!halham ctoti ..Ll J'.1 , TUiViMIU. AtUlbT SO, ISM. H. A: LONDON. Editor. MOCBATKNOMffi Hm STATfl TlifcASl Mil K, K. McD. TATE, of Burku County. JAMUS E miUPUKKD, of lieanfort County. KOK APSOOIATE JUSTK'KS, tVALTEK CLANK, of Wake Fount v. jAMb,S G. MacKAK, of Cumberland. AUMISTEAD LUHWELL, 11. .vk ron junoHS sirnmioR coi'Ri, 3rd District, JACOB JiATTLK. 4th District. WILLIAM K AI LKN. lb District, BENJAMIN V LOW. 10th Dint., WILLIAM 13.' COUNCIL, Jr. I'ith Wat., li. BASCOM CAKTEU. .For Coiigrosfl l-'oui tb Crng. List , mi ii i itur n i, . in ill h . ) , i' . i CllAULKS M, COOIvE, of i'nihkiiu count v. For Solicitor, Fifth Judicial District E.OWAUDS. l'AllM'lK, of Alamance county. VOl.OKXVIf. The I:oori today beg in ils sev enteenth volume and its r.r;o is i:'w BWeot sixteen". Whilo this may! C'Arr. S. A. Ashe Las announced bo regarded as n short period in a ; CilUd:n.y jor t10 Senate, as tho person's life, yd it is an exceptional- ,U(.C0(1)HM. 0f "senator Vanco. He is Jy long timo for any North Carolina L.0.ll)y f) dvv, any oIHcb newspaper to bo edited and pulilisli- !in tie u( t,jn ylut0 cd by the same person. For sixteen j . ' Jong yours tl.o Ke.x.hd has made its! x Dangerous Flirtation. Weekly visits to tho saino firesides ( Frm thoBjim))eoD u,,,,,..,. and hopes to continue thoiu for many The Populist party is noting liko a nioro years. It has faithfully tried ! giddy headed and unsophisticated uiai So bo h model county paper, one that l'eU', I( L,ld wmJei-ed forth in charge ... , . . r ! of chapcrones who are not particular eould bo read nt tho family fireside ft8 to kiuJ of upuuy it Wps. nith pleasure and pnfit, and witli- j Ut-imtilioauiniu 8iui!t.d at it unci the out bringing a blush to the cheek of wayward thing smiled back. A cluu tho most modest. Itgivostho latest destiue frietidsbip spiang up bet wcn news, state, national and county, and I ftUtl t1hc,01 b twil,t ... , , tttc Mrs umlor trvsting trees. At hoops its readers posted on all mat- j tllt.Bolicitatiouof wily Uepubiicauism, Urs of goneral interest. It utters l,pUlir:ia in her mushu kowu has no uucerluiu sound on any uestion, !ltt(lv strolled into the darker ghnles iirtt gives its views and opinions ' stnyfil ou: ktor Rt night. At boldly and honestly, always aJvo. , Crst Su, loved moonHhiuo best, then . . ,. , ' ,. 'starlight came to bo enough, but sating that wluch its eduor con- Juow y,- thick clouds bodiiu night's acientiously believes w ill Jroinote ; cnnje3 the i'oiijp.iii!ocshu is most the LTcatesl icmuI to tho jircHtcst : agreeable. Wayward Mary ai'fectiou- humbor, wheilier it bo popular or . . ., ,. . , , anpopular. It never descends tt) 11 , . 'mud slinging , nor does it notice those who do, Jt finds a much bet- for use tor its column .ud has a Uiirli.'.r innfintii.ii ft! ilior.nf .Tniiri.:.!. i i ,. ... . ,. .. . Am. It will survive in the luture, mn it has in the past, all tho misrep- rexentations and slunders cf those Who Would crush it, because of ite exposure of hypocrites and its ad-1 . , vocacy of democracy supremacy in state, nation and county. Yes, the Kkcoko is the "old reliable" that ehangos n..t, though it is now ubus- ed by some for slid advocating the eamo tiniO'honorod principles for which they lorinerly so highly prais ed it! To its esteemed contemporaries the Rkcokd extends its cordial greetings and wishes tor thoiu, one and all, long lite und the greatest success. To its roadors tho Record has no new promises, but will let them judge ils , luture by Us Office is all that tho leaders of the populists care for. Whilo pro fending to bo "reformers", nil tho reform they really waut is to get offices for themselves. Whilo pro teasing a great desire for purity in politics, all they really care for aro the emoluments of office. This is the real truth about tho demagogical loaders ot tho populists, and they bopo to succocU in their schemes by iriflaioinc the prejudices and passions 1 ot their tol lowers, many of whom aro I 1 , ,i f.,... , : , v.. I uvuvm nuu viuii 1V1.1 iiji; men. . . while tho masses ol the r"I",ll!,ls may bo honestly trying to bring about reforms, their leaders are elfish offico