inhibit 'Qmri TIUKSDAY, AH-IST 11, 1WH. . .st iiEBU K j'irrsiiOKU' k. u. I Toe I'OBfeujj'r irnlu mi thf 1'ltlsljf'rv ratlr'ni4 Inures l'lHsUm' I'eitly, oxut Swell).', al U A. to. Kiel 3 30i. T!i.,hanri'It Htl'tiiKti..n( i 11 B. m. ftnil S t p m., inr.klU5 diiH crni'.ecllin at Moucuro With llio Irmu thai l.'n'.xs linkU at a.W 'p. oi. tui'l arrives Uicra at II.'. a. ui. Wunlod 10U bushels ot eurn by J3. Mono, 1 r. . ' tT -. A. (i. Iloiirno oilers icu for nnls hi the low-cut price, at bin i wituiii ant. A lot of eofiims- -walnut, oak am! pi no lor nulo cheap, by 15. .Noun, J r. Call on John L. Council f:u rIiiivc, bair cut, fruits unci confec tioneries. , IjuhI Sunday wiw unusually cool ''or Auj.'UrU, fires and vinl:r ctoihin;; being coinlot'lublo. Mrs. 1-Y 11. Ilollcrnui., -f New ;J)ope townnhip, cut u rubliajv, a few days iiiro, and on otio stall; there wurti 03 bunds, and Ion sprouts thai bad not headed. It llio populism are not afraid ol 1 lie republicans I eorguhi.itif,' in 'thin county, why ditl ronm ol their lender try to break up tbo rcpubli- 'can Convention liml Saturday? By hum &, !lo:tdn have reduced tbo prico on their linu ami elegant 'CMiclisli Hour to S2.1ifi lor stick ; a veryfino four, Favorite, f ' 00 i-r wick, lie-collect, limy will the bust shoe lor tbo loast money. A. Ktoclcudo, or hlit fence, ban boon built around omi id thr. houses ut tbo count' Llonui tor tbo Afjod and Infirm, in which to confine tl. :H'iHOnciH who may bo .sentenced lo H.voi'k on t liu county roads. V. H. Ki I wards, denli:-?, will visit Bynum on Momlny and Tims 'day, and Pitlsboro' on y, Thursday and Priday, following the third Sunday ol each month, pre pared to do all kind of dental work, Vffico next to Uyiium & Ucudeti. Thoy have received this wind, miolher lot ol nice cooking stoves at V. Ii. London & Sun's, w hich Ihey oro mdliti;; very low; also, a lot ol :01ver chilled plows and plow rust ing. They are oMerin special low prices in nu'ii'n bats and Indicia' hit's, at and below t:jsl. If you wisli t-i buy :. suit of c'olhcH very cheap you will tint! ;Tlicm at W. L. London k Son'. They intend potting rid ( whai thoy bavo on bund to uiakorooui (or tall ft lock. .So, ennui nml "en hui you want. They have received un 'tilbcr lot of shoes this week. 'On next. Saturday (iho 1 1 lb inr.l.) 'tbo County SupcriiiteiithMil will hoiil a com j jo tit i vti examination lor.-clioi tVrnli t ja in the f'tato Normul and lutiustriul H.;hool r.t. (iiciiis'ioro. Tboro nrn two v;i: nui io'; to b.i :-up plied Irom Chat luttn. Tbo tn-t ct till tiilicaiitN wili l? entitled tolrto tuition and tlo r:L;'u lo board in the 'lllHtitUltMR. IjIsT of J L'tioiiM. At tbo last meet in- ot tho county commissioners tho ttdlowing wcro drawn j'.irors br tbe next term of our iciu'i, wbich bciiiiiMon the iith ol Kept. . First WWk Jorrph Wurd, V. I'. Dark. John U. I'ou.-the.-, II. J. Toukuo, V. I). Cheek, Allen W. Tbiliits, V. A. Nt'.vman, II. K. JJor soll, Laac N. Kii iui'ban, N. Ii. Moo dy, J. J. Williams, J. W. Taylor, J. JL'. Hut.knor, J. l l'on, J. C. ilako, i-'t. M Johiiriou, Thomas (iardner, J.' V. Oldham, A. 1. Jordan, T. J. 2Jbind, J. 1. llarman, W. K. lVllv. V. . Jlorton, T. A. Am-Ky, (i. I. FrHHior, II. A. I imion, J r , !. W. Jtrown, W. M. (iunter, O. M. l)or Hutt, J. W. ClruU.bln ld, (1 C, Cuu r- pon, A. (I. IIiMi'i:..!, Milo J', It. . White, Alvi.s Moore, C. W. Worn- 1)10. Second Week -Ii. S. r.'.irnelt, II. C. Harris, W. II. ilarlsoe, W. ii White, J. W Tboniari, TboiiKiM Price, Jainos 1'. I'ox, K. 11 Vaiih, Gillian. Carter, Jonathan Z.iehury, J. W. Whitehead, Ii M. Correll, J. M. Woitiblo, S. Al. WilMon, V A. Pon 'du'. trass, V. II. Wicker, Taylor Wicker, J. J. b'oaninton. Personal Itkvis. Mr. John A. tiilmore, ol Uiohnmml, Virtfiuin, is tin ft visil to bin lather, Mr. ..Nathan A. Gil'iioro. Ho i.s onu of our Chut liani boyit who has gone abroad and hiot with foiercsa. Miifi Mary Ji'iu i;rown,of Clinton, Is viHitin Lor mint, Mrs John A. Wninuck. Mim. Mary IIunLmu, of Oeoria, is Visiiinir hor aunt, Mrs. 0. I. Hill Mrs M.. A. Ihrie and Miss Mullio ihrio leave today for Ashuvillu and White Sulphur Snrins;n Mr. Adlui Osborno, of Cliariotto, is hero on a short visit. Miss Marion Walker, of Ualoili, is licro on u visit tu Miss Ann Wad tlull. The editor of tho IiK''oif is itttond- InK tbo donifit-rhtic Slate convention, vliich mot al Ualoii'li yesterdiiy. Mihh Dixie Leuch. ct Imidsvillo. ia Visiting ber brolhor, Mr J. M. Leach. Tbevo bein no lurther busiucs.s Miss Lily Cowan, ot Ilalei-rh, i tho mooting adjourned, aud will luiijj Visiting her graiul lathor, Mr, 1j. J.jbo romomborod mosl jileasr.nlly by llnughton. I all who weio pruHOiil. indeed ilwus. Mr. Hi'ook llvntim. of Winr.ton. ' 0110 of the ijleiisanlest of till tho t e is visiting his uncle, Mr. A. J. Py-j unions thai tin old soldioM hnvo hmn. I Imld in Ibis county. And yet sever Mr. and Mrs. Jnmen C. Womack.iul old comrades wero sadly uiisr.ed, bIRoidsvillo, aro viiuliug hi.i paionts. j who i-ireti liie last ineetin bad; Mr. James A. Thompson, of i "crossed over tho river". Yes, year: biph, is visitiiuc bis dd home. 1 by year tim ranks ol the veterans. Dr. W. K. H.'inlon.ot Chape! Hill, is tisiliny bin tnllm'.'