GJhathum ItecortT. j- 1 UATES ADVERTISING One square, one insertion- 1-0!f One square, two insertions - 1.68 One Bquare, one month - WO For larger ad -ertisements liberal con racts will bo nivlo. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. VOL. XVII. PITTS BOKO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, NOVKMI5KK 1, 1801. NO. ID. Chatham tterorfc. II." A. l-OIN'lOIV, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. CM tot I'liaTraid. A iinV,-l li-veinl ur ki'ii. 'I'lii' a- Ms "f mi unknown l"iuui', Lift- speaks - tlii" vvnrlil of pas-ititf lu-ti Thai is ini'oiiii'iiraMy nlil An.l sa, with sinui:i: iii;iuil"lil. Vi't, willi i'ii-. Ii iiinmin-, -we t ntnl vi'im.'. Vim, svi" t iini yiiiiiiK il is, mul plain lis m-aiiim:. I Til girl's linlit hr-atli I'ntwit- !li- wisiloui tliat li ii- Iniii l."ii 'i'iilnri" -t ri'.t in rev,'-en,l Looks. Th-v ilniiM ami iln-inn : sac, liv In-r links, Laughs il nvii Hi" l!f ft eliurlisli ile.uli. - lii. -mini I'iihon. in Harpers, A Passing Acquaintance. liV M. fu II. liliASCIl. In ii iiioiiniitiii hotel ii ny t-mtip f Inmnlers were scat ''1 iiLntit in hall ninl parlor, chificil in liiheyv.ork, -t-nl iitr ' liiilit jinnies while n cheery lire t -it riit'i I I ri-hlly on tin' hearth, lor il was liilc in the season. "We i'to just a nice parly now," s;ihl .in.' iuiy liiily, looking up front her 1 1 1 1 1" i 1 1 of sluiileil silks; I liojio tm ! mily clsi' will conic !" "Kxecpt to till viieiineics n . w.'ilroji nfl," saiil n nciitlcluau, us hi' laiil it-nlc his l l h i s. "Von w ill M', two viicaul .-l.iirsiit tin- tuLle tomorrow. " "Very will," whs tin' iv'ly. '"If yoll liltl.il ifo, wc will splva I ollt si his :itiil kei tin' taLle lull. II we citi't have Mis. I'riic t ninl yon wo iloti't want any mil'. " riio m xt nioiiiiiiL' tli" 1 1 1 1 1 1 - -1 i i i 1 1 I llavi l. ts left on tin- i at ly sla.-,'c, tnul it tli" la.-t in ii n tit mother Ki;,'st 'I' -.hle,l to accompany llii'tn. The party reiniiiniii j went out, some .I lalllLle ill till- 1 i II" VVoillls, Millie to he com er! in t'li' rasino. llYturuih". . own n I ii:: ii. i' 1 1 no', tli iy Ion u '1 t !iat a ii'li'iifiitn lii. I In', n tri' ii i frmn Mi-s Mllil-i'llt Pull, I' -! ukill"; II footn. There was a shout ol ii-!ilit on rea 1 .ntr tli ; trli-.'i.iin. Milicetit Punl was liovvu to miiii.' of tiio pilly. ami two I' thciii iial Ii i ll lnr si'lioolinat-s at i I'afcliii'iial.iK' si miliary I lu re yi u s he loro. "Milicetit will Ii.' tlii' to-ik'nf on our ciii of happiness," saiil on.-: "ami Imw fortunate that there is loi'tn for 1-ir at our tnl'l-." 'I'll'1 ilium r lu ll rah-, aii'l tlir "ll'ITV I'l olIJi Li-took t llcll.solv i s 1o llio iliniiii; room. Two chairs wen. iiiriP.I iloivn at tllo talil.'. "Wlio has I'oini V" tli" j;iirMs in inifi'il of one iiti'it lii'f. As thi-y t 'oU tlifir si -its, a ni'in .,u,l his w id' riiti ii il, in a In silatiti tnaii ikt, ami wi'i-i' ;;irli tin- t n i'hair. ""wilt i;lalll'i'S Ur ilili'l'li.'.l lit thrill, hi. I si.l.' looks i vi'liaiiyi 'l. Tiny wi ll' i vii"lilly i!iiiii, lial 'l-woi kint; n oih', rutin ly tmai'i'iistoni' il to travi lini; mil I to holrl 111''. I;i an instant tht ori.'i:::il l ai ly Ih i-.imii' n rlnj ii'. Thry liaf.lly ..ii"i-mIii Ihi tr liisliki- of tho lli'tti'olin I s, who hail 1 i i nirli t ii In i ;i tin in a i .finality thai j 1 1 r r I on all lln if srtis.- of what was stylish, ("Hi vt'iitiotiil n:i'l ii.urri'iil'li'. Tli.- two -.ti'aii.L'i r- ali' hrittily, lii ipc'l tin in--ilvis t what tiny wanii'il, liuis,.. lln if liiral atnl li tl iho taMf, li' lol'i' lllr I'i'st of tin' rouil'iiny ha. I Irai-li. il tin ir nut . ii ii. 1 i-ji i : 1 1 . "J)iil you in iV" "1 cull it an oiit riiu'c, foicitii; siii'h iili - on n-." "Tin' I'lowmaii hal lii lti r stay al In. me mi. I i!ov." "His hau ls took iiwny lay iiintiti'. " "I hojii' tiny arc not f-'oitm to stay ovrr inht. " Tin' olV llililis l'ollih' sjiclit tin' nf ti'liiooii ua'ikim; alioitl to so th,. view-, niil then sat out in th I'i iz.i till Mti'ir tin) . A I tor Mijipi-r, tin criticism rccuiiiini nci' l. "I'luy'ro fi i n to tay. 'i'ln irlriiuk lias oiii- no to No. II." "What will Millci iit I'iiuI say? She will have to it licit to tln ui. " "Sii.