seekers, and to attain their purpose they are willing to sacrifice any and all principles and form any kind ot combination. An apt illustration of this was the bargain made, ou last Saturday, with tho republican t'ouvenlioo ot Wake eonnty by Otbo Wilson, the self confessed tiidoonite, who is still chairman ot tho executive committee l the populists in that couuty. Ho, in behalf of tho popvlists of Wake, agreed with the republican conven tion that they would run a "mixed" ticket in Wako, one half ot tho can didates to- be republicans and the other bait to bo populists. In ac cordance with their bargain lbe ro publicau convention nominated its half of the ticket, and one ot the Legislative nominees is a rofured man. Yes. Otho Wilson has bargained and .i..o..l.,,l tl.ut. tli i.nKiillttlA nt ' TOU,,"V,V'" "w i "i " i wife anil cbiht to ULina iora Ti8ii, is Wako shall voto tor republicans and j ,10W jn protty fix at a 1'anifio coast a colored one at that. Will they do j port. The law will permit the wife ii? Will they ratify his bargain ?,"ud a child born in America to laud, , ... but the father aud a baby born in V e Will WW. , . . i,.,..,! -n, n,.n What do the white populists ot Chatham think of this? Is this tho wrt of "reform'' desired by them ? 'Conguks8 adjourned on last Tues day, and tho now tariff bill ie now the law rf tho land, having gono in to effect ut midnight on Monday. Its benefits will not bo immediate, and will in generally bo felt until ullcr tiiis yum. Tliut is, tho pricco of all articles now on hand and tor salo will not bo vi'ilnwl an much as tho rieu on articles that nro no'v being manufactured or itn portoJ. For instance, whilo the tariff lax on blankets ami other woollen goods is greatly reduced, j"ot fundi good:, now in stock cannot bo sold by our mor I'lianl.s as cheap as they can coll tho goods which they will buy hereafter. Yik Democrats of tho sixth Con- j grossiot.al district aro to bo congrat ulated upon their nomination of Mr. J J nines A. Look hart, of Anson county, j They havo honored thoiosolves and ! tiio whole State in tho nomination ?f is0 uxcollunl a g. mleman, and wc I bono that they will havo tho good i tense to kop so worthy a Kcprcson- tativo in Congress lor scvyml terms. i . j A (i hand rally will bo held ut i llaloigh, on tho IMth of September, under tho auspices of tho democratic jolebs iA tho State. It will bo th . formaloponiugot the State campaign I and distinguished speakers will then I bo beard. A graud occasion is ai ticipatod. Uatts hor 'idtv hend upon tho : breast ol dre i.lio Dan, nkosc anus . , . , , . . . iucir.len her bleniUr waist, whose .h toi.th h(.,Si aliJ soft, seductive words into her ear. Da i's aim uever tilts and Mary is so hap-" P5 that she is not conscious of the fact that she is boing soueezed to Dm u QuU aal!r ftIlJ Lo j j0LBU't mmn to luarry. tie is hav Jing a good time now And nol o ly ' blauios him. Hut what of the giddy J'ature in Lis embrace? She Las ibeeu caught under clrc'UUJtnces tbut colul,row;so Ler cbllr.u-ltr a-.d pt-oplo r talking of her conduct. Thoro will be a tale of woo when Dan lota go. There is going to bo a ' urcucu 01 oroiuisu uiiei iinuiii-, t Breckesiridgo caso politically speuk- big. bee if thoro isn't. Moi gatitou's Golden .Street. trm Oia Jlwimiitoo UrnlJ. Mr. M. C Hintoti was cro.-.-iitg West Union sired last Saturday, when something bright on tho mac- ajani attracted bis attention, lie ! picked it, up, ami cf rried it to one of j ow jowelors, who pronounced it a nugijel ot t'lire gold, worth lour or five dollar,! lt will t.o remembered I that a part of West Union street is ' macadamized with stone from the placer gold mines just outsido tho corporate limits ol Morgatiton, and tho mines vero worked in such a crude way that it is believed that tho Htono and gravel still contain many tbo'jsunds of dollars worth ot the precious metal. The Fatal Kailroad Crossing. 