A MAN WITHA HISTORY. HI TERHIBI.K EXPERIENCE THAT BKFBI.L. JOHN W. THOMAS, OF TUKTA, TKNNKSSLK. ARIIrted With a. Pedlar Din-am--III. D4r CTere With l,impi-l'iilNot Eat and Tbnuslt He nai (iolna la Wry t'p HI Kooiny I lie Mar vel 01 Teniiriim-r. (From the Xashtiilte, Tf'nn . Bdiincr.') Mr. John W. Tiiomns, Jr., of Tln-lti, IVnn., )g a rutin with a most intervstln.; lilntory At present be is Interest oil In b'oo lei horses, lor which Mtiury County Is fiitnou. "Few people, I t:iko It," sal I Mr. Thomtu to a reporter who tiutl ii3ke,l him for tho tory of Ills life, "liavi pi-o 1 Ihronsh n reiii.'irkiililit a I'lialu of events tn I havo an I ronmiueil nlive to tell tho st"ry. "It w;i tiloiw in 1SS. when I '."i working tn the hilv r mine o: Now Mo.iei, that my troubles l.iv'.in ; at llrst I MilToro.l with in digestion, tin I so neii'e ildl t In pains be come, Hint 1 went to (' ilifornlti fur my health, but tho trip ttlil mo little sjo i I, an I Hilly im-pre-soil with the! lea that my last 'lay lia.l nearly tbiwinvl upon me, I hurrie.l back hero to my old home to die. From simple Indiiti-stlon my mala ly d' velope I itito a ehr.mii! inability t.i tako any hulslantial ton I, I win barely alilo to creep iiliout, mil at times 1 wis prostrated by spells of heart pn'pitnt Ion Tins oou 1 tiou continued until one ye.iru.to. "On the llth of April, int. I sti Idenly coi'apsed, an I for iy I wis titi"itiseim, in faet I was net ful.v tiiyi-lf utitil.li y. My eon tition on SepieuC'er In was si nply nor riblo ; I welirhe I but -.eveuiy pound. wlicr as my nor nal weight is lii p.iiiu Is. All over my body there were Inups from the i.e of a grapi' to (he s.ir of a walnut, my line rs were enimpo I ho that I cud I not more than half 8trai'lit"ii tlieai. I ha 1 entirely !ot ooiilrn! of tin- Imv-r lon'-i an I n v mint tremiib'd .-ii III it I eo'iM n..t ,!ri:il. iv ,t i at ! sl'illiti,-1 lie li r, I. .i:hi:;,' weal I r-:n mi I en my -t.i i a 'ii. an I it seem-. I tv.it I noit ' dry up In-fur" nrinv more l.i h i I p--.-.---!. "I ma ie iiti'i:ii.-r ri'.ii:.! iM' j ' t -t m. , oallini; in one a ! r He- o:h-r. an 1 by the al 1 of tii'irpl'ine a:i t ' li r tie' .t'Mt". tlieyave me, 1 man I to liv -I !hiii,:i liar"iy I hi on, Ml llio fall." Here Mr. Tti.i'ii.". 1i-plave. hi-i arm, and jut aUive the e ',.jf ,: titer- wa a larif irroKiihir t tin lure a the p ilm of j 1 tie ban t and i a purp'e .'"lor; the sp-i.-e. covered by t he m-irs v.a -nnlo-ii nearly to i the I one. "I'll it." sill Mr. l'tintn is, "is j what the J.j.-;ot it lil by putting ntorpliiuo Into in. "On the tlth o lleeemh-r. !M. just olirli mouths after I took p 'rniiue-iiily to bod It ! shall n 'vr ferret d .line -ny eousin. Joa j I-'oter. of r-irter' f'rei-k. eailoil n:i me mid I nave me t li 'X of )r. William' I'rm Pills fur Pale People, - vim; tney ha I en re I lirn 1 of partial piraiws, with whieh I kuew he : had all l i.t died. I rollowd tils dir-etions j nn I bewail taking t h" m" !i.-ine ; a a rult I stun 1 betore yon to-lay the :n: -urpr s d man on earth. Look at my hand, it is as i Meady .'us ours ; i;y laee lias a hea'ihylook i about it : I hav" been atb a bn; to my duties I tor.i month. S.iiee 1 he;; in tiktn ; the pills I ; have gained thirty poiia li. an I 1 a u still . .M'U!tu". All the kn 'is have di-app iireil ' Irom tnv body ex.-'p: this li:i" kerael Iht ill my palm. I ! v. a l: "d a; ; liio nu I I am alums! as -iron; ,is 1 i-v -r w.i. "VeMerday I r...e ;h.riy-"ve!i :riles en ' bor-.eb.l..'k ; "l fee! tir I !.'.- lav but le.t . , I uo I to have 'r.iai :wo to Imir si"-il of art pa pitatioa .-vry uic-'t , " Use of t!.' I !. Is 1 i;,v.' .i.l ! I ! " .an -I' tire 1 ! v Hi all' "I know pos'tiv "lv that I i lr. Vii'i:i!ii.' P::,k l'i!.. a:i 1 I - i ly that it i fi 1 ". w :. I- r ' Men t. - i.:v. an i v TV f i ' ' ! I I "iit I to v ii is ka ey:i i i invii-i; Weil os to 'i:i m'!'. at, I t!'-v ,v:.: :', I 1 -. ait i tho truth o! tn !"!. arka'de .'itr"," Dr. Willi. nil. I'm!; 1'iil. for Pile Feopla uri not a p .tent nie.lieiii" m tie n- that iiatno implas. They wi re llrst eomponn ted as n prescription and ::-e 1 a- sa -ri in er-il prtietioe by an eiuinet.i payiei i!i. o :;r.-:it was their ei51.'.' that it was dn- rued Wi" t phieo their. W.ihlt: 111 rea-'h yf nil. I tiev ire now nianii'ieture I by th" Pr. .Yil.iitms' Medioill" Cilllip II' V. S '"lle:i,.e),l ly. N. Y.,:llld are sold in b" ii-vt in loose form by tho doz -n or linn 'r" I, an I th" pa 'He are .