Chatham twd TlltlKSDAlf. UtXKMliK''. M, I MM. H. A. LONDON. Editor. TliK Old Year lion a dyin-.', Mini in Cow d;ij- will luivc passed nwny nod' bo numbered witli the ii.icob that will never return. Tho eliino of the old year is always an occasion lor Hadncss and solemn thoughts. Jt mi forcibly improHseg on us all the Iran-nitorines.-i ot human lite and ihe rapid flight of lime, nod tho older wejfraw flio more rapidly do tho years seem to each other in their flight At tho close ol the year is tho time for inoii notonly to lake a reckoning ol their busim-sn und worldly xllaiis but also of their hpiril uat couditini nd to consider whether the jutsi year lias added to llioir elm net's foi luturo happiness and heavenly bliss "lor wluti shall it profiieth a man if he gain the wholo world and loto his own soul"? The past year has not beon espe cially different from its predecessors. fAko uli oilier years, to some it has been fraught with many joys and lunch happiness, while with others ft has been ludeiied with sorrow and -u tiering. And such is lite. W'liilo onie rej -dee, others mourn: while fuiufo are buoyant and elated with success, others tiro despondent and tlespairi iig: with some there has been bright sunshine, while with others till has been .'loom. Jluriiifj the t-nmiii- year may iho bright sun- hhiuo of prosperity and plenty shine Upon us all ! Lot us. all profit by the experience I hi tho past year, and lei it not have I been spent in vain. It is human to err, and every man can now see wherein he committed many errors i during the past year. Let him durj the coining year avoid similar errors and profit by their experience, ! thus turning them into blessings inj disguise. Do not let the new yem-i find you at enmity with your iimjJ.- j bor, but bury with the (lead year all : its ani oi'itiiiies and uiifriuiidlimii, ' iind bey in tho new year at peace j with your tiod and all your feliow ; mo it ! i Tiik value of novspa)crs is appro viuled week more than tiny other week ol the year, because there ro so tew of them. During Christ inas week most of tho Weekly papers tiniit an isKito, and thcrelore the lew that are published ihcn uro the more appreciated. Suppose all the tiewspapers the cily dailies ;.s well us tho country weeklies shouM suspend publication for a whole week ? What a sensation it would creuto and what a howl of complaint would be raised ! Few people seem to appreciate tho full value and importance of the no wspa purs until they aro deprived ol them. That town or county is fortuhulo that is favored with a re liable, high toned and enterprising newspaper, and a liberal palroiiiigc shouht be given it. A good news paper docs moro lor u town or coun ty than most persons tiro aware of, ftnd a towu or count- is frequently judged by tho character ot its news paper. More crimes uro committed and accident ti occur during Cbri.Htnuis wosk than during any other week ol' tho wholo year. Instead ol the Christimis holidays bringing ''1'ence on earth and good will to men", thoy generally bring crimes and ac cidonls. Instead of celebrating Christ inns us Iho nativity ot Christ tho 1'rincoot poaco so many per sona degrado themselves and dis grace that day by giving themselves up to all sensual indulgences. Thoy tboii revel in drunkenness and ex Cusses ol all kinds, and ol course it is not surprising that when inon are in that condition they commit 11 At this season when everybody should bo happy and every onocon tributiiig to Iho happiness ot oihci, tho columns ot our papers aro tilled with llioruvoltiug accountsof "man's inli il inanity to man". Allcrali, how closely does man civilized man re somblo tho other auiuiuls, whom he culla beasts ! HoBSEFi.Esii may y i i ocomo as oominon nn iiiiicleof l" i iu A merica ui it is iu (iermany. A ,ew days ago it was iho only moni at a notable tlinnergiven iu Newark, New Jursey, by lr. Hopkins, a distinguished veterinary surgeon. Ho is an ad vocate ol its general adoption as a ablo meat, and he gavo this dinner in order to encourage its uso and to demonstrate practically that thoro is no good reason, but only prejudice, against its uso. To this dinner wits invited a large number i j scientific and literary persons and all the city and county officials. Tho horseflesh was served or cooked in di fieri n( styles nl tho culinary art, and all the guests ato heartily and pronounced