II - - - I I CTf. ft '-Y) u : - - - - - --.!: ' - H. A. LONDON. Editor. I BfflOCBATJC NOMINEES (TOR STATT. TRFAsrpEf, S. Mel). TATK, of Burke County. oit riiiKF ctsik:l JA'MICS E. SHKl-HEHl), of Beaufort County. F.-'R ASSOCIATE .11' ST l:s. V.'ALTUli CLAlvK, of Wake county. J AM 1S 0. MacUAE. of CumberUud. A KUIS LEAD I)UU WELL, of Meck lenburg. yon ,'nnoEs sitfiuor copbt, lid District, JACCB BATTLE. ttb District, WILLIAM 11 ALLEN, Hth District, BENJAMIN F. LONG. ; jr - VitkUist, H. BASUOtt CARTER, j Vor (,'ougress Fourth Coup;. Dist. CHARLES M. COOKE, .' .'.Yin-loin eov:uty. Fifth Judicial Pistrrct, EiW.UM .S. .VAHKER, of Al.-uuunet! county. TllK AlTKM I'l'KD fusion, OV CtKlli - lion, nr co operation, or combination 'or '.vli'itever else l ma) be called) Vlwcmi the republican una popu list in this State presents a strange nnomaly in politics, ami illustrates wry b'-reibiy how utterly uuscrupu mis men will become when they are s.vj.i with the greed ot oftteo. That It is for tho pr.rporo of obtaining lice and that purpose alone h . I iotl:::ig but an agreement, or con-1 Jraet, ieadei ,. 'et'.veoii t no ofiiee-seeHing , , . i - , f tho-totwo parties Ly which iiitfy hope t-i obtain ofbeo. Ihat hey care tio:hing whatever for po- !:ti..a! principle, or their former parly iilatforniM, is ca:.i!y proved. But wiidr- thia i- trtio of these office-seek-1 ing leaders, is it true of tiieir follow-1 rsV Can it he true that tho honest masses i.-t the re Varty ar.; ready ublicau or populist ! t'-o groun.i that they are non parti and willing to s'ir-! "ans and Hint the .uhciury should ondor their political principles for tho sole purpose of their leaders get- few ii'M.-hmV ?uniH be i lievo it. i .How can any h.-.r.cst republicaii ronseiontio'isly tavor this anomalciis fusion with tho pop-;li:-t'i, whet; every political principle, t r so caiied re form, heretofore advocated by the poiiuiist is diamctvicilly opposed and contrary to the time honored principles of tho republican party? No two parties could bo more oppos ed in their political policies and prin ciples than tho republican and pop ulist parties, i'or instance, tho re publican party ia in favor of, and indeed is the bulwark of, a high protective tariff, while the populist r.uty is opposed to it. The repub lican party established and advo cates tho continuance of tho national banks, while the populists advocate theirabohtion. Then publican party demonetized silver in 1S73 and lias persistently deprviated it over since, while the populiats advocate its free and unlimited coinage. Thoso nro a few of tho many differences between these two parties. A nd in like manner it may be ask sd, how can uny honest populist favor this anomalous fusion with tho republicar.f, when the very reforms advocated l-y '.hem were rendered necessary by the misrule and bad legislation of tho rcpublicui party? While the speakers and papers ot tho populist party dee'a!o that tho pxisling condition of affairs "the hard times" were brought about by "both of the old parties", yet they all admit that the rrpuHknn party m "hie fly rr'j '-;ii-7''c. They kno w and admit that from MuvcU the 4th, 18G1, until March 4th, l.-i ','., tho democratic party had no power whatover to make a new luw or repeal an old one, and that '.ho republicans wore responsible tor all the Federal legis lation daring that It;ng period of thirty two years. Anil yet, kuow-i-ng this to be true, the populist lea iers in North Carolina have agreed to fuse, co operate and combine with the very party whoso had legislation called the populist party into exist ence. 