-.i u-tioti-'.i aatf' nu i'.iti ih laitlritiotis r.; in this -hap ! at lllly -ents a ! o, or -"t I o.vs for i2.:0, an 1 may be had of till .: ru ;ri-! or diris-t by nnul Iroai Ur. Willtaius. .Modlclua C'rimpiny. latiKlish Cut rant Ok'. Ono plr.t dark I Vrto I'km mi!aes, one pit.t Now - iflciins inula . "r cr.o i wart o: i no of tlic t-.vo. m a :d ot'.o iiii'!' pin's o.' v.:;:, t !. ri o :' ". .o l:s j'O.iud of liird. f.v i l.uitdftiU "f '":'' v.'u httotlf. ' ::o tl'id ''ir H!t.i"s a- rat us, two tardo ) u'.i.. vii:- a-. : w.i t in til- if o;::;, i, o:,,. - n ri til of eitiPain Hi at a o'; :i iloiioliall t'-U'.ii:-ruffaii?.', it. 1 iai:.' ii. -d I -atl'i .ot.t .'t'V:ot h'-a;y a-'r;.' li":;:- '! ;: ti';o u't'.t ta. a i. ; ' it'i a' ti'.btt.at urn : a" !' '.t.ii.ilu f. : -f -d laitof H' :;i -r. i T-t all !?10ll ISewiiril. Sltli). Tin' reader of this til 'irv.'.ll I.e t deiw.'d to '.earn til a i t.-i i. a: 1 -,,s' a- dri ab .1 ! asi) I nut -'-..II. - bis 1 i a Me to i are in a .1 its ' i. ;!. an I that i i .rrli. Hill's Ca'arrli I lire is t'e on y i -so iw- ear-- kt.ow-a t 'tho eieda-al t rate' a, . a arrti bri'- ti ' oat f a. I I ma! ills. a-.-, i'. i i t'.--. a r-m -1 i ' '. t toil. i i ia-at-mi-Nt. II ill i at a: a hi are I . tal-aai ml . -r rial 'v, l" I ;n- 'lil' : !; "i t a b . l mil itiaei.u-.siir. tares of Hi - .'i"n. I a-re ay (i,-t r.. l' the loiia bit ion i.f l a. "I -a--. and trivti-' tl,.-w-I out si r-n;t h In li t Id a.: no the c e, i' a' urn i. ml ii'-i.jiiai; Hilar-' - : il .i i ; i ( - r i.-. II, a l'- o print i ir ha-.-,. ,i tn lea t i'i h in ;t , U'ait t'. u power, that tin yett'.e-(I a llaiidf.' 1 liiiar-. lor allV r,l- t a it 1' f I 1 t n tile, t-lld t'-.r list of test 1110:1: l.. A l l-- !'. .!. 1 iiknkv Co.,T.it'do, 0. iTSold bv Hraci.-', 7-'n'. Wnlkimr 1- l -v traveling until ! e 11 hi. ill. 'V''t- lien Nnliiro Needs rip.'-i- ntl.'e It may be l't To r-"lder It irouiptly, but eta- ,.loll!'l ri-lneillbi-r to uo OVon the IIIO-t l-elfeet retlieilles nlily w!un I Iieo led. The !"-! ati l tuoO im;,le ati I .;.-tit '. j routed v i t be S rap of Kus ma liutaet are-1 hv tlio t ulitera ti 1- i ruji l'o. j ('no of the barde-: I i;s t.. I- :trn I tb.it I ve tir" mad" out "I the -aaa- kind of 1 !a in t'ther bilk. It. Kilmer'i SwAMr-ltnnr cur-M nil Ii liiey nrid l'.lad-ler trotibbis. l'nmphl"t and "iwulttitioti fre.i. laiL-uiatory Jati;iiaiiituii, N. i. "llniikley is tiikiiu; a ureat iiiten -t in tnusie the.' day." "Is be t-mdjiir; tho piani'V" "No: til" baby." Is fu'lyss important nod ns UuiefluiMl as Spline Sledloiiie, for .it this si-nson there is frpmt duur to health in thn varyui' teni parntur, unlit storms, malarial irrais, and taw pruvaleossfl of Ihtt-i nud other serious dlasstiaes. All thoao mi)'l tivoidod if the bloo I Is kept pure, ins digestion oo I, mi I (be bodily bfallh vigorous, uy takuio Hood's Hood's Sar9a- Hars ip oi'l t tb ! ov to i -I bad t il ynrs inures ti'rrlilo U"t'k. A Hi nl ol in i ii ss!J Flool'sSirsa- eirilla . ur I his little l,o. , so I promt rM oltleo' toe lii.'.lielao, and tho ronu't h'ls bm n that the l une!i has loft his uook. It whs so ii"iir 1 ho thrnit, that bo otnil l not have stool il ipii.-li loutfnr without reliof." Mas. !na II.mii. S'.'4 Tli'irmliko St.. I.owsll, .iss. Jlo sure to )M only Hood's. C5od'fl Pt lis V prompt a:al eftUd n( 10n FARM AMI UKDEX. NrT.s i rniEos itot.F.s, Mnko nj) a list of tho bolts, nuts, screws ami small tools that you aro iu eousttmt nooil of, uml buy them iu ouo lot, ami put cnoh iu a woll-tir-raitoil htuios of pigeon boles ami lieep them there. '1'ho wtvitig will imy a greater interest than the savings bunk account. ---Home ami 1'ariu. rOAXlNli IU Trf.lt FAT. !rnny argue that you I'au't feetl fat into the niill, but no one contends that you can't ilrivo it out. You can ilrivo. it out by ilriing the cows with loo; bv treating them roughly ; by exposing them to Montis, mill iu litany other ways. As the butter fat is the most valuable clement iu milk we should not only try to keep it there but to increase it as much as possible. You can eons, a goml ileal of butter fat into milk by being uniformly kitul to theows. -New York Observer. W M I'lllNll rousps. The goml li.it.i ni 111, says a writer, will uutor his horse before f.-f I iti -t hi specially ill Iho iiim tiitig. French bteeih is itluais water their horses before feeding an. I in all the largo slaldi s of h"fi . in this country that practice i I'ol I. m ed. Yet ninny hm'so men and farm t m . r 1 1 1 1 1 1 k of the jt.iitiiita titi-1 Ui-c.'sstl.i of it. 1 1 th lint-.e c.'iil.l inlk. or if man coitl.l un- i!. : -tan i Iiim !io v,..i:M tisl, for a drink the lirt liiiti-; e. ry liinruiuo atol y.ui l ill 1' ' Mil 't ! "l I'-'M I-1:1 'f If Is to l'i t il, ii'-t lief t :ie He.ltilit'ls C"!.l "f li..t. I "on let' how m any fanner i .! think of watering their in 'fse he-lor,- leeilino tii, ta in the iiiofiiiug or how much tiicy !.: 1 1 y n it lining o. The hnfe coiiie from work at niht gel a ib ink then is fed mostly on dry or. i i ii. eat hay part ol the night, nnd in the uinrtiiti; antitle r dry feci, an 1 by thi time is e: v dry ltinielf, so wii-u he reaehe, water lie tills his stomach mi lui! t'la' nii.iueteil food i forced out of the stomach, ami is ii damage rat Iter than a benefit to the In !. Now try watering one hore bef.