SUPERSTITIOUS TRAVELERS A Veteran Passenger Conductor Talks ol the Whims of Tourist". No one but the experienced ras scnger conductor knows just how whimsical and cranky the. traveling public really Is, says the rittljurg Post. A traveler may have some peculiar fad or notion when lie is on the road, but he never dreams that there are thousands of others just like him, or jierhaps worse, lu years ot experience the conductor rubs elbows with all Forts of piojilc, and In spite of himself becomes a mind and face reader, who takes a back seat from no one except the professional. "Ves, travelers are superstit'ous and cranky," said a veteran knight of the punch yesterday in response to a query. "I think the average pas senger conductor deals with more oddities daily than the curio collec tor of a fre.ik show, as to supersti tion, I think there Is mure of it crops out on trains than anywhere else. Last week, just as the train was ready to pull out for (.'hie.u'o, a well dressed man came out of the coach on the platform and in an agitated manner asked me what d i.v it was. "I told li i it was I riday, and without ano lier word lie re-eiitereil the coach, and in a moment returned with his liivatfi'. and by way of ex planation Rtatfd that he uewr began a Journey Friday an 1 would wait un til the next morning. That is oii'y a sample. Thi' iiiii'li-inoi ted un lucky t hirteen is perhaps the cause of more worry an I iiirouveniei-e to tourists than any other sign wh'eh they deem of Hitmen. I have known passengers to l-eiri at the hea l of the train to see if they coixd find No. l'.i anywhere. "If the engine happened to le thirteen they wmi'il resignedly wait for the next train, and if they suc ceeded in tlnding ir.imb T thirteen on any of the coaches they would hold up their bands in holy horror. 1 have M'cn pa senger-. refu-e to ride in a eoaeh that held thirteen passen gers, and if ;o;i will ask any tieket man he will tell you that of all sec tions in a sleeper thirteen is the tn. st difficult t'i d spose of. "Then aside from the superstition which prevails am .og the traveling public there are eountie-s pnmgi-rs who are cranky, and if they ( -e a chance to kick are in bad huuior f, r a week afterward. They k ck t r a seat in the center of the coa !r. kick because the train ones to slow or t fast; kick b.vau-e they are :n a draught or leeaus- it is too hot. And the worst of it all i that when they kick 1 ::tn th- indiv.dual w In is called tin to he ir t In rn. a- it" 1 were responsible for the whol - lmiri-'-s. "About the only t ime w in n some fellows don't Kick is when they arc on their lion, yn.oon. Mveryihiug goes on as smoothly as if it had leen ordered so. bur let the same men r !' on th" same train live years later ,'iud the chances are they'll kcli themselves into exhaust ion. '' 1'olloue.l i'ip Hans von Hi;) .w, I In and composer, who 1 i -ago, was an eceotitr.c profession in which . Ilniol. famous lea'P-r 1 a short time member of a cceiitricity i- riiiuiiinii. title walking the streets of Vienna one day he came a ros- a regimental band on its way to the castle. Von liulow ran to the middle ol the street and joined the small buys about the drummer. Following the land, he kept bowing to t he surprise! drummer, applauding him at almost every beat. "That is ihythm! Excellent: That's the way I like to bear it." continued to ejaculate, to the sur prise of all and the delight of the small boys. I'eople in the streets recognized the famous pianist and jaue 1 the proces sion, so that the band had one of the largest audiences to which it had ever played. Von Ihilow listened at tentively to the end of the piece, and then made a deep bow before the drummer arid bis instrument. "Thank you." he said; "that w:i refreshing: rut my nerves in good condition again." When the drummer learned writ his strange admirer was, be was tie proudest man in the regiment. I, than Allen'M Sword. The sword of Ethan Allen, pre. served in t he Nat ion il M;i-euni at Washington, isan ohi-f.ishioned lila.le about twenty-seven in.