y Ui S1 ! 8 hi 5'l .J . '.J TlllKSVAf. MAT 9, 1W5. II. A. LONDON. Editor. KL-Af,iu8tieotoall"buHbeen tlio eft repeated campaign cry of oiir ' in J "reform-friends. They bate soand - adit through tbcTr rnMta and by their uneakera until ft la.i become ianiiliar to f.ll, firnf hsd tbo 'Cfrporlttiiity What they iiau preacned thoy re jcclud it and did exactly opposite to that which thoj bad been professing and promimng. Von, our "reform" JogiHlators In letjing tlio Stnto tax. 7iiBteiido doing -equal jiiHtico to all", were ;i.:iv of u gram injutico, .a 'maat bo ttdudlted by nil lair minded niu, uv iuiu uj nil inn miiimu ' men. . We refer particularly to the tax ol '$10 a year on every lawyer, doctor 6r dentist. Thero it no rctiHou why a lawyer, doctor or dcnlil hliould j 'Imy Una npocial tux any tnoro than otlivr per Nous in other buaineM. For TriHtanco, why bhould a poor doctor pay thiHKHiC'ial tax and a rich banker fthould not pay it? Why should a dentist pay it, and u railroad olliccr nit pay it ? And why should a law yer pay it, and a high-priced salaried public dllicer not pay it? Why din. criminate ho unequally and no un justly tiguinflt thusu three classes ul' our citizens? Is this the 'Ttifonii cm' " idea ol doinjj ''equal justice to 411?" Hut tho injustice and inequality ol this tax does not consist only in levying it on these three classes and mil on others, but also in tho manner ol its levy. It is not levied equally tin thefto three classes, for every lawyer, doctor and ilentiot, whether fto to rich or poor, must pay exactly '.ho s;t mo amount. It is not levied in proportion lo their practice, like ho nierc-Jiant's purchase tax. Kvery mD.-chijut pays his purchase tax on ihn lunonnt ot bin purchases. It he ?niys$10ti0 worth ot goods be pays tax on that amount, bill if be buys hnly 8100 worth ot goods bo pays tax oniy on that amount. There is oomo justico nnd equality in this, but what justice or equality can there be in levying exactly the same "amount ol tax on a rich city doctor, whoso practice is S'tDOO a year, and on -i poor country doctor whoso raclico in not 6300 a year? What honest and lair minded man will say this is right ? And yet this ii the vay our "reform" legislators have J fticled out 'C'u.i justice to all "! I N'o REfu-noN iu the fees or fa!a Tie of our iuhlio otlicera has yet been shown to havo been made by our late "reform'' Legislature. Tho Itixoltb has several times called on our legislatois to iulorm their con stilueuls about this matter, but thus hrrlhey have kept silent. Tbo l'r.c ORD will lake pleasure in publishing any communication from any mem ber tA tho Legislature, explaining and showing what reduction have been made in tlio salaries or fees ol our public ollicors. During tho last eampaign every "reform" candidate promised such a reduction. They all declared that loos and salaries should bo roduced so as to corres pond with tho reduction in the prices of t arm products, and tho people now have a right to demand information as to whoso fees or salaries were ro duced. When democrats assert that to such reduction has been made, some "reformers" declaro that it is a "democratic lie". Now, will some "reformer" plcaso let us know tho truth about this? Or will thoy con tinuo as dumb as an oyster ? JfoT only did our"icforin" legist lutors notreduco the fees and salaries of our public oflicers, but they actual ly increiwtl the number o our officers, thus placing greater burdens on the people. This seoms siijitigo and startling, but it is nono tho less true. Iu the first place, as soon as the legislature met it employed a larger number ol clorks, pages and "labor ra" than any previous Legislature bad oin ployed, thus providing "soft" places for the relatives of tho morn-, bers at an additional expense ol sev eral thousand dollars to tho tux payers. I ben they proceeded to tTeate and fill