3 vlai-inm Aifi . Till 'KSIJA1, NKl'KM II KK , IStll. LOCAL RECORSJS. ..-. " 1 ' ' 1 " Tliri'o jjiMid hurries, mill one mule. lur hhIo by 15. None, .- -- -l)ojfvnoil ami persimmon timber wanted by II. Memo, Jr. ('all tin (it'o. Council lor cloth ing, tinware ami family groceries. A lot of cotlins walnut. ak ami jilno lot Halo cheap, by I. -ooo, J --Head the new "ad", of those on terprisin nii-rchantH, McPherson & Wenthi'iHiioon of Stuifonl. Isynuni A llenden need their tnoncy; pay uh'u mini, jou Your guano notes nuiM bo paid at unco. If you wish to buy toys, candies, lind Christmas noons cncapesi imn Nalo and retail, visit lJiccu" Toy Store, Academy ol Music, building, lC.tloili, X. C. For the first time in several Jcnl'S a hand niyuu man with u monkey was here, on last Tuesday, to Hid crc-at delight ol iho children, to whom there is scarcely anything more iittraclivo. W. II. K-lwards, dentist, will visit liynum on Monday and Tues day, and Pittshnro' on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, billowing the third Sunday ol each mouth, pre- j liared to do till kind ofdeiilid work. Oflice next to 15ynnm A lit aden. The newly elected county id'd I North Carolina t!i rwi i.-i n ('iintereuce cers all -ave their rnieial bonds, on !" s held at. Christian chapel, near last' Mondav, and duly .piahli-'d. : Mt-rry )aks, b.-.i,,,.n-on t he U7iti Mr Holt will iiNii.'t his sui'ci'ss.ir. ' lo'.l'iun.in on I he '.Hi h of No .Mr'K H Pixon, as clerk ot the supt- j Vein her. The meetm;; was very rior court until (he latter become.-, .l.-:.Mintaii.! the proceed. n-s perlect lamiliar with the duties of the ollh e. l.v hanuoni.o.i. All t hur. hes, ic.Nf-pt two, reported and all the Those, wishing (jond pbotnraiihi luivo an extra opjiori unity atl'ordei ihem at Stone's gallery over lru:. Htoro, For the next ten days hi will mill;,, liliiitotO'.llillS ill the lalesl: Ktylo, at cut prices. Delay not but come at once, as he wi u short time. Kvery winter Northern hunters tome here to enjoy ti.eir favorite sptd'tof sliooliiiir part rid i-i-s. ot whit.li there are a yreal many iu this vicin- il . Twii ol these huntsmen arrived here last week and seem to he rcat y enjoying their visit am! are intf iM'tid lurk. hav llynillil & lle.ideli have just re i-eived anothir 'ol ol their famous SI til) shoo ami woiueii ?1.U" tin best hoi! made tor the n.oiiey',- cveiy pair Vail'ilutPil, their stoek i't)oniiiete iii every line, they have malic meal reductions in dress goods and cloth ing, liivo Ihein a call. I!euu'n;her you can buy of clothes at V. L I b-n suit for as little cash as oil can in any market. They keep the. lal-e.-l Htock ot shoes in the eounly aim' can sell you a pair hu- as little cash as anyone. Thev have the best 'I lirogau you ever sa w ; a trood bout lor$l "ill. Christinas is coming and Santa tlaus has again e.siali.isiie.i lis neao iitiarlers at H. I. I.ond.ni . .u s. and lias oinmencetl liriniring in nis oods. livery train is now bringing new ones. Come and make your seleeliun. They have also received till kinds ot nice things to cat and are selling them very low. Ladies will do well to call at 1 3 1 11 111 & lleadt ii's before making their X mas cakes when' they will find all the ingredients, pulverized sugar, best Legiioru citron, line cook ing and London layer raisins, cur rants already cleaned, spires ot all kinds, eggs, butter and Obelisk l!oiir, ! i.i-s.ui.n nun, iwii.i'1, .M.rv. ...... dates. The Supreme Court, on last Tuesday, rendered a decision grant ing a new trial in the case ol Uoyster against Farrcll, which was tried at j ylr!) I1H ) luU-U, lor beef, the last term of our superior court, ;l,.t.:,,, Thomas, lor bcel, and then