Weak and Sore Eyes Eyesight Became AlTectod Unable to Go to School Hood'a Sarsaparllla. Wrought Cura and Built Up Systam. "Two years my little dan filter T.Ule naa alfii.'tej with uk'ernte.1 sore eve. I tri.-.l iuf cf tho ! ic-S.Lvi.s iut::- I ri:y far :il out a , x.arla:'. 1 er rvs ! w-n:o.l to pr.'W werse. 1 l'.a.l 1:.T treat.- ! 1 v a: i:li-t Lilt his treat- n" !i,.t L ,., j i e e ir. ','. e !', ' C l l-i t irivo tin ll-'.-l'S h'.tle . !: tli ' le I -Mil 1 ula ail I ..V.' v.v. M Lot T.Mr laiiin'ilv. Ark.u-.s.i. . I . K 11. treat. ni.-i- is n v !i:i l-i,..fliin..; t!i- i ' i .1 11 ,.-.lVSir.i;.;iri:H ha ai; i spri-rhtlv .-'n! 1. I laxity . f 11 ....l'- Sir-a'. n'.-.iy, 215 N -rth VUt'l WarJ S !'.. 1 Hail lia-- J that tl' :t .-;i, i:r.; a .1. 11. i -v- r r fit e, f-f ood's Sana- - BeSuro to j,u ttrCS' Hood's Pill AN EARLY TEXAN INDUSTRY. How Cattlemen I.aiil ttu !-:ii:1:i! ion of Their 1 'ortniu-x. ' -Tho fou n any of the in the y thf eivil v l.one S:a" S ('.rafts for t t;.-;:i:y .l-i-ld!o I... ..tied ratio's, l'l.n: I i. ine:'"ai i'.earir ti. cattle, whi. l.ad i..-eoi;i.. I to hf t.'i sustain his livaiut ot !m "There w U '.i of !!: f.irtii'io of n "i: r. - .vi ' -: : i -1 i w -W i :.; d:.ilo'v :'.-'l-'vinj ! mil" ti. 1 ' w . : i' e se.l.. eollld avms uu.:.-v;al ilo- w.-re the their start in :tn l. up to t.'ii lliatld for hi-ies. ! times v. hen so i. life !y ri.llriir. pi-t.-i in cattle W'here I'. -mill UIihe-.ieil. shout- I Ins ili.'t!; ii.-w:: a:td tiikinc their shins The adult eat'!-- th.-n rnniiitis: at hirc were ton wi'd to he ilispo-e.l of in anj other way, -iti-I s-. th.- hiiie-takitn; in- ; diistry tlouri-l. -d : h".t when, iu ttue', through tii.' e.o. h.i!- ::nd Srandins of calves, herds had I veil e .lieet-d oil rtitiues. the sh--itii: . :' ::iavoii. Us f.-ll Into disrepute and ear.ie un.l. r the kin ot ru-tllti.' Those ::" '.: wh-i, thi-ou.l: the practice, had l.vo:i,. well to .1.1 cattle owners. r.,.-,v v.-. :v f-.-emost Iu .tlppres-.-in It. throiiu'h tiie insti-iinienr-idiiy of tho c tirts and. m. -re effee'.unl ly, by Informal ha.ejincs." I Was a I "m The w is. .,ni of bo place.', over tl th- oth. r ,1a v by i.in.Ie.l Hoy. .hil.-s -I.i;,-;1 is Il'if til I'oi-.-siu'hr displayed ot' t ho rliii' e.-u- r-ratloti of ih the cotttitry. ipiir.-r. Il W;i kii.iv. n in tho thii:h.-s and rulers of ays ti:-' I 'iiiei'i.i.iti I'.n- i the so:; of a f.i'niiy well -try, ,..,,s..-se,l of ti;e do. , sire for a Jack-knif o.f ids ijt: llo I: one. It was a-ain-mother, liowevor, tliaf seizes youths i plans to s.-eiiro tho Wishes of his w ho. 111..I iierlike, . warned him -!' the -lander - t' possess, lnu' the ilrea-;."':! li-.ipl.-inotit. and expa tiated upon the i-.-si;!' i:iu- ettts and eoii se.iiotit stii-kin.r p!a o -r. '1 he s...i h:h satistleil for :i day. but having Iv.-u to lilm a .piai't- r, th. i--. was ..f ...ur-o r.o letter way to dispose of i'.is wealth tlinn to buy the c-.v. Uaife. This he did, and. b.-iinr In no way a deeeivin youth, he made the fa. t i.u .ovn at his Votlie. "What:" said ! bought ft knife'.' yoii pay for it':" "Twenty cent ; "Well, and v.h: rest of your ipi.-n "( h, I bought thut." is in itle-r, "yo-i lmv And l..-v niu.-h did v as t a" answer, it did you do with th stieliiin.- plaster iv;:li tu. Those wla., think a woman isn't trus lti and ciiniiu' eiioii'.-li should take novice out skating 011 the ice. WE GIVE AWAY A Sample Pacfcase H to 7 doses) of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets!' tie- evii. rator the two wires are mount 7".' any one sruditif name and address lo ed on a series f small roller, nio ,.; us on a f..M fai. i the -..Html. -l th.