TtSTSibf t6hfoery. Aa electric horw feeder, Is new Invention brought out by Mr. Alder on, of Chesterfield, for securing the regular feeding of horses during the absence from any cause of the stable man or groom. The apparatus Is do scribed as being very simple, the law of gravitation being depended upon to accomplish most of the work. The first requisite is an alarm clock, which should be good enough not to stop casually, but need not be expen sive. The electric plant is that needed for an ordinary electric bull, four cell9 of the Leclanche type of battery being sufficient for any dis tance up to 200 yards. The third portion of the apparatus Is the feed er that is to say, the vessel lio'din the corn and chaff, as the case may be. The clock, which Is the prime mover of the whole concern, may be In the house, tho harness room or anywhere, but If It be more than 200 yards away from the feeder a moro powerful tattery will be required. To use the feeder, the first th ns Is to set the alarm of the cluck at the hour at which it lsdeslnd that th.i hoifcs should be fe-1 The fool is then placed In a tin like Mru.t lux, which Is turned ups rte down, and placed in the proper com part men t of the shut, when the lid of the b ix is drawn out, the corn then rent in u; on the floor of a trap like arrange ment, held in It place by a simple contrivance. When tho alarm pe off a button Is pressed and the cir cuit is completed. A weight falls, the bottom of the feed box 's re leased, and the corn falls out into the manger. An Unreliable rtonil. There Is a railroad ia one of tho Southern States that, is notorious for its erratic runn nu gear. Nothing ago a resident ot one of the towns Dlnnu Ita linn rrpniVM,! :i IpIi'ithii t,. jthe eiTect that his brother was com- 'log from Atlanta to pay hi in a visit, and he communicated the fa 't ta his w'tc,'. , . . , , . . How Is he coming.1"' she in quired. "Over the ., X. & It.' I reckon." "Drat it," she exclaimed, '-why 'don't ho walk? I on't he know there's no telling whether a pas-ener .n !that road will get here Mond i.v morn. iux for breakfast, or Saturday tiijiit for supper? And we aiu't r inning a restrurant." Chat tan-so: First, Chattanooga made the first I'cs-c-mer steel that was manufactured In the South. HUM' It .llllV lllippt'll 'Jtminy cri.'kets, she's got tho rickets'' whispered ono beau to another ia the" eo:u pany of a vt'rjr pr -tty girl. Truly s'io "ij very beautiful, but t!iro was a t'.v.'t!'iin.j nhout tho nnrveg of tho fno-i whi.-ii Viojri'l uffurlua. "No." sai'l tho otlier, "ll't n 'ii ruljtl.'i an 1 sbu'8 ft martyr to It." S J i -oln Oil was giifwstad as th) wort t-r u j.vii I euro for It. t)i.l sho try It? Yes, nn t w is eurwj by It na.l marriet "on of th fel lows" ai'lerwanls. Tiio tiso of tho irr-jit reme-ly for palu Will not Ijrtiiu? n'aout a in ir riaK, but In Its eur-j of pilu It will br:n, nhout con litions ot health t ) mak lif.i m-jro enjoyiitiK No mail or woman ou,'ht t-y marry who Is n safr-n-r froai ehrouiu :iins W slioulJ not wed wu to wlu only wr-.-t eQ'.83. Tim French Onvornnioiit will dpiT'l Sil.nni) In tfftlii llio value f tho new dij lnlieriu t' rum. A Child Enlors Hi plnnnt fliviir, mntla :tin ant noh Id. tftect of yrup of KIb. wln.n In n,eil of ljtlT, n I If llm fat her or did! her be cos tive or billons, tho most uratfrini ros'ilta fol. low Hi as; so that it Is tho be-t family rent dykBowaauJ uvory f.ouily should tiavo m wttle. Ki-ys mft'li- of I roil" nti I iron with In lis., In (in-cci! and Italy us early . as llio Ke-'i,tli century. Prafnrs Cannot b" Carrd bv local Application, ti they ra'oiot r h the c!l4'KMd ortion "t i In cur. 1 hen i only .'n way tocoro lloafue-H-, a;i,l that h hy run-te.ri. tional rnriHsib's. Ieafnos Is cuu'I ly an in flftmcl coixlitlon of the mucous lining ot tho l.unlaclilua Tube. When this tulie p'ls l:i ftaiutst yoa have a rnm"Uni soumi or humt ffct bcarlnir. and when it is eniircly cl.t'.-d Drpfocss Is tho result, ami unless tho fr.thim inaiioncan bn mkn ont aii'l ibis t'iit T" etoivd to Its normal condition, hesrini.' will lio lrstroyed former; nino cas our. i. n nro caused by catarrh, which isnothlntt bur un m Ihinus condition of the mtioor.-t stirfa '. We will iflve Ono Hiindre 1 IMIars f.,r any ca1' of IV afm'8 (c&ucd bycatarrio lii.i can not Iwciip- i by Uall'sCatarrh (Jury. .Send fr c.rcuiars, free. F. J. Chevkv & Co., Tulodo, O t.Sold by DruBifisis, 7tc A crnnd piano a lower".! Into tii ) aiiir ble cavo " at Hpringfl I J, .Mo., lor tho formal opening. J t. Kllmcr'i KwA5ip-l!oor cnris ail Kidney and Muddcr trout 10s. Pamphlet and Consultation fr Laboratory liiiiKbatnton, N. 1. It Is pnld that the cecftary bird In nttnel;. Inir a snake usos ono winy as a .