decided in lavor of the de.j p Vrry, for registering fendaut, and the plaintiff appealed, j voters, Appeals were taken in two cases', jj Saudors, for registering that were mod ulour nisi eoi.ri, ami new trials have been granted in both. Special bargains at J no I, Conn cil's liir Christmas trees and church festivals. French candies, cheese, crackers ami cakes: canned goods, blacking, matches, sph-cs, pepper, bluing, mixed nuts, chewing gum, hii u If, cigars, cigarettes, tohaey., soda, j noap (toilet and laundry), tire-crack- ors, UtMiian candles, sky-rockets, ; orange, raisins, chestnuts, lemons, j apples, cocoa nuts, tianan.'is, cabbages i ami siauouery. wruuges, appics ami ( ; ;t,i,iii Joh nsou, lorguarding raisins at wholesale as cheap as at prisoners, Xorllioru markets. J. (i. Uciichcr, for one day with tinaneii committee, Chatham's Conta 111.1:1 Last I -M- Holt, tor recording elco Monday was the day for the newly' lion returns, elected constables to give their bonds Kd wards A liroughtou, lor and qualify. Accordingly the fol-; Mationery, lowing tiualilied for their Vespeclivc J. I'- Pas-ha!, for services us townships JI lUirhin-ll. II. 1 1. -1 111 let 1 Crcrk-VA. V. Philips. Cipr Fe.tr M. M. Farrcll. ! C, ntir James P. Thomas. (iiilf Thomas W'. Moses. j Jt.nllcis Wiley A Cheek. : Jli,l,o'n Mt. J. J. Johnson. Matthrw--W'. (i. Cook. u'fir 'i('--Moses Clark. (..7(iM(-IJen F. Williams. mti.ihi'. C. Pearson. Thero was no constable elected in Alhl igbt tow iishi p, and it is seldom that 0110 is elected tin 1 o, as the pro pic oi thai tntViiniiip aiv si l.r.v abid i" tluii 1 hey have uu ii?cJ yl a cvii-1 btublo. lloiKii-ii The nl ill tlio dy in xir kcr is now ln-nnl thrniif-linut the land, mi cvi'i v frosty mnriiin, n(i ,.,,.,. rt, fom i ti in us t lie wciirhl ot the "hiu'vctl ').'". il ciiur.it' limit' l them art' lull crown hojs. 'l'lif best near here that ivv Iwive lu':i rtl nt is reported ly Mr. () S Pnc, who killed five, hngs vs'iiu'li in.; lSi'ii pmi imIh, hm avcrac' nl ;lti,"i pounds. Mr. It. . I. Yates, nl Merry Oaks. iciimtM Niilin t wo pics, mi I v nine ami a hall mouths old, which weighed oIKJ pounds. Many persons think that hoes onsjht not to be killed on the wane (it the moon, because the meal will shrink too much. II this lie true. r. i y M, H.ivv kj your Iioi;h before the lull ot t lie innon tins inunlli. A Sii.vku Wliuiinu At thislace, on the 1st day of Peeeiiiber, ISllit, l ! Alvw.l fti-nnm Mw- M,,lli.. j Hcade-: were most happily . j m., , .lf,t Saturday infill wa tnost tlelihllully celebrated the twenty fifth anniversary ot that hap 1 j issued and their spacious resi deuce was thronged with quests to lender their con.!; rat ulat ions. All the rooms on the first 11 mr were p.iinted attorney to the board mr tin; thrown open for llm reeejii ion ol j f nui m; year at" a salary ol f.'iil, pay tuesls, and beauiilul fl iwcrs pleased able pinrtcny. the eye and filled the air with their (),;rril, that I. M. liri iijes be re sweet irai: ranee. Many Iniudsomn I appointed superintendent ol Home silver presents had beense.t and j ',M- tl,0 Arfed and Infirm for the en were displayed in a pleasing uiaiiuer. Uuiuir year. After an hour or.i ienl in pleasant O'.Vc., that I! II. Hayes is an- conversation the iieM.i were invited hori.ed, tit the December term ol into the lare dinin-i ro , where a Moore counly snpeiior courl, to ob most eh'i.'aiit ' wedding fcut" wa.i,ain convicls from ,aid county to ei j .yed. The "bride" was most be work on the public roads of Chat imiui.'ly attired in a silver -'ray silk d: and stcuii'd a bride indeed. ClIllliTIAN CoNfKltK.M-K. Ai stat d in last week's Ii'ki'oiui, t he K.islcrn preachers, except one, were present. There was ipiite a lar-rn attendaiiee of delegates and visitors, and all were most pler.sant ly "'iitei tuined bv tlie In is ut a hi.) cit iC ois ol the neiirhs hurhood. I'lie follow nii; ollieers .vere 11 icuiaili nut ! cn-eic'i : lion. .t. r. t.ead, or ir itlllii.'l. 