A WOMAN 'SNERYES. THE HTOHKII'A WOMAN TO WHOM KOIHK WAH TOItTI UK. Proif f i'n I td by l.ent fceltriiiriit riiralcliina llilll.il lly Her t'uae. (I'rom the flute City. Keokuk, Iowa.) Mrs. IMon Meyen, whosn lioitni Is at 3515 fiTiioii iivciiue, VMfHifo, mill whom viit 10 Keokuk, I i., will Inntf he remembero.1, w:i hi 0110 time urn i-tmt wilh 11 n-rvoui mul.i ly which lit limes ilrovo ln-r nearly to ilistrao tlou. " l'hosi! terrihlo lieinliielies are a Ihliiij of thi pist," sho mii.l 1 ho other .lay to 11 Gate City re.re.-eiit ilive, "an I there isiiiitt) uetory in eouneeiiou with it too. "My in-nntis system Mi-litiii"'l.'ii;reiit shock aoine fifteen ycrs ir.ro, I iroutf lit 011, I LiMv, through too imirli worrying over family milters, ninl then ullowiui; tny lovo for my looks to (jut the ttottor of my .limretiou wliero my health was eoneeruo.l. Wliy, wheiievr my alTiirs at ho:m '114 not o lou just as I fxp'xrto.l, I won! I invariably becomo proslrat"d from tin) ex'itnmeiit an 1 I woulit ooiisMit mys -If foilunat" in l"tl 1 f tile eirivts of thi' atta 'k wceihl not rennln for a wi'i'k. I w is utli:.l 10 iv. up our pli'asaiit homo not far Iron tlm 1. ike shorn drivi', bivauso I .'null not ntnu.1 Hi" noise in that loi'aUly. I0011I.I 1 1 1 1 i id pWi-v i:i tlm city which Iil' i'iii 'l Mi;t:il)lo to otn whoso nervous system was always on the point of explosion. To.alilto my uiiahirtiiti . my complexion nil lens'. 'lit a ehaii :" aii'l 1 lookeil ho yellow mil sillow that I was uhiitti".l lo'viiiure fr-nn the limn. at i.ll. ' '.Ua.him,' s ii I my .lo.'lur In me n,.u a'ter nu unusually wvt" nit.i.'i; of the mainly, "unless you leave tlm eily 1111.I s ek some Iilaeo of ipilet. you will 11. vr ri'eover.' So ciiuelu.il I I ivou I I visit my iin.'V, who lives in lalias Ciiiiuly, Iowa, mi l whoso fHrm woul I surely 1 o a kuu I p a: for nun 111 tllV il I l t fell lit ion. I picket up ttH Gulu it; i ll" ilay an l happ-iiel to eomo (lerossan iiiieiestiiiu' p. 'it'll of the re'civ-iy 1 of some wo:i. an lu N' Vork Stain who WiM lifllieleil in I 1 1 .1 1 1 lieen. This wo'iian hit I bei tii'ure 1 1. Iir.Wiliiims' 1'ink 1'iHs for 1' ill 1'eople. tlioMirht tli.-it il 1'iiili 1'ills I'ureJ that woman limy mirlit 1I0 the miiiid for 11m. ' 1 I'l-Kau 10 tal; the pills a.'cor.liu.; to llreo- tious 1111 1 I l.i aii ti feel leiier from tin) : start. Alter J ha I taken several h.ocen of thi'in 1 was r-a.ly 10 Im.-k to Cliie.'u,'o. .My ni rvousiii ss wis c,n. an I my e'ii lexioa i was as rivli as that of any sixt'-i'ii-yenr-ohl ! jrlrl in luw 1. aii'l 1'ink Tills is what put till i co'or in my ch.ck. So u ler I .1111 in ueli I hlk-h spirits an. I leel like a priss" lliitr. An I no woii'ler 1 like to eome to Ii. oniik (or II it 1 binl noil een for 1'iuk I'iils Ihul;Iii inm 11 , Keokuk firm 1 woul.i not have Leeii itlivo i Dow," IniU'liinitly conelii e 1 the laly. ' Dr. Williams' l'luk Tills eontaiu all tlm . elements necessary 10 Kive new liie nn t rieh- niss 10 fie Mo! an ! restore s Millirel j nerves. 1 hey are Tor aiu I V (ill ilr'iiKlMii, or may do hail by mail fmm IT. Williams' Mille'ini) Company, S 'heneet.i.ly, N. Y., I01 CO cents per l i x, or ms box.-s for tJ. H). FfTVi Is of llieyi ling. Oliservatloiis mi the ph.vsluiugical ef. feels of cycling, i'i nll.v iiililislni iy 1I. P.hlZllevlcIl of St. rcterslllllV, h'iow that the play of the chest Imme diately nl'ier ri.ling iliiuiuishes fnuu 1 to l .'i eeiiliiiietei's, especially In 'ho cases of women and children ninl of men racing, or beginning to use tho cycle. The general effect of 11 summer' 4 riding on un-li as piactically nil; in women ninl children the vital enpael'y was slightly Increased. The arm po'v or was found to have increased morn than the leg power In young persons nud in beginners, bin In the case of ma ture men used in cycling this was ut no evident. Origin of a . line. HueUnim was at Ir.st any Burt cloth stiffened w iih gum. II . .,, I.'e l."i: f.ir roii-iini l:en iiM' l ammer. Sir-. Ai.i.m a, H' t -a. is-.'l. r Ihre'.' -;je.."-ssivi crops licriiiU'l.i 'anii' In one year. Scrofulous Taints Iain, in tlm tiioo I of ainiosi every on-. In many eases tln-j ar- inheriteil. Seroiula ap pears ill lllhllihg -ores, bunches, pimpliS mil eaaeeioiis growths. S rolula eai. 1 10 cutej by pun.yiu thu blou 1 with lluoil'i ooct s Sar- vtu'llla 8 irs'iparilla. This f -J Ari great renin ly lias had Ml Wen ierfal su ss in .'