IHIKSDAV. JI SE 2S,1M4. H. A. LONDON. Editor. Tisit tft Ashtville. For tho first time in three years Vro visited Aclicvillo, inimedie.tely on the adjournment of the recent 1'iesa "cod vention at Alorijantoti, uiiil re mr.ined thoro two days. Many i m firoVemeiita hail boon made miico our previous visit, so that Asheville is now tho m-ont city liko city in the Siato. Tho paving of the, main , U-oets is a great improvement, tor there aro more paved streets than in any other city in 2s'orth Carolina, . and no city needed them more. And . by-tho-way theso pavements aro made of bricks, and they seem to answer the purpose very well. About four yearn ago the city voted a:i issue of of $(140,000 in bonds fur city improvements, and thus far i.b'Uit two thirds of thai amount have been expended. As our renders are aware Ashevilio, is a noted resort for invalids ai d pleasure-seekers. Tn the winter tiny tome from the North, and in tho summer they come from the South, s that it is well filled with visitors, all the J ear round. There are more nd belter accommodation for visit ors than are usually found in ciiic.-. mueh latter than Aslicvilie. In ad dition to numerous boarding l.etis.s theio nVo several comnm. lions and well-kept ho els, the Hirst. Limens of which is the celebrated "IhiUery i'ark", at which it was our j;oud lorlune to be most delightfully vii tertained. This noted hostelry -J t situated on an eminence that over looks the city, and yet is within a. short walk of its business centre, fonibiniiiir ail the advantages i.l the. rn. in vrbc. From this hotel, and j tho lovely grounds surrounding it, a ; most extensive and niagnitic ent view ; is enjoyed. j But tho chief attraction at or rear; Ashcville is Vanderbiil's place, and ! a visit to it is of itself well worth a trip to Ashcville. As is well known, Mr. Ueoryo V. VunJerbiit of -New ; York, a few years ao, bought m.v- oral thousand acris oi land near' Aslicvilie and ljc:.ruii liio erection oi a residence that w iil bo the grainiest in America, when completed. Wu k : on it was begun lour years ago, and it will take probably four years more j to finish it. The material -t wlii.rii ' it is being constructed is chieih In- ' liiami limestone, brought there in 1 hugo blocks, and then suwtd i..to; any desired size or shape and polish- j cd by machinery. This j.ivco. oi i so easily handling and sawing these ; iminensJ blocks of stone, seemed quite wonderful. Adjoining ti.e j residence, and connected by a .-lone j corridor, hi tho stahh-, which is a; wonder to behold. This" is also eon ! fttructed id Indiana lime .-tone, and i its cost will far exceed theio-lfj any dwelling in the !!ate. It will j accommodate about seventy -five j horses and carriages iiii.unicriilie j The stalls are very expensively fitted up. In the second story of the sta ble are forty rooms for the servants, j including uot only bod-rooms, but a j parlor, reading room aid dinii g 1 room. Adjoining the residence i or j "castle", as it is called) is a tennis e.oiirt, said to have cost over f."0,0l-O. J Indeed everything around or con-i nccted with the cast lo won the grand tsl and most costly stylo. From tho castle a very extended view is had of all the surrounding tountry and of the mountain peaks iu the far distance. The approach to the castle is made over a magnifi cent macadamized road, adriveovir which is perfectly delightful. The entrance to the grounds or pal k J auoiu six uioiisnnn acres in extent j is guarded by a sentinel, and no one isadmitted without a written permit From this entrance to the castle is about two miles over the niagt.ilieni road that winds and curves in ; limb J ing the mountain so graceful'v and ya '.r.illy thatyou arc scarcely aware ! shut vu aro all the time driving! it li.il On each side of tin' mad-1 w"U .ire lovely flowers and cur I jreouf. riomo natural (indigenous to the soil) and others planted there iv a considerable cost. Indeed thisj drivo is as picturesque and charming I ns nature ami money can make it. I And this is but a beginning, for it ; w said that Mr. Vanderbilt has de- ttormined to build and adorn onei hundred miles of road, iu similar style, through his extensive paik. When this is done " Vuidcrbilt's Park" will be a rival of the renown j ed Yellowstone I'ark in extent and j beauty of scenery, and will bo un-j doubtedl' tho most magnificent pri j v'ato park in America. In addition ! to this extonsivo property, Mr. Van j derbilt litis recently bought 7.",0ti(); Acres of mountain land several miles! distant, which it is said will bo used as bis hunting preserves. ' )t course a grrit deui of monivl bas been, ami is being, expended in I this vast undertaking. IlundroJs of men tire given all sorts of employ.-' incut, from his superintendent (who is sai 1 to receive 5? 100 a day) to the I.... 1,1,....,.. .. I, ,...,.ii-,.. t h,. M , " , ' .', ', . that number of cents. l or his em ployees fio has built ijuito a little town at the nearest station on the t? .C I) v-oh-o:.,t rnU-.