3 ($haihani 'tml j 1 III IfMlAt. MAl.tll 2S, IMj. miikih n; m isiiiif.o' i;. i:. ibe I'fifriiKur irnlii on 1 1n; 1 4: 1 Iti -r raili-oai ! liven I iiii.liiro' tlalli, ivi-,.j,i hunua. a, at la a. in. i:d S0i. m.,c.ii'l m rivri.ftl luihlicru at 11. H. ni. HI il f. lu Ji III., II l:kliKil' col'lll l-th -lt 111 t. I,, i.lo ullll tlic train II. a li uvri) Hukl,:h in 3 ij I' ;": I'j. y ) 1 1 ii i- taxes before your laud is ud vortisod. You will Ku vc costs by nettling your taxes at once. Two line four year oll mules lor Ftilo by N. Nixn', Jr. It ic b mnnd Humbling. JlifiiMONf, N. C, Mutch 20, '95. Mui't'li is now drawing to a eloso nii'l s ra ready any (arm wot k has bfi'ii (Jkiiu. Our oldest cil'zoiis have no ruenlleotion of ever seeing tbo tanners morn behind with their farm wdi k, though wii leitrti that tin1 re v:is ii'inut corn iluiiiui in Hour (Yeoli to;vnnhi hist week. We pl'rdicl tlint. tiny inloiiil talcing ii uji about I he I .it ot April Mill turning it over no it miiy sroui. Mr. V. Ii. Admits, section muster at this plui'n, who was so seriously Mruek willi paralysis in (i roeitsboro ah. ml lour weeks ago, has just re! 1 1; t-ncil homo in a vory critical con- j iliiion, having entirely lot tho uao i (.1 his right -ido and speech. We very much contra! nlato tho Queen Victoria's Household. from llm U..3U.U Olotio. Ilorso Thieves Cremated. Little Hock, Ark., March 21 Kevcns Till Moonshiners. himclal to llio UhorlottA olittervw. Queen Victoria's household is a ' Two men stole lit) horses in Uhoctaw ' JCi.kis. March '17. On lasit Wed large one, rotirosting of just, under a nation, Irom u Klnckinaii named . ned:iy ni;;ht the stock and fei il barn thousand persons, forthomaintenuneo fmiltcr. H u ori'mnzed tt jmsso ant) : f Jdm 1 1. ill, who liven t wo and n i f wLoni the nuMon sets apart Iho jjavo pursuit. A running tight cu-; half miles from Trap Mill, was burn mm of . '.(10.000 every year. Most Hucil, tho I l.ioves tiring at t heir pur ' t 1 to tho ground. Hail is h (juicl. of the posts are Bint-cures or fixtures suors Irom behind trees ami bushes, ! peHeculile. iij-:n, who attends to hi-j 'or life. ;iimI tho latter sendilig a shower nf : own business, Lnl the "Miini-rs" ae In tho fatly pai t of Quefiu Vioto; iu'u bullets altor the fugitives as they ran ' somu of hon-chold of report- reign h mistress of tho iobs may Inun ono'liiding plaeo to another. ( ing them, henoo the barn burning, possibly have d-me u few hours' work ()ll0 ,,( tho posse wan mortally ' Theinciie m t k wen; ni'-; rfo! enon-li in ti.u year, Mi,ii;,' otiieis that tho woumlcil, hi.s unn bt-iny ishutloru i apparel of tiiu soviriiii phoiihl bo by a bullet. carefully pi c;.i rved from moHi and The thieves made, their last rally dii.it, rcnowinjf tlio : cjul iruiine, vel- in a piecu ot timber near an ahun- vok. mi. I hiei! at s'ated timf-s. and boo duneil house, ami lor a timu hehl Hie in;r tiiat theorown jewels wci o ulwns ' posse at bay. They abandoned il,0ir ! boi hood, was uwake:,; d by a h!;w.vi loeue-.t iii s ui'iy aiicr u juiiiiic nil iu,'. : Horses hikI inmii) tho li.;lil on tool, ' 'H rcel;s lieioo- n.rrjivii on Mm pinztt Mm could also bfiix her nume to driving back their pui'Miurs somo'of bis hou.He. 1 Jo went to the n'oi r warrants empowering one woithy ilislaneo. ! to liud out tho cri'isi; t.i the itisluib- , ti) In: n oul. the stock cnhli'i;-! ill I lit: j barn bcf,.n! tiring it. Tim loss ih l;i; i In'wii and S (01 j Ay.iin, on Fri lin ui;it Auel IViv jett, w!io live;; in !iis huvh'ss neiah ! 'agOHTOAGE SALE BY Vllt- it Q tiie n niortifwrefiicwuiinl l nt y W. F. .I'.Iuirmii iti") rKnji'iti-il In lim.k "IT." imnoo il uu.l 'J. I will till ut pulilli' MUCll'll r.r 'IU-I 'It tin' i ri Im.hhI In I M.-I.r.. i.u SATl IIIIAY. Ilia I. 1 1 . 1 1 -1 -r A .' :t. IF'.i.'Mhr iin.livhli'il i.in'liHif In :iti.'-i i.t ml. I J' li-i'-i.ii in Hint I', lln' owl "X Ikii'I Kii"V.-ii iii ihn "l.vMi ));niliti" l.-niil, hi.iI ii.iiio . ii'iii uliiilv ii'itiii In Hi" : I I'Xri-rif J hy in.; .. mi. a ioliuwll, utl'l lH!e. .l ini'.ii y l-t, ll-W. Slur.'li i, IW. OUTOAOR KALK -l'.Y VI U- . f S III". .( a ..II;..!' -Xi-lttl I" lii I'V ' s. J (!'!l lie I wi'ii ..i llm Wtti '! Kiji-riiiiry, ' I-. ', mi'l i .J I'.i I'.'i'.ii "fj:- im WM nmt.I .V.. I ' i lil'i.fi .1 ll.i-I'lVl'ttT ill ii Ii-ii! I'hlllllUMI ill-V, V.I- Will M'il !'