TUlKSII.lt, .l.lM.l!!V 3, 1W5. LOCAL RECORDS. IStilEIll LK riTTSUOKU' K. K. Tlie iianwMiRfr iralu nil tin; I'ltlsuoin' railroad Ikirn I'liiHlioru' ilnlly, rxccpl Wurului a, at 10 a m. mid S 30 ! in., "J arrives HI llltbtioni at It. 43 a. m. ai."l 5.45ii. ni., making rke coniu'ctlnn at Win.'ure with tlie Irnln Iliat leaves llalf Igh at 4 m. IIapi-v New Ykak! Don't forget to writo 1893. How do jou liko the new year? Already thcallcrnoonsarogrow iug louder. Three good horses and one ma'.c for wile hy II. Nooo. Dogwood and persimmon timber wanted by ti. Kooo, Jr. Call on Geo. Council for cloth ing, tinware aud family groceries. A lot of coffins walnut, oak and pi no lor nule cheap, by B. ooc,Jr. Stop borrowing your neighbor 'h pnpor, und Hiilwcribe lor one your elt. Pleane settle yonr account with Dyiiuin tV llcaden. 1 hey need their money. If you wish to read the pro ceedings ot the Legislature aubNcrilje at onco lor the ukcobd. Buy a good wagon of Hynum Ilradeii, ugentit Ueo. f. i laacn iV t. Every ouc warranted. Price reduc cd $10. Hinhop Cheshire will visit thi p'ace and ho'd aorvicea in the Rjiis-. copal church on Sunday, the 27th ol - this month. Easter comes thin year on the 14th day ot April, three weeks later than last year, which however, was unutuully early. The deep snow that covered the ground, on last Monday, seemod like a whito shioud for the old year tuoD almost dead. Mr. J. M. (iriflin, who lives near here, killed two hoys on last Tu da3', that weighed 8.'J7 pounds. One ot them weighed 417 and tho other 420. On last I uesdiiy Mr. Calvin Jones, ot Matthews township, was run over and killed by a train on the C. i & Y. V. railroad, near Ore Hill. Just at l'J o'clock, on last Mon! day night, the church bells at this place were rung, announcing the death ot tho old yeur and Hie birth ol the luivf year. During thoyear 1894 theie were 211) marriage licenses isiued in this county, of which number 140 were to whiles and 79 to blacks. Mort were issnod in December than dur ing any other month. Tho Legislature meets next Wednesday. Quite a number of Chathamites will bo candidates for doorkeepers, clerks, it;. Each one thinks he oiu'hl to have an office, but there aro not enough offices to go around, W, II. Edwards, dentist, will visit Dyntim on Monday and Tues day, and Pittshoro' on Wodnesday, Thursday and Friday, following tho third Sunday ol each month, pre pared to do all kind of dental work. Oftie next to Byntun & liuaden. Now on hand and receiving this week at W. L. London & Son a largo lot ol plows, plow easting and farm ing implements. They would cull your attention to the Oliver chilled plows and oasting. Don't use any but tho genuine. They are tho host and cheapest. A lotol Nisson wag ons'on hand at reduced prices. . --Bad Oil. The country has boon cursed with bad oil lor sometime. V. L. London & Son have recoived a lot of good otl which the' guaran too to give satisfaction or they will refund the money. This is the best oil made and is 175 degrees fire proof test. Now, it you want a good light try this. They bavo a cur lo.d of extra fino salt. , Vintrt Weather. The old year during its last week Boomed deter mined to do its worst and make us all fool no regrets at its departure Yea, tho last week ot the past your was ntore wintry than atiy other week during tho wholeycar. On last Friday night tho thermometer indi cated a tomporature as low aa seven degrees above zero, and tho next day (Saturday) was about as cold as we ever buvo in this aoction. On Sunday night thoro was quite a heavy fail of snow and on Monday there wai good eloign riding, the snow being about eix inches deep and unusually light and dry. Personal Items. Tho Christmas liolidaya being over the visitors have returned to their respective homes, llevides thoso visitors mentioned in last woelt's