haih:im iicrori Till Its, III Y. KMYKMBKit 1, 1MM. II. A. LONDON. Editor. Wiikn Ilio populist party wan first ortnizoil its members declared that tl.e "hard linifw' was chit-lly duo to t ho ri'piiblican iiirty, aiiid that, w hi lo both llio old partii's were responsi ble, tlic 1'i'pulilit'Uii was more rcspon itlo tlian the democratic parly. At that lime in lornicr democrat, win) had joined tlu- populisms, lor a niomeiit thought that he was drill i 11 j4 towards liio republican party or that he would have to vote lor re publicans against democrats. Il he had been told such a UiiniT, two years ago, he would indignantly have deiiiuil it. Yes, man honest democrats abandoned their old party ami joined the populists iron, the best tit motives, and lucy would have in dignantly spurned the intimation that the would soon be his' 'if,', or i operating with the republicans, who had been tin ir lile-iong political cue niics. And yet they are now tailed upon to do that very tiling! This gradual drilling ol the pop ulisis towards the republican party iveills thoso Ian. ili.tr lines Iron l'oi:''s 1-Nsay on Man : i.'it l.- h m-'ii-ipr t rrlitlitful ml.-n, A.i, I ' Hi' .Ulll'l, ll.V.ls liul ! MVH : 1'i di'i 11 L'i.1011, Um.ii.ir with her i.-i.-t1, W11 !iii i'li.iiii'H, Uh'u i'Hy, ilii-ii i-uilinuv " And thus it is with some ol' our populist Iriends, who onco were democrats. To them the republican party was once "a monster of so Jrighilul mien" that they most bit terly hated il : but now, having be come ''latniliar with her lacu' , they nre ready to t uiliMCC il ! But while this may be true ol some nt out erring Iriends, yet wo cannot believe thai all ol them will allow themselves to bo carried so tar. They refused, two years ago, to 'em brace'' the re pub ican party by voting tor IJ.ill, the republican candidate for "Supreme Court Judge, and in like maimer they should now refuse to vole lor Kairelulli and l-'urches, the present republican candidates tor the same cilice. And they should also relu-e to vo;e tm 1? nuiii, the repub lican candidate i r .Solicitor again.-t s'apt. I'arlier. Til K State Fair, held lust week,1 was a notable success both in t In? j quality and quantity ot tho exhibits ! iiml the unusually large number ol J vinitors. Such an exhibit in scv j era! departniciiis lias never before ; been soi 11 in this State, and was an I object lesson that taught our people j wluat. rapid strides our good old State is making in thin day ol'pro'- 1 ress, . It was an occasion when the! calamity howler lost his vocation j and was compelled to cease his com- j plaints. The attendance ot visitors j on Thursday was tho largest that j we have ever seen ut any previ:ii lair, and it was an orderly, w oil dressed, well-behaved social gather ing ol .North Carolinians. The .feather was mtst favorable, even nature adding her contribution to the success of thi.s great occasion. When Col. Julian S. Carr was elected president of the Stale Agricuhural Society, one year ago, wo predicted that he would make the next Stale .Fair the most succes.-ful ever held, and this prediction has been fully verified. A manol his energy, busi ness capacity and liberal public spirit- is .bound to succeed at any thing he undertakes. The duplicity ot the populist ppeakers and papers is very forcibly illustrated in their persistent at tempts to deceive the people about Senator I'ert'er's infamous prnposi tion to raise all tho leveuties ot the government by taxes on real estate. It is a sad commentary on the de pravity ol human nature, that men and papers, styling themselves "re. formers", should attempt so gross a deception.- Is'ol it a nice way lo purify politics? Yes, it. order to shield their party from tho terrible ell'ect ol 1'eflcr's proposition, tho populist speukers and papers havo uttered and pub., lished a deliberate falsehood, and when it is proved on them ihcy have not the honesty to admit the truth. How can honest men follow 3uch leaders? Cmikk democratic rule tbe colored jieoplc ol North Carolina havo been treated better than in almost any othor Slate in the Union, and the kindliest feeling has existed botween tho two races. All our citizens, re gardless ol color or politics, arei treated alike and all enjoy the same rights under tho law. Then why wish to change all this? Wo had better "let well enough alone' ! Let every man, who cannot read, -vmeiiibcr that tho populist platform j demands tho adoption of the "mi perverted Australian or secret ballot system", ' which would practically' r',(..7ii'.M' him. I Ik cotton was now ten cents a pound, do you think that anr poi.u- - , 1 ...... ... ir. :. . ina wo,.,., g.vemt- ccuo. ot o. CI eveland and Congress? Would any ol them praise the democratic party lor il ? No, ol course not ! Then why should they blame Cleveland and Conyruss and the democratic party because ol the present low price ? I i 1 1 any political parly ever con trol the price ot cotton? Jl so, when ? BK CKHTAIN TO VOfK TIIK HFM I'R.UIC .It 'DICI A I. TICK "!'