-r 'lll Ht Jilll'lll lllflliill, Mt inn- m. re 'l.ini'. In l it'-' lny i.r I lili, 1895i ..Il I ll".l II Kll I ili.iinlli uuly. lln- IJ-.llillM O' l'lli1 ; iC ll SAirtOi.lV, ' Ilii- lilli'l iliM'l-ll.ii I in Ml iii-ri'M i: mil' j siliikiiiii er-i-li. j Juan W. i;....i, mill olli I A. .1 ItVM M. I A. ll. HLAUi.N. I TV OUCH 15V VIliTfR OF AN that are nrrivin at this ohice dailv n-uno of liio posta sre entirely ly nclnii''. Alter repeated ellurls to IfJwaVH mot Willi stubb .rii lesislai.n it dun I seem like time., nro "oiii" to : oi iiauieniai. an.i oiucrs nave very in- imluco tliem to come out, some ol : ami it mk i.is tliey i!l mali;! inooi he very h;;rd. To ll.e sorrow of many il i-s 15,-t tio ! 1 ho ,;,lb' additions to t Smrte of the m nay (Iml we wilt JohiiNnii leu Siiur lay lor (ireons lioro, where sh will remain tor somu limn viwitiny her sister, Mrs. 1. N. Ilohbs. Mis. A. I). I'hillips and little daughter loll, today ior Jonesboro' to visit relatives. Lom; Shanks. I'nr 111 IlKiUBU- .Suciai Relations in (ierniaiiy. l'robably the posse set (iro to tlm Iioiino. ai.iiij whi:-Ley iu Kj.ito of ibu L'nin.d bousehoM ; The biiildinir was old ami partly i States itself. ijo.nl eitiiieus ol Siininon drove, in 11:1 1,1 '" :ipwlno cotton to; 't he latter, however, speedily ral- auc.i when be receivej a loud of td.ot Have you j.aid your taxes? Il this couuly, as we learn that thej"'a royal hoiisihol.l and allowing lied and the robbers were lon-ed to I in bis thi;;h. 'J'iiev also l.uitit bin not, you bad belter do ko ut nine. Lejiilaluro has iveu our j '''bt'is to pjt up the royal nrnis over lake relilo in tho house, where -they j barn with all hid ft ail mid pi oveml. r The hlu riir will advertise the (irst of ecleen.ed Iriend " 1'oik" a pieeo ol j 'b):,iH beeiniPii their various barricaded themselves and refused j the bame niyht. April. ''.V appoinlinir liim a mais'.rato I w'H'es weie bought by personages of ( to surruuder, saying they preferred j 'I lie itvei.tie olli-n-r.s have been in - i ' it 1 1,., mm .in. i u..i.r, .,.,...1 i iilusliious ilfLfie... i heiiiLf siiot iii their tracks ratiier than ! tlial tiLvii.m Khveiiil limes 1ml lmvn (or the past few da)s, and our l.ir iiiers are li.'iniiiuu to have aomo liopo of hein-j able tu plant their crojis hhortly. Our yi'iimr lady readers wi'd find l'rot. l'y nu oi's letter, this week, ot especial interest to them, and we Uney that none ul I hem wmi'd like to I'Xchango placi M with tho (ierinan girls. -- -. - eather prophets now havo fair weaLlivr lor some I line, but the Ul-;r- nKI) no loiiijer iias any lailh in weather fiijns si nee its ijround boij tnado such an furejjiotis mistako last February. A lare crowd attended the s.tlo ol the personal properly of tho lalo 1. W. t'o-jpu at I'.ichmomt, a lew da) s a;jo. (,'orn sold at I") cents it bushel and haon at. Irou. to is eenls a pound - jowis at - cuts and bums at S ceins. S ,.r.. r ml V In ,r On i in. nisi r en! I!.," 1 Kill i. I .-I'll 1 11 111.- Slliee the tiiil" of Heiii v MIL are two of Im? and l.arllv ol' Im? tVame. and Kteatu rtppiiiatu-i m n. burned like lindwr. Kv'en when lh ; Vl'nrse Soj;t Tliilll !)rtlilk. Allhoiijjh I hero is no longer a royal rool bean to ivo way, the two men : i r -in u.o iuu-w, Si.w, ,Ln i n.,,, rv, r. bare, nor ai y pteidry on tho inside relused to nivu thoinselve.n j -llryaii ol Cbalham is the only i'humes, there aie s'il! a l.arsemaBf er up, sMtbhoriily insisting that they m.'inb.r ol I he Arrinirinn iives:i;;a Hi.d a walor man with a nalary ea. h would din rather than aurremler. j lion Committee who has not been' on of i"2.li:.) a yeai'. ;Suddenly tho roof caved in, the a jiml i.e'ted sj.ree ever since lis For tbepi-t. years thme hns burning rafters f'.iliiii mi 1 1 1 i ni- . jn ii ht n. c-n t," said a man on the boi n no lei'-vkiri;' in tlm foie-ts of prisoned men and pinning them to .street veiterda) . Wi:iil.-or. but the ol;i. e of giuml fab earth, l'efor.i they could bo exiri i " Yes, '.hat's so, " miid a by slander coner. held by I bo Duke of wit. Albslis, cated from tho bitruiiiL' iniss they , 'but ivilloil ilml. In. ig m,'i i provenient on t be rest ol them. 1 1. 1 1 tI"i' Hii-t ul' Ol.atliani r .lln:: i-ne.il.-l "A. , ti. V. :.i:,ln, Hfiil-.fl i Iho 2ill h lay ul Aerll, iMij, l'!ii:lst:s, a .Trillin trnei ili.nliai'i iiiiiiilnsiili'iut i!.!j..lnli.:! 'ho IninJ m I!. 1.'. N nil 1:11.1 n'li- -, : l..-11'i; i' ln'i l i l'ih lilrl. Ill" t.ai'1 W. l: i.-IL- I HI ll." I j il 11-. nt hln U-.-illi, llli.i.-l On1 r-;'lit i'l' v;l I'H.'ri .l"V'-i'. 