JIkcord we are pleased to note the following: Mrs. C. J. Rhaw, of Carthago : Misses Gertrude Hush and Annie Uogers, of Huleiirh : Mr. Francis Womack, ol KcidavHIe: Ir. J. II. London and family, of Chapel Hill: Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Hunter, ot Aberdeen : and Mrs. An nio Johnson, of ruycttevillo. The editor of the Kecoro. aceom- anied by bis daughter, Miss Lucy London, went to Washington yes- terday to enter her at school at tho j (iunston Institute. Mr It. II. Hayes bus returned from , li visit to Wilkesboro and Winston, j wbwiu Lo spent the holidays. A Mt'stcAt. CoMPosr.n. Wo note with much pleasure the high rank, as a musical composer, attained by Mr. Charles II. Harris, a son of our brother editor, Mr. Joseph A. Harris, of Hillsboro. He is now connected with a prominent mindc publisher's firm in Philadelphia, nnd his latest composition (a copy of which he Iims kindly sent tho 12kc.ri) is entitled, "Oh ! There's Bound to bo a (iirl up in tho Moon", which should become one of tho most popular and "catchy" songs ol tho day, even rivalling "After the Hull". Our j oung friend (tor ho is barely ol age) is not onlj a musicul composer but also a poet, tor bo com poxes the words of Ids songs as well as the music His first composition, published two years aco, was "Magdalene", which is one ol tho swoelost ditties that wo have ever heard. We predict for this talentod "Tarheel" a brilliunt future. Fur lb Rkuoud. Our County Finaitvs. M k. Editor : I can't rolrain from making some remarks in regard to our county management. Wo ap pear to bo badly in debt and at the amo time pay higher taxes than our sister counties. 1 have been payuii; tuxes lor a long time in Chat ham, Alamance and Kaudolph and this, about an average, year the rate per 810(1 valuation is 77 cents in Chatham, 70 cents in Alamance and OOij cents in luudolph. From figures published in the I'kcoud ii looks to mo thul wo spend too much on Poor House matters. I can leed them better than they got before tho county look them for about half the money. So much in- solvent taxes and cost a to pay, ex travagant charges lor convoying prisoners and lunutiis from one place to another, in lacl almost all charges spainst the county are from 2f to 50 per '-en I. higher than indi vidual transactions for similar ser vice. Thisought not to beso. Why don't our sheriffs pay over? Its strange that they aro so delinquent and that tax payers heretofore road. ily sulimititod to losses, cither direct or indirect. Miscellaneous" amount ought to bo spread out and let tax payers see what makes the aggre gate so largo. Some counties of our Stato are out ot debt and boast ol money in rreasnrer's bauds aud wo would be pirased ii old Chatham was so sit uated. A Si IINCRIBEK. Severe Cold in Florida. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 29. Dis patches to ttie Times Union indicate that tho cold wave lias been very lestruclive to the orange and vege- tah.o crops. .No section id tho Slate eseapoit. imuiges on the trees aro In .en solnl, and it is said that there is now not a sound box ot oranges the Stato. Peas, tomatoes aud other vegetables aro ruined. Dis patches from the oast coast say that the pineapple crop it ruined. It is estimated that tliciv were 2,51)0,000 boxes ol oranges on the trees, aud that 2,000,000 ol them are a total loss. Young orange groves aro reported ru'iLod. Old trees may pull through. The total loss will likely reach $2,000,000. The freeze is moio dis asirous than the memorable one of IStiti. Tho average temperature early this morning over Florida was about 20 degrees above z ro. A IJotiaiizuMilliouairc Dead. San Fkantisco, Dec 28. Es Seua tor James G Fair, the bonanza mil lionaire, died of asthama at 11:15 to night at (he Lick House. James Graham Fair was an Irish man by