A DETROIT BUILDEK, HE TKI.l.S A It KM A UK A III. E STOIIV OF Ills I.IFK. fame la Prlroil About forty Vrmi Ago. ievi eiey'k rxi'iiiuENru wnnrnv (.kiuoi'ii ATTFNTHiX. ' (from Oif Htlii'it Eraiinij Xrirt.) Awuy out iirnlfot tivciiir far from tho din nnd lunuoil of tlio liuaiiioas cuutr. tlioro an) runny Httraotivo ho uas. Tho intersivtin BlroolHaro wide, clean an '. eha In 1 ly laro lenf-eovero 1 lriie, an 1 tin, Roplo you meet are typical of industry, peoiiony an I lionest toll. Tncro nrn many pretty nvsilca 'is, but liono morn Inviting in itf m-ata -ms an 1 lioine liko eomfort than that of Mr. L:vi K'sey, tin woll-knovvn builder an 1 contractor, at "I Mnrnnstriwf, just oiT Oratior. M". El-toy it nn old resident of D-trod, li i v u moved hero iiliout forty yr-nr. ajfn. Jin In i erivto 1 hundreds o( houics in difforciit i iru o." th , city, and points with pride to sue'i 1 u i 1 lin ,-s an tho N'-wliorry A M Mnllan an 1 I'lrmuw liloi'kn. iu vvliie'.i ho disp'.ayoi his a ility as a p upcrinten lenf. "1 hnvrt soon IV!ro't sro v fro n a vill i,'.) to n city," he o'wrv.1 1 y.vtter 1 i,- ii i i v : nation with tlio writer, "ail I don't thin': thcro aro many lo.vnt in Vu-ri'i to-lay U lalto it in pilot if b'MU'y. 1 kn ..valient tverybo ly in th .-it . an I an in -i ten' vvnie't recently Icpp'ii"! in :ny lift, li:n iat. r '.sto 1 u!l my frii-ii Is. 'It i ni.v a' on' eL'V y.iri a ;i sin-.. I Wns strie'scn do.ni vvitli my tlr.-l i- o." ill ness. On ! I. Ilii-!"rni lav I v;t .!) v.l town and I hron h niv iiUiumI e ;; 0 v-wii s, nt that time I p-rnilt" I 'nys"!f to ; t Mil;,. riqht tIirou.;'i. WIi mi 1 arriv I h . n , tli it i-veiioi.- I n-lt a t'o is piin in in-' I. 'ft I l.ritlicl it tint ni -,-if, In! I.i- m iriihi,' I found it had ','rc,vu n-s In la ! i: htjuw that 1 sen; in v fa-'nlv piv-s.,. in, nn I lin liiinriied in i I hat 1 was sad' roie; from vari.'o.. v 'in-i, Mv I v -i i t u; to (Inutile its natural si:: no I t li" p i n in T as... I ill volume, The a-;.. ny w.is s :niilv aw ili. 1 win laid Hp iiii'l ih-v r l.'it Ti.y I c I tor filit wccliJ. A' tim-.s I f''It a- tn.e.ih I won! I Kt w (rani with pain. Jlv hvt was l..;n linked an I was tn'oppn I up in lli ! 1 at an nn!e of thirty decrees, in ,.: Ir t i keep the liloo I irom llo viiu lo n.v 1 lllld sevral do -lorsalt 'li lia : :.: '. 1'llt I bciii ve my t.,rn oi lif'ti ':i'. 'i- ;;. I "i -ett t than thvirs. Alter .i -iee ' of tw i oaths t could move aiuini I, -.till I was on the sic'i list an 1 had to doctor myself :r,r ytri. I was never real-y cure I an I MiT rcil any anveint of aii';il li. "At nt two y 'iii' at,'o I not id an article iiillii'iW,,,',! jori ai o'it :ev irc n l. Mr. Xort!)rii;. I in- o ldwar I av.-n.i tuenviaiit. In an iiuei vcw with hi'u h had us d )',-. William I'n.k I'.lls I' o,;i. an I that they eare I .. ,. I very well, h;. oc I n-'i os i ..-i- ward Ave., an ti ... -f t I weild : Miitoiioii. 1 nin-t 1 'ii -s I ii nillt Vcli I!-. -II 1 I . I; t h ' I "I to take tn- I'..::, l'i'.i- I t. ? !. to l.c a ii.; -,v n ni'. I Hey a t.'O inaifieal ti:i'.u,:int. I lie iani.ee I o. ii was as Mr. n.; mi l he:,.!1:) He,., re t yillif I lie I'lllU I'.ii- I lia I am-nint ti il.le I Was :i; Win riij" n he i M'akli .o an. three months I'll Is. an t In. haim'e in n v I n n w.-d Villi" tuerly. I am m.' r.n n ; ait lieiu'o I a n a li.ali : :U'c. I t.-li , i, -ir. tn. won li.iM.i m ii..ih... a in other ea-es a- tie y the I-est in tin.' w..i theiu to any .1111. Ter. ' Pr. Williams' 1'inl; pills ....ntal:., i, den-e I ( -nil, nil the eleaicl.ls li . s Hive new In., ai: I ri .line--t i tn.. i ;, restore alter, d ic rv.'s. They faion - .e ail l.-r r-n :: lis- i- -s a I-. ataxia, pailial . ir.iiy -is. :, Vtiu-' .seiall.-a. neuralgia. ia,. u:i. ah-.r. i Ilea I a "lie. til HIT I T ,.f I l iTIj l pitati ei ";l !. la irt. pal ' an I -aic". pe.,n-, all ! r,:.- ; w a . i mill" "t ! in ii". I'.ii ; I'.i s ar ' -, ; ileal. -r-. . r .vill h -.-.'ii i- -t I of pnee , .VI . ..'H -l I , , . .' - I . . . f'.'.'.'l ti:e- :i.. n, . , t I i.i laiih r i v I I'l l . I.y a lores. in" It. W ..rnia.-' .M.-oic; I'. 'nein . i.i Iv. . . HOW CHIuDREN QUARREL, ttio liiknio of Urine as Ovcrlicard In I 0.HI1 I'llilipt.iilH Sii.''l, (n nno nf the c.tts four litii? crir's worn uiiMTVOil t he nt her 'l.i.y in. line infill tho ft'iiiiiiitie iii.'ivtilit.o, aisii finijifiisity for ..innciiii,.'. Tho IU(it self-assert iv; nt' 1 1 10 uru'lp w:is a diminutive tl.tttt-' l wlmx: he nl was mlonic.l Willi ,i l.:tt nf iiiniistM.Ks roil piuniilL'u. ,s;iirnsti ; i iiiniiu-iits nn lict part hri'l cwtletit'y in it i't'.l her coinpin Mis. '."lie's ;i s.isy thin.', Saiiy. I wouldn't spo.ik In h"i" no inure," nh Boivod a .v .iiiiu' ini-sf,ii th'1 rijht Tno mi rem i h: ilitnist'l sn i 1. I';t said iiniliin.'. 'I 'oi;'v ioi's 'sneiata with her no mote," iemaiK".i a scroti 1. The three; little u.rls arnie. nnd tho third i.tie had her mi v. "Vt.'