- li.'. i0" ill, ."s. T'uid up capital i-dlid.Otill.tiO. AuthiJllzed tapiUl 'ioO.OOO.C'Cl.- aro r.iM i'ed. JAM F.J j II. SOI TIKiA'l . P. iii'w. X 0. 7T.iv 'Jt. is:u than threo nens of ti.uborod laud, ' cutting every slick of limber and j splitting all tho tails himself. All ot her remarkable thing about Sir. Summers id that notw ilhstnnding he is 8 ft yours 1 hi ho l as seen but 21 birthdays. He was born ou llio 'JDiii of Febi iiarv. Dlstaaitik k m 1 mrnu jt D3?JECTORS: J. J. Thomas Ii. M. Duke, U. A. Lor.dV. (. W.W'attu, IL H. Cuttle. Ashlev Home, J. J). Hill. F. P.. Pancoy, 11. P. liamy, A. A. j hompsoB, T. IL Ciigf,'s, J. X. Holding, Accounts of Faniifcis, Banks, 'Ucr'iotntiuiia, Ad.o vidnals solicited on favorablo terms. S1T.CIAL ATIF.NTION givou to ae-rmnla or Co individuals. A. F. Pago, Fretd. Philips, J tih ii W. Scott: istrivtors and Incli dry M'ircbnnta anei Was ('oxcy iii ji.it. IINOTOK, ?:..)V 21 tlloliirtr.A iuvui iioiiu uuiuiiiia laiiuiiOp ..in Mitiit tin. ih'.isi ror tin i.r. i,st i VOSI.V. Wb Hi ll Just tlmt Mn.i. A 11 ti-r -Ccsoy, A Inn A MON X ii' i ii ii.ii hotlt tllMI Ut It SM Vl'Iir-.. Hlltl III:. 1 A f.U.ntli. nlKfiit-tiry llmtrii:i; y Sotitiu'rii lH,u:t-rf l.iry liiLlriutii-iits uro LY PcRPECT.fi litowi!" t,nd Join s v. :o t'Cidt-nced by 5 REI-!A "E, Judge Miller, iu ll:-) Washington Po-! M K'.U. "iAS.I iicc Court, this (it'll i-.iocn, to 20 days i I w'''1 i'hi in j iii for vioiatirg ilie statute ef the i I-i-O-t-t Untied States in ohihil iim Iho display ! ft '- v ritei of partisan bimm rs in the rupi.nl I RALEIGH BRAKCH.X ejroumls. and Coxey ami Jrc.wi:o mo i J Mil.l.Kii & vy..i.i:. ,i.uM.i.u. lined ?'.3 each additional for trespass j fa ., . . i liiir.Klliltf i.-lt-i' M-S"!-0 : r.i Y riiu.n rit IB. 118$. C. DENSOJS, THE BEST WAG0N OF PITTSBORO, I C, Impuiiau', Soiilh.'in Coinpu'iy. JiM.TlMi!;i:, Mo., "day IS The 31 ill nfaetiitot t.' Ih'coiil siaios ll.iit a pow erful association has been organized by lending capitalists, bunkers, and raiii oa.l otliiiiils. tnuier tho name of the Sou'. in-ill immigration Land and t'ilie Coiopi.iiv, I J if. purpose of which is toeoioine and develop southern Imd.', ami, in genoi ai, to direct immi- ;l;ititiu Hint invest incut to the South. tint i-i'oju' ninl plans of tun coinpiuy ire on tlio b'oadest scale, and will nave i". the I':, lied States and JSuro 9nn cmo! i'ics ! In widest uud most liilltit tit! d eonii. ei ioiiH. Tho main oilh'j wiii In. in Kaliim uo, wdh aou eioa and branches in imptv hint cottires iu tiiis c ointty tin,l 111 Ciii'iid'i aud (iroat liriiiiin, and on thn continenl. L'iio proj'.ctoi rt of I ho company h ive been for some ca!:i identified with soutbt'l 11 i!iVi'lop:ne!its and aro all 1:1011 of noted ability and bu-incss -agiii'ity. Tho ptti-idenf of Iho c.mip'ii'y is Hon. Cliaiincey F. Chick, of iVunsyl vaniai First. 'leo I'r.'sident, Mr. do lian S. Cai r, tho liiil'ioii'iiri. tobacco manufacturer, of I 'indium, X. C ; See oud Vic Pioi.ideiit, Mr. M. F Krkin stiiitj .Mi'.mr, ol Siaunton, piobablv lholaiof.