. Mrs. Hol!f !i.'.ii - i Mrs. 4. ' . THE SOLDIERS' EEUiilOH. V ;t'uittl Occasiott A Larue At-1 tend a nee Vt'ittt'nrichm Trt-itt j Interest in:; Siioct'Iirs, t. Any old Noldiers in ('liallir'ni who lit! r.oi attend the reunion, tln-.l was held hero on ! Thursday, mis-ed a nio-t tleliirbtft:! ottasion. That day "a.'-i the regular time tor t l-.o an nual meutiiig ol the Leoi.idas J. Mer rill Camp No. liSTol I'nited Ci.nle.d erato YcteraiiH, and lo this tueetiug wcro invitei! ali ex ConfedorateH wit h their wiveH tiiitl t;hildron and irier.di;, and all v;ho attended pronounced lit! meeting n compleln mieccss in over' pai licuhir. livcryt him: paired ol!' as pleaHanlly iih c.titiltl bavo boon wished (or, ami nothing whe.ti-ver occurred to mar llnl pleafifie, of the occasion. Tfie t xervises wen.' bold in our eomniodinuN co':rl-rooni, was crowded lo it1! lilmchl cypRji'.'. Tho platform, on which tho Judc, rsiiri, was very tastily and app.roprit atoly ileuoralod with Conledcralo S;i':s, fi'iWci-K ami pi'ttureM of distin :uehcd Coiiieilerales, present i a muni ph'asiiijr appearance. Ciispie 'Ojiis was a f!a,', lo'iiied by Mr. II. M. Cuwan, that bad been the la-l placed on President U.tvih'a .i(l:n .".I iii i bin ;al at l!i'Jihiiid. The mceliii was called to order alll o'clock byCiipt. W. Ii. London, tbo rommr.iidcr ol tho Camp, who bi iidly weicto'.ied the. IhI'!; autlienee, and then autioiincod that the exer cises would b' opened with prayer by Kev. Jr. N. II. Colib, who bad been tbo chaplain ol th Hili IS', C. ly;;iliMilit. 'i'lie M)-kcr Wa.-i Mr. Ornu A. Iiatiin'r, who had been a licti'-i;a:iL in Co. Iv 2'ith C. re;;i mtoil.. lie ,'?ave a very vivid and inlei ostium ioN;riplinu vf prison lito on J itl i ii.-.t iii'h Ibi!id, Whci"'! bo had bi".m coii'hkkI twenty montlnt, niter buvioL; been wosindod and captured at.Cetiywburij. I ie al i retid a poem, cntilied " I'be Uatlle ol (jicl tysbui ", wl.'t h had been written and yivon liiiu by a To'au I'ice:', who was confined v, ilh him al Johnston's lsi.,nd. ld J. K. I..MHC then delivered an iaihlress upon ibo wr.r recorn tt tiov. Vance, vinj was llio firsl Colonel of tint same regiment (the U'ilhj of which Col. JjUIiU wr.s I he last Colo ii' I. Tbirt y.idres.s was replete with louder recollection;! aioi interesting incidents in tho career of war pvui war ( iivernnr, and many instances wero mi-nil mod which illustrated '.ho deep atVeclion "J 1 1 1 H(.'ldiors ol bis )e;rimoiit for him while their Colonel. '. Lane, in speaking, shijws the elled of a in tho ino'.ilh, reeeivetl wbikt f:.d';:.i', his n-;;niiciit, wi'.li it: fl:i;; in bis hand, ul Jet lysbiir', in winch bali.Io his reirrmi ut lost more men, killed and wounded, than any briyjJc (contain ing live rciuicntsj in I'lckell's ii vision. 'I'he next ."peaker was U. A. Lon don, woo brief' ,;."lv'0 a sketch of Chatham'. companies in the Couled cIMi'.' ill ley, and nl.-o yuve sniiiO ot ''. i.l ;t;it.i-Ti ics nt ( ho at (ill' bill'::, s. ! i . nv t : i ii'iion;' o'her thinifs the ir.,2Dl I Vmfu'lera! ea kill ed and wi.iinded in that l.'i.lll;', moro than onf 'jurlh (IM'.t'i) wero Moi'lli t;rniiii:a:i.s. lie i.-ulo.r .e.d Iho valor of No'lli (.':.rolimi'.-s'lldiei'.- in that re.-.l buttlo, and cited at, an illuslra lion Hot siormio;; ol Cemetery Ht,i ,'l.tH l;v the tlth C. rc;;:., which bn.kci ibi'inib ino enemy's bm and for awtiilo captured ttieir iuiiih-ry, and called allentioii to Hot pi'eveiice ol Mr J. 11. v'iliiams, who was in thai charii ami who loading his inUi-ket wiiile slainliin; tiy him) ot (ho caplurcd cannon f.retl at the reireal in; Kederah'. Mr. J. L. Willit'.Ms v.'a't then with much entiiusiitfini called on to toll ol thai L'alkihl chai'jo', winch ho pros ceede'j 1. 1 ijo vilh a im.Kles'.y that was euiiitiled only by his valor. Thou Mr. W. W. fMwimls, of tho oh I 2lJi.h, was ealied upon h.r a speech, and was introduced as "itio orator of the West", and his audienco soon loum! thai t his was no em ply com l'!ineiiL. 