-A Hiltmore. where is a comfortable hotel (or 'inn" as it is called), stoics, post ofUee, A'-. His own private railroad connects this stat'on with his iym- to force ant!ui:g witnoul a u .it. d at the rxhibitnui. t.e pioeeeaeil to toe derce three miles dUt-int so thai he s ipporl. Some of the d.-.nocratie Fuiais do Counm rco, where a bamjut t ni e'l.'er his private car at New S" ,'B,!'8 sc, ,0 ,I:',lV0 Ul' t h:xi ' &'"n iu bia Lon0n ' , , ,. , , . w!l,, ,hc-.v r!,lV '! vtes to tuo .vt th2.- o'clock last night l'roMd.i.t oik and ride ... U to the Yen uoor , ,. ,Ley bul ,lP, f.-.r.m d their yyUoIo.. al.,rUd-for the theatre, where of the castle. I ndeeu we saw this jty : :.s a cons, iji-.c i:ce. l.ru s .moth ( u pt., t.i umuee was to be giveu magnificent Wagner car inside the i r we. k gone and the tim.l voto is not ; 1.,,,-au.sw of his prefem e in the city, inclosure surrounding tho castle, i in sight, although it is ditli.-ult to see ; s,.veial cairiages were iu tho proecs - ,.,..,;,!,,., v, V-irdorbill's tdeaure ! what excuso the repubheans will hnve 8i, , bo fust one being occupied by , i V i i for pnnonging the agony hunger tlnoilyiviut. jp (jaruot s carriage And by toe way we saw liima.so.as nest wock. A dr moer.it io .Senator re wa8 nvon slowlv along in front cd' he happened to be there on one otilimiked in my lu-unr.g tod . : 'T:,il0 i'ilU.e t,f Coiume.ee. and then his visits of inspection, lie seemed don't believe the republicans ill ever j lurncj jul0 line de hi ll'publiiiue, t.) be a pleasant mannered unmar- riid iiimm ibriet thirlv veils old 1 - - and without the alleviation an. I haughtiness that frciuently al.bct millionaires. ... . . I Sknmoh Jarviss j.ropositi.... , hold senatorial primaries is more plausible than proper, and issue!.! an innovation that it sliouhi be verv caref'ullv consiil.'i id betoie it ailop'ed. Without disinssi-ig now the p licy i r propriety of dieting senators directly by the people, v.e would silgpsl that as long as tlie preset. t sy.-tein prevails .-eiiau r a! primal !. - are baldly proper, because by them the smaller (.otlnties would lose, in a ;:i:.t 'vgree. the wcig'nt and ;n;l c wh.ieli they now wield in votin.; lor Senatois thro.igli their member.--. .1 the Legislature. In other words this proposition, if adopted, won ; ave the cll'ect ol i indirectly ciiM.ging the constitution al p'ar. oi electing senators, if the eonsii: u'.:on:.l plan is detective ami tiee ls aniei. iu.en!, il ouht to I 0 ; amended and change.! in the proper 1 way, and not evaded in the manner ,i l i j j Tuk PiiKsiiiK.sri.it tlie French lie-1 public was assassinated on last Sun day by an Italian, about .l yiars oi l, wlio was al iiuee arrested and was witii great diiiieulty iiscui-.l fioni being torn to piece by an eii Itiria'.td mob. So great ;-. enii.e has svi.t a shot k of h.,rror l iroiighout the civiiv.'-.l world, and has aroused the tieepe-t symj'all.y, especially here, in tin1 I'nit.d States, whose eitl."i:s 'nave twi.e been atll'cted '.vich a si u. I le '.' i! .spi. nsat :0u ei 1'rov i deuce. t , ! 'I 1 I o v I ! I I I no t' ' , i' il ; s far we have heard po-i.i.'li to i,e rei:. uiili.i i.'ii ( apt. i'l .. P.i''ker a.- so.icltor ,.f this Ji -di la! district, and we hope lucre will he : . le:. Hi.- IV ele, t ion uith out any opp-'-sition i not oi.iy de served by him, but i: would also be Irgh'.y creditab.e to '.'no voter- of ih.e district, i.s indiculing that they duly U p t e. late tin" services of so colnpc. lent and conseieiiiious an otiiver. Jitdm- .i elver i'aralyzt'd. J.'M-e.-i. H'Ii-iim "i ilio VVi.rCi 'if-. .n 5'eweugi'r. L.'.fl.lM.Cl.o. J HUH U: l'liv:-.'.'.'. letteis I'll til ielaiives of Judge J !!:. 1. Mclwr, to fiiends here, : ay that he Las heu stricken with a lui m ot p ii'al.vsis that hasctius el him v.iry nearly to lose the use of his right Mile. lie rode the Twelfth ludieiai distiii t Pus spring, succeed ing Judge Armtiehl who was sh k lasi fall. Ci.usi.p.i-ntly, the work of the district v us lull, r.nd vei v heavy on Judge 11. Ivor. Prom February un ti! tho middle of June be wealed id most iuecssausly. and just as he was rot t I'd again to 1 h. faudly, while nt'. nding church last Sunday, initute g'lvo way and h from over v.cn !: it-s now prostrate ; eliiinite. so tije doit'is say. His phy. iciuns hopcth.it icsiundcaie will giad.ia,:y icutoi'- him. (Ji i't'iisliuni is a Dry Town. ( iiittNsiioiii), June 'J:! At tho ret' . , fll I 1 I 1 inni inciting oi t.ie i.r.ra oi a.tier mu lust night all ti.e saloons in the ltynppp.ea tor Iicmi-o, luit the imaril! i fused to ! oro a drv town. This net it m came r 1 tl. .:t in this way. (.'apt P.. J. I'isht r i ni:.s a bar in ihe rear of the Hi nbow j House, mid a majority of the board! v led to compel tiie Captain to move ' hi- bar out en Main street, the samel as the t't'ii r s-aloona. This action in censed those who were in favor of allowing tho hotel to remain rs it is. nml rdtbo'.'gh in favor of license, they voted against nil tho implications. What the outcome will be your cor respondent cann.it fell. A Mothei's Fatal Mistake. Sip.'lnl to it.o el. .irli.no OLswver. Nm.iiu:i:y, June UP Herbert, Ihe littlo filteoii months old son of Copt. VV. P. Wilson, died hero shortly after 3 o'clock this. 