I mi $.1 "SI halham 31rcoru THI RSUAY. MAKl'U I, 1X93. H. A. LONDON. Editor. "Whereas, The iate Fred. Doua " XAS1 DEPARTS!) THIS ttFE ON TUE 20x11 ' INST, AND WHURKA8. WE GREATLY PEVLOKE THE SAME ; ROW, THERETORE, "Resolveh, That wukn Tins HmT-iK ADJOURN, IT ADJOIiKK -IN KEM'ECT TO THE ' "MEMORY OF THE KEOEASKP.'' 'Even Iho Caucasian "has nothing o offer in defense ol the Legislature 'lor adjourning in honor of Fred 'DoUj-Ihkh" (to use il on words) "an2 ''thifi'ks that tlio action watt an jn fort un ale bldudor." The Legislature will have adjourn -od before the Hwvitr again reaches Its readers, although the day of ad joimnnoi: t has not yet been fixed. Bills aro now being rushed through w.ui ,.. n..,Ko . ' ' ' ", u in a n v a "lob is bcinn quietly enacts od. To illustrate how unfairly and tyrannically Speaker Walser is rush ing measures through tho House, we "will cite an incidont that we vii "Sicssed on last Tuosday, and which inado yur blood boil with imiigna 'lion, lie ii not' need that tho elec tion bill hud been relumed from the Senate wilh amendments, and sta ling that the question was upon j tonennenco in the Senate amen ! I .mcnls, immediately put the question J to a vole and announced lliat il was j Va twin I, despite the fact that Air. u'lay, of Aiucon, the gallant demo cratic leader, was all Ihu while cull ring upon the Speaker to have the amendments read. .Nol tho slight est iV. (trillion did Speaker Waisur pay to iJ ij's repeated requests to 'bavo the uin'md io?i:ts ivail lor in jiK-siatioii, but :: '"'M dofiatn-e of all parliamentary rules ami -n mem fairness ho refused so reason ' -a bio a request and rushed throng!, amendments which had never been even read, no less discussed ! ,No honest and lair -minded man iau ondwso such an oulrage, though : iicrpelraicd ocn by u'Toluru. ' L'1' islattno The election ot magistrates by tho people, instead of their appointment I by tho Legislature, was one of the ''reforms" .promised by the republic ans and nov.uiists in thu lasl cam. paign, and accordingly a bill has conimi.-shvucrs on all matters of been passed by this -Douglass" Lta 'i!'a"c' :,lul al 0,' 01 w!l0,H ! slalaro -for that purpose. Ves, Hjr.hall concur witit fne eonrn,Mmw.e:- bill has been passed fur the election ''Wore tho lat tor's action is valid. of three magistrates in every town ship at tho next general election. Xh-i voters oi every township can then elect their own magistrates. J3ul who will then care to boa mag istrate? And what will ihe.ro be .1,,.. Ii,i., in ,i.,9 Our readers may inquire why we ' vons.-nt ol a man of another party ask theso questions, and our ans wer ! a''ointe 1 by a judge re-i ling in an Is, that this Legislature has taken I Thai is. if hy chanco away from the magistrates everv I lho l'-J-ulistrt or republieuas in this nower. ri-l.t and authority tho'y " ''''iUham i county , houhi clef t, i.cxt have heiotoloro otercis;od, except I Jc'iV oul' commissioners, tno latter tho trial of tho potty cases that may j w,mUi l,av, ,KI power whatever with- como before them. Yes, these mag l"!lt 1,10 concurrence o a goo-1 dem - istratcs whom the people are allowed -'l't to be appointed by our demo to clout aro not deemed suflicicully fratic judge, A. W. Graham ! trustworthy to havo the same power j This would bo quite an anomalous .and authority hcretoloro given the I l'""ceeding, wi.uid'nt it? magislratos elected by tho I.egisla-1 the people the right to .lure. These new magistrates arelcU"jt county commissioner.", not to bo allowed to moot v. ilh the j 1111(1 lllC ilf',il''1 l" u'11 tlic" county commissioners and concur in i l'10 t-,"""l.v finances ! ..levying taxea, or building bridges; Aik1 :'-:( h tho greiu! result of rr 'iloinfr arl vlhirf whatever in con-! th "fusion" movement in JS'ortli O J 7 uection