'l'sidellt ; K'V. .1 I, roster, ol I I.t Ifi li , secrei.irv, and Mr. J. K j ,,!i ntinc, ,( Wcke cniinty, ireasur-. , cr A cominillec was appointed to ' e.mh r wiili a com mil if.- ol I he Mel h j odi.-'- Prolestaiit Church lor a co iooentlive I'liion. 'l iie next session will li" h Id in IS'.l.'t. ai.ee county, in Dei cn.btT, pKlisoN.VI. I 1 K .M s licV. He. W. II Moore and wde. l.'eV. .1. M. 1om, I Mi I! Ihliialit'iireid, and Mr. and Mrs A. ( lleaden have gone lo Darhai.i toallcnd the Methodist Con lerence, which is now in session at that tii'Vii. Mrs A K Cross h.-n gone lo A pex una visit in her granddaughter, Mrs. 1'. K Norris. Mrs. M. A. I li lie is visiiini; her laughter, Mis. K W. Pou.al Smith (1,1,1 ; J CI; ;i tij 11 has one to ( nai Inl'ic to alleioi tin- l.ipliM Stale Coiiveiilinn, which is now 111 session in that cilv. Mrs. A l. liippitt has returned from a isii to Wilmington. Mis., liessie Merrilt was thc,,:naid I l.ouor ves'erdav at I he marriage ()( jjss ,,, Harnett I Apex , (.(m( i( y, v- j N Our lormcr county man, Mr. Wal lerJ. Poe, who is in w a very sii--eesstul business man at Yida.i.'i, (ieorgia, was married at that place, on tLeUSih ol November, to Miss l,i.-, e aters, and on the next train they went on a bridal trip to Florida. Coininissioiii'is' .Meet i;ig. Last Monday was tiic day desig naled by law tor the new board ol count) com inissiouers to quality and hold their first meeting. According lv ll.o ine'iihers of tin" new board. Messrs. C. J. Scott, M T. W'illimns winte, were duly sworn in ami organized by fleeting C. II Seott ehaiiman, a position he bad tormcrly held lor many veers. The foil. nving accounts were audit ,i ....,i ,.... i,, u. flaS' 11 ei 1 51! .315 " .'i 10.12 vol. J A Minis, lor work on Buck borne bridge, T. II. Pifty, hr repairing biidgt) acror.s Tyrell's creek, V. II. Cook, tor guarding, feedinj and conveying ( )ran I'ulh to jail, J. II. ri 1. 11 Dunlap, foi work on bridge across Lick creek. 15 Nooe, Jr., lor lumber, II. D Tally, for guarding prisoners, .12 is 1 1 -I IK! '2 1 .00 li. (Ill lrf !' I 1 lit! 4ii.T.") rk to board, J. M liryau, lor examination j ot Francis M. (iiinter, a lu tiatie, I-liam Itosser, for exauiina- lion ol Francis M. (iiinlcr, : a 1 u tut 1 it-, L. F. Williams, for carrying Maude Jioling to Morgan -ton asylum, II. 11. Hums, lor hogs, Julia Taylor, for work nt 1 all ; 1 () Home lor Aged and Inline, dolphus Coitcn, f ir work .il lloiiie tor Aged and liitirm, tic rge Womack, lo;- m rvit.es as janitor ul court houso, v I. A Hani-:, as county mi criii ii'intciii nl !'.! i ti, . S. W. Harrimtnii, for reeds t;.iii! in li'iimr voters, '' i P-vimm A Ileuden, lor suj- plies, M is. A H. Ciws .jail lees, ft 1 I :in W. h Lundon - .Son, tor mi p plies, .1.0. Hamlet, fur rcistcrim; ' voters. I. Y. While, fur recisteriiic :!i.4-2 voters, li. I Williams, for ropuirinc; liridtre at Sears mill, 0. K. Hcolt, lor services on finance coininiilee, A. II. Perry, for services on finance committee, J. 15. Atwaler, lor services on (hot nee coiiiuiitlee, T. h. liiirus, lor bed, Kiniline French, lor washing lor work house prisoners, li. S. Mann, lor repairing bal lot box, W. II. Cook, lor conveying W in. Thomas to jail, I) M. liridjcs, lor services as superintendent of ilouia, 1 !.'