.i ran just keep away froin tear party. Mary liamn, ' h" ,i:d "iVe am fc a-cnin' te, idol; or sjp.il; to j Hi no ItinK'ei'. " The .self-assertive maiden iti tin ledlist mils hat i.i e l Coiiieni'.t .misly tipntl her wh lom c iiii. liiiuiis a tin y marched away. She slinij;j.'ed l.er slioillilers it it : i j 1 a ec !i 1 1 v. 'Huh: Pure ih iildcis," she odserve l, with u world nf siK'niocaip'e it: ln:r tmies A short d, sialic.! away at tw i lit tlo hoys who were emiipai in notes on family matters. "i. s folks has not lie liU'irest f.irn 11 v, " remarked the lirst nip', coiill dently. 'hetehcr ain't " rctnrnel his com. pa n in ti. "a wo has. Here's toe, an' ir.e two hrudders, mc daddy, me tni.d fler, tne aunt and tne uncle. Kin you l.eat d it - "I should fay," was tho re-pin-r. ''Ve's iot- seven uals and Imys in our family. An' de;fls t'lce L'roivn iip-.'1 "Well, an low, me daldyean ln;y out your dad I . "Kin ho oil, kin hc'.J Me i!;i !.i ,'s a hoss-ca driver an' lie owns i btaldc wid two huiinereil hos-e-. ' "1 at ain't iifdlnn, " ret rt. d the imatiinativi' y uth. "Me daddy's a lanitor an' he owns a limisenn .'-ecoii' avenoo dat's II te stoms lii.i. wi i a llltll red Jienjile Iivin' in iu rce'" New York l!ei order. Inpivipt-a r. frecdotn Is tho corner, (tutto of lahor'i tetuiile. I Can't Sleep I havo a tired, worn-out feehnu'. 'l'lii nienns tlmt th uervous system ls out of or dtT. WhrQ this eu'iiilrtint Is iinid". Ho id's Sitrsnparilln Is ueeded to purify an I vitiligo tin. Llood, and thus n,ply uorvons strriiijtU. 'l'uko it now. Ilenieniner Hood Sarsa parilla Cures B sure to get Hood's And only Hood's. !' I'lll cure all livtr III" h:liousui'. ."Vn rr.-'V,ti"-"l"i' -'.'r - !-,";' .lul h",,"',.v ''"'!' I!l Kd-ral.r.-a.m,'.,. j Among Iru, Is .;, -re are ...any .1 , .... ' .. 'il ag.ilii. of th" , '.a. tiil!. .v.. r is -ituil.ir to t.int r,- niee iiov,-lti, and t.lditns. Iv.erv , , , ' . , , ' I i . r-.a :'n h:i,.e;rr ', v Ian. . . , , . I costs le-.s ..r wavtli..- n:i I 1- u-ed el v io is '!" i x-i - liio.s'li ; . '"' 1 ""I"""' " nn su-u. i u ne a cm.,.. i i'-w.i..,g i i,,,,;,, oil Iv . Col, .red .,,-p, mi ml. in i,i. rat-:: ;...: iiiin'.-v sm- , tiior-igl Itivati..'! is ,-.,. nt ::il. Tint . it;!b,-rrv tr.-s. T fruit r .. -is j .. ' ; , ., ', . , I ago I s ' I lal, o.g I 0" P. til; I th stoles, ..eare:' tleui th-' wait", : a I i" 0 iv 1 .lid -. I ii. .t i la th-- leads 1 1 1 n . b.- well bleached, the ' grain. i!lv and i- r.-nl'v verv v 1 , , , ,, ,, , ! .,,,ii, , . .. ,,,,.,.,., . ' and is n-utiiv r.do d in color ig A : ."11 ill. ".I. A -!... tn. -Hi '" .,.,. s 1, I... I,,-,,,, .,t i ,i I, .li , t... ri.l. I't. i v . ' . I inylia'ato t i,,in Hi -a w, tn tn.: ....... - . ,,.w ,..lits w ut h o! c i e i ras n-nl log- j li .-.ai r -n l-t v.-;i i in 't a." ...:- I tie r nnd ti- d a f. w davs In f.oe cot- 1 f..,'i,...r ii. . . i,,..i.., ,,,,i-i,.,,t, f,,rl . JOK 1'Alt.n AM) caimm:.). TIIIN.MNO KAltl.V At'l'lj:S. The early hnrvpxt iipi'le in very like ly to overhear, but it is unite good fur .,i,.s l,.o, .,., iv, 1 1.. i ... . . , fiiotiirh (sweetening.' in lidded to tnkeidl Hie HtllTilusiteiditv. It i.- best toulii'.l' oil' some from nil tho trees nt this lime, i-veil though they be no mnrki't for them, for tliose left to rij i u will be jrrenlly iin f vt'l in size nnd llnvor, besides makiii"; sure tlmt the tree will Jierfeet fruit buds forbntriiio the next beasun. I'Mially t!t early harvest tree allowed to rijien nil its fruit in years of nlitindiinee bears nothing tiio followiu"; veiir. Cultivator, rut: iu:sr cows. Tt is said that in their nntiv land the t iiterusev eows life much highly 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 nf tlillll the del' Thi'v are si'tin-w hat liu'ocr. nnd brindled in enlnr. These enWs are milked t lii'ee t i lues daily . nnd the milk iseliunu'd w it hunt skiiiiiuiiivr ; one pound nf butter a day is no nu ll luiiiir lor ii 1 I e.iw. i ah' i.'i'i" "fow s s i lai'ee to it i ill''.' Used tow imp t ii for market. Th"s c w rcc ivc tiio very best nil'e. The ofilss tin v feed n is 1 1 1 . 1 1 i v io,nc:ie. In- II "iilhercil from t .) re fs ut tide. When fce liie: til" cows lire iilwny s t, there 1, as t hey en I less in this wnv nn. I "tve more milk than i : 1 n 1 1 1 with food. When they nt-" done ent iti;,' Kiev lire n! once j". :n i from the son into the shad.-. The ! r. isjov- ser eil from mterin iture w It Ii I'l'e. lis liv I a w.s w Inch n ! oe. I. --N.-w ( r!.