-'ll l i ceI ; 1 1 - til with tun' glance wlnu she scis that tin ii t rt idling in tiuiil ol In r for the liutti r." "Oh, conn-now !" saiil the lii otln r of the last speaker ; "yon knew they lll't'ilcil the lilltter, ami volt shotllil have pasveil il, heiiny tin' watti i' was not on iiainl. ' Ilith! I'm too piiAokiil for aiiy thinj,'. Wu were such h nic; parly tiil thu-e folkh pttsheil in. Ami when Miliccnt is coining ton! Jt just spoils the tiil'lc. " N'ext ilny, while the newcomers wriv out, Milieili! 1'aiil ariiviil, iitiiitlthe wi lcoiiiitiL; excliiiiititioiii of her I rieinls. She was ii tall, slemh r c.iri withim aliimnli'il ciiunti liaiicf, fiishii'lialily ilresscil, carrying f;ol'l eyinla-ses, aini liohlinn her heal alolt i:i n way pecit linrly lnr own. Sin- Innl plenty to my, saiil it well, atnl w at once the contre of every thin,;. At iliiiiu i time she took the v.tcntil sHt, ntnl was just receiving ln r plate of soup, win n the luiicli-critieisei' cuiiilo t'lime in. The t',i. r'm were all cDiisciniisly watchful, Imt Miss I'atil m'CIih'iI to notice lii'thill'.'. She was ; iviti'-r ii viviil ileicri.i ina of ln r joiir icv. Sml.li tily sht. pns, , m, intant "1 '' your pari! ci !' i he saiil. lilc.lsiititly, n.i her i iiiiiai rasseil tieiL'h h;ir ntteinpteil, ral In f iiwkv.ai-.ily, to reach tin; salt, ninl, placing il cmiveu iel'.tiy neat', she rcsttmeil l et' ilescriii tioll. "May 1 tlMtilil.' you ."or the ju p jiel ? ' she nsketl him u little hiter; "li'it lilack, 1 prefer white. Thank you." Ami she sinkc in i xactly the s-n lin." tone ns when she iiskeil hatiil somc ynunur Mr. Waling iicro-sth" tal'lc if he knew when the in lil went nut. Hi.' niltilil'Oil lief I'.niiJ the less for it. "She his a liioailer mitlnok than the rest of us," h l!io:i-lil to him self. A trip to the Notch win pliitin il for the next ilay, to lto itt the inoruiut; ninl return at niht. Tin-re wife eiiouli to till to tuoiiiitaiii waeiiic. X.i, imt iptit i U'in;:i. Thus' who count. il foninl there wotilil In- room for two more. "Ho!i"t inelitioli il, of Mr. V 1 1 i ill : ntnl his wife may nil" r to "o." w i l one hnly, w illt a touch of i; t it it io'i in lief voice. "(ii! we can't hie tin m," saiil otic of the oil-Is wim Innl . -i n Mi-s Paul's schiiohnati-, "ran Miii-cent?" "Why not?" a-keil Mi-s I'attl. ! "Mil! why, ln-caits-.- you knn --Im j ilotthl t hey r - i'i".-llt-!l! people, hit' ! how tiny wiiiihl look iilon. with Ms!" "My ilear Hetty. ' sai.l Mis- Paul, "why he narrow? Why voluntarily j live in a proon? I hive loiin l the ! most interesting people in tin tin -t iiiii-xpi cteil places. lnii't turn your j hack II ii your fell iw-cieiituri s. " J Mr. Willing slippi-'l into the hall i win re the Williurs sloo.l ililii.l -tilly J eMimiuiiiL,' a la -it rat 's resist, r, ! "Woitl'l you like to take tin- trip to the Notch tuuioiTou, with Hi" ! i -t ol the party?" he askr.l. eorilially, "We woiilil like it very much," saiil the man. "Yt ry much iml-til!" i i'lii I his wile. "The i peu-e is tht'i ; ilollar-i lor i nch M at. " " I'iiat's all rihl," .---iii th.- m ill. "An 1 now which of in will hive to sit in xt tin-m?" niurmiii-i-il the ehls in tile parlor. I'.ilt win ii tin- Iniiii-- weie iva.l;. tin in ! iiioiuiii, it was Mi-.-. I'iiuI who uraceluily ntnl iiiicoticriii illy elimli -.1 over the wheel ntnl sn; hv I he Wi!-luir.-. Il was not that :-h" pr. fei ii .1 t ile si lit, t C .'it as she li-it i ii-; i in-! -ivi ly that lin y were at a lit:!-- il: inlvaiiliim- with the ot'iers, ami it was, pel hap-, ulic secret of her pi fleet liL'ariiu in social circles- that in-r pri vate rule of politeness wu-. the little oltl-.''a-hio!ieil couplet : "I'.ilili ii i- I i .hi aini s.iv I Ic l.iinl' -! tiling in 111-' kin.!' -I way." I lie party was a merry inn-; tin y Kittle sotlu's IIII'I WIIVi-il tiie hot' 1 Col- or- as they ilrovc .-leui:--. eaeli wa-joii lirawn liv f-iiir spletnli-l while hoi-.-es. Tiny sloj.peil at tin- lake to enjoy lioatin-,' ft it-1 to hi ar tin- i-cho. Whiie ti.ev lloiil. il on tin- wiitcr Miss Paul saiiu' two or three Venetian hunt soli;.'-, to the ;:r. iit il. li;;ht of tli,; parly. "I lenrne.1 those i f our il-irk-ey i ii '.oiiiloln i-," she sai'l. Tin- Notch was al its ;'ra:: lest lli.-il ilay, ami t he iii-iiiutain i n n i. -i stoo-l iiluli iili-l clear .