. Tit kuk will ,,e siX ball,, boxes at every vot.ng place, as follows: j 1. One lor State Treasurer. 2 One for Jud-es and Solicitor. It. 1 1 0 for Kepresentati ve in Con ress. I One for membersot I, 'gislature. 5. One lor county ofliecrs. ti. A ml one lor township constable, lie sure I hat you vole till i.r tickets ! Let the colored people remember that Marion liutler, who now hopes to ne elected I'nited .States Senator by their votes, only two years ago Ml , l .1.11 ' ished in Ins paper the lo lovvit.. 11 "' We are 111 lavor o the present svstem ol county (iuvcrnment long as there is a single county that is saved by it from it 1 ro m African and ."cilia wag Utile. Wo will loivvcr preach that this is a Caucasian (iov crnment loumleii by the courage, Irameil b the wisdom ami won by the patriotism ol white mei', end tor tl.e benclil ot all citizen alike. Therelnro it i.-s right, ought to be and must be managed by trlti'r in it '"'!" Opposed to Fusion. James K. () llara is one of the most intelli-enl and influential col- ored men in this State, and, a lew years atjo, was elected to t'oii'-ress irom he secona (11,trict. lie is stron-ly opposed to f.e attempted Fi.sioi," and is canvassing the State . . ... .1 . 11 ajiain.-t it. Wo copy the lollowin Wo copy the tc lowing recent extract from one ol hi speeches : ' nv 1 l.ictr h e " ' "I bring to you no tie Cld Republican idea have laded out in the minds ol the people. The only i-reat and prngre.-.-i ve party i the Kepuhlii-aii party. I di ie.it propose to discii.-s tarilV: we niil let that sleep awhile. The Kepubiicans have surrendered to a band ot i.flii-e-seekers. I)o men ask protection Irom a band of otlice-seekers? That is what tl.e leaders of the Populist party are. liutler shows his picture first 111 the Ailium-e white man in. neM-o out. The name his paper, ' taucas.an, means white. lleHatler a tai olliee. He could not iret it trom Mr. Cleveland; he has tried Popu lism and there is nothing there tor him. Ho now makes a iet.p tor lhe Ili'l'.ilblicaii camp and wants to ".. llow ,1.13-Uepubiican ( an join hands with Populists and advocate their, principles 1 can urn see. 11 me 10 lists want to chaii t tl iclii step iboill il oar 1 hitfurm. We 1 . ."i.lliMI stiM.iL' and they claim 4.'i,oili i in tne State. t they are Methodists ' we w.ll take then, in on six mouths trial; it they are Baptists wo will , take them to the pool and .bp them . ...... v ...j, ......v. ....... snow." "One, two or three met. shall not set themselves up as dictatois. In flcad ot peace, strilo is being engen dered by ibis Ponulistie move. It' .. ...I I !...- I lis. .. VV I. . f .... I 1. A the Third oartv succeeds there will 1 1 not bo a greasy spot of the kepub l.can party lelt I he Democrats are a good people, but my advice to you colored peop.e is to vole tho Kepub lican ticket. Keep your lingers out j 01 mis iiisioii pio 111s noi v 11010 soine diet." Populist lut iterance. In many counties the populist! leauers are tiei.oui.cii.i; ami auus.iig , all the colored men, who refuse to vot ! the populist ticket, and they," - , , , 1 even abuse any coloied man wboi sum clings 10 11. 0 repuu. .can puny. 1 As an instance ot this wo copy Ihu ' following (torn the Clinton J Winner. it : irojuilo'iiniiit.