-nns I'm of hog er v near I v 1 0" same 11 , -. am, ,11 liMni 111 li ".tigs ; : iiiat , s in ti il Ii and w her" 1. .recti to line impu and of eniirse Inn's that I w ith lie- nnd other ,-t- r- S lilU -t III Ct sMir Very liithy be Is. else they w.,ni,l soon rid tli 'lilsel . es nf th-.se pests il' a t. 1 rded an otiiiuriiiuity. Hut aft r 11 disease nf this kind , nice becomes astabli hed in ever so circumscribed a locality tin serins may iss Irom tne unhealthy to .he apparently it. 11 it li - animal either by iiift clioii or couta-ion, iiivm r, i in to its nature. Ilo-choi' ia, i r, more correctly speaking, "s.viu fever," is In lit vi d to be coii.acrious, f-r it will juts 1 I'r-iu faim to farm while theie is cow call. i.r;" grows so lai'ee I'll! Us: n ai.uwc.i i ncciiiiiiiin.e i.i n - leaves ,:,v Used to w.M the butter j;i ' resembles ,, small par-mp. y ,,,, .,,,,,. ,, ll,1l,-. for markel. Th-s" e ,w , recive the j ,s ''V v ' ' l,r o" e.in u Id stocking,, cut "ro-imi vei-v best cure. Th-grass tlnv f I ''''"", ls ""' ' nnd round ;" old cap., nnd ,v It on ishi-hh-ctiric bv ,, species of I"-!-'"'. " eou-.ttlutes W....l.-:i r.,,-a: pr, f.-rabic .- seaweed inhered from' , J' reef, ,ttv,,''s' eil.ier Iried to- e , ,. s t ley ,!l tnd Imm s rap- , , .... , . , baked. .lerusnh in nrliehokes tire I . ., . , , i low title. i lien lee-ling th" i'os lire , , ttliy us eott. n ll t ue c.n n't Is ticelil.li i .i i i . i .i- welcome ciirlv ill the spring, and nru ,, , . .,,.:,. alwns tethere I, as thev eal less in this 1 ' tally set on lire. I bey letalli tlie.l . , - - , .. i ' eastlv grown, the chiet dilheitltv be- i , , , , , ,. wnv and give more milk than t. -Iittted r colors bill.:, also, lot cot! m lacs , ,. . .... .. , , ing to kill them toit w Inn o".ee e.-tao- , . . , , with loo. i. n hen lia v in-" done eat- n liuike a lit'hl ut i;:lil carpet, and tt:.- , iished. Th- Colbe artichoke is nlso ... . ,. ... lie;-t (lev lire n! once 1'iUn e.l Irom 1 ne 1 some prole. J no bre: ill cel-us i.i a ,' , . , .... , , I easv to grow, nnd is n real luxury. ... ,. , sou into the shad.-. I he br.-"! is pre- cat pi t s t I lis .11, in u room I'.. . .... , 1 Stt iss chard is ll Viirioivol beet list tl . , I i serve, I Irom lnieilliiXtUre Willi nlle f . ' , making It e illsptcllnlls-. Illltl tun-' U' breedshv laws whtchme ..'n.'llv , u. ; ""b' '"l' eelis. 'J he leal stalks w l,e f,,,,,,. ,., i i-.ree.l. N.-w leans I'.eiivu,,.;.' j k''-' like ,.spar.M,s r. nd ot.ly (f .,,,, A1M ,, ,....:,. to t tint Ve'tet.ible. Si ,j tiaell gnllS ll l'e ... I, ,, 1 ' bo' tnakin-.r pfellv carpet-, v n.-ti now cmmonly to be had on fiirms, , , . Ud.il'-M.WI'tts. , , . . ,.Vl...ll,.,.,, ! to , t i-i I ,11. .-IP.. shade in In r mill rial, slid: line A n ilieri a .ed p' 1','etita ;e nf market- rai--e. , .i . i i , . . . ,1,. ' knows that when I I my rags r. :nl l . ; nn," was tne re-:,. , nan in:," ; . .uilnMMcrs nre scare upon ''" ,,. Ul ,,. ;! ji, ,,,', ,:,o ' i.,;':iv,,;;;:;''"'l..!ow,r,,li,uis i ,,., ,..r;:,M':e averiig, Inrm. but th- eleldrei ,iv, , ,,. , ,,),., h::;:,.' :: Woo l. ! early Mau.s ,rw:l, ,,t ti,.- Miitt'e rn,s" them if thev w.l! take .t.s ,,,;r i,,lv lirMI,,,. ,., ' !..; i-ttt.oii. as reported by W. M. Mnii- i Kvfti among th. iitmiii. hinds "I rip,--, idienmliug with narrow "hit I i e..a :i : si ' n . Tr tia m i ti plan!', at 1 1 in ..!' set- . veget-tbles t!i,-rc are si- cinl v.ari lie-l .. . . , , . , I ' i.'J-'a j '".-' a. of .l..-l.:;ti! v .hi .. i:.n!e v.i- ! wiiich are true tmv. lib s. 'I'iie y .s j ,,. (, ,,i,i . , ,, . i. :, .. ,, . ;; and I ,.,,,-, , ,',,:,', J.roM'd n, .re eeri'.tu . 1.,,'iiM'swil! etijov tnings,., .'these I u,. ,-,,., ,.;,. ,, ,, j i-; i v -r ,. , , ' won. I will e dm- s eral iio'inl. ..I ' ' 1 '' III..'. I l, .s. t-.l.el, tb !.... ' if li... ' I... 1 1. Ir. .old.. . . ' I ...a :i iv- v v mi-... "" " -t " , uiirp a b.'iiuliliil tiii,!i. tlld cotton , 'link -n-oi i gar.l.'ii. a ,'(.: .0' e.i:i 1 1 lb .w r i. ) .vm;' rt i. - ml- a h. ir.lv mucin I , ,, , ... , lit! I'll -.- ... :.s v .1 I sneks I'llVelli'il out 1;, IV gllinl till'e:i I ll I ,a I'l.ii'tl: v nr" I much improve I ll so p!:ie, d that tl en'i 1 w.it'lii trv 1 1 " . I Hack en Hants n re , .... ' , , I 1 l.'i' sew ,ng ring-. Ih' I'.', g ear:'. ' w 1 Ireelv r- ::...: u I .,. . .,,.,,. :. ;, ,..n ,-.. ... i .. t i : o 1 I V"' '" ' -"a,, . ma,,.',: j- ,.,.,,, ,., ,,..,.,. , 1;, :, 1 1, , . I h. -.' i,,A,K- UU"''V-: ' N 'l-g- em...!,.' :.,i,n:.,s , be ;im1 ,,. ,,, ility I '' 11 I ..... .,v , ......! ,.. 1 1 tt .... :-, i... i .. ... i .. ....: I , ' i ' " 1 - . .... . '' 'on".,,-, ... il,,,,., j.. il,,. mikiti. ; "ti I'..'', !r' '"' "':'V U'n-' ' ''v 't ( .1. b, rri.-s rc pr...',.',!.!.. in a few s j )( v jM1.,llv ,. '" -"' 'i'M'1" '', ''l,,,i"s 'sevi nt Io tv., ,,1. c. :,t',.- Horn and I r,,' i h-i.ir. I l:e earliest ar:.-: i o-r,.-Ati tli i.,nnwill iitlracl n !l nt t n, mil can .. . p'le . lat in. , ; In-' s-:,;i ,:, w-r : I! irp '. l!.--t h.u-.ilv la 1 1 I - n ::: u t !: y . m he p. .pi.-, - - j :;;'"';! j V.r.W. i.v.irf litni.h. Ur..tik I'erf.e. lltl. tli.-.d-l I'.. I!.-. t-,... M--.ss..ci.UM i - S( I IYI I IK S! I! I I'S. J -.'....I I t i, , li a n i I . : . M. .1 o.'s I-'., i : i .1 ..I. .s . I O . .. ! s - i1-- '' ''""""'- " ' Tin Iidnfai ,.,,-f ,,.,,,- ! "" j "'-'i"'H5eo.ty.I1,l -ever,,!; , hi vni. -.vinos s.