it ax food tit ony other kind of meat 5iey had over oaten. Wk1i itiurt on Letter. I from nur llneiilar OnrrHpooitent. .i Muijuiuii, xol. i,u.t. Sicretmy Cailislo is so thoroughly fliittNlu'il ihfit. flu. mote hi i-iti-reiicv reform bill is studied ami discus-i d -. . w - the stronger it will be, liolb in and out of Uoiij.Teas, that ho nssd his in ilii"ijcu wiiii i lie House eomiiiuteo on liiilrs to p; event iiio -i iginal phin, of voting on ihe bill i. fnv adjournwent for Ihe ChiUm-is mvss, 'm-in;; cur rieii out. lie never ill. I a tlouj' liiat lisphiyc-d le'tt.i j -a lament. The bi'l :s no.v l efoio the cou.tiy Klid Hie dolmto iti the Lloostr thi'J week wiil i'ui nis!: an intel!1- nt lusis for ai ju uelit, both fr and nainut Iho mean ire, mid the tioie but ween the Christ ion adjournment and the lesssm lih of Con ; Wcdsiosday, J-iu-,iuy 2 will be well put iu by meui ers of tho liouso iii 8tiivlvinf' how ho bill iii.iv bo improved: also, in e irniu' wh if thir eoustitoeiils think if it J ho infoiuution thus ai'ipiiio i .u iv lie !;lt to o.i.l uo in the demo trill it! ciueiis wliicti i( is proposfd to iiold on li-.o bill as 8'oii a 1.,'oiijics. iHiiiins to Wasbiiififtou. Gov. Kenfrow, i t ( Jlihihimi'i, is do ii)( his level licit to lid C.)lii;ie?sionul oars wi li liu- i.k i that Oklahoiua ought to 1p u Stiita. Ho points oiii the eihtenei! of a p ijiuhit ion of 2 .ID, 000, growing1 cilies, a tiji tup public -iciiool sysietii. f;ood iievspp.'rsi. and a l.iet, ovei yi iiiiif' fowud la the uiosl i)i-orressivo of the old .Safes, mid Uuiiuiis uov ood lei-ion I'.-r d.ei inj; htali ho.'d to the It-rritmy. Sj'-ioitor Hiil's i-pc.ceh in favor i- cloture iu lm ..n-oo was ti goo 1 out liiicd wito exi . ii 'iit Ki-guiiienis iu favor of clot inc. h. it il d;-l not cn-.uige ihe views of !!!? inlor, and t bet o m no proh d f.'-ol any ciiunge in tl.r j Mate; I ::e avcraire lor Lie entire. .ta.e .,t,mi,lie fumne. ll;e diought ha-SeiiHli- rus Ht this .-.ssion th-U will i is c' Lit!. Accordii.j; lo Ihe last ceo- J ,,t,eJ ,j. ,UOBl vei c and wi.lcpre.i. eviu.-(i.iin- to.-. iid.iel'-loie.i.ilhoilgh ! mis the average i.iiir.ber ot -it-res to' ,v,.,. ti.owu. Huudrcisof Limi.i.b it is genera. 'v Kvcvul tliat tho r puhiiiHUH will adopt el.ilure shoilid luev iC' control of t lie Mvuifp. 'lie Do.-lvHiy Coii;i--.sioiiid I'oi.i- missii n, wha-ii ha., a'rr-ady done o j much to r.-f irnt dep.ii : till Imsi , lies-and to cut . iii'i illt s.i Xi'.-ii.;i ! tuns, in v. r m i lo a lie.ler in' lllei'd.ltii II t';:;n t'li'it to ill". -e in ate 1 ui . f .(.'; i ( ti e l"o tit o h fic S.n ve a: d llo- ( Suivcy. tiin ii'g us n;ut h i f 1 thee iin-e bet-U i !' ::-. l!i it li.-ii the ast and ! -ologicai : he wo.Ii it i'j '.y ' be coisliieu d de.-h'tih'.o to cn!iiu!'"' over t ) the silt v v i f the (Jei.tral Land OiV:--e. 'I l.e -o i iiih-.i s icntists' who e for yi-os diawti big sl irics f.-.r a very s'-iail :ui-unit of Work .-or-, i.; i-.'; v. ry iudiguam at th'1 jir,o ii .1 ;.',) I i ; i . n of !i ni.iny sinecures n'l ik.uIv co-.en" l by the cloak of seit-nce. l!ut it is iippiircut that these two bi r.jaox l-uv cost a great deal of uciity in .1 liiat there i.J l.ex' to nothing to r,!.ow for il. fall grid's clipped tie wi:i.;j of !he ('o logie-d Survt v a t-ir uyo bv cutting its .-ipr.-pna' ion ;r half, rn-l ilier.-by spoi.e.l J r -.ruber of j.rfvious!y f.r rauetd sKMfier x.'.u :'iot;s. uym which it hud b"i u coiuuion for the '.-cieiitists" to t.iliM member of their fa.i.ilies. in't oi iv h.iving ok pens-s p lid. bill in Sji'inv ciisi s ge--ling them on Iho p;v i.iil as -,isMSt-illits". T'Lit've "se;. -iitistn" a h;; club hoii-c in the fi'shu'nabio put of Iho ton n (Old wi.-ld an eli.-t li:i)-H social " nil', wui. h is no.v being wi'i kpil ngiiiitsL t h k commend. it ion. of the D u-keiv Ci-iu-iiiii-inu ilillHtOil. A Murder ;il Wit W.s!itm. ro. 1 ). c. '-1 -Mrs. Annie! L LlitllV wiih imll de'o 1 bv hi I' f'! i fathor. iloM ph A. iii- iii, :t t an build er, at her 1 ome in li. in cily tin ut iy tll'lPI" d o'eloek i in-; ;.Ju rnoon. Ttif luUlilu r snot tiio wofn.ll! I've tiine' and aficr she had l .ili n iktid ut. hi feet, kicked hei lime tm. 1 iiu'du. Tl.i-n i reloading his two levolv: is. he drove oicliii who i.iteuipicd to J :trtct l.n.1. I lii'.("l out into t lie j stiPtf, to shoot anuuie i who attempted to mtf t fore with line. HeprosenUtivt b c-ig.'