-ies in length and slight ly curved. Ti e handle i liiade of horn or I one. and is some seven inches long. The mounting is of silver, marked with god, but the latter Is partially worn off A dog s head of silver forms the en 1 of the handle, ind from this to the guard runs a silver chain, (in in; of the silver ban Is of the ver.eraide leath ern scabbard Is the name "Ethan Al len" engrossed in large letters: on another band, "E. .'rasher, maker, jv ktk; win e on a ttnni tiand ap pears the name "Martin Vuburg, I 1775." l'hiladelnhia Ledger. ! The Ileal Men Wanlril. "Ye, we want Ihe strnit.rcst mid liest mrn nmillK til"' renders ,.f your ,T I" li'l'ii-etit lis in their rdpci-tive lor.iiii i,-s. nl her l,-"t:ini niter anv pari uf ilieir time lo our l,ii-i:e ss. Men nml women w lm -land well ale offered rxreptlnii.'il iipjiiirliinilies fur prulitMlJe work." 'i'lint is w hill If. V. Johnson I(i -liuioud, Va., suy ill refcri-nee to I heir advertisi-mi-nt. The liigliest ., ak or tin- Koeky oint.-t i n.' Is .Mount lirown. Ilritisli Amerieii, l.'i.pon teet. If nflllrtcd Willi mire eye use lir. Inane Thomp-on'sEvc-watcr. Unionists sell atiV per huitlo. With Milne of us full bloom. IH'Ver collli'S to till! Weak and Weary Ovi'ieomo by tho lieat or cxtniordiiiiiry exer tion, the pliysi-.-4l system, liUn a nwiehiii", needs to l.e renovate I Illl l rt'O'lirivl. 1 he Wood needs to be puritlo 1 an I invigorated Hooas Sarsa parilla JL JL nn 1 tho nerves ntel Itlliselrq strengthened hy Hood s Sari.iparil ln, which ereiites nil Cures yy I iiiipelite, reinovis tluit tired feelPig nn t Klves sweet, Hiiun l. refreshing siw'i Hood's Pills cure all liver ids. f life 1 11 ICC I Fine steel. Keen an a riucr. IfllO MNIlC! O.h.I. .rrenu iKlmile. HII1 rr In ichnll I" ' Linn Hindi rut from l.len -iff,-'i H miip-t. n I a V-ii'm .tiinip la P'iio. Write '"p n-i ' "r "flier line 1'rts : olua -. WOOLSON SPICE CO.. ! Jje Muruu St.. Toi.iuo, 0. FREE ! FA KM AMI liAKUKN. TltWUATiON A?lD TKF.I'. Ct'LTl'ItK. The necessity for tree culture in fipmlly iuiperntivo with irregiitioii, siivs 'olniMn'n llunil World, Bil l the arid linuls question will nen r be sutis nn'torilv si tllcil without the recogni tion of this principle in its solution. America eiiu ill nllon! to ignore the experience of other nations in this re spect, mil forestry should receive eijuiil eoiisideiiition with irrigation. It lius been estimiited that within historic times some 7,iMIl,0:lil of sipiure miles aloiir the shorc.-i of the Moil it er Iiiiiciui, once hi.rlilv fertile, have been changed into worthless deserts, nud for nearly i.llllil yours the inhabitable portion of the earth has decreased at the average rate of :i,.VM sijuare miles. This has been produced by the direct agency of man the evil being chiefly due to river floods caused iiliuost ex elusively by the destruction of Iand proteetin forests It is rirht that A iin-rii'it should set tlie example of reclaiming desert lands and thus iiiiTcase the earth's capacity for supporting the liiuiiiii rice. Irri gation mid tren culture liiu-t g j liiiU'l it Hi I h unl in this work. I II KIXi. ol T I.AVIUIS. How many poiiltrymeii e:in pick out n good biviug lien from a strange tloel;? Not many can do it ; yet it can easily be done after a short study of make-up mi l eliaracti ristics. Tln-re goes a hell with a thick luck, large head, ill-shajie l, walks listlessly about, seemingly with no intention or pur pose ia iow. She does not care to scratch, but hangs around the hen house, evidently waiting for h; r tn-xt feed. Sill.' gets Up file in tile III- ril ing and goi.'.- to bed e rlv ill the even ing. That hen may be put down as a very poor layer. The i-.-gs of some of (lie other Ih-ms go to help pay her keep. Here mines another. She walks briskly and there is un elasticity in her ii io eiueiits hie 1 1 shows she has something in vie'.,. She is nud unity in iipp." , small ln-ad. with a thin m ck. inc. ly arched un I curved. She forages or i all .1 iv bm and m ly be too busy to eome lor her evening meal. !i" is at the door in the morn ing waitii": to lie let out. Sue sintehes a few iiiouthfuls of feidnndi-. oil' to the im a.low. looking ins..,.;:.. I!, lore she e:.f, out in tie- inomiiig s!ie :;i le-rnlly deposits her daily c;g in the nest, or returns after a sli.irl forage. She is neat, clean and tidy, with a bri-htuess and a freshness pleasant j,, tlieiye. That is ill In n ih it pays for her feed iind gives a : I proit all the year r.nin I. Th writer has noticed those tiaits since hoyhood mid knows that tiny are infallible. l!y studying these traits any man may, m a lew years, have a tine llock of hens. Northwest