'J ruly is it like the sheep call ing on tho wolves for aid and pro tection ! But it may bo said that the re publicans have abandoned their former principles, nr that the popu lists have abandoned their so called reforms, and all now stand on the name piattorin. How is this? Let 'is see. Why, instead of this being true tho Slate platform of each party, adopted by their late conventions at Kaleigh, expressly declares to the contrary in its very first word.. Tho platform of the popuhbt Slate onvention begins as follows : "Kf.olrr.l J. That tho Fcople's party ol North Carolina in conven tion assembled ro:;!lirni the piinci-j ylesol'thc I'coplc s party, bolh State f KticJ National, and especially llio re I And the platform of the repubh- can coTiventmn begins as follow? : 1 reaffirm our tdleirinnro to the .national ICcirublicau party ana re- nowvDirr pledges to tho peopfo as sot forth by the party." Now, bow is thin? Wero tbeso two convention's sinc-oro in thus 'reaffirming" no emphatically their formcr-latlormK? II they wero not, then their hypocrisy should bo do nonneod Ly all honest men. And if they were sincere, how can they stand together'' How can eonseien tior.s populists endorse ami vote lor republicans who thus reaffirm their "allegiance to tho National Itopabli can party'? And bow can any honest "old f.'vo tried" republican endorso and vote for populists, who thus rrafnrm nil "the principles ol tho rule's party, both State and ji,aj0a ' ? U0w can you reconcile """'' - men, who atloinf t to Hand on them both nrfghtiw well try to rido.atViu same mue, iwo noises running in .opposite directions ! Yes, this attempted "sell out" (tor that ia just what it is) is hound to 'fail, for tire ho-ncst men of both iiar. I ties will not ratify the oarga'n nudo ! hy their office Hooking leaders. The j masses of the popuiist party, who jo nee '.vet'o domi-ruts, have irins principle about them, and they did i not abandon their old party merely J to get a few offices for tho populist loaders by mining in with their old jonemies, tbo republicans. "li'onesty ! is tho best policy" even in politics, as will yet ho found out by the leas Idorf" in this ..tifni'led ba"gahi and sale. Yes, if this attempt is persists . ed in lhe;-e two parties will be u r. i : i hilated, each will destroy tho other, . , , , 'just us me two snaKcs inai iricu iii , ,. , . . ' swallow each other ! - j 1 hh ' iru:.!'is of .North Carolina jal' failed upon by their leaders to oto for the Hon. W. T. Fairelotb '" Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and t-r tho Hon. D. ! M. Fiuvhcs for Associate J ustice, mi b elevated above politics. Such a pretence, such hypocrisy, ia too thin to deceive even the most ignorant Uoth c '.'.io:;i r.vo old "Prctriou" re publican politicians, as intensely partisan as any two could be. So prouiineut a republican leader is Judge Fairclulh that he ""as appoin ted an associate justice by Gov. Brogden and was defeated for re election as tho republican nominee, and again in ltfe4 lie was tho repub lican nominee for Lieutenant (iover nor md was defeated by tho lion. C. M. Stedman. And all our rea ders will remember that, two years ago, Judge Cure-lies was the repub lican nominee lor Governor SgiiinSt Exum, tho populist candidate So that Mr. Furcbes now calls on the popnlifts for their votes, becauso he is a non partisan, and yet in 1802 ran against and helped to defeat their candidate for Governor I The offspring of tho marriago be tween tho populist and republican parties will be like tho mule, having neither the pride of ancestry nor th hopo of posterity. The