luttlium Itc-covcT. II. -A.. LONDON, EDITOR AND HtOrRIETOR. RATES or ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, u.50 peF year Strictly in Advance. One square, one insertion One square, two insertions -One square, ono month ti.oa 1.51 VOL. XVII. For larger advertisements libers! con racts will bo made. 1ITTSH0I10 CHATHAM CO., i. C JANUARY 21, I8l. NO. 22. nrarroir o Crj -oMlift Unsuccessful, K.ivq yon thought In your limine its nt triutnpli. oh, ynu that no-high hi the tieo, Oi tin' days ainl tln nights that an) bitter S.i liiitcr In others ami mi'V 'When l ln efforts In tin what It eli'ver lto-oill in a failure no s.i.l And tin' ciinl nf despond. -ney gaihcr Ami ilim all 1 1 hones that vu had', Have ymi thought when thu world was ap plauding Vonr Kii'atiii'sH, whati'vi'r it In-, Of the tears lhat in silmi-n wen- falling ". falling fit-Ill others Mll'l IIH'V When tin- hard-si an-l hih-.-t .-a I .-av.-is AiM-ari'i to In- niily in vain. An I we've i-iiilain-1 our eves la the night tiuii-. Indifferent In waking iiuuin I'nr II wants hut a Mill-- r- ll-i-tiiHi, Ami you'll I. tin- Mi-si ,i agr Thai tin- f;i hi - in whl- h vmi an- ba-klh:; An-' m uilni- an. I m-. Ainl it's li.n-.l when v , .ii li- in tlii-xiiii-liiiii- !' forlun- . Minima hidei-d. If ymi h.-ii in. I a tlnanlit forth- many Who'll ii-ver, ran i - . ;ju..-.v.. - Pall .Mall I'.u l (. THE FAMILY TREE. Captain (Vail; was I hi1 pnuid-st mini in America, lb- lul l Ki-rvi-il onlituhly in tin-war of 11'., in, bis father Ita-I in tilt- Ki'volulioii, ii't-l his grandfather in the "OM J-'ieiu-li Win" -all -ip. tains who bail iicvi r it.-i-eivetl a serali-li, or olu-e ene.MiiiU ix-.l tlio vtll;;iil' Mm ll of fruiiiiott.lei-. That iioint of bis iiiinii' bail t vi r risen above t'i ran I. of e:uittin, was a eireuiiistane.' h not a halt.- .lnine.l himself iio-ii. (i.ii'rals an. I eoin-luamlel's-iii-e!i;ei', M- was aecns'oiueil to wiy, Wei--, fort bo most part, pai Veiiuos, plum ile. 1 tliroii','li litoU, or for'iital re-isto s. lint a i-aptaiiiev runniii;-; in a family lor llnve f,'enera tioiia, was quit.' another iill'uir. l'ainily jiriile wis the eaplain's hp .'cialty. How far baek h ! enitbl tl'aei! Ins kiiiiilVil, exaetlv! know; but it was popularly believetl he ooiibl, if .so mill. leil, pi'o.liiei! satis netory proof that the Craiks ba.l cruisetl tliiouh tho Flu.). I in their own private yacht. The captain hnteil Ihn new ami worshippoil the o!tl. When be went nbout it wart in an aiit-ieiit family ilrawn by nu obi horse of approvetl oxtraelion, now u mere peilijit e in InirnesH, but in who-ii' spavins ainl w itul-j-alls tin.- oaptaiu tool; almost as liiueh pritle us ho tli.l in the faiuily K""t. (!ailain CraiU was rieh, moreover. Time ainl the !.- liiral rise of property bii.l ma le him so. He vwoiltl have M-oriii tl the neipiisitioii of weallh by HUy less resp. eliilile uiinle. 'l'raile he looked upon as plebeian ami vnl-r'tr. Spoeulal ion was, ami ns for Fetroleiiiu l':iti;li His ilan.;bti-l', ami only 1 1 j I . I, he bail b ft to -lie iniforijivon, ainl almost in waul, lor bavin;,' man a man without a g ran. Ilat her. The poor yirl bail liesoll;;ht his lii'.;Uelii . w bile her bnsliali.l liveil, but ft-HM-.l to no after bis tleat'i, mm niiii; to look on Mich an net as a Kort of trea-ou to his memory. Her infant son, however, soon left mot lierless as well as father less, was taken into favor at last, fur the Kiikd of the blootl that was in him ; ainl thus it canie that Willaiil Speiiee whs brought up in his I'liiitllatliei's house, in a way b; litliii'; lhe heir ap parent to the liainlsomi st fortune within fifty milts. I'aptaiu Craik w iul-1 have gr. ally pri'ferrt'tl that his iriaii lstm, nl'ler lin isbiins' at culb-o-.', sliouhl have ha I ilowii in fjolil leiimnly i.lli-iti's-, ami quietly wiiilotl his turn at the l.iuiily niecssioii. lint Wtll.utl Speiiee ha. I otbor views. He was far limn .sliarim; his jranilfatliei'.s notinns on tiie value of anee-liy, ami Ih.uivli too iliscreet to openly liiii-h at them, he felt that he was more than