-.lib-l l and tho other as a club. Wounded in ihe War 'I enlisted with Co. P, Third West Virgin! Iafnutry Volunteers. August 29. 1'.2, I was wonndel In the knee, and S.,t. lsth my limb wns nmpiHiite.l. For tliirty y.ars I froiatlie remniuliiK pnrt of tho limb, which has nevr healed, but continue I lo il Isc h n rite. My health was preatly (thattcrotl, y't I kept moving about until lb-comber, 1-iH, when Fwvf 1 w;iS H,r'"'k ,,own '"f (tii UjS year later sutTer.-d a r,.l.i,,s,. I hi! n y'al'' "rnothcred feoiini; so Mr. F. M. Huffman. "'" 1 conU "-"r.-ely brenthont nil. I then pro'ur'l six bottles of Hood's Hnrsnparilla. and I feel belter than I hnvo for ton yoors. We have use I eighteen bottles Inour family and have ton a I it a per- Hood's" Cures mnnent euro for Scrofnln. I owe my life nnd benlth to Hool's Sarsaparilla." F. M. HcrrwAS, Marquess, West Virginia Hood' Pll'st'ii-e the best fa nil cathartic EASTMAN Rational Business Col- lege and Shorthand kW PCHOOJ. Thor .nth In mmt preparation llirliuct O.u la Hnokkn-u- Ar DtisJtieK lire Ing onil iiuduiu rraccical work. boiii teias. CUH.ilHM, fihort- roiiiiom bsnd and Tynewrlt- luraltkad Inff. IVnmnntUiln. Knff. IIhU q,1 Motlcrn Ijio- tiafffH rnr t ntal"sue, d1rc CI.FMENT C. OAIMm Prml.lmt. suWaah iDflon St., 1'uiurbkiciwle, K. V. EASTMAN According to fc.i",!isli v re turns, sixteen ene i:i l.iiO'J are caused by luve Hll'uirn, There are 2, 000 American loru Chi nese in t'lilifuriiiii, ii ml it ia mihI that many if the m will vote t'.i years hence. Of seventy Hilton iilUmim fifty own uu property, stah s the Now iork Advertiser. Tiiey are uctivo young li lit leiatis with no ititireoU ut tt:il;e. Th Governor of .!iiii:ii:.i, i:i I. is Biiuu'.tl in.-.(;:., reo-eirm-H Is the i as eiie el mi ji n 1 1 -i Lciiiuu luss. There itro those v. ho the hotel business of the future m New York will be con luet .1 !iv miliioiiiiiu-t nud 'Voeietv men." 'i'!i-' l ite ni h.-ini-pluT ineii of til" ilss, t!i uiiu i s-f..o i-.-r popirutioii of the wuri I miles of riii'ro.i 1, or I'orU of all rmlroiiii.-. IS p.T cut ('line's are iiosv ia ti-: . : :il t;ir..u ;!ioiit Australia. W.thiu t ty-livo years by seielil.tie 1., rnee has been iiviluec.l lii".e i.i frani", sounder in ssiti.l and liuiii an aide to curry m ire. svcijrlit thin th Indian camels oriiriuaHv iin.'.o.te I. Having include 1 opium in its pro piiuune, the World's Woman's Ciiri-- t in II 'J'einpelMtic. Til!. etlllj Ii:is started a !1 I". inland ill mid anti-opi- Bel ie- of mass m the cause of tela Af,,T ,!:, l"'"''l,:'l towns in i!ie I provinces hive 1 u sv..rked tlie series I WU1 b. closed with a reat stnth-rin.-: I i" one e.f tlie hir.e-t hails in London. ! I One ..ft: -t ii ! casioiis of kin U ri, u! : been in ele in the l - a ' yo:!!!,' child:', n, o , Vork Sua. Tlie in-t: j lit u verv e.irlv :','. music t. th Ni II. 'I l.'ll Tinv ls lu- in ..iren after nre Jinul.t to sound n jrii it has l.-vii stra on t!i ' to do ninny t!:i:i:;s that at : Fecin impossiiilo t i tho n !i. .i.iu ., an i l:r s.-ry littie. ! Mach id tiie know ally imparted in mach labor to bo: ; is t!iu j iicpiiivd : ea-e. e.l-e of music iisu later scars, with teacher mid pupil, ,ith c ...ii-eiritive Tho secret oi tie' luuell-dis-M-sed "war caiiriot" of T.iri in was joibiisii.-d the oilier day in a.-cordanc" with tho French patent law, and it turns out to be meiily a complexity of rockets chareed with pow l, r shra A!-lno-t every iis-ii::itio:i of tiie ins.-i,-tot- in desiu'iiin; it is un i-splod -.l fal lacy. The military r.-ckt wa -u-. .iiis an engine of warfare us tarly as 1 T nt Copeiihaoeii. ua. I wa the invention of S;r C.ei neve. It pr..v. -i n formidable w.-n;... t in its ,l:y. but liio.lera Un I'ov. la ut - in oi'din inc.. have sai'pi.ed ncr.-.. !':: -lent mean -id attack. Arnold l'-ak. r, a Yol'k Collllllissioll I til it tiie tilliu is lap in this country n i.. scarciiy of nj.ple-, have been allowed o 'I-kuo,vn ;.-'. reii .i.t, claim !y lippl-olie'illl:; I I Ii: 1 . a- t! to SI. ruiu. lie claims that Michigan there ha bee Noltle ab-r- lible inert as,; in the orchard no: , a."-, but tins side . f the AH.-li'ioy Moun tains no apples arc r-ii-.- 1 that un worthy of tlie nunc Tm-r.. nr.