1 1 is speech wan I ri.o lien I ly iulitrruplcd Willi upplaiiM'.ano laiih- ; u,ri ail'eriialini; wilt tv.ictiin iiaUios and u mi leioi.r ami naUins ani auiusiii:' iwiec dot' Tin: last speaker was M p. John M. I' i, i.. ,.i 1 1... ..1.1 ( h. 1 1... in l';ri.. i who," alter irivii.,; Vomo ot his war . . . i-xiierioiice. m a innsi iiroper uiauntir robiiked Ihoai' chronic, ru inblerii and calamity howler.-., who arn iry in to uiak'o ovcrybody dissal'mliod with ovcrythiiirf. lie compared tho dark days ol tho war with ihu proa porily and plenty thai our people now enjoy, and yol which Ihey hooio not to uppreeo'.te The bviiedielioii viifc then pro T. Piialid, alter imunced by IleV. C. it was announced there would tin tin hour's recess, luring which thcro was a watermelon treat ivon the old Holdiers by a lew ol our public- piriled ciliBeim, and which soomcd to bo really enjoyed. After this iho nicniboiM ol tin) "Camp" ruas fidiublod and cleclod oll'.cor.-t for tbo onsuiiifj year us follows; CV'in munder, John H. Lane. Lieutenant Com maudei's, O. A. Hauimr, T. il. Lasater at d J. 11. W illiamu. Ailiiiiani, Henry A. London. 'Jiiarlur Master, A brain J. Lano. huroon, Dr. I.s A. Hanks. Cnaplain, Kev. A. it. I'eliy. John M. K.I wards. I Trsasiirei', Color Sou'ru'ont, J. M. Lurnotl. aro bcins,' lliiiiueii, una 11 win 1101 uo ; many years a low ueeropu j!d men will bo tho only .survivor. 0 li'it uriiiy dt buroci, who I'iled tim world with tbo irk.ry of thoir valor null aehii'V( tiii-iit. i The i xei vi."f f t'n !.. v w. i "' jrrcnilv :n.ivo.n-l by th. - uii. of the .Niler City b.-a.vs b.-no!( which ho Kimi y iionoieii too oixu-j ion with ils preach; .. - - . -. - -. . 'I'lie democrat ic eonvenlion of Ibis judicial dislritl was hold al Ilurhain, on last Tuesday, ami by a nnaiiimona vote reiioiiiln:;ted I an!.. . n. Parker lor r.oncilor. i A JioV JMl.I.K:). At. al juro, Oil last Thursday niirht, tho tldrleen year old S'in ol Mr. Archie Hart, formerly of this county, was killed by a nejro boy ol about the sauio aije. Tliey had a q dtrrel Hint day, ami niter dark n-i i;un;; If art was passing on the street he watt attack ed by tho colored boy, and while ihey v.oro f'lfblinij anolher colot'ud buy banded bis liiniid a kuiio v.ilh wbicli be hlabbed youi. Hurl in three places, Irom which wounds he died in a tew minutcK. Too two colored boys wcf at once arrested and hller a preliminary trial were Mint lo Carliiaye jad. -1 U('W! iMIN.'.'ITo.N - in last week's Pi-.i'oK", tho pcjiulist j congressional con verition wbicli bad j been calltd to meet tin thel'illlli July was not lb;:i held, but wan poM poncd "in (;rilerlo await le.rllier levcloimcii!". A e'-ordi njdy alter ihero bud been a ln' 'oiilroir-'..- be iweon tbo leadi'i's of the "pops" and a lew lu:;':; republicans, the eon venlion WMnhehl lutein thealteniiMiii of the next day. immediately ailcr '.he ndjiiiirnmeiit of tbo Sttilo con vciilion, mid in iieenr.l.ineo wilh the lirearraned jiroraiunio M r. W. K. Klrowd was thoti nomii.aled ii the in :n: t3 be deleHled by ClinrloH M. Cooko. Wo would here cull attention to tbo fact that thin convention was (idled to order by ibu notorious S. ;Olh'i Wilson, who, although n eli conlcssed criminal, soonm lo siaiid as I hiyh wilh the pos now as ho did I i beloro his imli'liiiciil as tho Chief ol j tho (iideointcs. On th'i day after this convention was held the liab-irh I Vsi'A'rannouti': ed that "Iho republicans ol this di trict will nominate a eandidr.lo for Congress". And wo notieo in tin' Winston Ucini'tiiiin thai the repub lican conveiiiion o Kandolph coun ty declared in bivor ol nominatine; a slraiehout republican for ConrcHa in this distrii-l. HkIT'!'. M'.'AN CoXVKNt ni.N III 110 i!ftrdaiieo wiih previous notice a re publican convention v, a.i hold hero on last Saturday, lor iho j '.rposn o! appointing duletcali's lo llio .State con vontion and ruoraui:; the party in lliis count y. Tho meet i:. was e;illod lo order by Mr. Kelly Mitchell, who acted aa chairman, and Mr. P. M. Furrell was appointed setrelary. On mo tion, a coin milieu was appointed to aelct.t tho :!ide;;:ite: lo llio .Slale con volition, iimt aiier retiring Hwl'.i'.e tho c.oininitluo reported tho lolloW- itl.MolTLH. II. I). Mason, W. O. 1'alTci', Henry Hanks U. 11. Johnson It will bo Al.TEU.NATKS. T. II. Lullerloh? Cam liurnelt, C. 11 Williams, Pa.'ie.iii Kinith. .i.iijiiibered that, a': coi'(i:nur to Um ivpu:ican jean ot or"i;n '.:'.-. tion, every cots lily can sono as many dueiaies lo the f'Uto j convention as il Inn roprcsontati ves j,,,, t;, iUllnifi- pmccs of iicr.ibre.ieif in the Loyisiuturo. 'i iien.loio UlnU j aut , of Uuli.iij a -u c .mu!.;-, .