likely to run coun ter to them some day, in bis poor molh !!' Iinl tloiie, tthi-n his own time to marry c ime. It was for this reason parllv, an. I pully li,t"inse he hail an ambition to be stum-thill's' in bis own right, that Willaiil prevailetl upon his sTainlfalhcr to enter him as a stu.lenl in the otlit-t- of Mr. Stiles, the leailin-.' lawyer of the county. ItwiiM with soiiij reliiclnuei that the obi ,'enllt'iuau yieltle.l. eiiter tainetl a not very exalted opinion i f t bo bar. lint then it whh a Ktepiinjs stolie to the bench; ami though the family coill-l luiast of three -succossiv,' captains, there bail never been a chief-just ico in it. It was this coit ttiileratiou that iloleruiinetl the oup taiu. If Jo'fci Stiles was the tlryest of lawyerM, his ilnuhler M-iry was the prettiest nml most fu-einatiii'j of girls', ami Williirii Speiiee was not the in in to be slow in liinlitiK it out. It wmihi be the obi story over, to ri-oniint th. hteps of their falling in love, ami how deoj)! Ihe fell in. Wiilur.l ventured t.i liint to Lis grandfather one day not nt tlio Btiito of his feoliiirt but what nice, i ii- tclligciit young holy Miss Stiles wan. Tin; obi gcntli-muti caught liku gun powder. Ho had no excuse, for put ting a Nummary end to his grandson's legal studios, mill pm-king liim oil' on n foreign tour, for tins young iniiii lniil said nothing to justify a suspicion of hits being in love. lint Hit! captain scenled danger a fur, ami ri-'ot'l to loud ..noli a IiiiiiiiIv on tit. hin of inai rv- ing inlo families wit liixii lineage, ami put on such a disinheriting look, that Willanl was fain to drop lhe subject. If I be re.uh.-r has ever road lilaek Moim bo will relie'iiiber, and if be hasn't we will loll him, thai in lhe S.-eoiitl liook there is a foblini; bill', called a "Table of 1 1, -.scents, " wln-ieoii the author illustrates the mo le of com- ...,i..... I I i 4..i.,.i ; .... .' ll.e nueesl.-r.saiitl collateral relatives, i '""'H vM l'"!t "r '"'"l" for Ion or a do.-n ireuerations, of j ,ri,,t ,"w 1 w "'"'He.-. This c rlain John Stiles. The name, are j ''"""'ill.',- does m.l work outside its iiiflnhi-il ill lilllo ciivli-s, willi lint's unil iny; t liosi! siiiiosi-tl lo liavt! iutri" iiiai'iii'il, whost- nanus urn fintlit-r llllili'il, by ollii-r lin.-s, to lllos.! of llii-ir nll'-ii bur. "1 liavo it !" was Will-inl Sim-ih-i-'m ONfh.iiiiili.iii, in bis eve fell on Ibis leaf Iviii;.; loo-e in lin.- volume bo was re.-iil- iug out- ibiy. That t vetiin it was accidentally tb'oppe I in his grandfather's way. "What's I his?'' nsk.'.l the old gen tleman, picking it up, and putting on his iqiecs. "A paper 1 found in one of Mr. Stiles' books," was the innocent reply "Humph! a copy of St. its' family tree; and stop -let in.- set! running back, ns I live, through more genera tions than 1 suppos-il anv ma:i in the state could eon, it bill niys ll'! Who'll have thought that dried up old lawyer hail so lunch blood in him?" "Not I, certainly," acquiesci-il Wil lanl. "Ami set? -here's tlio name of Maker. My .Tow, I shouldn't wonder I if wo found olli'S'-lves related vet!" "Nor 1 either," said Willard dryly. "Miss Siiles is she verv hand some?" inquired the old gentleman. "I'lissably," answered tin) young hypocrite. Next day Willard m sitting in Mr. Siiles' olliee, fumbling over u law book ind thinking of M iry, when his grandfather's gig drove up. Willard wished in I. is In art it had bri.keii down by the way. The. thin; he most dreaded Was the two old gentlemen getting t igelher ami coining t ) ex planation i at preKciil."" "Is Mr. Stiles in?" inquired the captain. "Vi s, sir," answered the olliee boy, ushering the visitor into the back olliee. "liood morning, Mr. Stiles," said the captain blandly. "tinnd morning, captain, " returned the lawyer, a little stillly. "Pray ho stated." Tin- captain exeiu-.l th-! still'iiess ; a mill with a dozen general ions at his back bad a right t i be si ill'. "I coino to spe:ik with ymt on a mai ler of importance," said lhe captain, taking thi! proffered seat. The lawyer's lace