-v l.diow tii- m- - ONCE l5ni TH6Y ARB ALWAYS IN FAVOR. """ "' 1 "' ' rx Very successfully. 1 Hi tne, our reject in sending them out broadcast -OV TRIAL. -i They absolutely cure SICK HEADACHO, Hiliousness, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Ap petite. Iiyspepsji and kin dred (letaiiKi-itieiits of the Stomach. t.iver and Ifon-ils. Don't aca-pt some substitute said to be ' 'Just as gwif. ' ' The substitute costs the dealer less. It costs you ABOUT thr same. HIS profit is in the "just as good." WHERE IS YOURS? Address for 1-'ri-.k Saxipm-:, World' Dispensary Medkal Association, 1 Afe 66J Malm St, BLTFALO. N. Y. FOR FARM AND (MUDO. GOOD FOOIl TUB CIIK.M'KST. Iu trviiii? to lesson the cost of fee.l inpr 1o iit led into the mistake i f Kitlilving n poor artiele. Uenn mber that tho lust Lcro.vth is not l.ossiMo without good feeil, mill if any o!iaue,i ntv to bo lua.le lot thoni 1'0 iu tho direction of itnproxi'd ijuality. ---New York World. Ki.i'rixts roTATors Assot:rrt. 1 Vtatnes that are piled in cellars need pretty close lookiiii; after in winter. Somotinies tho danger is from ftvst, hut it is mueh more often due tv a too v.arin atinosplu ro. There is lipid exhaustion of tho vigor ot pota- Iu 'S kcpT IO; seen o UIIWIIL. nil p i-h lorth pile or white shoots, th. y will when kept in the warmth ! M laik:.e-s of a lnr,'0 Lin. If host I,. J , i,n M"'M 1.t:itt0S .-ft I'li; tu. should lo thiokly spread 'H ll'ors wl:. re the sun ean ihiue upon them. I'h:.. oantL.t he done i:i tho eel hi r, leu ;ouav,i spring -eed potatoes should lv kept in upp- r roeins and tho tem perature he regulated by a iherniouu o v and small stoo. lio-toti t'ulti- ator. mih.MT sun: or Tile hi i- lit sldt f 111 XM'UV. el stl p llllsli III . 1 1-V i empha d l.V . d.-l'ie v I l.ainn. ;1. s,e .1 I II-!, ins that altiioii ..11 I I OetltS r I ound. slu'i n.l niai'Ui'ei h:i .I the l tile! -h. rtooi nas uiepp. '., ss til II l-i eel.t iliel .ol.l: ..: mu'.t. ..aid L. tier t iu au other hia! e i i ji'.eu.turi t lit d lll-v :.:a.l. .t. and ! tii v,. 1 l; . P.n 1, jl- -.I- r 1. i o d"op HI o -i n it d .ir. .1- i tii:: t iie rush to 1- a m:-tai,e.ali.l :::t a ttili de..r. e U'.lll .ill Wa-o I m .. ep hnd.,u (r shall II Vol- ;! , i s . i ' ; f.t i -no p:aees are 1 :. :i. 1 : itii o tio : ) v. d .'o:::e to -;av, 1 .ill !-iiine-.. -houM t 1 .ta -!'..-. p. . i 1 1 1 in wae: Am. r: ,'an Aui u .tin--. TO s l- ; - i I.K V II.". An eiHe : of the pol .-e d r.-eeni iy : " W ;e n I was a po:;e,!iiau I ieane-1 a nio Old kind in tliod of c ti in. Ilofse. It t-...t . n y i:. ei- fa l-.-.s n 1 lie- ! .'.!-.' p- tail said liu-uul. .1 I l.uiiriiM a l.ilio 1-. bit: ii in b tii. l!,!..rii. W:e :i tiie h- l'se li o, t.i.s.e the !-..:it '' -I II. 1 b, n.l ti;..- ie;, at lloid it thus ;'. r thr. the t. t.ooL - Mieejeal l;i i :i ' i ! s, an let it d..u ti, and t lie hoi-si Die ohiy w. y in wiiieh I ao tin's .-ll.-etive t-i i I. re of tin Will j-. Hilt fo h-.r-e i that ho can think of only one thilio at a time, and, i.a:r:: mad-' up his mind tl. -t to lay theory is that tho b.-tid-tliiT of tic- i. i: tak. :- his la::. 1 !ro:u the nai t: barb. 1 t . t. e-iit. l ie iv 1: ie been otsy crilel l:ut:io,s r. lll.ll.e a i-a!kv horse '.i lis u ay, -atei, aeh as il:u his 111. .mil with I . at . tl; tl- I s human oci--l.es Wo-ild iiaxe to c ll'e for 111 these ihiils. If th.y only IS of tile hofses Worod an 1 t'ler - w. led their lands .TU- hie- to klle-V, till ad-. i t inv II- le. trollbl. r,Ms..i. . 1 tiie r .ise.-'-r sf.Xhl A t. i.-te 1 a .'.I iias j ,n,-.c.,l. ! iuta.-; illl.