1'aris, Teun.. Aug. 22. A terrible aecideot beppenrd on tho Paducab, Tennessee labiiiua llaihoad Ibis eveuiut'. As the north bound train was ueanng Hazel, ivy about 15 miles north ol laris. passing a ri.uuinrv if. slrnek 11 fffinfftll 1oiL(lld with people, and five of the occupants met their death, lbe unfortunate paity was crossiug the track as the traiu came thundoring down upon them, and tbe boreea became alarmed at the whistle wbich was sounded for tho crossing and ran into a rattle guard. The vehicle could not 1 extricated beforo the locomotive had crushed into them. Heavy Kain iu Alabama. Wamiishton, Aug 23. A special from Selma, Ala., says: Tho heaviest rains known for many years past havo fallen here since Inst Wednes day, doing inestimable damage to crops. About 400 bales of unpicked cotton are ruined. Over 1;000 aeres of com in this couuty aro destroyed Heports received state that swolltn streams have submerged at least 5. OOO acres of low-lands. Ibiin has fallen to the depth of six inches in the last 21 hours. Cliinanian in a Legal I'ioklo Is man Arous, Ind., A'ig. 2-1. Pan ! W'viiii. a Chinese merchant of tais v ' . . ... rt,veDue 0niers My that it may re. quire an act of Congress to admit Pan j and lh! youngest child. Ufd llftions ill Tariff. sivo goods. This is tho rovornc of In order that our readers may j1'0 AlcKinl.-y method where the , , . ., i : heaviest taxes wore put upon tho bolter understand the redaotionw us0(, iy tho t.0,lnnion' ro(I)lo made by tho new tarilT bill, woeoiy.nj the lightest upon those usod by thfo foltowing extracts from the ' the wealthiest cla.-iies. speech ot Hon. O. M. Ilall, a Kepro I iioduetions from 'Jb to -50 per cent , , , .... . . are made ur on 370 items. They in-. Hontalivo from Miiinesola : I , , 1 J ,, .. . , , , i elude: "llio McKinley law greatly in- I'er cent, creased the tarill' taxes ujion import-1 jj,,,.... ni.;.- 41) cd niercbandise, for the .purpose of lu'in a:rd 'l"cerin ."IS giving jerlai 11 protected benctu-iaries (jii ' ;;s a monopoly ot the homo market. It I ,inn0oCl oil 3S coini'ollcd our peoi.le to pay tor s but Kurthen ware and china '(common) It! they purchusod more than it was worth anywhere outside ol tho led Mates. It was tiy tins stfin mat American muusirios were 10 00 oncoiirasred and built no". This' lav; gave renewed vitality am! c!i larged opjiortuuities lor the great trusts and combines which have so long fattened upon our people. Tho 1 ilty third Congress has wiod tho ilcKinloy law from the utalute books, and has substituted therelor a lariu taw coiitiiining me iowsi duties and the largest tree list . hich this country nas naa s.iico mo vc- il:"""S luu "v ' hud been passed only alter a pro longed ana uesperaio sin gg. w uu 1. ........ 1 ; .1 .. t ... 1 i ..... , .. .1 , .1 ... .in ii. w UIU lUllilllllUUVVU I. ...... w.... .o whfjb-owo their lite and power to M Kinlevisiu. Kvery influence which onoruious wealth and gi-ping ex tortion could bring to bear to pre serve McKiuleyism has been resort- , o,nn""iw .'"ha witmiuis;. iiMb.-ng-r. ed to. Whilo they have boon l)iej 'Morvr Air.v, Aug. 23. to itnjedo and cripple tho rciovtu..! It is not given to niuny men to live we desired, they wcionot powerful a eentuiy to yce tho dawn and be enough to preserve McKiuleyism or, bold the eveuiug shadows of H,fA0 to prevent the jiassago ui a law which ; d-iys: to witness tho changing of the deprives them ot much of thciiVfeascnis for 10!) years, and still bopo power, greatly reduces the peoples; to live iao'hcr d.tcado. Thero is one taxes, and cheapens ttrj Custof neariy everything iiseu by the people. 1 1 tree list embraces tk lauuiri l an sir ihms which were bcaviiy taxei by Mc Kinley's law. Among them is: wool, taxed by Mclvinley to UK) per cent. Tho fifty third Con gross puts it r.pon tho free list in order to give ur inaiiutaclurei s tlui boneht ot cheap loreign wools to mix with our domestic wools, . ,tj ,1, . ,1... ,ools. tlioreby ..: 1 reducing the cost ot making woolen iai.ni:; ouiuii goods and supplying our people with eheiiper and belter woolens. It isj J. I). Vass of Cabell, v'a., aud T. J. believed that by red ucing the price 1 Liiwron of Dobson, N. C , were tho of woolens thoro will lesult increas- preachers: un I with such an unusual od consumption and more goods will t subject they made unusual interest bo made. This will give a better jing