-iiM. parent than th- earth'-. ,..spl re. I -1riii:,s,, '...w I...1I. Alio! the-, v:i- : ... .,'.,' rn tie- ,,,.,. , ,. , : ' j '"' "' map "f ma.ketni.l" caul:!! ,,ver-. -- Aiuetienl, ' ,11, i, .. ' !'',': " l"'Js""' pr. o. ft i.'lis I hat I'll ... I It'll '.:!. en I"" I wi I en, I -. dial- , ,:.,, . , .:.'-,'llSt'iri-t. I I I li". a am. oe..' elilcii' li-. Another s! r.-ling n- -eel has been I.IM.,.:vr,.-.x,' V l.tou rv.lM. I W it u a:l slit . p t n- -..!. est an I tlo.s, v,.r,.K ,- , , . , , ,., ,,,,. ! ' .1 ll. s ,,u the should, r-. ,. I si, I'.- ,- In. b, II, r w iv ,, lliinl'ov in , boe .ilgala In . lli, I Iss: hi i . a -::,. 1,.':, Ms,, r; a , ,i:', ,.o tin,,., keep bill fer fia cu -I :cl-1 :e..' In the ' '' r. Alltha,',, - into ,h..;.'I.Mr....h. la.t, r -I Id I' lnor,.g,y ,,,.,,,,.,.,, ,,,..,. iotol i:i tin - - ,i" t'r. : Hie n.i. ; -' '1'1' ' j,,,. , n,,, .. it, tel. c .-. ti.a' is, u' i!,, kimme I iiiiil. is , 1 ... ; Abr burn im: up ti," tr'uiiu,iig. I lugs ami tiie immure is save, I : . ii'mel ,.,! r , itblosh, g.ve I he -l, s ,., I' is pi,,p,,s'd by ihe Argentine , . ,i ... gov. rnuielil to mnke a'l t teii.e.l siif- ! clove.' ol' pell- life flow tl to It- lal' jel'.tl Ml ll r . . . : ., , .. Vt . ..I I in- llliner.il I - illifes nf Ihnt 1 Atom ;,' pns.li.le, I .. Illlle ll 1 1 I'og i ,'l I 1 1 1 1: . k I II - III'.' I Xfell. it . -o.l tr , .... .... I ' . . . , I i-.iiiitrv. ' 1111 nisi i'l Hi" -row ii ,,: i ne pig, 1-. ,,, .,,, much in , re I haii r tin :-' I P. tin Ian I. ! - ' ' "" ; Milk should be nel'. it- I lis-.,,.,, us Ian I Is, ji.emi, f :,.!:-.,,:, , v.O'y :,f:,i- ,t . haw :,. a'li I- h Oil 1 ''' "--',,,o : .1 .: , ' I'al.li 1. leave a s'ell'li e l'.ne' I .1 l. "" " "" ''" I'ouiol- j !, ,.,,,,. j , ltl . ,..,,. .. - ' ,!' :iilro.oo, in loon ,,,,. ,.s ,,f th ! v. . , , . way-,-e.idy l,,r ii-e ' .. I, ,1 I ,,! c. O'e, ,1, r s Hue is lllnre s k 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 d iiiinv. Andt'iui, il ii i'.iw I , . , , Ih'. . "v l'i-'!ij!.i i .d Atl'i'ilii, ( . i., , . , prot'ilai lv mi -it thin tne! ti..;,l"V,"l , , ... "IV. s liltv i, i, nn Is ,.l mil!; n dnv nn an ' ' , s'l'd tnal ,n - ..,; .- I I, i , ' I tlin.i ige--, ', ' in I." oiiu.. al i, r voiiin; I...,!-.. nvei'ii'g,; ! Iii'.oig'i ll,.- vea,', lln' soil ', ' n 1 li o ng I nit 111 iliju . : - is I u ni,s I i'. , n, loses i.Oli.V 'i-.V.nty-i;.,' ,,,,UU I- of 1,11- '' ll I-' ' fH I '' II go i, I meM'l.'.V ., r u,,. h,i , .11,,, h. , ,t I, ,.,... ,. ,;,.i, i ,,,,,. : f..r no tiin.o i'e.i-.,n Ihali tlial siillieii tit .i i : ... . - ..... i ... , , . , !' 1 1 i lie e":n i i " 1 1 1 in l i .11 I lie nt lii.e-- i pill 1' - oil i .it'll ll er nf el, i v-T. I I'.II, a:. ; It W.l I.IV II .'.,. I.I',, 'It to I'll' i-i,. , .'.,-1 I'-.r th-' cows to inei ea,.. ,,,. ! i, ;;re it h-Ip t r 1 1 l-keepin g. ....!;... ,..,.i i - -t ........ i. liuil;, and loll :'-lill lis nf tois VV . ?. be I if lailn d ill the IllimlU'e, il is c.'lsiU ' s, e:i hn'.v rapt lly the soil of ii butler dail". far, n. ev-.i .,,,!.- i, ,f w, !l ii, , aged, lini-t improve in f.-rlility. All t li : has be -il pr. .V "d over lli,i over again by e. ri- ne--, nn 1 . v. :i if :.ll ; ' . . , ....... i.i. in, i.i ,;ii ,,,.t .He,.. ,ni, j,, tn, ut, 1 1,. I will kill and .lev gain nf '-'X-s , nt!,-of all tint is nc- I tjllii'.'.l b. tl, cloVef 1 1 H, Ih" lltlllns. j oe ie, uiiii tin- ,:ii;u fi'i-ii tli- jui c'i I - I In.. I add. I to it.--N.-w Yoll Tine .-. , vi -I: ,' in i t Itol.l nt. similar ,!, thai ! . i 1 t. animal - nr and water, are infest. 1 iiarnsit, s mu -t m cessarilv sleei no I'liiiiniunicntkiu, or ennUie' of nni liinls, or oilier articles iijioii whieli tli js'ertiiH eould jiOMsihly be trniiKportiHl from t lie disease-Indciiyn id to t hose free from Mich n malady. As for remedies, there tire none which can be depended itj'ou w lieri-tlie discus.' has iiMiumed , 1 iinvthiti": like u virulent form. 1 he best thin;," to do is to seek preventa tives iu the way of cleanliness and va riety of food. Jt is also well to turn the hues out to pastille, or nt least chiuii,'e their feedino- eroniids n soon us the disease appears iimoti' them. New York Sun. NOVM.ITI-: ON TIM-: IWIlM. Nothine; will amuse the vomit,' poo pie on the farm better than the grow in:,' of a few of the less common pro duels, nnd u few iniiiivnti'ins w ill prove iimie instructive. I t the children devote n good sized piei f land to i' l icr i 1 1 1 e li 1 1 II "'. Allloll'' Veict.ll t here lire a number uf interest itlg odd- itii s which are also useful additions to the fa nu bill of fare. The kohl raid is a vein-table nondescript, which can be "Town as eiisilv as c.abb.iees. which it resembles in ll ivor. Th" Ve 'elil ' hie oyster resembles u small par-nip, j it tit 1 is much liked by s one. The egg plant is I'l'nwu I'ke tin' tomato, a when well prepared, it e.iudi'iite: very desirable dish, cither fried bulo d. .Iio-iisnh m artichokes lire I welcome curly in the srin ;, nnd nru easily grown. 1 IP' cliiel iliiuciiity ne ing to kill them out when o".ee estab lished. The Colb" nrtit e.