-1. Mdk'.. jobi', of Noiiusha, who was directly in Uean's path, gr:i-p!c'.l with him, dis arming li i in in a trier, and tum-d him over hi the polh'cinuu. Tho I'ongri ssiiiaii, who is years old, is a much smaller nnin thau the innr dorer, but he e.iijdit. tbo l it'erin tn.cb a manner us to pinion bis arms lo his side. Jj.'tin snw Ih-il a tight was ini- possiblo. and nolicicg K piesentativ e : iUeu.l John s wat.-h g.tsneil. "Aro on a Mnson?' "Y-h,'' said the Cougrcsstuan ; "-.vhur have you done!" 'i bo niuiiifci'er then told of bis crime and allowed Mr. Meiklejoiiti to t.iko his revoleer und riCeoiiiptmied a police oflii'er to tho station wilhout reistauco. Jleau's wife drove- him Iroiu homo some vici ks go, and hi accused his step daughter of inlliionc iug l'.or, and titeiiiy became so incens od over tho mutter Unit ho decided to kili her. A WclcniiM' Snow Storm. Ai.i.usiK, Xb., I-o. 21. Snow, for which f.niijcr have heon prnying for a month, is fulling ail ovtr W'f stein Xel.riiska. '1 ho Bloriu j'ossesses all tbo fi-al tires of a blizaid, Willi tho ocopliou that Ibe weather is very mild. The tdoriu bignu yesti rday in tbo lihick Hills, and continues with unabated fury. Coiaiimnieition by telegraph cm both the IJuilinetoii and Missomi river ai d E'Lhi in line lo (ho Nortbwot ends here, the wires being rendered useless liy aeeumu.ati it snow. 1 1 e neavy hiiowiih i litis time ia bush lutrly tbo life of winter wbf-at in Nebraska and Souib I'ukoln. A lilon.l Tliirsiy Mob. Ksoxvin.n, Dec. 22. Four thous and people witne-snd Iho execution of C'laranco Cox and dclin 11 JStanlcv at Msynard-'villp, Union courty, tbisi afternoon. Tho execution was to be private as i squired by law, and the eheriff hud erected a stockade for : the purpose. About tho tinio for tho execution a crowd ran over the guard of tifty men and toie down the stock ado. Tho execution then took place, Staid .4 tii it 01 Itepoi't. From lue Nowb OU.-rvor. '1 he report ot the htnto Auditor to ! tho Governor is this year tho most ! i . I .1 . . . I !t.omj,,.u, .,,,, exhausiivo document of the kind yet presented. a.vv,' i. -' I I - According to the report, values in towns and ciliis have uroatly ins creased, but the improvement iscnn ; fiiU.( u, ihe towns, cities and corpo rate properly, aijncultiiriil rei:iins ; ev,.,-y christian ion, ly i not showing "that ol pros I noslnmstois, by pu'oiie oHl-ials ot j perity which tho Welfare ol the pen j imo acquaint auee, by business men i pie us a whole ie(inivs." Hut v.ith!llln by ii" nest fai iiio'i s and fuimms' I tho abundant crops ot the past sea in and an indebtedness smaller than previous years, tho coinJiiion ' th.' classes must. m.i, show a material Hnpi oveineiit. luomcnl cxpt-rieneing nil the Iiunois Tho end of the fiscal year l-'J j ,,f lainine iu u Clirutiao land. Tnoib shows a net increase on taxable prop . anU.s ai.d it iu.iv not be an xa ,'icr erty ot 5I,L'ni):'.2 l." over 1S! . The .UU111 1.., Fy tens of thousund-iow in total increase lor tho year was $2, to the f:d uio of erops lor two jeai iJJS.r2J 07 distributed as tolliiws: h,, tbeiuselvt-s at the On town lots, S 1 ,7li4 :! )l.i.uiiiini of winter wit li Lure ho del Personal properly, IJailroad properly, rdesirnph lines. 4')t.:5il 3'.M.1.")3 15 Tncro was an increase 17.5IH ,"nlTTl 1 7 r. 1 -1 hiH in the State, siiowiliiTthat our people are raising their own bognnd liominy. In 1X2 the total collected lor State taxesamoanti-d to c I ,:!!.". In IS;';; tbetoial iii?l,35S.liai 7o, a decrease ol :tii,!V,l I M) Irom ihe previous year. Tho decrease in tho tax k-vy accounts !or this The Stale cotinly taxation for 1'.): for all purposes was. Slate. 81, H'.H 7.": coiintv, 5 1 .ICiS.'.UI C'J; to f t r 1 . 82.il7.,.):;.' 1 1. K-liinatinsr ihe p'ipiilaiiou ol the Slate thai year to ' b i 1.C7.VH0H, lite per capita lax was I j?l li A special table is inserted in ihe j report showing the averacn value ! p.r acre of larmini; lands in the to ! the larni in this MaU- i- l-i. Ol ihe coiinlie.. in the Stat Pur- i .ham shows the ln'uesl v a i iiat no, i v a i o at ion I per acre, 8 Ui.;l and Pare tiio iowesi, ! s 1 .14. The valu.ilion lor V.akij i.-o'.i tity is fl! '.'1. I A ri:i-r''tv ''I the ',, unties now I owe no d. bis a! all. Too Stale debt ;,:.t been greai'.y reduced, These facts and tiio low tax levy i, as the rep.O'l says, "inoiiumeula! testimony to the honest and earnest endeavor.