uikflH r 4 K Tfll KSI) tt . 0CTOIIK:! IS, IS!) I. LOCAL COIU33. KtUKUlLK riTTSuOKu' It. It. ll.e iBimetisr Irnlu u III.-1 1'lsln m' ruHnm-l trarca l'liikkum' .Inity, ix.!.'ii Kuiwlitjct. m 30 in. nnd S.auji. ni.,miJ union iU l'lCBljorn hi ll.H tt, ni. ttinl 6.i8 i. in , mokllig i l"-c oii.ii' i il-'ll m Hi lnure IUi Uie irnlu timt li.HVm ll ilc lfh ut il tin . ni. mill arrives iliore nt 11 !W a. m. SEIOIliUn TiegET. For (lie Simile: ADDISON II. I'KUJIY. For llio House : ROLAND II. HAYES, JOHN J. TEOl'LES. For SbeiifY: BlKl'HEN W. JiHklWElt. Fur Cl.'ik: SAMUEL, M. HOLT. For Ueyisler : DANIEL II SIA1WH. Fur Coroner: ROMULUS S. EE DANES. For Surveyor: HENUY 11 SlEElt. Coooanuts 3c. nl J. J,. Council's. Constable lukels printed at the IiKcokii nflieo, Iliiwiiiid iiikI persimmon limber Wanted by it. None, .1 r. The first killinir frost ol' the flea son was last Monday morning. A lot of coflins--walnut, oak ami Nunn'ssniii Kici' Specdi. A l' iTi.i-r ' I.'kkuiim" AritAi.o ok ; lls( TsslnSs A'lTKJI IT AT j a j Law, &. ' From time im memorial il hut; boon . the custom in Chatham for nil the j comity candidates to uctom tty ihe j sheriff' at hin tux fjHthiTiii;;, and I have, a joint discussion in llio juvti oiioo nl the people. In this Way llio ; li'oople Would ee liico Id face and ; hoar all the. candidates who khiiIiL 1 1 1 it-it- voles And it made no diti'cr eneo liy what i ti vcii t i t hi nr caucus these candidali M wore homina- toil, or whether the)" had received any nomination at all, every body and any body liad tin- ii-hl. to lie a eaiididato and :i i .;. r I . 1 , u-.- Uh pen p'o lor tlioir Votes. 1 ii sii'iio earn jiait;iis there were I lin e eels ot fall ibilities, the deiiiocral ie, I lie ivpub-i -can anil ihe prohibition : and in many enuiimiiii.s there were inde pendent candidate.", who htid hot in en nominated ly any jiariy or con veal ion , and y-. in.yhud the same rivjlil to at tend I he siu-rill 's lax tfal liefiiiL's and prost'iit. their claims lioliile ihu people. Imbed no per son liad ever presumed to i not ion inuir rijfti!, lor il wus conecued Hull this is a live, country and t tie people were willing to oi Vo ev ery e.indnla'.o a tail lieaiinir, whether In) was llm hnmincu nl a ion von linn or ran i i iioiondent. Iv.'ery rll'Z'ii ut Chats Knows liial tni.i has lioch the liulioied custom in litis eoiiniv. ho Mii prised liiii: down aliuiit i'S low n any 1 1 n !.'" no could descend, lull il seen lire tried ivj. wur i, until 1 1 '111 K ('t I NTV ('AWAs. On Inst Til' sdav, al E.'Vht. Hie rmiMV can (!i !aii s 1 j n I lndl i :! !. v.i i.'!, as e-iei i;illy intotisistoiit das alwa s lieeii I be custom in ('nut coining in a cauiliilale lia'o, will i:cco'iiiany tlieslnrifl' at an old his lax irailicriiiiis. In order that Miicet! onr readers oiiht know how the candidates s' acted oil' wo Hllended tlm sieakiiifi at Eypt, and will now jjivu au account ol it. Tliero are three l.ill tickets in the Id, the de raiie, 1 1 o iomlisl ainl llio reiiil)lieau. lielorc the Kieal;ihir lieyan 'he s!i! rill' calh'd nil the ca hdida'i s ti .;(( her, lis is ens lomary. to arrange as In the order and time In!' their sjieeches. Wlien the I'cpiililicaii i';ind;il.ites presented I liemse! Vi's and asked lor an iij'ial tiine wit!i the other caiididaics, Mr. .1 10 lliyaii and ne;iivy all iheoiher populist candidates ol.joclod to iheir laknifj any part in the joint discus Hons. to the Cl'eil it ot ill: A. M i!,; ever d toe populists two years iiiio'i ai.d had voted t ! . -j 1 parly when it ruled illid tilniosi ruined the Sl.Uo '.villi its exti'av:i;:ain e ainl eoj ruj'li on ! Alter I he !i!,ovo speeciies h.td h.'.'h made il Wio: :Ceiiir.U .'O !ale lint tii" ot her Ice 's ai i ee cr. H i dates ' .--! s. John .1. I'c'p'tM hi..'