3- j&h (Eha'kam Swarf TlllKSntV. KErTKMIir.it SI, IVf J. H. A. LONDON. Editor. mocmtk wmm roil STATE Titt.ASl'i:i:U, S. M. D. TATE, Of Uuike County. Kill! C'ltl JfSTIl'K. JAMES E .SiiiaMIEKD, of Beaufort County. Kill AS-lK'IATi: jrSTliKS, WALTEli CLANK, i.f Wake county. 'JAMES O M.u K AE, of Cuuibi -rlaud. AKMIS IE tDLTUWELL, of Mwk leuburg. KOll JI'IuiKri SU'EMOB OOlUlT, 3rd District, J .COB CATTLE, ith District. WILLIAM R ALLEN. Stb District. EEN.IAMIN F. LUNG, ib Dish, WILLIAM N. MEBANE. TOtb Dist., WILLIAM li. COUNCIL, Jr. mh Dint, II. EASCOM CAIiTEll. For ConHOoss Emu !li Con". Dist., CliAULES .V. COOKE, of Fmiikiin county. Fur Solicit or, Eifil. Judicial District, EDWAl.D S. PAliKEE, of Alamance county. El'nION lias been iliM.strolls to all jiolitical jiartii'H bereloiore attenijit ini; it, just us will be ibo fusion c.t -teinled by ibo laiers of the rt pub itiih nnd p.ipulist iartieti in t bis Slate. Soino times iusion at iirnt .nay bo MieeessCul, but in the end it is sure to be disastrous to tbe partii-s tttteinptiiii,' it. I ti pi-nol of tliis may bo eited tlio fii-imi ailomptcd by ti.e jw-mu-lisls ai. J democrats in Kai.s-iS, Colorado, Oregon and other wtsUrn hitiite.s, and also tlio jumoii alien. pktiiJ Ly tbo opuiists and ropublieaiis in Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee and Virginia. In Kansas, wliero the republicans were largely in tbe majority, Ibo populists and demo crats fused and curried tlio State, ami elected to the United Sti.tes Senate a pupuli.n (I'l-fici) and a 'democrat (.Martin), but noiv each el these two parlies is weaker than it Was before tbe fusion, and in Novem I ber tbe rejnib! ic ns will carry Kansas by a large majority. In ( tregi'm thoj fusion betsvi-i-n the populists and j ieiuocrau wan at tliot buecessf'ul, j but nt tiio next eleetiuii the icpubii i can swept ttio Sute, and today the populist and detiiociutiu ..u-tic-; in Oregon are, each, almost cniiibihi tcd. And likewise ia the Soutliern Stutesi, in which the pojnilists imhI republicans attempted u lu.iloi., it has signally failed, us was demon strated at tbe recent eleetior.H, Ala bama, A ri:r, !:.!..- .ni I '!'.'!.:. .'.-or, tx'.i, having gone democratic .by i;"-.r whelming uiaj'i.iiie;. It will be noted from tins above thut the populists fu se with anybody or any part'. In democratic states tlioy fuse with republicans and in republican states they fuse with democrats. Wit!, them il is any body, Lord, or any party, that will liolp them to L'. l the oi'ii'-es I hut like al! unholy alliances, all thofo saeritiecs i political principles ore disastrous ami blighting to the parties making them. '-Honesty is the best poliey" in politics, as it is in business in tbo long rin. Just as tbo jieople of the United States have come iu sight ol the 'promine.d bind", some of them (like tho discontented Israelites) are sigh ing for tho "flesh pots ot Egypt". For many years a largo portion of the citizens of this country, consti tuting tho democratic !: rty , bavo been advocating and striving for tariff reform and a reduction of tax ation, and now, alter long years ot woary waiting and vigorous cilort, they aro about to realize tbo fruits erf their long struggle, it is seriously proposed to go back, to return to thu old eondiiion of affairs and again put in power the republican party. Does it not seem worse than childish folly? In every political campaign, for soveral years past, the chief topic, of discussion has been tbo tariff ques tion. Tho republican party adv.ca tod a high protective tariff, while the democratic purty advocated a reduction of the turill" tax. lt seem, od a useless struggle, so strongly entrenched was tbo republican party . But, though defeated timoand again, tbo democrats did not despair, feel ing assured that truth is mighty and in tbo end mist prevail. At last Ihoir long and persistent struggle was crowned with success, an 1 at tho last election, in lS'J'J, the demo cratic party was victorious and ob taincd control of every department ot tho fodoral govern trier,.. Tbo advocates of tari'T reform bad at last triumphed. And now shall they deliberately ca-t n.iido the fruits of thnir triiiirinli and itirain jdaco in pbwor the old republican party?! Woul uld not Ibis bo political sun ido?: Ot course every scnsiblo man i 'enow that demo; ratic defeat means the re-enactment of tlio fl;onll? Kin ley bill, and yet them are some men, who heretofore have biiteily denounced that bill, and who are now Mt may bo uniiiiciilhuiiiily) doing tlioir utmost to ncconiph.