-, ol those entrusted with Ihe ad nini-tration ol S'liteaud eour. ty all airs Po- the p:isl twen'y vtarn " A r.-inar k..b!e tiuo.naiion in tin number ol .-teres l-ste.l lor taxation is noted. 'Los e.ii.nol be accouuleii lor iu tht Usual way, and it seems lo mo t dot the bard lime make Un bind .-i.rink miglitiiy. The lotii! amount spout lor pen M'i's 1 1 i s year was s'luu.LL', an in ciease of S.Ye 1 :;; on the roil there ai' t.t-ii pensioners, a not case ol oil I'e:, i-ew bnil ling and loan ifso.. i ialions nrive oeui. nusim-si in ; n ( Sti'..- dillin,' the past Veil!' This mcivise, as .'1 r. I' Ui'mati say s, in i jf . Tri rephu o tin dicates thai ti.e value ol such insti ' Htocl; of di ess iind woob-ns on .lit-jin r l Ulioiis, when jropeiiy eoiidin te.l, is j I ..ut H,t unity pur cent, hss' living appreciated in Ihe State." tlem the same friuci: cost lli.d. r li e Too report treats . it length of the i .Mrlvmley law, then i: is clear iLni public iii.l. blc dness a id the relative wj,,t,.,. riotbing shcu'il be pinchiis ability el the people to hear taxation, j ,.xt tuQUx at inucli lower prie; s Tiie iihiiiiy depemls, Mr. rurman j j.,,,, ,.,, t1P , ,. ., uf JM'I-i-.icyhii,. says, " what pi-oj.lo owe ;.n l j ,,,,w , S n .j,,. A: y u-diu-.ti-oi w;il he what tiu-y own" The car.luM , jtj, tl) j,,,,- tj uud frt o worn prp:;ivl tiihlfsol properly and in-Lceoi.Kil bv Ihe la;df Tin ii'iiii-.lne.-.M ii. tike u gr:tiiiyin m ing b'l- tliis Si;ile. The loli.l del 'ut the M:ile in now f:! ll.'.'.Hm, re renenled by I .-r ecu! bomls Too ivi'ort .-t.'i!.-- "the .'-'..'re g.-llo I'llhlie in.letitedlii-.--S -it the pen pie, in..- principle of whirh or th" interest on whit !i, tt.Xes !ire eoih t t ed to pjiy. will not exceed one tweii tv lit'.hol tho n 'u--':i!e Viilue of tne lax-jLiying pr..jierty t the Mute A ."itaio t'.ut owes only tour per eent. of what it owns is in a right sate co ml 1 1 in it '1 he report contrast! 'he coinliiion ol uie .i.-uo :i lew jcaii ago with the present : Cotisidcrint: what onerous bin dens by way o! deht tested upon every county and eity, and iho Mule us well, hut a lew years ago, ami cnu sidering the coinliiion ot ail'-iir lo dny, the p.. iph.--liix paj ers nitty we. I thank those who have so lailh lull- and ably administered their a .lairs " Mr. Fonnan thus closes his letter to ihe governor : It is my plea-ure to icpeat the stato'iicnt made iu my last report to youi excellency, thai tho stt-.te ol North Carolina levies and colUcis lor ueuoral purposes a lower rale ol taxes than any other St ato iu the Union, comparing in characteristics with this State, and all expenses have been kept -triclly within the ap r i ri uion und tho moneys pio vided lor tiio maintenance, ol the government. ... A Non-I'arlisaii Sci Tico. Wasiiinoto.n, )i-c. 22. Chairman Deforest ot tho House Civil Service Committee has inlroduiod iu the House a bill providing that pn.t. masters shall hold oflico during good behavior. The cause ol the removal of a postmaster by the President is to be communicated to tho Senate, and iu the case ol a lourth class post master in tho letter ol removal Wcmovuls fur po.ilicul causes arc refused. Tho postal district system is adopted mid tho appointments ot tourtli-chiss postmasters: aro to be mado on tho reports of inspectors as l0 the qualification ol applicants Shot His WilV and Danglitcis. Vancoi veii, Dee. 2:i (ieorgo 1 Ashlord, a radroad luborer, who has been drinking heavily ot late, woko up bis wife last night, and, telling her lhat her time had come, shot her dead. Ho then shot his daughters, Vio let, three years old, and Mildred, nine yo-irs old. His two sous eseup od and gavo an alarm At .lord wont out and throw hito sell in front of an electric car. The motorman stopped tho car and Ash- lord v hh arrested. Nutti-riiii: In tho West. From ihe Now Yurk Worl J DcB'ttutiou und snffi Drerinsnrrvail at tho preseut time iu u.n tiuis cf not r. (,s9 tuu aix Western Slates. Moie j ,a n iLousand loiters have reaehi d ; ,.;lv tvoln i,u m;i-t d dial lie- a ; 1H 111V I I .Jill L1IH II 11.1.11. . 11 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 B j.ti.: ,litt iaat t0 VVOi ks, and ,11 j toll u"i,)iy barroin" in the exiremi'. j 'I'uesu leiU'l's, writteu lv imstoiM ol -oiieiiisivB evi.l oh ,iu, ltl,.i iut almost tbo entile poim-j ition of a d.btrict coveriu'' tbousamls of S(lllil,0 ,ulU!6) oro ... M -. empty bum.