birth, and first saw the light of day near Belfast on the 3-d of Do comber, 1831. He came with bis parents lo the United States in 1843, settling in Illinois, where he attended the public Kcbools. He reieived a business education iu Chicago, but showed a marked preference fot eientitic studies. Iu 184.) he fjl lowed I he trail of the gold seokors to Cafiloinia, and, after mint ii g till 18li0, he removed to Nevada, where by foituuato speculations iu tuiues he amassed a fortune estimuttd at $50,000,001). Mr. Fair was eh c'.ed as Souator Sharou'fl t-uccotsor iu the United States seuate n 1881, aud served one term. A Family lim ned. Ei.i.kwoiuii, Wis, Jan, 1, 1895. Yesterday morning at an early hour tho residence ol Michael O'Cuunell, of Ei Paso, was consumed by tire, and Mrs. O'Conucll uud live of her children perished in the Haines, Mr O'Conncll was tho only member ol tho family who slept below About 2 o'clock bo was awakened by the tiro aud barely escaped from the building iu his night clothes. As ho rushed out his wile appeared at an upper window and dropped their youngest child into bis arms. Ho turning into tlie room lor the others she was undoubtedly overcome by Hie lieut lor she never relumed. Another child jumped Irom a win dow and was saved. Mr. O'Conncll, himself, was frightfully burned iu his attempts to save bis lamily. A Hie Fee. Washington, Dec. 31.--One bun dred thousand dollars is reported to lie the lee which the Chinese Govern ment will pay John W. Foster lor i cling as adviser to her peace com missioners in the coming negotiation with tho representatives ot Japan. Mr. Foster's income from his pruc lice a counselor iu diplomatic mailers bus been estimated during recent years as 850.000 a year. Ho has been counsel lor tho Mcxi can Legation and tor tho Chinese Legation regularly, nnd has aelod as counsel occasionally for many other legations here, except wheu he was Secretary ol Stato, ever since his re- tutu fiwui Loiug Minister to Spain, State News. Fayett-ville Observer: BesiiuMf Duffie Ati;ins. the little daughter of Mr. sud Mis. J. W. Atkins, was hoi. ribly burned on Friday eveniug last, at the resilience of Mr. Mclntyre, by the overturning ami explosion of an oil lamp. Every effort was made to rescue tho child, but the injuries were fatal; ami, notwithstanding tho ex- ertions oi medical skill, the little snf i ferer pas-sednway at 11 o'clock on tho j following day Greenville IU-flecfor: W ednesday uiutit nt u vni iHtiu'iJi tree uh inroiuu, i t t .i ii i Mr. Luther Uryau had a narrow es- , i i . , .ii eapo fn tn being but nod to death. I rrl , , . ., ,. He was drot-s-d in cotton acting as o , , ii-i ii i Sinta Claus and while walking near ' . , . .. i . the troo bis suit caught on fire, the fUmes going over him liko a flash. ! t sroes rusoeii to uis asBisinncn ana by keeping the fire from bis mouth saved bis life. When turned loose he could not stand alone. Ilia burns are very severe. Durham Sun : Friday nis;bt there was a jail delivery at Kosboro, being The people nppieciate tho chai gc , the second within two months. All jaud are taking advanlnue of it. the prisoners escaped except Win. Why pay a dollar a year for a Neighbors, white, who is awaiting ai WKKKLY paper when you can get pardon from the Governor. There the New Yoi k World T WICK a week were five inmates of the jul, most of j for the same price ? theuj confined for petty offences. In Keep infounod of what is going on both eases the delivery baa been eNJiu the world and parliculai ly in your fected by picking boles in I be iron 'own country. Congress is" now in casement which covers the floor, and ' bessiou. Every movement will bo ot then removing biick and cement until j the greatest interest. Keep iibrnst a tunnel is opeued outside the cages. ! of the limes by reading tho TWICE New