-C- , -l.,,,ej prop- p . ' ' W W li :,i.d ,e..n dsue i.a ; The ,. --r.r ..I w :n ;u eit : i wiui an . s the --ai W 1 i lly ot r- r eiiaia an 1 sp -haft i-v-r sTI-etcile.l tie ends of th" le The motor bv a i oe.o i w iie. 1 drives t he w inch pass, s a chain 1. n.e.h of tiie tie, I, l!..th iniin are fastened to tiie ground by triiiie the motor is start. a licit-irs, an I w In n -.1 it w iiids the. low ov. r tin- li. !. Is i iy tn. atis of the sta tiomiry chain. Wii.-n the end of the lield is reached, til plow Is ticp d Up uid tin- motion ot tii,. motor reversed by a twne!', statiin ,' tiie plow bac i:.raii., and ai tiie i.aiii" tiiu - laying til. chain sid.-vvis,. for the next furrow to plow..!. When the anchors need Hitui"- it is 1 1 i n . bv a crowbar. To iiii.' tin- cuii-eiit to tho motor from iiiu.i Mini a c.'i'si leranie miviic; Iniu'ii! b - i t, d. vice, esp. 1 by the us" of th: ly .1 -cvi-ral fanner mid Use it ioiutlv. - nil should c eniiiii N'ew York Mai and Kxpn IIKIS IiflllSU II XNOKAIST,!'. WlsrKK w K.xru'-u. In many localities the weather has been very cold. H-j.-s, like nil animals, throw i:V moisture in tiieir breath Paring freezing xveath' r this conea s and surroiiu Is th clu-dor with ice, ii there is imperfect ventilation. N i harm may result until a thaw occurs for in;s can eiidu 'e c ihl when drv. If a thaw is followed by a free. -, tic bees will usually be kille I. Cio-e, well fitting hives liuve thus often resulted U the death of a colony, while bees in .hi rickety ones split from top to !)oUom, cuiiio out in Hplomlid condition. I To nvoi.l iltninge in this lino, in- clino tlio hi vox to tho front.so that tl.o ; moisture will run out as soon as melted. li not allow it to rloso tip tho entrance. Whore boos are winter- itie; iu tho cellar sweep up and remove nil iloail oius, so thut the air will not become taieted, onnsine; uneasiness among tho living. Where restlessness . is apparent look to the ventilation ami see that tho air is changed. If this j does not ipiiet thoni, piaoe a snowball . or wot sponge whore they ea:i got at I it, as they may be in need of water. : New Kuglaud Homestead. KKKIiINO FAT INTO MtT.K. Thestatoment of theXew Haiup-hire Kl rititental Station referred to, to tho i tVcct that "in- fee. lino- foods rieh in iai 1110 proportion oi lat in uio iiiiik j increased, hut that iu time tho milk I returns io its normal onaraen r, mier- i i i... i. . :.. i...: i .k e i. . . ... ' iiii1"'1' i' l lit' IIMIM It lli.Ull dl lilt' rt'. ami the indications are that the tn ireaseintho fats of the milk is not due to the fats iu the food, but to the unnatural eharac. or ol the ration," is one of those commonly met with i x-cusi-s made to explain what is not pos sible to be denied, and a sort of Mpiirmin;; cut of a ditlioulty w liioh is wholly itupossil.lo to aoid by fair and f. tare disea.sioii and proof. It is a tacit adliiiss oii of the prc aiii.'iic dis position of some . cieiititic persons to avoid tii,:ii4 bu-'i mistaken state m nis and n . 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in a niaiov way that they eio mistal. u or misled. It is ditli.-uit to uii.lerstaiid Low any nu ll uural character of a ration cm in-i-ieiisi- the .piautity of fat ma cow's mi.k. unless it , re by th a'tioii of tiie fats in the iato.li, and if these tats a id to the :a:-. of tiie food one only , or lot- a ti i.e. tii.- fact m-i -t ii "H ;s distinctly pr- v. .1. l i.e simple truth is r. ally i..!:.nite 1 b the state aeiit .pi te l. and iu 1 tuae it v:. i.- :.'i Italy e nf. s ,, n it n,,t i:..rt :c s .1, by all ol tin. ttrtoolii; r and -.pl.tn.liiu- of a f-.