-', cold healths und a l.icl ot k'rti'iut nis that surjests fl e. zing ' au illlcl nmivo of stalling to death I'I.e stricken distnei covers tbo south western portion of Sooth Dakottt. tin wesieiu purls of Nebrai-k and Knu mis, euslKin Colorado, western Ok. a bourn mid inuuy of the ucitlittCsU n eouuii.-s of Texas. 'j lio peop e of weKiern Nebl A-k sOriiu to lie tho wi r t H irt't ifcis, ai.0 li.o reports which come fiom li.e.c arc cspeeiilly pitiful. lie v. J. I'. Cuoitus. a Sunday tchool missii U'ir. with an iutiuiato and ucci'iitio ku w- IfdfJO of the li.-ld, Wlite.iHtf follow. fioiu Uojiihii, Neb.: "Ihe people in tho north west ro..i west of Nooruskt aio of thai cl u hose poveitv and tlost itu: ion iml,. a loud call lo tneir luoi u fo t un i'e I'l etlllCii in li..' Jvfit. 1'liese S. eli.-l r of the Mine aio tLueateiie 1 w.ta a nave been di iveii Iii'iu lio-Slain t' I roeuie. a suo.-istouce, while other. , ,. niuve. have L:.d to l loo poor to move, UJ iiu heie, a.'.d will suit' r great w.-n j tiiis winter if iheyaie not lu-lpeil " j 'i ho Owl ol- Vt'intt'r (.'lii!iii;g. 1 ir. iii ill.- New V. jU Werl.l. : As the severe jeiiod of wio'.er :-j iproaelicsn .i iil luiel t-sl many l.ii:llot b of our p("'i K- lo know Unit tl.i pi ic: s of V.OoItU gOl'drt iiutl tht-ss eoods l .-.ill probab y be lower alter Jaru.ii;. i 1. wiieii the la iv taiill on llje.-o oods j will go fuiiy into tli'tct. lLsti.-. :()l.nii:t'll & llilio-id-, of Lr.vth. j .!a-8, who niiiiiifaii iiio such good , i aiiU) lo the iieiuhl : 'We c.iiiMot as jet givo c nt.y j parlicohus uj to Itu- died of il e ne iiai iff iiuv, a.- it only goes into i ji. c I us lo the gooas wo iiiiiiiuliicuii c on I .junuai y 1. One thing wo do know j is. wo mo ti ling lo dispose of ai. Uroods ui; can in woolicu lanlei ia'.f. ti.-U a.i llie...- goo'l.-: tic., as no c li i lii.n-L- the .sulii.; at uLoul ot) j or cili ,,;s.- 'tMUetioti, It is to be hoped, w lee to biiner suhstiiii' and 1 si!- Will-Hi j woidien ciothing in.. I uu. Icrueur will.- ill the l ie. wis o! loiiiv luil iicus i t .-hiveiing Alueiie.ii's v. lm iliiil.r it. piiiil.i-Mii high ti.itlV.. Ittivc iuihei .i- in t n eoiupeiiea log i wit 11. hi i e suitublo for our t..:j,'.ir.lnli c!uu:itc 11 tu'ii Pi U't d !!; f'oriuei s. C..1.1 MiiiA, S. C , Hoc. 22 --Tin proi-ecdi ngs of the House today wen ol toe usual Utii-senllill sort li::ii m.'itks tho close of a legislative sc- sion, until tonight, whi n one i-l the mist sensational imilents ot I In vsit'ii oi-euri-i-d. 'J im House wants i-."i per diem and the Senate i:l, an i i til the morion --.-loll Speallel i.Urenco com lies iiniioititeil wittee, who lono'l.t recommcudei on itci i-ptiin -o i t the S.-liutc's. l b five dollar men got smgry ;uid claoi. ol that the i iiuinHte.' did not fell cl :ho sentiment ol the insjorily ol the House and Mr, Cooper, nt Colleton, moved thai the House proceed undei one of its rules to elect a commi'tee. This was tarried by a vote ol l.) to 11, whereupon the Sj caber, constru i.ig it to lie a want ot confidence, i iime.liati-ly lel'l the chair and ten ih-ud his resignation. Croat io: lilsion followed. Tho House uiian -itioiisly relit.'eil tt accept bis re-donation, but he would not at tir.-t consider it und lelt tho hull. Sub. sequent ly, .Mr. Cooper withdrew the otletisivo resolution, and a sei ii s ol complimentary resolutions Were pas.-i-d and sent to Mr. Jones, through ti com miiteo ot ll.O House, and ho returned to the chair und harmony was restored. Two Lives Sitvctl. Mrs Phot be Thomas, of Juuclioi, City. 111. was t old by her duct or id. had ('oi sui.ij .1 ion und that tiipic wa. tio hope for h.r, but two bodies lt Ivng's Ni!W i)ioovery couiplntel Ciired lo. r siid shesusit saved bet life. .Mr. Tnos. loggers, lit'J I-'loti-da St , S iu Uttincisco. suffeied from a .b i ailfnl cold, aopi oacbii g Cotibiinip tioo ttied without rck'.ill t verytbii g else then bought one bottle of lh King's New Hiscovery and in two necks hih cured. He was naturally thiinkful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful eflieacy of this utedieiuo in Coughs and Colds. 1'reo trial bot tles at L II. Mei ritt'a Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $1.(10. The clothing of a little diuigh'er of Mr. Harvey trips, of Anson ecu- - j lj, enuui nn wnuu brjc nun ylnj ti around 'is lii-fp'.HC e and t,ho was burned to death. 