-di Hint very result ! liow strange ami inconsistent ! 1'hb low price ol cotton will bo trn.n'ci lo Lioviliiiai ana t hiii;as by l bo populini speakers, ai:d ll.is rulifulons clunky in ubou! ai tru..-us . fk.itlli, 1.1 ntl'S til'il Ih.'V li''.. ' I..: . of. ( l C'i!iic no .n'UHiiili! i, uin iliinlis b:it Hit' pi iio of totU'ii is at.'o. U-.I by fi titer Cievelund or t.-'onijiess. Ctittfii w:.s very h'njh lliii iy years tu;n licau.-e ol us yroat st art itw iiini tlp--p ' . " . , " " . . ! pill l!l!l.l it iti very low now lieiano of its.' ' , , a:K:urliiiiCk. tlio nenreiiy or ituun-i daiite ol iiioiu-y in this "ouhit dees .... ..iv.w.t .i... ."...;. ...ik... .".i .,n U ... ..... ..,,....,.. 1 1 il...; to. wigo of silver", if all the ilver.j ore hi our western niine. was conit-a t() lK;ieve that tbe greater paii ot it into dollars and scattered luoadciist wt'.i to tbe t.-orkia;.; p.-oph- iu tun throughout the United Stales, even' Pennies, but their omini.-n gr. -w tlieli the puce ol colloo would be i.s , J , , ,,,, ' 'pinvcr grc.v iupM'.v i: e;t p.;,,i:!i:; b.-w nr! it is now. land ruber. Why? XL is suite ot thin.rs tiMno.l Ibo r,t Eeeauso the jirieo of our cotton is ; tcuti-.m ot the tiunKirrf p.'.'p'c- i;:.i re-ulatedandcontroiiedin Mngland. i oikin po..pi to me faii-vt .b e-.. " ... ! t,iou of lue ureal ipi.-.-tio;:, and u..-!i K.r .n,.unce, ti.e pnee ! coltim ; u Vj yoWA ou ia if..- lt in Ibis (Uluitriam) diinty is regnbi-1 jt.j.ied by agicat uiajorHy to. h.oi;;' ted by tbe price at Ualeigh ; tholti.i., t.y.tcs.i el' tu:.uti. n Ly i.-ii;-...I.... i,l w ..onl.Mieil bv t!ie ! awtiv Hie I'euluie of it pi'vit.-i l i'.u ti-e price at New York, nnd Ibo prive at ! ee: 'New York is regulated by the pri j at l.i verjmol. No man ean tnuhiui :y 1 I deny this. And vol some men are! ; ... ;., .,,-.., i .... i.e. in, lie... I ih r,-.-il I'.-' i. .. .i . ..i.i .... i , . ' I I,, net e e i . ..- i-n ti ilii,i i i gress are ropes-oie ior ...epie:-e,u low price i'i eolion .', . .J - WiiYshould oeuu -eiats ami repe.b-! licaimtryto .lest.oy their old pa. ties by joining the populists? What ean they possibly gain by so doing? The populists say lhat "both the old parties are corrupt" arid tbeie foro they ought to bo destroyed. Oncol their favorite campaign sol. is, "(ioo.ibyc old party, go.-.ib; e ". Yes, tiiey call on .".d repubiicati. t" leave their old p n lo bid it lye--aiid join litem, and in .':!. iiiaiiiier they tail on :;!! democrat to do likewise. Will either rcpublh'ans or d'.-nio -crals be so tooji.-i. as to listen o. this siren song? Willi'!-! !. n.o-!-:.t .i b-riV" tbi'irgrai'.d oid piny, rendered i!:-.' ti-ious by r-rn-h leaders as .leiV.-r-.":: Jackson, Calhoun, our own Yar.ee j and bests ot others? Or ,,:, ; i iviut,i'c.tns tt'Hve uieir ou. parw.i.. that was elevated to siteh power ly j Lincn'n. lira. it and Gartiel-.! ? And for what? Surely not to join ai party with such leadei .i as I'-'iler. J Jel'i'V Siieo-iuip :;ii! .M'-J. I e.i.-e ' j hat k Have ,'y , ;, :-fj.-.-;u ' Itcpubiicttiis itPbcIliii-,'. mioi'UI tn ibo 1'L.irlriiie Ot firrTcr. J.'ai.i.ioh, Sept. -To a looker on, lusim. in Wake coetity appears to lie break;n: ilnwu. 1 tie promi.tcnl JSvpuMi.-u ut who pretend i to .-upirt the lic-bei. are .ining -! v. i ci-.i'l L eMbusia'o.ii a'. ! .l!im;st Willi s:i aoi.t ited iic-in- for it-: delea' 2i. etlort is bv'!i:r made lo cmtv ihe ticket. Nalaralis , b'epiibiican.- don l , care to ne re ported as "ppo-ing their 1 I-arty, bat it I- no wecret hen- thai Hou. John Nichols, lio- ex n:-.-n;ber 1 ot Cofiirress and one of tin; im.;; ; prominent kepuhiifuiix ot she Suite, and m.iov o.liev ioading t.'epnbb-j cans, ate i.n-.ing but little interest ie. : the ch-cii.ii, and say they don't cure j to ho tie I band and hint ;,i Ti iKI'V- '( tred to 1 ii iter. E.i Johns' ii. one .1" tbe leading colored men oi ibis city, I a lawyer, man ot property ami char- j acter, and chairman of the llepubli- can district committee, ami many i f i the best colored men. denounce the! selboiit and refuse to be sold to But- ler. 1 lii'so men want lo muue :i: slraigni iu pu iiiican i.giu ami ina.i.