-t indivi lua; coal land owner in the A n dent, ii'id I Arthur, one of the leaders in southern wero totally desin ..-.! and other- I 7er0 colisideia!'! idi.'eted. St,vtrid I stations weic .blown down, ibo rails I wcro twisted nnd bent and it: tow. ing on the n-ass, tho aliornativo bo tug another ten iluys iu jail. Jouco was ucipiiiled on this l.isL clnrgo. 'Ilie liflect of Ooxey's coiivietioi) on his camp foihuvors, itht'adv demoiiiU ied by drenching ruin sIoi iuh, insuf- I ti.'ii nr. food a. id shelter and it ptutcd i change of base will probably botlieir! (n I ire disintegration. F.veit now the j "army" is ino.ifiy made uji of i;lU m; ; groe'.s ree.i uitcil in Wasiiingleni imd , Maryland and has scarcely any of its original members left An OidKcl. An eol whoso ago of fifty vein a is vouched for by trust woithy wr.nt:. acs bus boon on exhibition at tirolon, Conn. It died on being taken out 01 a well in which it hud lived so many years, nnd probably would havo lived to a still groat?!- ugo hu ! it not been disturbod. This 'id was caught lil'ty ve.ars ago by 0. O Jlanis, id Xew London, Conn , ami by luni put in llio family well. 'I horn was no way of oHoape. for il and it, ecenicd pi lectly eo'iii i:t to remain in iis waiied domi oil.-', in IhTii the well was doimed and lim ei'i was observed to 1m iu a slat oof (joo.l prose! ut ion. Theoil'.cr day tin. we'd was again cleaned nnd tho eel was brought to ihe top in a bucket, of waler. It was then remov ed and placed in a bucket of K'-r.omoe w.iier. Thi t'.an.sii u.n probably cans, e ! iis deatii, for within iivo iirmuits u. tor being p;ucod t herein t ho eel give u;i llio oluir'i. Tne sl.ii. will l.e pn p.uod and si uii'.-d. In spile ol i!sn;;o loo ool had not. iiicitr.sod miieli in si.f, bi.iug no larger than an average sized ono. : iirum 11 l-.oi,,... 1 1,. (. M, It'Mliuii. T A lit iltl ttft.'m-y. I,ut nnr tiwn utori'. A V uiul. r our direct ii iiImO, him) tin X liirKi'St ni'i.lc lnu,,i. m i;nldKh. Its '' .........m-rs nun K.o.rr..in tiiiirL H.iliiry ninl i i.t .t.:iiiL. ,,n ioihuOh- j 1 Inn .Uli".' ji:iM I,) uu. Saiuu A tn!rii:n-,ts, .; , . ; r.'.vs. wHir V t.'i-n.H, sinus. Iiii-.ii-.. vs 1, i-IIi.mH iih lit V Suv'.niinh. ..i ills-1 i-iiiii.i.!.'.i,(ii,,.i,i f1 imdclli uu n' rio.'il . - i...l i i.M hui- f l', tun- irrt-i. li st l,.o l.iil'n liriinclit A I'. y.Mir 1 , ! v .i.wirs. l,.ou.'i,. Kitn-h V t I'll' I tron.. Alt ii, h ninl f.-i-.h V fintii tin l..rl. H. t ritt iimliMirsiiii H. 6 H i ll -.. i'l . i: t veil. T -tit.-i'H l'tr Hh... Ulil.- I llniltl 11 1 .sny ,rli'i niit iit,.l. l lisle - triniii'ias tfl L tin. 1 nii.,1 tj -uit;i-r cur n.ih'lifli Itritti. ii. A It i-:iiikiv. yen in.ii.i'i. ' UDDEfi & BATES - ? cotiiern Musis h'cuseJ Mnin IIouoc, Savauuuli, Ga. 31 I'riiiii'lit-s In M i. . in, l oliiiiiiuiii, V llriins.i ifk. ei.i.i Ii irlntti., I: ililyl,, I N. to Know Iih. Tfiiii.: N..u. tr. 1 1 .. . ..11 " . 