-isv to .'row. nnd is n real luMtrv. 1 Stt iss ch'l''il is n variety nf beet u i milv l.,r .'t'eelis. 1 he leal status w Ii Conked like llsl CII'll ,'U to t tint Ve'tet.ible. Sj,iti;ie!t gl'fllS Ilia How ci.mmonlv to be hud mi farms. but tiny nie toicilelit tin 1 easy U rai'-e. Cm ! i ilow crs tire stMive upon lot iivefnt Inrm, but th" eirl'h'i'ii cin them it tliev wi.. In ti union:.' the common 1 To urn. ll aid. -I. A b r boriiim dh, r tub! Ir -. I'umpkin- n I't tti If, eal t '1, in v. ith i-'i 1 -I Milk should be net' .-slid. ;,!:. ,- ii 1, .H aw n i a! th sa::i. No p 11 t of i: bl'eeil' protilai lv i-ii "it tli 111 in., all, r v M.itiv fall to for 110 iiin.o i'e.i-.,n than tlial siillieietit s ie,! ,w n at t lie -'art. Wnl' t:r. s, with axles ,. h-n gl ii , ,n b'ivy i;i:i-, vv.,uld 1 t , r , 1 Ho- rai-io ."dio'.ihl go hand in hand with dan v in:.'. Sweet w hcv , butler milk and skim milk are pr. tillable foods I'.,.- i-igs. Th" pot it 1 holds its nw i iu .he downward ru-h of priivs beit-r than any nth. r farm crop. It islue mover- ltd of t he race. Horses are ''heap now, and farm la r is coino irativelv d-.tr. i'lr re i- 110 use in hiring a m in t 1 work witit h'ti -'s and tli 11 -ie him 11 teiiui .hat wiil tn-edto i "-t ut every bunt with I lie plow or harrow. It is us import out to keep the farm t mis ill put urd.-r us to have tl sharp lle, lis the better til , ailellt 0,11 nf tiie tools and implement-, the l -sseiVon is iv,uired by the teams and the b- Iter tiie work is jierform tl. Cense doing two things do m,t breed immature animals, nnd tlo led etititinu- feeding; any of vonr stock after it is ifii ly for the shambles. I!. ith these bud practices interfere woii'lerfully iviththe profits. To utilie .he feitliers nf dilel;s, chickens ami turkeys, -eiierulh t hi aivv n aside as refuge, t rim t he plume from the stump, inclose them in 11 li-ht beg, rub the whole us if wa-hii.g cln lies and you will seen re n per lee. !y ::n form innl light down, , Xt' lieu. f..r iprltin-eovi 1 1 is and not a f. w otm r parpoii s. the farm bill of fare. The kohl raid ,.,.,, . ,0d , ,,,, , 'rags. isuveeelnblem.tideM'ript, which can ,.,,,., , ,-,. ,,.,,, .,. ,.,. wllil.,, I be l.'1'ow li as eiisilv as cabbie; t'S. which . ... . .. i ... . . , ., cn.i ne ii't'.i i.-r niaiviii : i:r.' i n;" i : it resembles in llivor. Th" ve tela- i , ,. .... .. .. , .. ... .. . I0i; TUB IKU'SKWII'E. OETTIXtl BID OK COCKItOACHtrS. A woiiinn tells of getting rid of Cockroaches iu u peculiar way. She accidentally left her big 1 in cuke bo open one night, and iu the iimming found about -a pint of tho roaches iu it. These she destroyed and found they were liol so bml for a day or two. When they got thick again she con cluded to try nn experiment, so she steamed some dry cake and dropped it in the cake box, When she went to it the nest iiioiiiing it had nearly u pint of roaches, nnd she Kept this up for u week and iihnut rid lit r lions" nf tin' I'csls. The box was so deep that tiny could Hot climb the unpiiinted inside, to get oui, nnd the s n. !l id' the enke iittraetetl them iu great numbers. Washington Star. ( iig-tl li. I--, lnitiias ,'iutl jaguars lal notice ol t'ie in, -It nu. n, illicit piis-i in trout of them, but 'eight anywhere mar !i. v show their sava-n t a dog be the dig lialiire at oin spring up, Kh'i'in-, nut snvagel.. The lloor of the engine and dviiinno room of ii new leiildiii- b, in- er-c.eil ill New Yolk i,o , i'leh deck isOiss. Tins iirraue.eineiil, ill course, insiilutes the men working nboiit the dyiuinios and ,'ives n lloniin- that is easily kept lean. it si , ins loobnb!" that this scheme will be generally n lojde I in future. A Norwegian invention for the pm iluctioii from skim milk nf n new in itt 1 inl, w inch li is b t li en'i.-I Indite .,r mild ivory, h is put t ik. n prielicd shape, an I ll fact. try fo" I. s pr. . ! el n ,n isabotit to start operations iii Ic -lmd. 1 his new material be li s a el .. ia . ou- 1,1 in-e to re.d ivi.rv, nnd. i Iditioii, cm b nut. ie in bin k or any color ,b- bllt'tl. l:ti f ' It ei I s. I l!:ig carpets can be made pretty, I durable nnd ciieiio. I'.',. I V fnmilv 1 lis Od0l M Baking? Jlbsololely Pure 0 SWEET BROWN EYES ITow Thry r. Ma,l to Sparklr, M'lnk nu t Wnfpr, The 'o:itluct'.r knew tlte man in the rear eit, and when the tickets had ad been uutdied sat down be side him. They rede in silence for bti.ue time-. Then the man in the tear scat, asked abruptly, "What's the matter? ' Tl c conductor took his left letf off the right km c an I cross, il (he ritfhl one over the lclt. "1 keep thinking ftbout a man that travels with tne foinet iines," he answered. "What aboii : him?" "It's what be tool tn- v.bout his tvife. She tan away, you know, and he's trvin- to llnd her. lie sa; s she's i pretty worn in, with hr;e, soft, brown eyes, and a sweet, tender i tn nth." Tiie woman iu front of him had affections voa mny intluUo in ii inix hir.ire, blown ees, but thv were I tn,',. nf I n'stim of toluwhich is matlo haul and cold, and her in uith was ! by dissolviii"; oraii-i' s'lellae unil tfuin Very syiinilul. "lie a.