'r.'Vin:, nue-liall' ili, in. 'I 'In- o-.nail.'Ji'l' In sl in 'lulu. jiai-.-n i, ivji. a. r. oii.iu.i.r, ci.nrr. 3 Ai' sLK-r.Y vinii'K of: a ni- r tri :v m W. I. WiC .ii mi I wile, I- .ri. I ,t, -.- l. ,s, j.'.t'- I.". I tt. !'. I I.li. .'I lln' i. Ill .- . f I -I- ' I I" i- I- I- I' l'l:lllh:.ni .i.ll I.T J". 1 I Will -Ii ".I '. In., S r:i !'. I I-"'' I- ' ll "I . i ill" i.- -.if t."'i - I" ; "i i'l.;i;l..iin '.-:. e . 1'ii:-.l."r-', ; N. I' , i-i-ll V l.i.-l..'. I M.l'll I' I- - I -1 l l llll tr'-; i.r In..!-', iri ill.-i.-'C.v M' iliraia 'iivti-lil(.. I'iiat Iron I'.-iili'.v, -i lj-.ll.ti.i.' Hi,- l-t:ii.- i-l Mull,-, n -I.'lMI-l".:i eil .''Ii- l'.' P ll"' N. I'll. A. -1. 'iVinl'l" nn-l "li llm s-.iii; "I !,. I i tin- Wc-il. i , nu. I in i..tr'1'Milhiiy i-l in-'ripnv". ... w.n.jom:- iHipj g .i s.! r; 2 A ,.i,..ri,r.-: Hi'-! !!Y VIIM'UF. OF lilUlnlTil EVERY CITIZEN OF mum couHTt a ht- it is only where, our manners and ms ,,,,.v ,"('" M'P1!i 'thiu the worn creinale i y t i i; ii ? t V. 11. lvhvurd-, denlisl, will visit r.ynuiu on Monday and 'I lies ilnv, ami I'ittsln.ro' on Wednesday, Thlirsdav and Friday, lollowing the third Sunday ot each mouth, pre pared lo do all kind of dental work. Ollii.e next door lo KyniinwV. Ileadeu. customs me brought into contrast with ol hers ol' a foreign character ; thai wo ran discern tlinr relaiive iidvanlaLCes or lieeiiliarili.-s, am wil hunt attempting a y nt helm com piirisou, I may yet hope to illus'.rale some thin. ;s which miiil olherwise pa's utit.oiii"!.!. The con'rasl, be I wee ii C'riuan ami Au.ericau ens lions are no where so e'eariv lo b, iien ns in tho social intrrcourse among yumi!; po.iple. The most re ' nnirkablo fealuin ah oil t;.is is the oriMiitnl seeiiisjon which !-. n-ii'i t he 'oung girls almost vomph-iely iio lated from ussocia ion m ev. n con ; tact with tue oppusile s-'X, So sod llloiniy is this si'clnsiiMi obsi rved that beloro nineteen, thu ai. lor -Tho seheduhi ol the "local taking dancing lessons, unhss tho froig.1.1" on the U iV A. I!. K. has young l.idy should happen lo have been chaiu'ed, so that that train now , brothers her knowledge ot entlo b-avcs ll.'ileigh al 7. a. m. and arrives ",eii uay bo com;. are. I to what wo at Mon.'ili.i at tl U't. Hy thischantre know ol Kniiimo Indians. A lew passengers can come h.jro Irom Kal . days a-o I was by aeeidcni thrown in eigh both in tlio u.oi iiing and in the 'he iety of one ul thesu young ltcrtioon. creatures, n lisu'liier ol a disiin Iguished I'roles.-tir in I he Cni versity. U is said that a citiz.'ii ol a eer- 1 Al tils', siie appeared lo h- iu great (ni ii (.'ouuty in Cos Slate, yhen he ouihariMssmoin, at which 1 was also read llm lisl t "reform'' niairislrates, soii.-.'e. h;;i. perplexed, but no othur 'Xclaiiiied - Well, the Lord made man ' .s-it f,,,- ,.it l.er appearing, I succeed Irom the dust ol" the earth butlh"!i., willi simo tiuesso iu Icadine- olt lKutglass Legislature has dono slill ,. conversation in whii h 1 ilia-j"' ll,e llllMl1' better by makiii'' its magistrates out ' covere I that allhoiiLfh she si.oke 'non, and nil Tiieie are four table ie!;et'K wIiogo solo duty is to lav the dinner elot.li I ! fltid sec I bat, thi plates, dishes ui:d cutlery nr. lairiy sot lorili. Thi.'ie is iihio a wnx littor. wIiokcph the, ca!idles propi.iiy dispused, and a lirst and heeoiid lamplighter, who re ceives tiio same salary ns that, of tho poet laiiii ate, v. bich is .'it hi a jear. Two Children llm nt'd. io hi l, am ra! her ol l he opinion t nat ho might poS"ibly have iinire char acter il he were drunk than he dis plays when sober." linishls ol" l!i:' .Macfab'.T?; Coi'i'nilid'r wiifc Neb , as follows : ' lh Sl.it from Llneo! Sjie.-lal in llm llii.itl'iiio oiuw-rvHr. (lio.i-:!ioi:o, M ii-. h 21 This aflcr noon about 5 o'oloek a house in Ilia' part, of Orcpiisboro known tt:-i ".Mo Adoo's Meadow" (n.ii.;ht on fir:' an. I I .... ..t'i'.l.r. l.,. ..,.i I, Iuf y o' J . .......... , -(Mi. i j: i;ri i i .st.'t , as loiiows : "Al in iloiioiisc were PuincJIo .lent u. , lt,r trying .-thci medicines for wh.it The l! '.iiioh had made cmiHiderabb- i i.. i. ,., ,. .,i.i:..i., .'I.; I... I I i i , , . . . , , , ' '" ' uuuiinilli' oi. . II ,.,- , .,, ,,..... .ma.u-Hy uitorctuey were Uiseoveif,,!, ; j,, u, ,,vo ;,1; fii we Hied Ir. but it iii.i.l he. con es,e,l tbutiuost o ; ullll bv lhe lime the iho eompuny j King'n Xw Diseovery nod at the .CO po('(s i.iillC'ite have bel li OVt-rpaid ! rt.H.