.;1Vi curing this ilis-is-. ft thoroti 'lily ern ll (ales tlm humor 11 en the blood. Hood's Surs ip'irilla em . s 1 be seres nud eruptions by removing III- i i i-uran-s in tlm bleo I. Hood's Pills ' -O" al! liver ill-. ..... . Ihrtircatcst ."ledital Uistovtry of tho Aive. KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery, DONALD KENNEDY, of ROXBURY, MASS. Out ttus (..-Iter Jay liL-inre t".trr..l.i. '. III! l'.OI. V V.. .V.O- i'S. S,-. V.oii- ifv-... 1. -is .1 .,. ..-. m v. t u,r Till Oel nii'j ;.'.! ! ((.( ( U tl'i I'll l.ftllj al-'X't 111; . ..'.'. H'm It 1 ,'t' I, f 't !t cor ,l.'0 .".- .., '.;. ' l I '. .I ( 'n ir..i. '.' r.,i,.i',i!l,il, 01 utv.'i til .111 .I ill'M .'. l.i (IHHH, nu I I II, 1,1 U ,-m,sl,ll , ,,( .Slll.ll n.i I. r.l-l SI ill-. My I, . , X ..', ,', .,,;, tllhl I i iiiiH tn-t .'il ie.-; 1,11 . .v.',,,. e'..e-i, .', oir,''o.e' 10 lh. t!,.r. Jhil nun- .'.in nil, ur . ( imru 101 u,. Ain... 10' iin'jthhul ill hiy ...),', i I til .'i.',.'.i in ir r."ii. ),,ii must (u.m J CIS l.'l.i'. II !'.(.. it. IIS J ,,(('. c'e.s: lifn M'.si l'.1 il illl le'i.r fo'i.',,r ll'l' tl .V O.I.H 7 I l;t lit E. lint I o n; l.ii re it tinij Inft kiiuu-it nf ih.ur r. umlii .1 tin 'j tr, hi,, I hi iriil.ns cii. I'.iii 1'. la ip nt'j 'it', rin hi.-i y,itirs,lt mih tin ) ,li;,i it. Ilftt trioe. ii mmj kui'W troii llir 'iM'i.i. iy Ana i.',.i,l ni iim. imirs trnl Mr. Si Ml Y C. A Yiu:s. SniiiJ 11 fostal curii lor Ur. kcniK-d 'n Oouk. Th.ccmpnrntlvrvaluooftheio tworn! la known to most peraona. Thy illuatrata that greater quantity Is Hoi always inoit ta be UeaireJ, Thcaa carcta expreaa tha baosflclat quaai ity of Ripans Tabuhs An compared with any pre vioualy known! ivsii:hsia curb. Ripana Tahulea : Price, 50 centa a boa, Cf itiuggiata, cr by mail. nil'ANS CHEMIIAL CO.,. 10 if.wt St.,l.T, 4 FOB FARM AM) UARDEX. ciiorPKD 'love ron hens. liens liuvo too muck gritiu and too muck of otker concent rated food in winter. They are usimlly fed with Koine recn vegelablo when niiytliiiif? in tin; vegetable line is iveu to thein. 1'Lis is good in it way, but it is not tke brht food. A head of cabluiee litin iiiihere hens can iii'di at it will soon be devoured, but th cabb i.ee in not the Inst o-jU'oducinK food. Chopped clover liny given in hiiiiiII iiiiuiiiiits ilnily will bo greedily eaten. Jt will furnish ni"io nf lime for the t eg hlirliH than any kind of grain ex cept wheat. It will prevent the birds from fattening as they ate apt to do if given nil the grain needed to satisfy t Im-ih. - l!o-ton Cultiuitor. I1KA V l-KIUHNli OK I'fl'KS. The le 'dill',' of ducks too heavily will retard tluir laying, and assume of I in 111 will begin to lay ill January, il is important to use care ill that re spect. I on linieli glum win eniisi 4 lli-lll tn lose the use of their legs, llllil this w ill happen to the females Inori than In the drakes, us the latter will Hut feed as eagerly as the others. The fun I should be bulky, given t w lee 11 day. Cooked turnips, thicken. I with a mixture coiiipo-ed of i ipml pin ts nf bran, corn meal and ground meat, will prove 1111 exc lion! diet, allowing them all that they will cat. If turnips (annul be (ihl.-iined, use clover tiny, cut very liie mid sc-ilded, allow nig it to remain over night to -nfteii. Weak lees iielicM.- not only thai the ducks lite ovi lied, bill when the ipmrlels are 1 hi In y they will soniiiiiiie.s git the I heli'lialislil. It is best to allow thelll to t un out lor ci rci.se w hen it can bi le, 1 : 1 1 d their ill liters slmuM b 111, with plenty nf cut straw 0:1 lie r. I'ariu and I'll side. 11 i.n r.i'. of s ai i k. his crop is ijnilc it ptoiitald.' nie-, as it keep a pr. crop The nud Jane is in regular ib-niaitd by lioiise ls. It reipnres rich soil to give dital'le yield, us does, iu fact, any grown for s -11 ing in the markets, -ecd i-sown iu April iu seed beds tin- plants are 1 1 iinsnlaiiti d in or Jnlv into fowsof twelve inches iipart, and eight or ten inches apart j ill tin.' fows. The Mill is kept Well j eiillivalcd, an I, by tie- middle of S p- 1 (ember, the harvest is begun by cut- j ting out each alternate row, a plant making at this tune two hunches. The i-o.s hit grow quickly into thick bii-hes, mid arc again cut as before, leimii", I he l ows lour feet apart. These plants are cut before the wmt r. wh 11 they make a thirl crop, altogether vie! ling a s itisfuetury pi-'dit. Tlie last crop Heed led be Mild at mice, but may be buii'-lo 1 and hung up for Mill iliter, of it may be pressed into small sipiare pacUaues, and sold iu bulk III this way to I In- doilers during the winter, or even 111 the spring. N, w York Tim. s. 1.1 ui'i.rn Tin.i'S. The rabbit-, mice. 11, d oth -r rod'-iib Usually inj ire tr.