with county finances or government ! Whyistnis? What sort of "re form" is this? "Why not give lo the magistrates, who aro elected by the people, as much power as was given to thor-o I . elected by tho Legislature? The (decent white people of North 'Carolina, whether populists or demo crats, indignantly denounce our leg itflators who -voted to adjourn in r-- poct to tho momory ol Fred. D-n.6 n,0 pivcciling democraiic Legisla-1 'cad by everybody, low. They-aro justly incensed that j tuiv, requiring th.' public printing I t. .. such a distinguished and unusual L, ho uiveii lo ihe lowest reHpfiiif.il.-lo Won't it bo a sight "lo make men honor should have been tonierrod liid-b;:-, regardless of his politics. ' and angels v.-tqi" al toe next i'om on a runaway slave on an ao.eoin- 15m. b. in'.inlormed by their leader! menccment at the State Fnivcihily plico and confederate of old John j tiiat ii repealing so just and j. roper lo seo seated on the rostrum, among jirovn and on a defiant miscego- U law they had made a blunder, our j the tlislihgun.hcd trc.stoes ol that nationist. And yotthia action tl.ij legislators iviuctantly passeil anolh-; h )iiorcd institution, aeor.vi. tod eriir.. disgraceful ond-shameful action is; Cr hill directing their committee ..n inal like Oideonite S. Otho Wilson ? the natural result ie the climax of j public printing to lot it to tho-lowest Who.t a (leseciation ! the efforts mado by tho -pope lists to! bidder. This c'l.imitfe according i j." :j . -j control the colored vote 1 ly a'lvei l;ed for bidders, and after W no would have inu.giued that a Js it not lime lor decent and .ro-. pectable populists to call a halt, and seo wbitbor thoy are drifting? If onr "reform" legielators did not intend to endorse Fred. J.)ouglass why did tuey pass a resolution so highly bonoriug bin), and which j the Stewarts, and lo prove this thoy ! Joues county, near the Onslow line, even the V'tueunnin av is "inde- L0t threo export printers to examine ' t!i',cl nomo night years ogo and was ftM.siblo" and was "an unfortunate thoroughly both bids and tlf.ciJo;,,,,l7J,urie'1- A few w..fi.s sro it b I enme nee.wiSBrv to remove the remains bluuJer 1 w 11,0 Iowor- 1 l,oso i xp' rt 8Ila in doing so the coflin was ope- .-.l - I printers wcro Hon. John N iciiols . when to ..be surprise of ail pr-sent Jr the fusion legislators were sorwitb forty fivo yc.?rs ex oriein:c), Ihe I ' ly was found to bo thoroughly anxious to conrt the negro vote, thoy Mr. J. II. Alford, tho foreman of Iho I,r,r'':e''- aJj' nendcrs.-n aeer.i.nt,. ... ,,- , r i . . . i . , . , for -tbH by tl" fet that Mr. JIuisi. m.ht at least ha?e honored ll.o men. l,bl,cvl Iiecer.hr an., .dr. J. C. lord- W)w n o0il man wh 0 ,liul r, in try of negro who hr.d nwrriod on song, who is tho Slate examiner of tho co.iibo of his long life, v.teil any rffii KNce J I'i'bli.- t-rintiit-T .l ff'-our-e tho.-- ottic..' th.iii (!. 1 "if 'r (,'!'! The county government bill, as ouglily familiar with tho business, passed by the ScniUs, is not likely to These three experts, two of wham be satisfactory to anybody or any aro republicans, alter full and cure party, democrat, populist or rejuibli- ful calculation and examination tes can, ami will be a "winning curd" lifted to the committee that by giv (or tiro democrats in the next cam- ing tho contract to Kd wards V paiga. Yrs, after repeated caucuses, Itrouglitsn, instead of to the S'.ew alter many meetingsot the "steering sift, the Stale would sarr f S1 S8. comiiiitlee" (or 15ig Five), and even And yet these "reform" legislators Ri'lcr tho "little fourteen" had esc-"refused lo save the State this sum, hausted its efforts, the .result, of alHaud in defiance of their professions their deliberations and .consultation ' and common fairness they wilfully is