numerous, oilices to reward the uiou who bad bolped to elect them. .Now, all this may bo a very nice "reform" lor these additional and unnecessary officers themselves, but e cannot understand bow it affords any relief to the tax payers! Tin exposure of two thieving ban k cashiers, in 0110 week, in our good old State is rather crowding things It is a soHs-ation that is startling and shakes one's confidence in bis fellow :nen. The larger one is nt Charlotte, where of course everything is ex pected to no done on a grand scale, an l tbo smaller it nt the less anrer- yr-iBj towtinf Jioxbore-, lliel aa?- r-viVf-viriiV. ! lotto cashier wuh not content w iih lcS3 lliail 80,000, but .the JJoxborO man sooms to have bcon eatinfied with only if) 000 ' I ,1 ..,.' i tl. rh,,.ir,tt- I fho exposuio of tlio Cha.lotte ,eaI.ior was a very great stirpriMU- , ' lie luul boon considered u moist e.X- ontplary mini in every reject, und '"- - eMee.ncd by all it , i . . 1 l.o know bin,. It mccios so Strang . -- u(, a ni"' fbouM steal and : '0,umit ,l""r.',;rJ- proves how yet vhcu tliey 'l',l'l l"J weak is our pour buniatr v to "iiractice!"""" -'l bow eiy il is (or even y lo ptatitte, J , tbed' thov re- Hie bet twKoa.Mray. -" Lcltl'r From Kavt's. From the RuUiwf-Miuu iH-ii-.n.-rw. Tbo following is a copy of a letter writlt-n l,('ot. Jim. 15. Kaven. ex- I t.Illi11!U 0f the 11 publican State e- I cc.t.tive committee, to Col. II. C. ICowles, of Statesvillo, a member of , , .... .. . lue Uiiil'iimi neouoiican commiure: l)E.v Htii-Y.mr letter of a few davs : i.:..t ..u o III llll'U uu Tira i j yard to several phuscn of the political rituaiou received. Tim enmitv L'ovenimpiit hr.v enact- cd by tbo recent Legislature bears no similarity to that expected at tlio hands of the fusioi iids. Tbo nme fear and distrust of the ii";,'ioeo is evinced that has always been fdiown by the Democrats, but tho fusion ists carry this feature of tho law further even thau the Dciuociats lie foro them. Iho election of three . commissioners is all right, out ue comes a travesty upon locul srlf gov eminent when it is urn lo ho easy for the opposite political parly to cause the appoint ment of two additional commissioners whose power when up pointed will qual the power of t lie time elided bv the people. This single peculiarity of the new law has stripped it of evrrv ve.dige of kinship to that vouchsafed by the republican State platform, in lieu of which it is a mean and cowardly excuse. The passage of this law mai ks tho end of fusion or co operaliou between the Republican and Third paitiesin North Carolina Since fusion s inception the Uepublicaus have made concessions iu principle ond patronage, while n botli tbo l'opuhsis have been the die tutors. Iu the .Slate this was true to a uiaiked degree. Now it appears to bo encrcuchiiii' tuton tho vital nriuci pies of national Hepubliean'uu)! ai evidenced by the fact that some lto publicans are not scrupling to lay aside the principles upon which t Ik national Republican party has long been established and according to which it has conducted this govern ment through its greatest pro-qu-iity. aud to piacn in their stead the isiou ary ami extravagant plank of tin 1'opulist platform. I refer to those liepublicaus who arc advocating the idea of free silver. 1 he Itrpublie m i party will contiuuo to advoeale tinau cial'faithof the souudest kind, aud tiioso who wish to be of the pai tv tniist !. hkdwiso. This .'oveieinei.t cau no inoio coiu silver fro;) while every other govu umont of tho tir.