Peru Journal: Mr. Charlie Scott inel with a very serious acei- lent yestcrdav. While out after yesterday. While out after birds with companions abtiut his owu 1 ago, uis gnu was accidentally uis- . j,,,,,. , , . , jiii .. both for $-2.2. a year, lakeadvuu chareed wbi e he was eetling overa!,. ' , ., , t?i i lage of this ofb i and get your own wall near the upper part of the mac ; i " i ,r h , , , .j i , i local paper Tur. Ciiataam Kkcokd ada n zed road. His right band was . badly injured by the d.seharge, the j being blown off and the liitle linger and thumb injured. He was also wounded in tho throat by one of the nhot. It lacked but a hair's breadth of being a fatal accident. Statosvillo Landmark : Mr. Tom Summers, of Olin towuship. was in The Landmark office last week exbib iting a ball which be had carried with him since the battle of Seven Pines, more than 32 years and six mouths ago. Iu that battle, Miv 31st, 18G2, Mr. Summers was sho', the ball passing through bis leg above tho knee aud then entering the calf of his leg, pas.-ing downward and breaking the bone. It tiualW lodged in the ankle joint, where it i QTATK OF NOUTll CAUOLIVA romained until ibo 5th of this mouth, ! p,''1'1 " clumAU-l T" si-ri"-wheu it was removed by Dr. Ed. J. Mi-l. Koiiy ami win. i: u. Kiiy, v. u. jchm, t.. 'Uo GitstOIlia GitZottO' Can tho leOIJ ai-iI r-luiiurn liia uiint,? Huiillv lull a aia cuange nib spot! nanny, oui a red rooster may turn white. Mr. S. E. Foy has a while trame rooster which last spring was as red as any man a rooster. Ho begnu to shod oil and the red feathers kept jiivinc phtco ' , , .., r , tO Wlilte ones Ulltll tuere WHS UOt a colored feather on bis body. Tho bird is about two rears old Uis lory tells of men whose bair was turned gray iu one night by a great, excess of glief. This bird must buve been a Democratic prophet aud turn ud gray from the great grief he foil over what he foresaw in the elections. Concord Times: There was quito an uuusuul anu costly accident on the streets Christmas morning about 8 o'clock. Aubrey Hoover aud Johu Troutmau were running a stand for the sale of fire works for Dr. Gibson iu front of bis store. Some one threw a lighted tire cracker ou tho pile of fire works, and iu au instant I hey were iguited. For a few mo ments things were lively in that re gion. Sky rockets, roman caudles, tire crackers, cunnou ci ackers, whirli gigs, etc, all were ignited, and acted iu concert to make the small boy Lop with delight. In three minutes all that was left of a $50 stock w.-.s a pile of debris iu the stieets. Rutlierfordton Democrat: Mr. William Goer, one of tho county's oldest aud highly respected citizens, who lived with bis son, Mr. W. A. Gecr, near Darlington, was kicked by a mule Friday evening and diod from hia injuries within au hour. A sad accident occurred ouCol. Frank Coxo's farm Christmas day in which Craw ford Womaek a sixteen year old sou of Mr. liealty Womack, was instant ly killed. A largo party of boys were rabbit bunting. Y'oung Womack had shot at a rabbit, andlioyco Scog giu, aged 18, was stauding iu frout of him with bis gun ou bis sbouldoi and was in the act of taking it down. cocking it as ho did so, when his fin ger slipped from the bummer aud the weapon was discharged. The entire load, consisting of bird and buck shot lodged in young Wuiuack's fact aud be fell dead iu bis tracks. He uever moved uor breathed. Kniglit of the Maccabees. The State Commander writes us from Lincoln, Neb , as follows: 'Af ter trying other medicines for what seemed to bo a very obstinate cooh in our two children we tiiod Dr. King's New Discovery and at tho end of two days the cough entirely left ihein We will not be without it hereafter, as our experience pioves that it cures where all other rcuie diea fail.'' tiigued F. V. Stevens, State Coin. Why