- lam li.ti Kwruniiianorganizauon. laet ThoKepubiicunsaivuphohl-! in.' Milliken. th.-ir candidate tor Congress, and say that Ihey will never vole lor the Populist Sirowd, who is an avowed free trader. Much the sumo state ol demorali zation exists among tbe l'opuiisl.-. Manv ot their best men are refirn ing to the hemocratic party. They are tlisgusled at Butler's arrogance and his assumption f iiutb.ority lo direct their votes. They I'.dlo'.-. ed him as long us bis course -eeiie."! honest and sincere, but when they saw be had bartered away their prtnoip:...' ana agrc... to net er u.cir votes lo the l.epitO.itaas tor a seal in ibo Senate, thev real'"U how far! " , . . -I , . ney nan gOkien no... j..i.ic...e inld.,ul.y L,e uW Hng'.ud Uui.u.'jc personal b.onor. I- i Buller recently sent a letter to eaeh count v committee, ! diiectiiu' all Poiilliists to vote tho1, Republican ticket whonever there was no ropuiisiucKoi. i , people , of two par- oncnlv Hiirri'iiderine all their i principles ior tho mere hope of ollico. ; Not a day passes but sumo j'rut.i-: incut Populist '..Mini: nccs bis disgust -and quits. He can't stand tho 'But- j er co ar. and lie sees thai each : t. Il..i ...ut ......... ir Mr. Iti,l!,.r . I . , ' '.-..' is tbo only the only man w no ever n en in ; orrh Carolina and who pn un,ed i , have tho power to duvci men v. no ever n von in N to how to vote, and at the sum! etec . be forccM Ion followers In vote lion be lor Democrats, i publican anil i'op llislS. Eev. Frank L. Keid died atfireens ho!-) la.-t Sunday, agetf H years. Tk" Di'inncnitio Tut JIT Larv. Mm Hie Demiirrallu Hnml-'Jook. 'I bi lucdt import:-:. 1 IojiShHUjii c the j :-.; i. v. 1;-;: ti.tr xViir Lav. It p-.v.-id-.-a r.'i' l::::-iu;, icctu-y !o n:. the Government, and in U':it way !:jO,u-si citizen direct Jv or i:uhiocllv. The t-i who brine u gooda Wl any sort are d!r vtly .-.iTected by its. opuiations: too jfrt il msisr-rf oi tt.c peoplo wbo lira tbfir cuutow ludirti'tiy uiTi'OttJ, !nt . ipuily bxIj cni'.so t :(' p.'.y U tin- wwt bio.t tin: , muoau A.!.:h :y- lu iL': (i.-vci n i '' ;o tl' l'iu'4' l ': ! "t'f.lit Oil wlildl bo 1 i 1 tilt! tr.ilL .Is on which be 11 1 Now, under tLe lavs by ! tbol.'out'rcrsea m liieb ih. ii.-i itb'iect.i. c'btn!iftl. tbi.e 0:il;f j i r iui. I ; bt-wi (-y.-u .nutHMiliy un.l ro;;ube i Iliif: V t'v i.b lli.'1 js tViiCf .in-.!. i:r.t s'. .!. yri iv! to I lie Ann'! i . ti'riir.-t u U'ini t ovt i j . i J?ul tb- i-f'fii !'.' for bin ini.-aui- I'i Tit of ptriotip.n rt!.d.r:rct. ....i,(,i ..nil v I iii'V fnrhru r to iviiinliii' Ulis i9X 1,,.,.,. they weiv inukU- .lniLUiaclui'crs. It wuj com lut iv.'lv : proved tlwll the rii litr L: til ,". li." ' . i ,- , . ....... , ...! J.'.IIU.: e-e.i. i.i I',... ii , ... i .'.in . ;i,o poii!.' liie li-.i.-',, si' :.- b.-iu iit . w Lutcvcr. Exiu.tlV how f.r . eii.it. ;-'..' shoii.U ro lli it. ;i i tliei.- r!'ii.eiu.ilive.-.. o.jVv:', !.! l"l: tuvU'-lC-5. SeMCl'lVor. ii , yA iC..-,.:,u. I...! ' n,uii iL.!;r, a fti-muiui t ;ri: it: !:.'. ju - bl. A-i U ttlJ.i tlit e lie if d:s a;,icciiie!iis ln.t icmper iua-.lo tv.Ax j 'T Z"""..''!.. ' Of Ot UMU teeie v.ere; t'ueto UiO. it thvC bid l:lo'.lt-S .li 1 llo'. ; govern. The iari.l Law pas,d bv ttii' 1. luOclritie t .V.j.;tv. i.:s -'i'j- i,Mtf',(.';y r- tSjei -.; tot "..i tuny! L-lilg e l!.!i.;t ll.il 1' it- lllllil.e..'. O, ! to am U ..:t-u .-.uu.-.-. ' !'. i'i ih.ti i y j L.:-t i; -.s. ...1 ti.e a;.-..:.:e. n'.i.'e e 1 1 y pi;r i:a.- r ; :i - b i ;i !','; : -. ;.; ! ' ei. ;v. .i v. .- i . ' : -.iu.' ter a:-!: Li.- :.n.'. . t; ; -. .ikl.li;..: : nt vtir-.trv i: i ooiivy. li, :::.' :! : t r u :': ' r uch u iuat-ieriy un ieu'i' .') ..i.v that lioLC of the C'lninllii'. - viii''h li e iu- puoiieuns pre.t.cte.t tiuwnroini. to pviri, 'out. on tlio eontiv.ry, u o c Kiiii.-n oi l ..j 1, , . k:. i.U- i,,,,.. m . .1 l'i , Sol :., ilt HIlli loiter mt'ler irs peH'eruii.;ik-e of tbeni. 't b. s ci- an-I no t no n:w ground, aud will not have n s-tar iji or o l-ULiici when it U tluo'.igu w.'t'. il. j.; . I 1 : !.-. 1 T .' i... '.... t have pel iaan-..t. prct,i'k ! io.:'. The Republican i.i-.s wi-io . o eon. phi-ad d that ;t ion1; ro: --Xpert to ex tiluin them, whin., lu dev i?-u-.-- Icniao b'W H.e vi t. vv-nei.i e.m be u.ait ri.o.t i.y ,o. eo.-ibg- nt i.e.r. i: w' oe-. ."i.-.rpt. . c-. . a; ... ; piv.. : .: ; i..". b.J!