-t j elns refiicrs nnd innint lins :i cold ! standard than it cnu commit any other absurd impossibility. Coder tho present condition of things tin l'iiite.1 Slates will be safu l'i!i.iiiciuil only with gold as u standard and sil ver coined as fully as can bo with a just parity between the two metals Tho next campaign will sen th' liepublicaus of North Caroliu i stiict ly iu aceordiiuce with the national party and prepared for a straight fight in the State. In no oilier way can tbo m inifold ii juries already wrought by fusion bo successful!) oveicome. In shoit this is iho only policy and it is tho ono that will con trol in this State henceforth. Ike lii at work of the liepublicaus in the Slate should be the reoiganiz itiou id the party on its original b'lsis. Yours respectfully, Jso !J E.wts. War Uclics Kci,()cicd. frmu ili Anhcvlllo ( lu.' ii. Jobu P. Morgan of Asheville, ex hibited lo the Citizen today uu IS karat ling and a gold wateli that long sineo were supposed to have been h's' beyoud recovery. In April. lMll. the word was passed ihnugh llomii.y valley that "tho Yankees are coming and they are taking ail the jewelry of the woiueu!" Mrs. iVlla Morgan, tin wifo of Jobu 1. Morgan, was thou living ou Hominy at tho pluce now owned by Dr. G 11. Thrash, and when Mrs. Morgan beard the news of the raid she buried in the garden the ring and watch, a locket, slide, pencil and --S in uohl aud silver coin. Tho soldiers did not get Mis. Mor gnu's valuables, and iu the excitement at tho time the lady forgot lo locate tho exact spot of the buued treasure. The garden was afterward dug up in the seareh for the articles, but the wore not found until last week, when tho shining watch was turned up by the plow. The crystal was gone bin oue baud still remained ou the dial A New Whiskey Cure. Frum th OreiMivllle llpfleotor. A man badly uuder the influence of whiskey applied to a merchant of this town for something to relieve his bad feel tug. Tho merchant gave a dose of common epsont salts and the in toxicated fellow drank it aud stagger ed off. About twenty minutes latoi ho was seen to pass the store appar ently pel feet ly sober. Imprtssed by this tho mercbaut tried the salts on a secoud drunken mau, who reported that soon after taking it till effect of tho whiskey left bim. Commenting' on this tho Itelleclor Fays If Iho taking of a simple doo of , epsom soils bad such an e ffect as this : upon jiersons under tho intlufiico of j whiskey it is worth giving it a trial I by others. "We lemember to have j sevoial limes beard a druggist sty; Hint salts wm tho preatcst niedicit.o 1 in the world, aud if in addition to; other virtues it iroes to be in realite . -. . eiiro lor iiruiiH''iini'ss it win njaKc ' for ifse,t n still g eater rputtiois .iii. rn.m tbe IluOirrrtmlion Uemucrat. Little Junie, t be fix vearoM dau - 'tat r of Mr. Julius Gett vs. of Duncan's Oreek. did not .lie Ti'esddy of hut -ulol.mJ BU. D(llllll..i ;.. our ual bllt d Jnef Friil ty. Tim full dotni!.- of tliis tragedy form '" j Lcart rending story. It.soemii that about n 'eir otro, n uoji beloni;- . , to a by te'Iinmo-,r Ch,t Wl)0ll- wln li-?H in tbo sarae nei-h It coius borhood with Mr (iettvs, wa.s bitten bv a mad dog. Ilia neighbors bejrged pbetvvoo.1 to kill bU do-, but ho ro - fused aud eliowed it to run at Ln ;-.. n fi. , . ... n t'f. r(.tl On lha rirt dav of this month the I do' weut mad. It went to Mr. Got- Vs' boure wbeie his throe children, little Janie, ttfed l your-, her whiter ed about ten years and an infant, woie alone. It jumi.ed u;.ou little Jauie, dialed ber out of the houe, j into ti a yard and under the housr, ; undeterred by tbo chihi'e scroan.a. 1 'ei. .,i.i i.it.i i .1... i..t.- .... i xuu i.kiv i mi'i "j "y I ran to a field mu. by wbcro a colored 1 ... iviw t.l.iwii..' mid him Hint a ' rt ' dog bal her little iter under the house "eating ber up." The negro, ' iustead of Roiii'' to rescue the child. unuitc;icii uis luuie, jMinpeu on n took the baby nnd galloped oil telling the little girl to ran, or the dog would get her. lie rod L tho home of Mr. l'lato Gett js and told hitu. Mr. (;'. tys got his gun aud weut as f t as possible to bis brother's and found the doir under the bouse bilin;' and toaring the child's face. He shot and r, Lwoumim n, uhi'u it un'iru (iiil's Horrible He trlf .