. .S:iel'!i::;n (i!". - sclij did nut aiteiiiji.' to in:.!;.: r.'.:n lar .-iv in":, hit i. !r; !:y a n i.'.uiiee.! their cand-'la-'V. On tie' w li.de it was a "I! ! I lav" I'm- llie d"i.io-.r:i!-i and they :ili !'. tt n al ly !. 'I I : contrast was very rinkm:; lei ..v. -en the sjiccchcs i.l the lielancral.e van il i i : 1 1 es and t ho.se id I he :r opponent and this conl l asl will lieeoine nioi e hlrikin every day dining the tin.- 'J'L' A ("ilill "l !l!iil! hi (JfOi Jlo:,! , !a . O.t. 12th, lS'Jl M'.i. Li it ,t: No iloi:l) tbc "i'ops'' v.lialLMU ant iryti.' to v : out ot tti j 1 1 -slot ol t !; i h- n.'iloikd eoi:lei-t in t'uis Httiti . lu.otiy ali')w K-.i' to coi-'ed ai; I ;i: iioi i 'I'Miion t'.at ni iS i.av'jl.'n I.I.-! 'A tl.O 1 C- : li ' it '. nt fuioii,' o:i' i !e. (i.tin'ia:- l.or jut in s iiiiy '. i ;i litty un.l i.evt nl v uioiis.iiu 1.. i n' oli the in :t'r;;i! :ilir; the at tue ilciiti'.tliitic 1:1 '.I ih-i.io.'i alio n II 311 for :-.'j it w:ii ..I. t at tl.c l ', wo u;.: i.;r the J- j liljouL Isii i ' i'ij:; Hit l.ael ill It! Sell lie it said thill he did uotoi-j'ect, pan, and ou-ht locrtalea j.ol.tu . . . ... . J. ... .. .1 : .. i 'i .. 1 1 evolut.ot, iii t'halham. I,s t nut iKicrs a 1 1 to hear locralic I: lint said thai one candidate liad lis inucli ri;Iil to t peak as any other, lie prolnihly reineinlii'led that, ill 1HSI, he hiinseirran as a repuliliean candidate e. illioul heinc hoininated hy any conveiitioii. The deinoeratie andidatcs stated that they were i willing lor any mid all candidates lo i . ' ... i ... i "... i i : .i .. s,.;,h m,cii.oi- u ,p a.e Tuin s, : jj s V . Co' I ell, . d Winsl..:,, leouhlicans or prohibit umisis I hit ! , , ... . ,. ,, , 1 ., I i , i . . . i here on a visit lo .M i s. . . ( t lleadei "T"""""11 on ii i ii mi no i i u .. I.- u- ..,. ,,, s,,,;,, n, ,i i,; orl visit to sec h t f ti.is; tn il.o i'.';u!:!a- I II'! i .10 n. piranl '. i -u. ( ;.( .eioitt A. i. s ioi.i V.'.n V. Aii:ii,.-on, ox i pi .I. ; r H! tllO !ft!lt3 I' I I ; (.1 Ji.-jii i: i ei.' ::; iv:'.i. Oennal Lvutas l(:injj; un ool vttet'Hii of the "In-t etuise'', aud il Meti.ot'.ist iniiii'itcr, had ;. verv lai ' C :!ni. ! -Pupa followers spoa Uers. NAI. I t'KMs. V, Vlsltlli.' I'Klts d 11. iiel' l.i, .! 1 1 iu'.lili olio i i::i of ii l- ; ito. j; Vi lul It I'll .in in in .Mr. At- ,i:-t 'o.ioi.lii! in the Lo,. is. IsO hold r1ost aitr;;':ilv3 stock of i'ANiS (irxm:. ilM'.S, CAi". .C i..u; i: ;-rrofi: crorxuny : i-:.x'y ir.i.i1. MePILEHSON & WBATifKItSPOOxX, Ffcjft v it -j 0 . rou t r i r: next go dais vj; v.ill .sell a solid oak bed-rod:.: suit, vol o!a-s. mzo 2i)x-J, f.n' o I p.iiiies out of city i-eleein., paclo I auil di iive. i.-.t iu depot free; Ma' 11, M .. n .:. ..i i : .. i... i , ..... ... i...'. lo,.',,.. ', to Uwn I.,.,-0 t reise iiii.or ri'ios aim woiii.i speaK whether lit! ohjitctod or not, :uni so this alteiepl tu slil'.e Ireo speech tlid imt Mieceitd. no! ;: 1 1,-! positio;, 0f C'i llll l.l'UI of I i ',:.! no: i h III i era tic com mitt re for two ! i l' li.nn e,ns, be ijiit.it! inany i.iiti 1 t . on ,r I : itt'.ii! of th'i leaiiii,; t'tino-i i I lit ' I c.-' :i'i, who i-il I :-r- I be pe p!'- I'V. e 1 hint I lie place c! cin; f .-Xi-c iHl J i.i'C.ill 1 st Uil- 1'i.o a!.d i'iit, .'lr. A.l.n.'soii iinul.'v ioi.'iiL'. ham U me and ihci'rloro all will lo learn thai tun) ot the "ivlnrms" pl'o o.-;.;d by ti.e populist lead, is it ; I'romplly itt '2 o'clock the ilis lo break iiji ibis t'11'.loiii ! jeit.