Kkitulicans of North Caro Una nro called upon hy their leaders to vote for the Hon. Walter Clark and Hon. II. G. Connor for associate justices of tho Supremo Court, in re turn for tho populists voting tor Hair cloth and Furches. Judges Clark and Connor aro both most excellent gen tlomen and staunch democrats, well worthy of uny oHce within the gift of our people, aud both of them have publifdied letters declaring them selves thorough democrats. Judge Clark's letter declared that ho would not be a candidate unless nominated by tho democrats, and Judo Con nor declared that ho is not a candi date at ail and ( alls on his friends to vote for tho democratic nominees. And yet by the tenm? of the "bar gain and sale" made between the republican and populist leaders, tho populists and republicans of North Carolina aro called upon to vote lor thee two democrats against taeir wishes. What a pitiable position I I'KITCHARD, of Madir-on co-.nty, who was the republican nominee for Lieutenant-Governor in and hopoB to succeed Vance in the Sen ate, is reported as saying in the Republican State convention, last week, that ho was ho anxious for fusion with the populists that he would Toto for tho devil in order to defeat tho democrats. That may bo true, b'lt such a comparison is rot complimentary to the populist can didates l Wfaveii, who was the populist candidate for President in X1, is now a candidate for Congress as the nominee of both populitsts mid deui- oc luts. As conflicting reports were tmblishcd about his candidacv. the Hickory (N. C.) Mercury (a j-opulit t paper) wrote to him to ascertain the truth, and in reply Hon. Weaver wrote a letter, which was published s-in iowa oisu ici. ci. august oi followmg. -I was -again -renominated oy tuo jJomoci nrs. a no jnauorms of the two conventions do not con flict in tho leiiNt particular, and the outlook for snccess is excellent. 1 have been elected to congress three times under similar cirer. instances." Tariff Heiluiiiou Explsinot! Ono of the plainest expirations that wo baVo road of tho new taritl bill is tbo Bpeech delivered in Con-: gross by Hon. F. A. Woodard, of Wilson, 'rem v.hich we copy the following extract : 1 will trivo, Mr. Speaker, a plain in the Mercury, from wfcich we copy : umimfaotcrers In to ; bin t.i- y i:i;o, the followhig detract : j j,f iu,f.0, t P1 w. ,xi W .u','rt , .-,. . t . flulios, thev will sell to us at the "On Juiio29lh, I was uoni.nated; i(,e of ;H mUc,q m 0 wiMl for Congress by tho iipnlits in t!r.' .. , -)V ,,, , n, .. . , , and simple illustration ot the prae-jthe MelunK-y bill ; that the LYuio tical tuieratiou of the tariff, which iciats had nr.vr.yu been fooling ua Ly coiiehisirely demonslrates that the promises to reduce t he iri;? taxes, mid consumer and not the (ororgn manu ! that noihi" will be "done c.n I I am tacturer does pay the taritf duties, 1 and that the price ot all manutactui ed goods is increased to the extent of thodutios. And this illustration ', will also "conclusively establish the! fact that the ponding bill will relieve the pooplo of many ol the oppressive burdens of tho JlcKinloy law. j I .-el us note its f radical operations, i Ten farmers of North Carolina- send one hundred bales of cotton tV England with instructions to the couimisio'i morcbant there to soil aud in vest the I'ocoeds in the pur-i chase of goods. Tlie cotter, i k;! ! , for SS.olM), and the com mission mor ' cliant invesis the proceeds in hats, ' ready-made clothing, woolen go.vls. agricultural i in pie men Is, and other ; articles iiocossary lor thot-o farmers. 