1" """' ' "...w. out oirvt-f limn- i. Q ligt'lllt'nt. m TJ10 Vi'ttciitdaa K u l iiii'iakt. W.isiiin-oti v, M iy l;t - A'L icos wtn-o -f.fl v.'.l ll! 'he S'.'.IO i)fp.!l t lOi'lit (0 d.lV rniil t n'l'sii i'l.i'.i ii-her, nt .Mil nu ibo. dili d ?u':. v ot'.i, showing that the grealest thiina ;o of the A elieu elan i' 11 th.piii'1.0 done on the fa iiious Sau C.ulos iiud Morid I'aiUiiv. neaf-ly completed iu the Andes. The axis of tbo tiist uibvi. ecs, which lasted imus : I bird ice l'rosi at some points three .1 ivs, v. iis a.oi g mral Miin.-mer. Mr. A. A. its lino Sevmalol ! 1:.-ppl-... li.l bii.tgtB devclopiiu nt. '.( oIlH'c tJnhhi'd. "flSJOKTOAOK SALK.-LY YIK . A till',, In Tl.nfll'.l'i. -1 1 Pxio'ltHi.l l, nil' l,y ,T. v. llnrii'ii. ;oi, is t'l.ii'ri"l In l'." "k -"i'sI." 1 ii.-i' j-r, in 1 1.. . r.t,'..,.'. tinri'i.'ts!.-ri'i a Is ul 1 liMh.nii ;'"lllli.V, 1 Mill :..'ll l.-t'cil.-h J.t ,ll'lli'.'tll,'lioll,n Oil r. m". li-.i.-'.' i.,t- III l'lil-s.,',i- , it V.iNi..,y, 1I1,, ls'n ,','.vi.i .I1T1,, .-. I. it..- ir.1,-1 in iii cl, ,.. 1 ; .-. 1 in '.'ii,! nwi !,:-!:.. r-,ii iiliihiT ll I aiT".., u 1 r 'Initio tin" linn! Uu. ! ii" J. V. ll.n kii u.i I ..ilii-i's. II. A. t.',r. n, A'.l, inry. 1.. II. UAIil. V.'.y IV, 1-1. ?5iOl!TC. '-.Oil SALI-: - IX IT'! .1 1, ev.'liv.l l.v I on Mil ".; .Iiil.i I in.-i,,,i',., ic i tiMi-: "! i .ii' 1 is t liiiMi.itii uu -. : r. iioiluii ,r, ii- n e Ii i .1 in .-.o i i M.-iv HI, lsi'l. r it n r'-rifiln iii'.vi.vi.',' . N. I'l.llno.i. r.-n. -ktli. ii i li-iOiiiiii I'.niiiiv. I;.- k n MoM , On- f. -nf Ii ,lny 1 1 It. .11.. ,l,,.. iu I,, M l, ,,1 nil, -if !, l..r .i.-li, i .'.'rtiiln si'.,iji,., it: null l.av'.-Uil-.. i.e. --. A. Ih.wl mi I ,, ,.-., i !' an I :r.K".i!rty y,! TAT 1-1 tli.nry .'in,. , Hi,- 'all OF l.'.M 0: V.'. S W'i'.sl A. I', on ia .I,., Aa'y. XOIHTI CAROLIXA i.; r.'iV. . ..en. May tiih, IS'.l ! . 'all'i. ii lil'.'i.ly v. . nr i 'i.i' :'l'. -ll.'.i:; lll'M, I .i'.,nrl tra il r.si.l. m ,, in t.ii-..u.i! . r.l.'t'i'.l .ut I t. inn. if ii. : la- -i f. ,. i'l, a;1. am. in. l--.,l. I t'lia.hioii rti-rvi,','.-! ,i-,i'.s-. , .ii,.- ' ii-a.l'ii.l-""! o.'ii f.- vl . nt j.. ., I'M ,.-ii vi.-.- f. l n ii-'i. ( . . i -r t"iil!-en'l in e . .ti. . -I i'i k '..'1' .-l W.-i ki, ten t" .ii -1 '.i r at Hi" l ull V. Sil .'! I, !' I ' ' 1 r ! . an ', l '.'.I i. ; 1- ,!H,t - Oc S'tiipi.lilil la. i Kill 111 'lk' ','1 ' i Im. S. . liol.'l, f. .1. I'. A. V. On in t.r, .1 ti. l.l.-. ll! I., At:')H. i.,r I lniniirf. ISTctico to Oxcait-r;3. A;oi:nr C.vFt.'I.IN'A-CII.VTIlAM nl N'l V. til... IT , 1,1 M v.-. ,r.' .-in.! Xom-i i.i.-. Va,Muy2l. A sp" iui to the Piiblic Ledger stales that the postoilice at SuiVolL-. 'a., was bur gi:in-'.t iitst login ana ono mom ami. places hrukt u apart, aud n numbtr of i i in Moem: nn.t r- m -.ioi.cr -i -ai.i,'.ni' live- wero lost. Iv'.gumllos, with nb j U"l..sV. il inbabttf.f.ts. itii-appearea entirely, a lake now ot eupuug its sito in ..!,...... 