-sion beau, Sheriil- Jenkins lies Vi s, ii h;.i been ruiin, r, d lor some ' yinir.ni'. lie was lollowed by ex lime thai llio p.pulisl Icadels in' shefilt I'.re wer, and he hy M r. I'aul Cliainaoi had tieciih'd liol to loilow Norwood, who aiiiioiinei ii hiiusi-ll jis this 1,0ml old I'lisiuin, but that ihev 'he rei'iihlican ciiidnlale lor sioriil'. w oil I I attttmjit lo dlelale bo s!nuild , 1 he candidates lor clerk and rtni"- and iviio snoiil I imL he ai lowed lo tor t hen au lion net d tin ir c:. miid acy, Jiine lor Hit lo c.beap, by 15. None, J r. ! p.iil icipate i n I he j int tl,scuioi,s ' each in only a lew words Then b- I ill t he .soil'tll .s t;i. ilt Iiel Ih.s. nllch ii'lll I In1 political i!iMII-slo!l by llio 'a st ii : l i i in; alteinnt to aiiplv tlm leisliiiive candidiit'.'s, eie b one be Kill an hour Willi ten r.py. .Mr. A. W. the oisellssioii in his Remember thai l lore will bo democratic rally today al Cult an tomorrow (Friday) at Ui bmond. sick ilaiiiri.i. r. Mrs. i'. I., ou.'i, ol U.l.i.' visiiini; Mrs. ,lni,!i A. Vi'uiii:,t!;, Miss .M iry Aewby. td .S.mloi bore on ;; vi.dt to Rev. C. i'. . Ill: ,l.i..e ho- D.iiii.-s and I:, wiii arrive here tomorrow on :; lo the edit-'!' ol liie Khi'oiiti. )r. . K. lit : t ' ! 1 1 iind ', ii Chapel Hill, wer.! lo re y. sh'i-,: I he inari'iii;.'e ot hi.-, i.kie, '!i.-s len. Mrs ). S. En ' !.... :."iiie on a to l.i-r il,il',:.:hli-l .it Halt -i"!i. w.i- s le i . i for t !: . .Hid t lie personal i en was htu ii. t nut '.: r it:t I . Itisitl lo niirili'i!) that livi of Of Did V. Cut thin ant tin t;;i :Vj--,' -.. :-V.i.-v ; 1 i lb n:i l1. -.it Wboil you i lo lirabaui call m our biriner coiiuty man, M r. M. F. Oiiwlord, will. L B Hob .V Co. Whoever before beard of acaio tlid ate deeming il neccssar)' lo carry around uc-erlificuio lo prove bis i;ooi diameter' An old cobired woman, near hero, named Mary Mi Lend, has pre Ken ted the KkcoIhi with a beat weigh ing nearly ei'hl pounds. Josi'lihus 1. tine Is and Ii. London will sjieaU ut l)iirh:im's store, in li.ildwin township, on lex I Sat Urtlay. A luff;. crowd is expected. A mcs now mock ol jewelrx, wulcbcsaiid clock jusl received, and lor Ni.lo cheap, by W . 'V. Neese. Watches, clocks, .Ve. , r,'p;.irt'd at low fates and in best manner. "jiii; law In Chailiaui seemed ill tl'iillhf, but Uii! Inllotvin.r letter show s I hal II t ii.s m I nuly projio.s i d by the ioilll:si lio-ses ; "'In (ie (h i,i ii ;'.': J) ;ii'ii-ntt: I:i: i ''jin ( 'hi'A i in i a : I e:.r .Mr : - i on II Com. ol the l'opuhsl pari prop.i.-es a j .inl dis-eii-.-ioii belwet'ii I i.e camiidalt s ol the 1 oiiulisi ai.it 1 'emocrai:.' hurtles : Ihe ifiiuiiliean.'' uoon Hit! It rm.s li.'ini' d be ow ; lone setsion td'C I st. Thai the time .! sDeiii.inir and ' been aide to uiulo lh( the length ol lime alio'loil to ea, h (.indiiliite bo iell to the eaniiidiilt s to .h'ci.lo. i I. That no per--. ii.s except the I ei. ii nly and Legislative citeii. bites jot li.f J'iijiulist and c.','i i ';-par lies no aiioweil lo lake p. n l m luejoml tltsi iission ; but Iho chiiinuaii ol Ihe Ex. Com. of any oi.nr p.uly, ret urn . -d by Iho Slab' I'ix Com, o bis party, shall n ipiesi si p.u i in the j mil discussion, he shall be nivt n an 'ijual 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 ol lime with the pal's iii' liiniled t'j mioiiies for W icker oiient most il t im.'ii itt and oratoriciil sl le, and houreil the ials ol his wr.iln 1 1 1 it ' 1 1 the !t!iniiei. ilie Oiiltv. tltteriii!' coht'oreiioo. it not oiio word a.'ainst t he repiiiihejui party, lie seemitl lo think that the domoeral s Wei" inoro lo blame th.au A.ii'Jin:i! Tiiaio;. C lor. ol the I'opilM-' Si. miltee, and Chao'in ;'! lo pii.'i iean 'iiinii.t ! , ein on i:isi S.-itut -j.-, , i-'ii.-in II, ale Ex. C . Uoltoii. ol ' , met al l; i in re The populist Icudei's in Chatham Want ull the olliees lor themselves, i.-s n.-i meil abovo. oi'd. Thai il be distinctly undel's stood that those propoi' ions are hot lor iho inirpo.-K ol ahr.iCin i.o uinl uro unwilling to ivo any oliii e j r'yhl l any cifz 'ii lo ireodoui ol to Hie republicans, and yel they can bo elecleil tmly by the solid ivjoibii can vole. .j.eech al any litne. The only lor to the iniiil (listu.