'i ft moon from the effects of being uefiiicntaliy given laudanum ) Cripple Crrek tlistriet ii suflerinl instead of onother inp.licine. Tliejfroiii ft caterpillar plague. Iu the ehild has been siels for several dava ! vieinilv of Four Mile they have eaten i -u I.,.; . l,,(. 1 T ... :..'. i 1 -ii i."i . n.-. t . rr, cuiui nun wt'n Men ior Heverai uaya and was being treated. Last nieLt about, l'i o'eloeli oi later a sister of Mrs. WiNon pot up to sive the child me.ncino ami ny m.iaiie cave it , laudanum. The error was not dis- covered unlil too lain to savo the tunu. iii ueciiieut is a nnninir, Die enp. find a vf ry snd rr.e 'o the Iip. tu' i .1 .re;'. 1 Washington Letter. , rrvm our Reular Cornniiu.leuI. I V.si!iMiTiix, June 21, lS'.H. What can't be cured must be en- tVillCil alout all the eoi solution that, the BTeril,e a.,t.AOCnxl can get out of the ,0iv hi ibe Senate iu passing tho f uiiil' bill. Senator Mart is, ns the uVuieei at ie lia.tev. lias ,ioi:e ail in.u one ni ui could do. and he hr.s been ably supported by some of the demo-' oratic nenators, but, unf.n tuna' oly. not by all, and the margin is too suull , ' " , ;; ' i in ii 1 1 i r 1 1 vi. i'o hi. i.'i ifii'iii it. iiii ki . w in- (! inis is i" or noi. i uiKier- , but it is the intention of near - ' ' lv nil of the reput'lieain to make 1 speeeli. fl on some portion oi .ue t in next wek. l!' that is f.'.iov-.ed il is a verv ia.-v malheunitii al calculation tl, ;llow ibe imposs'.hiiily of passing ,ilt. bill next week, President Cleveland's ii: ihV.t w;)t o. trip did hiiti a world of good. He retumi il liHii.ing uce a l ew m iu : out tiie trouble wilh l.im is that !' works j'l.-t as hard in the debility ing wi atli er of summer as he .iocs in cold went her, and the net lira! eoi.-npu nee is that lie soon ge-ts nm d.H u. lie knows tb:s just ii- well as a;.'. bo.lv d ics, but he is so cv.r.sii:u!i d that lie cannot stop woik .:! he e'.tsaw.'.y from where tl c .vi.il; is. SjM n!;i;r Crisp bis b. ,n eoi fin -1 to his i ooiu the gica'. r j or.i.o. of tl.i we.k with a sioi'i ieh trou! le. IIi physician nude him stny in the house more ns a pit-caution than because his condition ma. It it m c-."-sa' y. llov resi r.tat ive 1! lilev. of T. i--. mvlii a ' great success as r el pro tern Comtiiissioner lioehu n. of i!:e Pen s-ion Peireiiu. will t-.;:ii over to I'; Sam on the IMtli inst.. t!:e snug little stun of '2.".0',H.0'JO. which by ceo nomieal nmvigcini t.t of that bur cay Mm liau .aeit iiut nf I lie ii'iiiiilrif ti 1 1 cpublicau prciU cessor islimattd would neessmy to pay pensi. )'. fiom duly 1, l'.i:;."t.-. .l,ii. J :!; 1'.' I Republicans '.vho be'iivein wasteful I extravagant c.vne'idstnreot public iij.iney w i'l t e .-ore 1 1 d' ti on nee J u.lge Loehren for not lining J i il out every dollar appro; rial.d, 'out i-rr.-i ble j-eople uli.i L.'lii ve Pi. at j i.'. lie busil ess should bo c 'lubieted on thf s-iiue pi ir.ci; le . .ell got ei n r uect .- s i'lll pUVrtte el.t lblishtUel.tS will be tip! lo say: " A'ell doi.e, ti.e: good a:id fail I ful st iv. ml.'' '1 he So a:t- conimiiiee Las about concludtd its iii'.t slig ilioii of the i-.igar trust. It wi'l In iu no more witnesses, excel t the tw or tnr. e , , , . Senators who nave n t, o ieg t t ht u absence, yet been exainin. d. Il Las ill . ndy In tu i; a 'e plain l! ;'J rbo i" port will not be uii.intaciii'-. I l.o re publicans bring ne'crminci to iry to in :il. e political capital out of the iciil tt r. In Oi' !. r 'h It HO in.'' !iVel:i'-'i:l Ii'iiV lie Cllc.'.l l'V Hit' f -;ii'.l! ;. i t I!ie ItgU .ill' uppi opi I .lion r.ilis I., b, e 'i'l" laws i'V the first of .lu.y the Mouse Apj ro piiaiiou c mii:ittee lies rip illed joint resi lu'.ioii i-xtriiding tlie appro piialions for till- year thirty days fi'oii) July 1. This indicates thai uu lubers of that commit lee :.ie d the opinion that ti.e appr. pi i:.t;ou bid cii'i all be passed lv the fu st of Aug il.-! . Ueiui.ciats Hope to ii ivc .l,'.'i:?s ,n uch shape ll.iti Congress can a lburn j ithoiit tha! ''.! It inij'ht ht siip:i..-, i ih.al v. i:h the Senate mn tin'- ibiuv at IU o'clock and not : Ij mi nil.;? before (1. ..r halt P'.st.j Hint .Senator r rtii.kurr. cli tiiuian ol tho lVmorratii: l'u:i''i e.-sjoual Cam paign coinu.il tt e. woiPd be uuai.le t.;fl0!n ,.