-ui-bum ia oiilillcd lo lour dulouli.M. j-eib, joukti"' tbo ui L ilinpiu .: :-t Tim tolluwiii county executive I ,c lrru;, Mni prus;;.,.., uie tie uoest commiilec was upi'.oi n Led : t. m Parrell (chairman), H. D. M ason, ianiidt '1 ill. nnn, V . O. I-urrell ami Paul xi'orwood. " 1 1 was decided to bold a county coi. enlion ul this place on Monday, tho lird day ot fie)iicitibir, lor Iho purpose :i nominal i m,' eainlidatcs tor tho legislature r.nd thj various county oliices. ho. Willi ti.reo fieis oi camimaier. in Iho field, polities in ham wili no dotilil be iiito livily tin:, lull. Several democrat and populi.-ls were present as upect.'itor.s, neiil anions tbeui 1'cint; Kheri'.l' Jen kins and lte;:isiei' id Poods Paschal who occupied front seaia. At times p.c ciIkikx -.v.-vi soniev. mu sen sail. inai ami soe;ui e.-ieiiiii" .-i e. . i v' '"''-,u' It was openly churir- d.l Ii.- ii... i-.l t 1... I' li.leri It Siieui: j ""- - i i , ers I hiii Ihey inn! Ij-khi warimii t.y hoii.o of the populists not to attempt to bold this convention, em! th:l they (Hie pupiilM") had attempted 10 prevent its bcimr held, and the disorderly conduct of cot tain colored iioiiuli.sls licenn-d to iuatily this charen. Chairman Mitchell was very indignant and stated lh;it P.u popu- li-.t leaders, tl they bad the power, would prevent an body tiviu voting at all unless ho vol oil Itioi." thiol. CnmmUsIfnicrs' Mi'etlns:. The county couimi.-'sioiier.s held their regular nmnllily nmeiimj on las I Monday :iml Tues lay, and aud ited Iho following aecounls: J. H. lltirke, tor corn, il. A. Lomb in, tor mlvorlisiii. Dr. L. A. Hunks, as imporiu lemlent i f health, J. D. Womllle, lor lumber fur utockatle, L. P. Willniiiu', for convey ing Alf. McCiouuhan trcut .luore j.-ii I, J. ! P.ouii,lor laLor on stock- lb I'h 'M II ;0 V. L. London & Son, tor sup plies, J. J. Johnson, for conveying Jim Harris to jail, Mrs. A. P. Cross, jail fees, 4 1. 1 1? (" So 74 tit), J. T. IWhal, for wrvicou na eleik to Hoard, ( ). S Pou I' Sou, tor supplie l,'. K Hamlel, lorseifiny r. .-. I orders By niun & IL aden, for sup- '.'.') lb) 1. t: 8 josi.ih Tysor lor ion veyin.'; Abu.pul Liiw !ef jin-l .lie. W. Pedinw!"!' lif'tal A. T. Lan.beib, f:- nerv .'. e. .-i -, .vv .1. i a;! , lor oci'viiv. conitnissii.'t'.er, II. Marsh, ins ilvetit .' V. ii. Hatch, for fTit". cote, !iii.-:io!ii-r, J lei. L. (.'ei'.iieil, v ;ti janit i ir ol eoi; i t bou )p! r.; Ifat Melvin : ': IT do uppointcd a;.'c.(. to s j and dat:u!il"i iam 'l':;j p a i ml ILnih I -ah I iiri. ni W II fA'.nre.. tl.;,t V. A. i'l'il dire ; uppointcd to supply Ade'jiide (Jo'.U'ii. I Ordin-.l that Ja'oos 1. l..r.eell i:i I allowtid S'J it in i ii t ii for Hllllis Snipes' three idie'i U. Jerr i, that the ! io-.v perrons :,re helectntl te '.: j cit' ol ( in .a ppori of d! l.'o.ld C.lllf'M OI 1 1 Hi '" C' t at j: ;.st bixon, Wiiii'tni I l.iiili ;. , V. , berry, J. i .:; ilni.ii'-r, J. kins, A. l-i '.''.!.).. W. V. y: !t. t-eott, J. W. AtwMer, .. i win, Vi . L. 1 iiHaler, .). W. i . L. TvMor. h. '. ."vire.i:,. Lovi-, (). S. Uixon, i: C, P.r A. l i.mos asl j'Uf..,.o -j- t ; (; y;u iToii-'ii W C. Mcliiti ,'ob P. Alston, V 1 1. ale. Miliikeu. Orirn-i, liial ti'i'hiic road tiiini .im.t in. i.t line, near H.'.Iidmi'.-. :nol, 'o ii.-. i!e (ownshi,: line, !n ;;i hlil'.id (it 'jk pen. ol iet:liniiei's. A I.ctler Ti OfH I'iu'iuh1 Wo aro pleated to publish t he '. J I lowini' 'iriviiti! lott'T writ ton '. be-1. iiiiitiior iiv Prof, f'.nnst 'J'. Uynan w ho lets tenuis to F.iifiipo to coniijiu llirt !,tudl. S. Vai. ji'.''J':.') Lbtr.-July 2;nl. IK'.l. Sine I wrote you frotii Iii)u!nif.i f btivci bad ii ri I'.e.d iniei rv'.tr.;; e P'j! ieliCft, i, ( ton; ll'.i vim '.o'."i fl j'eetS of ililele.-i i..ol(i n 1;,;;, ,.; llcb'itim. V.'e i.-osb d nc.ff'iv lo i-: oiduin, wV.e!'- i 1 a t;UH:i)t !;!.; city of ovuf '.!'!:!, oO' ::-.!;:i!iit .':ts a:. I wboro (loij'isi'ii i.; iitoiii! itboiJii'J. The Mrfc' U', .p-.rt ivvr.i t tif!"e v.i. -i cita! iu lbs c.iidr'. wo aa crooki-i uiel in ovular as i no lines upon lb" AtnocBoii-.i 'itii.ti:i;s of a G:tuic en Iheural. 'i'lio miuO. air, o!h beau, fill with u lO'.voi ::pi(-:;oiii circs c:.d 'lassv plots bt !.wef!ii tiio siib'; to mid miiial. iStuiitj people hv! on little! Prof. J. A. V. Thoe.ipsoii 1 1 an boon .'oixlola boali iu these cinali-; itnl niovn ;ii r.y all cf liie Kumi.ejr CTinvic f-irn nboiit, fiom jiiiu'u to p'e.i 0 Wllbott a; ;, ' for 1-i-l school nud be s lys lie! jit'.a imvnvcniou:.!. Liitlw tiu tups ply poet i-i very i in for tbo fall up and down U. puiuils and tuns t '.' ' j term. tim lilkCC of l.tvc.-t i-e.!-,-:, whiio ve.-i U'-.v. J. (), 0'j'.i::i j I'.'i.l fatlily, of r.tii ii-.-iudr:"! : of bova o.i Ik Ming w il Ii L'eo.viind liim. 'i'he i.i'ist. lii'.ius t'uiii-f Low: vr-r is Ibc iiii;;' I i.nia!a:i' t.f doj,'!i and tho way tiicy an.