-Oie.l Iho Keeni! Ihf. looiii ii. ivliii'l, ' .. l ..." i .... . .. . i-- - .cii:i in '.w iiivh i :u I'fiinrii mil ni. i tho eliihirei. woro was completely en-1 0u tl(.j. s wij 10l be without it velop:d in flu:.;' i. On of I bo ehil- i hpreafu-r, km our cvpeiieiico proves di-en, a .oi l about- Vijjl.t years ol I. : t,at it euro; wbeio all other remfdies was in bed, sufl'i-ring from a burn ; fail.".-. s;, ,.., '. V. Hlevens. Slate wliich shu luiil leei-ived about a nioul I. , (.;,., Wlsv not- give thia grcal modi ag..: thn cth.-r was a two-year old j ft ljaf. l!8 it is guaranteed tun Inl.y. The mother of tho ci.iidiru, j ,itl boitii-s nrefreeal (i It. FilKing Marv Vanstorv. was mvav from lininn t.n.'j !., nis siiuiiy, fi-). is provuic.i otilsuie ut, thfl lime ain . uuJ eft a r about I ho civil list. F.'. ry si i.sion the House j iliii ieen years of age, to take earo cf of Commons, in eommktco of suiu.lv. ' :l,,.n, r'n.. ,,ii l v.vu l,-i,l t,i considers ll.is vo.e ami -ravely a-rees 1 Ul(1 i,:,,.!-,., nf v,:17,. ,md ! Sl 601 " 1 ' '"" ''" "'':,,!0 . j wL. u .he relurned found tho bouse , 7 ! ',;"".li1v '''""''' . -A marvelous . Iind ol cold is lfliort"il ut the Inm-mi Rang (lie !e ill His SL't'l. I ... .Mine, Stanly county. During' the s.wial..,ih.,n.tr!...i,o:K-r..r. ! Ti'l riBc (iiile i'l Kllglaild. Il'tfew .b.ya niioioro.is iiu-gos, tho i:..KiMiiiA.M, March M.-Sunday T -. v tr . i ..i i, 'i- . ,rt,:! st w',!,,,,! Uv" P(l"'"! s tbe . ',, , . """'.; JjONDoN. al.'liell VI A terntie t."':' o'hiis te ! Pc-r bsvi- in-en ,!-i t r- O luormii'' in be I'rev byienaii c hiireh. . . . . . ,- .... , m.uit, iiKe taen o.i o,r. willi F-v Mr I'M... .,,. ...... ."'i ! lM ,llt "'ibtaml.s sldl p.fva.hi M, Mllyv ll0i.ms fcli;; v.uX'.-A. lor Ibis F.-'esby'tery. w in lh,i midst ! l):"',!U;h",U (''lt U Ju!"'" i V l" mils from i uent pai t oi his seiv j ' r.i " "i. .... i IV" ' " F,,,CJl"5i'.V 0 I l"a -.11I11(U NHl 1 I'M IV H I I . hllSlil'i 11 .n- . , (.....ii. r .; Hi"- .i.e.' i-l -r fiiif i.-.i iii .-" . .-!.-.' of w. a. r.i'.i-i.--.-. s. , i-:ii.i:-'..'i-i;-.-.. ,1 1. ii., nl N.-i-llinin I . s:--..,.-n Mclily. 1 v;i oil III.-Ilrl i-ril. isii.i. in ll." inn- lu.U'i- .t-ior In j I i" 'hi. I t it I . : i.H'Iit r..rin-ii , , a !!;!. ... l.-lll'l. !'. 'I. I'll-. 1 '-tl I i-. . -j f.r New l.i.c .-r."-l:. oa! r .-r- - Ii in-..! 1'iiiJ "T oc him K:ir ; ili I ui.il i.ii..iil!n Hi" lan-lsof l... !,wi:i !. ji: , tl.'.'Mi I.-- "tl.i' I alT'ir al.-! oiiWli.iri: al"''ji i mi l.uti'li'i.1 ni'ion. !'. ll- UAJ l-S, CulllluUolJlir. I- nvi unl y us, is'.''. I .'..-'.-To h:-:i t. H . in:' l.-.n-l On- ll' rln I V 0 111.- .-! ,y i'"- i nr. Un- s "i W. I idl d .a. : '... .a:' j,.1- j-i-n In a c-'r.it :ii y..'i w.'il, i.r .i '." I oai nm em n::-l . i ; lor the stun' Pir.;.!ie.. Th'-ii Ih.re is the 'keeper of the swi'.us." who iiuiiuiilv poel.ets SloO; lor looking nil.':- the -iiereil birds on , tho loya! waters. T.tslly, tlicro is: iho ' viueeti'n nil. Ci.tcln'l"," who is especially attached to Hiiikinghiim '. palace. " I:vi-i i,i-rt:i-i!ii ..-u tu -anv."-, sMl i.)a--!ilin- uii'l i'..i.'-: if !!:!. Ijhii afoul in yoiii -. .ri! iikiuI: v v..' -n s i I..-.T.-,) y u i-lsewm-.s ir.a g."nl M-.-.1 ni. W" :iii ;m-Ii a nli'", ll;;lil rui'iiim wa-M In. niil: I.-'.-ii. .-ii"l I'.n-ms ami iiniK.' a . v off, i- a :: "! m i!--.ry m- n'iiinus.-l"n .lie iin-l.-i- wl.l. li -s. live i-:i.'i::,"l" l:uii "in In i' i. lion.! liinti-t. l'ni; man r.-ei ii.iike itict -avo mull i-li.'ii-.i-ii'i' r.n I k male up iln v w-.rk well Hie i'oiiii ii'.iy, f"!' It .sm'.:.! I,iii-:in -.1 i i.l.-'."'. Ii h-ili-M' l i :' will !'.' .-"ii".'i"l ... inor.' -.-."l" tl.l' tf-u- aii'l I'i'Mt-.iiif ii.ili'y i ea:i"ii A'!'li'i---;s, It. I.. .;.. li.-n of "1 n. t i-i-uro rnl ami Un. T,."ly, iliy i .-,111. ms nt liicSt (oId Discoveries. h lit.T,'n.jnil ciirni.ii' iri'.-ii, I.i.siri.-t Aiiwnl '.tAI,i;it.!l, -S. C, II' I. AHMSTKoNiS, Uuiii.vr, Wllmlng:..!!, N.C. to it. ANDSALF.-r.Y VIRTFR OF !ii; il-i r. i :.:.- ..- nr-e-r of it. will apiin ..f A i l it, I ,, I In- l"ll.v. Hii,i'i-i '1' limn nt i.naii.p.in IT-ir Inr xal.-mi MONDAY. llu "., a. Un' niiii'i li.ias.' .lour In l:ili-l : yi of tWthill'l !" '. r, i:;iish and l''reiich and was other ! wise Well ed ucated, her ae.jinii ntiincc plows j y-nt y,,,,!,., nu.,, WiW coiilined solely ll!lvV lito myseil. London j l',:o danciiii; lessons set ve as the Hi see , , ,i, i,.. ed today. Furmeis can no.v buy cheaper tlian ever. I ney very largo stock at W. L , nous ll win oa jmh ui them helore you nay. t iciiij oi , -u,t li( U.yl ,,0 yilllII;f ,u.