-e- in Hie winter so that by sp. ing it is 11 , -s n-to re pair lie in 111 1,1. r. I'lil.-s wav before sum p. -Is h ive I .Hell the inner bark nil aniitu I tie will I'I .- .Vet' With pl'ope The lu st reined'.' to nppl; trees, tlley treatment, is to make a still' pla-ter out of el iy mid cow 111 inure nddiii.r a little w iter t 1 m ik., tl in. ire plastic. If su -ii 1 p i.ter is placed over tin- b:rii d portion nf the tree and secured into portion by a coNel ilig of old lugeing or cloth, tie woniid is likely to )ieii up in a hleo l time. If tin- weather is very dry it will be necessary to wet the baudii-e iii'casinnally. The great object of the application is to keep lh- wound moist while na ture heals up th. injury. If in,, wound is a l ir -e and sel'ious nae it wav be necessary to cut oil' m my of the top lilll lis nf I iie t I CC. This is to 1 1 11 li '.e the llow of lh sip, which is neces sarily ditiiinislicd l.v the wound. I : ln r ii nieilies for girdled trees are II comm. tided, but for a simple mid ell'cctlM- device, which any niehiild isl can apply this one cannot ),.. Mir pnssed. Il is 1111 old -fashioned remedy but is as good today as it was in the ilavs of our forefathers. New -ling-land I'nriui r. i'aiii: m'' nu: 101.1's fi i-.i-. On the sh np, IVoeu ground the colts may break their hoofs especially if they ale not kept trimmed down, and unless some attention is given to the mutter a misshapen hoof will de velop that can never be converted into II well sli apell one. Sometimes ft hoof is so broken oil' at one side while it re mains long at the other that the ten dons of the leg are strained. A badly misshapen hoof is almost Mire to make the animal awkward, and perhaps ill gaited. The way to prevent annoying, nud possibly serious results, in to keep a close watch on the colts' hoofs mid shape them up as often iih occasion demands. It is important to use care and good judgment in this work. It will very rarely, if ever, be necessnrv to pare oil' the sole of the hoof; and if ev -r this work is done, it should be done w iih the greatest cue, and 'he frog should be cirefully avoided. Except in p laubly v ry rare emeu nil that is in eessary is to cut nil' the edges of the hoof. This is bent done by net- ting the hoof on a solid plauk or other smooth, level surface, and with a chisel cut down nud through tho edgo cf tho hoof, cutting off excessive growth, and leaving; the edgo of tho hoof as regular as possible. This trim ming of the hoofs is a good training for the colt. It will soon learn to 1 1 r. 1 11. ..1 .... 1 I..;,., ihiu tin mtxjia imiiiiM-11 im iniiiiii'.'i ... ., . without objection. uilo 0110 must be firm, the first point is to exercise kindness. The colt is afraid; reas sure it. On no account lose temper. The ir n that cannot control hia tem per is unlit to handle a colt 011 any occasion. American Agriculturist. LAND KOH (IAKHKMMI. Truck farming or market gardening calls forth the highest skill. Tho laud must be made ''fat," as t!m Scotchman would nay, and then kept so by applications of live or (en cords of good manure per acre or even iiioru every year. For some crops for a M-iir or two at 11 time it is olt. n found profitable to substitute coiuniereial liltilizeis wholly or initially for sta ble manure. Until' e iiirnerclal Ina nines me used exclusively the supply of liituins iu the soil will soon be ( vhaiisl.d and must be supplied by the plowing iu of green crops, such as clnver. Ol'eipial impol'ta Wlthln-ll lertiliatioii is high and i ntensive cul ture. Keeping down the weeds is not enough, bill the pr.sctii f a perpet ual mulch of tine drt i-ei ih an inch deep upon the entire surface of the ground is to be worked nil'. To this end tlie onions, beets carrots and tur nips are to be repeatedly hoed, and the cultivator is to be mil between rows nf cabbage, celery, potatoes, coi n, etc., once 11 week or ol'lem r. lo prosecute trucking with great est satisfaction the op. r it..r must not d. petid upon supplies of moisture as they naturally occur. II- must be re independent of the ilitluelice of variable seasons. To ken- the laud in good condition ind raise good crops tear after year, rotation must be followed. It is md tlie right thing to grow one crop tear in and vent- out on the same land. lake the land at the sod, plow and pi mt col li or potatoes. 1 he net veal It will be ill good shape for beets, turnips, carrots, tomatoes, win- unci the other ..I' good gird-11 crops may thus be 1a1s. d--S.111 l'raiici.