Farmer. Tin i t. won or mii.k. ,-hi my fa mi I have had an unin ti erupted experience in cheese making for :!7 years, but I have now nbaii doiieil th m iking of cheese and nr-rali'-ed t.i sell my milk," says T, ('. Smith, in the Live Stock .Journal Al manac. "The rensoii for the change is that for some years past we have been light ini against a gradual faliing on" from the line llavor which for a long time enabled us to make n ver; sat is fiictory imiket of a superior ( rodui-e. I'm- a ipiarter of a ceiit iry, viz. : from I s.ii', ,t ss, we were on the a kvii 1 ing scale, botli in the ipiantity and ipialily of the cheese which the farm produced. 1 1 1 deterioration in llavor sit in, ngailisf which the greatest care has been only partially successful. "Those who arc acipiainted with tin' cheese trade' know w hat a liiil'ereneo j u price there islu tvu cii a very fine dairy, which like Cesar's wife, 'is above sus picion, ' and a dairy which is only good, or at uiot very good. The iu- llllelice of food Upon Illilk oil this farm is not only directly traceable to the food upon which th" cows have been lately- fed, but also indirectly to the continuous use of a large amount of artificial food and manure which lias entirely nlt red tin: herbage of the farm. "No one could have been more re luctant than myself to acknowledge that high farming, which of course greatly increases its (piantity, has an adverse influence on the ipiality of cheese which a given farm produces. The system of making w hich I have followed is called the Derby system, and is identical with that by which tin- finest Leicester cheese is produced. "l'erhaps, as iieheese-niiiker, I have no great reason to complain, for dur ing the whole series of thirty-seven years there lias Hut been olio year in winch the season's make has been bad. J Slit the decided declension from line to very good and good is, in my judg ment, distinctly owing to the inlbi etice of food on milk, such influence bavin been grndually brought about by high farming.' no ns r. I' so. In tho breeding of horse:! it, is necessary to look at least two o three yenrs into tho future for our r;sults, an I to every one who looks at the mutter candidly and without. piejinUce tttf prospects for about that time, and J I until another depression, w hich is not likely to eonie for at least the next ten years, looks unusually bright for many dill'erent classes of horses, providing tiny lire of superior ipiality. The street-car liuis, xvliich have until very recently used t uorinonsl v large num bers of a class that as a rule had neither beauty nor speed, and were not large enough for heavy draught, w ill require, comparatively few in the future ; consequently every breeder should now- so breed us to avoid pro ducing that class if possible, Either discard the pour individuals, no matter how well bred they may be, or so breed them that the deb et.s will be very certain to be corrected. To do this it is necessary to look, beyond the individual selected, to the inheri tance. A stallion may have perfect hocks and yet belong to a family so notoriously bad in that respect that if a mare at all defective in this particular J were bred to him, there would Iiatilf ailv be an intt tisifv ing of the defect rather than a correction of it, says the American Horse lirecdcr. Another verv- objectionable debet, which is much more common in the South than in New England, is blindness. If one has a blind marc or one whose sight is at all defective, scleetm ; a horse with absolutelv in ifeet ovrs and sight is not enough, as, in addition to that, one sit. mid be very careful to make a choir-- where there is not n single an cestor with tin- same kind of debcl. In breeding for profit, the prospects look better for continuing with well bred and individually good lior-i-s than for any otlur kind of stock, and it is not n. cissny to confine one's bre. Img to the speediest classes. It is at b ast an open question whether at the present tune the hard est to obtain is not a really first -class, handsome, styiish family or road horse of good sire pleasant disposition and so train d as to be perfectly safe. In such, while the fabulous prices that have been paid forth" fastest of trotters mil tho roughbreds 11 Ver can be expected, there is as much m uv certain profit than in any other class. The heaviest