(.,0 i naviug, I (.upp-ise Acid I'hospiiale uti'I i.uauoou lian.l. ; s.;iy(.,j ,.,.tl, .,,) iiianuerif.ni so ! uneasy ami aiii.oye oii can s'lll bay ti'o.a tliem grauu si :.:ii ,i ,, of Kiir.p.ein peoj laled sugar at p-'.' pound. ! .rcne.-.-.ily. The fills are al II Iho min'iMcr, the lad I in t lit; siocide i. . . . . . , i .1 . 1 . ! iiui m , ,,, s ,., ,,,0 ivm, lo ; , he J, jj,,,, of j,, ,JU , f CMll I U- 1 k.i fii. I. .ul. .! .- .. I . TLren persons werecruabod todea'.b eyes were luriien toivard the sound, hut none could lel! why such an un Usual oecinreiice. '1 he minister. become a little stopped, where upon Ilea. 'on U iirlji'i'tiin ran iiiinio dialely to tho hcllry ami loiind a bi llll' Will In Jjirniiiighaui a man and three children wore kilied. Two iiioti and a girl wore killed in Leicester. J'iVcrv iiouse in the Av o I . -.' ' ' . i ma ai.-'.Ui.t ... . - . ..'i. - i-. nti.no district was datnu'-ed. l-i. " I'll"' .'.t Mill r:-'i'.:r!5" 111 Ui" town rii'MlH.r.. on l!-.!i.-i..n's .'iv.'k.-ai'. l'.. loin n.l joiiiiK Ui" S'-i.i,-i ll.,' fli-.ii Ll .'oli'-aliilnu lili-iul .". a I-. : nii'l lln"i'.l.- r Uv,. .il.,, in 4 ueren. ViiI. A tract ol Ii ii-1 In Ni'W Holm tnK:iul;li, ki .nn a lln- '"iia.li-f llill" inn-t a'!j..iilni; Noali n.iili-y an l otli'-rs, 1'otilaliiini; aljoiil Hiie'r. s. ilr.l. Tlio "Ui..-t.'ii l'.." tni"i, n.!..lnli.s Uif l.ui'ls oi ij. 1'. Slo '!. hr!rs, i'-iii'.Hinli)g auoui '; ni-r.-'i. IUi. 'I'll.' rr.n-.'ll tra-'i, a li'iliili-.n tlio laiel i fcf Win. Unlit- ol. ul , i'.'l. alulae In a -i-t-n. Sili. Ti Ii. p. ll.t,ki.. y I'la.-i-." C'ljolnlns thf Ian. In ol P. M. l'..o .:t. al., loiilalniiis aiH.ut l-'i narv lnl.irr.il In UiPlol ow- S a lit1",' process of Ul.lk- ' V.. It Imw I tr-n ;;lt-.u.-.I to tl.o li.f.-e.tls parlicii. Ti:e uew iimla it is Kjiitl, excel auytliing found iu North t'aroiiua in recent vc&ra. j Aid'iiciul Cotfoii. j Wasiiinmtox. March 2:5. Unit i d S'litos Consul Mollis at Oheut, iiel I tli- three addition tipp linte l in every The terms al mairistra'es township, will bein next Monday, which will doubtless he a big'swear iug in" day. Tin; other magistrate (lhos;i app.inted to till vacnncies that, will occur next sumaci ) will not begin their terms until August. 1 '"'.V-s j to iv I i with : plalo .ites that the yoiin ' lady has made her ' iulo society land lllion cerlain coiiditi iiis can re.- ., ., ;.... eeive uent leu.su ca ers. Inesocou I hey are now recoi iirj; a Hint s- . , . i , v l I ,,i, I oi ililioiis are that he e.a at 1 L o ock, lot of sjuinu' goods at H . L. I.omlon .. , . . ., ? ,- . ( ,.,.;iu iieniaiu not longer than , hi minules & Sons, foiisislin-; ol prints, ging " ,. ... .. I . , ...i ;. . . . Ij I n m u"'l 'li-it the niothc r or the lamily lama, ereponi's, white tjooils, laeesi i .i . o iUi .. i.u.lr ..I l ,T ".ain ui the par ol" while he is and other notions, als-n a stocK oi i i i .i . U',,1.1.1 i. nil "'ere. I ho ad vantages o this cu- ready mado t lothiug. ouhi can . j- J . . . to ll inn l lie nil VI. tils l.ll 1 ns ii ll l ill ... ! rated ii.ii'ly I should oppose its ins :'""' I'-' .Vean I and the " - y ".Y P"" ' rope. , 1 Wals-ol two chimuev Miacks fei s i iie'.vh.it oiiler. It is a lime j yw i"e niuni'v, who anotu j Mirong-h the roof of ten ino young loou i-irwuni ; "-".." -..'. s .i.ej. muni- pleasure'aml tho old coiiiem I her, and dem:..ude.l an explanalioii, with delight, indeed. Tlie ' 1,111 al1 arkey could say was: happiest p. i iod in a (ii'i'iuan's exist "' .'lewai't lold me lo ring the el.ee. II iii.ii.-.ites that the Voim',"" e.iiuei. i i.u i a 1,11:1:1.1.1,1 01 ; . ., .,. ,, .,.. , :,l(o.i tl.o sexton a actions is that ho had.. ,:,. , 1,,.,,, ,1, ,'', ... i been reprimanded by lleacoii Stew art, lor lardiiu s in riuijiug lhe bell, 011 going lo Mccp ho dreamed I,. '',.!t.... l. t.,.. , ... . . ' .i 1 -i.,:i.ii i-'iouii it iicii cucaoer iimi 1 ii.i.r bllir.a .111.1 iit.-,iti IVI'ITJ , till t'-i 1, tural -ol Ion and I'ossoasing ira" ali-l 'Inl lotovvn a- mo:-,t of ii.s ipialitiea. Tho basis is vood.iilp. 