I TJoflTimm Took OUT for number one; most women claim to lode out for number two at tho shoo 6ture Texas .Sif titles. Whpn Trnvollng Whethpron pleasure bent, or limlnrais, take on every trip a l ttlu of Syru; of Fi, us It acts most plen-antly and elffcltvoly on t'10 kidneys, llvor iiu I bowoK provenllnr fever, heaslsches au.l oilior forms of sk-kurss. Fur eal in SOceuls nu 1 H buttles by all lualin.j Uiaieylst-, Love Is tlie on-is in tlio desert cf inutri nmiiy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot pares nil Kitlii'-y iin-l J '.In 1 1 t trouUcs. l':iinphl"t and ('oiisiiltutioii fri'o. Laboratory Uiiigluunton, N. V. l'rosporily, ns ii riiK, !. nut iiu nhl to re ligion. M. I. Tlioini-on "n.. Irmivrist (' unlors. tort, t'n., say Hull' I'ntiiirli t "nr. is 1 1 h-st and only sure run- for catarrh t hey ever sold. Druyi-ltts sell it, . V. What is best in money is least oftnn got out of It. Afflicted with Boils Hood's Sarsavarilla Clears Blood and Gives Health. "Lnrui! l olls liriike mil all ever in. 1 i. i lin k. DiriYivm in" lieitii'i .1 .1 n l nil cure, livnsal l.nt a.lvi-r.l i .ii'.- II. the and el II f-'iirot pan 1 1 it. r-.-tilurly an. I falihui'i. I ylo'cl.-.l to lils a.lvl. r an. I Ii n I lia I 1 tk. n thri'i' 1 oUlo iny lae. an.l n.-i k w.-ro 'n t. from nil xi'iip: inn-. I tmvo 1 n im I. el ly Hood's S.trsa- j jv.rilla ' j C'll'f.l all'l ai-i n . in i . : l. i.t In-all Ii. -mil f-oliiiil. nl ! s i y l lial II-. -K - ar-ap i ri 1 in i- U iionil.TI'iil lr..o I t 1 1 illi-r." A.. I. 1'AV-im-iiiit, .Mi.i'iii, N'i-n .'.-I- i-y. Ilooil's I' jiimilii.-.., hull ills n'l II. -l-k Ii -ii-I t iiu, i.i 1 1. hi -ti, i.-liy. i.', ..,'tns. Ruddy on check ,vvM anil Iirow f.'.J iscvnk-nrc ; . that the J.-": vrC body is getting proptT noiirisliiiirnt. When this onv of health is absent assimilation iswmnjr, j and lu-ahii is letting clou i. Scott's Emulsion ! taken immediately arnts : waste, regardless of tlie ; cause. ( '(Misumpliuii must j ield to treatment that stops ; waste ant 1 nild-s Holt anew. ; l!most irs fiadkc as milk, i 'Ml'' I I'v l .' Hi.iini-, N V. All.trn.-tiJli. , "Unliks the Oulch Process rrti 'o Alkalies j ) i t. i i. i .1. i oilier V IH'IIIH'iHS ; 'ih6m hi" i I 01 lli. '-'rJ i n-i'iiiMiuin o V,. ItAKKKArCO.'S 4iBreakfastCocoa r I hum ll tiili'il Ml I'l" Am M.I t lit rsB"'.-iii'nr. iiihI is far inoi liomu-al. c-.'-M' ii. ,., i ihrn i.ii,. i, -if tl i-'ii. it is ili-li. ions, iieni isliiii, ainl I: silv lili.E."I'i.i.. So 11 Ii tiroo-rs i-ii-rj Iiitp. W. BAKER & COTDorchestcr, Maw $I2T0$35S?7!,'.; 'a n to- m a ill- nrk i in for A WEEK .li Hit I ,ii- 1 til- Ml. .-v .if.- I r , . ti- I I nlv ill '. II. ! .Mill -ll ,V I .. t I III mill 1 mi -I li i.IiiiiiiimI, V.i. OUR RIKG CURFS RHEUMATISM. lon.imi h. -ia In iv. I A ff - trial of ili.-i- Hints u ;lr, Wnn- for inn In-ill o s. lVan ii. P.... Il.i.llyni... Conn PATENTS v;.',-',,l.I.',,.!,,i. f"; : Until I in. an ul i.ili i.l.w r.l.' Inr liiv I U I'sON, In a I 'n feu -liter's liul'' AS le.-i siior; i fimuiMr . i '" i ' 1 ,. lor II- l 'UHii'ii -1 in li,.- vo l,.!. , mi.' ...i.l ,., l-.M U I ll.lK 'VC J ...i.. v.... 1... .t .. .... t.,r t.,! i r.MWnot..v,,r.::.'H.,:::,;,!.1v:!.r v.:::'.T I . S'"Ki,C U..S, t-MOIIJ i'l IMESt !Kl. l...'. t.... . derlivni.nl. i'o-i is-i-I'n-i' e .1 on i:'-t Hi biiruiun el Ji-alias who pili uur blioib. nnrttir onrti , I 3 1 1 Oli,-of 111,. l,:i-i;l'.-t ninl Il.s-l I I.OK- ;( IHmiks iml.lt.il, -.I. Mitlrd In ezrhAngq lor iv i.ar ;e Lion nt-adi rut iroin I. ion 4 . .IV..,. wra'n-r. n nil 11 'i-is-nt Miimp. 