-W e ! the I p. Its. i i;m M. .. i:ir v.. i t s. M mure sh.eod . tie.pl. titly re :i;..Ve,l ire il the liet-llbotil I of , barns I 1 ii" bartiyar I an 1 its s:n roii:id:in:s houi l la. well .ir .iiii d and flee from standing water an.l ti.tii. I "1 lie addition of coke 1 oil ni-al to l. radik cl eat ly me food fof sWille. Win n I'laetieiil .1 mi ll a bail. Tin y u-o to their own c it 1 come in i stock. Hie pound of well- I" ' pounds of l.ut reast s its value as a all fanners should should restrict in '', and not allow outaet with other An old horseman declares that 110th iiu will sell as quickly as a fat horse. V poor horse is a slow ai -, unless ho is know n to have an i t aordinarv :.:!' W itn re fele tne i fa neat n.ti -ease in h' r-s iilrcidy aiVeete.l tiiu.. n led that a thorough r tl o. liie her. I bo Iliad", llsin.' uiiliMt:. iib.n-i! lin t.-st. I-ii iy b.-n-iin.-, l it and continuous br.'i dniu', as well ir. excessive and in-j-i-li. 'ions feeding and milking are nil frm-i. i;: pre.lisposj;, . causes, an I -hot;!.! lo av,.:.!. d. Those who prof, s, to know predict tha' j ork wdl be !d..di this year, W 'net in r it will or not, tho pins Can luad to utiii : man;.- sla'.Ces th It III e I f liO X.U was'e stili e L-Xc pt lis food for tle Ul. Aiiow n i .-;ra ii.,,. nriiuil to come in cioact with ti... herd without I'u-sr in akin-..' sure by tula rciline test (which i now r. e oni. .1 to 1 the only prac tical method .f d.aguosisi that they are free froin disea-e. When the su-cv melts the farm is in a sloppy, disagreeable condition. I 'rains or openin,'s siionld bo .-hoveled out, if .. siblo, ti ti tl the' wat.-r curried a way lroiii the ham and tho stables as soon as it will flow. The sheep is not as hardy as may be supposed. Its wool i n as a pre lection, 1 ut wool will not keep tl.o rain from ehilhir,' the sheep. They should be sheltered an I jivrti straw for bedding, wb.ch will also keep tiieni eli an. Hoys who have not the peculiar .piii.itieatioiis requisite for i.ueeessfiil tanning sinmld not be urged to stav -.li the fin in simply because they were rais, I lie re. Tin1 farnu r Heeds speO Iii .pla iiieati-.lis jnsi us luileii as men of other callings. AIJ iimmals fotin I disea-eil should be slaii .'liteied and the remaining an imals retest.-d at intervals. Ihe 'lioroiioh disinfection and r. novation of all infected bai us is imperative and :.-ood driiiuii,"', li.tiit and ventilation should be secured. Warming milk in the winter to a i i ill n-int il re of l'J 1 to 1:',.) degrees makes the crei-lii rise mote ipiu-Ulv, churn more easily ami improve the piality of th i butter. If tho milk is lie. it. d too much the butter will l . soft as it is in summer mi l th ' .pmh'v .1 id also be impaired. Win a to II tinr. lot i.'tit - l)oetor, do you think yon ought to believe everything you hear? I'iiysiciali (with his ear at the strt iioscopel Yi m, whim ku nv I'm get ting some inside inf irmatio.i. Jl.d i still a tuomeut. (. hicajj'o Tribune. HANGED THE REGULAR ORDER fbe Old Man Hud Lost Ills llcurt, but Kept Ilia Ilcod Very Well. The rich old man of "," was peine to marry the beautiful yoitni; woman of 23. It was a case of proforrlns to be tho old man's darlbii to a youm; man's slave, so the gr said, says the Peirn t l-'roe Press. The old man was creatly tickled when ho Hist won the fair 1. ItiK's trusting nireetioiis. but after a bit he took a thinking spell and then lie chuckled to himself. At first thought he had feared to put her love to tho tost, because of a breach of promise suit, with a decision and a .indh'inciit iitntlnst him. which lie was able to sat isfy to almost any amount a tender hearted jury iniu'ht award the guile less and Innocent plaint iff. Ho chuckled because this fear had been dispelled. I'or an old man he had a treat head. "My love," he said to her very ten derly, almost sadly, just after he had chuckled. "I