-re ft editio in the iii'H'tiiii'.", thus s'akino hj, tliirt, nnd nt tho same time w.ihiug tho stoiii'to'i rea ly to re ceive th.- luortntig foe !, when, b -ing piot'eriy lut'istcti.'.l w.th oi a. if will leitciin u:.t;l tlfr.tiigi.ly lig.-t Y'.eir h i'e cm .l-i m "t'e work on less -1 at; I will i..' !;. ;i'.:,y P. licit b.i.g, r 1 i - - i . 1,'itn.i':'! y ili-l. lands this ta-'tui:!!',ll t'.tlf. - N'-w Yoi'i. Weli'l. I'lllVATf T'MIlVlN'ii. The man who e if. to el! hi labor in a -una c,ih itiafk. t at a irood av i.ng pi ic w ill in m r on wrong with a lief 1 "f select milch Cows. It luakes ::t:e dill'-Touce .a to the locality, for the more on:':. -ult it is and the more i :n !i.ive it is to make a g I brand of butter of cheese, the more money it w ill bring every tiui-.'. Fresh dairy jiftul'ie'. will always s II readily for goml llftUey for obvious fi-asnns. It matters but very little i ither to the private liairyman wlm gm s about his b:iil.e- iu a l'tlsint sslli.o lllatitl'-r w .- titer he I. a little cot it'et it it tti or lunch. Ills bu-iti-ssis lint wi i l.li sle 1 tit that he em loop it Well ill li ...-! it, .a. one year's en I t .the ..(hor. Jl-' L.-ts hi . "'in eiisti.imi r , and Ip-i 111'..' tn h .i.l tli. lit, til.lt 1-, pi'i.vi.ll.'d it i-eii an, reo'.ilar a'"l utt. tittvc tn i ry ii itialid that 1 f e.isou ai dy inade iip. oi iiit.t. I; ilnesii't eat any partie ni -if li :uro that lnriii ; .May tin I .1 inn butt, r liny be eclling l"i' u lower pi ic than lie is a--ktng. Thai i t h' .season v h. n 1. titter is the most cheaply made, and there l- nmre of it on the market, but if mir diiryintiu has a ctitrai't to furnish butter n! a slaled j rice the year mini 1 to his patron he, of entU'se, km w s cMiet iv what he is doing and d his patron, and it is tut lAoeHetit arrangement f"f alleoii I't ineil. lie will have state. 1 times for deliv.iv; he w ill have plenty of ice put up; he will always have tin til. lin dane.' of t ho host and cheapest food for his eons; he will have a separator tiiuid It i tu in lining ipiicl, and perfect v.. .rk ; he will have a goml bre d of bogs as a lailanec wheel In tin: dairy mo.'liiiie, and I tt. but ti f l.-asl. It" Will see t" it that all the f-'li iittv he fellt'.V. -- ft'otll hi lands', II'. Ill wliateVef f. .nn of cropping he may pursue, is !' Hlt'll. d In the soils. We know id' no more complete and sel!'---iila1liing t'iilltl.1 of duties pi r taining tn any industry than tire these of the dairy, properly curried nut. It intiv be that there will be ..iue buy ing of l'n nl stitll's iii one form or an other, but that will prove no ilrnwliaek to the business, but will bo actual uil in i'loserviiig tin.' fertility of the farm. Give us the private dairy fur a bus inesK that is uniformly proKperousilur ing all seasons ami all years, if ju-U-cioiisly iitnl intelligeuAly managed. Nebraska Farmer. LET THE HENS RTN. Tho proper luodo oi keeping fowls is to give them a free run, an orchard being excellent, as it w ill in no man lier be injured by the fowls, but pro bably b oik. lit from the destruction of insects. Poultry do much less il image in n garden than is credited to them. The hen with a brood w ill diligently search ami scratch the ground for a 'i ds nnd lutty pick olTthu dainty, tender plaut'i when they aro just s Looting through tho soil; but after the plants have be o.uno well established and the wood is somewhat Lard, the Lou is more intent ou seeking insects than green food, as grutM auil young weeds supply her iu the way of bulky substances. If tho garileu has been planted there will bo nothing to prevcut tho hens from Laving their liberty after the ground is covered with growth, ami there will conseipieutly be no in ducement for the hens to abandon au orchard to attack a gatileu. It must not bo overlooked, as wo have ctateil before, that when the hens are on a range and pick up in sects, seeds ailil grass, the eggs will cost the farmer nothing. No matter how high the prices may be iu win ter the largest profits, from the hens is seeurcil in the snunncr, us not only do the hens lay more eggs at that season, but the lApens." of labor is a small item. It is therefore important that the hens be not eonline.l longer than is necessary. The small amount of damage that may be don to a gat ileu is m. .re than o!l'ot by a greater num ber of eggs tlld less eate. The health id'tiie hens is also bolter when oil a range, and the exercise oblainc.l iu seek I II ' their food keeps them ill the best condition for illlordiug a profit. A l!oei of liens may apparently