11 rlti' forll-tnr our ntlti-r Itiif eri tutiuiin. woolson Spice Co , 4M Huron St., Toi.kimj. Ohio oofinmptlTca and people I wuu h.tv0 urenk luniMor Aoib- oia, BliuuMmo i'imt'sCuro for CmiiMiniptloii. It nas rnrrd (buuaaniU. It lm notlntur- 1 l itnc. ii is iioi- iian I'liatl. It 9 too DesLcuaghirnip. gold everrwoere. Sm res fB flip it 3 Mr. .1. J. Jhi ri-ii port Mlm-i. N. .1. m i ;- ti . : Mi tvu ! akji A.r; ;.riry FARM SCALE. Kvory farmer ought to lime n pair of fnriii scale . not tn tsuporsede his own judgment us to tlio weight of VI. .!, but t. tost it. If ho iluos not liiv.' tlio kmIi's tlio f.'irinor is always nt ii disidvaut tgo. Tlio butcher uiol speculative Inner nr.1 eoustiiiitlv exor cising th nr judgment in guessing nt live weights. It is olio of tlio win: i:i which this ability to judge enr-r-eily is increased. Tlio farmer jjlio weighs his stock fro I'iciitiv cin ahiuy loll noiirly what it i worth to iinrkot il In' is t';it t t-ii i Mil it. Ho can also l,u.w bettor which kinds of f t bring tlio host result. -Homo mt t Fit r m. WHAT IS MILK? Numerous experiments about milk have hitherto reunite I in fiiiluro, ami we i" -i ignorant ns ever of its eheiii-ie-.i .'.iiiipnsitinii u:i.l iis physical eoii- Mlti'.ti.ili. When we ilo learn the cx ii "I truth ooiiivruing tlielii, we shall ho in n hotter position tlinn we are now o u-idortu'io the maim foment of null, it-eh', (lie m iking of butter, and, in p H I teniae, the manufacture of elieo.e. ! In e mil i iu with the lull r i-sp-a-i tl- ly there is t n much eh irl il i ii'-m. ! Our future practice will ho ory lur."--' Iv e uitio'.le 1 livtli ' e.irrei-t im-w.T I wliioh, no ilmi'.ir, will evelilM illv lie I gji en to t Ii iippireiitly -i 1 1 1 r 1 ipo--! lion. W.'i.it is milk? I ' i t - ue. ut '-t r I ror wo e.i'i eoiiiiuit nt present, pel hups, ! is I., think Hi it we kno.i nil about it. New York World. olihllN OK 11 A I HAHIT. A lior-o til it li-vel- lino.l Ins lib ertx I y lireakniL; liis h liter never In--e im -n Ii ilii-r pull. r, siivs n prielie i! w rit r. i'.ioi- i, ilt.-i-s i.r ln i.lies li r.i ill .1 .i Ii -on tlie eail-ie of horse, no ipiiriiijf t i.' loiliit of I -iik. t ti lone. It i-. tli- r. i'ore. nf the utmost iiu Mir- tine, tint iut.-v rn full is tie I with " ' 1 his po.v..!- to lu-en'i. li t i-- lir-t f.-iv ii;t,.:n,u to I'reo its,. It nr.- i'i v iiu th -i-.. is vei-v I n tie il. linger :' tii-. -ill t r .- i 1 1 r lli i ,ieritu -nt soon ii ; on. V i -a hordes h ive onee lie e n ii.v.i , on - I to 1'ivii'iili;- i n so the ii .! w iv I i li.-.-ik til 'ill is to f.lstell t!i il s - -,y w st roll stliljis or roji.. ; n i 1 tli u Ltive th -nt nil oppor tunity to p ill nw.iy until th -y eet t ire.l of I'l sji o-l. A few lesson of tlli-. kiii-l will so. ii -t 1 1 ii s lro ik them of the ii tint. A tit Ii iliit i .i-i. of th worst til it n bars- e.i i e i:ii r.i.'t everv lire- ! eiuti. ii sh niM ii,. t i'; -u to prevent it, ' ! or when on e mlr.i -U- I it sli.niM In . j In- '-. -u up ii, sp -. 1 1 1 v us pj tsihle. r;" I K.irnl I-ife. wtioMi hum. of farm ! i A iiuiu'i-r of i'.triit -r ure of th opinion th it ko 'ptii; pu.iltry is only il iit'ill'T of Inlet nli, t"0iv 'iii.'itee to them. I'fimi ii f.iree of liilul in tluir sin roaii liii n the.' feel i. Mi 1 to keep il f IV II 'US, II I I it 'v. r L,'ivo n th ul ,'!:' to t h in o h -rn is t ii i i u e.. ui v. 'ai 'lie., mi th : fitin. A irr.'.it inis tikon mile l'v tn -s eon -lit -t . ms, mi I if tit v w ml. I slop mi 1 think of w i it in . I' ' i :i I I I Hi , .i ; .1 i:i w it li lie- I' l -i i Ii -ii. I it u e i i'i I -ul th w mil it. 1 1 hive t II s wi.i:i ; i-l i i if the piiliry lii-iii's. M tuy fir.ii'-r, aie re iliin-r il.illars to 1 iv t'lioii'h th oi- j nt t 'utiott to til - p niliry lii.iu--.. Win n we know that e i -h I 1 1 sh. mi l j (jive ii ni t prolil of at le.i-t .?i it year. mi I th mi in iltiplv this !v t!i nu u j 1 , r of h ots lii it e ml.! Ii keiil, il ! lines t ike lull ; t i for. il it e 01 'I.l -1 01. I A l l to your in ii t 'i ifii i in! tUi i you e oi'nl realise hy att -itiioit t-i y-mi- I'o.i Is, an, I you w ill Ii -ui-pr, -il at lli r.-mlt. A ear. -ful thouj;li! on this sitli jeet will 1 1 to your a v. tut i,o. -Am -r-ieitu Farmer. TKKI'S POU TIIK t.AW N. f1'i uf the iii i4 er te il'ul tr-os wo h ivo for this purpose is the nttive elm. writes Ivi ui F.. II fnr.l in tli I i lies' II. iiuo .loiiru il. This I eon si I -r . mr li 's tree. Olhrrs wmilil ir -for t ii- m iple, while mm,- woal 1 eh lO-i.