of draught hor-es are in just as eood demand a-ever, as neither .1 elricity nor any th ing else has taken or is 1 1 k - Iv to take their ph , but a hi tt. f quality i - demanded Ik re than a levy vein s ago. l AliM AM" lalil'H Mim.:. will pay to hive a lotatio'i ol if only coi n, o.its and grass an nun.' and growing animal re i a d' tie re nt ration from a mat are. crop. Used. A qllir, No success succeeds jk." success. A soil is best for the crop that grows the best Upon it. Fine peach tree seedlings may be raised by sow ing tic stones in th- fall or spriti1.', an I are often superior to selected kinds. din' has said that storage rooms out of doors for farm tools are cheap in tin- first iustau"e, but mostly costly in the final reckoning, 1V not have a dozen prnpcviiia canes whore only i lie should be, for the result will be many vines, over crowded with small bunches. One decided advantage with the raspberry is the certainty of its fruit ing under anv thing like fair condi tions, upon Th w liiel plant It can nearly always, bo relied Sutton lieauty is a w inter npple is being used by many to sup the I'.ablwin, the latter having failed t locnlltl produce good fruit in mine of late. It is generally coiisidere 1 labor lost attempt ing b men 1 a half-worn out orchard bv tilling in the va'iiut places with young trees. The more econom ical plan H to cotnm-iieo a new or chard in a new situation. A woman makes tho best poultry keeper, because she his more pa tience and a better knack for the de tails of the business. Hut if yon leave it to your wile, let us advise you to give her a hand on the hard work, for there is sonic hard work in it. A farmer said before an Iowa insti tute: It has been proven that clover sod is as good to proilnco corn as the virgin soil. Farmers are just awaken ing to the importance of sowing all small grain lields to clover. It is tho only wholesale fertilizer yet discov ered. (luard against worms in th" young pigs bv giving constant access to plenty of salt and wood nsln s. A lit tle asufi.'tida in the slop twice a week will act ns a good tonic. Plenty of grass or vegetables are alai good. This is the advice given by an old swim." grower. l'roperly conducted pear culture is a most profitable branch of fruit growing. Aside' from the chances of blight, a pear orchard once in hearing will pay a profit for many years. One acre w ill yield as much-of a crop as is ordinnrily obtained from two acres of apples. (ierman millet has been grown to n large extent ill Middle Tennessee for the seed. Some seasons it pays I to the acre. It will make as much Hceil and as h"iivy crops of tiny on thn river bottorus ni any where els in the world. Some if it ou.ght to Ir; hovvu 1 1 every farm. I'AI.Yr AXi (l-KIOLS. The first alphabet hud but sixeenr. letters. The name "lirnzil" nuans 'red wood" or "iand of the red wood." Hooks wire printed in rais-sl char acters for the use of tlte bliiu'. in ls;27. Ancient books were sometr nits' writ ten on slabs of wood, ivory or metals. The works of Aristotle comprised lucre than four hundred treat ses on various subjects. The principle of trial by jury vas inaugurated in Jiis, every aeimscd pel soli to be tried by his equals. The Hook of Job, written 1,'JO H. ('. , describes very accurately several processes of smelting metals. (treenhiiid whales frequently attain ft length of more than seventy-tivu feet anda weight of more than seven t v tons. Hawks have been trained and are in use in the (ierman army to attack and capture carrier pigeons, and to secure any dispatches that the pigeons might i e carrying. There is an onktrfc on the high way from Warwick to L-ainington, England, winch is said to mark the exact center of England. It is be tween :tOl) nud 400 years old. Humboldt says that the Haobal) trees of Senegal nr.; the oldest organic monuments on our planet. One of them is 10:1 f a t in diameter, aud is estimated to be ."ltd ) years old. A law passed in the time of King Edward III and still upon the Eng glish statute books prohibits the serv ing of a diniu r of more than two courses to any one, e.xcejd on holidays. dohii ('. Hi-im, cf Nicholasville, K. n., had 1. .'"nl bushels of wheat ill .acl,s awaiting shipment, and a buyer offered him iii-Vl for the lot, which lie refused. A few minutes later tho wheat was destroyed by fire. The lihatgur reservoir, a grent arti ficial lake in In i in, said to hold about l.tUl.lioo.onil cubic feet of water, acts as a feeder to the Xir.i Canal. It is formed by n masonry dam KW feet high and .".ojo , ct long. S. veil ).iy I! iptists, who obselxo Saturday ns th sacred day of rest, were iirst heard of in England in Ii'i.Vi, an I in I'lsl th - first church of tin- s.ct in Auo rica was formed by William llisc-ix at Providence, 1!. 