-.uih. Allen Allt'f that IS over no one has the vn'til or desire to oi j- el to any one's belli v h.ard. I'h, Thai neitlier parly through its l,x. I oui. or olnerwise shitll in vi'o any pel's-iu to he present lo ad ilress ll, e politic on thai nay. J. E Si' km K, 'ii. . Com. I'. P. Chatham Co. ll;i wood, N C, Del. 11, !-',l f I It wid thus bo sien that .Mr J. E, speiico, as chairman id the popu'isl j i e X. ell ! I Ve CO'il III 1 1 le. lie. I he I':. I -, I ,l'il liravo so'dier iind u irood ciliis-n, I .i . , ..n,.,.- ' ... t ,,,i,",i..i, i re.sjioctc.l by all who knew ' ,i. ,lM.i,ii ami denmcrai ic imr-i Ties" Intake part in the joint ins i-Uosioiis al our slier;!! s i..x e.-iiher I Thomas (jiiineo, a Weil known obi colored limn, died near here on lul Sunday. 1 ii lji.t younger tlas, tieloro the war, I.e wus a noted ii biler unit furnished tbo music lor all the iljjjiiiuH in ibis coiiniiiiniiy. Mr. Sylvester Johnson died al this place, on lust Monday, from the ufl'octit of u wouinl i;i the loo-, ifceiv c I during the lain war. llo was a i . i .. 1. 1 : i t : i .. liie i c i it: oi icit ns, net ..use iitiriiiit tout i'ess they hatl mil iiiisi-hii.-l I hat bad been done by the r publieaiis in I hii ty three t ,.i s ! Mr. Wit kcr was iollowed by Mr. A. 11. l Try, who in a pleasant man nor prooi cil'-d lo puncl uro his wimly are;iiiiictitM '! i.iinl lb. n showed what the domocii.lu: piil'y had ilium, lie lore closing be askt d Mr. Wicker, il be should be elected, would he Vote lor l'rilcbard or any other republi can for United Stales Senator, and Ihe eloipie'ii Mr. Wicker opened not ' bis uioiiih, was as iliiiuh as an oy- i UT, and ivinsid to anstter alt!ioti,'i! j man)' persons in the audience called j out to Iii in to answer like a man ! I Ami Just here we would Male thai; Mr. J. JI. I'rvan was a 'so asked lhe; I siiine iieslioii and be also reliised lo answer, hut Mr. hell frankly stated, (without cVi-h beinjf asketi) that lei would vote lor 1'iitchard or lor any othci republican v. horn llio popuhsls iniijht no i.iiiaio. Mr. i'erry tlid sueoocil in e. itiiii; Mr. Wicker to say ! that he endorsed Senator lVU'er, who , introduced a resolution into Ihe 1 Senate lo raise ail the revenues oil I lie overiiiiie.it by taxes on rcui i estate. ! llVl-i "tra. It is one, is to In d, a ion lo -,:y. I'm ."' ami ".le:.:s" by u hii'h M r. witiid ra n u ...miniate for Co, dinii'it-l iin I Mr. W b:' wlthdi'a A n to. ! lie date in this d.-ir.e! "'pu!'.-!t illol Ifj llli'i ior Cy. Tl i j .--i,:, ; the Cord ni-li-ii'l, an. I his liie popu.is!-. Ibis di-tnei must vot liken, ii rejoih.iea.i. I r.i.le may ha ve l.--e the "no ses", ye! .v,, eahii that hol'i'st I -t !ll : .s or re Will i-atily it or that Mr. Snow consent lo il. mane O.-ciir So . till! IVpli!" . i .-.s in toe i; htrov.d !- p.. pub t ca: . That i-. ca ns ir, list v he p..-pi::i..t. i :n i-"luiii .-. 1 1 : v i bo .",!. b;l .- 1. nH'i- .'. T. -e '. : ' lis ti.t! ,-eo;-l t-. it. .','bil-'' the i' i i il lurvnr Unit it w.t. i.t.! ti ieisio' , U i., lei' rei v iittl" uiv..-ioi .-i: s i ii. I lib. .'!.. oei- "U'UO il.Wit!i.te..V . ie u,i , ill ai d ted ftdi.'al.vclo- I i!i ti'e.i lliini; : key :il ;!i ;."iin is n Vf." it .bl' vliie i ;l puisii,' I v, ,1- It !i-M(tj25 cts. on j w ii uuj 'ix".zij.Ci r. ,o;,.. i:- i m mm tllllt 1'. Itl.tl '11 ; 1 ! lor i Wl.i. C. 11'::.-' ow. 'J..;. ,!,!!, .i.'lac. i, tio.lc' A'.-vv it, - i.. ,.. ipiment MHi .