--. m ' ; ,,.:!!: - I . i.d '.'.'.' '.tv. It v.. on I- io.- pi.rp' ..-e i : : ir.; thv e'-.'. to g:v: a f'-t ' of t !'C n' t .-. n-r, tnn. iir.o evt ry d-.y c.-t -lint .- -ir- ti:.; and the p, i ei-:i:r.;' t. is t - - i l-: i -. i-ion-i e.-.i ; ie ffm - 1 , r.ri ii t- ti.e ti. ic tla- j)...rn.vrat.'. -ph.; it !:; - ti tnk. :i ' il ol j-,),....vje .;.;,;, -.tl ie't'. c:',!--- !.. u,t. the mai'iif.trtvt-f. '" r-.'' tnc buii' r.'.i; ;.- . r-t bt-.i ,,i,..o, . (.5j ln .. .,. i..ri..'ihi. lit; .' pu inors oi Nortb ilni-oiin.i buy ."!' j,Ul,u 0?l(, Lui dre.'i tboumind ioiid of feitiiier3 a year. Taking the (;.:; off 0f one bait id the iii.iteinil tint j:.:o! t0 i L. i.-t at.ictitit up must ci.ii.p- fcli i, iti!ier.t Veiy eon.sid t-rably. The plo.Vr,, i.ooit.. -Kid ib U '..I'-fOW:- 0 Ill- , l iiOOl I - ,L'ut .. p-r; 1-i.t.lfi'' lu:i ClD.1. under Iho nepnOiiCi'.li nr.. me Uol liiXCii at ail tiie.lil' the 1 'i.iioei atie iiW. The ii-iui-i-j oi the United Slate;; ..ii; ta-.c ica uiihioutoi lioilai'ii ia the iklioiciiee i:i pnee. Tho !;ii;M 'but e .er ihi-r ' ,i :u and cotton and tho li'.ino thai, nc.vs them aiu live. The North C irolin t frirm-'r in r c Cgu'Ufd at last aud the luatk'iiaib ici bit. e-.trj day wot k c.iuo el i -a per to bi. hand:., ibnt is a ri form, to : ay nctbiiig of the bilge nuiikiia ai i.oio and iiliroitii that il op..m; up sot n.-ii. T pu naLae-u laws were ..i.ide i( , . . , . .,.,,. , the m oiiilaitiirei , cf Uie i-.i..:il...u'lili- , er. ail.l O. lilt i'l'-'-ino ei ,li . l , J 'il j l in- ii tut. :.ii.-.'-i'.i.-e,.ii:.f, j'ut j.ii). , " : .V. ' , . ffUl n , . I ". : ...ir. i- ... v . J , . .......... t . .. . ' of tiit: T(.nir Fi.d. i , in laX bw wlciro tt0lll wus taxed bigbi.-st it louched Ibo lowest piioo ever leae.iiod. i'in; far-li:'l- pain Lb'. higbe--i lieo im' Wooh-ii p.i.io.. and (.'ot the least pi ice ior t'uv wool he ii-..-i.."."l to wake '.hem oat uf. I'alies on a'l woohn. I'o'.l.i.e, i-rel Colli. I' goi.-da have bc-.-".i largely i.-si n !,.! u.i ti.'.t il I., r.e.w iii the r.owei- ui ; ' : . , -- the purcu-.r-or to -.ot .."r and i.ioie -f tuen ior .,,;! s, :,et nil' r niaieii .:. UllC 111 'ti cy innu t v lc.. e. ' ony r,nr and J I.o day labor- i oil r eli.t ;;i ;, sliot s aud but-i tri'.i Lie con,, I io.- no 't l-.e r ".- r-r. Hip Mienn bo'. ; doctor mill i'n larmi.i-. an nov th'.ir I rubber coats clicaper. Tho t bih-n da buy their tinJu-' f.u I 'm-i ..i..l ' t'ockpt.-kiiive:'. ebenper than Ihoy ever io. i.i:-"., grrit r.iV'.ctie: s hr-ve b: r:i ntad". .' t!;v.j B:.- llr.O. ri.l I.vhir hrr'-1 dor will h: i '.th r rim-.);:.; 1 1 1 - - ; pi epic I it if. ;;': : to be J -rut auNi 1 y niio.l j tt&t .inn :a ti..cd by iho ';ict ais..-. i I srs of'tbo iicop'.o nr'' tux. 1 at a lower ; into limn ttioao tmc-il by rt !i. j V.r ir.ita. K-o. Hie r on. t nn in th.'l t-is on ('.t' j.i-ly uh!! il'ocp in ! n;.i br.'to cn-f.i.i si r.: i'i e i. 1)0 p' V ! ..ent., b.lo tht. utiuetion on er.r- n I v rbe r:c!i i -.ulv 3.5 p-r .v:i!. Jkij Mi Wiuiiy i..!i. .hi fo:.u-.:ry, put u lii ks ii r t:is on to-' cOiiio ii'. tifrli s .io.i l y tin' p'i."i' ;b .n on tut fiiv.r rri!t-!f; founii only in U.t bo'-.-ti.-. i-:' lb-,' .r'.it! y. i'.'u: !:. ',fibif 1 -. rr. i:.--.ro fh'tri ;;.! :t-i i pe.ui'.i ;;! w.w !,'y . '. p. r tei.t ' ; ' : . , UeKiaiey l..-,:-,'. i'-. in S-.'pMi-,-:;! : ;'.:.::.( v-:;!.:.-.t nr. -tvi en !'l :nl f R 'HMiii-1 ..'.:.'.! ::o,v ! cent. : iitKitiky tScii tUou -.'ooi h.Us vilued b-Mween 00 ntnl j ! JO ccntH n prnm! e.rc now faxed .".O per cent : ' b-!iii j,-y ! ixed hem Inli ' ; per ee' t. Tbe t.rili;0 iigurt-s apj-ly ! to tl i!,:ie! il'.. d;'! wr:i,'. ! ! Tilv tax -in -. ;-v.-.i r,:;uiy i-vtie'c:. ; 'ib.il U -id i'i i'l'- iii-.I'.ll'i'MCtnT'.oi j I , '.'.iri.t) 3 'id 1'ierih.i!. h: i-n- . jbi kii i ::;i'V'y leniovi-.'. 1 ibo (,. ; j. n oibcri. b;..-been l;ii--i iy r.-.luv-.l. j Is.) that tl.e e,.-,t ot ibeso things toi ' ;'.e ei.-n-.unu r will be or'-'.t'y tJiniir.- i i.-i.eil. .-.'id v.v i-i.iy now expect that ' !-! t iti ofhr.v prie;:;. j I Tn tTooien .;.'. -..In nlone tbe p.ivi; !to tbj pcopl. v iit be gr.-iit. I ! It i-) eoi'o uted that the r est of . tv.'tii; e i is." .'.v'ie via it ' ai ls LT .( !'). Tl i.. is i-mrnl b mo nnpor.cn ' -o.! a:-. ! 1 '.. Of.iituets ; our !:r - , , , ,. : d i'i li . e. t.;.o. I"" ' and then allowing --r ft ..: - evcr ;L- .b et.i.eanl ?t-t:ir. orit I 'ldef tbe i.c v JiUV it j.s O-ti:. 