1. M my babies in the Italian colony. New -ork 'it-, , are wrapped up ill cloth bandages until they look like little mummies. The idea is to keep t In in ouiet, and their strength is sup posed to be improved by the treat ment. The intensity of confined Pound is illustrated at t'arisbrook Castle, Isle f Wight, wh-re there is a well Jim ba t deep and twelve in diameter, lined with sum. lih masenrv. When a pill Is liroppeil into If, tin: solum ol 11 striking the surface of the waiter, 1M2 feet below, c ill be distinctly heard. 'Nearer, My (io l, to Thee," was the work of Sarah Flower Adams, and first appeared in a volume of hymns 1 anthems published in lS4d by It -v. W..T. Fox. Several churches have objected to the theology of the hymn and have endeavored to improve, it, but no substitute was ivur received with favor by the public. Who Should Advi'i tls.. Who should advertise, is a question that has been propounded and answer ed in dili Tout wav... Our answer: Every one who has anything to sell, whether it is product d the head, brain or machine, and in cases where wlm wish to buy, or secure, or ex -binge any thing that they cannot obtain conveniently, they should advertise. Advertising should he treated pre cisely as any other investment, and in nine eases out of ten it pays a better profit than anything for which money s spent. Tii- b. st evidence that advertising uiy.s is the fact that millions of dol ars are invested in it by all sorts aud kinds of trade and bv the most suc cessful business men in the laud. Of course it pays. No sensible imin cm leelieve that successful busiii-ss houses advertise and bee ime ext -nsive advertisers for the fun of th-thing. With them it is business just as much hs buying stock or selling products. There are c rtaiu principles of trade that' in -n ought not to ignore, and among them the principal one is regu lar, legitimate and persistent advertis ing. Western Stationer. To Kill Animals With a Spike. The Ciiiueeticut Hiiinmo Society has ordered an animal-killing device from Paris. It consists of ft niadi which tits over tho animal's head, blindfolding it. In the centre is a spike set in such a way that it can io driven into the brain by a single blow, causing instant death. The society will kill all diseased or injured ani mals in this manner instead of shoot ing them, and will endeavor to have butchers do tho sum. s in slaughtering cattle. New York Sun. If applied immediately after nttaek nqua ammonia, it is claimed, is a specific for b-e stings. It should bu it 1 1 it .l thoroughly, and will leduea or prevent swelling. I0K THE HOl'SEWItVE. CHEIMY TII!. Line your dish with a good paste; till with a mixture of sour and sweet cherry ; sweeten plentifully, cover with paste printed nt tho edge and a Flit in the centre, and bake until a light brown. A tcaspooiiful of flour mixed with the sugar improves it, as it absorbes the juices. Sift sugar over the top, and eat fresh, but not warm. Home aud Farm. aiioct r.oiMsn ri fiMSiis. Tn boding puddings, always put them into I oiling water. A laig or cloth should be w rung out of hot water and well floured. If a mould is used for boiling pud dings, be sure to have it well greased. lioiled and steamed pud lings rc quiro uenrlv twice as much time ns baked. When a pudding is boiled in n mould, take it from the water and plunge it immediately inti Id water, then turn it out immediately ; this w ill prevent it from sticking. New York .lounial. llAKI-ll SWKKTIlHKAOS AND l'F.AS. Two pairs of sweetbreads, one table spoonful of buttt r, one-half pint of milk, larding pork, one tshlespooiiful of lloiir, one can of Fri nch jh as, salt and pepper to taste. Trim the fat from the sweetbreads and parboil for fifteen minutes. Now lard theinwith five lardooiis each, put them in a small baking pan, dredge them w ith salt, pepper and flour, cover the bottom of the pan with stock or water, and bake in a moderate oven for