-I, tii Eil km KihA &A 13 ii.'i .i,,.i. v.a as. mtki-, for t: j Z?M Mfi fl pi'-- v-.r,;:,e , ,ni, i, l,t ; ? MM m i highly hi m. -There is not ti eaudidalo. on Ihei i 1 1 ti That is, ho tou! xelli-le any an.' prnhis ,...,m..sii.euet. . o i . a... ......, , ,v,lliai(,.ni e,,nd.dal no..,.. ,..,., .,,,.,. .... ,.,, ,..,,,,,, (U. Cut hev.nl ki.i.llvallow uiiNis expcci roiuiiiieaus to voio i neir ticket, why tint they not putaio jHiblican on il ? -. - On the fir.st tl:.)' of our county canvass Mr. Wicker not only rolu-ed I hoioii I'i.toliiiiile 1 0- a ii V lioli lu-udeli t I c:i jMleh liimliil.ile.s to speak alter the j nut .l.M'iivsiiiii is over, and when everbo,ly is roiiilv lo home! M A Kill U.K. Tbo The next speaker was Mr. liiram 1). Mason, who announced lumsell iis liie republican candid. ilo lor the senate, and maih; t he ,-ame soi l ol speech ihat he had mado when he was liie i . -pub, iean candidate in ES.Mi ; ; ami lM'O. 1 1, eu i'iiiiio the c.iihI: ilitlcs lor the Mouse. Mr. .1. E. Uryan leading ell. He bo:;an by leading' a ccrlilieato ol his jooii cliiirii'icr, which is Ihe Ii thai Wo have e ilioalo tl.!f in i n lj such a vunlica tion necessary. He lollowid thi up by siatii.o; that be li:-il been : l , r a..- l.i.. A PrrTfv Man-jiii.T. On '1 bursd.'iv, O 't. 11. 'ill. the i. iel, t o of Win. A .!'i! I.toiii:, E. (j Chatham coui.'y, of a ti'iiel bui pi e As the siiiiliisol' 1 1:.. I 'lino; ii-.nreli p.-1!" I foi ' ii in lo tii:: ir.". lo.l loiieh i.l' :,i Same, l.i. vc i f the I i . i , i t idlinj;. r of 1 ii Eli;; ol, t'j the altar Mi.-s Cota VOUl.gl'i.t d i'.l.. i'.l cr of .Mf W. A .M t, o'., mi. The .ilti n.I.itdft nfi-f MiiKo::, t'f VilIi iio.s M. Coir.ici'. "i !'. a iiif,', N. ' :;..; it l. Kiv ami i e id J-'iitii-.-.i'ioi!. N. t!. 'l'Le iiiijiii s.-iv..' ot it :i. f.'j u.. .1 1 i;-v. cii.n,. ti lor i.l M .!.. I. in 1 1 Lu; 6 i ft 'fi n h ffij tt 6 Mrr il Vl'IV A,, -..-v. r-.-i-i-iviiiv; ww VWAr.mA WINTili: c sinoo tin1 svo.'jiii Tariil' ri'iliu-i imi. T;, Imtl.'jlit wry low iiti'I will In1 stibl :-t veil! ''!'V Volt 1(1 lotiii EoltHV Villi ..... I '.' - I'Vt-rvi !iii!'. 1'oi-d'OiO, ;;,!;;:i l time in Chatham or heard ol any can- Vfi.r llio k of a o iiet! t he o for jj.i. in,!, i in y we lo .!i .' .S.niili"l Ti.ii! It'.i.iii, vl.elt eepi ioli and to m I nt ii M s. M.i.nb.iiii, iiioii.t rof alul liliss At'b'l'.a Si Olio ie. C' tbo pal ty to Hill liil;;it ;i. Ml. 'i I Ol , i ite t'l IS il pi OSt'i' altemlanis Were Miss Julia li. '.ureal political i ue..lioi.s. ho uis- ..,,i :s i;i ,i! ulal ions of his ffioli.is n A I'l.liAsAM M,.i n,,l-i ,.i. i.i.i.t, i n. i oi : verv oad man but. bad rciormed to say who ho would vote for lor ! Uul , ;, , ., Ven iii. itv marria-e 1 Ho ll.ci coniinunl in personalities, tinned oiaicH iMMiiitiip, o.u no aiso , v ....... - ''.... i,,.;,,,, Wiis tleleh.lin lenisttii in siiy wneiucr or noi ne wotibl vote lor W. I. Jlytiu in, Jr, ior .Solicitor. Why? yesier.luy intirniiij.-. 1 no brnio was I oeieiiniiii; uimseii ami niai.i'ii; un Miss .Maude M . Cotton and the erooin 1 M'l is ol personal chaises against aN was M;-. En d. A. 1! s.seneer, lori.ierly i "'osl everybody else, and mil even ol Wilmim Ion ami now of Winsloic ! atloin nil n lo ihseu.-s any td the lb livnuiu and Mr. J. II. Iinirelbool', uslod was the respeelitl.io portion ol U'iii.-iou. TiuMillio.alii.'.; minister l bis hoiirors with his speech that was U'-.v. . 11. Moore, The i wo heard several obi men say that . . . . ' . . . I i . i . i ... i .. I . i. . i: i. .. 1. . chlirt.;i hihl been Vei v l.isteluliv tlec- never nan inej iiei.ru uio iitve no - W. 11. Etlwards, dentist, will visit Hyniiin on Monday and Tins tluy, and l'.ltsboro' on Wedncs.biy, 'riuirHtlaj- and Friday, billowing Ihe i.;... i u i.... ... ...... i. .......i i.' . ... I .. , . . ' .' (Haled wilh ll iwers and evcl'oreetis. I 'ore. lie atlempteo to ci eilto a pn j lutreti 10 no an uin-i oi oeniai woik. i . ., , . . , , ,", ...i;.., , ,. ti i ,. n,.,.,,, i,., .. im. .. ,..,i t . . i. II ... I... i .no. tin: ciiiineei was nauueti wun .i--' f- Oflico next to Lynuin A Ueaden. , , , b.tvver and ior thai ii,,. reason oiieiu noi 10 oe eiecieti. io P'opo;.. , i .....,.' tt'.tv. I V:r bAJZd t bcii,'..