- th o t!s. Tn-! Iiu len or li.ns wo i I i n i iie'c-o;roM in ,r, ;;r i .ful tr e. Tii Ii nt 'i-ii-if is f tin it i a in i i . lo liilies li'-iuso nf it, rtpel IV o l t'l, o .... it sjll e 1 I of Ill llli'll 'S il l 1 I h" lib -r.il a n unit of fruit wliioh it yi -l.l . aiiniiitlly itfter n few your-. It It i one Ii i-i h tbil, h i.v 'ver, whieliil - tr iel s en vvli t! ft". tin its iloiirn'nility hoi y.ir i or I i.va tre - h it of iro, pin ; it s foli i,'e very early in tho k i- toll. The locust is a favorite with niai v bciuse of its profusion of fragrant ll inets. It has pretty folingealso and ri e'vs verv ipiicklv. I.oonuso of its ,s j i o 'o lingly rapid groivth tin bo el--.1 i i'ir is extensively plant 'd by tho,!1 w Im want a tree in the shoi t.-st po-isi-ble tune, but I cannot advocate its me. It ia ii coarse Iron and mi.) sunn tires of it. S ieii troesi us the elm, maple, ouk and linden one comes to li iv a stroii -or Jove for in they grow older. In planting trees on the lawn do not in ike tie1 mi.-t tko of overil inting. Very likely you will, however, beciuse, oil 1 or two aaiull trees on the I-iwn looli so very aaiall that one feels: like a Ming enough to m ike something of a sho.v. Hut lo ik n!io 1 1 a:.il think want your one or two trees w ill bo in a lew yours n nl bo content to wit. You u iet b enreful not to cutaway all the liv'ht from your house tor tliesnkool lieiiiitilyino the law u with treed. KET.rtNII STOCK. Ill il 'term iny; whut ntoi'Ii shouM 1u Kept it shoiil.l In- rememliereil tint there are two a Iv.tntiioes in keeping u v.n i-ty. One is tint the fertility of the far, n e nv ho more e isily ni'iint'iino l itnil the other is the variotiu pi-oiluels of the fnriii, ittnl I'spooiiitly what may ho eonsiilereil the more Inilky por tion., like straw, Ii i r a!i I fo hler, ean hem irketeil liettt-r. I'll-' more eoneen-tr-it ''1 iri'l the less li ilky th" prmliiets w hen th y are sent to m ti ket tho less th" e ist ol'oettiu-.r tln-ni lliere. On" inlvanlaoo in lsoi-piti"; a variety of slo"k, in, .I t'Kpeoiajly where n xari elv of erops are orowti, istliat n bolter opportunity is atVonleil of usine; all of the proilui'ts f the farm in feetlinn tin in, ainl ly hnviii'; a omul variety of pro luets t lie t-toek enn be foil lo A better iiilviiiita.se. Where the most is to b ' in n le out of I lie pro, luets, ami at the s mi" time 111 fertility of the soil be maintain '.1, it is not so much a ipie.-tion of whether or not stools is lo be kept, but rather to lieteiiuino what kimls shoiilil be kept. This is a ipte-tioii th'it must very largely be ilo termiu"il by tin1 farmer hinis -lf; his t 1-.I- , the character of his soil an 1 ii's location a- to nrii ls.'t b.'ino t.ik'-n into Coll liletlltl-01. On-- point, lionever, slnuil l bo rn- 'llbeli-il ttu-1 that is it is not so inueh osei proiliietMii th i' lit ikes lo. pri as it i tlio low ort'lo uf tho Iiiriver p.-r eon;. th it i-. placeil on nmr ket ; this at e a t implies the kcepiiif." of - I stools. Wi h ooo'l aria-i enieiils tli" iimnti- ri-tl p" i l let that etuli- - eure.t hy i in- fee, line; out of th various farm pro luets to st ick will pity all th i-o-t nf fe... lino an I eirinj; for t nen. Of e i u se in tin-, all r 'ii.im able care mu-t be taken t save nil I apply to the best alvaiitaue. Tin- real east of th" i.l..,.!, slnuil.l bo III" value of the feeil iilnl th" Millie of th 1 sto k when fee. Iin.; is roin nu iieeil. Til1 Vllllle of tlio f,-e, nil I cxpell-i. of lee. Iiiii4 aiel e miiir for the stock is the sumo whether the aiiuual is u i;ooil one or a poor one, while the mauiii iul proiluet is t In; sit in-', so that oiit-.i-le of th,- illlV.'I-eliee in value when feeil- iii f is comniouce l. it eo-ts no more to put a l'iio,1 a it i in -i 1 on the market than a poor on ', an I t h" .lilV re:ie" ill the selling i,-jo is I i : r -1 v profit, ninl thi, .sli nil l bo a siiiliei.