not satisfactory to anybody ndand deliberately faUitied themselves meets with u -cold rocejition from its'and persisted in giving tho uhlie own UUthwS. This was very aiwmrent indeed llieie was no attempt to conceal it i when the bill was under discussion in the Senate. Tho democrats all voted against it, of course, as did also two popul'st Senators I'An bes ami Stevens) while others openly stated ihal il was not what they wanted, ! and even the republicans themselves cared but little (: it niter tho ''! j ulisls forced the adcpiioii of tho ' amendment providing for the board ot UUUIlCC. This amendment almost caused an I ,l0 l)u,,uss IVSnluiion, il was tic irreparable rupturo between iho tuej tomaketliisap.propri.ition.and populists and rejiublicans, and its ' accordingly a now bill was intro 8.eret history is quite interesting, as j,K.0ll by Senator lirant, of Holds, told this writer by a prominent pop-j i,(mii w,0 ii:.it been a Union soldier ulist vi.o kiu-w ail about it. Ho , dnnu the war. This bill came up informed t:s that, the night before tor its third and final reading in iho l i.e hill was passed by the Senate, 1 Senate, on last Friday, when we hap r.e populist Serators held a caucus i jm.j tl) ho present and we shall ii .l determined not to support the j novel' forgel the exciting occasion, oilias-tliad been reported to iheSen-jne,. i10 ,-l ,.., ,-ul biytin il np ale, unles some i.nieiidnient was i K,ari.j t hat t ho vole would be very adopted which would pmiect prop-j ,.lls0) Hl, iniinediatcly inogsenncrs Oiiy owners in iho negro ridden I W(M-0 hurtiedly sent lor l wo absent counties, and this iinichdinenl (crea- ! senators who were lavorablc to the ling a board ol finance' was airreod ' hill, and in order to -kill tiu.e" to on and was written by cx-.l u dire ,(.:,y the announcoment of the volo Soier Whiuivcr, who has been acting ' ,,lltji ln(.y ( l.uld arrive several as the attorney or legal siil-viKi-r ot ; wiiatnrs n.ade shT.rt speeches "ox tho populi.-i. lie iil .o prepared an- ; j.l-. nit.tr tl.eir voles". Wellington oilier county gov-rnmeiit bill pro- : at Waterloo .'.id not more anxiously vidincloi i H!iiitlaUve.-utVi:u'c, which 1 ,,, it tb.. arrival id ljluchor than did , v..i.. .cbLinuvducedarlipa-'.'-difthti'li,,j i',;..,,, ;.f this bill await the ar j rcpubjieansoppo.ii; 1 thisameiid uieiil. ; , jvai f ii,t,s!. two n'osent senators. ' i The republicans, h-.wevi.-r. "smelt aj Finally or.e arrived and then just as' . rat" learned what Iho populists l!l0 -,,u.,. .,.ill.(j j a!l, Vlt,-,1 aye", I had p!an::e-.! nul accord ii:gly did : vote was aii!.:o.u.ccd -i ayes to , m;l opj.ose t!.i::r aiiiendiiient, which ' rt,... nn(V(. , i county commissioners. Il provides ithat, on tho pi.tition of a certain number of citizens in any county, - lU j1"1.' 1,1 ihe d'ustrict shall appoint ! as a ooaru oi nuance two men ui a ilifferciit political party trom tbo't,0 as-h1 and au.id tumiiltiioiis ap- coinmissioncrs, wlio shall net with in oiner worus, ny mis a menu- incut, while the ;--opo ot every county :ue given tho right to ciect Ihi-ir com iiiissiouers, yc. these coin- inissiouer.-; thus elected by thoui can do ahs'. lately nothing j.boul ihe loiiaeu - s oi tso co;;;itv witbotit tlio Carolina to change our prcent sys tern c.f county goveriunenl! The hypocrisy of our "reform" legislators in their professions, -or pretensions, lor reform and retrench- j nicnt ha-i boon most torciblv illus , trilled and exposed in their out- rageons action in the matter of the i impress every reader. Head it your public, printing. One of the first ' elt and hand to your neighbor. Next hills passed by these so-callod "re- j orin:-r when they met at JIaleigh ; '.nary s leuer, wriuen i.y ner r -was on to repeal tho law, passed by I peuiant father, which