'the clolh inn.Je fron. it. weal ;; well and bus a good appe.u aM'e. trodiiciioii America. Ol course i your upoeial attention to their black suits il you want something slylitdi. Miss Ad.lio McCletiahan, ol thifl'l".V show of secrecy and seiitiinen lilace. has recently drawn Hino lun--1 tahty under such circumstances aro traits ol lbtleigh'a de.'easjd doctors : imp.issihle and Inn altail" assumos me nature 01 a tuisinc".. transaction tVe!ioiitly to the extent that the negoiiu.tioii-1 looking towards mar riago eiigaeuieiit are carried on by the parents ot' those interested. A ot this and thou. a-t. ot It Was 1 1 111 u to lotoiital loul can iftd tiio llooi iug of the i:ppr-r s'orv and nine beds, with palicnls in them, I cUihU-i Iain's Cough Ibn.edv gives iut.) a room bie-aUi. Ino wivckngn ,.. ,,, ,.tt!5Kf.t.,io,, , IS11J, ,.,,.,, leads a!! other preparations in Ibis itciiki-t. I r.'eoiutm ml it bieau-e it a Mo..re as a 1., mion ',-tl : ilu- r.iin'ui,. tract ii'ljolntns Clal'il :'.. al., cilliallitug 6.1 , i..li..i;ii:.t il.. l:;n,lh ..f Siitlli- linn:,; al-,il 15 .e-n c, in in.- M i.r Mill properly .-tit ,Vo IC.cI.il" alive, though painfully bruised. A 'I'eri illi" ftxjilosioii. lor tho Academy ol Medici no ol that city, and every portrait has given entire satisfaction and been highly enmpliinonted. It affords tho Uro oho much pleasure to note this evi dotico ol tho unusual artiatic talent ot our lair villago maiden. 11. ('.Long, Kn , tho chair'nan ol the republican executive commit too of this couuly, was hero yester day and soonied confident id a sweeps iug republican victory next year. Il said tlioro would bo no fusion will, tho populistN next year, for (to iiho bis own eJfpre-iwioii) "the repub licans ol Chat ham will hercal'tor take Iheir wbiakfy xlniijltl". On last Tuesday deputy mars'ial W. II. Cooke, accompanied by Mr. Albert Snipes, arresled a colored man iu Hickory Mountain township, named Davo Voslal, on the charge ol illicit stilling. Ml'. Cooke, started tho prisoner with Mr. Snipes lo this place, whilo ho wont to summon Home witnosses, but on Iho way tho prisoner mado a suddeu dash and escaped. Person Ah Itkmh Our lormor (owi.Hinun, Mr. C Walker Hanks, who is now a travelling salesman of tho Standard Oil Company, has been hero on a visit to his old homo. Dr. Iliiugbtoii Ihrio will graduate tomorrow al tho Dental Diipartmeut j of lhe University til' .Maryland. Tho JiKi'OKP exluniis its best wishes for a j successful career iu his chosen pro.i fossion. Mr. Fd, Rubiinks, who has beon a cablo car conductor at Washington A Present inieul of Ih-alli. rroin Uio sliclliy Auroia. When an aged couple b ive lived to gelher happily for half a ivnturv, Iho lilo of one sometimes ends ho.ui aflor the death of the ollnir, but with thoso iu Iho prime of life this rarely happens. A. J. C.oi.l!.!. u clever carpenter at O.ifi'i.ey, lost oil" vein ago bis beloved pat I nor and after her death bo ap peared gloomy and said he bad a piesciilinieiit that, ho would soon fol as engaged the lady receives !'"w her to the grave. Yet be was in lhe appellation ol luideand enters into relations with Iho gentleman, who is now culled bridegroom, al most . -is intimate as marriage itselt. This .stale of engagement Iroquently lasts for yearn before the bridegroom carries tho bride Irom her father's house and bestows upon her his liumo and titles which aro otlen as various as the colors of the rainbow, ll may bo interesting lo hear Rome of these. It the husband is an apothecary the wil'o is always ad dri'sNcil, even iu conversation, ns Mrs. Apothecary, or il bo be an olli cer al a gold mine the wile must bo addressed as Mrs. Ihroctor ot the Miiies, or soiiiel ilues Mrs. Assistant I lirei lor ol tho Mines. () course all iliiist health ail the time, until throe days before bis death last, week at (Juhiiev. S C. After a few days' ill Kvanstms, Wyom , March 21. .Six ty men perisliod ill au oxplos on at the I led Canon minn yesterday. Fif ty one of them were married men with largo families. 'J lie work of reeoririn;T tho bodie.-i g-ies steadily on, night and day, rush ed forward bv volunteer suuads of minora and other citizens, who relieve ''"b'on each other from tiiuo to time. The work is attended with gr.tve peril, and th; first group of miners who ventured to bravo the peiila of gaa, Gro damp, and crumbling walls were overcome and hud to be rer'taiod br others. Th'.' air is filled with tha ggouk'.iug sen mils of fifty widows and or phaiis aa l.hev giitlmrol about and H too best iiiediciiio ever bandh d for cough.-', colds and croup. A. Y. ' L.M.i.itii'.ii-;, JJinnvviUe. III. I'orsiJe' by Uyniini .1 ileadeu, Pitteboro, X. i C. lH-i. l-l : I (CI) Mil"! mi. ir,-ii! tl.ty ..I .