1 I hose fTCKxte ate shiriied In v '.'min- ' tcu, aud tho farmers wriin to tlie railroad agent there to forward the good.- to tlieim I.H't the aeeiit write" that tho goods are in the custom house and will not bo delivered until the payment of tho taritf duli-s. Ono of tho farmers goes to Wilming ton and demands these good. T no (".stem bouse of.oor tolls nim, "J can not deliver them to you until voit pay mo 81,875,50 ;" the fanner a-ks : ;-si;:.i a ;', Why is this payment reoiiired ?" : i;,u v,m V',o'',i "The goods were bouglil in luglund. j jiu. iii - ;i". 1 : I have a receipt from tho men -haul ' ,o7.' Oi tii. fhoving payment of the prn-e , thej-.-nu wouiii h i freight has been paid and I do mil j.yL.;.e!it understand why you make this do- j five list, r.r.d mand upon mo." 'duty oa tho The oifmer says in reply,' In In.id I the tho iepbhcau party passed wual is; von would known as tho McKmlsy law and un.- (,,- : dor that law upon all goo Is brought fi, o I t. into this country the pui haf.ra i t:iU,-, yji-y niimt pay .:erl-Hin tariff taxes. Now,) (,, on the 1000, worth ot plows, m-iv-! f .-v ,nt v. ors, shovels, hoi-s, rakes, cultivator.-, cotton gins and other agricultural implements bought by you you must pay to me 45 per cent of their value, which amounts to 4."0. On the 8200 worth of woolen rhavls you must pay mo 150 per cent, or SimO. On the $300 worth of woolen blan kets you must pay mo SO per cent, or $240. On tho S100 worth id wool bats you miist pay mo 8ti per ixut, or iSii. ) On tho S3ort worth of woolei, drors goods you mu.'t pay mo fcS per cent or 8255. On the $300 worth of cotton cloth you must pay me 35 per cent, or $105. On the 300 worth of bagging you must pay mo 32J per cent, or U7, 50. On the S200 worth of cotton ties you must pay me 103 per cent, or 8201!. On tho $100 worth of pocket knives, table knives, und forks you must pay mo 4t5 per cent, or 840 On the 100 worth of crockery, tablo, and earthen ware you must pay mo 55 per cent, or $55. On the SI 00 worib of salt you must pay me 335. Now, in order for the farmer to get thoso goods from tho custom house ho must pay tho sum ol f 1, S75.50 lor taritf duties, lteturniiig to his home ho calls his friends to gether and explains to them the sit nation, telling them this amount ol taritf duty was levied upon tho urti cles purchased by them by the io publican party in 1890 when they enacted tho AlcKiuley law. Discuss, ing the situation and considering what was best to bo done, one rug gosited that they reship the goods to England and request their coramis siou merchant to soil them th -iv. thinking it bettor to pay tho return iroight than to pay tho enormous sum demandod by the custom house. And believing thoy could buy tiicfe cbuapor in this country it was sag Hosted that one of their number go to Wilmington, which is considered one of the cheapest markets in the State, and usee! tain there the price ot the samo class ot goods. One ot their number, as requeue goes v) womirgion, examines tiieiporc lciicm-'i ibif 1113 ei-a umn uuo 1 market price ol these goo is, and com that turn- men 1 ntered the lr.nk at j paring them with tiio goodspnrchas 1 Tesoct, liit' -n miles worth of bete, j cd in England finds that tho goods! killed the 1 ..; sml boeun d a eon , pnrchaRod in l-'ngland for 8S,r("' cm, j H lcr ;bm uven"-.t in 1 i-h and no'.i-s I not be bought in Wilmington for les:.j The robtiiy i' i- i-,rte as .iccuriing j than the eiui of $5,975.51). He asks ! soon alter the ban!. 01 cued for busi- one of bis merchant friends loeiplaui I uoss. Ihe mo! inteied the bunk ) the reason of this condition. The 1 together ai"' oroend 'be cashier to I merchant replies, "Your transaction is ' give up '.be ec i.o.i ts of th vault, j a fair illustration of the operation of I Upon ref-.'