-ov.'iho child, r.iu fiom under Iho bouse aiJ was shot again and kill .1. Tbe little chihl with blood slivani - f,,.. I. r tmiM. -!,,.! fne m.d I hi oit aud the tlMli br.tigiog 111 hi rings, crawled from under the houne. walk fd around to tho door anil into the j house and sat dowu upon a lit tie box ! in the room. Her nose had been toi u ! oft'. Allth.. tl ish on the right side of j ber face, and the left eye and left ear. ! were torn off and the flesh on that j side of her face was stripped from ! the bones, leaving tho bones on both sides of her face exposed, presenting ! B horrible spec! u. lo. Sho was conscious and told how the dog had bitten and torn Via l.es.i j froia her mid h:u. never for a mom. lit , ceased tearing and bii ing ht-r until 1 j ber uncle shot him. A ; it wis tiiirty ! niiuutes from the time the d, g ding- ; god her from the house until her tin cl'i rescued her, some i.lci of (hi poor littleoncs horrible bu!lVringCHu!;!llll01-t m a ,,.,, , be formed When her heart broken father ar rived and c-iu-bt her to bis heart, ' sohbii g over htr, e!ie begged him to bo quirl, to !;e p the dog-; ( IV hi r nnd ' to l' t his emi and hot thorn, for nineteen days the lillio innocent lay ' in agouv, in her delirium begging to; b saved from the dog until death j Ctmo to l.er icoei. ! lu poor fattier, aim ost cra-i, lias ' obeyed his dead chili's ceinmar.d berevi r he goes be -arrtts l.n gen land thonts i very do' ho sees. Al.d n'' i-s right. Aud how mii.-t, Mr. Chot wood feel . but for his rcfual to kill ku dog whtui begged to do so and when com nit mi sciir-e .Mid common hiii:i:u.iiy tie m inded that he should, ibis inuocel.t. naimlesa child w,.uld Lave escaped hel' fell! fill dellil). We learn that Mr. Gettys r.avs be will kill Chctwood on sight. We al so leuru that it is th.? piiipo-.e of (he child's relatives, to prosecuio hi:n to rhe extent of the lav.-. And wo h.-pc they will. A Destructive Flood. I'uiis, Apiil -7. The IJoiiv roor vo r near Mpenal burst today and iloodc.l a lurge truei of couniiy. Ti.e reseivoir bad a capacity t:f seven mil ion cubic metres. The torn-tit cauied olV some of the hou-esiu thevidageof boezy, I'xegny ir.d IXiuievres and svvampi d m tiiv others, besides demolisiiii'g walls, bridges, crops and farm building-:. The torrent, hemmed in by high hills, rushed down the valley like a boie, sweeping the villages nuutioii ed. and. after a course of ten iiiiie?, . mptvingiu to the Mosullenl Nouux', ; iVid Chalel. Fverv boii.-v nt bouy i was demolished, ami very lew it ni nti it Los Forges, w he-re there are l. b'ti inhabitants. At I'xegny 2" pt rsm.s were drowned, llvt-ry building wns dtstroyi'd in Darniellues, where the population numbers ('ii)i). Cams, April '2'J. M. Leygens, Min ister of tho Interior, who has gone to the scene of the disaster at bouzv , near Fpinal, has distributed pceut.iaiy md other lelitf to 1,0-1(1 victims of the Hood cutisod by ibe blasting of ibe dam. La Liberie has a dif-'palcli from llpinal stating that llildca.l bodies have bet u recovered and the military who are at work upon th.) seei.o of the flood are busy digging treuches for Iho pin poso of burying tho car casses of the thousands uf cattle that were drowned. It is repo-ted that the heavy frosts which prevailed in that section dur ing the latter part of the winter aud early spriug were ll.H piimary cause of tbo disaster, through throwing iho masonry of the dam out of plumb. A Fat ul Fight. Special l tho AstU'villn Clll7.iii. Canton, N. C, April 27. n Shoal creek, Cherokee county, Thursday afternoon liovenuo (lltteer Selh Sud cup met Pole Taylor, a distiller, in the road. They agreed lo settle nt old feud by a fair tight. biscariling their weapons, Stalonp v hipped Taylor, who then got hit pistol and tired at