-iit ivusiii for raising an i fe eilm; u'oo,l st-'ck. fun vert th - various farm pioiluets inton goo-l ipntliiy of m -at rath than pour. i'ai in, Fiehl uit'l Fir.-siilc. rucM si iiitio:N ori:s. Te di t lie e ilt to , Mop at the word ll it tnl.es a i ear. A ii'-w eliui'uiig eaeiiiub j is recoiu- m- ndi .1 as a till" arl icle. In tr.tupl:i!ititig p nut . 's, b - very I careful not to injure th" roots. Pullet i mi l y.'urliii"s in ike lh" b st Invei's. Old hens are to be preferred US sitters. A win'1;. M i re e m l I colt is a spoiled Colt. " lined In kindness than by b. ait in ;. I'llele is h. i in 1 s a ii t n straw b Try pla t "s in rid ; in setting ecopl on I. i.l. wet laud. Sin soiu 1 pirsley nnd aid a few leaves to th - gre -u oiii ui-s which aro ..ml to nt irio-t. Theeiri i l-mili is a piotit iblo pun duel. One in tic- splint; will bring as nu. e!i as two in t lo1 fall. I i imt put s i much fat on t ho grow in ; pigs thai Ihev will lav nrouitd the pelts or I ,ng places daily. N in ue e m b got out of ahorse tli in is put in. Tli food corresponds to the fuel used im lor a st 'am boiler. IM nit sweet corn early, medium, an 1 lite. If elie.'kel by th frost, plant again, nil I lut T plant for sue-ce-sioli. The extra price of dairy products luring the winter mouths full ouui peii . at s for the extra cost of their pro lu.'tioiis. If von would have the horses h litlii , ke 'p t h nt cl in. I'ii w. ll gl'o mio I lior .o is n 'il lv always ready for his job or lit- food. lb-fuse vegetables, peelings, t to., can be made into a mash with wheat bum and led to the hens with as great il profit as if fed to the hogs. I!, ry cow should be put in u w nrm box i-t'tll s -veral weeks before calving. Keep her ipiiet , let the same person e ue for lo r ul 1 the tune. )o not o r-l'- eil at this time. Thl'oe-voar-id.l siieeparo best. Their a ;e can be told by 111.1 teeth. Two br-itd leeth in tiie centre indicate two yen's of ago; four broil teeth, three years of age; six broad teeth, four vo irs of age. It is not neeessiry to wnrm the drinking water, but it in very impor tant that it be pure at this season. The water goes into tho milk and w hen cows drink from (surface water in the fields they puH.s it to tho eonsuniera. A grout deal of pleasure eomoa from having the liuiues iiltaelied to tinners n nl trees in the gurd ui. It is not only instructive, but it is a satisfaction to be ubl.) t unswer n friend's tpios tioii, who tuny want to know what tin name of a tiee is. FOR TIIK IIOFriKWIFK. FIM.KT OF VEAt,. Stuff with ii foremeat of breiul r ru nibs niiil niinceil ham ; tie on ski v- r a eouple of hliees of fat lintn over tho toji; liitiil w lth thrca.l an 1 bake 12 minutes for each pimml. Half tin hour before iliniu r remove the ham to one niilo ot the pan ; ilreilge the no at with flour an 1 baste freipiently till well broil neil; lay potato balls mini" with mashed potato, bulter, n'asimiii". ninl milk urouiitl '.he veal, an 1 when reaily to ili-.li garnish with these ninl I'lterililto strips of the h ull. Make a drown gravy to iiooonipiiny it in a grnvy boat. KPAiuiivrn a ii'iru-iMNsn. Spaohetti is the mos! ileliett 1 form ofmaenroiii that com 's to this coun try. Take olte-ipiait -r poiiiiil of spn ; lietti, oin-ipiiirler p. urn 1 of gia'".l cheese, oiie-hnlf pint of mill,, butter the sio uf a walnut, salt ami whit 1 pepper to t ast -. !r 'ilk I'le sp i ;h"'. 1 1 in eotiveiiieiit leii'.'th-i. Put ill in a two-iiiart kettle it ii , I nearly till the kettle with boiling wutir; mi l n tea spoonful of salt an I boil rapi.l'y twenty-five minutes; then ilium, throw in to cold water t" blanch for ten mi -utes. Put tlie milk into a fnrin-t boil r mill to it the butler. then the spu-.-h- 1 1 1 ti tit 1 chei m ; stir till, it tli.iioii.'iili In ale. I ; u Id the salt and p. i per, an I B.lo. hut nun i iKf. One pound of I. nlii r, one nnd on"- half p, hi in i -s ot ll.-ur. one-hull' pint -i ; milk, one l. -isp'.iiiifnl , ,-ich of In nu l j acid, oti"-ipiiiricr poiuid of ponilered sumir, eiuht e-u-, ipiaif-r pound of whole lie.. In. ile. I, dried and Mlnim d, j mid currants to unit. The tie.