-keil nie to be on the lookout for her." 'i lls' woman in front seemed to 1 e rn, in ting the teli'uraph poles alone t he road. "It breaks in ; all up when 1 see him, an 1 he siys. s u l of d"S),:iir in, Si, yt ii haven't run across he yet. have ion. old man? And the, it keep; i'.iiiii.iik' in my tnind all thr time vvliat 1 am In say to the woimin if I tl ti.1 her." 'Ih" woman In fiotit moved un- eusil.v. then tiiid Io e tint thecattlo In n l.'l.tnrc that I liev li.i.seil. "What is It? ' a-ked a n.au in tho rear seat. ' 'You won't f. r.'ft, now, will you?' he'il say, putt n bis hand nn in v shoulder. 'Y u rc to jrive her my lo.e, you know, mi I t -tl her that, it has been h os all the time. Tell I !l,..-ll,-,l I Io. ,., I...P I'.. I,,, IV I,, IV I it-.v ,.f er, l ut I iievcrshall. T-il her that if she'll mine home she'll liud me waiting for he-, and tryin- to keep things the way siie'tl bk" to see In, un ':in I th"ii he'll clear his throat and turn away with that wistful look- ins lace. "( Hi" t hue he t Id me to tell In r thai, he was sivin- up to buy a new iaiit for tli.' sii i itig-room, liecau-c s' e didn't like the blue uie, and last I line he said to tell her that he d phttilel llnwi r s o ds, I cau-e he knew loved a L'.ir.lcii, and then he al ways le Is in- that I am to know her bypo.e soli, brown i us iin-l sweet, pretty mouth." "lie's a bi'il," s.iid the man In tho rear scat, bluntly. (;' cntiise he is," imsei t' d the ron ductiir, "ihoii'li a smut fellow oth erwise: but h 's clear cra.y on that point, lor there never was a woman 1 worth 'iimn,' like that. They were marin"; a station, and th-conductor went out on tiie plat f i iiii. Th-man In t lie rear . s at took up his uewspap-rau I bcja.i to read. A chanK'e had came over the fa-n f the woman iu i.ont. ."-he lad a sweet, ten 'er inoMh. that was trem I,! ifo; with emotion, an 1 she was vniniy try int; to see the lands a;e with a piirof s,:t lu-own ("es, sul-lu-cd with t ars. Albany I'osu Minicj Value of St. I. nils. Whi'ii l.iui's l., th- su nt, surren deitd Willi lis whole forces to tho i-iiiaicus at Miiiisiiia. on .lie nth of April, l-',o, l,i:i,o,ouo j,',i'dt'n bez-iiits cju.il lo half thai number of the a s of the dav- were demand d for his free lo. u. Hut ll.e Moslems camo down ti 'iti.ni,u I cants, and, in the, ni l, I v : iii ieiiiler.ii;; I 'amietta. I.ouis l'ot o:V for In i. ni in irks eiiia!, r. -its'hiy. to over tl , tio,t I'd terlitix of to-'i'ay. These jto'.tlcn b:i.ant4 cnntainril about i!os. vo:t'i of our t; ild, but ti j;o to market with uo old buy as miirh, p oi.ahly, as 7 si,v, rt igns now w iiild. Were t he sci,i ni r allowed to break forth here, he would probably teil how tiiis hih -pric"d and saintly caieass was treat' d by his people I when I.ouis (l ed, al .he sle'e of T,i- nis, twenty years liter I'.-in hard up for einbaliners, they had die ord- ! inf to the .Iniiinal of Aubery) to, iil tiler and bod him d nvn iu sep i- rate cilditiiis, and sn sent but Irs i whit d skelet ni to Fiat, v. 'I he Sat- , uid.iy Heview. U a .: I., ll.o Z - b,.ii.,..i, n:m: :.';;;. - - rv,,wM i..i ,hs -r, t.r :y.i , . .,.,., It I . .: .,r ll.l.l- N I ' f VOX 11 Wl I. -f, ftnd o.,-t t.'i.tf Ss.'l '.t for I i.tnt y .,, ,11 , .- : e I o-ility it t. , r.-ui is it. .lie. -,t .V .in t Aim the .JV ti'urt; up i. mot ct'h I'-. ' in any mi u if- .in..-l.r li.e ii'i f-rt-,.iiitf 't dtst! iit nrinl Uiiit. . r l- ; t-,e n-M-r tue. lint ate Tf--r..i at,. I K.- i in l - t. I i . mm. l.t-ri $rrt tiitie r ri,'in nt l 'it. lI'i-AHmnim jpUmie it work. w 'lt ii.ili I i --t rtir. f cjily lo liflp bnrti l.-.-tuc t-.'h the g'i ' ,-1 t'lo-j.'.ity, hich u.iwt, a ,.tMy i 32K jBS rV I... we nc i '"' nt ni.l.i.j rnttfiti ti:. r f Wlty ihoull j wetiotT iuririlui Inn , , v.r hr. in.i even wuh (.ir.,r..v .r.r r,l l.i ibins Inl I- v th lncl.ti tn 1 B .I I'.V i I.r ..rii.i.-H M-..ii iif. ii i f. r -Mi...!.-r tit.V ti,1 HU1t ' I..-. I i si lour. t "-" ""' f"-t- m - t . . .... ,.f r .,.fd n.ili it. IV lij I IW .-r ,,. I. li etl il.a u fl 7v ,i'. tlllrl,,. I.-..I- H it, r.er . 't r isA uJt, u4 ' vvj1-' r - ii siTVv'tRMOTCSI I " i I T' r'c"' ,n ,n" ft ny n it ,.l,i i..iiti..H',', o: V il '"' "' '" f.y'..'?,v;.r,; I' WW uzr.: All other powders are cheaper made and inferior, and leave either acid or alkali in the food. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., .06 WALL ST., NEW - CHEWING GUM. Soni of the Matrrln's from Which It I Mini. T.ie practice of chuwin? pum jiro xnW to a get ut extent in coino parts of the enutuiy. I'ortain of these jruius are ma lo , f the nrtnlii' t of a kind of nikbj tree, n native of Mexico. This a sap about tho color an I onsist- eney of a 111:1.; 1 syrup. Ibnv this is niittlo into truin is u jigofo-.ind Beeret Known only 10 tho ma n n fact 11 re r. Mt re is kuo,vn t'onoeniine; the nia t j:ials anil ntaimfa 'turo of ottior -uiiib. If yt iti' favo iio b and is wiiite jrum your si huo is in chewiii 1 atallin,' which is n inix'tire of va ious eaidio hy.lri !i" that has been li-solvo.l at a I cotit'o heat in olive ii an I ylyt erin,'. ! It is stir ed on en lin-; and aftervva d I compressed. The e-lveerine Is suppofod t 1 lieoj) it soft und to luako it sweet at the same t in.;. If toln mien Ill's, i.U.o In vn beii-.t iu in leelilied spirit, with an mi ll i l ion of a fo ,v divps of the oils of ciH t ia and nut mo-; ili.-s lved in a lit'lo es :e iee of vanilla nun oil ami su-ai. Thernis u'-o sprue, jgum, icudu from CXiidations of tl;e snrueo treo. This cum fro. ii tie in tiiu'u 'toiy of Xatuto is i eg a I'th.'d us b.'tli puro an I beno J.cial. I . 1,1 Trails ofttic liciiimini;. I Very nearly tvla etl t th- field mice nre tli- leiuiuin-s, which uro in their I way ; mon- ih: most reinaikab!- o. I animals. They are alio, t live in. lies j 1-ng. says tho rittsbuf- Hi patch, with very slim t toils. Dwoiiing in tho hij.rii I land- of lli- ;r. ut contra1 mouiitaiu chain of Niu'wav ami ;-.wcden, th-y ! bui d th-ii- l.e-ts ,, straw ined w.t l ' hair, under .-tonus and tu-socks of ! jjrass. Th,'-.- tirn very p.i-iiaei-n . Wh-ii di turb 'd. insteiil of tr. in-to escape, tiny sit up: i'l, t. his-insr and hhiuvin- li-hi. ' ertain cultivated ili trie's t.j .svv.'ileii it-id Nniway. where these eivat in t's are m dlnarily un known, a o ,.ft iishina ly. at interva'u of fiom live to twenty dive years, liver I nu by armies of ll.em. w.iich steadily and si -wly irh a n e. alvvav s in th- samo iliret'tion,' I'-gai'illt'-s id nil o: stach,-, s'.vtinmin"; across streams and even i lakes s vera! miles iu breadth, and e .mniitlio-; irioat tl-v asiat i-n. Iu t; rn ' th-y lire iur.-ue'l and harass tl by 'crowd, if leasts and birds o: no., such as b mis, wolves fo.xe,, wildcat., weasels, eiig' es, hawks, ami mvl-. , Kveii ilnnu! , i animal- cattle, jjoa's. ' nnd re nde r join iu the hunt, j None nf t ho-e migrant cmuiin;sover ' letiiriisby tho eour.s-, from which it ; eilliie. Tho nliwa d niili'.'h of the i-II " ' vivm s never t ea e , un il th-y reach i t : - n ii. into w hich t , y p uii-e, an I . sw iniiii iitt; nnwarii :n th" t-aw.ii ilirct1 j t on a-b. foi o perish in tli-waves. As iaina'io nf trl, th- le. inning's which ! erish iu tiio sea ar-a-1 in-; nutlet-t liu ts t mo bond in.p'.i'.s t hat led tin in pro . v it us'v to cms- ma'ler I'ieei.'s of vvab r in sn", i.y. N'o mii v ivors if tliomi-rat-1nj hnt'des cr bve to transmit their final and fatal exi eriem e lo niter -en-er. linns, in.d so this eiefti'tie lnistako is j oi'jndit ally repealed. Abnormal 'incren o of nomber an I r na" Till lac s-ity fi r food br.i g i.hoiit tl.o mi-nil nu from .lo hif.ii lauds to the lowlands, windinj; uji in 1 he o. ,-an. Ti o animals only tra . el at nig hi and pa use vv hen tho..' lintl siislen u ee ,leii ifol. exhaustion nf the food ioi ply c. unpels them to prncoed. Naioi'.tllv th-y would not t irn back oi their tracks, ll.e I'e-ioll lieli lid bein ent n b i, o. It is I. curious fad that in in"f th'-o joari:evs tho,- mid iply oi. or . on ly ami i v-n more rapid ly 1 ha i ul home. Such a ini-r .t on last from one lo 1 htvo y cat's. Tare nnd U'ho.onmr Qun.ilT Comnicn ls to 1'iilillc aptirnral tho t'uilfornla liquid lax .tivo re:m ily. Syrup of Fis'n. H U plonsnnt ,o ttic tiisttt nii'l ly nctinit itMitly on tl.c kidney-, liver mid Imwnls to clenne tha ett'.:n circcl null)', it i roiimtoa tlio h, ulth nnd rnnifert -f nil who n-e it. a.id witb ml I limn it 1, tliv l.fst mid only i unintly. Trust is the s.-e It .oil. link in t'i" clinin id l'r. Khmer' !- vv a m -11 not rrm lili i'.idiiey nnd Ilia. Ider tniiiblt Jii:ii.l0"t nnd l t iisiulatUiii In-n. Laboratory lliii.;linintoii, N. V. Wiiii full t l x if us lioj.o never ci'incs In tin in. Unit's Cninn-h t'ure Is taken internally. I'ricn 75o. 'I - marry is to d iini-tieate tin' recording IlllK'el. Kail s ( lover Knot. Ilic L'i-,'.-,t lilood imrlllor, Kiv i s I'i iIiUhs, nn, rli-.ii li, . . to I lit. f milt ,--ill! Ulltl CUIC Ctlll-lilialllill, 'St Ct.s., wOctS 1 Hie I'llllet ill till' KUII i t idle Ifiillll, ted vvitlisnrt'i'vesnto Dr. IsnncTliom p on's 1 i- vval it. In ili:i;isl.s soli ill Xie iht t'Olllfl. an have :t " I pea l nnd n bud itfioney in IF III' y 1 KNOW HOW ty t To kflop them, bnt .t i urorg to kl ti. po-T ih nt Pitf ?r Kiid D.v ot Un' a riuuaUrtiad.ru h.ti n M il lh in wlit tt tiia n.u'onl, of cv 'iu? r.iii tl bri-n fHrvu-4 h;1 n- n i.t'r foPM'aet litl.t ki,i-i- ilf, inch m ct-t be ro i und from tb ONE HONORED PAGE BOOK ' o o(Ir, Dit.mrir(; tht 9 4'T.t JO. Ktl'lHlBUi U JI I ' - . M. . .I'l 'ft a A A. . I 1 R TliU I II II II II u ITIvSVVs l V 3J.V - -?!WK: YORK. A Wonderful ISridKc of ,i,ilo, 'During a trip thrnu-h Arizona i bhort 1 imo tie;.)," renuir.ied a trttveler recently, "I came i