-ly inultilijthe iitnui -At tho speaking of tho Duplin rtwor.h ... f corrupt imi, ''. "' county candidates at Kaison. M011 - lay, licoi'f.e assom, of (ioldsboro, the colored nominee ot the Ninth district lor Senator, spoke, lie is an able 1. euro, and a straight Kepnbli can. He tackled tho Third partj-in a manner that enraged the Populists, iiml reiiKiVftd tin) hide t'l'oni fusion candidate (iranl. Tl.e negroes cheer ands ot men; where wut bo tl.e Hunt ed W' lissom and pledged themselves . of spoeulatiou ami fraud! If wo can to stand by him and uphold him in j not have honest .fflcrn with the pro: his opposition to Third party rule.ent very limited temptations and Alter the speaking it was rumored j menus of stealing, what cau wo ex that Third partyites intended to P-'t wltb Uie unlimited opportumiies brick bat Wassom when ho started tor tho train. The rumor spread and a body-guard of a hundred rut fines surrounded their champion and eseortod him to the platform ol the North bound Shoo Fly when it arrived at Faison. Tho negroes are able from a tiuaucial standpoint, incensed at tho Populist threat to 1 These are now the property of pri mob their candidate and are deter- I vale owners, aud there seems to be mined to spare no efforts in helping leteal tho Populists, who, in their; hearts, would be glut! to see tho no- gro deprived ot his right ol suffrage, j A Sad Suicide. CoKi Miii.v, S. C., 0-t 2D. The fourteen year old f-on ot Trial Justice , Hiimmot, of Ulackville, was addicted ' to tho cigarette habit. Kecaue luj would not stop it his father, on Wed- I nesday last, gave him a sound thrash-1 iDg. The boy hanged hiiD 'elf in tbe I ir, m, la nfror lin w,ia sniino i ' to have I one to Mchool. KrpliblioailS Against Pointlists. While the oflice seeking leaders t f . ... . , . . .,- Ul0 ,,pul.sls ami repuo.icam, . n "Stale are trying to get the honest voters ol the two parties to abandon their princtfi'cM and "I use, we copy Ir.im the liepttblican Campaign llonk fir It'.)! the following extracts, which show what a wide dinVienco lluto is hetweeu the two parties: "So fur as it lias c ln lence this now parly is composed of the Farmers' t.t......o i..,;,.i.iu nf r.-.tnn' 1:11,1 .iiiwn- bodies supposed to be organized to ............ Urn .nt. Wlwlu if till--, "llntll.J , ;., rnJu nf llm "in.liirf. ltii.il clasnes," in opposition la (be - -capitalist and emploving classes." ! to-ether with the d.alistied ele- 1 uicuis (if all classes. .VyZ tJCZ i . Omaha. July 4. 1S02, m. the : St. Ll)lli(j aUl, Ocala conventions, and other Huthor.--.ed utterances, seem to , be these : 1. That the Nation is on the verge of moral, political, and material nun because of corruption ut the ballot box, in tbe Legilatmei, and Con g.csa, aud on the Bench, all resulting from legislation by the two old par ties in the interest of the itch, and le diii'ing the masses to pove.ty ami de gradation. 2. The lemeilv proposed for I bis is : The permanent and pirpctual union of the labor forces of the L'nited SUIt-H ill ll llt'llllllll Hll' l"l I . ,'CT. ... . ' 1 ,' ;M . f ,,. 1 . elteting public olrieeis id all grades, i.,,!.! tll .,,,,1 u.,u P,rv out their pi iuciplcB. . (.iovernniental owiicrshiii ami control of the means for the creation, conservation, and distribution of wealth. How far this is to yo is not yet determined. The Nationalists would include lands, houses, factories, stores, and everything ei.-e, abolish ing money, and having all things in common. But tbe general muss seem to be content with Governmental ownership of railroads, tcieg.nphs, and sucb like means of communica tion, and the establishment of Oo eminent al siuings banks, loau otliecs. niul o hi r means of takintr eare ot anil , lllstl llnltil)(I lllt,ey. Manv of the niii.1 hi in iiittu. w i..A.'f. w utteiauces uudt-r this beail are so erude aud contradictory that exact this beail are so l);e freo nn(J ut,liul;U.ll coilulge of p.KI ami silver , ,h rille of 1 to 1(1 : of a ciiculalin- 1 1 t 1 . .1 ... v-io 1. .1 modiuin of not less than .n per head of population of the issue of (.i.iwru mni uo.cn, . .. .. .. .. ... .. ..... . or all debts and demands, public find . . 1 1 . 1 1 . .1 t- .. .. pnva e, to be luiiied ti the (rovcrii- mint notes, to be a full le'-al lender meut to tue people. iu laiui or oilier seem iiy, at two pel cent, intei e.t. per it 11 1 1 ti 111 .1 I, 'ke other platform, there are declarations ciinci i niug current tern porary questions, an 1 which cannot be held as pe. mam lit pt iuciples ; and many declarations which are simply the common utlcr.inees of all parties. No attempt will be made to stato these, Tin tl- rra f:ii'..t union tut miiieiiiliM t,f ly (i,.(,m , bJ ( j , , ,lt j -., f ,.e imlustriaP o , , . classes to control elections ; (li) a large extension of ( loverntuetital owuefdliip and control of industrial forcts ; ('!) a lare supply ot (lovernment money. with ibreet ls.