(lilg 6ht,,. Maledictions w, ,v tnid any lime p. ... vote to the ; : , . ,,. jVe. und Lever ol tun cominititf. l.iii .iocs nn. i . lots of time. He spends something like an houi' at t-1 .muni ice hi ad piar tt rs vei y m.ii nioo before tin IS'-u pf mtets un i he let urns in tho eveniti'' us soon as he ;r t s t hi iiiieli bis dinnei and rcinaiiis until 11 o'clock or la tr. Those wiio aie familiar with ihe woik he has already ilone pionounce him e'lei.t, ci.,1111. oljtu be oim nf the most thorough or ionizers whoever diieettd the work of a crtiiipnin ct'iniiiii tt e. Senator Piiulkiit r is le,.. rxpeii. need a political m.iiiatrer to discurs his nhins in a newspaper, but it can be said without j Jn arrival id the Prefecture (L'li- ; aov vunation of eoniiiient that be ipicrul 15 'iius, the Prefect, and II.'1 litident the de uocr.us will contril1 u iiiimui. iui- uc uii:iilo will llillllll U I(. ijOLJse U1 llt.Kt ( 'oii"its I Tp(! Hou-i liasa.inputils'ollieialr, - i .lorsem. nt on It. .,r.... 'iiintivp II .. ., null niition In Milters jell ied Alive. C.vnnin', Juno L'i A di.pateh : Pont- Y I'ridd, l lanioi iran, s;,y I h;.i a terrible explosion occurred this altcrm on in the Albion colliery near ; that I :t .-. Two hundred miner are buried liei.t-ath the debris. '1 late is ui.kno.vt., but it is believed 'hem ii. check some distance from the . me lain iinuei inn u.-e. a lew that a large li.i.i.bcr have been kill! hindau iu which the Piesideiit was ! minules after, there was a bhn.lM.g cd. living. Manv were the expressions of, Ha'-!, ol lightning, ami .r. Jamison C-VUfurr, W i m .lut.e "5 A dis pity f"' U.e' President and nngcr ut ' l:l' 'I"" ;t t!lt ''as., ot the tree, and patch from Pont Y-Pridd this Mit..,-. ! Ins assassin. I11'1' m"11' 1,0 11:1,1 h'" 1,1ow ........ wn.- il... i i T-J I.. i i i .-.. . .i .."in.- 1 1 -v i, .' ' i . i recovered from the A Ihimi et'llieiy , i near Cililyi.nd. Ihe eene of the tii "e-1 damp explosion of Saturday. I i. iitri iiiiui k iii inni an. I. i '........:. :.. Cnii'1'l.K Ciikik. Col.. June 22 i viemiiy oi f our ?.Iilo Hiey liave eaten i all the' leaves off the impen trees Tne ; ;t:ut8 in (he w.iori road-, are filled up' ! level with them. At tho bottom of ni amlonul iTo.-i"et holes (hev li two feet doop. mnl Sj riug Creek hi iu places been turned t ut of its eour so , dv ine eaterpiuarn at points wtiert tl ey nreerofl'inor on !' ri. Tho arm is u,v. lv makin.; iti v.: y eantward IVi'sidont of Franco Assassinated Lyons, 1'uasce, June 25.- M. Marie Fi alieois S.tdl Cut uot, rresidelit tf the Uepublie of Finneo, was stabbeil in tho abdomen Ivy uu assassiu in this city at !:-'5 o'eh'ek last Light, r.ol died of the wound at 121 o'clock this uioi ning. Tho assassin is iv Italian, named Cesar e Giovanni i-viutc. The President was visit iug Lyons in connection with the Intel nation::! l-Ahibithm. Upon his arrival here l.o was tendered reeeptiou at the l'ro-, feetute, after which he isited the -' . hibiiion. After spending some time , sr.u ioiiowiug n:o i.ie.iooiu uiepiu.-u-t-. ' ii'i ... r l . i.rt . .....o ... i, . ..: . ' ""uomioiaiumiiouvriiui, nuiv.i ' l U3 111 It II 1111 IU I II tli-illii, .i . ' , ,o , l .. i. .. ii ....... i ..,...., j .-.t people, who were loudiv chct til LUll! lUSlH'll OUt CI tl.O CtOW.I Illl-l , si r ing upon the tlep of tlie Piesi dent's landau. ! J ii.t at this luonient M. Cm not v. a? waving willi his right hand and haiui- : ing w lib his hat in bis h ft baud in i espouse lo the ouliou that win be ing given to him by the crowd. The pi op!e i'Iosc to the carriage s -w I i ; : t the man on the btep lunl i Umfe in I his Lund. P-y the glareo!' iheeie.-ti ie I liglit:. they s iw the bright blade gh-am in the air us the assassin's a.tu ties ceil, led. a:.d then Pi e.-i.i. :.t C.'.ii: t was sei n to fill ba.h iu his .-.a!. l.u :.'.,e de. tidy pale. O.-.e . i . hands ;n piissed oer the t pot. wuelo tiie steel l..ld tillered his body. M liiaui. I'lefect of Lyon-', who was seated beside M Cainot. iiu.uo ihately struck the u:;s.'..-sin a i.iil b!'.w iu the i '.ee and knocked him lion, the siep. thus p'.cv. uiing th.'i'.i iii iti'iii i.ga.n st ibi'iiig the I'll sident. wineli il was l is .id i:t intiutioii to do. Instantly eras of Lv Provide!.' est assu-siue I"' "JLot't a l i u.-sassii. '." ve:e heard on every side, and the eiowd in the vieiuiiv of the carriage swelled to enormous proportions. cveiy member of it set mindly inuuit upi u killing the assassin. He was gia.-ptd by a doZt u hands, ami bis life would have then ami time paid 1 l.t- foit'tit if Lis Ciimo hid it i.ol lieu fur several serge-ants de vile, w!:o siiod iui.i und iittemj.ted to 'draw liiiu away fiom Lis eiplois. I bis was found to be impossible, r.s the ii.furi.ite.1 p pii'iic,- v.cic dtte: mined to iynch the man, and the i ll'oi ;s of the '.igrants avaiied nothing Im yond savu.g t.ej 11.1:1 fit.iii instant di'llth Plow - v.rlr milled lit his lace and ht'.ni ov. r the shou'deis of the po.ic , vho 1 ttJ by this time received leiiitoreeiui its, a.:d m my ii the blows landed f.ui'iy. At hist the police sue- C. tiiili IU lliil'il'g ihehowiieg n.oi) b'l. !. a f" t or so i:..ui tl.iir pusoi'i i. but to get the I'.piive through ti e eiowd w as a p' Mc.i! iicpo.isibiiuy. In the lnc-ant iuie the news of the .lllel.lpti l! ll'Ul'iiel Lad tpl'tad Wlih ii.,l:i long iike rapnlily, ai.tl n. .u 1 1 l e'.nrds v.ero seal to 1 in. idtl of l!'' p .iiei men, who wire sliil struggling l'i pr. .