-iaiii-t tile cloililie-.-sky. There were oilier partie-i mil, a tally -ho coaehliil, ninl s acral te.iin coiiiim; from ilttl' rent ilircctiotis ; Imt iioniitini" f i tit n I tin-in nil cither iliniii'4 at the tu iirest hotel or litt.'chin.!,' in lln woo I- close I iv. A pmly of Southerners ilrivin;; up 111 a slUTey, c.-pieil Milic. nl Paul, mul hiiiliil h-r eiitiiu-iastically. Sie- i lii-oiiuht tin-m to ln r own parly uinh r the trees, ninl -aiil, as she pri-sctitc"! tin in : "Those traveler.-, are lioiu li.-oiuiia. We nut in Vashiii"loii la-t winttr atnl 1'i'ciitiic frieinl-. Mr. Wiiluir I'Xiierii-ii-.'e.l ii sliu'iil mental shock. His father Innl lo-t I mi ii leys in the War, atnl lie hints If ha.l lien -r thoii"ht of u Snutiierm r except as it foe nt In art. Vet here were these people liowiti.o to with j the rest, in co-.lialf pleasant fashion. Iii.nnuiioc Innl not liecii iveti to Mr. Wilbur for th purposn of con cealinu his thought. He lookt-il i-arnestly at lite struttu'ci- in-arest him. "f never i-xpocteil to ineel a Southern man," he saiil, in lil'int toin s; "my f illn-r was ininlo it cripple in the War. " "Ami mine lost his life," repiie.l tin- Sollt'l'-ril inuti. ecnllv. " " I Silt it Is all over How. Yoii ntnl I linvt .11. count ry. " "So we have so we have!" suit! Mr. Wilbur, ati l tin- two si k linn i- si'etitly. Tni- sc in i-scapeil tiie no tice of tin-rest of tiie ciimp.inv, wlio ha.l ill oil:'- 'I'd ill lively colivel- sntiou ; Iml to !' 'h nu ll it vv.-is one ol tho.-e llltie str-'U.s that li.-lp'to chi, . eh 11 ncti-r. "!,, -,iint ii l ialitlfttl, l.ctilitlii ' il-iy iniiotiir tin ii-.onntaitis this has l'i" 11 !" saiil Milici'iit Paul, whelltlu'V wen.' hoiiiewnril lioiiiiil. 'T hope you have i tijoyeil it too, Mrs. Willntr." "1 have vei v inileh. 1 shall never forget it," sai l thcipiict little woman, ln r faco 'lowiiiu'. The Williurs left the next ilay. Mi.- s Paul shook haiiils with tin in I when they Weill, ntnl most of the ' i. . ... .i: i ,i 'i'i I tuners inn ine same, i nev went away happy ami Mitist'nil. Tlu v sanl tu each other it Innl ln'i tt a eooil holiilayv It was n little nwkwaiil at first nmoiii; stlM libels, hut it Innl all einleil pleils m lit ly, ntnl they h:nl seen so litucli. "Arc volt (oiii.yt to coi fespoiul with tlr -m, .M ilici nt ! iisUcl lu r sclmoi- unite, teasittely. "Hetty, ihar," saiil Milicetil, "yoit ,, ' -i ' i ' eailv must open votirc". es wiil-riiml : see the wor'.l you live in; y..ii will liuil it repay yon. Tin; Willuiis nre i.tily a sin; iiciptaialances, like many others; we may never met Until ; auaiu. I'm! in I'om.-rsiiu, I fottn 1 mil one or two ihiims which neiv in- vi i i vt.. ' u-i, i . . . .. I I. ill- v.cre mall te. I. tell venrs iiiji i, li : is uioiiit r Innl jn-l tlnul, uii-l there wefi' I lirotii- rs an I sisl. t s li' siil,.. Hi,, crip- ,.l. .1 I-...I .,. t 1 c... -M..J V,;i,r",,ml 1,,-r huslmml ,,'. tin if s!,,.ii'il-r., die, rl'tili.v to the w in-ei ami j n,- ,1 ,.,.eler it was farm life ami farm work, ''.ho father ,iie,l vcar ! -o. ami the l,rthers ami.. islers now Hike cire of themselves. So (his v,r, win-., havii," mul catinil," were over. tin Will.ttn, th-cMeil .o"tal.c ,. little j Imliilav ami the inotint-iins. Neith-r of them I'v i' saw n inouiitain lu-fole. it has li, i n tile -feat event of their lives. I cannot till ymi tm.v j -hul I am tin-l th-y went with in. yi ' tenlav. I "So am I," s.ii.l 11 t!;-. j "Another little thiiif n tin- mil, to". I f-il lid mil whi le they live. Tin y . .l me it via-close Ly the Shore Line milnei'l, a mil" from th" smallest Kliu.l. I .1 in 1 htalioii, n small re 1 lariiiiioiise with (wo apple I n-i s ami a uat-ili n in lioiit. -With a Pox lu.r.ii-r, , 1 i xelii i I iiei I, 'ln rows of pinks, tin- I L litest laikspurs in the wi.rhl, ninl t! reihlest poppies?" Yes, that was it, she sunt. Why, -iris, I always look al that hmise ami nnlt-ii when I tra v. I Ly that roail, ami have ol'teii vvoli ilete.l w ho livi-.l tiuic. Now I know!'' "I lirls ! ' sni,l Ui Ity, uilt r Milicetit h it the nielli to X' the pillow cover she ha l promise, I to show tiietii, "1 f, el like a ,'i llL! Shall I ver Ia n Liillellly? Ami ilo you w Ie- liuil. i v. ry ho ly loves Milicetit Pmil." Tin- J inli pi lnh til. (iiinintr Knstvvaiil. The Ioii ilfoii-ilit is liavini,' its coil siipflics in a vv holesome i iiii"i'iitioii of settlers from tin- pooriy-wntoreil sections of th" I'.ii- Wi s'. It will lie i vt n -renter this year thnti it was three y ears a o, Il is esp. cml ly Inrife Iroin the ilry phiiusof Western Kansas ami l!as!en. C iloiiclo. From Phills inotilli, Xeh., it is reporte.l that Imiy trains of iniiii iraut w,.