-uo to the people who ,if ( )buy T ) .n,s ,,U..IV The objections whirl) present them- ves to tins patty and Us demand.-.; 11-.. , ri. ,i i,.;.i La. ; .... .,.,,..,,. f. ,(, ,,. (h ,;,,, .,, ,((, ,' ,,,,., , ,. lm;;, r7,.(1,,,, llt(,,rh ,, rlhu ,. - ..,,,.,,, , IIV,,, ,n.l In AN . ' . . . AUCHV OK COMMUNISM. A") ciuc sltn'ilil ciitrr thf y.rr'y rA in.t I'Vi 'nil i'.' ti) I ''II' -iK it ti' iiIi' nr the ill In r uf tin ,c t .rtrniit'S. '1. That, being an nf tempt to or b , . , ' , 1. . 1. . ..h . . T 1 anoiuer c.ass, ..ootets iifjaiusi caiu H u U)Ust 1(,a(, t, llure m eJ miu.tSf B(T.rftvllt(, n!1 t'le f .,(,0,j lin.koU(s UHll ,,nU, lln l ,(;i( f) clyllj NOl .. 0 pjcp j li. That, being based on charges of j universal corruption and fraud, it fi'i-. f' . c'.''t nit i-i.niil, ihy ( a .'. .a in.iii, iiu i iii ij, ' iin' rrry cor 1 u t't mit it rli, mil . 111 oi n r'"tliiin r ,r,. a. . -v. r.nl .jrw ,n mm : irho tl.inl.s tai. '1 hr lnrt ..ry-.vi.'n v, ' h'rt'J '-'"J '"""-''''( if ''i iiiiir,iti;iii'i innntiii-1. ,,..'1.1 1 i. That, wbi st charging universal corruption upou all blanches of ibo j Government, National and State, it U"J""J l'K " " i-"" " iiroihtctiiitt iiiI J'tstritttti'in of iii.ilth Wheu public otlieers are charged with lhe creation, loaning and collecting of almost unlimited amounts of mouov : witu the owning ami management ot enlrrprises requiring tho employment aud discharge of huudre.U of thou- proposed ? Human Datura will be tho same, and results must bo iu pro portion to the moans offered. 5. The scheme of Governmental ownership of the menus of intercourse and transportation soems iiapractic- but two ways in which tho Govern- ment can aciiuiro them. One is to purchase them. But the Government has no money to buy with, aud can tret none except bv some form of : taxation. If it bhould buy them on ere lit it would create a naiioual debt I man j timea pruiler than the war 1 debt ; ami that dt bt would have to! be repreRented by "promiben to pay;'' ' and to pay both principal aud interest onerous taxes must be levied. This j property, then, cannot be honestly ; aeouired but bv ereatin" an immense '. dbt, to be paid by burdensome In- ation for generations. The other luea"? of .Mwl',il ''" h P-lerty ".oiiliseiilion. Fu t'leie w no rea- p0 , whv this kind of pro., ertv should j3 confiscated any more ihm other. Il was lawful property when Us ownois invested 1:1 it, ami they have the sumo moral and lawful ri"lu to 11 iiju' 1 lie Iarmer Las to ins iumi, the merchant to his goods, and the unci nine to his tools. JJesidi's, lie Constitution i.s in tho way. for that deelaus that "private propmty shah not be taken for public use without just compensation." In short, the , ll'ion i.s iu.praetiei.b.e. and t b. . Hl,,t "'I1 10 IVM.Iifd 11 IVOU.tl tuhvt'l I pt to le i.izo it woilM euhvcl t , the Oovt-rnuiotit, aim ml. an nuggest is not worthy of tho name ol citizen. j -". ""vb.v or eommuijism. henem her that we can make our- I (' l''y n.iprael.eable Bce.ns toUrives ami race happy or miserable be the proposal to i:iuo ami loan ! '-rmmmt notes .Ley could; ,ti 1,."""''J. l,,;i,;,ul V'1'' '"t,r Vl,,u,' ''"ved. lliey would leprcsent a , . . .',J b? tbe I'erument, and larj--i r.mouuts of CiiiT.'i uineut notes. which it must express us 11 promisi lo pay.'' It must tlieicfoie make some provision U pay them. They could neither have 1101 express value cei pt in the teims of something l.av iiiji value. Thai is, e.n-ll 01:0 must promise to pay so many bushels i f 1 l 11k In x and do every ot her thing In wheat, aeies t'f land, or il il. ars. Thejil eiu thai was vile and mean, and Government must therefore netp.iie i now 1 hose very same 'r.;seals," nil ci ting laud, wheat, or dollar, with ui,i;hl i'ein kicked out ol the lcmocralic to give value to its papi r. Now. if! party, are stumping the Stale aim the Govci i.ment gave Iheiu out in the j appealing to 11 lor our vnics. Will purchuHe of huid, heat or doihii... il 1 .ve support Mich men? Il wo do must bold these with which to re- what more can we ex peel t ha n tn In deem them. If it loaned tbem on tr 'ale 1 worse t ban our pa rent - ? .No, moitgnge of land, wheat, or ilollais.lw ' will not he led as cattle, but on it must have tho custody of thescaud ! November (I, bury the l'opuli.