-rive (he hfe of the nssa.-slli With drawn sal'K a hi th'Mi hands the uaids roil. down in'o the suitin g crowd, heedless 1 f w bom tla il hoi -:r imped upon. The crowd slowly g .vo wuybefoie the l.orsi s, ninl at iast the centre ol the llioi. was l' iie!i : . .1. 'I bona cordon v. a formed iir-uind ! the tru 'ilinost e.h ius'..:d poiieeiii'i ' mid their captive, and 1 tie march lo ... . : .,.,;,, I,..,.,,. p,.,.,, tbs the i risoner w is not safe. for men iu tin- crowd ma.le tr.m t . t?l deiiVols to I. uch him. 'Pi.' eimrds i:... I ti..i.. .hi ,,. i.s no!, tin. fi,t - , ' f : ' .,,.,,.,1, wh.;; (lt the j same time keepino wall hful evt s upon i the crowil to prevent ti.e pn.-oiicr , , t,.,., ,,.,1, Mild indii'i.a'. ion ; "eainst a human la in;; been i-e, n in .this city. The land in. in , hich were (Jenoia! Iioiius, the i'l i I'i el. tiit-Mayor and !ti.t wound' tl Pie-ident. t scotied by 'a detachment of mounted usids on a eillop, was tliivtn rapidly to tlie Prefect uie. followt d by eai i ii'.;;t"! fee jvevinn the otlieets of I I.e 1'ii.si.b til's i military household. M. ller.h ini. e i Ministerof Finance, and Scinior Alii ' Und. 'usyor iihhleth I resident ( .ni;..l , .- s, - .... j . ... lav moliotilt ss i.nd uneoiiseious up"ii i ,:,. withhim Jimmio Justice, one ihe cushions of tl... earmv. HisLf the bill.- orphana;;.' boys. Pat h ii'Ver, weie closed, hisv.aisleo.it v.as:w:is plowni'-. Thev finished tbe:r unbuttoni .1, and his shirt, on w hich ' :ihe bii;;ht ltd coition of Ihe Legion i of Honor was conspieuoti". v,.-.s cov ei(d on the lift side, just over heart, by a l.tif blood stum that ex- ; hen,.' i i ar the Koutherii limit ol the tended to the hip. I orpin i ige land, noi lartrom the col- The crowd singed about iu tho vi i'"-ed . i.iled school. There was a cinity of the cairiage, but the iuoiu:t , iai -'e ...,j,;ir which siond alono in ed LMitnls and I tie foot police, held, the field. They soii::hl shelter lr.nn t i . .-. .i i.., f , .. i ,1,,. ! tjetltiui IKillll.i, llici iri'iiuuii un Mayor, assisted by a number of at tendants, lifted M. CV.rnot from tin carriage, ami. wilb difficulty, carried him m temlerly ns poflfiblo to a rooni I on the fust floor at tho Pivfoetuie ! on nml hiiil him on ii b. .1. 1 Di. Gitill.-ton, who id Mayor of j Lyons, then examined the "voiim!. : In the meantime tho physicians ' i ... ... .. In the nirs were hastily si I'le.-ident. " After ?;ntn uuimonea vo uiiena me, fitninip.-T tl.o Trefi. leu t'.- wound a the i.hvsieiauainatten.biiie.' : upon him n;;reed thai an operation j was neeesary, whereupon Dr. Oliiei ; ii'imeilialelj piobe.l tin woutnl. While thii -.ai bein" done L Car not e:nn io hi-. 3M;.--ei. ni 1 nai l f-r-l ' "How voti are inn tii'g mo. M. t 'hi nut remained conscious to tho last. JIo realized that his life, was rapidly ebbing, and twice ho mid : 'Jo MVn vruis." Doctor I'cmee Icuied over the bed en which tho riosidcnt wrus lytss" nutl hi. I to liuu : " our iriciHid ore here. Moia-.ieiir le 1'risulent " M. Cui not rrpiied : '-Inni grateful tol. ,,.,. .,.i : i,.ka ti,,, ., uljmiie be gasped for breath, there w.,9 ., .yuiy,. shuddi l ing' of his jKv llm .u, ijaut oriVnuoo waa',,.,!.!. ; ! A Terrililo Crime. ! From m Sairtgi, n,.w n.ul observer. iBr.l lr..:. ; Y.nrJav we printed u rumor of a p.orrilde o,-..o per,'ctrafi" nclrVbe vi!'ti.e of Apex, just, wesl of this city, on The Sc.i'ooaid Air Line K.iilio.iil, . thejiMrti -ulais of which wi re not then ' sufVieieullv uuth. nlicau d to imike publi.'. V. ulv vestcrd-iy moriiii,.. tl.rg,. M. Mi'lls "was Liv,',,,!,, io ir.e jiil here r.po,, a ch:ugc of an a.smslt " wi'.li intent to i ,. or hiilhisii.ee . .i,,,s inn w mioeuy. ti.o p-iin u.ios . .- . i i . . i I (v (,, nvo, uouioie uila'.r He ;;:Ulier u.t Oi IOA f ; r-n About 7 o'clock Wednesday even ing .Miss Wimlicily, a young bu!y aboat eighteen years old. 1. ft hi'r home to go )o a l:eig!. hoi's to boriow ;-eiiii' tlour and wa 1 aeconipani. d by bm- uncle. Cleorge M. .Msils, and. a'-. M.ih- t. IN the rtory. whi.'o on the way liny weie assaulted by two men and be was !"i 1 to le'ive, whicliiie did, und beii g paili.'.dy bliiul he claimed that he lost his iv. I It- rtr.ehc.l .bout 12o'e!oil. that Light at.d to d i f ti.e r.:.f..u!t. Aboiit dinligld Ti. Ill's. hi lni lliii g they.i'.iug. iii was foci .1 in an 111 l- nanf d house in a in ly plowed tield. S:ie was ma-on ni.ui:, and bore iiaik.-i of a l.uu'iil as fciiiil On I lie left sido ..; th.- hen.i j.i.-i above ihe ear v.-as a deep ind"ii itioti f:o:n a blow 1 om .-ouie wr.ij-.on. v. hbc on the Lack p .it t !' I t r h. ad tileie were thin' Ilio:'" 1 V ldel.ei s of Si li II' bil l'.; . I)'. ,i,i,il,. 1 1 Al l '; and iv. Col ten of l i i;.i wire Mimmoiii'd, and upon Miniim: i..n foi.ud 111" skull bii.ily fiaetuied by li:t bl .ws I'll the bu of the head A number 1 f pi. e. ..' th.- skull bone v,-i i lt i.iovt d rtiid tii.' bia'll tXj '.sed in a 'pace about the fo;t ed a silver tl.il'ar. Li 11 the lioi'tms left thnir oj.'