-eo Chron icle. l'tilM AMI HAIII'IIN mht. Keeping the nests dark will often prevent tin hens from eating their eggs. Air-sl ik I Iim freely used iu tho poultry quarters will destroy unpleas ant ..dor-. Two Weeks is loll,' enough b Ill-ike 11 fowl fat if highly fed with a fatten ing rat io!l. If mchards ate to bo mad- profit able, they must receive as good euro as ot In r crops. (i .o l tilia.'e itici-i ases the available food supply of th - sod nud ids 1 cmt s. rsc: its moisture. (ioo 1 dr. linage, natural or nrlilicial, Isess.nlial to -iiecess. Trees an; illl- P'ltii'tll of Wet feet. Tile late h itched t II I' k e V s c I II neat ly always be ' : s .-n a f n sli r.ill -,e much young, r than tliose hatched cirlior. Alt r the chickens are m weeks old tin-re Is a stca ly gam nu the part of the large bleeds over the small ones. Wh.-re th poilitiy are allowed to shift I 'i tin nis Iv s and nr.- given the fall '.-e nf tie- farm lin y nlleu prove 11 llUlslllCe. Iry earth is the best deodorizer kllOW II. It is also t lie best llhsnl hl-llt to preserve the manure in the h ast of fensive way. We U-.lrniucd lauds mv drier in wet spells and ne o..-tet' in dry spells than nth r 1 III I:.. I'iiey can be Wol k. ll earlier ill slu ing. The mulch should not h removed until the danger from heavy frei .nig tins nil pissed. Then the sooner it can be removed the better. Tins is generally quite early iu spring. I'lees should be made to selld their loots deep into the soil, ill older le fortify tie unelves ii-aiu-t drought. fins is done by drninili the soil, nud by plow iu ' t he orch ird 1 at her deep. Small trees lire easily injured by high w inds if the soil is made very wet by t Ac- ssive rains, as they will bo shaken and loosened in the ground. fo prevent this they should be staked. both for summer nud winter, mulch ing is extremely valuable, and by studying the eiuses to which it can be put we are but imitating nature iu her In nelicciit Work of protecting the plants from an untimely death. In the dry season mulch prevents many plants from dying and prolongs their life iu a thrifty way fur future fruit bearing. Stirring the Htirfaco mil of plants nets as a mulch. This is one of the best warn of applying it. His Sole (iirt. "Can you point out Wicks to me the one who is bo terribly stingy?" "Vi s ; there he is just across tho room, giving some one a piece of his mind. " Chicago Ilitel - Id-all. Although on laud a clumsy aiiiinal, the seal is wonderfully quick in the wnt.-r, and iu a fair race can generally catch almost any lisli. FOB THE llOl'SEWIFE. WASIIISO CHAMOIS LEATHER. To wash chamois leather dissolv iiltlo soda in warm water, and after rubbing some soft soap well into tho leather, soak it for two hours covering 1111 tho pan. Movo tho leuthcr about .111 .1 , 1 atid rub it gently, w hen it is clean 1 riiiHii with a slight lather of soap iu a weak solution of soda and war 111 water. It requires no other rinsing than thin iih it is the small quantity of puro son) adhering to the leather that helps to soften it. Wring tightly in a rough towel and dry quickly in the huh or near a tire, RKSTOHINO Ll'STIlK TO FflW. Here is a recipo obtained direct from a ltussinn lady for restoring bistro tn furs. Ilwcllers lit cold cli mates wear so much fur that their ex perience m preserving its beauty can not fail to be useful. Heat a quantity of rye flour as hot as the hand can bear. Spread a sheet upon the Hour, lay the fur to bo dressed upon il, cover the giimo-nt with the heated Hour, let it rem 1111 lor half an hour, then shake, 11 id finally go over it with a long haired brush. It will will take home time to nu. ove all the rye, but this tn itlde will be repaid by the improved nppcuraiiee if the fur. Coarsely ground 1111 nl probably would answer if rye Hour is led obtainable, llran is inure easily dealt with, but its cllicieney as a resturer would probably be infe rinr to that of llour. New York I'ost, rl.Kts i t-: t mens in mmk WATF.It. A new and satisfactory way to ch nu white hat feallieisls to dtp them ill blue water. Make the solution quite thick and allow the plumes to remain in the wash fur some time. When thoroughly soaked, lift them gently out of the bath so the mixture will partially adhere. Next lay the feath ers mi a rough cloth, letting' them re main until dry. Then shake thor oughly and softly bent against the cloth until all the particles of drt lime have fallen oil'. A sun bath of