address to the 3,0UJ people who and steadier market for domestic , wc-ro present. wools and a greater demand lor Hon. A. If. Joyce of Danburv, X. labor at better wages. !C, was piisxi.t R:d !;hm "oin-o ro 0 11 tho raw wools imported iii'umiki- tLnt wt re soleuin and lov.eh we collected a tax ol 8S,2ii:5::i'-.'i, ing i.pp: o; ii.it.o for the occasion, which heroallcr will remain in tho ; During the addresses when fho pockels of the people, j tpeaLors would mako a Btutcmcnt Fartu machinery, such as plows, that aecorde.l with Mr. Hedge's harrows, drills, mowers, reapers, views the old man wor.id fi;;'iify his horse rakes, cultivators, threshing j approval by saying "that's rib'.'1 ?r niar-htnof. cotton guis. ete..aU" ben-jo hat's .0.'' Ilia fi ieuds brought forth free. The American I'.ii'n.er, . uiai.v .-wir. .-i.ir.-, and uiiu that Le up can lierealter buy his tarm miu'tiiii- cry as theap as (1 loo peoii.e 01 , .': ...1. .... 1. . ,.... te.nt'l eoillHIlcs tltn uo.u lit; tvuii poles in the markets of the world, .Salt is tree. Taxed by McKinley 35 per cent in bags and barrels and j nor cent in bulk, every ounce consumed (except in the .New K-g-1 lan.1 iisnt ries . ..as lor years panl tribute to UieMilt trust, llenceforth Western and Southern farmers can buy salt as cheap as do the IS'ew Kiigland twHruiou and the people ol other countries. Minding twine is at last untaxed. Uurlaps and grain bags aro tree. Such aro a lew of the 0110 hundred and six items from which the Fifty third Congress has removed tho pro tootivn tax. As to liu-.-o absolute tree Ira. 10 w:i! p.vvail. We shall nort' havo an opportunity of lusting by actual experiment and upon a , Wie lCliiia"imnj ,h,:,,i i'it,it tw WM ,10 ,m8011 why LU Mciviuleyues predict w.d "i.tterly , imdo t0UJIlliU(,tl tuiciJo. nuu tho industries ot llio United ."Mates . This book is not largo enough to contain a list of the reductions made by lbe new law. The, items given below may itinerate what has been done. Tho figures give tho percent age ot reduction from tho McKinley law : Koiuctionx wading "." 'r ?. 1 or cen Bar iron, certain sizes, reduced Steel and wrought iron spikes Woolen yarns, el.-., (valued at 30 cents per pound or less) j,;) ' I -r I Woolen cloths .valued at 30 its. per pound or less) 7", Woolen shawls valued 30(.4n ets; 77 Hf'lwt'ons ItUr,: i 50 en, I 7." r , Horax ' Castor Oil iu Opium Sundry :iints and colors r," Putty, white lead, whiting ,Vi Iron and steel, viz : dalvanized wire rope .rii Saw j. lales (4 toil i ts. per lb ) TO-lin Chains (over 5 inch) i;i Cheap penknives ('.8 Files (over 14 inch) fill Cheap pistols and shotguns 5 Hi.' Load ore, pigs, pipe and shot 50 .Kailroad fish plates, etc., :," Cotton cloth (valtio 12 cts. or less) 5(1 Cables, cordage, etc., 55 77! oolen goods, viz : V.,..,,u . Ci-.il.in .111 O. 10 in.il.l ' (value over -It. cents) ! ni,,ll.....l,w.lnJll..,.,u1 I'.-. " (value over 40 cents) Tin Sbawla ivaluo over 4i cents') 55 Knit tfoudn fvaluo 30 to 40 its .) 7t:a onerat ion was necessary. It was (valuo over 40 cts.) 52 All knit wearing apparel 53 JJlankcts (value 30 to 40 cts.) 7" " (valuo 40 to 50 cts ) (M " (value over 50 cts.) 50 Wool hats (valuo under 4o ds.) 72 (valuo 40 to 50 ds ) Oi; " (valuo over 50 cts.) GO Flannel underwear: waluo 40 cents or less Vrlne 40 to 50 cents Brussels carpets Wool carpets 71 (10 51 Druggets, etc., o Theso heavy redactions upon woolen goods, of which tho above itoins aro merely specimens, result Irom putting wool upon the free list ll will bo .i.uiced that the reductions ! are greatest upon com men good :ind' less upon the finer and more ex pen-1 tv.uinu.n window g :;ommm, okinr"li iss hts ?i,c.ct:u-lf.-i jrt( .lltl hl00 . Iron on 18 41 fn :i2 4t; I'ig, scrap, mid bar i-vor. JSeamfi, girders, etc., Tin plate Wire nailr. Saws Screws 30 -10 1.W30 4S Qjj ,.01H . ?