! ! nd 4 (HI J.N. I in', for flour, vi no (h-lt'Oil. that il II. Hayes be at , ,!im. U is uitlboi:y..'d lo net as nianv as ton. Or,!, that Majoi l.ambeth lit employed as jauitoi id the court-1 ai si a uioiiiu - ! S.itiih, and vou save frt-iglit, sampling f"-""""!, l ,'.,;mision e!iai-es. Wc have Li'ili'l" I';(.iJl (u'i'liiaiiy. a comforlalile uoum' for you to stay Hai.i.i:, (ifriuuny. Nov. lid, 'lif. lin nnd good stalls for our Imi sen. I; vou want, to 'uiakt! a CermanU l!f' t'l.v best (o make you fee! hapi.y you must teed him. First ol ! wt :,'"!"" "t"1 i!t ' ol" all give him lager beer to drink, il j ''vi!1 !VR yoa H'mu-y tuj it be a lady give her collet-, thoiign ! wllllt '"" l,,,'. the ladies 'are not averse to drink i Kt'imnil.cr every d.p.irtmpnt iiioui in" beer iinil the men drink lots ol coll't etoo. The amount ol beer con sumed is enormous. Some young men, hu- tue most part students, drink twenty bolths td beer in a single evening and then s;o hom without being ill link. A temperate man would drink let mole than live or six bolti-i bii' evu this much is enough lo intoxicate an ordinary American iiiiaecii-ion.id to silong drinks. Il is .ihii'isl impossible for an American to abstiiin lioin drink Hi'' beer in (ieriimhv. The ( r.- mans can't comprehend iiilly 1 in g ro 11 nils ot his uhjei'i iens and at best take him lo he a pril ls. ! met a young Methodist minister Irom America a lew i!as ago and he told me thai he didn't drink beer at lirst but found il .o embarrassing to re, luse so nl l i'ii thai he had laid aside his scruples and now drinks one bottle every Saturday evening when he calls upon liie Pro!. if Theology. The i.-i-,nai!.s eat life liincsa day,' On getting up in the morning they j drink a lot oi sti g colfie nnd cat I some biilt.'inl bread. At 11 o'clock I they usually eat some b.ack bread! i bread made from rye ll j n i mull eld meal. A cup ot Culi'ee vciy idle 11 come." in here also. W il h I hem dinner is annul ihe only siihstaoli.il meal. Here as a first, i oursc they always have soup. Irish potatoes seem lo take the place ot corn bread witii us ami il is woiiilt i'liil in how many dufereiii ways liny prepare Irish potatoes lor the table. fin polnlo salads have a delicious lasle and it surprises me that they are not prepared in North Carolina. They eat very lew sweet meats as a rule, iml it is hardly necessary lo mention the ch 'cse and sausage and sauerkraut, ll is as naiural us n is proverbial. At live o'clock ihey eat a lunch and drink entice and (ben at eight tluy cat supper very much us wiih lis I will write more IK Xt wee 1; . F. ll N Ksl 'I . liVM'.tl. Swallowed Carbolic Acid. Atlanta, tin., Dec. ..--MiS. John Tyler Cooper, wii'e of one of Atlanta's c. mayors, swallowed tvirliolit: acid this itfiei iioon and died to night in gieat agony. The family physician says it was suicide. One other ( f the seven utlciiding physician;, pro nounces it an ueeideiit. The ol'iicial vote ol the ninth con grei'ina! district slmws thai Pear son's majority over Crawford is only 111. Tlie total uuiii'.ier id pol -oiliccs in the I'niled States on the li lib dav of liiine. l.s!M. was (I'.l.lSt).") an increase of l,ld:i over Iho pre.'cdnig yenr. Of these ;!,l'2Seio p' (.i''.i li;.il, : ll increase in thai class of (IS over iLc preceding year. Stati Hville Landniaik: Never was ! spiiif. of Ciirisiiaii forl.ra'ai.ee shown in "re plain I v thao in this little i j incident, which oeeuncd Tucstluy al ', Iho depot: A minister was getting! ! oft' the train, e iriyingan limbic Skiand i vdise. In the hustle and hut ly mi-' i other piisseiigi-r was thrown again?! '. I him, brouking Ids ituibrella iiitosmitli ' , ercens. Without a change (if conn- tcnuiue thu minister said: '! beg i , your pardon, sir, for obstructing I he ! i passage.'