a few minutes will restore their irish-111-ss, nud the Usual amateur pro ess of holding them over steam to leg liu the curl will result iu their being almost as good us new. Iu curling feathers wil'i steel, it should be remembered that only the blunt sid" ol the instrument should be Used. A w ise recipe to follow in preparing feathers, fur beds is this: Water jN saturated with quicklime; the feathers are well steeped and stirred for three or four days; they are taken out, drained mid unshed in clean water, dried 011 nets or dry cloth, shaken oc casionally while (Irvin, Hint liiiailv beaten to expel any dud. This is for amateur treat. ueiit ; th most efficient method is to h ate t in u steamed by machine. In dye whit 0 or c;. .ini feiilhers it will be found that tie take easily to all dyeing mute rials. S.illloWer and lemon for rose color or pink, Jtra.il wood tor d"i p red, Ur,iil wood and cudbear for crimson, indigo for blue and weld for yellow. It is safest to bleach t heni before d.llig. The man lier nf t rent lueilt is t It.- satin! as that cloth. Xew York 1'ivss. M I KM I KM' S( HATS. Tim's of a 111 inn in. .t Ii have, been found of 11 length of nine feet, meas ured along the curve. 'I'll.- heart ordinarily bents about seventy times a minute, and throws about two ounces of blood at each con traction. There wi re two total eclipses of the urn in 171'J nud iu ls.s.,1. This Hire phetionii in 111 will lint happen again until lIiioT. Ant. mull ic machines h ive been de vised for use on a moving train which liiei'linnicallv record the Condition of (Very loot of tlie track. A municipal laboratory win re bnc t. rial c inn 1 mi 1 1 . hi may be conducted in cases of suspected cholera and diph theria is about to be established ill London. Systematic cviviso is an ninn.iiig cure fur tiervoitsii, m, languidiiess, in somnia, and indigestion, and inciden tally fur awkward fig urea, dull eyes, and muddy skins. A Mexican professor of physics pro poses to foretell earthquakes by Con necting telephones to the pipes of deep ai t. sin 11 wells and to met il plates sunk ill deep 111011 11 til 1 11 crevices. 'I'he head and face have eighty-threu musclca; the nek has forty-nine; the thorax seventy-eight; the nbdomeii tlrrty-three ; the back seventy-eight ; the upper extremities niuiet y-eighl ; the lower extremities 1(IS. liy using at a measured distance in front of a photographic camera an ink or mercury dropper liberating drop in rapid succession to one another. ('. U. Warner of Wormley, nenr Hro bourne, England, has curiously illus trated an exceeding interest ing method of estimating the duration of lightning Hashes. Mr. Warner Iiiih made a nega tive showing the Hashes, t he images of which are dtslorted, by refraction due to rain drops lulling close to the pho lugriipliie b us, the npi ratiirn of which was, presumably, of biuall diameter. QUAINT AM) i TKIOl'S. An Atchison (Kan.) woman's poodle dog sports a glass eye. Chicago has twenty-two general and sixteen special hospitals. Kleveu hundred hoitd of horses were bought iu Oregon recently at an aver age price of . l-HO. In the year 1081 tho English Hepoy army iu bengal consisted of twenty men under a corporal. liismnrck has 1(IU different orders of knighthood and as many uniforms as would set up a small army. A 'Jiio-otmco gold nugget in tho shape of a horseshoe has been dis covered at Hargraves, Australia. A Noriiiiiii-l'ercheron hol'sc, owned in Pctroit, Mich., and weighing 12,500 pounds, iH tho heaviest equine in the world. Tlie oil wells of Uaku, I'russiti, cover a distance of country tweuty-livo miles long by over half a mile in breadth. A loaf of bread supposed to have been leavened and baked lib. ill hlil) It. C. has been taken by a French ex ploier from n tightly sealed Assyrian sarcophagus. A Clarke ('.unity, (lorn-gin couplo recently Celebrated their golden Wed ding in the house in which they ttcro married nud which Ins been their homo continuously since. Nut ui'iil gas has been Used ill '111 1 1 11 for many centuries. It issues from lissttres iu the earth near c ml mill, s and is led through bamboo tubes to the poi:.t where it is cou- umed. II irry Spies, a Cinciniiat tinner, is, led death recently by having a very heavy watch-chain, which caught a scantling and held 1 1 tit Hum pitching oil' a high scalVol.liug to the street. The prize of .i0 oU'erid for the druggist who, at the next session ol the Missouri rharmicists, shall cor rectly inline must drugs by (he smell, lias set the doctors training