Staletip. Tho tire was returned by tho latter, his bid let breaking Taylor'sarm. A friend i of Taylor, named Suit, got a shot gun from his wagon and shot Stal- cup from ambush. Stalcup was mortally wounded but befoio ho died bo shot q'avlor three times, and tho latter is thought i to be dying. . . . ., v . mm U'' i it t hum i"i "e oi 'mi. turct. lVomai! .1lo.;is!iiiuT In Cliatliam. From the lialHsli NewnJ OtwwYer, April 20. - 1 Wednesday nfternoon Deputy Col lector J. i!ey Jones left bue m re sponso to a telegram received ftctii Jl,.pUty M'trnbal Olive, ivlm : ,rt- nif.nir in Clmtlwa county, on tuui-. bent. As uinlters turued out lie deputy bad an iutr ri'Stiujr niylit, I'tie wbieli to willultvayti keep in Inn iiea.l. a cir.uuiiii tuled with exeitmj., ein diiiienui:-. moonshine captures. 1 i. piity Jouox joined M-irsbal 0!ivi at Mi'neur.' Ti-e latter had looiled tlio Htill about einbt iiiih's from t li h t tun nti.l a .di - 'J. A ride th.y BUII1 bin tVtter a loiijr. rouih in-'!it reached tbe ?ot in t!:o sui'iH hours, nnd, following their tactics laid wait for the in nui- hiiiei h. Finally liny came, n niiin '"d wocmn, each a typical "copper". They Knit a bre, and at j.ist the rtKht mometd the otricers ian out. and cap j lured thci.i i b..th. l.ie man a n.mo . j'.f l',11'.'.10 "' I?.' '''V.'''11''' lalla lboiiitw. lh d,tideiT was a siiial t hut v H.il on oflair. ainl win 1 : ,.'a m r i were taKcii -t-0 gaUoimof l-t-r ; I but the btoi V doesli t Olid at tins JXlil!1. M-it Ldallil hnik'-d to Kllii and forlorn and wept, so bittcily that the elliivr who held Iter, released bis bold. Instantly the weeping woinin spring inro th.! breach with a won derful display of temper aud (icier initiation ; she grabbed up mi ae, made u vicious swipe nt. a deputy with it arid while they stood d.;zud, sualc'nel up tho cap of the still, put ii iu htr aii! on and dived into a ' Kiarshy mr.rsli. After her went tlio , . : i - --- - . - - g'ouuu ami so inon.ugi.n ui-tpjui j wit" U.e p;.tns was uie womau mai ! bl-e w 'li 1 Au uhy lecaplurcd ! "'I don t ti o what vou all bothered us for," she elied, "wbou there's i. stiii so mtii'h mole convenient lik-' to the railroad "' The deputies gave her the c uisolution of kiiowing that lhe would attend ti this newly heard of establi: l.iueiit. Then b-ith pilsoiioit wro taken to Smifoid j til. A I!i'gr'l(nblo Off iiriTitct'. Friini Hip flmi I- 'tie oi.i'rvr. The making ol a bond ol S'.U.OOO in this city yi-stcrduy in the case ot an cm hi r.;'.!inir bank cashier lor whom a bond ot only i;l."),(IOU was nvcilcd. was a rc::rcl!able occurrence. No matter how charming his persona! qualities, sil.t should never for si iii'iuieiil be lost ot the (net that this (iiiiii is a eiiniinal. ml deserves the a-ii.... w-1. it;. I !i e :ili,l llw s.'lle.K lllllW l.'ne. that is tucasuroil out to the poer white man who steals a siJe ;.,ii;,t 0(. tlu, wl0 !ua!s a ll))lni i. .ilen who have bov ( ,..,jsi t. have a circ I'licnt how they palliate Iho crime ol t ashler Unhand, while those win have not should still remember tin th.-y owe the weight of their in il.iei.i e to the cultivation of a moral ,() 0 in ei.io,.. Auof her Culiir Catiglif. s'.ri .1 1-. His Ciiitr'.nlio O! wru-r. leixnoao, April 27. On Monday iiioi r.isj-.' it wui n-i trtai:!( d tt'nt. tin I'.irio. i s' Punk tad been r. bbed c. :r2i;!i. Ou Thursday Mr. M. II "dm r, bi.tjk eximiner, arrived tcie to ex uuiuG th( bank's condition. t! di-c .'Vt re I a nbr.if.ige and thn boo'. out of balan.-e. Soon .iftrr tbo di covei y the o.i -1 icr of Ihc bank, r, W. T. Jours, suiieii.leie.l biniseif the siu-ritl', acknowledging that h had loaned money wtluotit tuo ai: 1 hot it y of tbo direct or, and that tl.t was u sboi tngn ill I. is iiconur.ts. I is r. iw in jail No greater surpri- ould have i 'iiifl to out pcoplo. J'r. Jones in eousidt fed the be; t of 1! aid whin the rob'.vrv -.ccurred K -oiiK one i-i.tPiing ti.e safe, no i: c d ued suspect bim, so concct bad hi chaiacter always boc-n. A Novel Linv Point. Ai i'-.rr.