brightened at the prospect of securing a valuable client. "Mv maternal gi'eat-grainbuother," tht! captain proceeded, "was a Maker, ami your grandfather " "Was a shoemaker," the oilier was on the point of interrupting, for In knew' the captain's hobby, and lu I lillle patience with it. Mill before Hit! word was spoken, which would have led to the explanation Willanl so much fcitrcd, a cry of alarm broke oil' the conversa tion. The two gentlemen rcni'lied the limit door in time to mm tin- captain's IioI'm! and gig dashing down the street at a pace that astonished all beholders. For the first time in twenty year-. Old Moan's blood was u;-, a:id as he torc along, in a gait compounded of j equal parts of cantor ainl sliinghalt, it was hard to tell which rattled most, the dry bone' of thi horse, or the rickety old (rig. The tpi -stiou t t which woul 1 go to pieces first, va . speedily settled by one of tin- hubs striking a post, which, in mi instant, reduced the vehicle t its original elements ami brought Old l! .an up standing, bis composure completely restored, the crackers h iving censed to pop. "Who mi earth did it?" roared the eaptuii. Willard didn't know, u:iii". it we, a siiudv-haireil boy ho j t seen dodge round the cornel, with a face too dirty to be recognized. What with lhe exelt.-muet. ami the slithering up of the fragments, an I .he in Itiugt-uielitu necessary to get the . iiiit.iin ainl Old K.-an home, t he -j of the former's visit was, for the i- , forgotten. II. t.U" he I'oll itl an I p H tnuity io renew it, a severe n! taek of gout laid him up for senson. Mriin ivhilo Williirtl pres-cd his suit. Mr. Stiles gave his consent. Mary's bail nli'iMily boon obtained, ainl tlx) "family tree" bail s.-ttled all scruples with tlio captain, whoso only regret was nt tint being alilo to attend the wedding. Whether h- ever foiiiul out till! ll'IIO shltt! of till! ISC, is more tllllll wt call tt'll. If ho tlitl ho saiil noth ing, for Mary's loving, grainl-tbiugh- 1-l'ly ways mioii coniilii-ly won lii'l H'oiiil oli' hourl ; ninl when little great t; r:i tn 1-'li iblivn lu-'aii to rt 1 1 1? j about bis Uni t s, it wouldn't liavt- inatU- iiiiu-h dille roiiee bat In-fouml ouL Vi-'il.inlt- Mctliinls. Tin- vi;-,il:inti-K Iiiim: a thoi'nii."li tys b in of tln ir own of I'l'ivatt.- iinpiiry it n I i-hiona-.;i! mi Wfll. Many a liiii f lias luont ii 1 1 v woutlrivtl, h ilb niiii-ii uii-iii-ri'Msary jnoliiuity, bow it was Known i that lic'hail appropriated Home m i;: li- district, une III special Cases. ( oui niillees assist each other when re quired to tlo mi. In heavy cases com mittees will join each lo.:i'lhiT. In siii-li an i vriil from ."oil In I.UDD men can bo ceiil, 'it'll nt any niveii spot on very hlioi'l notice. Winn net ion is lieetb'tl every member must attend the rendezvous, absolute incapacity from illness lieiu-; I be only excuse admitted. The tue in 1 ie Is urn hound to secrecy, iiinl to help ami iis-ist each other in nil cases of eineri;eliey to an extreme limit. The obligation is a striie.'eiit one. Xo tine is admitted as a nii in'oer unless hi! is well reported oti by tin; other iiu-tuliei-s. An executive com mittee is fiii'.iu tl of picked nu n only, who tlo all the preliminary work, tio it .skillfully ami thoroughly, ami tlo not Mite the result of their labors until on the eve of cariyin out their plans. As an illustration of how thoroughly the vigilantes are in their methods, I may ;ivu the follow in;.' : Two "roml inrontis" in Montana had killed without nay provocation two passengers on a sbi;;e coach in ojien daylight. Tlio iijjeiils, well mollliteil, started at olico to leave the country. Three vi;,i iMiiles fol'iotteil them. l.iy niter day the vigilante.) folbnvotl the trail, but failed to overtake thu road ii-iouts, who, well knowing the character of the sleuth hoiiii Is on their track, worn forciii;; their tired horses toward the south. Tin- la t r at last gave out I li agents stole two tVc.h ones from a stable ami rcuowed lii- ii' ll :;ht through 1 1 In In ., tliiwn into I' t ii ! i . and