-ons nre ilaily s. . ii jniin-ea-l vv anl, the i.n.ni.Lrrai.ts Leiif tholoiiuhly iliscolilii;;.-'!. 'I'll ev il re pllllill..; up stakes ami h av ini vv ilh oiil any ileliuite ohj.-ct in view ami with no tlelinite oLjective point. They ur,. -oiiij; eint of the Mississip. ..;..i 1 1. .... ill ....... ..I..,..- il... i winter L.l'oi-.- .l.-lei-miiiiiin a future s til, -tu. til. it is eslimat,.,! that sine,! tiie failure of Hie crop liccnine ii ccr- t lv t.n.i-e than lU.IMUl settlers h.ive lett tin- Stale of Nil. raskil i.lolic. Mil! -. I- il is si.l iimr,, II ! I'I.) cnvt.-re.l wii-'iitis vvi-rc vvnitini; nt , Piittsinoiilli In cross tin- Lriil-e. I'm liciilarlv sin I stories (.-oti.e from Western Nt-Lriiskit. It is sni,l that one can travel Hn-iv for miles lietwei n fur mi that Innl once 1 n occupicil, hut nre now entirely nhiitnloueil. Iteveali'il hy I'lutliiLri'iipliv. Xow that il is pij.sihle to taku in slatltalieoiis piet lifts, til' list! of tin-ciin-ra has cxteinleil in every way. A It w weeks u-i. ii certain iron rail way Ll iilne was silspecteil of Leil.n llll .:,le. 1 1 lookeii all I iuiil, Lut there were sotin.' reasons vv hy tiie mauaet's were nfrniil of il. They coithl imt tle ciile theiiisclvc-, ntnl they sent up to l.oiiilon for n famous eiifritu i t- to eoinc innl look it over. He cnnie nml ,v ms pu.'.h'il loo. until he thotmhl of n ,vuy In Lest it. Hi: took li ealm l a mul maile u picture of the Lriil"o with no nun upon it. Tin tl he kept his eiim .. ia in losiiion uml w aiteil for a fin-l tinin to conn' on- Pretty soon nn xpless triiill ealiie t ll illnlei inn nloti-, in. I just as tin- Lii; locoinotive struck he Lriilc he pullcl open the diiile iml look ti seen i pit-lure on the i'i,,e uiiite thai still li i'l th" liist. hen ,hc piate was exiiinineil (he picture wall tin' train was loiimls.i miuci lu i.vv the other as to show, what ti.-e en ii.eel' mul iiitmap'rs hint feari il. it ,'niincro.is ilrooji to the Llitl.ne, New ' jik Witless. .. It int. II - I I .1 -.. li'i'.l'.- Ih'.'iiii an I all our tun III the wu "Is is i'IhI" I. Ail tin- "Id Imi.ks n.ii-t l'- f.oiii.l. I'.i-teil iii, innl ni'-n led. T'-riiMiy I y In- irnwv s. -,i I That In- threw hi- l-i!" riir'i! il-'-.u Ami .i"-lare I it jn-l I " !'ii l I'ri ''I li's-ait-'1 --h'i -I ina-l l i;ai, I .ik'-s to ev -r lie a iliin -i' "l .'ininy Jnii'-s," I -ui ! hen, "S "p Unit fo .li-hia- - at . : I If ymi tin imt i;.i I i - -.. ."I. -Iil-I Villi tell 111.', it villi '-.III. Wliiit you wih aai.iiii:' n. W h'-n yea've (,'r.jw n a "p ie Li,' hi m V'i.u;i;ikiii'l. i iil.T I't Nlslli.s i ::M I'.il; i ni l I. I V. Tiie follow in. tile in-.il ii' w liicli catnij iimler the oli-ei it i.ui nt ... . . the writer : two yonn-.r lint-- hn . lift n k.-pt in a pa-tut-e, with a ii'i-iK r of cows ninl a yeni-olil c.i'.l, aiiilli- v Were lu'clsto:ue. to Co. lie lip to il:--lltl' i veiv I : i 1 1 1 with thccivvs. tie- ! ohief iicmliliu I in- line an ! t 'n- v.iilli;;-!- 'fiii.u'in:; up tin- rear. iH M a wntil of mil. r in th.-ir i -islar.-. .-..in. ' , s!n . pw, ri- lu-oii .-hi to th-irn - i-i w!i--ti I til-,- liors-s lltl I i-ows Were l.i-pl. all I --"nit n !........ lilt's;, .ollietimi':. loilowe 1 tin- t'ows '''''.v cam-at ii';.;ht !"' U:M ,l"-v'1"1 ' "' ,,!''' v "" "'" ""'"K,;s ,"--'',i"'r '"'' "" 'ittt...l tl..-...:ir. i.u.l 1 h-..t i.-r .: t " ver I.. U. s,.,... !,e m... Ly th- W""1 ,,s ,M- , :i -: - U -iil-li- !y """"'' -m...,v ,, M'' 1 " " "" '" il ipticMy ran away, while tin- li .t -- coiitiiiiieil to siainl fjii.n-.i in.-;' hi- i lri-ii-1. - 'ur I 'ainli Ann i. it is ;io.'i--..i nir r. t S'-m - i-lii, -i pt-ciiij' pe -,.!. v. ;,.i." - n,,i n, in, makiiin ,-.., rinn-iit-. tint wmii'l ilaui mn ' 1 1 1 1 . i : i -s-l .1 Lfavery, h-is ili-e.nereil that . rassin.p- m r ii f. It it. I. is claim -I for tin tu tinil tiny nre n il only mm- tfitimi-, Lut ii-.'i-e. :M.. I i tin- ta-1 -, part tcul-irlv wie-u L,.i!e I I'm- t v. .. ...