ought to In several bids were put in thoy dc-cid- cd o uv;nrd tho contract to Ihe ' Messrs. Stewart lirothers, o! W ins-. I ton, who of course aro republioanH. ! Messrs, I'M ward 4 & J'.roughton, of j Iluleigh, ha 1 pnt in a bid which they i contended was lower than that of i j'riniing to tho Stewart Hrothors! Truly may we exclaim "1)11 ! lly- pot-risy, thy name is Reform !" That was quito a dramatic scene and exciting occasion when the Senate, on last Friday, passed by a yoteof 21 to'.'O the bill to appropriate uphill for tho completion of the Confederate monument at HaleiL'!'. So n.ntli censure had been hea.d upou t,0 Senate (or refining to pa.- I u" Hilllilar billi llie Wt,,k ,,,,,,, ttllJ i. . ' . . in ni'ilt'i' to ir.uko some nmvuds for 2ii nays. 'Imme.fiatelv tl ..... swjqic..cu i .vn u uvm i'iijivm mini jllU) ouj ,.,t.L.,-s :u,, applause. One populist senator was so enthused that l0 threw up his arms and shouted :..(i!(1,y tl, nnj i'.,federa dead . v. hi:e aiiotiier ru-hcl iiown j.lauso gra.-ped the hand ot Senator ,;,-;,,, the ex-Fnion soldier who had " rodu-ed the bill. It was an oc-i ta,;i:..t, wben politics was ignored m..-5 ; ,,rirotte:i. lor democrats, rcpt:h:icaiis ! -nul populists uiiiteil conlial.y to-j iroiin'r in this measure to honor -ir . i.'nufederato dead. What a pity liny ; c(.,i!i nut, or do not, unite -together in Iho same manner for the common I good of our dear old Suae in ail measures! Ti!K pnjudico t:gi;iii.-t lawyers has , been moro bitter among the popu j lists than among any other people, ; and yet, straniie lo s.iy, this "ioi:g- : ; Jislature ot theirs h "run" j OI. Cl, u .il i -1 entirely by lawyers. : :ulul homo (lf tilt.so l-m-ycm :,ro n nh-. : :n)f a ..,,,1 itUiy-LlVl j itandai oj nicely leatbering their nests and ; ' ti1Cy arc ,,ot democialiu lawyers; cilher! ; j yiC1, u)C trm! ,is(0I.y f,f this: Jislaturo is writttmwhon its . -jubs" are exposed the honest poo j ; j,0 0 XoMh Carolina will lo tij.pal-; ; !utii ' j . . EvF.UY man, woman and child in North Carolina ought lo read the letter, published in another column, purporting to have teen written by a populist legislator's daughter in the Xnr anI Observer. It contains some wholesome truths and siu'ge;-- tions, plainly told, lhat must forcibly woo It wo will publ.sh the reply to! "reform" legislator would travol on a freo railroad pass? And yet that is just what the ( nirii.iiai say n some ot our populist legislators have dono. VVilminton lieviow: Mr. Andrew Hurst, who lived al White Oak. i A Disgrnooil Dmiglitor's Letter. From tho lllolnli Sows nnj Cl.sorvcr. Tho following letter has been sent to the News aud Observer wiih the1 request to publish it. Il was either written by the daughter of a legislator lo her father, or ought to have boon written by a loving dr.iohiei who is so unf r! ui. 'iff as to have a father as : a member of tlio Fusion branch of, this C.i-i oral Assembly : . X l?..A,.s, N 0 , Feb :;I5. i Di:t! Fa: Ki! iwic-;, as you di.1, ' that Mj wa- ipiit.e iiuiM-il, an.l tut v r g written to lo r thr.t you wonl.i botuic to come I.oium to sio uii ln.-.t .Saturday HijTlit- an I i-no.viii--' as wo .ii.i, tiji'.t yo.j had a i'reo puss on iho ! nilnud, j atnl that it would oo.-,t von nothing ioi como, you cannot ii.ingiuo how j;toat ! lv we were .lis ippoin'ed at your not eoiidrg. lint Ma, who i?i a! ways de posed to lo..k on tho tnight id of j thin;.. osid it might bo t '.oil you we e detaiiii'l by souio in -p-; ! :;n! b-gi .1,-.-live hii- lncss, and th-i! who'i the I'.-ol blliiii'id come on Hot. day kit w mid 1 o ext l.iii td. S.. io s:il dowi. to sni per and iiied lo bo as oh..-il'iii a. v. c eonhl. und.-r I bo cuv.i.n-iai'Or-". 