1.I...I. v,,.l.i- b-ito.r a thi ee ho-Hbcd dollars worth of stamps j r,5ti(, O,,or ' ,.x ,.,;, fl t,ni ., e0ft and I ..Vi. huud. ed and l.fly (lo.L.is J iu tl0 ei41 The Part htpiako is said x ue uuiiiiin leit I , v i n i ,, . I. ., ,i 1 1,..,-., ot LSI!) ami 1S7o. Al. iho h.tter tin tlo'iiiitliing ity nf Ction'a. Coluinbiu, 1 watt demolish!, d nnd o.OlJd poison in c ii.it carriea on. iheir t-Hi I tl.l'V Mil .11 I" W,,ina. k ,v Ai'i 1 .'-. !' Liie of lilue t.iiiii N(-g) o. OTI.'F OF SAF will i.titi'v. Iii ral'i III iV Ol- tH - shall iii',.al ni..M. ,i. I-. n;- Iscits vonr dershy Mail9ind wiH thank you for your person al call vSien yon are in ISaleisila. THOG. C. P FIN -SON. ! IlitKSS .(M)!S DKt'VKTMKM, i ! e aro iiiltiniit'ii tbri stune tin I scr lmlous wat-'iii iiiakt rs, tir their I agents, aro soiling wagons which lliiey claim .".iv t u' samu or as koohI i as ours. lSfcausc tlici-f art! iliiTcrcnt facto-' V SO" rifs closo togeilit-r is norci'son tliey " should nmkc tho saitic ejuality of iwurk than auv i t'u i I'.-ictorv in thiff tlm ' '-""iy aim il o:i want Hit! liot, 8f that it hears tin' ii.iine of.). I. Ninsen, 'and do lint 1 d ct-i veil by anv one saying ihcirs is as good. AVe use tho I. est imitcrial, best woikiiiRii, audi finish all our work by hand. And iruaranfoi' ever; wanii to civc ier lt!i-t Silt 1st ,!t'i itl'l. To inert thbiicaN i;ic just reduced ; -t wauo'i made,' W. J Lontxin ii city id iuoiit y ui !ir rii. 1 1' you v. a 1 1 1 t!i" e.il! ou tnir .'i'l-i nt, S..:,. I'ittsbor.'.. N. (' We Ira i.i. t flics f lioiipd lakes the d.iv. ('. I'. M.-s F.N & ( 0., . Oct. 5, LS'.:t Sai.kjs, N. C, llonftii w. n. k v., s. rn.'KUi to., iiu.riiiu, n. o. j TIT. .....I. 1 Vl'l I .'".":."':. i'YOlia P mm m$3M o ii f mm i i -.liltl:. BO (JH'KAT liAlMJAlNS THE BEST .ViAKiE! Our stock of Dress Goods, Laces, Mil linery Goods is complete and lo i ilk. a. li.-0 i vg havo ever placed on sale. IJliliJ'm'rh- '.U e. nt s -i Val d. I, iiiiii :,;:; WOGLLCGTl K Md'.ItUl March '2-. lS'.ll. A turn ti. '.-'.hj' ninl ife" of nil florfU i This i-t a I. r ; i ; servos tbo pu! in ! (.'iiroliiiians. i It Wiis org.mi;-.' , paid ovC'r h:if a losses and tin ri i j t'hiini against il ! All losses pu'd I prud. nt man '.-'i property. lu- term.:, t'o.. uppiy it) ll. A. Li!N!)!)X. AflKNT. V. .-. iTiIMIuSi' Fresident. Januarv l-u!) J- d iu iS(S and hatf loil'ion dollars id : not ftiw fcohlestedl I'lt'inpdy. Every ; Fit to insure hii -rsn -mm mm m&, ItSAKTill!, N. C. I o an. i ti iitMrler 1'.) cents a vard. N. C. Swtswii.Oa., M.iv I'd --Aniiir Fen-' lost thesir lives. Tl.e Vi ne'.ut'lan inin- .s,..i 4 . kins, colored, died today from tho ef te.'l.of n liito iut'-.o hind iiiiiict'-d by Kate Grant, who s lid to be a Id no gun negro. Tim l i'le-.- was arresiid on a cliarge of involuntary niaii8liiii;,li tor. islor at Washic-'i. ii has been linked to rccoivH coiit iii,i!ioiiH m t bis coun try for tho ivh I of ttto siiiVmh is troui the catastrophe. ..1, 11,'MMl. Hi" I i . ru.