not give this great medicine a triai, as it is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at L. II Merrill's Drug Store. Iiegular size 60c. and $1 00. Diphtheria's Kavagrs. ItEAMMi, I'm., Dec. 31. Paul, aired 5, Charles M., aged 12, Lot, aged 10, and Lizzio. aired 2, all children ot Jacob K. Lovan,oi'Olcy,this count-, I died within tho iat 24 bom s ot paal diihtht Ada, aged ti, was bur- iud on Saturday. Two other chil drea aro seriously ill and their death s exjictled. r: 1 Co'tscil Bumfs, la.. Dtp, Mis. Amelia Dli-onicr, nt one time the most, talked about woman in tho United Slates, did today. The use of the bloomer in licyib riding1 revived the story that sho in vonted tho ir rment made famous hy her name, aud ouly recently tho said that though she had been union;' tl:o first to w.ui it, she bud not invented jt. . Hiickleu's Amir Salve. Tun Dr.sT Salve in the world Cuts, Utilises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt 1,1 u -r ,. ... , Itlieu.ii, r ever Sores, letter, Chani'fd , , . ' ., I ' Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and in v-i i , . . , . ..' , hkui irruptions, and positively cures i,-. .'...., .. ' i T. s, or no pay reijuired. It is yutir , s , . : , ., J , , f aulecd to Hive perfect ratisfactiou or Price 2"t cents per For sale by L. JI. Mnmari. A Ureal Stiffcss. The recent change made by the New York Weekly World iu issuing two popers a wetk in place of one is meet in ' with L'leat favor. A.-vt feu-... wuiil.IJ two pnp.-rs 104 papers a year for only 1 0d. I ... Z "Z ' J . V 1 4lw. t.: . i v - M- ,'i i t no twice a Week New :wk Word New Advertisements. 4IMINlSTlATOirSNO!ICE Iliivlns.iuallllwl i 8 tlio oilinlulHtrninr f H C. Wliik'imntl. iloi'i'iisiMl, i horoby uuilfy all imt fhiih liulilluK l.ilaii, nf.iliml B'llil ilecviloni tjirx 111 lilt ilio aamii tci nm mi ir luifuro .laiui.irv lUOUAUUaON. Junuiu'y 3, IH'.O. .mfiOUTGAOH SALE BY VIU- l B ma nt a innriisiiiA ix'iitd ly Tliomius W. Cliiin nlil hii.i Kirn t.i w. is. wilKlouml irniiff rrM to iix, Hint tvtilch miiriKfk'ii Is rn21:ili'reil In I! -li "CO", nu ;(i5 hii'I oiiii la ilio titllco of On riij 1 -tr nt iloii'ln of t linlli un cni'iily, wc will sn-ll f"r uiuth in imnlli' niii'tlun iti Hi" iimrt-lioimt lur In 1'iiiolKipi, mi Hah llliAv, iiiii'Ji'il ilny nf fcl.ri'.Hry. 1"U. ilmliiinf Imhl ilri rllwH Oit'ivlii, hIiiiiiik In llm tun n nl Un) n.i. d ui:i knuwu nu lot Nu it lu tin- pint ur mil.l tiiwa. LI KI-. UUOS. J inuiii j 3, l.-;i'). II. Ij:.'lwt.iii, Lou Jciikiu uy uor uoxt Iriuml, C. l'.Joakliu, 'A. H. Mi-Nodi, Lnw'ol-'linni, Mnecln dilmm, 'ea'- t'1'"""- Oim.Mo 'Iiiiuiu. Jiilm Orlniui, aukiwiui- uiiiirn,i wiroE. iioii uim.r. tuh u h civil mi.1.11 r,r the ro.uiwry ..f w eiat.. ii m...-.. evimty. n umii ch.iii.... hi , un-i wii.im mi iiintuoiT i..-.ii t xviu ie nom any l,ll' ',;. ,,,,. Vy,,m iiit inni u... .i. f. n.ini.''.; AiHtuutiniir mJ wim u. :iu uunm nm i. iokIcikhhi uf iblii.-mio nail cmiui.t afinr li:n rtli ho r.i-.iu.l llnroln. hii'I nrr iifnixir lnrili'K iii th'A ucllnu, Ih'iy Hi'O Imrituy n-.ttiiiMi to uiipuar and uuHH'?r or Uoimir to .he rnmplalut al thu uf.M term of tl.o Hupiirlor i!uurt ol ctLttluun iniiniy in 14 litMtl In tho iMiirMmusit al I'Hi.hIiiiiii', N. C, hii 1 hint Mini. lay 1'i'fi.ru thu tlrM Momluv In Mnr;li, 183. It. H. Hi UIS, U. S. C January 3, 1W3. r&SOKTGAGE SALE DY VIK- it ft tui nf ii mnrlKHiio ilwl exerutnl In 1110 nn AimiiHt 'Jill. IH'.i.J, hy J. s. Farri-ll hiu! wilt) Shvhii nnli I'aiTi.ll, niiil iluly ri'innli'J In "Hi," puKCH i. f". ini'l fMH lu Cliuiliiun cuuiiiy, N. C, 1 will tii'll In tin- IiIkIii'hi heiiliT tut' ciMi tit i Iii' (iiurl ImllKO il.mr lu I'IUhIkiM. N. C. nu HATlill 1'A V, Fehruury '111(1. 