-lli0 tl;Vnm.s 1 !1S liolmaus df a.u,,, Jiml Axmiustcr 'carpots 2 1 , L'earl buttons, 41 ; )oj;s ,,, ijt.,VwH ,.,) diildren's gloves Sl-4i .... J,,,,, ,,,)V0H . ,u.c r..;j.. i 12-4ii -f One IlundrtMl Vrars Old. j ; bueu man iu nurry county, wowii ' oj Hodge was born August 22, lV'.U. I , ;' , , f ,,, , r ,. , , " ,aud has for I K yoM lived on his ,, it 1 farm, about t Lt miles bouthwest of ; euoh mar. m Surry county. Diowri I Mount Airy. j Ho eonr.idcr -d tho lOi'th f.uniyerj ; s.ny of bis birth a day woithy of eel ebra'iou, and decided to lienor it iu ; liitj owu wnv. Ho invited all bis : friends to hiu funeral and fecuicd ,, . , , ., I the services of two preacher of the; ,. . . , , , , " Primitive l-'sptist church to pcrfoi rnilllllVU 1'HVUSl CUU1CU to pCl'IOlUJI the soletnn duty. preciated very nnic.i was a pocket j knilo riesonltd by 2Ir. Ii. I. oovt e j ri.1 . i- ' ' or .UOUUt .MI V. - -. ( ol. Whnstead's Suicide. i!,,,IM,)M) y.,., ,Ujr. -2;.--Col. J. M eintl,,.,i . I,,,i1i;! flf thr t , p,,0,,e-a lUJ'Ki uf QrteUtj,or0( X. C , coiumited saicidc , ,,:.,, 1... f,,,,,, one of the bji'contes ou the city hall, near the elexk tower. Tho plunge was of )j ft cl, and the body was in paled on an iron railing. The enuso of the act is not kuowu here. Whi n Mr. Winstead got the key to the tower bo showed 110 signs of uei vousness or excitement. Ho was about CO years of age and turriied. Before jumping Lie threw his cane ami shoes down. C.-i. "w'iuslra J's repbew arrived hoi e 1 from Danville tou.u', and dated Tho Bank All Uight. Si...".l ! '.he Cl' irl'.tlo olisorver. Gi.KrNs.';o;;o, Aug. '2". At a meet ing of the 1'i.i.liuout liaiik last night il was dicidod not to elect a pie. -dent iu lbe place of Col. J. M. Win" stead at present. Tho vice president, Mr. S. L. Trogdou. will act iu bis place. Tbe affairs of tho bank wore 1 found to bo iu first rate condition Jail Delivery at Monroe. social t... iu eimr!.:t Obs-erw Monitor., Aug. 25. There was u ,i,.i:,,, ht. A ei io. I pled boy iu jail was not locked up. i I Duritr' io;rt week bo slipped a kev : the corridor, and m.-t ni"ht 1 four p:ioucvrf cut of tbu corridor. Then they took pocketknives or rtoiudbing elrio that some one Lad put in from the outside and cut out. About 10 o'ciock this morning the boy that lot too others out came back. He said bo got hungry, and told where the lest were. Sheriff Horn organized a party of men and started after them, lie hss'nt come back yet. Fatal Chewing (iuni. Pi:in.:k; Ax?;.;. Mil . Aug. 22 Mien Maty Krown. of ibis city, died last JUOUn. Ol IIIJS CUV, tueti mm t . 1....1 night from .b effect of an operation 1 for appendicitis She had been sick for several weeks, and a Baltimore 1 nnoeinli-t !.n li,l lin Hiimmoiied I stated that snmo foreign substance bad lod 'ed i-j tbe ationdix and that found that a small piece of chewing gum which the young woman had swallowed had found ite way into the appendix, and caused her death. A (Jreat Cyclone in Hnssia. Sr. 1'eh!:ih:ko. Auj. 25. A ter ribly disastrous cyclone- swept along the shores of tho sea of Azoff to day, ; i working immense damage In pome , instances entire villages were swept M'into the sea. Many steamers were sunk or driven asboro and wrecked, and it is believed that at the lead 1,000 people perished. The Sultan of Moroeeo has issued a circular letter to the powers te ijuesting them not to appoint eonsnlx at Fez for fear of creating serums U O'-U'icp in me t-ounuy. t'li'Velaiid's Letter Oil Tai iii' Washisotok, D. C, August 27, l'residtiit Clevelaud has written tho fullowiug fetter to ltoprosentativo Catchings, of Mississippi, in which ho sda forth Lis views cf the nc.v tariff law, and gives his reason for net riDHioviiif tho Hll. 'Exiccinivt: Mansion, W.vsiusirroN, D. C., A'ji'i sr '27, IK'JI. jl Hon. L C. CATi-uirofi : My Dear ,Sv Sineo the convir-j U-nging to open waifaio aiid con satiuu 1 had with you and Mr. Clark, B,itly guarding ngainst treach.-rv of Alabama, a few days ago, iu 10- i tVh half hefi.itednofs in th. ir eiunp. (ntd to my action on the tariff bill; Tariff re form v.ill :iot, bo m tilo l uu now before me, 1 hm-Q given tbosub- til it is honestly end fairlv settled In ject further aud most soi ioua con the iuttrost and to tho 1 onelit of a sidcratiou. Tho result is I am more 1 imiini.t. nml Ion" su!'..iiiir hmh!.