across to Nevada lhe hunters Uhin-1 them, tracking "lay by day nml hour by hour. At last Hit! vigilnules i.vertook (heir men, ami two ringing shots from Win chester lilies ended that chapter. A local paper afterwards staled that "t be bodies of two nu n, each shot through the I ll, won) found yester day on the roadside. They had a considerable sum of gold on their persons, but no papers to identity them by. It is supposed that this win vigilante work, us rubbery evidently was not an object - their pockets hav ing been undisturbed." Chambers'--Journal. Fu'Vpliiin Objects in Wnnil. A t.pecial feature of all collections of lv;vplinii antiques is lhe excellent preservation of the objects in wood. Not only are the tools ami implements in almost the satue stiit,- as when last used by the artisans or husbandmen, hut tlcliea te little ni tiele for the toilet or for Minie ornamental purpose, retain ihoir carving in all itipristiui fresh ness. An admirable example of the archaic type of the llalhor hen, I had been frescoed ill a mirror handle of the twelfth dynasty, which when com pared with those of a later period will servo ns ii useliil illustration to the student of the historv of I'.gvptian artists, w bile the truthtul rendering of form testifies that their svstem of technical education was sound ami thoroil-'ll. What would have been one oi tile most interesting specimens of wootl carving is, unfortunately, in a it. imaged condition; this is a palm- af capital from one of the private houses. lu its original state it was probably painted; in its present stale, iwevii", it is valuable as a proof of the antiquity f this form of capital. New York Advertiser. A I'iiiiMiiis Oi-cr Corc-d. In the Famous Mluck Mountain door forest ol the Marquis of I rcudalhanc, stretching- southward from (ilencoe, Scotland, there are unliving trees for milts, but the few cotters dig roots for tin wood, and trunks for other pur poses, from the peaty soil. Thu wood is usually well preserved. New York lleeerder. Not Visible. Cisoy I bought tilts!- four-dollar trousers in a lit of economy. Sewardlsiirveying the trousers) I dou't see the lit- MIMIKK.VS COM M.N. Till! Ill'IU'lai. Oi what .'ii'" Dunking, my little lad, with tin- h-'iii-st eyes of lilin-. As you wali-li Ihn vessels that slnvvly glitlo o'er tin- level Oft-all lli'-il '.' lif.-iuhriil, griiei-lul, silent a- iheaats, tiny pass away from oar view, Ami ilnw ii the slope of tln-woi l-l tln-y go, to seek sunn! far-otV -Ii-in-. l'liey M-eiii to In- M-atti-i'fil al'i'.-a-l I'Y ehiiu-'i-, to move al the hr's'e's will, wiuiilering hiiln r ami yon, ami nu Itilig ill tlistale'i- may ; liat ' -.ii-ti olie moves to a parpu-o lilin. and tin- win. Is their sails thai till Like faithful servants s I them nil mi dear appoiiiii'il way. I'nr e.-ii'li "in- lias a rudder, my ih-nr little la I, w Mh a si. nun h man al the wheel. And lilt- milder is never ! -ft In ilst-ll, hut the will "I tin- man is then-; riiore is never a iii-iiiii-ut, day or itlglit, that lilt- Vl-s.-l .lues lint feel Tin-f,ii'.-t til thu piii-pnsn that shapes her ei'iir-e ainl the helmsman's wal. lif ill e.-ii'i-. S inn- day ymi w ill latuieli your ship, my "-, on life's wad", lii-aelii-roiis sens lie .-are your nnl'l' i is wi'iuiglitnf -tn-nglli, to st ainl lie- st re-1 of the gale; And yniir limn! mi tin- wl I. limi t h-l it llnii'h ivi-iili".er tin- tumuli l-, l'or llin will i-f ll tan, Willi lln- ln-lp of (i-iil, : hall ami prevail. ill-nl (i:..i.e. r u rinN to vorsti iiiim' i. It is a caution to boys and ( ii Is, (sine.! they are bicyclists as well as Ihoir brothers,) that oil sliouhl not be allowed to touch lhe rubber tire of tile nhecl. Oil is nu enemy to rubber, ii ii 1 1 great care is necessary in using tin- oil can about the wheel. Now York Times.'it lwiiKivr. Pick is thu iiuiiio of a big green parrot who uiak 's his lnuu ) with Frank Do Yitt, n produce dealer liv ing at 2 I I West ll'J-l strei-t. Every morning long before the break of day and while the youthful rentiers of th-i Uooordor, Jr., are yet snugly tucked