'lied I'i'il, lie.' s:'.;-V f ,.,-, ., tl .it the e.i- l to t!;e iv.'pie- wilt be. SSTO.ril I, boo. il.c- 'i-o!':i.' '--ill llr.:s save n eio- ;.Hl.,!N.-ii'''i iu v.e.Iia ,.il'e. . artu ii'S- 'lii-ir .!. i;iT i-i other urtic'ies be criiiJo of !'.i-.. r .rieen '.vol eel t'li.tly lit'j.lU!.'. IO 1 l.illiiHI doilavs. ;!';:;; ;i;t:l Dc.d ; ttt f ion. ot: 1. .O . W - i ., ,e...! it y.y. .. : i'i ,,,-..,' :' K- e (f..! f -,r-- io,- . k.u; i ... ti..- ' .ti ' 1 1. '-' .';!', i v-i-i.-ry !.:.. .- w , .'. !;:! u;o-.: : i ' bv t'.e i-l v. h'e.-li evep! over lint. -ie!ie:i 0! :'. eoeu'.ry hu.t lo..,!tt- i Nortb of t'tctiiider the family r f : AHx 1 ioii'di :i, io.ii- ia uuoiber, v, l;;!..i Itisl. Ui-.'.,r. in I 'hi i'i Crei I: town- tho louse of CJeorgo llobnau, I ti.i. !i vo ls Ami droi.n.'tl ' -till .;aeh fore., p.-) to wreek il Ui ,t w. iv It .vn.r.n and wifo f : a ,:..e - ft': ei'inl.'") .i i .' bv-.lip :-j " killed iil ni,-:.' eoiie.'r1. C" l i'i'.v ': i iri-.rd i it!-! p.-.' ,! i. 'oiiiihii'!: li. i:: r Miv bi I . 1 . . ' I. : .'.'- iLif-'. I. .'.if ti.e i ; ' il:.' e.tv ''';!' r-'ij-iei- o" : c si to:. 00 :.,.:-. :.t ot v.-". id ti 1 kJ..idt lit e ? woo.i. Ibo r il I' ;l .!,i-lev t'--i-J li": --'I i ot ! .... .- t-i'ttofc. I h ib .1 i e::f' I ni.: t .U.'.h ;u..'.t :-. . ,. ! ::;' i i:t . i- I I.l'i iil.t. j.i.l.k t lb', eliy. ilcv; . a. i 'kV i-ii!Nvl'oN, i' 1:111 :.'t:'i lil"1 .o.lKMiir ii..--. ! l!:" i;e.: li " ' li..- d.'i'0::i!- . i. -Tiie gee .i ! b'.l .in- -: . li'C ll;-;.-t.: '!' r.iil.l! li.'!'."' 1 1; 1 .-.! 1 m .f'l'.'-i- :- oi !' ,i" ;.. il,., s.mia ...mi S.iutli west . ; "". .. ... .I..i... 1' I ail'.l WUIiO He.' lie.i-m. ink.,',. .;. s uv .s u.o,.o' ul must to ikocommotlatti all wno asK ; !,.r sin.'iil moil..-., it cannot always -M-i'b .-i:cd. V le ; ' , n. ' i I etei'i-i.ee is i'i veil 10 ol llel i win ii e'.i'.'l h- pOMicd for -ei:'.d ie.; is, a il i Il e i'-iiey t-t the tieas-'.i-v t, bu'tbl up i:-- 'id riM-rve i.y 'n g.p'ii.iii ' ,.--o.-. la loo f ' d '? i.'.-i i:-- ii-u'V uepo.-iiei tor nil'. I. money as tb. b.in'.s oe-ire. an. I r o ih'bi- is oxperi.-nced in liiiing all .n-.ii'is prompt.". In lb-1 We.-t. ho.y. ever, very bub- no lo y of deliomis naiions l..)"cr t . n ti lives and tons is wauled, itl d ibis class of money can be readily sn plied. For the past s,x wc. iistl. ra.iioiinim money sent ii(akin b(.f(,re u. jt I., iho u-ea..ury lor rede. nplion n!li(ri(,, v, Whit... froi ..,i i -1 k . i j i heavy, averaging s'T'i",''"' a :.-.. sii'i-t- Svpteinber let The Il'iiiiii.ictiaJ httnii. J.,--., ' '.i. lid!.; oahr i , Fla . S. pi Ai(-r- racing uiong tl-.e o it r.:i.l ..e-i ti .i.l-j of i ioriiU .mil aio ai iateiiir; p.,I,it9. Ii -poi l.i i-.r-t lent- b'- 14 1 " b,'"l! u J,', "'i',''' .' ediitt d i.vnornre wo. nog e:K.,y I iu :',--v. - i U'jury lo i toi-eog in h , v '( eniinot 1)0 rlilied. At the wire.; i-j ih .t i.laee. fire ilii.ii. ! Till- i.-:oiiu :-0t'!.-ti to tm Ui.ire Vio lent in tho Jmhau river eoi-utty than ti.i.vLri-t., and. o.vii.g to its .OIiC.,.iv,.(l Uj0 iJt.a Hut he would ..low s.i.ivcut-ins, U lau-.igiit 'htttl, i;1( ili. so they ltioved up in ihe tho ora." ;e rop will If ba l!y d i:.:- ' , , , .. trce bo Ik-'hii to '..: . t ':. -'.' iti !l -i:' ea;:-:-! lo -t i .e re. .!:;; 'o the crop ':!! Ii'. l;t 're dit.-!' :.r..." tho; .'erc 'b.'t -.1 the :. . I .:...-in of October I'-i1''- S.n.' 'di-ii.tv. vhor..lV 1 i 'r Vi'i pit-.id. I gieh'y at .-hei;-.ir,; .-..-:. : ua.- -...L ev-'i to ll-iity y.-iis i ;!;. the p. n....i:i I..ry. A .Or'!,:.'" ..id f:.tll li-'.-i'so b-m 'it. 'oicki ti hoi.-i.-o aud t ows in n.i.oi.i. Noribhau p.o.i and uKlmt sectionn oi t'uO S:..'..- Tho Uli-rht (T Populism. Tr'-ni . AUiir.iitV- '.r.iliuMi.ii. 1 of or l eifb-ens in Kan- .-.ni ':tid (Vloi-p.lo view wilb nlnrm f'-.r ret'iili!' f l'opnli:-t ruler in (brsn Sm) 3, pnj Hn!ss tbcro i .1 snortly eh ....... f.u- t.'.t'rr, n uhohr.alo j ,v,,,!' r",:" 1e cx5H,ct,,?- Wlirn tbp Povnlists ,'aini-tl rc.ntrol of Tfinq nnd Coloi-nn, ry slnrloil i lrj?i -Intivn rriwd.fi n;ii';st. o rpo. rifionn iT'd riri:iHN. 'Ybc. l dih'on s ! wf ! ti ' 'i pb '1 mid tbeir ownrra wo'e . i!r b-irlly nny protrption f. r i .-r'r :w."r:y isriifii. I'M frr-nt , I roey lotn.iny c(nmnnio:. vrn-o 1 1 i i s ba.l ,n.'?v hniM up the Wo.