1hj5, nl lin t'clck in., ilio train of IhiiiI tli-si'Mlji'U lu batii lunrlirao, ruiitnlnliitf lit ItiTtM. J. O. SCUOlilNS, Vkc. 1, PBSOUTGAGE SALE DY VIII- if Sl tniM'Ia innrlnnRO exivuii il t" inn hy H. M, Lowu-r, nu llm l'Jili any ut Miiii'ii, 18tii, mi l n uU UTI'll lu l' lt "Ul'", iagi-s 'i lu ii'ii, I will w-M lurcuMli at llm court-Ik him iIihii lu I li!Htmr.i' ou JlONOAV, tho Till ily of Jmiu.ily, IKio, M,i l.in.l itrHrrihoil iliori'lii, iiiiiliilUK ah. ml 13 hlti'i. un 1 1 1 J . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 llm hiuilu of U. U. Ui'i'kwuli hii I oih'Ta. tiei'. 6, IH'.'l. 11. K, llAKiilioVi:. A DMINISTIIATIIIX NOTICE 1 llnvliiK iiuallllnil a nitiiilnlxtriurfx of M. H. Mi'lvor, iltn.'fiiM'il, I hnreliy lioiliy nil in-ranus liolil Ihf; I'liitinti ligaltMl hal'l ilrct'ili'lil lo rxhlhll Ww winin to ini-or my HUonu-y. W. 1. Mrlvnr. on or Lrlnro I'oc Jllll, 18'Jj. S. J. JiUlVl.K. iioo. a;, is'j. 4DMIN'ISTUATOirs NOTICE llavlu anulllli'il a Die lulnilnHiraior of the obtain ol lamina llurgmvv, tlocfHncil. TI1I4 ih In nnlliy ull i't'i'ilitoiH nt hhM oMatti to prnuiuit their clnluis M thu uit.kiri-lijiii'il on or linuno ti isih tiny "f Noviuh.-r, lmi, or this notion will l iiiuu l lu bur oi Uirir recivory. S. T. JONfcS, Woimu'k if Uuyi'S. Atl'yu. A DMINISTKATO US' NOTICE. IImvIuic iiualltliHl as AiliilnN'raiorn .if E, I, 'lybor, uuci'aduil, ihta In iu notify ull rrtHiliorn nf lilt, tfniaie to pruiMsnt ilinlr cIhIiuh to iho uutlrr uliiutt un or hpinro nticuiniirr lilih, nni5, nr thin eoiieo will bo iilMi.l In htir ol Uielr r.'i--.viMy. TUlo Is In lurilicr notify an iunlta nJolplc l in F.. L. 'i')8or Ui boulu up. J. L. I VmiK. L. A. '1 VbUlt. WnmiM'k .V llnyus, Alt'ys, Lice 13. l'.wt. A DM INISTUATO It S NOTICE. Xk. Having iiiHHIIt I Hi Did ivJmlnhUiHLor of tho est mo ul JnMMrtun (. Maim, tlotvusal, UiIm Ih to ii'ulty nil p.tniPH Unloiltt u, hiiu i c.nte tor wititt ati'l hcul'i up, niiit t n-iiify au rimtib-ra nt rkhI t'BUtirt to jnft'iit tlu Ir ciatiitt un r hyuuo Nov. , iMns, or this uuiuv wilt bo i!t I m bur of Ihelr rfcovrry. UVb'i'oM LOW. VKiiiHi-k tM H,'i;pB, AUuraoytt. ORTH CAROLINA l.'liilt tin in Coii.it(-, Suuorlor Court, February Turin, 1'attivk Uroily, W. II. Cllnisor In IiIh own rlclit nuil w. U. Cllngi r at) A.linlMs'.i.il r of Ut'iiry chusir. TIiIh Ift n procmt ling lor nn a-iou.,t an1 hoIIIo. mut, nml H ttif itrlni! to tho tniittfracit'.n nl Ilio court thai tho iteiiruliuii, W. lu-ury t'iior. I a lion rrftliit'iil of tlinhiatfi of l9th itroiinn, au! i-itiiiiot, uiifr aue itllli'in.'0, he tom.'l ihort'in, ilib uolict- la made In llou of iwraoimi wi vn'i for ti'e mill W. U. elliiKi'r lu hln own rliiluaml un Ailmiu t.iU'(Uor ol Uoury tiingtT, UtHxu.xl, to iiioar in the uf xl :nriu of lht siijiot lor court to hrhl lor thu tnuuiyof Clialliant thfD anil thorrt to iltal. Hiinwor Mini (loniur to ih ii'inplnlitl wljlru will Ik ftlnl lu llllrt CUUISB, or JinlKnieut will bo Uiktu aKaniHi lilitt. It. U. llXot, O. S. C. lav in. IfJi. Xjaiid. Sale, Thn iiiiilrrsilKiiwI, It virtup nf two rroriKagi'ti pxi-uUmI, oho by W V. Hoi'lun, ot iho county ol I'liHiuam, to A. I', llnfrh llm., ol Oriui(iM-otiiiiy, allol Iho nml put Noftlit'nrollna,cnnT"yliik-to Haiti Uun-li fc I'.nt., US arri.l lan.1, hIihhi-iI In chat ham tiiuniy alorpmil'l; f.r a mor iiiriiruinr 0-fn-rlptlon ol aiil latnt 9ie snM i!ioi aa tvxlHtrrHt In li.iok "I'l ", la.K toil'4, of iui UcKlaier'a ofll -p of Chathain fotiniy uri-rpMaiil : Tho utlit-r ni'incaKn nxi-i uU-U by ". II. WIIUhiih lo thn wihl ,. r. Hiti ' lt am., llm 'alii V. a. Wiiiiiiina nld lni; lu thn I'onnty ot rhiiiham, Stato af(rrsilil, i'invi.ylu IU nrroi of land Hltuatnl In t'hathani county; lor mort particular tltwrtiiton nl whlt-h pio nald ilonil o! miirixaMi' aa ri-lnti-i'il In i'ii' ,,nB,Hvi.it"in. i 4.'":'!" r ''." "T,T wf"nT- in n o't-l.-K in., In th.' toHiinr l'nti.uro. tho 1141 1 nU'vo Ucnt-rilHil liai iH ol I, ,nd. at uliv Hintlmi lor 'ili, lo pay 1 lif ib-tit ooiitfcd iy ti d tnoriK-t;.'