in bod Frank, with Dick perched on his shoulder, ciiii bo soon wending his I way to th'! stable to got the horse an d w igon ready for a trip to market. Dick always enjoys this. I! -lioalh the seat of the wagon in a large box the bottom of which is covered with straw and over this is a layt r of cotton. This is Dick's out door home, Frank is a very fond of Dick, and a constant conversation is kept up to and from lhe market, for Diok understands every word uttered by his master. Tin- bird is very taint- ami is a great favorite with all the t 'Is in Iho neigh borhood. -New York lb-cot tier. Ml;:.. I.I.VPSTONK AS I'MliV A pretty story of Mr. and Mrs. (ihnldnm's kindness to a young woman is thus repotted by a la ly correspondent: The young woman was the daughter of a music, teacher, who, many years ago, w n engaged to It aeh Mr. !ndstono'.s children. This young women was anxious to outer the musical profession. At hi -it, the music, master pmpo e-d giving a concert, at which his best pupils wa re to perform. Of course Miss was among them, and very much excited she felt attii prospect of in iking h -r tlebilt befoi'i) iho very select aiidioiic - which was se cured for lb) performauc ', Mr. and Mrs. (ilailstoiio, of course, conspicu ous among its members. She was not afraid of tlio ordeal; but she was a y.uiug vvoniau, and a rath 'r pretty inn-, ami so it damped her anticipa tions of dining triumph to look at her old, shabby evening dross, tin.- only one slit! possessed. One day, to her surprise, she re ceived an in vi till it m to dine with the Gladstones on the evening of the con cert, and drive with them to tin hall. Very gladly she accepted it. So, though still in rueful contemplation of her toilet, she fell a little belter mil in due time arrived at the hospitable door. There she was shown into a bedroom ami smilingly told that v- hat" ever she fouml laid out was for her lo use as sh. saw lit. Surely the days of fairy godmothers are not over, for on the bed, spread out in dazzling white ness, reposed a marvel of muslin, fib lion ami lace, a charming evening gow n fresh from the modiste, and sim ple ami pure as any "sweet girl gradu ate" iui''lit wish to wear at her first iippeiiraiii'e in public. There was no doii'ol about it. It was really for her, this thoughtfully arranged gift of the kind lady, whose motherly heart had silently understood what th) feelings of the girl under such circumstances would be. S i, very happily ami very gratefully the pretty gift was donned, an I the blushing recipient hastened to join the family, whosa venerated head was as much interested in the little surprise as thoao concerned. New York Ledger. Feathers, us an article of dress, were at first worn only by men in their hvliuots. A MODliRX SAMPSON Wonderful Feats Pt-rfuiiiijd by .1 Ca'iadinn FiU'mer. T-Miti;; Oli' 11 Ton of ll iy O.i His lifo'til Should -'!.". The performances of Siudow, Sam son, and all the other so-called a. rung 1 1 1 - 1 1 posing oil the stage to -day we e as nothing to th feats which mini. Just ph Merryhill.ii fai tn. r iiv ingw iilon ton miles of this city, famous t ' 1 1 . 1 1 1 I . -out this part of th- country. Ib-rry-hill is an old man now , but i - st ill able lo tin things lhat make a inai ul in the eyes of those who see Ilim. lie is a trille over six It i t in hoi -Id, weighs more than i'l'O pound--, and i so picturt'Mpte a figure thai he might Irivt' stepped from tln pane of soup talo of the Norsemen, so p, rl'tet is hi . blond Inanity. He has always tlevole i himself to fartniii", and is eomfui lablv well oil', nulling several hundred Here of land, liigetln-r with horses, on tile. Illni t-V l'l' 1 1 1 1 II T else i II pl'iipol'll'iil. :- a voiiiii; man, M.'l'iyhitl was probably ll- s.'1'o it nil athlete ascvor lived, fo:', de spite his great Wfghl, In- Mas -. , -I oi fool that f,-w professional !-;uiiiier-coll Id cop.' w it h 1 1 i 111 , vi bile his pta iv e.-.