- That milliliter in ripu for ; ; the kingdom. j Cure lur llcaducln'. A;i a remedy for all forms of Jlo-id HCilC l.icctiiH i.itteis has in'ovt d lo ! lie tlio very best. Jt ifiects inaiit-nt euro 111..I tiic most dreii l- d h lint ual hick headiiches yield to ils iutlueiict'. We 1111' all who nro af 51 till llii-ted to piocurc it bottle, and j;ive 15IHI iliirt rcnic.lv a fair Iii il. In cases of liitbitu.d cuiisiipation luiccti ic. I'c.tters 1.(10 cures by 'ivin the nceilcd tone to tho bowels, a'ld few cases lon' resist i'l.OO the use of litis medicine. Try it oiit'o. l.u.o boil!, s only Fifty ctutu 1-3 ut L. ii. Jlonill'ti Diu Storo. IiticlilcMi's Arnica S!vi'. Tin: ISi.ht Svi.vk. in the world for (lulu. JliniMcs. Morop, riiirn. Salt l:i..l.n. Pevcrttotcfl. Ti-tH'l. Cli!ll-lf-d Hands. Chillilainn, Corns, and ti .-.Hiu r.iupii'.ii:.. ana ,;..siiiei.v nnoi Piles, or no - iy reipiircd. It is pirar- aiitccd to ite pel feet Sfttisfiietion or ni.tii. t- r..F,:i!.li.il 1'rien 'J.r, i-i ntft ner , box. 'For Hale bv li. il Ml Id:. It -l'-;'vly. il,,. imml.,,- ,.r ,.;,y , .:. m.l w -. I, 2,'2'2 ' , t i.sl-.(i (tlltl tin- ilixt;nr-' O'.U'i Hi- I liy ! I!i "I. . ""- ,)'!: . s ; KxCltiillniiMiic in Oniliiiiii, V (!. w. . n.vreii. '' ' I , ' '''''1 B; f'"'llll'lHlnfll'-, I'll I'll J lo my frir-iids in ohl (Hialhiim atid iKu. iiumhi' l, j f.' l.litt clscwhei i', just a few words Jain'i'un m i ItWih, i:. mi jstill il!i I,, li. IIOJiT &. CO, (Sua. c"mi-u-imiM.vH. rn-,.. ISIIIlMtM V l 1 i rot v ;.,tit v,..i t.t ''""l""!"' II- inv,V!,'io.w.i,lil., Mi' . ' ,, . , ,. I Making nStirat-t'irtiiait., i "' " ls M',lti0,r' f,,r f',I;.'..,nil.i..l.w.il,Tr..:i..ur.T. i:nd win'. r supplies. I can show you si,.,.,!,,,. ,vi, i ii,mi.v c...,m.i:i, jibe I o ;( stock untl the lowest nvcr i ;tr' rnii;o; of prices to bo found in the 'ld;S,.!l'. (li.od ''on, is is tbo motto of in iicoiih' and these rraec everv dciiai t mont in their iuiniPiise store. .Hi l'ieasn notice a few of our oriccR below : Stamlard innulnfcd i-'UjRr id . Heavy sheetiup. full yard wide, a oe S'.aiiil ird blcechintJ, y'd wide, .r)(('.7ie. Holt's plaids, 1 to (i,i. All wool led twill fhumel. 10 to 2; I'ori.ier pi tees 25 lo llle, Clothii,- and woolen dreiM oods pro pel t ioimlc'v eluap A lai jre .'tock of busies, w-ii's. road cnrt.-i, stoves, and furnituie. the bc.-t, if.i't Imeov in Atiicrica. I can I ccrf ititilv please my fanner frieiulrt in fall nnd winler shoes mid boots, My people hi e nmuuf.icturcis n'tn 'for Coats s-pool cotton. i L..:n li.ind Orange powder. Old Hickory wa,'on, Paiey M'f';T li.n hour 15ul'.'v Co. Thev am also agents for various otlu r lines, wbiei uuil'lu Ihem to give up eciiil prices to be trml'i. Con.etoscc nic and biiii'. vour cot I on : no f etter nniikct in tin immense store, is coinpnitc wi.n new goociK in n(.w prices. Vours tiulv, .MiKH r. cuAwroPti), With L. li llm.r.v Co, Wholesale and Hi-tail Merchants. (iKAHAM. N. C ritiititfC (' inntiltce's Ki'pni l. I'll isl) lin', N. ('., si.v. HU, Is'.U. V.'i', tlie uii'li'r- Uii.'.l. iho ll iiitnce i'"ini!ili-.i-t' In i'lia'.l.:on I'l'iiniy. Ilml as r -H -..: ; 'I'l.c l"l:tl lll'JcI'lC'll.l :-S I'll '-IH-l'Ill i-n'imy luii'l, $.".. I 1 ill! V. I: I..- -H iti-kt'ts alltl lti:-i.lvrlit It-ps, '.i.'i.T T.i'iil Ir. ie.sr.i ti j SKI'lK, ll.il. '111.' hy r-Sln l .IT Llrwrr, px-KIipi I1T T.tjl'.l-. siicrirr.ii'iikiiK, li x 11-1 iii hauil of sln rilTJi-liklii!., MS. 17 li "va.Vi tli.S.it.i i Ti.Ul IIUM'IS, Wr ili-iiil,' ihi' Iniltvliliiiil iri'. iii ir ,-ih clletva : !"iieuce 'i'n !oi-, i!i' ..I fun I U'.'l 2. nr., sn.al l.tii iv., at ."... mi lial'.n.vl'i.T. .Ill, -M.iV.l.iO icli'il I . nil .ii i.i n-.n 5, nr., a.:in i: !.s;i cj ii-,-:. .i.i ;i,nts.:ft '.i''i.iii fin., it '.