.ni. !i was I hat tiie young lady miht possii-iy lee.'Vtr consciousness and l. cov. r Mi:i not unking .at is factory st if c l:je:!t'5 ei'iiet rnit g li e ni ilter he W '.. ! l ie; ied 1. pon ach'irgH of asrault with i.ilei.t to kill or rapo and a pielii.d naiy examination was had bii'.i'e .lus'lict s J. C. P.. n m- and P. D I..01 tela, itiid he Was h. ! I und. !' 11 To'.t i.oiidlo ihe supetioi c uu I, and in lie fault w i.- -ci'.t lo j .Miils is v.-. il i,i...vv:i th' orghoi:! li e county. It will ho icmemben .1 thai at l-'.'iuary t. rm . f o 1 1 So: e. i u oin t in llvS." he was iieil -ted and II it -.1 for l .p. iipol.or.e L'. lf' Jinks, hi- n'.ii-iu. 1. ml only escaped ll.eii by :'- licit. g 'I'.:','U ti.lit the woi-i.in was 01 r.'.'o i lens 1 hai Meter. He i- ali.'iit ! I y ears oi.l an ! t cry it puisivi io iippe.n.ui,'. !! h:t ug'y b.'iig teeth an ! ii:!'. eini i',!i! I'.i.d ; '0s. i ts 01. insi (i''.-ei 1 liuu the apj' ..: a:,, e of a 111 ui) wit! h);:)i' hick o: se'i -ii i.ny of ivlinoiuei.t. li:.).:h t'e.'se wlckiiov him best t.iv Le lick;-, lunch of b ing u io .1. in. wi,".. i.nair. w;.il'.)Mt some V.'.iai ill.sa'. i .:'.;... rdy ep'..Oiie.l.p:ii:r.S strongly to ?.i.l;s 1 1 t:.! t'p nai.r ci this .::!.-!! .by cine. A po, ie I ii ti e p lu'.s ! e l.ud n 1 dues lay 1 i :: t ehie.v l io i.ll L;,:..j u..ii ks, wiiih ot 1.1 1 l:i:lll: of blood 'Ol on ll i outside ol the p.. ill.-, li, lies b.in farnis'.t 1 otin r ehu h; s and liaise he wore wkii, autMe.l wni iie l.t id us f idiLee. ..... - A iMtd Death. 1 Mi. 0...' i'l.ur:.'ii- ".' n. r. La.-.t Wediieviay eveiiiu at S o'clot k Mr. .b.hn l.oeai, ,.!inioii, Jr., stood hoiorc tl.o i.l: nt in ihe little t liajie! ill the Tlitimp.-oii ( r jiha na ,'c, proniisiiiir to love and eh. i i.-i' "until death do us part ', the bride who stoo l by his side. . s'er.lay itllernooii ill I o'clot k he lay a corpse in the 1 1 1 1 !o collate !o which he had taken his yoiin bride, and she sat by his Mile, a wid ow, niter t.i.iy live days til' married hie. The particulars ol the sad and il;s re-si ii! affair are these: Yesterday iiltei' n alter dinner, he kissed his youn; wile and bride e I bye and' started lor the field where he had been plowing in the morniliiX. The skies frrew llael. with threateliim; clouds about IJilili. hut he was anxious to trot a certain amount ol work dune ami continued to work until the rain came on. 11 lurrows misi as the dreadiiil sto !y, but distinctly ' hurt t v. i Hie cily. They were too i .i- innn ti e orphanage to get shelter, tl'.'-jthe .i '.. where they were at worn ing, dead a lew luet Irtim him Neio Mine Hr.rvToN. Va , June '2. One bun ilrc l iiejro men left hem to.hiv on the lUUinnne nml Ohio rnilroml for Keel son. I'.i . to work in the. oe.l mints. This makes iibont seven hnmlred sent frotu this nml adj'iee.it emnties In renimvlvuniu. l'ive ear lo.i l.s of eol- 1 ........ I ....1 (.!.,,. " j" oj''" r-'--" " . .) the eo:il re:;nfii of Kentuekv. A l.irjje niirn'.er of thrin were from An jata county ami ntaunioii. - " " - The M-thodist chi.reli at l '(.b:.ii, S'lrrv cimnty, wa-t strne ; bv Imht'iin; i.in" JSib, b'it ie.f -.'a i ;ed .') nry con i h i able ti-en' Weekly Weather tlrop Htillotin. ii,.v., ii.,.,,,., IK,,.,,.,, V i"' t EN rilAL Ul't 101, liAI.MOlt, A. t-. Tho ipiioi-lq of i(rrt-iioudiil'4 of the Weekly Weal her Vi op Hid'u-lin, .,1 i . .", i ,i. i , (!. issued by the North t in o.uia Siate Weather Service, for the week i ndiiig , . ,i-,i t t-ii i ' .1 .iv-i:ii'it. uuin; -u;u, in.'l. o.i.tifin frenemily iir;pioved eoiutuioi large mijoiity of the rctoitr. are very eiieouiaging. The tciujemtuio has been above the normal, wilh '(iier- ous showers, and the normal amount of sunshine. Somo danrij;e bv hail , ,,, , , , '.. .. i; l port'-d BUil llliee ileftllia OV light- nJno-. Cot ton is i)!ooining K.STfr.s Uisir.ier A hugenn joi j li V of the ll'IOt is III C VI rv ellCOUIS''- '. ,, ' , - . " The week was warm ami iu 1 1, , o ., f... 1 ct.Is ifpoit ir.in biuily iKi'dfd. Ai Aj'tii "tt. " ' ' li: 1 it hail it !!, but without damage lo . .speak iif. "Living by"' corn has be j JKoriCF. OP SALE. BY VIR giiii. 1S01110 report corn the fmcsl for V ' "f .-vuli .1 i:y r itif-ri-,-sl n ua ns eieru- : "I I'li'.'s VI. l'M.li, iI.i.o.im-,1, nii.t un.ler vcais; uu the Whole I lie 11 op St ems 111 r ixsmiu-.i i.y ii. w. v..rk ami wlio Arsi U, be veiy i;ood. Cotton and peanuts ItpOltlii t.ll'.y good. lohlliVO CCU cmiu-.v. -n w.ll .il..,..T. Oi.'2l!. .Iny ol JULY, f.. J .... , . IN'.. . Xi'.K.' I..r s:il.' .111.1 ,.,'H ill i,nlill....m..ra 11111 ii- v . re li-,1 l. t 11 .Mil it 11. 1 0-! I m - . r ...... inns! v I. outfit, lull viel.l iioov. tiiHii'.' crop .-aid to be very promising. , Ci.Nf ii.v.. I isTi;ifr 1 'hough at nianv 1 C- . . I'laet'S ihxi past wel l; bus Collliuued 1 1 . . , , .'. , , ail' I .I..J S IIII' liieiin, ...... t i e gi t ;,ter li umber of co: l e- poiuleiiis this wet k icpoit siii-oiinble shov.iis fioni the PS b tothc'Jlsf. which have liiiilei i'lll.y implored tho outlook. l n wt'.iin.r inn, oeen tpilie win in, w i! 1. tlie noi ma! anion nt ot sunshine. Cotton .