3 it every now an 1 I i; on iai won!,! sigh i:;nleay : "1 ' o! ju -t i i u . - som:' great ( tloob;.' is OJUiil'g l.pon 0;'.. I dlll'l know why it i.," blic t :.t i u to t-ny. "but I jn-t I'od udseiable." j Alii r supper Mr. Smith c.o.io ou r. ! thinking yo-i were at h :ii-, to get. Hie I news from UiVigh, and t- bear bow ' the L't;isla! .no was ocfticg on. I was real gla 1 iba' he did c;m:io, for 1 thiMigbt he vou'd thocr inn Up and: kiep her from having Ihe blues. Lint I ho bad not be n in tho room tivei minutes ln-foro he told ns about the House adopting a nioli-'ii, made by negro, to a.ijouin in honor id t tit? j memory of Ficd Douglass, who u.ar j ric.l some fool of a while v.oniiiii, ai d ' forever ihsonuf-.l hor race. I saw in i'-.i faoe to; u n .1 end tb. n ashy p-ale, Hiiii f-bo looked f -i if she would f.i.l from hor ohulr. and lin-u I b-.iid h- r : s-iy in a sort of iin-b .do ne: my, I. old. I do v.i.i .iir if be votul !'. i j Unit!" And she got right up an.l; 'O't Ihe loom. I tollo-Aod her io.it.; and found her on the bad. po.on wiiiujing her bin .! a'id saying : "Ob, my L r i. I do .voii.li-r if my h'.l:.'o,'.i..l , vo'.e.l for tivu 1 ' ; ., ki:i. ' f. ".yon know pa di.l r.ol vote lo k.'i m i', in honor ol a in gio who b. lie. i-d in and piactiocd mis. i'j;(-!iat i; n. lo luciuber, pa i'c.s liaagi't.'is o! his own, and yon know bew. uldn'l vole honor the incniot y , of II !H-f!!i ho iiii-d t-i pull il.HMi the o'Xi'i i.'i' b v. cO'i tl.p whins and the blinks in,. op.-H the pmior .. r ; of thy whites to a.ltii:!' i;gri uic-ti t j visit their ibiuriiio; s. wouldn't lb. such a thing ns that, i-csi.b-s, I have iic-ar.l pa say, a t h-i i.-iii.-.l l".:ifs thai bo bad ratl.-er die ihiin to se th-1 diy when liogio mm should be: allowed toiiMH.v while v. . .ii.cn; and you know, not." sfal.l I. "iba'. aficr pi; way cloc.od lo- s -i i. a number of tin:i s, ; li;at he wo..- j ..! as much ;i D.-jiociai j and as much opposed to neon, gu j j rtiiiacy in the fi!:;lf ao ho ivrv wh.j ' So you iiim just, know that pit did vol , vote for t : ; t motion." j 'fids pioififd her after lov! ilo she m i. and w.i.t to bod: I !. .:i ii g ;.od n)oai:i: and I v ls'.ihd a Jo.;: i-inv'wlint, and: into the bouse it I bei.rd hri a'i night loi g. ai;.l tiniOH ti nt i nij.d.t !.; I lav th(-i" and listcnrd to' h. r 'h'.t y on i.eer lad ! emd of t'ie F on e:s Mii-ir.oo lo ;d of the JVoplrs i F .rty, but thai you v. to just like you ! osc lo bo bf l'ou y -. n gi t lo mixing v 'l'.h 1 1:; Ibtdicals and tho nogroca. i fc'ni.tl'iy was o glooiuy day to ; notwithstanding it v. on bright out 1 dooi s M i had a I a l headache and j I'c-niMtied in led lo.i ht i f the day. j which J ti ;-!3gbt W n! 1 do her "Odd ; Sh'1 lfil.d litter S"o. !: night, and j Mon.hiy luiii'i'.iug she leaby si mod a iilth' cLcei'f.jl a'id 1 thought she was getting along right weil. Th uiiil cftiiif over at I'l o'cloel. uiid being sui o liiat sho would gel a h iter from you, explaining why you did tot conns S it tiiduv nij.'ht Ma in. I the mall boy at tin door, and tool; a hurried glance at the man b'.t found ij j o-tti.r. Just ihoa bi'oiiier foiu oi.'.-ned the Vit'.-' din! ('i-rrtr and seeing a pictuto tip to f..'! coiuer. be said, ' licilf., what s this T ilia, and all of us turned to lot k at the pict ure, and before J bad made out what b. was, ma s.-ri-nuiod and fell to the ib-or as if dead. Wo did not know what was tlio matter for neith cr i f us children bad seen the piotine will enough lo see what it was. We (ii ii'j.i i.i.i into her room and laid ber on the bed ami .sott for Dr. Joues at once. When ho came wo wore telling bim how Iho. it tack culm; on. referring to the fuel that we were looking at a pioturo which brother Tom found in tin- paper, whi n she suddnflly scream d out and fei! senseless to tho Uuor Tho Doe! or said that picture muit h ivo had something to do with bring big on the r.tta'-k. i.nd asked for the p 'cf. After io.