- tiiou Rands of ner. s of fariii 1 i: d lew d. vottd to tie rai-Mo of lil'ty cent w heat, li it'll, wit'i half tie- t-spelis" a'.id let marly a-, much ntl, ntion, mi-lit, tic New Yolk Witn.-ss think. 1... t lansloriicd into pit. d'. -live (.en aids, which are eettiue; to be i.ioi... plolitable ,-very y.-ar. Tii. Aiistmliiiiis iiu.t inv.-.ii d r..".v word it is iin.i-ii it ii' n .t u old. r to d-scribe M s , -lr,l ; tlie very eifie I lady uim t - P.---btriletini, tii" Kii"llsh in eoloi.i.d ters, kivs the N.-w Y-.rk Ti e They call her a "stat.'s-.voni in." Shaw is at nny rate in a uunpie lion. Slu; is on tin: stall of Tinits," mid has contribute I to Mi., P.isi- i'he t'.lal journal n groat number of papers on colonial affairs in sshi. h imperial and Ctdotiial views arc skilfully blt-m!.-. I. Kho lectures on this subject also, nnd is probably ut this moment one of tliu influences which make most strongly for moro closely knit r 'alioiis be tween the mother country and her liio; , laughters across the seas. it would bo simpler nnd etpnilly correct to call her a statesman. Tha plans for the proposed new huildinsfs for Columbiii ('olleL'e New York City on the site of tin.' old iiloom in;diilt! Asylum have been placid on exhibition. A plaster model of the new library building sviis also on view. Its estimated cost is SToO.iidil. l'rcsi dent Losv snys that by general con sent the site is unsurpassed in location by that of any university in the world. He appeals for menus with which tu provide eleven halls nn thcr editices besides that of tho library bitihlin, tho cost of each of svhieh is estimnted Rt from SlOO.OOt). to 3i)H,U(l.). The fiito cost $2,000,000, and while it is expected that somo of tuu build inps now on tho grounw cun be utilized, somo new ones nro iui mediately needed. It is expected to move the eolli'KO tc. tho uuw t,uar tia j 1896. I'OK FARM AM (iAKDL. FEED liKUl LAKI.V. From every point of view regularity in fecdino stock pa.v. Cattle know, as well us human beings, when meal time has come and if neleeteil they prow restless an I lo-s of lle.-di results, 6j that two items have to bo added to the debt side tho actual loss of lle.-h mill tho loss of tho yniu that thoul.l have bieii made. Additional food w ill be iieees-ury to restore them t" their normal condition and to over come the cheek their system has re ceived. It is ileei I dly easier and le-s i -speii -ive to pr. v. at waete than it i.i to repair it. New Vol w World. KVECINil (l.ori! IN ML.OS Tin re arc more ,1 rt'ieali u-s in kep in closer m the sih than ta iloin. the -MMio I'.ii:..- by L-r.-, ii corn. The i-!-. v i : t i n i-: , moie ti : t r. nous, and ho;!!-, v. nil o iiiiieh Oil t h-' le:l-t esp- 'slir :i. ai r violiuee to :: r that it is W'l.u fodder is : . moderate i i-em-rated 1 1 -: .-uiailis in Ir.r I to pr corn lu-::iu h. that the e i! i.oiiie a.-i-b.v the .-l.-v, leriiK I iie silo una helps to . n does til.- enoko !' made of iir-.-i n s.... ! little iliail jit. I i t in iiu'ie uctise, a-, it is 'VI r . it, mil, !i a dull tire . Iheie i- i- iei mentation is where there is heat ii greater, iiaki' a drum-jit. , tiiat -!oer is ..i , 1 1-- and tile i.i. re iiiirooeii, the this helj.s f. We tlillil,, tilel'el'.. u.n.iallv l.ei:-.-r c; m 1- . r millet p:. I in the k t be st.ite. r with he tip. oie'lit w ;ih all -t-'ck i.-.-d iju.-i: in a dry .it well-. -'.ire.! closer Tii-y w ill n,.t at the : con stock units-i-. d in tiie si:. - 1! Cittle wi-l out W:l t--. and but! . ,:i! pi- -i .UN .i.i i: or spi s. Tic way in w inch art i-.'i ::o has i .:i.'! lo .1 j w til i.-e put alia; A. -A moit 1. ady ia::i and o-,l one. . pear.. In' e :i;it f.-r a :;o ..1 ii ai tiiiin we i-.-iit r.iiiy i.aa.:::,.-, u::.l in: pre -si.. us , irry i. real !;: hi. t w. ii-i.ssoite.l t -os of one sio in- ,-!,! will a i.t M. r r Ivijys tin I a spticl.i-r s i'e at e tli-in iisiiaiiy k""-1 ones. h i in tie- d:!l-r.-i.t si.-s and!.ii:aleiy inivd, and thi-, to , c'-:i II th-. pu'eiia i-r im-ij: ilies hllu st if .i:ii:l!u. need b;- a.peara:ices. Many ::il :u. Is -ctl-e their cureless In - - ua the j.leu of poor prices, it i to !c r. -niMrketl thai 1 i.t v llev. r took a:, p.,ii:s ii prie -. were- hii;h, nor was it so important then. Witii ov-r- ro.'iu.-tiou and cons, .pi. i:t low. r J-vle. s. ciisioim r. h ive I., e em; in. .re I.I -t i.lloll -, til, le is II -I. .lt.T liil.ollllt of choice, and tiie neat, t.-mp: n.:j I I.-'. a ;. - i i'.- the soi l, w hil" tile s.-l i . n-r pi v-ls.-s e; ...-1 !ani. ' 1. t t !' i Woli 1 T.fflSO A' th: siicii irser ii l- tile lis U . il. in- I.