-.V. Ill flO 111 fno -:.'. l;.il.ia. I.i ili'l.l, T, l;..ilr.'.'rl t ,x ls'..! ';'2 li- I'iiIhh.'.' I" i lurk law IK' I'r . Cr.. Il.tlainv lo ilclii'ii-, J. J. Jonkins. ('"iiniy luti.; 1''.'.;. nr., 1'i.r.ll ill t'r , iii.ii.'.i i; C.uaii'-ii is liuiii"!-, i; s i; on s.-li..i.l i 1 l::.i;i, n,., tivi.ni 1I2 ft'., '.'.'.'Jl '.HI 11 laii. i' i.i il.-liim-, t4'ii..iit on I uii.lliij- lien Is 1S'.i:i, nr., ii.4Ctil Cr, MJI.IO Lilian'-.- hi ili'b:.'!-, i'.'CJ.'Jl Hiiilr' .il h"ii i.s l.v.i.i, nr., l.iul.is t'r, l.au.Ji li il.tnre in iletii.ir, ;i.l.7 Su k law lsin. In- , iv.ii 114 " " " IV, Jlllj- L.ll llll l- Iii ft'clll, tlP.'J-l f . I. Tiiiiii-ii, i. '..ii u'y fiiiul lsvl-'M, nr., ir., Lalan -i' n. i re Hi, t'l'iir'.-li'iiin. luii'l IS'.'.', nr., ' Cr.. I'iilriiii-i' ln-ri'ilit, IlailiiiH l I'l.ii'ls t-".il-''.i4. I'r , Cr., ll .1 ni'-e in i-rc'li;, "K isi" si.ii k law ls:u-".., Im-., -.-'.i.Mll.KI 11. 1. tlM.lif l .'JVi-JO I ,iia tf; ! li.it.'in.f l-i i i'ai(' l-i'itr" ii k l.itt- ls.iK, nr., llMliin.'i' in en illi, J-'iui'lliii; lu.ii.l:i lHai-", . in-. ir.. 4.Kjn.j i S.l'l'I.J') 1 illlt I'll 1 I UK, rj.1.r,.1 i f.',li'...7i, : S J.li'.'.Tii j 1,i:s.h i i,vn u ; Ii.il.iiiiv i.i i ri'.lit, s. li .i.l Mini lsvi '9i, i'r , I'r., I; a.ini i. i.) iiniiinr, Ciisti mi hail. I, I' : I', si... k law. IS'.U '.i nr.. 1'. .v 1'. ptiii k hitv, ls.u "iif, ir., llctlati'-t I" iTi'.lit. Wi" nn l, itial i- sin rilT Ui'.-wrr Is Im -r..-rly i-ii'.i.'. wiili liin sum ..I l,ii;.'. ;n ,,,, n,,. ,...uniy I11111I nn. I loi he Is Inipr. 'iTly i-hai-i.. en 11, e is. nnly mini wilh lit- sums i.t tllfi.n.' nn.l Ji.n.Tii, n iil.liu' h l-.i.iliit lin r i;"T i-liarci-Hnr tisii si, nn.l wu I'.n.l ili.u h Is Mi.r...'Tly rliii(n. en u,n s. li H.i tun I wl:h Hi.- Hi.ns ..f ii;r.,.'.f, an. 1 t.o;, s,:. miiiKI t n i.iial el liiniri'i.t r ih.-tri's ,.u in,, s. h.K.l fini.l .11 1J. Allel Khii h Is ies.(s'ifull.T ulnuli:,-, tl,u Iho Isl ilny 1.1 Ui ot 1u1.fr, H... A. II. 11:i:i;y, Chairman. C. U. Ki-O I'T. .I ts. II. A I'WA'l Ki;. r i WOllAi K. I;., ii. Ill VI 4. LAWYERS, lMTTi-illOMO, C, .In.!., tvi.il f K will l'i In lh eflli-o en tin, tlrst : 1 :!:iri -M -u.tj j loL . u:li ui u.'li.i; ""' 1K. il, It.'j. New Ailvc I isciiK Commissioners' Exfjcnsos i In . r.Hwv win. ,.-'..n 7i:i ..f The '..l.., s r. iu:i. tv-tk. u il i.f Cum' ; 114t ,,...,.,,. n lrl. ,, tn-,vt mnu-iu-iit. r..i- Hi- n.r i n.iii.1,-N..v.:.', n-.n. -i tin. i "'nilH, l;n.n nn.l uieui.oi nil oi:.;.hh.iii "ii "U 'Wnl l.y II nr l ! il." imn lii-rs Ih. n-.r r Oil tl.T"Ulit i 'f tloMI.- ..t a. h i., 'L.'hit, S. J. TM.I.V. :i7 iij fVi'inilfMuii'!, ill a tiilli-h iravellMl, Ou ft1 -Mutit if hri'I,''8 fttitl rn.i'ts, ('IliJiUltHK Ifltf'H. CiMinnit't " wild TrruHtip't, U'i U'.rouiit u li'-motit A. 1., .1. T. I.AMllKVH. t tiiiy n (VtniMil-'-tniit'r, Illth'S IIUM'Mt .I, On a-f Mi-it r.r lirl-l'i'H, T..-h!. 71 Ol y r.ii M.:r. Oh.k:i 'I III' I'm.-iI'iI ttl k- si--i. :.s . .I.MI. . X "111' I" . I't ifiuf , l.-t .1 lltoi: an!:ni.;i-: sat.k i n- pi it n,"i'i-i, ... ,. ,.ii-. II! i it iifi'i'i. I III- I'.' I' ! .t Hi' l.y II U , lili'l I I.i-wlir. ii r-'l rT ' ii.ii lloM't in.i-il." Il'lj .:m: I M' !-l k "Hi ", ..'i:..s 4 i i" 4 II 'lil-eli . si il.".f In il. I lll i t - . '...'.. !l,l- l-l. I .1. T. ,.. 'II. Ill I ' O,' !-. Ill ill! VK. il e. "i .l.inn.ti y, e iiiitlnih:: iiii"til ". "I II II. I'.rrLWltll I.. It. II i o. 'S0KT(iAMC SLKr.V VUN!i!llS'lll'liV ' in.' "f ii ni"rn:r'' '!i-i''I iwc'iiw -I t i -.- ..ri :i:;Hi.. '.I'll. IS'.'.l, ly .1. S I-1 i- I'll km I tv !' S:i imi '-'-".' n Hi tnrri'll, uii'l I : y !-' -. !. I In l k "i';i.": I'Mi s :iM'.. i;i;, ai,. .es h. eii.-iiiiiim ...un'v, . e , ' I n-lll w ll in On' IiIl'I.i-i i l I'l'-i- I- l- .