-ts be at the expense of their rare and j dead." use, and at the expense, also of col j . , "T,""",.. lection, foi eclosuie, etc l wo 1 cent. Intel e.t would not p iv tee ex peiise and losses invuhed, which would have to bo made up by taxes D.-rides, 111 what possible way c 11 ;d the value of tne ptopeity to lie mo.t 'iii'd be deiel milled ! Would it be tiied by lav, i-nee for all. at tbe pies etit market rites? Would tiie loans hu fixed at a Riven per cent, of Ibis lffjal valualion .' Or would tbe value 01 the propel ty and the amount l.i t 1 1 1.: ,i ... .1... ... .... . 1 t ""'M''' " . . . ' ' was msueii. 1111; uiui 1 juices ivouhi ll.-e, and the higher iirie' ruse, lhe m.ue ,.,.,., it would be iHcess.ry .0 ,srt'I": ; M' " 'I?CI 1 aH' of ''' llM '"' ",lJ "." ""'?'"'. RO . 1' " pftuallv. 01 until ilie scheme enliaoi- . . . , 1 ., .' , ' , J tue Lt ivci .imeiii ami ine p'-ope A j h might v p..iin ,. ., , , . ' ., chine it would Oo tor the 1'. . a. nut pu;i.! bosses 7. ' 1 m 'A. '.-( rt h'tt'cu . 'i;. (('. m oij'ir'i- i' i!ini)'! : n! 1 r.i ... ' l',..nt.i.ii" t;n i "l' . '.." ( ir.irn f. ,i-j,iht--t j ..'.. , 'vini .if .V.- .'.i.i ) iiiiy -", l .in,) tmtj.t i- tmii A'ii.-.i ifi. .'i'itli ( iirvf'ihi, out iitt In Hi inh(iriut, ,111,1 tin a ail, ii., lj lh m irr-ilir, irr iiirr'ul tJWjilt .s". Kememl er that tlm abovo is 7r illi ivioied from t lie ll.-niihliemi ( ':iM!iiilii'li fi... , (U. j. , .... v ..; ' ,111 - .1 -lUUOllill V L'lllUlll let-. . . To Colored ItcpiiMicans. The editor ol the Wii mingtut. .'. -.ill is a colored rejiublican, who -tltiligly opposes the attempt i t the white republican leaders to sell out ... 1 .. 1 1 1 : ... ... 1 . . ... "v 1 1 ' II" ll.-l uoMies, i rom a receni issue 1 i his paper we copy the following: We spoke in our last issue abnt.l the duty ot the colored voters ot tins the "Old North St.,te," and in this isue we attempt to t dlow it up. frr w.j know it is lor the best interests of all. Weare taxp iycrsol tl.eState, and what concerns her prosperity concerns us all. We want good gov ernment; wo are sul j. el to tho laws al,a l1 10 P"-' "'cm As sin h, we shoiihi he ik-ep'y inter esied in tho candhlatc who are run tiing lor oflice. That tho cidorcd peoplo havo some claim on their otVu'crs no 0110 will deny; that we wauled our leaders to get together :tt the convention ( Uepubiican ) in Kaleigh no one will deny. And ut ter they not 1 licit! several eye wit-nes.-cs admit that tl.e most able rep rcscutalivcs ol our race, such as Hon. i.,ac H. Smith, ol New lierne, and ,)tu.,.(j( w.o was in favor of a Uepub lican ticket ami against lus.oii, were not allowed to enter lhe caucus. We say UL'uin that the so-called Ilopiibiicun State convention met, and our loaders ( iiegrue.-), two lo one, were in lavor ot a straight l!o publican ticket, but by tho over ruling of such Pops and lusionisl negro-haters as Messrs. liutler & Co , white men were put in tbo place ot our colored leaders to represent dif ferent counties that wero known to bo lor a siraight ticket, and lin y w,ju, p,,., would answer agaisl ,. wi. We ask the tines- lion: How many negro delegate were there in tho so-called Wcpubli can cofiveiilion in Kaleigh? I an swer, nut one third of ll.e.n were negroes. It was a w hile man's ion- venlion, composod ot such men aai Mr. liutler, who onco edited a paper called the "Caucasian," and had as its motto: "Pure lieinocracy; While Supremacy." Mr. liutler & Co , who are the purchasers ol the Uepubiican party, have always been staunch democrats, and opposed every move ment that has ever been gotten up to advance lhe cause ol tno Kepubl. can party and negro. To prove what wo have just said, take their ballot system. They ( the Pops and fusion ists) advocate tho Auslialian ballot system. That means that eat I. man that can't write his name shall and i will not bo alinwed to voto. Young ' men ! old men ! will ynu, on the (III. day ot November, go to tho polls and ca.-t your ballot Im- any man or par- ty who tells yon now and have told j you from tho day their part- was or- ganized that tho l.'epiiblieau party ! and all of its fullowoi's are t o.-ueni 'and thieves? These very men that j are fusing with the tail end of tl 0 ! Democratic party are the ones that , tried to onrMin..