three-quarters of an hour, llaste every ten minutes. When they are nearly done put the butter in a frying pan, add to it the Hour (do not brown), and mix until smooth ; add the milk, stir until it boils, then add the French peas drained free from nil liquor. Stir ngnin until they boil. lish the sweet breads in the center of the dish with the peas around them. New Yolk Advertiser. THE l Al'I.OW I'll. Every one does not know how to properly boil cauliflower. It is com monly over-boiled and imperfectly drained, which gives it n dishvvatery lluvor nature never intended it to have. The safest plan is to tie it in a piece of course tarlatan mid lay it, (lower uppermost, in plenty of boiling water, n tablespoonfill of salt, to two quarts of water. The latter must be boiling very rapidly w hen tb" cauli flower goes in; cover until boiling recolllllielic's and then rein ive the cover and keep it boiling fast until tender. If the umin rule be observed with cabbage it may be boiled with out tilling the house with the usual vulgar odor which deters many peo ple from enjoying a really excellent vegetable. Hemeinber the whole secret is hav ing plenty of waiter, plenty of room, rapid boiling; and keeping the cover off. A little baking soda should also be added for either eabbago or cauli flower. As soon as it is tender drain thoroughly and lay in n deep dish, flower uppermost, and if you ore go ing to serve it a la creme, heat a cup of milk ; thicken with two tablespoon f tils uf butter cut in bits and rolled in Hour. Stir for a minute, add suit and pepper to the taste and tho beaten white of an egg : boil up for a min ute, stirring well. Ib-move from the fire, squeeze in the juieo of half a lemon and pour over the cauliflower. SCIENTIFIC fit K IPS. (Starfish eat oysters. The smallest known microbe is that of influenza. Taper pneumatic tires are in pro cess of experiment. Pneumatic tires havo been found very serviceable on hospital ambu lances. The moon is believed to be the only member of the planetary system w hich is without an atmosphere. Moss grows thickest on the north side of hills, mid a sun-exposed tree lias its largest limbs on the south side. German civil engineers w ill erect a monument in Berlin to the memory of Dr. Warner von Siemens, tho fa mous electrician und inventor. The largest mammoth found in Si beria measured seventeen feet long and ten feet in height. Tho tusks weighed M pounds. The head w ith out the tusks weighed 411 pounds. Sand filtration of water similar to tbo Knglish plan has I n tried in Lawrence, Mass., where typhoid fever lias been very prevalent, with the re sult of general improvements in the public health. A course of lectures at tho Royal Institution which has created much interest is that by Captain Abney, on color blindness. Excessive tobacco smoking has long been known to bo an important factor in color blindness, and Captain Abney indorses the truth of this observation. Hypodermic injection was discov ered by Majelidie. Morphia is per haps the most familiar drug so used. IS tit the variety of drugs is very great ; and there am numerous cases in which life would certainly lm lost if there was lm way of medicating the patient except through tho mouth. L.l . IL S3 grert qualities m F making a trial of it. The ROYAL BAKING POWDER takes the place of soda and cream of tartar, is more convenient, more eco nomical, and makes the biscuit, cake, pudding and dumpling lighter, sweeter, more delicious and wholesome. Those who take pride in making the finest food say that it h quite indispen sable therefor. to in ROYAL BAKING POWDCR A SnrRfnii'it Terrible Mistake. "A few years ago," said CharLs ,T. Tatterson, of Philadelphia, "I learned the secret of the life of a man who had passed more than a quarter (if a century with scarcely a sinllo He had been a physician and surgeon, and on one occasion had to remove an injured eye In order to save the other eye, and prevent total blind ness. The night before the opera tion he had been drinking heavily with s-iiiie friends, and, although the following rooming ho was sober, his hand was unsteady and his nerves i;ustiung. "After administering chlorof inn he ma le a fatal aril horrible blunder, removing the well eye by mistake, find thus consigning his patient to perpetual blindness. The moment be discovered his error he turned the man