-a mp 1 . -,-,-ui-i, v 1 1 ai .1 .iri -.1 llm l-'ar-I. m!i. r..-"i-ilii'lci' hi fix lo l o.ir lnti-ii-.it at a:i-l i. I.f .lecurisl 'Pel h ips on would not think so. but a vi-y large propoi tiou of discuses u New York conn s from cuteicsstioss I abr.ut cateiiin" co! 1," savs lb1. Svn:,! "It. is such as. Jackson, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, P3TTS3051O. T4, C. II r-lllipiU Ihll:'' P, ,.i;. a !,, Stt.la n.,,1 I-'. , tci-.il Convlo. I..1 ,..-.,, II,., I r I ness, lie died on I he anniversary of saw the distorted features and man his wiles death. Thus in ono year husband and wife rested peacefully by thn side of i nch other in tho grave and his presentiment, more than dis ease, hastened bis death last week. Mr. Caudle ami his wife were born and reared in this (Chatham) county, ''led leuiaiiiij of father or hilahaiid son or bi other, or realized at least that thcis was i.o hopo to see their l ived ones icdoued nlivo. Whipped by Women. V.siiiNiiroN, March An Airl and removed to (Jaii'ncy about two i amlria special lo the Washington yoars ago. l.n. lii.i'oi;l. A nuuqiiet nl Hie I'ni vcrsily. rri'i'.irfil for th" Olooryor. Ciim'i 1. 1 1 ill. March 2." A Ivtn.piet. was tendered to Dr. Winston hist I'lidav i.i'dit bv the students of tiie of these attempts to dissociate t ho j I uiversil y under iho inaiuigeiuont of sexes aro unnatural and ouiraed ! tho Renoir class. Tnis class entered nature freipienlly vindicates herself: college at the beginning of Dr. Win through secret correspondence a ml ston s tei in as president. Tho largo otherwise, often bringing disijrai i dining room of the Chapel Hill Hotel und humiliation even to dihtino-uish I was filled, and tho occasion was ono od tamilies. I will continue this : of gteiit enjoyment, thouoh no.stronr. discussion a week honce. FnNKsr T. F.vxt m. Disappointed Lover's Suicide. Aiiikns, (la., March 21 Hubert Smith, non of Chester Sniii h, a wealthy fanner, for font years sought tho hand of a beautiful voting woman and was alternately encouraged and dia coiuaod. Yesterday be receiied a letter from ber iu which she said er beverngu t ban coliVo was nerved. Dr. Pat tlo was toast-mai ter and pro sided gracefully, constantly enliven ing the occasion with his witty 6allies and humorous l etninisispusKs. Fvoniug News, suvs thai, this morn ing Mr. Harry Iinics, one of thn fit i .run of Alexandria, was tried before Justice Triplew for asatilliug J. (i. Wcbho, a Ptiiiiisylvitiiian, who, it wh? alleged, bad mado some remarks de rogatory to Virginia women. He was a-'tpiitted. As Wccii3, tho aeeueet. left the court, lie had to puss through a doublo liua of women all armed with raw hides who beat hiui so unm.-u-ci fully that thn aid of a pbvsiemu had to bn called iu. An atloruey who apj.eareil for him wa.-i compelled to go down on bis knees aud apologize. Tho (inventor ot Nebraska has signed the bill pasred by tho Legis lature appropriating tuO.I'OO for the purchase of seed grain and food for Iho droulh-Nlrickeu tanners ol that lor several inotithi, is at bis old ; tiually that she would not man v bitu homo on a abort visit. j and he immediately bhot Mrs. Alary L. I owell is here on a ; dead unlesr, it is a ca:.( of plleui,ioin:i, p;iy tny attention to a cold. New Yoik i'i oiii' of tiio healthiest pieces o:i li.e Afliiilie Coast aid jit tbeie am a gn at miiiiv cases of ee.tarib and con smnpiiou v. Itit-h have tin ir oiigin i:i I ; : this le-ghct of the simplest prieau j i lion of every day lite. flic mosl k' si !ieib!e ! h i -n i.-, wh-ii y.o b'lyc one j ; ' o.'t lii! of it soon i). jt:..l. ib'o. Iy ', ", ti'l menus do t;"l neglect it." Dr I J'. I', Istili i! :e;i not tell you how to cuie it cold Id! we will. 'Take C!,:.!.i.cl - ::un a I ongli I.'- loeily. V w HI relieve 1 1. ;n:.g :. i;iil . vpf ctor.im.:!, open :c s; t".i li.Mv- an I n i ficet a pel main i f en re. 'Jo.'i'.l .V ;"eil li .Hies forsa'e by P.vnum Ileadeu, I'lti.-l-.-i'). N. C. Col!. fj. is of chiiiin a sppfiaitv. HIS n-'tl r:ii I 'a lent 1 .iti'i.t Of- i.a I. sierra in I. H i,i'.-.:j from V.. li. tov. i . o,:i i I.. tt'-rr.p-l i . c ol in. I. ii iret, -..'.y or Hsu Urn's Ani:;i .Sulvt'. i r in !!:' tv.r'id Thf. Hist ('uts. Ih ui C. A. SHOW & CO. Oui.uhil I'uli ut O.ll.c. V. jjilil'iKtan, D. C. '"'lWbMi S.N-, rie.ls. 'oi. :i.:, I'i vt I S.'f.