-j lo.ao u-rv'l.ii'v. I Ilbiu: ii..- ! ' . . . .. .. i n ! I .i ii i; u i l i. Pi:v!i. Icit'.s Ai'bicit S ti vi. pif j ....I. ; til.. l.s-r rt'.I.U l!l I"-' '.Vi.',(l b)l' ' W 5. Vj M ' iilHu.n. !'. v. rS.i. '., To toi, Unitpnll fefS g S 1 I::,'.!:-, iei'llol h i if- 2 , e. , t S , cr ... i-. id j M nkil 'iti. ! I'-'; o l.i.'litni V...-1---V.Z of I ttti.l i '':' v"! 1 ..-Li in ; i't. ei'lh't- j I I.'..."' ..fl ' it-tl,..: ,;. 1.1 : a: 2 J' 01. j , ,.i. I i tit' , . -eel ivc t'Oiiialtit e it ii'el ,.i ,! ..... : 'io' v 'ii l a ot lit ibe Club 1. Ot.l ' It I ' 1 y , . s ; ,.....:n.V nt 1 I a. l.i. I'ol -l'Oio. il '.i-iU.-lV ! ,t lit :-: e.'.v ll.e cop) I o oil ) it- i .. !!'.'. V.M p"!- ' '' ,: '.v 'ti-fi- li'. J, p. to. l..tlj -.1.1! ... ... . ' O-.J V col 'i .ll '. ll.v li. ii lo lit 't lid. I hi'itiii eititifli. 1 " -' i ' .---'. e I ii, 1 ila I, ei . ...; .',. :,. e V. " ' 1 ! " r-.;,1 no co li... ... .-. ..... i ..... . I il .. , 'mot,! .us .i r. ami j ( b.i i !: i; b; i i c iii rji!ir.rH,N.('. . T I wot,,, , mm a, I,-, .j;.,, f. I.-i..!, i,f nl.l C.'.r:t 'atl.i M-.l I .'. J. Tltoi-eiP, li.N. P.lke, i,. , '"' "'." 1 "' icl-.'l..; t'i.... in-. . f.W tv.e I- 1 I,,,, I C.. W.W...-SS, II. E. Elltile, A" ii : I vi. of at i..!i.;i. -;.-i -.. : .. .,.. ,. . . .. . , .. ! is i.. I ' , . . . , -, i : l t i .1 1 1. l '. I. L e. t ' ' . v . .. t i I '. I l , ; l, ...'...., " u' V' ,!.! i!'-'uv:. N. C. :ii.,l tr.tlv invite von i. I A. A Tbompsoi', T. II. Eii. .1. -,r' "''i':,'r 1,1 " ; i nil tut -.m ftis scroti ir your f.il! i " ' bey wrtieotvenii ';.,,,.,,.,,. l10,v Aei-.ui.ls of I 'afeo, ... li.-t.',-,. C,-:';,o !,,'.i'u't ' i;''K '' 1 I Iho ii t-: - . .-li t k aii i il;e i-nv. i.t ... i i i.lu-iii; mi. iell ft! oi, l-ivoiai'K ... t, ii i 'io.-i.' ; i ut s i u ue i. mil' i oi i oe ... i..j.u .v v j . (,' he Iii lot ,'., , 1 ; s.-!i'i. I fitiMimils. mii'.i.h'ti. (: 0, ,.,!, j.( (.. ,,,(,,,, , (.f ,.; r "", , ; ;-. . p c it: ti tilt .-o filiv.-o rt.-iy il, p: ll-I ,.y Al! V( I ' Nvttii'ill . : I,',..-, a,:.! ; , j., :,.,,,..,..,. ft,,,-. , j "! i ''f i : r . t a .-u i.o, i'..' a i.'.'. t i oi.i . ii - t ."ie I J. .1. i i:ov ., I'.f.'.t.n Ate. A. Tso-.ti'ov. Vi:v-:'--. vl-l i , !'. u tj:-' i:,Vi-:.iu;i, la! flil'sikhl bo. .'-.'-. : '..i . . DS, bouglit s Iihvo iieeu i prolit. It They koep w. 'in-bier, n. Ass't Cashier ': UK" TOO. 00. A V. Pupc, i'l.'d. Philips, .iobn W. ScotU fitifors nrnl Indi i v M. i ebauts and I'l-esided at the mvail. Alt 'cercinoi.y tbo Imp) y couple wore nis .nr. naves icpiien niai ne is a i driven ii. tin- ii-.-.ii. nml .lei.toteil ,.n lawyer, duly liienstd by the Sup. ! it Visit til I llO I'f :' 1,1,1 home 1,1 l't'lllO (tllll'l, i U iliuiiiittou. to eoiiiimiiied with the bill thai Mr. Mayan a magistrate, ami contrary to his oath ol ol'i.e, bad attempted lo practice la W and had boon iiulit h ,i ! 1 : r. t lo ''.no t! Mi: Hayes also tol.l i, un that ho (liiyan) otii:lil lo bo the last uiiin to alius.) ihe lawyers, because in all his troubles in all the cases' iu which be bad been indicted be was very o:ld to p.i a lawyer to tlelonti Iii in. Mr. Hi) cs i:, ,olo one ol the best campaign sjioei in s tb.il ; i we have ever neai il iu l liiithaui ami lis ' Let the voters of Chatham re member that the populist leaders at tempted lo prevent the republican i-aiididales Irtiin disc u ssi ni the po- Jilii'til iauni.i. toilli tl I In. i i-.itiiii. dates. II these intolerant loaders ' wtsoes ol li e,r many lr;ends. hud tbo power they would not allow I - - Ili cantlldales to speak, except their' S'Uil1"' Mb.W -.Iieloro the War UWi,l iobl John li'ibiiismi't, circus used lo j travel ihrouoli llie couiii rv, and oe- Emlies, il you want a nice coin cusionally i xhihiicl at this place, iortahlu pair ot shoos and a pair thill j but since tbo war thai and other will wear well, cull at W. E Eon. Ion circuses have generally travelled on A Sou's ii ud fret u pair ol Zoiirlers, the railroads ami visited only the thoy huvo all kinds ami sizes. 