- !- or i ran lli lo t hi-"i-.-un.l. Ti.' ... op, ,!;,,' w I: t i 1 .1 lis, on , Coal -e brans tf.lU-e there a.-:.ii:;st tie brans. (,,, I'.. il.M. I. an l'r uu tii.- J" Co-, i hu -:,y app- irin ..! three - ;.i;.;. s -. nt I. b. I- nes !o that clas- sinail ii ti 'ii 1 t-r of .li.ostjon i-peri- lll.'llts l: 1:1 1 1 ! II 1 In - i tun! I' , it II) i.i ill's I iiat mid - bin a' .! -what nio: di-ei-st 1 1 . 1 . t hau in in, :.n. lor tin-, f, a s oi uo.l i i, more .t:n -. When br ;n- c.iii b.- I ht for Iron si to s:l p. 1 ton ,-ss I b in the pi ;e : of midd ims, til'-v a1'" w.l:; mi. .1.. ii.. tu eh. ap.-r an I b. t '. r . .o I lo niiicli .'.. ,, Tie-r i i'"-i -i I -ru'l- tiiiV i -i-nc" in t ii man u 1 1 1 1 al iie ..! w n- il bran, w ii leii c.nt i: ns an av.-iaee forty--cv eii poim I , . , i i: ii ro-.o-u. -is! v p. -:;n I- ol pin ,- phone act. I two of p il.l- h, while lili-i 1 ii ;.- forly-oii ', tweaty-tiv to. II p It -p, ,-t i-,.. Iv. A;.' I ICIlit III i -t. lifts - Am WoMI N I I.I.I s ; ,.l; i. lie 111 .1 : ll.lle illa.l'.ot 111- 11 in town are the mhiii-; w oni.-n w ho lllu-truti; fashion amides. 'I'll, ia- me a lialf-d...'.. il of tilts who h'te m ule rt pain' ions and, it is hoped, m..i -y by their tali lit. A few years a -o iiiis work was done by men. For th" Woodl-II l'i::lires, illlpossil,),, . iiolli. let's un I spindle waists o! t :i- fm. hi.. u plates of that day, we have th.; airy sw, ep of skirts and the instinctive life nnd movement distinctively modern and feminine. There is, perhaps, a tend ency of th ' work of tiles; you'ifi wolllel! to lieootltllllto (lie Sollblette type is undeniably popular. Th ni. n look n! th.' pictures an I the woi.t ui copy tiie clothes. These svoiiieli have n:l hail serious training a ; art students. It is to this that they owe their fue.l i'y in ilrawinej which makes their ssork lectures ns svcll ns fashion plates. Il'. iii women the- are capable, of dc sioiiitii; costumt h ns well us knowing: liow they svoiild bo worn. For original (lesions tiny receive extra pay. Ol these draughtswomen, Miss (loomiui, IMiss Uall'. rty and Miss Uuderwood are most prouiineiit. Miss (r iod nan lia, just returned from Paris, where she has acquired that French ,'ehi" svhieh mikes French fashion artists tho las in the world. Missllilferty makes a spjciulty of children, svhieh sho draws villi iklifciUtfiU tikili Alisa Uuder- wood has n ilihtinet sense of hnmor, which has its own place in fashion work, and has nhow a herself enpubla of wo-k of broader neope. Xew York Coin u. ereial Advertiser. sick house ;. Tlie pro2er tiur.-iiiir of sick horses lupiirew only slightly less delicate attention than the lnirsini,' of sick nieiu Not to hj'eak of diet nnd medicine, lrcp;ciit change of bed liii j, and cloth ing U us imlisp. iisnldo in one eas.' as in t!i other. Perfect attention, abun- luir :::;ht an 1 pure iilniospherc fhoiild il!is le primo coii-id.-r itiotis in treat. ti. : tue s'alile patl lit as will as ... . , the I:i;iii,iii sillijeet. 'J'hc horse is by nature one of tho ehi -ii. u of li,ht, mid not of dari.n i ' -! tiie opt !1 llir, not id the coiiiine.l, -!i;.l . sti.ll. In his wild stat- he seek i io e loi-'ht of the phi : lis and avoid ; 1 i , i- ,. Tnll-s of forest lib us; end if a i . uM f..i tify him a -aia-t the de .liii lis.' t tl'ects of protrude. I illness w. o.iiild i:. sure him the tree iU'!it ot In alii lull elijos incut of the pure cir- e:.i.::i:.ii.!elit air. lie shoilid, sih, u j iii,. -, ii..', be tied ii. to rack or in in- j ir. r, 1-u! h ic the coliipalatise Irei.loin j of a i.-ooiy bos. it is st ran-,'e that j iii..s :.-able iirchi't t'ts t'uiuk any od I ; spate i.i a dark corner, that cannot be ; Well lltilied to foil!! stalls, is ipiito o..o-t i iioii-'li a sitn itioii lor it loos,, bos or f..r u:i iiitiraiary for it hor-u "told oil" as too ill to work and re tpiirino veterinary treatment. Tii. it is Mi'ieh loom fer iinprtisenieiit in the ar,.;iitt ctille nnd s.n.itntioli of the sta ble ..r boih . aad healthy li.'l'ses. New York M'eii 1. 1 !!'' Itli:l Ii M s. I 1; perplcMir; ! . is the tii it, relia'd p:,.b icn'ty farm i s i ii,- r ii f -eeii-iu : e-uiip. rs.iort.-r n 1 i .t, liie.-n it than !.: s, poorer s.-rvice prevail to a -reat-ars past. An i r- o: I 1. j el' t t ! I i r linit lies at lie I otlolll of this Mlb t is the coiio. .i ouprcssion that it I- .piir.-s no briii'.