. tutorfal aud LMbtdfif t-fti". A. r. lU'Kcll k into , Uoc. IM. by C W. Joliuau.B, armti. The Original 'Hloomei" Ih-ad. FOR Til K BOYS-! fieri ngs :no of inteusl t(. tl tho liovs, fjo(lji:.g U'like.' a' boy so bappy (it- w'.ien hi: (ions a new k 1 1 i of elothes, we puicl.afi-d f:!i !'!'' I bunds ii large Jots, ai-d you will li ii 1 it. to your iiiteif st. to cs'imine our imiuMise i-toek. We have many bargains which must bo Been to bo appreciiitrd. DUY.S'ANI) IlfLDltEN'S CLOIHIXO. i In Huirierpuns, Cbevio's, Kerseys. , Screen, Tweeds, Worsteds, etc. Our j ht,Jt!' 11 "ie ,ll1,,v,! '"'fi ls so large. initi it is ueco'KO necessary in oruor j lo make room to closoout some of j tlu-ni at DOTTOSI PEICKS TO ALL. Suits that wore 7 30 go now for G3 " " (I (10 " " " 4 no " " " 5(10" " " :i7"! " " " 4(10" " " X, 00 ;i 00 " ' 2 25 : " " " 2 50 87 : " 2 (iii " "i no ; " i' " 1 5! 1 12 .. .. .. lu0.. . 7-,. Wo bs put in liio L i. i ft', and i ut all tin way t loon;,!;, in njniun-r ih ;t j Ciiuiml but intercut the t'..olic. Atk for the cnUbratrd 1 D. tj Uova (Mothing. Thu fi'icst btyi'iid (ii'K tioo. Newest Blylt-s, and beat of t'vcrvtl.ing nt lowest Pirurcs. !.! I M II I I I 11 1 U I I L I II !1 (OjiJIOfitO Postoll'CH). Nov. 15, lH'Jl Elilil COUNTY w a uui asks jour patronage ! -in- DRY oos. OF ALL KINDS ares.! M T15IFP m PElfiiL TIIOS. C. BENSON. KaU'igli, -V. C, 0.1. I, STOM INSTITUTE, SiUH, 3(4'), 3aia Cumhrldb-i riiic-f, li. w., WASII1(ST0N, 1. ('. A .-i k't'f I-oinlingnml Day Sc!im for Vo;ing liitliisaiul (iirls. ISjK'i'lal ;ih';uit:!p;t's in 'oc.il and 1 1 triuiK'iit:it Mnsi , Drawing, i'i.inliiig, ni:(l Modern Language-. A cotirso of tliiity lectures on tiit'ftu ly nf S!ialsic.ii'f, tf be given by Mi.s Matta.a (:iv, will Infill Octtber l.'lli. For catuloguo address Mu. and Mas. li. It. MASON, Oct. 11. 18'Jl. Prmcipms GOLUSTOH ACADEMY AND Grold.sto.ia, 3ST. C. MALE AND FEMALE. J. K. IE I V MS, Supt. .M. li llitASi'M. .MitnaKfi- ('inn. Kull A.'.i liinilr and (Vnuticri l it iMitro. Our li'i'tn ar.iiiltn rca.-'tanil'l". Dept. 1'ii'nk kivi.liic. lull i-Miiri!' nnd Hij. .m:.i jl.'i li I j.:i 10 uu MlldiV, till I rolll'Sf Ulld I'll I I'fiiiiMiiHhtii. lull I'tiurne aud iiii'ltiniit, Niusl i'l .in nr tiuintli. I.lii-rnry i.'miihi', SI m ti ht iii'mtli. Itii'ldi'iiiiil pxiin:iii 'JJ i ciits ur term. lufirl ti rn tn 7 r uiHittli, v.'iiiiiiii; lnri.d, Ki.iiii rniii n rii.H- i.uN.al "J5 i-ciiii tunitili. Kai'ttiiy ir II v. nimiibiT.. Sprltm- li rin lucnm .lantiary C, IS'.''. l r t4tialuj;ue Liul partU'iiiui m ii'Mri's- j. ii. ia I. siipi.. OiMmImu, l liathain en., N. O. IVtr. 13, 1WI. fttfi. KDWAltl) I"ANNAC1I. liult'ili, X- l. JUAAiOXDS, MM TCllKS, FINE JEWELRY, SILVER TA BLEW A HE. Atao I'KUTIllli OPTICIAN'. .t. - i ' ; j - - n i. i !;:. 5. Xswovr& co. Vifowt. PUai C. Vhintli 0. v -ii- v Tr- ' vt.ivU" nl'tr. wl. n.;!utii..n. ,,.,lf,..1 . T llll l I . M.ll . .1.'.- I;M-'I" i'- s- 1 ' ..... ,. ,t,. fill Hb spMH.-. :i!l ' r h . 1:, m.'p t un lr:iini,ri va.'-iit h".i :ti i' . mi I ;i! l. . tl tlia'i I !.i'M.- nn.i.ir Inui , . .hii..i..'i. :-, u.t i . .I 'l. crr-i-:-" nr l'.il(.. vi'.'l il-'i-t.? V. ii n -.i- .. if i r:' - i-' ' "I " (. .r t .,- p ,' r 1.1 I ' i- : A hi ..-It ' il- . ! i ! in I M''' ' v HO l.'ffl ! -i. i.i : ii i.' i vin.r : ..ta. tii-.b 'rirc'i'v f. in' Ir. t!:l!ll usual t'i.-il Jij in'ci1. V 1 hi i Vi.ii lvu.n not jtlionl llioin. 3'uti had lii'tter eot wliat likmIs cli(.;i iit-r tlian wo fcuM. Our stcck is very largo aitl cdiii jik'lc. HotiIit til tho lowest rush ju iucs ami will In? soll (ho suiue way. All wo ask is to -ivi us a I rial. Wu aro k'ti'i'iiiiiiot to hol'l our .-opulat lui. itr joo'l tiods aul low jirieos Wo want oory Im;!'