have no nee I of a-iPt tic lioiu their owner, lay a large number of eggs and keep in health, vet there mux be a few detail overlooked simply In can c the iiece ity for attention may not have been presented or discertu d. I'l l it I'irr o'l'iir la inn that the hens may I'lteii bo without water during the whole of tl warm day? On some laiin tin re are no si reams, and the oicrllnw from a well or the filling of a fountain or bucket is di'l'cu lc 1 upon to supply the h. ns with water, but it is net al ways that it is the duty of any particu lar individual to attend t i providing the water supply, hence there may be an iiliiiinlaiice at olio time and a scar city tit another. Au e;g is almost wholly water, tlic solid part being but a small proportion, ami wat. r i I here fore a iieeesity iu egg production. The turkeys away oil in the ti.dd some times aro deprived of water for a w h-dj day, and it is the desire for water, that eii'iHiS tlfin to tfiy awiy ti ..area for 1!. T!oi'e should be syte:u and regularity in this mitt.!', ami better 1, stilts will be th ; c.'U - .ptetiC'.'. Mir row and Fanner. r.MiM ami u tiiT.s' sort: s. Gather egg-plan; before tiny turn coinr, and k - p I'lilat i .--oii.;s away by hand-picking. (ii.o.l butter will always find a rea ly market, m matter h..w abundant or cheap the biitteritie or oieo may be. Attend to the cutting of ul! spmut, briars ami shrub, which are unde-ii-alile nnd should b kilkal out, dining this month. The first plant which forms upon the runner of a strawberry plant is i I said to be the best, and should always , be saved for transplanting. j it is, nf eotirse, pieaaiit imt tn have j "loo m my if. m in tli lire at unce, but it will 'ml be for the best interests of the farmers to b,- id the oii'.-idcii e!as. If vnii hive abuu-iauo i.f straw. yen have only in nl'tain ml liu-ai In ! mix Willi it and te: I a fair pr. . -. o t on nf wheat I'l.tii an I ,iu have a Iced which j will bring g 1 return. j loo ni'ii'h cultivation eautint bo given the cabbage and eaul'.ll-.Wer. Ix.-ep th- e roc 1 1 w. .mis i. II' with hot wasliing slid, i.r tolineen t i, bel'oio they reach into the heart, where you cannot gel nl tli'-in. All the Vegetable r.tbbilt nil tlej fur hi can be profitably u-e,l for mill di mg the o oh irds and berry pntelie-. Tiiiiilsnii is of tntis of such mat' i nil are wasted i rli voir simply b.-eiu-! the value of a luu'oa is not appre ciated. no cow t i the tier, is the ..hi rule. A writer iu the F.pil. .mist deplnros the too largo pastures. lb: advises largo fodder crop for winter feeding, and holds that as dairy pro lucts bring far bettor prices in the winter, it would bo better lor farmers to plan for win ter ilaiiying. Mulching strawberries; to retard tin in is done by placing manure over the ground w in n it is fro, -n, and th'ii scattering straw over it. Caiv must be taken that the manure dues not cover the crow lis of the plant. Leave the covering of straw on ipiite late in the spring. The manure can remain pel luaiieiitly. If you have largo fruit trees yon wish transplanted, dig around them towards tha cloo of summer, cutting oil' the larger roots nt from throe to live feet from the body, aeoording to the size of the tree. Twulve months Inter they will have made ho many sifnill roots to replace, the larger ones that transplanting can bo attempted oiifcly. In trimming a tree tho general sym metry should always be maintained. There is often a choice in limbs to bo cut away. In such oases the ideal form of the top should be kept iu mind, ami prune with that iti view. As to the time the work should ha done, it is largely a matter of ron veiiieiiee, but the dormant season is probubly tho wore approprints. ft)!- THE HOUSEWIFE FniF.n I'Ki.F.nv. DM you over hear of frie.l Celery? It is really excellent. Boil a head of celery until tender ; cut it to pieces ; pen so n with parsley, popper ami salt, nnd saturate with lemon juice setting it nsiilo for half an hour. When ready, ilip tho pieces in batter, ami fry to a light brown. Properly ilono once, there will bo a demand to Lnve this ilis.li repeated. rt'MI'KtN nn. (ut up a Muall-sizc.l pumpkin, cook until ilotte and stew itiilil little inoist tt"o is left. Press through a colander. Take four oupsful of the pumpkin, add to them one cupful of molasses, two ctipsful of sugar, two tablepoonsrtil of ginger, a similar .ptautitv of cinna mon and of Hour, three pints of milk and a teaspootiful of salt, nud live well-beaten eggs. Mix all together thoroughly and bake with nn under crust only. -New York World. illCKI'N WIMIS. A nice dish can ha mad from th w ing of tow Is by slew ing slowly un til e xt r. m ly t.uider, then making a puree of peas by boiling a ipiatitlty of pea, either fie-h or canned iu water until tender, draining and mashing through a si nc nnd Kensniiing with sail and p. ppi r and baiter. ,lut bo lero mtlslilti ; till'. High the soil c I h token with a laid, spoonful i f ll"iir tn every plat i "I p. a. Wet the Ih-ur w ith cold Wiil. r and conk for two minutes. Servo mi a sf. ak dish with the wings pihd on top. New Yelk Ihoordir. t. o.i ro r a rt r. The follow it.