- ..; I ruining to make i farm luboi er, nnd no i iVort tosviirt i ivaiieeint nt is p.ii forth bv tho aver- :e fnrm h.iii I. An. t Ik r mistake f..r wiiich the i-mi'oyt -r is responsible ii the practice of chi -sinr nil fnrm hands alike or nearly so, mid u.lheioiir to an uiiyi.-Idin nine;,, of iriees in wanes paid. Ily that pr.i. tieo tlu sliiflb-ss it How is paid too much and the care ful, j aiiistakiiiLr man n d enough. 1 he a t rau'e f irm hau 1 could, by cai'elul inli-liie -t:c , m ike his services wi.t'.h twice t if eolunioii run of w.i ,'es. l!at it i i .piire- brains, uiul br tin i rightly its.-. I, te till any positi m ss ell and nn nt promotion. Tiie tiel.l is never crowded for those those who ec. I. No man has better oj p rtumti'sor surer prospects tor promotion 'lian :h" i .mi hau ls, if In: only pi'ov. i tpial to t : occasion uu 1 ri-.-s to ih" b -t that : .n him. Wotlbl that I e..u!d iuipl'. s tins upon the tariu boys and hired men. The time is iilreiidy coming win :i fnriuors will see these thing nn 1 discriminate aeaiiist shiftlessness and in favor of brain, industry and integrity. And tiie tiilb-rt-nee in tvn:;. -. is only lu-Liiu-nine to widen. It pays t,. (hink, study llild 1,'l'OW, lisitle tt'olll WilLtes, be' cause it takes all tin s, to make the man. Farm and Duirv. r ii st ani (i.siit'i aniiiial loll of pota-h A n s h. .ii! aids. F. . ! i ley I old.-:, 1.,- up.ei bt nine h- ! the poultry w, II jus, noss as f e"ing tliroiic.ii that tei table ..I' moulting. Nolhiii w ill weal. I', ehlel.t n so much is t iit in all the c ii or "rini-ilou n lis IllOllltill", SO lulofts aliil p.ood feed po-'.blc. N ii r "j't ti promotesei-owlh. It should thi r. tore be used ssith s une caution, t'.-r . ..''. n l trees should lie prowu lor u nit rat ii'-r than for t imbei . I'ultisatloli mi'.y be stopped late ill the miim.h, and u ci'opcau then be m -.ii up.. li th..' laud. Th:. crop may - i se as a i'i.v. r or protection to tho -oil and us u "n t ii manure. Nitrogen citl 1 e old lined cheapest by means of thorough tillage (to pro mete Iiitl'ilieiit oil) lllitl liitrogt'liolla ereeii manures. There is rarely occa sion for biiyiii'; it for fruit plantations if tlie 1. in. Is nre properly tilled nnd flopped. A green manure improves the soil by lidding tilde to it and by increas ing its fertility. It catches the ni tral s which, curlier in the season, are Used by the tree roots. Vegetable fi bre in the .-oil increases its posser of holding both moisture and plant food. In general, tlie commercial complete fertilizers arc less rational for orchards li.aii u t'erti.iz r made for the occasion out of matt-finis evidently needed by the trees; but Ihe complete fertilizer give much better results than the pro vailing indifference and neglect. Now is the time to get ready for tho next .season. Nothing should be post poned that can be done now. If hives are d comb foundation or other supplies, make out your lists and send in your orders. In bee keeping, us in other pursuits, the best results nre ob tainiible only by being ready to begin svoik ns soon as the season opens. All the preparatory work done uosv will he ho much eaiueJ, (Jl Al.M' AMI ( I RI01S. A bed in n Greek inn in A. 1. 327, b ni four cents. A plant of s;o"iiwrt weiehiiii; le-s than lour otiiics will produce over a million s.'eds. i snail ranch has been started by a farmer of A net. Trance, to supply the l'liiisian market. On tho Welch K.ver Towy the cornel.-, the serit.ib le boat of tho bulbar oils bu! picture pie I'.ritaiti, i-. still in Use. j The. MViltost bird is t! hvslril 1 sh sj.iuiow li'in k. It has bi en known to achieve a speed ol 1-VJ ludes an hour. The p. ii-i!i often Iihs a win: spread of lit:, i n In t. The bird itself soiii. limes cs.v.'. Is twen';. -'ise poua-l-in w, i,;ht. 'i'iie i'.odieia'i I.iluaiy at O t:t.r I, Kn ;lautl, has .YJu.OiMI volum.-s, and it iiiiiiual i spins. s are i',, il i.j n year. iK.irlv ten cents a volume. The muscles of a pu's snout arc -cec.lin.oiy powerful for their si,v, mid thus cnabh' the aiiim il to turn up st r.v hard pii'iiu I with iitnio-t case. .John Con fin r and w if , of Clilt,oi, Ohio, have celebi iited t iieir si! ;. -It .tu t 'i wctldiu.; imnivei'-ary svith a family re union, liotli are hale and hearty. London County, Ya., has a trait farm w hich coulains Ii t.inlil vin. .-, !", pi-ac'l trees, S.I Ml I ,polte: a:, t p -.1 tie s mi l '.i.HI !'.:ielish walnu: tree -. Abut linds its way nboiit witiioiit tie-asjstimee ol its i y, s. A blinl. d bat w ill iivoil w ires and oi .si rue! ions Us ,1. sterol!- ly as lllollj;ii it could see pi rf.