- I w m rc.o f 'i f.-.l (Vn jnonvr-i'ir.nw i ! ! of hoi.Hle 1 '.r.l liion. mrd if vf.- ovoi I 1 tl-vor-eno-i t'. -r ?ifiv Inwn wonbl lio ' ; ; -i-1 lo rpvont fbe co'.leeti.in of j 'li-U1 1. i v,i,.,.,iVi Vn'i.'-riiif!.-'-! fi'-t ; , f .:; .irl r. (;. r r.-v i:.ir.;.ri. in tb.!V,. t S.inf.-s. T-irv ; witli.Tr mil in tl:. fTnnr.r'nl cireles of fl-o wot !.'!. K-ics-m arid Colorado wi-p prio-t ifjlly hbtnk lifted Hrnl ps'ifo denlino.1 rmv.Vv. n'i.1 fhev' .vcro no Iniy.-'i-.i. Well fo do pp'-.pio 1'ioved r.-.vny. nnd coin mt'm nnd industrv wcrcuilf pnrn-!v-ed ":'!,: e.i.-i tbe (onditiin of nfTiirs i? i .-bort time afi'-r tbf Uopulists ;; t into power, nnd miMeis have Iffn f-.-rcwinir worfie erp, pinee. "'l:o dh-conffut 'f tbo peppln liia j.ro ! vo'o-d :u oideni'e of 1'iw'cpsnf s--. r.nd .'.!,! iiutb.i' iiios bavo done wry l;Me j to TOi!inh 'h intere!-:!'! of p'-aee find ; or.'.er. Such r.u obje.-t lesson eoiild ! i! ! l o !i.;!.t!y passed over by tlio of oti.f-r St at oh. and i t is a 1 1 ;,.'i;in,':'iif f.nl that Eonuiiiuu has . ri ii.-'-.p,1. i! e!i-.i:r: in K .t -:-as ai d ",ri,bi - a.b). it br.' dfclined . v, ivv.berp i 1 ;e tn n .b7.i S'nhivi tbi.ns iti.1 (1-,,.,1 who j lin. d t iie l'oisilisi s ,.. i.,.-,. ... .i,,.,, ,, . ;t ; ,,.( : oioil::. TL'-e .::r:r f HI') ml le to ie !- :- ti- '.r I : of ?':r; l..t-'i!it.-i in iUo two Smi!;s v.bieh tbi v b'-ive v. II LtL reii ed. :.!'.! tl ev luivec-tio lo l ' 0 eo' cbi.-ioil j, (, 1m.(;i i. i,, t.iy l,P.u..,o .il, if tb-. -..leaf ;-..i!i to eonfroiit . i 'i!i;;o.r wo! !. In the country at hoe.' I'ot'ulini is di'i'd. lis sue. et'r-s in K nt .r-,;. mid Co!-t:do l;i'i!.-d it. e. d no v. i y fit. it.j.'l. t tl'or! will Lf m .'.,! I'.iiyv-. 1'.-re to revive thecoipe. i'lij. 'ilr.iir '''ii-nTu if'r'ii;:. ' it.'-;. -. l.-.' '-r '-' ,'. --.- i!','-:r-.'i!V. S -or. i --''h : i:v:t- . - '. :n NcWlon i,'--,!.iv. i,( l., . e ' ; . tiii'l ' i t!,ei..-!i"!v e -'it io: i i- '." i row .; p-i. an!" ,i l:-!. i .' -i: . ! :. ' 'i':i. . , . l -ir r- -.r..-- ;u eo.:".iy i X--i- i..r L-. '.'.:,..: 1' ; ... .' i! ;:.(. in- ' i ,-i ei'liely t'ni.ii.'s ' rs, v. in. i.n'.e i'..-e:ii risin ti na nee sin. have, ..o -ay t he inae'isi rates, hi,neit till cntliiU 'I Catawba, wloeb t ver beretojiien ha I money in its treasury to .'.ti.e'k its en.ie:it expenses, to I In; hiiii.iliatinj eondiiion 'l biiving tn create a debt, w hile it hu e been the nridn of has be ret i Ileum.' ratic U ai.t ba lo say li.at sue did ill owe ."ar. .iff l::'r Ni.Jt's. ' !. -idiis i,' ir.. ! tl'.e i.. I- v.iii i.. i r; it ,'.! .:, ;;. ..ii;i-..i. in u-.i.btioii (' l..ri,0 Veil - ie l,f Cell' :li-'-kI OCk t.b '.l' bi . i.i-i :id.'ic" ol xi rj...Vi. i fi i b-o.ii ;, c-!.i ibitr. h lien. i.Mj tieil'l' -..(d i'U'l.i nil i .-.rt -i of ilie r-' .i-.. i v. an; i p- e-p.-e... ,) ' U';"'.. '' fb-' H-o'i-' 1 ei ,; d'..n-.- t-O ; i : : se.ei.-.- J -..f tij' 1'air ,'. ;!; it sc.: :tioi !" v u if?, it. . ;... jhi oi iui-;te!:iiiv it rap in i ' i.'riailv iii.-lioi..' ii '.. i.-i i.o' vvo' o.'if'li 'VkKi-:'..'; .'. j-:.i -, i' i V. i : '-j M'j .' tii..; !: -..-..,':. . '.V I;I.:v, I S . l-nit ii .:)..,' i . :-.'t I .- " . li'f i-e.-i'it.i ; I-.i'lM N-.Vk.'U Viui'ifd (-.ni. t'ii! Slice.-: ; t e i':aln.i o! !.nlo of i h ' ; t--. ; ri 'i .' ; i .;.' i-;te.-'. r.u.;; Voitu-.f 1: ' in .".lot n'.iciii'i.'. i'tsi b s nMiaer oes Hucb a:'ju.-,eri'.'';t.H ar. cm o bi'itids kr.'.fy reeks, n )ro bead , ifiv;., -,.Avv W0..Uc.iS. aviaries au.i - tbebko Entries nnd finnouneci'ienta of eu- '; .-'iv."l to date abeady exceed ... ., ,, tl : list of an v previous Fair held. The ietelii eiu il and pra. tieal pro no i will br lei-ieto with inteust ! .l':ii'i!-!eii:foini:vtio;i. Tbo ra. itig t ii! i' ,r sn'i-p.tsu an ! bit:" ever sl'i ii io N. C . mid mD perieips ni'i il any speed com est ever held in tbe South. ljecidcd iti I Tsvnr itf 1 1: oat It am. Wasiiix-.toN, Sept 25. The Kf-piib lieau con :ier-si'.iiiiil i-oml'iiltfie today .lisiioned ol the last contested noioi ,as llo.i the tec ou-.l North '...-oHe'i distri. ;. nnd was dictd. .1 iu f.t.k.r of ( iijeutUti!. I bo c onte.-tai.ts me brothers rn-law ami t.io both cob. red. CheutU'VJi bus M.rVi a term ia Congr 3'i:ri; u.i Sun: ,: .r- fire jokesand j-jkes, bill there Vns f:..- pi tyed last uighl. by f. yo,!!) .' n tii of Dtirhaui, who : litii'. .