- a wnilo man's Ko- publican league in 1S8S to c-ct clour y 01 1110 negro, ami tno low net-roes (which arc very lew) who have lused wiih them, know the above to be ! facts, but because they have bien ; pioiniseu a place at the pn; counter i limy iiave consented to sell Ihoir brother tor a mess ol pottage. In c inclusion, 1 would say that 3 our i vote is a public trust, an I with it you are cxpci led to protect public on d. and down the in'trro hating, IVpuli.-t Insed ticket .it tl 10 coming ; clcci 1011, anil he who does otherwisO ; t'M'l I M Ml , ft (Ml ItC WHO tllH'S by our cites Heartless ami recks I less otlii-ers, such as the I'oiii.li-t- j fused iicru haters, operate against the putil c tfooil. We havo two classes oi citi.'iis, viz: 1 he intelli gent c!as aud the .Literal!', law -iisrespociing 1 lass. The Iti-t liaun d class are lhe men that bel iiiif to Ihu ruiiiii.-t lu.-ed party, who, in the d.is ot nld, yea, thirty years ii'ii, l.-ed lo Visit the piiacelul liomeM ol oar lathers aud mothers and patrol, Pranv. Ok ahomi, O. t lili A ter- vti. woma.k. it. 11. 11 ..bo d 1. 1 w u.ghi h.t-ec Mo-a.VUIVIAUK A II AT IE 3 Ain-s Join s, a young iadi about j LAWYERS, i wei.iy-i.ne vears ol iig-, 111., I Dun liii'ti'. thiity lire years o'd, on a I), lie. sli-.i l twenty unlet, noi Ih of here teste: .l-.y. Mihs Jont- obraiue.) tho i.i'lnoti 1 I when I he Che. olov sllii was opeiie l in S pu-iiib.'t. l.sjl.i, and had b'i'.ll a new home. T.io in n tiis a..o s!u went to vi.t pari nts in Km 1.11s and Sam 15 1; leli jumped tile claim, -111. t move 1 his ell'ects into Miss Jones' limine. She returned yesterday and fontul her home occupied. She gave ordei s for it to be vacated al once, which IS. .tell n fusii to do. and t-be pull.-d a n volv. r from under her apron ami i; ein d tii o on liiii toil. Kartell re t urni .i the tire, bill missed t he woman. I'I'i'ce of her shots t.iok i-ll'. et in liar t -li's ho ly, fiom tiie t fTect of which ne w ill dm. A Mini:; lit nut licpiililicaii. I r in ll. 1. Ni'Wliorn Joiirmil, O-c.r il. f-ipeiirs. of Ilii.lieil. Ite p'.iblictiu eaudi'late fur lom.'i ess fiom tLil iii-liiel, spoke ut J.tiueH City last 1 1 iil t to a verv laryo erou'd. main v 10 otdi. uioul;!. a lew whiles ,.. 1 I.. If .. .In .. I. .1 1 At cii'ii.' 'ini" an I 't-"r 1 will-.-11 -ll.-l i-f 1.- v.e.e UIIM'd HI. He llllde a lint. ',,,,, mi, ,.,.,, n.nniui.' m.-I r. hi.-in ,111 1 straiuliloUl Hepiililieau speeeh--no two, j amis 1. 1 hum 1-., , l - .n 1)1 1 A liiin,i.i!r.e.. r niul O -inii.ii.ri. m f 11 -noli for him nt all, and dei lured; o,t. u, is.u. his emph'itie dt tei mination to remain 1 iu the field, and for no one else to! belii ve t!h"i vise. !! matter wht. I liports were eircnlate.l alioul Lie) VI I ll : ;r .tw ul. He W "lit s. l .l as to tell his fm. ills l.i vote for Liu. even if 1 hey heart! lie was dead, to vote for him ns a compliment to his remains, lie lie -Ian . I that if lhe Il'-publicans vote for him be would be elected. A Nli nuue lh atli. At. Onslo'.v county col it spotldelit of tbe NYicbi'iii ,1, initial Whs of a strange accident. He sav.s : "While C. ank Piitlgot and his wife were driv ii.jjr along the rou.l a tree broke off sinking I'r.u.k 011 tho bead, killing him tiutl crippling his wife. After tl.e tioe fell be got up walked around the cut ami asked his wife if she was hurt. Then lie ('idled for help, and Jerry Itochels cauie. Frank told him to get a blanket to put bis head on and 'aid dowu, crossed his legs and hands and said : (iood bye, I am gone," and died within fifteen uiiiailes. Won't Vote for Nlioml. Ircni il..' I'nJi'luH Ki wsnu l Oliacrvor. A niiiuliur oi Wake county Kepub lieans, both white mid colored, who were supporters of Milliken before he publixhed his withdrawal decline that they will not smppnit Stroud, but will voto fur Cooke. The probability is that Cooke will land more of Milli ken's men than Si road will, aud that really Cooke will bo tho gainer b Milbkeu's withdrawal. Concord Times : The Uepubiican ami Populist bossos who aro engineer ing the fusion aro afraid to trust each other. They are having trouble now about the distribution of tickets. Tho Pops, are afiaid to trust the Itnps. aud tbo Heps, are afraid to trust tho Pops. Kach thinks the other will sell out if they get a c'j.mco. '"When thicvos fall out hone-t men get their dues.'' Hon est men iu a I par' i s aro disgusted with the mist rablo Confusiouists, and if there wero six weeks more be fore the election, the thing would fall to pieces of its own rot tenuis-). At Surry court lust wetk a woman succeeded in obtaining a divorce ami in five miuutes after Judge K tt tlo signed tbo decree which gave her freedom she was iu the Register of Deeds office asking fur a marriage license. A Household Treasure. 