-elly, The Miehieiin nit1 riiuniu a on bio cabbage.. Aloiilid lio.e Oaks :i twt-lve-poiiu-1 cabb.i e i- e- u-si.h-red a fair shippin;' and lie' Harm t! I'ro ii e Couipany h iv.- --n! olic to Chic-i.'o that measiir. s lour mi I a half feet in circumference, and Wichs twenty-six pound--. Nearly titty monkeys i-sc ip-.l from tiie Hold of a New York v.- el ie.-.-;i'-ly, and climbim,' int tiie riu'. iiiu:, :- t I up such a chatieriii! that a lar.j num. . d ..I. ap-d j b r of pt I'solls ipitckly ll lth. the wharves. ho it's before tlie intimitis, which were cine, d I up mi l down the masls by the sail .-., i were captured again. Josiph 1 f instil of ll'immoiitoti, I'eim., was lidin.; nloiig a country ; load recently on I.i bieyel when he Was Mopped by into highway:;! -it. : They wanted his join".-, tie. II took bis watch from ilis j ket, tin. ss ,t stsei'ul yurds away, and, sshile tin I nun sseie scraml.liiig for il, n.fUiit'-.i his sslieel ami t seape l. j A country cat can always be kept at ! home by cutting off her ear-', or for a ; time by clipping out the hairs in the I interior. Tin: l.i:g hails scrse to I keep out tho di. psof tl. ss t tint la'.i ( from tiie It aves ni plants ami gra-s s, and sshiii the hairs are reams. al tin: j cat will stay at lo; it- rather tniiu claw the ssalcr out of her iiir;. j t o n ml n (o d livs in a Sea Fi'-Ii. I Lit uteiiiiiit .laiin s 1J. Minor of tin j polio force was pl-. li!el with : gold ring by Cnpt. liarrv II. 11 ay- wood, who nt tin) ti.'io of coining ' in possissioii of the liu was in c m. maud ol the Nosa Scot la bark Aiie-- Cat lain Ibis wood s. s .h it ssiiile tii ; bark Alice was on her way trom Ne,v j York to Has ina he Ire.pieiiily pass, . I : Ihe time iu lishitig. and on June. II, ! he caught i lar:; . biuiila li.-h, ! which on being cut open was found to have a plain cold ring in-ide. li was i the common la lief of the suib-i, on the bark that the lisli hid bitten otf the hand of a 1 il M 11 who itiur fell overboard or sseiit doss" xsitli his ship, j C.tptam Haywood has tal.. it u great I fancy to Lieutenant Miller nnd gave J Inn (lie ling in- a token of his friend , nhip. -1 loi iila 'i'inie.s-Faioi'. A Siiinla-S'liinil by Tclcirrapli. 'The most unnpie Siiuday -eeliool ii. the world is on the but! of the Na-li-Sille, Ch ittatiooo.i and Ht. I.oilis K ail road," said I,. A. Warner. 1'rcsi. tleiit Tlioiii is is mi ardent Sun ny school man, and in m I a ssslem liliioug the It lepiaph lo.eratols aloii;: (he line. One of tiie lightening mani pulators nt Nashville uc'.s -.S tiu.'litl', and Uses the 1 1' , "liar lesson leaf. Tin. class i i composed of the oju-t iitor . be tsvci ti Nashville and Chutt uittog.i, and the lesson is conducted as th mgli all were present, except that the ipies tioiisnii.l au-svei's nr.- sent by tele graph. Tiie comments of the teacher are sent down the line mid the class is dismissed, going buck to their worl;, the siini" i:s on any other day. Cin cinnati Ilu.piirer. Tiie Czar's While II arses. The Czar of Ilussin lias one set ol fifty horses, all pure white, svith blue eyes. They are creatures, but deaf, us w hitf unimiih; svith blue eyesnlways nre. These white horses fire used in shosvy processions on state occasions, nnd like t)ueeu V ctoria's famous cream-colored horses, nre never sold from the imperial stables. When past use th"y areuhot and buried with due cereinotis'. Good manners have forced mnuv r proper person to swnllyw uiisshole owe food. A FlngerlcM Family. Ia t Lincolnshire village to Entr ench lives a family who buffer under the curious deformity of being finger less. This peculiarity does not ap pear to be one ot those Ircaks of N;i- i ture which may appear in one inili i vulual, and not be transmitted to j tho next iioneration. From what i can bo learned, tho singularity has existed iu this family so far as his tory and tradition extends, jinil there seems at present uo signs of its dying out, as the ar a3 vol.l of lingers as their g.andaire. 'The hands of this r.