-r"U trut ..t Cliiiil"'.u obasrvir. hrl.-M a man named John Kelly who livi d in Orange count)-, loll In will ii,oiiii for the edii' iilion ol pom deaf unite children in this State I'hi- the institution tor the deaf mutes ;,, ,Cre has id ways had. Nov i, w hile dent mutes mo no loiiL'e, taught here, but al tho school :i Mnrganton. Tho latter claims th laud. The institution here says i' has a colored department in whirl deal in ii ' est are laught, and is, henei , cntil'cd to some of I he fund anyway . Io this the .Morgantnii school replior that when Kelly Ml tho lutid, ne groes were not ciii.eiis, and raises the question whether they are en titled to share in il. Old People. Old people who require medieim to rogul lit; tbo bowels aud kidney will tind the true remedy in Elect rh Jitters. This medicine does inn s i uu'nto and contains no hiske) u 'l oiber intoxicuut, but acts as i ionic and alteiativo. It acts iniidi; on tl e .stomach and bowels, nddiii; strength aud giving ton to the or gaus, thereby aiding Nature in t Lit performance of the functions. Flee trie bitters is an excclleut appetiei and aids digest inn. Old People fine it just exactly what they need. Piiei fifty cents per lxttlo at G. It. Pilk i'lgton's lrug Store. Cartilage blade : The Carthage II. It depot, with all its contents of freight, was burned about 3 o'elocl Monday tunming. The loss on build iug and contents is variously eetimat cd at from .'1.0(10 to $7,000, will some insuranco on tbo building When the tire was discovered, th inferior of Iho building wan a seeth ln n9 '- ' and it was impos l!,' to enter, hence everything n 'he building including freights, books, papers, tickets, etc., except what wr contained in two small safes, was de strpyed bv the augrv llames. lie ywrai 'pinie.j is that the tire is tin w, rk of an incendiary, and thut the l,.,;i.i:. i i. i t i 1 1 . . . ..i "H1"" uiviwi'iioiin iuii-' ed. Vt'i'kly tVoalhcr Crop lhillctin. ( it! ,l Of ire. J,',il,-i,jh, X C. The reports of coi rospiuidents t ( the Weekly Wint!nr Csop Jmlletin, issiiRd by the Xorih I '.n oiina State U'cul her S;'ii.-e. f.n-ihe week (tiding diy, Apiil 111. !:;;, is.dicatn thai ttie pa.tt. w. ek has I'e. u tbo m-:.st fnv oiaoio of tho feason. 'ri:i tei'i ei a- I lit e was lilinvr ii i.i t! erei y d iv tin- 111 .M.. II. III'. willi leiiioi ri' ui( s i s- M' .l,.g, "U bevel id ilav s. wuli abundant Min-hine, which wn- e, V bein-ii -i il. Much pl ll.loig ; a-: cciiipii-dird, and iieprovi mllt in all ev ops was noted. Foliage will re u h fu:i sl.o by fl,c 10th of May. K.iriy c.i. ton i.j. Shipmeul ed st awbei i h s eoiniiie.iei-il. Al the end of tho week furui work is again stopped bv too to'icli lain, especially in the Cents nl and bisleiu Districts, and theiivcis aro lisil f. It Jiid Ibe business. j Mr. J. if. Cobb, publisher of tl e Mirror, at P.rocluii, N. Y',sa-Vs: "Fo. i in arly two years the Minor has bi en ' pnleis; i, r. ti, r.dv i tisi iiiciils e f Ckon.lv i Iain's lb niedies A few da) h ' ago .ee wiiter wa : I'.nnjr fioni a how. i Irruliie iu d n-fortrd lo nil old i i iiu.'dy w I u h did l i -1 p! ovei -fliciicinus: linally he ti ic.l ('hiiiidif-rlaii.'s Cohe. t'lioh ra ai-d i'itnl.i-i lit mrd y and two ibises dnl tne hii-'l'M ss, cheeking it coiuulctclv. l or salo by bviium it ricader. I'M I . -hot ,., N C. Mr. I. Wilev. e poslin ister. 1". aek Critk. N. Y, was so badly i.iihcled with I l.eiiiu.uisui . at he was only able to bi'b'i'.e arocn.! wi;h e arn s, and even tbi n it closed b'ni pri-ii1 pain, eflcr Using Cham!-: ilain's Pain P.i'ta he was so much ioiproved that l.e threw in' av hi ran .i He sas tlos liniment did him moieuod than id! other i;i! ihcim m ittui 1 1 at men', pip logeiber. For sale at ,'d ees's p.ei bottle I.'