'J'bey j biro towns. Tuereloiv the advent lb,. Imi... UI....L- in.oi'u iin.. J il' ii circus to this idaee is a I'lvnl ', i ..... ....... 'pi,.,. .,,..',... nt ni.,1 nl,,. i, ill. il ii.iin.r i, ki.o-u ' was listened to with tin: closest l.li:i. CI 1 V Vi 1 Olid i. .... "iv . ....... . ..... .. j,..llin.r u .,r,.l -tout woman's shoo were mil ill. hereon last ThurdaV i u'"l'" by every body, Hit ludl..N' ll tor (JO cents. i that a cui us was coiuini' here, irreat j populist;! j was the cxttilemeul iimone; t lie little Mr. W. 1. llynuin, J r , ol f iroeiu , t oiks ami even some ol Ihe older ones, lioro, the republican candidate tor So on hist Monday a lar?c crowd was .Solicitor in this J udieial district, has bore to attend the ex hi hit ions ol John been speaking in this count)' (hislli. Sparks' trained animals in the week, but has tailed to draw tiny afternoon and at nihl. Eaiu'e an crowds, only 17 hearers bein at one . dionces att-inled bolh exbibilions, ol his appoint incuts. The populists and ev.-rx body was delighted and have no irtiulidiito for Solicitor, so toll fully repaid for the stnall a Imi.--lur us we can learn. j sioii price charged, it si'eined won ..w -- i tlei'l'i.l that tlot;s ami hoi ses biid the Ifnvn von nocii iIiomi. chemi M.'i.iei-il ' l.i Im.l'n so rii.'inv tricks l-loHkd at W. E. London X Son's. Indeed their sunnily almost eipial- selves to I.e Irailoil oil by .let-i-tiii. Another lot of ladies' hats and mil led human intelligence. The noro- ollne seeiiers. Mr. Self then sprea l linery jjimiiIm received this week, batie foals were wondt t lul and eijual- bimsel!, and the clm l burden of bis You can buy the best .r overcoat led those that wo had witnessed al speech was the exiriiv.ianco ot our you evcrRuwiit London's, Ihesoeoals New York utol Cl.ioa... There was Sl;,l L'fVernmei.l. Anions other tiroilL'ht ?7 oO last year. I boy have iiotbin said or tb.ue Ibat could ots l'l" lll,l"'n" " " ,J "1 ...... ..ie... I . I..r.. i .l ,,r . nil, I I.....I II,. wl .-.01,, ...I ....,1 Iw.ll, bt'llst S I'tll.l crackers, which thoy will sell at exhibitions were larciy attended by whulcsalo or roUil ibv l.i las, id en- I) Vt HI tntie lor inmseit so l.or ami v.'.iuaD.i a prize, ti.nl bieus their union. II VK WlTSKSS. rot'.r I5iij Si!f'.'. 'st s. 1 1' iiij," '.be tiei tli d iitot it to nv.ro tl.r.il tlil'I.e ','ood ti'l the mi v. 1 '. isil claimc'i lor lh. m. i In-foihiv i' loin K hli dies ieive I'.'.ieo!' ! a pht lii.tiii.ei! foiio. !: Ei- ::'-. N.'.v !;iseo oi v, f"r li.CUII ate.lll. I olt-ros Mini i nl.. ; .1. ill.i.at o I. '. '. Ill I.V, ,-i .1 I 1! i .S: iu ton d I'.t.-'. !i..i:'s t'h.iii.-. t Ti .-it'll tbo srciU Ifi'itdv I. i- Eivei'. nti-.l ivi bievs r. ieki.'ii's A on t S..!v. tbo best iu tbo Witi'i,!. at: 1 IV. Kino's Now Lifo 1'iiis. whi m too :i petf. ot pill. All tin-so lot.le 'i.'-; tll'o o". O'lOl . Oil lo tit. j lt w ii lf is t'itlil:l"d bo- them iind tbo ilealor who;..; natno in attticio'd llt rev.it!, vvil! bo .;bil lofcb you oioro "f llo in. Sold r.t E. II. Motrin's 1i t!;,' Sif.ro. A Jlon ililo Di'tiili. exet pt a low "sin. n t Aloe k" who interrupted hint Ire (j'.ieuUy Willi tj ieslions, w hich he sinvi.a m iii. Jt.v.-1-.i oi -r.-.v. invariably iiiistvcrod lo their ili.-coin j Ei. kin, ivt. Ei. .'dr. il. inlet .-on ; liluro amid tho li.u.'jhter ol tbo tui i- -Joties. of M.ir.-di township. I' 1- i-oilii ieiico. llo was lollowed by Mr. 1'. ' t y met iv ilh a bin n'ep th-.