-kiug at it lor n mo unlit be nod-led his head and Raid: Tbre it is," at the same time poiut i ig to the "ietore representing th menibms o. tno Legislature weepiop over Fred. D-ugln-a, the negro mis c. gt-nat oaist. ' Hoi e," said he, ''is the can-.; of her sudden illness,'' poini ing with his pencil to one of the iD.-ii who stood w coping by the cofiin "IX) vou kuow him, Maryf' asked be. "Of eour.-e I do,'' said I; ''that is mj fill her. .My li.lhor weeping over h negro whom 1 have heard Lim say many a lime he ht-aitily despised." And that was ail I could say, for I felt like f eonhl i. ink through the four. Mother is slid in bid end the Doe toi is apprehensive thet. toe worst has not yet coioft. Sho is entirely besidt herself, ami ever and anon I hear Lei moaning: ''Disgraced! disgraced!" Oh l'a, I do believe it will kill ber Voiir dl.-laeed daughter, Mauv. A Iny in Kinstou, on Thursday, careb -sly tloiw a cigarette stuiii. do-vn in Drya Fit-Id's stalih s. Th. result , , ihftt IIih two main busines blocks of u o lowu are in ash.-s. Tl c ioh'i i'i e tiii.P'A'l !.t !2".llw.i. Clereliutd and Uiinotalisni. Wasiiinuton, March 1. The Presi dent (old Kopitsciitalive Dartboldl and Kopresenthlivi 3 elect Cl.it k. Tro loir and iio.i ton, of Missouii, yesler day that, bo was greatly encouraged by tnu lecenl ai'lion of the Ifiitish IIouso of L'oinmous in rrgud to bi ii.etallisiii and uuotkor monetary cot.-feroiioo. "It looks liko bn-.i'.i f.s," l ' l'ia: I:i d tlio Fret.idu.t. "Tin. iusj.-iiftions givon the UriJish delog.tov. :.. iho last liiolioti.rx eonforoiit e '.vi I c (n'v in liiind tlio edge-.. Tb; v il.il i,ot niiiin am thing. Now ir . looks. if Hi-- lv g'ish il. :eeuti c to ti.o ii'Xl o infu . noe 'may be expooied lo come with Ihe iulei -tion of : eoonioiisiiing somoi hing bin gible. 1 i: y put me down us stub lim il ot: this li iimoial ipji slion." cou liuued !'hi' l'iesi'1- nt. "i.jt 1 urn nol st uhboi il at all I have liooc p.. si live views on finance, an 1 I c.i.n.ol 0. -l lid of them. ' lie lohii d. I owever, Mint ho would willingly yie! i hi.' views if .n.yihl.g boiler v.'i-:.- oii'i-ii d. tud bo tiu-u-jii. t!.:li t!..' lio.li.ei.i; t pi-s: i.-ii o.;;;ht to belakill on! of poi;lo-s . i r i I eoi..;.h r . d i'i o;n a bit.-jut ss and ; .! i hil ic s';uu' poiot. o.i'lv. Ib-fi'M ing to a widely ijil '( d ro n i k which he recent ! i nide to two membtra elect, the I'l.sidoiil said: "'l'hroo iiie'i.bei. of the next lionet were in lo mo 1,10 si vend hijs ago. and I icked Ihonj how they would like to spend the Mimiu.'i' in Wimhino ton. Iho 1'ooiii!; got into the news P'ipeis, atid wo.-, taken to tueau Lti i extra st-.isi. i;. but I did not iulend il ti. bo t.ike:i set ioijsly. I h-ivn no id "ii i f an rx'ri se-s; ,ii i;i my mind, and spoko only in .: j. .rul.tr manner." IV ioi; tnmdl pox i.-i raging in Xo.l nway county, M . The di'dso wis brought from I l or Springs, Ark., b.y the coipseof n cil'.-nol Mr.'.villo who wits undov lu-atinent at the Spiio-s. Did iiu F.ver Tiy J"ee lie Jot it :- a.' a roinody fm y.'.'.if lio .'oh.. .' Xi -ef a botlic now and t ti; iii'. Ills :o.i dii'iot 1, oi be ii i'oimd t i !. jK-ou'i'ii !;. adap.' (-.1 I o ti. s t ;-;i.l oul.- of ail i'. :....!. Compofiinis. ex.i.ii.:; :i on h - t'-.o .ii lect li.i!il.-UCO '.I, (.'vi'.lg Mil".:-.ti !l'.'! tone to ii:,- i rgf;-:--. F you hnv I.-,-.--of Appe'ii:. i -. i ; r. t i j -: . J i i.. 1 1 c.-'o.n-l.i . Fniniieg Sin or r.io N.-fi't us. S:o. iLt. j-'xeio-b!.', N'- 'ir ci:i:ly o: tr-:u !.! I wi;h J...-.v S;'. -:s, J".', !ii fiifll lrt is l,,. ,':.-il;o yo, !.(, ,! Ili'-'llth :.id ."'lie! gill mo gl'. I il.i -(-.S by its u.-t. J..!-. i' -itii- ooiy liln c;-!ii:i ill 11. K I'ii. i'igtoi; s D. tl;. Stole. A FhIkI lAp'oviori. Si'o'lit I" it. i li'.r; -' ('1 -i . L. x i:.. IVi-.