cross a most r'jiuark Ohio nut i ul I ridj;- sptiiinin"; :t chii-iu about Ility feet wide. The britlj,'o it formed by an immense live ol ajraii rd Win d. Tiio tree had fui -n many years leforo mid bi e uuo iml e lib: I in tho t.ilt of Homo jrro.it inland sea or wnt.T ov er.'lo'.v. Th- silt b"caun in timo sandstone ami the wi o! -rra iually jiass etl tlnouiih .ho various stages oi min ora i. ittl, n until it is now ii-.it-.. I'ully fifty f et of tho ti'-e re-t n one sid ; o! Iho rav ne and ,nn be traced, hut how far the other end i' buried in the t-ai'dstono cannot he us. er.ainod witn tuit liliistin- away th- r, ck. Tin; trunk varies in si.o from three t four feet in diameter. Who e the hark has been torn uway all the ciiar.u".,' istie colors of nj;ate tiro plainly teen, an ! nn i-r a microroopu tho brilliancy of the color. in- is clearly brim ; lit out in all in beiiutv." ;rls!y t.cuislatioii. Two most extraordinary bills weto Introdiiccil in the Ohio Legislature. 'I he first bill provided for the abolish ment of haug'iti- as a penalty incases of capital j uni-hinent, and subst i liited tho u-e of iitiasl hetlcs and vivisectirn. Tho iniirderer was to be turned ov, r to the doctors, who would deprive him of c. tis 'iousti, ss by .lie use of an i sthit s und then ex peiiinent with b in to their hearts' content. The il her bill was similar to the lirst. but less radio il, and nave the murderer the chni"o be tween death by eh' tii "ity ami death by mia-tl.ctifs and vivisect h iu 7: if. i v is ,)7-:y tolicaltli onil strciigtlt, if you're n nervous, lit llclltc Woniall. 'lite lllt'diellle I . cure V t ill, tin-ttintc to build Jon up, b l'r. I'ictee'.s Ka- Vol'f- ri'eseri,tio. Yt.'I e-e. ie'i l:d lipi.il it. Ti.- u.aii. r siv it wul In !p .Veil, or cost y.iti no'liiuir. 'I'i.cy t"iov,,i'.' . ii. As a uite nml certain ivinc.lv for vvoiniiu'ii nilinciits, noUuii can cotnj aro wi'li tilt) " l'r.'scriitio!i.'' It's nn inv letiratit'g, rn ptorulivit tonic, innl it i.ootlimg. sin nutlicn iug ncrviti", jn'ifceily .:inid,:ss in uuy cnii dilioii nf III" Icmaltt system. It's n marvel'. us rcinc.lv f-r nci'veiis nnd pcneral debilitv, St Vilie's Pant e, Kniiitilitt tsie!s, l)lilless, !s,.e,,.ssie,s, and nil tlm lici viiiisilisoidi-rs due to fimet it 'iial ilcran;, incuts. I, . as often, by itstoriii"; llii' vvti niaiily function., cured cum ;; of Insanity. PIERCE .'"-SURE on .tiom.v iii:ti'i:m:i. . s-i W WW B" EJWV1 1 '-rKEOOk F-F?EIIH d.O rafibS I LLUO I RATED. OH....I l!i l, a-K"-t nn. I llt'i-l ', lln.il.s i. ii, ill In-1 MollrJ Imnlinil I t 20 Lizf l.lnn hid, ml I rem l-i "i, I i.ttce wr;ti..i r.. jintlii '.'-irnl t-t:iiiit Vv i in- i a II; i t. ear ..ll., .- lint' I'ris Uiiiiins. inopipr.N :pii:c Co , i;,i 1 1 i.r. .a si., Toio.eij. o;iit- iirs. v. f- 19 THE BrST. g, NO SQUtAKINO. $5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH 8. trw'ClLLUi.rtt.r. FINE C Mf KANGAROl $3.r:i5l)0i.!CE.3Sou?.. LADIES' il 75 rCMOienr-ArAiccuE I V't-'ROUCLAS, crsOcivroi-i, avass. You ran nnvo innncv liv wrarliu ll.o W. I.. Uouata i i f ' Il,.r,i,-. m urn t'l.i ):ir . -t lii-.toifni tlirprt t t!us itr.-iOe, fsli...' lull "V. I, an tun ii-.iii.ih tie or v.Uiat !' Hanii-i:.t , .nn, ftii.l itni't. on oi'. l.'.tt " til. Ii ,,-,'i vi.ii i. r.ilnst lil.Oi lirlt i'., nu t Hit, liii.l.U-in.ill I ' well: lii n .. I -. in Wr linve I'l-'in h .1-1 t'v- th value ,-let .Hire. Ml tltllt: If:-' 'T.'- ' - our .sit.i.-H c'iu.1 en-leu, i id V i'.t.-!.,( I,.lltl,'3. .v!. t, lit lovvt r ,rl 'f fet - ,-r ectlie. T-ili'tiiomb- . . . ..... .. Wg CtlU. ' $12 to $35S'??"H fnn hr mn At tvnrtilnff for .mii vei nn, I I A WEEK i I, 0,.- c 'ictii-yi a i.-ntii. li ll. li. is ii .1 iu-..'-.-,.ir.v. A en- ,.c-.ia. l"S 111 l.evai nil I rlilfs M.nnli'lw, .i.. i ... I ."i.ir.t" r "III llll'l tills nil , J..,.,l...:.:il t.t.l . l' ...illy I r rn,al,lf ,'U,- i p to lilt III. t ule l,.'H - I. II .' I I" s . I ail.m- lUgU. II. I'- .11111 -Nli-V IV , ,F.. I til, innl .tliiiii ia.. i. ii-liiiiuiid, Va, A'; W. L DOUCLAS S3 SH0 ! .... a r whohrtvn m uk lni or Aslh niB.B'nailtluio I'imh Cure fir 3 K-j ConsuiLi't.tiu. It ii.ii rurrd Jb jpj thonnuiN. It nnt Ini ir- 3 li ed or.H. t m ii.it t,;tl t t 23 t l It tn tlio lies, tuuvli yrup. j Sold evorrwhoru- 5c. ?m C Suck ons. ft min hn dvotf d ?S ot 1. - !,(. ! Nilvr!N' A V ITUY V A HD AH A l!lINI.M not M pB tinxf. A lilt tlv.tii of I. in flf rud fmu 11 drp'iidi on tt, hf the tu.tjeil mi h aiif in iu an only a Deed nt lird will com muiiil. andilu' n-Biiltwatft rntl part atttT he ha j f fpt'iit in -it'll injnT and luat hMiiilird of valiib.e chirk Pjf n in incrinifiiiU'. U'liii f- cin uilitd In Ihla bnili v irt h wi' ri d pvttpa!d im 'J cent tn tump. & t' i'il-i mi hJw tuivterl ai d Our? J:t :tBtn. Im-.v H 1 t d tor l-jr.-a nnd o to; f 7:iur i,nt'. hi- h Fon i hn1 lor Itr -( (linn I'tir'-una a- -I if,vthini. indrcd. wd i.ouid ki.u n thta fiij'N IionK ITU. I'UI SK. 124 lA'ut.ma HI., N. Y.Ui f 1 I Ik! I