-. at jumping earned for him a i'i. reputation. lie weighed perhaps 'JJo pounds w hell "U yours ol n an ! it wa in it hing fur hi 111 ai'lei- 11 bard day': work in the field to leap twenty feet in a single running jump or to i nn a hundred yards in lit1, seconds. His bodily stri-m-th was remarkable, ami was perhaps his most distiuguishiiu characteristic. The in'ighhnri all knew of his feats of streiigtli. but the first lh j out -.ide world h i 1 nf bis capabilities was when th" (ireat Western Uailroa I, How leased by the ( Irand Trunk, w as building through western Ontario, Merryhill, among others, contracted to luruish the reil roiitl with timber for the tics and other building purposes, and while hauling lumber to lliis city ho oaiuo mid r the observation nf t lie gang construi-line that .section of the voa l. Many of the men remarked bis size and suit! that he would be a .".nod liiau to avoid pick ing a quarrel wilh. One day, while unloading the timber from bis sleigh, U. 'fry-hill b -gun laueliiug nt six or eight men who were v. duly strivin ; to place a piir of v i -1 s all. I axlo of an ordinary freight e ir truck on the track. "Why, I could lift thai on myself," In- Mini. "lift you you can't," aaid the construction boss instantly. The money was slaked, and Merry hill, picking up the pair of ponderous w heels with the axle, walked ton or twelve steps with them and placd I belli upon the rails with as much en. as though they were of paper much.'. Laughing loudly the giant jumped in to his sleigh and ilrovt) aw.a ., l,-ai ie those who had seen tin- feat lo.-Mn -after hint in opeued-nnuitlicd a -iii-is'imi'tit. That was a pretty hard v.i i'ir ; soiiin of tin- fanners, us hi, hi I bcu rather a short crop, and doe, hav tin.-; u number of horse's to 1'f 'il, drove i:i to Ni-.ouii an I began dickering with u fanner, for some ol his Imiothv. The N issniii inn was liai'il-tisjled niid drove close bargains, and lit i ry lull finally gave up Irving to pu uchu-.o iho quantity he desired at anythVng like a fair price. Turning to li i nt Kerry In Ii said lim.lly : "I'll give you .-?" for what lean carry oil your farm myself." The bar; aiu was uiadt) ami Mi-rrv-hill departed. lit! canii! hack in n few- days with a sort of a rack built on four short posts, and bag.iu piling bay 11 pou it until the Nissoiuian's eyes were bulging. lie tied it to lhe rack with ropes, nml then, oiiiubiiie beneath the loud, Carrie. I nil' mole than a ton nf the fanner's good tim othy, that was worth j?lo a ton that winter in any market. Leaving it on the sitle of the highway, ho transferred it to a sletgli, and cai rn d it koine with many a chuckle. - New V. rk Sun. Seine l!ig Cuiinliis, Fast of the M icky Mountains then' are only twelve counties in the Fuite.l States containing nioiv than o.lio) square miles. Not one of Hu so is in New York Stat.', the largest couulv of which, St. I.uvv reiice, covers oniv il.'.lial square miles. One of the twelve is A: oostock.t ho forest county of in o ; h i ru Maine, bet wot ii New liruusw tek ami the- St. Intuitu.-!-. Another is Dade county, Fia. , vv Inch im lu b s tin t it irlii.lot ul Florada along the At lantic coast, and has all area of .",1 .' I square miles and a total population less than HOtl. Cherry comity. Neb., in th" extreme northeast of the siai .-. with the Snukc Kivor dividing it in hall, has au al v.ii 01 o.liliK inik-s. TLicv iiorih.-'fii -. 1 1 1 1 : In -- ol Minnesota lying Miuth of M.-miio'i.-i nml west of Like Superior, I'. In. mo. Iln f.i, rinl SI, L-.llis, i,,ne re- ..- '.ively ."..iil'i. . KM, I ."l .V-i'l s uire lll'it . 'I'l.e last county it'olndes tiie i 1 1 , j -o rl a ii : ci I y of I'lllulii, but :ie !i, -i h is ii populali ill of ii .11 a:: l the n-eond only of Toil. 'The ion of Dululh is oo, nt)'). Two eoiiuHi ! of I 1 ill", I'eindiain, c-iiilaiii-iie th- is-, i I';. I ts, -i i; I Idahn, soUlll of III-' N' I'el C's' r-'-el V at i ni, eoiilain more thai: f " , 0 " square inihs .aeh. Tun c.iiltit it", in l'e is. I'.eoi .mil 1'.! Pii-o, hive inure tiillll ".' qiiiu . mill s. I 'ecus, which is iii the e'.t rem.' We- I of tin) slate, oil Kin (tiainle, has H, To Ono coliniy of Colorn lo, Atapaho, has all alia of 1,'J'Jil square miles, but it is still more iiolab -e Iroln the fact that it Ini'-il pop ulation ol I'lU.iui'l, inebi liiig the oil y if li nvi r. Koilll coiinty in the satin: I it-', ha- an an a of ii,(Mi :putre .nii. -. On the I'.ii-ilic slope counties, like t ''of- and fruits, are of gi'.iaulie -ize. Si eoii!;ties ul ( In on. three .oiititiii of Wa-hiii gton, s. iu Colin-I.