-.i i: Sa! M. Eariell, who nnimutued hiiusoll il..y niebi. it- mils reiin nino; , oi , as a republican cainii late, ilo told S.n t v court iin.l v. In n u..-eit tl.tc. the colored people that they oti'hl imies this side i f El.il'.soti his li usie noi lo abandon their old p-.iriy which took fl ight and run aw.-ty, ovorturii.- bad veil them their freedom, tintl i:i;r bis Im;, , t l.-r e, in bini out and ! in every way attempted to rally Coo k'.'.iii! him insianily. his neck boir.e old ropubli.'aiis and not allow liien. broken by tbo fall. Wines f iutel l.o; was lyitiii in lite taiii.iio ol t:ie roe', stiii' and cold in .leiit'l. No o' e wi s with Intii ami it will never be l.ninui what frieiiti i.e.1. tbo boro or ou;'t!y ' bow Mr. rlt-iio-i was kiili'd. ; ll.-ltt ,1 Ml :."! i , illli Vol ti wide, u' oe Jibj.'. M v. i b , iri "! : loC.I. Wool tod t i-i lbllillt 1. If-'-J lo 21.', iotti.or pi ie-'i'. - lo -liie, Cloihii niai w-ii'h u iliOiUf t;'oo,ls pro p. r i. eat; !v cheap A lo;;e slock oi li'.tjjfiies. Wi;0! -'. roil eiil'li-'. siovi s il'.i.t f lii'tiltllt o. t Li." te.st l.ii'.oy i:i Ai'.i'iitu lcii!i o. r t.'.t ly i!!.. :'o '.' my ta",iet 1. tot i:i f.oi in il vv ii.i.r -in is ami lets. My people' I'.io li i'.'j'.il.a i'tn is i,;,ts. for Ci airf i.poo! cot'.oti. Lio'i.n .V Ibii.d 0;a!;jjo powiier. Oi l I i ick.v v wioo:-. I'.tiov ;l't";i Co. !!iti;o;:r l.'uey Co. 'J ivy mo a s,. u iH ti! h lor at lorn, cii-il !. ' h-.'iti lo .oiv I u I ratio. Come i o :.. o :ie.- a-: I i; in . in!i' e.-tt-'o: i.o l-tltci nitoket in toe S e.i; !l. ami o.i save i'; l-i,;!' t. sal'ipliuj; a). I C". 'I.,.'' -n't! ci.-,ir;;i: . Wo have .. co'iifoi'1 ;,'..-le i.tui-" i"l VO'I 1 .1 '' t t in i.tt.f I !::':: If.r our iiotv.-s 1 v,;:l ilo l:,v it -t io tuai.C' volt io.! ILL U8DERWE&R1 i iitti .:' ' !J iii tm b t 3:, fed, r.t.loi- 'liowi'-o. '. In. 'II j elal t l,-t" We b'lvo our Fall Stock wear and aio fl'en;to tbo -SPEt IL ITEMS -Mis--.-- r.i'obo.l Vest. 11, ii' no.l :'i! . E i ll. s t;,l;l., u uinl l'iatn Visl, U.I a .d .". i ct i.:s. L-..i. - Wool V..sl, at Si. in E. .1 aud Wi'llO. ...,'s w..oi(-:i :;!!s tti :. i :e Men's Mel iif. Si.il In at '!. 'J"...' . i '.'. A full line oi I'.i'os I.! iiioi ii ab oe Also a fu!i !i;.o of It-,? ,i t Our Dioss;;.., .!s..'ci ( o UNTIL SOLD Vt.'". I1 !"Ti'i" rice to$ '.dr S!i.-s !' . iii si lo !. 50, sell' ll.-- n'Otti :. Ail CEOi'tl. :i!;mat:.v : 1 1 icy : v ! , l ! ! ut 1' tl lis iil.)-C !.i ti.". '. Wo, l V". " s oomni.-' i Ti.) !im s.-ld (!! Co it: lO'.Ml l-C '.ill you iiio!.c ( ' ,-.i I. tion, I in I Ht'Vy tl. p-n t .::i :;t i:i nut Kt-.'C. j.-i OO.llt'lcl.t Ult'.l Iii".,' '' ': ill lit '. pi iei-.i. ..us lio'v. :i:ii'.:; r. iuv, inu Willi L E I'.oit .v .'.,, Wi.,,!..-,be UiLI Ettl.i. "b rein.llls, C.r.AIlAM. X. C. tv. Atl oi f isciiifils. ...ei.t i. want !' c.,;i s:,oi .1 Wl.i . :1 ou f. J- 1 ,'' i now fin ImOil fit : !'.'EL CKICESJ ii i-n iootls at coal .'h.V'l cost. iii'TI YOUR -M MOX! , v . I.al wo Hfty f it J t L L w U li W 5." I' li i ! 1 KM -i .otA In . C. l.! .. i v-iiaaiit.. Irivtt af tnntS i :-". !i I .-t'.nslng in Mr. not, hi.i,.' ,".!! ul ii-J.I acrpa, - ai'.i a i;: ,- tl I'lirnutncao :t. par. '.liters i.ul M t ON BP,. Atbirur- ft )TNIS I i;ri!K SNO i ICE tor the burial ot (...v. rowlo ami Iho liiruislun; t l t be . i,,,. 1 1... n..,, .i,, bv (iovti uiji ' Mulimou. This was jei. Hallux county. liuek Kitchen has been nomin.itt d ; ,, cr li lui l t. r U tr t. .in w ,- ft d i ll.iMi . ii-l'tl'.l'. v. I .'. M'-, 11, -!. i,- h. l le, .'1 . X :. Vi.ltr3r'- i ii. ii 1,5 ii :i ; I -.III do n-uiisls tn i i.Ai-.s .t. n : l'Ui...l. I'll I.l-1.. , TO li.'Hil.- .,r my a .i ru- Kit 1 nii!r('rt4').'nnv e. I ni.-.tn -I t.ii;lml . in.; .i n in Iulll tot i li. s. MTU, lu!i-,';,ll, & u f.

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