- utili::id. The Kiieota bciny lo.i nui iiiw fur filled v.iili kuiu'1 carts i.'niwn by do;;s r.nd .jui-led by a boy le.) holds a loiiif baud)" pro j(3i:tiii 'J iiis e.iHtolD ore vn'.ls nil over the Ihel iands bill is ; i'1'ii'ii nioiH frc-'pieut in J-ioilrdm'!. ! The il."!, bark ao loudly ii. ic d.i'ioi't lo niiita youir.c'if hoaid on tue uirrtnt.M Ht;d ttt iiii;ht sound KioCj'iri iii a!e." -i impossif !! fur tu!: not aoountoi'i'.d U bueli ciiiirrii.nieuts. Tim iHAt day uftcr uv f.ri'iva! ::. !lol terd-uii i went ovr tt iIim l! ;.;m . ja i i;y ii-.'t- : 1:i';'j as K-itieiiiaui, Imi f,iriinro:wii.'.'it ;n:: !; -.sttnd bcnit i ttt ',i0 Mi yaiUi-m-i Ihoio c. .;.!. h'e U1 ibo wor'ui. I' ir.i; fa ouiutineH of hi-; moilua m.d the Hejiuj; clesi ato luod iis never to be eurpuftsml nod Titi'.m'd Venus ami is aluo fouud ihtuv uUi' ar- (juitousy.uid. Xeailv Um wealthy iuelcb.ic.ts liw: ile'iH imd ot ,.olirio tbtiu- i osi-.5!!'" ,. m m !:i e.i;'i".' i w , i.a t't,n .;S.-,orr! l..-..i::v ;l e pi-me. The pahico of iuu V.'n'.fU is as iwaiit : tit'nl but iiO'. Ko Uriins:. i 3ti;ee;cu !v ' i,t, ij,.,, , t,,1(,.,i , ,.t! if! Wm. Ibo .'jil'-aH. V.-.'t i.t hoi;', of it. V.i ;-i:-s tiir.t I liele-1 on ; iepo. .en : li-rltil '.'el all ea.-t i! !. (lei :ie::,V ' ,;ii) St ! Ill oil Ui t eleiUIl!. Ulif r ttteidvil le I'eiiV'.ii: b: Jlolttn'- j aud I' 'l-.iv 1. -pi'.:.' '.'.I t V-'Ji I j j ,,,.,0 iHI:1' ba.l no idem,!' . i,U"' i-'id : so hft I h.).-u 1. mil 1. '::!.; -.-m! m to let UM:ii wii'ii" I I. ill in d ibe'.o .v '.n 110 cholera tit Jj'-.j-, luit tiio leu-i't wiih Irm; aa to .-! me.tiy. TLo ITenrli have ipii-.i-.ii::.;'.ied fi.Tiiim-t tri'.ut i fi om !i oijiiiliii. ie.H it. b.-is oocri ieil iu l'i ). i'ltn ; ! .i I'"..' wre, j .pei;t t'.vt' bte.ii ut rt-.v nil..,', n j tl'.s part ' Iho M .'lib. t.-liev.- i.!.-;.!;"..(. K-i''.-i;.-.b. N. ( !. ..',. .- ..''.lie n i.air ;: ;.:.t ..n-ooeiVn tvat'.r: .:;,' p'ttee- 1:. j sen toe 'im...-i to iem-.:n on iw, iarm ; , '. j.".'',; , : ' ,rl .'. t twti. nJdimm 1.1 tL. impcUl pii.i.a-e. moj.m,: v. iii ;,'.m'..'y "' nim to n.iiw.i o. ;,' A il vert ienicHt-i. -' .'..) ". i.,..r,l Hut- fur tm D-.iiet. m:,I -!: -.r tl-.e i.w ! i..;.. ,0 m- i-i.-.e. ai'ov, L1:- tc rc..i mw, ! . .. ,, .: . ,,v '2 sLoo oii .V-ovcri'ty:.. wtuv .'.:--r-.:io ..v. ; Bf.i.iy n.e-i-i:.i:n or a llio p; :.::-.. , .r--.. ,-- . ';,. ilmre i, tl'.'.' 'pv;;w-t i; A: j l,:lievii!;.v t.- 1, t;o bi bi to , ,.,,,r';, . ' .. .'.V ....... ; v... iv 1 -fie:. :-..'.... -a-, a pair. j ni if.. tso'.:. :.i!.'. e. p.:.'.. :l um I e; tullcr ui.. i.m .v&v : ilm M''..i. i.t : ,0 ....... l -fr-.-i-: : m. 1.: mo Li-ijl.itcolu.Ml loum. M"-t i.f '"!! !..-,y e. a:.c,o.!.i !h-v,n:-:. !a,:, en-, am! I'-'''-.'','-, ,.:;',1'.';'- .''','!'',-: :.''-,,.sN'. N' -.' : ' ' i Ipulyavaimd Ivea ..i is uy f : em:., us use i.e w.ii ,0. :, aU m ,,., ! KV, S'ijVVX my jm.-i,ey, b.;t elmlii'i w,.:-, lepoi'te.i ! lei tin s- i b... ; t-..i.V:-;-.r., i.i.'.ii i . A'-1"3' ' 4 flTtft 1 '' in IWlbi ,.v.l alt ...tcj'. fi..n,..v ! Ibvt rmv o'er vvot.hl 'k.h-j li-.-r. l-.t-l WANTi .1-. SgKlfANAU $:st.2t;jify luilu, fiom Ti . -..oi 1 ol) ' of our party b'lvc , to iir.i -.t.-t-i. jcn.l will i,t.nd thiir !i'::-ki arciiod !' 1 tioiinifpie. r.o i:iey e .'.i j.'.:t to :ii'l- I kttttllv know I..1-.V lo ne..iiil ..- ley iinpie!-:-io:i of iii e.-ia-ie, til,sv ii .iii llein ll''t),ij'.'0 pei't-ef iivm 'J im i : y is bi.iiuillt.l m it ti all lii'i busiiu"-i p': ! ' and loyal !m.!,.liii;v'' oi Um cunt r- nur- loimded tiy I'loi.dai.d lieau'illi:! boeie- loimded tiy I'loi.dai.d lu-anUli:! boeic- Mmne .... .pie pi. -tern I to ihink it .".!..' ,.,;. , ,,.,. . ,,,i,i m;.i 1. e,.-.i:. .1. ? C.)0,VOldLi. Plic ol"'. cia ai e us lillerc.-ilme, ,V0nm. I lie OO'. Cia ai e us Iilieri-.-ii mj iii.-;once 10 i .i:mi on ..e.-. leni 1:1 : ,. i-.niian.i: ,. linn.- il-.- . .-.i.e no-.-n in: 1 iv- A in. (lurKri,.i.ii iinrKniiu iimuiiii U H.ey f..' viuied. Tim roy,;l rem ! wi.. a , ad :!,:..'.,, ,, ,- it i.:;,em,l,:.M . ,,r ,-i .n-m... c-ai. .-v,. I-.-.,., XlXX'Z.St"; m'w "rt Vih 1 Hi Ihey r.10 vaiie.l. Tin royd ' iu- I tittuiu is SiVid ic. tho 1,:, int. c! ao- 'orate speeinieiis to bo tonnd in the ; worlil. the house.smo 01 rie.'l I" while with frescos and all n'mmt Hie saiflo 1 Hii:i. Tbo I'nivcisity ami t'.ei P.etan- icsl ..-ndi-iis cxeeciled m rtrpi'-antmn. but with rJl Una Pe. imaels in p.. mi 1 id nioi.thi a inodevn J'sibi loo --tl ie "I i)ittitt I',, 1 .nil', mi !',',.;- ! lish tl UV' lu l lold me t hat it e -i ti'lieV i tpiailed Pui is in lietilituej-.iie:,;, and i f itt I iit-m:'. lio'v l.'. :.iv' on ,u. all te. r .. , .. ,, , .. , . , ,. I have i'l'ell Kill.; f t- . .: ! P ie., .i-.