know there 's a treat dis- parity In our uses and that my money Is " "Yon dear old datli'i." she exclaim ed, as sin- put her s .: t w hile band over his mouth and shut off the further sup ply of his remarks on that line, "don't I you talk that way. Yoii know 1 love ! . u more than anybody. And what is I money to a hiinu'iy heart':" He vas not very coo.l on conundrums i and cave this one up. but he had sumo- ' thine to say. j "You know the money makes a dif ference." ho said, ilotlluill.udy. yet hope- ! fully. ; "Only as it makes life easier for you. I dear," she insisted iu tones that only i X woman could have used. ,' llo held out his anus to her with ' tears of tratiiiide in his eyes, and she ' aid her head up..:i his breast. 1 "I am so tin. I io hear you say th:;!. I darlltii;." la- said very softly. "Yor ' know my children have nbjeete.l to my : tnarryiti.-;. but that is all removed n..w j for 1 have mad- over to them all tn. 1 property excel. 1 so much as will sotli. -.-10 !o 1 p Us two ia a pretty lil t io c.e t.iye. 1 si ill ,.w II. like a pail' of bees pi a !i- iieysiieUle. and We call b so latppv, so happy" " - sh- dlsoncated herself from hi. thi-obbin,- b .s..ni an I stood col. My in front of him. ' "Sir:" she saM. in a vole.' that serine 1 to have been . I pped oil' of the north I-..1". "Yes. dat-llm."." he went ou like a b y with a new i..y. "I have tixed it so that we are to h:. . .Slpj.n a year, and w inni I die y oil v.ll! iaive a li !'e est a le in that ) t'opei ty atid w ii never, no, never, suf- : ; The tire Hashed from her eyi but the tears pui P out. "So," she hi-sed between her teeth. J "this is w hat yoii expect me to have as j the price of my sacriiierV Never, sir. j never. 1 wouldn't marry an old thing : like you n, save my m Now j have ihe house ami ncrr let ia-. see I xi u again." j He was to.. .io!;e:i in spirit hi offer an appeal a-ait.st this dr-adfiii decis I Ion am! he .li... . . lu r. I mitside he el.ttek!.,! that same old i htlcMe refel red to in he beginning r-f his skei.h. Then ho heaved a deep .-igli of contrition. 'W hat mi uiicoiiseleiial.l,. el.l liar I nni." he said. "Mill how could I got ..it of it any oUio:- way without being sued f..r broach o'" prouii-a- uiid having the einire column:, it y jumping ou m-. with b .tli feet? I gtl -s-i I'll Mle for bi-e.-i, h ..f pr. iii.se n ov myself and pose us a martyr." Then he chuck!' a broker to drop ,s. tot s - ; e.-llt. in I . In an 1 tint he i tii to t ami The Other fellow. When ( h'.'etibae'i u-'.s at Kins, at the f!oe,. tide of hi.-, p .;.:!! : it.", ho was pre set'ted to old llt:.p-r.'l' W'iiliai'.l. "I km.w you nro n f .re!.;':rr by naturali zation." S'lid the K:;h er. "lull lo'i'inatiy Is pr. aid of you, t: riheless; for. if I tttn not iiiist.ikcti. .: ...ere b. ru l:i It-. tin." "No, si:'--,' was i iff-titeieli's answer. "I atn ft'-.; . ' ' ! ..me. the ott-.er r.'.ati was born I;: i : t." 'I he "oi::er man" was Teet',. . . SFRVED Hi THE WAT!. Tin: .iiu i xiosi ,vi' v. nr.iti: tub l'.ri.i.i'tr r.ii.i:t. Oar s,mi:llhi.'s Atn us I nli-tel la till! la.'lniillie. ,,r tl,,- ,1,-roi. sfv.cn .t,..' .. ir. is-, r,r. Ta re is an el l f il l, r in XV i nl-l lek, V:l., who served in the W;v walh Mexi o and in tii" war ot the reh-llioti. V,-. t. -vi M -PiturfT. II" j. i.s...,l ihr.itig'i h aa i'i- wits with nt a - ri an w.iiui I. T'.: i i-..'a ns, li e,v "-"r, t 11 s.ri-msly o:i hiai, f - va mi tii- grii at li k-l hiai f-xtir yea'- a;, it n.-.iriy killed hen. W!i -vi Ion' up. a t . inlinniti".s of a v. ! . rati .vith-uil a f. ling ,,f the d-'ivst .-yai.-iihv.' His t lwn-p- .l- s-uv hen .11 thi.'