--: of Nevada, n'nl s-veii count n s of ( 'alitor:. i i l.:r. limn' than ."..nml pl.-l IV III lies. The III!'"!' .1 of III 1 lu ill.' I 'lilt .1 S'l'li s is the Pity ol' San ii' l'ii o .'in , t I in- ea I of Lo H o les. ll 'lie 1 . I .!.!! Ill square lull.-, nearly I. a,!' tin- si : of Ni v. York Siat,., no i ."i, in ill mill s lar.'es than Now .1. r y, I . livvare, 'oiiln etieilt, a i l M' ltdiilid Ci'iubini d. N. w York Sun. Insipiity Nut on the liici't-iio. Penplc who worry 1 liemso! vvs about their nerves may take heart of hope. Dr. Clifford Alibull, regius professnr of medicine at Cambride University. Km; land, says the reports of an in crease in nervous diseases and insani ty are all tiiiuseiis,-. The hurry and bustle of modern life hav.! no more ell, ,-t on I !n- nervous system than the allege I slowness ami ileiiliriite.'u.'ss of lhe past. Probably increased knowl- edo.o s - i!i-e:ise for the lir-t time which l::i. alvv.iy existed. Neive spe eia'ists iii-l uiaei.ii.ei'y for the toning of nerves lire in ll . i I ply i ug tla ily, says tin: prof.', but rich idle people ni'o increasing in numbers, and tiny run, as t hey always tli.l, niter the fashion able lad of iln: tiny. Yv'hiil was "liver" lifly years ago is "nerves" today. It is pt'eteiil io.ts nonsense to claim that people's nerves are too sensitive, too excitable. It is the virtue of nerves io be excitable, the more excitable limy are, tin- nit-re ellioit lit. lb was .hid thai nature is stronger than the !a.lili.-l-:, and lhat there is a fund of elasticity and iiisu.iciaiiee in healthy youth that blunder as we may we can imt crii-h. Dr. Alibutt's position on this topic ha-i led to much discussion. A great many emiiieul men agree wilh i nn, but the nerve specialists arc up ill arms a wh it tin y tell. I his u li liqiiaii ,1 and de.-t met i v o tini'l ies. - I I'lii;'.. llelal.i. M s ami ,tbi- of ii.tif i.;l. Char.-, ai : - ."n- of th in . I iv- i marl-able it'..-! s t.i e ..iuii.mi use, mid j-..- '.ss.s many pi tlitie in. I t .liei ai ly ! an b is, in by the lap ,-. Ai III! Ilb- i s.orbeill oi lit 1 odor. ! i I'l- no equal. I ' 1'i'a.' 'd ;;:' 'il.i l art :.!. ,.: ,.,,.. it pre vents decay an 1 pi i -er- s i' em for :i lime in all of th-ir fre-'n-'-s. In line powder it is one ot lh most p-i i, t't dressings for m 1 1 , h i :i ! Mound; and t hose vv here proud lit iii is pres. nt. As a cure for In-ada-hos it is invalu able, a leasjioouful in half a goi-s o' watei often uiVordiii" iinuediite re lief. The power of ohaieo'd to nbso: ii gases is not generally appreciate 1. It will take up and hol t thirty volumes of ammonia, forty of nitrons oxide, sixty-live of sulphurous aei.l, ami ei"hty-!ivi-of b vdio. -h acid, eveim ol 1 In s e-ises in iy be vv 't 'id r i vv n mi l used at vvtil. 'I he st.-ra ;e value ,.f charcoal, wlido it is jas beeoniing known lo v., k-o's, has al reaily opem-I u.a'iy avi :i:ie. t ' t. Hiiro itsel nine-s. -- , Y"i 1. .Ut-f. .Lips arc l-'lghters. An F.ii'.,i;..!i naval olii.-er vvri'inj lloiue --ay s, ill I II 1 M I ; to t lie t'.-nia rkai'ie prowess '.iioviii by the .lap in. .,. in iho of P.nt Arthur: "1'hey would make very bad c!ienit'. We could Willi: h llicliiat sen, prooably, but wo eiuild do nothing against .1 a pa n mi land. Wo can teach t!n :u nothing in military 'science. They are masters ul' eiontilie warfare. The capture uf Port Arthiirwas a perfe-jt levelation. " Detroit Free Press. New To Ilim. Miss Scribble --Tlio heroine of mv next story is to bo une of those Modern a Ivaneed girls, who lias ideas of tier own ami tloe-u't want to -, t inarritd The Colonel (politel . )--Ah. linlc.