( hi, ,utt. r ntnl spies mi ! Miit n,,,.,l Tim valae of this ilisoi.vei-v is erreat. Lecaus" tin's., ntiihl:,- in-eet- have olteii ih-va.stiit.-il Ih larm - in t he west to such an est nl thnt those w ho have ilepen.l'-.I n tin-ir farm pro- iltice I'm- tln-ir ili'iy I I hav linen 1 :- ii 4 lit face to Ine w:lii s'.,r.atii..i. Now, kiiov, im,' t he v a! i - of t in- ftt-.i.-- hopper a-u meiiii-i of sii-.;i,iiiinr life, tin y lu-i-il not starve, ami if. as t h- j iliseovefi I-ehiitil t In- i'lsi c: is si i ih- 1 licioii-ii morsel, pei-hni's iiihIiv will welcoine w imt has hilh no Ll-.-u eon- ; si.leie.l ii plin;ue simply for tin; vuri- ely the v i-itiitiott w ill ail',,,-,1 in th-ir! ilaiiy iare. -Athiitla Cm. -tit-itioh. ; -- j A 1. 1 v . I . v i "o i v I o i, : Its nam 'was Hocti'i-I. ii.iiey ..'iv:-n il for its ii-iLit of pa.'in ; ll-ivveis to pieces, lis if for Loiuiii.-il imalvsis ami it was kej.t al a led-l in M.-l- ; Loiirne, vvher.' I.uly Pari., r, a part ol ' vvlu.se ilescriptioii v.,- .pi.,: , in.-..,e its iicipiainlance. ! 1 1 r II... lloeior's 1, .! i,-i..i.si.: lln- imitation of a imw.. 11 rcs.-r.-s ii,;- I'.,,., oi , i i, it i,u t, i. r,..,.ii.,,, I,., ir, il,..,, when all ihe hem. mil eliickeiis, tnr- k.-vsnml pineotisa.v i n t In- .ptict 1 1 ,,f it,,.;,. 1. ...... I i'.,..- .... the j ilinr, shrill -ry ,.( ,, ,:,vvU is lu-ar.l overhen.l, ntnl the I oetor i seen cii-culin- in the air, uileriiiu: a I screiiui oecnsi, mn ! i -. . The lowls never I'm. I out thnl it is a In.hX. Lul tun to sh. It, r caekli.i" m the r'rt atest iilarn; lu-iis chici-. tux 1 ii. -,,,. . ), i- el. ...I;- io-k..vu crouchi,,-' uil.ler the Lushes, the pineons t.kil.n refil-e in their I sc. Ass , ns th- -roi.tnl i, .piite clear the knloo chan-vs his i. not- for pe-ils of hiii-hter, nml litmlly n:ii;hti,,n mi Hi- top of ii hi neoop H 11. .1 with tr. i.iLIuu hiek.-lis, ,-. . liiark-ina siitV-icnteil voice, Y. m ' ! I Le tic ihalh ot nn-. " Al other (tin she pret.li.ls to ,v,.m violent loollnu-l-,,. ntnl i,urs"S his Leak in his chw, toekili- L.K-kwar.l iiu.( foiwiril mil' in the tfreut-'st -,.,, v mul cro, kin- in res,.,,,...., ,,! felll -.lies l.toposeil : "Mhit.lil.tl. Lit. .fniio.l;',, Iter which si.llinn up to 1 1,.. of its perch, it savs in .. I rse Lut coiili.lenlml vvhi.- per, "(iivc me .. .Imp of whiskey, (() ' I eh. jo yil his s wiiif pcriorininice, ills,, ;,, sec him Iml, I ii little piece ,,! slnlV uml "i-iu -nth lit" claw which teste, I on the perch, ninl prcteml to set- w ith Hie other. Kettiu;,' int., .lilli- cultiis will the thren.l, ami -niv settin; up ii loinl soli-- in lirai ol sew i, ,:-!, a chili"-, just it- if I,: were rccitimt nn inlvertisemeiil. -Yiuith's Cinmlil..ii. . An eccentric Southern vvomm, tlnteil ; In I- will 17.s: lnsteinl of SS'., leit Ice co n I has ileel'lol tlmt this ih i s ll n nnpiiil- Ith viliilitv, CIllM-ShBAXKHRS. "' " 1 Thfiir rVnilHucv Svstpni Dates Baclc ThoiuaiiuS of Ye.TTr. ! liiiiikrupts Arc Banished and S jmi'times Dt'caiutntctl. Tin; l.iitikiti" system o fCiiiini, writ.-- I'tanli (i. Carpenter, i- the uhle-t known to man. Aeeoiilinu toCiiiu l-.-Cofils there Wi-fe liallks of il.scollll! mi l ileposit there its far hack as 'J.ii -m P.. ('., ami tiie interest laws of China were mini-hue,' l.efoiv Columli s .In- con-rc-l America. There w. n- Shy- locks In re a tiioit-au.l y. ins In lore tin- ' i-eal Sliylock was lioiu in the mii..i of I Siniksiieai-e. mul nowhere "ii iiiitii I 1 . mm. u ciili:'.-.l peo).le, will yoiiliml hi-.'h. r rat-s of i nl. r. 1 pail, inore liiutn-y liori-owe.l nu-l inoie ileitis cm- scieiitioiisly .ai I. 'Jin- le.-al rule ol ini -l-e-t in many of tiio j.rniu.'i-s ol . , ( lima is :in lu-r cent. nt:. i in ft net's it . ... ... i ,, is :l i per cent. Slill mi.iioiis ar- Ii nt. ! i ..i.i ,i,.. .1,.,, f I !.. in ; ,1,.. ,.,., u,v,s ui :, vs,. it ,,. r e, nt. j ..... i Mini nil stit'ts of i y 1 t aiisaelimis nr.: elitiTcil into. 1 linei lui'l usvM'iii in : l.-,ihh" ntnl ..t, a iatt-.s!',,, I - , ""' o la-pin to . xtst i a imtn n. ami 1 M 'Ver the i mpire l!i.-r- nre iis-oe-ei- j tj,,,.,, f,,,- ,.. lM,,;,,o f ni.my, j i which th- .'.iff. r-M n-ml.