.l t . his h ia-. s. .r-.str.it-I with gn-at li.'rv.aisii.wis thai he ."all n t It--1.1 .". knif" .".ii 1 fort at tii-' UM". ar ly a'.!., t i v.alV, too, an I as le a't.'-nit- l i:, h ..ftea siiiit'.-l.i- l and fell. Tie-ysiw hiai tr.-ato.l l.y th-i l-.-t t.i'.'tit t- ! h 1 1 hat Mill h stiT.'.-e I on for r .iir y...rs. an 1 gav up :1aally in despair. On.-, day. h wev.-r, li was stru-k l.y the e . ant of a ."ir ' wiii-'li ha 1 h.va afr."te-l l.y tii" use of Dr. Williams' '.' . ': i'.II... II- itn-ni".liat-ly ..rd-r-sl n hnx and comiiin.'e. tak ing tlii'in. !! say-, ho was greatly relieved within three. laj,' n,n.,. The 1.1. ...,1 found it-i way to his tliig-rs, mid his hands, wlii.-li hill "'n palsied, -issi;n,i u iintanil color, and li" was soon en ii.,.. to use his knife and fork at th" lal.l". II. ,:v.i p.,. .vered his strength tosa.-h an .-t. at that he is aMo t ) .-h..p wood. h'i"k . rn and d i his regular work ftl.ont his h .ai". II.. now saw lie an n.'t only walk to W.. 1st ,-k. Imt .'an walk n-r ss th nioiiiituii.s. He is n'.le t lift ill. a llfty two pound weight w ith one hand and sav-i lie "lo.-sii .t kn .w what Dr. Williams' INnk ' I'llli have . I. .lie ..r oi'i-rs, Imt knows that they have done n great work for liiin. 11" w.as in t orn last Monday, court day, aa. I was loud in lits praise of the ine.li. In.i that had given him ifivnt relief. He pnr I'liased iinotlier Lev and took it home with him. Mr. M-dnturff is willing to make aftl riavit to thrse r.i -tH, Tin pr .pri-iors ,,f p.r. Williams' Tink Pills suo.e that they n-e not a patent mi'dieine. hut a pmseription ue for niativ yeuro hv nn em inent pr.ieiition.-r. who produced the ino-t wonderful nvsiilts with them, ennng all forms f w iaknisv4 nrising from a watery condition the Id I or shuttered nerviw. two fruitful .aii.s.'s of alrinst every ill to which llesh is li' ir. The pills are (j,, n spivit,i for th" iroiil.lii pe.'iiliar to feinales. su.'U as m ppres sions. nil forms of weak ness, elirouie eoastl pation, iM'.iriuif down pains, etc.. atid in tha e.-vsn of men wi'l give speedy relief and efTis-t a i"rmaneiit cur., ia all eases iiti.sing from mental Worry, overwork or exm-ssuM of what ever nature. They are entirely harmless and .'an ho. given to weak aud sickly children -villi tho itreat.st r.hiiI and without tho vlihtest danger. Pink Tills an) sold by all ilealiirs. or will lm sent postpaid on reenlpt of price 1 30.1. I4 ,x ,,r Mx ll()X,w fr 50- they nn nnvor :old In hulk or I y tin. 100) l.y ad ilrfwwlnf? Dr. Willlntus' Modicum Company, Behenectady, N. . t is 5 45? 5U fvy IMMaB .A lien's lii-iiii 1 of tjtiall. AVhile Mr. .1. T. Mi:.::i. a prii-peruus fa run I living le ar Ixtmxviih , Teiin . w as n:ov. if;: hi . g;:is :his summer, the machine cut off '.!: la-a-l of a hen .piai!. xvltiih was m itit.g ou Irf nest. A ))ioketl egg sh. ..'..- I that the eggs Would have been hat. -lie I in a few days. A little daiiLh'.ei' of Mr. Stuart's too!; tho eggs and carefully put th.-ni under a hen. whose r,;g wee I i hatch in a day ,r two. Toiii'li en of tin- ip:uil rggt linteh nl llild sixleei, of tiiu hell's. To!' u xveeli or two li.-' young ipi.iil went under lie- hen ;.l tit.-ht. a ' the chick ens did; after tha: they roosted In one corner of th. p by lie -tuselves. The lit'!,, girl fed and leoke.l nfler tlielli. tin. I l!:ey se--l..i '.. l a ye llo fear of her. hi:: v..":M ceo., and jump ia her hand. The i i .ne-i-t any. .no else i.-ituo ;il. in iliey . :i!.l tun atid hide. 'I h.-ir favo!;:e hi.lln.- i I. ice was under the chi -lo-iis. n - 1 i-omoliuies two or tlitce would try in i under one chick en, and in their efforts to hide would completely tips.-: It. After they could l!y fairly well t'.e-y to.."