-ii",:, he was instantly btt 1 the tariff law and a full answer to; aud billed A . wos oriaui.ed. I your question: that uudcr tbe ?Jc-1 with Mn-rilV At .i'-i-'m i!i comtiat.d. j iviniey irw ail parties miying f'oojs ; wincn r'tavo ! so-nn o.;-r mernuicrs in Europe for ebipment to this conn- ;Thn amoun of money secured is not try have to pay the tariff tut demand j known od of you by tho custom house here i - . Sons tbe Wiltuiugtou merchaut buys j Western S-.i ;i'r. i' ahcot liter goods in Europe bo baa to pay tLe.ally bun. mg i.p. In-; ilruught is al same tariff duty, aud this, of coins.- ' m-mt v.it, j r. - loot, fanners is ttdded to tbe selling price. Tlon- ' mourn i.n: .-. -t .p- au-l fuitaer the seliitg price ty tut consumer is. 'iiavo.: ! y r : r - .: t ',r vnl, i of .-f & .-.;.;,: i of im;vr'.y-l , lu'V tin's eoiuitvv. ,By yf,.... ,f' ,,,c j, ti:is rouYi.'. Their, pii'..', '"A'o :'. buy .ic iUo do vou rot a;:i"u:f urji rehr.nt n -! ;f ti.e U lw -H;H.n ;c.; l!fn Amciic:.!, ; Iimlujf ,. ,.Iial:Pli t t.OIltroi prices in this country, and exact from tho consumers tho enormous profit given them by this tariff system. The farmer returns Lome and reports the ies-;!t of bib trip. '1 ttis !e 'M to ! ;'i ?L:i;!i as to the ! .'..! I'-ui-'so !o pur.e.jf. r-'oino one MiLo I ! !''; e proir.ii--:d to ii'.';ei' t';t tanv' t.'.rK'; the Lill jH lluw landing in Congress ami sun posy we wnit sml noe if there ia a re- duclson. Uim ol tbe numlicr, wlio .wns Poptf, f-..v. W.; 1 .ave notb "u ,(l.t Vol ; ,t 3 )( Uj) 'promises to the peop.le." My paper save tho Senate bill is :u l-ettor than favor of raifiug money to p-.y the tariff tax." The other did not agree with thi:. and told their friend thoy would wait and see if this bill pisbcd a;d if the proieiiv I'l l pit .l;:es of the lJer".oi ralie party were carried tmt, and if litis bill liited any bur-' dens from ii.e ir.rnicr. j '11. o fiim'T uftr-r tl:n p-isaf 3 r-f this .w rt".ms khi.tCVII dl'.lie-i i i;m;)i;tot tihrmld be p:iy iiuo.uted. na'i aska tb.i eollcctcis "Did the Pern jciv-iie p-arty iimk-i any re dtwiions in te t-nill lav-ii ?'' 'I L-; cot'eetor t:'!us o ibo rcbedales mi l , under the bo 1 1 : ariouitnral imph- men!. aud i...i. .-.luty Le savp ti tha f-.ni-e'- tl. be'oro il'a r'111.'0 ,,f ' tl.i.i net you -.v.. :',l li.v.i had lv l1 -y 1 on rl.''"'"-1 ':.. of pioc.-:-. hovei.-, i Idch, cuttiv-:.-.: -. g.ns. i-l.'.. V'-l ' a: d i.h r i! ; tari?" -i'lty has been u,-si .ii iieles ami ym On the 2!.'d worth "'' Wbic.'l U!l. Ill rei. arc 'of i tl.-- lOVo-.i !I-Oi:i .-nv.d r--;r,: W'-Olfll f'.. Mei.'mv, .11- you uud til. w- , lio-.v p iy 7i. f-tiv-:- : a; '-'n -:l of bl.-.i:!t-.ts yon iid ?-; ; wuiter the CM Oi.v iitio. I'll il::.' p:iid i!,e i wu '), - ) d n"! woi t Ii ot woo! i:,u c paid !''! , umlei j , o:i pay c'o'. .-asii.gi ...:i won:, ul l.i!;::i.g t i paid !s;7 i"'! , ui-der j at-.;;ilir '.- put on the ; on do not pti v a!.y ! i iC;,mg puichiiel. lo,; wortii of ci.iton tic-! nine paid ii'Mb , under ( tie pel on t!io i ibnv io:.'. irtb of Kni-.ps ci.d ;:;; 1 :b, ; you ! v. now '"iy And on ihe cry you would n iiv pay i-lbt. Afb-r pain i'.)0 worth of em: hu'.v paid i;i , you tl:e?c .;;i;e! '.be far mer ritv.ins nome, c;oi.-; nis n icu.t.