-. settled lLau evor iu the determinat ion to allow tho bill to become a law ! without my siguattu'o. WLra tlie foriuatioti of legislation ; which it was hoped would eiMbo.ly Democratic ideas of Tariff llefonn was lately entered upou by C01.gn.ss, nothing was furthir f,-oni juy iml'i-r puliou than a result v, bi;-h I c niid not promptly and c-utbu&i.isiieally lu dorse. It is, therefore, with a feeling of the iKmoht c'.ibtij.ioicf.r.ent tnal I I submit lo a denial of tins priviiigo. I do not claim to bo belli r than 1L0 j washes of my party, nor i. I wish to ! to'oiJ any ie.-pon.-il'i!ilv whi h,on uo Oot'.ut of tlva pissye ot ti.la law, I ought lo bear u-i a un niber of the Dciiiociatio orgiiuizHiiou, Nuitiii-r wiil I permit myself lo be sepaiated from my parly to tueh an extent as !:!!tht b irr.'piic.'. ly iuy veio ot It g ish.iion, widt h, though disappointing is til ill chargeable to Deiuocr.ilic el- f...i P.ii 1 Lf i'.i ..in 111-1 1.- tii iiiu in ' , , . , h hr ...j.i, ,, . , - . , ,' , . .' , lioiibst tarill le i,,,.,,,.,, . . form, and i! couliui.a and nudities which ougnt r..)l to appear in tin ill laws or laws ol any kind. Jiesidcs. there weie, a you and I well know, inci dents aceoLinn ing tl.opassne oi tii' bill through tint CongieHH wmok made every sineerc) tmiff it ft)i n.tr uiiiiupov, wnue limtienei'M surioun.f i-.1"-. L, ,,.,. . i...,,r.. ed H iu its hutc-r Klr;'es ainl mtoilt l- j -,i . c i ed with tts Cual constiuotion. which ought not to be rccogniod 01 tol tuittd in 1 .'eui.ier.it ie tariff reform counsels. A nd yet, notwithstanding all iVs I'icis-dil udi s and all I be bar. I treatment it received at tho hund.-t of pi c tended frieuds, it pl t'i-eiits a v.ist iiupri vt iw nt to existing con ditions. ?! will etitainiy lightci :::ni;y tariff burd' 11s that nowinl br-ovil.v upon tla p. opie. J: is not only a turrit r aaii:?t the r:t trti ."f mad jirot(:ii"ii. l-.il it f 111 ni!u s a vantnge ground iroi:i which loust I o flllllu'C l.ggivssivo opel' ilioiis i.gail.b. Arott'cf.'j.) fUtliopoly and govcti.ineu tal favoritism. 1 tako 111 v pbico will: tiie rank and file of the D.'iu..c:-.itu' p.irtv who . , . . is. v, bo '. .lu.-o lo v ... .. ft Ut the Us'jlt! ut the les'jlts Ciul'odiet'i i-i this oil! as ihe close of tho war, who too 1101 blinded lo the fuel thai the bvery of Democratic tariiT reform b i been loleu aud woin iu the servcie i f lit -publican proteelion. liud who have marked tl.o p!a'ts w'o ro the deadiy blight of treason has biaslrd the couusels of lbe biuvu iu tin 11' hour of might. The 11 usts and combinations the coinu. union ot pi-If whoso machi nations have prevented us from leaching tl.o si'ccess we desirwd, this bbo'dld not be forgot tin nor fors given. Wo shad iccorvr from ov.r iistonishiiK ut at. their exhibition of power, and it thin the ijMt'ntioi. i.t folcld '.'.' on Us r.'hi'.her ibey shall lbli il to tho fret; legislative will ot , L Le peoples' i ep: esentulive.-!, or t-h.tll ti eiaioiueniwi.wu.e. ...e -eoi-.e. s jo ,( Hllt, ,.,. tt c..r. J.K8, obey, wo will accept and seit.e that, u),i)( n Uw. (i, , nt m isuo as ono involving too nilegn y H,, . ,, ,(oob!,u Dewn.i dre. t and safely of Amt'i.e.Hi instn,it.ons. j ' ,. tL()!1 ,lt ,, W1:H;1 ct,(,M I love tbe pimo.pl.: ol true Den. , ,o-,,dll it, ,MJ, Wlt!i.,lt . ocrac-y lcauso they are foun.U d in T,JU h , c,,a,,i;;; a0wu u dil 1; pulrioli.a and -ipon jusl.ee and fan- j b,(ck U0IIM, b!lll, noss towaid all inteusis. 1 am a proud if my p-r.y organ zutioii be- j DuihamSuu: J li Williams, t'.i. cause it is cont.eiiativi ly stmdv ai d ! lillli! son of J. S. WVhams of Wii p.u&irteiit in the enfore. mi nt of iU ' iia-.is townsliip. iu CI: iii"P.i county. piiiciples. Iberdoio i uo uol tie - i-puir of tho ttloits made by tL-. ! House of liepr. .-ent.it ivj.'i to supple went lbe bill ulre.i.ly passu,! by j furthir hgislalion, and lo have cii- grafted upon it Mich liio.lifica'.ious ad w ill more nearly mot t Duiuerufie hopes and a: "..iiv.ti'o-is. 1 cannot be inistula 11 us to the no ces.-ity ot lite raw mate: wis as tin- :u..iuiu'.:ou 01 10g1c.1i anu .