- mil -t ! be n ipi'ii ter of a ound before bollili ; ! nil. I lull' t 11 I be boiled until ipille ! suit, say two-third-, then iti.uin d an I i cold water poured on it, then slmiiie.l ! agaiu and nlloue I to in il dry. To 1111 "V , l llb tin- butter Mild Sll"it!' Well lo- I get (let, Wlll-K tile t-g" 1111,1 mills to gether, add it lo th,- butter and sugar, j give it n .in- i, .nu, I, th, ii mid tho I tl.'iir; three pin t mi 1 lint in, then ! add w hat cm rn lit - ,i oil choose but not j too ninny -nlo add t he ric-and fun-Ii ( mixing, inixiiiu fulli, but b. nig curc ' ful imt to break up the nee more than I call bu avoided. p.nl.e in tint, sliulhnv i tin, sum,, ns lor ponu I ctke, in at.olid lu at, If more milk i n ipiired to ! make the baiter the same sie as ihe I pound cake ndd il. Th" c n buuat of ' sotl.t should b.- di:.. idled in tlie m ils j and the cream of tartar Hied ill the lloiir. St. J.miis b'e,iib SlIFMIIlr MltAPS. Onc-tiith uf all deaths is .In,, tu pul monary lllSI'lltO's, It is t-iiid t hat v. hides can remain un der t he Mir i'ai f the in'eait fur an hour ninl ii half. Many tropical trees n hen (ho bark is liie.'iint. d give out a milky juice that is an aetue ae,. France has invito I Mexico to cut T into a eonvei;i )ii for th a I iptio't of eonim m unit of electricity iiu-l light. Professor Tyitduil i'- said to lino been the til si mull to tli r ntteiitpt to produce an in t iliciul im iibow -ths in lS.s.l. All absolutely lirepro.-f ciiimney. ."o) feet high, has been built of paper ill Iireslau, (it iniiiny. It is the mill one of tin1 kind. Some species of 1 11 n : i Inn o neither roots, stem, leaves. Mowers nor seeds, nnd derive their iiom ihineiii through their pores. The inelals which linie In- n pluv si by a.'troiiomieal t-cieii.-e to t xot in i la tum are iron, sodium, nickel, copper, zinc and murium. All true li.-hi u leive kidneys when in the larval slut", but th '.e cither be come at rophied or lire libsni bed belol o the fish is lull grow n. A new Hpt eies ol l- iimr, a giant in sie, with its skull mm "ib hod by snino sharp, pninle 1 instrument, lias b.-i u dug up in a Madii-iriseiir .- wamp. The syslt in nf lllllubel ilie the hn-ils of the day li'nui tme to t went y-foui has been adopted by the llnlmii rail roads, and is used for all time i-ch-.-d- llles. The longest continued cataleptic sleep knoll til scielic WHS lepol ted from (lerinuny in lNSJ,the patient hav ing been absoluti ly unconscious for four and a half months. The Australian Medical Gazette tolh about the case of a boy who, haling been bitten by an ext reitiely venomous Miulic, was sale. I by a Mlbciltalieoils injection of strychnine, Miilhall.tli1 st it i tieinii.estimnti s the llilluber of individuals who i liil.'laled from Furopo in T- veins -1 .Mi! to JSNS -nt 27.20.i.Oill. Of these, lo, 0110,0110 came to Hi Fnited States, When the petals of the (front niirel magnolia are touched, however light ly, the result is n brown spot, which dcvclopes in n few hours. This fact is taken advantage of by n lover, wh-? pulls n magnolia, lloiver, and on one of its pure white petals w rites a molto or message with ti hard, hharp-p tinted pencil. Then ho semis the How or, the young lady puts it in a vase of water and in three or four hours the mes sago written on the leaf becomes visi ble and remains so. or.uvr am) 1 1 Riots. 