-murkable fam ily p csent t he appe. nance of having had the ti tigers amputated, or hopped 0 f ro glilr and iinevetiiv below tho .second joint, leavin a short stump. There is no mill or hard substance, and weio it not lor the iibscncc of atiythinii a t icatric casual A server would conclude that the de fect was line to an accident; but, as though Nam e bad nti lupted to fompi tis.'ito for t.b absence, ot lingers, the thumbs are abnormally largo and strong. The family are in other respects fully endowed by. Nature, and do not appear to su'er the ui-,aJ vantages tlie absence of lingers might be ex pected to entail. One o.' the daugh ters, aged L'.i. can write, sew. knit, and is in esc y way as liestcroiis and ac oinplishe.i as other girls of her age and slat ion. When asked i: she "did no! lind itasvkw.ild lo be Niger less." she re lie I: '.No' Jf y..ii hail never had dr.. t;ers, you would not know you nceiid thoui." The only drawback that seemed t i be occasioned is the curiosity the al notice ot lingers evokes Irani btrat CIS. What H Wniitc'l. One evening, at a symphony ic liearsil of the Veiiiingcii nrchcstt'i Hulosv t-toppel the orchestra an I ex Claimed: "iseitli'slniins furt' l" The ( svh i tho tgbt he bad done pretty well already, redoubled his efforts; but again 1 ub.'.v stopped and fchontcd: "Kettle diuuis fortel" Once more the diaminer put on extra 6 tea in: and, when litilosv stopped agalt). he ( xclaiuic 1: "ilcally. Ilerr Ka; ellnielst' r, if I beat any harder I shall break the drum-heads!"' Who a-ke 1 you to do that!'''' ictorted Fol low, (iitttt'y; "you play fortissimo, and what 1 w, tit Is f.Ttoonly," The You at; K ' t I . V 's Anvix in -::t. All! (nigh the youthful of Fgypt docs not smoke and is strictlv obidicntto th.- Koran's Injiiuctu n not to Use strong drink, be Unds vaii (.us svrys "f amusiin; t.iui.- lr. One is in his yachts o" which le lias t, nr. the largest Icing a' .ut a b g u'l ocean lit er. I'nder bis t ule wotn m's jcisi; ion Is fast itnpiovln r in Kgypt. an 1 iu.reni life Is d'sappcaring. J:y the M.ih'imniedan law an i gyptlan is permitted to have four wives, but at 1 r sent it Is considered bad form Tor a man to have more than one hcl mate. I'll st.t-lilN llfli mitt SS'il-il.'ll III lleiltillltl. j i. ai - ;.).'., i s - l'...'.I '.ii cs for lise.i n- fr:;el..- men io..l ss t I .-Nr.rrt.-l.-r in ti-ir I. li" of l-M'-- I" ''" '"I I' 'I ' I),-::- liii.e 1" t!i" work. I i.i.l Is ss U. I-. I..l '1-.. i ol tl.. lo in ii. I'. .! ,s it,.. Pit l.iii'.i. l. Vii., s.i-,.s ill i. lt :-iiit( to lli. ir u.l sei lis.-;:,, nt. It i- belies.. I w ires ssill s mi l" il ne assay ssiih Ii r eiee r:.' i! traa-:i::s.-:o:i. Hi IijI.i I sr I- IS -llill Of tree ! Im .ll il lOl'l if I'. I' l, II. ll III III - 1 1.' I 1. 1 . o'l.lir i ill . I i:,- el ,' S'. :,1 s!,.,.v it. I.ij ta- 'I'.ii. lies -. ill mike ihe si .,,,.,,1, ii,hl and ke . tlie c.'.c. bi'l.tlil an I i l.' ir. Tlie sound of a sy-;:,!.:,. m,.vj t!ir .Ui;ii tue atrno-pla'!.: 1.11.) a s. .-..:i I. Kurt fi (:r.vor It. H,t. tl'.e ureal l.'-nl pnrt:Vr, fresliiio.-ts Hint eieariii-ss Inli ait; fr ill and lurua iousii;.ai:.u. Si cb.. ollil-. (. St. Louis, M , h is an i i ,!;:,! c im' U- l.-Ol.'e. Mrs. la'. -is - S. ,i- hiv; Sy ,:; f.n- t in'.. iren I le. it.iiit;, -ell ii- I',, .one-, r. .. in i- l,.llai.:ii.;i- ' lion, .iiia...s ii.i.i,. i nre-, isiua i'.,:i- . ..'.. ii ...:t!e - siiipiin'ii'.s nt t"!aa!o" n:e I .-ii. ; :.. i !. (real Hi" i aii'irv I-I:iu !-. to !:u..;i. j I : f aillietf'l svitti'pye. use In. 1 .iew- i l..nti.. j's K e-s. u. r. Llriiui;:sU M'llai is-1 1 r . ut I la. i 'ill. r Rro i-sii.e.i I l.o.ks in tlu (iiin---' -i'.'iiil I.ibiars at V.isiih:i n. j ss :,: i .- i:,.t ! . n ss it I:.. nt I 'No's Cine f..r I 1 - n niiii'lioii tor mi seals. I in. l l mil I, j i ,ia.. m .. Il.o i , i i,r,'. I'a.. sins t. i-i'I. l-'iai l.iK :'.'! li, un,) .list I iii-s. I lie ii entest nedical Discovery of tlie Arc Medical Discovery, DONALD KEfiHEDY, of ROXPURY, MASS. Out this latter it:; I'll .t.- s i 'ti'r.lns . . .oi ) .. v.').. .... :.'s. ... V...O' I,'.'.'..,.,';. ..M.o... so If,., ..-,' ,- ,..,,'..-..,.,.' t t.:t , ;-. rji f 'j li'li. li .... .,' ';.. iV. oc. ,;. or .o,.o .- . '.... isA , 'm ?.-... '.' I'M. i.-.fs ,--.:.-.1. ,1, .-n Mi:, li ' ' .(.'.'..- . s. .'., . as. .1,1.1 1 ..."( ,i ,r,o r.'IV i)i .e; .su.l.K ... .!' ' (;. .V;. -W.-.W ir.r. ::; (.-, ..' .-.., ..' i -,7 . ,, ..',..,' ', , ; t ,;.,,'., I.i lit .liri;.,,,., ,. I'., ,, . .'. '.'.'-I !...'' f.ll ', .'.(' ,,..' A . .- . . ol' .tlii'lf.ill.i ill hri ;.-..'. ll. f. I III,. .1 II. . -. ;... loll I, ill?! A.o.M J ,li.:. ,,:,, li.l. ,IS I I,,,,;- l! ..'., ,s io.' i'ii .,',. r ;..'., r c ..'( ,v ; a i 1 ".' v ,'" in. :. ..,, ), '. .,.r. Ii.', I in, ,irii f i;,,ir r ii,,.':. .-. .. i-..';-'w c.. .(. y',.,,1. )..( ..I....'.. ,. in.,- '. It, r in Mit I.HIJ-. . li, on'.' ... '.''. ,'i it. ir, .nun i.i.i'J ,, ;..i" . hll Hi. I.-.-... I ; m.( i(,.;ic )f 1,1.-. lu.'.C.s I nil;. Mrs. M.U!Y r. A WKSl. en,l A i-estu1 eurtl lor lir. Kenneds biiuk. 