-'.mn . v. .i I int.i. he. la t.:l!:. i-'.'..'cli .:' ..' .:,uii...,..e ' , "'.- v ' :?l-: .! ! ! K t . ., -'..' i.,,ii . r i ln.-ilunrr ni.'IJi;' I i;':pp be,!. I' ci; i ii t i v. i ti e I ' iv.'. . .' .'. ;-e.i :.. f lie. i ):-i '.: ;.!(-. IV of l'':iuid'-i s, iiiv:ii." o;it, as I Vr.t ct iii bat , ,1 bf toticbed hi.! but and tvav '.'.l. v.iieuupon ! .tot v1' mv 1 t,ovr.l nlmo .1, t ilic. 'ro:.nd. ; '. 1 h(: j:.:.''hl!.S do , liisrcs to iilll'10 ll.i (fit HCSi, I '.'.( wi.'i. yoo ooold b.i'.e !.':' litul t iv i-ueli out) 1 wccld nay lar.t isi;;t-t. t'i l!Hc won '." t it v jllut!)-1 "f.;o" hv n i mi linn. It will be tim ir.ntnC iL s:t tbo '.i Id-ret i if Dio'U-Ht '"-o .f mc.iicitio you ciwi Ink'1, Pdciiin ii::in Pielent:'' end Jvittirda''. 1 tind itsf:'ifts wiii lit! ciitifciihlu wbcu f-undsy ni tS't.!n m e netio-ml bob- the b' y :eii:t mi lee. -in in a few I'.'ohtbs, i.M., - k - Tie v !..,!- i ii e I :.m ix fii inven tipiii revelry r.nd uni:i;:!.( 'it., i vvns ' fa) forei'.'y rctnii: lod li-t nil ; lit amid the iWwor!.'! nii.l ill'.m.inr.tifni;', of : Iivron's ;,ve lii iOl' Vv'f.t' i loo '. iSfj: Sy i.iirlit. ' ii I'.l'il'i tlir. .ore aboi'.i. Ilii:'- M'l! Ci I l.a:.., ('.,... '.iej.i (if j; i. tr;. ! h; :l. Ibi.M .1 icnefi I eel -l ' f lie'ivr. in.. if. II 'i ! ic !'. ;t :' ; :." a,:.! If a C. id ibi y ) (!imr ll'I'SiC'l wi 1 ( er l,:o-e j le. ".V. i . m V.lla.-H.) ti.o mu l.oal .r i.i( iii j riiii.;' "I on" "' A iaiua nec's inns' wiii i ter be one j beantiitil and ci.arini:i yo-i.4; i o"i-.oi!'-i )'i lb" daiiebieis, and Kdur Ciiy'u hieniy . ' i, i i ... ...a, .,,,.,; roil i. ni.;,. it' : to.;.;? r i : 'iree-J thi-too:. I Ol' t'.i'i i;;l llMr.Li.iy of ..! : iMt.t.-S'-.j I. c-f . ; I ii ft, wci v.-f-t .!'"'..-;'.: V bill- Pr iVi. be-- 'W1I. V " t.'lVV 1 ..p ei.,"! i.nlv a-;.L ; -d with liia tor :-, i '.'. t,- ... . II. lib c.,r;,i: .,v;;;h!;T t Mr. t..-en. Ji. Moeiiiii it, ot :d w:i' be..-.-. i. 1 ivixapuha w, .N. C, and Mr. Waller ! lo Wi'mi:'-'ion' Hiiiton,of Ca.-talin, M. C, oim of 'a-! we twxl will ! N"' :ounty'M ini-al popular and ed ! I '-clt'i. i prosperous yon it rr men. ins bi't on t tbo apjiointed hour Miss I'oaner ... i t ;.'-(. flmrpf j f riio!:s was eoliductod to tho or,'Kii ''poi'it.'"il.'uani'y -'' Kl'v- T- T' Oullirio, and in iiud v.o lemcti'1 l,w "lomeiils lh() ol'irail peilleil j !f v. jon a u j i.'ld t;; rciurii j Pro. i I'n'-sib' j of lift j -.e.,'!!!c j ! lev. ;.e v.i'.l 11" th.-i f !,..-..!. -!, scliooi, Out tbo life of Cwibu'-e. fe'eu iv! urij, !!;-. ir. !."v:-., ibo .' !;te. ul bis Ml iter, Mr. J. B. (Lilln ie, ami ha oiled t'le '.iub.i'. iu the M. I'l Cliureb, n P.iiiebi.y iu.'.; uiii, nan U Hula i ut 'I a line sermon. t i-wi hoi.iAM in.'.il.i.r i.f llo. 'dos.-l-fl. WroeiVC is iiiiito sick fit, tlinh''1"'"1 tl"1 n;'1,, ""t 0,".,llie rnE'e'-jtlf of Ler iLinjjLtc-r, Mis. F. Wri-iiii. Tim Banil.'.i v eoi ei town is oxoeilei t 'i'tif to vn lo'.s in i' hod H.!-ii..!iiii; nil uppropi i'.it.iou of one liunt's'f.I ilsilltird : its Hicts hloIv H i e''S t.o i-, ii," m... o' hi r ( ,..i i!i-i . ; c... j tirvl imv o'r .r v: ll;l'. 1. .o il.,le eumstiim-.-a. V'i tm;s an-. i i':e.'i'' lipo'i i wo ! lunny c.-iii .-i e.nd i: j 1.1 ,t..s We '. .1 I j ;;r.'. !!.! h;.:. Il-i'e' j livno; in r.-er and wa'.er'a j ie..jnv l'hy.'m must I n if Koine pa ui.-ince ! . a.u.l i ctiiiu ill t i p .rcutly dos'lc I heir boxalo l.e.o,i,t' lefiebeie, :ind to please (iam liny ; 1 1 y to li-ae!:, tin: nil boii-.o.JJ1 1 ev m,i- : make as iniirli b;, tctsi-liii.;: f.. by faun I e-ii..a o! tiiem .-..ijiecii'i!, t io n cm.'-ijicl 01 f irmin:' on I imni'.iv. .1 i'!-i:e I I. -in it .. t.. ui.!; bis pioent-. why im-y ,i!t'i biia tu . i-' .-o. in iariiiii bo a e.'. : ,iv' on , 1 -1 ibic-s. .1".! :ie,v f.,.i,! n-iifi to iin iorove :..!...!. V:-;...v,i bad no i:;-!"". " v( ni u' '"' ' I .'.... this vcar ;.;. i...':d ci.e-t not-1 ! !' maSnt., my, ly t.ev. ...-ati" 1 . . i.. ,1 . . . 1 . . W '.. 1, 1, ! 'V-"o'-.'i'r'v " '' j !'me.!mti'lv after tho mi.uia-o, All rmr i2j. 1 i' VXool vliirt-t :-;..eit!,t:',;,f, !!l1')' rivt'" Ul'J ,,,,!,, J' 'V''-'1' ;M. 1 Wl . ,;.:i ; ,.i r., ;.e,-.r ........ I t'-X' U'O --I'-b b....ind tiiiiti, ior ii."i'- All cur (i,-:. t ',.-,.,,..;,. . i; ... .,r,r,i ; " l.:l"!iv l.oi,;.. it. Naili courity. .-tr.ii. i vr.r.'.. I . I . ... . ' ' ' .' . I i-.,-nV.' : -i -,-! v.-i...iies ol :i hoet Inr.t'a! i..:W! I ..t'!-l '. I II.- .'jatT'lV') nit l.-c-i '", '. . 1 , . .... . ,,! ..1.. 1. : I itii'te I.:wn ' 1 . .'-ii. i.-e;.. '.. 1; on. ii:ai ;;ie: yo'i e,m ,. , - , .. ,. 1 . ji'.-ciml. l!.e ".lUi.nm.mial M.irkcfM' ' '"'" . i1' !'' ! , , - lull v.te t'm liftl, s.i:,cJ '' i'"".""" T'.lvy i, Lei' bio!!H-v a.i a vi!!.:;;... ". ,; .' "".' - ' -a:..."