-.s pay so imn'li a nn. nth ami th, j,,,,,, ,., , , ,,..,,,, , ,, ,. ., i ''" " "-tl.-T "'""1 ' if to Villi-, j (I,,,! i neii e-.-l- a chain'" to lis - t! .ra ! j,,,,.) ,,f the t u m il 'triii'.' vhicii sllell ll-s. ! ion- il -lia . i v i tin. ls nuphuv ill the w.irll where dpi!.! , .Lines more re.nlih thai, m China. i J In luiul.-rs have tm-ir -uinis m n I ciatioii, which ti a 1 tin ir fat'-- of i ci-eilil ami int. r.-.-t. Iv..-ry city ha- il- i-l-aril," I, mis-, which s.tti.s ir, Mia- Li,-ii,. l.etwei n t In- li.ihks nt tin- cl -i-e ..t . acii .lay. tin I t In-in.t . e l.titihi i t-siie circular L it r- of crcltt t. j trim ! i s --i ii,-. 1 1, mil-h th- empire '"'' 1 Tlier.-iir.- Li-.' Imtiks win. pu-h Clin I .,itt lit im ilielhes, ami little inn s vili" luaii out sums which we American- . won!. 1 hai-iiiy think wot til while lot- inning. Tin r- nre I ru L-. n n i"tis, ol i all t... it... an. I tv.-nlh" Li-.-ar- c'tiL ; toet In r ntnl are I ml Ly tin- rules of their tiiiioii- Parnn r- t" -in I i n (o- i.ct;,er to Lav cattle, poller- Luy mil (ln ctistoin of pari ieiilar stn-t-ls tl, tl,eir ft Ih.ws, mi, I a man wiiowan!, ,,, ,.( marri:ilainl lias p. rhaps not etioU'.'h Inotie.v to Lay ii wife will fo jut ,, ,,.,e of t Ins 1 n-soi-ini loir- to jt 1 1 - i - 1 to Luv .-.me p,-;ni, s nt l i;,. jan-, Lut loin, 1 t In .1-ah r --t.-i .- shut ami was to!. I thai hi Innl c!' 'I until he con!. I et -lftl.:li ni"li- V I'mtii his frii-mls to pay i;i - lasiy.ui'- tleLt-. AH lirius In n- have 1. si tiie ilpnl ihe eh. ;e oi t in- y -nr. mil il t- the ijreatest ili-.jriice -o into Li.i.k- luplcy. liankrupts ..;t n eniiiuot :-n:- i-t'le ami the .-on fee's In.iiml to pay his fatinr's ,! Lis. It Is tin- sum.. wrh t tin r reial ives. The ileLl ol i.i.y 1 mcuih.-r of a family nre a '!-;.: nc ! th" whole fun, iiv, mel rich m u. h-i- ii," f.uleil '.till "o to work at tin lm.-t "ici.ial occiipiitioiis In onl.-r to pay oln- ili-Mi.e -. ' r tor- i.tu .- -v . ni- ' P- I'm.- I'm lures nre Ntwuys punish, . I :.ts l.-sfl. th- Fimi.-i, i.k. w . -. iiave I . .... ......... . , : Lv law. 1 1 t no inuoiliit Is ii-,,m i , .r in t- ?,: the Luhkriipl t- l,nis I, ' i! " ,11,IS "l"n' ll:il"Unt lit- n ml is taken oil'. Th-iv is mil much ; ,l..eissioii iilmil. tu -liter, am. tin law is that I in- Lnnl, ru pi w ho 1 -, ,- .m. ' '-ueh tncil tl :,a v. .i, la I i!e ciicu.iis s Is i. t-aplt lte I ju-t th. as tin Iran. Inn-lit one. I i.i-rc ar - tm law w is '"nl no jn lii s, mil t h. jm i-.-s uml o!ii- - dills of th- town pa-s li, si i,l, I, e.s. S,,u. lines tin- Li.ukrupt , eariy h' my chains I, r vwt ks 1 1, , , m;. I, ; ' "t : . 1 -. At ..'h.-i-. liny u i , .1 I I'Ul in Hie cniiu-mnl n 'I ihlri i:n u'iy ! 1h.-y los- th-ir h-'i.ls If. I'.,w . v . r, i j 1 '' La nk nip! c in s , v .- . u-, a-Ii . ul ..( ; t h fail U re Ii - .i il s. , u ; ; , Liu ,.;i', ' Ihe jml-tes. th..s:,vi.i4 his l.en.l ll, ; i many I a- crd ,.s I ,t,; , v , their - eist..niel's th. ir .l-'Lts, mul imiliy i. ; ,,m" "' ,h ' M't" '" ':" ,l;l'" which iilwnyscmes nt Hie close ot tin- ........ ,. I ""' lm" "" "" ''"1'"1' ! " '" 0""1", '"' " -'"' j UH U''1'1 "!''" '"' '"'" ,""""'''S "'S "'' :-''S t he luti-ls lo continue. 'I Ills pli-vellts th-l-c j ever In tm; a cleat panic in China, l ln itetnnl slamlities of the dilV.-i.-iil m-t- : eiiaiits i.n I Lustties-. i.-.-n m-e kt ,.w i, ' v,'.v twelve mouths ami I th' ic i- n,. cham-e tt-r n man to em;- I , tinue n i.ui:, cii-i.-er ..I Iran 1 mil la I - .. ; misrient inn- j l,.,,.r -ll.-lv is smuetln'ii" ,. Imln, PnLLer lishvv. nn. The li-h Lite nt it j isl Ih -si.liie nsthe real Watts -Hon't vviint it. ll , hasn't ' ;.-1 m ti'ilit to impose m, ,. -,s, , ,, plvv M, eh style, -I inliiiliiii.olis ,louni;,l. A HcniiH nithlc S'i.-Iil. lights in the hi-tory of lie- w oil I n-. r,,n.,i,t 1 1:, M-m-s a",,, itwa-the t-- t ! ai'l-ii-narv action lietwein Cai.tn'ii . .I'.im P,,nl .1. tii.-s" 1. l.: :it. .1 ship, Pol, I in.- Pit-haul ntnl Hie lifilisil ftit.'i'te S-r-i;.i- of iiliout the Mime f'.i-.'e. I'M-.. tain .loi.i - hiel en ' !i hi- 1 i ei !, Iniiii 1 CMii-e atoii'el lot- e..i-.l-ol , i;,.;,,, ,,, illV . ,,r,,lv .,e, I ,1, . .,....... ... ,-,-t of li-e'-iiel ami Si-claml. h- Innl .lotii'l. 