-; up their abode l:i the j;:!''-!.'::. but v.. ni l always come to the bi'le gill's call of "Clih !;. chic!;, il;;.-U." ;t:al if a! :i di-tame would lly nud niiglii :n her feet. Vii--n they wore qiiiie -".ail nn '! .'-. I. .piai! eauio for sever.:' days aal fied to toil theiu nway. I :: thev x.oi i I imt go vi:li hini. They ::re n... f. i! n. f.u.l all nr. living but "t . v. l.i. li klilod itself i.gainst a v. li e gate . '"ly a few ilays f.go. I'oi'cM and S;i. :::!. Tii:- Wrmoi War. There i.--n way of I . Circa! a thing that is euri .us mi l wi-oag. Th -.-'da 1'i'T". "proof of th- ;pii!.!iug is in -.i'i"tn." l sound f.,i.si.. And an -'!i''r "a- v.-r .' ' "an he'ero t'ial" la th" tre.-tif -ai "f iia-.taimr. treat it in g -nl fa"!', s . -.vli- a iaitrmiti. s l-cset us, l-.-s.'t Ihe-a vita g ' '.I wall at! 1 for-. 1 HU saads have in i a-s -v i-.-.-v . a t'l" w..r-t f .re.s of rh.- ei. it s i. i-v u ..e: St. .Ia ' .hs (hi. Never si'.rin'; f. -ai wivi! . kn ova t i ' hv th iiua-i is a poii.v en re f ; this .Ini I ." l.'.aha. ici 1 t eit i- ta .fiiii : t- r-'iu o".' the troui.l'iia Is Ive th" .1 e.i'. Texas live si. el, ii;cn-ay thai the 1-fs r' r:. ttl" l-v the II -p li was iff. iry-tivo per c nt. Ill at All To i h-atisc tl.c tj. t. ai in a ;,-'ntl" nn.l truly beiii-r-i-iiil niaiitii'r.whi u Ilii-Springtime coaios, use the true ni..l pi rf. 1 1 reioe ly, Syrup of Kigs. One l i.tile w ill ini-wer for all the Inmilynnd fost-i mi!) 'il i ciits; li e lar. o mi'Sl. Try it mid l e pa-as. d. Miinal i land hy ti.e Caiifnr in.i l ig Sj rap i '... oi.: v. The id.-a . Chaim.'i has t.i u I nn 'er t!i-' T.iu-ii -h i il ahv a' an ei:-d. Drnfnp'm rnnnot to Cnred bv lorn! npalicatt.ea . a- t !iyrauiuit reach the ills, a.sial i ot-t ion , f i l,e car. I lien, is only lie way I... tire Dentin's-, a id that i- l.y toustitn t on.il r.-meilies. D,a:ni. siM-xu-id lyRaia-tlii.ni-.l ciu'ii i-.ii o; t ' tntn .his lininu of the l-.u-U.-liian lulo. Wii.-n His tune jteis i a tlanied v.ia liiiveiiriiiu nni't sound or impor f. it lu-ai ice. and wlati it is entirely -l . ei Deafness ih th" result, and unless th.i iniluue eait inn ran hi tak- n out nud this tuhe T"- fliin-d to Ms normal cmuliti In- u-ititr wall l i!i.str. vi..l forev i r; lie c as"S nut ti n nr i aiise.f hv ejiiarvh. vvha li ia in.th.au' but na in-liaiiii-d ran. lit. -.a .f t'ae i.iiwoi'.s siirfac.-s. V- will uOve ih !Iuit.!re I D .liars f ir nv r.is of II a' nra-i realised by ratnrrhl lha' ran te.l l.ei nr.-1 by Hall's Catarrh Cure, tjead for t- riaiiit-8, frc. V. 3. iirvnv & Co., Toledo, O tSold hy Druttitials, ic, Fiv billion June laiv-s were d" dryrd In 6111 Au-trlau luiuaiuii.ti. s last year. X j, Kilmer' IWAMr-ltoof !tirn 11 Klduey and 1Mb. 1. lor troubles l amphiet mul Coiwultatlon fnvx. Ijl.orntorv jtiiiliamton, N. If. W.ohhi;;; is I.-diCi; .a ( itv has a sunp kitchen which a.. J OH o r a day. Till" Avir-.tje Muti who tiitTi'ts- Iroin lie i.la. h--s mill liiliousiios!! I. reds a me. li. tin- to ke.-i bis stomach an. I liv er in working or.t -f. Kor such pc iphi Hip ins Taliulcs lid llu- bill. Uae tabule Kivej relief. l;ieil.iiK l leeoiniiiK X'ery popular jiexico, t'ryl and Arficntiae. ia aft- - ; 1 V S3.. Wm& - m A man can save fuel, light, nud IxiB health, by going to bi d early. N ml. r. f want pvcrv man and woman In the t'nl.e :? tin i:.. a.-sti-.l in the up; :ei and N ni-p:' , :! lis .,, lain- e'li- e!" HO ' e-Ss en ll.i-C ills- i-i s Vol.lt 1--.- It. M. W. il .-v. Athoila. Uiu, '..x isi.'iiml ,.: .' wel Le in.i 'l fri-a. l: lh. n::a has again nuv.l a hold in Perl a. 1' i's Car e::r" I ir." ofa Til-el', and I.ung t.-. :l-i" of I-., -e ya:s' s'.a i In;- 1-1. I'ahv. I. . at. ag en. la I.', Nov. 1 j, ls.it. ( .ic.e .