-d, I don't think 1 ovt r mot ih at tv pc I.'fo. I'lie He ward. IJind as a crown for our brow ", years but not ol lh livers alone, liiml it of weeds ami gras-i an. I llmrn-t, The things that we most have I. in 'W a. (live ns no passive j".v, O yenis, Wher inlays pa-s sweet ly hy, (liV lis ihejiiV nf I'l-'r-'i'lV' livillg, ' Ami i' l us l. ."lv die. (bveiis no nnearni ! glnrv, O y .-us, No suifi I, i. lue.; eri.wn ol a tiny, Jiiil hill. I from Hie -lea. I leaves nt "or lb'" T!i" vi- t.-r's vv n-.-itli nf bay. - Th- l atlill.'iil-r in .noun! s. An iiiipioliliibb' job -Laboring un der a delusion. Change in not always reform, any more than noise is music. A gn at waste of i IV. o I The child thai ones for mi hour and never gob it. Kind Lady I low caiue you to lose o'leiyi ? Turnip Lnokiii" for work. China loads the world. That D, win ii any pail of lhe world is chasing In r. Oi, Crii'ly :-.iya tint the plnii-o, '"Trouble n. t r comes .' iii.'ly," was copy righted by a inai rit d num. i-iior '"That painting is by au dd ma t, r, I Mi.-. Mi'Shoibli.i I .polo:. i lieally ' -e-s ; but lhe llano- is ie v," 'I'll" mull till.' I e -sl!ll-e'.i i;o.Ii li ;;.iVV, Ami -no I e;i. ns ,as 1 1 . v l.ti1. I'r. in It. ai -van. i n- .ol!i lit ban.'" II. uv l"if t.eaiitonas than ih-m .ill. lligbee There is u man who vvnslcs bis eloquence on the desert air." Kobbins-Who is l,, v Ili ili. o Au ailer-iliniier speaki r. 'Tlio tloiikt-y is generally regarded ns tin- most stupid of animals, which is odd in view of the fact thai he hau the most bray in' jinwi r. "Do you have to treat your maid as if she were a member of the family?" "Mercy no! Wo have to bo very kind mul polite to her. " At the liuleher's-"Why did you put up that large mirror near the iloiu V'' "I'll prevent tin: servant girls liom watching the scales. " "Are any of the colors disecrniblo tt the touch?" asked the school teacher. "I have often felt blue," re plied the buy at the In ad nf the class. What i- the .lostiny nf vanitl:, Win an new w e I'm, I at colli ll h..ys -e all the I....I ball -I Tin' ,Jls got all tie' kllnivle'lge Professor -Ah, i it '.as. You climb the mountain. It was a great foot. Miss -You menu feat. Professor Ah! zen you climb it more zan once? "ll is queer, isn't it, lhat Mr. lilinks spends all his evenings al the club? She No; I always said he'd do every thing he could tor bis wile's happi ness. Yisitor 1 hear your last servant, hit you without giving notice." Housekeeper - "Yes, she poured palatini mi the lire and was blown out id' the w imlovv. " Ml niche - Do you think, Mr. Waters thai haii-iiig is a vt t v painful death? Waters Well, ladies, it is generally allotted thai there is not hing- so pain ful as suspense. ' I'" l,i .-. yil I have 11 'i th- ell- -I,," II" vv lit-i'-a-.l iii he,- ear. S ie t-a-N.'.l. an. I Llu-heil. an, I biok.'-l .puta VV Iso, An. I answered, "I hav- dear." Funnyman tlo small boy) Can volt tell me why the centerpiece of a wagon wheel is like a slice! disturbance? Small boy-- No, sir. Funny man Why, it's a hub, bub. "1 propose," began the tlelibcriilo old lawyer who called around to see ll young widow on business, when his vi vacious client exclaimed, "I accept." Tiny are now part uers. "I don't see why people come hero for Ihoir health.'' growled Marker. "It strikes me as being very un healthy." "ll is mm," said the land lord. "So many people have come here for health mi I got it that our supply is exhausted." I he Spanish JLiin, 1 i ill-oil in eriiig rouianc s teem with rol'ereue-'s lo the Spanish Main, yet how many people nowadays know what or where the Spanish M uu was? Main is ii contraction for mainland, nil. I was applied to tlio part of the north const of South America washed by the Caribbean Sea. The name is a relic of the time when that part of the continent belonged to Spam, and was used in opposition to the West India Islands, which als i then be longed to that country. New York Advertiser. A (.'nml Manager. "Knajip is one liiau t imt knows ex actly bow to manage his wife." 'What's his scheme?" "Lets her have her own way, al ways." Inter-Occau. j