-JS '.L.T.:-,.. Dii--. i-r. faiher of ii . '-pi.-.id M P.--. .. r. ei l.t'iiiry f .r..o. i-..- ,: 1 . nil. : dri'i. w I'.iie ur. woik on i iK.-d.iV in the Ihe tlouniairs .;:i '.", (;,is e.-nnly. Mr. I 'iioo. i v.u'. .i..l ;,;i g ;...pil j.owi'er in :t dii.l i.oh. : : . j in ;i.;; : , r i ia.;!, us ir.g s'.i.ift pi.pt-r i.n la.iiel i:i li p o!.-t for this p:rp--.-v. J-i ti:ir.r.t pock- ! he '.-:.s 0:i! lyil., i; Co. tvi i went i;i on I ! c p wdt.-r v i h ii.i j i;- r packing. A -tr.ile igt;;:,-d ! !i, mate!-, causing an e ;pl,-si.-.:i, tthlo'.i non :;'; tho ut.f.'i inn I'e in. .ns !. dv teuii!y. I'oi' !'f Veil Vf-llS Ol' l;i(.re ?if.-s. W D. Loudi r. t t O lim y, Ky . was sob joci to severe' ill luck . of T a.'ip Oo'.i.'. Ail. S. F. Morse, a dt isgrfist of that place, iceoinno c li-d ('ii.iii.hf-i l .in's t'olie. ("no'ci ! no.! i i:u ri.ie ; i'- in. .ir. which bus effected ii pf-rin-iio-nt erne, saving her n.och t-uiVonng I . -ides l he hi'i.blo aro". : :..'; n of -ling f- i : loclor, v.'.iih t.i.:. .lien In i e.-Sf ry. for !:' lo J' tilling IJ. . b .:, l'if ; bo ro, N U, A soveie ihftuio.iio i.:ii ', tl.e lift shouh.h rhii.!ir.,i!jl. dSb J il L t.. : . a well Icnowi. ..'iiiggist oi'D.s Molin--, Iowa, for ov. r six n.onlhs At Mints bo p.i.'ii W..S so -cv. i-. ti.r.t lie e-'ii d not. lift. .!. i hii LT. Wil !i io he ih! do he could n .i get ro! . f il nM.I i r api'li.'ii OiMiiil.oriiiiii H I'i.in !!-i'oi j o.iiy noide i hi. e :.p !i.'..;i-.:s . f ii." lie Hits, "And hi'.'.! rinco I'i en f rt O from all p.iiu." lb: now u c lunietn's it to p. r.toio: simi'iki lv tli';l:clf-,h Jt B for sain bv iiviium cV. Hi-iitb'ti. Fills boro, N. C. 9 fin Poor Health means so much morn than i you imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trifling ailments jieglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift health. If you are fecline out of sorts, weak ud eencraUv ex hausted, nervous, M wit thf most relta- Me strengthening tert. A lew bot tles cure benrfil comes finm Ihe very first dose it won't tia in fonr Uetk, and it's pleasant td take. Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, rAnctlnatlAH TtmA niuwl Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. f.r, nfilv tl,i .rnniii. it lii.rrnu.il rA W lines on ll wr.ti.Der. All other arvsuh A ttii(ntf On tfrfiitt of t i.- tmn. w will si.d set of fan Beautilul World' t-air Vivwj at.d book Itee. o ; Drowns Iron : Bitters it ARE YOU BANKRUPTinhealth. constitution undermined by ex- travaganceincatinor, bydisrc- warding the laws of natiirc. or j physical capital all gone, if so. , NEVER DESPAIR j lutt's Liver Pills (ure yc-tu For sick hetdiiclic tlvsni'tv-J i icrsieiv ntaiULiic, uspip.,ia, ' sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biltiKjsness ; and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absoiute cure. AVOID Built Soda ! o Uad soda spoils good flour. S Pure sod tl-ic best sod onlv m mckMz j K frecrtas this trsie raarlc- fefj(t It costs no more tiian inferior p.tckc soda never spoils th-. il n'.r ;:.lvay.s l-iteps soft. 1' ueware or lauiaucu ira.u maiKS and insist on nackasres beaiinj? these u n 2 &nm iXvdsiG Made only by CHURCH & CO., New Yt.rk. Sold ly grocers everj-wher. Write lor Arm and llnmraer Book ci vnluublc Reclpc5-rRE0. C()Ni;r.."sr,i) !';:'';;!' l-I' Commercial and - ac . t : as r.i.M i i.i'H th rut M'iri: ri:. x; ;::-;.'.) riii :;. 1 .): ni.tl iwuuuis, c'J'' 1. 1:! t 1 o., i- .. . i . (7-'.j ':.- I'rivN. (.'pr.f'.n.v.'U'.lH ts-lP i':.i:kili.'4 Jii'.Uiv', lu. nil Hi.-. ni .1 i''ixiiiu,., ; -'-.'I'i ( 'ill : . 1,1 i , ' li.-f'S :r:il 'i'.-x. . I ' '?:) '.' 1 c.ti-ii fii.ni r.iM.k..-, .! r;. :ir-. ( iu :.i.il.i, J ! 17 ! j r-n.til 7. 17-1. J 44.75 . Vi"i i i iirit vi ur cullt . i - i . i.il '-i ii i-c- Wp pnm ni;(t e nnibffti'tiuj). ' V.,. lit . : t ai.