1 A OHUei 1UI M ill. BiiiMiMiiiAM, At.A, Pec. 24- cci;l! .lo 11,0 A1.f.''nl !n Flor "H'e' AU ' "UJ'8: 1 ,1,1ted Mu8 rtVlhlhl f T1I.1 It'll, invit ..!. I inx illicit distilleries in this section the past tlu-eo weeks mado u remark i i ' , 0 u";p0J'ry ycsierday. At tho """' "i o. iv w. ii nininis, seven miles east ol Lexington, in this eoni-ty, found a moonshine outfit consistiiii,' ol one-gallon coffee pot, translorincd into a still capable ol milking hail a ijulloii ol whisky per day The still was operated aiely and operated perfectly. Tho uniiue im'.fh whs broul t 10 Flor ' 1 ". l---" cxtitietion, nun ; orciis vievvioj it willi cnriosilv. illiaiiis, the genius w ho is said lo have originated I he device, v a ariested and pl.'iced in j til on cliM-ge if operaling an illicil o stiilery. I S s I 1 'I rain lioidj.-t t. Smrx Cn-v, I own. 1) e( mbci 21 When the Chieiigo, Ui: aukee am St. '..Ill p il.eer il inn Irom S iutb Dikuti e:ne in this it. i.iniig just iii f.ire d i , break, four n:i n went luti on i f tho poiiclie--. soi,v iiislalli'i 'lelll 111" ih-pot. T: ey used no iv voiveis hut were masked. Two lo t 'H.-h side of t he CHI', which ll.iy work Jd in loss thati five niinutes. Xer.i i every pa-M-ngir was icliev-d of watch or bmli. l lie job was don" fo tj'iiekly tliHt no one lonmcd o roiiiz'- what was occuri ii.g unli. he men hud gone. X it a hand way h'm d 'i'-uiis-i tliem mi. I lot: .l.y a vord .as s.'.d by H e rohbirs. O.o u lew a-sehgeia Mopped to inuko com iluiiil. Coxcj Lor I'i t il.'iil. I ir .s;,i 'i.i. Dec 22 --'!. '' .'.u-ob S. ll. ey ami Cui I !' n'no wcih il I'iltsi Kirg lo.Ln on tin :r way la .Ma s 1 on. Oi-tv said liiat. he is a fuil ii'i 4f e 1 c.'iiidid iii- for t ie. i'opulis! . o ton ilimi foi Liesni n'. U: ai " w.eild g,i to S:. Liu.siiex' werl. 0 :lle!j,t tiio ilit-. iing of i' .puilstS l i that pi ice. "It I am nominat-d I will iu ik- ft vig :;ti., i-...m; a go," t.e said. ".'.t is O.-lbie tie'.l We lu.iy 1 nve illiolhtl triu iip'ao.t' ijjjrch to Wash -n -n r. f iLc pit s'.'i.t C.iiigiiS- does not t o 1)1 tl; r itiaiilhe la.-.l we wiil have ;te i' 01 lon g of the people. 'I h I .avf. loiij Mj'liH ('oll)i'.ii tl-l' liitvc promised mo a hearing on my l.Ui i- flei' tie.- J.o.i hiys." Doli lit-tiM' Mot iii In;lar.(l. L-.s:-,.., I'ec. 21. 'l he reports ot !.e I --s ol'lile and ! turie In pi-xpei. iy lio'ii i;;:lis v. nit n l.tive lev;ni. il h.r ioe i:,,t I wo day s cii,iliutie o iM"ie In llom all d' reel ions. . I S.otland, a si-.i-.v cal'aVi-u Was l-allht ill Ihe tj.l.e itlel Ci ps'. -i'. el' the e.. t re I Vitus Wt I'e s. I on tire and lour pi-i-ons Were burn .-.! lo death. A. I-'. C Wood. I. Ilieaslole.l v,'o(i-; . in l.uf.s ,,te -ui. in .( ;.i h:m. s oil b i.trd Weie iosi. I 1 1 1 i i iipiion 1 !.- eelV-i,ie V.i-ol.Mid !.ll .V I..I I. I In- e. -nun- a on Willi it i m tie.i, :. n In it:-j ': t : aiiaU-d. I. :.' 1... of II e tin- hiiii'li'id is e: i .n ; t -1 i f.y -t.., a. d l wenl W.ii I '. i.eS I " . i ;. t . liao A i l. IM A. ' i A . I ' :o the ( ,..',,... !t 'ii. s.i v ; .oil i!.i- i i.i; ! ' lo . '.i'ii, -. iio t :i w ii t ion t ri e i.i ! v, i cr i l :ng. 'j -- A spi eia m K bi'i'ioi- l.-'l ti lvi.-n i i .eeii ! . Mi a! I. tin-' ll I O.'H llll.'l l, V i -hi Si Ut, I ii'd I on-.. I IV eVe Mill' ICll I'I i' ri '0 Ki' los net k : o ii it li l In- 1 1 'i b i.f a 1 1 0 Il I'I 'i i jui pi d It .on I mi- i in. 1 1. 1 1 i I; 1 1 t !.;.! his Tr..ui.l I.i the . i.i i'i'l. But I hi" r e 'i.s too s! el t'l I u .l i "! ot sir. intra joion. 1 1 lu.'i i.-.-ts ;o s:-t !'! tried to save I.;... but colild n .t. l','li'i-.l lil is I I ;ui dy. J.ii k. I'i. v . iVc. 21 ."pre ' 1 lo tl o rii;ie I'nioi lio.i O-Inn i . F. i . m.vs "X liiid- ii.iv i;. i'.- ! Li t- C i'i lo.:.-. I i- illlio.- . 1 ; l.-.- !'. Ii.dil f. of thiee Pre-iritt bn o in-i s w ii, . ,:-.i mar thi jeiii-e. the ei-O bi-o fi m ill! old i.rlii ii:.eli i. a.- t-upp .M'.l U. be ltn (la l.