their 1IOSIH. (ias lamps were introduced iu the I'aris streets iu JXI'.I. Their employ ment caused no litte remark among the coiinlry peiqile, who got an idea that there was mine magic about the matter. tjueeii Victoria's footm-n wear wigs w hich have eight rows of curls, w h -reus tlmse of the I'riuc.) of Wales aro allowed seven rows and those of the Lord Mayor of Iemdoli are allowed six only. Mrs. Ann Adanii Spear, who died at (.liiiney, Mass., receullv, was born in Unit town M uch I, 1 V'.'T, on tlie hiiiii rei I where she has since lived, nud a stone's throw liolii the house iu winch she died. I'ioqiiinto Miranda of Columbia, Central America, is living, blind 1111 I helpless at the age of I'Sl. Hun of his neighbors is It (5 years old and still able to work at knitting with coarse thread. Mrs. Joseph Monarch of I'eshtigo, Wis., is the mother of four genera tions. She was burn iu Sil5 and re cently was photographed with her de hi'eiidants, the pictures representing an interesting nud wholesome family group of live generations. Huge Shells. Among the largest bivalve, shells known is the geodncli, a huge clam ol tho Alaskan const, that attains 11 weight of live or six pounds, one tdicll iittoiding f I for a huge family. The concha, especially those known as queen and trumpet coiiehs, are nmiiiig the giants of the univalve, shells, weighing, iu the latter instance, sometimes tv Ivo pounds ponderous objects as they move along on the sandy bottoms of the lagoons of their choice. flic method of locomotion anion these large concha is singular, partic ularly when observed from above. 'I'he shell reaches out its foot, which is iu 111 . I, ill t he c Ise of the common slroinbiis, with a sharp-pointed, saber like operculum, thrusts it into tho sand and gives 11 powerful wrench, w hich forces the shell along in a aeries of jerks. Tim re-tl giants of the mob liisca are few and are confined mainly to those described. Ledger. How To ;o To Sleep. When you turn out your lamp at night mentally drop a heavy purple or green curtain oil the a-titities of lite. Let go relax muscles and nerves, l'laeo the hands alongside of the body, or on the pit of the stomach. If you lie upon your buck, turn the head slightly to one side, llroathe deeply, but tranquilly, while mentally watch ing the breath Mow from tho nostrils out into the Moating clouds, like steam from tho nozzle of a teakettle, 15o fore you know :t you will be asleep. Stuart. Mr. Itichniaim I don't demand that my daughter hIuiII mnrry wealth, but I do insist that tho man sho marries shall have brains enough to get along in the world.. Young Hlinipursu Well, I think I've shown pretiy good judgment in Hcleeting a fntlier-iu-hitv ; don't you? X.-w York Weekly. The outer layers of the alligator's skin are said to contain ft large per cent'! ;e ef silica, henco the hardness of U10 uiniual's hido. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Absolutely pure Fxpenslve (Stamps. Tho riillutelle world has been flut tered by a recent Important event, for I tt Is nniintinced thnt the vice president ' the Loudon I'hilntellc Society has lold all bis stamps. The affair certain le l,,.e.....u llilei-esllll- wllell tV IlUU'll I the price commanded by the few thou- land little hits of paper. : A linn which deals iu these light and airy tritles secured the vice president's nit ire collection, and gave no less than r.oO.iHXi for It, This, we understand. Is the largest price evor paid for a collect lou of filainps, though It Is said that tho Ireiisures In this sort recently bequeath rd by 11 ineiiiber of l':ii-lhimcnt to tin) Itrltlsli Museum would have fetched 11 higher tig me if put up to public auction. A London establishment Is just now advertising a single stump, valued til d .',."ii h 1, Imt whether tiny Intended pur l-hfltt-r will be found willing to receive It 111 exchange I'i - Hint Mini remains to tie seen. 'I'he Puke of York, already knout) us a keen cotimilseur. Is said la lie imxloiis to ptirelui.se this great SUimp. Kxerts declare that there Is 110 better Investment for money nowadays than Stumps. If that be so I hey w ill beeoni.! an oblei t of fascination to ninny who lit present take little delight in them. Wnck nud While. Haliy Needs ,ir anil llglit. A luiitlier whose children are the ml. miration, physically as well as other wise, of her friends, tvritine; for "The Voinan's Hook" on the subject of the nursery, says: "lo not be 11 f raid of plenty of fresh air ami sunlight. Let carpet and pretty iniisliti em tains fade, tint let the sunlight stream into the 6ooin. Whether the ilay be warm or liot, open the windows, and do not fear to open them really wide. You will have less ilramdil than bv oneiiinr a slit. Manv doctors will forbid a little infant to be (akei. out iu winter. This is undoubtedly a bale precaution In n severt; climate, bul. de, but. 1 iiltle babv loligt) ! "ess, nr constipation, sent stomach, loss of r quite as much as VOII do. I IM''''. coated loimi.e, in.liK. stio,, 01 dy. '.. , .. ., pepsin, windy Ix IcIiiiiks, luait burn," l-i. if lie llii'ou-intr 111. ininiiii : ! 