1). W. Fuller, of Caunjohui ie. N. Y., snyg that lie alums keeps Dr. Kind's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best r Milts follow its use ; thai he would not bo without it, if pro euiul.le. (j. A. Dykemati Drucgiet. Cat.skill. N. Y., i-avs that i. King's 'o' Discovery is umloubtedly the u'sl Coiif.'t remedy, that he has used it in his family for eight yenrs, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try artuio dy hi long tried and tested, I'ri'.l bottles free ut L II. Mer ritt u Drug .Store, llegular nie TiDe. 1 Wilmington Review: Wilmington and vicinity were tr.i.ied list ni.M i to this hitr-jest (mil sto-m in the ,R,M .n!,lst,i l,t,.t tl.' place. It came up about 1 1 HO and wat piece. led and iicomp'tmed by 11 1 remarlo.hlecieel 1 icdn-nluv. Fortiori!. l.'2()iiiiiiul.-nti,H hiilfi-ll iiml its full n the roofi of the bou.-es was hko tar ehi-h of coiitendmg armies.. The t-o 1. id mi a tin roof was us much like the o iji 10I1 as ainlhitig we have ever hett'd. Stiunge to sa-', not a great deal of duimme was done. I Buck le 11 's ArnitM Nil I vi. i T:ik Bi:st S.m.ve in the world for Cits, lhui'ies. Hires, ITcers, Salt i Kheil.i), Fever Sores, Tetter, Ch'ippe : 1 Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and a' Skin Kruptions, 11ml positivciv run f I'lh's, or no p iy leipiircd. It ingti'i anteetl lo ejvp poifect salisfneliii.j 0' money refunded. I'.ico '2") cents pc box For sale by I i 11 Mkicui'I ' Fin 11 it 111 c. j Special sales of plain ai d fni cy Koi ke's for tbe next ten d iv In Tlio.n 1- .M.ixweli, at ILiicieii. 1 .e have JIM) all grades and st vhs Their slock is full of ail kind- tod sties of F.iriii! 111 e. mid will bo sold at lioild.ii piiees. Three stores iiilcil chock lull. Any and 1 vrrybody cut be Milled out of tin 11 inimeli-c slock. If iini need ai.s fu'iiiiureenll on i IIOM s .V M l.XWKI.I,. i "WKTTOZIID. A lellnlilo itiitii who ran liirnltli l:l. own le.un I" i':i v:is 1 liiiili.iiu c ur.iy. 1 A l'lriw sl.MiS ,v I.WN, j Ojl. IS, l.-'.U. Inulitiii, N. C. 'I"I'.-It!). I .lU'llIi' H.illM K !l! hii I lima M"ii'l ii in it ril.-.' iiK'Mi li in: ! l'i-r. -il. 3 AND S VI.F, liV VI il I I'M u t 1111 'T liT nf lhe S11 ji-Tl'-r i'-..i: i "r i'li.-i-l :itn .-..Hilly. I will .-li II..' Hi-' 0 .i :, , .... fut. . ITi-r l"l' Mill" I.. Ill- IHL'll. "I I'lll.T . ll.' an n.'ii-i' i.-. t In I liif'-'i-.., N . c, 1 r.i-i.-f .run! .Miiir ii it t w en i- .1 Ni-w Cm .-. i ' t -it. On' liili'l-..I li.' r.-e larnil-. W. II. l i- l.uni, in I iilll.'!.i'.ili!;ilt'!liC Mlf H: l.-fi'S. I lll! I li'.W nwiii-i t.y .-...'eli 11 m-iiiv Tt'i iiifsi'i' ! h. li. II. II n r. c.i. 1, ini!..-!... ..-!. , Ocl.ili.T . 1S'.,. S AMt S A I . i' P.Y VIi: TIT. ol i nil . Ll.'i- .it 1 l.e Sn j, rt. .r .-"il l .-I 1 !i i'!..-i:r. .'..illllv, I will. li.- II: -I IHIM'Vl In S.'Vi-ni.rr. l-t :iu-t!ll Tl' I' ! r -:-!i- IC III 1 1 : li- : -1 - 1 1 I I- id. 1. ,ni: ..( I in-' .t... N c . i.. il..- leal,. I.' i-l.-r. 11 h'.ii'..' .-111 1 . .1 111 II..' 1 1 1 1. H' . 'i .-'iir rt i.i-n in eh urt iiti i'.-hii v. .rn.lt l.Hiii' mei - ..il-.-, 11 l'i 11 i 1 --it . i In i. Ivi 4, :rvi. Ni s.M.I'. -- KY YIKITT. ihi 1 '.Ii'i' ..: - ll 1 1. i-;..- .- ill" ..1 fi HI ll t.i-11 1 i ii'.l.- n.i 1 i..r ' :i li 1-, K'.M-I.'', 11 :i'M 1.. r. I'.i, il .- I l ' I. It -til;.. 1 I. .III. .111 tiinii, Iim 11 l-y Mi : tin' 1 .11. N . 1111 I I I' 111 II 1 1 v l-i-.11 1.1 ' in-irs. We have our Fall Stock of Undei ; wear and n.e i ffeiing the follottinj- 1 spi.t 1 vij mkms - I blisses K.'iibi .l Yesl, 15. l-JA a:. 1 ; Ladies F.ilibed and Plain 'eu!, -'i ami 1 oO eenls. j L lilies Wool Yist, r.t in K. .1 an.', j V.'hilo. ! Men's Woolen Shirls a' "'.. anl si. i Men's Merino Shins at "Jll. '1. " K Tj.- j A full lino of Pants to match above Also a full liuo of Infants Wool Yi rt. J Our Diei.s Goods Stock is complete, j O O and cipecially our 1.'. .tod ). line-. 1 They me as goal as those sold else , where at 40e. and floe. ; O O 1 Canton Flannel, Med and Whilu Fianiiel. I o o ! We urn doing a large Shoo Kusines.