-t-nsioie tariff reform. The extent lo which ibis 'a recognized in the lugisintio'i already soeuiud is one of its encour aging and redeeming features, but it is vexatious to recall that whilo free eoi! aud iron ore have been tb uied us, a recent letter of tbu Secu tury of ths Tl!:uuy discloses tbe fact that both might havo been made free by tho annual sui render of only ubout 71)0,000 of unnecessary rove nuo. I a:n si.ro that Ibcio is a common I habit, of underestimating tl.o import- j I . . auce 01 iicu xnw Liuaiiin.1 m mo.i , legisiuuon huh oi ieSr.miB ikbiu I :jv - - " - i ""J" ';'r. w-inuf :-turer I trul" 1 t'ili' 'Ui.U U.-e 1, llllll ii-iui t I S. J U'- fa- rt aehiiiii that if lisit-out Jed a com plete and btm licial sel.i.'uie of tariff reform cannot be s'lccL'S .iiilJy ii a :g uratetl. hen we give to our nianufiic' ureis free ruw materialH wo uusbackle Ainericau entetpiisis and ingenuity, and those will open th lours of for eigu u: uk('t: to the icoeptiou of ou: wares and give opportui ity for the continuous in. d reman. i il ive i inploy uiert of Am- i ieu. !ab..r. With i!;ti'i ia!s ..'; ' ei:9'l by their freeduiu from tv.'iff i hargea llm cont of their prod.ii.1 u.ust be cor respondingly cl. caponed. Theie.lp on, j:i?:ice and f:iii n. os to the con sumer would di maud that the niiin ufacturers be obliged to bubuiit to such a re adjustment aud nioililicu- tiou of the t'.irift upon tl.eir tmisheil j g 1 to. w ' tho bem-nt u!d secure to the peop.e of the re. bleed cost, oi their maii.ifaftuie. and ddt-Id t hi loonnuinrr Rjrninst the notion of in- ! ordinate jir.iKta. 1 Jt will thus bo soon that Tren ra-v "d " lust. aud femless . I'",ut,,)l1 "d reduction of tho tar 1)1 t0, DlC,'t lbe thauged eocdiii.ns . whi'J carry to ,vor.V b.imb'o homf. ,u lu" ,u'"'' th; r-hsiagR of jMereas-, ; couuuit ami cueiipei living. 1 in: j uiillioim o'f our eountryn-.i'ii who ; hnvo fongbt bravdy and well for tar ;itT roforiu, should bo exhort (-..! Till! I ill 111! I!m 111! llif;MH Im'illlV I l.fll . ( 4 O - O I I imirh very truly. I'SigiU'd GrovKit Ci.Kvr.i.vx; A Colly Heil. A f i:iil :iy man ban constructed a b :d..tcal priced ilt 10,1100 I'll pees. It lun at ;is four conn rsjoiir !uil fiii'id siaitdily .nvssed I .' rt-ei;: n dam M)U-tl:0-e ii! tli- head hoM'hg lull ji:s, while 1 hose on the right and lell feet hold tins. B'neii'.b the cot ir. a uiiivical iii-On'nicnt which is tiio w hole !ei gth ol t lie cot, and i:i capable t.t phiying twelve diil'erent charming nils The in ;j 1 renins the moment t!ie !e;i.;t j't essui e is bvoit.iV.l 1.0 fiear from tht top, which is created by one sleeping or silt i 114. 11 ml ceases the mo). 11. :it i!o iud: vid.'.al rises. Whilo tho luii-ie is in progress th' lady banjo. rt at tee head iii.'iiiipulsie the strings x.iihlhe'r fingers and mo'.'e their heads, while the two (ireciaii (1:10, m1h at the b.i'.toiti f;,n tee clffptT to sleep. Vbere is a b illon v.i '.be i .:!. of the cot, which iifler a bale pressiire, brings about a ccss.-.iion of the n.iis.c, il such bo 1 i.e desire id I'm oecnpi'.nt. TIhtc Voviiij I.r.di li.lil 10T. Ij'I.. A Di'ow iied. 'J'! News reached this lily His I'.i.n niug of a Most distriv-hig .leciileiit near leiton 3t (ii-e which risiiUo i iu tl'.e.lea b of three estimable yo.'.ng I i.eic :, rn.l wbicli has cast a gloom over the imo ital city. Tie.! young ladies weie b:i'!o"g iu the Ainio' li'.er. when pre of their iiuiubi 1 got I'ovo" ' lur depth. She .-.:if!i,iie,I un.l the oihei two iwnl lo In r iissibtaie'e ai.tl all lhi'e weie ,!i ow i.ed. iiiatc iJtXV5. Casth'ige ll'mle: Wright, ot Sht Die!. I' ll walking vine hi:. I bov-. !!:m'.' lSli. Mr. Wiilii.m IPW Iisllip, ll ii !':'.ir pi Lis Mr. Wj-i;;l t iii-ver btuthl ti bo.- I of corn or i. pound of n:; :it. N VI I Wiiii Hlilililjl :id, titui mvir paid a cent ol inle'. e:!. hilet do".-,i,'t c.ve any m il: 11 ei nt . Mrs. Wiigl.t L is in ht. r house a baby diess made in 1S15. ; Stall t.v'tlol.an.lnpii !:: 1 n'd is.d;. 'died near Ki!;:n a few mi k n. whom e'.eitbody Ihougb! w s vert poor, in she :i!wk seemed baid nm ! a ml wiu ut tim.s pn:-hf.l to pay l.ti j lS':i; vLeL li'.-y I'.u:'.! due. Afor 'lur ileiuii hi r j.t ph. I'.ui'e.l c7 ; i 'cash Lid :uu auiol'g a lot of eai.tiag iiu an -eld ci.et.t. It wis a ;;te.u .-ur- ' pl'i.iO to tht'lll, as tin y ill. I nol thl .i. ishe hnd imv luonev ut all. Sampson j5. i-i icrat TranL i iosi: bog ClU.l Ln-yeUe i.