'i Cap- Wratii. ll!il was e ililimi .lowii tin- t a-ti l tl s il" of Se il'aml :i. l!'ii-ia:"l. w!e-u mi .!. . ..I' i. . i- ':'. 17T.I I.- ), n :n w it ii t In- P.nt i-h Pail ie lh i t oil i',.,,,,',,,, ,, H-al. Tin- ll-.-t c-.i-.- ... ,,,.,,,, ,-,fv ,,, ,t ,.s,i, ,.,.,,.M.. !, Ii- frcr-it-s ripi- ... 1 '' ( .,. ,,- s,,..,, , i I a i 'uu! i ,.,;, ,,. .. ;, ;:,li.i!iuiic pmliniil v. a - :n cenp -i'ii. 'I t n- Alil- , n. , , ,,,),, ;. v, Imt ,!,,.., ..m-in 1 -i J-'r.-in ii "Hi- ' m,. Pu!. i to -upi-'ft t aot.im , ' , ,,.: ., .,, ,!!,. i, ,,i,,. nt ,, th- iiii.-'.-l.. .. ., ;.. ..,,. ,;, ,, ... .,.y,, 1-I '-.ii th i n. "i .- i . i " ii" pa i oi i." -.--)! . lion h"!ii h" Hie'ial-.i a hi S. ran .In-! n . t ii,- , i:- "I , . ';u-J u- i'"!.i i ;; I .,-, ;,-an In- 1 ...,., ,..,,, ,,,,, ,,.i, ,,, ..,1 ft.., : ,.s , ,, ., .,. ,,; ; .,,,-,- ht.ils. : ,,:l!1 ..,,;,',-! o-sp-r,,.. U- ,. - m lnval ! M, ,..- low..' ,! ,-k , ,f li, , a, p : ,- mht- ; ,-l m x :, I I s. ,,,,.,-,.. , hMi., liiir-t at t! kna iiij.n.- of t ! I '.-! v '": I '.. r.-ri- ,"!"-r Iv i ; : r 1 1 1 u-. t m tin- ..t tiii- Iii-it. rv ii'-t' iil.ati I il IP ,::!,-: 1, .-ir ti; la-:;,- was i. , ,...,,.!;,; . ,,,.1,1 i, ,,, -i,.s w. v- ,:l , ( . ,. .,,i:.., . t,. t ,,t, I-', , , ., ,,- s;,:.in ... A, .,it ti.u it w-t t,.; - , ;, ., t ini I !i- i! 'ii!m;i::i.. I'.'eii-ul ,., :, 1. :,. J tii"Pr:l- ,,, ,:; i 1 1 o v. . - 1 1 a --. .1 .. n - v i,.. , , -'I i::,. I- '.tun to 111 y. !. " I -elisn, , -. , I 1 tl, .lr-'nl- ' I'll eoleir ;!! of his s;,-.;.. C ii.t.illl .1...,.., ih.Li. ,. .:..p. Ih-I tie- Pnti-h .., . , ,, , ., , ,,. ..,.. s ..n siiil. -ntik t. u e.-i;s :ter . Lai lie. innl In- ti i:il. ; r- ! I:.- ni-'i t" lie cipturnl li:--; i;-!::,: n,. N'. w York l! -c r-l-r. '. I r.s'i rriiorijilit v. Il - n 1..M v . u t::at lihciaml h. I I l.iri-.r I'm-ic Si.n'-. ;,r, tin- Lot ,ii i-s of .i .,:..!, - - y-a. ri-.-'ht 1,,-ie ;a tii- Nat i..;u;i C ipttnl it - ,! - y,,u wotihl think 11 was;, ' so. Ami ..;:i, j -,.!,,, ..m tni, I y ,.'i that, on 1 1, ,,tii.f iianl. I'nc'e Su-u. wlmi- s..pp..f.-.j ., i.jive nil the hr, I nt ho::-.'- t -: T in- can nil. ml !. r-nlly owns i- ,n s, v. -ral !',.: :.:. ciii,-. y..u woii'.l ,! .::Lt th.t. l- '. Pit! Loth slat. :;,-:! vv ..: hi L. t r , . ii, ,. Piilaiii ow n . i. :.: :. ,,n ,r- of L ! , n t onm .-! i,-,it av.-ini--. in W:- h-nyto", mi wh-ch in- laisive !-. ..i:..;i limis. sfi:i-i '. I'in-re Hi" P.Mi-ii tli:; tl',:- 'lii-i'.tiy. That - .,1 nrii.nia lir.ti-h s, . (,i ,, , :i ',;.-, i : p, ,u'l c i ! ly - v -r- i;; n I In r.-. Th ' n - ! a-i i.-v i'lai a I: t :;-. a i: t ,,! I pe' ;, , in e! m; ,'. i a.: -iii'1. S-.n.V i.i u -! '-. .it i, ti. -ic I'ii" l-:t:.-li I - -it -i is tli-n- own i-u..-a--v li.--,-- ,u vva-n- ; iitni.. ,v !:. : thy. im ini, ar i- pr. in-. . Piun. t . I iv S . ,, !-,,. i,..i,s;, Iml Im-H.-x.- m l,,s t, , , . -. ,,i ,t .. . , ,,, t So on i ,:. i i -! . i s ,,.1 c n ; n , :. I , ; v h:,,. to !:. t tlu-:r .! ; li.it ,il I ,. . u., ;a : : u . I. '.' nml Tok m. a pa ;:. w . i ;,,v.,i . . "nt,,.,, -v r wiiicl, Hi Stars an-l Strip, s ,).,,, n.i'.'y --.m,-:,. . 1 l , ,. i- .,!... u! i- ;, ol t in- -i , , mi nil. i h, ; . w :, i i, i i ,,. ,u-,:t ,, t'uei- s i,,, - .i -miniou- ai m;., I. Va-l,i -1 n Pm h li i' i Mhiim ll;l(s. "1: ymi wi-i. I . I 1-' :u, -I 1 1 1i.ii.it ' -:i". -iu-r. i..y vn-.l;,",. it wiis ., c .!..;.y ,1 v.ii.-- L-.l-.'' I "" A"'" "'li1' i""1 1 ,,"""i . with ml i.i.., ., ... ... j '' e I. -ll., I 11, li- -. d- H , '!"-""' "'" " ! ' :' h!,'J ' :'! m-t. ' u""h '" v" ' 1 '" " ' ''''' ' ! ( h.skey s, ,i vv - tu-.-ie il ..,i i.e.-nl- 1 .pilllt, I- Uli'l sh pt th, I e olio lii--t. -.linlj. it Mir, i I -e w h, n, ul j i-,uiiu,t, v.e saw min.i. r- -I whne , L j ,, ,... ! m i,: ni:; in tin , v 1 "111- i ,is :, i,. iitili.-.i lie in. iimu ih. re1, in. r o! ili.-iii. a L ii-. W 1 1 a-i il , t ,,i,, to t In 1 1 home in l lie 1 1 1 i a t i, la! . 1 1 : eiiii v. W I:. ; inr I in v were n ttiii-.fl lAiLim,- m at t ilieiml .' Lii .-u-I.e I ,v 1 1,. liinus of the "-till was a ipi,si,,, tiinl uh il us ., -011-1, h-riiLly . hut lin y vv, ie i I'-'ts of that we Were certain. M . f oiu parte t lu.ii-.ht 1 1n v j l "III, eil I'nlie y linn-, or i.sh. -. in: ( 1 in V were too intem.cly white tm that." Phthnlelpliiii H.f..j-.. We Aiti'l A-;in' 1o Cry. I- Blal.ty i-uri -u- watln-r -! u a-.rnyiii i-r a rain, W hen Hi,. re eame a ri-u-'lar ili-lu-,' Ih" mountain an' tin' plain : J H, v ..nein-.l all III'- wueliw.