- ' now and we want to net! you ' your Fall Shoes. We sell Oooil Shoes and t-ell them nt 1 a small profit. No bhod.ly goods. WOQLLCDTT & SQH, (11 Ktst Martin Slreet.) j KALi'Jtill, N. C. i HlH EST UMl AND LOW PIHCKS! ! j You will find it to your interest () examine our complete slock ; we have , many bin gains which iiui-t be 11 pie , einted. We ('(Ter a eonip'ete line oi ; elegant fall suits at p. ices that can- ! tiot he matched by any other house) for Mime ijmiliiy of imiterinl, pufeet j fit and woi kmanship. Fine all wool 1 Cheviot! iu black, blue and fancy mixtincs, single 111. d brnistcd at our1 great special pi ice i'H '.IS, woitu to .SI 4. lioy'a clothing of fmey Cheviots, Cnssimeris and Homespuns, well well made and tiinuued, v.oith iji ;"' j to t' (H, j At $2.98 and $3.93. j We offer tho largest aid uost varied iiK-iort mei.t of j ever pn st nted to tbe public, at p. ice that defy competition. tp nnvnnrv ltd LU.Ul.iKl, (Opposite rostolV'c.e), Oct. '!", Ih'.)"). In Poor Health means so much more than you imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trilling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift health. If ynu are feeling out of sorts, weak and generally ex hausted, nervovs, have no appetite and can't work, begin at once tak ing the rniut relia ble strengthening medicine, which is Brown's Iron fiil tera. A few bot tles cure benefit comes from the very first dose ' uvn'i ttain your ttrth, and It's pleasant to take. Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailment 1 Women's complaints. Oct only the c.enuine it has crossed red lines on the wiapper. All others are sub- ciit.,i..e nil rpi'iiilnl Iwnir .hnm ul will send set of fen Beautiful World's "I Talr Ylaw and book free. onni.1.1 f-Liet.i-.l ft D.I TIIIADK Un rfV?s,aAj'ftaiakjv' A4 THING MEW - A. -p ELLIS, STONE &COS, Di MZH.it Ui .V. C. Tin (livatest Stork oi :i)UICS UDDOH, CARPETS, niul tiftii'iiil Stook of ever vt .-! 1 1 w u in I'trt'linm, a : . I at PRICES LOWER t Ins'i t i' r I :i'l'oi't' known. v.-'-ill ofil'Tsliy mail will !i'i civo i!o!iiit iittfitt ion. Sep. 21. IS'.H. c. f. & y. v. uiini," JOHN OILL. ItK.nvKi;. Co.! Jersed Schodule. In i licet Sep'. liUll-, lhbi. n;i v 1 1 l.i: 1 1- liifSM.ul ll l..'.i. T i.i ii. in. Wiiiiiii-i.-ii. ri lvi', i i. m. in-.; : Hvi'ti.i iiii', i.iin", 4.1,1 " " II 1." sniifoM, ' .lli ' .Mm.- u ts " mIit, ' J.l.'i ' I.- e. Ill .ili''lil .'pi, ' 1 Hi ' ti,.ii Mi. Airy. ' V U n. in. Nn!', l!l It IP CONXfOTIOXS. T! ,.lm N.-. '1 nli-l I .-..nli'H'l M rity.'l rvltli'.funr il li on list- A'l uiiii' i'.'ii-i l.t . ii.r nil i.iiirt -.-th..:i,l li-i. 'li.iiii N... i-..iiii.'.-i in SHtif.ird Hi h 111.' : a!'.':il-. Air l.ltii,l Ni.rlh uml hfiulll l",.l'l, Uli'I ll liii'i'llrlnilii b.Ii iIim 1; l . li rii. ll. I , ..iinvilii' K U , N'ltlli uii'l s.nii ti..iiiul, nn.l At v.i phi Ii.t.' Willi I hi- N..-I..lli a Ui'.i'll II. II. tir ii . , i, .il.-'ii. 'I ruin N.i. li'. -..i. ii. -.'is iii mmiI.im'U hi Ii h" V ii. -ik .1: .iitu II 1; 1...- li-Mii"lii'aliU nil i . . 1 1 . Ii hi:. I tt'9i. siit rn r.orMi c iNM ein xs. Tl.iill 1 .' till .1' WhIiiu'. I'jiii' Willi lh N. i ... i. Ac w. -u i ii ii l; ...r K...111 .ki'i:.lnliH..nis .V I- h ,: i W .- . nil I al Oi l'. nilni ,i wi ll llir Itli'li ii. i l'ie. villi- i: il N . . Hi nn.l s.'in.i ll.. iiml, an l .c ,-,uil..r.l Willi Hi.' s.',il.,.iu . Air l ino li.p I:-iii'i.')i mi-, .t'tiniii nn.l hi. i.li.iH N..rili on. -.. , il. 111. I :,l I III '. It'll, It' .li.l, I Ui i Willi I Illi Al ii. II :i'i ill In - i. ri hlllr-l.'d, III. ki-"li villi', Hll.l i. li ' 1' rl I . J. .11.-.. '. li. lil No. :l it lllll--l. Hi Mlim i. -ii unit ii..' -t-.c ''ini Air Lino l..t' Cli.irl..tlti, At i.-i. :i i.u I ..li I'l'tntf s..ii:li. W. 1 . hVI 1'. Oi-u'l I'.iaa Agritt. 4. W. 1 I.V. Oi ii'l ManaKer. iW WANT SOKOOL BOOKS AND THE LATEST STYLES STAT105EEY km; st iidiii,, iioMn tut iimtn. We ciiii H.ipply everything you need in our hue, nn.l at lowest possible piicet. Wi ite to us for Catalogues or other informal ion. A. WILLIAMS & CO., RALEIGH, N, C. Gunston Institute, ::t, JU i, win Ciiiiiiirl'lge Miwr, d. w., VSIIINtJTOX, I), f. A select "oirdiiiaml DiiyScluml for Young 1 mlks ami (iirltt. Nieci.tl atly.iutajcs in Ytn'il iiml : 1 1 r-t ll 1 1 it 1. 1 1 1 Mist", lh-awi"!!, ' 1'. i iiiioj', .n il Mo'lerii Luiigini-fi. i i A course ot' tliiity hctuivs in t!n sin ly of Slr.ikr-pi-aiv, to hcgivi'M by Mi.-- M:it. ii :i (LiV, ill begin (),'!. .!.el lolll. i'or e ii.'i'ogup ad.lre.-s M.i am. Mi: i. li. IX MASON, Oci- 11; i'j'Jl. l'liDcipalB, ; Browns ::Iron jlBitters it 1 1