over to a competent surgeon, deeded everything he possessed to him, and hurried from the ne ghlar hoo I like a convicted thlof. Tho te- niainder of his life was one constant round of remorse, and he rapidly developed into a confirmed misan thrope. The secret of his life was known to a number of people, but when it was finally revealed 10 me it explained a mystery, and made me respect- the man, for however grave was his original blunder, which in some resp-cts was. of course, worse than ;i crime, his repentance was of the n n-t gt nuine character." New York llecoider. "Tvvas Not a ',i Mingo, Tlefore the eccentric (Jcorgn C. Mbn became a tragedian he was a rircnit, clergyman In Iowa, and was the pet of the women of his circuit. When lie appeared as a star over the same circuit his feminine admirers vied with each other as to which eou'd present him with the large-1 and handsomest lttiqu"t, writes Marie Adair, in the Chicago Inter ( Jcean. In Iowa City he appeared as Rich ard III. A lady satin a box with the most monstrtus bouquet the florist could furnish. Frank Tannehill, Sr., assumed the parts of Ituckinghain and the dead king. Instead or using a super, as is customary, tn He upon tlv bier, Mr. Miln insisted that Mr. Tannehill should lie there In his robes. As the funeral pageant crossed th ? stage, this lady, not being a great frequenter cf the theater, regarded this as the most fitting time to pre sent the bouquet. As the cortege reached the center of the stae, the well-meaning wom an arose from her seat in the box, and with all her strength hurled a bouquet to the stage, It struck Mr. Tannehill In the face with such force that he decided it was a cabbage, and regardel the situation as too hazardous to permit his longer pos ing on the bier. He sprang to the stage and quickly made his exit. Si 00 Ilrwtrd. CI 00. "The render of this iwiM-r w ill b juYmea" fo lenni that there ts at lmt one ilri'iiilril UisenKO Hint seienec Iir tieennlile to cure in nil its MasrFjT nml thul is i-alurrli. Hull's Caliirrti Cure is tho only punitive cure now known to the mctliral fr ilernity. Catarrh beintf ncou sliluiKinnl ilisenso, requires a const it utiiinnl trt'iitineiit. Unit's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, net intt dlreetly upon the blooil ion I niueiiits HUi'fnces of the. sstetn, therehy cte ftrnyint; tho foundation of the ilisense, ami Riving t lie uf lent nn-ni(tli by hiiililinu' up tho I'oneiitiitlou and OKtaKtiiiK nature in doing its work. The. proprietors liave so much faith la . , ; n j " dred lliillaraforany cuse that It fulls toturo. i fceml fur of testimonial.). Address Its curative powers turn they otter lini' una 3T bold by DruKK-si, IV, ' ' j In lSi'ei it is siil'l that it liook, name not i L'ivcii, wus printed from vuleuiiized ruliher , itlllllpH. Pare and Wholesome Quality Corameuds to public approval the California I liquid lii.tlve remedy. Syrup of Flva. It la pleasant to the taste and by acting (tertly on the kidney, liver and bowels to cleans the system effectually. It promotes the health and rnnifort of all who use It, and with millions It Is the boil and only remedy. The oldest university iu Smith America Is Hint of Chile founded in 1741. I'r. Kilmer! BwAXf-lloot euros all Kidney and lilndder trouble 1'nniphlct nml Consultation frou. Laboratory liinglmmton, N. Y. IVnbodv houses tor tho poor were, opened In London in 1G4. Karl's Clover Koot, the crcat blond purifier. r'.ves freshness and clearness to the rumples iu aud euros constipation, 15 els., SUcts. i A locomotive lnsts fifteen years and cr:is about $.H).0IH). PJioney in unitL-y nr rimnifruo yiuiiLi in iiiiuaiiitki nr you KNOW HOW To knp them, bat It Is sronf lolrt the poor thin(s Butler sad Die of the u rous Maladies whirh altll-t Ui'-m trben la a rnaiority of casrs a eon d hsve been affected aid the owner poioesaed a Utile knowl rdec. such as csu be pro cured from las ONE HUNDRED PAGE BOOK ' offer, embracing the t acT.cA. fcxrtn:a. oi TIIIiRE arc any house keepers not using ROYAL HAKINC, POWDER, its l warrant them in iSM I 1 m i CO., 106 WALL 6T., NEW-YORK. Not I'.xp: ai d to tho lltiomy. Prince Napoleon and Count Mer cler, with their suite, were once visit Ing within the Confederate llne;dur ing our civil and. riding along tho Fairfax turnpike, they came up on Ma.ior F. G. Skinner and a body of