- It.iOi ,:, ,1 II I V . w 11 i t 1 . '.I I'. I., j livli--. "I M ' ' ; i.tii.l I.i t ii-iili-tm . i .-Ii (. i.ii .ti" v. iu ' Hi" 1 1 'll."i I- ..i v.. ll li. M i )MIN IS IT! TO!t S XOTICF llavltii' .i!.-illlli"l .".s Iho ii,linlii,iiiiii"!' ! I.iiiIiim I.-Hfi. .I' l-i'ieisl. 1 Iii-r.'i.y ii..'iry n-u . r.in- n. .is ..i n.t, Ui ts.-.i i.i c'l'si'iii iln-ir . iiilnis r-T , ,yiii. iii "ii it l,,-',,r,- Oi" tv ii ,lav ,! May. is;.... r . On', ti, -, v. . il t- j,.'.'.,l. .! in l,:ir'.' ill ,l livi"rv. I, I'l I S li ll.U.tl. I W..M1CN IIAVI-. A'l ' -. May IV, I'.'l. MTK'K OF lt OKPOK ITIOX.; l..o. i.t N. .rl 1 1 Otr"lliia hii,1 ! .-I- .in fin III, .1 In my i.fli - :i"i. 1 li s h. o".,:, is.vir-.-i !' IMmis at.. I J,.i.i. slin." hi vi- l..-.-.-:. ' rl!,' II oil"' l.l.. s la .Ti'.M' '. ullli -i l,,.l . I",. r HI unit, N. , e .,1 iiinitlii: .-"ill aii-l .',ii"i- nun j l'tit-itant to On I il li, i, I a, II- Ii - "I ' , ..... I .lull li . -,1-,11-J Mm I I'.-l-,-ilwl i. on i m l-nr,., ill II f If .' s' Kepol t - let rived ! i. mi poiul s ti ihu ; tai v to Savamiiih stale that cotton is I Coov bus U-i n nominated liy tho j snmowhat (hiiu.tt'd l t c1 1 wt a her. ! 1 i: ...!. . : I.I it tU.iV. .Y.i,. I I'l.a r.,i,i,l i,l' I'i.i il i 'ri 11 h,ll lis! I I j i , o 1 1 -. 1 1. 1 oi 1 1 1 v ' 1 1 l ii n i i nt- i n- ii l ji.il lUiit-. . I l . lie ei .; ii trrui a ' n-iu um- j i .... ..i-,.,- - j (jbtiMViii J(Jej !l.iw-.J them to' tnct ab iht ir candidate fcr Congicsi. watd t iv. Ill M", III. ..1 111. i. i 1-1 on. I f I . H M icr, 1,'iini .. Ii,. r. 'I in- s li.-M. tn sat, I " lott.lt. .,!' lti (I.'titii, t-.'li'. ra.-l ! (,.H'iinli.r iil'ilj'to.aif "r t"r,s I .1 ,t -ti- slnrk it. i.,'i .".-141.11' I l I .11'. i-V- .-S-'. ui ih" . I. 'i.e. t h iOi,iin unit .I,, ,iiiti i" n l:, t'.tK' a n. i ' ' Hllll ...i-fttl-.ll HIS' ll"l I'lu-it.'i-iiii'ii!'- i.r ;,ai-l .ri-.:ait"U S. M. Mol.T, dins is to isi, iiud you that thrf r.ei:ksvillo Woi.hm JJdls afo etill at tbo .same place, ir .b r tbo Bftine man-' iigemi iit, makiio.' thewuuo line ol ex eclieut goods. Jf ymt have Btiy wool to dispose of wi.-l ii, to us aud bavcf it made into liati!tom- Fancy Bd! Spreads, CaBsine M'. .Foaus, FlaDtael m-Vh in a. Wiiioiot inl'ormation and saniles. LwsmiE mm hills, IJ'AWsVILLE, N. ti M,iv lsitt ?5(i!ll'(iA(ir, .SXld'.llY VI FU . !:.. nl .1 tn', i---t i-t.'iIHt t'l . "f. tisMtf n o. w iiv, . n ! 1 t K. mt. Met txirt. i. ..-.I in l'. i'V, , . no I.i ihe .'fh" nl the ru.' I . hi , . 1. c .1 t l a ' in. .s.inilv, w win tll I ni,n- -in, i'-ii f"r . a t . -ii ' I.t- "in t lit.tlH ilfiof lr I nn I,., ,, , on s.MI l.o.V. .hi li.ilt tM If 4uMr lr'.. o.c at.. i .li'si in t i.is!-i,i ni.iiem;. is'teaiKr I, v In, Vs- XI C Ml'MIEt. --ll'i rm-ttr i' r: 6 V', r. .' "'i' ' r ft!"" ill -' :'': 6- li: n

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