-togi-tbei ami ivturns to ti.em ?l,'2:b"i SO, which was saved to thein by tho eiii'eiment of the bill we aro now considering- And these fanners then under stand ho'V Imiu i:s. !!.,f to them bfvs been the tariff tasalic;! i f the Kepub Helm p:,rt . and fully i, ulie tbw the u.mj, iHiio i.artv 1, ;- redeemed its pledge in relieve linn of thi rd bur dons, h:4v:i:g savni by i .m pv:to;0 of the pending bill opoi. the puvelias" of only .:S,."o0 oiiU ol goods the uum of i'1.2;ir).rt. Fatal Floods in Texas. Sr Loi is, Mo., fiept. 1. A special telegram from hau Autouia, Texas, to the 1'ost Dmpaicli says: The scene of destruction and desolation in the flooded diMiiot for a distance of 100 miles east ami west from bure aud extending south from the South ern l'aeitic Haiiivay to tho Kio G.-iiu.lo 2'!0 miles away, i,i simply teirible. l'Lousands cpuii ihvu -aids of acres of pasture uud faii-i lauds are still under water. It is eiiinmled that t'ne dauiaviu to crops in the valley cf liio Lcom river wid reach Lui mil lion doilaii', while m t;ir valleys of .Sueo and iSubiuul rivets the los.-en wnl be fidly much moi.-. Jln.i thousands of cattle, boine.-i andsLeej) were h.vept a.vay. I'p t last udii nigat fll the telegrams received here by the Southern l'aeiiie U-ii'.road ol'ticiaiK and Tor ti e po-.-s eamo Ly the round about wny of Al l'aso, I'ueplo iii.ii iv-iu-as Uity, all direct I eoiumuiiicatiou with VjvuuIo uud plhei ih.oiki I toviri l-iiig c.i't oil I l;etioits ueci.' d t ii i- i.ioruiiig ar! mme aiuimmft Ui.-n tne euiin-r oi.es. It ia still ! imiOii r of uncertainty as to the numb r lives lost, but ad ditions io the list of drowned are constantly cm-im; i'.. About cne ualf of i fni '.u.-rs ol Cvuldfl, a town of '2. "on peop!" ;cr. cioried away, and liit-ie .nue'i - li'i'-. riiig theto. It.i.ik vbicr Shot. i.n i. is 'u. s j. pteii.ver i .1 ie , inert ij1 uy t v'' 0". cry ai ii- W:ts':inct(;i !."tlc:' ifriim o-.-.r K-cuitir CiriciiHuim.l Wastiinoxon, Aug. 81, 1st':. Chairman Wi!.-)'ii. Lc'oru ier.i Washington, took occasion to cxpicr-; bis opinion freelyconceruing the c f feet of rresideut Cleveland's letter to flepreseutrtivo CutchiugH upon the Congressional camjmifrn. Mr. Wilson endorsed every word said in that letter ; also tho action of the i'lcsblont in ullowing the taritl fill to Leeomo a law without Lis niia tuic, mid believes that tbo letter will be if much service in pn-vcntiny hiku-warjuncss of fiiriiV rcfotineis towards dcii.Tiatic c:ii.idit!.-.'.cH Mr. V ilon nlso dispot-e-.l most cfTi-ctu-r.lly of t'ne republics!! arumr-M? that tbo '.ilomise d addilintml tari' reforii iu the future, wl.i-.. the l.. ;.. i.;., i n 1 lumrub l',.iiu 1,. juiii-i, j .v.:m another penrral fariff bill and its eonseLiueht upsettH of hnsiness. Concerning this far-fetch'- J nrirument busiiid: "l'he wirk of tt.ir' reform will bu continued by run gradfe- i uti,.i-j nii.i I, .7 i, ,1 iroiu lime 10 nine uin:i we nav eoi-ijilisLi-d our purpose. There wlil i be to other w-uera! tar!'':' mil The j taaitf rates will remain stable on the J great majority of urtieh-s, sml it will; j be upon compsrativelv few that thei i"i foclimf of dotarls will 1a ii---t; rary in oiii.-r Unit trie Uniit n t.nTi law placed on f ho statute bookn sd .!': be a eom-i-tent whole. Thi:: work v.ill b oi rfen iiird, however, in sue!; : r peitiier t litio:;.-) of ti ti.l V I no !:v 1 b-,., m-r to i il 1 1 eith-r ti.e ci .-.'.ov i jii vt.i'. Mr. '.-'itsn is oot.f .if h's ivcl -etioL. uj inaitcr h n piibii-.Miis may ru'i auinsl hui U 'picsontrtiro Wanar, ! i'oik. who t-tronlv belii vc s .-.igar sbould ! live bei-n iivid.-f as io down the ev-;-ir :. sn jic. Vesldcnt d lot tor : 'i'i:- i ,11 !ti'h-.',-iJ to i'i :ri..i,, (,, ;, j ,u'Ul,..; Uu-;,-;ns! the u v t;, ,ht sli-ou.