..,. 1 - - I .. Itie.-l niiin i.e.-. a ..": wi'.r.'.'!! 11. I I J."- 'v I '' ''''' 1 e . .1 ... .,,;!.-.. 1. i .... ,, 1 : . ci i 1. i.a. ii.iiii . 1' "" I iii-ia..: Hons Ai.Attt. 1 .Mi tiimi i'd : : ! Tli ik.v o iho Fiwii.. I" "nh.h::i,-: V'' ! Ja tim i.M il.iv.-. Kor.o by 11 "'imlcd. j I'" -t.v ; j wns ! '. !! ei: - i.'i.i I'M- 1 '-. f. 0:1, very oilen '"'er iei'i'i lory !.iv;.iiy bn. n c-jsli:! v ii ! p.i,..,, jir.." l I to ciifTSfo. m; t same oet'tipiil i'j.ri v.r j v.'l i..i :l ; ''? :"or?i b.""- 'in'; enr'-.-mli-- ! "',. . , r(.io.-s!"'i ni'i i.e."--., ion: 10 1: 1 m. v m-ii ami eoneci ior u-o r.iuerr . (. ... , . -; . j Liy on t!m lui-'o ii: ' li.-is pal '.nsilariy : .'-., n,;r .u ..e:.i)in Co y ill pny salary ; ...j , . ,,. : :-i;i, it ii.-;', ,i i ifi:i;.;t: . i:.:i.l c ..l.lUl't'-lll n lie. I J.iiiil.-il it lie'-, r. t , ii-:..i;;' of o-ir yo:r'..,' itn-ii 1 x-1 : :..;;i ! - i.m'iii:; Vii::ii. :i.;eiil ! o i :n 1 . j , ' " ' ' :'!'..;." i:' lai-..e--.i.' fer :. ver 'ffim: ci. ! male e. liomi. Cal'i... ." ',' ' -: . 1 ..:..... 1 . . . -. . l i . ; ' s lli.e.-l hi leilt I- Ci.-- ... 7 X" VMVIIUX I ." f M'll to l,o! bow: IT v.,,, .,. ... '.K!.il'r..r thoMCAtlT X ""l i ,i..u.:..N.,'.! J DtMUyiC,Al.tY PIRFKOT.f ;,iii.-i i.te :u )i'.:ietl. . in , f ,m 0i,i i.,,i iionsluie rloa. T ...m e country ' "va. i:e.-i'. ::-:e 'i.ft roat ; ; pj( a;.' j M (Mi i'OH 1 1 lO.Vj 0 .:.1-0.d-i f t:i faiiio wis n.-i. !. !.:; us in.'V iw- i t , f , ., Vi , ( .,, ,!lllN ( . X . i:f:y i'kom uvt Z ,,1'e, it wile,. si,y ,,!!mi.,:. , I RALEIGH BRANCH,! ,,',-,, , ."; , . e-j:j- .11. . : :-l .1. 'y ii--. 1. : 1.1 i. 'II-...IHIJ1.III, ! S farm v.-m,!'? say: -eiii-l. to Uw: , u. . ,. ,.. v.,,, 1. T I J f.;'"i.i". 1' .- iim-i ia eciiim,'- and ... : ., llL,. v i,,v,. i,...-. ;i,e ik.-.-u-i- 1 '.n-i.-i-1 ft Llc- for ! i.i l .in.',' in 1 e I e !.;:: 1 1 us i nei . ..: "Tl.i iteii-S'.s '. tl.i n SI. si.-l -l.- J tt .ob:' .!'; .'. "i" i - fat an r i.s ,-m J ;i n--,i.,a ' ,i,i -e..i-' v.i. a ...ii-..-is. :i : ,e ti-1 of 11 bvi.., il . 1 ; i ' y ,.,,' fainni- In- ! ye-'- "' : , " ' ,;""":' t,;,,v;l k I "' i-f f b- ',iuh..t ..-.':! tiwi.. ;; ,',;,.',;;;,,,,,;., t f.mld. ."-.Olinl in ilieis,'-iaii.. me-li i'i ,e.i-i in i-nr ; n fr..m ly. o.rl. t. WrIW uMlMrMiw wcielof) iii'.tiinli- to iId iiylsif(clo m i" pi. to friin.ini'. .""titd. Mid la!'". H J" i . it It )! I ' : f i.l: :'.(' Crlf, t ft ''mi a r 1I' ie '.'.use ior ko many l'.:ii di.'Vii hero :n Ibc iSkuiIj, and that lie I tuc tan coutni'iU wail thel "iariiilin; dent tray. ' Ti;.-i v. c have the boy who hi V convince.:! I hf.l, Wit htm t O'lttel'.t Jit lair thee CitM !;e no I"wn"d, und if be itrplii l:;m. eif to bis work niter bis rei.orfi from bin wild oono (whicli t bis Ro'iij' West often prove llo bei lit., may l come an CT.eelli'lit ! f,r:nc;, 1 bnvc uy mo,thy tor Iho boy 'who '1'siicM to (: ' jici'i' on tb Ibtrm, ultl.nutrl, Lis lallicr opposes Lip ! id, -is. V.m know !bat some full: r-rr !yn i.v iii tbe i id i ills veitr after veur, '': '' m-A v !:t-W apply : tle.-m, ..-.ic.!. 1 1'a'.i.- '. never try to lint I out anything r lle-m;-1! ivf-s, and will never I vki'.t. i.-li; r-i have found (-tit for I 'J Ley now ntcrtuin tuaoi.iit o' j r . ke: p i; certain kind of snci-i!!' fit. 1 .'!. i io ftrasst'. j '.ol, ordid that W'7. '! h.- y ; : i:.f n ;-c!'.:.iu kind, of ci-i-. e.el ! e;i!y wai-.t. .)'!!' enr fionia hili, fu'.h' v .li-l l!e-.t vi-e. . Tb-y iiavcr t uki i 1 1 1 . ui! I'l'.-i'.ilii.-i. llint t ji: eoii,iit:ij;:s lU'iy h.'; ( i-li(i.'.!. To the boy wboi l: it f".U.ef, 1 would :uy, try ln ,-,-..,,:i'. fit.: to ti.i. ::i".v wu)H of aj;ri-e-du;-". 1'. T. Vo:.i:. F' -a u. l i. iu). i'lfiK'inl "I sifi'I-itii :vf Slier City. tin last Wednesday, August 1st, at 1 ill t lock, a iiiri."! concourse ol ... .1 ...i I.., i t ;:. ,.i.. i. ' ".I". tenth::!' and orjanist of ibo M. il. church. ,t n Tho coiitri'..-'i.i.j pUi ticrt '.eon:, . lis-i : ,;A.iitiiH Liiiiaii lockard, the lir.'oly j'"1'1 11 '",,, stntmH Ot Mi.'tcls- pol.n h !M'aii.i iniircn, aim in neai 10 ii.-iiii'! '.i f hreiai pi'.rty onioreu liie church, art IoIIowh; Li llio Annie Lee fti'anu, as fi iwor f;!rl( bearing upon a silver tray tho rohlen band with nhieb consuuiale tho nuptiain. t.i toe. ci by tim ushers, Mi'. Huncaii L. W(d..".i r and Prul. rientoii Mr 1 4. 1-. 'vir.: ami lr. Jesse i. Li . vi, ids, (uilowcil by v.-aitcm- Mis. Jiola McAdatns mid Mr. 'J. H. Hum librcy, leH;er, iN' C. I'he broie then entered and ns irm oi hi"- nrnio 8 main aim -'.i si cousin. Mi.-s, iii'whn, of Jur lili'.o.i, I-i. C, ..t tbo miiiii! lime, the irrooiii iieiemled Iho riirbt ai.'ilt), Ie.'lil i tut on too iirni ot ids old '-.