1 1: ..... r. 1 ..:..i 'j for fresli air Let him have it by throwing wideopen jour nursery winnow, uress mm as though for gointf out, and put your bassinet or cradle, or, for lack of any thing; better, a clothes-basket with pillows in it, close to the window in the sun, anil cover him warmly. You will be surprised to find what, a restful Bleep titiil what rosy cheeks the little erealtiro will have after ita sun hath." Chemistry oj" Ill-Temper. rrof. iluies, of Washington, has en tered upon tin almost unknow n domain of psychical Hcleiiee. He claims to I111 vi made the discovery that the emo tions produce a physical reaction which discloses 1 1 self to chemical tests, ami that the benevolent sensibilities, such ns kindness, cheerfulness, etc., exert a good ell'.'.-l 011 the bodily health, while the malevolent tVi'llngn exert a enrres pollillngiy bad effect. A II llie Siuiie. "Many days you liavn li!i,'ern l about my ciibl 11 ilor; bard times, hard times eoiiui ii;;iiin no more." Ail tin. sain" Merry CliriMt inas ,'1111! Mi..y New Year pissed ns tlioui;lt the land was tloivlinf with nitl's and honey. Hoam l oiiht 1. ne t It 1 itLT and s.nu" bioihl au nt her, Inn inn- ol tlie 1 .-si v- stnienis for a small sum eu I wll. It was n. -t lor nt'lirisi m.is l.iisli, but t'loiis in, Is go: it nnlthoii sin. Is who ha I saTer -.l long and wearily with rh. uai.ilisin xv. r.- m ule d.ni ly happy in being lire. I by SI. .I ieolw Oil. It leave no Ira.'.. I .chin I, .111 I all ill r.i.n',thh.ir 1. r tunes will co;t,K no mote lo thein. 'I'll" lux ury ol health Is worth a loruum. Tho inbhlie-ela-s fin-e 0 or Home, is th. ci.-ly to dny. n.iiel." unknown In dlieeling tun? 1 ill ao- C'litm-rli Cannot lie Cured vVlthlnral i.'. ie. 1I1. .ns, us llcv r.uinot reaeti llieis, it of lli' ili-.'i-". Calali U Is 11 bl.Kid or i-eli-l II nl ihs. ise, anil 111 order to euro It oii ui'i-l ta... liii.Tii.il r.uiciles. Mall's fatal-ill 1 'are N ink. 11 Internally, nud acts di rectly ..it 1 1." blend iiiel iiiaci.ns suiface. Hull's Ciilairh 1 "urn is no' u tua. K ine.l n-oie. Item ireserili."l bv n 1. .of I lie b.-t .liysieiiis in this count ry for years, nnd is a regular i.rc-erletlon. It is eoni.'i-.-1 of the best Ionics l.niiwii, ciun liine.l wiUi 1 110 Is st b.....l piiriliers, lifting ill-r.-i-tlv en llni nun mis siirlae s. Tlm ierfe. t I'ouibinat ion ef th" I vn luicri'dleiils Is w hat produces Mi.-I. woa.lei'iiil ifsiills in curiiii; 111 larrb. Sen. I lor testiinoiiliils free. K. ,T. 1 -iiknkv I'o., I'rona., loleuo, O. Hold by dt uiiH'isIs, 1'i ico ".'ic. 'Ihere's no merit in I ho tfoti-i-tetiey that keeps a man c. ti-taet to his mistake.-. Tliu Slol I'lenaniit War Of prevciitiiiif the rfi..n-, folds, lieailaehes, mid fevers is to use Hi., liquid la x i i ivtt rem edy, Syiuii of l'us, wli-iiiver the sy-lem tnclsii ; ni I", etr.'i- Ivo ileniisiiw. T. lie beiiell e l one nni-t net the trim ruined' limniniicturi-il by 1I10 California Kig Sy ruji Co. only, l er mi'o by nl ilru;g.s a iu UK., and il bottlia. Iln lues a Ihniild. s.s llfn who call ox lei; cllio. 111. hi s euler. rises 11 11. 1 not his own. It. Kilmer i I ami'-lloor etir til Kidney nnd llln.lder tioiibliii. 1 n:i;ililet nnd Constiltiitlon Iron ljitK.ralory liim;luiiiitoa, N. V. When cvim ybo.lv cua icform evnrybody else tlio Isov o. 1 iuiiiIm- will be a fixture. If aftllete.l with aoreeyes use Dr. Isnae Thorn t--on's K.n-water. UruuiCisUsollHtic is;r bottle. Il is never Worth wlnb 1 to lm discouraged list been use our iutuiiat-s pnv "Ho-h!" Scott's Emulsion of Cod-livor Oil, with IlypojihoBiiliitos of Liruo anil Soila, it) a coimtrut'tivo food that nourishes, enrichoa tlio lilood, croato.4 uoliJ llciih, btopn wastiug nud gives utruuoth. It ia for nil Wasting Diseases like Consumption, Scrofula, Anamia, Marasmus j or for Coughs and OjIJs, Bore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Luugs, Loss of Flesh and General Debility. Scott's Etuuliiioa Las no equal ns Nourishment for Babies and Growing Children. Buy ouly the geauiuo put up iu salmon-colored wrafptr. S.nJ for famflet tn Scott' t Emulsion, FREE. Soott A. Bowne, N. Y. All Drugglats. B0 cents and . Powdter No man is fo old that ho car not run upon n nv wny of liciug a fool. Tho (iri-cks lm I oats It. 0. 