-'yl : K ,. ,-( ; 1 ; ,. ' , ,f t i-f. t, in t; ; V,'!:,-;i once we e., ,,f .;,u. B, riltt i),,, , lh, ... ,,; ..,, vli i ;(no,,,,hi ,vi, ,viii .- I, u..u.,-iu t.v -rytbi.e.; e I wio-.t. v.-itbr-iil nnv ,lt::.'ir!:v " As a ruie. all demoe;- a v. I iv bo'.ievt in lul iiT icf.r. i-.i. .1 ti ::e f-w. very f-w, who not. t.n-."':iy ti'muteud I'rc.-ii.ii i t '. '1- i iacii's letter to Nr. Oil, -hi;;.-. p', -'.ict i! at it vi ill do move io ;. . p tho deiaoiiatu in r-v:f'l liow-p than acy i-vu;if,::t thai v.iii be a factor in tie? rump -.iro. l'resi'b-nt Clcv';!ii"i does r.- : .".n.' i-i retuii! to V'a. Mi '-'"il O.-lobcr, r.nless Hii.-iieti, is. , oi -. :. ,-,! puldle importiineo i,mv sn f !. i , ti ,,wto it lu.s..s.ai y f.v bim t . l!o 1(, tlu nic.'.n'iie-' i.o p,i'.:-,c be:- in'":.:s wiil be ncolfctcd, as bn i.s ,:rraiii.S 1 to have all ma'.ftis if ipiitiiio his (liiiiil attciiti'Ti Vm- : w.uibd to Oray Clables. w he; i ulii.i tlie !i,-si.sl?,e of piivate srer f-tai y ; 1 'hurbi-r, an executive o!!'k-o will be j imanlaiued. U'nottlv IVfiuOiiif I'i nil il:: I Ii, t-.i mi r , . llio report of correspondeiits cf the Weekly Wratber Civp ISuSI-tiu. issued by the Rorlh CV.iolinu iii'.-e Weather .Sernee, for th.-wee!.- -mheg 3Iondr.r. K ptenslvs :t 1. IS.) I, imb-; eat generally favorable v. - 'dber during tl.H week, CM'Cjl nt sos.-ie p-iilits whero it hr. been v ry dee. Tho fharact-ri,dic featuns fir the oiitiar nazy coniiiiion en me suy iiur ing tho day. M'icli f dd,T l.ie: I r-n saved during Uio wSek. and cousid-1 crab o wheat land prepared. Cotton pickiug ia progessing iu oil dislriet- TIm Country Editor. The country eiiifor is or.o wlii reads m-wspapi-rs, writes ou ni;y sub ject, sticks typo, folds panel--, muk.-s up the mail, runs t rrands, snw5 v. o-:,l. I woiks in tho garden., in Mnmcl for a thousand things :i nevr tbougbt of, woiks bard all day, is subject to spring fever, helps people int.. cm c who fornet r.!l abo'it i1 n'.u r,v.ii d and frequently gets cheated out ol j bia efiniiijgH. lie pufi's uii and .loi s j moro to build up tbo town a.d conn '.rv than any one fdsc, ni.il li.c :.ii;-er and fogy arc- benefited, yet thoy will not take bis paper, but will borrow Arkansas Vopullsts !cf LiTTi.r. Uock, Ark . Sept. led. turns from ol counties in-iicitn i-i 1 otwwmil lieu.oerntic majorities over I two yenr.-i noo, .-.Ub-jngh the tobd -vill . likely be per Cent, lesson aci-.v't ; of tho iiuw flection law. It hi o.-li i luated that the IViuorratie !-a;t--. tiekot is oieettd by at bust V.').''-.!! majority. Hetnrns bo7 decj-i.-tiso in j vote for both the Kepubhcau an! T j-'i!i.-:t tickets. ! Simjisiiii lllamert Il'nhli a;i-, ! v. -iiiTn. Kan . I .-.('..rrre-.- : lmn jt.rry -.i.n'i'.on r-O'.-i-f-ii !:is i-:u ; pidgn bpie last nigh:.' He :: oei-i ed : i-eoiarbiblv will an I spok" "Vi!h I strong voice and without upj--..:; t.t ! , ft'ort He devoted i-ho! of his lui.i j 0 (Mt, "lt.jv.ililieHii cnomv," charging 1 n,0 lU'piibl:ar. mini r'Uy 'm Cm ,-Te.-.. ! wi;i, ri sponsibilitj f-.-r much of the ! h-jfislition of tbo Fifty ti.iid O r, i gruiM. ' . - ' xj,0 Nurwcod High Schc..l build jft ttl .Norwood Stumy count v. .vast ! buiced last Monday. lion. (5. M. Stedman wii1 b.- u. demorrntie Uomiuce for the Leis lature iu liuueoiubo coiintv. ' i A Juno tree was recently sawed up) at Tlieiind City, ill lite wch ri. pull of this State, tUt luudeu llOl f. -.t of I.Uidu r I Oi'l-.-t i fi i' tlli-ce tli'lo er?i " iivi''- of I' rvi,?-" ' " ' : I :. - : wltiiirr t!;,1 pi '. t .'. Ji. S. .. . .'. M.-. til lli:i,!.er'.,-;.f I.- ! (.,: :.:. I'anl mid Da huh nud ti.e il.