-.i.- ii' if Hi ! (-in Iicii-m. ii.r in rn. X '. -ii wii. 1 I'.W, -li'll'l try itl'l i-i. '.. M ' I'J "''t 1, in . Mi:- lt:i . i.f lllli'l .I'.L.-i 11" 'I ,u :il I Ni'irfiuv, -.iiliunlli'.' I I . n, rr. .1. t'. oOiiiNs, l t -.-. I, 1S-.II. i Land Sale, 'I li tm.lrrsltu i!, in- vi: l r irTia;..;; I'-.-.-llli'.l, "lie I'V t 1'. (!...- .. , , il;,' i.-iiiet I i Ii Ih.ir.i, I-A I'. 1 '. , 1 1'. It -. 1 -.... ..I On.i.tf. ."in ;y. all "i lli'-iiiii".I N..i!liC.n. I n; inv iiii.MM-.il I , liir-li !'r. . Uv , ii.-i.-i- .1 li.u.l. siniiii.il lit . I.iit i li mi r-iihiy iil..ii.iii.; ..- ii ,-! I,-n - i. I fTl.U"ll '.f t. S'-.. S'll.l 'll'.'.l CS l.-L-S'"! !- I III H.. I. "CI ". .tf(M -J. '.i i.. al-... ..I Ihe 1 t--1 .-. i "HI c "! I in . I .ii i un:y nn.l. '!hi : Tin' "OiM- ni'r;p,-.-i .,', ,! i.v i. n. wiiiinn ir. i. j A. 1'. hill'. Ii IT".. ;,i. i-.ii. K. . i!il ui.s l-.-- i.l- ; InK iii ilii - iip.lv i.i i'ImCIiiiiii, siaie n:. r"s.i"l, I '"hVI JII ill ii' lri. "I l.'l'.i .;ii:it.s III liMllut-ll ' ' n't . '"'i' i:i"H' i'.-ir'. in.ir iln:..-i ii.. ii in ti.- :i I see si, 11 i-.i..l ni'.r'i:.'- a.- r.-ati.' I In i f - 1 i li..li i.i i-. iiuiy, ii"i.i "('1' '. . "11! I If. I' l"l' Willi ell V I.I.Msl'AV, Hie llVIl il l .l.'tllil'il'v, lS'.l.i, a' II .11,1 I...II-'' il'f.l-. III lli l"V ii "l I'l'isl i i", l lie j ai'l a!".-.. ilcsiTili,', ua.-tf. i.f l.'iil. at I'liMI.- air 'lion i-.r r.-lsll, I" pav III" il. Ill sci-liri'il s lil 111 H li,'l;:.', lllli'l i'.,t mi. I i;"...s '.I .:tle, a I . ni in ii ,v e.r.o . Iri-. fi, 1:01. I y C. W. ,l"lii:.:.'ii, asli;n--i. A DMINfSl'i: TOir:5NOTlcr. - - .'St ll.c.iii 'iiril'll-'l as li e a liiili l nai'.r l l."IIKll ll.'HV-"V I.i ii"U' ail ,-r .!il. is ..I -a Mii'lr rl.'llilts 1" lli" an If, -i -i :.' It 'lav rn Niv.Miii'.'r. I sic. I'li'.-t'l In ear "f il.' lr r i'J- W.iii.a' k .v Ii i Air FiieillSIilKG GOODS. 3MOZGcindIIAT3, I )o o;l want to buy tin in t heap .' Our coin. celioiiM in the Noiihein! iiiiiKeis place us iii a po.itinn t ij .'. i ('.; I ha 1 1 ordinal y. Wc are i aiMoiis lor sour hu.-im-s. nnd c.'i nU'ord lo sell (and will sell) ynil cheaper than U'o-.l otiicr Icuim':. ! A ud in add 1 1 i n, if you wii! ( ut i his I ini": ti.-.i Hi' i t out. and I v.itli vou. nnd lucsi ut il. go to pa tor MUir goods we wiii give mhi a special di-count of o j i r ft nt. We elieeif.illy '.-l.aiige goods whi n cilsliiiut I's ilesiic j., rn it' you desire il for any re i-.nli. wc chcerliilly p iy your iihuk-v b.ici. if you i 1 1 o ii eoinls ui.iiii'O i d in it l i-asi .nab e length of time. Wu will tiilit vou !'iiiare. W. A. SLATER & CO., DURHAM, ti. C. ). .im v.. Main sir.s'i, Iniiliain. N c. H AND S.f!', fii ..,. i., . i;v vi i: i n: ok I'" I ' I "( I'li.llll lili i iiiy I hiii, mi iii.-I 'i i-iv .ii lif -i'iMi , in tin- i "ri i.ii"'ei' .1" r in 'iii...r.., ..c.-i l" III.' W-.li s. 1 i l lei ., I"i ..! 1 4l. r..: in. ! I l.y ll.'li. ii ) 1 ;h, :-li ii-il .-. . il,.. ni,.it.. . l u ll..!.. I:i.". ii II .Hum; II... I w I.m, iu:. .ii1.it, l"-iii "i.e h.ili ..I 'i...;n, l.' in. n I i Im-s.ii. lii'1'..'i iv I.I:., i.i.i I,. iM1. T'Titif "I Miili': .ii.i-null .'!i;,'i, ':.. It iii mi tn ! is.- Licii i n I en tii.'-ii i" I mi -i i '. 111' I ...I.I, Ihl.'lii-I, I. A. WoM.tt k, W in i. k - llm .v.v. ls.'l. All'.: UMBER! All kinds of U'llllhl! r.n s:df nt tin PITTS BORO SHUTTLE. MIL!. VAThER-OOARiJiNG, OLiLlilC AKQ FLOORING, Pl.'NL!" AMI K t I.N l'llllL. 1.1; K,'i.,; JJiils saii li to i.i.li r .1 i-lmrl noiiei (iood Cciiii.n and I'looi ii'.i; ah'ea h 1)i;Ls.slii at oidv -"rl "if! per I ( i. feet. .Sept. Pi. l.v.ll. A 1MIMSTKA I'dCSNo l i ; llntli' .'ia!lll.'. a. il,,. i ' lili-i . i.e... .. III.' I'.