-: recipe has been tested for niiinv iciii and never fail-: Cut iti small piece fur cooking in their own h.pior i Hough tin,., ripe tomatoes to make heir ipiarts ,if pulp when conked, lb.li through n wire sieve till it is n- -fiooth ns cream. Add one J tablespoon''-;, of suit, i no tonspootifiil j i.f black p' t'pi r, one-half spoonful of cayeiiii.', one-half tcaspooiiliil of ground e nt:: :,ioii grind it yo:irelf u i 1 b su a- t.iat it is good -otic-half te.i.-p.ii'tii'iil ..;' cloves nnd sugar to suit the t.i-te. I'' el slowiy for three hours iiiidwhcn in- .rly done add a pint of .od vine "a-. Pint tie when ln.t, and j cork Ih b .ttle. tight, scalin ; tin tn all over with s.'it!.:g wax. Wh. ti you are going to ue sjilees of any kind, or pepper, gc t'te grain i and grind thetu j yvjiif-i If. - Ne .v York Telegram. M IIIM U K soi.vrs. A Parisian claims t i have invented a paper whieh i- incombustible. Green glass in c "i:s rvatm i 's gra.1 r i ly (urn veil. iw im-1 then purple. Nn one etui breath" at a greater height than seven miles from the carl h. Th" w idth of th human jnw is be coming narrower witu each succeeding g iteration. The manufacture nf fuel bricks of crude petroleum i it ii established it:-ilu-t ry in Italy. Tho tensile str, tigth of wrought ir.'li rods varies as to the s.piare of the litu'in 1; r. A on. - melt rod w ill sup. p 'i t V.nhi) pounds, an I a two-inch rod Js.otlil pounds, The ,'io!itit have decided that the tiveitige workiiigih.iii iei'tiircs daily in llis fond Hot li s than four ounces i.f pt 'b ids, two nunc. "' fat and i igh le. n ounces of tin- carl m-hydrates. lie, 'cut experi'.ieii! . indicate that th" in. nun! eye can d icri tiina; fif teen separate tint. ill Iho spec! fi. Ill, but that the beaut 1 1 u liv delicate gray lint of a brand now .I0 bill can be seen farthest and with the greatest ills! iiictnes. The human system can endure heat 'j' J degrees, Ihebniliug point of water, bee. iu" the skin is a ha I conductor nn I l'cc.iue the p. I spiral ion i Is the body. Men have withstood with out injury a heat of "CHI degrees for several minutes. It ha been pmpii.:.l that slntiniis bo erected in convenient localities iu cities and large towns where phvsi eistis may go to be thoroughly d siu tected inline. Inilely after tiny have iiled a iu-.' of infection i'uso.ise,imd before paving any further visits. Sir llobcit I'.all, the Astronomer II. mil for Ireland, at a scietit ilic meet ing stated that the time incoming when power would bo furnished for indus trial purposes directly from the heat of the sun, an. I he exhibited a machine of that character which was capable of driving a small printing press. Professor Herman of Konigsberg recently read a paper beforo the iirit ish Association on "Vowel and (Vmso mint Sounds" in which he described the methods that enabled him to re produce photographically tho move ments of a plate ou which the vibra tions of the voice were made to fall. It is strange that with all the scien tific te.-ts applied to milk inspection there is no recoiii.ed standard of tho purity of milk. S i -nee cannot, an yet. distinguish the dilVereiici between watery milk from a poor cow and good milk ndulterato.l with water. Tho i heap grades of condensed milk nro. gen. 'rally skim milk, and even tho best is nut as nutritious ns fresh uiiik. qi'AIXT A Mi cniioirs. Imperial woodpeckers of Mexico Bro twenty-two inches long, Tho principles of rainfall were first correctly sot forth by Ihilton in 17ti7. Tim Tartars take a man by the ear to invito him to cat and drink with them, A New York dog whoso eyesight is affected is daily seen wearing u pair of spectacles. Miles lhirden, of Tcnno-Roe, who died iu 1S57, weighed over one thoti Milld pounds. The longest, largest and strongest bono iu the human system is the le mur, or thigh bone. The Persians gave tinmen to every day in the mouth, just as we give them to days of the week. Tho foot travel across London bridge each year reduces to powder twenty-live cubic yards of granite. The .point ity of diamond dust used in polishing a very large diamond Inn solie'timcs cost live thousand dollar. Tiio highest lighthouse on the Am erican coast is that at I'apc Henry, Va. It is lilo feet in height, built wholly of iron. Artificial dianiou 1, with such a pure and limpid tpiahty that nil but the most export judges nro deceived by them, are now being made in Paris. In Sweden tie1 railway