1 tiily Ins 270,(100 inmates of tlio pool-houses. The almshouses of France liavu 290,- 000 imitates. Tii farmer in .lapan w ho has ten acres of l.iud is Linked upon us n mon opolist. Nmo lambs on the farm of Uowail Pant, of Uiywick, Ivy., are, covered with li.it nral red w mil. The aniiiinl army expenditure of 1 i recce is liS,(Mii,iiilO drnchmi. A drachma is twenty cents. The i-arlie-t advertisement in nil I'ligl i -li newspaper was the notice uf lilt theft nf two horses in tho Loudon lupnrtial Intelligencer in lOIX. There is a reinarTsiible "burning spring" in Lincoln County, Kentucky, winch regularly overflows its banks every afternoon at l.'M o'clock pre ci e'y. The city of Sin Salvador, capital of the South American Isepiibiie of the Milne Inline, is culled the "Swinging M il," on account of ils numerous I'll M In lliik s. Tin-it1 is it snakt! in India which is sni'l to possess the peculiar power of producing insanity in any person who onl,s ii't.i its glittering eyes for inure than I' n minutes. Wui in si ille, I'liheki County, Mo., In-only loll pie, but il is one of lh" most intelligi lit and best read i ("Mils in America. It tukes tliirty-nnu dully liow'-papers. The oldest inhabitant of P., rlin.t !er m ini , is a wulcliitiaker iiuined .1. Ci. j 1 1 i. t-iininii. He was 1112 on March 2, sun (. ., s : in Hie iioii-.e, ami ins ap petite is excellent. A I ." J -pound I mul, is said to have been t !i.-1 ir-i st li sh ,s i r caught in lie1 'flio kee luier, was hauled nut of that s renin by a lucky angler near Po lio, Nov. , t he ot her day. I It re are four round ehiirchen in Kiiginini. Northumberland possesses one ; I j il 1 ! Miiplestend. in Fssox, un title r ; thoTempI' Church, London, is I'll tll'.ltl, ll ltd Holy Seplllcller, Clllll- IuiiIl;.', is the foiirih. Iiitliniis believe that typhus fever is cniii i i , d from one person to another by a living di nion, who selects dark in:, lib- fur his visits and wails until tho intended lictint is all. ue. The fever is sil l to develop within twelve hours. The I'ut's-evo stone, now prized an an oi itaitieiit, is a very different thing from t lie unci. 'lit cat's-eye or i-yestulte of India, im iignle cut so ns to show the si -o died eye nr eyes. Jt is sup posed by some that Ihis latter wus ii -ed us money in parts uf India foer centuries ago. Tin- must up to ditto btintblaeks in New York city now use n patent glove to pnli.-h "lllllliihed bunts," as tile Iin do si. elo youth call s IPs patent leather slio.-s, and those of russet lentli. t. It has a soft, woolly palm and is much belter than the rags hitherto employed for that purpose, Super-st II ion of I lie 'lurks. The superstition of the Turks is no where so apparent as in their fear ol the "elil eve." .lugs pined lllolllld th1 edge of tin-root, or an old i-hoe lilled with garlic and blue beets (blue glass bulls or rings) are a sure guard against this illusion. Whenever a pretty child is playing upon the street the pa-s,-!-s by will say: "Oh, what an ii"l v chihl !" lor fear of incitiii ; the evil spirit against its' beauty. Tho peasant clns-es in Turkey are of coui sl tho must superstitious because they are the most igiinr.int. They have no e location whatever, and can ueilhei rend norwrit.'. Stnniboul is the only groat city of which th.-y know. I hiri is u term signifying (he whole outside world. An American missionary win once iisketl : "In what part of Paris is America?" Yet it can be said that tlt.-y are generally honest, and aliiuih patient. They earn from about i-ix to eight cents a day. Tins will furnish theiii with ekuii'k uml pi la if, and that is till they expecl. Tln-v cat ineilolily on feast days, and then ntilv mutttm. Tit t ax gatherer is their only giiev auee ; they look upon him us a neees siry evil. They have no idea of being ground down under the oppre-soi's iron heel. Yet t hey a re happy because they are contented, mul have no envy. Tlie poori r. tlie more ignorant, n Turk is, the better he secliu; to be. As ho (gets money and power, mul becomes eoiitiiiuiniiti'd" by western civilia ti.ui, he ili'li i'iorutes. - - t'l iitiiry, Miiile II iiu I'iijr. IVi'ilita - I suppose you are sorry thai you quarrelled i v. u once with Algi? Penelope Indeed, I'm Hot. I lllil.le him give me another solitaire before I permitted him to apologize. I! iy iiioiid's Monthly. A Preference. Iteiiben If I wore a dog, IM rather Le a black one than a white one! Mania Why, Keiibcn? Reuben llceiiuse, then I wouldn't have to be given a Kith ho often. Fuck. The sum uf $"i0,000 has boon re