0 HiftOXQ. O Weak niitl uli svtuiii'ii who tiro liursitio; bnbioa, derive nluiost iiiuun ( t ivalilc lu-uciitsj from tho nourisLiug irojicrtios of cotVs Emulsion This is t!ic most .nourishing riches tho mothers iuilk and luakes babies fat and gives moro nourishment to yrowi::.,' 0 children than all the rent of tho food they eat. 0 Keott's Emulsion lias been j--n i-ribod bv jilivsiciansi f. r twenty years for Eickets, Marasmus, W.tstins Diwws uf ObilJrou, y Coughs, Cold.", Weak Lungs, Emaciation anil Cfins'.inintioTi. v .S.n.i for f,tmffiltt on S,ot's I-.-nulsion. G Scot? &. Bovvne, N. Y. All Druggists. SO cents anrl S5. Y y. ULVII V. l O . I U , ml v THE BUSINESS MAN'S LUNCH. Hard Work and Indigestion go Hand in Hand. Concentrated thought, continued In, rob tlie stomach f necessary blood, and this is also title of hard physical labor. Win n a five litiist- jiosvir engine is made to do ten horse -power work something is poi.nt lo bieik. Very often the hard svorkeil eomine fmm the field or the oiliie will "bolt" his food in a fisv min utes shiih sviil t ike hours to ilii;est. Then too, m inv foe.'.s :t:e :itiut as useful in the stum ie'i ."s i hcl; of mils sstuiltl be in a tee mi. I' r a boiler. Tiie ill used stomach ten: i s to its o;k siitiiniit Ihe pioper stini'.'hi-e ii c, is tiom liie Plot..! ami If.-tses. Th nerves aie sveak and "leads' to bo d:. ' bce.iii-c tins- tlo not pet the ii..i!i;-!o:i. et llu v 1. tjiuie ftoui the blood, fiiio'vllie i!', us, d I i in is i:i .rbi.lly ss itle an ise ssii-ii tlie iiv. lssnikcd mail ut tt iii.t to lind u-st in In d. Tii appli. . tiio n of t . .nun. ai sense in the tri ol in. nl of tin- s.,,i:i.1i ami the whole sv-tiin biina- to 111- busy man the full en-i'ls-iiit tit ol ti'.e and lis altiiv dii slion ss lien h. ' takes in rieie. s plt-' Pell-, ts to tt lit ve a bilious stomach or nfti r a too hr.ulv r.i- il. and Hi. Pi. fee's Cold n M. thcal I'l-cov. iv to pmil'v. iniich and vitalie the blood.' Tlie " Pellet:-" are tiny sin: u ('.i.i d vols t.-, id,. ,.f highly ri'ii'i'ii d vt table in;: tlients svhiih tt lit ve t'ae slut, i w h of all .'!. n, ling tiiattt is easily and tliotoiittalv. 'I'll y nnd only be taken i. ! a sh et tiai" t etnc Ihe bilionsne.-s. consflncion and sbillifnliu s, ot toi !or, of the lie. I ; th n th ". Medical 1 i ovci v " should b.- t.ikt a in t. a- po .iitid tlo- i s to in ert i-e tii:- blood an 1 ttriih il. It tias ;i ;. i nli.ii i ll' et Hi". 'i the liniiie, iiu-'iibiane of tin- -lev, h a id Km s Is. loiiine up anil -io. mill, '.e'.-.r th-.-ni lot all time. The whole ss ' 'a r.-.-l-i the i li ft of the vine Ida . d c.-.t; -on: lieoa.'.'.i the b .dv ami llie lletvev ate s i- :l '. d Hid stii-llulll'-aetl. lint (b ad. n tl. I j n: 1 p. u th" so called nl. .- love..'.. . I ,"'d it. iv.- mlsl'itt s do - b it t. f- --ii .! am! t. d on the fod they n ; 1 ioi l;,- .l:!i. If you sii'Ver fiom P .'.i ,' , , i.,. ii' i s . ais:ii-s-t, and any of til" ii! .'..-toe'! com-.' ieii'iue blood in: 1 j. .: 1. t. ,i i .m i. h, s ..ti can t rue wish III. I i. -e. ': ('.-'I I' ll .Medii ll is . ',:,'li ( in be obtained at any I. ii.- in the'.iy. Try TSiem All, Every Tom, Dick and Harry's Buckwheat. THEN TRY iff L',n ss tart SS't -'fr WALTER BAKER & CO. r-, 'I'..- 1 . i:-c-t .M ti.ei.t. uir. rai-f r'- PURE, KICH CRAOE &SMm AND CHOCOLATES 'SX" . .' s i.lo-.t it, hr. rcffi.rd HIGHEST AWARDS fr m ti c TTJt ; i.'v-' N . iVi'vA rvnnoiTinno i tnruo luiio In l-iirnnn ,.t nmnrieT lii LtilUpUiiiKir.HILIIijil. 1'l.l.le C:.. Iltil. : I'. .l.sA'1.1 . II..O' ;!.. ir .t.i.ii, .ji mil. ski s-'r cot o s b-. ini.; I.-4iaod .i-'.'l, ..' .' 'Mi..."...' sf.i...;'. SOLD BY OiloCi-:3 tevtli'.SVULIlE. ViALTER BAKER & CO. DORCHESTER. WAGS. nio Ti,...-....! or-J E" DulLAR xv.', m i..-frr;'$ , tlECIRIC ear f s;,v,' "'.:'? -?fe'.-; n;;:-:J tra:.l..l T.-iln I...,.,,.. 1 1. e. iM.,l:i:illli:.:i.l Weil Peop!o till ll'll 1 1 .- I !iinlvil!! (Vit.tinly ii-it - l!iit ftiinifliiiif.s (l.ry li:ivt' a liia hu'Iio ui' It 1 1 li lio us--1 '!: a h it lillln tliz.y. This i. tho 'arsng. Ji'ii tiiis' TitlniU's', (u ( 'i at such tiitirs, will I.t't'j) j't'ojili' v.i'i!. lr3SSj?.C135TgiErS . i V.hlHt AI t Tt-r. iA'La. t 1 -t i ...i. i sjr.i;.. -I'.'-i. 1. 1......1. l?c rt l.l tioi... s..,l i.v , I,- .-.rt -!-. rJ - O - OOO 0'0"0-0'a'g'S 1) Smothers fooil known to cii-nci.'. It cu- (j pives her strtnetn. It n! .o 0 0 svVsl l ' ' ' 1:1 1 t ; i r1. se

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