htatiotn whore meal arc served arc known by the simple but suggedivo picture of a crossed knife and fork again. t the mime of th station. The agitations of a society recently formed at Innsbruck to restore an I preserve the old Tyrolean costuiii'S ami peasant festivals hits met with tm ciithusiactie rtspotise on all sides. The introduction of mahogany into l'tigland and the commerce of the world was caused l y the r pairing with a plank of that wood of one of Sir Walter 11 ih tgh's v. .els iu I.V.to. A colored man had a streak of luck while fishing iu the Flint river, near Albany, N. Y. His line became tan gled in sonicl hing, whieh proved to be a holy's gold necklace, which had evidently lain at the b dtjui of the river for ninny yean. A woman nt Sewallville, Mo., the other day, when getting her ironing board ready to iron a sheet, noticed n long wrinkle in it and, on trying to Miiootho it nut. found that it was caused by a two-foot snake that had crawled in while tho sheet was on the lino. In the well-known liousi of Che quers, iu liiekingh.'mihire, I'.iighmd, may still bo seen the cloth 's worn by Oliver Cromwell when a baby. Among the articles used by the protector in his cradle days are six cap-;, scalloped round the edges and b. inn I wi.h nb botis, now yellow with age. 'Hloi'trolickcilisoiiiubip!iilsi)i!iiiii('." Sometime ago F.nglish electricians were staggered by an order from India fur "tin? new machine which give electrical shocks nnd send out sp irks ; is a magic lantern of softs; can make any noise desired and can vent rib" iptise." Our Kuglish friends took tho matler a well a tin; order with their proverbial seriousness, and being un able tn comprehend the otic or till th j bitter, promptly referred tiie wlndo tbing to their iptick-w itted Yankee brothers, fnr i lucidat inn and execu tion. It was discovered that an ex pert and humorous electrician had been giving concerts and entertain incuts iu the east, with a big box cur ununited by large swilches and im mense funnels which he had invest d w ith the somewhat lilt l i. 'ate but high sounding inline of "the elect folicked is.itiintiphitiiphiitio." This big box with big name, covered a trap in the stage; ttindry men, boys mid even a Oiiteh baud were as fancy suggested of the taste of th" aililieii.-.' indicated. The grand liiiale was throwing nil tho sw itches simultaneously, w in n deafen ing thunder, lightning, sparks and colored fire, the whole till'air exploded much to the aiiimeiii 'iit .f some, mys tification of all, but certain reputation and profit of the exhibit ion. - -Atlanta Constitution. Valuable Inlorma'iiin. Slubbers saw the following adver tisement iu the new-paper: "Send ouo dollar and we will inform you how you can make ten dollars a day.-' He sent his dollar and this was tiio information ho received in return for his money: "Insert an 'ad' like ours in the papers nnd get ten fools like yourself to ansver it." Judge. Willing -o Work. Everett Wrest Lady, if yon would like to have some wood sawed" Mrs. Potts We burn gas. "'I hen perhaps .you w ill lot me turn on tho gas for ma breakfast'." In dianapolis Journal. She Jiuecoi'.leil. Landlady I believe iu letting cof fee boil thirty minutes. That's tho only way to get the g od out of it. New l'oiirder (t.isling his and leav ing it) You succeed admirably, ma'am. Harper's 11 iar. In most countries diphtheria has nearly d nibled the number of its v.e tims iu twenty years. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Absolutely pure VALUE OF COLD STORAGE. Jl Frqamllr Bam Vi Hotter Harkat from littar CoUapia. Tho Iowa Creamery Journal, a trade publication Intended exclusively for creatnoryruen, says: Void 6torngo buyers furnish an outlet for surplus eutuuer butter. Tho save the mar ket from utter breakdowns. They compete against tho buyers for Im mediate use. They tako tho surplus abovo prosoot denmnds for eo n sump tion, .and they lutkiinco tho price of tho whole. As soon a storage buy ers took hold butter advanced. Were thcro nouo buying tj hold, butler would iu variably drop to tho price nf soap grease, for there Is whera tho surplus would have to go. i "Wo might pursue this suhjo't, Its ellort npou winter prices, but It would lead us away from tho point under consideration. Now Is the time when It li bought for Rtorutre. It is udvatitagcous to havo the tirade of butler to sell which theso buyers Vi tint, lor otherwise they will not lake It and the buyer for Inimotliatj use, sees his ml vantage nnd piotlti by It, taking the profit nut of the pocket or the producer of the butter. But ter for storage must bo pretty dty. If ton much water is present It will not keep well and storage luerslt it alone. So In the wimmer time It Is particularly wise not to load but ter with water, for It will