ceived by the Treasurer of the build ing fund for the proposed Students' Hall nt the University of PensylvHiiia. The name of the donor is withheld. Don't .Blame the Cook If a baking powder is nor. uniform in strength, so that the same quantity will always do the same m work, no one can know how to use it, and uni formly good, light food cannot be produced with it. () All baking powders except Royal, because Vs improperly compounded and made from inferior materials, lose their strength quickly when the can is opened for use. At subsequent bakings there (i) will be noticed a falling off in strength. The food is heavy, and the flour, eggs and butter wasted. (3) It is always the case that the consumer suffers in pocket, if not, in health, by accepting any sub- ($) stitute for the Royal Raking Powder. The Royal is the embodiment of all the excellence that it is possible to attain in an absolutely pure powder. $ It is always strictly reliable. It is not only more economical because of its greater strength, but will retain its full leavening power, which no () other powder will, until used, and make more () wholesome food. 0) sS&.y His Wll Suve.l Him. .'.'hen Wilsor. tho Kiiullsli com edian, made his debut it was in tint character loiiucily Mipnorieil by Shut'1!'. I poll His ;i p 'iir;iiiC!! on tlio .stag' the nu hence called out for their former favorite by cryinn, "Olf, olT -Sliuterl Shuter." Wilson, turn ing rou ml and with a face as stupid a- art could make it. and stilti: g hH ae ions t his words, replied, "Shoot her -shoot Iter?" oiiiiin( at the same (anient the female performer on (l.o stage with him: "I'm sine slu1 does her putt very well." 'This well t i (it ill sally of htviiiiug stupidity tin nod tin; seal-! in Ins favor and called down repealed applause, wh cli cominecd during the whole of the perforin, i nee. Tho Fiibjert of tlio nbovo portrait Is t!ia Rev. eliai l- s rriif s.-", a much beloveil tmd most devout minister of tlio (rnspol iu Cie.' tni'l, N'ortliuinlierluiideo., l'a. Mr. I'm-scr'a usefuliit'su, was, for u long time, greatly im- Iiairod by a ilistri-ssing, utwtiiiut.i Uii-eosix low his iimlndy v.n llually fomiiiprcsl wo will let liim tell in Ins own l;uigi:nso. He. enys : " 1 was n, great isulT-.-rer from iiyspci Biu, and 1 hud nil'.'i'riil ro long that I was n wi-i'ck ; life was iviitloivd mnl-siral'lo mul it soeintsl ileath was near ; I nt 1 came ia eontuet with Dr. Pierce's U....!i'u Medical Pis.vvory and his ' I'lcanml, t'.'ll 'ts.' 1 teo!; twelvB bottlea i'f ' Disisivorv,' mid s-evoi.il l.ottli i of flu 'Pellets,' te.:, foilowo.1 tlio livgeiiie ndvieo of J tr. I'iiree, ;.nd 1 a: i liiippy to iaiy it v. as indeed a euro, lor lifo ia worlii living now." For dyspepsia. ; i.idigesfion, "liver coin pl:iiut,""or torpid live;-, liilieiisii.s, c.i:istiv ti.ui. I'liruiiic uiarrliia and ail il 'i-ant'inoi.ts of tlio livr, ttoiii.ieh and bowels, Doctor I'ieree'.s lioldevt Medical Jiiseovery ctbvts Jwrfect cures wlmn nil nthrr nii'ilieines fail, t has a specific tonic i'17cet iixin tlit lining liioinlirii-.ies of tho:.tonm"h and lioivels. As nn invigorating, rvstorntivo tonic it givis Btrengtli to tin ivliole system nnd luiilds up soiiif f.-i't tr, tlio l-eoltliy Mandurd, whea ro sliieci oy "wasting ili'fa.sii." Mr. J." I''. Iiu Is iii, a. promicont lawyer of Vi'hiteherville, Se'.iastiaii l'o.. All:., writes: "Having siiireretl severely, for a long time, from n torpid liver, i:nligi-;ion, coii:tii tion, iiev.uusTii's mid g-an'ral ilehility, u;id luiiliu;; no rt'liif in mv i-ii'erts to regain my lv.-iltlt, i w.-.-i iii'lueed to try Dr. I'ieree'a (billion Mcdic.it Discovery and l'le.isnnf. I't-llets.' I'lnter this tr.'i.tineiit, I lmprovi"l v-rv miieh and in .-; few months wuu uljljtj aUcnil to my proi'esmnii'.l ilutit-a." i ovirs iriuy, To piuifv, enrich nnd vitjili tlio Mood, and thereby inviger.tt i tlio hn'i lia.! ilip ; live nrirniis, brace r.; th" in :'v " , rial i t the-- torn ia crt;e:-;-i i::lly ; i.l .a t tanld on llxt. rrnrPH. niAMflvrn mivi Ili-li Oritslu in ICv.