-d ui.d VM-lo J'l iMi.uI will it. (li.o of ti t m j o. nl. -.1 I i.o ii vii. vcr at lilt'o Alice l'rrscott. pgo 1 !l years and pulled I he trigger. I hcit wits an xpioti -I! and little Alien fei dead, shot thiougb the heart. Isiuiui Pi iicli Hotel Htirncd. ""t.Mixi;i'ox, D-'C. 211 Thel-laiiil IleHch Hoto1, a well known summer resort, situated on an isk.n I knowi &i the Hammocks, between Wiihts villo and H o 1 raeh, cijht miles fu ni here wus di-stioyed by lira tonight. Th building hud l.'O rooms, in d with fund -hings cost proliii'iiy if lit), 01)0. It is t-iiid to lo insured foi tlOiilly ouc-haif valuo. Rev. V. A. Shaipe, of tho Ni r I Cmoina Cm ference, M. K ('huicb. South, died l-'iiduy iu (itai.vid-j couu y- Tho national f ii'n ers' allii noi will hoht i:s ur-xt annua! ni cling at Ibtl sigh, t.pginning on tho 12ih of F. b ruary. SAN FORD, N. C, UNTIL SOLD ill) Men's Hats, former price '2 to $3, now ooV. to 1. .() Pair Shoes from 1 to .3 50, (ell ing from CO:;, to 2. All CLOTHING n -.v on hand at GUEA'ILY 11EDUCK!) PUICKS! A few Pieces of Dross Goods at cost and loss than cost. BAIIGAINS WORTH YOUR ATTENTION! We m;(.n exacty wbat w0 Bay j IvCcXViil S Sept. C, 1S(J4. 1VP.RS T i belief is caid to be ii-owing at Washington that It ere will be o -Mirrotu-y or bond bill passed at the p e.sinl sopsioa of Congress. In Poor Health means so much more than i you imagine serious and i fatal diseases result lroml r trilling ailments neglected. , f Don t play wtm IMature s greatest gift health. If yon are f eclifte out uf soils, weak J I Brown's jlron (Bitters JUM rVIICIBII) v- havc no appctile V begin at onretak- iiiK the most itlia- J tle strcntheintiK mtdiciiie. which itt JT Ut. A Irw bot tles cure benefit comes iioni me j very lirsl tlose it X teeth and it's J pleasant lo take. It Cures DvsDeosla. Kldnev and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood malaria, iNervous ailments Women's complaints. Oct only the prnuin it has crossed red lines on the wrapper. All others ate sub &tiimeft. On recen-t of tuo 2c. st.iiup we wiil .--end s-t ot Ten Beautllul World' hair VltwA and book free. W nn-...K. -r. da. Ti.r.De tin JIAaJyafJAffAJJJ,Adi LUMBER! A'l kind; of LU5IJ1KI1 for sale at l PITTS SO SO SHUTTLE-. MILt WtATIiiB-SOAHEiiiG, GtJLIiiu rVU FLG3r.ift, I'.'.'.Nl 11 ,'.M KilX lililll.. OH il.'!-'. Il i'.-sit i .1 lo order el sin i: t n itiit 0"")'l Ci-i'.in.-r and l-'lom-iiignlrcud ti nt inilv 1.20 per ll!' fei . 13. NQwD, 'J:', Seju. PI. bS'.ei. rUEIilSHIKG GOODS, SHOES and HATE I)o ou wiint to I. nv il.. in i liOii Our i e: ems in 'hi- Noith.i' Ul.ltkcls .hu-. us in it iiirll.iu l In: II i A.. iv' 1 1. nn ol din::- y. 'i in in ,l. lot' 1 ii-it i -o 1 ii-: l.lViU.l to .-ell ,rt:..i will si l, yo cl ?'!!" r il .ui iit'isl other h- u-i-Aii.l :n -ii i i l , if yo.i wnli-ul ;h n lv. : 1 eniei.t mil, i.u l In ing i with joii, hi,,! !i-senl it when o. g.i to ) for vriil j'oods we w I give jo. i -i j- i.i . i ii - enoi.t of j v i ciiit. 'e t hi-i-i I ; illy cx.'ban; good- eu-tonii I- ill in- it, i if y i 'i di -no it f iriy !";. nil. v ci i i i od y ' jonr iiiin.i'i back i Jon I el ii ill good- n iiti.jiii ed iu l -a.-. und i e 'eligl h of t liue. W'e v il In itt you s-piiiie. If I ";:-.i.:v-rA l n'l -V M.-klii -t-.-I. ln rti. til. N'l". .". ", Ti.l.iu .re .-e.'u, II. 1. ) iOii lii.MiOviiy, l'.v v .ik. Coin riiseioncrs' Expenses. In a.-i:. r, in.-.- villi -i-.-U ni "la i.i Tin e...l. 1 li.lill T. l'.-.a.'liiil. I Ir-l k "I lt:i' lt..:ir.l 'if C C - ,'.iiiii.iii.-liii.'ri ef I t' .lliaiii I'l'iiufy; 'In lii-re'.-.-iTilty Unit On' I'.il.'H In,- Is H I r in i-..ii.'-' utiiti'iiii iii, r..r tlii" pii.linit N-.v. 'Hi, Ism. i n -ii-..iiiiln. Iii-n.s mi.l iiiiiuro .if nil i-"in.i'iisiiil". ill-. Weil l.y Hni li.nir l to Hni r.ii-inl.i rs ilii'ii.f t -n-ttvrly, tin. uiiiiil.i-r nl .!nv. He. li mril wii.i li -,i.-.-i.-u hii.I tin- itl-'ativi! Ii-iii 11' .1 liy u-ii-li iiii-.i. iii.t' : W. II. IUT. il. .ii) 1h'H an CWinimlbl.ifier. .'nl miles inivi'lii..!. r.o 1 1 'i HI On Hi-t-iiml .if i,t'l(.'cs, I -vs. .''ieliii: inn' h, .'l Ti ..iini.iiilnit II. U. tux, Ci li.ivii-lilp, fi.nt' lliiktni! Hirfira.-t "t W', Ciiiinliii'i' w.iii Tii-iifiriT, U.'Ji' U.'i'tliii' wlilt Hiiiiii. t' C.i'iiiullifO, l.ii" Ou .-u 'Uiil "t 11" in.' n( A. & I., !.K Total, H. H. J. TU.f.Y. .17 ilaH8 C'imiiil-.-l..iii r, i'i Hi' ilia inll.a ir.iTfllml, S 'i- On m.-jiniiil nl bri'li's tin. I rmuls, SI. a: C.'tiiiiiiUfiti tuxi's. is s . ii.i!i;iiillti-i Willi Tn hkiiiit. H i-'. Ou a.-iitiiliil nl Unulo .it A. I., V' f Toliil, liil.'i.if A. T. I.lMliKTll. Il il.iys us Cinmli-hli.tii r. ts'ti I"1 lilt in lira lliiviln-1, Srt.Hn On a 'i-'.inii ..( hi t Igi'S, '' Ci'tnt'iitli.t; noil's, ;7.