uot keep so well nor sell so woil. Churn early In tho morning uml work It nhllo the air Is pure and cool. If you do a flrst-clas4 Job, you will get the top of the market " There Is a Krout deal In this. Itit for cold storage such perishable com modities as fruit, cgs mil 1, utter would at times become unsaJa! le. Ftorage eiuallcs prices, preventing both a glut with its breakdown of prices and a famine ncoitipaiilcd by famine prices. It Is a benellt to both irodmcr an I consumer, for it caves money and saves the butter or other product. The ipies: ion forced upon all dairy lo a! I he by the late lailroatl strike Is the mod ot home, cold storage. It would havo raved vast t-uuis of money. The actual ficoilng of butter Is now considered tho best method of cold storage. Cuplil in liusala. Long engagements tiro lather ex pensive aflalrs In Kussla. The bride- j groom-elect Is expected to send his j llatice a present daily not merely flowers, ns In France, hut something tiK.ro practical. Thus the timid lmchcss Xcnl.1, the C'?ar and Oar- ' lna's eldest daughter, roreivis every1 day some handsome gift from her ! lover, the tlrand Duke Alexander chiefly art treasures of louie nianti- , faeture, such us a laco fan, a mal achite ornament, a choice piece of Russian embroidery, etc. Tho lott"ry Treo ol'Para. Dpi if tho ciif'o'itii! of lb r.'il i ; a ,,', ,,.,l ii'.l IifiiU- ruii'a ii si run di s lie i lh.it th -y nro u o.l by j ot- j to'.-s. Both wi ol and bark ore burned ' t- I Hi,, ,i - I'.i ; fi i-. I i.l 1 i.ei O 1 11 1 i.l 111 i Vd in eijuul propi r.ioni with e ay, p.a due Inif :i very snperi r .:v Tho tveo (fl ows to ai height of itti fo t. but d es not exceed a lo in lii tmoter. Tho fresh bark cut like satulstono atal when dried is bi ittle an I hard. Dcra oi'est Maa.iuo. Karl s floviT Knot. I he kto.it litiioil uirl(lr, f ives fro.lilllSH lltlil cle.ll tii'S III llie l'iil!ltX IU autl turns ciiiislii'.ilion, S et-s., bUcln. 1 'J lie pre.-ent is inade up ut the (iat:"ieiits in tiio list. Mrs. Witislnw'- S ot'iiiiir Si mp for cliildn n lei tl.iiii;. -oil h lite cnlii. ee. i lit o ititlatiiliia. Hun. .illiii pa n. i inn. w mil on. . a Isiiilo The lti.:lie,l p' tikoftli" li--!;- Ilmi'itaiiis Is .Mount llrow n, I'.ntish Aim riea, l.l.'.Niu fei t 1 1 a Ulnae'! w it'll f tree i" Use llr. Isiiae'riiointi. (.oil's K , e-w ater. Ill u.;i;isl. sell ul 11.'k; fi r l oitlo. Iloll't lllllse 1 lliale exercise. "i iiio tit, ive it until" Fresli Air (ietullthat's possible if bolli, if in iiei'il cf Hesli st re n t h and n c rvt " force. There's need, too, uf plenty of fat food. Scott's Emulsion oi Cod Liver Oil buiids up fiesli and strength quicker Itiau any other preparation known to sci ence. Scott's Emulsion is constantly ef fecting Cure of Consumption, Jfronchitis and kinJrtJ diseases where other methods KAIL. Prruir.'.t hjr S. oit A ll...vn. N. Y. All .Inirirliiln. WALTER BAKER & GO. e I ari;o-t Maiiilfaeturrrs nt PURE, HIGH GRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES f70ii thi ontim nt. l4Tr r-"C-ivri SPECIAL AND HIGHEST AWARDS oil nit tiirlr liomla at the CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER EXPOSITION. ' BREAKFAST COCOA, Mi, unlike tli lntfh I'mceii, i. i. if itn.tiit nu- ur a iknii It lv tura autl mjI utile, sjad cota 1cm thmn on ct iit a cup. 6 OLD BY G HOC CHS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER 6 CO. DORCHESTER, MASS. and Exercise. A SIMTl BUSINESS LIFE tlii.einai ..HciT, l'..it.'-''k"p,i,.. N. V . O-i I'ho-niul in. Th txtt nrhnol In America rterotfsl tofbonro .'i .11 y of train u ; Veiiu lien anil 11 v k I r in ivm in nff. tvaeuln r lln-ni Imw to net a living, riiaki mim.-r t .1 b c in i r.i i ri.r.n : x. use in i iiln-n 1 n.i i)l,l, t, ami only I'rnet etil IIiimiii-h hebnnl, ami tbs i-mtl tn " a ill I i t'l-iif .llR nli miH f ir i in U 'lf. Ki m-m le pat-oDi l-i Heart . i . rv city anil i ll. T'-I.ll tt-v-'ia- i-r o-i'iiplolo miirM-. liol-- 81 " N elans system, uu VucatleDS. Applloauu vuu-r aur -lay. h'ot Caiuluguu, ali.iKlu n'i""r"iiirra-lii ilia In tiiiKii'mM, a-t-li-i-Mi u I'LEMk'NT V. UAI.sta, I'rutljeul, .0) WulilngtoD llri ryivbkwfalKf w l5,' m BOW How Birds Build Nrsta. "Nearly all our sa allcr birds, exeopl swa'lows, build a fresh nest every yoir," says a naturalist. "In doing so they spend alt tho w ay from one diy to a month, but, a week is ubout tho uver gj time ixtionded to complete tho task. It is almost m;:o sil lo to got In a position to watch the operation with out dis' urblng the birds. Tho lorualos are uoticrary th so'o workers. The beginning of their labors ii the tn-st uiizd ng or t to mo. and pot-haps to tho bids themsohes us wo'.l. It ii gone ally aecomplishid by laying i-ticlc i, twits ir straws across frora branch to branch o il -ro blng u lutn j of mat 'rial iu tho f -k of a t roe. . Thi inward t-liupo i I tvsei'vctl and per focto'i by tho breast im tho female turns around. 