. Pot UUl tV Hrilden, Pi ts !!(.!! -. N C S.u'.M pott b -de; : A good deal of a si-tisati-'ti w as eause-d in ch Ten cir lis In re Isst v.ei k. ih. cause 1 i ii g : he i b.ipi I'., nt ( t ll:e Ib'V G bom ix with a iic ii.b. r ci his i k. named Mary t 'at In-! i tic I lav is. !i conic Iv V'.'i.iig col-. red woman. Iu a !i iioji to hi- eloi.it iho p-e-ich; r se t illed I ! f,i-i.; a wid.i.v uf this place, w'jicii wei t with tic i lopii.g i-.-cpIc Louiax pi ei'cl.ed at b.owu's chnpe'. pis', Olltsl.lc c. this town lie t-.it yvifciui.! t wo eluldre-n hire. Nolriici so far can be found of tho couple. Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow els in natural nv)li'Minp.il cleanse the system of all it'.i purities An absolute'; catv for sick headache, dyspepsi i, scur stoinarh, con stipation ati'l ki::dfeil (Ureases "C'Ji'Xi t?o wiiJioui ti;cnj" R. P. Smitli, Cr.iKrsbt.ror, Va. writes I eloii'tknow' h(.tv I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt's Liver Pills A Poor Health mran? so rnnrh mnro thnn 4 you imagine serious anel lata! diseases result froin tn nvr ulninntc n.rt ppti.il Ull.ll.ll.j .IV '-.V.I.IV At. K XJJl L yii. 1)' Willi lcXLUl a greatest gilt health. If youarefct'linff out oi goits, we.ik and pcnirrally ex hausted, rici vou, have no appetite j Brown's ami can i worn, j biin at oncct.ik- ilron f'le slrvtiqtticninK ntetln tnc, which is Brown's Iron bit ters. A lew bm-tlt-s cure benefit comes fntn the very tiTft luae it Bitters ttt-m't j.ii'm fcur ttrth, and it's pleasant tu take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous aliments Women's complaints. VC.et only the Rriiuine it hacrosneil red 1tri r.ti llij.n..... A 1 1 .-.t ..... n..ih. f will semi trl ot fen Beautllul World's filltutc s. llti recett't nf twn nc. st.-initm we r-air lr and book tree. 6UNSTGN INSTITUTE S'.-as, : iKH-i e'tiilri'li: I'l.i.v, u. w., wasmin(;ton, i. v. A M l- .t oir.iin-.iicl l..y S. !:... or V.i ii!.' I s u.i.i ( II!.. l"il lllll 1 Vawi"'. Spco'.i! .cr !i ft.-i'i.c; t il , I'.-i.ttMi-.', .-ii el M ' e -ii I- .iur. ii'. A ciia-.-o of t!ii ty hit irc lie st 11 1 . -f Sii;t!e.-pc;irc, t- iepve. iv Mi- M.it ;t u will li'i ),?.. l.e-r l.'.di. I-'ur cituh'uo nddtriis 5ft:. yvf M .'. It 3 1. SOX tct. It. IS')!. rrincipnlF. Mtll(imiNHMNNtlllUHHNNUr9IIHtfMNlii : AVOID BuIH Soda I Bad soda spoils good flour. I Pure sov.a- the best sojV only ia packages. bearing this trade mark ZH" J It costs no more than inferior package soda , never spous tuc flour always keeps soft. Beware of imitation trade- marks and labels, S and insist oa packages bearing these words km and nmnm soda Made only Hy CHURCH & CO., New Writii lor Arm ond Hamaicr Book ot valuable Recipes FREE. S MMtMUMaiaaa acAefl..fttttttttttttt' 1; e& :uAf,x(u.u, iv., r, SPUING CLOTIIJtVG. Our Nryv .Slock tiyid-:.s t'ut in impoi l.uu'e. Our New Aksoi tmrnt is a mnrvi'l of l.eriutv, st if and excelieiuv. Tliev arc liyhl up in rlulu anil of artistio isi'ik" itnd i-liiipi- '11, e niit.icd is the iii;;ll'-8t (jti'iiity and the -vorkisi oisliip is n ni.i ! i-il the Inl ; M loete l expressly fur - oil iiu eacli article iii.ii ki .1 ill A j I ii-e yi.ii ' a'l !':"; . I to pny. Iii no pii v-siis m :is(.ii 1i: t- we 1.1 en ah e to collect nn nnsortineat bo yyell ii.lnpled In 1 1 . - v,ii,ts -ii. d i. ipih i ini iiirt ( f i.iii-i-u-Nnncru ns we cftn off. r in our (-toi k A l' nl I'S i uln i- ii'ii t nt us i I..- t i.'.e uf Irndu to our coun IciK tmil Cic s!:yiii:.'s i'-i.i o.v i.". i.-1. li.si .-. i ',1'ir hensoiiiililf' line, learu I he pi ic- k, en u id i . .( tnii'd l.i.iy (-.'in i-ie h !'.'. tliii'l;, tl i'ii tin n your l! vou will limko no ;i:i.-iM Apti! 11, ls-... CLOTli KINK ANDMlilHUM! 