Southern veterans. Skinner lcfCi his men in charge of a Jcoior officer and approached the party. He had been educated in France under tho patrnnege of th Marquis do La fayette, and Prince Napdeon, who received him warmly, making some re mark about the soldierly arp 'aranco of his t mops dust at that moment an evolution brought th" men into such a posit'on that they turned their backs upon the distinguished visitors. '1 heir trousers showed the w rst effects of their usage. Tho Prince could not repress a amllo ns his eye ran along the line of big and little holes. Hut Ma.ior Skinner, with characteristic wit, said: "tientle men. you see there the side of our soldiers which has never yet been, and 1 hope never may be, seen by the enemy." PIERCE CUBE or pionky is itrri NUKD. Pisca-sp follow a run down system with tbo liver inactive nml the blond disordered. Pimples, Huils, Sores, Carbuncles, riivrs, B'al like mniiifcstatioiis of impure blood, fciiniiM Ik' driven nut. of the system with lr. Pierce's tfoldou Mistical Discovery. Mrs. KriiN, of MS E. Ifitll Street, Arie 1'nrft ( tti, wrili-8 ns follows: " It pi' uses me to stnte t tint I hnd ft run ning core upon my iierk. mid tool it oper uli'l upon three times, find still it was not fund. I whs hUk ruu down very much. Tin-re wnH n decided I'hmme niter u'm ' Dr. 1'ierec'slioluen Medicul lliseoeery,' 1 took a few tmtilca and w Boon cured. Iter my liiiHluiiid had a lump Ih IiIii.I liiH enr: he tried Mits. Kunrt. your niedieine, and one bottle cured him. 1 ehall always reuuiumeud your medicines. Gold Wa tc h Free. A lliintlip.- Cnfio. rh v r , clcfvnntl.v tiiciiiviil, I t It. Mm ir. i l;i tfl nirli, lllti tl w Hi rtno tVirhrut il ( Jutnv Mrkltl Mirvrnifiit. ojtinl m niH'a fti.c i ii v Wi'i t nich. : ml y. i; imiMf u "l ii-Mn i". hum l t onltT i Imtoilure .. rtuii-M v t nl m ml :j 1in 10 . nil fl tit unit Vi'i ffil.i l htiirn I r &?.?.". ); uti in: (, vi h i tl I rlunt- ami ntiJi tv v Tt . O. Jl. ?.?.! ttiilimi! liny lcioil. Aids .Hiitii(iitlf). If Mill ftH'Inrv, ny t X(n.KinK' lit ; If Hot, don't if kn ihriii. rnlpcio C'lttftr Co., Mfi Wr-l 3 Ith Mrcff, Nrw lurk. . L. Douglas 93 SHOE IS THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING 45. CORDOVAN, 4.J.5-0 FiNCALf&KAN6AKH $3.5PP0LICE,3 Soles. 4,s?.2.W0RKINGMenj extra fine. Boys'SchoolShoes. LADIES' SEND t UK tA I ALUuUe WL-DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. You run novo money by wcnrlog tho V. h. Douglas S3.00 Phoe. Herniine, wo nro th largest nanufarlnrrn of thl gruiloor shoo iotlioworKl, on.inuaronU'O their aluo by Rt.mii'hiR tho namo and price on tho tsittom, wtin-n prilled you nsawn nign pores nnu , ni,idleman proSn. Our allocs .uul eiutoiu Wlirk m ,.,,, M,y miDg tni woar untitles. We have t!i, 'in s 'Id everywhere at lowi-r prices f"r the value Klven than any other make. T.ike no sub stitute. If your dealer eaasut supply you, wo can. Shorthand! and Tvi'Kwiimsi) will tuiodit vim In tho IM-Ht shorthand I'nl leue 111 the world fur fr, per ni-iittli. Ilu'ii why- tiuy $.u.' If y. u think SaviMhis i. K STRAYER'S COLLECf "st" " ' til money tiesldes other valiia ! preni uiiii in K,,od frup.ifr.i. 1!iim bill Ifnolerrt. enteb an. Siii oiler in IIII1IK AMI 1(11 Till 'I lilt. .INK. I'rlis. a."' '-e ill. samth' .Mftitnilre ea'i lo Mi' i a nl full p.lrtletl ar.i ohl.iln ,d ul th'H iirn-e. All Newsdealer, or .11 Kail lilt i Street New X- rk I iv. f! J,l1 Jl V.'l-H'Jffc IJ Consumptives and people t,W who have woak lungs or Asth ma, should use Plso's Core for Consumption. It has cared ed one. It Is not bad to tak 1.1 Ulstbe best cougb syrup. b?l Sola ererywhere. S6c ft i Chickens. s nun wnoarvotea ZSrar oi hip nie toi UiHUt.e-rm; a rou.Tn.ic yard as a lll'sl.NKSS. not as a pss time. As ibe llTios of him self and family uYprnceW on II. he cave the subiecl soi-h attention as enly a Aeed nl bread will com Distill, snd the result a grtoid success, after he had Hpent much money and Insl hiimlredii of valuable chick enslnesiieriaienlirf. Wr,al ke Itanted lo all these vcarj Is embodied In this biMik. h!rh we send postpaid fot 25 cant in inmi,.. Uaches o.t how loDitecl ami Cure Dmesscs. ho-.v 'a Feed for Egrs sr.d also for Fsiienmir. nhli h Fowls Save, for Hnsdlhg Purposes and everything. Indeed. ,s ahould know on this subject book run. r.otrsK IM Leonard B( N. Y. Ciasi r r 3 r n 0 i & 1 1