1 h.tvo tonic times as' l isted in building no-its by si-nttering; wool, lioi-e hair, string-, etc., where it would uttraet tin) i.ttontion of the birds, w ho i' varhibh cam uml carried It i if." i am; mii:i -a f in time, if von nio a sitf. 55W t feti-f from' tli.it ooiiip.e K W, of litiiiiaiiily known as SJi?ij( coiisiiinptiim, and you njZfiiV can I'o eared. Theie tiio evidence of liuiulieils of liv ing witnesses to tin- fail lliat. all its rally I st.iKi-s, consump tion is a ou i.l lite disease Not every ease, hut a latgf Ti viio-( ii.w.', and we In I full v .S prr tt-iil. an eund by Or. Pieree't Gulden Medical Dis cowry, even titter the disease lias pro-pres-.i d so far as ! induce n ie;:t' d bit-il-ine.s fiom the limns, sevite lini'ei iuo, euucll Willi eonioiis expeclination liueliiiliiig III tn tetil.it at.ilVi I. cio.it loss "f tU sli and i x ttt lti" i in lei. linn and wi a!, uess. Iin von doubt lb . I tuiuiln ii . nf siii li cases tetuo'i'. d tn to. as eund by "Oi.bleti Mi il je.il I i-e. ivi t v " i re V nnine ea i s nf that die id and f C.al disi .oe .' Yea net d tt.it take out v.-i'id f.e. it. Iliev have, iti to. ailv every in-la tee. be"ii tu l ti'tii'itiu't'l lv the lust anil it wlm I 1 ltni;;.- t'livsiei.ttis. no. te.-t whatever in tiii.-t-. ;:i,i wlm v.ito often d .rid tel . i-ed Ilir.lillst ti .Ni. oti'.il 1 i viivory," I foi ei ii to ei m loss that rip:.' . tttiiie t ,t situnlv pt; ii'ei a tii.il of "i," but w II, lt lVe 1 it sii!.ass"s. iu ett: fatal m il id v. all p.K.ver over tins ..tile L'llll -I in which t!i; v an- ae ) naintt d. N.ity cod livci nil atnl iu tdi.'iv " . ttitibii.tf. " ami iiiixnt'.es. had 1". i n it ii d in to .it ly ..11 those case and had chin r u'.ti tie tailed to bone fit, or had only seemed to In in III a little for a siiotl time. Kxttacl of lit .It. wliikey, anil various prep it. iti. u.s of the hypo pltosphilcs liaa also Ken faithfully tiled in vain. The photograph of a larjre number of those cuicd of ciin-titiiptiuii. btotieliitis, liiiiteiittir I'lmitii, a-'.htu.i. c'.iiottie nasal e.u.nrh and kindred iit.il.i.lii s. h.ti o been fkiUfiillv leptoiiiioid in a book of 160 ptiiles wliieli will bit mailt d to you, on roc.if.t of addrers and six cents in stamps. You can tie. tl w t tie l. tlioso lio have been cured and piotit by lltcir ex pttieneo. Addtess fur Ilool!. Wo lit P'S I)IiKNSAaV MkuicA.1. AssociAi'lox, bulla'io, N. V. f,,' COOK BOOK VfrS bcov! -. f n k e i aro r.tos ILLUilttflTEP. -t .ni l 1 COOK M .11- 'I la cxcl'.fcngi heidj nt tn ill l.li'B il! .1 .1 '-' ' I'll! slllll'JI. I i.ur oilier mill l'r i . tt utiiiiii. woolson .Spier Co , l.' tlul a s... l oi tuo, unto. $2 HO'o&auEAKftl'o. IRCNCriAtW-CUEOCALf: '-Wii-FiNErA'JSiWSWSOl 4 3.!-?P0LICIT,3 3oLt3. 2.'.i'C0YS'SCH'i.L5Hi)EX .i r.ntp-ft. Tin res catai ocuE Wt-'DOUOLAS, F1MCKTON. MA33. Ya rnn uto mouc7 "Y wrorlnB tus V. I.. Douclnn SU.Ot) Mior. Item n ur, wo cm t'io I Jt-t iiinntrai-turrrf of IliHurn'le'if l"s ' latliot r i t, tin t i;iru:i:iU-olhclf taluo ly Ftatiii'li'.tl V.ci litiiiu' nnil iirlee on lb tii'litiin.n'ltleh i r. te. l you n.t!nt Myli iTicMand tl,,- ni.! I'. '-em' iri.'ts. l"..r niet i'.,n..l riiH'iro Ker III tllf, ' Wi'lBlf ' "I We.'irl'.K ll'ltllln, Vi'.i.O 'l t '" '" r.t 1 w r I'rl.-ff.'t tin' l lint1 f I . el I 'i '"' - ii v ''.' r I" '. - I ,' li.inlO- ilii.tc. irjuitril t;l. r. at.t.i b lu. v cull. C-ttttlVt'fi I .vri'.v.i rtox.A t, ? cXr-Zl?:,,. DiCTlOSARY A t:irtint:fi' of I l.'.uh .1; i .i -"it I :ll1iY. i.'."M.r.ii,M-, i-'i'(lofj, i;'te. 8lniltiril..f tlirf 8 ll .lit tl4l' lion. I. .1. Itrcrrrr. ,i,i-h, i il,.- i ; thr oitf Mr rut wmmf.-iri .nif hnriiy. S4nil fur fiii imiiii'lilri ointitiiiiiu i"'i'inu'ii rati C. -r. .WKKKM.C(I., I'libllnher.i, Sprlnglwia. Mass., I'.S.A. si Iin not tmj reprliiij ot tu. tptit dliuen. $12 to $35! a week: Cnn lir tin drworklntf for lift, I'drui" r ffi ri'l wiM c'i ti-i-o una ir.ivfti tltnui it iii t'--uittry; ii h'inti. ft'tV llMllfl 111 lt.Vll" tiu lit.' i. ii mut wo i ii i I i h ir.i.-i. r tli ilu-1 nn rsii'itiioiifti op ir tniii t r priintaUu huh IIK'Ul. b(.ur' ll.MU S ltt.iv t I lo ;imi.I JliiVJlDo lllh autl Mutu mm.. KR-UUIUIIU, T iU n YOU Wo ffr -'niployinotit to n mn fr UAR3T lv "' a .no.uit. N.i iMi.itrU ro .mir.t. .l.lr..lV W Zlf.til.K lft WOiiK? tv. lv. nw, I'hiiaavip'i.iv r. fi n t i) ( onauKiktlvct mui people who hare weak Iti'iL'sor AitU ni,Bh(;uU! use IMs.. sCuro f-.r ConRumptton. It tm cured (kontaidt. It hat not iniur. ea num. It turn t h(l t'Uui It is toe ntwi cough tyrup. Boia TerrUr. SAe. V- .11 li 1 j IW.L , I .-it '.?f - si... : mm CsC2EE5 piM"iin it

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