-'li'i' ' I .I'.l.nw.n O. V., i I, , . .... '.,'.-, I.i li.ntit i. 'I .'i"- III I, '". 1 I., i.. , ..... ,, ,. Vai.l :it:. s,'l'li. ii., :iu. I., ,. i . ., s.ll'l i'-.'.C.' I" .:i .in' tin-:,- ,..i. ,., N"V. -J'J. '..-.I I. i I ll,;s l:.'l', . w, I.,. ,i, ,, ,, ,, U i-ir ri . "t : . inMi'.v l.mi.. It. Mi irk ll.i'i, Ml. iiists. TSjOii Ki C-i: SALP. ;Y Vlit .4 In,. ,. a lli"f i: ,. i,l... :., s Hi:,.,. ii I.i Mis l'..H'-.l;.t I III. Ill ,,l. l .Mi. -I ,'i At' 2-J .11 III"' "'11'.' el t'ha ham i-"H!i:, I ttiil itii'-U"ii, en nn' I'm to-1 - al ,.i I'll. U'i. l.'nli .lay 1. 1 I .'. in I .., . is.n, i. i,., , si'l llM''! Ill sal. I in r..M"... .' iiil.iii.iii.- lll'i I,.-.-.. ""'I sun ill' III III' k"l y M.'imlniii (. wn-hlii. i, ("inlntf Uu' inii'ts ei J.ini,.. M.-M.ci. au.i ..Uh'm. I 11. A. LUMl'iN'. 15, IK'l. A.UIUi; -.JSANTA CLAilS Mci'IiBR.SON K T ( V xn I j mi WTO, to niiiko le. 1 ti e hearts i : li e UKAJJ ''HiLDKN'. ri!M 'Md.) L''OLKSr "ALVAYS HA N Ft) ft D, N. C , D.-e. C. 1K.II. .1. J. Tim-! Air. A. Tn .s, Piesidfli IM1SI.N, Yi. i Paid iii capit-tl .:li. i'iil'i'lcr'jRS: '.:!;, I!. A. i. ,!l.'. As!. ieV ;.. ';. v.. !-.. i !. .. T! . ( 'r ji. i;. )'. v.. T. il. of ; viiliials ;-:i'il ti .1 on I.' Afii;x n. ;:1 !e t-lii..-. FOR EVERYlUmYl mm mm u mmi mm t f If 111. il ll n-l's. !i;i'. I'lll Ill'I'S, ;t of M' i,.! '-.iris ( r!..'lii Wi' l,n Vim 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -. ; i hiii;.'- I'm- li,i Oiii- .-lin'.' i ' .iii :-. so! in 1 i n liii in ViTV In'.'. l'ii'.'. Wc In i'lll lii.l (fill i!n!l litilnlst'li't' MHiift hi li;' tiiir litnii. wan I ul i iiic. t'Vt'i I liin;: yi'ti iu 1 1 1 ; tvi.- ii it f. iVoni ii 1 t lilll' Mlil of I'lll llii lll'i'. I'lOill ii lil '!" pins to it .-s. I'i i in ;i I ill t.ll, .-ollli't liill'j t i:u' ;i i 1 1 1 .-i t' i ! -.f ;r w. P.;l.-boro, N C T. T i loll C. V, ', . AT Jul; &r.A?-r:r:6 K A iivm, BiiAii, mt-mm mim im mm "Bkck II?, wk" L. I" r . ! .! I ro: iiii: Ni;r :zd days wi-: wim. i.r. a OLID OAK BED-RCC;.: SUIT vel .lit'S l'or a: t ;iJ! i.f ci I'..: .-: .1 pi Cut this mi wild with vosi - t : i ; i i s i ll. 1 - ILL. t i , t t i ti.ii I t i t 1 -i I W. I 1 AN! - i ; ? ft tt- i r. pt v :.?.I';.. done pi'ni:; p:ol::p.: "I hc.ip. IMi.S tit' CA.il SNvi.S. I I.i it ..('. Hint ill ten; sou In a!i ni dei s. A! S't!.!'. r i'i :; I I ... II Hi 1 I .ll-'."l.'!ll. ."111 I'I. 'il - I j mi nt.: in.' SU'IK I III I 1.1 I'.'ll I .tin .I.e., m 1 . .1. !. l.itl.Uin, .11 :.1 I.M.-n I i'l .-l t,. A. J. Mll viv, L.t.a.'.'l' IN SPLKiNDOK! C'-T A DUIK'. Jj.riM.'.K. Cftshicr, . .) M ! 'os. Ass'f, Cashier itii 1 1. i.i.i tvuiiiui .5oi)n,oo.oo. A. F. Pafjo, . I'red. Philips, JoLu W. .Scott. i'iiH, A lmiuistrotors and Indi iuls of Country Merchants and . ; s ,1 O -, iVii'lnl.s, liny.! mi pie lily m" -u'i .-. I lit -1 M i. ii'-i mil'; Inf 1'very li'-uit.' ii. in', niiitfter "ZD BARGAINS, iiivi' .s'uiiit i liiii'j '. 1 1 wi'iii', .-( ii uol Iiitt o" y ' hiiir lo t In- !'iir Volll' lio'ts !ii;i':-t fOi'klM'IS, mi 'i I in o ("or oniotliiiin von I In1 i:;i v c t in III , T, ' k. a a tL2. tv iT, I'. T. WVAT'l. k IUU).S., en c v v V L - .- v a a vZr . nmmm i-f an mt mmi solicited. Corn Slielier. tit VS. I L 1 I--L- '. - , I ,i .iijtl tlciivi i ti iii i'i pot fie. lUwd for 2?p vis. on ;mtliing you buy j i:tx '-;.' j ''.'..I, KIT, a : . ;&2 u HFCRD, N.C UHT1 :l'l M. I s i!al. I..; incr line S' triS. ei :.ii P .'.(t -. to 1. i M,o. s fi. ui : to " 50. ktl. n-(Z from oi'e In -2. All CLOI'HiNlS now on band nt iiliivV I l.V KKI.'Ccm) I'll ICRS! A few Pieces ( I Dm i s (Jomlit ut tost and leK I liin cost. jiAi;ct.iNs wdui ii Yorn AT i i :.n 1 ION ! We mcau exactly what we sy ! !pt. 0, lii'Jl.