- to come ami look at our stwrk sviiothor thoy liny or not. Tlr.uikiii you for jutsl l'avors an! Iioniuu; a coil tiiitiain'o of tho sanu; Wo remain yours truly. W. L.'lONDOM Ct SON. l'ilt.sboro, X. C, Jumiitry 3, 1-S; J. J. Tli'l-.l .S, Pl t!-i.l''l.t, li. h-h Ai r A. Tpov. i Vi.-. -Pr. sid( id. II. W.Jac oi' !iAi,s::;n. r. i'uid cardial 100,0(10.00. RinECTORcJ.5 P.. N. Duk-s 11. A. London, H. li. Dattlc, Abl,'v lliitite, !''. li. Duuccy, 1 .. ii. ';..(, lonias, ,al.t., j. ii. lli'l. A. TI:o;;'ikoii, T. II. Jbiggs, Acctiiiids of Faruicru, Bunks, C-m viiiimis hoiifitci nu t.ivoruoie tfinis. Si 1'tI AL AT TEN iTUN Riven to individuals. JOB P. WYA'iT (iiit'( hj -rn toynl.v layl' i'.1 EALEICrH, 1ST. O., DEALERS IN I HAY, EH AN, SHIP-STUFFS AND FEED-SI UPf 8 cf all m m GENERAL "Black Hawk" Corn Sheller. NpevUsi afSiiMMre " tlJiik taws. FOi: THE NEXT GO DAYS WE V. ILL SJ LL A SOLID OAK BED-ROOM SUIT bevel glass, niz: 20x24, for 12 50 Eor puitica out of city eelwltnl, pack' J aud delivered in depot frecf Cut tins fmk? inn iuni bring it with yon 0i..itdii' H.r.i-1 Cat r.'lliia.) l)lTIIIIIvVI. IN. piTTSBORo mmt FOR S0V3 AND GIRLS, j A. IS. STAI.VEY, rrimi.tiil. 1 .lllss FA MM THOMPSOX, AssKtatit j I'ilK Sl-KlNii Tl:l!M Wll.I. EliiilN MoMi.W. I Jan-ai:v 7. IS1.).". Thorough instrucl ion is given inn!! the cuniiiioii tsehool lirimclies, iu adili tie.ti to v, 1'icii i have i lii;;h t-clioo'i ml ciiiHii'iil dcpiirtincnt, wlu-ie oiiti,; men and young ladies are j.re ;ni!0 I for cnjii gn or for the praeiical .tiT i' S of life. Any young tnci nnd ladieh who siiay c-iiiteuiplato teuchiiig, and who, ileniri it, will 1)0 ctvcu the atlvatitnge' .it a speeial conr.-e (irai'tico of teaching ehin ec. iu ttfory and WllllOUl CMtll 'i i , ..,!,..., ti..;..o i n. o iru IV.IIiHin 1 1 1 nuiiv li' I tn i t. . i.pon tl'.e student that ,'),'..' a ,-ti!inl, . I In- .:! ,'li.invi,r, niui a cultivate in him ciiristiatipriuci - pies, ri lined feelings, a liifjh Reuse f iioiior, and a scriipuloii!' t gard fur (i lllll. I i I I'i.iN i'i U I'liliilirT III i Mosru (.r Fot m Wekks: lish I'laueht B, 1 50 2 1)0 ) CO .'J ,1 lau- ! ntel in di.'ifo " ' IllghiT (luiitineut Fee per session. 1 Ot) per niaiith extra for ca guage. A pel son entering any time dining iho month v. ill be charged for the entire month and no deduction fiom I tuition will la made execi t. in cases df xi-i i f, ,i)t,l jir.itruili -I il'utx. P.ttiloro :-. iioual ! i!s healllifu! iliiiiute, aud fi-r the hospitality, in eilirnce io.d iiioraiiy of its people. L! nii-.l can lui i.l't:tiut)d in the Iowm nt wry iPasiiit.iliie rates, nnd wr solicit i:ttiui:tigo from thn Kinrouuding ei .iini i y. ivepoita ii! I'i! .-a n! io the patcouii t. the ei'd id Cii.'h .-cssion. Ti rrioN mct nu rtm at tce eni ot l-.Ai ll Mt.srii. Dec. 'JO, ISiU. r a larger won t ho nod ninny !.' ! I.o. iHiso y.oi jell on could Jul irooils are tlown so ohoan now yon nocil, W't; ovor IfOitntl ih- an: selling '.' foithl ho av, Cashier, s n. Ans't Cashier AniLorized cun.liti tfJOO.OOO.OO. A. F. f age, Fred. Philip, John W. Scott .!. ol.li: g. s, A iitiiiiislralora and- ImlJ j ' : ; i , :it.' uf Country Merchants atfd P. T. WTAtl" 1 V. i ) JLl FROOOSS SOUOiTED, Cood for 25 cts. on o"ac;:ICT, aro YOiin PROPERTY iS THE mm cl This is n l'mii:' conipnnj-ntt cfe nerves the I'.i'. uii.ige ol all Norfb C'.iriiiiijiuiis. It was org.".ni."l in lSi,t and hag t,Vnr It; f a niilliott dallars in re is not one contested it : lo: r.nd tli eiitiin against f All losses aid promptly. Ever . .n-U(i,.wt itti ootiUt to iuauro hi . . 11 For terms, &.c, ai'tily to II. A. LONDON, AGENT. W. S. PlilMllr.-,;, Prcbideut. S pcnili i- Vi' iHUl. J. 11, GILL, MACHINIST. AND - FIRST GLASS fSUHDRYi REPAIliS fiij MSGKINERY done piui.iptly and eheap. ALL KINDS f)F CASTtSOS, PLOWS, LO. Prompt a ritiou to all ot&IS. Auj. 123, ibUl

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