-.c Tumi, ll.i-.i'J The PiJir l wns in h.'i.s..h $, ,l.o. T. I ASCII M., Hi'fclM.'i' -f HiIs iin.l i s-..ill. li.i Inik.'f iIih Ihwnt. SAND SAI.K UY YIHIUKOF 4 a i-rrinln iin.ripi iltwl i-xm-iito.l l.y A. .Inliii-'ti ninl 0. I. l. lin-.'ii i.i ) ' Wliwii iln :i hi.i.1, en i lm '.lol ilty uf -Imiunry, isisi, wlil-li mil 1 .l. i-l In .Inly ink-isli.rn.1 In IlintiKim s "III.-' .1 i'lniil.H-n is.utuy lt.--k -H I ', (muti .v.,i, I ill ..IT r ii.r miIb tit i'Ulill; Biii-ili'ti fur i-iwh, m Urn i-mri-liou-.i il..rlu l'ln-iir". mi SAttiiii.AV, ilnU:li .! of Jatiuiiry, isvl, lliu trn.-H'l lun-l ia.invvn.1 in j bil.l tn'TllfilS-. V1K : M IT'iel i.f Inn. I III William l.iw i "lill . I'll eliiiin .'.miilv, a.lj"iiiii. iiio Inn. is i.f J J. Ji-liklll-. I' .1 M"l frill 1.11't nil. its, uul e'l.unUiilug uOiiiil llil ail-i ?. B. O. WUJioN, i A.I in r ul J. 0. tltevu. W..1H11. W Iliiyin, AO)'.-, I !.'.. IJilt, ti-ui. 1 I m.'vift irf 3 :is, iU'lo, 3042 Cambridge Place,- n. w.,- WASHINOTOX, D. C A s- loet. ."oirdinaiul Day School ; Yo uur 1 h it ul (iirls. f-jH-c:.".! iidvuntcg.'s in VoimI mid ii t-ti'iinu-ntil Mumc, Drawings i'. i iiin;i', :i: ,.fo;fi -n L;uio;ua!;Cs. A coiiiv-e of tliiily Uctiiros oil tin- st u I vol' Sliikspi-iiro, to liugtrert iy iMi-s ?d;iti si a (iiiv, will In-gid i-!o!kt l.;tli. For cut ilo-ruo uddrcua y,K. a no RIi;a. li. 11. JIASON, Oct. 11, 1894. PiiucipaW. IUV.Vlll lAfS-XVCIf I ii liir Ji, 1 17. , JUA.. (KX!s, ll'.l TCllKS, FIP4E JEWELRY, KILYFU TA V. .LWAItE, i.-i i i ;;..( tic i, ui'Timx. mm COUflTY BOY -AT- TlfGKES'S STORE isks your patronage --IN-DRY GOODS. OF ALL KINDS -AND- &h;i!i(MS Wares .il tariff m nmi mi c. CE1IS0H. lliii.' X. V., OH. I, 111. 1 I I,1 BOYS- rUii. uli intercut to iii SI 'he hoy-, not hinj- ' inukeB o. ij so n,- pv us win-it he dons a new Hit, ol i-ioihes, vie ui(lniscd from in-.: h ind.- in i :i;;e lots. ;i!id you will l,i l it to jour iiii.teit tr. exHiniuo .ni' iiuiiieie e i toek. Wo Ijuve many ii'i ins whieh i.j'.u.t Lo been to be nehu.-d. COY'S' AND rHIUUlENS ( l.Ol'lllNti. In lt.-uiesj mis. Cheviots, Kerseys, ' l'..'e:s, 1'we. d-. Wot -ti'dn. ClC. Our lock iu H e itli.ivi hue, is so large" luti it is liee iuii) necessary iu order o nnikii room 'o Hume of he Ml lit FOITOM I'lilCK.S TO ALL i.iits timt were :.-'7 0po now for "5 t?3 ' " li 00 4 50 5U0 3 7. -1(10" " " 3(l :i 00" a 2' -2 .-.0 1 87 2 00 1 5d - ,' " lot. ' 112 1 00 ' 75 Wo l'-iw put iu the knife, mid cut il (lie w iy i In onh, iu n in, inner that Millli'l hilt Intel i si tin. public. Auk or the ce'couilcd 1-'. 15. ( Hoyg 'l i'hii j.'. '1'lle ll'iest ,1-eyond IJUC8 '.ui. N'Wii.t fitjlps, ami bent of vim yrh jt:j.r ; t hweft tiurcs. il;HfI4l JOTS timiT. ( l.'o-lU. I'o.-itolUce), ZJTlXOi-ZX, 2T. a. Nov. 1 ". l.Sitl DMINTS ' HAT Hl-VNOTICr si Hni-!!. 2 ni ii.ll. .1 us liln lnlftrnl'TH f n, Tr l'.ir. lie.'!',.:. i hi- I. In U..IIIV illl i-rr.lll'iri l)f iii m tun; ii. I't.-i-. nl Oirlr I'lulm in tti.i iiiulor--lui'.'.l nn i. 'i ii. li 1'iiiii.i'r lit li, Ihii), nr this n.'Ui-i1 wiil I t'lin.l it. ti.ri.l tln-li-ri--.iviiry. ThU In I" nu ll i r I'.'iiiy an .Ki-.L-a lnli-lilivl in K. L. Tysnr I" Ki ui.. .1. I.. TVSOll, L. A. TVSOll.'ii V ll.iyei, Atfjj, li.v 1,1, I..I.I. G0LD3T0N ACADEMY AND Oold-stc-n, 3T. C. MALE AND FEMALE. .). l. HIYKS, Sunt. I II 1'iiANi il. Milliliter Com. Dopt Mill Ai a lonili' nn ! O.iinini'ni .1 Cnutae. our lornts bio .itl.n ri-.ipiuiHliln. I'.''k U.-i-i'tut;, full is'tirmi hii.1 l)li'.iina, T l.''i.y. nel .'..utrti- an.t nnl.m:i, I1IS0.H l','llll.'llir.til., tint lll'SU Ullll illl.t.'illil, Siti-t -. r'i .'iMM-r nioniti. l.ii.'i'iiry c.iuri.1', il i" M i-r m.'ii'h. lti''ll'-u"il i'X'i-i'Si. 'i i-i'ii'd .i-r tiinih d'. .'nl i.i it i.-i' tui'iiili. WH.-itiluii tnefit'lflily t-i'it'. i.i ini'H, .-till.. in t-cuui ir im.ii't1. l-iit-nliy .t 11 v.. S.iiu I'.-ini Ix-itiiiK .laiiii'iry s, isti.l. l.r'uu i n.l iMrit'iii.'trti a !lri-Hi J. II hlVM Supl.. (."ltl"ii. I'luKliain Cn. , N. C, Ii-r. 13, 1 so I f.s. D M I N I H T 1 ! A 10 H S NOT I CK i w ll.ivlni ,.inlin.'l h ilix ailmuitoiriti'ir ( till. OHl.-lli' .'I .Ixlillhnil O. Ill-.'I'IUI. it, Ihtb t 1 . 1'i.iiiy nil . .r. lei. tii'li-liii-.l ii I.Iih m.iun f..r l .ei.l -etil.i ili, aii'l to notify all rr.ln..rn n hat I I'Hiairt in .t-.,-i m ih.'lr rlat'MH ..n x N. v. -li. Ihmi, I'i' llll.S l.l.lll'u will l.. I I' ii ! Ill l.iir.if lit ir ry. OAfluX LUVb rtfinu. k Oajt'ii, AU'ifueyo. lv. w, io'j

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