- in tint '-M-r- l.-i-l in' -l.y. A u ilr. n-Ie I u- i-'iin'l'-t.-i hut we iiin't a-u'"in' i'i i-ry ' IT.-iimrhn enri'.ii-wi-'ilhi'i- in II ml'.v lur an lu-nr, . . . , , i , i. , i ihe l.,.lw..iai- ell ,t..i, .-v.-ryw herr : An tln-iP- .-alin' all the pr-'tlt- nf tic- i-n!ii .-in' ..f tin- rye. An' it kiii'l'-r l'i"k- hk- tnnil'le-Imt we ain't a-;; "in t" -i v ! P .r wh.-C - tin- l.se in Ir-tliu'. -r in sp-ii'lin !,,.,.. ,:1V' j- '.. .t,;,r, ;, th- i-xt. ln- ' , "., u,.. n-! W..-l-iu h ar tl--a- t '-i'-1--in.' n lln- j I. hi" Hull l.elnl-.'li hlL'll. ' - ... o... i i ... i . '..'.. .-nil I ..-j ni t ' AtialM-i I "ll-!ltuu 'Ii. in'MoKors. - : ,i ,. ... lliimi.Ptv is to tm wi nihi l- w Imt , . . s! u pi' lit 1- to tin Hi til 'I. ' Call-r - I-Mr. I.r-wii nt lion.-, l ..-I -. .-n -, ill tiiel linn at tm- i-lii '. Iat-ii -I- licit Cliollic'- i-i-tit-V l.oills,- . . ii" n 1-1 i ri...-.s-.. yet. j.-.,,-,,,,. ,,,, w.,y. t-lim their tm n- that iimlv. (heir wives Utn,l. ., , . w i,' , , , -, .ut.vway? , , , ., ,., ,. ,d w 1 Wi, i . ... -in. Lit ii i.laee tin-- wotihl ! , i ii I.-, if l! were lull ol pei.pi- w Im woiiM ,. s T1' " '" :i''"" "' :1 """ ' " ! """ ' ' i' " "' '"'' n M..,.-il.h.- tor n V 11 uii'y m-ii ria j,:,., 1 1. , ol t he nl'l Insli- mil -.1 w..:u in w!n..-( Hi 'Lri-n.l Let ore u'!U-; to U.- Ml tnh''.' I C i, i n i 1 1 1 1 , i-- t . -1 t th- worst ,,t h hi tin- war -in- will .-orry she r invent oi w.l.-r. I iv ii, r Ih - ",ir;h. In- m ..Ini -ian-. IP- tfr.--l - .-ii.--.vl, nvix-t W h -n-'.-r I, . I" .-i..-iii.-iti- J li- 1 1-.. ul-' w.ta Hi" tax--. Ye-.' ,-nnl Mr-. New rich. "Fnlo nit v-i-v sick vest. -f, lay ntnl I hail to ail in a i, r.-!;ii!-i:i st arcoii. '' A - I miil.v woi'thii'-s hiisLa---s , re ill 1 1 nitin r-ili ia-v Lusiness, . Wlt'u Ili-lu in it'i'ia-'e i- mati imom-.v. - ..,hiuiv. --M v ilium's tiikiiiif lesotis oil the tloliiLotu'. .los-. I know it ; ami lu.v papa 1- takiln.- h --..lis with ll shotgun- " an I s e v ,, i a pal l lot H Ino l,n lit'.' " "Y'i;i :m -an ai .in-, iloti't you'.'" "Ye - ; ii loan - 1 h it - it, . xaet ly . 1 want to Lm :-o-.v liv.-.' "So M i I'-u'e-i -li "ini mil m-irry I. .pi l.a.-,tl',,e'ss ait- r al." "No ; she cum Lack lln- -am - p-i r!r In auty sin- al wa v s v. as. " P.rinl.lli - That little of mine is n tsreiit siviti'. Mml'l.e I- that so; h w? P'lnl lie Why. iloti't volt see, he'.- iiios' aiwiiv - on tic eiu-tail. ,l.ii s A man'- su.-e ss ,- invunlin;! fi'ic npiire :' In- 1 1 - in- ix . P.rown )i on nn an tin, t Hi- h-s- s.ptiifi: tin- hm. -! Hie -jr cater tin- mi-coss? ' M-, , .r,,.. tri-nl. - .a.- men hire TI, ..,'rl (mil ai.-l u.-lv. -x ,..tl,ii,!,s I ,".'..r u-i, :iln-!ll,ll-.' iiilir - tli'.'i 'h--m-'-'l in -aa-au - link-. rrmui. I have --.-:i L -tter ,i i v 'will, - nfn! iloiiLt. Win n? Trump Kl-hlmi thi- spot, la.lv . IW'i Week- II o. W r! II I e-.M ll "hole pi". 1 I'lo-. l I'atin-r ilo in mi This is I, iv v mill"! i.o, . Fi-.n.k. ! ;P- 1. M r. ; .1 n-k-m. 1 rank ..lii-:. I- lhat th'maio! w in-,, tic. m ,:, , ;,,-! y , sler- m.y tint ha 1 inn money Li-im-' C-.n . W h it .Ini y -m a.-c. pt Mr. - Mumn '..i. I.ucie? Icton- I ha. I to. i Papa owe- hi- fat he a al .h al ol m.,.., ; .h.ck hi- Liollur a . :i i a .'i . li ; : sisp-i- owes his sjs,- a ; sun ..I.tu . a-., I nn IH .....ti.-t a party call. --M .1. ...r. " saiil a i-rmuii pensnnt ' vv,.,,,,,,, to h-r hu-Laml. "m-xt w.-.-k '" , c-'i-Lrate our silvi r v.. ihlttii.. ; will mil not kill the pi-lor the i iisioti'.''' '-W'l y sl,,,i,l, 1.' sh 1 he. "It isn't th- poor :i n t in ii - limit that I murrieil I you twi -iily-livc x . n i s. inr.,. that I'litlcl II. Mmnl What was the last iliscus- I ,,, ,,( Yoiinn l.inln s' I ). I .,i 1 1 1 , ;- ! s;, 1 ol volll s Mum Mh. we took up the ohl ipi . -.i.oti o! "Is M irriiie n Fmlure?" Man. I Well, whut was the rcMilt t.-l tin Lit.? M II i" A COInlllittec coltsistll.e of the entire lneiiiLership vvns nppointetl I j,-v ,t nml set ?- Truth. II, lll.rouu :( i. i until v ) nut iior it ies l"i I I Hi- sale of American Cornell 1 " ' ' '- Inch is not iiecol'ipnni.-il hy HU ' x '" '"',M '"tlticiiL-. r fo. ii' Xs