-rv I '.-irtlottUir. LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, LIGHTEST WEIGHTS. ltr stake our buHtncm rrpulntion l ovrr fi'lu icnis llt I ft r re is no bcltvr u hvvl muilc ia tiir tvorlU Ifttnt Ihe l.t V lH. Dl.tUOMl. AGENTS WANTED. S ffli-..iit r, 117. IM I . t nilirf I a t I?k.i tr. w A it it a xt,:ii i n etkiiv HRxPEttr. nicvt i.r. r t t, i.o; 1 1; iioe. We leivBiv few Imvs' nn-l t-ii-ls b eirli-s n 1 irli wp w HI elo-e out it 8 4 7? each. 1'ur r p-ire. $3 J.OO. Kiti co'i e. Itr-t rn-.l. sa !- Soml t.:i ( .-ins In sinmin er inoni-v for our LA' CE 400 I ""' illusti l' "I i nlii-lo.-uo of II ovpi.-s. linns, Hilles, Hevolvers. Mintes, ( ulli-ri, l isliliig Tin kle iuiiI Inni-(ln-is ol other nrla li-s. Willi tliii i-,'.iiikHru any on can -It in tliplrnwn In) on in-,,1 order sneli lliliias lis etpyviiint. Wo Kuamnl'-B il worlli len limrs litis iinaiui.t. li-n tents l.iini; tlK-t-mtet r st of ia .iliia;. inini n i fiii f 1 1 nnMiNflfl pncTnsil MJICP () ( ft) :ro i-oviir tire ostrich tikes iti head out of tlie satufr occasionally, to look around and laugh at the other ostriches whose la-ads are still iu. A sum: Tuii'iir nil I'iumii, If sulTermt tn I'i- irir-i, ofi -a 1 1" iU t ei .1,1 .a,-'iiali!i. tlitunl nr Itiai! Iroalil -. y Hnm'i' l,ni n u ti Ii-uc.'uo" i; vo iititntit u-li-:'. KiloW thyself. r.l.'ll! oily els" KllllWM )'OU. sltllnVn ( inn lutnl.l nn a utiai- o -. II i s Im tn!nn Ton. uuii'liiin; il m tin ll -I ' o ikIi !.' r.-.- 'ic ,!nc , ll A stopi'l w. .man i- n no ( nature's inipllts. If alllirli' I is il li son' i-i i - I ir. I -.lai-Tliomii- -i n"-K i- w.ili r. Utaiis'l -s.-llat -V -.-r I olllu. I'm Irv Is useful ns well IIS "I iiaiueiital. tip tiotii r-uM flesh r.nd rtrcn.jvth nfler prlp, p'!p:r:ioii.:i, fcvei ; and o'.l'ri' piostratina; lii-eaMi ,s, "OeliVn Medical Discovery" lias I-.o eo.ii:-.!. L lines out tiiako tat peojilo moro cnrpiilvut, but buiitl-i ii( b-jUtl, uhulesoiM flith. Do rnu feel t!i:'.l, languid, low -spiritml, Lmvo fiillurisi r blee.tin - :u lor ruling, tonuo ciKited, bitter or l ;;d ".sic iu moulli, irrt;j;in lar np)etito, fre-c-eiit ln-adacii.'s, "lloating dpecks" boiore eyes, nervous prttratiou aud drnwsinrt.t til'te; n:i-:i!s I If you hp.vo c.ny cousidernh!" nuniber of t!u-.- rviapteuis, you .".re s eii'eriiig from torpid liver, nss.-.'iatc.l with i!..-)-cisi.i, or ia.lig s: i' n. Tiai moio ciimplieatcd your thseaso tho greater t::i niimlav el syniptsmis. b'o matter v, hat stage if leu lvaolnMl, lr. Kicrce's Uoldou Medical Ihteovery wall sub due it. KervousnesH, clcenk'ssrires, norvous pros tration, in.ioi:i ileliihty, r.nd kimlrnl lis turli.nnees are ge;i'-.a!lv i!:,i to iiupoverislieil blood. Tlio ln-i-veiis s a-o in f-'.ili'ers for want of pun, rich blood t a i:oin-!-li and Riistuin it. l'lirif i', eiiri. li and vit.aliro tlio blood bv tiikiag "loiMea M.tlicid Jliscoveiy" and nil tlirso iiervocs trou!.!i vanish. 'i'h.i "OoMc'i M'-lical Discovery" is far better for tin. perposo than tho mueli ad vertised nervines ami ether compounds, to loudly rceo iiuieiiiU-.l for n.-i-vou prostration, tu they put ti n nerves to sk-ep," but do not invigorate, bracn i:p nu.l i" streiigtlit'ii tlionervoiu sysiera ns iii-s llie 11 Discovery," thus giving jiiTiumuat U'lielitaml o nufiiuJ can-. IJiiv of reMali'.i dealers. With nny others, something eb) t':at jaiyi tli-.-:ii In'tter will prohnlilv' bo ur ;el r s just aa g-Hnl.'' IVr brpait is, for tlu hi; but u can't be, for mm. A bunk ll"! page-l treating of tno foro poing dieaM'S a::d pointing mil successful ine.-ais cf ltoiifi ,'iiii', nl:o containing vest ntitiibprs of tesi unoicals. malli pliolol Vw portraits of writers1, er.-ivin-, i and oilier v.iiiiair.o iiiforiii-itioii, will be sent on ns iiit of six eelilK, to pay po tage. Addrew, Worltl's DisM.n:wrv Mistical Association, Invalids' llot-l ami Surgical Institute, Mi Mam iStrcet, Bulbilo, iN. V. 0 I l T YV

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