-.ii j-'kes tit -, not what they m e pul up j bo. lie wi'l not nUeliipt it uniti. Eo was with a fur. id ai d on Dilhird street ho i-aw bis tinier mid her bubuud COiUU:' ...-.., tin. in Tiiis riioiiT iiiau 'i-'-i li Uiil ell tl' iTi. end HS the 'o.lt.,e w is in the net of pm-sing, thiti ijouiig mull grabbed lnu sb-iicr ill a j WilllJ i-iobilte r. 'i i O iitiobulid let ilv his list u:i i 'ate l'..l- yolll.fi Uiilll n r ..'.nulling liek on the side of tbe I mouth and voilld 1'i.ve foilo.icil it op t. il'o iii ber blows bud it not bom ;.iis.-oveitd tb'.l it was his brothers i in-law. Exp.aniilions followed, and loo toting man is ot Uu: decide! opili inn 'that bis j ike would Hot Joke I A'..'ltb rt rttiir FILL 1 Wllfll I1IDS MINUS THE TARIFF ! ELEGANT STOSS GOODS! Largest aiul isiosl: jjpniar Hsie'of M 0 0 it K Will Lo u asi".l (,) our JicrilEHSON & The Advent Termed ti- ti:.; r:i-rv-Tiiir.n anni'.m. St Mary's School, Xwal-i-iaili, 2T. O. lU-MIV::- AdlresiM tbe lie.-tor. HEV. K. SWEDES t.. VOSI WANT B0K00L BOOKS . -AN:) tisKtm! m mwmimm w mills, ; e int. n'H, J (fit SI iiOirb. i;;0!K (Mi Cl'l-'M I,. ". 7 We- i'uu tjj-'!y ,-v.-:-vS':i:...' j "d ir, i.l'.r line, rtlld at loWC'-l peri.lbi. pi ie( . Wri'e to ua for Catalogue or oibi ; ii'f"l Uj.-iiion. A. WiLUAS & CO., RALE'CU!, K, C. Si l'i. 'JO. l.-.'l. ""cbttS "mi " o''o-jHrx.' rco i iU ti e sa;! mi a s IN THE s. g. im mm n Tin:; it t lli.: :e company nnd tie : el vet- tie p .ii rol'nge of nil Xo-i' CaioliTiiar0. it v;:J i T.fai.k'.ed ie. l.'-ais ai.'! ''. paid nv.-r I;:t!f a ntiliion .V!!:.i.i i: lo:,...:a i;l:d ibi i ii is lioi 11. .' t iii!i u il ciaiiu ::..!: : it : Ail io.-.;-:. p v.-l prom-plli-.unt u.i.u i".';;!it t.- 'Mv. Evel', ili.lllt! b.e. !'' .'1 rrly. For t.-;-:' :, .v . it;- ly f .i 11. A. iiONl-.iIs. .Vd 'NT. w. a. iT:i!:;o.;E, r. u :i-ut. St pirniber 20, ; 1 : 1 J li:.; ;. ..illi 1 -is , v. ... A. DM I NIST I'.ATf ni'S NO I ICE. Iinlnl.-tmiiir ir ..i.y il my ali I..-:-. I,.. II. I lie if rind., ..uil.ll.Ml wiM J. l-l.l ! I , i .: I ill.- . I" UU' "I HI) ' Tll.-:.. IV 'll'.l. !k .t il.ijk-.., "ii -,r Oel'-re Uu; Vi-.-Oi -l.-.y ul , -,t. -ii.n. . . 'sri-ti-, ist i. 4 DM IN: lliivl.il! W. LNTS i l lull S Nut ICE. lln.-liiK .i.iiiiei'it ii.- iwuiii-..; n..t..ri rml-.u. i.e. .ill , 111. .IV I., i , e-.-til II..-1I. ' S..I.IH1I1I..-1- -Jl.li. 1I.-...I. .I lliKf.'i.Ii--.' Hill I"' I'.i .l l.rI Hu ll- ,--......-y. J. A. iOn, ii, ..oAi.n ii . :.ti.. -. tj. i -.i.-1'.ii) r '. . .. . -. 4 DMiNisTitvrofis'Noi ice -! 1VL ll.ivil. ,i.ill'.,!,-.l :.- II..- . in lnl-ri-.i-"in ... I,;.. W. ...:-..v. .'..-.-. ---- -1 . -.ii- '. I" ii no- :.u ...i.it I" l-ri.--..i !l..ir .-liiim-..;.! --kill'.'-". W ...ii-ii,-.- i .1 T .Mi. :....! li h. I .''. Tlii.. is t.i r.iio.i'i n.'ii.y ll:l....-l :iU U....le'0 .--.:.l ' l..vv.'kl- l !.:.i tt. . Inl -lil.e. IS. rt. l.iJ.Ati;. Aui'i'!-. moo.'.' - Ol.TTl C.E SVLE BY YJ It ! ii l.i r.,-r..:.-1 Ao'lil.- Mm ki, in-, I dii.J li- O mi.. I.-. ,1 t.. t.. k i t,. i-.i-i- IK- in ii-' 1 '.,!'' i' -1'-'-'' ' 1 : .l.-.. 1 ,. ll..l.(.l.'!i k- .l.l.'.- 1 -.ill ""'. ."' ' .-.nr. li.niB" ! ' i- "' - in ..t.i'iy "i I r -'.". : liuh ile- .'t ivr.'1'.r, l.-fl, at I- 'Oi' tit-. O.' tr .ei ,.l luii.l .I.-.- ri"- .J l.i i -ii'l ii-.-itii-'-. ill-... 'ii I He- wt- i -iv. el J" ! -"'rii kliii'i-i "' '-. a ii .l'iaa n.o Uu in ,'i ia. I'i". .: nr..'i i...-l '"I.- . ,.r fc I. 11 tllla.kl' I OA. I Sr.yI.JH. IK, I. V'T . W. I I I.I V. A, at . Almost a Nfw V.srK J.uly. That l)t loocrittie. wonder, Th. New Yoik Weekly Win Id. has just : irliaitg.'d its weekly iu.'.i a i-v ice a ; week la'irei. aiid you co. l-.o. g' t ! the two piju'i!. ii wok i.'i luc Mum' ' oid pi ice cl till ur. I Think of ii! '!':'' i - h-"in J.ev.', ! York i.ht a your door 1'itsii e-'e-ry tbiet. .b-.ys 101 pup.-!'-- a ' Wo have n;il wnufgeiu.-i.ts by ! ' which wo en t'li ni.-n t, e iin .1:0 ! 'and thB twice 11 week Ne.V Veil. ' W.iiid ah for only -'2 2t 3,lir- Eeie i t ii:o opp n!-.Jno i" ;;" y lil ...f. a i.e.d jape.- a'... i'i ii.:w, l.uk ! Win hi twice every week at cxliaorJi-, uiuily low lalrj ! i,vi, i.. i. i e ii-.i.:y i.n ( .-.,.! ii.. i in., : elali.!.- iii'iim.-t i-nl.i ,.-.'.1. nl l.'uMil 1 llie I.--.I.I" ', ;.. ill" ml '.- I t-le.-i. 'Ml -J'ly ' s- "I . i-'.v. , , n. a i.iM, ; s,',t. c, in.n. w. a. ei..-Ai,i;. I A I i Jl.ivliii; uui.ll'ii.l lis i . I'-v. .1. C. tl liS'.U. .l.