-t-.l -j- li-'i w.lis :l.t : l.o i-i;i:ttli:l lrtf C uiukw'g i 'l!.i-:i;;i : IH l.jtl l.i!.; I I V, : ,--. '.: :.s. j J. .J. '' M A , l'l.ii.l.-i !. .?. S. Jr.nM.VN, Cashier, ! YOU Till: NI-.X i SO PAYS WK WILL StLL L i SOLID CAM BED-ROOM SUIT l)!-vt l t-hiM.. si.-f il .'.!. I';.: AO j'nr p.u'tios out ni' t ill .-:'-!. !. mit as. d ';j'7;j2o cfs. hvhis it. 'vllcf v!hing with m (u-v;'.' ym buy i , : . i i:..:. i f.i :u ...i J)l'!:iH.VM. r. :. mm mm ml to wm KXTiiA bh;aixs for the next :jo days at To italic iicom :or j.&$iv M .AAiiUU x ii i'i a I Mi olUuK. t-A' whi li is i:.;v cuiiiiL; Tlii-y liav.' i: full :-tock of I'luws, Vlv (1usi int, Steely Sliov.'ls, ; ;!! ! '.i! i-;::. I loos niul ot hor Fanning !iuiloi:iCnU!. 'I'lioy keep tho liir.U'.t ,wk in tho county ;inl will not be uisilor.-u.hl hy iii.uu.r f'ui tiio ousli. If you unlit iiiiytl.ii; you c:i!i liml it at V. L. LONDON & SON'S. ViUslioro, N (!.. ribiiiiuy 2M, l.-;)o. mmm Ihstttbte,! SLNjS, :.04O, 3HU t'Hitiii'Mn riao.-. it. w., WASHING TON, I). '. V.-ili't t ..o:nI.naii.l I ).iy S.-iiun! lor Yk ui I.a.l s a i l il ls. Sici''.tl in lv.ni I s ir. ui-.l :iiiil Ii hti'tinifi t il Mii-', 1 li-.i A i-'ii, l';iiiitii ;:, ..i.tl Mi"'cni I-iiii'ii. (' IMIU'.M' l.f tllill1' K.'t't I I'i - tin? Mil !y t.f Sli.i!,.,.. mi, , I.--iv. ii lv Mil-- M:i!.iii. ti-iv. ni'l l'i-.;iii t-:t.ln'i' 1 ."! ii. I'ltr I'Ulilliijili't IlilllKSS Mu. m. Mm. Li K MASON', Oct. 11; IS II J'ltli. A!l kinds of LL'MDEU forsaleattlw PSTTS30 no SHUTTLE MILL VF.AT tlER-ROAROIHG. Q r; m m FL051p,NfJ ..,,, ANI) ''-''is 'l,;d order r.t short no(.io , ' "' 1 1,1 " ""'' L' k,tl''ff already i1::si i. ut dv si,20 ner loo fool. :0 per 100 feet. tl. iCOOTf. Jr. ' iS:'K I .t I N S I' I A ( ) Hs N A ) I H E . Pi:- i;icmiHiid -. Hit. n.linlnlnlrnli,rnf ft, e ,,.,., I lii-r-i.y n.ilfynii i.nrw.M I- -I.l'ita .'itittti! i-g.:li..i -.-.I I t i xhlijlt ''' " ' ! I. -r I" I. f.' tllVH!h ,!v l.f Kt-U- W. N. t-Tll U'UIIAN. comes S--: ana labels, VPii', voris ;; i ti: i-i)N'i)TioN 1 : r. rarmors Bank r-;: rs. i: t.N r:ir i rii i.rfi::.U:j:, 189-1 Li.visif.niKs. ';);!..' .-'toi l. j.;t;.i in 1 !':.':., I'n-litH, s'.u' to V :t:i, I i Hi-It tSul-jcct (o Ci.: i li, i'00.)(;o,oo Jl.GJ:) 11 ii,:25.c:j 3-ll,HI5 06 i:;iii' - - l "!i-l .leiiv, i.-.l in tl.-pot ficp. r WANTED. wnn'. tn siiiri tlit. now your. in a gncfi p...iil ii ih v villi p.-iy yu iv, -II, protrMed you are a ;-'"".l sui. Hiiii.n . ollc-inr J We w.itii lit,! fiirrtfiilit nifti ti cauvoas, sell iia "liliu-s niiil iv 'lire',- If tln-iu In n agi'Ut lovnur I 'lmrutii:!!)' w .-ua Kkhio yui t-Uowlicrolnagootl ftnl-u. Wt (urnl-:liH nlct', light running wagon. . u , v,c..rHt,,m,lH,:inr ammi!Vi,m ivnii a-i, f.:u iiint.-r whl-'h a livp cuoi-5h hust lli: :iititi L-im nmko ati'i mavu nii.tmy. Mon ot -:.;ii it.-l.-r da I c . "l make up do wt.ll In secure uiii-k tv I 1 1 thu Ci'Hti'any, for If tjuri-tMful and the Liij..liii-f-H out rtistf-l Ih h.Lii n.id h'.n.irably, (hey v.-Ill I t- ii'..iii"ti -l t.. m..re l -l-1'uu..I'Io plttnns"t Hi:-.' i.K'l r. si t.iirtit.ili'y w(-h iucmtsoil comin. sail-n- A'I trt-tir. li. I.. Croon, llirlrt Agnut- U.U.LliUI. N. C, U. I'. AIUIMTlU.'SiS. MaimctT. WilmlLKi' n, K. C. oitnjA;r. s.vlk. by viu- . t tj til.- oT a tii'.rij;ie exn.'.it-l la fdwarl I ... ii i.y I M M.t ."K uti'l if anrt rncKippl !:. is..k fnjj.K iii;.n-l i'.o In tl.i.lllcwi.1 u, l . .:;u-r .1 il r-i. ..f OmIIi.i'II I'l'Ulity, I will aril 1 " .-..-.li in Hit- , ...iri li..ii!ti itir In ntlHhiiroi.B s,i II lilY. Mi" I1..I1 .1'iy.it M.u-.-li, ihm. Ihe u-i- I. .1 r-.'irl h lr-.'-"l "f uttl'l Ma-hlox In kh Um 1 1,-. I tl-v-l t.l ."il'l JLC.niav't ko'.wu ha the ; i.n n I..I- nut. v, u wtirs ii- : V, it-

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