(.liOiiliiiate, and best man, Mr. Oooro V. Wytih, of Ki.illo. N. C. They u,t at the ii!t ma r For pHe-tld i :':':!v's:,:;:;;: Z t To Our Carolina Patrons! 11 "' iiooi '.ltd i' . S Ml.K. .v.. ,.i. )u( tliat kind. is. l.i ,-, I , .-. e r . ''.ii .. ; I iu - 1. : T );...,.i i.i n t : . 11 ... I ,l.u'.tl "r I e.r ii. 1 I 00,11011 ai'.Hi t.iry iiiatniu.tnu In A , . . .... s'-i.'i - fir i ..!; y Koutl.Hitt f.nif Kwf ' kuuwa '' ' . ...e i ..,,...ii,.,i.! vi'ii.;.. ' A lint um lii'.lni.iii-i-la ur I in,. 11.1.U..V. mi ai 1,1 1 :v. r 1 li-.i-.i.t-li, 1 1 I Iil! ! -r.. I.y I B .). ., . 5 1 ' ' "" ' Jk i .nk l.. It- .l-.liii ; .11, .11 I I" In- 111 rTi t.-te l n ! I f i!i- ii.1.-." u-i .rei- t-iii - 1 all w.ii,., mm- i r not '.'."'- ft'-1", i' '"' Ma.-i.i'i i-y. ,! ; be til.!:'. 11... -"""-" '""' ' " " I S I'll 'I'lf .1 ! If" tl-i ' "ll-.l.l-l".' j T f, II II lUl. l i '. . .,1 i 1"'. 1 Ink I I I II' I. ', 1 l-i .', I. I...... -"I I I lid lull ....., . .1.41 I- il. Vltll. Ii !::,;. ' . inf.!., v;""" .. . .. ; . ". 4 ! fj a.;j HI 1 i E i an i-rl r ..; ': i. .:!. I -vti . ! ' . 4 . l P .' VIRTU.K OF fc.v;..ri'T r- iel ef Chatham it ! moMm y id M-iiioinber. ..i tr... -.iiii h-uM din i , i inn l.i()it Md ., ... V Mm. :- ol Mimut Ve u. v. n.1)..tlllti( tliiv lot ot in.'ll l.iSHK I'll no. 19, IU pl thlnl rash. ftn mi hlr.l 1m iwelv mrmltu. i. i; '. t'u3iiulBluuor. tl.-v, .1 I .! : In n !! i'I'kO'.i.m. I : ii I, l.ulir , i. l ..fiu'.M l-.ivil. ! '. J'.lr-l !.'. :i isnell Ai'.i'tV. !, U 1 1 AN!SAI.I V ' VIUTTJE OT . i-.-iirt of Chnlham .oiY In SiuoibMa i In lI!tibin. 31. 4)2 I li ftillnWlnK J..-.H iei um J.ilinaolt 3 ii urV r i i- ..'f ".e.i;:y, 1 M, i . e :'! :' ut liie " .i1" '' f.-r I' r Hit!.' i.- .: "i lllil.l.', vl.-. . .i ' ." ;.- ' ''' Ii 'i-.,.-i, .'i.i.'.iu' .' I'-' e.i.e i.lli'Tf . ri.l.eili-m-.: nSi.ul I ;rn.M kt. w:. !. ta .S'Sn n .-il. .'11 S'i aeri-ii. -.S.air; tin liu-il iili'l ovr.i-r-. 'li-ra. "i e.i.e- 'ii sain Wonuile and i.ul -I.Vt ui-nit. lino, ut i n ti-a iliv:'i O'litnlllll't :ur. t;.e lie. isof Allt-rl UlU :i. ni .' ..iii. imo hulf caabt ifij ' il c.ivi'.s, ('iinmlslloaar. jiui hali ii't; .i.'ii'y 1 Avgut :, it; . w IVft?? ? " '-VM Ttl fft T,?VC-'VH J , ' ' Vlilf i-M f l yon U. C .... ind you that thfl 1:(.h;:hv!i lb-:: IS.,:: , . f t.X-Il ..Illitl IHO HUH li i' ". luidcr tho ftamo man il In.; :'::e arno lino of CX if you lmve any wool ,!' ; (::'. it iu uu and hiivi, Fancy Bea -.-it'ic-rc, Ji'UiiH, Flannels '.'iil: f.-r information ttni . . .Ml -L l-eiili? VariiB. if VJCN. 3 SiU tr V.'l; .-.)' id. t!i::t t-otno nn v !: r, or their : v.i.otis wliicfr .iho or as good u e difieront facto i- i.. no rciiBoii they .- siMi' quality of laciory in tliip w.ii.l tim licst, SCQ i i:.- of J. I. Niisiten', eeiw-d by any 0119 . ..ii!. 'n the -.-j woikiiicii. and l ie.- close t- .1 iv Uiali Ulel do 11"' .-ay .iu; tot '. k ! io..'Ui.. ;'ni.-ii nil "ii ;:-ii n-.tiiti'i' c. fX'i Siilisi'eC city ol ii, ii t'.ti I'll. . J',' you v. fi '.ui "U till: I'itrr.l.. V.'c lead,! te.'-e- c. . Oct. i-:-' y li.iiid And e -on to pivo jer- i n iiitct tl:cscar da-i ju:-t reduced 1 t v. ii o'i mnde W. L. LoNlHJN k 1 t- f-s fillow. Round NiSSHV & w.; , .Salem, N. 0. ty'AMiil (I v.! O c i. tV l' I S (14. i.ssi Martin Street,) UALT'.KUI, N. 0. tmmm sale OF ALI, SUMMER GOODS. ! I . ; - - , , Vic. tbin goods in -hu.-s ooda at Sc. 0 led Mualin 5o. , worth X!5c. ayard 't.Vt 'ijo., worth i'e. t acli. . . ' about, half prico. - a half j.rico. v tif ribbon. .; raiv liata ut rout. I 10c, former tl:i. iii for 50c. - , :!, n.2, -.1 piitieH. 'lii? iv.ili.'i know w hml l!r..i,,!i ) tie r.- VtiAi ll'stru. Nut uu ni: ni-i-. lint our own tor. ii.i.l.M nur Or", I it nil nil, ntl tb Urreitt tminh- l . i'.iir In HitlolKh. It iiiHiuiki!- 11ml i.KlHHUifii dlnry ! nr.t H.'tlt.-K tin voinntU niun All " '"'" Vi''y - Ham lin.trtini'i.tfi. .H'ttii iii-irtfii. ui titriiiH. ftiiinc liiiH'.e..-ii nifiritmlM la Hhvmiii.aIi. A,.-ti1i' iM.iiinilwilonMt uililtil. 111. m h (.r.iiitj. B.1V...I 1 iirabma- our ixri't4 il liHrtf..liul lkr.iufflil -i-.iiir itv ......rn. luiiumo a too tii Milwt IM.i... .Iil new sail frvah .111 Iu. o.rl, .. rll anilourMU will ljilr inn. Urmt vuiir 1,1'lir. fnr Sliwt MqrIo. Mimlo Jl.ieKn, I1.011I ItmtruinrnM, T , . 1 1 .....II 1..1..I. .1 In.. T n.o.iiit. ' Any ialt - la the Vnltd Multii! Oeiill' 'I. k ltti T It ru i.r IiAlolRb ui'Aaab. 1 itl .-VVf ! iiCDcri h 8ATF.S L i-.vji:;f,r:i Masic Houso. H Ji'iin UU'.lf'J, DI.VSUUKII, v V lriii'lin In Msron, ColamKnl, Iltm.Mvit-K. on -. 1 nariaiir, muufa, N. C. ; Knottllle. Trun. I Nw Ut. I l.'ii. I.B.: ull uiiiler our 1lrct

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