2)1, hut used them only 119 food lor their lurmw. knrl'e Clovpr Knot, tlio iiroAt blood purifier, Klv freslitii.su suit rlcarniM lo tlia riimplux. Ion uud cures constiputton, ii eta., U) cu., If. You enn worry over n yo.ir s work, but no do It la an hour. Mr. Wlnslow'b Hi.otlilng Syrup for rhlldtn teething, loMens tlie khiiis. ii luce Inltitnimn t loll, nlln) 8 1'iiln. euros win. I colic, jtfic. tt bottle 'I lie 111 11 11 who can talk about lilinsedt and Le inteieilliig Is a gonitis. A ;lnmnv Outlook Is that of tin- ilsie,lV, bul liis face will laiejiii'ii wlii'ii lie knows lliat Itij.ans Tubulin ciuetliat lei n. le iIimii. ler anil will uiaku Uiia ui lni'llill ami ln'j'tiy man. C'eltio Tradu. Tho value of Irish exports hint year was ?l,i'.L"J.i'lo, uud of Imports) $44, CUU3. ' A Gentle Corrective is what you need when your liver Ixcoiihs inactive. It's what yen K1 1 win 11 you take Mr. l'ii ice's I'Uasant lVllets; IIk j- ic free Item the violence and me kiiU"K tone cotne with the ouliimry pill. 'I'he last medical aiuliin ities ngiee that in n Kiilmiug the bowels mild methods aie? pref erable, cur every de-l.inci-inuit of llic liver, stomach anil bowels, these tiny, snuat coateil pills ate most effective. I'hey iO about tllcir wink in an easy and ii.iIiii.iI way. nud their (noil mis. Once used, liny aie nl ways ill fa vor. PciiiK composed of tlie choiei si, coucen tinted vemiablc ex tiacl.s, tlley cost timrll cm. e than other pills found in the maiket, yet from forty to forty four nie put up in eacb sealed iclass vial, s,,,1 "'""'R'i diupRiits, at the pi ice of the j V-Xasant Peli! ts-' cure biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, enstive- ; ,,a!ii and disticss after eal'iuir, mid kindred li rauui 111-iils of the liver, slotmicli and bowels. Put up in sealed ulas vials, there, fotc always fiesli and reliable. Whether ns a laxative, or iu k.igcr doses, ns a neatly nctinir hill searching; eathaitic, these little " Pellets " are imi-uiiaU-il. As a "dinner pill," to iiioinote digestion, take one each day after dinner. To relieve the distress ansing from over c;iliupr, noth ing equals one of these little " Pellets." They are liny, stiuar-coalcd, nnti bilious granules. Any mild readily takes them. Accept no substitute that may lie recom mended to he "just as j-ood." It may he tirttfr for the dealer, because of p.iyiiiflr him a lietter profit, but he is not the oue who needs help. A free sample (.1 to 7 doses nit Irinl. in mailed to any address, post paid, on receipt of name ami addiess 011 postal card. Addiess Woiil.li's Disi'kNSAkY MKDICAt Association, Hulfalo, N. Y. WALTER BAKER & GO. - -s, llie Largest Manufiictiirrra of UJi PURE, HICH CRADB .COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On thia ('"itlitunt, htve rec.Tl 'highest awards in hi tha griil ndiistilal and Food EXPOSITIONS t:ln EuroneandAmerlcsr. t'nlile Hi. ll.ilrl. I'iitcm. no Alki II . ..tlx r 1 lit mi. ..I. . 11).-. na d-ii-. "' no' "I lli'll ir..'lllm. 1IIO 11,1 A-I' I Oi ill Is l. lullT u nud luLI, ai.il .....o I, ''.i'. cm' roa n cuji. eOLt) BY OIIOCLI13 EVUHYWHtUE. WALTER PAKLR&CO. DORCHESTER. MASS. S3 smE FIT FOR AKINS 3. COEDOVANi f RCnJiluiLNAMLLLLU CALF. W-i? Ftric C.".if JiKahoarou 3.FCLICE,3 SOLES. trOs-'S.WUUMNG,,' , -CXTUA riNC- ' 2.' I."7-? DOVS'SCHOOLSHQEX bAiuna Jr c-.rwis rnn r&rai nrur f'W-U'DOUH LA3. isuci;tom.i''Us3. Over Ont Million a'cepta wrar tha W. L. Dcus:i:i3 $'i & $4 Shoes Ail out shoes aro cquaily eatisf actory They give tho beat vi!:ie for 1 t-e money. 'I hi-y e.iial cuitom a!-..;ca I 1 at-1) anil lit. I li:lr weurlntf oiinlitl.-s oro iinsurraaacil. 1 lie prices are 1 iKornt, st onpcil an aulaj l-'romfl to f ( rnv t rv.T other n -kea. Jf your dcakr cannot supply you vucaa. 'OB SEED8 M il' A I K to all funis . 'M rt-arala liUt'l ; I rx t iiilm ci MHitt rrm In tli wr''i. itf iiinaiioit uf our n ciM sooa l tn iiiiiHv 'a ..( -flue inaltt d firt. Lurtfor mint U T'f iiniriv'il vmi' i. h ( ihiii'mu .-e fuund la. IC Alt I. A N I) fKI- IM :O.llji.rt,Halift0o.,Vft UNI 4 Hi4 CUHtS aVHUU AlL lLi lHS. TigA nest 1 i.uiiti iyrti. Tasiea Ii.hmI. C3 In lime. S.l.i tv trni.'iilti. sfVTNs. 'y,19V' t" am M m I; II Mil 7Mm