-.mall, bin' is looking much better. It is blooming. 1'aimtrs busv "laving bv" corn. Some ibiin- age Jo coin by sla'k bint is was done j .'..lung t he di y seiisiui. train neat ly I ail iunisi d. and h.u Vi si ilig pro. 'ceding j lapi.lly. t'l op., iMiil- unily v.lllwolk t ,l itini eh hv t'l grass. ll.iii iu A lis. a and liichmoiid connlies deslioye. ciops. and two ei'liiii-il men were kill ed by lightning. A Ui tiss (i!t rime. (':.oi;.vio Si'ii.Niis. Ctd . .1 Hire 2U N'loitiy iooi mnii.igl.l A ij itai.l tien era. hioin v, nl I : e l . n. .1 1, lo :!al N'.li"ii:d ti ua: d. Was r ii:.'.! b e.ii hi- loom, nl ihe Ai.iuio Hole! I'.i'.d in foiiu' .l ili it siimi-iMily ut Ciippit Creel; wr.ht.lto sp-aic to him ovn t he leh lee a, e. Vibe;, he si'' 'Oat c ii til allMNri Ine .'ill I,, i wits eoiitroiit:'.' by a ma.'iM d man, aiint-.l with rcvob, . i : -i. : ho I t tiiii,-!',d him to foliow him li' lu Mil Tin sii'-y eailetl for help and , i.e v. .. ijiiiekly elubhe 1 into s.iiimis ri! . ,'se ei ai ni'.u e is i.iii'.piiers up- pi.-iied. iM.d tan i ii d him to ti.e i.hie ; wink. wLi'ie lno can i'ii-i uiibi ; ''.!. .i-l wi re in wuiS i i:-r. lie was fore led in o one of t!ie,v,rri ig..s. and both calliilp'S wen: then diiv.li at a rspio j , rule to A list :n Piiills. 'f'ai-nev wt I .itl'OVed f-o:a t i.i; caii ise. siripipi1' nu h, at.d a ft '.!' of tar and ii-e.'.nei .- 'ii i'tM', a I : i . i : i .-1 . led. ..it. r Ihe In: . and i.'atl . i ing Tiir-lit-y was warnt agaii.s,t letui'i.ng to the Spiings. Jail Hciivciy at l'i itiiViitifiiH. S,. i il I'. Dip lm:. inii Ni'tvs a-r! Fit .m;i.imon, M. Tola and Calvin !'..ev 'l'.-' i v. r. .1 i I T 1 1 l'.".- nd a t.eg: n.'l'eC'l ! I 1 V, W I'll We!'.! o! the m ii r.t r e! .! e .. :. Kranklie. al.' u: two vi-a were to In ! .,: .!,;' pi : ;. i' in ;i.t. an.. I'M-api ii Irtiiii L..1.I-! nig jail tin.- liii'i'ioi!:' Ih-i . Mr. M. !"..' i. tog.-t be r wi' h jai i i'lnncd. i i t. -red II. e j d! lo I n ,l rc.i eio;'.- .-.! v:i-t s with the prism. ei- till i.pelol'g ti e cell tlo. r 'lie 11!- tiers i-rabbe.l l'ilinell, pilhc'i hi.i. be'nind the bars :.n.l Itched him i:;,' Mr. Morion grappled wilh (.lie nl t! e I : I'.'.ry-'. hilt the l.t'fti knocked Mof ! noi ilo'.vn with an iron bar. Ti.t :i',,!ey have been captured, hut ihe nee-ro is si I puisii.'.l l y a far; t crowd who espect tl' liVerlUilll hli.i heiore niiit. .Moit"ii wa- painlui'y lull not seriously ini.n . d. I'i. tir Ehiys iJrmv ncl. C.'.Miu.N, N J., June '2 ! Pour lit lie boys were ilr.iwtit .1 this irornin, while bathing in the 1. law sic Uiw i oid nesr by creeks. lb'l ei t cud Peley Low rev. bioli'.ers, I espi ctiei t leveii and ti.iife n yeats t-d. welt l'ati.il. iu Ni v.ioIlCu ik. iilst oilt.-id: I .he ciiy. l'riiy way i .chieg Lis j .'other t f ini. I M-ijor T homas f rown Yriiabie, oi I (ltioid, ibcd on la.-l S ilurd.iy. I It is slid thai tllti Hon. Cbiirie.- Pi ice l eciived ,,il.OtU) as his f"i S il j 'he r.-ceiit sale of tho K '; 1). niii roads. Wi.ilo finishing wheal in Am. on county, on last Thuis.iav. two coh.ie.i men weie siuiek by iighluing, and one instantly k'ihd und the oiler liliockeil tint 'ii.scious Mr. Ii 1 . (it'av, a prominent eiii .en (f .Scothiml Neck, whs l.iektd by i hoi. -to Pi iilay :ii d tlii il in great n.i iiv Saturday iiiht. lie was kicked ivhilt issistieg the llev II 'P. V nm in bitch ing u hoise, Mr. Vauu ht ing without I'lllS. JXKt'irroTaS N'OIK'H H.VV J iiii: .ni.tt!!. -I i.s Hi.- i A.'. ii'.-r tit 4.tn.t . ; l."ii, .!.' iiM-J. 1 hrr.'Uy ir.ii; v 1,11 pi i-.:.s it i i r.iLiiiitt i.iMinM f -ti l (' 'I'n: f'AMl'l i nn1 n "i t.i';'i.- tin. h iKy -t .hiiic. iv. J'lUu Tui, 1K-4. ft- tt. W IJ.SON. AT.K OK LAND rribSl'AN I" it. mi "i I, r ..! 1 1." S'it'.-1-v-.r - rt ..f i'h,uii.ii:i .-"IIUIV. N. f., II.lk.lr- M.IV it. le.'!. Ill fill i..'1'...II ,-i. , 11. .t V. 1,'irils, A-lr.l'.-., vs Ai,...j l'.v.n.s. I villi i'1'.T ..r nl.' "li"' ni.iir'.y ? a u-.i.-t ..r I1.1..I k. ewn . Ik, 111.' W III. 'I liili.l irillUlnt! III". Ill 1M ill I'.'s, .1.1. I J .1111118 ll.c l.lli'l.-"I I. U. Wi.li't .1. li. KIM'S ill. 1 I ..itii-rs, ..ii tin-1 1 i.i' r M..mv Is Iri.v. IS'JI, : il.. i'...iri li.'iis., .i.i.'i-in u..' L.wii : I'litsi.' i '. j Juuf 1-i, IK'4. A. 1'. till.l.DIi T. ! SAND SAL:. I Y VIUIT'K, Ol' i nil "i'l. r el It... iii'.-rl' l' ..ui't .. l lMIl: '.in . ..llli!'. Inn ! Ill Hi.' s.." l ll j.i..f-.lti'.-, ill. 't .Nni'.y i. u:i--.'i'. ai.'i tuners va. r,.iii,.- t.iiitiii.'ii I I.l. I ..tl:.-!--,. I '.il .-!! I-..' .'-li ie ill li.- rni-'lK li. I . ii ih.. i ni.Mi-i.s, hi i .... K..ii sin lii'.w, Hi.. i i en i i .i .e. ; , is. t, .ii i- ii ... i ...j. . i. (i'.. ii .- ; tu.- "I'.n.i" i.-.n'i .ii" (.in . ... m I'.iiH iv- inns - m:i., hi i'.ii'U i:.. l.iii,l . I'n.'ri. .1. l-'ifK m4 ...l..,.. l ..:,i..:.::l.u-iil.j.il -.VI :i -iv... Xl.lslul mil Le f.l'l iu I-.! I'.o.iil in'. !..is.'i'.-:. u. A. II INNKH, j ini.': : i n-.'i '....iiiii.si.u.'