1I re we are full up a ;t!i pi rrr t.t t ? t ,"--. c. j. t r, r t.t rct .isrx; gsk i?3' iT.x'Siisris'ziKrcr c3-oor?3. You c;i:i lmy tlicie oods now in BUELIE"GTOF, ST. 0., nl our Pui'tain pti--o::. v.i i -'i aro htill ll.o lowest ever known. Wi.i'ii iu our tht iv'i:,; city look for tlio big t'anvao sign. r.r, J, f,AM iV!;, T1IK CLOlliir.IJ AND rUJtXl.SIIEFX. olFfgiii .VJvvf, IS VMS. ir?V& WOYi V. C. ff ri g4s.: hC-.e H new good?) which they purchased in .he Nijtheni mar Iwtx. Every depae5nie2UJ:-?eni- ple(e. stock so GOOD2 CIIILAPE.R THAN EVER! Call t lmy or t llvorv niK' oi, nt ritUx.ro, X t, ii il 11. isii;;. coxdk.sk: ici:rt)iu' of the conuiiion i t- Tin: Commercial and Farmers Bank, oj ' i. !,',:i(ii!, rs. AS inM!:-!' T' Tl!!: M-.IK Tl'. I :-ll:l.ii. ON Till: 1 i Til n.oKJJEE'.t, 1891. lU.SOl i;- LIAIULITIKS. f.ciin-; nnd Dictuiiit., $2ti 1 .!: 1 ' '' t n 1 Stock iiaid in Ov'rdi;itt-. -IT-'i s;.r, o.'i'ix c jpr.ct. i;..nds.::i -i.cj I5.u:l;i:i' l(ou.-i-, l-'urnil i;io. uu I Fix! ores, t 'in ri l.l Ivvp -iiscs nnd Ti t'ush l)u; from Dmilit, C.ish iu Viiu'.t.-', IS-')--' - l ixp-i. -!. iv.):', !l 11:5.17.73' 11.7 Sli .VI7I.I11 7 Wo ki! t your redU clieuis nnd Wo wiil lie pleused to corn i-poiid etiaileH or i'I. i ti new iu-c:miits. J. J. THOMAS, t'K-M.lei.t, f HE FAFMtfIS' iVSiJl UAL Fii! issiiiis iimm CF N03TH GSitOLitlA. lty Ui ..- .i-l.' nn I t.-r Uu1 i..n.lo. K..r Iwlnii -1 .r..i-o:iy ":.ly. . S.i .-iil irl. .! . lli-vr t" siii'C 'ri. S.i-ai!tnll-f..e.:r:.li. No l"rS. Il. 'Xl."ll . Fall- HI..I li..ii-.rn'. a-tJiKiiii'ti'i t'i 'CI (?'.. li.sls lrt Hum "Ii.'-UCIi .-t what Is i. il.I t. Cli 1 .1 e..ni"iiiU-. ni l H'" "'"' " I will In- In tl.x .-iinvy I" 'Ii.H.i iiMt ,.t I rll, I f ..--. ai.-l al n .!ii'- i-i'C.-.l t i Mil in w i-..iu.'.- xlio in i- 1 ilu nil Hit' nyul.ui-. .C ul'lllUa!l..l. V. INI.! V I o! !.!:, t. !.. e;. ut i'ii -i ' .-i.i.- t .ii t i.t i . tl.l.l.S AND Sf.F.HY '. IHTI K n: t t.r ri..- OF t'.'UM nr.iy, ni .ii Hi.- 1 1 ii .t . I'. I u ih. ,! .v .f l Y, .' . In Hi ill. ill.- hi : : ru .i.i: iluhi-i.1 I.I.I Iit l. r imi.Ii Mi t 'II wll ft ir.l.'l i-I I.i 1 1 1 : - hlf, linili:iiu .-I'Uiity, r n I M; t..n. I'nr fur I r !lni ,:i la. S .l t I. I-:!.!. Cll Hfl-l'H III Wlll'alll !...fl a.lj lining !' ln.in.s'M. mi I I i-i .tiii.i; i'j jl".o ! .1. .. 1-I.ll"ll I-"' I.i" 'I M rll 13V. I . i. )LN:1N! iVliC. , comes kMD HA A i York. Sold by rrocers evervvher. 9 i le ...itppi'iiiit..., Il.e t j .-.-: . in w i : I tnl;p in your ' jj;.'i'd - H-' mi!. i r.ic ho huh. ni iiiry. 'I'idjeititlie to ioiilSus to o.n t-toio yli'jre t he va!iu is ile-p aud ts3;a Ai to KWki is (he save just Voia should see (heir appreciate it. wolctitiie wlift iior yo want to L. LONDON a SON'S. ''.i. h, C'ldi 1-..1 1'roiits !)ii'!;i L' :!.!;, $tno,nno.oo 2i.o.iii 11,:12i63 - j - Oepo - !!. - Suliject to CI: 311,495.96 - .' 8174,441.7 liiifini i-H Wo piiftifttitee potisfactiou. yvith tbose vLo cuiiieiuplato ui iking B. S. JF.IIMAN, Coabicr, All kiii.lnof LUJIDElt for sale nttbe PITT5BORO SHUTTLE MILL WEATHER-B0A3DING, OiiLiNG AND FLOORING, 1'mm:d and Kii N-Duiti), ob Rough liills nawed to order ft ehort notice dood Cciliii" .n:d I'loorini; alreaely L'lii-s-iti) at only .l.ii( per 100 feet. 33. isreo: or. t. l.'l. &Jl. I anm str.i: - r.Y vuni'E op rl..r i-.'irt uf hailifiin .I. rt'i'-i'. 'M l"rr.-i"li,l llin 1 .- iiiiiv, ..li MONDAY, Iho 'I.' il lr ; -l i.i I n. 'I 111 khI'I i'. nl K .l.i.i.ii' cri nk. O'll ! t' : Vt- Whi .ll K .M . I HI I'll 1. . . ..! !. illl'l l.'.llli.ltH im it.-.: ln. -.1 .1 "'nk 1 III" iillllR nxnl ilu- im.. :..-i.ii i.. hi 1. liiiiniiirf aiiiiih .:. . -.vt'j-' Ol ; I -i i ' in l.tr ' '!H', lllt-l.t-n -.. ' 1 - I 1 1.- : - i il". ih. ik i ti' r Ii HW ilm .t l .11 II. i. Ih. ... .- Wll Ii :..ll.l mit-t 7'i liulm i- I.. ,:itn.li c i' nl .InCi. .'.' t a.-rits. in r.i 'T aii't i---n. il.. .iino tii..ri.ti--l l.y Hiil.l Far '! i. .'. .-.. : i- . i ;:i- i i.. liy i.i to. i- i. u. . w:.i i' ,-.1 4. 1KJ. IvlU.iil.-ll'.'IM-r.

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