-.-i l.-.-.l. IN (!0ii jT Y. C':i;t! li;;::i iVi-.:;;.!. . WITHERSPOON, wiiv.vi k. n. n. j.,r.:K .. HairiG3 I LAWYERS, J lt'I"'.'n ! JOIiO, C I J-i. !..-. n..-..( k Mil l i- In u,n .nii-o mi Mm nrs Ini l '.vol II. i .Ii.js .t i vli im miiIi au.l ilrlii(f . r .U'i-i. u;n:s, c-mitk,. waoons. a. c. rovjri&p.tio &. co., 1 II i.iN.iTi'.N. Ill j.n.r .'! I.. .i.m.-.i; ...i i;m.:;i:ss I.LATIirr -. ,-";i --. m.ioi i w.'i strTI.K:-!, i ' i , '. .!..; Mi Hint mm uiXKIir, p ...-!. ... v li i- r i.i.n.i.s. vu.vi:i:s. i-movs, fi.ko i M:r,, vui;i:l it.tuii tvs. l t .MHa or nit : .. ' nv- ' .:. I". :". :Ta:.. i.'I-' ... 1 iivit-n.-.U, .?"!, fO'in 0..' , r.:-i - i!i." -, !.:e i-.:ii- i-t.-tf, ;v.-i.y. k AllkJ-l-.t tl. IS-l 11;,. LSiKSiLLS, li C. "'his is to p. mind you that tho -,j Woolen Mills itre htill at tl,. .. p'.'i'p. t:n.tr the f-nme man :g'-...:f nt, makhig the :;f.tne line of ex I'L'.-tot food-.-.. If yon bnvc anywotd io dl. i.se i.i' siri.tl it i.o us and bavo if n.t.ie i- io r.o -kef a. Fancy lied :ti'.-. i. V. -:!.' .".:e ,f. :ius, Ehinnclg : Y:i : Vt' sili b;r ii:!i'i i:.:.tion autl .v,;:--t. mm w miles, i;m ill::, x c. mm. .ii".-..n. tint soliit: llll- ' . CV pi,'."!:; i !ltr., :o ' !r. f ,!,!!; .. I IV.-ailM li.- eh.-o w if ni ma';: I'.--., or tlicir .-i-l iiti.r wngi.ns which . r. t ie .-.line or as good t ii.'.v are iliiTeient facto ct'itT i. no rc:-.iu tlicv li.f :.i:i.c ot.alllv of : i.v t''..-i f..''ti ' io tliis iii '. o'l .ilit I i e i 't - t, Mli ibo naint' i i'.'. I. Ni.-sen, ; ! ; d ei i i ! by any o;io I.- :- :r",i,!. Wo ii.-otlio .:.; :-i . : ' kv.ii'ii, iitid iiiir wo; !., l y ii-.ii-l. And . w. . .! n-vc cr i ' :. :.:.. i!:c -e,;r- n: '. i::-i r.-utu'cd I !' ':. iieide, . i .I'M m-.n Vi. N . i ' e:.- I'.'ii.W. ie.illliil -i:v. k CO., : i-t. N. C. O.'t. r V. UiLo'AL .1 . .' i A !..i: r, i:.,-:!m.!;. C'r.':.-.cj'.?-' d :ilc!i :-ii.io. Jr. . '-. : -l .-.i tlM-, J: 11. i ,'..'. i ri' rrr.tiui st.it N- - k.i.i"t'-: i'l i'M1 .t .N'Nerri'.-s. .!zX::;Ttt';:Zn! N, A, ,,. ,, ; K ,.,.1 ,;. !. ;,,.ii.i n,,. r,.iiia lii.uud. ., , M w,.f. iv :-..ii'...iil Air I li'.o for Cairi-.-n i,i.,.i .vi-.i.t. iii.'l nil i..m Krth nit .l. li, ..ni. nl k.-l l..i.- . ;. I I. Tl 1:1 ....:.i.- ...II Willi II,' 1.-..I..I 1.1. ! -li i .ills k .;. k. iiVLr. o.-u't i i l.;V, Okii'l m.v. V'-'i OI I OA OF. SALE. BY VIM- -4. i.-.i .,i 1 liy 1 i w .1. A. 1 l uur'ill.-l-l '.ml will.. nn-i t.i.: .- ::i;-.-!-.-.l luVi' Htm ei.i.U'.y. i. ei. :,..), 1 win. "ii .i-, l- i i.ii In' . Mil ft'.H i.L1.t, lli UU. Hi. "I M 1 I" I'.' !.lkt.:..S' lllil ,.i l.Jtfl 111 .-.iiklliii".-. ...I-, 11.11. 11.. -.kill.- 1 J- M l"""- 'il '"'. a. r. on. , ii. A-.t-nucy. .,, 1.-1. LAND. SALE -BY VJKTUE OP nui.i-.lir.il 1!.. su;.-il..r cni-i "t Cti.vhitic .-..IIII'V, I W'll. "H ll ". I'rsl Mi'MlAV It! OOtulHT, -. ... ', i: r I..r kt.i li- I-l-'!" -"i W't'l'T M Iho 1. .i-i1 it... 111 lie li .i-.., .. 1., inici .11,1. I in i'.ki 1 0 may a-J .k'.i'.u N.O.,' : 11. j 1 .1..'.- .'I Ml in . I-. iw.ir :h, Y. L'v :.i.l g HI n.-ri , n t n.-rly lu ll, li. UAVLS, I i- 'I. j? iNi) sLi:. BY VIllTbi; OF ti J uu 1.1 '.. i- ! I'm stiff r"-r curt "I chmtiitm' ir... li'..l. ,, 1 r. : ... 11 ir ..-I ... liuiJ, ,i j.. , : i-. J. 1.. .1. -i n'. - li.el. y, .-1.. a ii, ., il I..'. 1 i 'i 1 1 '''""i , , I , . . ..'. I ' '. 1 I A ', I 1' i'''.l I. 'I,.. L l , ,,. -.tf..l.lt .i.rll. 'Ui.'i- Iu lle . .1 A. W.0-.0U K, COIK. ....i il.rk ... U..J1.I., .: . im fU i. .O'l- i ;.i.t. i ml u I Ma:', i l'.-.-u,r. Mull l-.ise.'iiKOC I I ,.n.., i.n.1 .:. . I- -ill, ..-I'll. l-:-iv.-, 7 r.S . m. I 1.'..-; r..y ti-viSik', ,l..'.ivr, .i.- " " ll i- :.- : ., i i.ii Ml-lve 1! ! ' . : ., I " S-IS " i ... ,ii ..!. tn ter '. ! " l ' " i. - -,e.. a.i... I " ti ti r m. v..;. . i o i t ' i ' i : :' i-'.-e-... S -.' .... ! ' ''.'ii'.' -'" ir I'-.ij.'i i . '".'. i u tit t i i- . ,.- .'it. ! i i- i' a 1"IUIS il ni.-' I-, ! .-:. V,,. 'i !.!. 'Mill s.lllt'nl v.-j ; .- . . . .i:r ;..i... :-.'-.h .i:-.l s.-iilll ...... 1, i( , .,:, ..nl :-..i... i. .iliul. ..11.. Its , .. . v .,'.': -.'. i.i r.i 11. U. I'T I -ir e. I. t.- -1,1."' I - i! .Mil.llk.ill !.:. i....-..i: ill -'..i-.i 11 K. i-i- i..'.ni' k.'uiij ..ii . , : :. .i.i.i. ...... ......1.,H J l lll'll I ''I Willi till, A. i- Ii ,1 iiniwi, J.-n-li " i Ilojiiiii ni-.l Air Lluc lur Ciiuiiiille. At. raw