-cai Northern roads have been tohdlydrs troved. Hint many of t'-.c-irii bid iinnts, cut ol" from e.senj c by th;1 ''. oucs and smoke, have peri-do -d. Tho hugest town to suffer a-iraill-lotion wv.f. Hi'dih -y, a vilhi;:.' o: idiu '.)() iidiatiitouts, ono iic Ori:i,vjtonc river. Jt Inis large !-tc an f-av: mi l Iiiim'.'ir ('.iitiiiunv. one (,f f.lid wa I'icniiii Jiiim'.'ir tJomi tbo b:i;t (.-rp.-.raf.ious tf its t.'iid i in ti,; !'... lie. lively v Hine'-li v i- e.'lecrf tl the seliool i., .!'.!." iind th: iii-iLil-i '"'u I'1'"- of the Ct.e.it Northern Ur.l j it -vx I-..-"- t h it tto gi-o nrst ! ;iie :vy 'Ant ivi-iirnvi, Cirv. .'d'li ii., F1-. pi. --i'hel i lOS r i '-.tii'i it :i S ! de-l.I II! J i :M'k!l v : : i 2';!!; t,t , til at Jum-ii, ',. at : L-.kr. ! 1, at Slum!; Lul. Ii'i: v.-;. ? --:-o f o- s-. fi.vi ?l tircp, .v'iich iiv.i.l iron), th nee r.hiii r.'u")'. i . t i.ir.'u'll out of eoiirnii'U-o"!!-.i Wolid if! over t a -. !i'v-liii:i' i t'.t cin! lai'i, litive i, -.vipnd out is i.'.ov: ! at U.v ji.iin'tii-n oi' Idcteiy . Minn . ! (I; ,;i an,'. !,. I-iii- i-'; .-, Cc i- ; ".lia -In,- Ubih'.jl! mid ' m iciB p-'pn.. i I S-ui..;. -: f.-.-f. i: t.OlKI: I' ,...1 t-.ih i f-.;::i: Ibo in Nor-ti Cmi ill:. irvbi :e l: Wi.i !, Wo'il no .! two ui.iKe an aUetui t t;,- ! ;-o ! fin isome pii I w bo replied i- ii1, .,il-n,,.-iv ed---"ii"' 1 it J J',"y ',? "., !,-,.. ues t ieai"-d I ,.,",.,, .,!. r j,.; j,,. v,;!, ,. I n,.j,ro ;IS n ,., ,vi.. I (i . Tl.;- -. -,:,( ;,' "u -, j ,... . i; ,,,, v;l'p- ; f ii ! put i" i i .1 i':- . 1 -t 1 j oi Led oil ,1 h, Mr . r. .j ,. n Ti.i hav LUMBER 'i i f I-UMIil-fr .ab. t th. i PITTSBORO SHUTTfH MILL ftps U AND FLUORlKa, i'i.: Mi: I to or. iiiii;.' i' or.iy : . is.i:'. -.- O. OU 11 ..il i !iil! r cei ; nliea,! ' :'( t. , CTr. j( . j'' '', nJ ,i i 111 It'; ., i: -c) t 11 Q&LO ST ii ii A I k ii 2 M ' a : ; t busiueSo ;ox,r..v;oF v w.K ap r: v :-.i:: o'. i,, ) !"' :-. ,:i-t- In ii MAClimST. .- :i - - - r 1 '. "' '' u ? s ; : c o v lti AltlJ i. 3:!HtiiCn i iJoik! pio:i:j -i'v on 1 cheap. ALL KINJ.'S (lb t'A.V: INdS. I LOVo, . I'li-uij-t atteuti.ii. a'.l or 'eis Al... .:. I".' BE 1TO m mum mm, OKLY PAPER 03?- 51 ? r.- (I Cj li i.V'J tyy ss present a county 8 rcv9 aiiu nobody :iild pub- ii 2 N - os srpe-s have i ;I in Chat :vA nunc oi ;2ov exist, rovewiliat hh?;a pa Caialfiam 2 l? S v r- ? : !:' VAH. sooiiey- l)!!Si- livery e?.(izeit might io patron- ize his only eoussly paper, and Uut few are ion uoor io pay Til KM CENTS e!i a un it Vrv H hi year! it.''.;;!' c. c. CHITS, W.UiONS. OVifiUZHD t CO. 4 .i i -u-.-.iii,- i-.i iins-it-; ;i.-i ;: ..!. will. Il ' t. . : .'.:.! - i.i AruKii, . :: .-Ai iii.i.s, i -iiixi.itr, :oki: n.o as, rEi:i. S. .vC. I I Mi i.li.lf , i. v r i:i j n uvin- U--M t.lll Cllllili'Cf ;.lw,it t'Uliutiil' . ns vlii vi ie-.H 1 . V. RAILWAY. .ILL. Iv.--;ivku. o-l Bcli-.ulala. .'.'.;.', j:s'J4. i . ,H): il.-ii I I in ,."liiKb,,,at; ! KO. 1. '. ; MTlVe, 7.M p. iu. il.w, 4 15 a. n .. ,5 .. l.iii .-, .- i:,-:- 1 i-iss .'.1.. . t .11 Ka e-t fuie Jitni--, 1 I I.l.M' I I nil i ,lllis' .. J ...niiih-.ei al suii'.rU 'of ' l.,,-. :.-,iiii ami tmiilW -: .r v i;ii u: l:t,'iiuiit,l - :.nl ..; t.'.uii'l, HttU ab -. ! , !'. 11 ,, .11 li. 11. I, if .. Il' i-.... I ,-.lt,.il .llll'lt!."lf i-:i. U 1, r ii.'iuikt-uU'l I . -'-"KCTIoVS. - .1. l ..i;i ii iwn Willi tho ,i : - -.in ku:.lii1.lU,,l'a ,- 1. i--i, wii h Hit, ill' h - :. -o.i :ul aili IkiiiiiU. o' I Air I Ino n.r i.i. 1 .ul N.ii'lli rill, I : 1 1.1 1,1. wi ll ll. Ao i .1 . -. . . fl I.V'il,', HUtf in..- -in al .11. . i '1' I i f. r f'.i ul -ito. At i.V 1 . '."ii 1 1 jjjo Ajea;.' . if ',

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