- ! 3XK.t rj'YoN SALK-I'-Y VII; .. I al A mi, 1. 1 mi I'V'.'ir.i. u i:i 'in ai' l..n in;! Irl Als.y Imvi . V. n. M.vtDWs. I 'l!! - !l. I.r sli. l t'H.'l ' .in l' iii.'.-..i.:i :i ,.-s,-.. ., ,.-i Iiii: MOM' U in I'l'v, 1 "".'I. .'1' IJ in. '. Ol-' :..;i-ls . I I ei-l in N. w II- .-' l.. I'.-'.lli. .'.' s'.a.. I i'i k iir I .; e." II i li'-ii. in-. .. ii.r I.i r .ii.l - .ie. ... M. )., i i,. .'. ;. ,. - ;.. -f! 1 ,-ii.j.-' i t" .u hm. e' - : '' 2 ,AN1 SATjF- -'Y VIllTUE 0$ 01 ' ,,,"r "' "1 ''"url nt Chuthoiri ....Liny. i ,.i:. i-r..i ;ii. m Oi.. curl h.ud '.'""r '" ,'","i",r n iii Hu-i' m.'.vday is Jcly; ' 1:11 "..!. n. .. .:.-..!.;in.i.-.i ,n f..u..w8:j. V '"'"l 'Ho y.u ,.;.i'!, l..-'i.i iii'.l li.il.it, It being i.-, s... m. (i: ,.it .. t;,i.i ivi bm ''"''"i '. u.ir.i i..su !.i"ii:iw. ami one- nv.'Uc imi'UUik. l. ;. .i''il I'liyiuent Iu bS r..- un-.i iiy wr. i .kr..l 'xt fc.'l".lltv nlu; i iercem A :"'. It. It. HAl KM, .l ine ill'. Kv.u. c,iminllijuor. ITcticG to Oreciltcrs. V O I ITH 'A Hi ) UNA-CHATHAM I '"'" N.? , i In Hi- ir.atii ". "f iliU .ines!e.?,l rl Tullfi M,xrennit nn: I M. r I'-in-.i . ntl-lr.-u i.l 0. r. Moure, f! 1.1A MOi.'.;;: .in.. lVY!I)Yi.i01IK(irii:i!ilouuniy :''l.-iii:ii'-'. l-r ti:-ir Ii..ii;is:i a,l U.Ih la li. niiill "II I'lVi'.ll-ls i.f li. I'. ! 1V Hi ll 1-lUil I'f.lll.lll Wilt ir.,ii. i i;.' i ini'ir i'.'ini"ii uvinre mo w jMvu'jni in elm: lutin I'inniiy. Iu ltiiltl- o 'V hliull npiwar lull In- i.i ,,), is. y. iiLASO, J. r. : ,.- ......... ,. -.1.1..., .i- I., mi in'., uu in , 1 'ii 11. j , !i . u. ,"0 to' ?3 -cT'.'-m 1 1 1 n r i..r . h.-ii .ei n.ul e.ii.'i ,.r tinreol 1 sliii ., ..n i'u.. -mir. .-i li.'"'ri.i'.;a .-re.k.'.nljolulii !;'; !,"' W,V! w.- ";, v1",'','i'', l!'',! M-."; M,Vrr,w II.' II. w M. Mat-"!), Lillilfl St'l lll.'lll AUll Otllt'l'Hi 1 n:"i ;i.lly ile.'ii I I y wil l ii'.uituijo, con- . i'l.iiiin; ue liumlii' 1 .i.-i'.'.;. rn..f.- i.r t.'Ks. .1. I.. I't'OII. mai. vi.. rri.ii. w. o. ci.i-.m u. rs. i:ocu.ura. c V'i-u a; j r. n. w. It. II. IIAYI3; T IOTA VK ,a 2J A ' LAWYERS, l'l'Ii'r-sISOlSO, IV. C 'iii.O"V"Vii'.iti'!l l.i'in II. .' . .ni.-o mi Ilio dmii ill iiiinl .Hi iuioD i.i i.-ieii in-t li nml ilurliis I All kln.h-t.r l.CMP.hll for sale al tha j ?if TSSJORO SI4UTTI.E MILL t5i7.'ri."r, linminitifi w T.iV 1 ie i. ii'is ohli U 1 ll U, DzUU A?ID FLOORING, 'l'i 'MP n K ::.: Diini), on Itoron! j .a'.i .! in ti'.der at short notice, I loud Yiih-g and I'h'Oiing already ! i "': !.-' : ' r.t oi I v I . -Ci per 1 HL feet. 13. 1-TCO.TT, Tr. 1. 17, P-ni:;. Vrj-ks tilivire 1. sr.d all I'M- il f'T MooinATt: Fees. psiitu S. ?itent Orricc I'-e-'ii I.i 1,-js ':.v n,.iu lUu-a a::.:; it rl'n'.v, v.i"i ilc.-r'i if j ilVt,i Is i t l.i.f fiist of .; it ie ml put-ai i 'i-iiinil. li .1'.' l'i t' ! iiii rutfiits.' wittl 'C-i tit 'j;!. irl-i.:, tielUlty, ot tr S i ctiB.'i.e. O it fi-u A Fi'MfHi r-i, Opp. H7tr.T oici:. WAUi.inr.TON. 0. C. pianos m W v inniiiMij m UlibANo' 6 1 S To Our Korth Carolina Patrons; Voti vunt hf IlKSTfur tbfI.K VST JIDMX Wc m il jiirtt that kl.nl. I t " T tg dki IIm-ii Ht It 'i yrArrt. und til.tci'il titer . nun pntisrai-rttry iiiniruim inn lu . itithrrn .itinit'n f.tcry uno kiiotvAi uitr iitHirtitiif mil mto RtllflGLK, KlUolCALLY PERFECT, itiut vu'.il at luivost rw)ttllilu i.r.crs. -lit V 1KIIM 111 U- I RALEIGH BRANCH, T iUILLI' it iX L .it Lit i, .1 ANAIifcitti. T 1 j k Whiit? 1 If ctnt voti know we find 6" lraiH It I'o,t,4' IImt ? v; If'ntnw. J Ntit hii uui'iit'y. Imt (ir own Ktoro, A , Dinlt r utir iliri't i roiitrol, Hint the 1 6 ?iii'imtt;f'rt nutl HtiltMiivcn uiiilnr . n.ihiry '111(1 not Ht'Wlnt; on 'iihiiiIh A fton. AM fijictist .4 alti ly tus. humo r ItkKtriiiiii'iilrt. mi tiii- rnrlrc'.. Miititi 0 httViiiurali. ,i4 n l'i' rtniiutiffMH'tiriinil 8 T iiildillf iim'Ii'h pirritM hii.V4'1 urliiiH- A rr. .Mir rr'HtK hurc.iiim l.roii(;ht A T to your wry tUtur?. Iiuiiii-use itock ?v tiM!ri't from, AM u.-h hik! fnvli from f:i f or), m. Willi ami our nates- . mvii will ImW 3011. I A ml onr onliT-t for SlK'ct Music, A Ht rtn!( nml hII miiult inunlral lotru. 7 rmnt. Any iiru 3 In the l ulled .iiua i' 1 uiibi. il :t nil iititLriiiiiiita. A ltttmcniltcr our Itlcl;h IS ranch A T It run vi you uioioy. T 1 1 L'DDEN & BATES f i niHii'iv uiiuiic ii' ii) 1 A L Southern Music House. Main House, Savannah, Qa. v IlranrtirH In Illaroii. Coluiiihiin, 1 Altrunitwlrk, lia.l llianotte, KalolKh, , N. C: Knoivllle, Tfnn.i Now tlr-1 X lcanit. I. a. ; aU under our direct tnaD-. m agouient. FIRE! FIRE!! fl PROPERTY IN 11 IK MS MM li M This i.i ii Homo ompany and ilo serves the iafre: eje t f all Norfb i Carolinian:!. 1 If WRM 01 '-'illii, -.1 in ISt'.S end has i I ., i ie : p.u.I orer u.ill a lilliun ilolhiin ia . . 1 ios. .s mi'! t!:;.it: i.-; not ute cjiutsted I ; 'ubl-'t it ! ! ' ..i-. n I ; .n losst a p.iiJ i romptly. Lvery : pfh'iit mini nhl to insure hq pioputv. 1 ' - . . I ,. .,.,! 3 terms, appiy 11. A. L')N!OX, flY.:'tT l'uiMKv)::. t'l-sidei. O'M V 1 t. Is It v. -. f.i.-i i v.'.'