-i t be posi-o-'ior f a -i in tbrso pint-1. It is a ;oi ., wJ-.icii was lu'vlv s.'iit bun b ,? '. L'titU ii-e of Chaib'i-ion. West i:;rinia Tim bog s- about, lbe t-ii.-. ! wa- oTi-r i.ore io-i.ij r.u i.is i.onei mi l Lobi ought in a lot of tobao... w l.icb'J iow s what a b y can tl wbeo : he 1 1 it h He went o',.r lobiie.iO I lield and ;,'le:ii'. -it aii the leaves tint j were let. lie :ii:u.t-a eoo.l eoileeti'.m j '"'d po!.1 bis si.'.ings at 1'urrisbV Warehouse tor ." cents uio'ind, which (brought him i Lite uiiiouut ii pocKei ceai.e. r,.yetlevilh' Observer : Mr John Augustus W.lliions died on f'lidiiy evening !u;-,t li e ITi'n in.-i nt il.o ii'sideuoe of hid oon iu l.iw, Mr. Wl ter A. Tilliiix.bast. lnur town, iu L e H2d our. He wn.i born at H ivwood. N. (, l-Vburary '-'bid. JSli M-. Williams was a gruni'Jfroii i f "!.oi -den" John Williams, h'j Kn;.'!i b lawyer who cam.! to Ai :eii."i in and R-i'led in IMtslioiM, N C. IU mi'.iiitti i n:lv in life Mi.-s biioeiine J II.u c.lson. by whom bu h.-id a ii rg family of thildren. .'.!r. Wiibiou moved to (.'inni'ei land about i'v";ii. and be foi.! tho war was a huge lu peutine operator. Ho was a mem ber of the lipi-vvija ehuieb. a tii. y puro mind-'d ehii-.tiii'i. and mis r. mmkable for i lu g!eat ce.mtlines' , courtesy and urbanity of hi., msinueii . l'u:haiti Sun: List Suud-iy after noon the family of Thomas King, who lives in lYi'st.n, wem sitting under u huge sycamore tree, where they hud eutou diuner. t)u the. t:ee was a box, in which the Jim. cm had Lieu placed. A young son. fcdwvr.l, six tefcu years old, was b.-unir.g aaii.pl ll.O true, just bei'e.'.lil the box. A thunder st.niu e.i-.i.i up tbt lightning struck trie, running dowu its side, shut to: ing Ihe box of dishes und striking young Ku g upon the to.) of his Lemi. lie kdied iii.-tainly. The l'u.iily bad j'li stalled into the bouse ju.-t t'. l-n e the 11.. ah vume, and wheu it did coiut the were bomei'. Lut shocked, a'11 looking around they saw the y mri. man f. dl over. The oi bei s w ei e no' buit. but thev Lave been mure ot 1 less del; binee. SUBSCRIBE --rto THE ONLY PAPER 1 r. iwiiaissmtw c- I The RKCOKD was established hy its present proprietor a fit 1878 'in s'epSaKe to a : general demand !for a eonnty .newspaper, and 'when nobody else would pub Ush one. ; Hineethenoth jer papers have jsiaried in Chat- i j ham, hut none of jthem now exist. i jlliis provesthat jp'jbibhhtga pa iuer iti Chatham t IE i Ia nut il nsoiiey jniaking busi- 1 jness. j Kvery ciiizeii jo52ght to patron ;ize his only j county paper, iand bist few are Uh poor o pay I i! Li l'A L'hl lk3 In w;;ek for It. I Trv it- tliis year! J. II. GILL, ilACIIINlST. AND done pitutiptiy anil cheap. AI L KINLV5 Oi" CASTINGS, l'LO WS, tVU. ' rouipi attont on (o .di orders. Aug. 2:t. 1 :-;.) 1 C. C. IOVVNSEND & CO., ti.'l.USOToN. N. C, .-;i!i .,iT. r 3 1 .ti t,,iu oi..-(-litl li.'irsali.ti In l.uv'.'s. . ill".- in.. I '.P'i.us, 'if n"il a.- oilier g ' 'Is uf which li- y en ty mi: li.." i s'.vli. .lAH.NKSS Of .il.l. KIMS. UMIMSS I.KATUKIli i. i.i. ins. uiMis, r.-::i t.i s .m sihlks, ii i.ov 1 1 s!ii...v;, .iM 1 i;m Mii'itiNtrv, -it in. , ui;u ni.n.t. Mowi us, I'l.orts. kkki' .Ti'll !.:-. VWI.:i I. lS'-LK'-Ws. If. l"M.-S rfttU inn i- i 'i.tiiy. i.ntK. i LMi-.N i'iiij.i i iarrin- iLlis. l'u'l"i;i.U"o' i I. rem il.e .-..m iiu.rt r.-L1,'. '' Ol- r.i;.'.-'. ' : :.. il.' "-1 IllWI.)-. ' ll Il.lliJ. 2 .wo xuii - i i y vim it: or A J hi, .H 1. -i- .' !l..- Si:--ii.'.- . .uei "i Cntiliani ....itn'y 1 will. 'lie rtnr. MoMi.i ' lu Sei uniliur, l.-.-l. :il !!..- ..IW I-! "- "I"'. "I I'll..'."!'.. X.l'., . i i r ;.. II:. li. -u ' I !' r l!.-' : ll"l.i l.n l.-, m. : .ili.l'l I ul 1 kli'.All iu. Oil) J 'le. -'l. hi,., .t.ii.i i.1. :: Hi.' Ini'l- "i s-iiii Wnue ie. I Oil if., .irilllllilti!.' :il-'Ul l-VI tiff.-. lf", .',.l ir... i i..- ) ii I'l l ' . I'-.eil.n- .il. .i .-, .ul.-. i.iJ-'li.eK !' I:. l-"l AH" rl Hul l.i.. i,i.. ..:l.. i . I. re.- "I -.it" f-'.-li.' .. U.i....t l- , :-' K II. ll ".'-S. O. Mll.l.-, . '. . ' e -1

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