-reps hav !ai e l h uh iu Prance and ' Karl' Clover Hoot, the .-rMt htood pnrhler, i gives fr.-shn. -is an I c'.tir:i.MS to the compli'. ten uad lUius ninstipali-.a, els., W cU, U. S ihe.oa is -I..1 ai. i Mm. Win-dew's S. (.thing Syrup for rhthlrrn ! trethln;:. Bufu iis Ilic uaiiis. le lnec' Inllainniii. j lion, inlays nam. . "rf wind tunc V ' a Untlii ! (i.M is leitigwithdiav.ii fr-'ia the laiiksin i sii'i I'r.incisee. I ! IfaOIIcte.l with Hero pyrniso Dr. IsnarThom'w j .en's Kvc-wator. Druggists noil at iuc piTholtlo. j l.a"k ol ilesire is die ef tli"gtea'.e.t riclies. i The Greatest Hedictil Discovery of tlic Ago. KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Ha discovered la one ol our eoiiiinin pasture w".-d- a reaie lv that cures every kind' d Humor, from tho xvor-t Scrofu! i dovvntoaeoiiimoii pimple. N ml "or .'.....V. Manistee, Mi h.,rJ. 1J, lXVC: Ih: h'l iilii il.', Jhm- Sir: am the Iill!,- !,n tnu eriit the. Ji.'ni t ri tn ii'iont A'i.i" ii 1 1 ; a;i. used tiro lmfrn and as i the tah-r. When I biinn to use the medicine in ft sure irerc an lacec an a niiartt r of a dnllar, and war thei an larije as a ten rent jiieec and J iut intiei licttcr. Mamma and 1 1 1 rent Iha'tlful ta i,n. I ha'l write ii'iain and till ou time I am !i '."'.' alalia. J remain iour little friend, AXIWF.W I'UMLJCOV, $S l.ahr Stmt. UNI' 10 tUKtS WHtHt A.l Kit . AILS llrt t I "...li Syrup. 1 I'-t iiii.nl. In lime Sol. I ... , In. "l-... j w-.j tL"1 "?nTii ji'nr' m 5 iT I.' j i .., FX I m I IS Cecr?l i Coughs end Golds, Soro Throat. Bronrliitid, Weak Lung.s, General Debility and all forms of Kruaciation aro speedily cured by Scott's Emulsion Consumptives always find prc.it relief by taking it, and consumption is often cured. No other nourishment restores strength so quickly and effectively. Weak Babies and Thin Children are niudo ptronr and robust by Scott' Emulsion xvhen other forms of food seem to do them n pood whatever. Tho only gemiino Scott'n Emulsion iu put up iu salmon colored ivrafper. llefuso cheap substitutes! Sen ' Jjr famfk'et en Scott's Ir.n::ision. T-RF.I1. Coott Sl Bowne, N. Y. All Druesiata. 50 conto ana SI. 8 ul BAKER & CO. Cj, "J!;i I.,:,:.- t .! inaliu tutcriicif PURE, k:ch crade .injwi!u , iu vi IwuuLll I LU KV . . tWK3r. tV . '-M""uu "C'"M . !,,mi-s;i SWflR IS iiua-vi niinnyv ir. ra the jjivat and Food TI0N8 leanoilineriGa. ;:!. I.l'e ,-r.,rAlh-i I. I,... I 1 . , t e.or pt- .-e;'- n. in. OA i.i Hi- .Jl.ly . 1 .'.I-'. - it ,1 .. .... L :.;vvHEnE. : Rv. rn fifmPHFRTFB Mas'- W. L Douglas Gfi-'!.'A(C' 13-flC fJEST. & fu f&riTFOfe AKINCf, "Va. COKDOVANJ Ma- t"HK.:.iii.4tuMctr. fe3 ; '142 ftiziiviXimm r:N 5 3.5? PCLiCE.3 sous. fill 5 c-T.-sA riNc. 55x w- '.ictAii. OvcrOr.1 MU.loi. Vcaplewcsrtlia V. L. Ko.las $3 & $4 Shoes All our ijlioe: crj e.ia!!y 52t!:-f3ctory Th.-y Rive the best v r.!uof ir (' ; r:onry. I h -y cipiul cuiom Kho.-0 In plx leanj lit. 1 hilr wenrleit q-ialif Ici i -f unnir-iB!iJ. Tho prkv-i o.e Uniterm, stneincu on soloj Fn m 5i to f t H'lvi-d cverct'.cr mkct. If your dt!sr cium.t -i:a;i!y )'ouxcan I It r.ttt I'.trpr lu'.C lint a iei e 'y tin Um Ifm The Fhvsli mn'ii Tn-.n-p aM for a cn tury-Hl "f tmmp Plioulfl tow, y-tr !'nr first time. Tit HiMKf It plMHllI TooiTerlt totiifpuliHo lit a f-Tin An4 cafriilile if Irt-lng pri'ci f 4 Vtthotit Innsof vlriuta Ktr ivtl aile ? Ot uultl tiie or,.-nloiflr!'? EucU a furprlM'cxisWl i Ripans Tabulcs r.IrJiusOhemLalCo., K-Srruct1 St.. New Tort. l'rlco, W cnts a box, f ilrusK'Uts or l y iiU 1 w t hn expos Th.r ."' !Mli. il.l As l r'u a:.-- .-l..'..v, le. .-' . BOL'J fcY c.r.cc.. 'w i Tr i"1 n r

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