-s, TeMer, Clc: II in. is. Chilblains, t on s, m,d ad Skin Ki uptions. aud positively runs 1 iics, or no pay n iiiiicd. It is gu ;r antced to give perfect, sat isfm-l ion or money refill:. 1. d. P; ion '2i cents pi r bo. For sale by (i. II i'li KiNoiox. iki:i. 6- N'.liccM of iWili lei I in t fir,., oiiliiiai'itttt charir.sl nrven . lit:, Visit. Mrs. L. IJ. Kxlino will go to WhsIi ington, in a tew days, on a visit to her husband who has a position in thin Interior lcpartniont Tho New Voik World's correspon dent in lii'ilin secured interviews with tho Imperial Chaueellor and I other high officials, in which they say V.x Judge John Cray liyiiuni, who appeared as counsel in a suit at Mor- I State. canton court Monday, was lined .)0 i ii wii- i. . -- r ,. . . v ; Phv. Dr. Williatu Ibown" ionee, by tho court lor contempt. , , , . J 1 professor oT ancieiil languages at l'A-(-ongressman Liehard Vaux, Koanoke College, Va , dropped dead of Philadelphia, died Friday morning, from apoplexy Friday eeuincr at the himself J" 1 l'uu'' ennuis to ilisiinetion Miim-inn euure.ii, in iiein, a , just i rested upon the fuel that once iu boforo tho commencement of service" earlier lifa ho bad danced with Queen . t ri, i ?...i.. ,.. ,.i , uuu.i ii. imn'w, n j,iiiii'i ui Vhloiit:. Uownu county, brought to Snliriburv . Otivenior Carr has ordered a niec- a curiosity in tho shape of a black i isl term of Davidson com t to convene hen egg SI'lae.vn. - Ai Un him icin c ,ti ii H-.ii In laiv.o. I H. I'oi.-. ii, c ,r!ioiiton, N. c, Mnr.ii ill, ai i ni l. T. Sflinwe, ns'-l yc.llH. Tho tl -t an il h i. I 1,,'t ii a cn-lslciil an. active iiiomhr-r of iho liHitl.t limicii f,iraliiioi i'mi yrari. lilcun',1 m-i. Hie tlcii wliicii ,IH In thn Lor l." All kinds of Ll'MJ'.K!; for sale at IU PIT TSBORO &5sJi?V'TLE rAIL!. VUUKZ AND FLOORING, Pl.M-I) AM Nil S Di'.ll I'. Rol III Hills sawed to older i t eborl not Ootid ('tiling ami Flooring ulieiid Diii-.s.-n at oidv SJ. "Jo per I(i( fe t. 13'. ISTCOE, JT. Sept. PI, IV.) i. New Advei tiscnieiits. A 1 )M I N I ST . A TO I i'S N( T 1 1 F. - . Having ii'inllil.-.l as thn it'lnstiilM-mor . f 1 IV. C"H;in. 'I.i'fft-.il. 1 In-rrl y it iiift an i-fis.-n h'-l lii'ijl tirtlin- ftn.eic.1 n. ... -..Ii-m lo t-xnioi IIih Hhitil. lo inf on or tu'rori 1 1 vs-lt ila. or let nimy. 1 !'.. tt. N. slIi.W.lHW. l.'ii.y js, is;.-,. OUTOAOK SALE. PA" VIU- till, of H ICortirsf. PMM'lllc'l If. nift t'V O. I, The hen has laid two of i ;"" "'i ivl r-ii.terra in H. "Hi" iiiKflN first Monday iu July forcrimiual cases these eggs dining tho past week einninni'.-oiimv Mrs. Thomas L. Peay.ol Durham, they expect that the fot theoiuinir ! imlv. It is sneeiallv called for thn The erros nro of tho nonual sizo and ! !""'"''.'"" i iitHhor....,, o, jiki. .lay of A.rii. . ... i. . ... " -' . -ri- - , mm. in,, i-tmi HSlftlt. il-.cril.isl 111 sftl.l Inor. L-ai;, is visiting net' lamci, ni i. i'oj moneiary comeienee win result m m- trial of liaiter HUeiu.vt.ll lor the kill- m-iK i.r to be perfect wtth the oxcon- nmiiiiLB ia a.r.s. nn.M.. inK i..t k... 3 tu tin- iwh'HiioHHt tiiMfiiHiM. iug ol lr. i'tyn. tt."t of th,) vniov, ' 51- in ,1 m.,iopan- (fi'roui-id THE FARMERS' MUTUAL Fill HSIMKI ASSfiCIATIQH CF KOiiT'i CARCLIHA. I'.y t lie i t-,i c anil f.'i' tin. iioorle. K,-r I- -laii-.l i'i., riy mily. No iii-it,-,i '-iii -its to :ai'l "i'l. No c:n iia!l-l to enrich. Vl I 'M, llo l,.,,'l't. I-'hIi- atcl li.n"l-iilio a'lite.lnicue t all 1'rns. f.t.i lt-:,s ilniii one 1HU1 nf v.i.at Ii iiahl to ainl !1 C'.niiatiit's nml !1vt. ilniii as vi-nro. 1 will I.o In tin' coin.iy 1.1 irt:nnl7.i- the IIimI ol April, l.iS, .'.11. 1 al s n' B.ato.l II. ne T.ill iiim al lln is.uiity Mio to rxjil'ilu nil Urn regulation of iLc "i.-.iuiKatl -n. WiLLV i.OliI.1, SI. p., ti-n-'ial AK.nt orilic nouuty, 1 fM(.il llAlllllN, N. C TSic only paper pisbJisfsedin this great comity. Every persoii ought to keeji infonssetS about his cousity's af fairs hy reading his coussty pa per. The RECOlll) has always done its best to pro niote the pros perity of all the people, asul to advance espec ially tlie isiter ests of Chat ham. The RECORD was eablisheci in 1873' is pres ent proprietor and its success ful cm'er has phenoini in IVortlt nag Carolina nalispJ. In the as our Use Hit 11104 past the !!E:CORD will cosaiinue to publish the lat est news and b6 a fansily news paper of which its readers shall not be ashamed STOP BGBBQWiHG 11! ONLY THREE CEM'S A WEEK; SUBSCBiSe 'AT QNCEi & r it .